
Defines functions qsim do_mrgsim mrgsim_nid mrgsim_0 mrgsim_i mrgsim_di mrgsim_ei mrgsim_d mrgsim_e mrgsim_df mrgsim tgrid_id tgrid_matrix no_data_set no_idata_set check_etasrc_names

Documented in do_mrgsim mrgsim mrgsim_0 mrgsim_d mrgsim_df mrgsim_di mrgsim_e mrgsim_ei mrgsim_i qsim

# Copyright (C) 2013 - 2020  Metrum Research Group
# This file is part of mrgsolve.
# mrgsolve is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# mrgsolve is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with mrgsolve.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

# @include mrgindata.R

#' Check ETA names in the data set
#' This function checks to see if there are both `ETAn` and `ETn` in the data
#' set when `n` is greater than 9. For example, when both `ETA12` and `ET12` 
#' are found, an error is generated. An error is also generated when the 
#' function is called with `neta` values less than `10`. 
#' @noRd
check_etasrc_names <- function(data_names, neta, etasrc) {
  if(neta < 10) {
      "internal: expecting `neta` to be less than 10.", 
      i = glue("`neta` is {neta}"), 
      i = glue("`etasrc` is {etasrc}")
  if(length(data_names)==0) return(NULL)
  eta_check <- paste0("ETA", seq(10, neta))
  et_check <- paste0("ET", seq(10, neta))
  found_eta <- match(eta_check, data_names, nomatch = 0L)
  found_et <- match(et_check, data_names, nomatch = 0L)
  common <- which(found_eta > 0 & found_et > 0)
  if(length(common)==0) return(NULL)
  dups <- paste0(
    "Found both ", 
    eta_check[common], " and ", et_check[common], 
    " in the data."
  names(dups) <- rep("x", length(dups))
    message = c(
      glue("Ambiguous ETA names when `etasrc` is \"{etasrc}\":"),

tran_upper <- c("AMT", "II", "SS", "CMT", "ADDL", "RATE", "EVID","TIME")

null_idata <- matrix(
  nrow = 0, ncol = 1, 
  dimnames = list(NULL, c("ID"))
null_data <-  matrix(
  nrow = 0, ncol = 3, 
  dimnames=list(NULL, c("ID", "time", "cmt"))

class(null_idata) <- c("valid_idata_set", "matrix")
class(null_data) <- c("valid_data_set", "matrix")
no_idata_set <- function() null_idata
no_data_set <- function() null_data

tgrid_matrix <- function(x) {
  n <- length(x)
  if(n==1) return(matrix(x[[1]],ncol=1))
  x <- lapply(x,stime)
  mat <- matrix(ncol=n,nrow=max(sapply(x,length)))
  for(i in seq_along(x)) {
    mat[seq_along(x[[i]]),i] <- x[[i]]

tgrid_id <- function(col,idata) {
         !is.element(col,colnames(idata)))) {
  ## Converting to C indexing here
  col <- idata[,col]

# TODO: remove
# validate_idata <- function(idata) {
#   if(is.null(idata)) return(invisible(TRUE))
#   if(!(is.data.frame(idata) | is.matrix(idata)))
#     wstop("idata needs to be either NULL, data.frame, or matrix.")
#   return(invisible(TRUE))
# }

#' Simulate from a model object
#' This function sets up the simulation run from data stored in the model
#' object as well as arguments passed in.  Use [mrgsim_q()] instead 
#' to benchmark mrgsolve or to do repeated quick simulation for tasks like 
#' parameter optimization, sensitivity analyses, or optimal design.  See
#' [mrgsim_variants] for other mrgsim-like functions that have more focused 
#' inputs. `mrgsim_df` coerces output to data.frame prior to returning.
#' @param x the model object
#' @param data NMTRAN-like data set (see [data_set()])
#' @param idata a matrix or data frame of model parameters, 
#' one parameter per row (see [idata_set()])
#' @param events an event object
#' @param nid integer number of individuals to simulate; only used if 
#' idata and data are missing
#' @param ... passed to [mrgsolve::update()] and 
#' [do_mrgsim()]
#' @return An object of class [mrgsims]
#' @details
#' - Use [mrgsim_df()] to return a data frame rather than 
#' `mrgsims` object
#' - Both `data` and `idata` will be coerced to numeric matrix
#' - `carry_out` can be used to insert data columns into the output 
#' data set. This is partially dependent on the nature of the data brought 
#' into the problem
#' - When using `data` and `idata` together, an error is 
#' generated if an  ID occurs in `data` but not `idata`.  
#' Also, when looking up data in `idata`, ID in `idata` is 
#' assumed to be uniquely keyed to ID in `data`.  No error is 
#' generated if ID is duplicated in `data`; parameters will be used 
#' from the first occurrence found in `idata`
#' - `carry_out`: `idata` is assumed to be individual-level and variables that 
#' are carried from `idata` are repeated throughout the individual's simulated 
#' data.  Variables carried from `data` are carried via last-observation carry 
#' forward.  `NA` is returned from observations that are inserted into 
#' simulated output that occur prior to the first record in `data`
#' - `recover`: this is similar to `carry_out` with respect to 
#' end result, but it uses a different process.  Columns to be recovered are 
#' cached prior to running the simulation, and then joined back on to the 
#' simulated data.  So, whereas `carry_out` will only accept numeric 
#' data items, `recover` can handle data frame columns of any type.  There
#' is a small decrease in performance with `recover` compared to 
#' `carry_out`, but it is likely that the performance difference is 
#' difficult to perceive (when the simulation runs very fast) or only a small
#' fractional increase in run time when the simulation is very large.  And any
#' performance hit is likely to be well worth it in light of the convenience 
#' gain.  Just think carefully about using this feature when every millisecond
#' counts.
#' - `etasrc`: this argument lets you control where `ETA(n)` come from in the 
#' model. When `etasrc` is set to `"omega"` (the default), `ETAs` will be 
#' simulated from a multivariate normal distribution defined by the `$OMEGA`
#' blocks in the model. Alternatively, input `data` or `idata` sets can be used
#' to pass in fixed `ETA(n)` by setting `etasrc` to `"data"`, `"idata"`, 
#' `"data.all"` or `"idata.all"`. When `etasrc` is set to `"data"` or `"data.all"`, 
#' the input data set will be scanned for columns called `ETA1`, `ETA2`, ..., 
#' `ETAn` and those values will be copied into the appropriate slot in the 
#' `ETA()` vector. Only the first record for each individual will be copied into 
#' `ETA()`; all records after the first will be ignored. When there are more 
#' than `9` `ETAs` in a model, NONMEM will start naming the outputs `ET10`, 
#' `ET11` etc rather than `ETA10` and `ETA11`. When mrgsolve is looking for 
#' these columns, it will first search, for example, `ET10` and use that value 
#' if it is found. If `ET10` isn't found and there are more than `9` `ETAs`, 
#' then it will _also_ search for `ETA10`. An error will be generated in case 
#' mrgsolve finds both the `ETA` and `ET` name variant for the tenth and higher 
#' `ETA` (e.g. it is an error to have both `ETA10` and `ET10` in the data set). 
#' When mrgsolve is searching for `ETA` columns in the data set, it will 
#' _only_ look for `ETAn` up to the number of rows (or columns) in all the 
#' model `$OMEGA` blocks. For example, if `$OMEGA` is 5x5, only `ETA1` through 
#' `ETA5` will be searched. An error will be generated in case mrgsolve finds 
#' _no_ columns with `ETAn` names and something other than `etasrc = "omega"` 
#' was passed. When `etasrc = "data"` and an `ETAn` column is missing from the 
#' data set, the missing `ETA()` will be set to `0`.  Alternatively, the user 
#' can pass `etasrc = "data.all"` which causes an error to be generated if any 
#' `ETAn` is missing from the data set. Use this option when you intend to have 
#' _all_ `ETAs` attached to the data set and want an error generated if mrgsolve 
#' finds one or more of them is missing. Using `etasrc ="idata"` or 
#' `"idata.all"`, the behavior is identical to `"data"` (or `"data.all"`), 
#' except mrgsolve will look at the idata set rather than data set.
#' @seealso [mrgsim_variants], [mrgsim_q()]
#' @examples
#' ## example("mrgsim")
#' e <- ev(amt = 1000)
#' mod <- mrgsolve::house() 
#' out <- mod %>% ev(e) %>% mrgsim()
#' plot(out)
#' out <- mod %>% ev(e) %>% mrgsim(end=22)
#' out
#' data(exTheoph)
#' out <- mod %>% data_set(exTheoph) %>% mrgsim()
#' out
#' out <- mod %>% mrgsim(data=exTheoph)
#' out <- mrgsim(mod, data=exTheoph, obsonly=TRUE)
#' out
#' out <- mod %>% mrgsim(data=exTheoph, obsaug=TRUE, carry_out="a.u.g")
#' out
#' out <- mod %>% ev(e) %>% mrgsim(outvars="CP,RESP")
#' out
#' a <- ev(amt = 1000, group = 'a')
#' b <- ev(amt = 750, group = 'b')
#' data <- as_data_set(a,b)
#' out <- mrgsim_d(mod, data, recover="group")
#' out
#' @md
#' @export
mrgsim <-  function(x, data=NULL, idata=NULL, events=NULL, nid=NULL, ...) {
  if(!is.mrgmod(x)) mod_first()
  if(is.null(data)) {
    data <- x@args$data
  if(is.null(idata)) {
    idata <- x@args$idata
  if(is.null(events)) {
    events <- x@args$events
  have_data <- !is.null(data)
  have_idata <- !is.null(idata)
  have_events <- !is.null(events)
  # clear out args and process
  x@args$idata <- NULL
  x@args$data <- NULL
  x@args$events <- NULL
  if(is.numeric(nid) && !have_idata && !have_data) {
    return(mrgsim_nid(x, nid, events, ...))
  if(have_events & !have_data) {
    if(have_idata) {
      return(mrgsim_ei(x, events = events, idata = idata, ...)) 
    } else {
      return(mrgsim_e(x, events = events, ...)) 
  if(have_data) {
    if(is.ev(data)) {
      data <- ev_to_ds(data)
    if(have_idata) {
      return(mrgsim_di(x, data = data, idata = idata, ...)) 
    } else {
      return(mrgsim_d(x, data = data, ...))
  if(have_idata) {
    return(mrgsim_i(x, idata = idata, ...))
  } else {
    return(mrgsim_0(x, ...)) 

#' @rdname mrgsim
#' @export
mrgsim_df <- function(...,output="df") mrgsim(..., output = output)

#' mrgsim variant functions
#' These functions are called by [mrgsim()] and have
#' explicit input requirements written into the function name.  The motivation
#' behind these variants is to give the user a clear workflow with specific,
#' required inputs as indicated by the function name. Use 
#' [mrgsim_q()] instead to benchmark mrgsolve or to do repeated quick
#' simulation for tasks like parameter optimization,  sensitivity analyses, 
#' or optimal design.
#' @inheritParams mrgsim
#' @details
#' **Important**: all of these functions require that 
#' `data`, `idata`, and/or `events` be pass directly to the functions.  They 
#' will not recognize these inputs from a pipeline. 
#' - `mrgsim_e` simulate using an event object
#' - `mrgsim_ei` simulate using an event object and `idata_set`
#' - `mrgsim_d` simulate using a `data_set`
#' - `mrgsim_di` simulate using a `data_set` and  `idata_set`
#' - `mrgsim_i` simulate using a `idata_set`
#' - `mrgsim_0` simulate using just the model
#' - `mrgsim_q` simulate from a data set with quicker turnaround (see 
#'   [mrgsim_q()])
#' @seealso [mrgsim()], [mrgsim_q()], [qsim()]
#' @name mrgsim_variants
#' @rdname mrgsim_variants
#' @md
#' @export
mrgsim_e <- function(x, events, idata = NULL, data = NULL, ...) {
  if(!is.mrgmod(x)) mod_first()
  if(!is.ev(events)) {
    if(is.data.frame(events)) {
      events <- as.ev(events) 
    if(is.valid_data_set(events)) {
    wstop("invalid 'events' argument") 
  events <- ev_to_ds(events)
  args <- list(...)
  args <- combine_list(x@args,args)
    c(list(x = x, data = events, idata = no_idata_set()), args)

#' @rdname mrgsim_variants
#' @export
mrgsim_d <- function(x, data, idata = NULL, events = NULL, ...) {
  if(!is.mrgmod(x)) mod_first()
  if(is.ev(data)) {
    data <- ev_to_ds(data)  
  args <- list(...)
  args <- combine_list(x@args,args)
    c(list(x = x, data = data, idata = no_idata_set()), args)

#' @rdname mrgsim_variants
#' @export
mrgsim_ei <- function(x, events, idata, data = NULL, ...) {
  if(!is.mrgmod(x)) mod_first()
  if(!is.ev(events)) {
    if(is.data.frame(events)) {
      events <- as.ev(events) 
    if(is.valid_data_set(events)) {
    wstop("invalid 'events' argument") 
  expand <- !has_ID(events) & nrow(idata) > 0
  events <- ev_to_ds(events)
  idata <- as.data.frame(idata)
  if(!has_ID(idata)) {
    idata$ID <- seq_len(nrow(idata))
  if(expand) {
    events <- expand_event_object(events, idata[["ID"]])
  args <- list(...)
  args <- combine_list(x@args,args)
    c(list(x = x, data = events, idata = idata), args)

#' @rdname mrgsim_variants
#' @export
mrgsim_di <- function(x, data, idata, events = NULL, ...) {
  if(!is.mrgmod(x)) mod_first()
  data <- As_data_set(data)
  idata <- as.data.frame(idata)
  if(!has_ID(idata)) {
    idata <- bind_col(idata, "ID", seq_len(nrow(idata)))
  args <- list(...)
  args <- combine_list(x@args,args)
    c(list(x = x, data = data, idata = idata), args)

#' @rdname mrgsim_variants
#' @export
mrgsim_i <- function(x, idata, data = NULL, events = NULL, ...) {
  if(!is.mrgmod(x)) mod_first()
  idata <- as.data.frame(idata)
  if(!has_ID(idata)) {
    idata <- bind_col(idata, "ID", seq_len(nrow(idata)))
  data <- matrix(idata$ID, ncol = 1, dimnames = list(NULL, "ID"))
  args <- list(...)
  args <- combine_list(x@args,args)
    c(list(x = x, data = data, idata = idata), args)

#' @rdname mrgsim_variants
#' @export
mrgsim_0 <- function(x, idata = NULL, data = NULL, events = NULL, ...) {
  if(!is.mrgmod(x)) mod_first()
  data <- matrix(1, ncol = 1, dimnames = list(NULL, "ID"))
  args <- list(...)
  args <- combine_list(x@args,args)
    c(list(x = x, data = data, idata = no_idata_set()), args)

mrgsim_nid <- function(x, nid, events = ev(), ...) {
  if(!is.mrgmod(x)) mod_first()
  nid <- max(nid,1)
  idata <- data.frame(ID = seq_len(nid))
  if(has_ID(events)) {
    wstop("event object cannot contain 'ID' when using 'nid' argument")
  if(is.ev(events)) {
    return(mrgsim_ei(x, events, idata, ...) )
  return(mrgsim_i(x, idata, ...))

#' @param carry_out numeric data items to copy into the output.
#' @param carry.out soon to be deprecated; use `carry_out` instead.
#' @param recover character column names in either `data` or `idata` 
#' to join back (recover) to simulated data; may be any class (e.g. numeric, 
#' character, factor, etc).
#' @param seed deprecated.
#' @param Request compartments or captured variables to retain
#' in the simulated output; this is different than the `request`
#' slot in the model object, which refers only to model compartments.
#' @param output  if `NULL` (the default) a mrgsims object is returned; 
#' otherwise, pass `df` to return a data.frame or `matrix` to 
#' return a matrix.
#' @param capture character file name used for debugging (not related
#' to `$CAPTURE`).
#' @param obsonly if `TRUE`, dosing records are not included
#' in the output.
#' @param obsaug augment the data set with time grid observations; when 
#' `TRUE` and a full data set is used, the simulated output is augmented 
#' with an observation at each time in [stime()].  When using
#' `obsaug`, a flag indicating augmented observations can be requested by
#' including `a.u.g` in  `carry_out`.
#' @param tgrid a tgrid object; or a numeric vector of simulation times
#' or another object with an `stime` method. 
#' @param etasrc source for `ETA()` values in the model; values can include: 
#' `"omega"`, `"data"`, `"data.all"`, `"idata"`, or `"idata.all"`; see 
#' 'Details'. 
#' @param recsort record sorting flag.  Default value is 1.  Possible values 
#' are 1,2,3,4: 1 and 2 put doses in a data set after padded observations at 
#' the same time; 3 and 4 put those doses before padded observations at the 
#' same time.  2 and 4 will put doses scheduled through `addl` after 
#' observations at the same time; 1 and 3 put doses scheduled through 
#' `addl` before observations at the same time. `recsort` will 
#' not change the order of your input data set if both doses and observations 
#' are given.
#' @param deslist a list of tgrid objects.
#' @param descol the name of a column for assigning designs.
#' @param filbak carry data items backward when the first
#' data set row has time greater than zero.
#' @param tad when `TRUE` a column is added to simulated 
#' output is added showing the time since the last dose.  Only data records 
#' with `evid == 1` will be considered doses for the purposes of `tad` 
#' calculation. The `tad` can be properly calculated with a dosing lag time in 
#' the model as long as the dosing lag time (specified in `$MAIN`)  is always  
#' appropriate for any subsequent doses scheduled through `addl`.  This will 
#' always be true if the lag time doesn't change over time.  But it might 
#' (possibly) not hold if the lag time changes prior to the last dose in the 
#' `addl` sequence.  This known limitation shouldn't affect `tad` calculation 
#' in most common dosing lag time implementations.  
#' @param nocb if `TRUE`, use next observation carry backward method; 
#' otherwise, use `locf`.  
#' @param skip_init_calc don't use `$MAIN` to calculate initial conditions.
#' @param ss_n maximum number of iterations for determining steady state for 
#' the PK system; a warning will be issued if steady state is not achieved 
#' within `ss_n` iterations when `ss_fixed` is `TRUE`.
#' @param ss_fixed if `FALSE` (the default), then a warning will be issued
#' if the system does not reach steady state within `ss_n` iterations
#' given the model tolerances `rtol` and `atol`; if `TRUE`, 
#' the number of iterations for determining steady state are capped at 
#' `ss_n` and no warning will be issued if steady state 
#' has not been reached within `ss_n` dosing iterations.
#' To silence warnings related to steady state, set `ss_fixed` to `TRUE` and 
#' set `ss_n` as the maximum number of iterations to try when advancing the 
#' system for steady state determination.
#' @param interrupt integer check user interrupt interval; when `interrupt` is a 
#' positive integer, the simulation will check for the user interrupt signal
#' every `interrupt` simulation records; pass a negative number to never check
#' for the user interrupt interval.
#' @md
#' @rdname mrgsim
#' @export
do_mrgsim <- function(x,
                      idata = no_idata_set(),
                      carry_out = carry.out,
                      carry.out = character(0),
                      recover = character(0),
                      seed = as.integer(NA),
                      Request = character(0),
                      output = NULL,
                      capture = NULL,
                      obsonly = FALSE,
                      obsaug = FALSE,
                      tgrid = NULL,
                      etasrc = "omega",
                      recsort = 1,
                      deslist = list(),
                      descol = character(0),
                      filbak = TRUE,
                      tad = FALSE,
                      nocb = TRUE,
                      skip_init_calc = FALSE,
                      ss_n = 500,
                      ss_fixed = FALSE,
                      interrupt = 256,
                      ...) {
  x <- update(x,...,strict=TRUE)
  verbose <- x@verbose
  if(length(Request) > 0) {
    x <- update_outputs(x, outputs = Request)  
  if(!(is.character(etasrc) && length(etasrc)==1)) {
    abort("`etasrc` must be a string.")
  do_recover_data <- do_recover_idata <-  FALSE
  carry.recover <- character(0)
  if(length(recover) > 0) {
    recover <- cvec_cs(recover)
    rename.recov <- .ren.create(recover)
    recover <- rename.recov$old
    if(any(rename.recov$new %in% carry_out)) {
      stop("names in 'recover' cannot also be in 'carry_out'",call.=FALSE)  
    recover_data <- intersect(recover,names(data))
    do_recover_data  <- length(recover_data) > 0
    if(do_recover_data) {
      join_data <- data[,recover_data,drop=FALSE]
      join_data$.data_row. <- seq_len(nrow(data))
      data$.data_row. <- join_data$.data_row.
      carry.recover <- ".data_row."
      drop <- names(which(!is.numeric(join_data)))
      data <- data[,setdiff(names(data),drop),drop=FALSE]
    recover_idata <- intersect(recover,names(idata))
    recover_idata <- setdiff(recover_idata,recover_data)
    do_recover_idata <- length(recover_idata) > 0
    if(do_recover_idata) {
      join_idata <- idata[,unique(c("ID", recover_idata)),drop=FALSE]
      drop <- names(which(!is.numeric(join_idata)))
      idata <- idata[,setdiff(names(idata),drop),drop=FALSE]
  ## data
  if(!is.valid_data_set(data)) {
    data <- valid_data_set(data,x,verbose = verbose)
  ## "idata"
  if(!is.valid_idata_set(idata)) {
    idata <- valid_idata_set(idata,x,verbose = verbose)
  tcol <- timename(data)
  tcol <- ifelse(is.na(tcol), "time", tcol)
  if(!identical(Pars(x), x@shlib[["par"]])) {
    wstop("the parameter list has changed since the model was compiled.")
  if(!identical(Cmt(x), x@shlib[["cmt"]])) {
    wstop("the compartment list has changed since the model was compiled.")
  ## carry can be tran/data/idata
  # Items to carry out from the data set
  if(length(carry_out) > 0) {
    rename.carry <- .ren.create(carry_out)
    carry_out <- rename.carry$old
    # Don't take ID,time,TIME
    carry_out <- setdiff(carry_out, c("ID", "time", "TIME"))
    # Only take names in GLOBALS$CARRY_TRAN
    carry.tran <- intersect(carry_out,GLOBALS[["CARRY_TRAN"]])
    carry.tran <- carry.tran[!duplicated(tolower(carry.tran))]
    # Non-tran items to carry out from data and idata
    carry_out <- setdiff(carry_out,carry.tran)
    # What to carry out from data and idata
    carry.data  <- intersect(carry_out, dimnames(data)[[2]])
    carry.idata <- intersect(carry_out, dimnames(idata)[[2]])
    # Carry from data_set if name is in idata_set too
    carry.idata <- setdiff(carry.idata, carry.data)
  } else {
    rename.carry <- .ren.create(carry_out)
    carry.data <- character(0)
    carry.idata <- character(0)
    carry.tran <- character(0)
  # Big list of stuff to pass to DEVTRAN
  parin <- parin(x)
  parin$recsort <- recsort
  parin$obsonly <- obsonly
  parin$obsaug <- obsaug
  parin$filbak <- filbak
  parin$tad <- tad
  parin$nocb <- nocb
  parin$do_init_calc <- !skip_init_calc
  parin$ss_fixed <- ss_fixed
  parin$ss_n <- ss_n
  parin$interrupt <- interrupt
  parin$etasrc <- etasrc
  if(tad && any(x@capture =="tad")) {
    wstop("tad argument is true and 'tad' found in $CAPTURE") 
  # What to carry
  carry.data <- c(carry.data,carry.recover)
  parin$carry_data <- carry.data
  parin$carry_idata <- carry.idata 
  # This has to be lower case; that's all we're looking for
  parin$carry_tran <- tolower(carry.tran)
  # Now, create a rename object 
  rename.carry.tran <- .ren.create(parin[["carry_tran"]], carry.tran)
  carry.tran <- rename.carry.tran$old
  # Derive stime vector either from tgrid or from the object
  if(!is.null(tgrid)) {
    stime <- stime(tgrid)
  } else {
    stime <- stime(x)  
  # Look for a deslist; if so, use that instead
  if(length(deslist) > 0) {
    parin[["tgridmatrix"]] <- tgrid_matrix(deslist)
    parin[["whichtg"]] <- tgrid_id(descol, idata)
  } else {
    parin[["tgridmatrix"]] <- tgrid_matrix(list(stime))
    parin[["whichtg"]] <- integer(0)
  # Dump some information out to file for debugging
  if(is.character(capture)) {
    capture.output(file=capture, print(c(date=list(date()), parin=parin)))
    capture.output(file=capture, append=TRUE, print(idata))
    capture.output(file=capture, append=TRUE, print(data))
    capture.output(file=capture, append=TRUE, print(carry_out))
  out <- .Call(
    PACKAGE = "mrgsolve"
  # out$trannames always comes back lower case in a specific order
  # need to rename to get back to requested case
  # Then, rename again for user-supplied renaming
  carry.tran <- .ren.rename(rename.carry.tran, out[["trannames"]])
  if(tad) tcol <- c(tcol,"tad")
  cnames <- c(
    .ren.rename(rename.carry,carry.tran), ## First tran
    .ren.rename(rename.carry,carry.data), ## Then carry data 
    .ren.rename(rename.carry,carry.idata), ## Then carry idata
    x@cmtL, # already re-named
    x@capL # already re-named
  if(anyDuplicated.default(cnames)) {
    dups <- duplicated(cnames)
    new_names <- make.names(cnames, unique = TRUE)
    warning("duplicate output columns found; these will be renamed", call.=FALSE)
    for(dup in which(dups)) {
      prev <- cnames[dup]
      updated <- new_names[dup]
        glue("duplicate renamed: {prev} -> {updated}"),
        call. = FALSE
    cnames <- new_names
  names(out[["data"]]) <- cnames
  if(do_recover_data || do_recover_idata) {
    if(do_recover_data) {
      if(!rename.recov$identical) {
        names(join_data) <- .ren.rename(rename.recov,names(join_data))
      out[["data"]] <- left_join(out[["data"]],join_data,by=".data_row.",suffix=c("", ".recov"))  
      out[["data"]][[".data_row."]] <- NULL
    if(do_recover_idata) {
      if(!rename.recov$identical) {
        names(join_idata) <- .ren.rename(rename.recov,names(join_idata))
      out[["data"]] <- left_join(out[["data"]],join_idata,by="ID",suffix=c("", ".recov"))
  if(!is.null(output)) {
    if(output=="df") {
    if(output=="matrix") {
      if(!all(sapply(out[["data"]], is.numeric))) {
        stop("can't return matrix because non-numeric data was found.", call.=FALSE)  
    request = x@cmtL,
    data = out[["data"]],
    outnames = x@capL,
    mod = x

#' Basic, simple simulation from model object
#' This is just a lighter version of [mrgsim()], with fewer options.  
#' See `Details`.  
#' @inheritParams mrgsim
#' @param data can be either event object or data set
#' @param output output data type; the default is `mrgsims`, which returns the 
#' default output object; other options include `df` (for data.frame) or 
#' `matrix`
#' @param outvars output items to request; if missing, then only captured items 
#' will be returned in the output
#' @param Req synonym for outvars
#' @details
#' There is no pipeline interface for this function; all configuration options 
#' (see `Arguments`) must be passed as formal arguments to the function.  
#' You can't `carry_out`, `Request` specific columns, or pass items in for update.  
#' Some other limitations, but only convenience-related.  See `Arguments` for 
#' available options.  Specifically, there is no `...` argument for this function.
#' Use the [mrgsolve::update()] method to update the model object. 
#' @examples
#' mod <- mrgsolve::house()
#' dose <- ev(amt = 100)
#' out <- qsim(mod,dose)
#' @seealso [mrgsim_q()], [mrgsim()], [mrgsim_variants]
#' @md
#' @export
qsim <- function(x,
                 idata = no_idata_set(),
                 obsonly = FALSE,
                 tgrid = NULL,
                 recsort = 1,
                 tad = FALSE,
                 Req = NULL,
                 outvars = Req,
                 skip_init_calc = FALSE,
                 output = "mrgsims") {
  ## ODE and init functions:
  ## This both touches the functions as well as
  ## gets the function pointers
  if(!is.mrgmod(x)) mod_first()
  if(is.ev(data)) {
    data <- as.data.frame.ev(data, add_ID = 1, final = TRUE)
  ## data
  if(!is.valid_data_set(data)) {
    data <- valid_data_set(data,x,verbose=FALSE)
  ## "idata"
  if(!is.valid_idata_set(idata)) {
    idata <- valid_idata_set(idata,x,verbose=FALSE)
  tcol <- timename(data)
  if(is.na(tcol)) tcol <- "time"
  # First spot is the number of capture.items, followed by integer positions
  # Important to use the total length of x@capture
  if(!is.null(outvars)) {
    x <- update_outputs(x,outvars)
  # Big list of stuff to pass to DEVTRAN
  parin <- parin(x)
  parin$recsort <- recsort
  parin$obsonly <- obsonly
  parin$obsaug <- FALSE
  parin$filbak <- TRUE
  parin$tad <- tad
  parin$nocb <- TRUE
  parin$do_init_calc <- !skip_init_calc
  parin$carry_data <- character(0)
  parin$carry_idata <- character(0)
  parin$carry_tran <- character(0)
  # Derive stime vector either from tgrid or from the object
  if(!is.null(tgrid)) {
    timev <- stime(tgrid)
  } else {
    timev <- stime(x)  
  # Look for a deslist; if so, use that instead
  parin[["tgridmatrix"]] <- matrix(timev,ncol=1)
  parin[["whichtg"]] <- integer(0)
  out <- .Call(
    PACKAGE = "mrgsolve"
  if(tad) tcol <- c(tcol,"tad")
  names(out[["data"]]) <- c("ID", tcol,  x@cmtL, x@capL)
  if(output=="df") {
    request = x@cmtL,
    data = out[["data"]],
    outnames = x@capL,
    mod = x

#nocov end

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mrgsolve documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:37 a.m.