#' Format confidence bounds for a variable into bracketed notation using string formatting
#' @param var a list of values for the varaible
#' @param confLower the lower bounds for each of the values
#' @param confUpper the upper bounds for each of the values
#' @param sigdig the number of significant digits
#' @author Vipul Mann
#' @noRd
addConfboundsToVar <-
function(var, confLower, confUpper, sigdig = 3) {
res <- lapply(seq_along(var), function(idx) {
signif(var[idx], sigdig),
" (",
signif(confLower[idx], sigdig),
", ",
signif(confUpper[idx], sigdig),
#' Bootstrap nlmixr fit
#' Bootstrap input dataset and rerun the model to get confidence bounds and aggregated parameters
#' @param fit the nlmixr fit object
#' @param nboot an integer giving the number of bootstrapped models to
#' be fit; default value is 200
#' @param nSampIndiv an integer specifying the number of samples in
#' each bootstrapped sample; default is the number of unique
#' subjects in the original dataset
#' @param stratVar Variable in the original dataset to stratify on;
#' This is useful to distinguish between sparse and full sampling
#' and other features you may wish to keep distinct in your
#' bootstrap
#' @param pvalues a vector of pvalues indicating the probability of
#' each subject to get selected; default value is NULL implying that
#' probability of each subject is the same
#' @param restart a boolean that indicates if a previous session has
#' to be restarted; default value is FALSE
#' @param fitName Name of fit to be saved (by default the variable name supplied to fit)
#' @param stdErrType This gives the standard error type for the updated standard errors; The current possibilities
#' are: \code{"perc"} which gives the standard errors by percentiles (default) or \code{"se"} which gives the standard errors by the traditional formula.
#' @param ci Confidence interval level to calculate. Default is 0.95
#' for a 95\% confidence interval
#' @param plotHist A boolean indicating if a histogram plot to assess
#' how well the bootstrap is doing. By default this is turned off (\code{FALSE})
#' @param pvalues a vector of pvalues indicating the probability of
#' each subject to get selected; default value is NULL implying that
#' probability of each subject is the same
#' @param restart A boolean to try to restart an interrupted or
#' incomplete boostrap. By default this is \code{FALSE}
#' @param fitName is the fit name that is used for the name of the
#' boostrap files. By default it is the fit provided though it
#' could be something else.
#' @author Vipul Mann, Matthew Fidler
#' @return Nothing, called for the side effects; The original fit is
#' updated with the bootstrap confidence bands
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' one.cmt <- function() {
#' ini({
#' ## You may label each parameter with a comment
#' tka <- 0.45 # Log Ka
#' tcl <- 1 # Log Cl
#' ## This works with interactive models
#' ## You may also label the preceding line with label("label text")
#' tv <- 3.45
#' label("log V")
#' ## the label("Label name") works with all models
#' eta.ka ~ 0.6
#' ~ 0.3
#' eta.v ~ 0.1
#' <- 0.7
#' })
#' model({
#' ka <- exp(tka + eta.ka)
#' cl <- exp(tcl +
#' v <- exp(tv + eta.v)
#' linCmt() ~ add(
#' })
#' }
#' fit <- nlmixr(one.cmt, theo_sd, "focei")
#' RxODE::.rxWithWd(tempdir(), { # Run example in temp dir
#' bootstrapFit(fit, nboot = 5, restart = TRUE) # overwrites any of the existing data or model files
#' bootstrapFit(fit, nboot = 7) # resumes fitting using the stored data and model files
#' # Note this resumes because the total number of bootstrap samples is not 50
#' bootstrapFit(fit, nboot=50)
#' # Note the boostrap standard error and variance/covariance matrix is retained.
#' # If you wish to switch back you can change the covariance matrix by
#' setCov(fit,"r,s")
#' # And change it back again
#' setCov(fit,"boot50")
#' # This change will affect any simulations with uncertainty in their parameters
#' # You may also do a chi-square diagnostic plot check for the bootstrap with
#' bootplot(fit)
#' })
#' }
bootstrapFit <- function(fit,
nboot = 200,
stdErrType = c("perc", "se"),
ci = 0.95,
pvalues = NULL,
restart = FALSE,
plotHist = FALSE,
fitName = as.character(substitute(fit))) {
stdErrType <- match.arg(stdErrType)
if (missing(stdErrType)) {
stdErrType <- "perc"
if (!(ci < 1 && ci > 0)) {
stop("'ci' needs to be between 0 and 1", call. = FALSE)
if (missing(stratVar)) {
performStrat <- FALSE
else {
if (!(stratVar %in% colnames(getData(fit)))) {
cli::cli_alert_danger("{stratVar} not in data")
stop("aborting ...stratifying variable not in data", call. = FALSE)
performStrat <- TRUE
if (is.null(fit$bootstrapMd5)) {
bootstrapMd5 <- fit$md5
assign("bootstrapMd5", bootstrapMd5, envir = fit$env)
if (performStrat) {
resBootstrap <-
nboot = nboot,
nSampIndiv = nSampIndiv,
stratVar = stratVar,
pvalues = pvalues,
restart = restart,
fitName = fitName
) # multiple models
modelsList <- resBootstrap[[1]]
fitList <- resBootstrap[[2]]
else {
resBootstrap <-
nboot = nboot,
nSampIndiv = nSampIndiv,
pvalues = pvalues,
restart = restart,
fitName = fitName
) # multiple models
modelsList <- resBootstrap[[1]]
fitList <- resBootstrap[[2]]
bootSummary <-
getBootstrapSummary(modelsList, ci, stdErrType) # aggregate values/summary
# modify the fit object
nrws <- nrow(bootSummary$parFixedDf$mean)
sigdig <- fit$control$sigdig
newParFixedDf <- fit$parFixedDf
newParFixed <- fit$parFixed
# Add Estimate_boot
est <- unname(bootSummary$parFixedDf$mean[1:nrws, 1])
cLower <- unname(bootSummary$parFixedDf$confLower[1:nrws, 1])
cUpper <- unname(bootSummary$parFixedDf$confUpper[1:nrws, 1])
estEst <- est
estimateBoot <- addConfboundsToVar(est, cLower, cUpper, sigdig)
# Add SE_boot
seBoot <- unname(bootSummary$parFixedDf$stdDev[1:nrws, 1])
# Add Back-transformed
est <- unname(bootSummary$parFixedDf$mean[1:nrws, 2])
cLowerBT <- unname(bootSummary$parFixedDf$confLower[1:nrws, 2])
cUpperBT <- unname(bootSummary$parFixedDf$confUpper[1:nrws, 2])
backTransformed <-
addConfboundsToVar(est, cLowerBT, cUpperBT, sigdig)
estBT <- est
newParFixedDf["Bootstrap Estimate"] <- estEst
newParFixedDf["Bootstrap SE"] <- seBoot
newParFixedDf["Bootstrap %RSE"] <- seBoot / estEst * 100
newParFixedDf["Bootstrap CI Lower"] <- cLowerBT
newParFixedDf["Bootstrap CI Upper"] <- cUpperBT
newParFixedDf["Bootstrap Back-transformed"] <- estBT
newParFixed["Bootstrap Estimate"] <- estimateBoot
newParFixed["Bootstrap SE"] <- signif(seBoot, sigdig)
newParFixed["Bootstrap %RSE"] <-
signif(seBoot / estEst * 100, sigdig)
.w <- which(regexpr("^Bootstrap +Back[-]transformed", names(newParFixed)) != -1)
if (length(.w) >= 1) newParFixed <- newParFixed[, -.w]
newParFixed[sprintf("Bootstrap Back-transformed(%s%%CI)", ci * 100)] <-
# compute bias
bootParams <- bootSummary$parFixedDf$mean
origParams <- data.frame(list("Estimate" = fit$parFixedDf$Estimate, "Back-transformed" = fit$parFixedDf$`Back-transformed`))
bootstrapBiasParfixed <- abs(origParams - bootParams)
bootstrapBiasOmega <- abs(fit$omega - bootSummary$omega$mean)
assign("bootBiasParfixed", bootstrapBiasParfixed, envir = fit$env)
assign("bootBiasOmega", bootstrapBiasOmega, envir = fit$env)
assign("bootCovMatrix", bootSummary$omega$covMatrix, envir = fit$env)
assign("bootCorMatrix", bootSummary$omega$corMatrix, envir = fit$env)
assign("parFixedDf", newParFixedDf, envir = fit$env)
assign("parFixed", newParFixed, envir = fit$env)
assign("bootOmegaSummary", bootSummary$omega, envir = fit$env)
assign("bootSummary", bootSummary, envir = fit$env)
# plot histogram
if (plotHist) {
# compute delta objf values for each of the models
origData <- getData(fit)
if (is.null(fit$bootstrapMd5)) {
bootstrapMd5 <- fit$md5
assign("bootstrapMd5", bootstrapMd5, envir = fit$env)
# already exists
output_dir <- paste0("nlmixrBootstrapCache_", fitName, "_", fit$bootstrapMd5)
deltOBJFloaded <- NULL
deltOBJF <- NULL
cli::cli_h1("Loading/Calculating \u0394 Objective function")
setOfv(fit, "focei") # Make sure we are using focei objective function
deltOBJF <- lapply(seq_along(fitList), function(i) {
x <- readRDS(file.path(output_dir, paste0("fitEnsemble_", i, ".rds")))
.path <- file.path(output_dir, paste0("posthoc_", i, ".rds"))
if (file.exists(.path)) {
xPosthoc <- readRDS(.path)
} else {
## RxODE::rxProgressAbort("Starting to posthoc estimates")
## Don't calculate the tables
.msg <- paste0(gettext("Running bootstrap estimates on original data for model index: "), i)
xPosthoc <- nlmixr(x,
data = origData, est = "posthoc",
control = list(calcTables = FALSE, print = 1)
saveRDS(xPosthoc, .path)
xPosthoc$objf - fit$objf
.deltaO <- sort(abs(unlist(deltOBJF)))
.deltaN <- length(.deltaO)
.df <- length(fit$ini$est)
.chisq <- rbind(
deltaofv = qchisq(seq(0, 0.99, 0.01), df = .df),
quantiles = seq(0, 0.99, 0.01),
Distribution = 1L,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
deltaofv = .deltaO,
quantiles = seq(.deltaN) / .deltaN,
Distribution = 2L,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
.fdelta <- approxfun(seq(.deltaN) / .deltaN, .deltaO)
.df2 <- round(mean(.deltaO, na.rm = TRUE))
.dfD <- data.frame(
label = paste(c("df\u2248", "df="), c(.df2, .df)),
Distribution = c(2L, 1L),
quantiles = 0.7,
deltaofv = c(.fdelta(0.7), qchisq(0.7, df = .df))
.dfD$Distribution <- factor(
.dfD$Distribution, c(1L, 2L),
c("Reference distribution", "\u0394 objective function")
.chisq$Distribution <- factor(
.chisq$Distribution, c(1L, 2L),
c("Reference distribution", "\u0394 objective function")
.dataList <- list(
dfD = .dfD, chisq = .chisq,
deltaN = .deltaN, df2 = .df2
assign(".bootPlotData", .dataList, envir = fit$env)
## Update covariance estimate
.nm <- names(fit$theta)[!fit$skipCov[seq_along(fit$theta)]]
.cov <- fit$bootSummary$omega$covMatrixCombined[.nm, .nm]
.setCov(fit, covMethod = .cov)
assign("covMethod", paste0("boot", fit$bootSummary$nboot), fit$env)
#' Perform bootstrap-sampling from a given dataframe
#' @param data the original dataframe object to sample from for bootstrapping
#' @param nsamp an integer specifying the number of samples in each
#' bootstrapped sample; default is the number of unique subjects in
#' the original dataset
#' @param uid_colname a string representing the unique ID of each
#' subject in the data; default values is 'ID'
#' @param pvalues a vector of pvalues indicating the probability of
#' each subject to get selected; default value is NULL implying that
#' probability of each subject is the same
#' @return returns a bootstrap sampled dataframe object
#' @author Vipul Mann, Matthew Fidler
#' @examples
#' sampling(data)
#' sampling(data, 10)
#' @noRd
sampling <- function(data,
pvalues = NULL,
performStrat = FALSE,
stratVar) {
if (missing(nsamp)) {
nsamp <- length(unique(data[, uid_colname]))
else {
len = 1,
any.missing = FALSE,
lower = 2
if (performStrat && missing(stratVar)) {
print("stratVar is required for stratifying")
stop("aborting... stratVar not specified", call. = FALSE)
lower = 2,
len = 1,
any.missing = FALSE
if (missing(uid_colname)) {
# search the dataframe for a column name of 'ID'
colNames <- colnames(data)
colNamesLower <- tolower(colNames)
if ("id" %in% colNames) {
uid_colname <- colNames[which("id" %in% colNamesLower)]
else {
uid_colname <- "ID"
else {
if (performStrat) {
stratLevels <-
as.character(unique(data[, stratVar])) # char to access freq. values
dataSubsets <- lapply(stratLevels, function(x) {
data[data[, stratVar] == x, ]
names(dataSubsets) <- stratLevels
tab <- table(data[stratVar])
nTab <- sum(tab)
sampledDataSubsets <- lapply(names(dataSubsets), function(x) {
dat <- dataSubsets[[x]]
uids <- unique(dat[, uid_colname])
uids_samp <- sample(
size = ceiling(nsamp * unname(tab[x]) / nTab),
replace = TRUE,
prob = pvalues
sampled_df <-
data.frame(dat)[0, ] # initialize an empty dataframe with the same col names
# populate dataframe based on sampled uids
# new_id = 1
.env <- environment()
.env$new_id <- 1, lapply(uids_samp, function(u) {
data_slice <- dat[dat[, uid_colname] == u, ]
start <- NROW(sampled_df) + 1
end <- start + NROW(data_slice) - 1
data_slice[uid_colname] <-
.env$new_id # assign a new ID to the sliced dataframe
.env$new_id <- .env$new_id + 1
})"rbind", sampledDataSubsets)
else {
uids <- unique(data[, uid_colname])
uids_samp <- sample(uids,
size = nsamp,
replace = TRUE,
prob = pvalues
sampled_df <-
data.frame(data)[0, ] # initialize an empty dataframe with the same col names
# populate dataframe based on sampled uids
# new_id = 1
.env <- environment()
.env$new_id <- 1, lapply(uids_samp, function(u) {
data_slice <- data[data[, uid_colname] == u, ]
start <- NROW(sampled_df) + 1
end <- start + NROW(data_slice) - 1
data_slice[uid_colname] <-
.env$new_id # assign a new ID to the sliced dataframe
.env$new_id <- .env$new_id + 1
#' Fitting multiple bootstrapped models without aggregaion; called by the function bootstrapFit()
#' @param fit the nlmixr fit object
#' @param nboot an integer giving the number of bootstrapped models to be fit; default value is 100
#' @param nSampIndiv an integer specifying the number of samples in each bootstrapped sample; default is the number of unique subjects in the original dataset
#' @param pvalues a vector of pvalues indicating the probability of each subject to get selected; default value is NULL implying that probability of each subject is the same
#' @param restart a boolean that indicates if a previous session has to be restarted; default value is FALSE
#' @return a list of lists containing the different attributed of the fit object for each of the bootstrapped models
#' @author Vipul Mann, Matthew Fidler
#' @examples
#' modelBootstrap(fit)
#' modelBootstrap(fit, 5)
#' modelBootstrap(fit, 5, 20)
#' @noRd
modelBootstrap <- function(fit,
nboot = 100,
pvalues = NULL,
restart = FALSE,
fitName = "fit") {
if (!inherits(fit, "nlmixrFitCore")) {
stop("'fit' needs to be a nlmixr fit", call. = FALSE)
if (missing(stratVar)) {
performStrat <- FALSE
stratVar <- NULL
else {
performStrat <- TRUE
data <- getData(fit)
.w <- tolower(names(data)) == "id"
uidCol <- names(data)[.w]
len = 1,
any.missing = FALSE,
lower = 1
if (missing(nSampIndiv)) {
nSampIndiv <- length(unique(data[, uidCol]))
else {
len = 1,
any.missing = FALSE,
lower = 2
# infer the ID column from data
colNames <- names(data)
colNamesLower <- tolower(colNames)
if ("id" %in% colNamesLower) {
uid_colname <- colNames[which("id" %in% colNamesLower)]
else {
stop("cannot find the 'ID' column! aborting ...", call. = FALSE)
uif <- fit$uif
fitMeth <- getFitMethod(fit)
bootData <- vector(mode = "list", length = nboot)
if (is.null(fit$bootstrapMd5)) {
bootstrapMd5 <- fit$md5
assign("bootstrapMd5", bootstrapMd5, envir = fit$env)
output_dir <-
paste0("nlmixrBootstrapCache_", fitName, "_", fit$bootstrapMd5) # a new directory with this name will be created
if (!dir.exists(output_dir)) {
else if (dir.exists(output_dir) && restart == TRUE) {
unlink(output_dir, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE) # unlink any of the previous directories
dir.create(output_dir) # create a fresh directory
fnameBootDataPattern <-
paste0("boot_data_", "[0-9]+", ".rds",
sep = ""
fileExists <-
list.files(paste0("./", output_dir), pattern = fnameBootDataPattern)
if (length(fileExists) == 0) {
restart <- TRUE
if (!restart) {
# read saved bootData from boot_data files on disk
if (length(fileExists) > 0) {
cli::cli_alert_success("resuming bootstrap data sampling using data at {paste0('./', output_dir)}")
bootData <- lapply(fileExists, function(x) {
readRDS(paste0("./", output_dir, "/", x, sep = ""))
startCtr <- length(bootData) + 1
else {
"need the data files at {.file {paste0(getwd(), '/', output_dir)}} to resume"
stop("aborting...resume file missing", call. = FALSE)
else {
startCtr <- 1
# Generate additional samples (if nboot>startCtr)
if (nboot >= startCtr) {
for (mod_idx in startCtr:nboot) {
bootData[[mod_idx]] <- sampling(
nsamp = nSampIndiv,
uid_colname = uidCol,
pvalues = pvalues,
performStrat = performStrat,
stratVar = stratVar
# save bootData in curr directory: read the file using readRDS()
attr(bootData, "randomSeed") <- .Random.seed
file = paste0(
# check if number of samples in stored file is the same as the required number of samples
fileExists <-
list.files(paste0("./", output_dir), pattern = fnameBootDataPattern)
bootData <- lapply(fileExists, function(x) {
readRDS(paste0("./", output_dir, "/", x, sep = ""))
currBootData <- length(bootData)
# Fitting models to bootData now
.env <- environment()
fnameModelsEnsemblePattern <-
paste0("modelsEnsemble_", "[0-9]+",
sep = ""
modFileExists <-
list.files(paste0("./", output_dir), pattern = fnameModelsEnsemblePattern)
fnameFitEnsemblePattern <-
paste0("fitEnsemble_", "[0-9]+",
sep = ""
fitFileExists <- list.files(paste0("./", output_dir), pattern = fnameFitEnsemblePattern)
if (!restart) {
if (length(modFileExists) > 0 &&
(length(fileExists) > 0)) {
# read bootData and modelsEnsemble files from disk
"resuming bootstrap model fitting using data and models stored at {paste0(getwd(), '/', output_dir)}"
bootData <- lapply(fileExists, function(x) {
readRDS(paste0("./", output_dir, "/", x, sep = ""))
modelsEnsembleLoaded <- lapply(modFileExists, function(x) {
readRDS(paste0("./", output_dir, "/", x, sep = ""))
fitEnsembleLoaded <- lapply(fitFileExists, function(x) {
readRDS(paste0("./", output_dir, "/", x, sep = ""))
.env$mod_idx <- length(modelsEnsembleLoaded) + 1
currNumModels <- .env$mod_idx - 1
if (currNumModels > nboot) {
"the model file already has {.env$mod_idx-1} models when max models is {nboot}; using only the first {nboot} model(s)"
return(list(modelsEnsembleLoaded[1:nboot], fitEnsembleLoaded[1:nboot]))
# return(modelsEnsembleLoaded[1:nboot])
else if (currNumModels == nboot) {
"the model file already has {.env$mod_idx-1} models when max models is {nboot}; loading from {nboot} models already saved on disk"
return(list(modelsEnsembleLoaded, fitEnsembleLoaded))
# return(modelsEnsembleLoaded)
else if (currNumModels < nboot) {
cli::col_red("estimating the additional models ... ")
else {
"need both the data and the model files at: {paste0(getwd(), '/', output_dir)} to resume"
" and model files missing at: {paste0(getwd(), '/', output_dir)}",
call. = FALSE
else {
.env$mod_idx <- 1
# get control settings for the 'fit' object and save computation effort by not computing the tables
.ctl <- fit$origControl
.ctl$print <- 0
.ctl$covMethod <- 0
.ctl$calcTables <- FALSE
modelsEnsemble <-
lapply(bootData[.env$mod_idx:nboot], function(boot_data) {
cli::cli_h1("Running nlmixr for model index: {.env$mod_idx}")
fit <- tryCatch(
fit <- suppressWarnings(nlmixr(uif,
est = fitMeth,
control = .ctl
.env$multipleFits <- list(
# objf = fit$OBJF,
# aic = fit$AIC,
omega = fit$omega,
parFixedDf = fit$parFixedDf[, c("Estimate", "Back-transformed")],
message = fit$message,
warnings = fit$warnings
fit # to return 'fit'
error = function(error_message) {
print("error fitting the model")
print("storing the models as NA ...")
return(NA) # return NA otherwise (instead of NULL)
file = paste0(
file = paste0(
assign("mod_idx", .env$mod_idx + 1, .env)
fitEnsemble <- NULL
if (!restart) {
modelsEnsemble <- c(modelsEnsembleLoaded, modelsEnsemble)
fitEnsemble <- c(fitEnsembleLoaded, fitEnsemble)
modFileExists <-
list.files(paste0("./", output_dir), pattern = fnameModelsEnsemblePattern)
modelsEnsemble <- lapply(modFileExists, function(x) {
readRDS(paste0("./", output_dir, "/", x, sep = ""))
fitFileExists <- list.files(paste0("./", output_dir), pattern = fnameFitEnsemblePattern)
fitEnsemble <- lapply(fitFileExists, function(x) {
readRDS(paste0("./", output_dir, "/", x, sep = ""))
list(modelsEnsemble, fitEnsemble)
#' Get the nlmixr method used for fitting the model
#' @param fit the nlmixr fit object
#' @return returns a string representing the method used by nlmixr for fitting the given model
#' @author Vipul Mann, Matthew Fidler
#' @examples
#' getFitMethod(fit)
#' @noRd
getFitMethod <- function(fit) {
methodsList <-
"nlmixrFOCEi" = "focei",
"nlmixrNlmeUI" = "nlme",
"nlmixrSaem" = "saem",
"nlmixrFOCE" = "foce",
"nlmixrFOi" = "foi",
"nlmixrFO" = "fo",
"nlmixrPosthoc" = "posthoc"
if (!(inherits(fit, "nlmixrFitCore"))) {
stop("'fit' needs to be a nlmixr fit", call. = FALSE)
res <- sapply(names(methodsList), function(met) {
inherits(fit, met)
.w <- which(res == TRUE)
if (length(.w) != 1) {
stop("cannot determine the method the nlmixr fit used, please submit a bug report",
call. = FALSE
setNames(methodsList[.w], NULL)
#' Extract all the relevant variables from a set of bootstrapped models
#' @param fitlist a list of lists containing information on the multiple bootstrapped models; similar to the output of modelsBootstrap() function
#' @param id a character representing the variable of interest: OBJF, AIC, omega, parFixedDf, method, message, warnings
#' @return returns a vector or list across of the variable of interest from all the fits/bootstrapped models
#' @author Vipul Mann, Matthew Fidler
#' @examples
#' extractVars(fitlist, 1) # returns a vector of OBJF values
#' extractVars(fitlist, 4) # returns a list of dataframes containing parFixedDf values
#' @noRd
extractVars <- function(fitlist, id = "method") {
if (id == "method") {
# no lapply for 'method'
else {
# if id not equal to 'method'
res <- lapply(fitlist, function(x) {
if (!(id == "omega" ||
id == "parFixedDf")) {
# check if all message strings are empty
if (id == "message") {
prev <- TRUE
for (i in length(res)) {
status <- (res[[i]] == "") && prev
prev <- status
if (status == TRUE) {
else {
# if non-empty 'message'
else {
# if id does not equal 'message'
else {
# if id equals 'omega' or 'parFixedDf
#' Summarize the bootstrapped fits/models
#' @param fitList a list of lists containing information on the multiple bootstrapped models; similar to the output of modelsBootstrap() function
#' @return returns aggregated quantities (mean, median, standard deviation, and variance) as a list for all the quantities
#' @author Vipul Mann, Matthew Fidler
#' @examples
#' getBootstrapSummary(fitlist)
#' @noRd
getBootstrapSummary <-
ci = 0.95,
stdErrType = "perc") {
if (!(ci < 1 && ci > 0)) {
stop("'ci' needs to be between 0 and 1", call. = FALSE)
quantLevels <-
c(0.5, (1 - ci) / 2, 1 - (1 - ci) / 2) # median, (1-ci)/2, 1-(1-ci)/2
varIds <-
names(fitList[[1]]) # number of different variables present in fitlist
summaryList <- lapply(varIds, function(id) {
# if (!(id %in% c("omega", "parFixedDf", "method", "message", "warnings"))) {
# varVec <- extractVars(fitList, id)
# mn <- mean(varVec)
# median <- median(varVec)
# sd <- sd(varVec)
# c(
# mean = mn,
# median = median,
# stdDev = sd
# )
# }
if (id == "omega") {
# omega estimates
omegaMatlist <- extractVars(fitList, id)
varVec <- simplify2array(omegaMatlist)
mn <- apply(varVec, 1:2, mean)
sd <- apply(varVec, 1:2, sd)
quants <- apply(varVec, 1:2, function(x) {
unname(quantile(x, quantLevels))
median <- quants[1, , ]
confLower <- quants[2, , ]
confUpper <- quants[3, , ]
if (stdErrType != "perc") {
confLower <- mn - qnorm(quantLevels[[2]]) * sd
confUpper <- mn + qnorm(quantLevels[[3]]) * sd
# computing the covariance and correlation matrices
# =======================================================
parFixedOmegaBootVec <- list()
parFixedlist <- extractVars(fitList, id = "parFixedDf")
parFixedlistVec <- lapply(parFixedlist, function(x) {
parFixedlistVec <-"rbind", parFixedlistVec)
omgVecBoot <- list()
omegaIdx <- seq(length(omegaMatlist))
omgVecBoot <- lapply(omegaIdx, function(idx) {
omgMat <- omegaMatlist[[idx]]
omgVec <- omgMat[lower.tri(omgMat, TRUE)]
omgVecBoot[[idx]] <- omgVec
omgVecBoot <-"rbind", omgVecBoot)
idxName <- 1
namesList <- list()
for (nam1 in colnames(omegaMatlist[[1]])) {
for (nam2 in colnames(omegaMatlist[[1]])) {
if (nam1 == nam2) {
if (!(nam1 %in% namesList)) {
namesList[idxName] <- nam1
idxName <- idxName + 1
} else {
nam <- paste0("(", nam1, ",", nam2, ")")
namRev <- paste0("(", nam2, ",", nam1, ")")
if (!(nam %in% namesList | namRev %in% namesList)) {
namesList[idxName] <- nam
idxName <- idxName + 1
colnames(omgVecBoot) <- namesList
.w <- which(sapply(namesList, function(x) {
!all(omgVecBoot[, x] == 0)
omgVecBoot <- omgVecBoot[, .w]
parFixedOmegaCombined <- cbind(parFixedlistVec, omgVecBoot)
covMatrix <- cov(parFixedOmegaCombined)
corMatrix <- cov2cor(covMatrix)
diag(corMatrix) <- sqrt(diag(covMatrix))
lst <- list(
mean = mn,
median = median,
stdDev = sd,
confLower = confLower,
confUpper = confUpper,
covMatrixCombined = covMatrix,
corMatrixCombined = corMatrix
else if (id == "parFixedDf") {
# parameter estimates (dataframe)
varVec <- extractVars(fitList, id)
mn <-
apply(simplify2array(lapply(varVec, as.matrix)), 1:2, mean, na.rm = TRUE)
sd <-
apply(simplify2array(lapply(varVec, as.matrix)), 1:2, sd, na.rm = TRUE)
quants <-
apply(simplify2array(lapply(varVec, as.matrix)), 1:2, function(x) {
unname(quantile(x, quantLevels, na.rm = TRUE))
median <- quants[1, , ]
confLower <- quants[2, , ]
confUpper <- quants[3, , ]
if (stdErrType != "perc") {
confLower <- mn - qnorm(quantLevels[[2]]) * sd
confUpper <- mn + qnorm(quantLevels[[3]]) * sd
lst <- list(
mean = mn,
median = median,
stdDev = sd,
confLower = confLower,
confUpper = confUpper
else {
# if id equals method, message, or warning
extractVars(fitList, id)
names(summaryList) <- varIds
summaryList$nboot <- length(fitList)
summaryList$warnings <- unique(summaryList$warnings)
summaryList$message <- unique(summaryList$message)
class(summaryList) <- "nlmixrBoostrapSummary"
#' @export
print.nlmixrBoostrapSummary <- function(x, ..., sigdig = NULL) {
if (is.null(sigdig)) {
if (any(names(x) == "sigdig")) {
sigdig <- x$sigdig
} else {
sigdig <- 3
# objf <- x$objf
# aic <- x$aic
message <- x$message
warnings <- x$warnings
omega <- x$omega
parFixedDf <- x$parFixedDf
nboot <- x$nboot
"Summary of the bootstrap models (nboot: {nboot})"
"Omega matrices: mean, median, standard deviation, and confidence bousnds"
cli::col_yellow(" (summary$omega)")
lapply(seq_along(omega), function(x) {
cli::cli_text(cli::col_green(paste0("$", names(omega)[x])))
print(signif(omega[[x]], sigdig))
"Estimated parameters: mean, median, standard deviation, and confidence bounds"
cli::col_yellow(" (summary$parFixedDf)")
lapply(seq_along(parFixedDf), function(x) {
cli::cli_text(cli::col_yellow(paste0("$", names(parFixedDf)[x])))
print(signif(parFixedDf[[x]], sigdig))
cli::col_yellow(" (summary$message)")
cli::col_yellow(" (summary$warnings)")
#' Assign a set of variables to the nlmixr fit environment
#' @param namedVars a named list of variables that need to be assigned to the given environment
#' @param fitobject the nlmixr fit object that contains its environment information
#' @noRd
assignToEnv <- function(namedVars, fitobject) {
if (!inherits(fitobject, "nlmixrFitCore")) {
stop("'fit' needs to be a nlmixr fit", call. = FALSE)
if (is.null(names(namedVars))) {
stop("'namedVars needs to be a named list", call. = FALSE)
if (length(namedVars) != length(names(namedVars))) {
stop("'namedVars does not have all the elements named", call. = FALSE)
env <- fitobject$env
lapply(names(namedVars), function(x) {
assign(x, namedVars[[x]], envir = env)
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