
Defines functions read.lisst as.lisst

Documented in as.lisst read.lisst

# vim:textwidth=80:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:softtabstop=4

#' Class to Store LISST Data
#' This class stores LISST (Laser in-situ scattering and transmissometry) data.
#' @templateVar class lisst
#' @templateVar dataExample {}
#' @templateVar metadataExample {}
#' @template slot_summary
#' @template slot_put
#' @template slot_get
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @references Information about LISST instruments is provided at
#' the manufacturer's website, `https://www.sequoiasci.com`.
#' @family classes provided by oce
#' @family things related to lisst data
setClass("lisst", contains="oce")

#' Extract Something From a LISST Object
#' @param x a [lisst-class] object.
#' @section Details of the Specialized Method:
#' * If `i` is `"?"`, then the return value is a list
#' containing four items, each of which is a character vector
#' holding the names of things that can be accessed with `[[`.
#' The `data` and `metadata` items hold the names of
#' entries in the object's data and metadata
#' slots, respectively. The `dataDerived`
#' and `metadataDerived` items are each NULL, because
#' no derived values are defined by [lisst-class] objects.
#' @template sub_subTemplate
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @family things related to lisst data
    signature(x="lisst", i="ANY", j="ANY"),
    definition=function(x, i, j, ...) {
        if (i == "?") {
        callNextMethod()         # [[

#' Replace Parts of a LISST Object
#' @param x a [lisst-class] object.
#' @template sub_subsetTemplate
#' @family things related to lisst data
    signature(x="lisst", i="ANY", j="ANY"),
    definition=function(x, i, j, ..., value) {
        callNextMethod(x=x, i=i, j=j, ...=..., value=value) # [[<-

#' LISST Dataset
#' LISST (Laser in-situ scattering and transmissometry) dataset, constructed
#' artificially.
#' @name lisst
#' @docType data
#' @usage data(lisst)
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @source This was constructed artificially using [as.lisst()],
#' to approximately match values that might be measured in the field.
#' @family datasets provided with oce

    definition=function(.Object, filename="", longitude=NA, latitude=NA, ...) {
        .Object <- callNextMethod(.Object, ...)
        .Object@metadata$filename <- filename
        .Object@metadata$longitude <- longitude
        .Object@metadata$latitude <- latitude
        .Object@processingLog$time <- presentTime()
        .Object@processingLog$value <- paste("create 'lisst' object with",
            " filename=\"", filename, "\"",
            ", longitude=", longitude,
            ", latitude=",
            latitude, sep="")

#' Summarize a LISST Object
#' Summarizes some of the data in a `lisst` object, presenting such information
#' as the station name, sampling location, data ranges, etc.
#' @param object a [lisst-class] object.
#' @param ... Ignored.
#' @examples
#' library(oce)
#' data(lisst)
#' summary(lisst)
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @family things related to lisst data
    definition=function(object, ...) {
        cat("LISST Summary\n-------------\n\n")
        showMetadataItem(object, "filename", "File source:        ")
        invisible(callNextMethod()) # summary

#' Plot a lisst Object
#' Creates a multi-panel summary plot of data measured by LISST instrument.
#' The panels are controlled by the `which` argument, as follows.
#' * `which=1` to `32`, or `which="C1"` to `"C32"` for
#' a time-series graph of the named column (a size class).
#' * `which=33` or `which="lts"` for a time-series plot of laser
#' transmission sensor.
#' * `which=34` or `which="voltage"` for a time-series plot of
#' instrument voltage.
#' * `which=35` or `which="aux"` for a time-series plot of the
#' external auxiliary input.
#' * `which=36` or `which="lrs"` for a time-series plot of the
#' laser reference sensor.
#' * `which=37` or `which="pressure"` for a time-series plot of
#' pressure.
#' * `which=38` or `which="temperature"` for a time-series plot
#' of temperature.
#' * `which=41` or `which="transmission"` for a time-series plot
#' of transmission, in percent.
#' * `which=42` or `which="beam"` for a time-series plot of
#' beam-C, in 1/metre.
#' @param x a [lisst-class] object.
#' @param which list of desired plot types.  These are graphed in panels
#' running down from the top of the page.  See \dQuote{Details} for the
#' meanings of various values of `which`.
#' @param tformat optional argument passed to [oce.plot.ts()], for
#' plot types that call that function.  (See [strptime()] for the
#' format used.)
#' @param debug a flag that turns on debugging.  The value indicates the depth
#' within the call stack to which debugging applies.
#' @param \dots optional arguments passed to plotting functions.
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @seealso The documentation for [lisst-class] explains the
#' structure of lisst objects, and also outlines the other functions dealing
#' with them.
#' @examples
#' library(oce)
#' data(lisst)
#' plot(lisst)
#' @family functions that plot oce data
#' @family things related to lisst data
#' @aliases plot.lisst
    definition=function(x, which = c(16, 37, 38), tformat, debug=getOption("oceDebug"), ...) {
        oceDebug(debug, "plot.lisst(..., which=c(", paste(which, collapse=","), "),...) {\n", sep="", unindent=1)
        nw <- length(which)
        oceDebug(debug, "which:", which, "\n")
        which <- oce.pmatch(which,
            list(C1=1, C2=2, C3=3, C4=4, C5=5, C6=6, C7=7, C8=8, C9=9, C10=10,
                C11=11, C12=12, C13=13, C14=14, C15=15, C16=16, C17=17, C18=18, C19=19, C20=20,
                C21=21, C22=22, C23=23, C24=24, C25=25, C26=26, C27=27, C28=28, C29=29, C30=30,
                C31=31, C32=32,
                lts=33, voltage=34, aux=35, lrs=36,
                pressure=37, temperature=38, transmission=41, beam=42))
        oceDebug(debug, "which:", which, "\n")
        opar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
        if (length(which) > 1) on.exit(par(opar))
        par(mfrow=c(nw, 1))
        time <- x[["time"]]
        for (w in 1:nw) {
            ww <- which[w]
            if (ww <= 32) oce.plot.ts(time, x@data[[which[w]]],
                ylab=paste(gettext("Size Class #", domain="R-oce"), ww, sep=""),
                tformat=tformat, debug=debug-1, ...)
            else if (ww == 33) oce.plot.ts(time, x[["lts"]],
                ylab=gettext("Laser Trans. Sensor", domain="R-oce"),
                tformat=tformat, debug=debug-1, ...)
            else if (ww == 34) oce.plot.ts(time, x[["voltage"]],
                ylab=gettext("Voltage", domain="R-oce"),
                tformat=tformat, debug=debug-1, ...)
            else if (ww == 35) oce.plot.ts(time, x[["aux"]],
                ylab=gettext("Ext. Aux. Input", domain="R-oce"),
                tformat=tformat, debug=debug-1, ...)
            else if (ww == 36) oce.plot.ts(time, x[["lrs"]],
                ylab=gettext("Laser Ref. Sensor", domain="R-oce"),
                tformat=tformat, debug=debug-1, ...)
            else if (ww == 37) oce.plot.ts(time, x[["pressure"]],
                tformat=tformat, debug=debug-1, ...)
            else if (ww == 38) oce.plot.ts(time, x[["temperature"]],
                tformat=tformat, debug=debug-1, ...)
            else if (ww == 41) oce.plot.ts(time, x[["transmission"]],
                ylab=gettext("Transmission %", domain="R-oce"),
                tformat=tformat, debug=debug-1, ...)
            else if (ww == 42) oce.plot.ts(time, x[["beam"]],
                ylab=gettext("Beam-C [1/m]", domain="R-oce"),
                tformat=tformat, debug=debug-1, ...)

#' Coerce Data Into a LISST Object
#' Coerce data into a lisst object
#' If `data` contains fewer than 42 columns, an error is reported.  If it
#' contains more than 42 columns, only the first 42 are used.  This is used by
#' [read.lisst()], the documentation on which explains the meanings
#' of the columns.
#' @param data A table (or matrix) containing 42 columns, as in a LISST data
#' file.
#' @param filename Name of file containing the data.
#' @param year Year in which the first observation was made.  This is necessary
#' because LISST timestamps do not indicate the year of observation.  The
#' default value is odd enough to remind users to include this argument.
#' @param tz Timezone of observations.  This is necessary because LISST
#' timestamps do not indicate the timezone.
#' @param longitude Longitude of observation.
#' @param latitude Latitude of observation.
#' @return A [lisst-class] object.
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @family things related to lisst data
as.lisst <- function(data, filename="", year=0, tz="UTC", longitude=NA, latitude=NA)
    res <- new("lisst", filename=filename, latitude=latitude, longitude=longitude)
    ncols <- ncol(data)
    if (ncols < 42)
        stop("data file must hold at least 42 space-separated columns")
    if (ncols > 42) {
        warning("data file has more than 42 columns; only first 42 are used")
        data <- data[, 1:42]
    data <- data.frame(data)
    names <- rep("", length.out=42)
    names[1:32] <-  paste("C", 1:32, sep="")
    names[33] <- "lts"                  # laserTransmissionSensor
    names[34] <- "voltage"
    names[35] <- "aux"
    names[36] <- "lrs"                  # laserReferenceSensor
    names[37] <- "pressure"
    names[38] <- "temperature"
    names[39] <- "dayhour"
    names[40] <- "minutesecond"
    names[41] <- "transmission"
    names[42] <- "beam"
    names(data) <- names
    data <- as.list(data)
    day <- floor(data$dayhour/100)
    hour <- data$dayhour - 100 * day
    minute <- floor(data$minutesecond/100)
    second <- data$minutesecond - 100 * minute
    decimalday <- day + hour / 24 + minute / 60 / 24 + second / 24 / 60 / 60
    t0 <- as.POSIXct(paste(year, "-01-01 00:00:00", sep=""), tz=tz)
    data$time <- t0 + 86400 * decimalday / 365.25
    res@data <- data
    res@processingLog <- processingLogAppend(res@processingLog, paste(deparse(match.call()), sep="", collapse=""))
    names <- names(data)
    if ("pressure" %in% names) res@metadata$units$pressure <- list(unit=expression(dbar), scale="")
    if ("temperature" %in% names) res@metadata$units$temperature <- list(unit=expression(degree*C), scale="")

#' Read a LISST File
#' Read a LISST data file.
#' The file should contain 42 columns, with no header.  If there are fewer than
#' 42 columns, an error results.  If there are more, only the first 42 are
#' used.  Note that [read.oce()] can recognize LISST files by their
#' having a name ending in `".asc"` and by having 42 elements on the first
#' line.  Even so, it is preferred to use the present function, because it
#' gives the opportunity to specify the year and timezone, so that times can be
#' calculated properly.
#' @param file a connection or a character string giving the name of the file
#' to load.
#' @param year year in which the measurement of the series was made.
#' @param tz time zone.
#' @param longitude longitude of observation (stored in metadata)
#' @param latitude latitude of observation (stored in metadata)
#' @template encodingTemplate
#' @return x A [lisst-class] object.
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @family things related to lisst data
read.lisst <- function(file, year=0, tz="UTC",
    longitude=NA, latitude=NA, encoding="latin1")
    if (missing(file))
        stop("must supply 'file'")
    if (is.character(file)) {
        if (!file.exists(file))
            stop("cannot find file '", file, "'")
        if (0L == file.info(file)$size)
            stop("empty file '", file, "'")
    filename <- NULL
    if (is.character(file)) {
        filename <- fullFilename(file)
        file <- file(file, "r", encoding=encoding)
    if (!inherits(file, "connection"))
        stop("argument `file' must be a character string or connection")
    if (!isOpen(file)) {
        open(file, "r", encoding=encoding)
    data <- read.table(file, header=FALSE, encoding=encoding)
    res <- as.lisst(data, filename=filename, year=year, tz=tz, longitude=longitude, latitude=latitude)
    res@processingLog <- processingLogAppend(res@processingLog, paste(deparse(match.call()), sep="", collapse=""))
    names <- names(data)
    if ("pressure" %in% names)
        res@metadata$units$pressure <- list(unit=expression(dbar), scale="")
    if ("temperature" %in% names)
        res@metadata$units$temperature <- list(unit=expression(degree*C), scale="")

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oce documentation built on July 9, 2023, 5:18 p.m.