
# vim:textwidth=80:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:softtabstop=4

test_that("[[\"?\"]] is handled by all object classes", {
    # The object names was created by saving the output of `git grep setClass R`
    # and reformulating into R code.
    objectNames <- c(
        "adp", "adv", "amsr", "argo", "bremen", "cm", "coastline",
        "ctd", "echosounder", "satellite", "g1sst", "gps", "ladp", "landsat",
        "lisst", "lobo", "met", "odf", "rsk", "satellite", "sealevel",
        "section", "tidem", "topo", "windrose", "xbt"
    for (objectName in objectNames) {
        o <- new(objectName)
        expect_equal(4, length(o[["?"]]))

test_that("get/set/delete data", {
    S <- oceGetData(ctd, "salinity")
    ctd2 <- oceSetData(ctd,
        name = "fake", value = 2 * S,
        unit = list(unit = expression(), scale = ""),
        originalName = "FAKE"
    expect_equal(2 * S, ctd2[["fake"]])
    expect_equal(S, ctd@data$salinity)
    expect_equal(S, ctd2@data$salinity)
    ## deletion
    d <- oceDeleteData(ctd, "fake")
    expect_false("fake" %in% names(d[["data"]]))
    expect_false("fake" %in% names(d@data))

test_that("get/set/delete metadata", {
    type <- oceGetMetadata(ctd, name = "type")
    expect_equal(type, "SBE")
    ctd2 <- oceSetMetadata(ctd, name = "type", value = "fake")
    expect_equal(oceGetMetadata(ctd2, "type"), "fake")
    expect_equal(ctd2[["metadata"]]$type, "fake")
    ctd3 <- oceDeleteMetadata(ctd2, "type")
    expect_false("fake" %in% names(ctd3[["metadata"]]))

test_that("data", {
    d <- oceGetData(ctd, "salinity")
    expect_equal(d, ctd[["salinity"]])
    expect_equal(d, ctd@data$salinity)

test_that("retrieve units", {
    ## pre 20160430 expect_equal(ctd[["temperatureUnit"]], list(unit=expression(degree*C), scale="ITS-90"))
    ## pre 20160430 expect_equal(ctd[["temperature unit"]], expression(degree*C))
    ## pre 20160430 expect_equal(ctd[["temperature scale"]], "ITS-90")
    expect_equal(ctd[["temperatureUnit"]], list(unit = expression(degree * C), scale = "IPTS-68"))
    expect_equal(ctd[["temperature unit"]], expression(degree * C))
    expect_equal(ctd[["temperature scale"]], "IPTS-68")
    expect_equal(ctd[["pressureUnit"]], list(unit = expression(dbar), scale = ""))
    expect_equal(ctd[["pressure unit"]], expression(dbar))
    expect_equal(ctd[["pressure scale"]], "")

test_that("alter units", {
    ctd[["metadata"]]$units$salinity <- list(unit = expression(foo), scale = "bar")
    expect_equal(ctd[["salinityUnit"]], list(unit = expression(foo), scale = "bar"))

test_that("three methods for specifying units", {
    freezing <- swTFreeze(ctd)
    ctd <- oceSetData(ctd, "freezing", freezing, list(unit = expression(degree * C), scale = "ITS-90"))
    feet <- 3.28048 * swDepth(ctd)
    ctd <- oceSetData(ctd, "depthInFeet", feet, expression(feet))
    expect_identical(ctd[["units"]]$depthInFeet, list(unit = expression(feet), scale = ""))
    fathoms <- feet / 6
    ctd <- oceSetData(ctd, "depthInFathoms", fathoms, "fathoms")
    expect_identical(ctd[["units"]]$depthInFathoms, list(unit = expression(fathoms), scale = ""))

test_that("can use original names", {
    ## next two tests relate to issues 1460 and 1547
    expect_equal(diff(ctd[["timeS"]]), diff(as.numeric(ctd[["time"]])))
    expect_equal(length(ctd[["time"]]), length(ctd[["pressure"]])) # 1460,1547
    expect_equal(ctd[["pressure"]], ctd[["pr"]])
    expect_equal(ctd[["depth"]], ctd[["depS"]])
    expect_equal(ctd[["temperature"]], T90fromT68(ctd[["t068"]]))
    expect_equal(ctd[["salinity"]], ctd[["sal00"]])

test_that("alter ctd profiles within a section", {
    section[["station", 1]][["S2"]] <- 2 * section[["station", 1]][["salinity"]]
        section[["station", 1]][["S2"]],
        2 * section[["station", 1]][["salinity"]]

## Tests with a funky file, from 1154 (we may need to chop these,
## since it does not make sense to use space in a CRAN package
## with a broken file.

## Next tests are in support of issue 1162, relating to the rules for accessing
## derived quantities.
test_that("accessor operations (ctd)", {
    S <- ctd[["salinity"]]
    expect_equal(head(S), c(29.9210, 29.9205, 29.9206, 29.9219, 29.9206, 29.9164))
    ctd[["salinity"]] <- S + 0.01
    SS <- ctd[["salinity"]]
    expect_equal(head(SS), 0.01 + c(29.9210, 29.9205, 29.9206, 29.9219, 29.9206, 29.9164))
    ctd[["SS"]] <- SS
    expect_equal(head(ctd[["SS"]]), 0.01 + c(29.9210, 29.9205, 29.9206, 29.9219, 29.9206, 29.9164))

## accessors to metadata or data
## https://github.com/dankelley/oce/issues/1554
test_that("accessor operations, specifying data or metadata", {
    expect_equal(ctd[["longitude"]], ctd[["longitude", "metadata"]])
    expect_null(ctd[["longitude", "data"]])
    expect_equal(ctd[["temperature"]], ctd[["temperature", "data"]])
    expect_equal(ctd[["salinity"]], ctd[["salinity", "data"]])
    expect_equal(ctd[["salinity"]], ctd[["sal00", "data"]]) # originalName
    ## Now, create something with conflicts
    o <- new("oce")
    o <- oceSetMetadata(o, "foo", "metadataBar")
    o <- oceSetData(o, "foo", "dataBar")
    expect_equal(o[["foo"]], "metadataBar")
    expect_equal(o[["foo", "metadata"]], "metadataBar")
    expect_equal(o[["foo", "data"]], "dataBar")
    expect_error(o[["foo", "unknown"]], "second arg must be")

test_that("derived quantities handled properly (ctd)", {
    ## do we get the same theta by both methods, if the object lacks
    ## theta at the start?
    thetaByAccessor <- ctd[["theta"]]
    thetaByFunction <- swTheta(ctd)
    expect_equal(thetaByAccessor, thetaByFunction)
    ## Now, insert theta into the object, and alter salinity, to
    ## check that [[ gets the object value and swTheta() computes
    ## a new value.
    ctd[["theta"]] <- thetaByAccessor
    expect_equal(ctd[["theta"]], thetaByAccessor)
    expect_equal(ctd[["theta"]], swTheta(ctd))
    ctd[["S"]] <- ctd[["S"]] + 0.01 # alter S
    ## next values are just what I got from these data, i.e. they only
    ## form a consistency check, if the data or if swTheta() ever change.
        head(swTheta(ctd, eos = "unesco")),
            14.2208818496, 14.2262540208, 14.2248015615,
            14.2218758247, 14.2263218577, 14.2328135332
    ## Try both EOSs; need loction for GSW
    expect_equal(swTheta(ctd, eos = "unesco"), swTheta(ctd[["salinity"]],
        eos = "unesco"
    expect_equal(swTheta(ctd, eos = "gsw"), swTheta(ctd[["salinity"]],
        longitude = ctd[["longitude"]],
        latitude = ctd[["latitude"]], eos = "gsw"

test_that("accessor operations (adp)", {
    v <- adp[["v"]]
    expect_equal(v[1:5, 1, 1], c(
        -0.11955770778, -0.09925398341, 0.10203801933,
        0.09613003081, 0.24394126236
    adp[["somethingNew"]] <- 1:4
    expect_true("somethingNew" %in% names(adp[["data"]]))
    expect_equal(adp[["somethingNew"]], 1:4)

test_that("renaming items in the data slot", {
    bad <- oceRenameData(ctd, "salinity", "saltiness", note = "a bad idea!")
    expect_error(plot(bad), "data slot lacks \"salinity\"")

test_that("argo original names (issue 1640)", {
    expect_equal(argo[["temperature"]], argo[["TEMP"]])

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oce documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 7:09 p.m.