
# vim:textwidth=80:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:softtabstop=4

z <- rnorm(20)

test_that("colormap case A breaks alone", {
    expect_silent(cm <- colormap(breaks=seq(0, 3, 0.1)))
    expect_equal(length(cm$breaks), 1 + length(cm$col))
    expect_equal(cm$zlim, range(c(0, 3)))

test_that("colormap case A breaks plus z", {
    cm <- colormap(z=z, breaks=seq(0, 3, 0.1))
    expect_equal(length(cm$breaks), 1 + length(cm$col))
    expect_equal(cm$zlim, range(c(0, 3)))

test_that("colormap case A error if more than 1 break with zlim", {
    expect_error(cm <- colormap(breaks=seq(0, 3, 0.1), zlim=c(0, 5)),
        "cannot specify both zlim and breaks, unless length\\(breaks\\)==1")

test_that("colormap case A with z and no zlim", {
    cm <- colormap(z=z)
    expect_equal(cm$zlim, rangeExtended(z))
    expect_equal(cm$zclip, FALSE)
    expect_equal(cm$missingColor, "gray")

test_that("colormap case A with zlim and no z", {
    zlim <- c(-10, 10)
    cm <- colormap(zlim=zlim)
    expect_equal(cm$zlim, zlim)
    expect_equal(cm$zclip, FALSE)
    expect_equal(cm$missingColor, "gray")

test_that("colormap case A with z and zlim", {
    cm <- colormap(z=z, zlim=c(-10, 10))
    expect_equal(length(cm$breaks), 1 + length(cm$col))
    expect_equal(cm$zlim, c(-10, 10))

test_that("colormap case A Ex1 from help(colormap)", {
    x <- seq(0, 1, length.out=40)
    y <- sin(2 * pi * x)
    c <- colormap(y)
    expect_equal(c$zlim, c(-1.079124, 1.079124), tolerance=0.00001)
    expect_equal(c$breaks[1:3], c(-1.079124, -1.070627, -1.062130), tolerance=0.00001)
    expect_equal(c$col[1:4], c("#440154", "#440256", "#450457", "#450559"))
    expect_equal(c$zcol[1:4], c("#20918C", "#1FA187", "#2EB37C", "#4AC16C"))
    expect_equal(c$missingColor, "gray")
    expect_equal(c$x0[1:5], c(-1.070627, -1.062130, -1.053633, -1.045136, -1.036639),
    expect_equal(c$col0[1:4], c("#440154", "#440256", "#450457", "#450559"))
    expect_equal(c$col1[1:4], c("#440154", "#440256", "#450457", "#450559"))
    expect_equal(class(c), c("list", "colormap"))

test_that("colormap case B with missing 'x1' arg", {
    expect_error(colormap(x0=1:2, col0=1:2, col1=1:2), "must all be supplied, if any")

test_that("colormap case B with extraneous 'name' arg", {
    expect_error(colormap(x0=1:2, col0=1:2, x1=1:2, col1=1:2, name="dan"), "cannot supply 'x0'")

test_that("colormap case B with only 'x0' but not siblings", {
    expect_error(colormap(x0=1:2), "must all be supplied, if any is")

test_that("colormap case B with (x0,col0,x1,col1) alone or with zlim", {
    ## without blending
    cm <- colormap(x0=c(0, 1), col0=c("red", "blue"),
        x1=c(0.5, 1.5), col1=c("pink", "green"))
    expect_equal(length(cm$breaks), 1 + length(cm$col))
    expect_equal(cm$zlim, rangeExtended(c(0, 1.5)))
    expect_equal(cm$breaks, c(0.0, 1.0, 1.5))
    expect_equal(cm$col, c("#FF0000", "#0000FF"))
    ## with blending
    cm <- colormap(x0=c(0, 1), col0=c("red", "blue"),
        x1=c(0.5, 1.5), col1=c("pink", "green"), blend=0.5)
    expect_equal(cm$breaks, c(0.0, 1.0, 1.5))
    expect_equal(cm$col, c("#FF6065", "#007F7F"))
    ## with zlim, which should override the default inferred from x0 and x1
    cm <- colormap(zlim=c(-10, 10), x0=c(0, 1), col0=c("red", "blue"),
        x1=c(0.5, 1.5), col1=c("pink", "green"))
    expect_equal(length(cm$breaks), 1 + length(cm$col))
    expect_equal(cm$zlim, c(-10, 10))

test_that("colormap case B test colors (based on issue 449)", {
    t <- seq(0, 1, length.out=100)
    plim <- c(38, 41)
    p <- mean(plim) + diff(plim) / 2 * cos(2 * pi * t)
    zlim <- c(38.5, 40.5)
    cm <- colormap(p, breaks=seq(zlim[1], zlim[2], 0.1))
    expect_equal(class(cm), c("list", "colormap"))
    expect_equal(cm$zlim, zlim)
    expect_equal(cm$breaks, seq(38.5, 40.5, 0.1))
        c("#440154", "#481467", "#482576", "#453781", "#3F4688", "#39558C",
            "#32638D", "#2D708E", "#277D8E", "#23898D", "#1F968B", "#1FA286",
            "#29AF7F", "#3BBB74", "#55C567", "#73D055", "#94D740", "#B8DE28",
            "#DBE318", "#FDE725"))
        c("#FDE725", "#FDE725", "#FDE725", "#FDE725", "#FDE725", "#FDE725",
            "#FDE725", "#FDE725", "#FDE725", "#FDE725", "#FDE725", "#FDE725",
            "#FDE725", "#FDE725", "#FDE725", "#DBE318", "#B8DE28", "#B8DE28",
            "#94D740", "#73D055", "#55C567", "#3BBB74", "#29AF7F", "#1FA286",
            "#1F968B", "#23898D", "#277D8E", "#2D708E", "#32638D", "#32638D",
            "#39558C", "#3F4688", "#453781", "#482576", "#481467", "#440154",
            "#440154", "#440154", "#440154", "#440154", "#440154", "#440154",
            "#440154", "#440154", "#440154", "#440154", "#440154", "#440154",
            "#440154", "#440154", "#440154", "#440154", "#440154", "#440154",
            "#440154", "#440154", "#440154", "#440154", "#440154", "#440154",
            "#440154", "#440154", "#440154", "#440154", "#440154", "#481467",
            "#482576", "#453781", "#3F4688", "#39558C", "#32638D", "#32638D",
            "#2D708E", "#277D8E", "#23898D", "#1F968B", "#1FA286", "#29AF7F",
            "#3BBB74", "#55C567", "#73D055", "#94D740", "#B8DE28", "#B8DE28",
            "#DBE318", "#FDE725", "#FDE725", "#FDE725", "#FDE725", "#FDE725",
            "#FDE725", "#FDE725", "#FDE725", "#FDE725", "#FDE725", "#FDE725",
            "#FDE725", "#FDE725", "#FDE725", "#FDE725"))
    expect_equal(cm$missingColor, "gray")
        c(38.6, 38.7, 38.8, 38.9, 39.0, 39.1, 39.2, 39.3, 39.4, 39.5,
            39.6, 39.7, 39.8, 39.9, 40.0, 40.1, 40.2, 40.3, 40.4, 40.5))
        c(38.6, 38.7, 38.8, 38.9, 39.0, 39.1, 39.2, 39.3, 39.4, 39.5,
            39.6, 39.7, 39.8, 39.9, 40.0, 40.1, 40.2, 40.3, 40.4, 40.5))
        c("#440154", "#481467", "#482576", "#453781", "#3F4688", "#39558C",
            "#32638D", "#2D708E", "#277D8E", "#23898D", "#1F968B", "#1FA286",
            "#29AF7F", "#3BBB74", "#55C567", "#73D055", "#94D740", "#B8DE28",
            "#DBE318", "#FDE725"))
        c("#440154", "#481467", "#482576", "#453781", "#3F4688", "#39558C",
            "#32638D", "#2D708E", "#277D8E", "#23898D", "#1F968B", "#1FA286",
            "#29AF7F", "#3BBB74", "#55C567", "#73D055", "#94D740", "#B8DE28",
            "#DBE318", "#FDE725"))

test_that("colormap case B with z plus (x0,col0,x1,col1) alone [z wins] or with zlim [zlim wins]", {
    cm <- colormap(z=z, x0=c(0, 1), col0=c("red", "blue"), x1=c(0.5, 1.5), col1=c("pink", "green"))
    expect_equal(length(cm$breaks), 1 + length(cm$col))
    expect_equal(cm$zlim, rangeExtended(c(0, 1.5)))
    ## FIXME: add a test for the first cm below:
    cm <- colormap(breaks=c(-1e4, -1e2, 0, 1e2, 1e4), col=c("purple", "blue", "white", "tan"))
    cm <- colormap(z, zlim=c(-10, 10), x0=c(0, 1), col0=c("red", "blue"),
        x1=c(0.5, 1.5), col1=c("pink", "green"))
    expect_equal(length(cm$breaks), 1 + length(cm$col))
    expect_equal(cm$zlim, c(-10, 10))

test_that("colormap case B from (x0,x1,col0,col1)", {
    ## 20150426 (issue 637)
    n <- 11 # must be odd
    x0 <- seq.int(1, n-1)
    x1 <- x0 + 1
    col <- oceColorsJet(n)
    col0 <- col[x0]
    col1 <- col[x1]
    cm <- colormap(x0=x0, x1=x1, col0=col0, col1=col1)
    expect_equal("black", cm$zcol)
    expect_equal("gray", cm$missingColor)
    expect_equal(x0, cm$x0)
    expect_equal(x1, cm$x1)
    expect_equal(n-1, length(cm$col0))
    expect_equal(n-1, length(cm$col1))
    expect_equal(cm$col0, col0)
    expect_equal(cm$col1, col1)
    expect_equal(cm$col, c("#00007F", "#0000E5", "#004CFF", "#00B2FF",
            "#19FFE5", "#7FFF7F", "#E5FF19", "#FFB200",
            "#FF4C00", "#E50000"))
    expect_equal(cm$breaks, 1:11)

test_that("colormap case C catch erroneous name", {
    expect_warning(expect_error(colormap(name="no_such_name"), "unknown colormap name"), "No such file")

test_that("colormap case C are zlim and breaks OK?", {
    cm <- colormap(name="gmt_globe")
    expect_equal(cm$zlim, c(-10000, 10000))
    expect_equal(length(cm$breaks), 1 + length(cm$col))
        c(-10000, -9500, -9000, -8500, -8000, -7500, -7000,
            -6500, -6000, -5500, -5000, -4500, -4000, -3500, -3000,
            -2500, -2000, -1500, -1000, -500, -200, 0, 100, 200,
            500, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000, 3500, 4000, 4500,
            5000, 5500, 6000, 6500, 7000, 7500, 8000, 8500, 9000,

test_that("colormap case C with and without z", {
    z <- 300
    expectedColor <- "#E6FFF0"
    a <- colormap(name="gmt_gebco", z=z)
    b <- colormap(name="gmt_gebco")
    expect_equal(a$zcol, expectedColor)
    expect_equal(a$colfunction(z), expectedColor)
    expect_equal(b$colfunction(z), expectedColor)

test_that("colormap case C catch disallowed arguments", {
    expect_error(colormap(name="gmt_globe", x0=3), "cannot supply 'x0'")
    expect_error(colormap(name="gmt_globe", col0=3), "cannot supply 'col0'")
    expect_error(colormap(name="gmt_globe", x1=3), "cannot supply 'x1'")
    expect_error(colormap(name="gmt_globe", col1=3), "cannot supply 'col1'")
    expect_error(colormap(name="gmt_globe", breaks=seq(-1000, 0, 100)), "cannot supply 'breaks'")
    expect_error(colormap(name="gmt_globe", zlim=c(0, 1)), "cannot supply 'zlim'")
    expect_error(colormap(name="gmt_globe", missingColor="red"), "cannot supply 'missingColor'")

test_that("colormap case C with z plus name", {
    cm <- colormap(z=z, name="gmt_globe")
    expect_equal(length(cm$breaks), 1 + length(cm$col))
    expect_equal(cm$zlim, range(c(-10000, 10000)))
    z <- seq(-5000, 0, 100)

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