
Defines functions fit9models bootSimpleComplex fitModeShift sim.Stasis.RW opt.AD.Stasis.RW opt.joint.Stasis.RW logL.joint.Stasis.GRW logL.joint.Stasis.URW opt.AD.RW.Stasis opt.joint.RW.Stasis logL.joint.GRW.Stasis logL.joint.URW.Stasis fit.sgs opt.sgs logL.sgs.omega logL.sgs opt.GRW.shift shifts opt.joint.punc logL.joint.punc.omega opt.punc logL.punc.omega

Documented in bootSimpleComplex fit9models fitModeShift fit.sgs opt.GRW.shift opt.joint.punc opt.punc sim.Stasis.RW

##### Punctuations functions #####

# internal function, not exported
cat.paleoTS<- function (y)
# concatenates multiple paleoTS objects, with y a list of paleoTS objects
 x<- y[[1]]
 for (i in 2:length(y))
   	x$mm<- append(x$mm, y[[i]]$mm)
   	x$vv<- append(x$vv, y[[i]]$vv)
   	x$tt<- append(x$tt, y[[i]]$tt)
   	x$MM<- append(x$MM, y[[i]]$MM)
   	x$nn<- append(x$nn, y[[i]]$nn)

  return (x)

#' Simulate a punctuated time-series
#' @description Simulates punctuated trait evolution with punctuations that are rapid relative
#' to the spacing of samples. In practice, the time-series is divided into two or more
#' segments, each of which has its own mean and variance.
#' @param ns vector of the number of samples in each segment
#' @param theta vector of means, one for each segment
#' @param omega vector of variances, one for each segment.
#' @param nn vector of sample sizes, one for each population
#' @param tt vector of times (ages), one for each population
#' @param vp phenotypic variance within each population
#' @details Segments are separated by punctuations. Population means in the ith segment are
#' drawn randomly from a normal distribution with a mean equal to ith element of \code{theta}
#' and variance equal to the ith element of \code{omega}. The magnitudes of punctuations are
#' determined by the differences in adjacent \code{theta} values.
#' @return a \code{paleoTS} object with the simulated time-series.
#' @seealso \code{\link{fitGpunc}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x <- sim.punc(ns = c(15, 15), theta = c(0,3), omega = c(0.1, 0.1))
#' plot(x)
sim.punc<- function (ns=c(10,10), theta=c(0,1), omega=rep(0,length(theta)), nn=rep(30,sum(ns)), tt=0:(sum(ns)-1), vp=1)
  nr<- length(theta)
  xl<- list()
  for (i in 1:nr)
   	 if (i==1)
   	  {  start.i<- 1
   	  	 end.i<- ns[i]  }
   	  start.i<- sum(ns[1:(i-1)])+1
   	  end.i<- start.i + ns[i] -1

   	 xl[[i]]<- sim.Stasis(ns=ns[i], theta=theta[i], omega=omega[i], vp=vp, nn=nn[start.i:end.i], tt[start.i:end.i])

  y<- cat.paleoTS(xl)
  y$label<- "Created by sim.punc()"
  shft<- cumsum(ns[-nr])+1
  y$genpars<- c(theta, omega, shft)
  names(y$genpars)<- c(paste("theta",1:nr,sep=""), paste("omega",1:nr,sep=""), paste("shift",1:(nr-1),sep=""))
  return (y)

# internal function, not exported
split4punc<- function (y, gg, overlap=TRUE)
# divides a paleoTS object (y) into a several paleoTS objects, according to vector 'gg'
# gg is a vectors of 1,2,3.. indicating groupings
# overlap=TRUE means that the adjacent samples are included
  yl<- list()
  ng<- max(gg)
  for (i in 1:ng)
   	 ok<- gg==i
   	 if(i>1 & overlap==TRUE)	ok[max(which(gg==i-1))]<- TRUE   # this is now right!

   	 yl[[i]]<- as.paleoTS(y$mm[ok],y$vv[ok],y$nn[ok],y$tt[ok],y$MM[ok])
  return (yl)

# internal function, not exported
logL.punc<- function (p, y, gg)
# logL of punctuation, with shifts
  ng<- length(p)/2
  th<- p[1:ng]
  om<- p[(ng+1):(2*ng)]

  xl<- split4punc(y,gg)
  for (i in 1:ng)
    S<- S+ logL.Stasis(p=c(th[i], om[i]), xl[[i]])

  return (S)

# internal function, not exported
logL.punc.omega<- function(p,y,gg)
# logL of punctuation, assuming omega is same over all sections
  ng<- length(p)-1
  th<- p[1:ng]
  om<- p[ng+1]

  xl<- split4punc(y,gg)
  for (i in 1:ng)
    S<- S + logL.Stasis(p=c(th[i], om), xl[[i]])

  return (S)

#' Fit a model of trait evolution with specified punctuation(s)
#' @param y a \code{paleoTS} object
#' @param gg vector of indices indicating different segments
#' @param pool if TRUE, sample variances are substituted with their pooled estimate
#' @param cl optional control list, passed to \code{optim()}
#' @param meth optimization algorithm, passed to \code{optim()}
#' @param hess if TRUE, return standard errors of parameter estimates from the
#' @param oshare logical, if TRUE, variance assumed to be shared (equal) across segments
#' @details The sequence is divided into segments, which are separated by punctuations. Means for
#' each segment are given by the vector \code{theta} with variances given by the vector
#' \code{omega} (or a single value if \code{oshare = TRUE}). This function calls \code{optim} to numerically fit this model to a time-series, y.
#' @note These functions would be used in the uncommon situation in which there
#'   is a prior hypothesis as to where the punctuation(s) take place.  Normally
#'   users will instead use the function \code{fitGpunc}, which uses these
#'   functions to fit a range of possible timings for the punctuations.
#' @seealso \code{\link{fitGpunc}}
#' @return a \code{paleoTSfit} object with the results of the model fitting
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x <- sim.punc(ns = c(15, 15), theta = c(0,3), omega = c(0.1, 0.1))
#' w.sta  <- fitSimple(x, model = "Stasis", method = "Joint")
#' w.punc <- opt.joint.punc(x, gg = rep(1:2, each = 15), oshare = TRUE)
#' compareModels(w.sta, w.punc)
opt.punc<- function(y, gg, pool=TRUE, cl=list(fnscale=-1), meth="L-BFGS-B", hess=FALSE, oshare)
  if (pool) {y<- pool.var(y, ret.paleoTS=TRUE) } # pool variances in sequences

  ng<- max(gg)
  mg<- tapply(y$mm, gg, mean)
  mv<- tapply(y$mm, gg, var)
  pn<- paste("theta", 1:ng, sep="")
  if(oshare)		{ p0<- c(mg, mean(mv)); K<- ng + 1; pn<- c(pn, "omega")}
  else				  { p0 <- c(mg, mv); K <- 2*ng; pn<- c(pn, paste("omega", 1:ng, sep=""))}
  names(p0)<- pn

  cl$ndeps <- p0/100
  if (oshare)
   if (meth == "L-BFGS-B") w <- optim(p0, fn=logL.punc.omega, gg=gg, method = meth, lower = c(rep(NA,ng), 0), control=cl, hessian=hess, y=y)
   else w <- optim(p0, fn=logL.punc.omega, gg=gg, method = meth, control = cl, hessian=hess, y=y)
   if (meth == "L-BFGS-B")  w <- optim(p0, fn=logL.punc, gg=gg, method = meth, lower = c(rep(NA,ng), rep(0,ng)), control=cl, hessian=hess, y=y)
   else w <- optim(p0, fn = logL.punc, gg=gg, method = meth, control = cl, hessian = hess, y = y)

  # add more information to results
  if (hess)		w$se<- sqrt(diag(-1*solve(w$hessian)))
  else			w$se<- NULL
  wc<- as.paleoTSfit(logL=w$value, parameters=w$par, modelName=paste('Punc', ng-1, sep='-'), method='AD', K=K, n=length(y$mm)-1, se=w$se)


#internal function, not exported
logL.joint.punc<- function (p, y, gg)
# logL of punctuation, with shifts
  ng<- length(p)/2
  th<- p[1:ng]
  om<- p[(ng+1):(2*ng)]

  M<- th[gg]  # vector of MVN means
  VV<- diag(om[gg] + y$vv/y$nn)  # vcv matrix
  #S<- dmvnorm(y$mm, mean=M, sigma=VV, log=TRUE)
  S<- mnormt::dmnorm(y$mm, mean=M, varcov=VV, log=TRUE)

  return (S)

# internal function, not exported
logL.joint.punc.omega<- function(p,y,gg)
# logL of punctuation, assuming omega is same over all sections
  ng<- length(p)-1
  th<- p[1:ng]
  om<- p[ng+1]

  M<- th[gg]  # vector of MVN means
  omv<- rep(om, max(gg))
  VV<- diag(omv[gg] + y$vv/y$nn)  # vcv matrix
  #S<- dmvnorm(y$mm, mean=M, sigma=VV, log=TRUE)
  S<- mnormt::dmnorm(y$mm, mean=M, varcov=VV, log=TRUE)

  return (S)

#' @describeIn opt.punc  fits the punctuation model using the joint parameterization
#' @export
opt.joint.punc<- function(y, gg, pool=TRUE, cl=list(fnscale=-1), meth="L-BFGS-B", hess=FALSE, oshare)
  if (pool) {y<- pool.var(y, ret.paleoTS=TRUE) } # pool variances in sequences
  if(y$tt[1] != 0)	stop("Initial time must be 0.  Use as.paleoTS() or read.paleoTS() to correctly process ages.")

  ng<- max(gg)
  mg<- tapply(y$mm, gg, mean)
  mv<- tapply(y$mm, gg, var)
  pn<- paste("theta", 1:ng, sep="")
  if(oshare)		{ p0<- c(mg, mean(mv)); K<- ng + 1; pn<- c(pn, "omega")}
  else				{ p0 <- c(mg, mv); K <- 2*ng; pn<- c(pn, paste("omega", 1:ng, sep=""))}
  names(p0)<- pn

  cl$ndeps <- p0/100
  if (oshare)
   if (meth == "L-BFGS-B") w <- optim(p0, fn=logL.joint.punc.omega, gg=gg, method = meth, lower = c(rep(NA,ng), 0), control=cl, hessian=hess, y=y)
   else w <- optim(p0, fn=logL.joint.punc.omega, gg=gg, method = meth, control = cl, hessian=hess, y=y)
   if (meth == "L-BFGS-B")  w <- optim(p0, fn=logL.joint.punc, gg=gg, method = meth, lower = c(rep(NA,ng), rep(0,ng)), control=cl, hessian=hess, y=y)
   else w <- optim(p0, fn = logL.joint.punc, gg=gg, method = meth, control = cl, hessian = hess, y = y)

  # add more information to results
  if (hess)		w$se<- sqrt(diag(-1*solve(w$hessian)))
  else			w$se<- NULL
  wc<- as.paleoTSfit(logL=w$value, parameters=w$par, modelName=paste('Punc', ng-1, sep='-'), method='Joint', K=K, n=length(y$mm), se=w$se)


# internal function, not exported
shifts<- function(ns, ng, minb=7)
	aaL<- utils::combn(ns, ng-1, simplify=FALSE)
	aa<- matrix(unlist(aaL), nrow=ng-1)
	top<- rep(0, ncol(aa))
	bot<- rep(ns, ncol(aa))
	aaM<- unname(rbind(top, aa, bot))

	daa<- apply(aaM,2,diff)
	ok<- apply(daa, 2, function(x) all(x >= minb))

	if(ng>2)	return(aa[,ok])
	else		return(matrix(aa[,ok], nrow=1))

# internal function, not exported
shift2gg<- function (ss, ns)
# ss is vector of shift points, ns is # samples
  z<- c(0,ss,ns+1)
  cc<- cut(1:ns, breaks=z, right=TRUE)
  gg<- as.numeric(cc)

#' Fit trait evolution model with punctuations estimated from the data
#' @param y a \code{paleoTS} object
#' @param ng number of groups (segments) in the sequence
#' @param minb minimum number of populations within each segment
#' @param pool if TRUE, sample variances are substituted with their pooled estimate
#' @param oshare logical, if TRUE, variance assumed to be shared (equal) across segments
#' @param method parameterization to use: \code{Joint} or \code{AD}; see Details
#' @param silent logical, if TRUE, progress updates are suppressed
#' @param hess if TRUE, standard errors computed from the Hessian matrix are returned
#' @param parallel logical, if TRUE, the analysis is done in parallel
#' @param ... other arguments, passed to optimization functions
#' @details This function tests all possible shift points for punctuations, subject to the
#' constraint that the number of populations in each segment is always >= \code{minb}. The
#' shiftpoint yielding the highest log-likelihood is returned as the solution, along with
#' the log-likelihoods (\code{all.logl}) of all tested shift points (\code{GG}). \cr \cr
#' The function uses \code{opt.punc} (if \code{method = "AD"}) or \code{opt.joint.punc}
#' (if \code{method = "Joint"}) to do the fitting.
#' @note
#' Calculations can be sped up by setting \code{parallel = TRUE}, which uses functions from
#' the \code{\link{doParallel}} package to run the bootstrap replicates in parallel, using
#' one fewer than the number of detected cores.
#' @return  a \code{paleoTSfit} object with the results of the model-fitting.
#' @seealso \code{\link{fit9models}}, \code{\link{sim.punc}}
#' @export
#' @importFrom foreach foreach %do% %dopar%
#' @importFrom doParallel registerDoParallel
#' @examples
#' x <- sim.punc(ns = c(15, 15), theta = c(0,3), omega = c(0.1, 0.1))
#' w.punc <- fitGpunc(x, oshare = TRUE)
#' plot(x, modelFit = w.punc)
fitGpunc<-function (y, ng = 2, minb = 7, pool = TRUE, oshare = TRUE, method = c("Joint",
   "AD"), silent = FALSE, hess = FALSE, parallel = FALSE, ...)
   method <- match.arg(method)
  if(pool==TRUE && all(y$nn == 1)) stop("pool = TRUE does not make sense when all sample sizes equal 1. Set pool = FALSE instead.")
	if (pool){
			tv<- test.var.het(y)
			pv<- round(tv$p.value, 0)
			wm<- paste("Sample variances not equal (P = ", pv,  "); consider using argument pool=FALSE", collapse="")
			if(pv <= 0.05)	warning(wm)

   if (ng == 1) {
      warning("Fitting stasis model (because ng=1)")
      if (method == "AD")
         ww <- opt.Stasis(y, pool = pool, hess = hess, ...)
      else if (method == "Joint")
         ww <- opt.joint.Stasis(y, pool = pool, hess = hess, ...)
   ns <- length(y$mm)
   GG <- shifts(ns, ng, minb = minb)
   nc <- ncol(GG)
   if (!silent)
      cat("Total # hypotheses: ", nc, "\n")
   i<- 1  # done to avoid R Check error in response to foreach iterators

   if (parallel==TRUE) {
      # set up cluster
      # run loop
      wl<- foreach::foreach (i = 1:nc, .packages=c('paleoTS')) %dopar% {
         #if (!silent)  cat(i, " ")
         gg <- shift2gg(GG[, i], ns)
         if (method == "AD")
            w <- opt.punc(y, gg, oshare = oshare, pool = pool,
               hess = hess, ...)
         else if (method == "Joint")
            w <- opt.joint.punc(y, gg, oshare = oshare, pool = pool,
               hess = hess, ...)
         w  #return w to list wl
      parallel::stopCluster(cl)	      # kill cluster

   # non-parallel version
   }else if (parallel==FALSE) {
      wl<- foreach::foreach (i = 1:nc, .packages=c('paleoTS')) %do% {
         if (!silent) cat(i, " ")
         gg <- shift2gg(GG[, i], ns)
         if (method == "AD")
            w <- opt.punc(y, gg, oshare = oshare, pool = pool,
               hess = hess, ...)
         else if (method == "Joint")
            w <- opt.joint.punc(y, gg, oshare = oshare, pool = pool,
               hess = hess, ...)
         w  #return w to list wl

   logl<-sapply(wl, function(x) x$logL) #extract logl values from wl
   if(!silent) cat("\n")
   winner <- which.max(logl)
   wt <- wl[[winner]]

   # need to reformulate paleoTS object with altered K bc shifts now count as free parameters
   ww <- as.paleoTSfit(logL = wt$logL, parameters = wt$parameters, modelName = wt$modelName,
                       method = wt$method, K = wt$K + ng - 1, n = wt$n, se = wt$se)
   ss <- GG[, winner]
   names(ss) <- paste("shift", 1:(ng - 1), sep = "")
   ww$parameters <- append(ww$parameters, ss)
   ww$all.logl <- logl
   ww$GG <- GG

##### GRW shift functions #####

#' Simulate (general) random walk with shift(s) in generating parameters
#' @param ns vector of the number of samples in each segment
#' @param ms vector of mean step parameter in each segment
#' @param vs vector of step variance parameter in each segment
#' @param nn vector of sample sizes, one for each population
#' @param tt vector of samples times (ages)
#' @param vp phenotypic variance in each sample
#' @details Simulates under a model in which a sequence is divided into two or more segments.
#' Trait evolution proceeds as a general random walk, with each segment getting its own
#' generating parameters (\code{mstep}, \code{vstep}).
#' @return a \code{paleoTS} object with the simulated time-series
#' @seealso \code{\link{sim.GRW}}, \code{\link{sim.sgs}}, \code{\link{opt.GRW.shift}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x <- sim.GRW.shift(ns = c(10,10,10), ms = c(0, 1, 0), vs = c(0.1,0.1,0.1))
#' plot(x)
#' abline(v = c(9.5, 19.5), lty = 3, lwd = 2, col = "blue")  # shows where dynamics shift
#' text (c(5, 15, 25), c(2,2,2), paste("segement", 1:3, sep =" "), col = "blue")
sim.GRW.shift <- function (ns=c(10,10), ms=c(0,1), vs=c(0.5,0.5), nn=rep(30,sum(ns)), tt=0:(sum(ns)-1), vp=1)
  nr<- length(ms)
  cns<- cumsum(ns)
  xl<- list()
  for (i in 1:nr)
   	 if (i==1)
   	  {  start.i<- 1
   	  	 end.i<- ns[i]  }
   	  start.i<- cns[i-1]+1
   	  end.i<- cns[i-1]+ns[i]

   	 xl[[i]]<- sim.GRW(ns=ns[i], ms=ms[i], vs=vs[i], vp=vp, nn=nn[start.i:end.i], tt[start.i:end.i])
   	 if (i>1)
   	 	xl[[i]]$mm<- xl[[i]]$mm + xl[[i-1]]$mm[length(xl[[i-1]]$mm)]

  y<- cat.paleoTS(xl)
  y$label<- "Created by sim.GRW.shift()"
  shft<- cumsum(ns[-nr])+1
  y$genpars<- c(ms, vs, shft)
  names(y$genpars)<- c(paste("mstep",1:nr,sep=""), paste("vstep",1:nr,sep=""), paste("shift",1:(nr-1),sep=""))
  return (y)

#' Fit random walk model with shift(s) in generating parameters
#' @param y a \code{paloeTS} object
#' @param ng number of segments in the sequence
#' @param minb minimum number of populations in each segment
#' @param model numeric, specifies exact evolutionary model; see Details
#' @param pool if TRUE, sample variances are substituted with their pooled estimate
#' @param silent logical, if TRUE, progress updates are suppressed
#' @details Fits a model in which a sequence is divided into two or more segments and
#' trait evolution proceeds as a general random walk, with each segment (potentially)
#' getting its own generating parameters (\code{mstep}, \code{vstep}). \cr \cr
#' This function tests for shifts after each population, subject to the
#' constraint that the number of populations in each segment is always >= \code{minb}. The
#' shiftpoint yielding the highest log-likelihood is returned as the solution, along with
#' the log-likelihoods (\code{all.logl} of all tested shift points (\code{GG}). \cr \cr

#' Different variants of the model can be specified by the \code{model} argument:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{model = 1:  } \code{mstep} is separate across segments; \code{vstep} is shared
#' \item \code{model = 2:  } \code{mstep} is shared across segments; \code{vstep} is separate
#' \item \code{model = 3:  } \code{mstep} is set to zero (unbiased random walk); \code{vstep}
#' is separate across segments
#' \item \code{model = 4:  } \code{mstep} and \code{vstep} are both separate across segments
#' }
#' @return a \code{paleoTSfit} object
#' @seealso \code{\link{sim.GRW.shift}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x <- sim.GRW.shift(ns = c(15,15), ms = c(0, 1), vs = c(0.1,0.1))
#' w.sep <- opt.GRW.shift(x, ng = 2, model = 4)
#' w.sameVs <- opt.GRW.shift(x, ng = 2, model = 1)
#' compareModels(w.sep, w.sameVs)
#' plot(x)
#' abline(v = x$tt[16], lwd = 3)  # actual shift point
#' abline(v = x$tt[w.sameVs$par["shift1"]], lty = 3, col = "red", lwd = 2) # inferred shift point
opt.GRW.shift<- function(y, ng=2, minb=7, model=1, pool=TRUE, silent=FALSE)
## optimize for shifted GRW dynamics (with some min n per section)
## models:	1  grw (same Vs, diff Ms)
#			2  grw (same Ms, diff Vs)
#			3  urw (diff Vs)
#			4  grw (diff Ms, diff Vs)
 ns<- length(y$mm)
 GG<- shifts(ns, ng, minb=minb)

 nc<- ncol(GG)
 if (!silent)	cat ("\n\nTotal # hypotheses: ", nc, "\n")
 wl<- list()
 logl<- array(-Inf, dim=nc)

 for (i in 1:nc)
    if (!silent) 	cat (i, " ")
    gg<- shift2gg(GG[,i], ns)
    yl<- split4punc(y, gg)
    if (model==1)	{ w<- opt.RW.SameVs(yl, pool=pool); w$modelName<- paste('GRWsameVs-shift', ng-1, sep='-'); w$K<- w$K + ng-1}
    if (model==2)	{ w<- opt.RW.SameMs(yl, pool=pool); w$modelName<- paste('GRWsameMs-shift', ng-1, sep='-'); w$K<- w$K + ng-1}
    if (model>=3)
      wli<- list()
      totpar<- numeric()
      for (j in 1:ng)
      	if (model==3){
      		wli[[j]]<- opt.URW(yl[[j]], pool=pool)
      		names(wli[[j]]$parameters)<- paste("vstep", j, sep="")   }
      	if (model==4){
      		wli[[j]]<- opt.GRW (yl[[j]], pool=pool)
      		names(wli[[j]]$parameters)<- paste(c("mstep","vstep"), j, sep="")   }
      	totS<- totS + wli[[j]]$logL
      	totpar<- c(totpar, wli[[j]]$parameters)
      	kk<- length(totpar)+ng-1

      ifelse(model==3, mn<- 'URW-shift', mn<- 'GRW-shift')
      w<- as.paleoTSfit(logL=totS, parameters=totpar, modelName=paste(mn, ng-1, sep='-'), method='AD', K=kk, n=ns-1, se=NULL)

    logl[i]<- w$logL
    wl[[i]]<- w

 # add more information to results
 winner<- which.max(logl)
 ww<- wl[[winner]]
 ss<- GG[,winner]
 names(ss)<- paste("shift", 1:(ng-1), sep='')
 ww$parameters<- append(ww$parameters, ss)
 ww$all.logl<- logl
 ww$GG<- GG


# internal function, not exported
opt.RW.SameMs<- function (yl, cl=list(fnscale=-1), pool=TRUE, meth="L-BFGS-B", hess=FALSE)
  # estimates shared Ms model across multiple sequences

  if (inherits(yl, "paleoTS"))
    stop("Function opt.SameMs() is only meaningful for multiple sequences.\n")
  nseq<- length(yl)

  # pool variances if needed
  if (pool){
    for (i in 1:nseq)	yl[[i]]<- pool.var(yl[[i]], ret.paleoTS=TRUE)  }

  # generate initial parameter estimates {ms, v1,..vk}
  p0m<- array(dim=nseq)
  p0v<- array(dim=nseq)
  for (i in 1:nseq)
    gg<- mle.GRW(yl[[i]])
    p0m[i]<- gg[1]
    if (gg[2] <= 0)	gg[2]<- 1e-7	# handle negative initial estimates
    p0v[i]<- gg[2]
  p0<- c(stats::median(p0m), p0v)  # shared Ms, followed by separate Vs for each sequence
  names(p0)<- c("mstep", paste("vstep", 1:nseq, sep=""))
  if (is.null(cl$ndeps))	cl$ndeps<- rep(1e-8, length(p0))

  # optimize logL
  ll<- c(NA, rep(0,nseq))
  if (meth=="L-BFGS-B")
    w<- try(optim(p0, fn=logL.SameMs, method=meth, lower=ll, control=cl, hessian=hess, yl=yl), silent=TRUE)
    w<- try(optim(p0, fn=logL.SameMs, method=meth, control=cl, hessian=hess, yl=yl), silent=TRUE)

  # add more information to results (p0, SE, K, n, IC scores)
  for (i in 1:nseq)	n<- n + (length(yl[[i]]$mm)-1)

  if (hess)		w$se<- sqrt(diag(-1*solve(w$hessian)))
  else			w$se<- NULL
  wc<- as.paleoTSfit(logL=w$value, parameters=w$par, modelName="sameMs.Mult", method='AD', K=nseq+1, n=n, se=w$se)

  return (wc)

# internal function, not exported
opt.RW.SameVs<- function (yl, cl=list(fnscale=-1), pool=TRUE, meth="L-BFGS-B", hess=FALSE)
  # estimates shared Vs model across multiple sequences
  if (inherits(yl, "paleoTS"))
    stop("Function opt.SameVs() is only meaningful for multiple sequences.\n")
  nseq<- length(yl)

  # pool variances if needed
  if (pool){
    for (i in 1:nseq)	yl[[i]]<- pool.var(yl[[i]], ret.paleoTS=TRUE)  }

  # generate initial parameter estimates {ms, v1,..vk}
  p0m<- array(dim=nseq)
  p0v<- array(dim=nseq)
  for (i in 1:nseq)
    gg<- mle.GRW(yl[[i]])
    p0m[i]<- gg[1]
    if (gg[2] <= 0)	gg[2]<- 1e-7	# handle negative initial estimates
    p0v[i]<- gg[2]
  p0<- c(p0m, stats::median(p0v))  # separate Ms, followed by shared Vs for each sequence
  names(p0)<- c(paste("mstep", 1:nseq, sep=""), "vstep")
  if (is.null(cl$ndeps))	cl$ndeps<- rep(1e-8, length(p0))

  # optimize logL
  ll<- c(rep(NA,nseq), 0)
  if (meth=="L-BFGS-B")
    w<- optim(p0, fn=logL.SameVs, method=meth, lower=ll, control=cl, hessian=hess, yl=yl)
    w<- optim(p0, fn=logL.SameVs, method=meth, control=cl, hessian=hess, yl=yl)

  # add more information to results (p0, SE, K, n, IC scores)
  for (i in 1:nseq)	n<- n + (length(yl[[i]]$mm)-1)

  if (hess)		w$se<- sqrt(diag(-1*solve(w$hessian)))
  else			w$se<- NULL
  wc<- as.paleoTSfit(logL=w$value, parameters=w$par, modelName="sameVs.Mult", method='AD', K=nseq+1, n=n, se=w$se)

  return (wc)

# internal function, not exported
logL.SameMs <- function (p, yl)
  # computes logL over >1 sequence, of model in which all sequences have the
  # same directionality (Mstep), with different step variances
  # y is list of nseq paleoTS objects, p is array of K+1 parameters {m, v-1,..v-nseq}
  nseq<- length(yl)
  for (i in 1:nseq)
    Sm<- Sm + logL.GRW(p=c(p[1],p[i+1]), yl[[i]])


# internal function, not exported
logL.SameVs <- function (p, yl)
  # computes logL over >1 sequence, of model in which all sequences have the
  # same step variance, with different steo means
  # y is list of nseq paleoTS objects, p is array of K+1 parameters {m-1,..m-nseq, vs}
  nseq<- length(yl)
  for (i in 1:nseq)
    Sm<- Sm + logL.GRW(p=c(p[i],p[nseq+1]), yl[[i]])


#' Simulate protracted punctuation
#' This function simulates a punctuated change that is is protracted enough that
#' it is captured by multiple transitional populations.  Trait evolution starts in stasis,
#' shifts to a general random walk, and then shifts back into stasis.
#' @param ns vector with the number of samples in each segment
#' @param theta trait mean for initial stasis segment
#' @param omega trait variance for stasis segments
#' @param ms step mean during random walk segment
#' @param vs step variance during random walk segment
#' @param nn vector of sample sizes for each population
#' @param tt vector of times (ages) for each population
#' @param vp phenotypic trait variance for each population
#' @details Trait evolution proceeds in three segments: Stasis, General random walk, stasis (sgs).
#' The initial stasis segment has a mean of \code{theta} and variance \code{omega} before
#' shifting in the second segment to a general random walk with parameters \code{ms} and
#' \code{vs}. Finally, the third segment is a return to stasis, centered around the trait value
#' of the last population of the random walk.
#' @return a \code{paleoTS} object
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x <- sim.sgs()  # default values OK
#' plot(x)
sim.sgs <- function (ns=c(20,20,20), theta=0, omega=1, ms=1, vs=0.1, nn=rep(30, sum(ns)), tt=0:(sum(ns)-1), vp=1)
# simulate stasis-grw-stasis sequence, take theta2 to be final value after grw part
  xl<- list()
  for (i in 1:3)
   	 if (i==1)
   	  {  start.i<- 1
   	  	 end.i<- ns[i]  }
   	  start.i<- sum(ns[1:(i-1)])+1
   	  end.i<- start.i + ns[i] -1

   	 if (i==2)
   	 	xl[[i]]<- sim.GRW(ns[2], ms, vs, nn=nn[start.i:end.i], tt=tt[start.i:end.i], vp=vp)

   	 	xl[[i]]<- sim.Stasis(ns=ns[i], theta=theta, omega=omega, vp=vp, nn=nn[start.i:end.i], tt[start.i:end.i])

  ## add offsets
  xl[[2]]$mm<- xl[[2]]$mm + xl[[1]]$MM[ns[1]]
  xl[[3]]$mm<- xl[[3]]$mm + xl[[2]]$MM[ns[2]]

  y<- cat.paleoTS(xl)
  y$label<- "Created by sim.sgs()"
  y$genpars <- c(theta, omega, ms, vs)
  names(y$genpars)<- c("theta","omega", "ms","vs")

# internal function, not exported
logL.sgs<- function(p, y, gg, model="GRW")
## log-likelihood of sgs model
  yl<- split4punc(y, gg)
  if (model=="GRW") {
  	ms<- p[1]
  	vs<- p[2]
  	th<- p[3:4]
  	om<- p[5:6] }
  else {
  	vs<- p[1]
  	th<- p[2:3]
  	om<- p[4:5]	}

  l1<- logL.Stasis(p=c(th[1], om[1]), yl[[1]])
  if (model=="URW")	l2<- logL.URW(p=vs, yl[[2]])
  else				l2<- logL.GRW(p=c(ms, vs), yl[[2]])
  l3<- logL.Stasis(p=c(th[2], om[2]), yl[[3]])

  logl<- l1+l2+l3

# internal function, not exported
logL.sgs.omega<- function(p, y, gg, model="GRW")
## log-likelihood of sgs model, omega shared over stasis segments
  yl<- split4punc(y, gg)
  if (model=="GRW") {
  	ms<- p[1]
  	vs<- p[2]
  	th<- p[3:4]
  	om<- p[5]	}
  else {
  	vs<- p[1]
  	th<- p[2:3]
  	om<- p[4]	}

  l1<- logL.Stasis(p=c(th[1], om), yl[[1]])
  if (model=="URW")	l2<- logL.URW(p=vs, yl[[2]])
  else				l2<- logL.GRW(p=c(ms, vs), yl[[2]])
  l3<- logL.Stasis(p=c(th[2], om), yl[[3]])

  logl<- l1+l2+l3

# internal function, not exported
opt.sgs<- function(y,gg,cl=list(fnscale=-1), meth="L-BFGS-B", hess=FALSE, oshare=TRUE, model="GRW")
# do optimization for sgs model
 yl<- split4punc(y, gg)
 hat<- mle.GRW(yl[[2]])
 if (hat[1] == 0)	hat[1]<- 1e-3
 if (hat[2] < 1e-4)	hat[2]<- 1e-4
 if (model=="URW")	p0<- c(hat[2], mean(yl[[1]]$mm), mean(yl[[3]]$mm))
 else 				p0<- c(hat, mean(yl[[1]]$mm), mean(yl[[3]]$mm))

 if (oshare)
 	{ p0<- append(p0, mean(var(yl[[1]]$mm), var(yl[[3]]$mm)))
 	  if (model=="GRW")		{ K<-7; pn<- c("ms","vs","theta1","theta2","omega"); lw<- c(NA,0,NA,NA,0) }
 	  else					{ K<-6; pn<- c("vs","theta1","theta2","omega"); lw<- c(0,NA,NA,0) }	}
 	{ p0<- append(p0, c(var(yl[[1]]$mm), var(yl[[3]]$mm)) )
 	  if (model=="GRW")	{ K<- 8; pn<- c("ms","vs","theta1","theta2","omega1","omega2"); lw<- c(NA,0,NA,NA,0,0) }
 	  else 				{ K<- 7; pn<- c("vs","theta1","theta2","omega1","omega2"); lw<- c(0,NA,NA,0,0) }

 cl$ndeps <- p0/100
 names(p0)<- pn

 if (oshare)
   if (meth == "L-BFGS-B") w <- optim(p0, fn=logL.sgs.omega, gg=gg, method=meth, lower=lw, control=cl, hessian=hess, y=y, model=model)
   else w <- optim(p0, fn=logL.sgs.omega, gg=gg, method = meth, control = cl, hessian=hess, y=y)
   if (meth == "L-BFGS-B")  w <- optim(p0, fn=logL.sgs, gg=gg, method= meth, lower=lw, control=cl, hessian=hess, y=y, model=model)
   else w <- optim(p0, fn = logL.sgs, gg=gg, method = meth, control = cl, hessian = hess, y = y)

  # add more information to results
  if (hess)		w$se<- sqrt(diag(-1*solve(w$hessian)))
  else 			w$se<- NULL

  wc<- as.paleoTSfit(logL=w$value, parameters=w$par, modelName=paste('SGS', model, sep='-'), method='AD', K=K, n=length(y$mm)-1, se=w$se)

#' Fit a model of trait evolution with a protracted punctuation.
#' This function fits a model of punctuated change that is is protracted enough that
#' it is captured by multiple transitional populations.  Trait evolution starts in stasis,
#' shifts to a general random walk, and then shifts back into stasis.
#' @param y a \code{paleoTS} object
#' @param minb minimum number of populations within each segment
#' @param oshare logical, if TRUE, variance assumed to be shared (equal) across segments
#' @param pool if TRUE, sample variances are substituted with their pooled estimate
#' @param silent logical, if TRUE, progress updates are suppressed
#' @param hess if TRUE, standard errors computed from the Hessian matrix are returned
#' @param meth optimization method, passes to \code{optim}
#' @param model type of random walk: \code{"URW"}, unbiased random walk, or \code{"GRW"},
#' a general (directional) random walk
#' @return  a \code{paleoTSfit} object
#' @seealso \code{\link{fitGpunc}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' x <- sim.sgs(ns = c(15, 15, 15))  # default values OK
#' w <- fit.sgs(x, minb = 10)  # increase minb so example takes less time; not recommended!
#' plot(x)
#' abline(v = c(16, 31), lwd = 3)  # actual shifts
#' abline(v = c(w$parameters[6:7]), lwd = 2, lty = 3, col = "red")  # inferred shifts
#' }

fit.sgs<- function(y, minb=7, oshare=TRUE, pool=TRUE, silent=FALSE, hess=FALSE, meth="L-BFGS-B", model="GRW")
## optimize for stasis-GRW-stasis dynamics (with some min n per section)
 if (pool)	y<- pool.var(y, ret.paleoTS=TRUE)  # pool variances
 ns<- length(y$mm)
 GG<- shifts(ns, ng, minb=minb)

 nc<- ncol(GG)
 if (!silent)	cat ("\n\nTotal # hypotheses: ", nc, "\n\n", "i\tshifts\tlogL\n")
 wl<- list()
 logl<- array(-Inf, dim=nc)

 for (i in 1:nc)
    gg<- shift2gg(GG[,i], ns)
	w<- opt.sgs(y, gg, oshare=oshare, hess=hess, meth=meth, model=model)
    if (!silent) 	cat (i, "\t", GG[,i], "\t", round(w$logL, 3), "\n")
    logl[i]<- w$logL
    wl[[i]]<- w

 # add more information to results
 if (!silent) cat("\n")
 winner<- which.max(logl)
 ww<- wl[[winner]]
 ss<- GG[,winner]
 names(ss)<- paste("shift", 1:(ng-1), sep='')
 ww$parameters<- append(ww$parameters, ss)
 ww$all.logl<- logl
 ww$GG<- GG

##### Complex mode functions from PNAS #####

# internal function, not exported
logL.joint.URW.Stasis<- function(p, y, gg)
 	# preliminaries
 	anc<- p[1]
 	vs<- p[2]
 	theta<- p[3]
 	omega<- p[4]
 	n<- length(y$mm)

	# get vector of means
	st.seg<- which(gg==2)
 	rw.seg<- which(gg==1)
 	tt.rw<- y$tt[rw.seg]
	M<- c(rep(anc, length(rw.seg)), rep(theta, length(st.seg)))
	M<- unname(M)

 	# compute covariance matrix
 	VVst<- diag(omega, nrow=length(st.seg))
 	VVrw<- vs * outer(tt.rw, tt.rw, FUN=pmin)
 	VVtot<- array(0, dim=c(n,n))
 	VVtot[st.seg, st.seg]<-  VVst
 	VVtot[rw.seg, rw.seg]<-  VVrw
 	diag(VVtot)<- diag(VVtot) + y$vv/y$nn  # add sampling error
 	#cat(round(p,3), "\t[")

	# logL from mvn
	S<- mnormt::dmnorm(y$mm, mean=M, varcov=VVtot, log=TRUE)
	#S<- dmvnorm(y$mm, mean=M, sigma=VVtot, log=TRUE)
	#cat(S, "]\n")

# internal function, not exported
 logL.joint.GRW.Stasis<- function(p, y, gg)
 	# preliminaries
 	anc<- p[1]
 	ms<- p[2]
 	vs<- p[3]
 	theta<- p[4]
 	omega<- p[5]
 	n<- length(y$mm)

	# get vector of means
 	#ts<- max(y$tt[gg==1])  # time of shift point
	st.seg<- which(gg==2)
 	rw.seg<- which(gg==1)
 	tt.rw<- y$tt[rw.seg]
	M<- c(rep(anc, sum(gg==1)) + ms*y$tt[gg==1], rep(theta, length(st.seg)))
	M<- unname(M)

 	# compute covariance matrix
 	VVst<- diag(omega, nrow=length(st.seg))
 	VVrw<- vs * outer(tt.rw, tt.rw, FUN=pmin)
 	VVtot<- array(0, dim=c(n,n))
 	VVtot[st.seg, st.seg]<-  VVst
 	VVtot[rw.seg, rw.seg]<-  VVrw
 	diag(VVtot)<- diag(VVtot) + y$vv/y$nn  # add sampling error
 	#cat(round(p,3), "\t[")

	# logL from mvn
	S<- mnormt::dmnorm(y$mm, mean=M, varcov=VVtot, log=TRUE)
	#S<- dmvnorm(y$mm, mean=M, sigma=VVtot, log=TRUE)
	#cat(S, "]\n")

 # internal function, not exported
 opt.joint.RW.Stasis<- function(y, gg, rw.model=c("URW", "GRW"), cl=list(fnscale=-1), pool=TRUE, meth="L-BFGS-B", hess=FALSE)
  if (pool) {y<- pool.var(y, ret.paleoTS=TRUE) } # pool variances in sequences
  rw.model<- match.arg(rw.model)

  # get initial parameter estimates
  small<- 1e-8
  if(rw.model=="URW")  {p0rw<- mle.URW(sub.paleoTS(y, ok=gg==1, reset.time=F)); K<- 5} # assumes shift point is free parameter
  else				   {p0rw<- mle.GRW(sub.paleoTS(y, ok=gg==1, reset.time=F)); K<- 6}
  p0st<- mle.Stasis(sub.paleoTS(y, ok=gg==2, reset.time=F))
  if(p0rw["vstep"] <= small)	p0rw["vstep"]<- 100*small
  if(p0st["omega"] <= small) 	p0st["omega"]<- 100*small
  p0anc<- y$mm[1]
  names(p0anc)<- "anc"
  p0<- c(p0anc, p0rw, p0st)

  ll.urw<- c(NA,small,NA,small)
  ll.grw<- c(NA,NA,small,NA,small)
  if(rw.model=="URW")	{ ll<- ll.urw}
  else					{ ll<- ll.grw}
  if(meth!="L-BFGS-B")	ll<- NULL  # sets so to determine meth

  if(rw.model=="URW")	{
  		w <- try(optim(p0, fn=logL.joint.URW.Stasis, gg=gg, method = meth, lower = ll, control=cl, hessian=hess, y=y), silent=TRUE)
  		if(inherits(w, "try-error")){
  				cl<- list(fnscale=-1, parscale=c(1,100,1,10))
  				w <- try(optim(p0, fn=logL.joint.URW.Stasis, gg=gg, method = meth, lower = ll, control=cl, hessian=hess, y=y), silent=TRUE)
   else if(rw.model=="GRW"){
  		w <- try(optim(p0, fn=logL.joint.GRW.Stasis, gg=gg, method = meth, lower = ll, control=cl, hessian=hess, y=y) , silent=TRUE)
  		if(inherits(w, "try-error"))
  				cl<- list(fnscale=-1, parscale=c(1,10,100,1,10))
 				w <- try(optim(p0, fn=logL.joint.GRW.Stasis, gg=gg, method = meth, lower = ll, control=cl, hessian=hess, y=y) , silent=TRUE)
  # add more information to results
  if(inherits(w, "try-error"))  	{
  		wc<- as.paleoTSfit(logL=NA, parameters=NA, modelName=paste(rw.model, "Stasis", sep='-'), method='Joint', K=K, n=length(y$mm), se=NULL)
  if (hess)		w$se<- sqrt(diag(-1*solve(w$hessian)))
  else			w$se<- NULL
  wc<- as.paleoTSfit(logL=w$value, parameters=w$par, modelName=paste(rw.model, "Stasis", sep='-'), method='Joint', K=K, n=length(y$mm), se=w$se)


 # internal function, not exported
 opt.AD.RW.Stasis<- function(y, gg, rw.model=c("URW", "GRW"), cl=list(fnscale=-1), pool=TRUE, meth="L-BFGS-B", hess=FALSE)
  if (pool) {y<- pool.var(y, ret.paleoTS=TRUE) } # pool variances in sequences
  rw.model<- match.arg(rw.model)

  # split and optimize AD separately for segments
  yl<- split4punc(y, gg)
  if(rw.model=="URW")	{ w1<- opt.URW(yl[[1]], pool=pool, meth=meth, hess=hess); K<- 4}
  else 					{ w1<- opt.GRW(yl[[1]], pool=pool, meth=meth, hess=hess); K<- 5}
  w2<- opt.Stasis(yl[[2]], pool=pool, meth=meth, hess=hess)

   # add more information to results
  if (hess)	{	se1<- sqrt(diag(-1*solve(w1$hessian)))
  				se2<- sqrt(diag(-1*solve(w2$hessian)))
  				se<- c(se1, se2)  }
  else			se<- NULL
  wc<- as.paleoTSfit(logL=w1$logL+w2$logL, parameters=c(w1$par, w2$par), modelName=paste(rw.model, "Stasis", sep='-'), method='AD', K=K, n=length(y$mm)-1, se=se)


 # internal function, not exported
  logL.joint.Stasis.URW<- function(p, y, gg)
 	# preliminaries
 	#cat(round(p,6), "\t[")
 	theta<- p[1]
 	omega<- p[2]
 	vs<- p[3]
 	n<- length(y$mm)

	# get vector of means
	M<- rep(theta, n)
	M<- unname(M)

 	# compute covariance matrix
 	st.seg<- which(gg==1)
 	VVst<- diag(omega, nrow=length(st.seg))
 	rw.seg<- which(gg==2)
 	tt.rw<- y$tt[rw.seg] - y$tt[rw.seg[1]-1]
 	VVrw<- vs * outer(tt.rw, tt.rw, FUN=pmin)
 	VVtot<- array(0, dim=c(n,n))
 	VVtot[st.seg, st.seg]<- VVst
 	VVtot[rw.seg, rw.seg]<- VVrw
 	diag(VVtot)<- diag(VVtot) + y$vv/y$nn  # add sampling error

	# logL from mvn
	S<- mnormt::dmnorm(y$mm, mean=M, varcov=VVtot, log=TRUE)
	#S<- dmvnorm(y$mm, mean=M, sigma=VVtot, log=TRUE)
	#cat(S, "]\n")

  # internal function, not exported
 logL.joint.Stasis.GRW<- function(p, y, gg)
 	# preliminaries
 	theta<- p[1]
 	omega<- p[2]
 	ms<- p[3]
 	vs<- p[4]
 	n<- length(y$mm)

	# get vector of means
 	st.seg<- which(gg==1)
 	rw.seg<- which(gg==2)
 	#ts<- max(y$tt[gg==1])  # time of shift point
 	tt.rw<- y$tt[rw.seg] - y$tt[rw.seg[1]-1]
	M<- c(rep(theta, length(st.seg)), theta + ms*tt.rw)
	M<- unname(M)

 	# compute covariance matrix
 	VVst<- diag(omega, nrow=length(st.seg))
 	VVrw<- vs * outer(tt.rw, tt.rw, FUN=pmin)
 	VVtot<- array(0, dim=c(n,n))
 	VVtot[st.seg, st.seg]<-  VVst
 	VVtot[rw.seg, rw.seg]<- VVrw
 	diag(VVtot)<- diag(VVtot) + y$vv/y$nn  # add sampling error
 	#cat(round(p,3), "\t[")

	# logL from mvn
	S<- mnormt::dmnorm(y$mm, mean=M, varcov=VVtot, log=TRUE)
	#S<- dmvnorm(y$mm, mean=M, sigma=VVtot, log=TRUE)
	#cat(S, "]\n")

 # internal function, not exported
 opt.joint.Stasis.RW<- function(y, gg, rw.model=c("URW", "GRW"), cl=list(fnscale=-1), pool=TRUE, meth="L-BFGS-B", hess=FALSE)
  if (pool) {y<- pool.var(y, ret.paleoTS=TRUE) } # pool variances in sequences
  rw.model<- match.arg(rw.model)

  # get initial parameter estimates
  small<- 1e-8
  if(rw.model=="URW")  {p0rw<- mle.URW(sub.paleoTS(y, ok=gg==2, reset.time=F)); K<- 4} # assumes shift point is free parameter
  else				   {p0rw<- mle.GRW(sub.paleoTS(y, ok=gg==2, reset.time=F)); K<- 5}
  p0st<- mle.Stasis(sub.paleoTS(y, ok=gg==1, reset.time = F))
  if(p0rw["vstep"] <= small)	p0rw["vstep"]<- 100*small
  if(p0st["omega"] <= small) 	p0st["omega"]<- 100*small
  p0<- c(p0st, p0rw)
  #cat(p0, "\n\n")

  ll.urw<- c(NA,small,small)
  ll.grw<- c(NA,small,NA,small)
  if(rw.model=="URW")	{ ll<- ll.urw}
  else					{ ll<- ll.grw}
  if(meth!="L-BFGS-B")	ll<- -Inf  # sets so to determine meth

  if(rw.model=="URW")	{
  		w <- try(optim(p0, fn=logL.joint.Stasis.URW, gg=gg, method = meth, lower = ll, control=cl, hessian=hess, y=y), silent=TRUE)
  		if(inherits(w, "try-error"))  {
  				cl<- list(fnscale=-1, parscale=c(1,10,100))
		  		w <- try(optim(p0, fn=logL.joint.Stasis.URW, gg=gg, method = meth, lower = ll, control=cl, hessian=hess, y=y), silent=TRUE)
  }else if(rw.model=="GRW")	{
  		w <- try(optim(p0, fn=logL.joint.Stasis.GRW, gg=gg, method = meth, lower = ll, control=cl, hessian=hess, y=y), silent=TRUE)
  		if(inherits(w, "try-error"))  {
  				cl<- list(fnscale=-1, parscale=c(1,10,10,100))
		  		w <- try(optim(p0, fn=logL.joint.Stasis.GRW, gg=gg, method = meth, lower = ll, control=cl, hessian=hess, y=y), silent=TRUE)

  # add more information to results
  if(inherits(w, "try-error"))  	{
  		wc<- as.paleoTSfit(logL=NA, parameters=NA, modelName=paste("Stasis", rw.model, sep='-'), method="Joint", K=K, n=length(y$mm), se=NULL)

  if (hess)		w$se<- sqrt(diag(-1*solve(w$hessian)))
  else			w$se<- NULL
  wc<- as.paleoTSfit(logL=w$value, parameters=w$par, modelName=paste("Stasis", rw.model, sep='-'), method='Joint', K=K, n=length(y$mm), se=w$se)


 # internal function, not exported
 opt.AD.Stasis.RW<- function(y, gg, rw.model=c("URW", "GRW"), cl=list(fnscale=-1), pool=TRUE, meth="L-BFGS-B", hess=FALSE)
  if (pool) {y<- pool.var(y, ret.paleoTS=TRUE) } # pool variances in sequences
  rw.model<- match.arg(rw.model)

  # split and optimize AD separately for segments
  yl<- split4punc(y, gg)
  w1<- opt.Stasis(yl[[1]], pool=pool, meth=meth, hess=hess)
  if(rw.model=="URW")	{ w2<- opt.URW(yl[[2]], pool=pool, meth=meth, hess=hess); K<- 4}
  else 					{ w2<- opt.GRW(yl[[2]], pool=pool, meth=meth, hess=hess); K<- 5}

   # add more information to results
  if (hess)	{	se1<- sqrt(diag(-1*solve(w1$hessian)))
  				se2<- sqrt(diag(-1*solve(w2$hessian)))
  				se<- c(se1, se2)  }
  else			se<- NULL
  wc<- as.paleoTSfit(logL=w1$logL+w2$logL, parameters=c(w1$par, w2$par), modelName=paste("Stasis", rw.model, sep='-'), method='AD', K=K, n=length(y$mm)-1, se=se)


#' Simulate trait evolution with a mode shift
#' Trait evolution is modeled as a shift from a random walk (general or unbiased)
#' to stasis, or vice versa.
#' @param ns vector of the number of samples in each segment
#' @param order whether stasis or random walk come first, one of \code{"Stasis-RW"} or
#'   \code{"RW-Stasis"}
#' @param anc starting trait value
#' @param omega variance of stasis segment
#' @param ms step mean during random walk segment
#' @param vs step variance during random walk segment
#' @param vp phenotypic trait variance for each population
#' @param nn vector of sample sizes for each population
#' @param tt vector of times (ages) for each population
#' @details The \code{anc} argument is the starting trait value, and if the
#' first segment is stasis, this is also the value of the stasis mean. When the first segment
#' is a random walk, the stasis mean in the second segment is equal to the true trait mean at
#' the end of the initial random walk.
#' @return a \code{paleoTSfit} object
#' @seealso \code{\link{fitModeShift}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x1 <- sim.Stasis.RW(omega = 0.1, ms = 5, order = "Stasis-RW")
#' x2 <- sim.Stasis.RW(omega = 0.1, ms = 5, order = "RW-Stasis")
#' plot(x1)
#' plot(x2, add = TRUE, col = "blue")
#' abline(v = 19, lty=3)
 sim.Stasis.RW<- function(ns=c(20,20), order = c("Stasis-RW", "RW-Stasis"), anc=0, omega=1, ms=0, vs=1, vp=1, nn=30, tt=NULL)
   # Add a sample to the second segments because its first sample will be deleted
   # Set-up tt for sequences accordingly
   ns[2] <- ns[2] + 1
   ttl<- list()
   if(is.null(tt)) {
     ttl[[1]]<- 0:(ns[1]-1)
     ttl[[2]]<- (ns[1]-1):(sum(ns)-2)
   } else {
     ttl[[1]] <- tt[1:(ns[1])]
     ttl[[2]] <- tt[(ns[1]+1):sum(ns)]

   # check with model comes first
   order = match.arg(order)
   if (order == "Stasis-RW"){
     st <- sim.Stasis(ns = ns[1], theta = anc, omega = omega, vp=vp, nn=rep(nn, ns[1]), tt=ttl[[1]])
     rw <- sim.GRW(ns=ns[2], ms=ms, vs=vs, vp=vp, nn=rep(nn, ns[2]), tt=ttl[[2]])

     # shift rw so trait values start at ending value of st; remove first population of rw
     rw$MM <- rw$MM + st$MM[ns[1]]
     rw$mm <- rw$mm + st$MM[ns[1]]
     rw <- sub.paleoTS(rw, ok = 2:ns[2], reset.time = FALSE)

     y <- cat.paleoTS(list(st, rw))
     } else {
     rw <- sim.GRW(ns=ns[1], ms=ms, vs=vs, vp=vp, nn=rep(nn, ns[1]), tt=ttl[[1]])
     st <- sim.Stasis(ns = ns[2], theta = rw$MM[ns[1]], omega = omega, vp=vp, nn=rep(nn, ns[2]), tt=ttl[[2]])

     # st already starts at end point of rw; remove first population of st
     st <- sub.paleoTS(st, ok = 2:ns[2], reset.time = FALSE)

     y <- cat.paleoTS(list(rw, st))

   # now drop 1st point of s2 and concatenate
   y$genpars<- c(anc, omega, ms, vs, ns[1]+1)
   names(y$genpars)<- c("anc", "omega", "ms", "vs", "shift.start")
   y$label<- "Created by sim.Stasis.RW()"


#' Fit model in which the mode of trait evolution shifts once
#' Trait evolution is modeled as a shift from a random walk (general or unbiased) to stasis, or
#' vice versa.
#' @param y  \code{paleoTS} object
#' @param minb minimum number of populations within each segment
#' @param pool if TRUE, sample variances are substituted with their pooled estimate
#' @param order whether stasis or random walk come first, one of \code{Stasis-RW} or
#'   \code{RW-Stasis}
#' @param rw.model whether the random walk segment is an unbiased random walk, \code{URW}
#'   or a general random walk, \code{GRW}
#' @param method parameterization to use: \code{Joint} or \code{AD}
#' @param silent logical, if TRUE, progress updates are suppressed
#' @param hess if TRUE, standard errors computed from the Hessian matrix are returned
#' @param ... other arguments, passed to optimization functions
#' @return a \code{paleoTSfit} object
#' @seealso \code{\link{sim.Stasis.RW}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x <- sim.Stasis.RW(ns = c(15, 15), omega = 0.5, ms = 1, order = "Stasis-RW")
#' plot(x)
#' w <- fitModeShift(x, order = "Stasis-RW", rw.model = "GRW")
#' abline(v = x$tt[15], lwd = 3)  # actual shift point
#' abline(v = x$tt[w$par["shift1"]], lty = 3, lwd = 2, col = "red") # inferred shift
 fitModeShift<- function(y, minb=7, pool=TRUE, order=c("Stasis-RW", "RW-Stasis"), rw.model=c("URW","GRW"), method=c('Joint', 'AD'), silent=FALSE, hess=FALSE,...)
## optimize models (with some min n per segment) that shift from GRW/URW to Stasis, or vice versa
 method<- match.arg(method)
 order<- match.arg(order)
 rw.model<- match.arg(rw.model)

 ns<- length(y$mm)
 ng<- 2
 GG<- shifts(ns, ng, minb=minb)

 nc<- ncol(GG)
 if (!silent)	cat ("Total # hypotheses: ", nc, "\n")
 wl<- list()
 logl<- array(-Inf, dim=nc)

 for (i in 1:nc)
    if (!silent) 	cat (i, " ")
    # the different gg for AD and J is required for the interpretation of the "shift" parameters to be the same across parameterizations
    gg<- shift2gg(GG[,i], ns)

    if(method=='AD') {
    		if(order=="Stasis-RW")  		w<- opt.AD.Stasis.RW(y, gg, rw.model=rw.model, pool=pool, hess=hess, ...)
    		else if (order=="RW-Stasis")	w<- opt.AD.RW.Stasis(y, gg, rw.model=rw.model, pool=pool, hess=hess, ...)
    if (method=='Joint'){
    		if(order=="Stasis-RW")  		w<- opt.joint.Stasis.RW(y, gg, rw.model=rw.model, pool=pool, hess=hess, ...)
    		else if (order=="RW-Stasis")	w<- opt.joint.RW.Stasis(y, gg, rw.model=rw.model, pool=pool, hess=hess, ...)

    logl[i]<- w$logL
    wl[[i]]<- w
 if(!silent)	cat("\n")
 winner<- which.max(logl)
 ww<- wl[[winner]]
 ss<- GG[,winner]
 names(ss)<- paste("shift", 1:(ng-1), sep='')
 ww$parameters<- append(ww$parameters, ss)
 ww$all.logl<- logl
 ww$GG<- GG

#' Bootstrap test to see if a complex model is significantly better than a simple
#' model.
#' @param y a \code{paleoTS} object
#' @param simpleFit a \code{paleoTSfit} object, representing the model fit of a
#'   simple model
#' @param complexFit a \code{paleoTSfit} object, representing the model fit of a
#'   complex model
#' @param nboot number of replications for parametric bootstrapping
#' @param minb minimum number of populations within each segment
#' @param ret.full.distribution logical, indicating if the null distribution for
#'   the likelihood ratio from the parametric bootstrap should be returned
#' @param parallel logical, if TRUE, the bootstrapping is done using parallel
#'   computing
#' @param ... further arguments, passed to optimization functions
#' @details Simulations suggest that AICc can be overly liberal with complex
#' models with mode shifts or punctuations (Hunt et al., 2015). This function
#' implements an alternative of parametric bootstrapping to compare the fit of a
#' simple model with a complex model. It proceeds in five steps: \enumerate{
#' \item Compute the observed gain in support from the simple to complex model
#' as the likelihood ratio, \eqn{LR_obs = -2(logL_simple - logL_complex) } \item
#' Simulate trait evolution under the specified simple model \code{nboot} times
#' \item Fit to each simulated sequence the specified simple and complex models
#' \item Measure the gain in support from simple to complex as the bootstrap
#' likelihood ratio for each simulated sequence \item Compute the P-value as the
#' percentile of the bootstrap distribution corresponding to the observed LR. }
#' Argument \code{simpleFit} should be a \code{paleoTS} object returned by the
#' function \code{fitSimple} or similar functions (e.g., \code{opt.joint.GRW,
#' opt.GRW}, etc.). Argument \code{complexFit} must be a \code{paleoTS} object
#' returned by \code{fitGpunc} or \code{fitModeShift}.
#' Calculations can be sped up by setting \code{parallel = TRUE}, which uses
#' functions from the \code{\link{doParallel}} package to run the bootstrap
#' replicates in parallel, using one fewer than the number of detected cores.
#' @return A list of the observed likelihood ratio statistic, \code{LRobs}, the
#'   P-value of the test, and the number of bootstrap replicates. If
#'   \code{ret.full.distribution = TRUE}, the null distribution of likelihood
#'   ratios generated by parametric bootstrapping is also returned.
#' @seealso \code{\link{sim.Stasis.RW}}, \code{\link{fitModeShift}}
#' @references Hunt, G., M. J. Hopkins and S. Lidgard. 2015. Simple versus
#' complex models of trait evolution and stasis as a response to environmental
#' change. PNAS 112(16): 4885-4890.

#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' x <- sim.Stasis.RW(ns = c(15, 15), omega = 0.5, ms = 1, order = "Stasis-RW")
#' ws <- fitSimple(x)
#' wc <- fitModeShift(x, order = "Stasis-RW", rw.model = "GRW")
#' bootSimpleComplex(x, ws, wc, nboot = 50, minb = 7)  # nboot too low for real analysis!
#' }
bootSimpleComplex<- function(y, simpleFit, complexFit, nboot=99, minb=7, ret.full.distribution=FALSE, parallel=FALSE, ...)
# function to to parametric bootstrapping to test if complex model is better than a simple model
# AICc seems often too liberal in favoring complex models
# consider comparing simpleFit to fit of all complex models?
	# make sure models to be tested are available
	sName<- simpleFit$modelName
	cName<- complexFit$modelName
	sAvailModels<- c("StrictStasis", "Stasis", "URW", "GRW")
	cAvailModels<- c("Punc-1", "URW-Stasis", "GRW-Stasis", "Stasis-URW", "Stasis-GRW")
	if (! (sName %in% sAvailModels) )	stop(paste("Simple model [", sName, "]", "not among available models [", sAvailModels, "]"))
	if (! (cName %in% cAvailModels) )	stop(paste("Complex model [", cName, "]", "not among available models [", cAvailModels, "]"))

	# compute observed LR
	LR<- -2*(simpleFit$logL - complexFit$logL)

	# generate bootstrap samples, fit simple and complex
	xboot<- list()
	pp<- simpleFit$par
	ns<- length(y$mm)
	vp<- pool.var(y)

   if (parallel==TRUE) {

      wl<- foreach::foreach (i = 1:nboot, .packages=c('paleoTS')) %dopar% {

		# create simulated dataset, fit simple model
		if (sName == "GRW"){
				xboot<- sim.GRW(ns=ns, ms=pp['mstep'], vs=pp['vstep'], vp=vp, nn=y$nn, tt=y$tt)
				xboot$vv<- y$vv
				simpBFit<- opt.joint.GRW(xboot, ...)	}
		if (sName == "URW") {
				xboot<- sim.GRW(ns=ns, ms=0, vs=pp['vstep'], vp=vp, nn=y$nn, tt=y$tt)
				xboot$vv<- y$vv
				simpBFit<- opt.joint.URW(xboot, ...)	}
		if (sName == "Stasis"){
				xboot<- sim.Stasis(ns=ns, theta=pp['theta'], omega=pp['omega'], vp=vp, nn=y$nn, tt=y$tt)
				xboot$vv<- y$vv
				simpBFit<- opt.joint.Stasis(xboot, ...)	}
		if (sName == "StrictStasis") {
				xboot<- sim.Stasis(ns=ns, theta=pp['theta'], omega=0, vp=vp, nn=y$nn, tt=y$tt)
				xboot$vv<- y$vv
				simpBFit<- opt.joint.StrictStasis(xboot, ...)	}

		# fit complex model
		if(cName=="Punc-1")	compBFit<- fitGpunc(xboot, ng=2, method="Joint", silent=TRUE, ...)
		if(cName=="URW-Stasis") compBFit<- fitModeShift(xboot, order="RW-Stasis", rw.model="URW", method="Joint", silent=TRUE, ...)
		if(cName=="GRW-Stasis") compBFit<- fitModeShift(xboot, order="RW-Stasis", rw.model="GRW", method="Joint", silent=TRUE, ...)
		if(cName=="Stasis-URW") compBFit<- fitModeShift(xboot, order="Stasis-RW", rw.model="URW", method="Joint", silent=TRUE, ...)
		if(cName=="Stasis-GRW") compBFit<- fitModeShift(xboot, order="Stasis-RW", rw.model="GRW", method="Joint", silent=TRUE, ...)

		bres<- list(simpBFit=simpBFit, compBFit=compBFit, xboot=xboot)
      parallel::stopCluster(cl)	      # kill cluster
	      wl<- foreach::foreach (i = 1:nboot, .packages=c('paleoTS')) %do% {

		# create simulated dataset, fit simple model
		if (sName == "GRW"){
				xboot<- sim.GRW(ns=ns, ms=pp['mstep'], vs=pp['vstep'], vp=vp, nn=y$nn, tt=y$tt)
				xboot$vv<- y$vv
				simpBFit<- opt.joint.GRW(xboot, ...)	}
		if (sName == "URW") {
				xboot<- sim.GRW(ns=ns, ms=0, vs=pp['vstep'], vp=vp, nn=y$nn, tt=y$tt)
				xboot$vv<- y$vv
				simpBFit<- opt.joint.URW(xboot, ...)	}
		if (sName == "Stasis"){
				xboot<- sim.Stasis(ns=ns, theta=pp['theta'], omega=pp['omega'], vp=vp, nn=y$nn, tt=y$tt)
				xboot$vv<- y$vv
				simpBFit<- opt.joint.Stasis(xboot, ...)	}
		if (sName == "StrictStasis") {
				xboot<- sim.Stasis(ns=ns, theta=pp['theta'], omega=0, vp=vp, nn=y$nn, tt=y$tt)
				xboot$vv<- y$vv
				simpBFit<- opt.joint.StrictStasis(xboot, ...)	}

		# fit complex model
		if(cName=="Punc-1")	compBFit<- fitGpunc(xboot, ng=2, method="Joint", silent=TRUE, ...)
		if(cName=="URW-Stasis") compBFit<- fitModeShift(xboot, order="RW-Stasis", rw.model="URW", method="Joint", silent=TRUE, ...)
		if(cName=="GRW-Stasis") compBFit<- fitModeShift(xboot, order="RW-Stasis", rw.model="GRW", method="Joint", silent=TRUE, ...)
		if(cName=="Stasis-URW") compBFit<- fitModeShift(xboot, order="Stasis-RW", rw.model="URW", method="Joint", silent=TRUE, ...)
		if(cName=="Stasis-GRW") compBFit<- fitModeShift(xboot, order="Stasis-RW", rw.model="GRW", method="Joint", silent=TRUE, ...)

		bres<- list(simpBFit=simpBFit, compBFit=compBFit, xboot=xboot)


	# compile information
	logL.simp<- sapply(wl, FUN=function(x) x$simpBFit$logL)
	logL.comp<- sapply(wl, FUN=function(x) x$compBFit$logL)
	LRnull<- -2* (logL.simp - logL.comp)
	cc<- is.finite(LRnull)
	p.value<- (sum(LRnull[cc] > LR) +1)  / (length(LRnull[cc])+1)
	res<- list(LRobs=LR, p.value=p.value, nboot = nboot)

			res$nullLR<- LRnull[cc]	}
			#res$boot<- 	lapply(wl, FUN=function(x) x$xboot)	}


#' Fit large set of models to a time-series
#' This function fits nine models to a time-series following Hunt et al. (2015). These
#' include the simple models fit by \code{fit4models} along with mode shift and
#' punctuation models.
#' @param y a \code{paleoTS} object
#' @param silent logical, if TRUE, progress updates are suppressed
#' @param method parameterization to use: \code{Joint} or \code{AD}; see Details
#' @param ... other arguments, passed to optimization functions
#' @references
#' Hunt, G., M. J. Hopkins and S. Lidgard. 2015. Simple versus complex models of trait evolution
#' and stasis as a response to environmental change. PNAS 112(16): 4885-4890.

#' @return if silent = FALSE, a table of model fit statistics, also printed to the
#' screen.  if silent = TRUE, a list of the model fit statistics and model parameter values.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' x <- sim.Stasis.RW(ns = c(15, 15), omega = 0.5, ms = 1, order = "Stasis-RW")
#' plot(x)
#' fit9models(x)
#' }
fit9models<- function(y, silent=FALSE, method=c("Joint", "AD"), ...)
  args<- list(...)
  check.var<- TRUE
  if(length(args)>0) if(args$pool==FALSE)	check.var<- FALSE
  if(all(y$nn ==1)) check.var <- FALSE
  if (check.var){
    tv<- test.var.het(y)
    pv<- round(tv$p.value, 0)
    wm<- paste("Sample variances not equal (P = ", pv,  "); consider using argument pool=FALSE", collapse="")
    if(pv <= 0.05)	warning(wm)

  method <- match.arg(method)
  if (method == "AD") {
    if(!silent) cat("Fitting simple models...\n")
    m4 <- opt.GRW(y, ...)
    m3 <- opt.URW(y, ...)
    m2 <- opt.Stasis(y, ...)
    m1 <- opt.StrictStasis(y, ...)
  else if (method == "Joint") {
    if(!silent)	cat("Fitting simple models...\n")
    m4 <- opt.joint.GRW(y, ...)
    m3 <- opt.joint.URW(y, ...)
    m2 <- opt.joint.Stasis(y, ...)
    m1 <- opt.joint.StrictStasis(y, ...)

  if(!silent)	cat("Fitting punctuational model...\n")
  m5 <- fitGpunc(y, ng=2, method=method, silent=silent, ...)
  if(!silent)	cat("Fitting Stasis-URW model...\n")
  m6 <- fitModeShift(y, order="Stasis-RW", rw.model="URW", method=method, silent=silent, ...)
  if(!silent)	cat("Fitting Stasis-GRW model...\n")
  m7 <- fitModeShift(y, order="Stasis-RW", rw.model="GRW", method=method, silent=silent, ...)
  if(!silent)  cat("Fitting URW-Stasis model...\n")
  m8 <- fitModeShift(y, order="RW-Stasis", rw.model="URW", method=method, silent=silent, ...)
  if(!silent)  cat("Fitting GRW-Stasis model...\n")
  m9 <- fitModeShift(y, order="RW-Stasis", rw.model="GRW", method=method, silent=silent,...)

  mc <- compareModels(m1, m2, m3, m4, m5, m6, m7, m8, m9, silent = silent)

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