
Defines functions parse_depends print.Domain Domain

Documented in Domain

#' @title Domain: Parameter Range without an Id
#' @description
#' A `Domain` object is a representation of a single dimension of a [`ParamSet`]. `Domain` objects are used to construct
#' [`ParamSet`]s, either through the [`ps()`] short form, through the [`ParamSet`] constructor itself,
#' or through the [`ParamSet`]`$search_space()` mechanism (see
#' [`to_tune()`]).
#' For each of the basic parameter classes (`"ParamInt"`, `"ParamDbl"`, `"ParamLgl"`, `"ParamFct"`, and `"ParamUty"`) there is a function constructing a `Domain` object
#' (`p_int()`, `p_dbl()`, `p_lgl()`, `p_fct()`, `p_uty()`). They each have fitting construction arguments that control their
#' bounds and behavior.
#' `Domain` objects are representations of parameter ranges and are intermediate objects to be used in short form
#' constructions in [`to_tune()`] and [`ps()`]. Because of their nature, they should not be modified by the user, once constructed.
#' The `Domain` object's internals are subject to change and should not be relied upon.
#' @template param_lower
#' @template param_upper
#' @param levels (`character` | `atomic` | `list`)\cr
#'   Allowed categorical values of the parameter. If this is not a `character`, then a `trafo` is generated that
#'   converts the names (if not given: `as.character()` of the values) of the `levels` argument to the values.
#'   This trafo is then performed *before* the function given as the `trafo` argument.
#' @template param_special_vals
#' @template param_default
#' @template param_tags
#' @template param_custom_check
#' @template param_tolerance
#' @param trafo (`function`)\cr
#'   Single argument function performing the transformation of a parameter. When the `Domain` is used to construct a
#'   [`ParamSet`], this transformation will be applied to the corresponding parameter as part of the `$trafo` function.\cr
#'   Note that the trafo is *not* inherited by [`TuneToken`]s! Defining a parameter
#'   with e.g. `p_dbl(..., trafo = ...)` will *not* automatically give the `to_tune()` assigned to it a transformation.
#'   `trafo` only makes sense for [`ParamSet`]s that get used as search spaces for optimization or tuning, it is not useful when
#'   defining domains or hyperparameter ranges of learning algorithms, because these do not use trafos.
#' @param depends (`call` | `expression`)\cr
#'   An expression indicating a requirement for the parameter that will be constructed from this. Can be given as an
#'   expression (using `quote()`), or the expression can be entered directly and will be parsed using NSE (see
#'   examples). The expression may be of the form `<Param> == <value>` or `<Param> %in% <values>`, which will result in
#'   dependencies according to `ParamSet$add_dep(on = "<Param>", cond = CondEqual(<value>))` or
#'   `ParamSet$add_dep(on = "<Param>", cond = CondAnyOf(<values>))`, respectively (see [`CondEqual`],
#'   [`CondAnyOf`]). The expression may also contain multiple conditions separated by `&&`.
#' @param logscale (`logical(1)`)\cr
#'   Put numeric domains on a log scale. Default `FALSE`. Log-scale `Domain`s represent parameter ranges where lower and upper bounds
#'   are logarithmized, and where a `trafo` is added that exponentiates sampled values to the original scale. This is
#'   *not* the same as setting `trafo = exp`, because `logscale = TRUE` will handle parameter bounds internally:
#'   a `p_dbl(1, 10, logscale = TRUE)` results in a parameter that has lower bound `0`, upper bound `log(10)`,
#'   and uses `exp` transformation on these. Therefore, the given bounds represent the bounds *after* the transformation.
#'   (see examples).\cr
#'   `p_int()` with `logscale = TRUE` results in a continuous parameter similar to `p_dbl()`, not an integer-valued parameter, with bounds `log(max(lower, 0.5))` ...
#'   `log(upper + 1)` and a trafo similar to "`as.integer(exp(x))`" (with additional bounds correction). The lower bound
#'   is lifted to `0.5` if `lower` 0 to handle the `lower == 0` case. The upper bound is increased to `log(upper + 1)`
#'   because the trafo would otherwise almost never generate a value of `upper`.\cr
#'   When `logscale` is `TRUE`, then upper bounds may be infinite, but lower bounds should be greater than 0 for `p_dbl()`
#'   or greater or equal 0 for `p_int()`.\cr
#'   Note that "logscale" is *not* inherited by [`TuneToken`]s! Defining a parameter
#'   with `p_dbl(... logscale = TRUE)` will *not* automatically give the `to_tune()` assigned to it log-scale. `logscale`
#'   only makes sense for [`ParamSet`]s that get used as search spaces for optimization or tuning, it is not useful when
#'   defining domains or hyperparameter ranges of learning algorithms, because these do not use trafos.\cr
#'   `logscale` happens on a natural (`e == 2.718282...`) basis. Be aware that using a different base (`log10()`/`10^`,
#'   `log2()`/`2^`) is completely equivalent and does not change the values being sampled after transformation.
#' @param repr (`language`)\cr
#'   Symbol to use to represent the value given in `default`.
#'   The `deparse()` of this object is used when printing the domain, in some cases.
#' @param init (`any`)\cr
#'   Initial value. When this is given, then the corresponding entry in `ParamSet$values` is initialized with this
#'   value upon construction.
#' @param aggr (`function`)\cr
#'   Default aggregation function for a parameter. Can only be given for parameters tagged with `"internal_tuning"`.
#'   Function with one argument, which is a list of parameter values and that returns the aggregated parameter value.
#' @param in_tune_fn (`function(domain, param_vals)`)\cr
#'   Function that converters a `Domain` object into a parameter value.
#'   Can only be given for parameters tagged with `"internal_tuning"`.
#'   This function should also assert that the parameters required to enable internal tuning for the given `domain` are
#'   set in `param_vals` (such as `early_stopping_rounds` for `XGBoost`).
#' @param disable_in_tune (named `list()`)\cr
#'   The parameter values that need to be set in the `ParamSet` to disable the internal tuning for the parameter.
#'   For `XGBoost` this would e.g. be `list(early_stopping_rounds = NULL)`.
#' @return A `Domain` object.
#' @details
#' Although the `levels` values of a constructed `p_fct()` will always be `character`-valued, the `p_fct` function admits
#' a `levels` argument that goes beyond this:
#' Besides a `character` vector, any atomic vector or list (optionally named) may be given. (If the value is a list
#' that is not named, the names are inferred using `as.character()` on the values.) The resulting `Domain` will
#' correspond to a range of values given by the names of the `levels` argument with a `trafo` that maps the `character`
#' names to the arbitrary values of the `levels` argument.
#' @examples
#' params = ps(
#'   unbounded_integer = p_int(),
#'   bounded_double = p_dbl(0, 10),
#'   half_bounded_integer = p_dbl(1),
#'   half_bounded_double = p_dbl(upper = 1),
#'   double_with_trafo = p_dbl(-1, 1, trafo = exp),
#'   extra_double = p_dbl(0, 1, special_vals = list("xxx"), tags = "tagged"),
#'   factor_param = p_fct(c("a", "b", "c")),
#'   factor_param_with_implicit_trafo = p_fct(list(a = 1, b = 2, c = list()))
#' )
#' print(params)
#' params$trafo(list(
#'   bounded_double = 1,
#'   double_with_trafo = 1,
#'   factor_param = "c",
#'   factor_param_with_implicit_trafo = "c"
#' ))
#' # logscale:
#' params = ps(x = p_dbl(1, 100, logscale = TRUE))
#' # The ParamSet has bounds log(1) .. log(100):
#' print(params)
#' # When generating a equidistant grid, it is equidistant within log values
#' grid = generate_design_grid(params, 3)
#' print(grid)
#' # But the values are on a log scale with desired bounds after trafo
#' print(grid$transpose())
#' # Integer parameters with logscale are `p_dbl()`s pre-trafo
#' params = ps(x = p_int(0, 10, logscale = TRUE))
#' print(params)
#' grid = generate_design_grid(params, 4)
#' print(grid)
#' # ... but get transformed to integers.
#' print(grid$transpose())
#' # internal tuning
#' param_set = ps(
#'   iters = p_int(0, Inf, tags = "internal_tuning", aggr = function(x) round(mean(unlist(x))),
#'     in_tune_fn = function(domain, param_vals) {
#'       stopifnot(domain$lower <= 1)
#'       stopifnot(param_vals$early_stopping == TRUE)
#'       domain$upper
#'     },
#'     disable_in_tune = list(early_stopping = FALSE)),
#'   early_stopping = p_lgl()
#' )
#' param_set$set_values(
#'   iters = to_tune(upper = 100, internal = TRUE),
#'   early_stopping = TRUE
#' )
#' param_set$convert_internal_search_space(param_set$search_space())
#' param_set$aggr_internal_tuned_values(
#'   list(iters = list(1, 2, 3))
#' )
#' param_set$disable_internal_tuning("iters")
#' param_set$values$early_stopping
#' @family ParamSet construction helpers
#' @name Domain

# Construct the actual `Domain` object
# @param Constructor: The ParamXxx to call `$new()` for.
# @param constargs: arguments of constructor
# @param constargs_override: replace these in `constargs`, but don't represent this in printer
Domain = function(cls, grouping,
  cargo = NULL,
  lower = NA_real_, upper = NA_real_, tolerance = NA_real_, levels = NULL,
  special_vals = list(),
  default = NO_DEF,
  tags = character(0),
  trafo = NULL,
  depends_expr = NULL,
  storage_type = "list",
  init) {

  if ("internal_tuning" %in% tags) {
    assert_true(!is.null(cargo$aggr), .var.name = "aggregation function exists")
  assert_list(cargo$disable_in_tune, null.ok = TRUE, names = "unique")
  assert_function(cargo$aggr, null.ok = TRUE)
  assert_function(cargo$in_tune_fn, null.ok = TRUE)
  if ((!is.null(cargo$in_tune_fn) || !is.null(cargo$disable_in_tune)) && "internal_tuning" %nin% tags) {
    # we cannot check the reverse, as parameters in the search space can be tagged with 'internal_tuning'
    # and not provide in_tune_fn or disable_in_tune
    stopf("Arguments in_tune_fn and disable_in_tune require the tag 'internal_tuning' to be present.")
  if ((is.null(cargo$in_tune_fn) + is.null(cargo$disable_in_tune)) == 1) {
    stopf("Arguments in_tune_fn and disable_tune_fn must both be present")

  assert_number(lower, na.ok = TRUE)
  assert_number(upper, na.ok = TRUE)
  assert_number(tolerance, na.ok = TRUE)
  if (!is.logical(levels)) assert_character(levels, any.missing = FALSE, unique = TRUE, null.ok = TRUE)
  if (length(special_vals) && !is.null(trafo)) stop("trafo and special_values can not both be given at the same time.")
  assert_character(tags, any.missing = FALSE, unique = TRUE)
  assert_function(trafo, null.ok = TRUE)

  # depends may be an expression, but may also be quote() or expression()
  if (length(depends_expr) == 1) {
    depends_expr = eval(depends_expr, envir = parent.frame(2))
    if (!is.language(depends_expr)) {
      stop("'depends' argument must be an expression involving `==` or `%in%`, or must be a single variable containing a quoted expression.")

  # domain is a data.table with a few classes.
  # setting `id` to something preliminary so that `domain_assert()` works.

  param = data.table(id = "domain being constructed", cls = cls, grouping = grouping,
    cargo = list(cargo),
    lower = lower, upper = upper, tolerance = tolerance, levels = list(levels),
    special_vals = list(special_vals),
    default = list(default),
    storage_type = storage_type,
    .tags = list(tags),
    .trafo = list(trafo),
    .requirements = list(parse_depends(depends_expr, parent.frame(2))),

    .init_given = !missing(init),
    .init = list(if (!missing(init)) init)

  class(param) = c(cls, "Domain", class(param))

  if (!is_nodefault(default)) {
    domain_assert(param, list(default))
    if ("required" %in% tags) stop("A 'required' parameter can not have a 'default'.\nWhen the method behaves the same as if the parameter value were 'X' whenever the parameter is missing, then 'X' should be a 'default', but the 'required' indicates that the parameter may not be missing.")

  if (!missing(init)) {
    if (!is.null(trafo)) stop("Initial value and trafo can not both be given at the same time.")
    domain_assert(param, list(init))
    if (identical(init, default)) warning("Initial value and 'default' value seem to be the same, this is usually a mistake due to a misunderstanding of the meaning of 'default'.\nWhen the method behaves the same as if the parameter value were 'X' whenever the parameter is missing, then 'X' should be a 'default' (but then there is no point in setting it as initial value). 'default' should not be used to indicate the value with which values are initialized.")

  # repr: what to print
  # This takes the call of the shortform-constructor (such as `p_dbl()`) and inserts all the
  # given values.
  constructorcall = match.call(sys.function(-1), sys.call(-1), envir = parent.frame(2))
  trafoexpr = constructorcall$trafo
  constructorcall$trafo = NULL
  constructorcall$depends = NULL
  reprargs = sapply(names(constructorcall)[-1], get, pos = parent.frame(1), simplify = FALSE)
  reprargs$depends = depends_expr
  reprargs$trafo = trafoexpr
  if (isTRUE(reprargs$logscale)) reprargs$trafo = NULL
  attr(param, "repr") = as.call(c(constructorcall[[1]], reprargs))
  set(param, , "id", repr(attr(param, "repr")))  # some ID for consistency with ParamSet$params, only for error messages.

  assert_names(names(param), identical.to = domain_names)  # If this is not true then there is either a bug in Domain(), or empty_domain was not updated.


empty_domain = data.table(id = character(0), cls = character(0), grouping = character(0),
  cargo = list(),
  lower = numeric(0), upper = numeric(0), tolerance = numeric(0), levels = list(),
  special_vals = list(),
  default = list(),
  storage_type = character(0),
  .tags = character(0),  # should be list(), strictly speaking, but that would lose the 'character' type information
  .trafo = list(),
  .requirements = list(),
  .init_given = logical(0),
  .init = list()

domain_names = names(empty_domain)
domain_names_permanent = grep("^\\.", domain_names, value = TRUE, invert = TRUE)

#' @export
print.Domain = function(x, ...) {
  repr = attr(x, "repr")
  if (!is.null(repr)) {
  } else {
    classes = class(x)
    if ("Domain" %in% classes) {
      domainidx = which("Domain" == classes)[[1]]
      classes = first(classes, domainidx - 1)
      class(x) = last(class(x), -domainidx)
    catf("Param%s of class%s %s:\n",
      if (NROW(x) > 1) "s" else "",
      if (length(classes) > 1) "es" else "",
      str_collapse(classes, sep = ", ", quote = '"')

# Parse the expression for requirements, as they are given to p_int, p_dbl etc.
# We allow `==`, `%in%` `&&`, and `(`/`)` to occur in such expressions.
# We construct a list of `Condition` objects with an additional `on` element of what
# the condition should refer to.
# @example
# parse_depends(quote(x == 1 && y %in% c("b", "c")), environment())
# # same as:
# list(
#   list(on = "x", CondEqual(1)),
#   list(on = "y", CondAnyOf(c("b", "c")))
# )
parse_depends = function(depends_expr, evalenv) {
  if (is.null(depends_expr)) return(NULL)

  # throw(): Give generic helpful error message.
  throw = function(msg = NULL) stopf("Requirement '%s' is broken%s", deparse1(depends_expr), if (!is.null(msg)) sprintf(":\n%s", msg) else "")

  if (!is.language(depends_expr)) throw()
  if (identical(depends_expr[[1]], quote(quote))) {
    depends_expr = depends_expr[[2]]
  if (is.expression(depends_expr)) {
    if (length(depends_expr) != 1) {
      throw("given 'expression' objects must have length 1.")
    depends_expr = depends_expr[[1]]

  symbol_paren = as.symbol("(")
  symbol_equal = as.symbol("==")
  symbol_and = as.symbol("&&")
  symbol_in = as.symbol("%in%")

  # unpack_parens(): turn (((x))) into x
  unpack_parens = function(expr) {
    while (is.recursive(expr) && length(expr) && identical(expr[[1]], symbol_paren)) expr = expr[[2]]

  # recurse_expression: turn an expression into a list of conditions / referents (i.e. `on`)
  recurse_expression = function(cur_expr) {
    cur_expr = unpack_parens(cur_expr)
    constructor = NULL

    # found something unexpected, e.g. a single term when all we should find should be at least a binary operator
    if (!is.recursive(cur_expr) || length(cur_expr) <= 1) throw()

    # recurse on `&&`: combine LHS and RHS
    if (identical(cur_expr[[1]], symbol_and)) {
      return(c(recurse_expression(cur_expr[[2]]), recurse_expression(cur_expr[[3]])))

    # go by case: `==` (CondEqual), `%in%` (CondAnyOf), or error if anything else
    if (identical(cur_expr[[1]], symbol_equal)) {
      constructor = CondEqual
    } else if (identical(cur_expr[[1]], symbol_in)) {
      constructor = CondAnyOf
    } else {

    # get value and referent
    comparand = unpack_parens(cur_expr[[2]])
    value = unpack_parens(cur_expr[[3]])

    # referent must always be on the LHS. This is necessary because otherwise
    # we would not know which side is a value and which side is a Parameter name.
    # E.g.
    # a = 1.0
    # b = 2.0
    # ps(a = p_dbl(), b = p_dbl(),
    #   c = p_int(depends = a == b)
    # )
    # would be ambiguous if we did not demand that `a` is the name of the parameter, and
    # `b` is just the value (2.0).
    if (!is.symbol(comparand)) throw("LHS must be a parameter name")
    comparand = as.character(comparand)
    value = eval(value, envir = evalenv)
    list(list(on = comparand, cond = constructor(value)))


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