#' @title ParamSetCollection
#' @description
#' A collection of multiple [`ParamSet`] objects.
#' * The collection is basically a light-weight wrapper / container around references to multiple sets.
#' * In order to ensure unique param names, every param in the collection is referred to with
#' "<set_id>.<param_id>", where `<set_id>` is the name of the entry a given [`ParamSet`] in the named list given during construction.
#' Parameters from [`ParamSet`] with empty (i.e. `""`) `set_id` are referenced
#' directly. Multiple [`ParamSet`]s with `set_id` `""` can be combined, but their parameter names
#' may not overlap to avoid name clashes.
#' * When you either ask for 'values' or set them, the operation is delegated to the individual,
#' contained [`ParamSet`] references. The collection itself does not maintain a `values` state.
#' This also implies that if you directly change `values` in one of the referenced sets,
#' this change is reflected in the collection.
#' * Dependencies: It is possible to currently handle dependencies
#' * regarding parameters inside of the same set - in this case simply
#' add the dependency to the set, best before adding the set to the collection
#' * across sets, where a param from one set depends on the state
#' of a param from another set - in this case add call `add_dep` on the collection.
#' If you call `deps` on the collection, you are returned a complete table of dependencies, from sets and across sets.
#' @include ParamSet.R
#' @export
ParamSetCollection = R6Class("ParamSetCollection", inherit = ParamSet,
public = list(
#' @description
#' Creates a new instance of this [R6][R6::R6Class] class.
#' @param sets (named `list()` of [ParamSet])\cr
#' ParamSet objects are not cloned.
#' Names are used as "set_id" for the naming scheme of delegated parameters.
#' @param tag_sets (`logical(1)`)\cr
#' Whether to add tags of the form `"set_<set_id>"` to each parameter originating from a given `ParamSet` given with name `<set_id>`.
#' @param tag_params (`logical(1)`)\cr
#' Whether to add tags of the form `"param_<param_id>"` to each parameter with original ID `<param_id>`.
initialize = function(sets, tag_sets = FALSE, tag_params = FALSE) {
assert_list(sets, types = "ParamSet")
if (is.null(names(sets))) names(sets) = rep("", length(sets))
assert_names(names(sets)[names(sets) != ""], type = "strict")
paramtbl = rbindlist(map(seq_along(sets), function(i) {
s = sets[[i]]
n = names(sets)[[i]]
params_child = s$params[, `:=`(original_id = id, owner_ps_index = i, owner_name = n)]
if (n != "") set(params_child, , "id", sprintf("%s.%s", n, params_child$id))
dups = duplicated(paramtbl$id)
if (any(dups)) {
stopf("ParamSetCollection would contain duplicated parameter names: %s",
if (!nrow(paramtbl)) {
# when paramtbl is empty, use special setup to make sure information about the `.tags` column is present.
paramtbl = copy(empty_domain)[, `:=`(original_id = character(0), owner_ps_index = integer(0), owner_name = character(0))]
owner_name = NULL # static check
if (tag_sets) paramtbl[owner_name != "", .tags := pmap(list(.tags, owner_name), function(x, n) c(x, sprintf("set_%s", n)))]
if (tag_params) paramtbl[, .tags := pmap(list(.tags, original_id), function(x, n) c(x, sprintf("param_%s", n)))]
private$.tags = paramtbl[, .(tag = unique(unlist(.tags))), keyby = "id"]
private$.trafos = setkeyv(paramtbl[!map_lgl(.trafo, is.null), .(id, trafo = .trafo)], "id")
private$.translation = paramtbl[, c("id", "original_id", "owner_ps_index", "owner_name"), with = FALSE]
setkeyv(private$.translation, "id")
setindexv(private$.translation, "original_id")
set(paramtbl, , setdiff(colnames(paramtbl), domain_names_permanent), NULL)
assert_names(colnames(paramtbl), = domain_names_permanent)
setindexv(paramtbl, c("id", "cls", "grouping"))
private$.params = paramtbl
private$.children_with_trafos = which(!map_lgl(map(sets, "extra_trafo"), is.null))
private$.children_with_constraints = which(!map_lgl(map(sets, "constraint"), is.null))
private$.sets = sets
#' @description
#' Adds a [`ParamSet`] to this collection.
#' @param p ([ParamSet]).
#' @param n (`character(1)`)\cr
#' Name to use. Default `""`.
#' @param tag_sets (`logical(1)`)\cr
#' Whether to add tags of the form `"set_<n>"` to the newly added parameters.
#' @param tag_params (`logical(1)`)\cr
#' Whether to add tags of the form `"param_<param_id>"` to each parameter with original ID `<param_id>`.
add = function(p, n = "", tag_sets = FALSE, tag_params = FALSE) {
assert_r6(p, "ParamSet")
if (n != "" && n %in% names(private$.sets)) {
stopf("Set name '%s' already present in collection!", n)
pnames = p$ids()
nameclashes = intersect(
ifelse(n != "", sprintf("%s.%s", n, pnames), pnames),
if (length(nameclashes)) {
stopf("Adding parameter set would lead to nameclashes: %s", str_collapse(nameclashes))
new_index = length(private$.sets) + 1
paramtbl = p$params[, `:=`(original_id = id, owner_ps_index = new_index, owner_name = n)]
if (n != "") set(paramtbl, , "id", sprintf("%s.%s", n, paramtbl$id))
if (!nrow(paramtbl)) {
# when paramtbl is empty, use special setup to make sure information about the `.tags` column is present.
paramtbl = copy(empty_domain)[, `:=`(original_id = character(0), owner_ps_index = integer(0), owner_name = character(0))]
if (tag_sets && n != "") paramtbl[, .tags := map(.tags, function(x) c(x, sprintf("set_%s", n)))]
if (tag_params) paramtbl[, .tags := pmap(list(.tags, original_id), function(x, n) c(x, sprintf("param_%s", n)))]
newtags = paramtbl[, .(tag = unique(unlist(.tags))), by = "id"]
if (nrow(newtags)) {
private$.tags = setkeyv(rbind(private$.tags, newtags), "id")
newtrafos = paramtbl[!map_lgl(.trafo, is.null), .(id, trafo = .trafo)]
if (nrow(newtrafos)) {
private$.trafos = setkeyv(rbind(private$.trafos, newtrafos), "id")
private$.translation = rbind(private$.translation, paramtbl[, c("id", "original_id", "owner_ps_index", "owner_name"), with = FALSE])
setkeyv(private$.translation, "id")
setindexv(private$.translation, "original_id")
set(paramtbl, , setdiff(colnames(paramtbl), domain_names_permanent), NULL)
assert_names(colnames(paramtbl), = domain_names_permanent)
private$.params = rbind(private$.params, paramtbl)
setindexv(private$.params, c("id", "cls", "grouping"))
if (!is.null(p$extra_trafo)) {
entry = if (n == "") length(private$.children_with_trafos) + 1 else n
private$.children_with_trafos[[entry]] = new_index
if (!is.null(p$constraint)) {
entry = if (n == "") length(private$.children_with_constraints) + 1 else n
private$.children_with_constraints[[entry]] = new_index
entry = if (n == "") length(private$.sets) + 1 else n
private$.sets[[n]] = p
#' @description
#' Set the parameter values so that internal tuning for the selected parameters is disabled.
#' @param ids (`character()`)\cr
#' The ids of the parameters for which to disable internal tuning.
#' @return `Self`
disable_internal_tuning = function(ids) {
assert_subset(ids, self$ids(tags = "internal_tuning"))
full_prefix = function(param_set, id_, prefix = "") {
info = get_private(param_set)$.translation[id_, c("owner_name", "original_id", "owner_ps_index"), on = "id"]
subset = get_private(param_set)$.sets[[info$owner_ps_index]]
prefix = if (info$owner_name == "") {
} else if (prefix == "") {
} else {
paste0(prefix, ".", info$owner_name)
if (!test_class(subset, "ParamSetCollection")) return(prefix)
full_prefix(subset, info$original_id, prefix)
pvs = Reduce(c, map(ids, function(id_) {
xs = private$.params[list(id_), "cargo", on = "id"][[1]][[1]]$disable_in_tune
prefix = full_prefix(self, id_)
if (prefix == "") return(xs)
set_names(xs, paste0(full_prefix(self, id_), ".", names(xs)))
})) %??% named_list()
self$set_values(.values = pvs)
#' @description
#' Convert all parameters from the search space to parameter values using the transformation given by
#' `in_tune_fn`.
#' @param search_space ([`ParamSet`])\cr
#' The internal search space.
#' @return (named `list()`)
convert_internal_search_space = function(search_space) {
assert_class(search_space, "ParamSet")
imap(search_space$domains, function(token, .id) {
converter = private$.params[list(.id), "cargo", on = "id"][[1L]][[1L]]$in_tune_fn
if (!is.function(converter)) {
stopf("No converter exists for parameter '%s'", .id)
set_index = private$.translation[list(.id), "owner_ps_index", on = "id"][[1L]]
converter(token, private$.sets[[set_index]]$values)
#' @description
#' Create a `ParamSet` from this `ParamSetCollection`.
flatten = function() {
flatps = super$flatten()
recurse_prefix = function(id_, param_set, prefix = "") {
info = get_private(param_set)$.translation[list(id_), c("owner_name", "owner_ps_index"), on = "id"]
prefix = if (info$owner_name == "") {
} else if (prefix == "") {
} else {
paste0(prefix, ".", info$owner_name)
subset = get_private(param_set)$.sets[[info$owner_ps_index]]
if (!test_class(subset, "ParamSetCollection")) {
return(list(prefix = prefix, ids = subset$ids()))
if (prefix != "") {
id_ = gsub(sprintf("^\\Q%s.\\E", prefix), "", id_)
recurse_prefix(id_, get_private(param_set)$.sets[[info$owner_ps_index]], prefix)
flatps$.__enclos_env__$private$.params[, let(
cargo = pmap(list(cargo = cargo, id_ = id), function(cargo, id_) {
if (all(map_lgl(cargo[c("disable_in_tune", "in_tune_fn")], is.null))) return(cargo)
info = recurse_prefix(id_, self)
prefix = info$prefix
if (prefix == "") return(cargo)
in_tune_fn = cargo$in_tune_fn
set_ids = info$ids
cargo$in_tune_fn = crate(function(domain, param_vals) {
param_vals = param_vals[names(param_vals) %in% paste0(prefix, ".", set_ids)]
names(param_vals) = gsub(sprintf("^\\Q%s.\\E", prefix), "", names(param_vals))
in_tune_fn(domain, param_vals)
}, in_tune_fn, prefix, set_ids)
if (length(cargo$disable_in_tune)) {
cargo$disable_in_tune = set_names(
paste0(prefix, ".", names(cargo$disable_in_tune))
active = list(
#' @template field_deps
deps = function(v) {
if (!missing(v)) {
stop("deps is read-only in ParamSetCollection.")
d_all = imap(private$.sets, function(s, id) {
# copy all deps and rename ids to prefixed versions
dd = s$deps
if (id != "" && nrow(dd)) {
ids_old = s$ids()
ids_new = sprintf("%s.%s", id, ids_old)
dd$id = map_values(dd$id, ids_old, ids_new)
dd$on = map_values(dd$on, ids_old, ids_new)
rbindlist(c(d_all, list(private$.deps)), use.names = TRUE)
#' @template field_values
values = function(xs) {
sets = private$.sets
if (!missing(xs)) {
# make sure everything is valid and feasible.
# We do this here because we don't want the loop to be aborted early and have half an update.
# %??% character(0) in case xs is an empty unnamed list
translate = private$.translation[names(xs) %??% character(0), list(original_id, owner_ps_index), on = "id"]
set(translate, , j = "values", list(xs))
for (xtl in split(translate, by = "owner_ps_index")) {
sets[[xtl$owner_ps_index[[1]]]]$values = set_names(xtl$values, xtl$original_id)
# clear the values of all sets that are not touched by xs
for (clearing in setdiff(seq_along(sets), translate$owner_ps_index)) {
sets[[clearing]]$values = named_list()
vals = unlist(map(sets, "values"), recursive = FALSE)
if (!length(vals)) return(named_list())
#' @template field_extra_trafo
extra_trafo = function(f) {
if (!missing(f)) stop("extra_trafo is read-only in ParamSetCollection.")
if (!length(private$.children_with_trafos)) return(NULL)
#' @template field_constraint
constraint = function(f) {
if (!missing(f)) stop("constraint is read-only in ParamSetCollection.")
if (!length(private$.children_with_constraints)) return(NULL)
#' @field sets (named `list()`)\cr
#' Read-only `list` of of [`ParamSet`]s contained in this `ParamSetCollection`.
#' This field provides direct references to the [`ParamSet`] objects.
sets = function(v) {
if (!missing(v) && !identical(v, private$.sets)) stop("sets is read-only")
private = list(
.sets = NULL,
.translation = data.table(id = character(0), original_id = character(0), owner_ps_index = integer(0), owner_name = character(0), key = "id"),
.children_with_trafos = NULL,
.children_with_constraints = NULL,
.extra_trafo_explicit = function(x) {
changed = unlist(lapply(private$.children_with_trafos, function(set_index) {
changing_ids = private$.translation[J(set_index), id, on = "owner_ps_index"]
trafo = private$.sets[[set_index]]$extra_trafo
changing_values_in = x[names(x) %in% changing_ids]
names(changing_values_in) = private$.translation[names(changing_values_in), original_id]
# input of trafo() must not be changed after the call; otherwise the trafo would have to `force()` it in
# some circumstances.
changing_values = trafo(changing_values_in)
prefix = names(private$.sets)[[set_index]]
if (prefix != "") {
names(changing_values) = sprintf("%s.%s", prefix, names(changing_values))
}), recursive = FALSE)
unchanged_ids = private$.translation[!J(private$.children_with_trafos), id, on = "owner_ps_index"]
unchanged = x[names(x) %in% unchanged_ids]
c(unchanged, changed)
.constraint_explicit = function(x) {
for (set_index in private$.children_with_constraints) {
constraining_ids = private$.translation[J(set_index), id, on = "owner_ps_index"]
constraint = private$.sets[[set_index]]$constraint
constraining_values = x[names(x) %in% constraining_ids]
names(constraining_values) = private$.translation[names(constraining_values), original_id]
if (!constraint(x)) return(FALSE)
deep_clone = function(name, value) {
.deps = copy(value),
.sets = map(value, function(x) {
x$clone(deep = TRUE)
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