
Defines functions return_pin_path fetch_gene_set annotate_term_genes input_processing input_testing create_HTML_report configure_output_dir active_snw_enrichment_wrapper single_iter_wrapper

Documented in active_snw_enrichment_wrapper annotate_term_genes configure_output_dir create_HTML_report fetch_gene_set input_processing input_testing return_pin_path single_iter_wrapper

#' Active Subnetwork Search + Enrichment Analysis Wrapper for a Single Iteration
#' @param i current iteration index (default = \code{NULL})
#' @param dirs vector of directories for parallel runs
#' @inheritParams active_snw_search
#' @inheritParams enrichment_analyses
#' @inheritParams active_snw_enrichment_wrapper
#' @return Data frame of enrichment results using active subnetwork search results
single_iter_wrapper <- function(i = NULL, dirs, input_processed, pin_path, score_quan_thr,
    sig_gene_thr, search_method, silent_option, use_all_positives, geneInitProbs,
    saTemp0, saTemp1, saIter, gaPop, gaIter, gaThread, gaCrossover, gaMut, grMaxDepth,
    grSearchDepth, grOverlap, grSubNum, gset_list, adj_method, enrichment_threshold,
    list_active_snw_genes) {
    snws_file <- "active_snws"
    dir_for_parallel_run <- NULL
    if (!is.null(i)) {
        snws_file <- paste0("active_snws_", i)
        dir_for_parallel_run <- dirs[i]
    snws <- active_snw_search(input_for_search = input_processed, pin_name_path = pin_path,
        snws_file = snws_file, dir_for_parallel_run = dir_for_parallel_run, score_quan_thr = score_quan_thr,
        sig_gene_thr = sig_gene_thr, search_method = search_method, seedForRandom = ifelse(is.null(i),
            1234, i), silent_option = silent_option, use_all_positives = use_all_positives,
        geneInitProbs = ifelse(!is.null(i), geneInitProbs[i], geneInitProbs), saTemp0 = saTemp0,
        saTemp1 = saTemp1, saIter = saIter, gaPop = gaPop, gaIter = gaIter, gaThread = gaThread,
        gaCrossover = gaCrossover, gaMut = gaMut, grMaxDepth = grMaxDepth, grSearchDepth = grSearchDepth,
        grOverlap = grOverlap, grSubNum = grSubNum)
    enrichment_res <- enrichment_analyses(snws = snws, sig_genes_vec = input_processed$GENE,
        pin_name_path = pin_path, genes_by_term = gset_list$genes_by_term, term_descriptions = gset_list$term_descriptions,
        adj_method = adj_method, enrichment_threshold = enrichment_threshold, list_active_snw_genes = list_active_snw_genes)

#' Wrapper for Active Subnetwork Search + Enrichment over Single/Multiple Iteration(s)
#' @param input_processed processed input data frame
#' @param pin_path path/to/PIN/file
#' @param gset_list list for gene sets
#' @param disable_parallel boolean to indicate whether to disable parallel runs
#'  via \code{foreach} (default = FALSE)
#' @inheritParams run_pathfindR
#' @inheritParams active_snw_search
#' @inheritParams enrichment_analyses
#' @param iterations number of iterations for active subnetwork search and
#'  enrichment analyses (Default = 10)
#' @param n_processes optional argument for specifying the number of processes
#'  used by foreach. If not specified, the function determines this
#'  automatically (Default == NULL. Gets set to 1 for Genetic Algorithm)
#' @return Data frame of combined pathfindR enrichment results
active_snw_enrichment_wrapper <- function(input_processed, pin_path, gset_list, enrichment_threshold,
    list_active_snw_genes, adj_method = "bonferroni", search_method = "GR", disable_parallel = FALSE,
    use_all_positives = FALSE, iterations = 10, n_processes = NULL, score_quan_thr = 0.8,
    sig_gene_thr = 0.02, saTemp0 = 1, saTemp1 = 0.01, saIter = 10000, gaPop = 400,
    gaIter = 200, gaThread = 5, gaCrossover = 1, gaMut = 0, grMaxDepth = 1, grSearchDepth = 1,
    grOverlap = 0.5, grSubNum = 1000, silent_option = TRUE) {
    message("## Performing Active Subnetwork Search and Enrichment")
    ############ Argument checks Active Subnetwork Search Method
    valid_mets <- c("GR", "SA", "GA")
    if (!search_method %in% valid_mets) {
        stop("`search_method` should be one of ", paste(dQuote(valid_mets), collapse = ", "))

    ## If search_method is GA, set iterations as 1
    if (search_method == "GA") {
        warning("`iterations` is set to 1 because `search_method = \"GA\"`", call. = FALSE)
        iterations <- 1

    if (!is.null(n_processes)) {
        if (!is.numeric(n_processes)) {
            stop("`n_processes` should be either NULL or a positive integer")
        if (n_processes < 1) {
            stop("`n_processes` should be > 1")

    # calculate the number of processes, if necessary
    if (is.null(n_processes)) {
        n_processes <- parallel::detectCores() - 1

    ## If iterations < n_processes, set n_processes to iterations
    if (iterations < n_processes & iterations != 1) {
        message("`n_processes` is set to `iterations` because `iterations` < `n_processes`")
        n_processes <- iterations

    if (!is.logical(use_all_positives)) {
        stop("`use_all_positives` should be either TRUE or FALSE")

    if (!is.logical(silent_option)) {
        stop("`silent_option` should be either TRUE or FALSE")

    if (!is.logical(disable_parallel)) {
        stop("`disable_parallel` should be either TRUE or FALSE")

    if (!is.numeric(iterations)) {
        stop("`iterations` should be a positive integer")
    if (iterations < 1) {
        stop("`iterations` should be >= 1")

    geneInitProbs <- 0.1
    dirs <- c()
    if (iterations > 1) {
        geneInitProbs <- seq(from = 0.01, to = 0.2, length.out = iterations)

        for (i in base::seq_len(iterations)) {
            dir_i <- file.path("active_snw_searches", paste0("Iteration_", i))
            dir.create(dir_i, recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
            dirs <- c(dirs, dir_i)

    if (iterations == 1) {
        combined_res <- single_iter_wrapper(i = NULL, dirs, input_processed, pin_path,
            score_quan_thr, sig_gene_thr, search_method, silent_option, use_all_positives,
            geneInitProbs, saTemp0, saTemp1, saIter, gaPop, gaIter, gaThread, gaCrossover,
            gaMut, grMaxDepth, grSearchDepth, grOverlap, grSubNum, gset_list, adj_method,
            enrichment_threshold, list_active_snw_genes)
    } else {
        if (!disable_parallel) {
            cl <- parallel::makeCluster(n_processes, setup_strategy = "sequential")
            `%dopar%` <- foreach::`%dopar%`
            combined_res <- foreach::foreach(i = 1:iterations, .combine = rbind,
                .packages = "pathfindR") %dopar% {
                single_iter_wrapper(i, dirs, input_processed, pin_path, score_quan_thr,
                  sig_gene_thr, search_method, silent_option, use_all_positives,
                  geneInitProbs, saTemp0, saTemp1, saIter, gaPop, gaIter, gaThread,
                  gaCrossover, gaMut, grMaxDepth, grSearchDepth, grOverlap, grSubNum,
                  gset_list, adj_method, enrichment_threshold, list_active_snw_genes)
        } else {
            combined_res <- c()
            for (i in 1:iterations) {
                current_res <- single_iter_wrapper(i, dirs, score_quan_thr, sig_gene_thr,
                  search_method, silent_option, use_all_positives, geneInitProbs,
                  saTemp0, saTemp1, saIter, gaPop, gaIter, gaThread, gaCrossover,
                  gaMut, grMaxDepth, grSearchDepth, grOverlap, grSubNum, gset_list,
                  adj_method, enrichment_threshold, list_active_snw_genes)
                combined_res <- rbind(combined_res, current_res)

#' Configure Output Directory Name
#' @inheritParams run_pathfindR
#' @return /path/to/output/dir
configure_output_dir <- function(output_dir = NULL) {
    output_dir_init <- output_dir
    output_dir <- ifelse(is.null(output_dir), file.path(tempdir(check = TRUE), "pathfindR_results"),
    dir_changed <- FALSE
    while (dir.exists(output_dir)) {
        output_dir <- sub("/$", "", output_dir)
        if (grepl("\\(\\d+\\)$", output_dir)) {
            output_dir <- unlist(strsplit(output_dir, "\\("))
            suffix <- as.numeric(sub("\\)", "", output_dir[2])) + 1
            output_dir <- paste0(output_dir[1], "(", suffix, ")")
        } else {
            output_dir <- paste0(output_dir, "(1)")
        dir_changed <- TRUE

    if (dir_changed & !is.null(output_dir_init)) {
        message(paste0("There is already a directory named \"", output_dir_init,
            "\".\nWriting the result to \"", output_dir, "\" not to overwrite any previous results."))

#' Create HTML Report of pathfindR Results
#' @inheritParams run_pathfindR
#' @param input_processed processed input data frame
#' @param final_res final pathfindR result data frame
#' @param dir_for_report directory to render the report in
create_HTML_report <- function(input, input_processed, final_res, dir_for_report) {
    message("## Creating HTML report")
    rmarkdown::render(input = system.file("rmd", "results.Rmd", package = "pathfindR"),
        output_dir = dir_for_report)
    rmarkdown::render(input = system.file("rmd", "enriched_terms.Rmd", package = "pathfindR"),
        params = list(df = final_res), output_dir = dir_for_report)
    rmarkdown::render(input = system.file("rmd", "conversion_table.Rmd", package = "pathfindR"),
        params = list(df = input_processed, original_df = input), output_dir = dir_for_report)

#' Input Testing
#' @param input the input data that pathfindR uses. The input must be a data
#'   frame with three columns: \enumerate{
#'   \item Gene Symbol (Gene Symbol)
#'   \item Change value, e.g. log(fold change) (OPTIONAL)
#'   \item p value, e.g. adjusted p value associated with differential expression
#' }
#' @param p_val_threshold the p value threshold to use when filtering
#'   the input data frame. Must a numeric value between 0 and 1. (default = 0.05)
#' @return Only checks if the input and the threshold follows the required
#'   specifications.
#' @export
#' @seealso See \code{\link{run_pathfindR}} for the wrapper function of the
#'   pathfindR workflow
#' @examples
#' input_testing(example_pathfindR_input, 0.05)
input_testing <- function(input, p_val_threshold = 0.05) {
    message("## Testing input")

    if (!is.data.frame(input)) {
        stop("the input is not a data frame")

    if (ncol(input) != 2 & ncol(input) != 3) {
        stop("the input should have 2 or 3 columns")

    if (nrow(input) < 2) {
        stop("There must be at least 2 rows (genes) in the input data frame")

    if (!is.numeric(p_val_threshold)) {
        stop("`p_val_threshold` must be a numeric value between 0 and 1")

    if (p_val_threshold > 1 | p_val_threshold < 0) {
        stop("`p_val_threshold` must be between 0 and 1")

    # if changes are provided, p vals are in col. 3, else in col. 2
    p_column <- ifelse(ncol(input) == 3, 3, 2)

    if (any(is.na(input[, p_column]))) {
        stop("p values cannot contain NA values")

    if (!all(is.numeric(input[, p_column]))) {
        stop("p values must all be numeric")

    if (any(input[, p_column] > 1 | input[, p_column] < 0)) {
        stop("p values must all be between 0 and 1")

    message("The input looks OK")

#' Process Input
#' @inheritParams input_testing
#' @inheritParams active_snw_search
#' @inheritParams return_pin_path
#' @param convert2alias boolean to indicate whether or not to convert gene symbols
#' in the input that are not found in the PIN to an alias symbol found in the PIN
#' (default = TRUE) IMPORTANT NOTE: the conversion uses human gene symbols/alias symbols.
#' @return This function first filters the input so that all p values are less
#'   than or equal to the threshold. Next, gene symbols that are not found in
#'   the PIN are identified. If aliases of these gene symbols are found in the
#'   PIN, the symbols are converted to the corresponding aliases. The
#'   resulting data frame containing the original gene symbols, the updated
#'   symbols, change values and p values is then returned.
#' @export
#' @seealso See \code{\link{run_pathfindR}} for the wrapper function of the
#'   pathfindR workflow
#' @examples
#' processed_df <- input_processing(
#'   input = example_pathfindR_input[1:5, ],
#'   pin_name_path = 'KEGG'
#' )
#' processed_df <- input_processing(
#'   input = example_pathfindR_input[1:10, ],
#'   pin_name_path = 'KEGG',
#'   convert2alias = FALSE
#' )
input_processing <- function(input, p_val_threshold = 0.05, pin_name_path = "Biogrid",
    convert2alias = TRUE) {
    message("## Processing input. Converting gene symbols,
          if necessary (and if human gene symbols provided)")

    if (!is.logical(convert2alias)) {
        stop("`convert2alias` should be either TRUE or FALSE")

    pin_path <- return_pin_path(pin_name_path)

    if (ncol(input) == 2) {
        input <- data.frame(GENE = input[, 1], CHANGE = rep(1e+06, nrow(input)),
            P_VALUE = input[, 2])

    colnames(input) <- c("GENE", "CHANGE", "P_VALUE")

    ## Turn GENE into character
    if (is.factor(input$GENE)) {
        warning("The gene column was turned into character from factor.", call. = FALSE)
        input$GENE <- as.character(input$GENE)

    message("Number of genes provided in input: ", nrow(input))
    ## Discard larger than p-value threshold
    if (sum(input$P_VALUE <= p_val_threshold) == 0) {
        stop("No input p value is lower than the provided threshold (", p_val_threshold,
    input <- input[input$P_VALUE <= p_val_threshold, ]
    message("Number of genes in input after p-value filtering: ", nrow(input))

    ## Choose lowest p for each gene
    if (anyDuplicated(input$GENE)) {
        warning("Duplicated genes found! The lowest p value for each gene was selected",
            call. = FALSE)

        input <- input[order(input$P_VALUE, decreasing = FALSE), ]
        input <- input[!duplicated(input$GENE), ]

    ## Fix p < 1e-13
    if (any(input$P_VALUE < 1e-13)) {
        message("pathfindR cannot handle p values < 1e-13. These were changed to 1e-13")
        input$P_VALUE <- ifelse(input$P_VALUE < 1e-13, 1e-13, input$P_VALUE)

    ## load and prep pin
    pin <- utils::read.delim(file = pin_path, header = FALSE)

    ## Genes not in pin
    PIN_genes <- c(base::toupper(pin[, 1]), base::toupper(pin[, 3]))
    missing_symbols <- input$GENE[!base::toupper(input$GENE) %in% PIN_genes]
    non_missing_symbols <- input$GENE[base::toupper(input$GENE) %in% PIN_genes]

    if (convert2alias & length(missing_symbols) != 0) {
        ## use SQL to get alias table and gene_info table (contains the
        ## symbols) first open the database connection
        db_con <- org.Hs.eg.db::org.Hs.eg_dbconn()
        ## the SQL query
        sql_query <- "SELECT * FROM alias, gene_info WHERE alias._id == gene_info._id;"
        ## execute the query on the database
        hsa_alias_df <- DBI::dbGetQuery(db_con, sql_query)

        select_alias <- function(result, converted, idx) {
            while (idx > 0) {
                if (!result[idx] %in% c(converted[, 2], non_missing_symbols)) {
                idx <- idx - 1

        ## loop for getting all symbols
        converted <- c()
        for (i in base::seq_len(length(missing_symbols))) {
            result <- hsa_alias_df[hsa_alias_df$alias_symbol == missing_symbols[i],
                c("alias_symbol", "symbol")]
            result <- hsa_alias_df[hsa_alias_df$symbol %in% result$symbol, c("alias_symbol",
            result <- result$alias_symbol[base::toupper(result$alias_symbol) %in%
            ## avoid duplicate entries
            to_add <- select_alias(result, converted, length(result))
            converted <- rbind(converted, c(missing_symbols[i], to_add))

        ## Convert to appropriate symbol
        input$new_gene <- input$GENE
        input$new_gene[match(converted[, 1], input$new_gene)] <- converted[, 2]
    } else {
        input$new_gene <- ifelse(input$GENE %in% missing_symbols, "NOT_FOUND", input$GENE)

    ## number and percent still missing
    n <- sum(input$new_gene == "NOT_FOUND")
    perc <- n/nrow(input) * 100

    if (n == nrow(input)) {
        stop("None of the genes were in the PIN\nPlease check your gene symbols")

    ## Give out warning indicating the number of still missing
    if (n != 0) {
        message(paste0("Could not find any interactions for ", n, " (", round(perc,
            2), "%) genes in the PIN"))
    } else {
        message(paste0("Found interactions for all genes in the PIN"))

    ## reorder columns
    input <- input[, c(1, 4, 2, 3)]
    colnames(input) <- c("old_GENE", "GENE", "CHANGE", "P_VALUE")

    input <- input[input$GENE != "NOT_FOUND", ]

    ## Keep lowest p value for duplicated genes
    input <- input[order(input$P_VALUE), ]
    input <- input[!duplicated(input$GENE), ]

    ## Check that at least two genes remain
    if (nrow(input) < 2) {
        stop("After processing, 1 gene (or no genes) could be mapped to the PIN")

    message("Final number of genes in input: ", nrow(input))


#' Annotate the Affected Genes in the Provided Enriched Terms
#' Function to annotate the involved affected (input) genes in each term.
#' @param result_df data frame of enrichment results.
#'  The only must-have column is 'ID'.
#' @param input_processed input data processed via \code{\link{input_processing}}
#' @param genes_by_term List that contains genes for each gene set. Names of
#'   this list are gene set IDs (default = kegg_genes)
#' @return The original data frame with two additional columns:  \describe{
#'   \item{Up_regulated}{the up-regulated genes in the input involved in the given term's gene set, comma-separated}
#'   \item{Down_regulated}{the down-regulated genes in the input involved in the given term's gene set, comma-separated}
#' }
#' @export
#' @examples
#' example_gene_data <- example_pathfindR_input
#' colnames(example_gene_data) <- c('GENE', 'CHANGE', 'P_VALUE')
#' annotated_result <- annotate_term_genes(
#'   result_df = example_pathfindR_output,
#'   input_processed = example_gene_data
#' )
annotate_term_genes <- function(result_df, input_processed, genes_by_term = pathfindR.data::kegg_genes) {
    message("## Annotating involved genes and visualizing enriched terms")
    ### Argument checks
    if (!is.data.frame(result_df)) {
        stop("`result_df` should be a data frame")
    if (!"ID" %in% colnames(result_df)) {
        stop("`result_df` should contain an \"ID\" column")

    if (!is.data.frame(input_processed)) {
        stop("`input_processed` should be a data frame")
    if (!all(c("GENE", "CHANGE") %in% colnames(input_processed))) {
        stop("`input_processed` should contain the columns \"GENE\" and \"CHANGE\"")

    if (!is.list(genes_by_term)) {
        stop("`genes_by_term` should be a list of term gene sets")
    if (is.null(names(genes_by_term))) {
        stop("`genes_by_term` should be a named list (names are gene set IDs)")

    ### Annotate up/down-regulated term-related genes Up/Down-regulated genes
    upreg <- base::toupper(input_processed$GENE[input_processed$CHANGE >= 0])
    downreg <- base::toupper(input_processed$GENE[input_processed$CHANGE < 0])

    ## Annotation
    annotated_df <- result_df
    annotated_df$Down_regulated <- annotated_df$Up_regulated <- NA
    for (i in base::seq_len(nrow(annotated_df))) {
        idx <- which(names(genes_by_term) == annotated_df$ID[i])
        temp <- genes_by_term[[idx]]
        annotated_df$Up_regulated[i] <- paste(temp[base::toupper(temp) %in% upreg],
            collapse = ", ")
        annotated_df$Down_regulated[i] <- paste(temp[base::toupper(temp) %in% downreg],
            collapse = ", ")


#' Fetch Gene Set Objects
#' Function for obtaining the gene sets per term and the term descriptions to
#' be used for enrichment analysis.
#' @param gene_sets Name of the gene sets to be used for enrichment analysis.
#'  Available gene sets are 'KEGG', 'Reactome', 'BioCarta', 'GO-All',
#'  'GO-BP', 'GO-CC', 'GO-MF', 'cell_markers', 'mmu_KEGG' or 'Custom'.
#'  If 'Custom', the arguments \code{custom_genes} and \code{custom_descriptions}
#'  must be specified. (Default = 'KEGG')
#' @param min_gset_size minimum number of genes a term must contain (default = 10)
#' @param max_gset_size maximum number of genes a term must contain (default = 300)
#' @param custom_genes a list containing the genes involved in each custom
#'  term. Each element is a vector of gene symbols located in the given custom
#'  term. Names should correspond to the IDs of the custom terms.
#' @param custom_descriptions A vector containing the descriptions for each
#'  custom  term. Names of the vector should correspond to the IDs of the custom
#'  terms.
#' @return a list containing 2 elements \describe{
#'   \item{genes_by_term}{list of vectors of genes contained in each term}
#'   \item{term_descriptions}{vector of descriptions per each term}
#' }
#' @export
#' @examples
#' KEGG_gset <- fetch_gene_set()
#' GO_MF_gset <- fetch_gene_set('GO-MF', min_gset_size = 20, max_gset_size = 100)
fetch_gene_set <- function(gene_sets = "KEGG", min_gset_size = 10, max_gset_size = 300,
    custom_genes = NULL, custom_descriptions = NULL) {
    ### Argument checks
    all_gs_opts <- c("KEGG", "Reactome", "BioCarta", "GO-All", "GO-BP", "GO-CC",
        "GO-MF", "cell_markers", "mmu_KEGG", "Custom")
    if (!gene_sets %in% all_gs_opts) {
        stop("`gene_sets` should be one of ", paste(dQuote(all_gs_opts), collapse = ", "))

    if (!is.numeric(min_gset_size)) {
        stop("`min_gset_size` should be numeric")
    if (!is.numeric(max_gset_size)) {
        stop("`max_gset_size` should be numeric")

    ### Custom Gene Sets
    if (gene_sets == "Custom") {
        if (is.null(custom_genes) | is.null(custom_descriptions)) {
            stop("`custom_genes` and `custom_descriptions` must be provided if `gene_sets = \"Custom\"`")

        if (!is.list(custom_genes)) {
            stop("`custom_genes` should be a list of term gene sets")
        if (is.null(names(custom_genes))) {
            stop("`custom_genes` should be a named list (names are gene set IDs)")

        if (!is.atomic(custom_descriptions)) {
            stop("`custom_descriptions` should be a vector of term gene descriptions")
        if (is.null(names(custom_descriptions))) {
            stop("`custom_descriptions` should be a named vector (names are gene set IDs)")

        # filter by size
        gset_lens <- vapply(custom_genes, length, 1)
        keep <- which(gset_lens >= min_gset_size & gset_lens <= max_gset_size)
        custom_genes <- custom_genes[keep]
        custom_descriptions <- custom_descriptions[names(custom_genes)]

        return(list(genes_by_term = custom_genes, term_descriptions = custom_descriptions))

    ### Built-in Gene Sets GO gene sets
    if (grepl("^GO", gene_sets)) {
        genes_by_term <- pathfindR.data::go_all_genes

        GO_df <- pathfindR.data:::GO_all_terms_df
        term_descriptions <- GO_df$GO_term
        names(term_descriptions) <- GO_df$GO_ID

        if (gene_sets == "GO-BP") {
            tmp <- GO_df$GO_ID[GO_df$Category == "Process"]
            genes_by_term <- genes_by_term[tmp]
            term_descriptions <- term_descriptions[tmp]
        } else if (gene_sets == "GO-CC") {
            tmp <- GO_df$GO_ID[GO_df$Category == "Component"]
            genes_by_term <- genes_by_term[tmp]
            term_descriptions <- term_descriptions[tmp]
        } else if (gene_sets == "GO-MF") {
            tmp <- GO_df$GO_ID[GO_df$Category == "Function"]
            genes_by_term <- genes_by_term[tmp]
            term_descriptions <- term_descriptions[tmp]

        ## non-GO (KEGG, Reactome, BioCarta, mmu_KEGG)
    } else {
        if (gene_sets == "KEGG") {
            genes_by_term <- pathfindR.data::kegg_genes
            term_descriptions <- pathfindR.data::kegg_descriptions
        } else if (gene_sets == "Reactome") {
            genes_by_term <- pathfindR.data::reactome_genes
            term_descriptions <- pathfindR.data::reactome_descriptions
        } else if (gene_sets == "BioCarta") {
            genes_by_term <- pathfindR.data::biocarta_genes
            term_descriptions <- pathfindR.data::biocarta_descriptions
        } else if (gene_sets == "mmu_KEGG") {
            genes_by_term <- pathfindR.data::mmu_kegg_genes
            term_descriptions <- pathfindR.data::mmu_kegg_descriptions
        } else {
            genes_by_term <- pathfindR.data::cell_markers_gsets
            term_descriptions <- pathfindR.data::cell_markers_descriptions

    # filter by size
    term_lens <- vapply(genes_by_term, length, 1)
    keep <- which(term_lens >= min_gset_size & term_lens <= max_gset_size)
    genes_by_term <- genes_by_term[keep]
    term_descriptions <- term_descriptions[names(genes_by_term)]

    return(list(genes_by_term = genes_by_term, term_descriptions = term_descriptions))

#' Return The Path to Given Protein-Protein Interaction Network (PIN)
#' This function returns the absolute path/to/PIN.sif. While the default PINs are
#' 'Biogrid', 'STRING', 'GeneMania', 'IntAct', 'KEGG' and 'mmu_STRING'. The user can also
#' use any other PIN by specifying the 'path/to/PIN.sif'. All PINs to be used
#' in this package must formatted as SIF files: i.e. have 3 columns with no
#' header, no row names and be tab-separated. Columns 1 and 3 must be
#' interactors' gene symbols, column 2 must be a column with all
#' rows consisting of 'pp'.
#' @param pin_name_path Name of the chosen PIN or absolute/path/to/PIN.sif. If PIN name,
#'   must be one of c('Biogrid', 'STRING', 'GeneMania', 'IntAct', 'KEGG', 'mmu_STRING'). If
#'   path/to/PIN.sif, the file must comply with the PIN specifications. (Default = 'Biogrid')
#' @return The absolute path to chosen PIN.
#' @export
#' @seealso See \code{\link{run_pathfindR}} for the wrapper function of the
#'   pathfindR workflow
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' pin_path <- return_pin_path('GeneMania')
#' }
return_pin_path <- function(pin_name_path = "Biogrid") {
    ## Default PINs
    valid_opts <- c("Biogrid", "STRING", "GeneMania", "IntAct", "KEGG", "mmu_STRING",
    if (pin_name_path %in% valid_opts[-length(valid_opts)]) {
        path <- file.path(tempdir(check = TRUE), paste0(pin_name_path, ".sif"))
        if (!file.exists(path)) {
            adj_list <- utils::getFromNamespace(paste0(tolower(pin_name_path), "_adj_list"),
                ns = "pathfindR.data")

            pin_df <- lapply(seq_along(adj_list), function(i, nm, val) {
                data.frame(base::toupper(nm[[i]]), "pp", base::toupper(val[[i]]))
            }, val = adj_list, nm = names(adj_list))
            pin_df <- base::do.call("rbind", pin_df)
            utils::write.table(pin_df, path, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE,
                quote = FALSE)
        path <- normalizePath(path)

        ## Custom PIN
    } else if (file.exists(suppressWarnings(normalizePath(pin_name_path)))) {
        path <- normalizePath(pin_name_path)
        pin <- utils::read.delim(file = path, quote = "", header = FALSE)
        if (ncol(pin) != 3) {
            stop("The PIN file must have 3 columns and be tab-separated")

        if (any(pin[, 2] != "pp")) {
            stop("The second column of the PIN file must all be \"pp\" ")

        if (any(grepl("[a-z]", pin[, 1])) | any(grepl("[a-z]", pin[, 3]))) {
            pin[, 1] <- base::toupper(pin[, 1])
            pin[, 3] <- base::toupper(pin[, 3])

            path <- file.path(tempdir(check = TRUE), "custom_PIN.sif")
            utils::write.table(pin, path, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE,
                quote = FALSE)
            path <- normalizePath(path)
    } else {
        stop("The chosen PIN must be one of:\n", paste(dQuote(valid_opts), collapse = ", "))

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pathfindR documentation built on Oct. 9, 2023, 1:07 a.m.