Man pages for paws.customer.engagement
'Amazon Web Services' Customer Engagement Services

connectAmazon Connect Service
connect_activate_evaluation_formActivates an evaluation form in the specified Amazon Connect...
connect_associate_analytics_data_setThis API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is...
connect_associate_approved_originThis API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is...
connect_associate_botThis API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is...
connect_associate_default_vocabularyAssociates an existing vocabulary as the default
connect_associate_flowAssociates a connect resource to a flow
connect_associate_instance_storage_configThis API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is...
connect_associate_lambda_functionThis API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is...
connect_associate_lex_botThis API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is...
connect_associate_phone_number_contact_flowAssociates a flow with a phone number claimed to your Amazon...
connect_associate_queue_quick_connectsThis API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is...
connect_associate_routing_profile_queuesAssociates a set of queues with a routing profile
connect_associate_security_keyThis API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is...
connect_associate_traffic_distribution_group_userAssociates an agent with a traffic distribution group
connect_associate_user_proficienciesAssociates a set of proficiencies with a user
connect_batch_associate_analytics_data_setThis API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is...
connect_batch_disassociate_analytics_data_setThis API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is...
connect_batch_get_attached_file_metadataAllows you to retrieve metadata about multiple attached files...
connect_batch_get_flow_associationRetrieve the flow associations for the given resources
connect_batch_put_contactOnly the Amazon Connect outbound campaigns service principal...
connectcampaignservice_create_campaignCreates a campaign for the specified Amazon Connect account
connectcampaignservice_delete_campaignDeletes a campaign from the specified Amazon Connect account
connectcampaignservice_delete_connect_instance_configDeletes a connect instance config from the specified AWS...
connectcampaignservice_delete_instance_onboarding_jobDelete the Connect Campaigns onboarding job for the specified...
connectcampaignservice_describe_campaignDescribes the specific campaign
connectcampaignservice_get_campaign_stateGet state of a campaign for the specified Amazon Connect...
connectcampaignservice_get_campaign_state_batchGet state of campaigns for the specified Amazon Connect...
connectcampaignservice_get_connect_instance_configGet the specific Connect instance config
connectcampaignservice_get_instance_onboarding_job_statusGet the specific instance onboarding job status
connectcampaignservice_list_campaignsProvides summary information about the campaigns under the...
connectcampaignservice_list_tags_for_resourceList tags for a resource
connectcampaignservice_pause_campaignPauses a campaign for the specified Amazon Connect account
connectcampaignservice_put_dial_request_batchCreates dials requests for the specified campaign Amazon...
connectcampaignservice_resume_campaignStops a campaign for the specified Amazon Connect account
connectcampaignservice_start_campaignStarts a campaign for the specified Amazon Connect account
connectcampaignservice_start_instance_onboarding_jobOnboard the specific Amazon Connect instance to Connect...
connectcampaignservice_stop_campaignStops a campaign for the specified Amazon Connect account
connectcampaignservice_tag_resourceTag a resource
connectcampaignservice_untag_resourceUntag a resource
connectcampaignservice_update_campaign_dialer_configUpdates the dialer config of a campaign
connectcampaignservice_update_campaign_nameUpdates the name of a campaign
connectcampaignservice_update_campaign_outbound_call_configUpdates the outbound call config of a campaign
connectcasesAmazon Connect Cases
connectcases_batch_get_fieldReturns the description for the list of fields in the request...
connectcases_batch_put_field_optionsCreates and updates a set of field options for a single...
connectcases_create_caseIf you provide a value for PerformedBy
connectcases_create_domainCreates a domain, which is a container for all case data,...
connectcases_create_fieldCreates a field in the Cases domain
connectcases_create_layoutCreates a layout in the Cases domain
connectcases_create_related_itemCreates a related item (comments, tasks, and contacts) and...
connectcases_create_templateCreates a template in the Cases domain
connectcases_delete_domainDeletes a Cases domain
connectcases_delete_fieldDeletes a field from a cases template
connectcases_delete_layoutDeletes a layout from a cases template
connectcases_delete_templateDeletes a cases template
connectcases_get_caseReturns information about a specific case if it exists
connectcases_get_case_audit_eventsReturns the audit history about a specific case if it exists
connectcases_get_case_event_configurationReturns the case event publishing configuration
connectcases_get_domainReturns information about a specific domain if it exists
connectcases_get_layoutReturns the details for the requested layout
connectcases_get_templateReturns the details for the requested template
connectcases_list_cases_for_contactLists cases for a given contact
connectcases_list_domainsLists all cases domains in the Amazon Web Services account
connectcases_list_field_optionsLists all of the field options for a field identifier in the...
connectcases_list_fieldsLists all fields in a Cases domain
connectcases_list_layoutsLists all layouts in the given cases domain
connectcases_list_tags_for_resourceLists tags for a resource
connectcases_list_templatesLists all of the templates in a Cases domain
connectcases_put_case_event_configurationAdds case event publishing configuration
connectcases_search_casesSearches for cases within their associated Cases domain
connectcases_search_related_itemsSearches for related items that are associated with a case
connectcases_tag_resourceAdds tags to a resource
connectcases_untag_resourceUntags a resource
connectcases_update_caseIf you provide a value for PerformedBy
connectcases_update_fieldUpdates the properties of an existing field
connectcases_update_layoutUpdates the attributes of an existing layout
connectcases_update_templateUpdates the attributes of an existing template
connect_claim_phone_numberClaims an available phone number to your Amazon Connect...
connect_complete_attached_file_uploadAllows you to confirm that the attached file has been...
connectcontactlensAmazon Connect Contact Lens
connectcontactlens_list_realtime_contact_analysis_segmentsProvides a list of analysis segments for a real-time analysis...
connect_create_agent_statusThis API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is...
connect_create_contact_flowCreates a flow for the specified Amazon Connect instance
connect_create_contact_flow_moduleCreates a flow module for the specified Amazon Connect...
connect_create_evaluation_formCreates an evaluation form in the specified Amazon Connect...
connect_create_hours_of_operationThis API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is...
connect_create_instanceThis API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is...
connect_create_integration_associationCreates an Amazon Web Services resource association with an...
connect_create_participantAdds a new participant into an on-going chat contact
connect_create_persistent_contact_associationEnables rehydration of chats for the lifespan of a contact
connect_create_predefined_attributeCreates a new predefined attribute for the specified Amazon...
connect_create_promptCreates a prompt
connect_create_queueThis API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is...
connect_create_quick_connectCreates a quick connect for the specified Amazon Connect...
connect_create_routing_profileCreates a new routing profile
connect_create_ruleCreates a rule for the specified Amazon Connect instance
connect_create_security_profileCreates a security profile
connect_create_task_templateCreates a new task template in the specified Amazon Connect...
connect_create_traffic_distribution_groupCreates a traffic distribution group given an Amazon Connect...
connect_create_use_caseCreates a use case for an integration association
connect_create_userCreates a user account for the specified Amazon Connect...
connect_create_user_hierarchy_groupCreates a new user hierarchy group
connect_create_viewCreates a new view with the possible status of SAVED or...
connect_create_view_versionPublishes a new version of the view identifier
connect_create_vocabularyCreates a custom vocabulary associated with your Amazon...
connect_deactivate_evaluation_formDeactivates an evaluation form in the specified Amazon...
connect_delete_attached_fileDeletes an attached file along with the underlying S3 Object
connect_delete_contact_evaluationDeletes a contact evaluation in the specified Amazon Connect...
connect_delete_contact_flowDeletes a flow for the specified Amazon Connect instance
connect_delete_contact_flow_moduleDeletes the specified flow module
connect_delete_evaluation_formDeletes an evaluation form in the specified Amazon Connect...
connect_delete_hours_of_operationThis API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is...
connect_delete_instanceThis API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is...
connect_delete_integration_associationDeletes an Amazon Web Services resource association from an...
connect_delete_predefined_attributeDeletes a predefined attribute from the specified Amazon...
connect_delete_promptDeletes a prompt
connect_delete_queueDeletes a queue
connect_delete_quick_connectDeletes a quick connect
connect_delete_routing_profileDeletes a routing profile
connect_delete_ruleDeletes a rule for the specified Amazon Connect instance
connect_delete_security_profileDeletes a security profile
connect_delete_task_templateDeletes the task template
connect_delete_traffic_distribution_groupDeletes a traffic distribution group
connect_delete_use_caseDeletes a use case from an integration association
connect_delete_userDeletes a user account from the specified Amazon Connect...
connect_delete_user_hierarchy_groupDeletes an existing user hierarchy group
connect_delete_viewDeletes the view entirely
connect_delete_view_versionDeletes the particular version specified in ViewVersion...
connect_delete_vocabularyDeletes the vocabulary that has the given identifier
connect_describe_agent_statusThis API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is...
connect_describe_authentication_profileThis API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is...
connect_describe_contactThis API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is...
connect_describe_contact_evaluationDescribes a contact evaluation in the specified Amazon...
connect_describe_contact_flowDescribes the specified flow
connect_describe_contact_flow_moduleDescribes the specified flow module
connect_describe_evaluation_formDescribes an evaluation form in the specified Amazon Connect...
connect_describe_hours_of_operationThis API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is...
connect_describe_instanceThis API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is...
connect_describe_instance_attributeThis API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is...
connect_describe_instance_storage_configThis API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is...
connect_describe_phone_numberGets details and status of a phone number that’s claimed to...
connect_describe_predefined_attributeDescribes a predefined attribute for the specified Amazon...
connect_describe_promptDescribes the prompt
connect_describe_queueThis API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is...
connect_describe_quick_connectDescribes the quick connect
connect_describe_routing_profileDescribes the specified routing profile
connect_describe_ruleDescribes a rule for the specified Amazon Connect instance
connect_describe_security_profileGets basic information about the security profile
connect_describe_traffic_distribution_groupGets details and status of a traffic distribution group
connect_describe_userDescribes the specified user
connect_describe_user_hierarchy_groupDescribes the specified hierarchy group
connect_describe_user_hierarchy_structureDescribes the hierarchy structure of the specified Amazon...
connect_describe_viewRetrieves the view for the specified Amazon Connect instance...
connect_describe_vocabularyDescribes the specified vocabulary
connect_disassociate_analytics_data_setThis API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is...
connect_disassociate_approved_originThis API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is...
connect_disassociate_botThis API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is...
connect_disassociate_flowDisassociates a connect resource from a flow
connect_disassociate_instance_storage_configThis API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is...
connect_disassociate_lambda_functionThis API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is...
connect_disassociate_lex_botThis API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is...
connect_disassociate_phone_number_contact_flowRemoves the flow association from a phone number claimed to...
connect_disassociate_queue_quick_connectsThis API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is...
connect_disassociate_routing_profile_queuesDisassociates a set of queues from a routing profile
connect_disassociate_security_keyThis API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is...
connect_disassociate_traffic_distribution_group_userDisassociates an agent from a traffic distribution group
connect_disassociate_user_proficienciesDisassociates a set of proficiencies from a user
connect_dismiss_user_contactDismisses contacts from an agent’s CCP and returns the agent...
connect_get_attached_fileProvides a pre-signed URL for download of an approved...
connect_get_contact_attributesRetrieves the contact attributes for the specified contact
connect_get_current_metric_dataGets the real-time metric data from the specified Amazon...
connect_get_current_user_dataGets the real-time active user data from the specified Amazon...
connect_get_federation_tokenSupports SAML sign-in for Amazon Connect
connect_get_flow_associationRetrieves the flow associated for a given resource
connect_get_metric_dataGets historical metric data from the specified Amazon Connect...
connect_get_metric_data_v2Gets metric data from the specified Amazon Connect instance
connect_get_prompt_fileGets the prompt file
connect_get_task_templateGets details about a specific task template in the specified...
connect_get_traffic_distributionRetrieves the current traffic distribution for a given...
connect_import_phone_numberImports a claimed phone number from an external service, such...
connect_list_agent_statusesThis API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is...
connect_list_analytics_data_associationsThis API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is...
connect_list_approved_originsThis API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is...
connect_list_authentication_profilesThis API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is...
connect_list_botsThis API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is...
connect_list_contact_evaluationsLists contact evaluations in the specified Amazon Connect...
connect_list_contact_flow_modulesProvides information about the flow modules for the specified...
connect_list_contact_flowsProvides information about the flows for the specified Amazon...
connect_list_contact_referencesThis API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is...
connect_list_default_vocabulariesLists the default vocabularies for the specified Amazon...
connect_list_evaluation_formsLists evaluation forms in the specified Amazon Connect...
connect_list_evaluation_form_versionsLists versions of an evaluation form in the specified Amazon...
connect_list_flow_associationsList the flow association based on the filters
connect_list_hours_of_operationsProvides information about the hours of operation for the...
connect_list_instance_attributesThis API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is...
connect_list_instancesThis API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is...
connect_list_instance_storage_configsThis API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is...
connect_list_integration_associationsProvides summary information about the Amazon Web Services...
connect_list_lambda_functionsThis API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is...
connect_list_lex_botsThis API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is...
connect_list_phone_numbersProvides information about the phone numbers for the...
connect_list_phone_numbers_v2Lists phone numbers claimed to your Amazon Connect instance...
connect_list_predefined_attributesLists predefined attributes for the specified Amazon Connect...
connect_list_promptsProvides information about the prompts for the specified...
connect_list_queue_quick_connectsThis API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is...
connect_list_queuesProvides information about the queues for the specified...
connect_list_quick_connectsProvides information about the quick connects for the...
connect_list_realtime_contact_analysis_segments_v2Provides a list of analysis segments for a real-time analysis...
connect_list_routing_profile_queuesLists the queues associated with a routing profile
connect_list_routing_profilesProvides summary information about the routing profiles for...
connect_list_rulesList all rules for the specified Amazon Connect instance
connect_list_security_keysThis API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is...
connect_list_security_profile_applicationsReturns a list of third-party applications in a specific...
connect_list_security_profile_permissionsLists the permissions granted to a security profile
connect_list_security_profilesProvides summary information about the security profiles for...
connect_list_tags_for_resourceLists the tags for the specified resource
connect_list_task_templatesLists task templates for the specified Amazon Connect...
connect_list_traffic_distribution_groupsLists traffic distribution groups
connect_list_traffic_distribution_group_usersLists traffic distribution group users
connect_list_use_casesLists the use cases for the integration association
connect_list_user_hierarchy_groupsProvides summary information about the hierarchy groups for...
connect_list_user_proficienciesLists proficiencies associated with a user
connect_list_usersProvides summary information about the users for the...
connect_list_viewsReturns views in the given instance
connect_list_view_versionsReturns all the available versions for the specified Amazon...
connect_monitor_contactInitiates silent monitoring of a contact
connectparticipantAmazon Connect Participant Service
connectparticipant_complete_attachment_uploadAllows you to confirm that the attachment has been uploaded...
connectparticipant_create_participant_connectionCreates the participant's connection
connectparticipant_describe_viewRetrieves the view for the specified view token
connectparticipant_disconnect_participantDisconnects a participant
connectparticipant_get_attachmentProvides a pre-signed URL for download of a completed...
connectparticipant_get_transcriptRetrieves a transcript of the session, including details...
connectparticipant_send_eventThe application/vnd
connectparticipant_send_messageSends a message
connectparticipant_start_attachment_uploadProvides a pre-signed Amazon S3 URL in response for uploading...
connect_pause_contactAllows pausing an ongoing task contact
connect_put_user_statusChanges the current status of a user or agent in Amazon...
connect_release_phone_numberReleases a phone number previously claimed to an Amazon...
connect_replicate_instanceReplicates an Amazon Connect instance in the specified Amazon...
connect_resume_contactAllows resuming a task contact in a paused state
connect_resume_contact_recordingWhen a contact is being recorded, and the recording has been...
connect_search_agent_statusesSearches AgentStatuses in an Amazon Connect instance, with...
connect_search_available_phone_numbersSearches for available phone numbers that you can claim to...
connect_search_contact_flow_modulesSearches the flow modules in an Amazon Connect instance, with...
connect_search_contact_flowsSearches the contact flows in an Amazon Connect instance,...
connect_search_contactsSearches contacts in an Amazon Connect instance
connect_search_hours_of_operationsSearches the hours of operation in an Amazon Connect...
connect_search_predefined_attributesSearches predefined attributes that meet certain criteria
connect_search_promptsSearches prompts in an Amazon Connect instance, with optional...
connect_search_queuesSearches queues in an Amazon Connect instance, with optional...
connect_search_quick_connectsSearches quick connects in an Amazon Connect instance, with...
connect_search_resource_tagsSearches tags used in an Amazon Connect instance using...
connect_search_routing_profilesSearches routing profiles in an Amazon Connect instance, with...
connect_search_security_profilesSearches security profiles in an Amazon Connect instance,...
connect_search_user_hierarchy_groupsSearches UserHierarchyGroups in an Amazon Connect instance,...
connect_search_usersSearches users in an Amazon Connect instance, with optional...
connect_search_vocabulariesSearches for vocabularies within a specific Amazon Connect...
connect_send_chat_integration_eventProcesses chat integration events from Amazon Web Services or...
connect_start_attached_file_uploadProvides a pre-signed Amazon S3 URL in response for uploading...
connect_start_chat_contactInitiates a flow to start a new chat for the customer
connect_start_contact_evaluationStarts an empty evaluation in the specified Amazon Connect...
connect_start_contact_recordingStarts recording the contact:
connect_start_contact_streamingInitiates real-time message streaming for a new chat contact
connect_start_outbound_voice_contactPlaces an outbound call to a contact, and then initiates the...
connect_start_task_contactInitiates a flow to start a new task contact
connect_start_web_rtc_contactPlaces an inbound in-app, web, or video call to a contact,...
connect_stop_contactEnds the specified contact
connect_stop_contact_recordingStops recording a call when a contact is being recorded
connect_stop_contact_streamingEnds message streaming on a specified contact
connect_submit_contact_evaluationSubmits a contact evaluation in the specified Amazon Connect...
connect_suspend_contact_recordingWhen a contact is being recorded, this API suspends recording...
connect_tag_contactAdds the specified tags to the contact resource
connect_tag_resourceAdds the specified tags to the specified resource
connect_transfer_contactTransfers contacts from one agent or queue to another agent...
connect_untag_contactRemoves the specified tags from the contact resource
connect_untag_resourceRemoves the specified tags from the specified resource
connect_update_agent_statusThis API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is...
connect_update_authentication_profileThis API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is...
connect_update_contactThis API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is...
connect_update_contact_attributesCreates or updates user-defined contact attributes associated...
connect_update_contact_evaluationUpdates details about a contact evaluation in the specified...
connect_update_contact_flow_contentUpdates the specified flow
connect_update_contact_flow_metadataUpdates metadata about specified flow
connect_update_contact_flow_module_contentUpdates specified flow module for the specified Amazon...
connect_update_contact_flow_module_metadataUpdates metadata about specified flow module
connect_update_contact_flow_nameThe name of the flow
connect_update_contact_routing_dataUpdates routing priority and age on the contact...
connect_update_contact_scheduleUpdates the scheduled time of a task contact that is already...
connect_update_evaluation_formUpdates details about a specific evaluation form version in...
connect_update_hours_of_operationThis API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is...
connect_update_instance_attributeThis API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is...
connect_update_instance_storage_configThis API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is...
connect_update_participant_role_configUpdates timeouts for when human chat participants are to be...
connect_update_phone_numberUpdates your claimed phone number from its current Amazon...
connect_update_phone_number_metadataUpdates a phone number’s metadata
connect_update_predefined_attributeUpdates a predefined attribute for the specified Amazon...
connect_update_promptUpdates a prompt
connect_update_queue_hours_of_operationThis API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is...
connect_update_queue_max_contactsThis API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is...
connect_update_queue_nameThis API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is...
connect_update_queue_outbound_caller_configThis API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is...
connect_update_queue_statusThis API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is...
connect_update_quick_connect_configUpdates the configuration settings for the specified quick...
connect_update_quick_connect_nameUpdates the name and description of a quick connect
connect_update_routing_profile_agent_availability_timerWhether agents with this routing profile will have their...
connect_update_routing_profile_concurrencyUpdates the channels that agents can handle in the Contact...
connect_update_routing_profile_default_outbound_queueUpdates the default outbound queue of a routing profile
connect_update_routing_profile_nameUpdates the name and description of a routing profile
connect_update_routing_profile_queuesUpdates the properties associated with a set of queues for a...
connect_update_ruleUpdates a rule for the specified Amazon Connect instance
connect_update_security_profileUpdates a security profile
connect_update_task_templateUpdates details about a specific task template in the...
connect_update_traffic_distributionUpdates the traffic distribution for a given traffic...
connect_update_user_hierarchyAssigns the specified hierarchy group to the specified user
connect_update_user_hierarchy_group_nameUpdates the name of the user hierarchy group
connect_update_user_hierarchy_structureUpdates the user hierarchy structure: add, remove, and rename...
connect_update_user_identity_infoUpdates the identity information for the specified user
connect_update_user_phone_configUpdates the phone configuration settings for the specified...
connect_update_user_proficienciesUpdates the properties associated with the proficiencies of a...
connect_update_user_routing_profileAssigns the specified routing profile to the specified user
connect_update_user_security_profilesAssigns the specified security profiles to the specified user
connect_update_view_contentUpdates the view content of the given view identifier in the...
connect_update_view_metadataUpdates the view metadata
connectwisdomserviceAmazon Connect Wisdom Service
connectwisdomservice_create_assistantCreates an Amazon Connect Wisdom assistant
connectwisdomservice_create_assistant_associationCreates an association between an Amazon Connect Wisdom...
connectwisdomservice_create_contentCreates Wisdom content
connectwisdomservice_create_knowledge_baseCreates a knowledge base
connectwisdomservice_create_quick_responseCreates a Wisdom quick response
connectwisdomservice_create_sessionCreates a session
connectwisdomservice_delete_assistantDeletes an assistant
connectwisdomservice_delete_assistant_associationDeletes an assistant association
connectwisdomservice_delete_contentDeletes the content
connectwisdomservice_delete_import_jobDeletes the quick response import job
connectwisdomservice_delete_knowledge_baseDeletes the knowledge base
connectwisdomservice_delete_quick_responseDeletes a quick response
connectwisdomservice_get_assistantRetrieves information about an assistant
connectwisdomservice_get_assistant_associationRetrieves information about an assistant association
connectwisdomservice_get_contentRetrieves content, including a pre-signed URL to download the...
connectwisdomservice_get_content_summaryRetrieves summary information about the content
connectwisdomservice_get_import_jobRetrieves the started import job
connectwisdomservice_get_knowledge_baseRetrieves information about the knowledge base
connectwisdomservice_get_quick_responseRetrieves the quick response
connectwisdomservice_get_recommendationsRetrieves recommendations for the specified session
connectwisdomservice_get_sessionRetrieves information for a specified session
connectwisdomservice_list_assistant_associationsLists information about assistant associations
connectwisdomservice_list_assistantsLists information about assistants
connectwisdomservice_list_contentsLists the content
connectwisdomservice_list_import_jobsLists information about import jobs
connectwisdomservice_list_knowledge_basesLists the knowledge bases
connectwisdomservice_list_quick_responsesLists information about quick response
connectwisdomservice_list_tags_for_resourceLists the tags for the specified resource
connectwisdomservice_notify_recommendations_receivedRemoves the specified recommendations from the specified...
connectwisdomservice_query_assistantPerforms a manual search against the specified assistant
connectwisdomservice_remove_knowledge_base_template_uriRemoves a URI template from a knowledge base
connectwisdomservice_search_contentSearches for content in a specified knowledge base
connectwisdomservice_search_quick_responsesSearches existing Wisdom quick responses in a Wisdom...
connectwisdomservice_search_sessionsSearches for sessions
connectwisdomservice_start_content_uploadGet a URL to upload content to a knowledge base
connectwisdomservice_start_import_jobStart an asynchronous job to import Wisdom resources from an...
connectwisdomservice_tag_resourceAdds the specified tags to the specified resource
connectwisdomservice_untag_resourceRemoves the specified tags from the specified resource
connectwisdomservice_update_contentUpdates information about the content
connectwisdomservice_update_knowledge_base_template_uriUpdates the template URI of a knowledge base
connectwisdomservice_update_quick_responseUpdates an existing Wisdom quick response
customerprofilesAmazon Connect Customer Profiles
customerprofiles_add_profile_keyAssociates a new key value with a specific profile, such as a...
customerprofiles_create_calculated_attribute_definitionCreates a new calculated attribute definition
customerprofiles_create_domainCreates a domain, which is a container for all customer data,...
customerprofiles_create_event_streamCreates an event stream, which is a subscription to real-time...
customerprofiles_create_integration_workflowCreates an integration workflow
customerprofiles_create_profileCreates a standard profile
customerprofiles_delete_calculated_attribute_definitionDeletes an existing calculated attribute definition
customerprofiles_delete_domainDeletes a specific domain and all of its customer data, such...
customerprofiles_delete_event_streamDisables and deletes the specified event stream
customerprofiles_delete_integrationRemoves an integration from a specific domain
customerprofiles_delete_profileDeletes the standard customer profile and all data pertaining...
customerprofiles_delete_profile_keyRemoves a searchable key from a customer profile
customerprofiles_delete_profile_objectRemoves an object associated with a profile of a given...
customerprofiles_delete_profile_object_typeRemoves a ProfileObjectType from a specific domain as well as...
customerprofiles_delete_workflowDeletes the specified workflow and all its corresponding...
customerprofiles_detect_profile_object_typeThe process of detecting profile object type mapping by using...
customerprofiles_get_auto_merging_previewTests the auto-merging settings of your Identity Resolution...
customerprofiles_get_calculated_attribute_definitionProvides more information on a calculated attribute...
customerprofiles_get_calculated_attribute_for_profileRetrieve a calculated attribute for a customer profile
customerprofiles_get_domainReturns information about a specific domain
customerprofiles_get_event_streamReturns information about the specified event stream in a...
customerprofiles_get_identity_resolution_jobReturns information about an Identity Resolution Job in a...
customerprofiles_get_integrationReturns an integration for a domain
customerprofiles_get_matchesBefore calling this API, use CreateDomain or UpdateDomain to...
customerprofiles_get_profile_object_typeReturns the object types for a specific domain
customerprofiles_get_profile_object_type_templateReturns the template information for a specific object type
customerprofiles_get_similar_profilesReturns a set of profiles that belong to the same matching...
customerprofiles_get_workflowGet details of specified workflow
customerprofiles_get_workflow_stepsGet granular list of steps in workflow
customerprofiles_list_account_integrationsLists all of the integrations associated to a specific URI in...
customerprofiles_list_calculated_attribute_definitionsLists calculated attribute definitions for Customer Profiles
customerprofiles_list_calculated_attributes_for_profileRetrieve a list of calculated attributes for a customer...
customerprofiles_list_domainsReturns a list of all the domains for an AWS account that...
customerprofiles_list_event_streamsReturns a list of all the event streams in a specific domain
customerprofiles_list_identity_resolution_jobsLists all of the Identity Resolution Jobs in your domain
customerprofiles_list_integrationsLists all of the integrations in your domain
customerprofiles_list_profile_objectsReturns a list of objects associated with a profile of a...
customerprofiles_list_profile_object_typesLists all of the templates available within the service
customerprofiles_list_profile_object_type_templatesLists all of the template information for object types
customerprofiles_list_rule_based_matchesReturns a set of MatchIds that belong to the given domain
customerprofiles_list_tags_for_resourceDisplays the tags associated with an Amazon Connect Customer...
customerprofiles_list_workflowsQuery to list all workflows
customerprofiles_merge_profilesRuns an AWS Lambda job that does the following:
customerprofiles_put_integrationAdds an integration between the service and a third-party...
customerprofiles_put_profile_objectAdds additional objects to customer profiles of a given...
customerprofiles_put_profile_object_typeDefines a ProfileObjectType
customerprofiles_search_profilesSearches for profiles within a specific domain using one or...
customerprofiles_tag_resourceAssigns one or more tags (key-value pairs) to the specified...
customerprofiles_untag_resourceRemoves one or more tags from the specified Amazon Connect...
customerprofiles_update_calculated_attribute_definitionUpdates an existing calculated attribute definition
customerprofiles_update_domainUpdates the properties of a domain, including creating or...
customerprofiles_update_profileUpdates the properties of a profile
pinpointAmazon Pinpoint
pinpoint_create_appCreates an application
pinpoint_create_campaignCreates a new campaign for an application or updates the...
pinpoint_create_email_templateCreates a message template for messages that are sent through...
pinpoint_create_export_jobCreates an export job for an application
pinpoint_create_import_jobCreates an import job for an application
pinpoint_create_in_app_templateCreates a new message template for messages using the in-app...
pinpoint_create_journeyCreates a journey for an application
pinpoint_create_push_templateCreates a message template for messages that are sent through...
pinpoint_create_recommender_configurationCreates an Amazon Pinpoint configuration for a recommender...
pinpoint_create_segmentCreates a new segment for an application or updates the...
pinpoint_create_sms_templateCreates a message template for messages that are sent through...
pinpoint_create_voice_templateCreates a message template for messages that are sent through...
pinpoint_delete_adm_channelDisables the ADM channel for an application and deletes any...
pinpoint_delete_apns_channelDisables the APNs channel for an application and deletes any...
pinpoint_delete_apns_sandbox_channelDisables the APNs sandbox channel for an application and...
pinpoint_delete_apns_voip_channelDisables the APNs VoIP channel for an application and deletes...
pinpoint_delete_apns_voip_sandbox_channelDisables the APNs VoIP sandbox channel for an application and...
pinpoint_delete_appDeletes an application
pinpoint_delete_baidu_channelDisables the Baidu channel for an application and deletes any...
pinpoint_delete_campaignDeletes a campaign from an application
pinpoint_delete_email_channelDisables the email channel for an application and deletes any...
pinpoint_delete_email_templateDeletes a message template for messages that were sent...
pinpoint_delete_endpointDeletes an endpoint from an application
pinpoint_delete_event_streamDeletes the event stream for an application
pinpoint_delete_gcm_channelDisables the GCM channel for an application and deletes any...
pinpoint_delete_in_app_templateDeletes a message template for messages sent using the in-app...
pinpoint_delete_journeyDeletes a journey from an application
pinpoint_delete_push_templateDeletes a message template for messages that were sent...
pinpoint_delete_recommender_configurationDeletes an Amazon Pinpoint configuration for a recommender...
pinpoint_delete_segmentDeletes a segment from an application
pinpoint_delete_sms_channelDisables the SMS channel for an application and deletes any...
pinpoint_delete_sms_templateDeletes a message template for messages that were sent...
pinpoint_delete_user_endpointsDeletes all the endpoints that are associated with a specific...
pinpoint_delete_voice_channelDisables the voice channel for an application and deletes any...
pinpoint_delete_voice_templateDeletes a message template for messages that were sent...
pinpointemailAmazon Pinpoint Email Service
pinpointemail_create_configuration_setCreate a configuration set
pinpointemail_create_configuration_set_event_destinationCreate an event destination
pinpointemail_create_dedicated_ip_poolCreate a new pool of dedicated IP addresses
pinpointemail_create_deliverability_test_reportCreate a new predictive inbox placement test
pinpointemail_create_email_identityVerifies an email identity for use with Amazon Pinpoint
pinpointemail_delete_configuration_setDelete an existing configuration set
pinpointemail_delete_configuration_set_event_destinationDelete an event destination
pinpointemail_delete_dedicated_ip_poolDelete a dedicated IP pool
pinpointemail_delete_email_identityDeletes an email identity that you previously verified for...
pinpointemail_get_accountObtain information about the email-sending status and...
pinpointemail_get_blacklist_reportsRetrieve a list of the blacklists that your dedicated IP...
pinpointemail_get_configuration_setGet information about an existing configuration set,...
pinpointemail_get_configuration_set_event_destinationsRetrieve a list of event destinations that are associated...
pinpointemail_get_dedicated_ipGet information about a dedicated IP address, including the...
pinpointemail_get_dedicated_ipsList the dedicated IP addresses that are associated with your...
pinpointemail_get_deliverability_dashboard_optionsRetrieve information about the status of the Deliverability...
pinpointemail_get_deliverability_test_reportRetrieve the results of a predictive inbox placement test
pinpointemail_get_domain_deliverability_campaignRetrieve all the deliverability data for a specific campaign
pinpointemail_get_domain_statistics_reportRetrieve inbox placement and engagement rates for the domains...
pinpointemail_get_email_identityProvides information about a specific identity associated...
pinpointemail_list_configuration_setsList all of the configuration sets associated with your...
pinpointemail_list_dedicated_ip_poolsList all of the dedicated IP pools that exist in your Amazon...
pinpointemail_list_deliverability_test_reportsShow a list of the predictive inbox placement tests that...
pinpointemail_list_domain_deliverability_campaignsRetrieve deliverability data for all the campaigns that used...
pinpointemail_list_email_identitiesReturns a list of all of the email identities that are...
pinpointemail_list_tags_for_resourceRetrieve a list of the tags (keys and values) that are...
pinpointemail_put_account_dedicated_ip_warmup_attributesEnable or disable the automatic warm-up feature for dedicated...
pinpointemail_put_account_sending_attributesEnable or disable the ability of your account to send email
pinpointemail_put_configuration_set_delivery_optionsAssociate a configuration set with a dedicated IP pool
pinpointemail_put_configuration_set_reputation_optionsEnable or disable collection of reputation metrics for emails...
pinpointemail_put_configuration_set_sending_optionsEnable or disable email sending for messages that use a...
pinpointemail_put_configuration_set_tracking_optionsSpecify a custom domain to use for open and click tracking...
pinpointemail_put_dedicated_ip_in_poolMove a dedicated IP address to an existing dedicated IP pool
pinpointemail_put_dedicated_ip_warmup_attributesPut dedicated ip warmup attributes
pinpointemail_put_deliverability_dashboard_optionEnable or disable the Deliverability dashboard for your...
pinpointemail_put_email_identity_dkim_attributesUsed to enable or disable DKIM authentication for an email...
pinpointemail_put_email_identity_feedback_attributesUsed to enable or disable feedback forwarding for an identity
pinpointemail_put_email_identity_mail_from_attributesUsed to enable or disable the custom Mail-From domain...
pinpointemail_send_emailSends an email message
pinpointemail_tag_resourceAdd one or more tags (keys and values) to a specified...
pinpointemail_untag_resourceRemove one or more tags (keys and values) from a specified...
pinpointemail_update_configuration_set_event_destinationUpdate the configuration of an event destination for a...
pinpoint_get_adm_channelRetrieves information about the status and settings of the...
pinpoint_get_apns_channelRetrieves information about the status and settings of the...
pinpoint_get_apns_sandbox_channelRetrieves information about the status and settings of the...
pinpoint_get_apns_voip_channelRetrieves information about the status and settings of the...
pinpoint_get_apns_voip_sandbox_channelRetrieves information about the status and settings of the...
pinpoint_get_appRetrieves information about an application
pinpoint_get_application_date_range_kpiRetrieves (queries) pre-aggregated data for a standard metric...
pinpoint_get_application_settingsRetrieves information about the settings for an application
pinpoint_get_appsRetrieves information about all the applications that are...
pinpoint_get_baidu_channelRetrieves information about the status and settings of the...
pinpoint_get_campaignRetrieves information about the status, configuration, and...
pinpoint_get_campaign_activitiesRetrieves information about all the activities for a campaign
pinpoint_get_campaign_date_range_kpiRetrieves (queries) pre-aggregated data for a standard metric...
pinpoint_get_campaignsRetrieves information about the status, configuration, and...
pinpoint_get_campaign_versionRetrieves information about the status, configuration, and...
pinpoint_get_campaign_versionsRetrieves information about the status, configuration, and...
pinpoint_get_channelsRetrieves information about the history and status of each...
pinpoint_get_email_channelRetrieves information about the status and settings of the...
pinpoint_get_email_templateRetrieves the content and settings of a message template for...
pinpoint_get_endpointRetrieves information about the settings and attributes of a...
pinpoint_get_event_streamRetrieves information about the event stream settings for an...
pinpoint_get_export_jobRetrieves information about the status and settings of a...
pinpoint_get_export_jobsRetrieves information about the status and settings of all...
pinpoint_get_gcm_channelRetrieves information about the status and settings of the...
pinpoint_get_import_jobRetrieves information about the status and settings of a...
pinpoint_get_import_jobsRetrieves information about the status and settings of all...
pinpoint_get_in_app_messagesRetrieves the in-app messages targeted for the provided...
pinpoint_get_in_app_templateRetrieves the content and settings of a message template for...
pinpoint_get_journeyRetrieves information about the status, configuration, and...
pinpoint_get_journey_date_range_kpiRetrieves (queries) pre-aggregated data for a standard...
pinpoint_get_journey_execution_activity_metricsRetrieves (queries) pre-aggregated data for a standard...
pinpoint_get_journey_execution_metricsRetrieves (queries) pre-aggregated data for a standard...
pinpoint_get_journey_run_execution_activity_metricsRetrieves (queries) pre-aggregated data for a standard run...
pinpoint_get_journey_run_execution_metricsRetrieves (queries) pre-aggregated data for a standard run...
pinpoint_get_journey_runsProvides information about the runs of a journey
pinpoint_get_push_templateRetrieves the content and settings of a message template for...
pinpoint_get_recommender_configurationRetrieves information about an Amazon Pinpoint configuration...
pinpoint_get_recommender_configurationsRetrieves information about all the recommender model...
pinpoint_get_segmentRetrieves information about the configuration, dimension, and...
pinpoint_get_segment_export_jobsRetrieves information about the status and settings of the...
pinpoint_get_segment_import_jobsRetrieves information about the status and settings of the...
pinpoint_get_segmentsRetrieves information about the configuration, dimension, and...
pinpoint_get_segment_versionRetrieves information about the configuration, dimension, and...
pinpoint_get_segment_versionsRetrieves information about the configuration, dimension, and...
pinpoint_get_sms_channelRetrieves information about the status and settings of the...
pinpoint_get_sms_templateRetrieves the content and settings of a message template for...
pinpoint_get_user_endpointsRetrieves information about all the endpoints that are...
pinpoint_get_voice_channelRetrieves information about the status and settings of the...
pinpoint_get_voice_templateRetrieves the content and settings of a message template for...
pinpoint_list_journeysRetrieves information about the status, configuration, and...
pinpoint_list_tags_for_resourceRetrieves all the tags (keys and values) that are associated...
pinpoint_list_templatesRetrieves information about all the message templates that...
pinpoint_list_template_versionsRetrieves information about all the versions of a specific...
pinpoint_phone_number_validateRetrieves information about a phone number
pinpoint_put_eventsCreates a new event to record for endpoints, or creates or...
pinpoint_put_event_streamCreates a new event stream for an application or updates the...
pinpoint_remove_attributesRemoves one or more custom attributes, of the same attribute...
pinpoint_send_messagesCreates and sends a direct message
pinpoint_send_otp_messageSend an OTP message
pinpoint_send_users_messagesCreates and sends a message to a list of users
pinpointsmsvoiceAmazon Pinpoint SMS and Voice Service
pinpointsmsvoice_create_configuration_setCreate a new configuration set
pinpointsmsvoice_create_configuration_set_event_destinationCreate a new event destination in a configuration set
pinpointsmsvoice_delete_configuration_setDeletes an existing configuration set
pinpointsmsvoice_delete_configuration_set_event_destinationDeletes an event destination in a configuration set
pinpointsmsvoice_get_configuration_set_event_destinationsObtain information about an event destination, including the...
pinpointsmsvoice_list_configuration_setsList all of the configuration sets associated with your...
pinpointsmsvoice_send_voice_messageCreate a new voice message and send it to a recipient's phone...
pinpointsmsvoice_update_configuration_set_event_destinationUpdate an event destination in a configuration set
pinpointsmsvoicev2Amazon Pinpoint SMS Voice V2
pinpointsmsvoicev2_associate_origination_identityAssociates the specified origination identity with a pool
pinpointsmsvoicev2_associate_protect_configurationAssociate a protect configuration with a configuration set
pinpointsmsvoicev2_create_configuration_setCreates a new configuration set
pinpointsmsvoicev2_create_event_destinationCreates a new event destination in a configuration set
pinpointsmsvoicev2_create_opt_out_listCreates a new opt-out list
pinpointsmsvoicev2_create_poolCreates a new pool and associates the specified origination...
pinpointsmsvoicev2_create_protect_configurationCreate a new protect configuration
pinpointsmsvoicev2_create_registrationCreates a new registration based on the RegistrationType...
pinpointsmsvoicev2_create_registration_associationAssociate the registration with an origination identity such...
pinpointsmsvoicev2_create_registration_attachmentCreate a new registration attachment to use for uploading a...
pinpointsmsvoicev2_create_registration_versionCreate a new version of the registration and increase the...
pinpointsmsvoicev2_create_verified_destination_numberYou can only send messages to verified destination numbers...
pinpointsmsvoicev2_delete_accoun_defaul_protec_configRemoves the current account default protect configuration
pinpointsmsvoicev2_delete_configuration_setDeletes an existing configuration set
pinpointsmsvoicev2_delete_default_message_typeDeletes an existing default message type on a configuration...
pinpointsmsvoicev2_delete_default_sender_idDeletes an existing default sender ID on a configuration set
pinpointsmsvoicev2_delete_event_destinationDeletes an existing event destination
pinpointsmsvoicev2_delete_keywordDeletes an existing keyword from an origination phone number...
pinpointsmsvoicev2_delete_media_message_spend_limit_overrideDeletes an account-level monthly spending limit override for...
pinpointsmsvoicev2_delete_opted_out_numberDeletes an existing opted out destination phone number from...
pinpointsmsvoicev2_delete_opt_out_listDeletes an existing opt-out list
pinpointsmsvoicev2_delete_poolDeletes an existing pool
pinpointsmsvoicev2_delete_protect_configurationPermanently delete the protect configuration
pinpointsmsvoicev2_delete_registrationPermanently delete an existing registration from your account
pinpointsmsvoicev2_delete_registration_attachmentPermanently delete the specified registration attachment
pinpointsmsvoicev2_delete_registration_field_valueDelete the value in a registration form field
pinpointsmsvoicev2_delete_text_message_spend_limit_overrideDeletes an account-level monthly spending limit override for...
pinpointsmsvoicev2_delete_verified_destination_numberDelete a verified destination phone number
pinpointsmsvoicev2_delete_voice_message_spend_limit_overrideDeletes an account level monthly spend limit override for...
pinpointsmsvoicev2_describe_account_attributesDescribes attributes of your Amazon Web Services account
pinpointsmsvoicev2_describe_account_limitsDescribes the current AWS End User Messaging SMS and Voice...
pinpointsmsvoicev2_describe_configuration_setsDescribes the specified configuration sets or all in your...
pinpointsmsvoicev2_describe_keywordsDescribes the specified keywords or all keywords on your...
pinpointsmsvoicev2_describe_opted_out_numbersDescribes the specified opted out destination numbers or all...
pinpointsmsvoicev2_describe_opt_out_listsDescribes the specified opt-out list or all opt-out lists in...
pinpointsmsvoicev2_describe_phone_numbersDescribes the specified origination phone number, or all the...
pinpointsmsvoicev2_describe_poolsRetrieves the specified pools or all pools associated with...
pinpointsmsvoicev2_describe_protect_configurationsRetrieves the protect configurations that match any of...
pinpointsmsvoicev2_describe_registration_attachmentsRetrieves the specified registration attachments or all...
pinpointsmsvoicev2_describe_registration_field_definitionsRetrieves the specified registration type field definitions
pinpointsmsvoicev2_describe_registration_field_valuesRetrieves the specified registration field values
pinpointsmsvoicev2_describe_registrationsRetrieves the specified registrations
pinpointsmsvoicev2_describe_registration_section_definitionsRetrieves the specified registration section definitions
pinpointsmsvoicev2_describe_registration_type_definitionsRetrieves the specified registration type definitions
pinpointsmsvoicev2_describe_registration_versionsRetrieves the specified registration version
pinpointsmsvoicev2_describe_sender_idsDescribes the specified SenderIds or all SenderIds associated...
pinpointsmsvoicev2_describe_spend_limitsDescribes the current monthly spend limits for sending voice...
pinpointsmsvoicev2_describe_verified_destination_numbersRetrieves the specified verified destiona numbers
pinpointsmsvoicev2_disassociate_origination_identityRemoves the specified origination identity from an existing...
pinpointsmsvoicev2_disassociate_protect_configurationDisassociate a protect configuration from a configuration set
pinpointsmsvoicev2_discard_registration_versionDiscard the current version of the registration
pinpointsmsvoicev2_get_prote_confi_count_rule_setRetrieve the CountryRuleSet for the specified...
pinpointsmsvoicev2_list_pool_origination_identitiesLists all associated origination identities in your pool
pinpointsmsvoicev2_list_registration_associationsRetreive all of the origination identies that are associated...
pinpointsmsvoicev2_list_tags_for_resourceList all tags associated with a resource
pinpointsmsvoicev2_put_keywordCreates or updates a keyword configuration on an origination...
pinpointsmsvoicev2_put_opted_out_numberCreates an opted out destination phone number in the opt-out...
pinpointsmsvoicev2_put_registration_field_valueCreates or updates a field value for a registration
pinpointsmsvoicev2_release_phone_numberReleases an existing origination phone number in your account
pinpointsmsvoicev2_release_sender_idReleases an existing sender ID in your account
pinpointsmsvoicev2_request_phone_numberRequest an origination phone number for use in your account
pinpointsmsvoicev2_request_sender_idRequest a new sender ID that doesn't require registration
pinpointsmsvoicev2_send_destination_number_verification_codeBefore you can send test messages to a verified destination...
pinpointsmsvoicev2_send_media_messageCreates a new multimedia message (MMS) and sends it to a...
pinpointsmsvoicev2_send_text_messageCreates a new text message and sends it to a recipient's...
pinpointsmsvoicev2_send_voice_messageAllows you to send a request that sends a voice message
pinpointsmsvoicev2_set_account_default_protect_configurationSet a protect configuration as your account default
pinpointsmsvoicev2_set_default_message_typeSets the default message type on a configuration set
pinpointsmsvoicev2_set_default_sender_idSets default sender ID on a configuration set
pinpointsmsvoicev2_set_media_message_spend_limit_overrideSets an account level monthly spend limit override for...
pinpointsmsvoicev2_set_text_message_spend_limit_overrideSets an account level monthly spend limit override for...
pinpointsmsvoicev2_set_voice_message_spend_limit_overrideSets an account level monthly spend limit override for...
pinpointsmsvoicev2_submit_registration_versionSubmit the specified registration for review and approval
pinpointsmsvoicev2_tag_resourceAdds or overwrites only the specified tags for the specified...
pinpointsmsvoicev2_untag_resourceRemoves the association of the specified tags from a resource
pinpointsmsvoicev2_update_event_destinationUpdates an existing event destination in a configuration set
pinpointsmsvoicev2_update_phone_numberUpdates the configuration of an existing origination phone...
pinpointsmsvoicev2_update_poolUpdates the configuration of an existing pool
pinpointsmsvoicev2_update_protect_configurationUpdate the setting for an existing protect configuration
pinpointsmsvoicev2_update_sender_idUpdates the configuration of an existing sender ID
pinpointsmsvoicev2_updat_prote_confi_count_rule_setUpdate a country rule set to ALLOW or BLOCK messages to be...
pinpointsmsvoicev2_verify_destination_numberUse the verification code that was received by the verified...
pinpoint_tag_resourceAdds one or more tags (keys and values) to an application,...
pinpoint_untag_resourceRemoves one or more tags (keys and values) from an...
pinpoint_update_adm_channelEnables the ADM channel for an application or updates the...
pinpoint_update_apns_channelEnables the APNs channel for an application or updates the...
pinpoint_update_apns_sandbox_channelEnables the APNs sandbox channel for an application or...
pinpoint_update_apns_voip_channelEnables the APNs VoIP channel for an application or updates...
pinpoint_update_apns_voip_sandbox_channelEnables the APNs VoIP sandbox channel for an application or...
pinpoint_update_application_settingsUpdates the settings for an application
pinpoint_update_baidu_channelEnables the Baidu channel for an application or updates the...
pinpoint_update_campaignUpdates the configuration and other settings for a campaign
pinpoint_update_email_channelEnables the email channel for an application or updates the...
pinpoint_update_email_templateUpdates an existing message template for messages that are...
pinpoint_update_endpointCreates a new endpoint for an application or updates the...
pinpoint_update_endpoints_batchCreates a new batch of endpoints for an application or...
pinpoint_update_gcm_channelEnables the GCM channel for an application or updates the...
pinpoint_update_in_app_templateUpdates an existing message template for messages sent...
pinpoint_update_journeyUpdates the configuration and other settings for a journey
pinpoint_update_journey_stateCancels (stops) an active journey
pinpoint_update_push_templateUpdates an existing message template for messages that are...
pinpoint_update_recommender_configurationUpdates an Amazon Pinpoint configuration for a recommender...
pinpoint_update_segmentCreates a new segment for an application or updates the...
pinpoint_update_sms_channelEnables the SMS channel for an application or updates the...
pinpoint_update_sms_templateUpdates an existing message template for messages that are...
pinpoint_update_template_active_versionChanges the status of a specific version of a message...
pinpoint_update_voice_channelEnables the voice channel for an application or updates the...
pinpoint_update_voice_templateUpdates an existing message template for messages that are...
pinpoint_verify_otp_messageVerify an OTP
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
sesAmazon Simple Email Service
ses_clone_receipt_rule_setCreates a receipt rule set by cloning an existing one
ses_create_configuration_setCreates a configuration set
ses_create_configuration_set_event_destinationCreates a configuration set event destination
ses_create_configuration_set_tracking_optionsCreates an association between a configuration set and a...
ses_create_custom_verification_email_templateCreates a new custom verification email template
ses_create_receipt_filterCreates a new IP address filter
ses_create_receipt_ruleCreates a receipt rule
ses_create_receipt_rule_setCreates an empty receipt rule set
ses_create_templateCreates an email template
ses_delete_configuration_setDeletes a configuration set
ses_delete_configuration_set_event_destinationDeletes a configuration set event destination
ses_delete_configuration_set_tracking_optionsDeletes an association between a configuration set and a...
ses_delete_custom_verification_email_templateDeletes an existing custom verification email template
ses_delete_identityDeletes the specified identity (an email address or a domain)...
ses_delete_identity_policyDeletes the specified sending authorization policy for the...
ses_delete_receipt_filterDeletes the specified IP address filter
ses_delete_receipt_ruleDeletes the specified receipt rule
ses_delete_receipt_rule_setDeletes the specified receipt rule set and all of the receipt...
ses_delete_templateDeletes an email template
ses_describe_active_receipt_rule_setReturns the metadata and receipt rules for the receipt rule...
ses_describe_configuration_setReturns the details of the specified configuration set
ses_describe_receipt_ruleReturns the details of the specified receipt rule
ses_describe_receipt_rule_setReturns the details of the specified receipt rule set
ses_get_account_sending_enabledReturns the email sending status of the Amazon SES account...
ses_get_custom_verification_email_templateReturns the custom email verification template for the...
ses_get_identity_dkim_attributesReturns the current status of Easy DKIM signing for an entity
ses_get_identity_mail_from_domain_attributesReturns the custom MAIL FROM attributes for a list of...
ses_get_identity_notification_attributesGiven a list of verified identities (email addresses and/or...
ses_get_identity_policiesReturns the requested sending authorization policies for the...
ses_get_identity_verification_attributesGiven a list of identities (email addresses and/or domains),...
ses_get_send_quotaProvides the sending limits for the Amazon SES account
ses_get_send_statisticsProvides sending statistics for the current Amazon Web...
ses_get_templateDisplays the template object (which includes the Subject...
ses_list_configuration_setsProvides a list of the configuration sets associated with...
ses_list_custom_verification_email_templatesLists the existing custom verification email templates for...
ses_list_identitiesReturns a list containing all of the identities (email...
ses_list_identity_policiesReturns a list of sending authorization policies that are...
ses_list_receipt_filtersLists the IP address filters associated with your Amazon Web...
ses_list_receipt_rule_setsLists the receipt rule sets that exist under your Amazon Web...
ses_list_templatesLists the email templates present in your Amazon SES account...
ses_put_configuration_set_delivery_optionsAdds or updates the delivery options for a configuration set
ses_put_identity_policyAdds or updates a sending authorization policy for the...
ses_reorder_receipt_rule_setReorders the receipt rules within a receipt rule set
ses_send_bounceGenerates and sends a bounce message to the sender of an...
ses_send_bulk_templated_emailComposes an email message to multiple destinations
ses_send_custom_verification_emailAdds an email address to the list of identities for your...
ses_send_emailComposes an email message and immediately queues it for...
ses_send_raw_emailComposes an email message and immediately queues it for...
ses_send_templated_emailComposes an email message using an email template and...
ses_set_active_receipt_rule_setSets the specified receipt rule set as the active receipt...
ses_set_identity_dkim_enabledEnables or disables Easy DKIM signing of email sent from an...
ses_set_identity_feedback_forwarding_enabledGiven an identity (an email address or a domain), enables or...
ses_set_identity_headers_in_notifications_enabledGiven an identity (an email address or a domain), sets...
ses_set_identity_mail_from_domainEnables or disables the custom MAIL FROM domain setup for a...
ses_set_identity_notification_topicSets an Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic...
ses_set_receipt_rule_positionSets the position of the specified receipt rule in the...
ses_test_render_templateCreates a preview of the MIME content of an email when...
ses_update_account_sending_enabledEnables or disables email sending across your entire Amazon...
ses_update_configuration_set_event_destinationUpdates the event destination of a configuration set
ses_update_configuration_set_reputation_metrics_enabledEnables or disables the publishing of reputation metrics for...
ses_update_configuration_set_sending_enabledEnables or disables email sending for messages sent using a...
ses_update_configuration_set_tracking_optionsModifies an association between a configuration set and a...
ses_update_custom_verification_email_templateUpdates an existing custom verification email template
ses_update_receipt_ruleUpdates a receipt rule
ses_update_templateUpdates an email template
sesv2Amazon Simple Email Service
sesv2_batch_get_metric_dataRetrieves batches of metric data collected based on your...
sesv2_cancel_export_jobCancels an export job
sesv2_create_configuration_setCreate a configuration set
sesv2_create_configuration_set_event_destinationCreate an event destination
sesv2_create_contactCreates a contact, which is an end-user who is receiving the...
sesv2_create_contact_listCreates a contact list
sesv2_create_custom_verification_email_templateCreates a new custom verification email template
sesv2_create_dedicated_ip_poolCreate a new pool of dedicated IP addresses
sesv2_create_deliverability_test_reportCreate a new predictive inbox placement test
sesv2_create_email_identityStarts the process of verifying an email identity
sesv2_create_email_identity_policyCreates the specified sending authorization policy for the...
sesv2_create_email_templateCreates an email template
sesv2_create_export_jobCreates an export job for a data source and destination
sesv2_create_import_jobCreates an import job for a data destination
sesv2_delete_configuration_setDelete an existing configuration set
sesv2_delete_configuration_set_event_destinationDelete an event destination
sesv2_delete_contactRemoves a contact from a contact list
sesv2_delete_contact_listDeletes a contact list and all of the contacts on that list
sesv2_delete_custom_verification_email_templateDeletes an existing custom verification email template
sesv2_delete_dedicated_ip_poolDelete a dedicated IP pool
sesv2_delete_email_identityDeletes an email identity
sesv2_delete_email_identity_policyDeletes the specified sending authorization policy for the...
sesv2_delete_email_templateDeletes an email template
sesv2_delete_suppressed_destinationRemoves an email address from the suppression list for your...
sesv2_get_accountObtain information about the email-sending status and...
sesv2_get_blacklist_reportsRetrieve a list of the blacklists that your dedicated IP...
sesv2_get_configuration_setGet information about an existing configuration set,...
sesv2_get_configuration_set_event_destinationsRetrieve a list of event destinations that are associated...
sesv2_get_contactReturns a contact from a contact list
sesv2_get_contact_listReturns contact list metadata
sesv2_get_custom_verification_email_templateReturns the custom email verification template for the...
sesv2_get_dedicated_ipGet information about a dedicated IP address, including the...
sesv2_get_dedicated_ip_poolRetrieve information about the dedicated pool
sesv2_get_dedicated_ipsList the dedicated IP addresses that are associated with your...
sesv2_get_deliverability_dashboard_optionsRetrieve information about the status of the Deliverability...
sesv2_get_deliverability_test_reportRetrieve the results of a predictive inbox placement test
sesv2_get_domain_deliverability_campaignRetrieve all the deliverability data for a specific campaign
sesv2_get_domain_statistics_reportRetrieve inbox placement and engagement rates for the domains...
sesv2_get_email_identityProvides information about a specific identity, including the...
sesv2_get_email_identity_policiesReturns the requested sending authorization policies for the...
sesv2_get_email_templateDisplays the template object (which includes the subject...
sesv2_get_export_jobProvides information about an export job
sesv2_get_import_jobProvides information about an import job
sesv2_get_message_insightsProvides information about a specific message, including the...
sesv2_get_suppressed_destinationRetrieves information about a specific email address that's...
sesv2_list_configuration_setsList all of the configuration sets associated with your...
sesv2_list_contact_listsLists all of the contact lists available
sesv2_list_contactsLists the contacts present in a specific contact list
sesv2_list_custom_verification_email_templatesLists the existing custom verification email templates for...
sesv2_list_dedicated_ip_poolsList all of the dedicated IP pools that exist in your Amazon...
sesv2_list_deliverability_test_reportsShow a list of the predictive inbox placement tests that...
sesv2_list_domain_deliverability_campaignsRetrieve deliverability data for all the campaigns that used...
sesv2_list_email_identitiesReturns a list of all of the email identities that are...
sesv2_list_email_templatesLists the email templates present in your Amazon SES account...
sesv2_list_export_jobsLists all of the export jobs
sesv2_list_import_jobsLists all of the import jobs
sesv2_list_recommendationsLists the recommendations present in your Amazon SES account...
sesv2_list_suppressed_destinationsRetrieves a list of email addresses that are on the...
sesv2_list_tags_for_resourceRetrieve a list of the tags (keys and values) that are...
sesv2_put_account_dedicated_ip_warmup_attributesEnable or disable the automatic warm-up feature for dedicated...
sesv2_put_account_detailsUpdate your Amazon SES account details
sesv2_put_account_sending_attributesEnable or disable the ability of your account to send email
sesv2_put_account_suppression_attributesChange the settings for the account-level suppression list
sesv2_put_account_vdm_attributesUpdate your Amazon SES account VDM attributes
sesv2_put_configuration_set_delivery_optionsAssociate a configuration set with a dedicated IP pool
sesv2_put_configuration_set_reputation_optionsEnable or disable collection of reputation metrics for emails...
sesv2_put_configuration_set_sending_optionsEnable or disable email sending for messages that use a...
sesv2_put_configuration_set_suppression_optionsSpecify the account suppression list preferences for a...
sesv2_put_configuration_set_tracking_optionsSpecify a custom domain to use for open and click tracking...
sesv2_put_configuration_set_vdm_optionsSpecify VDM preferences for email that you send using the...
sesv2_put_dedicated_ip_in_poolMove a dedicated IP address to an existing dedicated IP pool
sesv2_put_dedicated_ip_pool_scaling_attributesUsed to convert a dedicated IP pool to a different scaling...
sesv2_put_dedicated_ip_warmup_attributesPut dedicated ip warmup attributes
sesv2_put_deliverability_dashboard_optionEnable or disable the Deliverability dashboard
sesv2_put_email_identity_configuration_set_attributesUsed to associate a configuration set with an email identity
sesv2_put_email_identity_dkim_attributesUsed to enable or disable DKIM authentication for an email...
sesv2_put_email_identity_dkim_signing_attributesUsed to configure or change the DKIM authentication settings...
sesv2_put_email_identity_feedback_attributesUsed to enable or disable feedback forwarding for an identity
sesv2_put_email_identity_mail_from_attributesUsed to enable or disable the custom Mail-From domain...
sesv2_put_suppressed_destinationAdds an email address to the suppression list for your...
sesv2_send_bulk_emailComposes an email message to multiple destinations
sesv2_send_custom_verification_emailAdds an email address to the list of identities for your...
sesv2_send_emailSends an email message
sesv2_tag_resourceAdd one or more tags (keys and values) to a specified...
sesv2_test_render_email_templateCreates a preview of the MIME content of an email when...
sesv2_untag_resourceRemove one or more tags (keys and values) from a specified...
sesv2_update_configuration_set_event_destinationUpdate the configuration of an event destination for a...
sesv2_update_contactUpdates a contact's preferences for a list
sesv2_update_contact_listUpdates contact list metadata
sesv2_update_custom_verification_email_templateUpdates an existing custom verification email template
sesv2_update_email_identity_policyUpdates the specified sending authorization policy for the...
sesv2_update_email_templateUpdates an email template
ses_verify_domain_dkimReturns a set of DKIM tokens for a domain identity
ses_verify_domain_identityAdds a domain to the list of identities for your Amazon SES...
ses_verify_email_identityAdds an email address to the list of identities for your...
paws.customer.engagement documentation built on Sept. 12, 2024, 6:34 a.m.