
Defines functions RCbray1 b_NTI1 plot.ncm_res ncm plot.NTI_RC nti_rc nst cor_net

Documented in b_NTI1 cor_net ncm nst nti_rc plot.ncm_res plot.NTI_RC RCbray1

# Network========

#' Correlation network, species-interaction network for omics
#' @return No value
#' @export
cor_net <- function() {
  if (!requireNamespace("MetaNet")) {
    message('All network related functions have been migrated to `MetaNet`, please install `MetaNet`:
visit the website: https://github.com/Asa12138/MetaNet')
  } else {
    message("All network related functions have been migrated to `MetaNet`, you have already installed `MetaNet`, please:

# Stochastic or Determine=========
#' Calculate NST for each group
#' @param otutab an otutab data.frame, samples are columns, taxs are rows.
#' @param group_df a dataframe with rowname and one group column
#' @param threads default:4
#' @param file filename to save
#' @param rep repeat numbers: suggest 999
#' @param save save the file
#' @return a b_dist object, dis is MSTij
#' @export
#' @references
#' Ning, D., Deng, Y., Tiedje, J. M. & Zhou, J. (2019) A general framework for quantitatively assessing ecological stochasticity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116, 16892–16898.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' if (requireNamespace("NST")) {
#'   library(ggplot2)
#'   data(otutab, package = "pcutils")
#'   nst(otutab, metadata["Group"]) -> nst_res
#'   plot(nst_res, c_group = "intra") + geom_hline(yintercept = 0.5, lty = 2) + ylab("NST")
#' }
#' }
nst <- function(otutab, group_df, threads = 1, file = NULL, rep = 20, save = FALSE) {
  lib_ps("NST", library = FALSE)
  MST.ij.ruzicka <- NULL
  tnst <- NST::tNST(comm = t(otutab), group = group_df, rand = rep, output.rand = TRUE, nworker = threads)

  tnst$index.pair %>%
    dplyr::mutate(dis = MST.ij.ruzicka) %>%
    as.dist.b_dist() -> NST_ij

  as.b_dist(NST_ij, group_df) -> NST

  if (is.null(file)) file <- paste0("nst_res_", date(), ".RDS")
  if (save) {
    saveRDS(tnst, file = file)
    message(paste0("Result saved as ", file))

#' Calculate b_NTI and RC_bray for each group
#' @param otutab an otutab data.frame, samples are columns, taxs are rows.
#' @param phylo  a phylo object
#' @param group_df a dataframe with rowname and one group column
#' @param threads default:4
#' @param file filename to save
#' @param rep repeat numbers: suggest 999
#' @param save save the file
#' @return a b_dist object, dis is MSTij
#' @export
#' @references
#' Ning, D., Deng, Y., Tiedje, J. M. & Zhou, J. (2019) A general framework for quantitatively assessing ecological stochasticity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116, 16892–16898.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' if (requireNamespace("NST") && requireNamespace("pctax")) {
#'   data(otutab, package = "pcutils")
#'   pctax::df2tree(taxonomy) -> phylo
#'   nti_rc(otutab, phylo, metadata["Group"]) -> nti_res
#'   plot(nti_res)
#' }
#' }
nti_rc <- function(otutab, phylo, group_df, threads = 1, file = NULL, rep = 20, save = FALSE) {
  lib_ps("NST", library = FALSE)
  bNTI.wt <- RC.bMNTD.wt <- dis <- group <- name1 <- name2 <- variable <- bNTI <- NULL
  pdist <- stats::cophenetic(phylo)

  bnti_res <- NST::pNST(
    comm = t(otutab), pd = pdist, group = group_df,
    pd.wd = tempdir(), rand = rep, nworker = threads, SES = TRUE, RC = TRUE

  bnti_res$index.pair %>%
    dplyr::mutate(dis = bNTI.wt) %>%
    as.dist.b_dist() -> b_NTI_ij
  as.b_dist(b_NTI_ij, group_df) -> b_NTI
  bnti_res$index.pair %>%
    dplyr::mutate(dis = RC.bMNTD.wt) %>%
    as.dist.b_dist() -> RC_ij
  as.b_dist(RC_ij, group_df) -> RC

  b_NTI %>%
    dplyr::mutate(bNTI = dis, RC = RC$dis) %>%
    dplyr::filter(group == "intra") %>%
    dplyr::select(name1, name2, variable, bNTI, RC) -> NTI_RC
  NTI_RC %>% dplyr::mutate(type = ifelse(bNTI < (-2), "Homo_S",
    ifelse(bNTI > 2, "Heter_S",
      ifelse(RC < (-0.95), "D_limit",
        ifelse(RC > 0.95, "Undominated", "Homo_D")
  )) -> NTI_RC

  if (is.null(file)) file <- paste0("nti_rc_res_", date(), ".RDS")
  if (save) saveRDS(bnti_res, file = file)
  message(paste0("Result saved as ", file))
  class(NTI_RC) <- c("NTI_RC", "data.frame")

#' Plot NTI_RC object
#' @param x NTI_RC object
#' @param ... pass to \code{\link[pcutils]{stackplot}}
#' @return ggplot
#' @exportS3Method
#' @method plot NTI_RC
#' @rdname nti_rc
plot.NTI_RC <- function(x, ...) {
  nti_res <- x
  nti_res$type <- factor(nti_res$type, levels = c("Homo_S", "Heter_S", "Homo_D", "D_limit", "Undominated"))
  table(nti_res$type, nti_res$variable) %>%
    reshape2::melt() %>%
    reshape2::acast(Var1 ~ Var2) -> com_p
  pcutils::stackplot(com_p, ...)

#' Sloan Neutral Model
#' @param otutab an otutab data.frame, samples are columns, taxs are rows.
#' @param model fit method, one of "nls","mle"
#' @return ncm_res
#' @export
#' @references
#' Sloan, W. TRUE. et al. (2006) Quantifying the roles of immigration and chance in shaping prokaryote community structure. Environmental Microbiology 8, 732–740.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' if (requireNamespace("Hmisc") && requireNamespace("minpack.lm")) {
#'   data(otutab, package = "pcutils")
#'   ncm(otutab) -> ncm_res
#'   plot(ncm_res)
#' }
#' }
ncm <- function(otutab, model = "nls") {
  lib_ps("Hmisc", library = FALSE)
  otutab <- otutab[rowSums(otutab) > 0, ]
  spp <- t(otutab)
  otu.pa <- (spp > 0) * 1
  freq <- apply(otu.pa, 2, mean)
  N <- mean(apply(spp, 1, sum))
  p <- apply(spp, 2, function(x) mean(x)) / N
  d <- 1 / N
  if (model == "nls") {
    lib_ps("minpack.lm", library = FALSE)
    ## Fit model parameter m (or Nm) using Non-linear least squares (NLS)
    m.fit <- minpack.lm::nlsLM(freq ~ stats::pbeta(d, N * m * p, N * m * (1 - p), lower.tail = FALSE), start = list(m = 0.1))

    # coef(m.fit) #get the m value
    freq.pred <- stats::pbeta(d, N * stats::coef(m.fit) * p, N * stats::coef(m.fit) * (1 - p), lower.tail = FALSE)
    pred.ci <- Hmisc::binconf(freq.pred * nrow(spp), nrow(spp), alpha = 0.05, method = "wilson", return.df = TRUE)

    Rsqr <- 1 - (sum((freq - freq.pred)^2)) / (sum((freq - mean(freq))^2))
    bacnlsALL <- data.frame(p, freq, freq.pred, pred.ci[, 2:3])

    stats <- data.frame(m = stats::coef(m.fit), R2 = Rsqr, N = N, samples = ncol(otutab), tax = nrow(otutab), d = d)
  } else if (model == "mle") {
    lib_ps("bbmle", library = FALSE)
    # Maximum Likelihood Estimation
    neutral.ll <- function(m, sigma) {
      R <- freq - stats::pbeta(d, N * m * p, N * m * (1 - p), lower.tail = FALSE)
      -sum(stats::dnorm(R, 0, sigma, log = TRUE))
    m.mle <- bbmle::mle2(neutral.ll,
      start = list(m = 0.01, sigma = 0.1),
      method = "Nelder-Mead"

    freq.pred <- stats::pbeta(d, N * m.mle@coef["m"] * p, N * m.mle@coef["m"] * (1 - p), lower.tail = FALSE)
    pred.ci <- Hmisc::binconf(freq.pred * nrow(spp), nrow(spp), alpha = 0.05, method = "wilson", return.df = TRUE)

    gRsqr <- 1 - exp(-as.numeric(stats::logLik(m.mle)) / length(p))
    bacnlsALL <- data.frame(p, freq, freq.pred, pred.ci[, 2:3])
    stats <- data.frame(m = m.mle@coef["m"], R2 = gRsqr, N = N, samples = ncol(otutab), tax = nrow(otutab), d = d)
  bacnlsALL$group <- NA
  bacnlsALL$group[bacnlsALL[, 2] < bacnlsALL[, 4]] <- "Below" ## 低于下界
  bacnlsALL$group[bacnlsALL[, 2] > bacnlsALL[, 5]] <- "Above" ## 高于上界
  bacnlsALL$group[(bacnlsALL[, 2] >= bacnlsALL[, 4]) & (bacnlsALL[, 2] <= bacnlsALL[, 5])] <- "In" ## 中间
  bacnlsALL <- bacnlsALL[rownames(otutab), ]
  res <- list(stats = stats, ncm_data = bacnlsALL)
  class(res) <- "ncm_res"

#' Plot ncm_res
#' @param x a ncm_res object
#' @param ... add
#' @param mycols mycols
#' @param text_position text_position
#' @return ggplot
#' @exportS3Method
#' @method plot ncm_res
#' @rdname ncm
plot.ncm_res <- function(x, mycols = c("Above" = "#069870", "Below" = "#e29e02", "In" = "#1e353a"), text_position = NULL, ...) {
  ncm_res <- x
  lib_ps("patchwork", library = FALSE)
  p <- freq.pred <- Lower <- Upper <- freq <- group <- NULL
  out <- ncm_res[[2]]
  lincol <- "#4a8fb8"
  p1 <- ggplot() +
    geom_line(data = out, aes(x = log(p), y = freq.pred), linewidth = 1.2, linetype = 1, col = lincol) +
    geom_line(data = out, aes(x = log(p), y = Lower), linewidth = 1.2, linetype = 2, col = lincol) +
    geom_line(data = out, aes(x = log(p), y = Upper), linewidth = 1.2, linetype = 2, col = lincol) +
    xlab("log10(mean relative abundance)") +
    ylab("Occurrence frequency")

  if (is.null(text_position)) {
    text_position <- c(log(max(out$p)) - 2, 0.05)

  p2 <- p1 +
    geom_point(data = out, aes(x = log(p), y = freq, color = group), size = 1) +
    scale_colour_manual(values = mycols) +
    annotate("text", x = text_position[1], y = text_position[2], label = paste("Nm = ", sprintf("%.0f", ncm_res[[1]][1] * ncm_res[[1]][3]), sep = ""), size = 4) +
    annotate("text", x = text_position[1], y = text_position[2] + 0.1, label = paste0("R2 = ", round(ncm_res[[1]][2], 3)), size = 4) +
    pctax_theme + theme(
      legend.position = c(0.85, 0.3),
      legend.title = element_blank(), legend.background = element_rect(I(0))

  out$group %>%
    table() %>%
    as.data.frame() -> ad
  colnames(ad) <- c("type", "n")
  pie <- pcutils::gghuan(ad, name = FALSE, text_params = list(size = 2.5)) +
    xlim(0.2, 3.3) +
    scale_fill_manual(values = mycols) +
      plot.background = element_rect(I(0), linetype = 0),
      panel.background = element_rect(I(0))
    ) # 去除图片背景白色

  p2 + patchwork::inset_element(pie, left = -0.1, bottom = 0.6, right = 0.3, top = 1.1)

#' Calculate beta_NTI
#' @param phylo a phylo object
#' @param otutab otutab
#' @param beta.reps how many simulation performed?
#' @param threads use how many threads to calculate (default:4)
#' @param weighted logical
#' @param verbose verbose
#' @return a dist: b_NTI
#' @export
b_NTI1 <- function(phylo, otutab, beta.reps = 9, weighted = TRUE, threads = 1, verbose = TRUE) {
  lib_ps("picante", library = FALSE)
  # match tree and otutab (important)
  phy_otu_m <- picante::match.phylo.data(phylo, otutab)
  # picante::comdistnt:Calculates inter-community mean nearest taxon distance
  # cophenetic:Cophenetic Distances for a Hierarchical Clustering

  beta.mntd.weighted <- as.matrix(picante::comdistnt(t(phy_otu_m$data),
    abundance.weighted = weighted

  rand.weighted.bMNTD.comp <- array(c(-999), dim = c(ncol(phy_otu_m$data), ncol(phy_otu_m$data), beta.reps))
  if (threads == 1) {
    # no parallel
    for (rep in 1:beta.reps) {
      rand.weighted.bMNTD.comp[, , rep] <- as.matrix(
        picante::comdistnt(t(phy_otu_m$data), picante::taxaShuffle(stats::cophenetic(phy_otu_m$phy)),
          abundance.weighted = weighted, exclude.conspecifics = FALSE
      # print(c(date(),rep))
  } else if (threads > 1) {
    # parallel
    pcutils::lib_ps("foreach", "doSNOW", "snow", library = FALSE)
    if (verbose) {
      pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(max = beta.reps, style = 3)
      opts <- list(progress = function(n) utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, n))
    } else {
      opts <- NULL
    cl <- snow::makeCluster(threads)
    rand.weighted.bMNTD.comp <- foreach::`%dopar%`(foreach::foreach(
      rep = 1:beta.reps,
      .options.snow = opts,
      .packages = c("picante")
    ), as.matrix(picante::comdistnt(t(phy_otu_m$data),
      abundance.weighted = TRUE, exclude.conspecifics = FALSE
    pcutils::del_ps("doSNOW", "snow", "foreach")
    rand.weighted.bMNTD.comp <- simplify2array(rand.weighted.bMNTD.comp)
  weighted.bNTI <- matrix(c(NA), nrow = ncol(phy_otu_m$data), ncol = ncol(phy_otu_m$data))
  for (columns in 1:(ncol(phy_otu_m$data) - 1)) {
    for (rows in (columns + 1):ncol(phy_otu_m$data)) {
      rand.vals <- rand.weighted.bMNTD.comp[rows, columns, ]
      weighted.bNTI[rows, columns] <- (beta.mntd.weighted[rows, columns] - mean(rand.vals)) / sd(rand.vals)
  rownames(weighted.bNTI) <- colnames(phy_otu_m$data)
  colnames(weighted.bNTI) <- colnames(phy_otu_m$data)

#' Calculate RCbray-curtis
#' @param otutab otutab
#' @param reps how many simulation performed?
#' @param threads use how many threads to calculate (default:4)
#' @param classic_metric standardizes the metric to range from -1 to 1
#' @param split_ties adds half of the number of null observations that are equal to the observed number of shared species to the calculation- this is highly recommended
#' @details Parallelized version of the Raup-Crick algorithm for "abundance" data (Stegen et al. 2013).
#' @return a dist
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' if (requireNamespace("picante")) {
#'   data(otutab, package = "pcutils")
#'   df2tree(taxonomy) -> phylo
#'   b_NTI1(phylo, otutab) -> bnti_res
#'   RCbray1(otutab, reps = 9) -> rc_res
#'   data.frame(
#'     type = factor(c("Homo_S", "Heter_S", "Homo_D", "D_limit", "Undominated"),
#'       levels = c("Homo_S", "Heter_S", "Homo_D", "D_limit", "Undominated")
#'     ),
#'     number = c(
#'       sum(bnti_res < (-2)), sum(bnti_res > 2),
#'       sum((abs(bnti_res) < 2) & (abs(rc_res) < 0.95)),
#'       sum((abs(bnti_res) < 2) & (rc_res < (-0.95))),
#'       sum((abs(bnti_res) < 2) & (rc_res > 0.95))
#'     )
#'   ) -> com_pro
#'   pcutils::gghuan(com_pro, reorder = FALSE)
#' }
#' }
RCbray1 <- function(otutab, reps = 9, threads = 1, classic_metric = TRUE, split_ties = TRUE) {
  com <- t(otutab)

  pcutils::lib_ps("foreach", "doSNOW", "snow")
  pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(max = reps, style = 3)
  opts <- list(progress = function(n) utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, n))
  cl <- snow::makeCluster(threads)

  bray.rand <- foreach::`%dopar%`(foreach::foreach(randomize = 1:reps, .options.snow = opts, .packages = c("vegan")), {
    null.dist <- com * 0
    for (i in 1:nrow(com)) {
      com.pa <- (com > 0) * 1
      gamma <- ncol(com)
      occur <- apply(com > 0, MARGIN = 2, FUN = sum)
      abundance <- apply(com, MARGIN = 2, FUN = sum)
      com1 <- rep(0, gamma)
      com1[sample(1:gamma, sum(com.pa[i, ]), replace = FALSE, prob = occur)] <- 1
      com1.samp.sp <- sample(which(com1 > 0), (sum(com[i, ]) - sum(com1)),
        replace = TRUE, prob = abundance[which(com1 > 0)]
      com1.samp.sp <- cbind(com1.samp.sp, 1)
      com1.sp.counts <- as.data.frame(tapply(com1.samp.sp[, 2], com1.samp.sp[, 1], FUN = sum))
      colnames(com1.sp.counts) <- "counts"
      com1.sp.counts$sp <- as.numeric(rownames(com1.sp.counts))
      com1[com1.sp.counts$sp] <- com1[com1.sp.counts$sp] + com1.sp.counts$counts
      x <- com1
      null.dist[i, ] <- x
      rm("com1.samp.sp", "com1.sp.counts")
    as.matrix(vegan::vegdist(null.dist, "bray"))

  pcutils::del_ps("doSNOW", "snow", "foreach")
  ## Calculate beta-diversity for obs metacommunity
  bray.obs <- as.matrix(vegan::vegdist(com, "bray"))

  ## how many null observations is the observed value tied with?
  null_bray_curtis <- bray.rand
  num_exact_matching_in_null <- lapply(null_bray_curtis, function(x) x == bray.obs)
  num_exact_matching_in_null <- apply(simplify2array(num_exact_matching_in_null), 1:2, sum)

  ## how many null values are smaller than the observed *dissimilarity*?
  num_less_than_in_null <- lapply(null_bray_curtis, function(x) (x < bray.obs) * 1)
  num_less_than_in_null <- apply(simplify2array(num_less_than_in_null), 1:2, sum)

  rc <- (num_less_than_in_null) / reps # rc;

  if (split_ties) {
    rc <- ((num_less_than_in_null + (num_exact_matching_in_null) / 2) / reps)
  if (!classic_metric) {
    ## our modification of raup crick standardizes the metric to range from -1 to 1 instead of 0 to 1
    rc <- (rc - .5) * 2

# =========iCAMP====

# 里面有更多的写好的函数
if (FALSE) {
  # https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzI1OTk3NjEwMA==&mid=2247487267&idx=1&sn=6b776e219d1a782adc96b3f4937c2d7a&chksm=ea71f1e8dd0678fe0f5e3e03a06f98483cf2923c0df0f600c821dcda8c109217924afbe91ad4&scene=21#wechat_redirect
  # wd0=getwd() # please change to the folder you want to save the pd.big output.
  tax_tree <- df2tree(taxonomy)
  comm <- t(otutab)
  tree <- tax_tree
  picante::match.phylo.comm(tree, comm)
  # since need to save some output to a certain folder,
  # the following code is set as 'not test'.
  # but you may test the code on your computer
  # after change the folder path for 'pd.wd'.
  ## No test:
  wd0 <- getwd() # please change to the folder you want to save the pd.big output.
  pd.wd <- paste0(tempdir(), "/pdbig.icampbig")
  nworker <- 4 # parallel computing thread number
  rand.time <- 99 # usually use 1000 for real data.

  bin.size.limit <- 48 # for real data, usually use a proper number
  # according to phylogenetic signal test or try some settings
  # then choose the reasonable stochasticity level.
  # our experience is 12, or 24, or 48.
  # but for this example dataset which is too small, have to use 5.

  icamp.out <- iCAMP::icamp.big(
    comm = comm, tree = tree, pd.wd = pd.wd,
    rand = rand.time, nworker = nworker,
    bin.size.limit = bin.size.limit

  # 计算树的距离矩阵
  pd <- iCAMP::pdist.p(phylo, nworker = 4)
  pd.big <- iCAMP::pdist.big(phylo)
  # 计算bNTI
  iCAMP::bmpd(t(otutab), pd)
  bnti <- iCAMP::bNTIn.p(t(otutab), pd, rand = 20)
  # 计算RC
  iCAMP::RC.pc(t(otutab), rand = 20)
  # 计算生态位差异

# beta-diversity decomposition
if (FALSE) {
  # #https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzI1OTk3NjEwMA==&mid=2247484144&idx=1&sn=a181f9d6a5e47681727901b80907c24e&chksm=ea71fc3bdd06752df3cac0865ac94736138abde1d85741625e4ccbc3c6d19e34896dce06b6cd&scene=21#wechat_redirect
  # lib_ps("betapart",library = FALSE)
  # data(ceram.s)
  # #得到三个矩阵,两两成对比较。分别为总beta多样性jac or sor,物种转换jtu or sim,物种增减jne or sne.
  # ceram.core.s<-betapart::betapart.core(ceram.s)
  # ceram.dist.jac<-betapart::beta.pair(ceram.core.s, index.family="jac")
  # ceram.dist.sor<-betapart::beta.pair(ceram.core.s, index.family="sor")
  # ceram.multi.jac<-betapart::beta.multi(ceram.core.s, index.family="jac")
  # ceram.multi.sor<-betapart::beta.multi(ceram.core.s, index.family="sor")

# ======ecological niche=====
## https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzI1OTk3NjEwMA==&mid=2247485757&idx=1&sn=88678b4be64ac8774f0672b0155c295c&chksm=ea71f7f6dd067ee0407c9ee894a1d6ba8e052fa8a66e0df31e950309093f4549b0e3a5aa6830&scene=21#wechat_redirect

if (FALSE) {
  # lib_ps("spaa",library = FALSE)
  # #### Niche width and niche overlap
  # #niche.width计算生态位宽度
  # #mat:列为物种,行为样本
  # #method:计算方法
  # niche_w<-spaa::niche.width(t(otutab), method = "levins")%>%t%>%as.data.frame()
  # #每两个物种之间生态位的重叠
  # spaa::niche.overlap(datasample[,1:3], method = "levins")
  # #https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzI1OTk3NjEwMA==&mid=2247486549&idx=1&sn=05c283e4cf0afc4d338f1ca1c11dc5fc&chksm=ea71f29edd067b8829272ee565242ad9b08d18c4813d9e025144b41b9506c4cba40b754e2b6e&scene=21#wechat_redirect
  # lib_ps("MicroNiche",library = FALSE)
  # ?MicroNiche::levins.Bn()
  # ?MicroNiche::hurlberts.Bn()
  # MicroNiche::hurlberts.Bn(otutab)
  # ?MicroNiche::feinsingers.PS()
  # #https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzI1OTk3NjEwMA==&mid=2247485087&idx=1&sn=95d121fc4080aa9af2a61de22694093d&chksm=ea71f854dd067142c0b201657c57aeb6102cef5f738fc89380783efa8c413580515b8536e5a6&scene=21#wechat_redirect
  # lib_ps("indicspecies",library = FALSE)
  # #labdsv包的indval函数可计算群落中的指示物种
  # lib_ps("labdsv",library = FALSE)
  # labdsv::indval()
  # #分析微生物群落和环境因子相关性的工具vegan::bioenv
  # vegan::bioenv()
  # #表征微生物抵抗性的一个指标(要有实验-对照的关系才能算)
  # #Rs=1-(2*|D0|/(C0+|D0|))
  # #其中C0为对照组样本的α多样性指数,D0为对照组样本多样性和实验组样本α多样性之间的差值。
  # #Rs取值为-1到1。越接近1表明处理效应非常小,即微生物抵抗性很强;Rs越小表明处理效应越强,即微生物抵抗力越弱。
  # #DNCI群落构建
  # lib_ps("DNCImper",library = FALSE)
  # ?PerSIMPER
  # #用法
  # DNCImper:::PerSIMPER(
  #   matrixSIMP,  #行为样本,列为物种
  #   Groups,      #只允许两个组
  #   leg = FALSE, #是否添加图例
  #   count = TRUE,#显示完成置换的次数
  #   dataTYPE = "prab", #prab为0-1数据;count为丰度数据
  #   Nperm = 1000,#置换次数
  #   plotSIMPER = TRUE
  # )
  # A <- DNCImper:::PerSIMPER(Matrix, Group,Nperm = 100,count = FALSE)
  # #上述只能针对两个组,若有更多的组,可用PerSIMPER_overall,计算整体的PerSIMPER
  # #DNCI.ese  计算DNCI效应量,只允许两组。
  # #三组或以上用DNCI.ses_overall,计算整体的DNCI。
  # #三组或以上若用DNCI_multigroup,计算两两成对DNCI。

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