logLik_pmlMix <- function(fits, weight, omega){
res <- NULL
for(i in seq_along(omega)){
res <- res + fits[[i]]$ll.0 * omega[i]
optimMixQ <- function(object, Q = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), omega, ...) {
l <- length(Q)
Q <- Q[-l]
Q <- sqrt(Q)
fn <- function(Q, object, omega, ...) {
Q <- c(Q^2, 1)
weight <- object[[1]]$weight
n <- length(omega)
p <- length(weight)
result <- numeric(p)
for (i in 1:n) result <- result +
as.numeric(update(object[[i]], Q = Q)$lv) * omega[i]
res <- sum(weight * log(result))
res <- optim(par = Q, fn = fn, gr = NULL, method = "L-BFGS-B", lower = 0,
upper = Inf, control = list(fnscale = -1, maxit = 25),
object = object, omega = omega, ...)
res[[1]] <- c(res[[1]]^2, 1)
optimMixM1a <- function(object, dnds = 0.1, omega, scaleQ = 1, ...) {
weight <- object[[1]]$weight
l0 <- object[[2]]$lv * omega[2]
fn <- function(dnds, object, omega, weight, l0, scaleQ, ...) {
result <- l0 +
as.numeric(update(object, dnds = dnds, scaleQ = scaleQ, ...)$lv) *
sum(weight %*% log(result))
res <- optimize(f = fn, c(0, 1), object = object[[1]], omega = omega,
weight = weight, l0 = l0, scaleQ = scaleQ, lower = 0, upper = 1,
maximum = TRUE)
optimMixM2a <- function(object, dnds_old = c(0.1, 2), omega, scaleQ = 1, ...) {
weight <- object[[1]]$weight
l2 <- object[[2]]$lv * omega[2]
fn <- function(dnds, object, omega, weight, l0, scaleQ, ...) {
result <- l0 +
as.numeric(update(object, dnds = dnds, scaleQ = scaleQ, ...)$lv) *
sum(weight %*% log(result))
l3 <- object[[3]]$lv * omega[3]
dnds <- dnds_old
for (i in 1:3) {
res <- optimize(f = fn, c(0, 1), object = object[[1]], omega = omega,
weight = weight, l0 = l2 + l3, scaleQ = scaleQ,
lower = 0, upper = 1, maximum = TRUE)
dnds[1] <- res[[1]]
l1 <- update(object[[1]], dnds = res[[1]], scaleQ = scaleQ)$lv * omega[1]
res <- optimize(f = fn, c(1, 10), object = object[[3]], omega = omega,
weight = weight, l0 = l2 + l1, scaleQ = scaleQ,
lower = 1, upper = 10, maximum = TRUE)
dnds[2] <- res[[1]]
l3 <- update(object[[3]], dnds = res[[1]], scaleQ = scaleQ)$lv * omega[3]
optimMixM7 <- function(object, pq = c(1, 1), omega, scaleQ = 1, ...) {
weight <- object[[1]]$weight
fn <- function(pq, object, omega, weight, scaleQ, ...) {
dnds <- discrete.beta(pq[1], pq[2], length(omega))
result <- numeric(length(weight))
for (i in seq_along(omega)) result <- result +
as.numeric(update(object[[i]], dnds = dnds[i],
scaleQ = scaleQ, ...)$lv) * omega[i]
sum(weight %*% log(result))
res <- optimize(f = fn, c(1, 1), object = object[[1]], omega = omega,
weight = weight, scaleQ = scaleQ,
lower = c(0, 0), upper = c(10, 10), maximum = TRUE)
# needs to be included
optimMixTSTV <- function(object, tstv = 1, omega, scaleQ = 1, ...) {
weight <- object[[1]]$weight
fn <- function(tstv, object, omega, weight, scaleQ, ...) {
result <- numeric(length(weight))
for (i in seq_along(omega)) result <- result +
as.numeric(update(object[[i]], tstv = tstv, scaleQ = scaleQ, ...)$lv) *
sum(weight %*% log(result))
res <- optimize(f = fn, c(0, 100), object = object, omega = omega,
weight = weight, scaleQ=scaleQ, lower = 0, upper = 100, maximum = TRUE)
optimAllRate <- function(object, rate = 1, omega, ...) {
weight <- object[[1]]$weight
fn <- function(rate, object, omega, weight, ...) {
result <- numeric(length(weight))
for (i in seq_along(object)) result <- result +
as.numeric(update(object[[i]], rate = rate, ...)$lv) *
sum(weight %*% log(result))
res <- optimize(f = fn, c(0.01, 10), object = object, omega = omega,
weight = weight, lower = 0.01, upper = 10, maximum = TRUE)
optimMixBf <- function(object, bf = c(.25, .25, .25, .25), omega, ...) {
l <- length(bf)
nenner <- 1 / bf[l]
lbf <- log(bf * nenner)
lbf <- lbf[-l]
fn <- function(lbf, object, omega, ...) {
bf <- exp(c(lbf, 0))
bf <- bf / sum(bf)
weight <- object[[1]]$weight
p <- length(weight)
result <- numeric(p)
for (i in seq_along(omega)) result <- result +
as.numeric(update(object[[i]], bf = bf)$lv) * omega[i]
result <- sum(weight * log(result))
res <- optim(par = lbf, fn = fn, gr = NULL, method = "Nelder-Mead",
control = list(fnscale = -1, maxit = 500), object, omega = omega, ...)
bf <- exp(c(res[[1]], 0))
bf <- bf / sum(bf)
optimMixInv <- function(object, inv = 0.01, omega, ...) {
fn <- function(inv, object, omega){ #, ...) {
weight <- as.vector(object[[1]]$weight)
p <- length(weight)
result <- numeric(p)
for (i in seq_along(omega)) result <- result +
update(object[[i]], inv = inv)$lv * omega[i]
res <- sum(weight * log(result))
res <- optimize(f = fn, interval = c(0, 1), lower = 0, upper = 1,
maximum = TRUE, tol = .0001, object, omega = omega, ...)
optimMixRate <- function(fits, ll, weight, omega, rate = rep(1, length(fits))) {
r <- length(fits)
rate0 <- c(rate[1], diff(rate))
rate0[rate0 < 1e-8] <- 1e-8 # required by constrOptim
R <- matrix(0, r, r)
R[lower.tri(R, TRUE)] <- 1
fn <- function(rate, fits, ll, weight, omega, R) {
rate <- as.vector(R %*% rate)
r <- length(rate)
for (i in 1:r) fits[[i]] <- update(fits[[i]], rate = rate[i])
for (i in 1:r) ll[, i] <- fits[[i]]$lv
sum(weight * log(ll %*% omega))
ui <- rbind(R, diag(r))
ci <- rep(0, 2 * r)
# Maybe constrain rates * omega
res <- constrOptim(rate0, fn, grad = NULL, ui = ui, ci = ci, mu = 1e-04,
control = list(fnscale = -1), method = "Nelder-Mead",
outer.iterations = 100, outer.eps = 1e-08, fits = fits,
ll = ll, weight = weight, omega = omega, R=R)
rate <- res[[1]]
res[[1]] <- as.vector(R %*% rate)
optW <- function(ll, weight, omega, eps=1e-8, ...) {
k <- length(omega)
nenner <- 1 / omega[1]
eta <- log(omega * nenner)
eta <- eta[-1]
fn <- function(eta, ll, weight) {
eta <- c(0, eta)
p <- exp(eta) / sum(exp(eta))
res <- sum(weight * log(ll %*% p))
start <- fn(eta, ll, weight)
if (k == 2) res <- optimize(f = fn, interval = c(-3, 3), lower = -3,
upper = 3, maximum = TRUE,
tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25, ll = ll,
weight = weight)
else res <- optim(eta, fn = fn, method = "L-BFGS-B", lower = -5, upper = 5,
control = list(fnscale = -1, maxit = 25), gr = NULL,
ll = ll, weight = weight)
p <- exp(c(0, res[[1]]))
p <- p / sum(p)
if(((res[[2]] - start) / abs(start)) < eps) {
result <- list(par = omega, value = start, start=start)
} else result <- list(par = p, value = res[[2]], start=start)
optimMixEdge <- function(object, omega, trace = 1, ...) {
tree <- object[[1]]$tree
theta <- object[[1]]$tree$edge.length
weight <- as.numeric(attr(object[[1]]$data, "weight"))
n <- length(omega)
p <- length(weight)
q <- length(theta)
lv1 <- numeric(p)
for (i in 1:n) lv1 <- lv1 + as.numeric(object[[i]]$lv) * omega[i]
ll0 <- sum(weight * log(lv1))
eps <- 1
iter <- 0
scalep <- 1
if (trace > 0) cat(ll0)
while (abs(eps) > .0001 & iter < 10) {
dl <- matrix(0, p, q)
for (i in 1:n) dl <- dl + dl(object[[i]], TRUE) * omega[i]
dl <- dl / lv1
sc <- colSums(weight * dl)
F <- crossprod(dl * weight, dl) + diag(q) * 1e-6
blub <- TRUE
iter2 <- 0
while (blub & iter2 < 10) {
thetaNew <- log(theta) + scalep * solve(F, sc)
tree$edge.length <- as.numeric(exp(thetaNew))
for (i in 1:n) object[[i]] <- update(object[[i]], tree = tree)
lv1 <- numeric(p)
for (i in 1:n) lv1 <- lv1 + as.numeric(object[[i]]$lv) * omega[i]
ll1 <- sum(weight * log(lv1))
eps <- ll1 - ll0
if (eps < 0 || is.nan(eps)) {
scalep <- scalep / 2
eps <- 1
thetaNew <- log(theta)
ll1 <- ll0
iter2 <- iter2 + 1
else {
scalep <- 1
theta <- exp(thetaNew)
blub <- FALSE
iter <- iter + 1
ll0 <- ll1
tree$edge.length <- theta
for (i in 1:n) object[[i]] <- update(object[[i]], tree = tree)
if (trace > 0) cat("->", ll1, "\n")
#' Phylogenetic mixture model
#' Phylogenetic mixture model.
#' The \code{formula} object allows to specify which parameter get optimized.
#' The formula is generally of the form \code{edge + bf + Q ~ rate + shape +
#' \dots{}}, on the left side are the parameters which get optimized over all
#' mixtures, on the right the parameter which are optimized specific to each
#' mixture. The parameters available are \code{"nni", "bf", "Q", "inv",
#' "shape", "edge", "rate"}. Each parameters can be used only once in the
#' formula. \code{"rate"} and \code{"nni"} are only available for the right
#' side of the formula. On the other hand parameters for invariable sites are
#' only allowed on the left-hand side. The convergence of the algorithm is
#' very slow and is likely that the algorithm can get stuck in local optima.
#' @aliases pmlMix
#' @param formula a formula object (see details).
#' @param fit an object of class \code{pml}.
#' @param m number of mixtures.
#' @param omega mixing weights.
#' @param control A list of parameters for controlling the fitting process.
#' @param \dots Further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @return \code{pmlMix} returns a list with elements
#' \item{logLik}{log-likelihood of the fit} \item{omega}{mixing weights.}
#' \item{fits}{fits for the final mixtures.}
#' @author Klaus Schliep \email{}
#' @seealso \code{\link{pml}},\code{\link{pmlPart}},\code{\link{pmlCluster}}
#' @keywords cluster
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' X <- allSitePattern(5)
#' tree <- read.tree(text = "((t1:0.3,t2:0.3):0.1,(t3:0.3,t4:0.3):0.1,t5:0.5);")
#' fit <- pml(tree,X, k=4)
#' weights <- 1000*exp(fit$siteLik)
#' attr(X, "weight") <- weights
#' fit1 <- update(fit, data=X, k=1)
#' fit2 <- update(fit, data=X)
#' (fitMixture <- pmlMix(edge~rate, fit1 , m=4))
#' (fit2 <- optim.pml(fit2, optGamma=TRUE))
#' data(Laurasiatherian)
#' dm <- dist.logDet(Laurasiatherian)
#' tree <- NJ(dm)
#' fit <- pml(tree, Laurasiatherian)
#' fit <- optim.pml(fit)
#' fit2 <- update(fit, k=4)
#' fit2 <- optim.pml(fit2, optGamma=TRUE)
#' fitMix <- pmlMix(edge ~ rate, fit, m=4)
#' fitMix
#' #
#' # simulation of mixture models
#' #
#' X <- allSitePattern(5)
#' tree1 <- read.tree(text = "((t1:0.1,t2:0.5):0.1,(t3:0.1,t4:0.5):0.1,t5:0.5);")
#' tree2 <- read.tree(text = "((t1:0.5,t2:0.1):0.1,(t3:0.5,t4:0.1):0.1,t5:0.5);")
#' tree1 <- unroot(tree1)
#' tree2 <- unroot(tree2)
#' fit1 <- pml(tree1,X)
#' fit2 <- pml(tree2,X)
#' weights <- 2000*exp(fit1$siteLik) + 1000*exp(fit2$siteLik)
#' attr(X, "weight") <- weights
#' fit1 <- pml(tree1, X)
#' fit2 <- optim.pml(fit1)
#' logLik(fit2)
#' AIC(fit2, k=log(3000))
#' fitMixEdge <- pmlMix( ~ edge, fit1, m=2)
#' logLik(fitMixEdge)
#' AIC(fitMixEdge, k=log(3000))
#' fit.p <- pmlPen(fitMixEdge, .25)
#' logLik(fit.p)
#' AIC(fit.p, k=log(3000))
#' }
#' @export pmlMix
pmlMix <- function(formula, fit, m = 2, omega = rep(1 / m, m),
control = pml.control(epsilon = 1e-8, maxit = 20, trace = 1),
...) {
call <-
form <- phangornParseFormula(formula)
opt <- c("nni", "bf", "Q", "inv", "shape", "edge", "rate", "M1a", "M2a")
optAll <- match(opt, form$left)
optPart <- match(opt, form$right)
AllBf <- ![2])
AllQ <- ![3])
AllInv <- ![4])
AllGamma <- ![5])
AllEdge <- ![6])
AllRate <- ![7])
MixNni <- ![1])
if(MixNni) MixEdge <- TRUE
MixBf <- ![2])
MixQ <- ![3])
MixInv <- ![4])
MixGamma <- ![5])
MixEdge <- ![6])
MixRate <- ![7])
M1a <- ![8])
M2a <- ![9])
if (inherits(fit, "pmlMix")){
fits <- fit$fits
omega <- fit$omega
if (inherits(fit, "list")){
fits <- fit
m <- length(fits)
if(length(omega) != m) omega <- rep(1 / m, m)
if (inherits(fit, "pml")) {
fits <- vector("list", m)
for (i in 1:m) fits[[i]] <- fit
dat <- fits[[1]]$data
p <- attr(dat, "nr")
weight <- attr(dat, "weight")
r <- m
ll <- matrix(0, p, r)
for (i in 1:r) ll[, i] <- fits[[i]]$lv
for (i in 1:r) {
pl0 <- ll[, -i, drop = FALSE] %*% omega[-i]
fits[[i]] <- update(fits[[i]], llMix = pl0, wMix = omega[i])
if (MixRate) rate <- rep(1, r)
dnds <- NULL
if (M1a) {
dnds <- c(fits[[1]]$dnds, fits[[2]]$dnds)
codon <- "M1a"
if (M2a) {
dnds <- c(fits[[1]]$dnds, 1, fits[[3]]$dnds)
codon <- "M2a"
llstart <- sum(weight * log(ll %*% omega))
llold <- llstart
ll_tmp <- llstart
ll3 <- ll1 <- llstart
eps0 <- 1
iter0 <- 0
trace <- control$trace
parameter <- c(AllBf = AllBf, AllQ = AllQ, AllInv = AllInv,
AllGamma = AllGamma, AllEdge = AllEdge, MixNni = MixNni,
MixBf = MixBf, MixQ = MixQ, MixInv = MixInv,
MixGamma = MixGamma, MixEdge = MixEdge, MixRate = MixRate)
df <- matrix(1, 6, 2)
colnames(df) <- c("#df", "group")
rownames(df) <- c("Edge", "Shape", "Inv", "Bf", "Q", "Rate")
df[1, 1] <- length(fits[[1]]$tree$edge.length)
df[2, 1] <- fits[[1]]$k > 1
df[3, 1] <- fits[[1]]$inv > 0
df[4, 1] <- length(unique(fits[[1]]$bf)) - 1
df[5, 1] <- length(unique(fits[[1]]$Q)) - 1
df[6, 1] <- 0
if (MixEdge) df[1, 2] <- r
if (MixGamma) df[2, 2] <- r
if (MixInv) df[3, 2] <- r
if (MixBf) df[4, 2] <- r
if (MixQ) df[5, 2] <- r
if (MixRate) df[6, 1] <- r - 1
attr(logLik, "df") <- sum(df[, 1] * df[, 2])
converge <- c(iter = iter0, eps = eps0)
if (CODON){
if(M1a) df[5,1] <- 3
if(M2a) df[5,1] <- 5
df[4, 1] <- df_freq_codon(fits[[1]]$frequencies)
result <- list(logLik = ll1, omega = omega, fits = fits, call = call,
converge = converge, parameter = parameter, df = df,
dnds = dnds, codon = codon)
result <- list(logLik = ll1, omega = omega, fits = fits, call = call,
converge = converge, parameter = parameter, df = df)
class(result) <- "pmlMix"
while (eps0 > control$eps & iter0 < control$maxit) {
eps1 <- 100
iter1 <- 0
if (AllQ) {
newQ <- optimMixQ(fits, Q = fits[[1]]$Q, omega = omega)[[1]]
for (i in seq_len(m)) fits[[i]] <- update(fits[[i]], Q = newQ)
if (AllBf) {
newBf <- optimMixBf(fits, bf = fits[[1]]$bf,
omega = omega)
for (i in seq_len(m)) fits[[i]] <- update(fits[[i]], bf = newBf)
if (AllInv) {
newInv <- optimMixInv(fits, inv = fits[[1]]$inv,
omega = omega)
for (i in seq_len(m)) fits[[i]] <- update(fits[[i]], inv = newInv)
if (AllRate) {
newrate <- optimAllRate(fits, rate=1, omega)
for (i in seq_len(m)) fits[[i]] <- update(fits[[i]], rate = newrate[[1]])
if (M1a) {
tmp <- optimMixM1a(fits, dnds[1], omega, scaleQ = 1)
fits[[1]] <- update(fits[[1]], dnds = tmp[[1]], scaleQ = 1)
dnds[1] <- tmp[[1]]
ll[, 1] <- fits[[1]]$lv
if (M2a) {
tmp <- optimMixM2a(fits, dnds[c(1, 3)], omega, scaleQ = 1) # [[1]]
fits[[1]] <- update(fits[[1]], dnds = tmp[1], scaleQ = 1)
fits[[3]] <- update(fits[[3]], dnds = tmp[2], scaleQ = 1)
dnds[c(1, 3)] <- tmp
if (CODON) {
tstv <- fits[[2]]$tstv
tmp <- optimMixTSTV(fits, tstv, omega, scaleQ = 1)
for (i in seq_len(m)) {
fits[[i]] <- update(fits[[i]], tstv = tmp[[1]], scaleQ = 1)
tstv <- tmp[[1]]
if (AllEdge)
fits <- optimMixEdge(fits, omega, trace = trace - 1)
for (i in 1:r) ll[, i] <- fits[[i]]$lv
if (MixRate) {
res <- optimMixRate(fits, ll, weight, omega, rate)
if(res[[2]] > ll1){
rate <- res[[1]]
blub <- sum(rate * omega)
rate <- rate / blub
tree <- fits[[1]]$tree
tree$edge.length <- tree$edge.length * blub
for (i in 1:r) fits[[i]] <- update(fits[[i]], tree = tree,
rate = rate[i])
for (i in 1:r) ll[, i] <- fits[[i]]$lv
if (trace > 0) cat("optimize rates: ", ll1, "-->", res[[2]],
"\n rates", rate, "\n")
ll1 <- res[[2]]
if (any(c(MixNni, MixBf, MixQ, MixInv, MixGamma, MixEdge))) {
while (abs(eps1) > 0.001 & iter1 < 3) {
for (i in 1:r) {
pl0 <- ll[, -i, drop = FALSE] %*% omega[-i]
fits[[i]] <- update(fits[[i]], llMix = pl0, wMix = omega[i])
if(trace >0) cat("logLik optim.pml start:",
sum(weight * log(ll %*% omega)), "\n")
for (i in 1:r) {
pl0 <- ll[, -i, drop = FALSE] %*% omega[-i]
fits[[i]] <- optim.pml(fits[[i]], optNni = MixNni, optBf = MixBf,
optQ = MixQ, optInv = MixInv, optGamma = MixGamma,
optEdge = MixEdge, optRate = FALSE,
control = pml.control(epsilon = 1e-8, maxit = 3,
trace - 1), llMix = pl0, wMix = omega[i])
ll[, i] <- fits[[i]]$lv
if(trace >0) cat("logLik optim.pml", i, ": ",
sum(weight * log(ll %*% omega)), "\n")
# res <- optW(ll, weight, omega)
# omega <- res$p
if (MixRate) {
blub <- sum(rate * omega)
rate <- rate / blub
tree <- fits[[1]]$tree
tree$edge.length <- tree$edge.length * blub
for (j in 1:r){
fits[[j]] <- update(fits[[j]], tree = tree, rate = rate[j])
ll[, j] <- fits[[j]]$lv
# for (j in 1:r) {
# pl0 <- ll[, -j, drop = FALSE] %*% omega[-j]
# fits[[j]] <- update(fits[[j]], llMix = pl0, wMix = omega[j])
# }
res <- optW(ll, weight, omega)
omega <- res$p
# for (j in 1:r){
# fits[[j]] <- update(fits[[j]], tree = tree, rate = rate[j])
# ll[, j] <- fits[[j]]$lv
# }
for (j in 1:r) {
pl0 <- ll[, -j, drop = FALSE] %*% omega[-j]
fits[[j]] <- update(fits[[j]], llMix = pl0, wMix = omega[j])
ll2 <- sum(weight * log(ll %*% omega))
eps1 <- llold - ll2
iter1 <- iter1 + 1
llold <- ll2
res <- optW(ll, weight, omega)
omega <- res$p
if (MixRate) {
blub <- sum(rate * omega)
rate <- rate / blub
tree <- fits[[1]]$tree
tree$edge.length <- tree$edge.length * blub
for (i in 1:r) fits[[i]] <- update(fits[[i]], tree = tree,
rate = rate[i])
for (i in 1:r) ll[, i] <- fits[[i]]$lv
for (i in 1:r) {
pl0 <- ll[, -i, drop = FALSE] %*% omega[-i]
fits[[i]] <- update(fits[[i]], llMix = pl0, wMix = omega[i])
ll1 <- sum(weight * log(ll %*% omega))
eps0 <- (ll3 - ll1) / ll1
iter0 <- iter0 + 1
if (trace > 0) {
cat("iteration:", iter0, "\n")
cat("omega:", omega, "\n")
cat("log-likelihood:", ll3, "==>", ll1, "\n")
ll3 <- ll1
#' @export
print.pmlMix <- function(x, ...) {
nc <- attr(x$fits[[1]]$data, "nc")
nr <- attr(x$fits[[1]]$data, "nr")
levels <- attr(x$fits[[1]]$data, "levels")
r <- length(x$fits)
w <- x$fits[[1]]$weight
w <- w[w > 0]
type <- attr(x$fits[[1]]$data, "type")
nc <- attr(x$fits[[1]]$data, "nc")
ll0 <- sum(w * log(w / sum(w)))
bf <- matrix(0, r, nc)
dimnames(bf) <- list(1:r, levels)
Q <- matrix(0, r, nc * (nc - 1) / 2)
dimnames(Q) <- list(1:r, NULL)
rate <- numeric(r)
inv <- numeric(r) # x$fits[[1]]$inv
shape <- numeric(r)
for (i in 1:r) {
bf[i, ] <- x$fits[[i]]$bf
Q[i, ] <- x$fits[[i]]$Q
rate[i] <- x$fits[[i]]$rate
shape[i] <- x$fits[[i]]$shape
inv[i] <- x$fits[[i]]$inv
cat("\nloglikelihood:", x$logLik, "\n")
cat("\nunconstrained loglikelihood:", ll0, "\n")
cat("AIC: ", AIC(x), " BIC: ", AIC(x, k = log(nr)), "\n\n")
cat("\nposterior:", x$omega, "\n")
if (any(inv > 0)) cat("Proportion of invariant sites:", inv, "\n")
cat(rate, "\n")
if (length(bf) < 21) {
cat("\nBase frequencies: \n")
cat("\nRate matrix:\n")
#' @export
logLik.pmlMix <- function(object, ...) {
res <- object$logLik
attr(res, "df") <- sum(object$df[, 1] * object$df[, 2])
class(res) <- "logLik"
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