
Defines functions add.to.population add.to.populationSub.internal add.to.populationSubPheno.internal add.to.populationSubGeno.internal add.to.populationSubMap.internal add.to.populationSubAnnots.internal

Documented in add.to.population add.to.populationSubAnnots.internal add.to.populationSubGeno.internal add.to.populationSub.internal add.to.populationSubMap.internal add.to.populationSubPheno.internal

# add.to.population.R
# Copyright (c) 2010-2013 GBIC: Danny Arends, Konrad Zych and Ritsert C. Jansen
# last modified May, 2013
# first written Mar, 2011
# Contains: create.population, add.to.population, add.to.populationSub.internal
#           add.to.populationSubPheno.internal, add.to.populationSubGeno.internal
#           add.to.populationSubMap.internal   

#                  *** add.to.population ***
#  putting data into existing population object (using add.to.populationSub.internal)
#   population - object of class population, data should be put into
#   dataObject - matrix of data to be put into the population object
#   dataType - what kind of data dataObject contains:
#     -  founders - founders phenotypic
#     -  offspring$phenotypes - offspring phenotypic
#     -  offspring$genotypes - offspring genotype
#     -  maps$genetic - genetic map 
#     -  maps$physical - physical map
#   verbose - be verbose
#   debugMode - 1: print our checks, 2: print additional time information
#  an object of class population
add.to.population <- function(population, dataObject, dataType=c("founders","offspring$phenotypes","founders$group","offspring$genotypes","maps$genetic","maps$physical","annotations"),verbose=FALSE,debugMode=0){
  ### checks
  populationType <- class(population)[2]
  dataType <- match.arg(dataType)
  if(verbose && debugMode==1) cat("add.to.population starting without errors in checkpoints.\n")
    if(class(dataObject)!="list") stop("Multiple dataObjects should be provided as list.\n")
    if(length(dataObject)!=length(dataType)) stop("Support dataType for every element of dataObject.\n")
    if(length(dataType)!=length(unique(dataType))) stop("Every element of dataType must be unique!\n")
    for(i in 1:length(dataObject)){
      population <- add.to.populationSub.internal(population,populationType,dataObject[[i]],dataType[i], verbose, debugMode)
  }else if(length(dataType)==1){
    population <- add.to.populationSub.internal(population,populationType,dataObject,dataType, verbose, debugMode)
    # TODO: Is this an INFO, WARNING or ERROR ??? -> error
    stop("Incorrect data object provided with a length of:",length(dataType),"\n")

  if(is.null(population)) stop("No data provided!\n")

#                  *** add.to.populationSub.internal ***
#  subfunction of add.to.population, using subfunctions to add a single data object to the object of class
#  population
#   population - object of class population, data should be put into
#   dataObject - matrix of data to be put into the population object
#   dataType - what kind of data dataObject contains:
#     -  founders - founders phenotype
#     -  offspring$phenotypes - offspring phenotype
#     -  offspring$genotypes - offspring genotype
#     -  maps$genetic - genetic map 
#     -  maps$physical - physical map
#   verbose - be verbose
#   debugMode - 1: print our checks, 2: print additional time information
#  an object of class population
add.to.populationSub.internal <- function(population, populationType=c("riself", "f2", "bc", "risib"), dataObject,
  dataType <- match.arg(dataType)
  populationType <- match.arg(populationType)
  if(missing(dataObject)) stop("dataObject is missing\n")
    if(class(dataObject)=="data.frame") dataObject <- as.matrix(dataObject)
    if(class(dataObject)!="matrix") stop("dataObject should be either a matrix or a date frame")
  if(dataType=="founders" || dataType=="offspring$phenotypes"){
    population <- add.to.populationSubPheno.internal(population,dataObject,dataType, verbose, debugMode)
  }else if(dataType=="offspring$genotypes"){
      population$offspring$genotypes$real <- add.to.populationSubGeno.internal(population,dataObject,populationType,verbose)
      stop("No data provided for offspring$genotypes !\n")
  }else if(dataType=="maps$genetic"||dataType=="maps$physical"){
    population <- add.to.populationSubMap.internal(population,dataObject, dataType, verbose, debugMode)
  }else if(dataType=="founders$groups"){
    population$founders$groups <- dataObject
    population <- add.to.populationSubAnnots.internal(population,dataObject,verbose,debugMode)
  }#else{    #TODO: Is the expected an error a warning orjust an info ??? <- match.arg is checking this
  #  stop("There might be an error but the programmer who made this code was sooo lazy that even his supervisor doesn't know what happend")

#                  *** add.to.populationSubPheno.internal ***
#  subfunction of add.to.populationSub.internal, adding a single phenotype object to the object of class 
#  population
#   population - object of class population, data should be put into
#   dataObject - matrix of data to be put into the population object
#   dataType - what kind of data dataObject contains:
#     -  founders - founders phenotype
#     -  offspring$phenotypes - offspring phenotype
#   verbose - be verbose
#   debugMode - 1: print our checks, 2: print additional time information
#  an object of class population
add.to.populationSubPheno.internal <- function(population, dataObject, dataType=c("founders","offspring$phenotypes"),verbose=FALSE,debugMode=0){
  if(verbose && debugMode==1) cat("add.to.populationSub.internal starting.\n")
  s <- proc.time()
  if(!(is.null(dataObject))&&!is.null(dim(dataObject))){ #Check whether rows are numeric/convertable to numeric
    rows <- unlist(lapply(c(1:nrow(dataObject)), function(curRow,dataObject,verbose){
      if(verbose&&curRow%%1000==0) cat("Processing row:",curRow,"\n")
      if(numericCheck.internal(dataObject[curRow,],allow.na=TRUE)) return(NULL)
    if(!(is.null(rows))){ #Removing faulty rows
      if(verbose) cat("Following  rows are not numeric and cannot be converted into numeric:",rows," so will be removed.\n")
      dataObject <- dataObject[-rows,]
    if(is.null(dim(dataObject))) stop("Not enough data to continue.\n")
    cur <- apply(as.matrix(dataObject), c(1,2), as.numeric)

    colnames(cur) <- 1:ncol(cur)    #Keeping colnames
    if(!is.null(colnames(dataObject))) colnames(cur) <- colnames(dataObject)

    rownames(cur) <- 1:nrow(cur)    #Keeping rownames
    if(!is.null(rownames(dataObject))) rownames(cur) <- rownames(dataObject)
    #Adding data to population
      population$founders$phenotypes <- cur
    }else if(dataType=="offspring$phenotypes"){
      population$offspring$phenotypes <- cur
    stop("No data provided for ",dataType,"!\n")
  e <- proc.time()
  if(verbose && debugMode==2) cat("add.to.population for",dataType,"done in:",(e-s)[3],"seconds.\n")

#                  *** add.to.populationSubGenoSub.internal ***
#  subfunction of add.to.populationSubGeno.internal, checking if a single row of dataObject is formatted
#  correctly
#  curRow - number of row currently being checked  
#   dataObject - matrix of data to be put into the population object
#   verbose - be verbose (show information about the progress)
#  number or NULL
add.to.populationSubGeno.internal <- function(population, dataObject, populationType=c("riself", "f2", "bc", "risib"), verbose=FALSE){
  populationType <- match.arg(populationType)
  #Checking whether rows are numeric/convertable to numeric
  genotypes <- c(1,2)
  if(populationType == "f2") genotypes <- c(1:5)

  rows <- unlist(lapply(c(1:nrow(dataObject)),function(curRow,dataObject,genotypes,verbose=FALSE){
    if(verbose&&curRow%%1000==0) cat("Processing row:",curRow,"\n")
    if(!(genotypeCheck.internal(dataObject[curRow,],genotypes,allow.na=TRUE))) return(curRow)
  #Removes faulty rows
    if(verbose) cat("Following  rows are not numeric and cannot be converted into numeric:",rows," so will be removed.\n")
    dataObject <- dataObject[-rows,]
  if(is.null(dim(dataObject))) stop("Not enough data to continue.\n")
  cur <- matrix(as.numeric(as.matrix(dataObject)), nrow(dataObject), ncol(dataObject))

  rownames(cur) <- 1:nrow(cur)
  colnames(cur) <- 1:ncol(cur)
  if(!is.null(colnames(dataObject))) colnames(cur) <- colnames(dataObject)  #Keep colnames
  if(!is.null(rownames(dataObject))) rownames(cur) <- rownames(dataObject)  #Keep rownames

    for(x in as.numeric(names(table(cur)))){
      cat(x,": ",round(sum(cur==x,na.rm=T)/length(cur)*100,2),"%\n",sep="")
    cat("NA: ",round(sum(is.na(cur))/length(cur)*100,2),"%\n",sep="")

  return(cur)  #Adding data to population

#                  *** add.to.populationSubMap.internal ***
#  subfunction of add.to.populationSub.internal, adding a single map object to the object of class population
#  population - object of class population, data should be put into
#   dataObject - matrix of data to be put into ril object
#   dataType - what kind of data dataObject contains:
#     -  maps$genetic - genetic map 
#     -  maps$physical - physical map
#   verbose - be verbose
#   debugMode - 1: print our checks, 2: print additional time information
#  an object of class population
add.to.populationSubMap.internal <- function(population, dataObject, dataType=c("maps$genetic","maps$physical"),verbose=FALSE, debugMode=0){
  if(verbose && debugMode==1) cat("add.to.populationSub.internal starting.\n")
  s <- proc.time()
  dataType <- match.arg(dataType)
  if(!(!(is.null(dataObject))&&!(is.null(dim(dataObject)))&&class(dataObject)=="matrix")) stop("No data provided for ",dataType,"!\n")

  if(dataType=="maps$genetic" && ncol(dataObject)!=2) cat ("This is not a correct map object.\n")
  if(dataType=="maps$physical" && ncol(dataObject)!=2 && ncol(dataObject)!=3) cat ("This is not a correct map object.\n")
  if(any(!(is.numeric(dataObject)))) stop ("This is not a correct map object.\n")
  ### adding data to population
    population$maps$genetic <- dataObject
  }else if(dataType=="maps$physical"){
    population$maps$physical <- cbind(dataObject,dataObject[,2])
    if(ncol(dataObject) == 3) population$maps$physical <- dataObject
    colnames(population$maps$physical) <- c("Chr","Start","End")
  }#else{    #TODO: Is the is a CAT, WARN or ERROR ??? -> this cannot happen now any more (match.arg will error)
  #  stop("There might be an error but the programmer who made this code was sooo lazy that even his supervisor doesn't know what happend")
  e <- proc.time()
  if(verbose&&debugMode==2)cat("add.to.population for",dataType,"done in:",(e-s)[3],"seconds.\n")

#                  *** add.to.populationSubAnnots.internal ***
#  subfunction of add.to.populationSub.internal, adding a single map object to the object of class population
#  population - object of class population, data should be put into
#   dataObject - matrix of data to be put into ril object
#   dataType - what kind of data dataObject contains:
#     -  maps$genetic - genetic map 
#     -  maps$physical - physical map
#   verbose - be verbose
#   debugMode - 1: print our checks, 2: print additional time information
#  an object of class population
add.to.populationSubAnnots.internal <- function(population, dataObject, verbose=FALSE, debugMode=0){
  if(verbose && debugMode==1) cat("add.to.populationSubAnnots.internal starting.\n")
  s <- proc.time()
  if(!(!(is.null(dataObject))&&!(is.null(dim(dataObject)))&&class(dataObject)=="matrix")) stop("No data provided for annotations!\n")
  if(ncol(dataObject)!=3) cat ("This is not a correct annotations object.\n")
  ### adding data to population
  population$annots <- dataObject
  population$flags  <- c(population$flags,"annots")
  rownames(population$annots) <- 1:nrow(population$annots)
  e <- proc.time()
  if(verbose&&debugMode==2)cat("add.to.population for annotations done in:",(e-s)[3],"seconds.\n")

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pheno2geno documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:35 a.m.