
Defines functions scan.qtls checkForEpistasis twoGenosModel fullScanRow.internal

Documented in checkForEpistasis fullScanRow.internal scan.qtls twoGenosModel

# scan.qtls.R
# Copyright (c) 2010-2013 GBIC: Danny Arends, Konrad Zych and Ritsert C. Jansen
# last modified October, 2013
# first written Mar, 2011
# Contains: scan.qtls

#                                    *** scan.qtls ***
# subfunction by Danny Arends to map QLTs modfied to work on a single phenotype
#  vector with new ordering of chromosomes inside cross object
scan.qtls <- function(population, map=c("genetic","physical"), env, epistasis = c("scan","ignore"),step=0.1,verbose=FALSE){

  if(missing(population)) stop("Please provide a population object\n")
  if(is.null(population$offspring$genotypes$real))      stop("No original genotypes in population$offspring$genotypes$real, load them in using add.to.population\n")
  if(is.null(population$offspring$genotypes$simulated)) stop("No simulated genotypes in population$offspring$genotypes$simulated, run generate.biomarkers first\n")
  if(missing(env)) env <- rep(1,ncol(population$offspring$phenotypes)) #if there is no infor about env -> all of them in the same env
  map       <- match.arg(map)
  epistasis <- match.arg(epistasis)

    if(is.null(population$maps$genetic)) stop("No genetic map in the population object!")
    population      <- matchMarkers(population, population$maps$genetic, mapType="genetic")
    if(is.null(population$maps$physical)) stop("No physical map in the population object!")
    population      <- matchMarkers(population, population$maps$physical, mapType="physical")
  originalMap  <- paste("map_", map, sep="")
  populationSubset                      <- population
  populationSubset$offspring$phenotypes <- matrix(0, 5, ncol(population$offspring$phenotypes))
  colnames(populationSubset$offspring$phenotypes) <- colnames(population$offspring$phenotypes)
  rownames(populationSubset$offspring$phenotypes) <- 1:5

  ### creation of the cross so that we can use r/qtl for qtl mapping
    aa <- tempfile()
    returncross <- genotypesToCross.internal(populationSubset,"real", originalMap)
    file.remove(aa) # no error -> close sink and remove unneeded file
  error= function(err){ stop(paste("ERROR in scan.qtls while creating cross:  ",err)) },
  finally={ sink() })
  returncross$pheno <- t(population$offspring$genotypes$simulated)
  returncross       <- calc.genoprob(returncross, step=step)
  s                 <- proc.time()
  lod               <- NULL # LOD scores
  pos               <- NULL # position of the QTL peak on a chromosome
  chr               <- NULL # chromosome of the peak marker
  interactions      <- NULL # 1 - max lod score for Env, 2 - G:E, 3- epistasis
  markerNames       <- NULL # names of the markers se
  done              <- 0    
  useEnv            <- TRUE

  if(!(length(unique(env))>1)) useEnv <- FALSE
  npheno <- nrow(population$offspring$genotypes$simulated)

  for(i in 1:npheno){
    curlogLikeli <- NULL
    perc         <- round(i/npheno * 100)
    if(perc%%10==0 && !(perc%in%done)){ # bit dirty hack to avoid displaying the same value more than once in verbose mode (this can happen due to rounding)
      e <- proc.time()
      cat("Analysing markers",perc,"% done, estimated time remaining:",(e-s)[3]/perc*(100-perc),"s\n")
      done <- c(done,perc)
      fullScanResults    <- t(apply(pull.geno(returncross),2,fullScanRow.internal, pull.pheno(returncross)[,i], env))
      curInteractions    <- c(max(fullScanResults[,1]),max(fullScanResults[,3]))
      curInteractions    <- c(0,0)
      aa <- tempfile()
      curScan      <- scanone(returncross, pheno.col=i, model="np")  # This results are all used
      curScanNoPM  <- curScan[markernames(returncross),]             # Ignoring Pseudo Markers in check for epistasis
      file.remove(aa)                                                # No error -> close sink and remove unneeded file
    error= function(err){
      stop(paste("ERROR in scan.qtls while using scanone:  ",err))
      epistaticInter  <- checkForEpistasis(curScanNoPM, pull.geno(returncross), pull.pheno(returncross)[,i], env, useEnv)
      epistaticInter  <- 0
    curInteractions <- c(curInteractions,epistaticInter)
    interactions    <- rbind(interactions,curInteractions)

    chr             <- rbind(chr,curScan[,1])
    pos             <- rbind(pos,curScan[,2])
    lod             <- rbind(lod,curScan[,3])
    markerNames     <- c(markerNames,colnames(returncross$pheno)[i])

  e <- proc.time()
  if(verbose) cat("Qtl scan done in",(e-s)[3],"s\n")
  ### packing all the results into the population object
  population$offspring$genotypes$qtl$lod                     <- lod
  rownames(population$offspring$genotypes$qtl$lod)           <- markerNames
  colnames(population$offspring$genotypes$qtl$lod)           <- rownames(curScan)

  population$offspring$genotypes$qtl$pos                     <- pos
  rownames(population$offspring$genotypes$qtl$pos)           <- markerNames
  colnames(population$offspring$genotypes$qtl$pos)           <- rownames(curScan)
  population$offspring$genotypes$qtl$chr                     <- chr
  rownames(population$offspring$genotypes$qtl$chr)           <- markerNames
  colnames(population$offspring$genotypes$qtl$chr)           <- rownames(curScan)
  population$offspring$genotypes$qtl$interactions            <- interactions
  rownames(population$offspring$genotypes$qtl$interactions)  <- markerNames

checkForEpistasis <- function(scanResults,originalGeno,marker,env,useEnv){
  maxGenoNr <- which.max(scanResults[,3])
  results   <- apply(originalGeno, 2, twoGenosModel, marker, originalGeno[,maxGenoNr], env, useEnv)
  results   <- results[-maxGenoNr] # removing model with env + maxGenoNr +maxGenoNr (overfit!)

twoGenosModel <- function(genoRow, markerRow, maxGeno, env, useEnv){
  curRes <- -log10(anova(lm(markerRow~env+maxGeno+genoRow))[[5]])
  output <- curRes[2]
  if(useEnv) output <- curRes[3]

#TODO: Add documentation
fullScanRow.internal <- function(genoRow, phenoRow, env){
  model <- lm(phenoRow ~ env + genoRow + env:genoRow)
  return(c(-log10(anova(model)[[5]][1:3]), logLik(model)))

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pheno2geno documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:35 a.m.