
Defines functions add_phenology

Documented in add_phenology

#' add_phenology creates a new dataset.
#' @title Create a new dataset or add a timeserie to a previous dataset.
#' @author Marc Girondot \email{marc.girondot@@gmail.com}
#' @return Return a list of formated data that can be used ith fit_phenology()
#' @param previous Previous data formated with add_phenology or NULL [default] if no previous data exist
#' @param add The data to be added. It can be a set of several entities that uses the same reference and date format
#' @param name The name of the monitored site
#' @param reference as.Date('2001-12-31') The date used as day 1 in the ordinal date model.
#' @param sep.dates Separator used to separate dates when incertitude is included.
#' @param month_ref If no reference date is given, use this month as a reference.
#' @param end.season.date The date corresponding to the end of nesting season. 
#' @param format The format of the dates.
#' @param colname.Date Name or number of column with dates.
#' @param colname.Number Name or number of column with numbers.
#' @param colname.CountTypes Model of count type. It can be "exact" (default), "minimum" or a number to indicate the maximum possible.
#' @param colname.Rookery Name or number of column with rookery names.
#' @param colname.ZeroCounts The name of the column to indicate whether zero counts are included (TRUE is default).
#' @param ZeroCounts.default The default for ZeroCounts.
#' @param include0 Does timeseries with only 0 should be included?
#' @param check.overlapping.dates If TRUE, will check for date overlapping
#' @param datepeakfor0 If series with no observation are included, where add a 1 value in ordinal date (see description)
#' @param expandRange0Observation If TRUE, the range of date with 0 observations are expanded into individual dates
#' @param silent Does information about added timeseries is shown
#' @description To create a new dataset, the syntaxe is :\cr
#' data <- add_phenology(add=newdata, name="Site", reference=as.Date('2001-12-31'), 
#' format='\%d/\%m/\%y')\cr\cr
#' To add a dataset to a previous one, the syntax is :\cr
#' data <- add_phenology(previous=previousdata, add=newdata, name='Site', \cr
#' reference=as.Date('2001-01-01'), format="\%Y-\%m-\%d") \cr\cr
#' The dataset to be added must include 2 or 3 columns.\cr
#' The colname.Date included the dates in the format specified by 
#' the parameter format. If the number of nests is known  
#' for an exact date, then only one date must be indicated.\cr  
#' If the number of nests is known for a range of date, the 
#' first and last dates must be separated by a sep.dates character.\cr
#' For example: 1/2/2000-10/2/2000\cr
#' Note that date in the colname.Date column can be already formated and in this case 
#' the parameter format is ignored.\cr\cr
#' The colname.Number includes the number of nests observed for 
#' this date or this range of dates.\cr
#' The colname.Rookery is optional and includes the name of the rookeries.\cr\cr
#' If only two columns are indicated, the name can be indicated as  
#' a parameter of the function with the parameter name. If no name is indicated,  
#' the default name Site will be used, but take care, only one 
#' rookery of this name can be used.\cr\cr
#' Several rookeries can be included in the same file but in this case 
#' the rookery name is obligatory at the colname.Rookery column.\cr\cr
#' The model cannot be fitted if a timeseries has no observation because the trivial 
#' solution is of course with max=0. The solution is to include a fake false observation at the closest 
#' position of the peak, and then the estimated number of nests/tracks will be the estimated number - 1.\cr
#' If include0 is TRUE, then the series with no observation are included and one observation is added 
#' at the monitored date the closest of datepeakfor0.\cr
#' The normal way to manage such a situation is as followed:\cr
#' 1- Format data with include0 being FALSE\cr
#' 2- Fit parameters using fdf <- fit_phenology()\cr
#' 3- Format data with include0 being TRUE and datepeakfor0=fdf$par["Peak"]\cr
#' 4- Fix previsouly fitted parameters using pfixed <- fdf$par\cr
#' 5- Generate new set of parameters with par_init(data, fixed.parameters=pfixed)\cr
#' 6- Run again fit_phenology()\cr\cr
#' Some problems that can occur:\cr
#' If a name is defined as a third column of a data.frame and a name is 
#' defined also with name parameter, the third column has priority.\cr
#' Two different timeseries MUST have different name and characters _ and 
#' space are forbiden in timeseries names. They are automatically changed if they are present.
#' @family Phenology model
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(phenology)
#' # Read a file with data
#' data(Gratiot)
#' # Generate a formatted list nammed data_Gratiot 
#' refdate <- as.Date("2001-01-01")
#' data_Gratiot <- add_phenology(Gratiot, name="Complete", 
#' 	reference=refdate, format="%d/%m/%Y")
#' # Generate initial points for the optimisation
#' parg <- par_init(data_Gratiot, fixed.parameters=NULL)
#' # Run the optimisation
#' result_Gratiot <- fit_phenology(data=data_Gratiot, fitted.parameters=parg, 
#' 	fixed.parameters=NULL)
#' data(result_Gratiot)
#' # Plot the phenology and get some stats
#' output <- plot(result_Gratiot)
#' #############################################
#' # Example of use of include0 and datepeakfor0
#' #############################################
#' # Let create a times series with only 0
#' data0 <- data.frame(Date=c("11/3/2015", "12/3/2015", "13/3/2015-18/3/2015", "25/3/2015"), 
#'                     Number=c(0, 0, 0, 0), 
#'                     Beach=rep("Site", 4), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
#' # Here I don't include beach with no observation: error message
#' try1 <- add_phenology(data0, format="%d/%m/%Y", month_ref=1, include0=FALSE)
#' # Here I include timeseries with no observation
#' try1 <- add_phenology(data0, format="%d/%m/%Y", month_ref=1, include0=TRUE, datepeakfor0=100)
#' try1 <- add_phenology(data0, format="%d/%m/%Y", month_ref=1, include0=TRUE, datepeakfor0=73)
#' try1 <- add_phenology(data0, format="%d/%m/%Y", month_ref=1, include0=TRUE, datepeakfor0=70)
#' # It can be done in two steps
#' try1 <- add_phenology(data0, format="%d/%m/%Y", month_ref=1, include0=TRUE)
#' try2 <- add_phenology(previous=try1, include0=TRUE, datepeakfor0=100)
#' # Here I include the series without observation
#' try1 <- add_phenology(add=data0, format="%d/%m/%Y", month_ref=1, 
#'                       include0=TRUE, expandRange0Observation=TRUE)
#' }
#' @export

add_phenology <-
  function(add=NULL, name="Site", reference=NULL, 
           month_ref= NULL, sep.dates="-", 
           colname.Date=1, colname.Number=2, colname.Rookery="Site", 
           colname.CountTypes=NULL, colname.ZeroCounts=NULL, 
           ZeroCounts.default = TRUE, 
           format="%d/%m/%Y", previous=NULL, include0=FALSE, datepeakfor0=NULL, 
           expandRange0Observation=TRUE, check.overlapping.dates=TRUE, 
           silent=FALSE) {
    # name="Site"; reference=NULL; month_ref= 1; sep.dates="-"; format="%d/%m/%Y"
    # end.season.date=NULL
    # previous=NULL; colname.Date=1; colname.Number=2; colname.Rookery="Site"; colname.CountTypes=NULL
    # colname.ZeroCounts=NULL; include0=FALSE; ZeroCounts.default=TRUE
    # datepeakfor0=NULL; expandRange0Observation=TRUE; check.overlapping.dates=TRUE; silent=FALSE
    if ((!inherits(previous, "phenologydata")) & !is.null(previous)) {
      stop("The previous dataset must be already formated using add_phenology()!")
    if (!is.null(add)) {
      if (!is.null(format)) {
        if (any(grepl(sep.dates, format))) {
          stop("Separator between day, month and year cannot be the same as the separator between two dates")
      if (inherits(try(add[, colname.Date], silent = TRUE), "try-error")) {
        stop("The columns with dates does not exist")
      if (inherits(try(add[, colname.Number], silent = TRUE), "try-error")) {
        stop("The columns with numbers does not exist")
      if (!is.null(colname.CountTypes)) {
        if (inherits(try(add[, colname.CountTypes], silent = TRUE), "try-error")) {
          stop("The columns with count types does not exist")
      } else {
        colname.CountTypes <- "CountTypes"
        add <- cbind(add, CountTypes=rep("exact", nrow(add)))
      if (!is.null(colname.ZeroCounts)) {
        if (inherits(try(add[, colname.ZeroCounts], silent = TRUE), "try-error")) {
          stop("The columns with zero counts information does not exist.")
      } else {
        colname.ZeroCounts <- "ZeroCounts"
        add <- cbind(add, ZeroCounts=rep(ZeroCounts.default, nrow(add)))
      if (inherits(try(add[, colname.Rookery], silent = TRUE), "try-error")) {
        if (!silent) message("The columns with rookery name does not exist; I create one")
        add <- cbind(add, Site=rep(name, nrow(add)))
      if (is.null(reference) & is.null(month_ref)) {
        stop("reference or month_ref must be supplied")
      if (is.factor(add[,colname.Date])) add[,colname.Date] <- as.character(add[,colname.Date])
      if (is.factor(add[,colname.Rookery])) add[,colname.Rookery] <- as.character(add[,colname.Rookery])
      d <- add[,colname.Date]
      if (is.character(d)) {
        d2 <- strsplit(d, split=sep.dates)
        dp1 <- as.Date(unlist(lapply(d2, FUN = function(x) x[1])), format=format)
        dp2 <- as.Date(unlist(lapply(d2, FUN = function(x) x[2])), format=format)
      } else {
        dp1 <- d
        dp2 <- rep(NA, length(d))
      add <- cbind(add, D18989898=dp1, D28989898=dp2)
      if (any(is.na(dp1))) {
        stop(paste("Date format for column colname.Date is not correct; check line(s)", which(is.na(dp1))))
      if (is.character(reference)) reference <- as.Date(reference, format=format)
      intermediaire <- list()
      for (site in unique(add[, colname.Rookery])) {
        # site <- unique(add[, colname.Rookery])[1]
        if (!silent) message(paste0("Site: ", site))
        dfadd <- add[add[, colname.Rookery] == site, ]
        dfadd <- dfadd[order(dfadd[, "D18989898"]), ]
        if (is.null(reference)) {
          # si month_ref > premier mois de la série, c'est l'année n-1
          # sinon c'est l'année n
          premieredate <- dfadd[1, "D18989898"]
          premiermois <- as.POSIXlt(premieredate)$mon+1
          if (premiermois < month_ref) {
            premieredate <- premieredate - ifelse(as.POSIXlt(premieredate-365)$mday == as.POSIXlt(premieredate)$mday, 365, 366)
            refencours <- as.character(premieredate)
            substr(refencours, 9, 10) <- "01"
            m <- paste0("0", as.character(month_ref))
            substr(refencours, 6, 7) <- substr(m, nchar(m)-2, nchar(m))
            refencours <- as.Date(refencours)
          } else {
            refencours <- as.character(premieredate)
            substr(refencours, 9, 10) <- "01"
            m <- paste0("0", as.character(month_ref))
            substr(refencours, 6, 7) <- substr(m, nchar(m)-2, nchar(m))
            refencours <- as.Date(refencours)
        } else {
          refencours <- reference
        # end.season.date=NULL 
        if (is.character(end.season.date)) end.season.date <- as.Date(end.season.date, format=format)
        if (!silent) message(paste("Reference date:", as.character(refencours)))
        df <- data.frame(Date=dfadd$D18989898, 
                         nombre=dfadd[, colname.Number], 
                         Modeled=rep(NA, nrow(dfadd)), 
                         CountTypes=dfadd[, colname.CountTypes],
                         ZeroCounts=dfadd[, colname.ZeroCounts], 
                         LnL=rep(NA, nrow(dfadd)), 
                         stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        if ((expandRange0Observation) & (any(!is.na(df[, "Date2"])))) {
          dfec <- df[-(1:nrow(df)), ]
          for (idf in 1:nrow(df)) {
            if ((!is.na(df[idf, "Date2"])) & (df[idf, "nombre"] == 0)) {
              dt <- seq(from=df[idf, "Date"], to=df[idf, "Date2"], by="1 day")
              dfe0 <- data.frame(Date=dt, 
                                 Date2=rep(as.Date(NA), length(dt)), 
                                 nombre=rep(0, length(dt)), 
                                 ordinal2=rep(NA, length(dt)), 
                                 Modeled=rep(NA, length(dt)), 
                                 CountTypes=rep(df[idf, "CountTypes"], length(dt)), 
                                 ZeroCounts=rep(df[idf, "ZeroCounts"], length(dt)), 
                                 LnL=rep(NA, length(dt)), 
                                 stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
              dfec <- rbind(dfec, dfe0)
            } else {
              dfec <- rbind(dfec, df[idf, ])
          df <- dfec
        # Ca ne marche que sur une année
        lg <- ifelse(as.POSIXlt(refencours+365)$mday == as.POSIXlt(refencours)$mday, 365, 366)
        nday <- (max(c(df[, "ordinal"], df[, "ordinal2"]), na.rm = TRUE) %/% 366) * 366
        if (is.null(end.season.date)) {
          if (nday < 400) {
          end.season.date <- refencours + lg
          } else {
            end.season.date <- refencours + nday
        attributes(df) <- modifyList(attributes(df), list(reference=refencours))
        attributes(df) <- modifyList(attributes(df), list(end.season.date=end.season.date))
        if (check.overlapping.dates) {
          # test cohérence
          if (max(c(df$ordinal, df$ordinal2)+1, na.rm = TRUE) > lg) {
            stop("More than one year for this series")
          test <- logical(lg)
          for (i in 1:nrow(df)) {
            if (is.na(df[i, "ordinal2"])) {
              if (test[df[i, "ordinal"]+1]) {
                stop(paste("Error; some dates are duplicated. Look at", as.character(df[i, "Date"])))
              } else {
                test[df[i, "ordinal"]+1] <- TRUE
            } else {
              if (any(test[(df[i, "ordinal"]:df[i, "ordinal2"])+1])) {
                stop(paste("Error; some dates are duplicated. Look at", as.character(df[i, "Date"])))
              } else {
                test[(df[i, "ordinal"]:df[i, "ordinal2"])+1] <- TRUE
        } else {
          if (!silent) message("Take care: no check for dates coherence.")
        df <- list(df)
        names(df) <- site
        intermediaire <- c(intermediaire, df)
      previous <- c(previous, intermediaire)
      # class(previous) <- "phenologydata"
      # class(previous) <- unique(append(class(previous), "phenologydata"))
      # 16/5/2023
      previous <- addS3Class(previous, "phenologydata")
    if (length(previous) == 0) {
      warning("No timeseries is included.")
    } else {
      if (any(grepl("_", names(previous)))) {
        if (!silent) print("The character _ is forbiden in names of timesseries. It has been changed to '.'.")
        names(previous) <- gsub("_", ".", names(previous))
      if (any(grepl("-", names(previous)))) {
        if (!silent) print("The character - in timeseries must be used to separate beach name and year.")
        # names(previous) <- gsub("-", ".", names(previous))
      if (any(grepl(" ", names(previous)))) {
        if (!silent) print("The character ' ' is forbiden in names of timesseries. It has been changed to '.'.")
        names(previous) <- gsub(" ", ".", names(previous))
      if (any(duplicated(names(previous)))) {
        stop("The names of timesseries must be unique.")
      intermediaire <- list()
      for (site in names(previous)) {
        df <- previous[[site]]
        if (sum(df$nombre, na.rm = TRUE) == 0) {
          if (!silent) message(paste0("Site: ", site))
          if (include0) {
            if (is.null(datepeakfor0)) {
              if (!silent) message("This series contains no observation; datepeakfor0 is not defined.")
              attributes(df) <- modifyList(attributes(df), list(fakeobservation=NULL))
            } else {
              # datepeakfor0
              pos <- NULL
              dispos_min <- +Inf
              pos_min <- NULL
              for (i in 1:nrow(df)) {
                if (!is.na(df[i, "ordinal2"])) {
                  if ((datepeakfor0 >= df[i, "ordinal"]) & (datepeakfor0 <= df[i, "ordinal2"])) {
                    pos <- i
                  } else {
                    if (abs(datepeakfor0 - df[i, "ordinal"]) < dispos_min) {
                      dispos_min <- abs(datepeakfor0 - df[i, "ordinal"])
                      pos_min <- i
                    if (abs(datepeakfor0 - df[i, "ordinal2"]) < dispos_min) {
                      dispos_min <- abs(datepeakfor0 - df[i, "ordinal2"])
                      pos_min <- i
                } else {
                  if (df[i, "ordinal"] == datepeakfor0) {
                    pos <- i
                  } else {
                    if (abs(datepeakfor0 - df[i, "ordinal"]) < dispos_min) {
                      dispos_min <- abs(datepeakfor0 - df[i, "ordinal"])
                      pos_min <- i
                if (!is.null(pos)) break
              if (is.null(pos)) pos <- pos_min
              df[pos, "nombre"] <- 1
              if (!silent) message("This series contains no observation; one fake observation was created")
              attributes(df) <- modifyList(attributes(df), list(fakeobservation=i))
            df <- list(df)
            names(df) <- site
            intermediaire <- c(intermediaire, df)
          } else {
            if (!silent) message("This series contains no observation; it is not included")
        } else {
          df <- list(df)
          names(df) <- site
          intermediaire <- c(intermediaire, df)
      previous <- intermediaire
      previous <- addS3Class(previous, "phenologydata")

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phenology documentation built on Oct. 16, 2023, 9:06 a.m.