#' fitCF fit a model of Clutch Frequency for marine turtles.
#' @title Fit a model of Clutch Frequency for marine turtles.
#' @author Marc Girondot \email{}
#' @return Return a list of class ECFOCF with the fit information.\cr
#' The list has the following items:\cr
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{data}: The observations to be fitted
#' \item \code{par}: The fitted parameters
#' \item \code{SE}: The standard error of parameters if hessian is TRUE
#' \item \code{value}: The -log likelihood of observations within the fitted model
#' \item \code{AIC}: The AIC of fitted model
#' \item \code{mu}: The vector of fitted mu values
#' \item \code{sd}: The vector of fitted sd values
#' \item \code{prob}: The vector of fitted capture probabilities
#' \item \code{a}: The vector of fitted capture probabilities multiplier
#' \item \code{OTN}: The vector of fitted relative probabilities of contribution
#' \item \code{period_categories}: A list with the different period probabilities as named vectors for each category
#' \item \code{period}: The combined period probabilities using OTN as named vector
#' \item \code{CF_categories}: A list with the different CF probabilities as named vectors for each category
#' \item \code{CF}: The combined CF probabilities using OTN as named vector
#' \item \code{ECFOCF_categories}: A list with the different probability ECFOCF tables for each category
#' \item \code{ECFOCF}: The combined table of ECFOCF using OTN probabilities tables
#' \item \code{ECFOCF_0}: The combined table of ECFOCF probabilities tables using OTN without the OCF=0
#' \item \code{SE_df}: A data.frame with SE and 95\% confidence intervals for meanx and vx (mean and variance of clutch frequency for x category), OTNx (proportion for x category), and probx (capture probability for x category)
#' }
#' @param x Initial parameters to be fitted
#' @param fixed.parameters Parameters that are fixed.
#' @param data CMR data formated using TableECFOCF()
#' @param method Method to be used by optimx()
#' @param itnmax A vector with maximum iterations for each method.
#' @param control List of controls for optimx()
#' @param hessian Logical to estimate SE of parameters
#' @param parallel If TRUE, will use parallel computing for ECFOCF_f()
#' @param verbose If TRUE, print the parameters at each step
#' @description This function fits a model of clutch frequency.\cr
#' This model is an enhanced version of the one published by Briane et al. (2007).\cr
#' Parameters are \code{mu} and \code{sd} being the parameters of a
#' distribution used to model the clutch frequency.\cr
#' This distribution is used only as a guide but has not statistical meaning.\cr
#' The parameter \code{p} is the -logit probability that a female is seen
#' on the beach for a particular nesting event. It includes both the probability
#' that it is captured but also the probability that it uses that specific beach.\cr
#' Several categories of females can be included in the model using index after
#' the name of the parameter, for example \code{mu1}, \code{sd1} and \code{mu2},
#' \code{sd2} indicates that two categories of females with different clutch
#' frequencies distribution are present. Similarly \code{p1} and \code{p2} indicates
#' that two categories of females with different capture probabilities are present.\cr
#' If more than one category is used, then it is necessary to include the
#' parameter \code{OTN} to indicate the relative frequencies of each category.
#' If two categories are used, one \code{OTN} parameter named \code{ONT1} must
#' be included. The \code{OTN2} is forced to be 1. Then the relative frequency
#' for category 1 is \code{OTN1/(OTN1+1)} and for category 2 is \code{1/(OTN1+1)}.
#' Same logic must be applied for 3 and more categories with always the last one
#' being fixed to 1.\cr
#' if p or a (logit of the capture probability) are equal to -Inf,
#' the probability of capture is 0 and if they are equal to
#' +Inf, the probability is 1.\cr
#' The value of p out of the period
#' of nesting must be set to +Inf (capture probability=1)
#' to indicate that no turtle is nesting in this period.\cr
#' p must be set to -Inf (capture probability=0) to indicate that no
#' monitoring has been done during a specific period of the nesting season.\cr
#' The best way to indicate capture probability for 3D model (OCF, ECF, Period)
#' is to indicate p.period common for all categories and a1, a2, etc for each category.
#' The capture probability for category 1 will be p.period * a1, and for category 2
#' will be p.period * a2, etc. \cr
#' In this case, the parameters p.period should be indicated in fitted parameters
#' as well as a1, but a2 must be fixed to +Inf in fixed.parameters. Then the capture
#' probability for category 2 will be p.period and for category 1 a1 * p.period.\cr
#' If itnmax is equal to 0, it will return the model using the parameters without fitting them.\cr
#' @family Model of Clutch Frequency
#' @seealso Briane J-P, Rivalan P, Girondot M (2007) The inverse problem applied
#' to the Observed Clutch Frequency of Leatherbacks from Yalimapo beach,
#' French Guiana. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 6:63-69
#' @seealso Fossette S, Kelle L, Girondot M, Goverse E, Hilterman ML, Verhage B,
#' Thoisy B, de, Georges J-Y (2008) The world's largest leatherback
#' rookeries: A review of conservation-oriented research in French
#' Guiana/Suriname and Gabon. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology
#' and Ecology 356:69-82
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(phenology)
#' # Example
#' data(MarineTurtles_2002)
#' ECFOCF_2002 <- TableECFOCF(MarineTurtles_2002)
#' # Parametric model for clutch frequency
#' o_mu1p1_CFp <- fitCF(x = c(mu = 2.1653229641404539,
#' sd = 1.1465246643327098,
#' p = 0.25785366120357966),
#' fixed.parameters=NULL,
#' data=ECFOCF_2002, hessian = TRUE)
#' # Non parametric model for clutch frequency
#' o_mu1p1_CFnp <- fitCF(x = c(mu.1 = 18.246619595610383,
#' mu.2 = 4.2702163522832892,
#' mu.3 = 2.6289986859556458,
#' mu.4 = 3.2496360919228611,
#' mu.5 = 2.1602522716550943,
#' mu.6 = 0.68617023351032846,
#' mu.7 = 4.2623607001877026,
#' mu.8 = 1.1805600042630455,
#' mu.9 = 2.2786176350939731,
#' mu.10 = 0.47676265496204945,
#' mu.11 = 5.8988238539197062e-08,
#' mu.12 = 1.4003187851424953e-07,
#' mu.13 = 2.4128444894899776e-07,
#' mu.14 = 2.4223748020049825e-07,
#' p = 0.32094401970037578),
#' fixed.parameters=c(mu.15 = 1E-10),
#' data=ECFOCF_2002, hessian = TRUE)
#' o_mu2p1 <- fitCF(x = c(mu1 = 1.2190766766978423,
#' sd1 = 0.80646454821956925,
#' mu2 = 7.1886819592223246,
#' sd2 = 0.18152887523015518,
#' p = 0.29347220802963259,
#' OTN = 2.9137627675219533),
#' fixed.parameters=NULL,
#' data=ECFOCF_2002, hessian = TRUE)
#' o_mu1p2 <- fitCF(x = c(mu = 5.3628701816871462,
#' sd = 0.39390555498088764,
#' p1 = 0.61159637544418755,
#' p2 = -2.4212753004659189,
#' OTN = 0.31898004668901009),
#' data=ECFOCF_2002, hessian = TRUE)
#' o_mu2p2 <- fitCF(x = c(mu1 = 0.043692606004492131,
#' sd1 = 1.9446036983033428,
#' mu2 = 7.3007868915644751,
#' sd2 = 0.16109296152913491,
#' p1 = 1.6860260469536992,
#' p2 = -0.096816113083788985,
#' OTN = 2.2604431232973501),
#' data=ECFOCF_2002, hessian = TRUE)
#' compare_AIC(mu1p1=o_mu1p1_CFp,
#' mu2p1=o_mu2p1,
#' mu1p2=o_mu1p2,
#' mu2p2=o_mu2p2)
#' o_mu3p3 <- fitCF(x = c(mu1 = 0.24286312214288761,
#' sd1 = 0.34542255091729313,
#' mu2 = 5.0817174343025551,
#' sd2 = 1.87435099405695,
#' mu3 = 5.2009265101740683,
#' sd3 = 1.79700447678357,
#' p1 = 8.8961708614726156,
#' p2 = 0.94790116453886453,
#' p3 = -0.76572930634505421,
#' OTN1 = 1.2936848663276974,
#' OTN2 = 0.81164278235645926),
#' data=ECFOCF_2002, hessian = TRUE)
#' o_mu3p1 <- fitCF(x = structure(c(0.24387978183477,
#' 1.2639261745506,
#' 4.94288464711349,
#' 1.945082889758,
#' 4.9431672350811,
#' 1.287663104591,
#' 0.323636536050397,
#' 1.37072039291397,
#' 9.28055412564559e-06),
#' .Names = c("mu1", "sd1", "mu2",
#' "sd2", "mu3", "sd3",
#' "p", "OTN1", "OTN2")),
#' data=ECFOCF_2002, hessian = TRUE)
#' o_mu1p3 <- fitCF(x = structure(c(4.65792402108387,
#' 1.58445909785,
#' -2.35414198317177,
#' 0.623757854800649,
#' -3.62623634029326,
#' 11.6950204755787,
#' 4.05273728846523),
#' .Names = c("mu", "sd",
#' "p1", "p2", "p3",
#' "OTN1", "OTN2")),
#' data=ECFOCF_2002, hessian = TRUE)
#' compare_AIC(mu1p1=o_mu1p1,
#' mu2p1=o_mu2p1,
#' mu1p2=o_mu1p2,
#' mu2p2=o_mu2p2,
#' mu3p3=o_mu3p3,
#' mu1p3=o_mu1p3,
#' mu3p1=o_mu3p1)
#' # 3D model for (ECF, OCF, period)
#' ECFOCF_2002 <- TableECFOCF(MarineTurtles_2002,
#' date0=as.Date("2002-01-01"))
#' fp <- rep(0, dim(ECFOCF_2002)[3])
#' names(fp) <- paste0("p.", formatC(1:(dim(ECFOCF_2002)[3]), width=2, flag="0"))
#' par <- c(mu = 2.6404831115214353,
#' sd = 0.69362774786433479,
#' mu_season = 12.6404831115214353,
#' sd_season = 1.69362774786433479)
#' par <- c(par, fp[attributes(ECFOCF_2002)$table["begin"]:
#' attributes(ECFOCF_2002)$table["final"]])
#' # The value of p (logit of the capture probability) out of the period
#' # of nesting must be set to +Inf (capture probability=1)
#' # to indicate that no turtle is nesting in this period
#' # p must be set to -Inf (capture probability=0) to indicate that no
#' # monitoring has been done during a specific period of the nesting season.
#' fixed.parameters <- c(p=+Inf)
#' # The fitted values are:
#' par <- c(mu = 2.4911638591178051,
#' sd = 0.96855483039640977,
#' mu_season = 13.836059118657793,
#' sd_season = 0.17440085345943984,
#' p.10 = 1.3348233607728222,
#' p.11 = 1.1960387774393837,
#' p.12 = 0.63025680979544774,
#' p.13 = 0.38648155002707452,
#' p.14 = 0.31547864054366048,
#' p.15 = 0.19720001827017075,
#' p.16 = 0.083199496372073328,
#' p.17 = 0.32969130595897905,
#' p.18 = 0.36582777525265819,
#' p.19 = 0.30301248314170637,
#' p.20 = 0.69993987591518514,
#' p.21 = 0.13642423871641118,
#' p.22 = -1.3949268190534629)
#' o_mu1p1season1 <- fitCF(x=par, data=ECFOCF_2002,
#' fixed.parameters=fixed.parameters)
#' # Same model but with two different models of capture probabilities
#' fp <- rep(0, dim(ECFOCF_2002)[3])
#' names(fp) <- paste0("p1.", formatC(1:(dim(ECFOCF_2002)[3]), width=2, flag="0"))
#' par <- c(mu = 2.6404831115214353,
#' sd = 0.69362774786433479,
#' mu_season = 12.6404831115214353,
#' sd_season = 1.69362774786433479)
#' par <- c(par, fp[attributes(ECFOCF_2002)$table["begin"]:
#' attributes(ECFOCF_2002)$table["final"]])
#' names(fp) <- paste0("p2.", formatC(1:(dim(ECFOCF_2002)[3]), width=2, flag="0"))
#' par <- c(par, fp[attributes(ECFOCF_2002)$table["begin"]:
#' attributes(ECFOCF_2002)$table["final"]])
#' fixed.parameters <- c(p1=+Inf, p2=+Inf)
#' o_mu1p2season1 <- fitCF(x=par, data=ECFOCF_2002,
#' fixed.parameters=fixed.parameters)
#' # Here the two different capture probabilities are different
#' # by a constant:
#' # p1=invlogit(-p) [Note that invlogit(-a1) = 1]
#' # p2=invlogit(-p)*invlogit(-a2)
#' fp <- rep(0, dim(ECFOCF_2002)[3])
#' names(fp) <- paste0("p.", formatC(1:(dim(ECFOCF_2002)[3]), width=2, flag="0"))
#' par <- c(mu = 2.6404831115214353,
#' sd = 0.69362774786433479,
#' mu_season = 12.6404831115214353,
#' sd_season = 1.69362774786433479,
#' a2=0)
#' par <- c(par, fp[attributes(ECFOCF_2002)$table["begin"]:
#' attributes(ECFOCF_2002)$table["final"]])
#' fixed.parameters <- c(a1=+Inf, p=+Inf)
#' o_mu1p1aseason1 <- fitCF(x=par, data=ECFOCF_2002,
#' fixed.parameters=fixed.parameters)
#' data=ECFOCF_2002)
#' }
#' @export
# Lancement du fit ####
# library("phenology");load(file="/Users/marcgirondot/Documents/Espace_de_travail_R/Remigration/CF_R/dataOut/fit2002_CF.Rdata"); for (i in names(fit2002_CF)) assign(paste0("o_", i), fit2002_CF[[i]])
fitCF <- function(x=c(mu=4, sd=100, p=0),
data=stop("Data formated with TableECFOCF() must be provided"),
method = c("Nelder-Mead","BFGS"),
control=list(trace=1, REPORT=100, maxit=500),
itnmax=c(500, 100),
hessian=TRUE, parallel=TRUE, verbose=FALSE) {
# x=c(mu=4, sd=100, p=-1);
# fixed.parameters=NULL;
# data=NULL;
# method = c("Nelder-Mead","BFGS");
# control=list(trace=1, REPORT=100, maxit=500);
# itnmax=c(500, 100);
# hessian=TRUE; parallel=TRUE
MaxNests <- max(dim(data)[c(1, 2)])-1
if (any(itnmax != 0)) {
repeat {
o <- try(suppressWarnings(optimx::optimx(par = x,
control=modifyList(control, list(dowarn=FALSE, follow.on=TRUE, kkt=FALSE)),
hessian=FALSE, parallel=parallel, verbose=verbose)), silent=TRUE)
minL <- nrow(o)
nm <- names(x)
colnames(o)[1:length(nm)] <- nm
# nm <- gsub("-", ".", nm)
x <- unlist(o[minL, nm])
conv <- o[minL, "convcode"]
value <- o[minL, "value"]
x[substr(names(x), 1, 2)=="mu"] <- abs(x[substr(names(x), 1, 2)=="mu"])
x[substr(names(x), 1, 2)=="sd"] <- abs(x[substr(names(x), 1, 2)=="sd"])
x[substr(names(x), 1, 3)=="OTN"] <- abs(x[substr(names(x), 1, 3)=="OTN"])
# C'est déjà inclut dans le mu et le sd
# x[substr(names(x), 1, 9)=="mu_season"] <- abs(x[substr(names(x), 1, 9)=="mu_season"])
# x[substr(names(x), 1, 9)=="sd_season"] <- abs(x[substr(names(x), 1, 9)=="sd_season"])
if (conv == 0) break
# par <- x
message("Convergence is not achieved. Optimization continues !")
} else {
value <- lnLCF(x=x, data=data, fixed.parameters = fixed.parameters)
conv <- 0
result <- list()
result$par <- x
result$value <- value
result$convergence <- conv
result$fixed.parameters <- fixed.parameters
if (hessian) {
if (!requireNamespace("numDeriv", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop("numDeriv package is absent; Please install it first")
message("Estimation of the standard error of parameters. Be patient please.")
mathessian <- try(getFromNamespace("hessian", ns="numDeriv")(func=lnLCF,
, silent=TRUE)
if (substr(mathessian[1], 1, 5)=="Error") {
res_se <- rep(NA, length(x))
names(res_se) <- names(x)
} else {
rownames(mathessian) <- colnames(mathessian) <- names(x)
result$hessian <- mathessian
res_se <- SEfromHessian(mathessian)
} else {
if (verbose) warning("Standard errors are not estimated.")
mathessian <- NULL
res_se <- rep(NA, length(x))
names(res_se) <- names(x)
result$SE <- res_se
result$AIC <- 2*result$value+2*length(x)
result$data <- data
totx <- c(x, fixed.parameters)
ml <- suppressWarnings(floor(as.numeric(gsub("[a-zA-Z_]+", "", names(totx)))))
if ((length(ml) == 1) | all( | (max(c(0, ml), na.rm=TRUE)==0)) {
mln <- 1
} else {
mln <- max(ml, na.rm=TRUE)
p <- totx[substr(names(totx), 1, 1)=="p"]
if (length(p)>1) {
np <- gsub("p([0-9\\.]*)", "\\1", names(p))
np[np == ""] <- "0"
p <- p[order(as.numeric(np))]
a <- totx[substr(names(totx), 1, 1)=="a"]
if (identical(a, structure(numeric(0), .Names = character(0)))) {
a <- rep(Inf, mln) # Vaudra 1
names(a) <- paste0("a", as.character(1:mln))
if (length(a)>1) a <- a[order(as.numeric(gsub("a([0-9]+)", "\\1", names(a))))]
mu <- totx[(substr(names(totx), 1, 2)=="mu") & (substr(names(totx), 1, 9)!="mu_season")]
if (length(mu)>1) mu <- mu[order(as.numeric(gsub("mu([0-9\\.]+)", "\\1", names(mu))))]
sd <- totx[(substr(names(totx), 1, 2)=="sd") & (substr(names(totx), 1, 9)!="sd_season")]
if (identical(sd, structure(numeric(0), .Names = character(0)))) sd <- c(sd=NA)
if (length(sd)>1) sd <- sd[order(as.numeric(gsub("sd([0-9]+)", "\\1", names(sd))))]
mu_season <- totx[substr(names(totx), 1, 9)=="mu_season"]
if (length(mu_season)>1) mu_season <- mu_season[order(as.numeric(gsub("mu_season([0-9]+)", "\\1", names(mu_season))))]
sd_season <- totx[substr(names(totx), 1, 9)=="sd_season"]
if (length(sd_season)>1) sd_season <- sd_season[order(as.numeric(gsub("sd_season([0-9]+)", "\\1", names(sd_season))))]
if (mln>1) {
OTN <- abs(totx[substr(names(totx), 1, 3)=="OTN"])
if (length(OTN)>1) OTN <- OTN[order(as.numeric(gsub("OTN([0-9]+)", "\\1", names(OTN))))]
OTN <- c(OTN, 1)
OTN <- c(OTN, rep(OTN[length(OTN)], mln-length(OTN)))
names(OTN) <- paste0("OTN", 1:mln)
OTN <- OTN/sum(OTN)
} else {
OTN <- c(OTN1=1)
result$OTN <- OTN
p <- 1/(1+exp(-p))
a <- 1/(1+exp(-a))
result$prob <- p
result$a <- a
# mu <- abs(c(mu, rep(mu[length(mu)], mln-length(mu))))
# names(mu) <- paste0("mu", 1:mln)
if (mln > 1) {
if (any(names(mu)=="mu")) {
mu_ref <- mu[names(mu)=="mu"]
mu_ec <- NULL
for (i in 1:mln) {
if (all(!grepl(paste0("mu", i), names(mu)))) {
mu_ec <- c(mu_ec, structure(unname(mu_ref), .Names=paste0("mu", i)))
} else {
mu_ec <- c(mu_ec, mu[grepl(paste0("mu", i), names(mu))])
mu <- mu_ec
if (any(grepl("mu\\.+", names(mu)))) {
mu_ref <- mu[grepl("mu\\.+", names(mu))]
mu_ec <- NULL
for (i in 1:mln) {
if (all(!grepl(paste0("mu", i), names(mu)))) {
mu_ec <- c(mu_ec, structure(unname(mu_ref), .Names=gsub("mu(\\.[0-9]+)", paste0("mu", i, "\\1"), names(mu_ref))))
} else {
mu_ec <- c(mu_ec, mu[grepl(paste0("mu", i), names(mu))])
mu <- mu_ec
} else {
names(mu) <- gsub("mu[0-9]*(\\.*[0-9]*)", "mu1\\1", names(mu))
result$mu <- mu
sd <- abs(c(sd, rep(sd[length(sd)], mln-length(sd))))
names(sd) <- paste0("sd", 1:mln)
result$sd <- sd
if (!identical(unname(mu_season), numeric(0))) {
mu_season <- abs(c(mu_season, rep(mu_season[length(mu_season)], mln-length(mu_season))))
names(mu_season) <- paste0("mu_season", 1:mln)
result$mu_season <- mu_season
sd_season <- abs(c(sd_season, rep(sd_season[length(sd_season)], mln-length(sd_season))))
names(sd_season) <- paste0("sd_season", 1:mln)
result$sd_season <- sd_season
OCFECF <- data
OCFECF[] <- 0
CF <- rep(0, MaxNests)
names(CF) <- paste0("CF", as.character(1:MaxNests))
if (dim(data)[3] != 1) {
period <- structure(rep(0, dim(data)[3]-MaxNests+1),
.Names=paste0("period", formatC(1:(dim(data)[3]-MaxNests+1), width=2, flag="0")))
} else {
period <- NA
OCFECF_categories <- list()
OCFECF_0_categories <- list()
CF_categories <- list()
if (![1])) period_categories <- list()
for (i in 1:mln) {
nm <- paste0("p", as.character(i))
pvrai <- p[(names(p) == "p") | (substr(names(p), 1, nchar(nm))==nm) |
(substr(names(p), 1, 2)=="p.")]
# Il faut rajouter a[i] seulement si avec une période
pvrai[grepl("\\.", names(pvrai))] <- pvrai[grepl("\\.", names(pvrai))] * a[paste0("a", i)]
names(pvrai)[substr(names(pvrai), 1, 2) =="p."] <- paste0("p", i, ".", substr(names(pvrai[substr(names(pvrai), 1, 2) =="p."]), 3, 20))
names(pvrai)[names(pvrai) =="p"] <- paste0("p", i)
if (dim(data)[3] == 1) {
d3 <- 1
} else {
d3 <- dim(data)[3]-MaxNests-1
OCFECF_int <- ECFOCF_f(mu=mu[grepl(paste0("mu", i), names(mu))],
sd=sd[paste0("sd", i)],
mu_season=mu_season[paste0("mu_season", i)],
sd_season=sd_season[paste0("sd_season", i)],
length_season = d3,
OCFECF_int <- addS3Class(OCFECF_int, "TableECFOCF")
OCFECF_categories <- c(OCFECF_categories, list(OCFECF_int))
OCFECF <- OCFECF+ OCFECF_int* OTN[paste0("OTN", i)]
OCFECF_int <- OCFECF_int/(1-sum(OCFECF_int[1, 1, ]))
OCFECF_int[1, 1, ] <- 0
OCFECF_0_categories <- c(OCFECF_0_categories, list(OCFECF_int))
if (![paste0("sd", i)])) {
# Ancienne formule
CF_int <- dlnorm(1:MaxNests, meanlog=log(abs(mu[paste0("mu", i)])),
sdlog=abs(sd[paste0("sd", i)]))
} else {
# Nouvelle formule
# Je dois sortir les mu classés par ordre croissant
CF_int <- abs(mu[order(as.numeric(gsub("mu[0-9]*\\.", "", names(mu))))])
if (length(CF_int) < MaxNests) CF_int <- c(CF_int, rep(1E-10, MaxNests - length(CF_int)))
CF_int <- structure(c(CF_int / sum(CF_int)), .Names=paste0("CF", as.character(1:MaxNests)))
CF_categories <- c(CF_categories,
CF <- CF+ CF_int * OTN[paste0("OTN", i)]
if (![1])) {
time_int <- dlnorm(1:(dim(data)[3]-MaxNests+1),
meanlog=log(abs(mu_season[paste0("mu_season", i)])),
sdlog=abs(sd_season[paste0("sd_season", i)]))
time_int <- structure(c(time_int / sum(time_int)),
.Names=paste0("period", formatC(1:(dim(data)[3]-MaxNests+1), width=2, flag="0")))
period_categories <- c(period_categories, list(time_int))
period <- period + time_int * OTN[paste0("OTN", i)]
result$ECFOCF_categories <- OCFECF_categories
result$CF_categories <- CF_categories
OCFECF <- addS3Class(OCFECF, "TableECFOCF")
result$CF <- CF
if (![1])) {
result$period_categories <- period_categories
result$period <- period
result$length_season <- dim(data)[3]-MaxNests+1
OCFECF <- OCFECF/(1-sum(OCFECF[1, 1, ]))
OCFECF[1, 1, ] <- 0
result$ECFOCF_0 <- OCFECF
result$ECFOCF_0_categories <- OCFECF_0_categories
result$MaxNests <- MaxNests
result$categories <- mln
if (hessian & is.element('car', installed.packages()[,1])) {
vcov <- try(solve(mathessian), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(vcov, "try-error")) {
message("Error in inverse of Hessian matrix, some standard errors cannot be calculated")
# mu
SE_df <- data.frame(Estimate=numeric(),
"2.5 %"=numeric(),
"97.5 %"=numeric())
colnames(SE_df) <- c("Estimate", "SE", "2.5 %", "97.5 %")
# SE_df_0 <- SE_df
par_mu <- names(x)[(substr(names(x), 1, 2) == "mu") & (substr(names(x), 1, 9) != "mu_season")]
for (i in seq_along(par_mu)) {
if (inherits(vcov, "try-error")) {
SE_df[nrow(SE_df)+1, ] <- c(eval(parse(text=x[par_mu[i]])), NA, NA, NA)
} else {
SE_df[nrow(SE_df)+1, ] <- unlist(car::deltaMethod(x, par_mu[i], vcov.=vcov)[1, c(1:4), drop = TRUE])
colnames(SE_df) <- c("Estimate", "SE", "2.5 %", "97.5 %")
rownames(SE_df) <- par_mu
rownames(SE_df) <- gsub("mu", "mean", par_mu)
SE_df[, "Estimate"] <- SE_df[, "Estimate"] +1
SE_df[, "2.5 %"] <- SE_df[, "2.5 %"] +1
SE_df[, "97.5 %"] <- SE_df[, "97.5 %"] +1
rn <- rownames(SE_df)
par_mu_season <- names(x)[(substr(names(x), 1, 9) == "mu_season")]
for (i in seq_along(par_mu_season)) {
if (inherits(vcov, "try-error")) {
SE_df[nrow(SE_df)+1,] <- c(eval(parse(text=x[par_mu_season[i]])), NA, NA, NA)
} else {
SE_df[nrow(SE_df)+1,] <- unlist(car::deltaMethod(x, par_mu_season[i], vcov.=vcov)[1, c(1:4), drop = TRUE])
rownames(SE_df) <- c(rn, gsub("mu_", "mean_", par_mu_season))
par_OTN <- names(x)[substr(names(x), 1, 3) == "OTN"]
rn <- rownames(SE_df)
if (! identical(par_OTN, character(0))) {
for (i in c(par_OTN, "1")) {
if (inherits(vcov, "try-error")) {
denom <- paste0("/(1 + ",paste(paste0("x['", par_OTN, "']") , collapse = "+"), ")", collapse="")
num <- ifelse(i=="1", "1", paste0("x['", i, "']"))
SE_df[nrow(SE_df)+1, ] <- c(eval(parse(text=paste0(num, denom))), NA, NA, NA)
} else {
denom <- paste0("/(1 + ", paste(par_OTN , collapse = "+"), ")", collapse="")
SE_df[nrow(SE_df)+1, ] <- unlist(car::deltaMethod(x,
paste0(i, denom)
, vcov.=vcov)[1, c(1:4), drop = TRUE])
rownames(SE_df) <- c(rn, paste0("OTN", as.character(1:(nrow(SE_df)-length(rn)))))
rn <- rownames(SE_df)
# p
par_p <- names(x)[substr(names(x), 1, 1) == "p"]
par_a_tot <- names(totx)[substr(names(totx), 1, 1) == "a"]
par_a <- names(x)[substr(names(x), 1, 1) == "a"]
if (! identical(par_a_tot, character(0))) {
for (j in par_a_tot) {
for (i in par_p) {
categp <- gsub("p", "", gsub("\\.[0-9]+", "", i))
catega <- gsub("p", "", gsub("\\.[0-9]+", "", j))
if ((categp == "") | (catega == categp)) {
if (any(j == par_a)) {
if (inherits(vcov, "try-error")) {
SE_df[nrow(SE_df)+1, ] <- c(eval(parse(text=paste0("1/(1+exp(", x[i], ")) * 1/(1+exp(", x[catega], "))"))), NA, NA, NA)
rn <- c(rn, paste0("1/(1+exp(", i, ")) * 1/(1+exp(", catega, "))"))
} else {
SE_df[nrow(SE_df)+1, ] <- unlist(car::deltaMethod(x,
paste0("1/(1+exp(", i, ")) * 1/(1+exp(", catega, "))")
, vcov.=vcov)[1, c(1:4), drop = TRUE])
rn <- c(rn, paste0("1/(1+exp(", i, ")) * 1/(1+exp(", catega, "))"))
} else {
if (inherits(vcov, "try-error")) {
SE_df[nrow(SE_df)+1, ] <- c(eval(parse(text=paste0("1/(1+exp(", x[i], "))"))), NA, NA, NA)
rn <- c(rn, row.names = paste0("1/(1+exp(", i, "))"))
} else {
SE_df[nrow(SE_df)+1, ] <- unlist(car::deltaMethod(x,
paste0("1/(1+exp(", i, "))")
, vcov.=vcov)[1, c(1:4), drop = TRUE])
rn <- c(rn, row.names = paste0("1/(1+exp(", i, "))"))
} else {
for (i in par_p) {
if (inherits(vcov, "try-error")) {
SE_df[nrow(SE_df)+1, ] <- c(eval(parse(text=paste0("1/(1+exp(", x[i], "))"))), NA, NA, NA)
rn <- c(rn, row.names = paste0("1/(1+exp(", i, "))"))
} else {
SE_df[nrow(SE_df)+1, ] <- unlist(car::deltaMethod(x,
paste0("1/(1+exp(", i, "))")
, vcov.=vcov)[1, c(1:4), drop = TRUE])
rn <- c(rn, row.names = paste0("1/(1+exp(", i, "))"))
rnp <- rn
rnp <- gsub("1/\\(1\\+exp\\(", "", rnp)
# rnp <- gsub("1/\\(1 \\+ exp\\(", "", rnp)
rnp <- gsub("\\)", "", rnp)
rnp <- gsub("p", "prob", rnp)
rownames(SE_df) <- rnp
or <- gsub("[A-Za-z_]+([0-9\\.]+)$", "\\1", rownames(SE_df))
or <- gsub("[A-Za-z_]+$", "", or)
or <- gsub("^[A-Za-z_]+", "", or)
or <- gsub("([0-9\\.]+) \\* ([0-9\\.]+)", "\\2\\1", or)
or <- ifelse (or=="", 0, or)
# NA dans certains cas 20/1/2018
SE_df <- SE_df[order(as.numeric(or)), ]
result$SE_df <- SE_df
result <- addS3Class(result, "ECFOCF")
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