#' map_phenology generates a likelihood map.
#' @title Generate a likelihood map varying Phi and Delta.
#' @author Marc Girondot \email{}
#' @return Display a likelihood map
#' @param data dataset generated with add_format
#' @param fixed.parameters Set of fixed parameters
#' @param fitted.parameters Set of parameters to be fitted
#' @param Phi Phi values to be analyzed
#' @param Delta Delta value to be analyzed
#' @param cofactors data.frame with a column Date and a column for each cofactor
#' @param add.cofactors Names of the column of parameter cofactors to use as a cofactor
#' @param zero If the theoretical nest number is under this value, this value wll be used
#' @param progressbar If FALSE, do not show the progress bar
#' @description This function generates a map of likelihood varying Phi and Delta.\cr
#' Parameters are the same than for the fit_phenology() function except for trace that is disabled.\cr
#' If Alpha, Beta or Tau are not indicated, Alpha and Tau are set to 0 and 1 and Beta is fitted.\cr
#' Only one set of Alpha, Beta, Tau, Phi and Delta are used for all timeseries present in data.\cr
#' Note that it is possible to fit or fixed Alpha\[n\], Beta\[n\], Tau\[n\], Phi\[n\] and Delta\[n\] with \[n\]=1 or 2
#' and then it is possible to use this function to establish the likelihood map for a
#' second or third sinusoids added to the global pattern.\cr
#' If Delta is not specified, it is estimated from Phi and the same precision as Phi is used.
#' @family Phenology model
#' @examples
#' library("phenology")
#' # Read a file with data
#' data(Gratiot)
#' # Generate a formatted list nammed data_Gratiot
#' data_Gratiot <- add_phenology(Gratiot, name = "Complete",
#' reference = as.Date("2001-01-01"), format = "%d/%m/%Y")
#' # Generate initial points for the optimisation
#' parg <- par_init(data_Gratiot, fixed.parameters = NULL)
#' # Run the optimisation
#' \dontrun{
#' result_Gratiot <- fit_phenology(data = data_Gratiot,
#' fitted.parameters = parg, fixed.parameters = NULL)
#' }
#' data(result_Gratiot)
#' # Extract the fitted parameters
#' parg1 <- extract_result(result_Gratiot)
#' # Add constant Alpha and Tau values
#' # [day d amplitude=(Alpha+Nd*Beta)^Tau with Nd being the number of counts for day d]
#' pfixed <- c(parg1, Alpha=0, Tau=1)
#' pfixed <- pfixed[-which(names(pfixed)=="Theta")]
#' # The only fitted parameter will be Beta
#' parg2 <- c(Beta=0.5, parg1["Theta"])
#' # Generate a likelihood map
#' # [default Phi=seq(from=0.1, to=20, length.out=100) but it is very long]
#' # Take care, it takes 20 hours ! The data map_Gratiot has the result
#' \dontrun{
#' library(phenology)
#' map_Gratiot <- map_phenology(data = data_Gratiot,
#' Phi = seq(from=0.1, to=30, length.out=100),
#' fitted.parameters = parg2,
#' fixed.parameters = pfixed)
#' }
#' data(map_Gratiot)
#' # Plot the map
#' plot(map_Gratiot, col = heat.colors(128))
#' # Plot the min(-Ln L) for Phi varying at any delta value
#' plot_phi(map = map_Gratiot)
#' # Plot the min(-Ln L) for Delta varying with Phi equal to the value for maximum likelihood
#' plot_delta(map = map_Gratiot)
#' # Plot the min(-Ln L) for Delta varying with Phi the nearest to 15
#' plot_delta(map = map_Gratiot, Phi = 15)
#' @export
map_phenology <-
function(data=NULL, fitted.parameters=NULL, fixed.parameters=NA,
Phi=seq(from=0.2,to=20, length.out=100), Delta=NULL,
progressbar=any(installed.packages()[, "Package"] == "pbapply"),
cofactors=NULL, add.cofactors=NULL, zero=1E-9) {
# data=NULL; fitted.parameters=NULL; fixed.parameters=NA;Phi=seq(from=0.2,to=20, length.out=100); Delta=NULL; progressbar=TRUE; cofactors=NULL; add.cofactors=NULL; zero=1E-9
mc.cores <- getOption("mc.cores", detectCores())
forking <- getOption("forking", ifelse(.Platform$OS.type == "windows", FALSE, TRUE))
if (is.null(fixed.parameters)) {fixed.parameters<-NA}
if (is.null(fitted.parameters)) {fitted.parameters<-NA}
# je varie Phi et Delta
#create 2 vectors in form of numeric sequence, for Delta and Phi
Phivalue <- Phi
if (is.null(Delta)) {
Deltavalue <- seq(from=0, to=max(Phivalue)/2, length.out=length(Phivalue)+1)
} else {
Deltavalue <- Delta
LPhi <- length(Phivalue)
LDelta <- length(Deltavalue)
# input <- matrix(data=NA, nrow=LPhi, ncol=LDelta)
# si ni Alpha ni Beta ne sont à ajuster, je mets Beta
if (["Alpha"]) &&["Beta"])) {
if (all( {
fitted.parameters <- c(Beta=0)
} else {
fitted.parameters <- c(fitted.parameters, Beta=0)
# si Beta est à la fois fixe et à ajuster, je le retire des fixes
if (!["Beta"]) && !["Beta"])) {fixed.parameters<-fixed.parameters[!names(fixed.parameters)=="Beta"]}
# je vérifie que Alpha, Beta et Tau apparaissent bien au moins une fois, sinon je les mets en fixe
xpar <- c(fitted.parameters, fixed.parameters)
if (["Alpha"])) {fixed.parameters<-c(fixed.parameters, Alpha=0)}
if (["Beta"])) {fixed.parameters<-c(fixed.parameters, Beta=0)}
if (["Tau"])) {fixed.parameters<-c(fixed.parameters, Tau=1)}
# Si Phi ou Delta sont indiqués en paramètres à ajuster, je les retire
fitted.parameters <- fitted.parameters[!names(fitted.parameters)=="Phi"]
fitted.parameters <- fitted.parameters[!names(fitted.parameters)=="Delta"]
# mais je les mets en paramètres fixes
if (["Phi"])) {fixed.parameters <- c(fixed.parameters, Phi=0)}
if (["Delta"])) {fixed.parameters <- c(fixed.parameters, Delta=0)}
# if (progressbar) pb <- txtProgressBar(min=0, max=LDelta, style=3)
if ((progressbar) & (any(installed.packages()[, "Package"] == "pbapply"))) {
CEG <- list(expr=expression(library("phenology"),
requireNamespace("pbapply", quietly=TRUE)))
# requireNamespace("pbapply", quietly=TRUE)
} else {
CEG <- list(expr=expression(library("phenology")))
pt <- list(data=data, fixed=fixed.parameters, out=TRUE,
add.cofactors=add.cofactors, zero=zero,
# ptx<<-pt
outma <- universalmclapply(1:(LDelta*LPhi), FUN=function(ma) {
# for(j in 1:LDelta) {
map <- ma - 1
j <- (map %/% LPhi) + 1 # lignes
i <- (map %% LPhi) + 1 # colonnes
XDelta <- Deltavalue[j]
# for(i in 1:LPhi) {
XPhi <- Phivalue[i]
# pt$fixed["Delta"] <- XDelta
# return(XDelta)
if (XDelta >= XPhi/2) {
out <- NA
} else {
pt$fixed["Delta"] <- XDelta
pt$fixed["Phi"] <- XPhi
# assign("fixed", fixed.parameters, envir=as.environment(.phenology.env))
par <- fitted.parameters
Lpre <- 0
repeat {
resul <- optim(par, getFromNamespace(".Lnegbin", ns="phenology"),
control=list(trace=0, REPORT=1, maxit=5000),
if ((resul$convergence == 0) & (abs(resul$value-Lpre) < 1E-5)) break
par <- resul$par
Lpre <- resul$value
out <- resul$value
}, clusterExport = list(pt=pt,
fixed.parameters = fixed.parameters,
LPhi = LPhi,
Deltavalue = Deltavalue,
Phivalue = Phivalue),
clusterEvalQ = CEG,
progressbar=progressbar, forking=forking, mc.cores=mc.cores)
input <- matrix(unlist(outma), nrow=LPhi, ncol=LDelta, byrow=FALSE)
rownames(input) <- Phivalue
colnames(input) <- Deltavalue
Dv <- as.vector(input)
pos <- which(x = (input == min(input, na.rm = TRUE)), arr.ind = TRUE)
i0 <- pos[1, 1]
j0 <- pos[1, 2]
print(paste("The minimum -Ln likelihood is ", input[i0, j0], sep=""))
print(paste("For Phi=",Phivalue[i0],sep=""))
print(paste("And Delta=",Deltavalue[j0],sep=""))
outputmap <- list(input=input, Phi=Phivalue, Delta=Deltavalue,
outputmap <- addS3Class(outputmap, "phenologymap")
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