#' plot.tagloss plots the daily rate of tag loss.
#' @title Plot the daily rate of tag loss.
#' @author Marc Girondot
#' @return An invisible dataframe with values used for plotting.
#' @param x Object obteined from Tagloss_fit()
#' @param t Time for which values of model must be ploted
#' @param fitted.parameters Set of parameters
#' @param fixed.parameters Another set of parameters without standard error associated
#' @param model_before Transformation of parameters before to use Tagloss_model()
#' @param model_after Transformation of parameters after to use Tagloss_model()
#' @param model Can be 1, 2, R1, R2, L1, L2 or Cumul (2 tags) or Cumul1 (1 tag)
#' @param method Which method to use to estimate confidence interval
#' @param col The colors of shading areas of cumul or the color of line
#' @param text.col The text color for cumul model
#' @param label.col The text color used for labels when decoration is true
#' @param scale Scale value. When Cumul is used, scale is always 1.
#' @param add Should the data be added to a previous plot?
#' @param Hessian Hessian matrix of parameters
#' @param mcmc The mcmc result
#' @param replicates Number of replicates for confidence interval
#' @param probs Quantiles to show for confidence interval
#' @param decoration Try to add name of parameters on the graph
#' @param progressbar Is shown a progressbar?
#' @param ... Parameters transmitted to plot
#' @description Plot the daily rate of tag loss.\cr
#' To use this function without a result of Tagloss_fit(), see the hack in examples.
#' @family Model of Tag-loss
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(phenology)
#' # Example
#' t <- 1:1000
#' par <- c(D1_1=200, D2D1_1=100, D3D2_1=200,
#' A_1=-logit(0.02), B_1=-logit(0.05), C_1=-logit(0.07))
#' phenology:::plot.Tagloss(x=list(), t=t, fitted.parameters=par, model="1")
#' phenology:::plot.Tagloss(x=list(), t=t, fitted.parameters=par, model="1",
#' scale=1000, decoration = TRUE)
#' par <- c(D1_2=200, D2D1_2=100, D3D2_2=200,
#' A_2=-logit(0.05), B_2=-logit(0.03), C_2=-logit(0.03))
#' phenology:::plot.Tagloss(x=list(), t=t, fitted.parameters=par, ylim=c(0, 1),
#' scale = 10, model="2", decoration = TRUE)
#' par <- c(D1_L2=200, D2D1_L2=100, D3D2_L2=200,
#' A_L2=-logit(0.05), B_L2=-logit(0.07), C_L2=-logit(0.07))
#' phenology:::plot.Tagloss(x=list(), t=t, fitted.parameters=par, model="L2")
#' par <- c(D1_R2=200, D2D1_R2=0, D3D2_R2=700,
#' A_R2=-logit(0.02), B_R2=-logit(0.05), C_R2=-logit(0.07))
#' phenology:::plot.Tagloss(x=list(), t=t, fitted.parameters=par, model="R2",
#' col="red", add=TRUE)
#' par <- c(D1_L1=200, D2D1_L1=2000, D3D2_L1=2000,
#' A_L1=-logit(0.05), B_L1=-logit(0.02), C_L1=-logit(0.1))
#' phenology:::plot.Tagloss(x=list(), t=t, fitted.parameters=par, model="L1")
#' # To plot the history of individuals
#' par <- c(D1_1=200, D2D1_1=100, D3D2_1=200,
#' A_1=-logit(5E-4), B_1=-logit(4E-4), C_1=-logit(5E-4),
#' D1_2=200, D2D1_2=100, D3D2_2=200,
#' A_2=-logit(6E-4), B_2=-logit(5E-4), C_2=-logit(6E-4))
#' phenology:::plot.Tagloss(x=list(), t=1:1000, fitted.parameters=par,
#' model="Cumul",
#' decoration = TRUE)
#' phenology:::plot.Tagloss(x=list(), t=1:1000, fitted.parameters=par,
#' model="Cumul",
#' decoration = TRUE, col=c("red", "green", "blue"))
#' # To plot the history of individuals
#' par <- c(D1_R1=200, D2D1_R1=300, D3D2_R1=200,
#' A_R1=-logit(5E-4), B_R1=-logit(4E-4), C_R1=-logit(5E-4),
#' D1_R2=200, D2D1_R2=200, D3D2_R2=200,
#' A_R2=-logit(6E-4), B_R2=-logit(5E-4), C_R2=-logit(6E-4),
#' D1_L1=200, D2D1_L1=400, D3D2_L1=200,
#' A_L1=-logit(5E-4), B_L1=-logit(4E-4), C_L1=-logit(5E-4),
#' D1_L2=200, D2D1_L2=100, D3D2_L2=200,
#' A_L2=-logit(6E-4), B_L2=-logit(5E-4), C_L2=-logit(6E-4))
#' phenology:::plot.Tagloss(x=list(), t=1:1000, fitted.parameters=par, model="Cumul",
#' decoration = TRUE)
#' phenology:::plot.Tagloss(x=list(), t=1:1000, fitted.parameters=par, model="R1",
#' decoration = TRUE)
#' phenology:::plot.Tagloss(x=list(), t=1:1000, fitted.parameters=par, model="R2",
#' decoration = TRUE)
#' # Example of fit
#' data_f_21 <- Tagloss_format(outLR, model="21")
#' data_f_21_fast <- subset(data_f_21, subset=($N20)))
#' par <- c('D1_2' = 49.78891736351531,
#' 'D2D1_2' = 1059.3635769732305,
#' 'D3D2_2' = 12.434313273804602,
#' 'A_2' = 5.2238379144659683,
#' 'B_2' = 8.0050044071275543,
#' 'C_2' = 8.4317863609499675,
#' 'D1_1' = 701.80273287212935,
#' 'D2D1_1' = 0.010951749100596819,
#' 'D3D2_1' = 3773.6290607434876,
#' 'A_1' = 205.42435592344776,
#' 'B_1' = 9.9598342503239863,
#' 'C_1' = 6.7234868237164722)
#' phenology:::plot.Tagloss(x=list(), t=1:1000, fitted.parameters=par, model="1",
#' decoration = TRUE)
#' phenology:::plot.Tagloss(x=list(), t=1:1000, fitted.parameters=par, model="2",
#' decoration = TRUE)
#' o <- Tagloss_fit(data=data_f_21_fast, fitted.parameters=par, hessian = TRUE)
#' plot(x=o, model="1", replicates=0,
#' method=NULL, decoration = TRUE)
#' plot(x=o, model="1", replicates=1000,
#' method="Hessian", decoration = TRUE)
#' }
#' @method plot Tagloss
#' @export
plot.Tagloss <- function(x ,
t=NULL ,
fitted.parameters=NULL ,
fixed.parameters=NULL ,
scale = 1 ,
model_before=NULL ,
model_after=NULL ,
model=c("1", "2", "R1", "R2", "L1", "L2", "cumul", "cumul1", "N2", "N1", "N0", "NLR", "N0R", "NL0", "N00") ,
col=rev(grey.colors(4, start = 0.9, end = 0.3)) ,
text.col=grey.colors(4, start = 0.9, end = 0.3) ,
label.col="black" ,
add=FALSE ,
mcmc=FALSE ,
Hessian=NULL ,
replicates=NULL ,
method=NULL ,
probs=c(0.025, 0.975) ,
progressbar=FALSE ,
decoration=FALSE ,
... ) {
p3p <- list(...) # p3p <- list()
# p3p <- list(); x <- NULL; t=NULL; fitted.parameters=NULL; fixed.parameters=NULL; scale = 1; model_before=NULL;model_after=NULL;model="1"; col=rev(grey.colors(4, start = 0.9, end = 0.3));text.col=grey.colors(4, start = 0.9, end = 0.3);label.col="black";add=FALSE; Hessian=NULL; replicates=NULL; probs=c(0.025, 0.975); progressbar=FALSE; decoration=FALSE
model <- toupper(model[1])
model <- match.arg(model, choices = c("1", "2", "R1", "R2", "L1", "L2", "CUMUL",
"CUMUL1", "N2", "N1", "N0", "NLR", "N0R", "NL0", "N00"))
if (is.null(replicates)) replicates <- 0
if (is.null(method) | (replicates == 0)) method <- "null"
method <- tolower(method)
method <- match.arg(method, choices = c("null",
if (is.null(t)) {
if (!is.null(x)) {
t <- 1:x$days.maximum
} else {
t <- 1:1000
if (length(t)==1) t <- 1:t
days.maximum <- max(t)
if (is.null(fitted.parameters)) fitted.parameters <- x$par
if (is.null(fixed.parameters)) fixed.parameters <- x$fixed.par
if (is.null(Hessian)) Hessian <- x$hessian
if (is.null(model_before)) model_before <- x$model_before
if (is.null(model_after)) model_after <- x$model_after
if ((model=="CUMUL") | (model=="CUMUL1")) {
# Je plot le modèle cumulé - Je ne prends pas en compte la variabilité
par <- c(fitted.parameters, fixed.parameters)
d <- Tagloss_cumul(t=t, par=par, Hessian=NULL, model_before=model_before,
model_after = model_after, method=method, mcmc=mcmc)
if (all(colnames(d) != "NLR")) {
p3px <- modifyList(list(x=c(1, days.maximum), y=c(1, 1), las=1,
type="l", ylim=c(0, 1),
xlim=c(1, days.maximum),
xlab="Days after tagging",
ylab="Relative frequency",
lty=2), p3p)
p3px <- modifyList(p3px, list(lty=2, border=NULL)), p3px)
yl <- c(rep(0, days.maximum), rev(d[, "N2"]))
xl <- c(t, rev(t))
p3px <- modifyList(list(x=xl, y=yl, col=col[1]), p3p[c("lwd", "lty", "border")])
p3px <- modifyList(p3px, list(density=NA)), p3px)
if (model=="CUMUL1") {
yl <- c(d[, "N2"], rep(1, days.maximum))
p3px <- modifyList(list(x=xl, y=yl, col=col[2]), p3p[c("lwd", "lty", "border")])
p3px <- modifyList(p3px, list(density=NA)), p3px)
} else {
yl <- c(d[, "N2"], rev(d[, "N2"]+d[, "N1"]))
p3px <- modifyList(list(x=xl, y=yl, col=col[2]), p3p[c("lwd", "lty", "border")])
p3px <- modifyList(p3px, list(density=NA)), p3px)
yl <- c(d[, "N2"]+d[, "N1"], rep(1, days.maximum))
p3px <- modifyList(list(x=xl, y=yl, col=col[3]), p3p[c("lwd", "lty", "border")])
p3px <- modifyList(p3px, list(density=NA)), p3px)
if (decoration) {
if (model=="CUMUL") {
text(days.maximum/8, d[days.maximum/8, "N2"]/2, labels="2 tags", pos=4, col=text.col[1])
text(days.maximum/2, d[days.maximum/2, "N2"] + (d[days.maximum/2, "N1"])/2, labels="1 tag", pos=4, col=text.col[2])
text(days.maximum*7/8, d[days.maximum*7/8, "N2"] + d[days.maximum*7/8, "N1"] + d[days.maximum*7/8, "N0"]/2, labels="0 tag", pos=4, col=text.col[3])
} else {
text(days.maximum/2, d[days.maximum/2, "N2"] + (1 - d[days.maximum/2, "N2"])/2, labels="0 tag", pos=4, col=text.col[1])
text(days.maximum/2, d[days.maximum/2, "N1"] + (d[days.maximum/2, "N2"] - d[days.maximum/2, "N1"])/2, labels="1 tag", pos=4, col=text.col[2])
} else {
# Modèle R L
p3px <- modifyList(list(x=c(1, days.maximum), y=c(1, 1), las=1,
type="l", ylim=c(0, 1),
xlim=c(1, days.maximum),
xlab="Days after tagging",
ylab="Relative frequency",
lty=2), p3p)
p3px <- modifyList(p3px, list(lty=2, border=NULL)), p3px)
yl <- c(rep(0, days.maximum), rev(d[, "NLR"]))
xl <- c(t, rev(t))
p3px <- modifyList(list(x=xl, y=yl, col=col[1]), p3p[c("lwd", "lty", "border")])
p3px <- modifyList(p3px, list(density=NA)), p3px)
yl <- c(d[, "NLR"], rev(d[, "NL0"]+d[, "NLR"]))
xl <- c(t, rev(t))
p3px <- modifyList(list(x=xl, y=yl, col=col[2]), p3p[c("lwd", "lty", "border")])
p3px <- modifyList(p3px, list(density=NA)), p3px)
yl <- c(d[, "NL0"]+d[, "NLR"], rev(d[, "N0R"]+d[, "NL0"]+d[, "NLR"]))
xl <- c(t, rev(t))
p3px <- modifyList(list(x=xl, y=yl, col=col[3]), p3p[c("lwd", "lty", "border")])
p3px <- modifyList(p3px, list(density=NA)), p3px)
yl <- c(d[, "N0R"]+d[, "NL0"]+d[, "NLR"], rep(1, days.maximum))
xl <- c(t, rev(t))
p3px <- modifyList(list(x=xl, y=yl, col=col[4]), p3p[c("lwd", "lty", "border")])
p3px <- modifyList(p3px, list(density=NA)), p3px)
if (decoration) {
text(days.maximum/8, d[days.maximum/8, "NLR"]*2/5, labels="Left and right tags", pos=4, col=text.col[1])
text(days.maximum*3/8, d[days.maximum*3/8, "NLR"] + (d[days.maximum*3/8, "NL0"])*2/5, labels="Left tag", pos=4, col=text.col[2])
text(days.maximum*5/8, d[days.maximum*5/8, "NLR"] + d[days.maximum*5/8, "NL0"] + d[days.maximum*5/8, "N0R"]*2/5, labels="Right tag", pos=4, col=text.col[3])
text(days.maximum*7/8, d[days.maximum*7/8, "NLR"] + d[days.maximum*7/8, "NL0"] + d[days.maximum*7/8, "N0R"] + d[days.maximum*7/8, "N00"]*2/5, labels="No tag", pos=4, col=text.col[4])
} else {
# Maintenant j'ai directement la distribution dans Tagloss_model
par <- c(fitted.parameters, fixed.parameters)
Tlm <- Tagloss_model(t, par=par, Hessian=Hessian,
mcmc=mcmc, method = method,
model_before = model_before,
model=model, replicates=replicates)
if (method == "delta") {
Tlm_y <- Tlm[, 2]
Tlm_l <- Tlm[, 5]
Tlm_u <- Tlm[, 6]
if (method == "mcmc" | method == "hessian" | method == "psudohessianfrommcmc" | method == "se") {
Tlm_y <- Tlm[2, ]
Tlm_l <- Tlm[1, ]
Tlm_u <- Tlm[3, ]
if (method == "null") {
Tlm_y <- Tlm
Tlm_l <- NULL
Tlm_u <- NULL
max_y <- max(c(Tlm_y, Tlm_l, Tlm_u))*scale
d <- data.frame(time=t, p=Tlm_y)
if (add) {
p3px <- modifyList(list(x=t, y=Tlm_y*scale, col=col[1]), p3p), p3px)
} else {
p3px <- modifyList(list(x=t, y=Tlm_y*scale, las=1,
type="l", ylim=c(0, max_y),
bty="n", col=col[1],
xlab="Days after tagging",
ylab=paste0("Daily tag loss (x", scale, ")")), p3p), p3px)
if (method != "null") {
d <- cbind(d, lower=Tlm_l, upper=Tlm_u)
p3px <- modifyList(list(x=t, y=Tlm_l*scale, lty=2, col=col[1]), p3p), p3px)
p3px <- modifyList(list(x=t, y=Tlm_u*scale, lty=2, col=col[1]), p3p), p3px)
if (decoration) {
if (!is.null(model)) {
model <- toupper(model)
par <- par[grepl(paste0(".+_", model), names(par))]
names(par) <- gsub(paste0("_", model), "", names(par))
} else {
names(par) <- gsub("_.*", "", names(par))
# Je ne le fais que pour le nouveau modèle
if (any(names(par) == "D1")) {
Arrows <- getFromNamespace(".Arrows", ns="HelpersMG")
if (!["D1"])) D1 <- abs(par["D1"]) else D1 <- 0
if (!["D2D1"])) D2D1 <- abs(par["D2D1"]) else D2D1 <- max(t)+1
D2 <- D1 + D2D1
if (!["D3D2"])) D3D2 <- abs(par["D3D2"]) else D3D2 <- max(t)+1
D3 <- D2 + D3D2
if (!["A"])) A <- invlogit(-par["A"]) else A <- 0
if (A == 0) A <- 1E-9
if (A == 1) A <- 1-1E-9
if (!["B"])) B <- invlogit(-par["B"]) else B <- 0
if (B == 0) B <- 1E-9
if (B == 1) B <- 1-1E-9
if (!["C"])) C <- invlogit(-par["C"]) else C <- 0
if (C == 0) C <- 1E-9
if (C == 1) C <- 1-1E-9
if (["delta"])) delta <- 0 else delta <- par["delta"]
if (D1==0) D1_2 <- 0.1 else D1_2 <- 2*D1
if (D3==D2) D3D2 <- (D3-0.1)*D2 else D3D2 <-D3-D2
A <- A + delta
B <- B + delta
C <- C + delta
if (!["A"])) {
Arrows(x1=D1/10, x0=D1/2, y0=A*scale, y1=A*scale)
text(D1/2+D1/10, y=A*scale, labels = "A", pos=4, col=label.col)
if (!["B"])) {
Arrows(x1=D1-D1/10, x0=D1-D1/2, y0=B*scale, y1=B*scale)
if (B!=C) {
text(D1-D1/2-D1/20, y=B*scale, labels = "B", pos=2, col=label.col)
if (!["C"])) {
Arrows(x1=D3-D3/10, x0=D3-D3/2, y0=C*scale, y1=C*scale)
text(D3-D3/2-D3/10, y=C*scale, labels = "C", pos=2, col=label.col)
} else {
text(D1-D1/2-D1/20, y=B*scale, labels = "B & C", pos=2, col=label.col)
mx <- ScalePreviousPlot()$ylim["end"]
lines(x = c(D1, D1), y=c(0, mx), lty=2)
if (D1 != D2) {
text(x=D1+max(t)/70, y=0*scale, labels="D1", pos=4, col=label.col)
lines(x = c(D2, D2), y=c(0, mx), lty=2)
text(x=D2+max(t)/70, y=0*scale, labels="D2", pos=4, col=label.col)
} else {
text(x=D1+max(t)/70, y=0*scale, labels="D1 & D2", pos=4, col=label.col)
lines(x = c(D3, D3), y=c(0, mx), lty=2)
text(x=D3+max(t)/70, y=0*scale, labels="D3", pos=4, col=label.col)
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