# This application can be run for free on a public server at the following address:
# (TBD)
# Purpose: Creates SEND datasets with made up data
# Currently can: Allow selections, creates a short ts.xpt file to download
# To use:
# Get files from github folder Run app in Rstudio
# Expand and make selections in all left side selectors
# Select "Product datasets", they will be downloaded through your browser
# Note, that zip requires RTOOLS34.exe (or later)
# Install from, and make sure install directory
# is on the environment path variable
# Done:
# [Eli] Read in CT versions (selectable by date) for use in Species and strain choices
# [Eli] Read in CT versions (selectable by date) for use in observational domains especially
# [Bob] Update CT read to use web location, use this to show Species choices
# [Bob] SEND IG (for variables, domains and types) read from PDF file into a dataframe
# [Bob] Uses the read SEND IG structure to create the ts.xpt file
# [Bob] Correct labels for each domain, ts.xpt file needs labels set correctly
# [Eli] Allow selection of controlled terminology version dates from GUI
# [Eli] Allow selection of controlled terminology for other dashboard items that should come from controlled terminology. strain is one.
# Next steps:
# [Bob] Structure xls file no longer needed, as now read from SEND IG directly
# [Bob] Test output against validator
# [Bob] Animals per group should be a single selection
# [Kevin] Update so that no errors occur in main window on initial run
# [Kevin] Update so that you see in main windows all the dataset files with row counts and allow drill down to each
# [Kevin] Update measurement choices to cover all possible 3.1 domains
# [Kevin] Configuration files for ranges of numeric fields
# Output of all domains selected
# [Eli] Trial domains
# [Eli] Animal demographics and disposition
# [Bob] In-life domains
# [Bob] Post mortem domains
# Implementation for SEND 3.1 first, then DART, SEND 3.0
# install pacakges if needed
list.of.packages <- c("shiny",
# Currently available CT Versions
CTVersions <- c(
new.packages <- list.of.packages[!(list.of.packages %in% installed.packages()[,"Package"])]
if(length(new.packages)) install.packages(new.packages, repos = "")
# Load Libraries
if(packageVersion("SASxport") < "1.5.7") {
stop("You need version 1.5.7 or later of SASxport")
# This section is to replace functions in 1.5.7 or SASxport to allow column lengths of less than 8 bytes
# This gives the directory of the file where the statement was placed , to get current .R script directory
sourceDir <- getSrcDirectory(function(dummy) {dummy})
source(paste(sourceDir, "/write.xport2.R", sep=""))
tmpfun <- get("read.xport", envir = asNamespace("SASxport"))
environment(write.xport2) <- environment(tmpfun)
attributes(write.xport2) <- attributes(tmpfun)
assignInNamespace("write.xport", write.xport2, ns="SASxport")
# Functions
convertMenuItem <- function(mi,tabName) {
mi$children[[1]]$attribs['data-value'] = tabName
# read all domain structures
readDomainStructures <-function() {
setProgress(value=1,message='Reading domain structures from the SEND IG')
# Add to list to be output
addToSet <<- function(inDomain,inDescription,inDataframe) {
index <- nrow(domainDFsMade)
domainDFsMade[index+1,] <<- list(inDomain,inDescription,inDataframe)
isDomainStart <- function(aLine) {
# Fine the description start
theDomain <- ""
pattern <- ".xpt, "
aLocation <- gregexpr(pattern =pattern,aLine)[[1]][1]
# special for the BW domain due to error in SENDIG3.1
pattern2 <- "+, Body Weight - Findings"
aLocation2 <- gregexpr(pattern =pattern2,aLine)[[1]][1]
# if found, and within 8 of begining of line is a table of
# defining a domain
if (aLocation>0 & aLocation<9) {
# found a table start
# set the domain name
theDomain <- toupper(substring(aLine,1,aLocation-1))
# print(paste("Reading SENDIG for theDomain",theDomain,aLine))
} else if (aLocation2>0 & aLocation2<9) {
theDomain <- "BW"
# print(paste("Reading SENDIG for theDomain",theDomain,aLine))
addDomainRow <- function(inLine,inDomain) {
bResult <- FALSE
# see if you can split the line into "Column","Type","Label","Codelist","Expectancy"
Headerpattern1 <- "^Variable {1,}Controlled Terms"
Headerpattern2 <- "^Variable Label"
Headerpattern3 <- "^Variable Name"
Headerpattern4 <- "^Name *Codelist"
Headerpattern5 <- "^Controlled Terms"
aLocation1 <- gregexpr(pattern =Headerpattern1,trimws(inLine))[[1]][1]
aLocation2 <- gregexpr(pattern =Headerpattern2,trimws(inLine))[[1]][1]
aLocation3 <- gregexpr(pattern =Headerpattern3,trimws(inLine))[[1]][1]
aLocation4 <- gregexpr(pattern =Headerpattern4,trimws(inLine))[[1]][1]
aLocation5 <- gregexpr(pattern =Headerpattern5,trimws(inLine))[[1]][1]
if (aLocation1>0 | aLocation2>0 | aLocation3>0| aLocation4>0| aLocation5>0) {
# Header line found, return true since still within the table
bResult <- TRUE
# print (paste("Debug Header found:",inLine))
# tables end with a number for the next section
} else if (!is.numeric(substring(inLine,1,1)) ) {
aSplit <<- strsplit(inLine,'\\s{2,}')
# if (inDomain=="CV") print (paste("debug A split created",aSplit," for line: ",inLine))
dataFound <- FALSE
newRow <- FALSE
# if the first phrase has field description and merged together
firstPhrase <- aSplit[[1]][[1]]
aLoc <- gregexpr(pattern =" ",trimws(firstPhrase))[[1]][1]
if (substring(firstPhrase,1,1)==" " & aLoc>1) {
# split it further
aSplit[[1]] <<- c(substring(firstPhrase,2,aLoc),
substring(firstPhrase,aLoc+2),aSplit[[1]][-1] )
# if expectancy is merged to the end of the split, separate it out
aLength <- length(aSplit[[1]])
lastString <- aSplit[[1]][[aLength]]
lastWord <- tail(strsplit(lastString,split=" ")[[1]],1)
if ( nchar(lastString)>(nchar(lastWord)+1) &
(lastWord == "Req" | lastWord == "Exp" | lastWord == "Perm" )) {
aSplit[[1]][[aLength+1]] <<- lastWord
# end remove last word from the previous
aSplit[[1]][[aLength]] <<- gsub("\\s*\\w*$", "",aSplit[[1]][[aLength]])
# special case of type and codelist making it combine down to 5
#if 1st ends with Char ISO 8601 and length is 5, make it a 6 by spliting out type and codelist
if (length(aSplit[[1]])==5) {
aPart <- aSplit[[1]][[2]]
aLoc <- gregexpr(pattern =" Char ISO 8601",aPart)[[1]][1]
if (aLoc>1) {
theList <- c(aSplit[[1]][[1]],substring(aPart,1,aLoc-1),
"ISO 8601",aSplit[[1]][[3]],
aSplit[[1]] <<- theList
# special case of type and codelist making it combine down to 5
#if 2nd has Char ( and length is 5, make it a 6 by spliting out type and codelist
if (length(aSplit[[1]])==5) {
aPart <- aSplit[[1]][[2]]
aLoc <- gregexpr(pattern =" Char [(]",aPart)[[1]][1]
if (aLoc>1) {
rest <- substring(aPart,aLoc+1)
aPart2 <- strsplit(rest,split=" ")
theList <- c(aSplit[[1]][[1]],substring(aPart,1,aLoc-1),
aSplit[[1]] <<- theList
# special case of fields merged to first making it combine down to 4
#if 1st starts with blank and ends with Char ISO 8601
if (length(aSplit[[1]])==4) {
aPart <- aSplit[[1]][[1]]
aLocF <- gregexpr(pattern ="^ ",aPart)[[1]][1]
aLoc <- gregexpr(pattern =" Char ISO 8601",aPart)[[1]][1]
if (aLoc>1 & aLocF==1) {
aLocS <- gregexpr(pattern =" ",substring(aPart,2))[[1]][1]
theList <- c(substring(aPart,2,aLocS-1),substring(aPart,aLocS+1,aLoc-1),
"ISO 8601",aSplit[[1]][[2]],
aSplit[[1]] <<- theList
# special case of fields merged to first making it combine down to 4
#if 1st starts with blank and ends with Char ISO 8601
if (length(aSplit[[1]])==4) {
aPart <- aSplit[[1]][[1]]
aLocF <- gregexpr(pattern ="^ ",aPart)[[1]][1]
aLoc <- gregexpr(pattern =" Char ISO 8601",aPart)[[1]][1]
if (aLoc>1 & aLocF==1) {
aLocS <- gregexpr(pattern =" ",substring(aPart,2))[[1]][1]
theList <- c(substring(aPart,2,aLocS),substring(aPart,aLocS+2,aLoc-1),
"ISO 8601",aSplit[[1]][[2]],
aSplit[[1]] <<- theList
# special case of fields merged to first making it combine down to 4
#if 1st starts with blank and ends with Char
if (length(aSplit[[1]])==4) {
aPart <- aSplit[[1]][[1]]
aLocF <- gregexpr(pattern ="^ ",aPart)[[1]][1]
aLoc <- gregexpr(pattern =" Char$",aPart)[[1]][1]
if (aLoc>1 & aLocF==1) {
aLocS <- gregexpr(pattern =" ",substring(aPart,2))[[1]][1]
theList <- c(substring(aPart,2,aLocS),substring(aPart,aLocS+2,aLoc-1),
aSplit[[1]] <<- theList
# special case of fields merged to first making it combine down to 4
# where column name is merged with description
if (length(aSplit[[1]])==4) {
aPart <- trimws(aSplit[[1]][[1]])
aLoc <- gregexpr(pattern =" ",aPart)[[1]][1]
if (aLoc>1) {
theList <- c(substring(aPart,1,aLoc-1),substring(aPart,aLoc+1),
aSplit[[1]] <<- theList
# special case of fields merged to first making it combine down to 4
# where column type is merged with the description
if (length(aSplit[[1]])==4) {
aPart <- trimws(aSplit[[1]][[2]])
aLoc <- gregexpr(pattern ="Num$",aPart)[[1]][1]
if (aLoc>1) {
theList <- c(aSplit[[1]][[1]],
aSplit[[1]] <<- theList
# special case of fields merged to first making it combine down to 4
# where lookup and column type is merged with the description
if (length(aSplit[[1]])==4) {
aPart <- trimws(aSplit[[1]][[2]])
aLoc <- gregexpr(pattern ="Char [(]",aPart)[[1]][1]
if (aLoc>1) {
theList <- c(aSplit[[1]][[1]],
aSplit[[1]] <<- theList
# special case of fields merged to first making it combine down to 4
# where column type is merged with the description
if (length(aSplit[[1]])==4) {
aPart <- trimws(aSplit[[1]][[2]])
aLoc <- gregexpr(pattern ="Char$",aPart)[[1]][1]
if (aLoc>1) {
theList <- c(aSplit[[1]][[1]],
aSplit[[1]] <<- theList
if (length(aSplit[[1]])==5) {
aPart <- aSplit[[1]][[2]]
# special case if type at end of 2nd field
aLoc <- gregexpr(pattern =" Char$",aPart)[[1]][1]
if (aLoc>1) {
theList <- c(aSplit[[1]][[1]],substring(aPart,1,aLoc-1),
aSplit[[1]] <<- theList
if (length(aSplit[[1]])==5) {
aPart <- aSplit[[1]][[2]]
# special case if type at end of 2nd field
aLoc <- gregexpr(pattern =" Num$",aPart)[[1]][1]
if (aLoc>1) {
theList <- c(aSplit[[1]][[1]],substring(aPart,1,aLoc-1),
aSplit[[1]] <<- theList
# some have no code list , making a new row
if (length(aSplit[[1]])==5) {
dataFound <- TRUE
newRow <- TRUE
aColumn <- trimws(aSplit[[1]][[1]])
aLabel <- aSplit[[1]][[2]]
aType <- aSplit[[1]][[3]]
# sometimes the codelist comes merged with the type
aTypeLoc <- gregexpr(pattern =" ",aType)[[1]][1]
if (aTypeLoc>1) {
aCodeList <- substring(aType,aTypeLoc+1)
aType <- substring(aType,1,aTypeLoc-1)
} else {
aCodeList <- ""
anExpectancy <- aSplit[[1]][[5]]
# if codelist, making a new row
if (length(aSplit[[1]])==6) {
dataFound <- TRUE
newRow <- TRUE
aColumn <- trimws(aSplit[[1]][[1]])
aLabel <- aSplit[[1]][[2]]
aType <- aSplit[[1]][[3]]
# check if space within type
aLocType <- gregexpr(pattern =" ",aType)[[1]][1]
# if Topic or Identifier or Timing, Record or Synonym or Rule, these are Role field
aWord <- aSplit[[1]][[4]]
if (aWord != "Topic" & aWord != "Identifier" & aWord != "Result" & aWord != "Timing" &aWord != "Record" &aWord != "Grouping" &aWord != "Synonym" & aWord != "Rule"& aWord != "Variable"){
aCodeList <- aSplit[[1]][[4]]
# If there is a space in the type, then second part is the codelist
} else if (aLocType>1) {
aCodeList <- substring(aType,aLocType+1)
aType <- substring(aType,1,aLocType-1)
} else {
aCodeList <- ""
anExpectancy <- aSplit[[1]][[6]]
} # end of length check 6
# if codelist, making a new row
if (length(aSplit[[1]])==7) {
dataFound <- TRUE
newRow <- TRUE
aColumn <- trimws(aSplit[[1]][[1]])
aLabel <- aSplit[[1]][[2]]
aType <- aSplit[[1]][[3]]
aCodeList <- aSplit[[1]][[4]]
anExpectancy <- aSplit[[1]][[7]]
} # end of length check 7
# if 2 or 3 or 4 in length and first is empty, is a continuation of the label from previous row
if ((length(aSplit[[1]])==2 | length(aSplit[[1]])==3
| length(aSplit[[1]])==4) & (aSplit[[1]][[1]]=="")) {
# was part of table, discarding because is only about cdisc notes
dataFound <- TRUE
# check if should still be adding to row or already finished with description
if (exists("addMoreToRow") & addMoreToRow<3) {
# add at most 2 more to row, no variables have more than 3 rows for the label
addMoreToRow <<- addMoreToRow + 1
# special case, not true that we want to append if starts with certain lines
aLabel <- aSplit[[1]][[2]]
aLabel <- trimws(aLabel)
checkList <- c(
"in BG",
"or AGE",
"[(]DM[)] domain",
"[(]without location",
"1 FIRST",
"after dosing",
"also be",
"An example",
"and CVENINT ",
"any valid",
"as an ISO",
"be any valid",
"be either",
"be left",
"be null",
"be relative",
"being submitted",
"can be",
"character format",
"Codelist, or",
"Demographics ",
"each subject",
"for the",
"for calc",
"For example",
"in the data",
"in the LBSPEC",
"in the OMSPEC",
"in ISO format",
"LBTPTNUM and ",
"mass identification",
"not the treatment",
"of test",
"or ,",
"PCTPTNUM and ",
"period of",
"Previous dose",
"QNAM may",
"specified in",
"Sponsors should",
"such as",
"Terminology codelist",
"Terminology list.",
"terms, utilizing",
"The algorithm",
"the in-life",
"the reference",
"The sponsor",
"the sponsor",
"the Demographics",
"the experiment",
"the test",
"the treatment",
"The value",
"the value",
"this domain",
"This is ",
"to represent",
"to the sponsor",
"to Treatment",
"Treatment, ",
"unique ",
"VSTESTCD cannot",
"when identifying",
"with a number",
# check if any match
aMatch <- FALSE
for (aPhrase in checkList) {
if (gregexpr(pattern =aPhrase,aLabel)[[1]][1]==1) aMatch <- TRUE
if (!aMatch){
newRow <- FALSE
dataFound <- TRUE
dfSENDIG[nrow(dfSENDIG),]$Label <<- paste(dfSENDIG[nrow(dfSENDIG),]$Label,aLabel)
# DEBUG - use this next line to clean up the description labels
# dfSENDIG[nrow(dfSENDIG),]$Label <<- paste(dfSENDIG[nrow(dfSENDIG),]$Label,"END?",aLabel)
} # end of check if addMoreToRow
} # end of 2,3,4 length
# if 2 and starts with copyright character
if (length(aSplit[[1]])==2 & (substring(aSplit[[1]][[1]],1,1)=='\u00A9')) {
# continues within table still
dataFound <- TRUE
} # end of page break check
# if 2 and starts with "Final"
if (length(aSplit[[1]])==2 & (aSplit[[1]][[1]]=="Final")) {
# continues within table still
dataFound <- TRUE
} # end of page break check
# if 1 and starts with "CDISC Standard"
if (length(aSplit[[1]])==1 & (substring(aSplit[[1]][[1]],1,14)=="CDISC Standard")) {
# continues within table still
dataFound <- TRUE
} # end of new page check
# add this row
if (newRow) {
bResult <- TRUE
dfSENDIG[nrow(dfSENDIG) + 1,] <<- list(inDomain,aColumn,aType,aLabel,aCodeList,anExpectancy)
addMoreToRow <<- 0
if (dataFound) bResult <- TRUE
} # end of if not numeric
# debug -
if (inDomain=="TF") { # Debug on parsing
print(paste("-----------For domain: ",inDomain))
print(paste(" the length is:",length(aSplit[[1]])))
lastSplit <<- aSplit
convertIGRaw <- function (SENDIGRaw) {
# using raw text, search and create structure dataframe
dfSENDIG <<- setNames(data.frame(matrix(ncol = 6, nrow = 1)),
# loop through raw looking for the start of a description
# states are "Searching","FoundDomain"
aState <- "Searching"
aCount <- 0
for (aPage in SENDIGRaw) {
for (aLine in aPage) {
if (aState == "Searching") {
theDomain <- isDomainStart(aLine)
if (theDomain != "") {
aState <- "FoundDomain"
aCount <- aCount + 1
# assume about 30 domains
setProgress(value=aCount/30,message=paste('Reading domain structure for ',theDomain))
# give time for user to read
} else if (aState == "FoundDomain") {
if (!addDomainRow(aLine,theDomain)) aState <- "Searching"
} # end of line loop
} # end of Page loop
}) # end of progress
# remove first empty row
dfSENDIG <<- dfSENDIG[-1,]
readSENDIG <- function() {
# FIXME - show error that user must download manually
# FIXME - due to CDISC login needed
base <- ""
aZip <- ""
aFile <- "SENDIG_3_1.pdf"
SENDIGRaw <- readPDFFromURLZip(base,aZip,aFile)
setTSFile <- function(input) {
# create data frame based on structure
aDomain <- "TS"
theColumns <- dfSENDIG[dfSENDIG$Domain==aDomain,]$Column
theLabels <- dfSENDIG[dfSENDIG$Domain==aDomain,]$Label
tsOut <<- setNames(data.frame(matrix(ncol = length(theColumns), nrow = 1)),
# set labels for each field
index <- 1
for (aColumn in theColumns) {
Hmisc::label(tsOut[[index]]) <<- theLabels[index]
index <- index + 1
aRow <- 1
if (!is.null(input$testArticle)) {
tsOut[aRow,] <<- list(input$studyName,
"Investigational Therapy or Treatment",
aRow <- aRow + 1
if (!is.null(input$species)) {
tsOut[aRow,] <<- list(input$studyName,
aRow <- aRow + 1
if (!is.null(input$studyType)) {
tsOut[aRow,] <<- list(input$studyName,
"Study Type",
aRow <- aRow + 1
# add to set of data
addToSet("TS","TRIAL SUMMARY","tsOut")
# set or create the output data
setOutputData <- function(input) {
# create a data frame to hold the created individual dataframes of data
domainDFsMade <<- setNames(data.frame(matrix(ncol = 3, nrow = 1)),
createOutputDirectory <- function (aDir,aStudy) {
if (file.exists(aStudy)){
setwd(file.path(aDir, aStudy))
} else {
dir.create(file.path(aDir, aStudy))
setwd(file.path(aDir, aStudy))
writeDatasetToTempFile <- function (studyData,domain,domainLabel,tempFile) {
# get rid of NAs
studyData[] <- ""
# Set length for character fields
SASformat(studyData$DOMAIN) <-"$2."
# place this dataset into a list with a name
aList = list(studyData)
# name it
# and label it
attr(aList,"label") <- domainLabel
# write out dataframe
file = tempFile,
sleepSeconds <- function(x)
p1 <- proc.time()
proc.time() - p1 # The cpu usage should be negligible
addUIDep <- function(x) {
jqueryUIDep <- htmlDependency("jqueryui", "1.10.4", c(href="shared/jqueryui/1.10.4"),
script = "jquery-ui.min.js",
stylesheet = "jquery-ui.min.css")
attachDependencies(x, c(htmlDependencies(x), list(jqueryUIDep)))
## read worksheet by first downloading a file
readWorksheetFromURL <- function(aLocation,aName,aSheet) {
subdir <- "downloads"
aTarget <- paste(sourceDir,subdir,aName,sep="/")
aURL <- paste(aLocation,aName,sep="/")
# get file if not aleady downloaded
if (!file.exists(aTarget)) {
download.file(aURL,aTarget ,mode = "wb")
## read pdf by first downloading a file
readPDFFromURLZip <- function(aLocation,aZip,aName) {
subdir <- "downloads"
anExDir <- paste(sourceDir,subdir,sep="/")
aTargetZip <- paste(sourceDir,subdir,aZip,sep="/")
aTarget <- paste(sourceDir,subdir,aName,sep="/")
aURL <- paste(aLocation,aZip,sep="/")
# get file if not aleady downloaded - cannot be done without a login, so assume it is there
# if (!file.exists(aTargetZip)) {
# download.file(aURL,aTargetZip,mode = "wb")
# }
# now read from within the zip file, the actual file needed
unzip(aTargetZip, files = aName, list = FALSE, overwrite = TRUE,
junkpaths = FALSE, exdir = anExDir, unzip = "internal",
setTimes = FALSE)
txt <- pdf_text(aTarget) %>% strsplit(split = "\r\n")
## Read in CT file, This should only be called from the getCT function.
importCT <- function(version) {
# Switch function to determine version
# Reads directly from the NCI location
base <- ""
path <- paste0(base, "SEND%20Terminology%20", version, ".xls")
GET(path, write_disk(temp <- tempfile(fileext = ".xls")))
df <- readWorksheet(loadWorkbook(temp), sheet = paste0("SEND Terminology ", version))
# Attribute used to determine if user changes CT version.
attr(df, "version") <- version
# Return CT codelist, if in parenthesis is the submission value to translate to a codelist name
getCT <<- function(codelist, version) {
# If CT hasn't been loaded in already, superassign to parent environment
if(!exists("CTdf") || !(attr(CTdf, "version") == version)) CTdf <<- importCT(version)
# Remove parenthesis
parenthesisLoc <- gregexpr(codelist,pattern="[(]")[[1]][1]
if (parenthesisLoc==1) {
# starts with a parentheses, so is the code name for a codelist, remove it and find its name
aValue <- substr(codelist,parenthesisLoc+1,nchar(codelist)-1)
# find name from submission value
codelist <- CTdf[(toupper(CTdf$CDISC.Submission.Value) == toupper(aValue)),]$Codelist.Name[1]
# Return the reqested codelist as a character vector, remove the codelist header row.
CTdf[(toupper(CTdf$Codelist.Name) == toupper(codelist)) &
# Return CT filtered dataframe, if in parenthesis is the submission value to translate to a codelist name
getCTDF <<- function(codelist, version) {
# If CT hasn't been loaded in already, superassign to parent environment
if(!exists("CTdf") || !(attr(CTdf, "version") == version)) CTdf <<- importCT(version)
# Remove parenthesis
parenthesisLoc <- gregexpr(codelist,pattern="[(]")[[1]][1]
if (parenthesisLoc==1) {
# starts with a parentheses, so is the code name for a codelist, remove it and find its name
aValue <- substr(codelist,parenthesisLoc+1,nchar(codelist)-1)
# find name from submission value
codelist <- CTdf[(toupper(CTdf$CDISC.Submission.Value) == toupper(aValue)),]$Codelist.Name[1]
# Return the reqested codelist as a character vector, remove the codelist header row.
CTdf[(toupper(CTdf$Codelist.Name) == toupper(codelist)) &
# return a random result from a code list
CTRandomName <<- function(nameList) {
# FIXME - use the CT version selected by the user
aSet <- getCTDF(nameList,"2019-03")
aRow <- aSet[sample(nrow(aSet), 1), ]
# return the name
# return the name given a CT Code number
CTSearchOnCode <<- function(nameList,aCode) {
# FIXME - use the CT version selected by the user
# print(paste("trying last test code",aCode,nameList))
aSet <- getCTDF(nameList,"2019-03")
# print(paste("tring last test code",aSet))
# return the code number given a CT name
CTSearchOnName <<- function(nameList,aName) {
# FIXME - use the CT version selected by the user
# print(paste("Retrieving CT code for:",nameList,aName))
aSet <<- getCTDF(nameList,"2019-03")
# return the code number given a CT short name (submission value)
CTSearchOnShortName <<- function(nameList,aName) {
# FIXME - use the CT version selected by the user
# print(paste("Retrieving CT code for:",nameList,aName))
aSet <<- getCTDF(nameList,"2019-03")
# Source Functions
# allow to work offline by not using the next line:
# source('')
# Use this next line if not on internet
source(paste(sourceDir, "/SENDColumnData.R", sep=""))
source(paste(sourceDir, "/SetAnimalDataFiles.R", sep=""))
# Get GitHub Password (if possible)
if (file.exists('~/passwordGitHub.R')) {
Authenticate <- TRUE
} else {
Authenticate <- FALSE
# Set Reactive Values
values <- reactiveValues()
# Set Heights and Widths
sidebarWidth <- '300px'
plotHeight <- '800px'
server <- function(input, output, session) {
# Read domain structures
# Store Client Data Regarding previous choices
cdata <- session$clientData
# Set study name
output$StudyName <- renderUI({
# FIXME - remember last choice
textInput('studyName','Study Name to create:')
# Set test article
output$TestArticle <- renderUI({
# FIXME - remember last choice
textInput('testArticle','Test article:')
# Display Send versions
output$SENDVersions <- renderUI({
# FIXME - these should come from a configuration file
SENDVersion <- c("SEND IG 3.0","SEND IG 3.1", "DART IG 1.1")
radioButtons('SENDVersions','Select SEND Version:',SENDVersion,selected=SENDVersion[1])
# Display output type
output$Outputtype <- renderUI({
# FIXME - these should come from a configuration file
outputtype <- c("XPT files","CSV files")
radioButtons('outputtype','Select output type:',outputtype,selected=outputtype[1])
# Display species
output$Species <- renderUI({
# Get species choices from the code list
species <- getCT("Species", input$CTSelection)
selectInput('species','Select species:',species,selected=species[1])
# Display output type
output$Strain <- renderUI({
# FIXME - these should come from a configuration file,conditional on species
strain <- getCT("Strain/Substrain", input$CTSelection)
selectInput('strain','Select strain:',strain,selected=strain[1])
# Display Study types
output$StudyType <- renderUI({
# FIXME - these should come from a configuration file
studyType <- c("Single-dose","Multi-dose","Carcinogenicity","Safety Pharm - Respiratory","Safety Pharm - Cardiovascular","Early Fetal Development")
radioButtons('studyType','Select Study Type:',studyType,selected=studyType[1])
# Display Subgroups
output$Subgroups <- renderUI({
# FIXME - these should come from a configuration file
subgroups <- c("TK animals","Recovery animals")
checkboxGroupInput('subgroups','Select set options:',subgroups,selected=subgroups[1])
# Display Number of sex choice
output$Sex <- renderUI({
# FIXME - these should come from a configuration file
sex <- c("Male","Female")
checkboxGroupInput('sex','Select sex:',sex,selected=c(sex))
# Display Number of animals per group
output$AnimalsPerGroup <- renderUI({
# FIXME - these should come from a configuration file
animalsPerGroup <- c("4","8","16","20","40","100")
checkboxGroupInput('animalsPerGroup','Select animals Per Group:',animalsPerGroup,selected=animalsPerGroup[1])
# Display Test Categories
output$OutputCategories <- renderUI({
# FIXME - these should come from a configuration file
testCategories <- c("Exposure","Body weights","Mass observations","Food consumption","Urinanalysis","Hematology","Organ weights","Macropathology","Micropathology","ECG")
checkboxGroupInput('testCategories','Data domains to create:',testCategories,selected=testCategories)
# Display Treatment Selection
output$Treatment <- renderUI({
# FIXME - these should come from a configuration file
treatmentList <- c("Control group","Group 2: Low dose","Group 3: Mid dose","Group 4: High dose")
checkboxGroupInput('treatment',label='Select Treatment Groups:',choices=treatmentList,selected=treatmentList)
# view TsData
output$tsData <- renderTable({
# view SEND structure
output$SENDIGStructure <- renderTable({
# Downloadable dataset ----
# make zip of all the data, all domains
output$downloadData <- downloadHandler(
filename = function() {
tryCatch ({
# make study name into a zip file
}, error = function(e) {validate(need(FALSE,
paste("Unable to create output. Ensure you have entered a study name "
content = function(file) {
# zip from list of all the domains created
fileList <- list()
# skip first blank row
setProgress(value=0,message='Dataset file preparation')
for (aRow in 2:nrow(domainDFsMade)) {
# append name with domain to make up the individual files that go into the zip
filePart <- paste(dirname(file),.Platform$file.sep,domainDFsMade$Domain[aRow],".xpt",sep="")
# pass the data frame itself instead of its name as a string
aDF <- get(domainDFsMade$Dataframe[aRow])
fileList <- c(fileList, filePart)
setProgress(value=aRow/nrow(domainDFsMade),message=paste('File prepared: ',
# combine into zip file
setProgress(value=1,message=paste('Combining to a zip file'))
zip(file,unlist(fileList, use.names=FALSE))
# Produce datasets
# FIXME - use temporary directory?
tryCatch ({
}, error = function(e) {validate(need(FALSE,
paste("Unable to create directory. Ensure you have entered a study name "
ui <- dashboardPage(
dashboardHeader(title='SEND data factory',titleWidth=sidebarWidth),
menuItem('Output settings',icon=icon('database'),startExpanded=T,
selectInput("CTSelection", "CT Version", choices = CTVersions),
menuItem('Study design',icon=icon('calendar'),startExpanded=F,
menuItem('Animal information',icon=icon('paw'),startExpanded=F,
menuItem('Data selections',icon=icon('flask'),startExpanded=F,
menuItem('Produce Data',icon=icon('angle-double-right'),startExpanded=T,
actionButton('produceDatasets',label='Produce datasets'),
downloadButton("downloadData", "Download dataset")
menuItem('Other Settings',icon=icon('cogs'),startExpanded=F,
actionButton('clearSetup',label='Clear All')
h3('SEND IG structure'),
# Run Shiny App
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.