
Defines functions formatData

Documented in formatData

##' Format data for use in phylo4d objects
##' Associates data with tree nodes and applies consistent formatting
##' rules.
##' \code{formatData} is an internal function that should not be
##' called directly by the user. It is used to format data provided by
##' the user before associating it with a tree, and is called
##' internally by the \code{phylo4d}, \code{tdata}, and \code{addData}
##' methods. However, users may pass additional arguments to these
##' methods in order to control how the data are matched to nodes.
##' Rules for matching rows of data to tree nodes are determined
##' jointly by the \code{match.data} and \code{rownamesAsLabels}
##' arguments. If \code{match.data} is TRUE, data frame rows will be
##' matched exclusively against tip and node labels if
##' \code{rownamesAsLabels} is also TRUE, whereas any all-digit row
##' names will be matched against tip and node numbers if
##' \code{rownamesAsLabels} is FALSE (the default). If
##' \code{match.data} is FALSE, \code{rownamesAsLabels} has no effect,
##' and row matching is purely positional with respect to the order
##' returned by \code{nodeId(phy, type)}.
##' \code{formatData} (1) converts labels provided in the data into
##' node numbers, (2) makes sure that the data are appropriately
##' matched against tip and/or internal nodes, (3) checks for
##' differences between data and tree, (4) creates a data frame with
##' the correct dimensions given a tree.
##' @param phy a valid \code{phylo4} object
##' @param dt a data frame, matrix, vector, or factor
##' @param type type of data to attach
##' @param match.data (logical) should the rownames of the data frame
##' be used to be matched against tip and internal node identifiers?
##' See details.
##' @param rownamesAsLabels (logical), should the row names of the
##' data provided be matched only to labels (TRUE), or should any
##' number-like row names be matched to node numbers (FALSE and
##' default)
##' @param label.type character, \code{rownames} or \code{column}:
##' should the labels be taken from the row names of \code{dt} or from
##' the \code{label.column} column of \code{dt}?
##' @param label.column if \code{label.type=="column"}, column
##' specifier (number or name) of the column containing tip labels
##' @param missing.data action to take if there are missing data or if
##' there are data labels that don't match
##' @param extra.data action to take if there are extra data or if
##' there are labels that don't match
##' @param keep.all (logical), should the returned data have rows for
##' all nodes (with NA values for internal rows when type='tip', and
##' vice versa) (TRUE and default) or only rows corresponding to the
##' type argument
##' @return \code{formatData} returns a data frame having node numbers
##' as row names. The data frame is also formatted to have the correct
##' dimension given the \code{phylo4} object provided.
##' @author Francois Michonneau
##' @seealso the \code{\link{phylo4d-methods}} constructor, the
##' \linkS4class{phylo4d} class. See \code{\link{coerce-methods}} for
##' translation functions.
##' @keywords misc
formatData <- function(phy, dt, type=c("tip", "internal", "all"),
                       match.data=TRUE, rownamesAsLabels=FALSE,
                       label.type=c("rownames", "column"),
                       label.column=1, missing.data=c("fail", "warn", "OK"),
                       extra.data=c("warn", "OK", "fail"), keep.all=TRUE
                       ) {

    ## determine whether to return rows for all nodes, or just 'type'
    type <- match.arg(type)
    if (keep.all) {
        ids.out <- nodeId(phy, "all")
    } else {
        ids.out <- nodeId(phy, type)

    ## if null, return empty data frame with node numbers as row names
    if (is.null(dt)) {
    ## if vector, coerce to data.frame
    if (is.vector(dt) || is.factor(dt) || is.matrix(dt)) {
        dt <- as.data.frame(dt, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
    ## before proceeding, make sure that data provided are a data frame
    if (!is.data.frame(dt)) {
            "must be a vector, factor, matrix, or data frame"))
    ## if lacking rows or columns, return a placeholder data frame with
    ## node numbers as row names
    if (any(dim(dt)==0)) {

    label.type <- match.arg(label.type)
    ## Make sure the column specified for the labels is appropriate
    if (label.type == "column") {
        if (is.numeric(label.column))
            stopifnot(label.column %in% 1:ncol(dt))
            stopifnot(label.column %in% names(dt))

    missing.data <- match.arg(missing.data)
    extra.data <- match.arg(extra.data)

    if(match.data) {
        ## extract values to be matched to nodes
        ndNames <- switch(label.type,
                          rownames = rownames(dt),
                          column = dt[,label.column])
        if (rownamesAsLabels) {
            ids.in <- lapply(ndNames, function(ndnm) {
                getNode(phy, as.character(ndnm), missing="OK")
        else {
           ids.in <- lapply(ndNames, function(ndnm) {
                if (nchar(gsub("[0-9]", "", ndnm)) == 0) {
                    getNode(phy, as.integer(ndnm), missing="OK")
                else {
                    getNode(phy, as.character(ndnm), missing="OK")
        ids.list <- ids.in
        ids.in <- unlist(ids.in)

        ## Make sure that data are matched to appropriate nodes
        if (type=="tip" && any(stats::na.omit(ids.in) %in% nodeId(phy,
            "internal"))) {
            stop("Your tip data are being matched to internal ",
                "nodes. Make sure that your data identifiers ",
                "are correct.")
        if (type=="internal" && any(stats::na.omit(ids.in) %in% nodeId(phy,
            "tip"))) {
            stop("Your node data are being matched to tip ",
                "nodes. Make sure that your data identifiers ",
                "are correct.")

        ## Check differences between tree and data
        mssng <- setdiff(nodeId(phy, type), ids.in)
        if(length(mssng) > 0 && missing.data != "OK") {
            ## provide label if it exists and node number otherwise
            mssng <- getNode(phy, mssng)
            mssng <- ifelse(is.na(names(mssng)), mssng, names(mssng))
            msg <- "The following nodes are not found in the dataset: "
            msg <- paste(msg, paste(mssng, collapse=", "))
                   warn = warning(msg),
                   fail = stop(msg))
        extra <- ndNames[is.na(ids.in)]
        if(length(extra) > 0 && extra.data != "OK") {
            msg <- "The following names are not found in the tree: "
            msg <- paste(msg, paste(extra, collapse=", "))
                   warn = warning(msg),
                   fail = stop(msg))

        ## Format data to have correct dimensions
        ids.list <- ids.list[!is.na(ids.list)]
        dt <- dt[!is.na(ids.in), , drop=FALSE]
        if (hasDuplicatedLabels(phy)) {
            dtTmp <- array(, dim=c(length(ids.in[!is.na(ids.in)]), ncol(dt)),
                           dimnames=list(ids.in[!is.na(ids.in)], names(dt)))
            dtTmp <- data.frame(dtTmp)
            j <- 1
            for (i in 1:length(ids.list)) {
                for (k in 1:length(ids.list[[i]])) {
                    dtTmp[j, ] <- dt[i, , drop=FALSE]
                    j <- j + 1
            dt <- dtTmp
        rownames(dt) <- ids.in[!is.na(ids.in)]
        dt.out <- dt[match(ids.out, rownames(dt)), , drop=FALSE]
        rownames(dt.out) <- ids.out
        if(label.type == "column") {
            dt.out <- subset(dt.out, select=-eval(parse(text=label.column)))

    } else {
        ## Check if too many or not enough rows in input data
        expected.nrow <- length(nodeId(phy, type))
        diffNr <- nrow(dt) - expected.nrow
        if(nrow(dt) > expected.nrow && extra.data != "OK") {
            msg <- paste("There are", diffNr, "extra rows.")
                   warn = warning(msg),
                   fail = stop(msg))
        if(nrow(dt) < expected.nrow && missing.data != "OK") {
            msg <- paste("There are", abs(diffNr), "missing rows.")
                   warn = warning(msg),
                   fail = stop(msg))
        ## truncate rows of input data frame if necessary
        dt <- dt[1:min(nrow(dt), expected.nrow) ,, drop = FALSE]
        rownames(dt) <- nodeId(phy, type)[seq_len(nrow(dt))]
        dt.out <- dt[match(ids.out, rownames(dt)) ,, drop=FALSE]
        rownames(dt.out) <- ids.out


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phylobase documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:24 a.m.