
Defines functions cln cls cfn clg ccl cch cnv cnr smoothxtrim smoothpar markextremes charSize plmboxes pllines plinnerrange

Documented in charSize markextremes plinnerrange pllines plmboxes smoothpar smoothxtrim

## =======================================================================
## Plotting functions, low and high-level
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
pl.control <- #f
  function(x = NULL, y = NULL, condvar = NULL, data = NULL, subset = NULL, 
           transformed = TRUE, distinguishy = TRUE, gensequence = NULL,
           csize = NULL, csize.pch = NULL,
           psize = NULL, plab = FALSE, pch = NULL, pcol = NULL, 
           smooth.weights = NULL, smooth.weight = NULL,
           markextremes = NULL, smooth = NULL,
           xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, varlabel = NULL,
           vcol = NULL, vlty = NULL, vpch = NULL, plscale = NULL, log = NULL,
           main = NULL, sub = NULL, .subdefault = NULL, mar = NULL, 
           ## needed because it hides  markextremes  otherwise
           gencoord = TRUE, plargs = pl.envir, 
           ploptions = NULL, .environment. = parent.frame(),
           assign = TRUE, ... )
  ## get data for plotting, collect and check arguments
  ## do preparations that are common to all plots
  ## --------------------------------------------------------------
  lf.xdt <- function(x, data, dtlab=NULL, title=NULL, xory)
    if (u.false(x)) return(list())
    if (is.matrix(x)) x <- as.data.frame(x)
    if (is.atomic(x)) x <- structure(data.frame(x), names=xory)
    if (u.isnull(dtlab))
      dtlab <- i.def(tit(x), i.def(attr(x, "dname", exact=TRUE), title))
    data <- if (u.isnull(data)) x
            else {
              if (nrow(x)!=NROW(data))
                stop("!pl.control! arguments '", xory,
                     "' and 'data' have different numbers of rows")
              cbind(x, data)
    list(x=x, data=data, dtlab=dtlab) 
  ## --------------------------------------------------------
  lcall <- match.call()
  if (length(lcall$smooth.weight)) {
    lcall$smooth.weights <- lcall$smooth.weight
    lcall$smooth.weight <- NULL
  if (length(lcall$reflines)) {
    lcall$refline <- lcall$reflines
    lcall$smooth.reflines <- NULL
  ## --- ploptions
  lcl <- lcall
  ploptions <- i.def(ploptions, pl.envir$usr.ploptions)
  lnmd <- setdiff(names(default.ploptions), names(ploptions) )
  if (length(lnmd)) ploptions <- c(ploptions, default.ploptions[lnmd])
  largsplo <- setdiff(names(lcl)[-1],
                      c("xlab","ylab","mf", ## "csize","markextremes",
                       i.argPlcontr, i.argPldata))
  if (length(largsplo)) { ## set more lpoptions
    lcl <- lcl[c("",largsplo)]
    lcl[1] <- list(quote(list))
    lcl <- as.call(lcl)
    lls <- eval(lcl, envir=parent.frame())
    ploptions <- ploptions(list=lls, assign=FALSE, setpar=TRUE)
  if ("title"%in%names(lcall)) lcall$main <- lcall$title
  if (length(grep("cex", names(lcall)))) {
    warning(":pl.control: argument(s) containing 'cex' are probably ",
            "misspecified. I replace 'cex' by 'csize'")
    names(lcall) <- sub("cex","csize", names(lcall))
  ## ---
  lcl <- lcall
  ## --- data
  lmaxchars <- i.getploption("title.maxchars")
  ldtlab <- NULL ## data label
  if (length(data)) {
    if (length(dim(data))==0)
      stop("!pl.control! argument 'data' must be a data.frame or a matrix")
    if (is.matrix(data)) data <- as.data.frame(data)
    ldtlab <- if (length(ltit <- tit(data))) ltit
    if (u.isnull(ldtlab) & is.name(lldtl <- substitute(data)))
      ldtlab <- as.character(lldtl)
  ## --- get variables and data
  lftext <- lform <- NULL
  lformarg <- lynames <- lxnames <- NULL
  if (length(x)==0 & length(y)==0) x <- data
  if (length(x)==0) { ## use y as x
    x <- y
    y <- NULL
  if (u.isnull(x))
      stop("!pl.control! no data found")
  lbyv <- NULL
  ## argument x
  if (is.atomic(x)&&is.character(x)) { ## names of variables
    lxnames <- x
    lform <- as.formula(paste("~", paste(x,collapse="+")))
  } else {
    if (is.formula(x)) {
      lform <- x
      lvars <- getvarnames(x, data=data, transformed=transformed)
      lxnames <- attr(lvars, "xvar")
      lynames <- attr(lvars, "yvar")
      lbyv <- attr(lvars, "byvar")
    } else { ## matrix or data.frame
      lrr <- lf.xdt(x, data, ldtlab, xory="x") ## deal with different types of arg.
      data <- lrr$data
      x <- lrr$x
      lxnames <- names(x)
      ldtlab <- lrr$dtlab
    if (is.null(lform)) 
      lform <-
        as.formula(paste(paste(lynames, collapse="+"), "~",
                         paste(lxnames, collapse="+")))
    lftext <- shortenstring(format(lform), lmaxchars)
  ## y
  lyform <- NULL
  if (length(y)) {
    if (is.atomic(y)&&is.character(y)) { ## names of variables
      lynames <- y
    } else{
      if (is.formula(y)) {
        lyform <- y
        lynames <- getvarnames(y, data=data, transformed=transformed)
      } else { ## matrix or data.frame
        lrr <- lf.xdt(y, data, ldtlab, tit(y), "y") ## deal with different types of arg.
        data <- lrr$data
        y <- lrr$x
        lynames <- names(y)
        ## ldtlab <- i.def(ldtlab, lrr$dtlab)
    ## ---
    if (u.isnull(lynames)) ## y is formula
      lynames <- getvarnames(y, data=data, transformed=transformed)
    if (is.null(lyform)) 
      lyform <- as.formula(paste("~", paste(lynames, collapse="+")))
    lform <-
      if (length(lform)) {
        update(lform, as.formula(paste(tail(as.character(lyform),1),"+.~.")))
      } else lyform
    lftext <- paste(shortenstring(substring(format(lyform),2,100),
                    shortenstring(lftext, lmaxchars/2))
  ## condvar, by grouping variable
  lbynames <- lbyv
  lbyform <- NULL
  if (length(condvar)) {
    if (is.atomic(condvar)&&is.character(condvar)) { ## names of variables
      lbynames <- condvar
    } else {
      if (is.formula(condvar)) {
        lbyform <- condvar
        lbynames <-
          c(getvarnames(condvar, data=data, transformed=transformed))
      } else { ## matrix or data.frame
        lrr <- lf.xdt(condvar, data, ldtlab, tit(condvar), "condvar") ## deal with different types of arg.
        data <- lrr$data
        condvar <- lrr$x
        lbynames <- names(condvar)
        ##      ldtlab <- lrr$dtlab
  ## ----
  ## only  x  or  y : plot against sequence
  if ((u.isnull(lxnames)|u.isnull(lynames))&&u.notfalse(gensequence)) { 
    data <-
      cbind(".sequence."= 1:NROW(data),data)
    lynames <- c(lxnames, lynames)
    lxnames <- ".sequence."
  ## ---
##-   if (length(data)==0 && length(lform)==0) 
##-     stop("!pl.control! arguments 'x', 'y', and 'data' are all empty")
  lftext <- shortenstring(lftext, lmaxchars)
  ## ---
  lformarg <- list(xvar=lxnames,yvar=lynames,
                   byvar=if(length(lbynames)) lbynames)
  lvarnames <- c(lxnames, lynames, lbynames)
  ## --- data
  ## ltransformed <- i.def(lcl$transformed, TRUE)
  if (!is.null(attr(data,"terms"))) { ## data is model.frame
    if (!transformed) {
      warning(":pl.control! Raw data not available.",
              "I can only use transformed data.")
      transformed <- TRUE
  ## --- get variables from  lform  and  data
  largs <- c(i.argPldata, "transformed")
  ## variables
  if (length(varlabel)) 
    if (length(names(varlabel))==0) {
      warning(":pl.control: 'varlabel' must have names")
      lcl$varlabel <- varlabel <- NULL
  ## data
  if (length(lvarnames)||length(varlabel) ||
      any(names(lcl)%in%i.argPldata)) {
    lcl <- c(list(quote(getvariables), formula=lformarg, data=data),
             as.list(lcl[intersect(largs, names(lcl))]),
    lcl <- as.call(lcl)
    ##    environment(lform) <- environment() ## ???
    lpldata <- eval(lcl, envir=environment())
    ##        ----
    if (inherits(lpldata, "pl-error"))
      stop("!pl.control! ", attr(lpldata, "message"))
    if (length(lpldata)==0)
      stop("!pl.control! No data found")
    ## set varlabel in a special case
    if (length(lxnames)==1 && is.formula(lcx <- lcall$x) && length(lcx)==2)
        attr(lpldata[[lxnames]], "varlabel") <- sub("~","",format(lcx))
    if (length(lynames)==1 && is.formula(lcy <- lcall$y) && length(lcy)==2)
        attr(lpldata[[lynames]], "varlabel") <- sub("~","",format(lcy))
    ## --- subset
    if (length(lcall$subset)) {
      lsub <- eval(lcall$subset, data, enclos=parent.frame())
      if (sum(lsub)==0)
        stop("!plsubset! No data fulfills the selection criteria")
      lpldata <- plsubset(lpldata, lsub)
    ## --- attributes of variables
    ## plrange
      lpldata <- i.setvlim(lpldata, ...)
    ## plscale
    if (length(log)) plscale <-
      ifelse(c(length(grep("x",log)>0),length(grep("y",log)>0)), "log","")
    if (lns <- length(plscale)) {
      if (length(names(plscale))==0)
        if (lns==2)
          plscale <-
                       rep(plscale[2],length(lynames))), lvarnames)
        else { 
          warning(":pl.control: argument 'plscale' not suitable")
          plscale <- NULL
    ## lvarnames <- attr(lpldata,"variables", exact=TRUE)
    if (gencoord & length(lvarnames)) {
      ldy <- if (distinguishy) lynames
      lpldata[,lvarnames] <- 
        genvarattributes(lpldata[,lvarnames, drop=FALSE], vnames = ldy,
                         vcol = vcol, vlty = vlty, vpch = vpch,
                         plscale = plscale, varlabel = varlabel,
                         ploptions=ploptions, ...)
      lnr <- nrow(lpldata)
      lnobs <- lnr-median(sumNA(lpldata[,lvarnames]))
    } else lnr <- 0
  } else {
    lpldata <- NULL
    lvarnames <- NULL
    lnr <- 0
  if (lnr==0) {
    if (length(data)) {
      lnr <- NROW(data)
      lnobs <- lnr-median(sumNA(data))
    } else {
      warning(":pl.control: data not found. I set 'nobs' to 100")
      lnobs <- 100
  ## -------------------------
  ## get special variables from original data if they have been set before
  lvnm <-
  if (length(lvnm))
    lpldata[,lvnm] <- data[,lvnm, drop=FALSE]
  ## ----------------------------------------
  ## labels and plotting character
  ## priorities:  plab , pch , row.names
  lpch <- lpldata$".pch."
  ## default plotting character
  if (length(lpch)) {
    if (is.factor(lpch)) lpch <- as.numeric(lpch)
    if (is.numeric(lpch)) {
      if(length(lpna <- setdiff(lpch,c.pchvalues))) {
        warning(":plcontrol: pch", paste(lpna, collapse=", "), " do not exist")
        lpchunused <- i.def(setdiff(c.pchvalues, c(lpch,0)), 13)
        li <- match(lpch, lpna, nomatch=0)
        lpch[li>0] <- lpchunused[(li[li>0]-1)%%length(lpchunused) +1] ## recycle!
    if (is.character(lpch) && any(nchar(lpch)>1)) {
      warning(":pl.control: 'pch' must be an integer or a single character.",
              " Use 'plab' to label points with strings")
      lpch <- substr(lpch,1,1)
    if (is.logical(lpch)) lpch <- as.numeric(lpch)
    lpldata$".pch." <- lpch
  lplab <- lpldata$".plab."
  ## --- row.names
  lrown <- substring(row.names(data),1,3)
  if (length(lrown)==0) lrown <- as.character(1:lnr)
  lplabel <- lrown
  lIplab <- length(lplab)>0 && is.logical(lplab) && all(lplab) ## original arg T
  if (lIplab)  lpldata$".plab." <- lplab <- lplabel
    if (length(lplab)) lplabel <- as.character(lplab)
  ## now, lplabel is always useful
  ## --- 'by' group
  lbyn <- attr(lpldata, "byvar")
  for (llv in lbyn) 
    if (inherits(lpldata[,llv], "factor"))
      lpldata[,llv] <- i.factor(lpldata[,llv]) ## drop levels
  ## ---
  if (length(lgroup <- lpldata[[".group."]])) {
    lpldata[,".group."] <- i.getgroupopt(lgroup, ploptions)
    if (length(llb <- as.character(lcall$group))<=20)
        attr(lpldata[[".group."]], "varname") <- llb
  ## smooth.group
  lsmgrp <- lpldata$".smooth.group."
  if (length(lsmgrp)) {
    lpldata[,".smooth.group."] <- i.factor(lsmgrp) 
    if (length(llb <- as.character(lcall$smooth.group))<=20)
        attr(lpldata[[".smooth.group."]], "varname") <- llb
  ## pcol
  if (length(lpcol <- lpldata$".pcol.")) lpldata[,".pcol."] <- i.getcolor(lpcol)
##    lpldata[,".pcol."] <- i.factor(lpcol) ## !!! 
##-     if (is.logical(lpcol)) lpldata[,".pcol."] <- lpcol+1
##-     else if (is.factor(lpcol)) {
##-       lclr <- i.getploption("col")
##-       lpldata[,".pcol."] <- lclr[(as.numeric(lpcol)-1)%%length(lclr)+1] ## recycle!
##-     }
  ## ----------------------------------------------------
  ## more ploptions
  ## smooth color
  lsmcol <- ploptions$smooth.col
  lgrcol <- ploptions$group.col
  if (is.numeric(lsmcol))
    ploptions$smooth.col <- lsmcol <- lgrcol[1+(lsmcol-1)%%lsmcol]
  if (length(lsmcol)==1)
    ploptions$smooth.col[2] <-
      colorpale(lsmcol, ploptions$smooth.pale[1])
  ## ---
  lmardf <- i.getploption("mar")
  if (length(lynames)>1) lmardf[4] <- lmardf[2] ## need space at the right
  ploptions$mar <- i.def(mar, lmardf)
  ## --- condprob.range
  ploptions$condprob.range <-
    if (length(ploptions$condprob.range)==0) {
      if (lnobs>50) c(0,0) else c(0.05,0.8)
    } else c(ploptions$condprob.range,1)[1:2]
  ## --- smooth
  lsmgrp <- lpldata$".smooth.group."
  lsmgrplab <- levels(lsmgrp)
  ## smooth
##-   lnsm <- lnobs
  ##-   lnsmgrp <- length(unique(lsmgrp))
  ##-   if (length(lsmgrp)) lnsm <- lnobs/lnsmgrp
  ## !!! check if lnsm is large enough
  ploptions$smooth <- i.getplopt(smooth)
  lrefl <- eval(lcall$refline, enclos=parent.frame())
  lrefl <- if (length(lrefl)>1 | is.function(lrefl)) lrefl
  ## --- main
  main <- i.def(lcall$main, "", "", "")
  sub <- i.def(sub, i.def(i.getploption("sub"), NULL, ldtlab, NULL))
  ## ------------------------------------------------------------
  ## result of pl.control
  rr <- list(
    pldata = lpldata, ploptions = ploptions, 
    plfeatures = list(
      formula = lform, formulatext = lftext,
      nobs = lnobs, transformed = transformed, 
      pch = lpch, plabel = lplabel, plab = lIplab, ##plabna = lplabna, ???
      ## smooth.ngroups = lnsmgrp,
      smooth.grouplab = lsmgrplab,
      reflinecoord = lrefl,
      datalabel = ldtlab, main = main, sub = sub, .subdefault = .subdefault,
      datetime = date()
  if (u.notfalse(assign))  plassign(list=rr)
} ## end of  pl.control
## ===================================================================
i.setvlim <- #f
  function(data, vlim=NULL, xlim=NULL, ylim=NULL, ...)
{ ## set plotting limits
  lf.checklim <- function(lim, varnames) {
    ## produce named list with names from 'data'
    if (!is.list(lim)) lim <- list(lim)
    if (length(lnm <- names(lim))) {
      lim <- lim[intersect(lnm, varnames)]
    } else {
      if (length(lim)==1) lim <- rep(lim, length(varnames))
      if (length(lim)==length(varnames))
        names(lim) <- varnames
      else {
        warning(":pl.control/setvlim: 'xlim' or 'ylim' not suitable")
        lim <- NULL
  ## -----------------------------------
  if (!u.isnull(vlim)) vlim <- lf.checklim(vlim, names(data))
  if (!u.isnull(xlim)) xlim <- lf.checklim(xlim, attr(data, "xvar", exact=TRUE))
  if (!u.isnull(ylim)) ylim <- lf.checklim(ylim, attr(data, "yvar", exact=TRUE))
  lim <- c(vlim,xlim,ylim)
  i.setvarattribute("vlim", lim, data)
## ===============================================================
plinnerrange <-
  function(innerrange, data, factor = 4.0, FUNC=robrange)
{ ## determine inner plot range
  ## if innerrange is a list or a matrix, leave it alone
  lIcq <- inherits(data, "condquant")
  ldt <- cbind( if (lIcq) c(data[,1:3]) else data )
  innerrange <- i.def(innerrange, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE)
  if (length(innerrange)>1)
    if (any(dim(cbind(innerrange))!=c(2,NCOL(ldt)))) {
      warning(":plregr/innerrange: unsuitable argument  innerrange ")
      innerrange <- TRUE
  if (length(innerrange)==1 && is.logical(innerrange))
    innerrange <-
      if (innerrange) apply(ldt, 2, FUNC, fac=factor[1]) else
      matrix(FALSE, 2, NCOL(ldt))
  if ((!is.list(innerrange))&length(innerrange)==2)
    innerrange <- as.matrix(innerrange)
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
genvarattributes <- #f
  function(data, vnames = NULL, vcol = NULL, vlty = NULL, vpch = NULL,
           varlabel = NULL, innerrange = NULL, 
           plscale = NULL, zeroline = NULL, replace = FALSE,
           ploptions = NULL, ...)
  if (!is.data.frame(data)) data <- structure(as.data.frame(data), names="X")
  ## ---
  ltickint <- i.getploption("tickintervals")
  ## variable names
  lnmdata <- colnames(data)
    if (anyNA(lnmdata)) colnames(data) <- lnmdata <-
      ifelse(is.na(lnmdata), paste("V",1:NCOL(data), sep=""), lnmdata)
  lrown <- row.names(data)
  ## varlabel
  llb <- NULL
  ## jitter (prep)
  ljt <-
          ifelse(i.getploption("factor.show")=="jitter", "iffactor", FALSE) )
  lljt <- length(ljt)
  if (lljt)
    if (!is.list(ljt))
      ljt <-  setNames(rep(ljt, ncol(data)), colnames(data))
  jitter.factor <- i.getploption("jitter.factor")
  ## innerrange (prep)
  lirfactor <- i.getploption("innerrange.factor")
  ## multiple y: plotting character, line color and type
  if (u.isnull(vnames))
    vnames <- union(union(names(vcol),names(vlty)),names(vpch))
  lny <- length(vnames)
  if (lImulty <- lny>0) { ##
    ldt <- data[,vnames, drop=FALSE]
    lvpch <- 
      i.getvarattribute("vpch", vpch, ldt, ploptions$variables.pch, drop=lny>1)
    ## i.getvarattribute  avoids duplicates
    lvlty <- 
      i.getvarattribute("vlty", vlty, ldt, ploptions$variables.lty, drop=lny>1)
    lvcol <-
      i.getvarattribute("vcol", vcol, ldt, ploptions$variables.lcol, drop=lny>1)
  ## ---------------------------------------------
  if (length(plscale)) data <- setvarattributes(data, plscale=plscale)
  for (lv in lnmdata) {
    lvv <- data[,lv]
    lcls <- class(lvv)[1]
    attr(lvv, "varname") <- lv
    lnv <- sum(!duplicated(dropNA(lvv)))
    if (replace || is.null(attr(lvv, "nvalues", exact=TRUE)))
      attr(lvv, "nvalues") <- lnv
    ## turn character into factor
    if (lcls=="character") lvv <- transferAttributes(factor(lvv), lvv)
    ##    if (lv %in% lfacgen)  class(lvv) <- c(class(lvv, "usedAsFactor"))
    if (lImulty) { ## line color and type, pch
      if(lv%in% names(lvcol)) attr(lvv, "vcol") <- unname(lvcol[lv])
      if(lv%in% names(lvlty)) attr(lvv, "vlty") <- unname(lvlty[lv])
      if(lv%in% names(lvpch)) attr(lvv, "vpch") <- unname(lvpch[lv])
    if (inherits(lvv, c("factor", "usedAsFactor", "character"))) {
      ## factor
      lvv <- i.factor(lvv)
      if (is.null(attr(lvv, "numvalues"))) {
        lat <- seq_along(levels(lvv))
        if (replace || is.null(attr(lvv, "plrange", exact=TRUE)))
          attr(lvv, "plrange") <- c(0.35, max(lat)+0.65)
        if (replace || is.null(attr(lvv, "ticksat", exact=TRUE)))
          attr(lvv, "ticksat") <- lat
        if (replace || is.null(attr(lvv, "ticklabels", exact=TRUE)))
          attr(lvv, "ticklabels") <- levels(lvv)
        ## jitter
        if(replace || is.null(attr(lvv, "numvalues", exact=TRUE))) {
          lij <- ljt[lv]
          lij <- ((u.true(lij) || lij=="iffactor") &
          attr(lvv, "numvalues") <-
            if (u.notfalse(lij)) {
              ldif <- diff(sort(as.numeric(lvv)))
              lamdf <- quantile(ldif[ldif>0], 0.2)*jitter.factor/2
                     amount=if(is.numeric(lij)) lij else lamdf)
            } else  as.numeric(lvv)
      attr(lvv, "zeroline") <- i.def(attr(lvv, "zeroline"), FALSE)
    } else {
      ## Date
      if (inherits(lvv, c("Date", "times")) &&
          is.null(attr(lvv, "numvalues", exact=TRUE)))
        lvv <- gendateaxis(setNames(lvv, lrown))
      else { ## ----------------- 
        ## continuous variable
        lvv <-
          i.genvattrcont(lvv, attr(lvv, "innerrange", exact=TRUE), lirfactor, ltickint,
                         replace=replace, ploptions=ploptions)
##-           if (replace || is.null(attr(lvv, "zeroline"))) 
##-             attr(lvv, "zeroline") <- i.getplopt(zeroline)
      } ## end of continuous variable
    if (is.null(attr(lvv,"varlabel")))  attr(lvv, "varlabel") <- lv
##-      if (lv%in%names(llb)) unname(llb[lv])
    data[[lv]] <- lvv
  if (length(varlabel)) data <- setvarattributes(data, varlabel=varlabel)
  if (length(zeroline)) data <- setvarattributes(data, zeroline=zeroline)
} ## end genvarattributes
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
i.genvattrcont <- #f
  function(x, innerrange=NULL, innerrange.factor=NULL, tickintervals=NULL,
           replace=FALSE, ploptions = NULL, tickscale = NULL)
  lx <- x
  if(inherits(x,"Surv")) {
    lx <- x[,1]
    if(length(latt <- attributes(lx)))
      x <- transferAttributes(x, lx)
  lattr <- attributes(x)
  lnouter <- c(0,0)
  lplrg <- lattr[["plrange"]]
  ## innerrange
  lirgx <- lattr[["innerrange"]]
  innerrange <- i.def(innerrange, lirgx)
  lirg <- i.def(i.getplopt(innerrange), TRUE)
  lIirg <- u.notfalse(lirg) | length(lirg)==2 
  lirf <- i.getplopt(innerrange.factor)
  ltint <- i.getplopt(tickintervals) ## logical
  lvlimsc <- lattr[["vlim"]]
  ## plscale
  lplscale <- lattr[["plscale"]]
  if (length(lplscale)) {
    if (is.character(lplscale)&&lplscale[1]=="")
      lplscale <- NULL
    else {
      if (length(lplv <- lattr[["plvalues"]])||replace) lx <- lplv
      else {
        llx  <- plscale(lx, lplscale, valuesonly=FALSE, ploptions=ploptions)
        lattr <- attributes(llx)
        x <- transferAttributes(llx, lx) ## ???
        lvlimsc <- i.def(lattr[["vlimscaled"]], lattr[["vlimsc"]])
  ## plot coordinates
  llx <- c(lx)
  if (length(lpv <- lattr[["plvalues"]])) llx <- lpv
  else if (length(lnv <- lattr[["numvalues"]])) llx <- lnv
  ##-  names(llx) <- names(lx)
  ## innerrange
  if (lIirg & u.true(lirg)) lirg <- c(plinnerrange(TRUE, llx, factor=lirf))
  if (!u.notfalse(lirg)) {
    lattr[["innerrange"]] <- attr(x, "innerrange") <- lirg <- NULL
    lplrg <-
      i.extendrange(range(llx, finite=TRUE), i.getploption("innerrange.ext"))
  } else { ## lirg is range
    if (replace||length(lirgx)!=2)
    ## vlim overrides innerrange
      lirg <- replaceNA(lvlimsc, lirg)
    if (length(lirg)) {
      lpc <- plcoord(llx, lirg, ploptions=ploptions)
      ## attributes: avoid a level...
      lpca <- attributes(lpc)
      attributes(x)[names(lpca)] <- lpca
      attributes(lpc) <- NULL
      attr(x, "plcoord") <- lpc  ## if (replace) 
      lnouter <- lpca$nouter
      if (u.isnull(lnouter)) lnouter <- c(0,0)
      lplrg <- lpca$plrange
  ## set plrange
  ## vlim overrides lplrg
  attr(x, "plrange") <- lplrg <- replaceNA(lvlimsc, lplrg)
  if (lIirg) attr(x, "innerrange") <- lirg
  ## ticks: cover only inner range!
  if (replace || is.null(attr(x, "ticksat", exact=TRUE))) {
    lrg <- if (length(lirg)==2) lirg else lplrg
    lnouter <- i.def(lattr[["nouter"]], c(0, 0))
    lrg <- ifelse(lnouter>0, lrg, lplrg)
    ltks <- plticks(lrg, plscale=i.def(tickscale, lplscale),
                    transformed=TRUE, nouter=lnouter,
                    tickintervals=ltint, ploptions=ploptions)
    if (replace || is.null(attr(x, "ticksat", exact=TRUE)))
      attr(x, "ticksat") <- ltks$ticksat
    ## do not replace  ticklabesat  if  ticksat  is set
    if (replace || is.null(attr(x, "ticklabelsat", exact=TRUE)))
      attr(x, "ticklabelsat") <- ltks$ticklabelsat
    if (replace || is.null(attr(x, "ticklabels", exact=TRUE)))
      attr(x, "ticklabels") <- ltks$ticklabels
## ==========================================================================
plticks <- #f
function(range, plscale = NULL, transformed = FALSE,
           nouter = 0, tickintervals = NULL, ploptions=NULL)
{ ## find suitable tick values and labels
  ## range is already transformed
  ltint <- i.getplopt(tickintervals)
  ltint1 <- min(max(ltint[1],3)+sum(nouter>0),20)
  if (length(plscale)) { ## --- scaled axis
    if (!(is.character(plscale)&&length(plscale)==1))
      stop("!plticks! unsuitable ar gument 'plscale'. Must be of mode character")
    lat <- prettyscale(range, transformed=transformed, plscale=plscale, n=ltint1) ## logscale?
    llab <- attr(lat, "ticklabels", exact=TRUE)
    lat <- llabat <- c(lat)
    if (length(ltint)>1) {
      lps <- prettyscale(range, transformed=transformed, plscale=plscale, n=ltint[2]) 
      if (length(lps)>1) {
        llab <- attr(lps, "ticklabels", exact=TRUE)
        llabat <- c(lps)
  } else { ## --- no scale
    lat <- clipat(pretty(range, n=ltint1, min.n=ltint1-2), range)
    llabat <-
      if (length(ltint)>1)
        clipat(pretty(lat, n=ltint[2], min.n=1), range)  else lat
    llabat <- clipat(llabat, lat)
    if (length(llabat)<2) 
      llabat <- clipat(pretty(range, n=4, min.n=1), lat)  else lat
    llab <- NULL
  list(ticksat=lat, ticklabelsat=llabat, ticklabels=llab)
## =====================================================================
plscale <- #f
function(x, plscale = "log10", ticksat = NULL, logscale = NULL,
           valuesonly = FALSE, ploptions = NULL)
  if (is.character(plscale)) {
    if (plscale=="") return(x)
    lscname <- plscale
    if (lscname%in%c("log","log10") && min(x[is.finite(x)])<=0)
      lscname <- "logst"
    lscfunc <- get(lscname)
  } else {
    if (!is.function(lscfunc)) stop("!plscale! unsuitable argument 'plscale'")
    lscname <- as.character(substitute(plscale))
    if (length(lscname)!=1) stop("!plscale! unsuitable argument 'plscale'")
    if (lscname%in%pl.envir$pl.scaleFunctions) {
      plscale <- lscname
      lscfunc <- get(lscname)
    } else {
      lscfunc <- plscale
      plscale <- lscname
      attr(plscale, "function") <- lscfunc
  ## ---
  lx <- i.def(attr(x, "numvalues", exact=TRUE), c(x))
  lvlim <- attr(x, "vlim", exact=TRUE)
  lplrg <- attr(x, "plrange", exact=TRUE)
  if (lscname=="logst") {
    lxt <- logst(lx, threshold=attr(lscname, "threshold", exact=TRUE))
    if (length(lvlim))
      lvlimsc <- logst(lvlim, threshold=attr(lxt, "threshold", exact=TRUE))
    attr(lscname, "threshold") <- attr(lxt, "threshold", exact=TRUE)
  } else {
    lxt <- lscfunc(lx)
    lvlimsc <- if (length(lvlim)) lscfunc(lvlim)
  lvlimsc <- i.def(attr(x, "vlimsc", exact=TRUE), lvlimsc)
  if (length(ticksat)) ticksat <- lscfunc(ticksat)
  if (valuesonly) return(lxt)
  ## ---
  attr(lxt, "innerrange") <- attr(x, "innerrange") 
  lxtv <- i.genvattrcont(structure(lxt, vlim=lvlimsc, ticksat=ticksat),
  ## lxtv <- transferAttributes(lxtv, x)
  lrg <- replaceNA(lvlimsc, i.def(attr(lxtv, "innerrange"), attr(lxtv, "plrange")))
  ltks <- plticks(range=lrg, plscale=lscname, transformed=TRUE,
                  nouter=attr(lxtv, "nouter", exact=TRUE), ploptions=ploptions)
  structure(x, plvalues = lxt, 
            ticksat=ltks$ticksat, ## ticklabelsat=c(ticksat),
            ticklabelsat=ltks$ticklabelsat, ## was NULL
            plscale = plscale, ##if (lscname=="userfunction") plscale else lfnn,
            plrange = lplrg, vlim=lvlim, vlimscaled=lvlimsc)
## =====================================================================
prettyscale <- #f
function(x, transformed = FALSE, plscale = "log10", inverse = NULL, 
           range = NULL, range.transformed = NULL, n = NULL, logscale = NULL)
  ## generate ticks for transformed scale
##-   lf.pretty <- fn(i, x) { ## format: avoid common formatting
##-     lpr <- pretty(x[i+c(-1,1)], n=7)
##-     lpr[which.min(abs(lpr-x[i]))]
##-   }
  lf.format <- function(x) sapply(as.list(x), format)
  lf.cens <- function(x, rg) if (u.isnull(rg)) x else pmax(pmin(x, rg[2]),rg[1])
  if (is.character(plscale)) {
    lscname <- plscale
    if (length(lscname)>1) stop("!plscale! unsuitable argument 'plscale'")
    lscfunc <-
      if (lscname=="userfunction") attr(plscale, "function", exact=TRUE)
      else  try(get(lscname))
    if (inherits(lscfunc, "try-error")) stop("!plscale! could not find function", lscname)
  } else {
    if (!is.function(plscale)) stop("!plscale! unsuitable argument 'plscale'")
    lscname <- as.character(substitute(plscale))[1]
    lscfunc <- plscale
  ## lcall <- match.call()
  ln <- i.getploption("tickintervals")
  ln1 <- ln[1]+1
  ln2 <- if (length(ln)>=2) ln[2] else 3 ## ceiling(n/2)
  ## --- log according to axTicks
  if (lscname%in%c("log","log10","logst") & u.isnull(logscale)) {
    lx <- if (transformed) x else lscfunc(pmax(x, 0)) ## the transforming function given by the argument
    lrg <- range(lx, finite=TRUE)
    if (lscname=="log") lrg <- lrg/log(10)
    if (lrg[2]-lrg[1]>1) { ## use R function
      ltatlab <- 
        axTicks(1, usr=lrg,
                axp=c(10^floor(lrg), max(3-floor((2.5*diff(lrg)+1)/ln1), 1)),
                nintLog=ln1, log=TRUE)
      ltatlab <- clipat(ltatlab, 10^lrg)
      ltat <- log10(ltatlab)
      if (lscname=="log") ltat <- ltat*log(10)
      return(structure(ltat, ticklabels=lf.format(ltatlab)))
    } ## else - for small range - treat logs by the following
  ## ------------------------------------------------------------
  ## --- back function
  if (lscname=="log")  inverse <- exp
  if (lscname%in%c("log10", "logst"))  inverse <- function(x) 10^x
  if (lscname%in%c("log", "log10", "logst"))  range <- c(0,Inf)
  if (lscname=="sqrt")  {
    inverse <- function(x) x^2
    range <- range.transformed <- c(0, Inf)
  if (lscname=="qnorm") {
    inverse <- pnorm
    range.transformed <- c(0, 1)
  range <- i.def(range, attr(lscfunc, "range", exact=TRUE))
  range.transformed <-
    i.def(range.transformed, attr(lscfunc, "range.transformed", exact=TRUE))
  if (u.isnull(inverse)) {
    inverse <- attr(lscfunc, "inverse", exact=TRUE)
    if (u.isnull(inverse))
      stop("!prettyscale! Inverse transformation function missing")
  if (is.character(inverse)) inverse <- get(inverse)
  ## ---
  lx <- if (transformed) x else lscfunc(lf.cens(x, range)) 
  lrg <- range(lx, finite=TRUE) ## transformed scale
  ld <- diff(lrg)/(ln1-1)
  lk <- c(-2,0:(ln1-1),ln1+1)
  lk <- lk+0.01*(lk-mean(lk))/ln1 ## correction helps to break ties
  ltr <- lf.cens(lrg[1]+ld*lk, range.transformed)
  lat <- rep(NA, ln1)
  lrw <- inverse(ltr) ## original scale
  for (li in 1:ln1) {
    lrwx <- lrw[li+c(0,2)]
    lpr <- pretty(lrwx+diff(lrwx)*c(-1,1)*0.5, n=ln2)
    if (length(range)) lpr <- lf.cens(lpr, range)
    ## nearest in transformed scale:
    lat[li] <- lpr[which.min(abs(lscfunc(lpr)-ltr[li+1]))]
  lat <- lf.cens(unique(lat), range)
  rr <- lscfunc(lat)
##-   if (length(lat)<ln1-2) {
##-     lcall$n <- ln1
##-     rr <- eval(lcall) ## dangerous!
##-   }
  structure(rr, ticklabels = lf.format(lat))
## =====================================================================
plframe <- #f
  function(x=NULL, y=NULL, xlab=NULL, ylab=NULL, xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, 
           mar = NULL, showlabels = TRUE, plext=NULL, axcol = rep(1,4), 
           plargs = NULL, ploptions = NULL, marpar = NULL, xy=NULL, ...)
  ## -------------------
  lf.getcoord <- function(x, lext) {
    lx <- if (is.data.frame(x)) x[,1] else x
    if (length(lx)==0)
      stop("!plframe! unsuitable argument 'x' or 'y'")
    lvlim <- i.def(attr(lx, "vlimscaled"), attr(lx, "vlim", exact=TRUE))
    lirg <- lrg <- lplrg <- replaceNA(lvlim, attr(lx,"plrange", exact=TRUE))
    ## ---
    if (is.factor(lx)) { ## raw factor, not yet treated by pl.control
      llv <- levels(lx)
      lxx <- c(1, length(llv))
      if (length(attr(lx,"ticksat", exact=TRUE))==0) {
        attr(lx, "ticksat") <- seq_len(length(llv))
        attr(lx, "ticklabels") <- llv
      lrg <- replaceNA(lrg, lxx+(0.5+lext[1:2])*c(-1,1))
    } else {
      lirg <- if(length(lir <- attr(lx,"innerrange", exact=TRUE)))
        replaceNA(replaceNA(lvlim, lir), lplrg)
##-       lxx <- i.def(i.def(attr(lx,"numvalues", exact=TRUE),
##-                          attr(lx,"plcoord", exact=TRUE)), as.numeric(lx))
      if (length(attr(lx,"plcoord", exact=TRUE))==0) {
        lxx <- i.def(attr(lx,"numvalues", exact=TRUE), as.numeric(lx))
        lrg <- replaceNA(lrg, i.extendrange(range(lxx, finite=TRUE), lext))
    list(x = lx, range = lrg, innerrange = lirg)
  } ## end of lf.getcoord
  ## ---------------------
  if (is.null(plargs)) plargs <- pl.envir ## get(...
  if (length(ploptions)==0) ploptions <- plargs$ploptions
  lcsize <- i.getploption("csize")
  lext <- rep(i.def(i.getplopt(plext),0.03), length=4)
  ## --- margins
  if (!inherits(marpar, "i.marpar"))
    marpar <- i.getmarpar(marpar, mar=mar, plargs=plargs)
  lmar <- marpar$mar
  if(length(loldp <- attr(marpar, "oldpar")))
    on.exit(par(loldp), add=TRUE, after=FALSE)
  showlabels <- rep(i.def(showlabels, rep(1,4), valuefalse=rep(0,4)),
  ## ---
  if (is.null(xy)||u.notfalse(xy)) {
    lxy <- i.getxy(x=x, y=y, plargs=plargs, call=match.call(),
    if (is.null(lxy)) return()
    x <- lxy$x
    y <- lxy$y
    plargs <- lxy$plargs
    ploptions <- lxy$ploptions
  if (is.data.frame(y)) y <- y[,1]
  ##--- plotting coordiates
  lcoord <- lf.getcoord(x, lext[1:2])
  lx <- lcoord$x
  lrgx <- lcoord$range
  lirgx <- lcoord$innerrange
  lcoord <- lf.getcoord(y, lext[3:4])
  ly <- lcoord$x
  lrgy <- lcoord$range
  lirgy <- lcoord$innerrange
  ## ---
  axcol <- rep(i.def(axcol,1), length=4)
  ## --- start plot
  plot(lrgx, lrgy, xaxs="i", yaxs="i", xlab = "", ylab = "",
       type="n", axes=FALSE)
  ## inner range
  lnouterx <- c(attr(lx, "nouter", exact=TRUE),0,0)[1:2]
  abline(v=unique(c(lirgx[lnouterx>0], lrgx)),lty=3)
  lnoutery <- c(attr(ly, "nouter", exact=TRUE),0,0)[1:2]
  abline(h=unique(c(lirgy[lnoutery>0], lrgy)),lty=3)
  ## --- grid
  lgrl <- i.getploption("grid")
  if (u.notfalse(lgrl)) {
    if (is.atomic(lgrl)) lgrlx <- lgrly <- lgrl
    else {
      if (length(lgnm <- names(lgrl))) {
        lgrlx <-
          if (length(lxnm <- attr(lx, "varname", exact=TRUE)) && lxnm%in%lgnm)
            lgrl[[lxnm]]  else  ploptions("grid", ploptions)
        lgrly <-
          if (length(lynm <- attr(ly, "varname", exact=TRUE)) && lynm%in%lgnm)
            lgrl[[lynm]]  else  ploptions("grid", ploptions)
      } else {
        if(length(lgrl)!=2) {
          warning(":plframe: unsuitable argument 'grid'")
          lgrlx <- lgrly <- i.getploption("grid")
        } else {
          lgrlx <- lgrl[[1]]
          lgrly <- lgrl[[2]]
    ## grid:x
    if (u.true(lgrlx)) {
      lgrlx <- attr(x,"ticksat", exact=TRUE)
      if (length(lgrlx)<2)
        lgrlx <- attr(x, "ticksat") <-
          pretty(lirgx, i.getploption("tickintervals")[1]) 
    lgrlx <- clipat(lgrlx, lirgx)
    if (length(lgrlx)) 
    ## grid:y
    if (u.true(lgrly)) {
      lgrly <- attr(y,"ticksat", exact=TRUE)
      if (length(lgrly)<2)
        lgrly <- attr(ly, "ticksat") <-
          pretty(lirgy, i.getploption("tickintervals")[1]) 
    ## grl <- clipat(lgrly, lirgy)
    if (length(lgrly)) 
  ## zero line
  lzlx <- attr(x, "zeroline", exact=TRUE)
  lzly <- attr(y, "zeroline", exact=TRUE)
  if (is.logical(lzlx)) lzlx <- if(lzlx) 0 else NULL
  if (is.logical(lzly)) lzly <- if(lzly) 0 else NULL
  if (length(lzlx)|length(lzly))
  ## bounding boxes
  abline(h=unique(c(ifelse(lnoutery>0, lirgy, lrgy), lrgy)), lty=3)
  abline(v=unique(c(ifelse(lnouterx>0, lirgx, lrgx), lrgx)), lty=3)
  lxrg <- ifelse(lnouterx>0, lirgx, lrgx)
  lyrg <- ifelse(lnoutery>0, lirgy, lrgy)
  lines(lxrg[c(1,2,2,1,1)], lyrg[c(1,1,2,2,1)])
  ## --- axes
  ## need attr("ticksat") -> otherwise, generate it!
  laxes <- i.getploption("axes")
  if (length(xlab)) attr(lx, "varlabel") <- xlab
  if (length(ylab)) attr(ly, "varlabel") <- ylab
  if (u.notfalse(laxes)) {
    if (u.true(laxes)) laxes <- 1:2
    for (lax in laxes) {
      laxx <- lax%in%c(1,3)
      plaxis(lax, if (laxx) lx else ly, showlabels=showlabels[lax], 
             range= if (laxx) lxrg else lyrg, col=axcol[lax], 
             plargs=plargs, marpar=marpar, ...)
} ## end plframe
## =========================================================================
plaxis <- #f
  function(side, x=NULL, showlabels=TRUE, range=NULL, varlabel=NULL, col=1,
           tickintervals=NULL, ## sure = NULL, 
           plargs = NULL, ploptions = NULL, marpar=NULL, ...)
{ ## ------------------------------------------------------------------
  if (length(plargs)==0) plargs <- pl.envir ## get(...) ## !!! list in calling fn ?
  if (length(ploptions)==0) ploptions <- plargs$ploptions
  lcsize <- i.getploption("csize")
  if (!inherits(marpar, "i.marpar"))
    marpar <- i.getmarpar(marpar, plargs=plargs)
  if(length(loldp <- attr(marpar, "oldpar")))
    on.exit(par(loldp), add=TRUE, after=FALSE)
  ## outer panel?
  lmfg <- par("mfg")
  lIouter <-
    switch(side, lmfg[1]==lmfg[3], lmfg[2]==1, lmfg[1]==1, lmfg[2]==lmfg[4])
  lmgsize <- rep(i.getploption("margin.csize"), length=2)
  llabsize <- lcsize*lmgsize[1]
  lticksize <- lcsize*lmgsize[2]
  lmar <- lcsize*marpar$mar
  lmgp <- lcsize*c(marpar$margin.line,0)
  lparcex <- lcsize*par("cex")
  ## ---
  lx <- i.def(i.def(attr(x,"numvalues", exact=TRUE),
                    attr(x,"plcoord", exact=TRUE)), x)
  range <- i.def(range, i.def(attr(x, "innerrange", exact=TRUE),
                              attr(x, "plrange", exact=TRUE)),
              valuefalse = range(lx,finite=TRUE))
  lat <- attr(x,"ticksat", exact=TRUE)
  latsmall <- attr(lat, "small", exact=TRUE)
  llabat <- attr(x,"ticklabelsat", exact=TRUE)
  llab <- attr(x,"ticklabels", exact=TRUE)
  varlabel <-
    if (i.def(showlabels))
      i.def(i.def(varlabel, attr(x,"varlabel", exact=TRUE), valuefalse=""),
            attr(x,"varname", exact=TRUE) )
    else ""
  col <- i.def(col, 1)
  ## --- do it!
  if( lIouter || showlabels >= 1)
    mtext(varlabel, side=side, line=lmgp[1], xpd=TRUE, col=col,
          cex=llabsize*lparcex, adj=i.def(attr(varlabel, "adj"), 0.5))
  ## ticks and tick labels
  if (length(lat)<=1) {
    ltk <- plticks(range, ploptions=ploptions)
    lat <- ltk$ticksat
    llabat <- ltk$ticklabelsat
    llab <- NULL
  lat <- clipat(lat, range)
  if (showlabels) {
    if (length(llabat)) {
      if (!is.numeric(llabat)) {
        warning(":plaxis: 'ticklabelsat' must be numeric")
        llabat <- NULL
    } else llabat <- lat
    if (length(llab)) {
      if (NCOL(llabat)>1) { ## labels placed in the middle of intervals
        lc <- rbind(apply(llabat, 2, clipat, range=range, clipped=NA))
        li <- apply(lc, 1, sumNA) ==2
        llabat <- apply(llabat, 2, clipat, range=range, clipped=range)
        llabat <- apply(rbind(llabat), 1, mean, na.tm=TRUE)
        ##-                    pmin(pmax(llabat[,2],range[1]),range[2]))/2
        llabat[li] <- NA
      if (length(llab)!=length(llabat)) {
        if (length(llab)==1) llab <- rep(llab,length(llabat))
        else {
          warning(":plaxis: 'ticklabel' has wrong length")
          llab <- NULL
    if (length(llab)==0) llab <- format(llabat)
    llabat <- clipat(llabat, range, NA)
    li <- is.na(llabat)|is.na(llab)
    llabat <- llabat[!li]
    llab <- llab[!li]
    if (length(llab)==0) llab <- rep("",length(llabat))
  ## --- axes
  ## tick lengths
  ltcl <- i.getploption("ticklength")*par("cex")
  if (length(ltcl)<2) ltcl <- rep(c(ltcl,0.5),length=2)*c(1,0)
  if (length(ltcl)<4) ltcl <- c(ltcl, c(ltcl[-(1:2)],0.2)[1]*c(1,-1))
  axis(side, at=lat, labels=rep("",length(lat)), col=col, tcl=ltcl[1], ...) ## axis without tickmarks
  if (ltcl[2]) axis(side, at=lat, labels=rep("",length(lat)),
                    tcl=ltcl[2], col=col, ...)  ## ticks inside
  if (length(latsmall)) {  ## small ticks
    if (ltcl[3]) axis(side, at=latsmall, labels=rep("",length(latsmall)),
                      tcl=ltcl[3], col=col, ...)
    if (ltcl[4]) axis(side, at=latsmall, labels=rep("",length(latsmall)),
                      tcl=ltcl[4], col=col, ...)
  if (length(llabat))  ## tick labels
    if((showlabels & (lmar[side]>=lmgp[2]+1 | lIouter)) | showlabels>=1) 
      mtext(llab, side, line=lmgp[2], at=llabat, col=col,
            cex=lticksize*lparcex, ...)
} ## end plaxis
## ===========================================================================
pltitle <- #f
  function(main=NULL, sub=NULL, csize=NULL, csizemin=NULL, 
           side=3, line=NULL, adj=NULL, outer.margin=NULL, col="black",
           doc=NULL, show=NA, plargs = NULL, ploptions = NULL,
           marpar = NULL, ...)
  ## Purpose:   title
  ## ----------------------------------------------
  if (length(plargs)==0) plargs <- pl.envir ## get(...)
  if (length(ploptions)==0) ploptions <- plargs$ploptions
  if (!inherits(marpar, "i.marpar"))
    marpar <- i.getmarpar(marpar, plargs=plargs)
  scale <- 0.6 ## scale factor to get width of a character
  minadj <- 0.2
  ## ---
  main <- i.def(main, plargs$plfeatures$main)
  sub <- i.def(sub, i.def(plargs$plfeatures$sub, i.getploption("sub")))
  ## i.def(sub, plargs$sub, valuefalse=NULL) ## paste(":",plargs$sub,sep="")
  ##  if (is.logical(sub)) sub <- if(sub) ":" else NULL
  if (u.true(sub)) sub <- ":"
  sub <- if (length(sub) && substr(sub,1,1)==":")
            paste(substring(sub,2,30), plargs$.subdefault, sep="")
          else if (u.notfalse(sub)) as.character(sub)
  if (length(main)&&main=="") main <- NULL
  if (length(sub)&&sub=="") sub <- NULL
  if (length(main)==0 & length(sub)==0) return(invisible(list(main=NULL,sub=NULL)))
  if (length(main) && all(sub==main)) sub <- NULL
  rr <- c(main=main, sub=sub)
  show <- i.def(show, 0.5) ## 0.5 means: only outer margin if first plot
  outer.margin <- i.def(outer.margin, par("oma")[3]>0)
  if (u.false(show) || (show<1 && outer.margin && 1!=prod(par("mfg")[1:2])) )
  ## -------------------------------
  lf.text <- function(text, csize, csizedef, line=line, adj,
                      outer.margin=FALSE) {
    ## calculate text size and write text
    if (!is.expression(text)) text <- format(text)
    if (length(text)>1) text <- paste(text, collapse="  ")
    lcsize <-
      i.def(csize, max(csizemin, min(csizedef, lfac/max(nchar(text)))),
            valuefalse = 1 ) 
    lmaxchar <- lfac/lcsize
    if (nchar(text)>lmaxchar)
      text <- paste(substr(text, 1, lmaxchar-3),"...")
    ladj <- i.def(adj, max(minadj,0.5*(lcsize>csizemin)), 0.5, minadj)
    mtext(text, side, line,
          cex = lcsize*ifelse(outer.margin, 1, lparcex), 
          adj=ladj, outer = outer.margin, col=col, ...)
  ## ---------------------------
  ## mar= needed to obtain consistency
  lcsgen <- i.getploption("csize")
##-   lparcex <- lcsgen * (if (outer.margin) 1 else par("cex"))
  lparcex <- lcsgen * par("cex")
  ltadj <- rep(i.def(adj, i.getploption("title.adj"), valuefalse=0.5),
  ## -------------------------
  ltcs <- rep(i.def(csize,NA), length=3)
  ltcsdef <- rep(i.def(csize, i.getploption("title.csize")), length=3)
  ## title.csizemin <- csizemin
  ## tcsmin <- i.def(csizemin, i.getploption("title.csizemin"), valuefalse=0.1)
  lImain <- length(main) && main!=""
  lIsub <- length(sub) && sub%nin%c("",":")
##-  lIdoc <- length(doc) && doc!=""
##  lmarmax <- if (outer.margin) par("oma")[side] else par("mar")[side]
##-   lmarmax <- lmarmax-ltcsdef[2-lImain]
##-   llinedef <- sum(ltcsdef*c(lImain, lIsub, lIdoc))
  ##-   line <- min(i.def(line, llinedef), lmarmax)
##-   llinedef <- min(i.def(i.getploption("title.line"), Inf),
##-                   lmarmax-0.1-ltcsdef[2-lImain])
##-   lline <- i.def(line, llinedef) ## -0.3: leave some space above title
  lside24 <- side%in%c(2,4)
  lwid <- if (outer.margin) par("mfg")[4-lside24] else 1
  lfac <- lwid * par("pin")[1+lside24]/(par("cin")[1]*par("cex")*scale)
  ##  line may be scalar or vector of length 3
  lline <- line
  if (is.null(line))  ## !!!!!
    lline <- c(i.getmarpar(plargs=plargs)$title.line, NA, NA)
  if (outer.margin && length(lomast <- marpar$omastart))
    lline <- lline+lomast[3] ## in plmatrix, part of  oma  is used for axes
  ## lline <- lline*lcsgen
  line <- lline[1]
  if (lImain) {
    ## lline <- lline + lIsub*lcsgen*is.na(lline[2])
    lcs <- lf.text(main, csize=ltcs[1], csizedef=ltcsdef[1], line=line,
                   adj=ltadj[1], outer.margin=outer.margin)
    line <- max(line-lcs*lparcex,0)
  if (!is.na(lline[2])) line <- lline[2]
  if (lIsub) {
    lcs <- lf.text(sub, csize=ltcs[2], csizedef=ltcsdef[2],
                   line=line, adj=ltadj[2], outer.margin=outer.margin)
    if (length(lline)<=2) lline[3] <- max(lline-lcs*lparcex,0)
  ldoc <- i.def(doc, tit(main))
  if (length(ldoc)) {
    if (!is.na(lline[3])) line <- lline[3]
    if (line>=0 && (!u.isnull(doc)) && doc && length(ldoc))
    lf.text(ldoc, csize=ltcs[3], csizedef=ltcsdef[3], adj=ltadj[3],
  ## invisible(rr)
## -----------------------------------------------------------------
plpoints <- #f
  function(x = NULL, y = NULL, type = "p", plab = NULL, pch = NULL,
           pcol = NULL, col = NULL, lcol = NULL, lty = NULL, lwd = NULL,
           psize = NULL, csize = NULL, group = NULL,
           plargs = NULL, ploptions = NULL, marpar=NULL, xy=TRUE, ...)
  if (length(plargs)==0) plargs <- pl.envir ## get(...)
  if (length(ploptions)==0) ploptions <- plargs$ploptions
  if (!inherits(marpar, "i.marpar"))
    marpar <- i.getmarpar(marpar, plargs=plargs)
  if(length(loldp <- attr(marpar, "oldpar")))
    on.exit(par(loldp), add=TRUE, after=FALSE)
##-     ## workaround a problem with changing margin pars
##-     lusr <- par("usr")
##-     points(1.1*lusr[1]-0.1*lusr[2],1.1*lusr[3]-0.1*lusr[4],pch=" ",xpd=TRUE)
##-   }
  ## intro, needed if formulas are used or data is given or ...
  lcl <- match.call()
  lcsize <- i.getplopt(csize)
  col <- i.def(col, NULL, valuefalse=NULL)
##  if (length(col)) { !! changed 22.01
    if(u.isnull(pcol)) {
      lcl$pcol <- pcol <- col
##      lcl$col <- NULL
  if(u.isnull(lcol)) { ## changed 22.01
      lcol <- attr(y,"vcol")
      if (length(lcol)==0) lcol <- col
      lcl$lcol <- lcol
##      lcl$col <- NULL
##  }
  if (is.null(xy)||u.notfalse(xy)) {
    lxy <- i.getxy(x, y, plargs, ploptions, call=lcl, envir=parent.frame())
    if (is.null(lxy)) return()
    x <- lxy$x
    y <- lxy$y
    ploptions <- lxy$ploptions
    plargs <- lxy$plargs
  pldata <- plargs$pldata
  ## --- ploptions 
  ## ---
  condquant <- i.getploption("condquant")
  ## ---
  if (is.data.frame(x))  x <- x[,1]
  lattrx <- attributes(x)
  ## lx <- i.def(lattrx$plcoord, i.def(lattrx$numvalues, as.numeric(x)))
  lx <- i.def(lattrx$numvalues, x)
  lIcensx <- inherits(x, "Surv")
  if (lIcensx) lx <- lx[,1]
  lx <- as.numeric(lx)
  if (length(llir <- lattrx[["innerrange"]])) {
    lx <- if (length(llpc <- lattrx[["plcoord"]])) llpc  
          else  plcoord(lx, llir, ploptions=ploptions)
    } else lx <- i.def(lattrx[["plcoord"]], lx)
  lx[is.na(x)] <- NA
  if (is.data.frame(y))  y <- y[,1]
  lattry <- attributes(y)
  ly <- i.def(lattry$numvalues, y)
  lIcensy <- inherits(y, "Surv")
  if (lIcensy) ly <- ly[,1]
  ly <- as.numeric(ly)
  if (length(llir <- lattry[["innerrange"]])) {
    ly <- if (length(llpc <- lattry[["plcoord"]])) llpc  
          else  plcoord(ly, llir, ploptions=ploptions)
    } else ly <- i.def(lattry[["plcoord"]], ly)
  ly[is.na(y)] <- NA
  ## condquant
  lIcq <- condquant>0  ## condquant representation by bars
  lIcqx <- length(lcqx <- lattrx$condquant) >0
  lIcqy <- length(lcqy <- lattry$condquant) >0
  lnr <- length(x)
  psize <- i.def(psize, pldata[[".psize."]])
  lpsize <-
    if (u.isnull(psize)) 1  else  sqrt(psize/median(psize, na.rm=TRUE))
  if (max(lpsize, na.rm=TRUE)> (lpm <- i.getploption("psize.max"))) {
      warning("maximum  psize  too large. I censor at ", lpm)
      lpsize <- pmin(lpsize,lpm)
  lpsize <- lpsize*lcsize*par("cex")
  if (u.isnull(plab)) plab <- pldata[[".plab."]] ## !!! treat like pch ?
  ## group
  lgroup <- i.def(group, pldata[[".group."]], valuefalse=NULL)
  if (u.true(lgroup)) {
    warning(":plpoints: 'group' not identified")
    lgroup <- NULL
  lattrgrp <- if (length(lgroup))
                i.getinlist(attributes(lgroup), i.getgroupopt(lgroup))
  if (length(lgroup)==0) lgroup <- rep(1, lnr)
  lgrp <- as.numeric(lgroup)
  lgrpv <- unique(lgrp)
  lgrpn <- max(lgrpv)
  ## pch
  if (u.true(pch)) pch <- NA
  pch <-
    i.getinlist(pch, pldata[[".pch."]], lattrgrp$group.pch[lgroup],
                lattry$vpch, i.getploption("pch")[1])
  pch <- rep(i.def(pch, i.getploption("pch"), valuefalse=""), length=lnr)
  ## color
  if (u.true(pcol)) pcol <- NA
  pcol <- i.getinlist(pcol, pldata[[".pcol."]], lattrgrp$group.col[lgroup],
                      lattry$vpcol, i.getploption("pcol")[1])
  pcol <- rep(i.def(pcol, i.getploption("pcol"), valuefalse=""), length=lnr)
  ## lty, lwd
  if (u.true(lty)) lty <- NA
  lty <- rep( i.getinlist(lty, lattrgrp$group.lty, lattry$vlty,
  lwd <- i.getinlist(lwd, lattry$vlwd, i.getploption("lwd")) *
  if (u.true(lcol)) lcol <- NA
  lcol <-
    if (type=="b")
      i.getinlist(lcol, lattrgrp$group.col, lattry$vpcol,
    else i.getinlist(lcol, lattrgrp$group.col, lattry$vcol,
  lcol <- rep(lcol, length=lgrpn)
  lnobs <- sum(is.finite(lx) & is.finite(ly))
  csize.pch <- i.getploption("csize.pch")
  csize.pch <- if (is.function(csize.pch)) csize.pch(lnobs)
             else i.def(csize.pch, charSize(lnobs))
  csize.plab <- csize.pch*i.getploption("csize.plab")
  lsplab <- rep(abs(csize.plab*lpsize), length=lnr) 
  lspch <- rep(csize.pch*lpsize, length=lnr)
  ## censored
  if (lIcensx|lIcensy) {
    lstx <-
      if (lIcensx) (1+(i.def(lattrx$type, "right")=="left"))*(1-x[,2]) else 0
    lsty <-
      if (lIcensy) (1+(i.def(lattry$type, "right")=="left"))*(1-y[,2]) else 0
    lipch <- lstx+3*lsty
    li <- lipch>0
    if (any(li)) {
      pch[li] <- rep(i.getploption("censored.pch"), length=8)[lipch[li]]
      pcol[li] <- colorpale(pcol[li], i.getploption("censored.pale")[1])
      lspch[li] <- lspch[li]*i.getploption("censored.size")
  ## condquant
  if (lIcq & (lIcqx|lIcqy)) {
##-     lpale <- rep(c(i.getploption("condquant.pale"), 0.5), length=2)
    lpale <- i.def(i.getploption("condquant.pale"), 0.5, valuefalse=1)[1]
    lcqpch <- i.getploption("condquant.pch")
    lix <- if(lIcqx) lcqx[,"index"]
    liy <- if(lIcqy) lcqy[,"index"]
    lixy <- union(lix,liy)
    if (length(lcqpch)) pch[lixy] <- lcqpch[1]  ## pch
##-     if (length(lixy)==lnr) lpale <- c(1,lpale[1]) ## all observations are cq
##-     pcol[lixy] <- colorpale(pcol[lixy], lpale[1])
    if (length(lixy)<lnr)  pcol[lixy] <- colorpale(pcol[lixy], lpale)
    if (lIcqx) {
      li <- lix %nin% liy ## why?
      if (any(li)) {
        lsg <- if(length(lrgx <- lattrx$innerrange))
                 plcoord(lcqx[li,2:3], range=lrgx, ploptions=ploptions)
               else lcqx[li,2:3]
        lyy <- ly[lix[li]]
        segments(lsg[,1], lyy, lsg[,2], lyy,
                 col=colorpale(pcol[lix[li]], lpale) )
    if (lIcqy) {
      li <- liy %nin% lix
      if (any(li)) {
        lsg <- if(length(lrgy <- lattry$innerrange))
                 plcoord(lcqy[li,2:3], range=lrgy, ploptions=ploptions)
               else lcqy[li,2:3]
        lxx <- lx[liy[li]]
        segments(lxx, lsg[,1], lxx, lsg[,2],
                 col=colorpale(pcol[liy[li]], lpale) )
  ## ---
  lIpl <- (length(plab)>0) && any(!is.na(plab))
  plab <- as.character(plab)
  ## --- plot!
  if (lIpl) { ## points with labels
    text(lx, ly, plab, cex=lsplab, col=pcol, xpd=TRUE)
    lipch <- ifelse(is.na(plab), TRUE, plab=="") ## point is not labelled
  } else lipch <- rep(TRUE,length(x))
  if (any(lipch)) {
    if (type%in%c("l","b")) { ## lines
      lx[is.na(ly)] <- NA
      ly[is.na(lx)] <- NA
      lxy <- cbind(lx,ly)
      ## points in margin
      lnox <- attr(x, "nouter", exact=TRUE)
      if(any(lnox>0)) {
        lrgx <- attr(x, "innerrange", exact=TRUE)
          lxy <- i.lineout(lxy[,1], lxy[,2], lrgx[1], FALSE)
          lxy <- i.lineout(lxy[,1], lxy[,2], lrgx[2], TRUE)
        lxy[lxy[,1]<lrgx[1]|lxy[,1]>lrgx[2],] <- NA
      lnoy <- attr(y, "nouter", exact=TRUE)
      if(any(lnoy>0)) {
        lrgy <- attr(y, "innerrange", exact=TRUE)
          lxy <- i.lineout(lxy[,2], lxy[,1], lrgy[1], FALSE)[,c(2,1,3)]
          lxy <- i.lineout(lxy[,2], lxy[,1], lrgy[2], TRUE)[,c(2,1,3)]
        lxy[lxy[,2]<lrgy[1]|lxy[,2]>lrgy[2],] <- NA
      for (lg in lgrpv) {
        li <- lgrp==lg
        points(lxy[li,1], lxy[li,2], type=type, pch=NA, col=lcol[lg],
               lty=lty[lg], lwd=lwd, cex=lspch[lg],
               xpd=TRUE, ...)
      if (type=="l") return()
      type <- "p"
    lipch <- lipch & !is.na(lx)
    points(lx[lipch], ly[lipch], type=type, pch=pch[lipch],
           cex=lspch[lipch], col=pcol[lipch], xpd=TRUE) ## ??? why is xpd needed?
} ## end plpoints
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
pllines <- function(x=NULL, y=NULL, type="l", ...) {
  plpoints(x=x, y=y, type=type, ...)
## ---------------------------------------------------------
i.lineout <- #f
  function(z, zz, lim, upper) {
  ## determines indices before which a point on the inner range limit is needed
  ## and the "other" coordinate
  lout <- if(upper) z>lim  else  z<lim
  li0 <- which(c(lout,FALSE) & !c(TRUE,lout))
  lzout <- zz
  lz <- z[li0-1]
  lr <- (lim-lz)/(z[li0]-lz)
  lzz0 <- zz[li0-1]+lr*(zz[li0]-zz[li0-1])
  li1 <- which(c(FALSE,lout) &! c(lout, TRUE))
  lz <- z[li1-1]
  lr <- (lim-lz)/(z[li1]-lz)
  lzz1 <- zz[li1-1]+lr*(zz[li1]-zz[li1-1])
  lii <- order(c(1:length(z), li0-0.6, li1-0.4))
  zz[c(li0,li1-1)] <- NA
  cbind(z=c(z,rep(lim,length(c(li0,li1))))[lii], zz=c(zz,lzz0,lzz1)[lii],
        zout=c(ifelse(lout, lzout, NA), lzz0, lzz1)[lii])
## -----------------------------------------------------------------
plbars <- #f
  function(x = NULL, y = NULL, midpointwidth = NULL,
           plargs = NULL, ploptions = NULL, marpar = NULL, ...)
  if (length(plargs)==0) plargs <- pl.envir ## get(...)
  if (length(ploptions)==0) ploptions <- plargs$ploptions
  if (!inherits(marpar, "i.marpar"))
    marpar <- i.getmarpar(marpar, plargs=plargs)
  if(length(loldp <- attr(marpar, "oldpar")))
    on.exit(par(loldp), add=TRUE, after=FALSE)
##-     ## workaround a problem with changing margin pars
##-     lusr <- par("usr")
##-     points(1.1*lusr[1]-0.1*lusr[2],1.1*lusr[3]-0.1*lusr[4],pch=" ",xpd=TRUE)
##-   }
  lcsize <- i.getploption("csize")
  pldata <- plargs$pldata
  if (length(x)==0)
    x <- plargs$pldata[,c(attr(pldata, "xvar", exact=TRUE),1)[1]]
  if (length(y)==0)
    y <- plargs$pldata[,c(attr(pldata, "yvar", exact=TRUE),2)[1]]
  x <- as.matrix(x)
  y <- as.matrix(y)
  lxy <- as.matrix(cbind(x,y))
  if (!is.numeric(lxy)) {
    warning(":plbars: 'x' or 'y' contain non-numeric values. no bars")
  lnobs <- sum(apply(is.finite(lxy),1,all))
  if (lnobs==0) {
    warning(":plbars: no observations. no bars")
  if (NCOL(x)==1) x <- c(x)
  if (NCOL(y)==1) y <- c(y)
  if (!(is.null(dim(x))&NCOL(y)>=3 | is.null(dim(y))&NCOL(x)>=3)) {
    warning(":plbars: unsuitable arguments 'x', 'y'. Either one must have 3 columns.",
            " -> no bars.")
  if (length(lop <- list(...))) {
    lop$ploptions <- ploptions
    ploptions <- ploptions(list=lop, assign=FALSE)
  lcol <- i.getploption("bar.col")
  llty <- rep(i.getploption("bar.lty"), length=2)
  llwd <- rep(i.getploption("bar.lwd"), length=2)
  lmpw <- i.def(midpointwidth,
                i.getploption("bar.midpointwidth")) * 0.3 * ## llwd[1] *
    diff(par("usr")[1:2+2*is.matrix(x)])/ lnobs
  if (is.matrix(x)) {
    segments(x[,1], y-lmpw, x[,1], y+lmpw, lty=llty, lwd=llwd[1],
    segments(x[,2], y, x[,3], y, lty=llty, lwd=llwd[2], col=lcol)
  if (is.matrix(y)) {
    segments(x-lmpw, y[,1], x+lmpw, y[,1], lty=llty, lwd=llwd[1],
    segments(x, y[,2], x, y[,3], lty=llty, lwd=llwd[2], col=lcol)
## -----------------------------------------------------------------
plmark <- #f
  function(x=NULL, y=NULL, markextremes=NULL, plabel=NULL,
           plargs = NULL, ploptions = NULL)
{ ## ---------------------------------
  lf.pmark <- function(mprop, x) {
    lrk <- (rank(x, na.last="keep")-0.5)/sum(is.finite(x))
    lrk<mprop[1] | lrk>1-mprop[2]
  if (length(plargs)==0) plargs <- pl.envir ## get(...)
  if (length(ploptions)==0) ploptions <- plargs$ploptions
  plabel <- i.def(i.def(plabel, plargs$plfeatures$plabel), pl.envir$plabel)
  if (u.isnull(plabel)) {
    warning(":plmark: no plabels found")
  if (length(x)==0) x <- plargs$pldata[,1]
  lx <- if (is.data.frame(x)) x[,1] else x 
  ly <- if (is.data.frame(y)) y[,1] else y 
  lnobs <-
    if (u.isnull(ly)) sum(is.finite(lx)) else sum(is.finite(lx)&is.finite(ly))
  lmxdef <- ceiling(sqrt(lnobs)/2)/lnobs
  lmx <- i.getploption("markextremes")
  if(is.function(lmx)) lmx <- lmx(lnobs)
  if (is.list(markextremes))  
    lmx <- lapply(markextremes, function(x) i.def(x, lmxdef))
  if (lnmn <- length(lmxnm <- names(lmx))) {
    lmxx <- i.def(unlist(lmx[attr(x,"varname", exact=TRUE)]), lmxdef)
    lmxy <- i.def(unlist(lmx[attr(y,"varname", exact=TRUE)]), lmxdef)
  } else {
    if(length(lmx)<=1)  lmxx <- lmxy <- i.def(lmx[[1]], lmxdef)
    else {
      lmxx <- lmx[[1]]
      lmxy <- lmx[[2]]
##-   lmxx[is.na(lmxx)] <- lmxdef
##-   lmxy[is.na(lmxy)] <- lmxdef
  rr <- if (any(unlist(lmx)>0)) {
    li <- lf.pmark(rep(lmxx, length=2), lx)
    if (length(y)) li <- li | lf.pmark(rep(lmxy, length=2), ly)
    ifelse(li, plabel, "")
  } else rep("", length(lx)) ## plabel
} ## end plmark
## -----------------------------------------------------------------
plsmooth <- #f
  function(x = NULL, y = NULL, ysec = NULL, band=NULL, power = NULL,
           group=NULL, weight=NULL, 
           smooth = TRUE, plargs = NULL, ploptions=NULL, xy=TRUE, ...)
  if (length(plargs)==0) plargs <- pl.envir ## get(...)
  if (length(ploptions)==0) ploptions <- plargs$ploptions
  lplft <- plargs$plfeatures
  if (is.null(xy)||u.notfalse(xy)) {
    lxy <- i.getxy(x, y, plargs, ploptions=ploptions,
                   call=match.call(), envir=parent.frame())
    if (is.null(lxy)) return()
    x <- lxy$x
    y <- lxy$y
    ploptions <- lxy$ploptions
  if (length(x)<i.getploption("smooth.minobs")) {
    warning(":plsmooth: too few observations. no smooth")
    return() ## lxy[c("x","y")])
  ##  pldata <- lxy$plargs$pldata
  if (length(group)) {
    if (length(group)%nin%c(1,nrow(plargs$pldata)))
      warning(":plsmooth: argument 'group' has wrong length. It is ignored.")
      plargs$pldata[,".smooth.group."] <- group
  lIsm <- i.getplopt(smooth)
  llsm <- lplft$smooth
  if (length(smooth)==0 && length(llsm)) lIsm <- llsm 
  lIband <- i.def(band, i.getploption("smooth.band"))
  if (length(band)==0 && length(llsm)) lIband <- llsm>1
  lsm <- NULL
  if (lIsm) {
    power <- i.def(power, 1,1,1)
    ## lIband <- i.def(i.def(lIband, lIsm>=2), FALSE, TRUE, FALSE)
    if (length(lxn <- attr(x, "numvalues", exact=TRUE))) x <- lxn
    if (length(lyn <- attr(y, "numvalues", exact=TRUE))) y <- lyn
    ly <- if(length(ysec)==0) y else {if (length(y)==0) ysec else cbind(y,ysec)}
    lsm <- gensmooth(x, ly, band=lIband[1], power=power, weight=weight,
                     plargs=plargs, ploptions=ploptions)
    ## --------------
    ysecsm <- NULL
      if (length(ysec)) { ## separate  y  and  ysec
      lny <- NCOL(y) * (length(y)>0) ## ... NCOL(NULL) is 1 !
      ysecsm <- lsm[["y"]]
      if (lny==0) lsm$y <- NULL else {
        lsm$y <- ysecsm[,1:lny]
        ysecsm <- ysecsm[,-(1:lny)]
    plsmoothline(lsm, x, y=y, ysec = ysecsm, plargs=plargs, ploptions=ploptions, ...)
## --------------------------------------------------------------
plsmoothline <- #f
  function(smoothline = NULL, x = NULL, y = NULL, ysec = NULL,
           smooth.col = NULL, smooth.lty = NULL, smooth.lwd = NULL, 
           plargs = NULL, ploptions = NULL, marpar = NULL, ...)
  if (length(plargs)==0) plargs <- pl.envir ## get(...)
  if (length(ploptions)==0) ploptions <- plargs$ploptions
  if (!inherits(marpar, "i.marpar"))
    marpar <- i.getmarpar(marpar, plargs=plargs)
  if(length(loldp <- attr(marpar, "oldpar")))
    on.exit(par(loldp), add=TRUE, after=FALSE)
##-     ## workaround a problem with changing margin pars
##-     lusr <- par("usr")
##-     points(1.1*lusr[1]-0.1*lusr[2],1.1*lusr[3]-0.1*lusr[4],pch=" ",xpd=TRUE)
##-   }
  lcsize <- i.getploption("csize")
  ## --- data
  if (u.isnull(smoothline)) {
    if (length(x)&&length(y)==length(x))
      smoothline <- list(x=x, y=y)
    else {
      warning(":plsmoothline: no smoothline found")
  if (!is.list(smoothline)) {
    warning(":plsmoothline: 'smoothline' is not suitable. No smooth line")
##-   if (u.isnull(x)&&u.isnull(y)) { ## does not make sense since pldata will not contain smooths
##-     lxy <- i.getxy(x, y, plargs, call=match.call(), envir=parent.frame())
##-     plargs <- lxy$plargs
##-     ploptions <- lxy$ploptions
##-     x <- lxy$x
##-     y <- lxy$y
##-   }
  lx <- i.def(smoothline[["x"]], x)
  if (length(lx)==0) {
    warning(":plsmoothline: no x values. No smooth line")
  ly <- i.def(smoothline[["y"]], y)
  lIy <- length(ly)>0
  lIysec <- length(ysec)>0
  if (lIy) ly <- as.matrix(ly)
  if (lIysec) ysec <- as.matrix(ysec)
  if (!(lIy|lIysec)) {
    warning(":plsmoothline: neither 'y' nor 'ysec' given. No smooth line")
  lbd <- smoothline$yband
  lIband <- length(lbd)>0
  if (length(smooth.col))
    ploptions$smooth.col <-
      i.def(smooth.col, i.getploption("smooth.col"), valuefalse="black")
  if (length(smooth.lty))
    ploptions$smooth.lty <-
      i.def(smooth.lty, i.getploption("smooth.lty"), valuefalse=1)
  if (length(smooth.lwd))
    ploptions$smooth.lwd <-
      i.def(smooth.lwd, i.getploption("smooth.lwd"), valuefalse=0.1)
  lxtrim <- i.getploption("smooth.xtrim")
  lrgx <- attr(x,"innerrange", exact=TRUE)
  if (length(lsc <- attr(x, "plscale", exact=TRUE)))
    lx <- attr(plscale(lx, plscale=lsc), "numvalues", exact=TRUE)
##-   if (length(lsc <- attr(y, "plscale", exact=TRUE))) {
##-     if (lIy) ly <- as.matrix(attr(plscale(ly, plscale=lsc), "numvalues", exact=TRUE))
##-     if (lIysec) ysec <- as.matrix(attr(plscale(ysec, plscale=lsc), "numvalues", exact=TRUE))
##-     if (lIband) lbd <- attr(plscale(lbd, plscale=lsc), "numvalues", exact=TRUE)
##-   }
  ## ---
  lcol <- i.getploption("smooth.col")
  llty <- i.getploption("smooth.lty")
  lgrp <- as.numeric(smoothline$group)
  if (lInogrp <- length(lgrp)==0 || length(unique(dropNA(lgrp)))<=1) {
    lgrp <- rep(1, NROW(lx))
    lngrp <- 1
  } else {
    lngrp <- max(lgrp)
    if (length(lcol)<lngrp) {
      llcol <- i.getploption("col")
      if (length(llcol)>1) llcol <- llcol[-1]
      lcol <- rep(i.def(i.getploption("group.col"), llcol,
                        valuefalse=lcol[1]), length=lngrp)
    lltydf <- i.getploption("lty")
    llty <- rep(i.def(i.getploption("group.lty"),
                      i.def(lltydf[-1],llty), valuefalse=llty), length=lngrp)
##-   if (is.numeric(lcol)) {
##-     lcl <- i.getoption("colors")
##-     lcol <- c(lcl[1],rep(lcl[-1], length=lngrp))[lcol+1]
##-     ##[ifelse(lcol==0,1,(lcol-1)%%lngrp+2)]
##-   }
  ## check if ordered
  lio <- order(lgrp, lx)[1:sum(is.finite(lx))]
  if (length(lio)!=length(lx) || any(lio!=1:length(lio))) {
    lx <- lx[lio]
    if (lIy) ly <- ly[lio,, drop=FALSE]
    if (lIysec) ysec <- ysec[lio,, drop=FALSE]
    lgrp <- lgrp[lio]
    lngrp <- max(lgrp)
    if (lIband) {
      lbd <- lbd[lio]
      smoothline$ybandindex <- smoothline$ybandindex[lio]
  lx <- clipat(lx, lrgx, clipped=NA) 
  ## may be a 2-vector or  a matrix of 2 rows
  llwd <- rep(c(i.getploption("smooth.lwd"), 0.7), length=2)
  llwid <- i.getploption("linewidth")
  lpale <- i.getploption("smooth.pale")
  for (lgr in seq_len(lngrp)) {
    lig <- which(lgrp==lgr)
    lxg <- lx[lig]
    lyg <- ly[lig,, drop=FALSE]
    lysecg <- ysec[lig,]
    if (all(is.na(lyg))&&all(is.na(lysecg))) next
    if (1< (lng <- length(lig))) {
      lndr <- i.def(smoothline$xtrim, 1) * 
        round(lng * if(is.function(lxtrim)) lxtrim(lng)
                    else i.def(lxtrim, 0, smoothxtrim(lng), 0) )
      if (lndr) lxg[- ((lndr+1):(lng-lndr)) ] <- NA
      lcl <- lcol[lgr] ## lcol[min(lgr,length(lcol))]
      llt <- llty[lgr]
      llw <- llwd[1]*llwid[llt]
      lclp <- if (lInogrp) lcol[2] else lcl
      lclp <- i.def(lclp, colorpale(lcl, lpale))
      if (lIysec) 
        matlines(lxg, lysecg, lty=llt, lwd=llwd[2]*llw, col = lclp, ...)
      if (lIy) matlines(lxg, lyg, lty=llt, lwd=llw, col=lcl, ...)  ## xxx
      if (lIband) {
        li <- smoothline$ybandindex[lig] ## separate upper and lower smooth
        ## ??? does this work with re-sorting?
        if (any(li))
          lines(lxg[li], lbd[lig[li]], lty=llt, lwd=llw/2, col = lcl, ...) 
        if (any(!li))
          lines(lxg[!li], lbd[lig[!li]], lty=llty, lwd=llw/2, col = lcl, ...) 
## -----------------------------------------------------------------
plrefline <- #f
  function(refline, x=NULL, innerrange=NULL, y=NULL,
           cutrange = c(x=TRUE, y=FALSE),
           plargs = NULL, ploptions = NULL, ...)
  ## draws a reference line (with extended range) and
  ##   band given by reflineyw (only inner range) if requested
  lf.irna <- function(x, rg) {
    x[x<rg[1]|x>rg[2]] <- NA
  ## ---
  if (length(plargs)==0) plargs <- pl.envir ## get(...)
  if (length(ploptions)==0) ploptions <- plargs$ploptions
  llty <- rep(i.getploption("refline.lty"), length=2)
  llwd <- rep(i.getploption("refline.lwd"), length=2)
  llcol <- rep(i.getploption("refline.col"), length=2)
  lusr <- par("usr")
  ## ---
  if (missing(refline)||u.isnull(refline)) {
    warning(":plrefline: argument refline is NULL. No refline")
  ## a single refline is turned into a list of length 1
  if (is.list(refline)&&any(c("coefficients", "coef", "x", "y")%in%names(refline)))
    refline <- list(refline)
  if (!is.list(refline)) refline <- list(refline)
  for (lirfl in seq_along(refline)) {
    lrfl <- refline[[lirfl]]
    lrfyb <- NULL
    if (is.function(lrfl)) {
      if (u.isnull(x)|u.isnull(y)) {
        lpldata <- plargs$pldata
        if (u.isnull(x))
          x <- lpldata[,tail(i.def(attr(lpldata,"xvar", exact=TRUE),2),1)]  
        if (u.isnull(y))
          y <- lpldata[,tail(i.def(attr(lpldata,"yvar", exact=TRUE),1),1)]
        if (u.isnull(x)|u.isnull(y)) {
          warning(":plrefline: no x and/or y values found for fitting the function")
      lrfl <-
        if (names(formals(lrfl))[1]=="formula") try(lrfl(y~x))
        else try(lrfl(x,y))
        if (inherits(lrfl, "try-error")) {
          warning(":plrefline: argument refline contains an unsuitable function")
    if (is.list(lrfl)&&length(lrfl$coef)) lrfl <- lrfl$coef
    if (is.character(x)) x <- plargs$pldata[,x]
    if (is.character(y)) y <- plargs$pldata[,y]
    if (u.isnull(innerrange)) innerrange <- attr(x, "innerrange", exact=TRUE)
    if (length(lxn <- attr(x, "numvalues", exact=TRUE))) x <- lxn
    if (length(lyn <- attr(y, "numvalues", exact=TRUE))) y <- lyn
    if (is.atomic(lrfl)) {
      if (length(lrfl)!=2) {
        warning(":plrefline: 'refline' not suitable. No refline")
      lrfx <- seq(lusr[1],lusr[2],
      lrfy <- lrfl[1]+lrfl[2]*lrfx ## needs correction if lIxir
    } else {
      lrfx <- lrfl$x
      lrfy <- lrfl$y
      if (length(lrfx)==0|length(lrfx)!=NROW(lrfy)) {
        warning(":plrefline: 'refline' not suitable. No refline")
      if (all(lrfx<lusr[1]|lrfx>lusr[2], na.rm=TRUE)) {
        warning(":plrefline: no x coordinates in plot range")
      lrfyb <- lrfl$band
    lIrfyb <- length(lrfyb)
    ## ---
    ## haul lrfl to inner plotrange
    if (length(innerrange)>0) {
      if (u.isnull(x))
        x <- plargs$pldata[, i.def(attr(plargs$pldata,"xvar", exact=TRUE),1)[1]]
      if (u.isnull(y))
        y <- plargs$pldata[, i.def(attr(plargs$pldata,"yvar", exact=TRUE),1)[2]]
      lIxir <- any(attr(x,"nouter", exact=TRUE)>0)
      lxir <- attr(x,"innerrange", exact=TRUE)
      lIyir <- any(attr(y,"nouter", exact=TRUE)>0)
      lyir <- attr(y,"innerrange", exact=TRUE)
      cutrange <- rep(i.def(cutrange, TRUE), length=2)
      if (lIxir) {
        if (i.def(cutrange[1], TRUE)) lrfx <- lf.irna(lrfx, lxir)
          lrfx <- plcoord(lrfx, range=lxir, ploptions=ploptions)
      if (lIyir) {
        if (i.def(cutrange[2], FALSE)) lrfy <- lf.irna(lrfy, lyir)
        lrfy <- plcoord(lrfy, range=lyir, ploptions=ploptions)
        if (lIrfyb)  ## band: values outside inner range -> NA
          lrfb <- apply(as.matrix(lrfb),2, lf.irna, rg=lyir)
    ## draw reference lines
    llt <- rep(i.def(attr(lrfl, "lty", exact=TRUE), llty), length=2)
    llw <- rep(i.def(attr(lrfl, "lwd", exact=TRUE), llwd), length=2)
    llc <- rep(i.def(attr(lrfl, "lcol", exact=TRUE), llcol), length=2)
    matlines(lrfx, lrfy, lty=llt[1], lwd=llw[1], col=llc[1])
    if (lIrfyb)
      matlines(lrfx, as.matrix(lrfy+lrfyb), lty=llt[2], lwd=llw[2], col=llc[2])
## =========================================================================
plcoord <- #f
  function(x, range=NULL, innerrange.factor=NULL, innerrange.ext=NULL,
           plext=NULL, ploptions=NULL)
  ## Purpose:    values for plot with limited "inner" plot range
  lx <- structure(as.numeric(x), dim=dim(x))
  ldtrg <- range(lx, finite=TRUE)
  lirfunc <- i.getploption("innerrange.function")
  if (is.character(lirfunc)) lirfunc <- get(lirfunc)
  innerrange.factor <- i.getplopt(innerrange.factor)
  innerrange.ext <- i.getplopt(innerrange.ext)
  plext <- i.getplopt(plext)
  ## ---
  if (length(range)>0) {
    range <- rep(range, length=2)
    ## range <- range(range, finite=TRUE)
    if ( (!is.na(range[1])&&range[1]>ldtrg[2]) |
         (!is.na(range[2])&&range[2]<ldtrg[1]) ) { ## ranges do not overlap
      warning(":plcoord: inadequate range. Not used")
      range <- NULL
  lrg <- range
  if (length(lrg)==0||any(is.na(lrg))) {
    lrg <- lirfunc(lx, fac=innerrange.factor)
    if (length(lrg)==0) lrg <- ldtrg
    if (length(range)) {
      li <- !is.na(range)
      lrg[li] <- range[li]
  } else 
    if (diff(lrg)==0) lrg <- c(-1,1)*lrg
  ## --------- transformation of data into plcoord
  lx[!is.finite(lx)] <- NA
  rr <- pmax(pmin(lx,lrg[2]),lrg[1])
  lxd <- lx-rr
  lnouter <- c(sum(lxd<0, na.rm=TRUE),sum(lxd>0, na.rm=TRUE)) ## lxd is finite
  if (sum(lnouter)>0) rr <- rr+lxd/(1+abs(lxd)/(diff(lrg)*innerrange.ext))
  ## if data fits into extended inner range, then avoid inner range
  lrg <- ifelse(lnouter>0, lrg, ldtrg)
##-   lrgext <- i.extendrange(lrg, plext)
##-   ## inner range must not extend beyond data
##-   if (ldtrg[1]>=lrgext[1]) lrg[1] <- ldtrg[1]
##-   if (ldtrg[2]<=lrgext[2]) lrg[2] <- ldtrg[2]
##-   ## enlarge to cover 'range'
##-   lrg <- c(min(lrg[1],range[1]), max(lrg[2],range[2]))
  ## ---------
  ## extend range to plotting range
  lplrg <- i.extendrange(lrg, ifelse(lnouter>0, innerrange.ext, plext))
  ## extend inner range if there are no modified points
  ## lrg <- ifelse(lnouter>0, lrg, lplrg) ## adjust to the needs of plotting 
  attr(rr,"innerrange") <- lrg
  attr(rr,"innerrange.ext") <- innerrange.ext
    ## needed for transforming further quantities
  attr(rr,"nouter") <- lnouter
  attr(rr,"plrange") <- lplrg
  class(rr) <- class(lx)
## -------------------------------------------------------------------
## =====================================================================
gendate <-
  function (date=NULL, year=2000, month=1, day=1, hour=0, min=0, sec=0,
            data=NULL, format="y-m-d", origin=NULL)
  ## generate time -> chron
  ## -------------------------------------------------------------
  lcall <- match.call()
  ## ltimeargs <- c("date", "year", "month", "day", "hour", "min", "sec")
  ldt <- list(date=NA, year=2000, month=1, day=1, hour=0, min=0, sec=0)
  origin <- i.def(origin, c(month=1, day=1, year=i.getploption("date.origin")) )
  lnm <- NULL
  ## --- arguments
  largs <- setdiff(names(lcall)[-1], c("data", "format","origin"))
  data <- as.data.frame(data)
  if (length(largs)==0)    stop("!gendate! no date and time variables specified")
  inp <-
    parse(text = paste("list(", paste(as.list(lcall[largs]), collapse = ","),")"),
                 keep.source = FALSE)
  vars <- try(eval(inp, data, enclos=parent.frame()), silent=TRUE)
  if (inherits(vars, "try-error")) {
    lvnmiss <- setdiff(largs, names(data))
    stop(sub("object", "!gendate! variable (or object)",
               attr(vars, "condition")$message),
         if (length(lvnmiss)>1)
           paste(". \n    All of ",
                 paste(lvnmiss, collapse=", "), "may be unavailable.")
  names(vars) <- largs
  ldt[largs] <- vars
  ldt <- as.data.frame(ldt)
  lln <- unique(lapply(ldt, length))
  if (length(lln[lln>1])>1)
    stop("!gendate! differing lengths of arguments")
  ## month
  if (is.factor(ldt$month)) ldt$month <- as.character(ldt$month)
  if (is.character(ldt$month)) {
    lmnum <- match(ldt$month, c.months, nomatch=0) ## distiguish NA and nommatch
    if (any(lmnum==0, na.rm=TRUE)) lmnum <- match(ldt$month, c.mon, nomatch=0)
    if (any(lmnum==0, na.rm=TRUE))
      stop("!gendate! inadequate argument 'month'")
    ldt$month <- lmnum
  ## --- argument 'date'
  date <- ldt$date
  if (length(date)&&!all(is.na(date))) { ## get  timeargs  from  date
    if (inherits(date, "Date"))
      date <- chron::dates(format(date), format="y-m-d", origin=origin)
    else {
      if (inherits(date,"factor")) date <- as.character(date)
      if (is.character(date))
        date <- chron::dates(date, format=c(format, "h:m:s"), origin=origin)
    if (!inherits(date, "times")) 
      stop("!gendate! argument 'date' not suitable.")
##    if (length(setdiff(largs, "date"))==0) return(chron::chron(date))
  } else 
    date <- chron::dates(
      paste(ldt$year, ldt$month, floor(as.numeric(ldt$day)), sep="-"),
      format="y-m-d", origin=origin)
  ## ---
##-   if (inherits(date, "chron")) ## date already has 'times'
##-     return(structure(date, format=i.getploption("date.format")) )
  ## --- hours, min, sec
  ## convert too large numbers
  if ("sec"%in%largs && any(li <- ldt$sec>=60, na.rm=TRUE)) {
    li <- which(li)
    ldt$min[li] <- ldt$min[li]+ldt$sec[li]%/%60
    ldt$sec[li] <- ldt$sec[li]%%60
  if ("min"%in%largs && any(li <- ldt$min>=60, na.rm=TRUE)) {
    li <- which(li)
    ldt$hour[li] <- ldt$hour[li]+ldt$min[li]%/%60
    ldt$min[li] <- ldt$min[li]%%60
  if ("hour"%in%largs && any(li <- ldt$hour>=24, na.rm=TRUE)) {
    li <- which(li)
    date[li] <- date[li]+ ldt$hour[li]%/%24
    ldt$hour[li] <- ldt$hour[li]%%24
  ## convert decimals to lower units
  lf.dec <- function(x)  round(x,2)-floor(x+0.005) ## not general enough
  if ("day"%in%largs && any(0!= (ldec <- lf.dec(ldt$day)), na.rm=TRUE)) {
    ldt$day <- floor(ldt$day) 
    if ("hour"%nin%largs) ldt$hour <- round(ldec*24 + ldt$hour - 0.000005, 5)
  if (any(0!= (ldec <- lf.dec(ldt$hour)), na.rm=TRUE)) {
    ldt$hour <- floor(ldt$hour+0.005)
    if ("min"%nin%largs) ldt$min <- round(ldec*60 + ldt$min - 0.0005)
  if (any(0.001<abs(ldec <- lf.dec(ldt$min)), na.rm=TRUE)) {
    ldt$min <- floor(ldt$min+0.005)
    if ("sec"%nin%largs) ldt$sec <- round(ldec*60 - 0.5) ## + ldt$sec  must be zero
  date <-
    chron::chron(date, paste(ldt$hour, ldt$min, ldt$sec, sep=":"),
                 format=c(dates=format, times="h:m:s"), origin=attr(date,"origin"))
  if (length(lnm)) names(date) <- lnm
  structure(date, format=i.getploption("date.format"))
} ## end gendate
## =====================================================================
gendateaxis <- #f
  function(date=NULL, year=2000, month=1, day=1, hour=0, min=0, sec=0,
           data=NULL, format="y-m-d", origin=NULL, ploptions=NULL)
  ## generate time axis.
  ## resulting tick labels may exceed data range by quite a bit
  ## -------------------------------------------------------------
  lf.seq <- function(x) seq(min(x),max(x))
  lf.tickat <-
    function(tickunit, tickint, llev, llvlg, ystart, mstart, lnlev) { ## , label=FALSE
      ## generate ticks in  tickint [tickunit]  intervals
      if (tickunit=="y") return(ystart)
      llunit <- match(tickunit, names(lnlev))
      llev[[llunit]] <- ltatu <- ## units that may be used
        seq(llunit%in%2:3, lnlev[llunit], tickint) ## m and d start at 1
      ## keep llev component of highest category if higher than tickunit,
      ## generate levels of lower ones for the whole span PLUS 1 for the end
      lv1 <- llev[[llvlg]]
      if (llvlg < llunit-1) {
        for (ll in (llvlg+1):(llunit-1)) { ## no llunit-1 instead of (llunit-1) !!!?
          llev[[ll]] <- llv <- seq(ll%in%2:3, lnlev[ll]) ## m and d start at 1
          lv1 <- c(outer(llv, lv1*100, "+"))
      if (llvlg<llunit)
        ltatu <- c(outer(ltatu, lv1*100, "+")) ## information for getting label
      ## ---
      if (tickunit=="m")  ltat <- mstart[seq(1, length(mstart), tickint)]
      else { ## mstart contains start of month for whole year(s). select those needed
        llday <- llev[["d"]]
        ltat <- c(outer(llday-1, mstart, "+"))
          ## day starts with 1 [llev[["m"]]]
        lmd <- c(outer(llday, 100*(llev[["m"]]), "+"))
        ltatu[lmd%in%c(limpossible, limpossible+1)] <- NA 
        liat <- lmd %nin% (limpossible+1) ## +1: keep tick at end of last day month
        ltat <- ltat[liat]
        ltatu <- ltatu[liat]
        if (tickunit!="d") { ## !!? mit llev arbeiten! oder 1:length(lv1)
          ltat <- c(outer(llev[["h"]]/24, ltat, "+"))
          if (tickunit!="h") {
            ltat <- c(outer(llev[["M"]]/(24*60), ltat, "+"))
            if (tickunit=="M") ltat <- ltat[seq(0, length(ltat), tickint)]
            else {
              ltat <- c(outer(llev[["s"]]/(24*60), ltat, "+"))
              if (tickunit=="s") ltat <- ltat[seq(0, length(ltat), tickint)]
              else  stop("!gendateaxis/lf.tickat! bug")
        ltatu <- ltatu[1:length(ltat)] ## ???
      if (length(ltat)!=length(ltatu)) 
        warning("debug lf.ticksat: length(ltat)!=length(ltatu)")
      ## avoid duplicated ticks. select second label
      li <- length(ltat)+1-which(duplicated(rev(ltat)))
      if (length(li)) {
        ltat <- ltat[-li]
        ltatu <- ltatu[-li] ## if (label) 
      attr(ltat, "at.inunit") <- ltatu  ## if (label) 
      ltat ## structure(ltat, at.inunit=ltatu)
    } ## end lf.tickat
  ## -----
  lnlev <- c(y=100, m=12, d=31, h=24, M=60, s=60)
  limpossible <- c(229, 230, 231, 431, 631, 931, 1131) ## non-existing days
  ## ---------------------------------------
  ## --- prepare
  lcall <- match.call()
  ldtk <- i.getploption("date.ticks")  ## time level and number of ticks
  ## gendate
  lcall$ploptions <- NULL
  lcall[[1]] <- quote(gendate)
  mode(lcall) <- "call"
  date <- eval(lcall, sys.parent())
  ## ---------
  ldt <- dropNA(date)
  if (length(ldt)==0) {
    warning("!gendateaxis! no valid dates found. dateaxis not generated")
  lattr <- attributes(date)
  lvlab <- lattr$varlabel ## for later use
  lorigin <- if (length(lor <- lattr$origin))
    julian(as.Date(paste(lor[c("year","month","day")], collapse="-"))) else 0  
  if (length(lattr)) { ## avoid piling up of attributes
    li <-
              c("numvalues", "ticksat", "ticklabelsat", "ticklabels", "units") )  
    attributes(date) <- lattr[li]
  lndays <- diff(range(ldt))
  lidtk <- which(ldtk$limit<lndays)[1] ## which line of ldtk
  ## -----------------------------------------------------------------
  ldate <- data.frame(chron::month.day.year(ldt+lorigin)[c(3,1,2)],
    hour = chron::hours(ldt), min = chron::minutes(ldt),
    sec = chron::seconds(ldt))
  ## avoid new day or month or year caused by a midnight obs.
  if (diff(range(ldate$hour))!=0)
    ldate <- ldate[!(ldate$day==1&ldate$hour==0&ldate$min==0),]
  llev <- lapply(ldate, lf.seq) ## how many values of which unit are there?
  names(llev) <- names(lnlev)
  ## which units vary?
  lvr <- sapply(llev, length) >1
  llvlg <- which(lvr)[1]
  llsm <- length(lvr)+1-which(rev(lvr))[1]
  ## lIym <- length(c(unique(ldate$year), unique(ldate$mon)))>2 
  lyr <- lf.seq(ldate$year)
  lystart <- julian(as.Date(paste(lyr,"1-1", sep="-")))-lorigin
  lmn <- 1:12 ## if (llvlg>=3) lf.seq(ldate$mon)+1 else 1:12
  lyy <- if (length(lyr)==1) lyr else rep(lyr, each=12)
  ##  lmstart <- julian(as.Date(paste(lyy,lmn,"1", sep="-")))-lorigin
  lmstart <- julian(as.Date(paste(lyy,lmn,"1", sep="-")))[llev$m]-lorigin
  ltatsmall <-
    c(lf.tickat(ldtk$smallunit[lidtk], ldtk$smallint[lidtk],
                llev=llev, llvlg=llvlg, ystart=lystart, mstart=lmstart,
                lnlev=lnlev) ) ## ( attr "at.inunit" may be too short. not used here)
  ltatbig <-
    c(lf.tickat(ldtk$bigunit[lidtk], ldtk$bigint[lidtk],
                llev=llev, llvlg=llvlg, ystart=lystart, mstart=lmstart,
                lnlev=lnlev) )
  llunit <- ldtk$labelunit[lidtk]
  llint <- ldtk$labelint[lidtk]
  ltatlabel <-
    lf.tickat(llunit, llint,
              llev=llev, llvlg=llvlg, ystart=lystart, mstart=lmstart,
              lnlev=lnlev)  ## , label=TRUE
  ## --- ticklabels
  ltatu <- attr(ltatlabel, "at.inunit", exact=TRUE)
  lls <- any(ltatu>=100, na.rm=TRUE)
  ll <- list(u1 = ltatu%%100, u2 = if (lls) ltatu%/%100, sep=lls)
  lf.nabl <- function(x) {x[x=="NA"] <- "";x}
  llab <- 
           y = as.character(lyr),
           m = paste(c.mon[ll$u1], ll$u2, sep = if(ll$sep) "." else ""),
           d = lf.nabl(paste(ll$u1, c.mon[ll$u2], sep=if(ll$sep) " " else "")),
           h = paste(ll$u2, ll$u1, sep = if(ll$sep) "|" else ""),
           M = paste(ll$u2, ll$u1, sep = if(ll$sep) ":" else ""),
           s = paste(ll$u2, ll$u1, sep = if(ll$sep) ":" else ""),
             warning(":gendateaxis: labels went wrong. check ploptions(\"date.ticks\"")
  llab[is.na(ltatu)] <- ""
##-   if (llunit=="d") {
##-   }
  if (length(lvlab)==0 ||
      (length(l <- attr(lvlab, "setbyuser", exact=TRUE))&&!l) ) {
    llv1 <- c("A",names(llev))[llvlg] ## level that does not vary
    lvlab <- structure(
             A = list(), ## "year",
             y = as.character(llev[[1]]),
             m = paste(c.months[llev[[2]]], llev[[1]]), 
             d = paste(llev[[3]], c.months[llev[[2]]]),
             h = "minute",
             M = "second",
      setbyuser = FALSE)
  ## drop labels outside range
  lina <- is.na(clipat(ltatlabel, i.extendrange(unclass(range(ldt))), clipped=NA))
  if (any(lina)) {
    ltatlabel <- ltatlabel[!lina]
    llab <- llab[!lina]
    ltatu <- ltatu[!lina]
  ## ticklabelsat
  llu <- match(llunit, c("y","m","d","h","M","s"), nomatch=0)
  if (llu<llsm) ## turn into interval
    ltatlabel <- outer(ltatlabel, c(0, c(365, 30, 1, 0,0)[llu]), "+")
  ## 1/24, 1/(24*60)
  ##      at.inunit = attr(ltatlabel, "at.inunit") )
  if (llunit=="d" & ldtk[lidtk,"labelint"]!=1) { ## drop mark at day 31
    li31 <- ltatu%%100==31
    li31[length(li31)] <- FALSE ## do not drop at end of scale
    llab[li31] <- ""
  attr(ltatlabel, "at.inunit") <- NULL
  structure(date, numvalues=c(unclass(date)),
            ticksat=structure(ltatbig, small=ltatsmall),
            ticklabelsat=ltatlabel, ticklabels=llab, varlabel=lvlab)
## ===========================================================================
i.pchcens <- #f
  function(plargs, condquant)
    ##  Delta, nabla, >, <, quadrat : pch= c(24, 25, 62, 60, 32)
  if (u.isnull(condquant) | !u.isnull(lpc <- plargs$pldata$".pch."))
  ploptions <- plargs$ploptions
  lpch <- i.getploption("censored.pch", opts=ploptions)
  lpc <- rep(i.def(lpch[1],1), nrow(plargs$pldata))
  lpc[condquant[,"index"]] <- i.def(lpch[2],3)

## ====================================================================
pllimits <- #f
  function(pllim, data, limfac = NULL, FUNC=NULL)
{ ## determine inner plot range
  ## if pllim is a list or a matrix, leave it alone
  lIcq <- inherits(data, "condquant")
  ldt <- cbind( if (lIcq) c(data[,1:3]) else data )
  pllim <- i.def(pllim, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE)
  if (length(pllim)>1)
    if (any(dim(cbind(pllim))!=c(2,NCOL(ldt)))) {
      warning(":plregr/pllimits: unsuitable argument  pllim ")
      pllim <- TRUE
  lfunc <- i.getploption("innerrange.function")
  limfac <- i.getploption("innerrange.factor")
  if (length(pllim)==1 && is.logical(pllim))
    pllim <-
      if (pllim) apply(ldt, 2, lfunc, fac=limfac) else
      matrix(FALSE, 2, NCOL(ldt))
  if ((!is.list(pllim))&length(pllim)==2) pllim <- as.matrix(pllim)
## ========================================================================
plsubset <- #f
  function(x, subset = NULL, omit = NULL, select = NULL, drop = FALSE,
           keeprange = FALSE)
  ## subset, adjusting attributes
  ## adaptation of  subset.data.frame 
  if (!inherits(x, "data.frame"))
    x <- as.data.frame(x=x)
##    stop("!plsubset! 'x' must inherit from data.frame")
  e <- if (lIsubset <- length(match.call()$subset))
         substitute(subset) else substitute(omit)
  r <- if (lIsubset & length(e)==0) rep_len(TRUE, nrow(x))
       else  dropNA(eval(e, x, parent.frame()))
  if (is.logical(r)) r <- which(r)
  if (is.character(r)) {
    ir <- match(r, row.names(x), nomatch=0)
    if (all(ir==0))
      stop("!plsubset! 'subset' is character, but contains no row.names of 'x'")
    if (any(ir==0))
      warning(":plsubset: 'subset' contains strings that are no row.names:\n  ",
              if (sum(ir==0)<=10) paste(r[ir==0], collapse=", ")
              else  paste(paste(r[ir==0][1:10], collapse=", "), "...")
    r <- ir[ir!=0]
  if (!lIsubset) r <- setdiff(1:nrow(x), r) ## omit has been used
  rr <- transferAttributes( x[r,, drop=FALSE], x)
  if (length(select)) {
    nl <- as.list(seq_along(x))
    names(nl) <- names(x)
    vars <- eval(substitute(select), nl, parent.frame())
    rr <- rr[vars,, drop=FALSE]
  if (nrow(rr)==0) {
    warning(":plsubset: Empty subset")
  ## ----- attributes
  lf.rgratio <- function(x, r) {
    lrx <- diff(range(x, finite=TRUE))
    if (lrx>0) diff(range(x[r], finite=TRUE))/lrx else 1
  for (lj in seq_len(ncol(rr))) {
    lxj <- x[,lj]
    lattr <- attributes(lxj)
    lattr <- lattr[setdiff(names(lattr), "names")]
    if (length(lattr)) {
      lrgratio <-
        if (is.numeric(lxj)) lf.rgratio(lxj, r) else 1
      if ("numvalues"%in%names(lattr)) {
        lnv <- lattr$numvalues
        lnvr <- lnv[r]
        lrgratio <- lf.rgratio(lnv, r)
        lattr$numvalues <- lnvr
      if ("plcoord"%in%names(lattr)) {
        lpc <- lattr$plcoord
        lpcr <- lpc[r]
        lrgratio <- lf.rgratio(lpc, r)
        lattr$plcoord <- lpcr
      if (!is.finite(lrgratio)) {
        warning(":plsubset: something wrong with attr(...,'numvalues') ",
                "or attr(...,'plcoord')")
        lrgratio <- 1
      if ((!keeprange) & lrgratio<i.getploption("subset.rgratio")) {
        lats <- c("ticksat","ticklabelsat","ticklabels") ## drop these attributes
        lattr <- lattr[setdiff(names(lattr), lats)]
        ## date variable
        if (inherits(lxj, c("Date", "times"))) {
          attr(rr[,lj], "numvalues") <- lattr$numvalues
          lattr <- attributes(gendateaxis(rr[,lj]))
          lattr[names(lattr)] <- lattr
        ## scaled variable
        if (length(lpls <- lattr$plscale)) {
          lplsc <- plscale(lxj[r], lpls)
          lattr[lats] <- attributes(lplsc)[lats]
      attributes(rr[,lj]) <- lattr
      ## resp. genvarattributes

## ========================================================================
setvarattributes <- #f
  function(data, attributes = NULL, list = NULL, ...)
  data <- as.data.frame(data)
  lnmdata <- names(data)
##  list <- c(list, list(...))
  if (length(list) && !is.list(list))
    stop(":setvarattributes: argument 'list' must be a list")
  list <- c(list, list(...))
  if (length(list)) {
    lnames <- names(list)
    for (lnm in lnames) {
      lls <- as.list(list[[lnm]])
      llnm <- names(lls)
      if (is.null(llnm)) {
        llnm <- lnmdata
        lls <- setNames(rep(lls, length(lnmdata)), lnmdata)
      if (any(linm <- llnm%nin%lnmdata))
        stop("!setvarattributes! names of  ",lnm,"  not in ",
             "names of 'data': ", paste(llnm[linm], collapse=", "))
      for (lnmv in llnm)
        attr(data[[lnmv]], lnm) <- lls[[lnmv]]
  } else if (length(attributes)==0) warning(":setvarattributes: no attributes")
  if (length(attributes)) {
    if (!is.list(attributes))
      stop("!setvarattributes! argument 'attributes' must be a list")
    if (is.null(names(attributes))) {
      if (length(attributes)!=ncol(data))
        stop("!setvarattributes! argument 'attributes' must have names ",
             "or be of appropriate length")
      names(attributes) <- names(data)
    lnames <- names(attributes)
    if (any(linm <- lnames%nin%names(data)))
      stop("!setvarattributes! names of argument 'attributes' not in ",
           "names of 'data': ", paste(lnames[linm], collapse=", "))
    for (lnm in lnames) {
      lattr <- attributes(data[[lnm]])
      lattr[names(attributes[[lnm]])] <- attributes[[lnm]]
      attributes(data[[lnm]]) <- lattr
      if (lnm=="innerrange") {
        ## call plcoord !!!
## ==========================================================================
plyx <- #f
  function(x=NULL, y=NULL, by=NULL, group=NULL, data=NULL, type="p",
           xlab=NULL, ylab=NULL, xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, 
           markextremes=0, rescale=TRUE, mar=NULL, mf=FALSE, 
           plargs = NULL, ploptions = NULL, assign = TRUE, ...)
  lf.rg <- function(y) { ## plranges and innerranges
    plrg <- i.def(attr(y,"plrange", exact=TRUE), range(y, finite=TRUE))
    c(plrg, i.def(attr(y, "innerrange", exact=TRUE), plrg))
  ## --- intro: call pl.control
  lcall <- match.call() ## match.call modifies argument names -> sys.call
  if (length(plargs)==0) { ## call pl.control
    lcall$markextremes <- markextremes
    ldtnm <- substitute(data)
    ldtnm <- if (is.name(ldtnm))
               as.character(ldtnm) else if (length(ldtnm)) format(ldtnm)
    lcall$.subdefault <- if (length(ldtnm)<30) ldtnm else ""
    lcall[1] <- list(quote(pl.control))
    lcall <- as.call(lcall)
    plargs <- eval(lcall, envir=parent.frame())
  ## ---
  if (length(ploptions)==0) ploptions <- plargs$ploptions
  lplft <- plargs$plfeatures
  ## --- data
  pldata <- plargs$pldata
  lnr <- NROW(pldata)
  lnobs <-
    max(10, median(sapply(pldata,
                          function(x) sum(is.finite(x)) )) )
  lxnm <- attr(pldata,"xvar", exact=TRUE)
  if (is.null(lynm <- attr(pldata,"yvar", exact=TRUE))) {
    lynm <- tail(lxnm, 1)
    lxnm <- head(lxnm, -1)
  lx <- pldata[,lxnm, drop=FALSE]
  lnx <- ncol(lx)
  ly <- pldata[,lynm, drop=FALSE]
  ## why so complicated? I need this when  by  is active
  for (lj in lynm) {
    lyj <- ly[[lj]]
    lplval <- i.def(attr(lyj, "plvalues", exact=TRUE),
                    attr(lyj, "numvalues", exact=TRUE))
    if (length(lplval)) { 
       lyj <- transferAttributes(
         if(inherits(lyj, "Surv"))
           survival::Surv(lplval, lyj[,2],
                          type=attr(lyj, "type", exact=TRUE)) else lplval,
       attr(lyj, "plscale") <- NULL
       ly[,lj] <- lyj
  lny <- ncol(ly)
  ## ------------------------------------------------------
  ## --- 'by' grouping
  lnby <- 1
  lvby <- attr(pldata, "byvar") ## [[".by."]]
  lIby <- length(lvby)>0
  lby <- if(lIby)   {
    if (length(lvby)>1)
      warning(":plyx: more than one 'by' variables. I use the first one")
    lby <- i.factor(pldata[,lvby])  ## makes sure there is no extra levels
    lgrplab <- levels(lby)
    lnby <- length(lgrplab)
  ##  lgrptitline <- i.def(ltitline[2],1)
  } else  rep(1, nrow(ly))
  ## --------
  ## style elements
  lIsmooth <- i.getploption("smooth")
  lir <- u.true(i.getploption("innerrange"))
  ##-   lIfirst <- TRUE
  lplab <- pldata[[".plab."]]
  lpch <- pldata[[".pch."]]
  lIpch <- length(lpch)>0
  lpcol <- pldata[[".pcol."]]
  lclr <- i.getploption("col")
  lcsize <- i.getploption("csize") 
  ltadj <- i.getploption("title.adj")
  lcsize.pch <- i.getploption("csize.pch")  ## need to do this here such that
  ## csize.pch is fixed and does not vary with 'by' group size
  if (is.function(lcsize.pch)) lcsize.pch <- lcsize.pch(lnobs/lnby)
  plargs$ploptions$csize.pch <- lcsize.pch
  ltitl <- i.getploption("title.line")
  lsmpale <- i.getploption("smooth.pale")[2]
  lpsep <- i.getploption("panelsep")
  panel <- i.getplopt(panel)
  if (is.character(panel)) panel <- get(panel, pl.envir)
  if (!is.function(panel)) {
    warning(":plyx: 'panel' not found. Using 'plgraphics::plpanel'")
    panel <- plgraphics::plpanel
  ## --- preparations
  lyaxcol <- 1
  ## inner plotting range
  lnoutery <-
    as.matrix(sapply(ly, function(x) c(attr(x,"nouter", exact=TRUE),0,0)[1:2]>0 ))
  lIinner <- apply(lnoutery, 1, any)
  ## ranges
  lrgy <- sapply(ly, lf.rg)
  ## ---
  if (lny>1) { ## need to examine all y's and possibly reset plrange for ly[,1]
    lfs <- i.getploption("factor.show")
    if (lfs=="mbox") plargs$ploptions$factor.show <- ploptions$factor.show <- "asis"
    if (rescale==0) {
      llf <- function(y)
        i.def(i.def(attr(y, "plvalues"), attr(y, "numvalues")), y)
      lyy <- as.data.frame(lapply(ly, llf))
      lplsc <- lapply(ly, function(y) i.def(attr(y, "plscale"), NULL))
      lvlim <- sapply(ly, function(y) i.def(attr(y, "vlim"), c(NA,NA)))
      if (any(!is.na(lvlim)))
        attr(lyy, "vlim") <-
          c(min(lvlim[1,], na.rm=TRUE), max(lvlim[2], na.rm=TRUE)) 
      ## innerrange?
      lir <- lir &&
        any(sapply(ly, function(y) length(attr(y, "innerrange"))>0))
      lps0 <- all(sapply(lplsc, length)==0)
      lplsc <- unique(unlist(lplsc))
      ltickscale <- NULL
      if (!lps0) {
        if (length(lplsc)>1)
          warning(":plyx! different plot scales. I cannot keep scales equal")
        else  ltickscale <- lplsc
      lyc <- i.genvattrcont(c(unlist(lyy)), ploptions=ploptions,
      lattr <-
        attributes(lyc)[c("plrange", "ticksat", "ticklabelsat", "ticklabels")]
      lirg <- attr(lyc, "innerrange")
      lirg <- i.def(lirg, lattr$plrange)
      for (lj in 1:lny) {
        attr(ly[,lj], "plcoord") <- c(plcoord(lyy[,lj], range=lirg))
        latt <- c(lattr, innerrange=list(lirg))
        attributes(ly[,lj])[names(latt)] <- latt
      ## ly <- setvarattributes(ly, setNames(rep(list(list(lattr)), lny), lynm))
      lrgy <- matrix(lf.rg(lyc),4,lny)
    } else { ## rescale !=0
      if (rescale<0) { ## do not adjust tick marks etc
        lrgyy <- c(min(lrgy[1,]),max(lrgy[2,]),min(lrgy[3,]),max(lrgy[4,])) 
        for (lj in 1:lny) 
          attr(ly[,lj], "plcoord") <- plcoord(ly[,lj], range=lrgyy)
      else  ## rescale >0
        lrgyy <- lrgy[,1]
      attr(ly[,1],"plrange") <- lrgyy[1:2]
        ## extend the plrange of ly[,1] if needed
##-         lrgyy + diff(lrgyy)*c(-1,1)*
##-           ifelse(lIinner, i.getploption("innerrange.ext"), 0) ## ploptions$plext
    } ## !!! welche attr sollen wirklich gesetzt werden?
    attr(ly[,1], "nouter") <- lIinner ## plframe is called for ly[,1], needs attr
  } else  lir <- lir && length(attr(y, "innerrange"))>0
  ## end lny>1
  ## --------------
  ly1 <- ly1g <- ly[,1]
  lrgy1 <- lrgy[,1]
  ## mark extremes
  lmark <- i.getplopt(markextremes)
  if (is.function(lmark)) lmark <- lmark(lnobs)
  lmk <- unlist(lmark)
  lImark <- length(lmk)>0 && any(ifelse(is.na(lmk),TRUE,lmk>0))
  lImark <- is.na(lImark)||lImark
  lymark <- if (lImark & lny==1) ly  ## cannot mark extremes if  lny>1
  ## --- groups ; smooth lines
  lsmcol <- i.getploption("smooth.col")
  if(length(lgrp <- pldata[[".group."]])) {
    lsmcol <- attr(lgrp, "group.col")
    if (length(lsmcol)) lsmcol <- colorpale(lsmcol, lsmpale)
    lngrp <- length(lgrp)
  } else lngrp <- 1
  ## --- figure parameters
  lmfkeep <- !u.notfalse(mf)
  loldp <- par(list("mar","mgp"))  ## ,"oma"
  if (!i.getploption("keeppar"))
    on.exit(par(loldp), add=TRUE, after=FALSE)
  marpar <-
    i.getmarpar(plargs=plargs, title=if(lngrp>0) " ")
##                title.outer=c(lplft$main, lplft$sub))
  if (lny>1) marpar$mar[4] <- marpar$mar[2]
  ## --- multiple figures
  lnpgc <- lnpgr <- 1
  lnr <- lnx
  lnc <- lnby
  llmf <- length(mf)
  if (lnby>1) { ## by groups
    lmpo <- i.getmarpar(TRUE, mar=i.getploption("oma"), plargs=plargs)
    loma <- lmpo$mar
##-     if (length(lomaarg))
##-       if (length(lomaarg)==1) loma[3] <- lomaarg
##-       else loma <- rep(lomaarg, length=4)
    if (lnx>1) {
      lmar <- lpsep + c(marpar$mar[1],0,0,0.8*(lny>1)) +
      plargs$ploptions$mframesmax <- i.def(mf, i.getploption("mframesmax"))
      if (llmf & u.notfalse(mf)) 
        marpar <-
          plmframes(lnx, lnby, reduce=TRUE, mar=lmar, oma=loma,
      lmfig <- list(mfig=par("mfg")) 
      lnr <- lmfig$mfig[1]
      lnc <- lmfig$mfig[2]
      lnpgr <- ceiling(lnx/lnr)
      lnpgc <- ceiling(lnby/lnc)
    } else { ## only 1 x
      ltitl <- i.def(i.getploption("title.line")[2], 0.8)
      ## mframes
      if (u.true(mf)) mf <- lnby
      lmr <- lpsep + c(0,0,ltitl+1,0)
      if (u.notfalse(mf)) {
        marpar <- 
          if (llmf&&prod(mf)>1)
            (lmfig <- plmframes(mf[1], if(llmf>=2) mf[2], mft=if(llmf==1) mf,
                                mar=lmr, oma=loma))$marpar
          else i.getmarpar(mar=lmr, plargs=plargs)
##    plargs$plmarpar$title.line[1] <- ltitl
  } else { ## no by groups
    if (length(mf)&u.notfalse(mf)) 
      marpar <- plmframes(mf, ploptions=ploptions)$marpar
  lmar <- marpar$mar
  lattrc <- c("innerrange","nouter")
  lnfgcol <- par("mfg")[4]
  ## --- restore mfg if only one plot is produced
  if ((lnx>1 | lnby>1) & !lmfkeep)  {
    loldmf <- par(list("mfrow"))
    on.exit(par(loldmf), add=TRUE, after=FALSE)
## ------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## --- plot
  for (ipgr in 1:lnpgr) {
    lr <- (ipgr-1)*lnr ## start at row index  lr
    for (lj in 1:min(lnr, lnx-lr)) {
      ## --- x variable
      lxj <- lx[,lr+lj]
      ## lxjattr <- 
      lxjg <- lxjv <- if (!is.factor(lxj))
        i.def(attr(lxj, "plcoord", exact=TRUE),
              i.def(attr(lxj, "plvalues", exact=TRUE),
                    i.def(attr(lxj, "numvalues", exact=TRUE), c(lxj))))
      else lxj
      attributes(lxjg)[lattrc] <- attributes(lxj)[lattrc] ## lxjattr
      if (lImark) {
        lplab <- plmark(lxj, y=lymark, markextremes=lmark,
        pldata[[".plab."]] <- lplab
        plargs$pldata <- pldata
      lpchg <- lpch
      ## 'by' grouping
      for (ipgc in 1:lnpgc) { ## columns on page
        lc <- (ipgc-1)*lnc
        for (lig in (lc+1):lnc) { ## 'by' groups
          lg <- lig
          if(lny>1)  {
            lpcol <- lyaxcol <- lsmcol <- 
              i.def(attr(ly1, "vcol", exact=TRUE), lclr[2])
            plargs$ploptions$smooth.col <- lsmcol
            pldata[".pcol."] <- lpcol
              lpchg <-
                if (lny>1)
                  attr(ly1, "pch", exact=TRUE) else i.getploption("pch")[1]
          ## show labels if there will be no panel below the present one
          lshow1 <- (lig>lnby-lnfgcol) * !lmfkeep
          lshow2 <- 2 - (lngrp>1)
          lshow4 <- 2 - (lngrp>1) || lig==lngrp
          ## do not set it if 'mf' was set F
          lop <- plframe(lxj, ly1, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim,
                         axcol=c(NA,lyaxcol,NA,NA), plargs=plargs, ## mar=lmar, 
                         marpar=marpar, xy=FALSE,
##-         if (lIfirst) {
##-           loldp <- c(lop, loldp)
##-           if (!i.getploption("keeppar"))
##-             on.exit(par(loldp[!duplicated(names(loldp))]))
##-         }
          lmfg <- par("mfg")
          if (prod(lmfg[1:2])==1||lmfkeep) {
            pltitle(plargs=plargs, outer.margin=prod(lmfg[3:4])>1&!lmfkeep)
            stamp(sure=FALSE, ploptions=ploptions)
          ##-         lIfirst <- FALSE
          lrgold <- lrgy1
          lyg <- ly
          ## 'by' group
          if (lIby) {
            if (lmar[3]>=1 | par("mfg")[1]==1) 
              pltitle(main="", sub=lgrplab[lg], ##paste(lgrpname, lgrplab[lg], sep=" "),
                      outer.margin=FALSE, xpd=TRUE, adj=ltadj[1], ## line=lgrptitline,
            li <- which(lby==lg)
            lxjg <- lxjv[li]
            lyg <- plsubset(ly, li, keeprange=TRUE) 
            ly1g <- lyg[,1]
            plargs$pldata <- pldata[li,]
            if (length(lpch)==lnr) lpchg <- lpch[li]
            ## if (length(lplab)==lnr) lplabg <- lplab[li]
            ## may be useful for generating a legend of group labels
          if (lny>1) {
            lcol <- ploptions$col <- ploptions$lcol <- ploptions$smooth.col <- 
              plargs$pldata$".pcol." <- 
                i.def(attr(ly1g,"vcol", exact=TRUE), lclr[2])
            if (lIsmooth) ploptions$smooth.col <- colorpale(lcol, lsmpale)
          ## start plot
          panel(lxjg, ly1g, type=type, plargs=plargs, ploptions=ploptions,
          ## multiple y
          lusr <- par("usr")
          if (lny>1) {
            for (lj in 2:lny) {
              lyjg <- lyg[,lj]
              lrgj <- lrgy[,lj]
              lpcol <- i.def(attr(lyjg, "vcol", exact=TRUE),
              ##  the color must reflect the variable
              if (!lIpch) lpchg <- attr(lyjg, "pch", exact=TRUE)
              if (rescale>0) {  ## new user coordinates
                lusr[3:4] <- lrgj[1] +
                  c(0, diff(lrgj[1:2])/diff(lrgold[1:2]) * diff(lusr[3:4]))
              if (lIsmooth) {
                plargs$ploptions$smooth.col <-
                  rep(colorpale(lpcol,lsmpale), lngrp)
                plsmooth(lxjg, lyjg, plargs=plargs)
              plpoints(lxjg, lyjg, type=type, plab=lplab, pch=lpchg, col=lpcol,
                       plargs=plargs, marpar=marpar, xy=FALSE)
              lrgold <- lrgj
              if (rescale & lj==2) {
                plaxis(4, lyjg, range=lrgj, col=lpcol,
                       ploptions=ploptions, marpar=marpar)
  if (u.notfalse(assign)) plassign(list=plargs) 
} ## end plyx
## ==========================================================================
plregr.control <- #f
  function(x, data = NULL, xvar = TRUE, transformed = FALSE,
           ## generate variables used for plotting
           weights = NULL, stdresid = TRUE, mar = NULL, 
           ## specify some specific aspects / contents of plots
           glm.restype = "working", condquant = TRUE, smresid = TRUE, 
           partial.resid = NULL, addcomp = NULL, cookdistlines = NULL,
           leveragelimit = NULL, condprob.range = NULL,
           testlevel = 0.05,
           ## smooth and refline
           refline = TRUE, 
           smooth = 2, smooth.sim=NULL,
           xlabs = NULL, reslabs = NULL, markextremes = NULL, 
           ## multiple frames
           mf = TRUE, mfcol = FALSE, multnrow = 0, multncol = 0, marmult = NULL,
           oma = NULL, assign = TRUE, ... )
{ ## get data for plotting, collect and check arguments
  ## do preparations that are common to plregr and plresx
  ## --------------------------------------------------------------
  lcall <- match.call()
  ## formula(x) inappropriate for merMod
  lform <- if (inherits(x, "regrMer")) x$formula else formula(x)  
    ## ... if it inherits from  lm  ??? whatsthat?
  ## lmodvdupl <- u.varsin2terms(lform[-2])
  lnaaction <- x$na.action
  if (!u.isnull(lnaaction)) class(lnaaction) <- "exclude"
  x$na.action <- lnaaction
  ## --- family
  lfam <- c(x$distrname, x$family$family, "")[1]
  if (lfam=="" & inherits(x, "lm")) lfam <- "gaussian"
  lfamgauss <- lfam%in%c("gaussian","Gaussian")
  lfamcount <- (lfam%in%c("binomial","poisson")&&length(unique(x$y))<=2) | 
    inherits(x,"polr") ## lfam=="multinomial"
  lcensored <- inherits(x[["y"]], "Surv")
  ## lnnls <- !inherits(x, "nls")
  condquant <- NULL
  lcq <- i.getplopt(condquant) 
  ## --- residuals
  ## --- na.action: always get full data
  ## residuals first because they fix the number of observations
  ## lres <- residuals(x)
  rtype <- i.def(i.def(if(lfamcount & lcq) "condquant", glm.restype), "working")
  if (inherits(x, "survreg"))
    lres <- residuals.regrsurvreg(x, type = if (lcq) "condquant")
  if (inherits(x, "coxph"))
    lres <- residuals.regrcoxph(x, type = if (lcq) "condquant")
  if (inherits(x, "polr"))
    x$residuals <- lres <- residuals.regrpolr(x, type = if (lcq) "condquant")
  if (inherits(x, "lm")) ## !!! should be  glm ?
    lres <- 
      if (lfamcount)  residuals.regrpolr(x, type=rtype)
      else  structure(residuals(x, type = rtype), type = rtype)
  if (inherits(x, "regrMer"))
    lres <- i.naresid.exclude(lnaaction, resid(x))
  lres <- as.data.frame(lres)
  lmres <- ncol(lres)
  lzl <- i.def(i.getploption("zeroline"), 0)
  if (u.notfalse(lzl))
    for (lj in seq_len(lmres)) attr(lres[,lj], "zeroline") <- lzl
  lnobs <- sum(is.finite(lres[,1]))
  lIres0 <- all( apply(lres[,1:lmres, drop=FALSE],2,
                      function(x) all(x==dropNA(x)[1], na.rm=TRUE ) ) )
  if (lIres0)
    stop("!plregr/plresx! all residuals are equal -> no residual plots")
  lnres <- nrow(lres)
  ## --- ldfres 
  ldfres <- df.residual(x)
  ldfmod <- i.def(x$rank, length(coef(x)))
  if (u.isnull(ldfres))  ldfres <- lnres-ldfmod
  ## --- sigma
  lsigma <- x$sigma
  if (length(lsigma)==0) lsigma <- c(x$scale, summary(x)$sigma)[1]
  if (length(lsigma)==0)
    lsigma <- if (lfamcount) 0
              else sqrt(apply(lres^2,2, function(x) sum(x[is.finite(x)]))/ldfres)
  x$sigma <- lsigma
  ## --- standardized residuals
  llev <- x$leverage
  llevlim <- i.getplopt(leveragelimit)
  if (length(llevlim)==1) llevlim <- c(llevlim, i.getploption("leveragelimit")[2])
    lstdres <- attr(lres, "stdresiduals", exact=TRUE)
  if (stdresid) { ## not needed for plresx
    if (length(lstdres)==0) { 
      lstdres <- stdresiduals(x, residuals=lres, leveragelimit=llevlim[2])
      llev <- attr(lstdres, "leverage", exact=TRUE)
      attr(lres, "stdresratio") <- attr(lstdres, "stdresratio", exact=TRUE)
      attributes(lstdres)[c("leverage","stdresratio","stddev")] <- NULL
      attr(lres, "stdresiduals") <- lstdres
    } ## else lstdres <- lres
    else llev <- naresid(lnaaction, llev)
    if (length(llev)==0) llev <- leverage(x)
  ## residual names
  lyexpr <- deparse(lform[[2]])
  lynm <- if (nchar(lyexpr)>10) "Y" else lyexpr ##
  lrn <- paste("res_", if (lmres>1) colnames(lres) else lynm, sep="")
  lresname <-
    gsub("\\(",".", gsub("\\)",".", gsub("\\*",".", gsub("/",".", gsub("\\^",".",
  names(lres) <- lresname
  ## --- fit
  lfit <- x$linear.predictor
  lfitname <- "linear predictor"
  if (inherits(x, "polr")) lfit <- fitted.regrpolr(x, type="link")
  else {
    if(is.null(lfit)) {
      lfit <- fitted(x)
      lfitname <- "fitted value"
    } else lfit <- naresid(lnaaction, lfit)
  lfitname <- rep(lfitname, length=lmres)
  lfit <- as.data.frame(lfit)
  lfit <- genvarattributes(as.data.frame(lfit), 
                           innerrange=i.getploption("innerrange.fit")) ## extra element of ploptions!)
  attr(lfit[[1]], "varlabel") <- lfitname
  ## --- xvar
  lxvar <-
    if (u.notfalse(xvar)) {
      lxf <- if (transformed) lform else {
      lx <- all.vars(lform[-2])
      if (inherits(x, "nls")) lx <- setdiff(lx, names(coef(x)))
      if (!(u.isnull(xvar)|u.true(xvar))) {
        if (is.character(xvar)) { ## xvar : names of variables
          lxvarf <- u.asformula(setdiff(xvar,"."))
          lxf <- if ("."%in%xvar) update(lxf, lxvarf) else lxvarf
        else {
          if (is.formula(xvar)) lxf <- update(lxf, xvar)
            stop("!plregr.control! Inadequate argument 'xvar'")
      attr(getvarnames(lxf, data=data, transformed=transformed), "xvar")
    ## lxvraw <- u.allvars(lxvar)
    } else NULL
  ## xvar should now be a character vector of names of variables
  ## --- prepare  pl.control
  lcall <- as.list(match.call())[-1]
  ladrop <- c("xvar", "glm.restype", "smresid", "partial.resid", "addcomp",
              "cookdistlines", "leveragelimit", "smooth", "smooth.sim",
              "refline", "testlevel", "xlabs", "reslabs",
              "mf", "mfcol", "multnrow", "multncol", "marmult", "oma")
  lcall <- c(as.list(quote(pl.control)),
  lcall$y <- lres
  lcall$markextremes <- markextremes
  ## --- data
  ldata <- x$model
  if (length(ldata)&&length(lnaaction))
    ldata <- i.naresid.exclude(lnaaction, ldata)
  if (length(lxvar)) {
    lcall$x <- lxvar
    lcall$transformed <- transformed
    ## lcall$.subdefault <- i.form2char(lform) ## transfer to sub
    ## --- data argument
    if (length(lxvar)||any(names(lcall)%in%i.argPldata)) {
      if (length(ldata)==0||!(transformed & all(lxvar%in%names(ldata)))) {
        ldata <- data
        if (length(ldata)==0) {
##-           if (length(x$allvars))
##-             ldata <- i.naresid.exclude(lnaaction, x$allvars)
          ##-           else ldata <- getvariables(x$call$formula, eval(x$call$data), transformed=FALSE) ##eva
          ldt <- x$allvars
          if (is.null(ldt)) ldt <- x$model ## has transformed variables
          lxv <- setdiff(lxvar, names(ldt))
          ldata <-
            if (length(lxv)) {
              ldt <- eval(x$call$data)
              if ("subset"%in%names(x$call)) ldt <- ldt[row.names(lres),]
            } else i.naresid.exclude(lnaaction, ldt)
        if (length(ldata)==0)  stop("!plregr.control! No data found")
      if (lnres!=nrow(ldata)) {
        if (class(lnaaction)%in%c("omit", "exclude")) ldata <- ldata[-lnaaction,]
        ##    if (lnr!=nrow(ldata)) ldata <- x$model ## needs at least a warning!
        if (lnres!=nrow(ldata))
          stop("!plregr.control! nrow of residuals and data do not agree.")
##-     if (length(lxvmiss <- setdiff(lxvar, names(ldata)))) {
##-       ldt <- getvariables(lxvmiss)
##-       if (nrow(ldt)!=nrow(ldata))
##-       stop("!plregr/plresx! variable(s) ",
##-            paste(lxvmiss, collapse=", "), " not suitable - wrong number of rows")
##-       ldata <- cbind(ldata,ldt)
##-     }
  } else {
    ldata <- lres ## needed to get number of observations
    lcall$x <- NULL
  } ## needed to get  nobs  in pl.control
  lcall$data <- ldata
  lftext <- i.form2char(lform)
  lcall$.subdefault <- lftext
  lcall$assign <- FALSE
  mode(lcall) <- "call"
  ## -------------------------------------
  plargs <- eval(lcall, parent.frame())  ## pl.control
  ## -------------------------------------
  ploptions <- plargs$ploptions
  ploptions$smooth <- i.getplopt(smooth)
  plargs$plfeatures$main <- i.def(ploptions$main, i.form2char(lform))
  lpldata <- plargs$pldata 
  ly <- i.def(x[["y"]], if (length(ldata)) ldata[,1, drop=FALSE])
  lbinary <-
    inherits(x, "glm") && length(unique(ly))==2 ## binary binomial
  if (u.true(lfamcount)) ploptions$smooth.iter <- 0
  lIcq <- u.true(lcq) & (lbinary|lcensored)
  ## ---
  xvar <- attr(lpldata, "xvar", exact=TRUE)
  ## margins for multivariate regression !!!
  lmmar <- rep(i.getploption("panelsep"), length=4)
  lmmar[2] <- i.getplopt(mar)[2] +0.5
  if (length(marmult)) ## !!! marmult
    lmmar <- ifelse(is.na(lmr <- rep(marmult, length=4)), lmmar, lmr)
    lmmar[1] <- i.def(i.getploption("mar")[1], 3)
    lmmar[3] <- i.def(i.getploption("mar")[3], 0.5) ##!!!
  ## -------------------------------------------------------
  ## attributes for residuals
  lres <- genvarattributes(lres, varlabel = lresname, ploptions=ploptions)
  if (lmres>1) { ## multivariate
    if (u.isnull(lcn <- colnames(lres))) lcn <- 1:ncol(lres)
    colnames(lres) <- lcn # paste("res", lcn, sep=".")
  ## mark extreme  stdres
  lmxdef <- markextremes(lnobs)
  if (is.atomic(markextremes)) {
    markextremes <- i.def(markextremes, NA)
    if (anyNA(markextremes)) markextremes <- lmxdef
    markextremes <- 
      list("(res)"=markextremes, "(fit)"=0, "(lev)"=c(0,max(markextremes)) )
  lmxres <- i.def(markextremes$"(res)", lmxdef) ## ???
  lresplab <-
    if (lmxres>0 & stdresid)
      apply(lstdres, 2,
            function(x) plmark(x, markextremes = lmxres,
                               plabel=plargs$plfeatures$plabel) )
    else NULL
  ## --- smoothWeights, used for smooth calculation: get from  x  if needed
  lsmwgt <- lpldata[["(smoothWeights)"]]  ## possibly only logical
  lIsmweights <- is.logical(lsmwgt)&&all(lsmwgt) ## weights explicitly required
  if (lIsmweights | (length(lsmwgt)&&all(is.na(lsmwgt))))
      lsmwgt <- naresid(lnaaction, x$weights)
  lIsmwgt <-
    length(lsmwgt)>1 && any(lsmwgt!=dropNA(lsmwgt)[1],na.rm=TRUE) 
  if (lIsmweights&!lIsmwgt)
    warning(":plregr/plresx: no weights found for smooth calculation.")
  lpldata[["(smoothWeights)"]] <- ## lsmweights <-
    if (lIsmwgt)  lsmwgt / mean(lsmwgt[is.finite(lsmwgt)]) else NULL
  ## --- psize, used as sizes of plotting characters: same as weights
  lpsize <- lpldata[[".psize."]]  ## possibly only logical
  lIpsize <- is.logical(lpsize)&&all(lpsize) ## psize expl. required
  if (u.isnull(lpsize) | lIpsize | (length(lpsize)&&all(is.na(lpsize))))
      lpsize <- if (length(lsmwgt)) lsmwgt else naresid(lnaaction, x$weights)
  lIpsz <-
    length(lpsize)>1 && any(lpsize!=dropNA(lpsize)[1],na.rm=TRUE)
  if (lIpsize&!lIpsz)
    warning(":plregr/plresx: no plot sizes found.")
  lpldata[[".psize."]] <- 
    if (lIpsz)  lpsize / mean(lpsize[is.finite(lpsize)]) else NULL
  ## mahalanobis residuals
  lresmahal <- naresid(lnaaction, x$resmahal)
  if (lmres>1) 
    if (u.isnull(lresmahal))
      lresmahal <-
                    var(apply(lres,2, function(x) ifelse(is.finite(x), x, NA)),
  ## --- simulated residuals
  ## when using  smooth.group , default is  0
  lnsims <- i.def(smooth.sim, 19, 19, 0)
  if (inherits(x, c("mlm", "polr", "survreg", "coxph", "regrMer"))) lnsims <- 0
  if (lmres>1) lnsims <- 0 # !!! not yet programmed for mlm
  if (lnsims>0 & !inherits(x, c("lm","glm","lmrob","nls"))) {
    warning(":plregr/simresiduals: ",
            "I can simulate only for 'lm', 'lmrob', 'nls' and 'glm' objects")
    lnsims <- 0
  lsimres <- NULL
  if (lnsims>0) {
    lsimres <- if(ploptions("debug"))
               simresiduals(x, lnsims, glm.restype=rtype)  else
      try(simresiduals(x, lnsims, glm.restype=rtype), silent=TRUE)
    if (inherits(lsimres, "try-error")) {
      warning(":plregr/simresiduals: simresiduals did not work. ",
              "No simulated smooths")
      lsimres <- NULL
      lnsims <- 0
  } ## !!! ---
  ## --- multiple frames
  mf <- i.def(mf, NULL, TRUE, NULL)
  oma <- i.def(oma, NULL, valuefalse=0)
  if (length(oma)==2) oma <- c(0,0,oma)
  ## --- more arguments
  reslabs <- i.def(reslabs, NULL, NULL, NULL)
  smresid <- i.def(smresid, TRUE)
  if (lmres>1) smresid <- FALSE ## !!! muss noch gemacht werden
  ## -----------------
  addcomp <-
    i.getinlist(partial.resid, addcomp, i.getploption("regr.addcomp"), TRUE)
##-   addcomp  <- partial.resid <- 
##-     i.def(i.def(i.getploption("regr.addcomp"), partial.resid),FALSE, TRUE, FALSE)
##  partial.resid <- i.def(partial.resid, TRUE)
  cookdistlines <- i.getplopt(cookdistlines)
  ploptions$refline <- i.getplopt(refline)
  testlevel <- i.getplopt(testlevel)
  if (testlevel<=0 | testlevel>=1)
    stop("!plregr.control! invalid test level")
  ## ------------------------------------------------------------
  ## result of plregr.control
  plargs$pldata <- lpldata
  plargs$plfeatures$smooth <- i.getplopt(smooth)
  rr <-
    list(pldata = plargs[[1]], ploptions = plargs[[2]],
         plfeatures = plargs[[3]],
         regrfeatures = list(
           formula = lform,
           na.action = lnaaction,
           family = lfam, famgauss = lfamgauss, famcount = lfamcount,
           df.residual = ldfres, df.model = ldfmod,
           fit = lfit, 
           residuals = lres, resname = lresname, ## stdresname = lstdresname,
           ##    absresname = labsresname, fitname = lfitname,
           rescol = lmres, resplab = lresplab,
           smresid = smresid,
           glm.restype = glm.restype, 
           resmahal = x$resmahal, 
           simres = lsimres, ## simstdres <- lsimstdres,
           response = ly, 
           yexpr = lyexpr, 
           ## weights = x$weights,
           leverage = llev,
           leveragelimit = llevlim, ## condprob.range = condprob.range,
           ## linear.predictor = x$linear.predictor,
           addcomp = addcomp, partial.resid = partial.resid,
           cookdistlines = cookdistlines,
           smooth.sim = lnsims,
           refline = refline,
           mf=mf, multnrow = multnrow, multncol = multncol, marmult = lmmar
  if (u.notfalse(assign)) plassign(list=rr) 
} ## end  plregr.control
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
i.merprep <- #f
  function(x) {
    ldfr <- df.residual(x)
    lres <- residuals(x)
    rr <- list(
      ## na.aaction = NULL,
      family = family(x),
      fitfun = "mer",
      coefficients = coef(x),
      fitted = fitted(x),
    sigma = sqrt(sum(lres[is.finite(lres)]^2) / ldfr),
    ## leverage = NULL,
    model = x@frame,
    residuals = lres, 
    call = x@call,
    formula = formula(x),
    na.action = if (length(lnaaction <- attr(x@frame, "na.action", exact=TRUE)))
                  structure(lnaaction, class="exclude")
  class(rr) <-
      switch(rr$family$family, gaussian="lm", binomial="glm", poisson="glm",
             "lm") )

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
plregr <- #f
  function(x, data=NULL, plotselect = NULL, xvar = TRUE,
           transformed = NULL, sequence=FALSE, weights=NULL, 
           addcomp = NULL, smooth = 2, smooth.legend = FALSE, 
           markextremes = NA,  
           plargs = NULL, ploptions = NULL, assign = TRUE, ...)
{ ## mar needed because it would otherwise be taken for markextremes
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Werner Stahel, Date:  7 May 93 / 2002
##-   argPlregr <- c("x", "data", "plotselect", ## "xvar", "transformed",
##-                  "sequence", "weights", "addcomp", "smooth.legend")
  argPlregr <- c("plotselect", ## "xvar", "transformed", "addcomp", 
  ## ---
  if (inherits(x,"mulltinom"))
    stop("!plregr! I do not know how to plot residuals of a multinomial regression")
  lImer <- inherits(x, "merMod")
  if (lImer) x <- i.merprep(x)
  ## ----------------
  if (is.null(plargs)) {
    lcall <- match.call()
    lcall <- lcall[setdiff(names(lcall),argPlregr)]
    lcall$x <- x
##    lcall$markextremes <- markextremes
    lcall[1] <- list(quote(plgraphics::plregr.control))  ## need plgr:: because
    ## regr also uses this function
    mode(lcall) <- "call"
    plargs <- eval(lcall, parent.frame())
    ## !!! markextremes
  if (length(ploptions)==0) ploptions <- plargs$ploptions
  lregrft <- plargs$regrfeatures
  ## lplft <- plargs$plfeatures
  ## if (u.isnull(mar)) mar <- c(3,3,1,1)+i.getploption("panelsep")
  marpar <- i.getmarpar(plargs=plargs) ## mar=mar, 
  ## -------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## all these results from  plregr.control  include the  na.action  observations
  lpldata <- plargs$pldata
  lfit <- lregrft$fit
  lres <-  lregrft$residuals
  lmres <- lregrft$rescol
  lIcq <- inherits(lres, "condquant")
  lresname <- lregrft$resname
  lsimres <- lregrft$simres
  lnsims <- if (length(lsimres)==0) 0 else ncol(lsimres)
  llev <- lregrft$leverage
  llevlim <- lregrft$leveragelimit
  ## lrefline <- i.getploption("refline")
  lsimstdres <- lregrft$simstdres
  x$na.action <- lnaaction <- lregrft$na.action
  ## from x
  lweights <- naresid(lnaaction, x$weights)
  if (c(x$family$family, " ")[1]=="poisson") lweights <- sqrt(lweights)
  lIwgt <- length(lweights)>0
  ## number of observations
  lnr <- nrow(lres)
  lnna <- apply(lres, 1, function(x) all(is.finite(x)))
  lnobs <- sum(lnna)
  lregrft <- plargs$regrfeatures
  ## smooth legend
  if (length(names(smooth.legend))==0) {
    lsmlegend <- i.def(smooth.legend, NULL, TRUE, NULL) 
    if (length(lsmlegend)==1)
      lsmlegend <-
                 c("yfit","resfit","absresfit","absresweight","(xvar)") )
  } else lsmlegend <- smooth.legend
  ## ---
  lsmit <- if (inherits(x, "glm")) 0
           else i.getploption("smooth.iter")
  plargs$ploptions$smooth.iter <- lsmit
  ## on.exit(ploptions(loldplo), add=TRUE, after=FALSE)
  ## -----------------------------------
  ## plot selection
  lplsel <- unlist(
    i.plotselect(plotselect, Iwgt=lIwgt,
  lplsel <- lplsel[is.na(lplsel)|lplsel>0]
  lnplsel <- length(lplsel)
  ## standardized residuals
  lstdres <- as.data.frame(attr(lres, "stdresiduals", exact=TRUE))
  lstrratio <- as.data.frame(attr(lres, "stdresratio", exact=TRUE))
  lresplab <- lregrft$resplab
  ## cat("lresplab ", str(lresplab))
  lIrpl <- length(lresplab)>0
  if (any(lii <- c("qq","leverage","absresfit","absresweights")%in%names(lplsel))) {
    lIabs <- any(lii[3:4])
    labsres <- if (lIabs) lstdres
    lstdresname <- paste("st.", lresname, sep = "")
    labsresname <- paste("|st.",lresname,"|", sep="")
    for (lj in seq_len(lmres)) {
      lrsj <- lres[,lj]
      ## residuals from smooth
      if (lregrft$smresid) { ## !!! transfer to plregr.control
        lfsm <- gensmooth(lfit[,lj], lrsj, plargs=plargs)
        lfsmr <- residuals(lfsm)
        if (lna <- sum(is.na(lfsmr)&!is.na(lres[,lj])))
          warning(":plregr: residuals from smooth have ",
                  round(100*lna/lnobs,1), " % additional NAs")
        ## lstdres[,lj] <-
        lrsj <- lfsmr * lstrratio[,lj] ## !!! * f(leverage of smooth)
        if (lIcq) {
          lcq <- attr(lrsj, "condquant", exact=TRUE)
          if (length(lcq)) {
            li <- lcq[,"index"]
            lcq[,1:4] <- ( lcq[,1:4]-lcq[,1]+lfsmr[li] ) *lstrratio[li,lj]
            ## attr(lfsmr, "condquant") <- lcq
##            attr(lstdres[,lj], "condquant") <- lcq
            attr(lrsj, "condquant") <- lcq
        } else {
          if (lIcq) {
            lcq <- attr(lrsj, "condquant", exact=TRUE)
            if (length(lcq)) {
              lcq[,1:4] <- lcq[,1:4]*lstrratio[lcq[,"index"],lj]
              attr(lrsj, "condquant") <- lcq
        lstdres[,lj] <- lrsj
        if (lnsims) lsimstdres <- lsimres * lstrratio[,lj] ## index needed for multiv
      } ## fi lregrft$smresid
      if (lIabs) labsres[,lj] <- abs(lrsj)
    if (lregrft$smresid) {
      lstdresname <- paste("st.sm.", lresname, sep = "")
      labsresname <- paste("|st.sm.",lresname,"|", sep="")
    names(lstdres) <- lstdresname
    lstdres <- genvarattributes(lstdres, ploptions=ploptions)
    if (lIabs) {
      labsres <-
        genvarattributes(labsres, ploptions=ploptions, varlabel=labsresname)
      for (lj in seq_len(lmres))
        attr(labsres[,lj], "plrange")[1] <- 0
  ## --- multiple frames xxx
  lmf <- i.def(lregrft$mf, NULL, TRUE, NULL)
  if (length(lmf)) {
    if (u.true(lmf)) ## is.logical(lmf)&&lmf)
      lmf <- if (lmres>1) {
               if (lmres<=4) c(lmres, NA) else lmres
             } else lnplsel
##               if (lnplsel<=2) lnplsel else c(2)
  if (length(lmf)==2) {
    if (is.na(lmf[1])) {
      lmf1 <- ceiling(lnplsel/lmf[2])
      if(lmf1>lmf[2]+1) lmf1 <- lmf[2]
      lmf[1] <- lmf1
    if (is.na(lmf[2])) {
      lmf1 <- ceiling(lnplsel/lmf[1])
      if(lmf1>lmf[1]+1) lmf1 <- lmf[1]
      lmf[2] <- lmf1
##  lbyrow <- i.def(ploptions$byrow, FALSE)
  ## outer margin
##-   loma <- c(3,3,2,1)*(length(lmf)>0)
##-   lomaarg <- i.getploption("oma") ## i.def(plargs$plmarpar$oma, NULL, valuefalse=NULL)
##-   if (length(lomaarg))
##-     if (length(lomaarg)==1) loma[3] <- lomaarg
##-     else loma <- rep(lomaarg, length=4)
  loldpar <- par(c("mar","mgp"))
  lmfpar <- NULL
  if (length(lmf)&(!is.logical(lmf))) {
    lmfpar <- plmframes(mft=lmf, plargs=plargs)
    loldpar <- c(loldpar, attr(lmfpar,"oldpar"))
  loldpar <- loldpar[!duplicated(names(loldpar))]
  on.exit(par(loldpar), add=TRUE, after=FALSE)
  ## --------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## start plots
  if (length(lplsel))
    for (liplot in seq_along(lplsel)) {
      lpllevel <- lplsel[liplot]
      lpls <- names(lpllevel)
      ## ------------------------------------------------------------
      ## --- y on fit
      if(lpls=="yfit") {
##-         lsml <- if (length(lsmlegend["yfit"]))
##-                   setNames(rep(lsmlegend["yfit"],length(lregrft$yname)),
##-                            lregrft$yname)  else lsmlegend
        ly <- lregrft$response ##attr(lpldata, "yvar")
        if (length(ly)==0)
          warning(":plregr: response not found")
        else {
          lregrft$smooth <- lpllevel-1
##          plargs$parpar$mar <- lmar
          lregrft$reflinecoord <- c(x=0,y=1) ## median(lfit[,lj], na.rm=TRUE)
          for (lj in seq_len(ncol(ly))) {
            lyj <- ly[,lj]
            lfj <- lfit[,lj]
              lyj <- structure(data.frame(lyj, lfj+lsimres), primary=1)
            plpanel(x=lfj, y=lyj, frame=TRUE, xlab="fitted values",
##        lregrft$reflinecoord <- NULL
      ## ------------------------------------------------------------
      ## --- Tukey Anscombe plot
      if(lpls=="resfit") {
        for (lj in seq_len(lmres)) {
          plargs$plfeatures$smooth <- lpllevel-1
          plargs$plfeatures$reflinecoord <-
            c(x=median(lfit[,lj], na.rm=TRUE),y=-1)
          lrsj <- lres[,lj]
            lrsj <- structure(data.frame(lres[,lj], lsimres), primary=1)
          plpanel(lfit[,lj], lrsj, frame=TRUE,
                  xlab="fitted values", plargs=plargs)
##        lregrft$reflinecoord <- NULL
        ## par(cex=lcex)
      ## ------------------------------------------------------------
      ## --- scale plot
          warning(":plregr: No standardized residuals found")
        else {
          plargs$plfeatures$smooth <- lpllevel-1
          for (lj in seq_len(lmres)) {
            labsrj <- labsres[,lj, drop=FALSE]
            if (lnsims)
              labsrj <- structure(data.frame(labsrj, abs(lsimstdres)), primary=1)
            plpanel(lfit[,lj], labsrj, frame=TRUE, xlab="fitted values", 
                    plargs=c(plargs, list(smooth.power=0.5)) ) ## plsmooth needs 'power'
          ## par(cex=lcex)
      ## ------------------------------------------------------------
      ## --- plot abs. res vs. weights
      if(lpls=="absresweights") {
        if (length(lweights)!=lnr)
          warning(":plregr: no suitable weights found.",
                  "cannot plot absres on weights")
        else { ## copy from absresfit
          lwg <- lweights
          lwg[lwg<=0] <- NA
          lwg <- genvarattributes(data.frame(lwg))
          if (attr(lwg[,1], "plrange", exact=TRUE)[1]<0.3)
            attr(lwg[,1], "plrange")[1] <- 0
          for (lj in seq_len(lmres)) {
            labsrj <- labsres[,lj, drop=FALSE]
            if (lnsims)
              labsrj <- structure(data.frame(labsrj, abs(lsimstdres)), primary=1)
            plpanel(lwg, labsrj, frame=TRUE, xlab="weights", ## title=NA,
                    ylab=paste("|",lresname,"| * sqrt(w)", sep=""),
                    plargs=c(plargs, list(smooth.power=0.5))) ## plsmooth needs 'power'
        ## par(cex=lcex)
      ## ------------------------------------------------------------
      ## --- normal plot qq plot
      if(lpls=="qq") {
        lnsims <- if (length(lsimstdres)) ncol(lsimstdres) else 0 ##lregrft$smooth.sim
        if (lnsims)
          lsimstdr <-
            if (i.def(attr(lsimstdres, "type", exact=TRUE), "resampled")=="resampled")
              simresiduals.default(x, nrep=lnsims, simfunction=rnorm,
                                   sigma=apply(lstdres, 2, mad, na.rm=TRUE) )
            else lsimstdres
        for (lj in seq_len(lmres)) {
          llr <- lstdres[,lj]
          lio <- order(llr)[seq_len(lnobs)]
          llr <- plsubset(llr, lio)[,1]
          if (length(lat <- attr(llr, "numvalues", exact=TRUE)))
            attr(llr, "numvalues") <- lat[lio]
          if (length(lat <- attr(llr, "plcoord", exact=TRUE)))
            attr(llr, "plcoord") <- lat[lio]
          lIcqj <- length(lcq <- attr(llr, "condquant", exact=TRUE))>0 ##!!! falsch ?
          lIcqu <- lIcq | lIcqj
##-           lpch <-
##-             if (lIcqu) i.pchcens(plargs, lcq)[order(llr)]
##-             else i.getploption("pch")[1]
          lxx <- qnorm(ppoints(lnobs))
          attr(lxx, "zeroline") <- 0
          plframe(lxx, llr, xlab = "theoretical quantiles",
                  ylab = lstdresname[lj], ploptions=ploptions,
                  xy=FALSE) ## mar=lmar, 
          ##-  lxy <- qqnorm(llr, ylab = lstdresname[lj], main="", type="n", )
          if (lnsims>0) {
            llcol <- colorpale(i.getploption("smooth.col"),
            llty <- tail(i.getploption("smooth.lty"),1)
            llwd <- i.getploption("linewidth")[llty]
            apply(lsimstdr, 2,
                  function(x) lines(lxx,sort(x), lty=llty, lwd=llwd,
                                    col=llcol) )
##-             for (lr in 1:lnsims) {
##-               lines(lxx,sort(lsimstdr[,lr]), lty=llty, lwd=llwd, col=llcol)
##-             }
          plpoints(lxx, llr, plargs=list(pldata=plargs$pldata[lio,]),
                   ploptions=ploptions, marpar=marpar, xy=FALSE)
          lquart <- quantile(llr, c(0.25,0.75), na.rm=TRUE)
          ## qq line
          plrefline(c(0, diff(lquart)/(2*qnorm(0.75))), plargs=plargs)
          if(lIcq & lj==lmres)
        ##  pltitle(plargs=plargs, show=FALSE)
        ## par(cex=lcex)
      ## ------------------------------------------------------------
      ## --- leverage plot. If weight are present, use "almost unweighted h"
      if ((!is.na(lpllevel))&&lpllevel>0) {
        if (lIwgt) llev <- llev/lweights
        if (diff(range(llev,finite=TRUE))<0.001)
          notice("plregr: all leverage elements equal, no leverage plot")
        else {
          llevpl <- genvarattributes(
            ##-             data.frame(leverage = plcoord(llev, c(0,llevlim[1]),
            data.frame(leverage=llev),innerrange= list(leverage=c(0,llevlim[1])),
          attr(llevpl, "plrange")[1] <- 0
          lstdres <- genvarattributes(lstdres, varlabel = lstdresname)
          ## mark extremes
          lmx <- i.getplopt(markextremes)
          if (is.list(lmx)) lmx <- lmx[["(lev)"]]
          if (is.function(lmx)) lmx <- lmx(lnobs)
          lmx <- tail(i.def(lmx, 0),1)
          if (lImxlev <- lmx>0)
            lpllev <- plmark(llev, markextremes=c(0,lmx),
          llevtit <- paste("leverage", if(lIwgt) "(de-weighted)")
          ldfmod <- lregrft$df.model
          lcookl <- lregrft$cookdistlines
          if (i.def(ldfmod, 0)<=1) {
            warning(":plregr: model degrees of freedom <=1. No Cook-distance lines")
            lcookl <- NULL
          if (lIcook <- length(lcookl)>0) {
            llx <- seq(0, max(llev[is.finite(llev)]-.Machine$double.eps), length=50)
            ## see formula for curves of constant Cook's distance in terms of
            ##   standardized residuals
            llrcd <- outer(sqrt((1-llx)/((ldfmod-1)*llx)), c(lcookl,-lcookl)) 
          for (lj in 1:lmres) {
            lstrj <- lstdres[,lj]
            lplj <- if (lIrpl)  lresplab[,lj]  else  rep("", lnr)
            if (lImxlev) {
              lplj <- ifelse(lpllev=="", lplj, lpllev)
              if (any(lplj!=""))  plargs$pldata$.plab. <- lplj
            if (lIcook) lregrft$reflinecoord <- list(x=llx, y=llrcd)
            lplopt <- ploptions(smooth=FALSE, assign=FALSE)
            plpanel(llevpl, lstrj, xlab=llevtit,
                    plargs=plargs, ploptions = lplopt,
            lregrft$reflinecoord <- NULL
        ## par(cex=lcex)
      ## -----------------------------------------------------------------
      ## --- multivariate:
      ## residual matrix for multivariate regr
      if(lpls=="resmatrix") {
        lpanel <-
          function(x, y, indx, indy, pch, col, plab, panelargs=plargs, ...)
            plpoints(x,y, plargs=panelargs, marpar=marpar, xy=FALSE)
        if (lregrft$rescol>1) {
          lpa <- plargs
          lpa$pldata <- lpa$residuals
          lpa$mar <- NULL
          plmatrix(lres, panel=lpanel, plargs=lpa) #main=lregrft$main, pch=lregrft$pch
      ## --- mahalanobis residuals
      if(lpls=="qqmult")  ## qq plot of Mahalanobis lenghts for multivariate regr
        if ((!is.na(lpllevel))&&lpllevel>0) {
          lresmahal <- lregrft$resmahal
          if (is.null(lresmahal)) ## should never happen. generated in plregr.control !!!
            lresmahal <-
                          var(apply(lres,2, function(x) ifelse(is.finite(x), x, NA)),
          lxx <- sqrt(qchisq(ppoints(lresmahal),ncol(lres)))
          lio <- order(llr)[seq_len(lnobs)]
          llr <- transferAttributes(llr[lio], llr) ## may need plsubset
          lor <- order(lresmahal)
          lyy <- sqrt(lresmahal[lor])
          lop <- par(mfrow=c(1,1), oma=c(0,0,2,0))
          plframe(lxx,lyy, xlab="sqrt(Chisq.quantiles)",
                  ylab = "Mahal.oulyingness",
                  ploptions=ploptions, xy=FALSE)
          points(lxx,lyy, type="b") ## !!! plpoints
          ## !!! needs work!!!
          ##      if (ltxt) text(lxx,lyy, plab[lor]) # else points(lxx,lyy,pch=lplab[lor])
          abline(0,1,lty = ploptions$grid.lty, col=ploptions$grid.col)
##-           pltitle(plargs=plargs, show=FALSE)
##-           stamp(sure=FALSE, ploptions=ploptions)
      stamp(sure=FALSE, ploptions=ploptions)
    } ## end lplsel
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------
  ## plot residuals vs. explanatory variables by calling plresx
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------
  plargs$plfeatures$mf <- FALSE ## avoid a new page
  ## lregrf$ylim <- lylim  ## no need to calculate again
  ## plargs$plmarpar$mar <- lmar + c(0,0,1.5,0)
  lxvar <- if (u.notfalse(xvar)) attr(lpldata, "xvar", exact=TRUE)
  if (!i.def(sequence, FALSE)) lxvar <- setdiff(lxvar, ".sequence.")
  ## avoid plot against x in simple regression
  if (length(lxx <- setdiff(lxvar, c(".sequence.", ".weights.")))==1 &&
      "resfit"%in%names(lplsel)) {
   ## ltr <- i.def(transformed, FALSE) || lxx%in%
    if (lxx %in% names(lpldata)) {
      message("plregr: plot of residuals on  ", lxx,
              "  not shown because it is equivalent to 'resfit'")
      lxvar <- setdiff(lxvar, lxx)
  if (length(i.def(lxvar, NULL, valuefalse=NULL)))
    plresx(x, data=data, resid=lres, xvar=lxvar, 
           transformed = transformed, sequence=sequence,
           weights= if ("weights"%in%names(lplsel)) FALSE else NULL,
           addcomp = addcomp, smooth.legend=lsmlegend,
           plargs = plargs)
  ## --- end plregr
## ==========================================================================
i.plotselect <- #f
  function(plotselect, smooth=2, Iwgt = FALSE, mult = FALSE, 
           famgauss = TRUE, famglm = FALSE, famcount = FALSE)
  ## plot selection
  smooth <- i.getplopt(smooth)
  lsmdef <- 1+smooth-famglm
  lplsel <- i.getploption("regr.plotselect")
  lplsel["resfit"] <- i.def(lplsel["resfit"], lsmdef)
  if (length(plotselect)>0) {
    lplotsel <- unlist(plotselect)
    if (length(lplotsel)!=length(plotselect)) {
      warning(":i.plotselect: unsuitable argument.",
              "'plotselect' should be a vector")
    lpls <- TRUE
    lplnm <- names(plotselect)
    if (length(lplnm)==0) {
      if (length(plotselect)==length(lplsel))
        lplnm <- names(lplsel)
      else {
        warning(":plregr: Inadequate argument plotselect")
        lpls <- FALSE}
    if (lpls) {
      if ("default"%in%lplnm) {
        lplnm <- setdiff(lplnm, "default")
        lplsel[] <- if (plotselect["default"]==0) 0 else
      lina <- is.na(match(lplnm,c(names(lplsel),"default")))
      if (any(lina)) {
        warning(":plregr: Inadequate elements in plotselect: ",
              paste(names(plotselect)[lina], collapse=", "))
        lplnm <- lplnm[!lina] }
      lplsel[lplnm] <- plotselect[lplnm]
  if (!mult) lplsel[c("resmatrix","qqmult")] <- 0
  if (is.na(lplsel["yfit"])) lplsel["yfit"] <- 0
  if (is.na(lplsel["resfit"]))
    lplsel["resfit"] <- lsmdef * (lplsel["yfit"]==0)
  if (is.na(lplsel["absresfit"]))
    lplsel["absresfit"] <- 2 * !famcount
  if (is.na(lplsel["absresweights"]))
    lplsel["absresweights"] <- 2 * (famgauss&Iwgt)
  if (is.na(lplsel["qq"])) lplsel["qq"] <- famgauss # how about gamma? !!!
} ## end i.plotselect
## ==========================================================================
plresx <- #f
  function(x, data = NULL, xvar = TRUE, transformed = NULL,
           sequence = FALSE, weights = NULL, 
           addcomp = NULL, smooth = 2, smooth.legend = FALSE,
           markextremes = NA,
           plargs = NULL, ploptions = NULL, assign = TRUE, ...)
## ------------------------------------------------------------
{ ## plresx
  lcall <- match.call()
  if (length(plargs)==0) {
    lac <- as.list(lcall)[-1]
    lac$stdresid <- FALSE
    ladrop <- c("sequence", "weights", "smooth.legend")
    lcall <-
      c(list(quote(plregr.control)), lac[setdiff(names(lac), ladrop)])
    mode(lcall) <- "call"
    plargs <- eval(lcall, parent.frame())
  if (length(ploptions)==0) ploptions <- plargs$ploptions
  marpar <- i.getmarpar(plargs=plargs)
  ## -------------------------------------------------------------------
  if (inherits(x,"mulltinom"))
    stop("!plresx! I do not know how to plot residuals of a mulitnomial regression")
  lpldata <- plargs$pldata
  lvars <- attr(lpldata, "xvar", exact=TRUE)
  ## ---
  lplft <- plargs$plfeatures
  if (u.isnull(transformed))
    transformed <- i.def(lplft$transformed, length(xvar)>0)
  lregrft <- plargs$regrfeatures
  ##  show reference lines?
  lshrefl <- u.notfalse(i.getploption("refline")) & !inherits(x,"coxph")
  lres <- lregrft$residuals
  lIcq <- inherits(lres, "condquant")
  ## lform <- lregrft$formula
  lsimres <- lregrft$simres
  lnsims <- if (is.null(lsimres)) 0 else ncol(lsimres)
  lInnls <- !inherits(x, "nls")
  lnr <- nrow(lpldata)
  lIwgt <- length(lregrft$weights)>0 &
    !inherits(x, "glm") ## do not plot against weights for binom,...
  lnaaction <- lregrft$na.action
  ## lweights <- naresid(lnaaction, lregrft$weights)
  ##  --- sequence
  lIseq <- i.def(sequence, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE)
  if (lIseq) {
    if (length(lvars)) {
      ## is the seqence represented by any other variable?
      lseqvar <-
        if (length(lvars)>0)
          sapply(lpldata[,lvars,drop=FALSE],function(x) {
            if (is.factor(x)||is.character(x)) FALSE else {
             ld <- diff(x)
             sum(ld==0)<0.1*length(x) && (all(ld<=0) | all(ld>=0)) }
           } ) else FALSE
      lIseq <- !any(lseqvar)
      if (!lIseq) warning(paste(":plresx: sequence represented by",
                                paste(lvars[lseqvar],collapse=", ")))
    lpldata$".sequence." <- structure(1:lnr, varlabel="sequence", zeroline=FALSE)
    lvars <- c(lvars,".sequence.")
  ##  --- weights  as x variable
  lIweights <- i.def(weights, lIwgt, TRUE, FALSE)
  if (lIweights)
    if (!lIwgt) 
      warning(":plresx; No weights found.",
              " Cannot plot residuals against weights")   else {
    lpldata[,".weights."] <- naresid(lnaaction, lregrft$weights)
    lvars <- c(lvars, ".weights.")
  ## ------------------
  if (is.null(lvars)) {
    warning(":plresx: I did not find any x variables")
    return() }
  ## terminouterel
  lvmod <- all.vars(formula(x)[-2])
  if (transformed) {
    ltrms <- rownames(attr(terms(x),"factors", exact=TRUE))
    lvrs <- u.allvars(ltrms) ## which terms contain which vars?
    litrms <- sapply(lvrs, function(x) any(x%in%c(lvars,ltrms)) )
    lvmod <- ltrms[litrms | ltrms%in%lvars]
  } else {
    lvi <- pmatch("(", lvars, nomatch=0)
    lvars <-
      if (any(lvi>0)) c(unlist(u.allvars(lvars[-lvi])),lvars[lvi])
      else  unlist(u.allvars(lvars))
  lnvars <- length(lvars)
  terminouterel <- lvars%in%lvmod
  lvcomp <- intersect(lvars, lvmod) ## variables that appear in the model
  ## type
  addcomp <- as.logical(i.def(addcomp, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE))
  ## lpa <- plargs
  lInnls <- !inherits(x, "nls")
## -----------------------------------
  ## fit components for refline
  lIcomp <- addcomp|lshrefl ## components needed?
  if (lIcomp&&length(lvcomp)&lInnls) { ## fit components
    if (length(x$call$data)==0) x$call$data <- lpldata ## in this case,
      ## only model vars can be used 
    lcomp <- fitcomp(x, vars=lvcomp, transformed=transformed,
                    xfromdata=FALSE, se=lshrefl>1)
    lcompx <- lcomp$x
    lcompy <- if (addcomp) lcomp$comp else -lcomp$comp
    lIcompse <- length(lcompse <- lcomp$se)>0
    if (addcomp) {
      lcompdt <-
        fitcomp(x, lpldata, vars=lvcomp, transformed=transformed,
      ## is added to lres below
  } else lshrefl <- FALSE
  ## quantile 
  lqnt <-
    if (length(lregrft$dfres)>0) {
      qt(1-lregrft$testlevel/2, lregrft$dfres)
    } else  qnorm(1-lregrft$testlevel/2)
  ## --- smooth
  lIsmooth <- i.def(smooth, i.def(lregrft$smooth,
                                  i.getploption("smooth"),TRUE) )
  plargs$plfeatures$smooth <- lIsmooth
  if (length(names(smooth.legend))==0) {
    lsmlegend <- i.def(smooth.legend, NULL, TRUE, NULL)
    if (length(lsmlegend)==1)
      lsmlegend <- setNames(lsmlegend, lvars[1])
  } else lsmlegend <-
             setNames(smooth.legend, lvars[1]) else smooth.legend
  lpanel <- eval(i.getploption("panel"))
  if (is.character(lpanel)) lpanel <- get(lpanel, envir=pl.envir)
  ## --- multivariate ## !!! factors!
  if (inherits(x,"mlm")) {
    lpmult <- function(x, y, indx, indy, pch, col, panelargs=NULL, ...) {
      ## lcompx <- lcompy <- NULL
      ltin <- terminouterel[indx]
      lvx <- lvars[indx]
      if (ltin&lshrefl) {
        lregrft$reflinecoord <- list(x=lcompx[,lvx], y=lcompy[,lvx,indy])
      lpanel(x, y, plargs=plargs)
    plmatrix(lpldata[,lvars,drop=FALSE], lres, panel=lpmult,
             ##pch=lregrft$plab, plcol=lregrft$lpldata$plcol,
             nrow = lregrft$multnrow, ncol = lregrft$multncol,
             mar = lregrft$marmult,
  ## ------------------------------------------------------------------
  lmf <- i.def(lregrft$mf, NULL, TRUE, NULL)
  if (length(lmf)) {
    if (u.true(lmf))
      lmf <- if (lnvars<=6) lnvars else
  loldpar <- par(c("mar","mgp"))
  lmfpar <- NULL
  if (length(lmf)&(!is.logical(lmf))) {
    lmfpar <- plmframes(mft=lmf, plargs=plargs)
    loldpar <- c(loldpar, attr(lmfpar,"oldpar"))
  loldpar <- loldpar[!duplicated(names(loldpar))]
  on.exit(par(loldpar), add=TRUE, after=FALSE)
  ## --------------
  lmbox <- i.getploption("factor.show")=="mbox"
  lrpl <- lregrft$resplab
  if (length(lrpl)>0) lrpl <- lrpl[,1]
  lr <- lres
  if (lIsmooth && lnsims>0) lr <- structure(cbind(lr, lsimres), primary=1)
  lrs <- lr ## need a copy for the case  addcomp  is true
  ## ------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## --- loop --- plresx
  for (lj in 1:lnvars) {
    lvr <- lvars[lj] ## if (transformed) lvars[lj] else lrawv[lj]
    lv <- unname(lvr)
    lIcompj <- terminouterel[lj] && lshrefl && lInnls
    if (lIcompj) {
      lcj <- lcompy[, lvr]
      if (lIcompse) lcsej <- lcompse[,lvr]
    ##    if (lregrft$partial.resid)
    if (lshrefl && addcomp && lIcompj)  {
      lrs <- lr+lcompdt[, lvr]  ## possibly does not work (for condq)
      lrs[,1] <- genvarattributes(lrs[,1,drop=FALSE],replace=TRUE,
                               varlabel=list(paste(attr(lr[,1],"varlabel"),"+ comp_eff")))
      attr(lrs, "primary") <- 1 ## simulated smooths...
    lvv <- lpldata[, lv]
    mar <- i.def(plargs[["mar"]], NA) ## c(NA, par("mar")[-1])
    ## ---
    if (u.isnull(attr(lvv, "varlabel")))  attr(lvv, "varlabel") <- lv
    lrs1 <- lrs[,1,drop=FALSE]
    if (is.factor(lvv)) {
      ## --- factors
      ll <- levels(lvv)
      lnl <- length(ll)
      if (lIcompj) {
        lrfx <- c(outer(0.45*c(-1,1,NA),seq_along(ll),"+"))
        lcj1 <- lcj[1:lnl]
        lrfy <- c(rbind(lcj1,lcj1,NA))
        lrfb <-
          if(lIcompse) {
            lcsej1 <- lcsej[1:lnl]
            lrfb <- c(rbind(lcsej1,lcsej1,NA))
            lrfy + cbind(-lrfb,lrfb)
        lrefline <- list(x=lrfx, y=lrfy, band=lrfb)
      if (lmbox) {
        lmr <- marpar$mar
        lmr[1] <- NA 
        ## allow for changing  mar[c(1,3)]
        plargs$pldata=structure(lpldata, xvar=lv)
        plmboxes.default(lvv, lrs1, data=lpldata, mar=lmr, plargs=plargs)
        plrefline(lrefline, plargs=plargs)
      } else {
        lpla <- plargs
        lpla$plfeatures$reflinecoord <- lrefline
        plframe(lvv,lrs1, plargs=lpla, xy=FALSE)
        lpanel(lvv,lrs, plargs=lpla)
    } else { # ---
      ## --- continuous explanatory variable
      if (lshrefl && lIcompj) {
        lrefx <- lcompx[,lvr]
        lrefyb <- if (lshrefl>1) outer(lqnt*lcompse[,lvr], c(-1,1))
        plargs$plfeatures$reflinecoord <-
          list(x=lrefx, y=lcj, band=lrefyb)
      plpanel(lvv, lrs, plargs=plargs, frame=TRUE) ## title=NA, 
    } ## ends  if factor else
    ## par(cex=lcex)
  if (u.notfalse(assign)) plassign(list=plargs) 
} ## end plresx
## ==========================================================================
smoothRegr <- #f
  function(x, y, weights=NULL, par=NULL, iterations=50, minobs=NULL, ...)
  minobs <- i.def(minobs, i.getploption("smooth.minobs"), valuefalse=1)
  lnx <- sum(is.finite(x))
  if (lnx<minobs ) return(NULL)
  liter <- max(i.def(iterations, i.getploption("smooth.iter")),0)
  lform <- if (is.formula(x)) x else y~x
  lpar <- i.def(par,i.getploption("smooth.par"))
  if (is.function(lpar)) lpar <- lpar(lnx)
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------
  lcall <- call("loess", formula=lform, data=data.frame(x=x, y=y),
              weights=weights, span=lpar, iterations=max(liter,1),
              family=if (liter>0) "symmetric" else "gaussian",
  if (u.isnull(weights)) lcall$weights <- NULL
  lsm <- if (ploptions("debug")) eval(lcall, parent.frame())
         else try(eval(lcall), parent.frame(), silent=TRUE)
  if (inherits(lsm, "try-error")) {
    warning(":smoothRegr: span was too small. Using 0.99")
    lcall$span <- 0.99
    lsm <- eval(lcall, parent.frame())
## ========================================================================
gensmooth <- #f
  function(x, y, band=FALSE, power=1, resid="difference", weight=NULL,
           plargs = NULL, ploptions = NULL, ...)
  ## Purpose:   smooth for multiple y : one column from data, the other sim
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Werner Stahel, Date:  9 Feb 2016, 14:57
  if (length(plargs)==0) plargs <- pl.envir ## get(...)
  if (length(ploptions)==0) ploptions <- plargs$ploptions
  lsmiter <- i.getploption("smooth.iter")
  lsmfunc <- i.getploption("smooth.function")
  if (is.character(lsmfunc)) lsmfunc <- get(lsmfunc)
  if (is.null(lsmfunc)) lsmfunc <- smoothRegr
  lIfm <- names(formals(lsmfunc))[1]=="formula"
  lsmf <-
    if (lIfm) function(x, y, power=1, weights=NULL, par=NULL, iterations=lsmiter, ...)
      lsmfunc(I(y^power)~x, weights=weights, par=par, iterations=iterations, ...)
      else function(x, y, power=1, weights=NULL, par=NULL, iterations=lsmiter, ...)
      lsmfunc(x, y^power, weights=weights, par=par, iterations=iterations, ...)
  power <- i.def(power, 1,1,1)
  ## ---
  lnx <- NROW(x)
  if (inherits(y, "Surv")) y <- y[,1] ## !!! needs improvement!
  ly <- as.matrix(y)
  if (nrow(ly)!=lnx) stop("!gensmooth! Incompatible dimensions of 'x' and 'y'")
  ## if (length(weights)<=1) weights <- rep(1, lnx)
  lweights <- i.def(weight, plargs$pldata$".smoothWeights.")
  lIwgt <- length(lweights)>0
  if (lIwgt&&length(lweights)!=lnx)
    stop("!gensmooth! Incompatible dimensions of 'x' and 'weights'")
  lgroup <- plargs$pldata$".smooth.group."
  if (u.isnull(lgroup)) lgroup <- plargs$pldata$".group."
  if (lInogrp <- length(lgroup)<=1) lgroup <- rep(1, lnx)
  if (length(lgroup)!=lnx)
    stop("!gensmooth! Incompatible dimensions of 'x' and 'group'")
  lgrp <- i.factor(lgroup)
  if (is.character(resid))
    resid <- pmatch(resid, c("difference","ratio"))
  if (is.na(resid)) {
    warning(":gensmooth: argument 'resid' not suitable.",
            " Difference residuals calculated")
    resid <- 1
  lnobs <- median(table(lgrp))
  band <- i.def(band, FALSE, TRUE)
  lpar <- i.getploption("smooth.par")
  if (is.function(lpar)) lpar <- lpar(lnobs)
  lparband <- lpar[1]* i.def(lpar[2], 1.5, 1.5, 1)
  liter <- i.getploption("smooth.iter")
  lminobs <- i.getploption("smooth.minobs")
  ## data: look for numvalues
  lx <- i.def(attr(x,"numvalues", exact=TRUE),x)
##  if (inherits(lx, "POSIXt")) lx <- as.numeric(lx) 
  ly <- apply(ly,2, function(y) i.def(attr(y, "numvalues", exact=TRUE), y))
  lnna <- apply(cbind(lx,ly), 1, sumNA)
  lx[lnna>0] <- NA
  lio <- order(as.numeric(lgrp), lx, na.last=NA) ## order by group
  lxo <- lx[lio] # sorted without NA
  lyo <- ly[lio,,drop=F]
  lgrpo <- lgrp[lio]
  lngrp <- length(levels(lgrpo))
  lgrpn <- as.numeric(lgrpo)
  lwgto <- if(lIwgt) lweights[lio] else NULL
  ## production
  oldopt <- options(warn=-1)
  on.exit(options(oldopt), add=TRUE, after=FALSE)
  lysm <- array(NA, dim=dim(lyo), dimnames=dimnames(lyo))
  ## presently only for matrices
  if (band) lysmband <- lsmrpos <- lysm[,1]
  lsm <- NULL
  for (lgr in seq_along(levels(lgrpo))) {  ## smooth within groups (if >1)
    lig <- which(lgrpn==lgr)
    lxg <- lxo[lig]
    if (sum(!is.na(lxg))<lminobs) {
      notice("gensmooth: too few non-missing observations",
             if(lngrp>1) paste(" for group ",lgr) )
    for (j in ncol(lyo):1) {
      lsm <- lsmf(as.numeric(lxg), as.numeric(lyo[lig,j]), power=power,
                     weights=if(lIwgt) lwgto[lig] else NULL,
                  par=lpar[1], iterations=lsmiter, ...)
      if (is.list(lsm)) lsm <- fitted(lsm)
      if (length(lsm)==0) {
        notice("gensmooth: too few observations for a smooth",
      } else  lysm[lig,j] <- lsm^(1/power)
    ## band
    if (band & length(lsm)) {
      lysmb <- rep(NA, length(lsm))
      lsmr <- lyo[lig,1]^power-lsm^power ## residual
      lsmrpos[lig] <- lip <- lsmr>=0
      ## high end
      lii <- which(lip)
      if(length(lii)) {
        lsmrh <- lsmr[lii]
      ##  ligi <- lig[lii]
        lsmh <- lsmfunc(lxg[lii], sqrt(lsmrh),
                        weights=if (lIwgt) lwgto[lig[lii]] else NULL,
                        par=lparband, iterations=liter)
        if (length(lsmh)==0) {
          notice("gensmooth: too few observations for a 'high' smooth",
                 if(lngrp>1) paste(" for group ",lgr),
                 printnotices=ploptions$printnotices )
        } else lysmb[lii] <- lsmh^2
      ## low end
      if(length(lii)) {
        lii <- which(!lip)
        lsmrl <- - lsmr[lii]
      ##  ligi <- lig[lii]
        lsml <- lsmfunc(lxg[lii], sqrt(lsmrl),
                        weights=if (lIwgt) lwgto[lig[lii]] else NULL,
                        par=lparband, iterations=liter)
        if (length(lsml)==0) {
          notice("gensmooth: too few observations for a 'low' smooth",
                 if(lngrp>1) paste(" for group ",lgr),
                 printnotices=ploptions$printnotices )
        } else lysmb[lii] <- - lsml^2
      ## resulting band
      lysmband[lig] <- (lysmb + lsm^power)^(1/power)
  lysmin <- matrix(NA, lnx, ncol(lyo), dimnames=list(names(x),colnames(lyo)))
  lysmin[lio,] <- lysm
  lres <- if (resid==2) ly/lysmin else ly-lysmin
  rr <- list(x = lxo, y = lysm, group = if(!lInogrp) i.factor(lgrpo),
             index = lio, xorig = x, ysmorig = lysmin, residuals = lres,
             xtrim = attr(lsm, "xtrim", exact=TRUE) )
  if (band) rr <- c(rr, yband = list(lysmband), ybandindex = list(lsmrpos) )
} ## end gensmooth
## ==========================================================================
smoothLm <- #f
  function(x, y, weights = NULL, ...) {
  rr <- if (u.isnull(weights)) lm.fit(cbind(1,x), y, ...)$fitted
        else  lm.wfit(cbind(1,x), y, weights, ...)$fitted
  structure(rr, xtrim=0)
## smoothRegrrob <- function(x,y,weights,par=3*length(x)^log10(1/2),iter=50)
## =======================================================================
plmatrix <- #f
  function(x, y=NULL, data=NULL, panel=NULL, ##panelargs = plargs, 
           nrow=NULL, ncol=nrow, reduce=TRUE, 
           xaxmar=NULL, yaxmar=NULL, xlabmar=NULL, ylabmar=NULL,
           xlab=NULL, ylab=NULL, ## partial match!?!
           mar=NULL, oma=NULL,
           diaglabel.csize = NULL, ## csize=NULL, csize needed because otherwise
           ## csize will be translated into diaglabel.csize
           plargs = NULL, ploptions = NULL, assign = TRUE, ...) 
## Purpose:    pairs  with different plotting characters, marks and/or colors
##             showing submatrices of the full scatterplot matrix
##             possibly on seeral pages
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  lcall <- match.call()
##  lIplargs <- u.isnull(lcall[["plargs"]])
  if (is.null(plargs)) {
    lcall[[1]] <- quote(pl.control)
    lcall$x <- x  ## needs evaluation
    lcall$.subdefault <- as.expression(substitute(x)) ##as.character(as.expression(substitute(x)))
    lcall$y <- y
    lcall$data <-
      if(length(data)) {
        if (is.name(substitute(data)))
          lcall$.subdefault <- as.expression(substitute(data))
    lcall$distinguishy <- FALSE
    lcall$gensequence <- FALSE
    lcall$.environment. <- parent.frame()
    plargs <- eval(lcall, envir=parent.frame())
  if (length(ploptions)==0) ploptions <- plargs$ploptions
  lplft <- plargs$plfeatures
  ## --------------
  lf.axis <- function(k, x, axm, labm, txt, ...) {
    if (k %in% axm)
      plaxis(k, x, varlabel="", ploptions=ploptions, marpar=marpar)
    if (k %in% labm) {
      lli <- lmline[1] + (k%nin%axm)*diff(lmline) ## diff is negative
      mtext(txt, side=k, line=lcsize*lli,
            cex=lcsize*marpar$margin.csize[1], ...)
  lf.eq <- function(v1,v2) {
    if (is.factor(v1)) is.factor(v2)&&
    else all(dropNA(as.numeric(v1)==as.numeric(v2)))
##-   lkeeppar <- i.getploption("keeppar")
##-   oldpar <- par(c("mar","cex","mgp","oma")) ##, "ask", "mfrow"
##    ##  lmfg <- par("mfg")
##-   if (!lkeeppar) on.exit(par(oldpar))
##---------------------- preparations --------------------------
##-   lcl <- match.call()
##-   lcall <- sys.call() ## match.call modifies argument names
##-   lcnm <- names(lcall)
##-   if (length(lcall)!=length(lcl)) stop("bug")
  ##-   names(lcall) <- ifelse(lcnm=="", names(lcl), lcnm)
  ## margins, will be used by  plframe
  panel <- i.getplopt(panel)
  if (is.character(panel)) panel <- get(panel, pl.envir)
  if (!is.function(panel)) {
    warning(":plmatrix: 'panel' not found. Using 'plgraphics::plpanel'")
    panel <- plgraphics::plpanel
  if (length(xlab)|length(ylab))
    warning(":plmatrix: Arguments 'xlab' and 'ylab' not used. ",
            "Set 'varlabel' instead!")
  ## -----------------------------------------------
  ## data and bookkeeping
  pldata <- plargs$pldata
  ## if  group , generate  pcol
  if (".group."%in%names(pldata)) {    
    if (!".pcol."%in%names(pldata))
      plargs$pldata[,".pcol."] <- pldata[,".group."]
##-     if (!".smooth.group."%in%names(pldata))
##-       plargs$pldata[,".smooth.group."] <- pldata[,".group."]
##  if (is.null(i.getplopt(main))) lplftt$main <- lplftt$datalabel
  xvar <- i.def(attr(pldata,"xvar", exact=TRUE), names(pldata))
  nv1 <- length(xvar)
  lv1 <- lv2 <- 0
  if (u.isnull(y)) {
    xvar <- c(xvar, attr(pldata,"yvar", exact=TRUE))
    nv1 <- length(xvar)
    if (reduce) { nv1 <- nv1-1; lv2 <- 1 }
    nv2 <- nv1
    ldata <- pldata[,xvar]
  } else { # cbind y to data for easier preparations
    ## reduce <- FALSE
    if (!is.null(dim(y))) {
      yvar <- colnames(y)
      ldata <- cbind(pldata[,xvar], as.data.frame(y))
    } else {
      yvar <- attr(pldata,"yvar", exact=TRUE)
      ldata <- pldata[,c(xvar,yvar)]
    ## lformy <- as.formula(paste("~",paste(yvar, collapse="+")))
    nv2 <- length(yvar)
    lv2 <- length(xvar)
  lnr <- nrow(ldata)
  lnobs <- lnr-mean(sumNA(ldata))
  lvsurv <- sapply(ldata, function(x) inherits(x, "Surv") )
  if (any(lvsurv)) { ## survival vars
    lf.surv <- function(dt) structure(dt[,1], pch=dt[,2]+1)
    ldata[lvsurv] <- lapply(ldata[lvsurv], lf.surv)
  ## --- title
##-   lIsub <- lplft$sub
##-   lImain <- lplft$main
##-   lcsizemain <- c(i.getploption("title.csize"),1,1)
##-   ## title: how many lines? 
  lItit <- !( (length(lplft$main)==0||lplft$main=="") &&
    (length(lplft$sub)==0||lplft$sub=="") )
##-   lltit <- (length(lmain)>0 && lmain!="") * sum(lcsizemain[1:2])
##-   if (lltit==0) 
##-     if(length(lsub)>0&&as.character(lsub)!="") lltit <- lcsizemain[2] ## + 0.2
  ##- else lltit <-  lltit ## +0.2
  ## set par
  ## --- position of tick marks and axis labels, oma
  xaxmar <- 1+ 2*(1<i.def(xaxmar, 1+(nv1*nv2>1)))
  yaxmar <- 2+ 2*(2<i.def(yaxmar, 2+(nv1*nv2>1)))
  xlabmar <- i.def(xlabmar, if (nv1*nv2==1) xaxmar else 4-xaxmar )
  ylabmar <- i.def(ylabmar, if (nv1*nv2==1) yaxmar else 6-yaxmar )
  ## ---
  lmar <- rep(i.getploption("panelsep"), length=4) 
  lcsize <- i.getploption("csize")
  if (is.function(lcsize)) lcsize <- lcsize(lnobs)
  marpar <-
    i.getmarpar(mar=mar, axes=c(xaxmar,yaxmar), axlab=c(xlabmar,ylabmar),
                title=FALSE, plargs=plargs)
  lmline <- marpar$margin.line
  lmar <- marpar$mar
  ## ---
  lnrow <- i.getplopt(nrow)
  lncol <- i.def(ncol, lnrow)
  ploptions$mframesmax <- c(lnrow, lncol)
  ## ---
  if (!u.true(i.getploption("keeppar"))) {
    loldp <- par(c("mar","mgp","oma","mfrow")) 
    on.exit(par(loldp), add=TRUE, after=FALSE) 
##    on.exit(par(loldp[4:5]), add=TRUE) 
  lshlab <- i.getploption("showlabels")
  ## ---
  lpar <- plmframes(nv2, nv1, mar=marpar$mar, reduce=reduce,
  plargs$marpar <- marpar <- lpar$marpar
  ## ----------------------------------------------
  lcsizediag <- i.getplopt(diaglabel.csize)
  lmfg <- par("mfg")
  lnr <- lmfg[3]
  lnc <- lmfg[4]
  lnpgr <- ceiling(nv2/lnr)
  lnpgc <- ceiling(nv1/lnc)
  ## csize.pch
  lcsize.pch <- i.getploption("csize.pch")
  if (is.function(lcsize.pch)) lcsize.pch <- lcsize.pch(lnobs)
  plargs$ploptions$csize.pch <- ploptions$csize.pch <- lcsize.pch 
  lipanelargs <-
                "marpar")) # ,names(list(...))
  ##----------------- plots ----------------------------
  for (ipgr in 1:lnpgr) {
    lr <- (ipgr-1)*lnr ## start at row index  lr
  for (ipgc in 1:lnpgc) {
    lc <- (ipgc-1)*lnc
    if (reduce&&((lr+lnr)<=lc)) break
  for (jr in 1:lnr) { #-- plot row [j]
    jd2 <- lr+jr  ##  index for  y  axis
    j2 <- lv2 + jd2
    if (jd2<=nv2)  {
      v2 <- ldata[,j2]
      lylab <- i.def(i.def(attr(v2,"varlabel", exact=TRUE),
                           attr(v2,"varname", exact=TRUE)),
                     paste("V",j2,sep="."), valuefalse="")
    for (jc in 1:lnc) { #-- plot column  [j2-lv2] = 1:nv2
      jd1 <- lc+jc
      j1 <- lv1 + jd1
      if (jd2<=nv2 & jd1<=nv1) {
        v1 <- ldata[,j1]
        lxlab <- i.def(attr(v1,"varlabel", exact=TRUE),
                       paste("V",j1,sep="."), valuefalse="")
        if (!lf.eq(v1,v2)) { # not diagonal
          plframe(v1, v2, xlab="", ylab="", mar=lmar, showlabels=!reduce,
                  ploptions=ploptions, marpar=marpar, xy=FALSE)
                  c(list(x=v1, y=v2), ## panel must have arguments x and y
                    list(indx=jd1, indy=jd2, plargs=plargs)[lipanelargs]) )
          ##          panel(v1,v2, indx=jd1, indy=jd2, plargs=plargs)
##          llastmfg <- par("mfg")
        else {
          lv0 <- as.numeric(v1)
          plot(lv0,lv0, type="n", axes=FALSE, xlab="",ylab="")
          uu <- par("usr") # diagonal: print variable name
          text(mean(uu[1:2]),mean(uu[3:4]), lylab, cex=lcsizediag) ## no par("cex") here!
##        usr <- par("usr")
        ##       lat=c(mean(usr[1:2]),mean(usr[3:4]))
        if (jr==lnr||jd2==nv2) lf.axis(1, v1, xaxmar, xlabmar, lxlab)
        if (jc==1) lf.axis(2, v2, yaxmar, ylabmar, lylab)
        if (jr==1) lf.axis(3, v1, xaxmar, xlabmar, lxlab)
        if (jc==lnc||jd1==nv1) lf.axis(4, v2, yaxmar, ylabmar, lylab)
        if (jr==1&jc==1&lItit) 
          pltitle(plargs=plargs, show=NA, outer.margin=TRUE, marpar=marpar)
      } else frame()
  stamp(sure=FALSE, outer.margin=TRUE) 
  ##  if (lkeeppar)
  ## par(mfg=llastmfg)
  if (u.notfalse(assign)) plassign(list=plargs)
} ## end plmatrix

## ====================================================================
plpanel <- #f
  function(x = NULL, y = NULL, indx=NULL, indy=NULL, type="p",
           frame = FALSE, title = FALSE, 
           plargs = NULL, ploptions = NULL, marpar = NULL,
           ...) ## data=plargs$pldata
{ ## !!!? i.getxy
  if (length(plargs)==0) plargs <- pl.envir ## get(...)
  if (length(ploptions)==0) ploptions <- plargs$ploptions
  lplft <- plargs$plfeatures
  pldata <- plargs$pldata
  if (!inherits(marpar, "i.marpar"))
    marpar <- i.getmarpar(marpar, plargs=plargs)
  if(length(loldp <- attr(marpar, "oldpar")))
    on.exit(par(loldp), add=TRUE, after=FALSE)
  ploptions$stamp <- FALSE
  lrefl <- lplft$reflinecoord
  lshrefl <- u.notfalse(lrefl) ## i.getploption("refline"))
  mbox <- i.getploption("factor.show")=="mbox" &&
  lIsm <- i.getploption("smooth")
  ## intro, needed if formulas are used or data is given or ...
  lcall <- match.call()
  lxnm <- "x"
  lynm <- "y"
  if (is.formula(x)|is.formula(y)|
      any(c("data","pcol","psize")%in%names(lcall))) {
    lcall$assign <- FALSE
    lcall$ploptions <- ploptions
    if (is.null(lcall$data)) lcall$data <- pldata
    lplargs <- do.call(pl.control, as.list(lcall[-1]), envir=parent.frame())
    ploptions <- lplargs$ploptions
    plargs$pldata <- pldata <- lplargs$pldata
    x <- pldata[,lxnm <- attr(pldata, "xvar", exact=TRUE)[1], drop=FALSE]
    y <- pldata[,lynm <- attr(pldata, "yvar", exact=TRUE), drop=FALSE]
  } else {
  ## ---
    if (length(x)==0) {
      x <- pldata[,1, drop=FALSE]
      lxnm <- names(pldata)[2]
    if (length(y)==0) {
      y <- pldata[,2, drop=FALSE]
      lxnm <- names(pldata)[1]
  if (is.data.frame(x)) x <- x[,1]
  if (sum(!is.na(x))==0) {
    warning(":plpanel: no finite values of variable ", lxnm,
            ". Nothing to plot")
  if (sum(!is.na(as.matrix(y)))==0) {
    warning(":plpanel: no finite values of variable(s) ", paste(lynm, collapse=", "),
            ". Nothing to plot")
  ##       lvv <- transferAttributes(i.factor(lvv), lvv)
  if (is.character(x)) x <- factor(x) ## !!! attributes!
  if (is.character(y)) {
    if (NCOL(y)>1) {
      warning("!plpanel! multiple  y  cannot be of type character or factor",
              "Using the first column")
      y <- y[,1]
    y <- factor(y)
  if (length(dropNA(unique(x)))==1) x <- factor(x)
  if (is.factor(x)) { lIsm <- FALSE
    if (!is.factor(y) & mbox) {
      plargs$pldata <- data.frame(x=x,y=y)
      plmboxes.default(x, y, plargs=plargs, add=TRUE, ...)
  } else { 
    if (is.factor(y) & mbox) {
      plargs$pldata <- data.frame(x=y, y=x)
      plmboxes.default(y, x, plargs=plargs, add=TRUE, horizontal=TRUE, ...)
  ## ---
  lys <- NULL
  lyp <- y
  if (lIsm) {
    lIyp <- attr(y, "primary", exact=TRUE)
    lIys <- attr(y, "secondary", exact=TRUE)
    if (length(lIyp) | length(lIys)) {
      lIyp <- i.def(lIyp, 1:NCOL(y))
      lIys <- i.def(lIys, setdiff(1:NCOL(y), lIyp))
    lyp <- if (length(lIyp)) y[,lIyp, drop=FALSE] else y
    lys <- if (length(lIys)) y[,lIys] else NULL
  ## ---------------------
  ## start plotting
  if (frame) plframe(x,lyp, ploptions=ploptions, marpar=marpar, ...) ## !!!
  ## secondary smooths
  if (lIsm & length(lys))
    plsmooth(x, y=NULL, ysec=lys, band=FALSE, power=lplft$smooth.power, 
             xy=FALSE, plargs=plargs, ploptions=ploptions)
  ## refline
  if (lshrefl && length(lrfl <- lplft$reflinecoord))
    plrefline(lrfl, x=x, y=y, plargs=plargs, ploptions=ploptions)
  ## points
  plpoints(x, lyp, type=type, plargs=plargs, ploptions=ploptions,
           marpar=marpar, xy=FALSE, ...)
  ## primary smooth
  if (lIsm) plsmooth(x, y=lyp, plargs=plargs, ploptions=ploptions, ...)
  ## title
  if (u.notfalse(title)) pltitle(plargs=plargs, show=title)
} ## end plpanel
## ====================================================================
panelSmooth <- #f
  function(x, y, indx, indy, plargs = NULL, ...) {
    if (length(plargs)==0) plargs <- pl.envir ## get(...)
    graphics::panel.smooth(x, y, pch=plargs$plfeatures$pch,
                           cex=i.getploption("csize.pch")*par("cex"), ...)
## ==========================================================================
plcond <- #f
  function(x, y=NULL, condvar = NULL, data=NULL, panel=NULL, ## panelargs = plargs, 
           nrow=NULL, ncol=NULL, xaxmar=NULL, yaxmar=NULL, ## xlabmar=NULL, ylabmar=NULL,
##           xcondmar=NULL, ycondmar=NULL, 
           xlab=NULL, ylab=NULL, ## partial match!?!
           oma=NULL, ## mar=NULL, csize=NULL, 
           plargs = NULL, ploptions = NULL, assign = TRUE, ...) 
## Purpose:    pairs  with different plotting characters, marks and/or colors
##             showing submatrices of the full scatterplot matrix
##             possibly on seeral pages
  ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  lf.condkey <- function(x, rg, ext) {
    lwd <- diff(rg)
    lx <- (x-rg[1])/lwd
    if (ext>0)
      ## 0 in the interval, linear beyond until abs(result)>1
      clipat(lx/ext - pmin(lx,1)*(lx>0)/ext, c(-1,1), clipped=NA)
    else  clipat(x, rg, clipped=NA)
  ## --------------------------------------------------------------------
  lcall <- match.call()
##  lIplargs <- is.null(lcall[["plargs"]])
  if (is.null(plargs)) {
    lcall[[1]] <- quote(pl.control)
    lcall$x <- x  ## needs evaluation
    lcall$.subdefault <- as.expression(substitute(x)) ##as.character(as.expression(substitute(x)))
    lcall$y <- y
    lcall$data <-
      if(length(data)) {
        if (is.name(substitute(data)))
          lcall$.subdefault <- as.expression(substitute(data))
    lcall$distinguishy <- FALSE
    lcall$gensequence <- FALSE
    lcall$.environment. <- parent.frame()
    plargs <- eval(lcall, envir=parent.frame())
##    lplft$main <- lmain
  if (length(ploptions)==0) ploptions <- plargs$ploptions
  lplft <- plargs$plfeatures
  ## -----------
  pldata <- plargs$pldata
  ## ----------------
  lnobs <- nrow(pldata)
  lnint <- rep(i.getploption("plcond.nintervals"),2)
  ## --------------
##  lmain <- plargs$main
##  ltitcs <- i.getploption("title.csize")
  ## title: how many lines? 
##-   lltit <- (length(lmain)>0&&lmain!="") * sum(ltitcs[1:2])
##-   if (lltit==0) {
##-     if(length(lsub)>0&&as.character(lsub)!="") lltit <- ltitcs[2] ## + 0.2
##-   } else lltit <-  lltit ## +0.2
  ## --- position of tick marks and axis labels, oma
  xaxmar <- ifelse(i.def(xaxmar, 1)[1]>1, 3,1)
  yaxmar <- ifelse(i.def(yaxmar, 2)[1]>2, 4,2)
##-   xlabmar <- i.def(xlabmar, xaxmar)
##-   ylabmar <- i.def(ylabmar, yaxmar)
  xcondmar <- 4-xaxmar ## i.def(xcondmar, 3)
  ycondmar <- 6-yaxmar 
  ## --- data and bookkeeping
  lx <- pldata[,i.def(attr(pldata,"xvar", exact=TRUE),1)[1]]
  ly <- pldata[,i.def(attr(pldata,"yvar", exact=TRUE),2)[1]]
  lxlab <- attr(lx,"varlabel", exact=TRUE)
  lylab <- attr(ly,"varlabel", exact=TRUE)
  lpcl <- i.def(pldata[[".pcol."]], i.getploption("colors")[1])
  lpcol <- rep(rgb(t(col2rgb(lpcl))), length=length(lx))
  lpch <- i.def(pldata[[".pch."]], i.getploption("pch")[1])
  lpsize <- i.def(pldata[[".psize."]], 1)
  lcondv <- c(attr(pldata, "by"), attr(pldata, "by2"))
  if (u.isnull(lcondv))
    stop("!plcond! no conditioning variable(s) found")
  llby <- length(lcondv)
  if (llby>2)
    warning(":plcond: only the first 2 conditioning variables will be used: ",
            paste(lcondv[1:2], collapse=", "))
  ## ---
  lc2vars <- llby>=2
  lext <- i.getploption("plcond.extend")
  ## condition keys
  for (li in 1:(1+lc2vars)) {
    lv <- pldata[,lcondv[li]]
    if (is.numeric(lv)) {
      lcutp <- attr(lv, "cutpoints", exact=TRUE)
      if (u.isnull(lcutp)) {
        lrg <- robrange(lv)
        lcutp <- seq(lrg[1],lrg[2], length=lnint[li]+1)
      lck <-   ## a column of paling weights for each conditioning interval
               function(i) lf.condkey(lv, lcutp[i+0:1], lext)
      attr(lck, "cutpoints") <- lcutp
    } else { ## lv is not numeric
      lvn <- as.numeric(lv)
      llev <- levels(lv)
      lck <- sapply(seq_along(llev), function(i) ifelse(lvn==i, 0, NA) )
      attr(lck, "labels") <- llev
    if (li==1) { ## horizontal axis
      lckeyx <- lck
      lbyxlab <- attr(lv,"varlabel", exact=TRUE)
    } else { ## vertical
      lckeyy <- lck
      lbyylab <- attr(lv,"varlabel", exact=TRUE)
  if (!lc2vars) { ## only one conditioning v
    lckeyy <- matrix(0,1,1)
    lbyylab <- NULL
  lnintx <- ncol(lckeyx)
  lninty <- ncol(lckeyy)
  ## ----- graphical prep
  lcsize <- i.getploption("csize")
  marpar <- i.getmarpar(plargs=plargs)
  lmar <- rep(i.getploption("panelsep"), length=4) 
  if(!lc2vars) lmar[3] <- i.def(i.getploption("title.line")[2], 0.8)
  ## space for conditional variables' axes
  loma <- i.getploption("oma")  
  lomadef <- rep(0,4) ## marpar$mar
  lomadef[xcondmar] <- lomadef[xcondmar] + 2
  lomadef[ycondmar] <- lomadef[ycondmar] + 2
  loma <- replaceNA(loma, lomadef)
  ploptions$mframesmax <- c(lnintx, lninty)
  ## ---
  if (!u.true(i.getploption("keeppar"))) {
    loldp <- par(c("mar","mgp","oma","mfrow")) 
    on.exit(par(loldp), add=TRUE, after=FALSE)
  ## ---
  lpar <- plmframes(if(lc2vars) lninty, if(lc2vars) lnintx,
                    if(!lc2vars) lnintx, reduce=TRUE, oma=loma, 
                    plargs=plargs)  ##  !!! plargs not active
  ## lpar$marpar$mar <- lpar$marpar$mar+c(0,0,0,1) ## !!! Flick!
  plargs$marpar <- marpar <- lpar$marpar
  lmgp <- lcsize*c(marpar$margin.line,0)
  lbylabline <- lmgp[1]
  lnumline <- lmgp[2]
  ## --------------------------------------------
  lmfg <- par("mfg")
  lnr <- lmfg[3]
  lnc <- lmfg[4]
  if (lc2vars) {
    lnpgr <- ceiling(lninty/lnr)
    lnpgc <- ceiling(lnintx/lnc)
  } else {
    lnpgr <- 1
    lnc <- lnr*lnc
    lnpgc <- ceiling(lnintx/lnc)
    lnr <- 1
  ## cexpch
  lcsize.pch <- i.getploption("csize.pch")
  if (is.function(lcsize.pch)) lcsize.pch <- lcsize.pch(lnobs)
  ploptions$csize.pch <- lcsize.pch ##!!! plargs
  ploptions$axes <- FALSE  ##!!! plargs
##-   lipanelargs <-
##-     intersect(names(as.list(args(panel))), c("indx","indy","panelargs"))
##-   ## log
##-   if (length(grep("x",log))>0) ldata[ldata[,1:nv1]<=0,1:nv1] <- NA
##-   if (length(grep("y",log))>0) ldata[ldata[,lv2+1:nv2]<=0,lv2+1:nv2] <- NA
  ## --- specific for plcond
  lsmooth <- i.getploption("smooth")
  lIsmooth <- u.notfalse(lsmooth)
  lsmminobs <- i.getploption("smooth.minobs")
  lccolors <- i.getploption("plcond.col")
  lccl <- col2rgb(lccolors)/255
  lccolors <- rgb(t(cbind(lccl, (lccl[,c(1,2,1,2)]+lccl[,c(3,3,4,4)])/2 )) ) 
  lpale <- i.getploption("plcond.pale")
  lccsize <- i.getploption("plcond.csize")*par("cex.axis")
  lcslab <- i.getploption("csize.lab")*par("cex.lab")
  ## ---
  lcutpx <- attr(lckeyx, "cutpoints", exact=TRUE)
  lcnumx <- length(lcutpx)>0
  lcutpx <- format(lcutpx, digits=3)
  llevx <- attr(lckeyx, "labels", exact=TRUE)
  lcutpy <- attr(lckeyy, "cutpoints", exact=TRUE)
  lcnumy <- length(lcutpy)>0
  lcutpy <- format(lcutpy, digits=3)
  llevy <- attr(lckeyy, "labels", exact=TRUE)
  panel <- i.def(panel, i.getploption("plcond.panel"))
  if (is.character(panel)) panel <- get(panel, pl.envir)
  if (!is.function(panel)) {
    warning(":plmatrix: 'panel' not found. Using 'plgraphics::plpanelCond'")
    panel <- plgraphics::plpanelCond
  ## ------------------------------------
  lcsizepl <- par("cin")/par("pin")
  ladjfacx <- lcsizepl[1]*0.4
  ladjfacy <- lcsizepl[2]*0.3
  ljy <- 1
  ## --------------------------------------------------------------
  ## plot
  for (ipgr in 1:lnpgr) {
    lr <- (ipgr-1)*lnr ## start at row index  lr
  for (ipgc in 1:lnpgc) {
    lc <- (ipgc-1)*lnc
  for (jr in 1:lnr) {
    if (lc2vars) ljy <- (lr+lnr+1-jr)
    if (lplot <- ljy<=lninty) {
      lcky <- lckeyy[,ljy]
      lcoly <- lpcol
      lcoly[is.na(lcky)] <- NA
      lcoly[lcky<0] <- lccolors[3]
      lcoly[lcky>0] <- lccolors[4]
    for (jc in 1:lnc) {
      ljx <- lc+jc
      if (ljx<=lnintx & lplot) { ## points from neighboring panels : "overlap"
        lckx <- lckeyx[,ljx]
        lcol <- lcoly
        lcol[lckx<0] <- lccolors[1]
        lcol[lckx>0] <- lccolors[2]
        lcol[lckx<0&lcky<0] <- lccolors[5]
        lcol[lckx>0&lcky<0] <- lccolors[6]
        lcol[lckx<0&lcky>0] <- lccolors[7]
        lcol[lckx>0&lcky>0] <- lccolors[8]
        lcol[is.na(lckx)] <- NA
        ## ---
        plframe(lx,ly, xlab="",ylab="", showlabels=FALSE,
                plargs=plargs, marpar=marpar, xy=FALSE)
        if(any(!is.na(lcol))) {
          panel(x=lx, y=ly, ckeyx=lckx, ckeyy=lcky,
              pcol=lcol, pch=lpch, psize=lpsize, pale=lpale, 
              smooth=lIsmooth, smooth.minobs=lsmminobs,
              plargs=plargs, ploptions=ploptions)
      lmfg <- par("mfg")
      ## --- axes
      ##-    if (jr==lnr & xaxmar==1 & jc==1)
      if (xaxmar==1&yaxmar==2){
        lIax <- lmfg[1:2]==c(lmfg[3],1)
        if (lIax[1])
          plaxis(1, varlabel=if (lIax[2]) lxlab else "",
                 ploptions=ploptions, marpar=marpar)
        if (lIax[2])
          plaxis(2, varlabel=if (lIax[1]) lylab else "",
                 ploptions=ploptions, marpar=marpar)
      }  else {## if (xaxmar==3&yaxmar==4)  other combinations not yet programmed
        lIax <- lmfg[1:2]==c(1,lmfg[4]) 
        if (lIax[1])
          plaxis(3, varlabel=if (lIax[2]) lxlab else "",
                 ploptions=ploptions, marpar=marpar)
        if (lIax[2])
          plaxis(4, varlabel=if (lIax[1]) lylab else "",
                 ploptions=ploptions, marpar=marpar)
      if (xcondmar==3 & lmfg[1]==1) {
        if (lcnumx) {
          ltxt <- lcutpx[ljx]
          ladjx <- ladjfacx*nchar(ltxt)
          mtext(ltxt, 3, lnumline, adj=-ladjx, cex=lccsize) ## , xpd=TRUE
          if (lmfg[2]==lmfg[4])
            mtext(lcutpx[ljx+1], 3, lnumline, adj=1, cex=lccsize)
        } else mtext(llevx[ljx], 3, lnumline, cex=lccsize)
      if (ycondmar==4 & lmfg[2]==lmfg[4]) {
        if (lcnumy) {
          ltxt <- lcutpy[ljy]
          ladjy <- ladjfacy*nchar(ltxt)
          mtext(lcutpy[ljy], 4, lnumline, adj=-ladjy, cex=lccsize)
          if (jr==1) mtext(lcutpy[ljy+1], 4, lnumline, adj=1, cex=lccsize)
        } else mtext(llevy[ljy], 4, lnumline, cex=lccsize)
      if (xcondmar==1) mtext(lbyxlab, 1, lbylabline, cex=lcslab, outer=TRUE)
      if (xcondmar==3) mtext(lbyxlab, 3, lbylabline, cex=lcslab, outer=TRUE)
      if (ycondmar==2) mtext(lbyylab, 2, lbylabline, cex=lcslab, outer=TRUE)
      if (ycondmar==4) mtext(lbyylab, 4, lbylabline, cex=lcslab, outer=TRUE)
} ## end plcond
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
plpanelCond <- #f 
  function(x, y, ckeyx, ckeyy, pch = 1, pcol = 1, psize = 1, pale = c(0.2,0.6),
           csize=0.8, smooth = NULL, smooth.minobs = NULL,
           plargs = NULL, ploptions = NULL, ...)
  if (is.null(plargs)) plargs <- pl.envir ## get(...)
  if (is.null(ploptions)) ploptions <- plargs$ploptions
  lsmminobs <- i.getplopt(smooth.minobs)
  ploptions$printnotices <- FALSE
  if (all(is.na(pcol)))
    pcol <- rep(i.getploption("pch")[1], length=length(x))
  lcpl <- (1-abs(ckeyx))*(1-abs(ckeyy))
  li <- !is.na(lcpl)
  if (sum(li)==0) return()
  lpale <- pale[1] + diff(pale)*(1-lcpl)
  lii <- which(lcpl!=1)
  pcol[lii] <- colorpale(pcol[lii], lpale[lii])
  lpsize <- psize*ifelse(lcpl==1, 1, csize)
  x[!li] <- NA
  plpoints(x, y, pcol=pcol, pch=pch, psize=lpsize, plargs=plargs, xy=FALSE)
  if (u.notfalse(smooth) & sum(li)>=lsmminobs) 
    plsmooth(x[li],y[li], weight=lcpl[li], plargs=plargs, ploptions=ploptions, ...)
## ====================================================================
plmbox <- #f
  function(x, at=0, probs=NULL, outliers=TRUE, na.pos=NULL,
           horizontal = FALSE,
  width=1, wfac=NULL, minheight= NULL, adj=0.5, extquant=FALSE, 
  widthfac=c(max=2, med=1.3, medmin=0.3, outl=NA),
  colors=c(box="lightblue2",med="blue",na="gray90"), lwd=c(med=3, range=2),
  warn=options("warn") )
  ## Purpose:   multi-boxplot
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Werner Stahel, Date: 14 Dec 2013, 10:09
  f.box <- function(wid, quant, col, lwmax) {
  ##  if (is.na(col)||col==0) col="white"
    if (wid>lwmax) {
      if (horizontal) {
        polygon(quant, at+lpos*lwmax, col="black")
        polygon(quant, at+lpos*lwmax^2/wid, col=col)
      } else {
        polygon(at+lpos*lwmax, quant, col="black")
        polygon(at+lpos*lwmax^2/wid, quant, col=col)
    } else {
        if (horizontal)
          polygon(quant, at+lpos*wid, col=col) else
          polygon(at+lpos*wid, quant, col=col)
  ## -----------------------------------
  lq <- lwid <- NULL
  lfac <- 0
  lx <- as.numeric(x[!is.na(x)])
  if (length(lx)==0) {
    if (warn>=0) warning(":plmbox: no non-missing data")
    return(structure(numeric(0), q=lq, width=lwid))
  } else { ## ----
  if (u.isnull(probs))
      probs <- if (sum(!is.na(x))<20) c(0.1,0.5,1)/2 else
  lprobs <- if (all(probs<=0.5))  c(probs,1-probs)  else c(probs)
  lprobs <- sort(unique(lprobs))
  colors <- as.list(colors)
  box.col <- colors[["box"]]
  if (length(box.col)==1)
    box.col <- ifelse(0.25<=head(lprobs,-1) & lprobs[-1]<=0.75, box.col, NA)
  ## values for degenerate case
  lxsd <- IQR(lx)
  lfac <- if (u.isnull(wfac)) width*2*lxsd else wfac*length(lx)
                                        # was mad/dnorm(0)
  lmed <- median(lx)
  lwmed <- width
  lrg <- range(lx)
  lirg <- i.def(attr(x, "innerrange", exact=TRUE), lrg)
  ljrg <- any(lirg!=lrg)
  lirgd <- diff(lirg)
  loutl <- lx
  lwoutl <- widthfac["outl"]
  if (diff(lrg) > 0) { ## non-degenerate
    if (u.isnull(minheight))
      minheight <- if (lxsd==0) lirgd*0.01  else lxsd*0.02
    lqpl <- lq <- quinterpol(lx, probs=lprobs, extend=extquant)
    lirgext <- attr(x, "innerrange.ext", exact=TRUE)
    if (ljrg) {  ## transformed coord
      lx <- plcoordtrsf(lx, lirg, lirgext)
      lrg <- plcoordtrsf(lrg, lirg, lirgext)
      lqpl <- plcoordtrsf(lqpl, lirg, lirgext)
    loutl <- lx[lx<min(lq)|lx>max(lq)]
  ## ---
    lwid <- lfac*diff(lprobs)/pmax(diff(lq), minheight)
    lwmax <- widthfac["max"]*0.5 ##*lfac/ifelse(lxsd>0, lxsd, 1) !!! ???
    ## length of median bar
    lnwid <- length(lwid)
    lnw1 <- max(ceiling(lnwid/4),2)
    lnw2 <- lnwid/2
    li <- (floor(lnw2)-lnw1+1):(ceiling(lnw2)+lnw1)
    lwmed <- max(widthfac["med"]*min(lwmax,max(nainf.exclude(lwid[li]))),
    lpos <- c(-adj,-adj,1-adj,1-adj)
    if (is.na(lwoutl)) lwoutl <- 0.1*lwmax
    ## ---------------------------------------
    for (li in 1:(length(lprobs)-1)) {
      llq <- lqpl[li+0:1]
      if (diff(llq)<minheight) llq <- mean(llq) + c(-0.5,0.5)*minheight
      f.box(lwid[li], llq[c(1,2,2,1)], box.col[li], lwmax)
  }  ## 
  ## median
  if (horizontal) {
    lines(rep(lmed,2), at+lwmed*c(-adj,1-adj), col=colors[["med"]],
    lines(lrg, c(at,at), # +linepos*0.01*diff(par("usr")[1:2])*(0.5-adj),
  } else {
    lines(at+lwmed*c(-adj,1-adj), rep(lmed,2), col=colors[["med"]],
    lines(c(at,at), # +linepos*0.01*diff(par("usr")[1:2])*(0.5-adj),
          lrg, lwd=lwd["range"])
  if (outliers&&length(loutl)) {
    lat <- rep(at,length(loutl))
    if (horizontal)
      segments(loutl, lat-lwoutl*adj, loutl, lat+lwoutl*(1-adj))  else
      segments(lat-lwoutl*adj, loutl, lat+lwoutl*(1-adj), loutl)
  if (!u.isnull(na.pos)) {
    lmna <- mean(is.na(x))
    if (lmna) {
      ldna <- diff(na.pos)
      if (length(ldna)==0 || is.na(ldna) || ldna==0)
        stop("!plmbox! argument 'na.pos' not suitable")
      lwidna <- lfac*lmna/abs(ldna)
      f.box(lwidna, na.pos[c(1,2,2,1)], colors[["na"]], lwmax) 
  invisible(structure(lfac/length(x), q=lq, width=lwid))
} ## end plmbox
## ====================================================================
plmboxes <- function(x, ...)

plmboxes.formula <- #f
  function(x, y=NULL, data, ...)
  ldt <- genvarattributes(getvariables(x, data))
##-   l1backback <- length(x[[3]])>1 && as.character(x[[3]][[2]])=="1"
##-   if (l1backback)
##-     ldt <- data.frame(transferAttributes(ldt[,1]),0,
##-                       transferAttributes(ldt[,2]))
  ldtnm <- substitute(data)
  ldtnm <- if (is.name(ldtnm)) as.character(ldtnm) else format(ldtnm)
  plmboxes.default(ldt[,attr(ldt,"xvar", exact=TRUE),drop=FALSE],
           ldt[,attr(ldt,"yvar", exact=TRUE),drop=FALSE], ldt,
           .subdefault = ldtnm, ...) ## if (nchar(ldtnm)<30) ldtnm else ""
## ------------------------------------------------------------
plmboxes.default <- #f
  function(x=NULL, y=NULL, data=NULL, width = 1, at = NULL,
           horizontal = FALSE,
    probs = NULL, outliers = TRUE, na = FALSE, backback = NULL,
    refline = NULL, add = FALSE, 
    xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, axes = TRUE, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, 
    labelsperp = FALSE, xmar = NULL, mar = NULL, 
    widthfac = NULL, minheight = NULL, colors = NULL, lwd = NULL,
    .subdefault = NULL, plargs = NULL, ploptions = NULL, marpar = NULL,
  ## Purpose:    multibox plot
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Werner Stahel, Date: 14 Dec 2013, 23:38
  lcall <- match.call()
  if (is.null(plargs)) {
    lcall[[1]] <- quote(pl.control)
    lcall$x <- x  ## needs evaluation
    ## lcall$.subdefault <- .subdefault ## as.character(substitute(x))
    lcall$y <- y
    lcall$data <-
      if(length(data)) {
        if (u.isnull(.subdefault) & is.name(substitute(data)))
          lcall$.subdefault <- as.character(substitute(data))
    lcall$.environment. <- parent.frame()
    plargs <- eval(lcall, parent.frame())
  if (length(ploptions)==0) ploptions <- plargs$ploptions ## was .ploptions
  if (!inherits(marpar, "i.marpar"))
    marpar <- i.getmarpar(marpar, plargs=plargs)
  if(length(loldp <- attr(marpar, "oldpar")))
    on.exit(par(loldp), add=TRUE, after=FALSE)
  lcsize <- i.getploption("csize") 
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  pldata <- plargs$pldata
    x <- pldata[,i.def(attr(pldata,"xvar", exact=TRUE),1), drop=FALSE]
    ## may have two columns
  else if(!is.data.frame(x)) x <- as.data.frame(x)
    y <- pldata[,i.def(attr(pldata,"yvar", exact=TRUE)[1],2),drop=FALSE]
  else if(!is.data.frame(y))
    y <- setvarattributes(data.frame(y=y), varlabel="Y")[1] ## !!? ok ?
  if (!is.numeric(y[,1]))
    stop("!plmboxes.default! 'y' must be numeric")
  ly <- y[,1]
##-   lly <- i.def(i.def(attr(ly, "numvalues"), attr(ly, "plcoord")), ly) ## ??
  lly <- i.def(attr(ly, "plvalues"), i.def(attr(ly, "numvalues"), ly)) ## ??
  lhoriz <- as.logical(i.def(horizontal, FALSE, valuetrue=TRUE))
  ## widths
  lwfac <- modarg(widthfac, c(max=2, med=1.3, medmin=0.3, outl=NA, sep=0.003))
  ## colors, line widths
  lcol <- modarg(colors, i.getploption("mbox.colors"))
  llwd <- modarg(lwd, c(med=3, range=2))
  ## data
  ## preliminary
  x[,1] <- lx <- i.factor(x[,1]) # unused levels are dropped
  llr <- ncol(x)>=2 ## asymmetric mboxes required for binary (second) factor
  if (llr) {
    x[,2] <-  lx2 <- transferAttributes(i.factor(x[,2]),x[,2], except="levels")
    if (length(levels(lx2))!=2) {
      warning(":plmboxes: second x-variable must be binary. I ignore it.")
      x <- x[,1, drop=FALSE]
      llr <- FALSE
  llist <- split(lly,x)
  llev <- levels(lx)
  lng <- length(llev)
  lnn <- sapply(llist,length)
  lsd <- mean(sapply(llist,mad,na.rm=TRUE),na.rm=TRUE)
  width <- rep(width, length=lng)
  lfac <- width*lsd/(max(lnn)*(1+llr))
  if (u.isnull(minheight)) {
    lscales <- sapply(llist, IQR, na.rm=TRUE)
    minheight <- median(lscales)*i.getploption("mbox.minheight")
  ## labels
  xlab <- i.def(xlab, attr(x[,1],"varlabel", exact=TRUE), valuefalse="")
  if (length(xlab)>1) xlab <- xlab[2]
##  if (xlab=="1") xlab <- ""
  ylab <- i.def(ylab, attr(ly, "varlabel", exact=TRUE), valuefalse="")
  ## position
  if (lnat <- length(at)) {
    if (lnat!=lng) {
      warning(":plmboxes: 'x' has wrong length")
      at <- if (lnat>lng) at[1:lng] else NULL
  if (u.isnull(at)) at <- 1:lng
  backback <-
    i.getplopt(backback) &&
      length(dropNA(unique(x[,1])))==2 && NCOL(x)==1
  if (backback) {
    llr <- TRUE
    lng <- 1
  lpos <- if(backback) rep(mean(at),2) else at
  ## probabilities
  if (u.isnull(probs))
      probs <- if (sum(!is.na(ly))/(lng*(1+llr))<20) c(0.1,0.5,1)/2 else
  ## box for NA's?
  na <- i.def(na, NA)
  na.pos <- i.def(na, c(min(lly, na.rm=TRUE)*(1-0.3)-0.3*max(lly, na.rm=TRUE)),
  if (length(na.pos)==1)
    na.pos <- na.pos+ 0.03*diff(range(lly, na.rm=TRUE))*c(-1,1)
  lusr <- par("usr")
  ## plot range
  ##  lrg <- if (add) lusr[3:4] else attr(y, "plrange")
  if (add) {
    xlim <- lusr[1:2]
    ylim <- lusr[3:4]
  } else {
    lxldf <- i.extendrange(
      range(at, na.rm=TRUE) + ## max(diff(at)) * 
        (max(width[c(1,length(width))]) - 0.7*backback)*c(-1,1)*0.4) ## !!! is 0.4 ok???
    ## *i.getploption("plext")
    xlim <-replaceNA(c(i.def(xlim, NA), NA)[1:2], lxldf)
    attributes(xlim) <- attributes(lx)[c("ticksat","ticklabelsat","ticklabels")]
    ## show NA's of y
    if (lIna <- !u.isnull(na.pos)) {
      lyat <- lyat[lyat>max(na.pos)]
      if (length(lyat)<3)
        lyat <- pretty(ly, n=i.def(ploptions$tickintervals, 7))
      attr(ly, "plrange") <- range(c(attr(ly, "plrange", exact=TRUE), na.pos))
    ylim <- i.def(ylim, attr(ly, "plrange", exact=TRUE))
    attributes(ylim) <- attributes(ly)[c("ticksat","ticklabelsat","ticklabels")]
    ## margin pars
    lmar <- marpar$mar
    lxmardef <- lmar[1+lhoriz]
    ## the next statement defines the maximal label length usually as 10
    lmaxnchar <-
      ifelse(is.numeric(labelsperp), min(max(1,labelsperp),20), 10)
    lxmar <- c(i.def(xmar, NA), NA,NA)[1:3]
    if (is.na(lxmar[1]))
      lxmar[1] <-
               2 + 0.5*min(max(nchar(llev)), lmaxnchar), lxmardef) 
    lmar[1+lhoriz] <- lxm1 <- max(lxmar[1], lmar[1+lhoriz], na.rm=TRUE)
    lxmline <-
      c(ifelse(is.na(lxmar[2]), max(lxm1-1, marpar$margin.line[1]),
        ifelse(is.na(lxmar[3]), marpar$margin.line[2], lxmar[3]) )
    marpar$mar <- lmar
    plargs$plmarpar <- marpar
    loldp <- par(cex=lcsize*par("cex"), mar=lmar)
    if (!i.getploption("keeppar"))
      on.exit(par(loldp), add=TRUE, after=FALSE)
    ## ---
    ploptions$axes <- FALSE 
    if (u.true(ploptions$grid))
      ploptions$grid <- 
        if(lhoriz) list(TRUE, at) else list(at, TRUE)
    llev <- levels(x[,1])
    attr(lx, "ticklabelsat") <- attr(lx, "ticksat") <- seq_along(llev)
    attr(lx, "ticklabels") <- llev
    attr(lx, "varlabel") <- structure(attr(lx, "varlabel"), adj=1)
    ## ---------------------------------
    if (lhoriz)
      plframe(ly, xlim, plargs=plargs, ploptions=ploptions,
              marpar=marpar, xy=FALSE)
    else plframe(xlim, ly, plargs=plargs, ploptions=ploptions,
                 marpar=marpar, xy=FALSE)
    if (axes) {
      lpla <- plargs
      lpla$ploptions <- ploptions
      lpla$plmarpar$margin.line <- lxmline
      plaxis(1+lhoriz, lx, las=2*as.logical(labelsperp),
             marpar=marpar, plargs=lpla)
##-       mtext(attr(lx, "varlabel"), 1+lhoriz, lxlabline,
##-             cex=i.getploption("margin.csize")[1])
      if(lIna && anyNA(ly)) 
        mtext("NA", 2-lhoriz, line=lcsize, at=mean(na.pos), las=2) 
##-       if (backback) {
##-         mtext(llev2[1], 1+lhoriz,1, at=0.75)
##-         mtext(llev2[2], 1+lhoriz,1, at=1.25)
##-       }
      ##      mtext(xlab, side=1+lhoriz, line=ploptions$mar[1+lhoriz]-1)
      plaxis(2-lhoriz, x=ly, marpar=marpar, plargs=plargs)
  } # if (!add)
  ## ---
  if (!u.isnull(refline)) 
      abline(v=refline, col=ploptions$refline.col,
             lty=ploptions$refline.lty, lwd=ploptions$refline.lwd)
      abline(h=refline, col=ploptions$refline.col,
             lty=ploptions$refline.lty, lwd=ploptions$refline.lwd)
  ## ---
  lusrd <- diff(par("usr")[1:2])
  lsep <- lwfac["sep"]*llr*lusrd
  lwoutl <- lwfac["outl"]
  if (is.na(lwoutl)) {
      lwoutl <- 0.05*lusrd
      lwfac["outl"] <- lwoutl/lng
  if (llr) lwfac[c("medmin","outl")] <- lwfac[c("medmin","outl")] /2
  ## ------------
  lattr <- attributes(ly)
  for (li in 1:lng) {
    if (is.na(at[li])) next
    lli <- llist[[li]]
    if (length(lli)) {
      attributes(lli) <- lattr
      plmbox(lli,lpos[li]-lsep, probs=probs, outliers=outliers,
             wfac=lfac[li], adj=1-0.5*(1-llr), na.pos=na.pos, 
             widthfac=lwfac, colors=lcol, lwd=llwd, warn=-1)
    if (llr) { ## second half of asymmetrix  mbox
      llir <- llist[[li+lng]]
      if (length(llir)) {
        attributes(llir) <- lattr
        plmbox(llir,lpos[li]+lsep,probs=probs, outliers=outliers,
               wfac=lfac[li], adj=0, na.pos=na.pos, 
               widthfac=lwfac, colors=lcol, warn=-1)
  if (u.notfalse(assign)) plassign(list=plargs)
  invisible(at) ##!!? return  plargs 
} ## end plmboxes
## ====================================================================
plcoordtrsf <- #f
  function(x, innerrange, innerrange.ext)
  llx <- pmax(pmin(x,innerrange[2]),innerrange[1])
  lxd <- x-llx
  if (any(lxd!=0, na.rm=TRUE))
    x <- llx + lxd/(1+abs(lxd)/(diff(innerrange)*innerrange.ext))
## ====================================================================
plres2x <- #f
  function(formula=NULL, reg=NULL, data=NULL, restrict=NULL, size = 1,
           xlab = NULL, ylab= NULL, pale = 0.2,
           plargs = NULL, ploptions = NULL, assign = TRUE, ...)
## Purpose:  plot residuals vs. two x`s
## Author:   ARu , Date:  11/Jun/91
## Aenderungen: MMae, 30/Jan/92, Dez.94
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments:
##   formula    z~x+y, where
##              x, y  coordinates of points given by two vector arguments.
##              z     gives orientation (by sign)
##                   and size (by absolute value) of symbol.
##   reg        regression results
##   data       data
##              you must specify either  reg  or  data
##   restrict   absolute value which truncates the size.
##              The corresponding symbols are marked by stars.
##   size       the symbols are scaled so that "size" is the size of
##              the largest symbol in cm.
##   main       main title, defaults to the formula
##   ...        additional arguments for the S-function `plot`
## the function currently only plots  z  for the first two terms of the
## right hand side of  formula
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  lcall <- match.call()
  if (is.null(plargs)) {
    lac <- as.list(lcall)[-1]
    lac$x <- lac$reg
    lac$xvar <- lac$formula
    ladrop <- c("formula", "restrict", "size", "reg")
    lcall <- c(list(quote(plregr.control)),
               lac[setdiff(names(lac), ladrop)])
    mode(lcall) <- "call"
    plargs <- eval(lcall, parent.frame())
  if (length(ploptions)==0) ploptions <- plargs$ploptions
  plargs$plmarpar <- marpar <- i.getmarpar(plargs=plargs)
  lregrft <- plargs$regrfeatures
  ## ------------------------------------------------------------------
  lz <- lregrft$residuals
  pldata <- plargs$pldata
  lxvar <- attr(pldata, "xvar", exact=TRUE)
  if (length(lz)==0) lz <- attr(pldata, "yvar", exact=TRUE)
  ##--- restrict z values
  lrestr <-
    if (any(attr(lz, "nouter", exact=TRUE)>0))
      max(abs(attr(lz, "innerrange", exact=TRUE))) else NULL
  restrict <- i.def(i.def(restrict, lrestr), NULL, valuefalse=NULL)
  if(length(restrict)==0)   restr <- FALSE else {
    restr <- abs(lz) > restrict
    lz <- pmin( pmax( lz, -restrict), restrict) }
## size
  size <- i.def(size, 1)
  lppin <- par("pin")
  lratio <- 2*size * par("cin")[1] / lppin
  llwd <- i.getploption("lwd")
  lpcol <- pldata[[".pcol."]]
  if (length(lpcol)) {
    lgrpcol <- i.def(i.getploption("group.col"), i.getploption("col"))
    if (is.factor(lpcol)) lpcol <- as.numeric(lpcol)
    if (is.numeric(lpcol)) lpcol <- rep(lgrpcol, length=max(lpcol))[lpcol]
  } else lpcol <- i.getploption("col")[1]
  pldata$".pcol." <- colorpale(lpcol, pale=pale)
  ## for ...
  lzj <- lz[,1]
  lzj <- lzj/max(abs(lzj), na.rm = TRUE)
  lpanel <-
    function(xx, yy, indx, indy, pch, col, plab, lwd, zz, ...) {
      lusr <- par("usr")
      lfx <- lratio[1] * diff(lusr[1:2])
      lfy <- lratio[2] * diff(lusr[3:4])
      lsxz <- c(lfx * abs(zz))
      lsyz <- c(lfy * zz)
      lx <- attr(xx, "plcoord", exact=TRUE)
      if (u.isnull(lx)) lx <- xx
      ly <- attr(yy, "plcoord", exact=TRUE)
      if (u.isnull(ly)) ly <- yy
      plpoints(lx, ly, plargs=plargs, marpar=marpar, xy=FALSE)
      segments(lx - lsxz, ly - lsyz,  lx + lsxz, ly + lsyz,
               lwd = llwd, col=col, xpd=TRUE)
      ##--- mark restricted observations: ---
      if(any(restr)) {
        points((xx - lsxz)[restr], (yy - lsyz)[restr], pch= 8, mkh = 1/40,
        points((xx + lsxz)[restr], (yy + lsyz)[restr], pch= 8, mkh = 1/40,
  ljx <- lxvar[1]
  lx <- pldata[,ljx]
##-   llrg <- attr(lx, "plrange")
##-   attr(lx, "plrange") <- llrg + c(-1,1)*diff(llrg)* 2*lratio
  ljy <- lxvar[2]
  ly <- pldata[,ljy]
##-   llrg <- attr(ly, "plrange")
##-   attr(ly, "plrange") <- llrg + c(-1,1)*diff(llrg)* 2*lratio
  ##  lplxx <- i.getploption("plsymbolext") * 2 * size
  lplext <- i.getploption("plext") + 0.05*size
  plframe(lx, ly, xlab=xlab[1], ylab=ylab[1], plext=lplext,
          ploptions=ploptions, xy=FALSE) ## !!!? marpar
  ##--- draw symbols: ---
  lpanel(lx, ly, zz=lzj, lwd=llwd, col=lpcol)
  lmain <- lregrft$main
  if (length(lmain)==0)
    lmain <-
      paste(attr(lzj, "varlabel", exact=TRUE), "~", lregrft$formula[2])
  pltitle(lmain, outer.margin=FALSE) ## , csize=lregrft$csize.main
  stamp(sure=FALSE, ploptions=ploptions)
  if (u.notfalse(assign)) plassign(list=plargs)
## "plres2x done"
} ## end plres2x
## ==========================================================================
plmframes <- #f
  function(mfrow=NULL, mfcol=NULL, mft=NULL, byrow=TRUE, reduce = FALSE,
           oma=NULL, mar=NULL, mgp=NULL, plargs=NULL, ploptions=NULL, ...)
  ## Purpose:    par(mfrow...)
  ## Author: Werner Stahel, 1994 / 2001
  lf.mft2mf <- function(mft, din) { ## split mfg into nrowmax and ncolmax
    mfrow <- max(1, ceiling(sqrt(mft*0.8*ldin[2]/ldin[1])) )
    ## 0.8: landscape preferred
    lmcol <- ceiling(mft/mfrow)
    c(ceiling(mft/lmcol), lmcol)
  if (is.null(plargs)) plargs <- pl.envir ## get(...)
  if (is.null(ploptions)) ploptions <- plargs$ploptions
  lplft <- plargs$plfeatures
  lmar <- i.getplopt(mar)
  ## requested quantities
  ldin <- par("din")
  lmfg0 <- if (length(mft)) lf.mft2mf(mft, ldin)
  lmfg <- if (length(mfrow)) 
    if (length(mfrow)>=2) mfrow[1:2] else c(i.def(mfrow, 0), i.def(mfcol,0))
  lmfg <- if (all(lmfg<=0)) c(lmfg0,1,1)[1:2] else pmax(1,lmfg)
  ## nrowmax, ncolmax
  lmfgmax <- i.getploption("mframesmax")
  if (length(lmfgmax)==1)
    lmfgmax <- if (lmfgmax==0) lmfg else lf.mft2mf(lmfgmax, ldin)
  lmfgsug <- lmfg
  lnpg <- ceiling(lmfg/lmfgmax)
  lmfgsug <- ceiling(lmfg/lnpg)
  if (reduce) lmfg <- lmfgsug
  lnpmax <- max(lmfg)
  ## margin pars
  marpar <- i.getmarpar(mar=lmar, oma=oma, plargs=plargs)
  lmar <- replaceNA(rep(c(marpar$mar,NA,NA,NA,NA), length=4),
  if(reduce) lmar <- rep(lps <- i.getploption("panelsep"), length=4)
  lmgp <- c(marpar$margin.line,0)
  lImain <- !(length(lplft$main)==0||lplft$main=="")
  lIsub <- !(length(lplft$sub)==0||lplft$sub%in%c("",":"))
  ltl <- c(i.getploption("title.line", ploptions), 0.2)
  ## reduce if subtitle is empty !!!
  lcx <- ifelse(max(lmfg)>2, 0.66, ifelse(prod(lmfg)>2, 0.83, 1))
  ## outer margin should not depend on number of panels.
  ## reverse size reduction contained in plain R
  lomadef <- max(
    c(lImain*(ltl[1]-ltl[2]), lIsub*ltl[2]) +
    rep(c(i.getploption("title.csize"),1), length=2)/lcx )
  ## 0.83 may be par("cex") after 
  if(lomadef>0) lomadef <- lomadef+0.5/lcx
  loma <- replaceNA(i.getplopt(oma),
                    c(0,0, lomadef, i.getploption("stamp")/lcx))
  if(reduce) {
    marpar$omastart <- marpar$mar - lps
    loma <- loma + marpar$mar
  loldp <-
      par(mfrow=lmfg, oma=loma, mar=lmar, mgp=lmgp, ...)
    else par(mfcol=lmfg, oma=loma, mar=lmar, mgp=lmgp, ...)
    structure(list(marpar=marpar, mar=lmar, oma=loma, mfig = lmfg,
                   mrow = if (byrow) lmfg, mcol = if(!byrow) lmfg,
                   mfigsug = lmfgsug, npages = lnpg),
## ==========================================================================
stamp <- #f
  function(sure=TRUE, outer.margin = NULL,
                  project=getOption("project"), step=getOption("step"),
                  stamp=NULL, line=NULL, ploptions=NULL, ...)
## Purpose:   plot date and project information
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments:
##   sure     if F, the function only plots its thing if  getOption("stamp")>0
##   outer    if T, the date is written in the outer margin
##   project  project title
##   step     title of step of data analysis
##   ...      arguments to  mtext , e.g., line=3
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Werner Stahel, Date: 13 Aug 96, 09:00
  stamp <- i.def(stamp, i.getploption("stamp"))
  if (length(outer.margin)==0) outer.margin <- par("oma")[4]>0
  t.txt <- date()
  ## llong <- nchar(t.txt)>23
  t.txt <- paste(substring(t.txt,5,10),",",
                   paste("/", substring(t.txt,12,16),sep=""),
  if (length(project)>0 && project!="")
    t.txt <- paste(t.txt, project, sep=" | ")
  if (length(step)>0 && step!="")
    t.txt <- paste(t.txt, step, sep=" | ")
  if( sure | stamp==2 || ( stamp==1 & (
    ##     last figure on page :
    { t.tfg <- par("mfg") ; all(t.tfg[1:2]==t.tfg[3:4]) }
    || u.true(outer.margin) ) )) {
    lline <-
            max(( if(outer.margin) par("oma") else par("mar") )[4] - 1.2,
                0.2) )
    mtext(t.txt, 4, line=lline, cex = 0.6, adj = 0, outer = outer.margin, ...)
## ===========================================================================
legendr <- #f
  function(x=0.05,y=0.95,legend, ...) {
  lusr <- par("usr")
  lx <- lusr[1] + x*diff(lusr[1:2])
  ly <- lusr[3] + y*diff(lusr[3:4])
  legend(lx,ly,legend, ...)
## ======================================================================
ploptions <- #f
  function (x=NULL, ploptions = NULL, list=NULL, default=NULL, 
            assign=TRUE, ...)
{ ##
  lpldef <- get("default.ploptions", pos=pl.envir)
  loldo <- ploptions
  if (u.isnull(loldo)) loldo <- get("usr.ploptions", pos=pl.envir)
  else if (length(ploptions)==1 && is.numeric(ploptions)) {
    if (ploptions==1) loldo <- get("usr.ploptions", pos=pl.envir)
    else {
      if (ploptions>1) loldo <- get("ploptions", pos=pl.envir)
      else stop("!ploptions! invalid argument 'ploptions'")
  lnewo <- loldo
  largs <- c(list, list(...))
  if (!u.isnull(x)) {  ## asking for options
    if(!is.character(x)) {
      warning(":ploptions: First argument 'x' must be of mode character")
    return(if(length(x)==1) loldo[[x]] else loldo[x])
  ## --- get default values
  if (length(default) && u.notfalse(default)) {
    if (u.true(default)) default <- "all"
    if (!is.character(default))
      stop("!ploptions! Argument 'default' must be of mode character or logical")
    if (default[1]=="all") largs = c(lpldef, largs)
    ## resets all available components
    else {
      if (default[1]=="unset") {
        largs <- c(lpldef[names(lpldef)%nin%names(loldo)], largs)
        default <- default[-1]
        if (any(default!=""))
          largs <- c(largs, lpldef[default[default%in%names(lpldef)]])
  ## ---
  else  if (is.null(largs)) return(ploptions)
  ## --- set options
  ## check
  if (length(largs)) largs <- check.ploption(list=largs)
  if (length(largs)) lnewo[names(largs)] <- largs
  lo <- intersect(names(largs),names(loldo))
  if (length(lo)) attr(lnewo, "old") <- loldo[lo]
  ## assign
  if (assign==1) plassign("usr.ploptions", lnewo)
  else if (assign>1) plassign("ploptions", lnewo)
## end of ploptions
## ---------------
plassign <- #f
  function(x = NULL, value = NULL, list = NULL)
  if (length(list)) {
    x <- c(x, names(list))
    value <- c(list(value),list)
    for (li in seq_along(x)) assign(x[li], list[[li]], pos=pl.envir)
  else  assign(x, value, pos=pl.envir)
## ====================================================================
##- current <- #f
##-   function (x = NULL, list = NULL, assign=TRUE, ...)
##- { ##
##-   ploptions(x = x, list = list,
##-             ploptions = get("ploptions", pos=pl.envir),
##-             assign = 2, ...)
##- }
##-   lnewc <- as.list( loldc <- current )
##-   ##
##-   if (!u.isnull(x)) {  ## asking for options
##-     if(!is.character(x)) {
##-       warning(":current: First argument 'x' must be of mode character")
##-       return(NULL)
##-     }
##-     return(if(length(x)==1) loldc[[x]] else loldc[c])
##-   }
##-   ## --- set components
##-   largs <- c(list, list(...))
##-   lnames <- c(names(largs))
##-   if (assign) for (lnm in lnames) current[[lnm]] <- largs[[lnm]]
##-   lnewc[lnames] <- largs
##-   invisible(lnewc)
##- }
## ====================================================================
plmarginpar <- #f
  function(plargs=pl.envir, csize=NULL)
  marpar <- i.getmarpar(plargs=plargs)
  ploptions <- plargs$ploptions
  lcsize <- i.getplopt(csize)
  loldp <- par(mar=lcsize*marpar$mar,
               ## oma=marpar$oma, changing oma sets a new page
  ## workaround a problem with changing margin pars
  lusr <- par("usr")
  try(points(1.1*lusr[1]-0.1*lusr[2],1.1*lusr[3]-0.1*lusr[4],pch=" ",
             xpd=TRUE) , silent=TRUE)
## ====================================================================
i.getploption <- #f
  function(opt, opts=NULL)
  ## opt is character, opts list or NULL
  lpldef <- get("default.ploptions", pos=pl.envir)
  if (is.null(opts))
    opts <- get("ploptions", envir=parent.frame()) ## list in calling fn
  if (is.function(opts)) opts <- NULL
  if (is.null(opts))
    opts <- get("ploptions", pos=pl.envir) ## list in calling fn
  ## ---
  lopt <- opts[[opt]]
  if (is.null(lopt)||(!is.function(lopt))&&all(is.na(lopt))) ## NULL or NA
    lopt <- ploptions(opt)
  else {lopt <- check.ploption(opt, lopt)
    if (length(lopt)) lopt <- lopt[[1]]
  if (length(lopt)==0) lopt <- lpldef[[opt]]
## ---------------------------------------------------
i.getplopt <- #f
  function(opt, opts = NULL) {
  lpldef <- get("default.ploptions", pos=pl.envir)
  if (is.null(opts))
    opts <- get("ploptions", envir=parent.frame()) ## list in calling fn
  lnam <- as.character(substitute(opt))
  lopt <- opt 
  if (is.function(opts)) opts <- NULL
  if (u.isnull(lopt)||(is.atomic(lopt)&&all(is.na(lopt))))
    lopt <- opts[[lnam]]
  if (u.isnull(lopt)||(is.atomic(lopt)&&all(is.na(lopt)))) 
    lopt <- ploptions(lnam)
  else unlist(check.ploption(lnam, lopt))   ## check
  if (u.isnull(lopt)) lopt <- lpldef[[lnam]]
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------
i.getgroupopt <- #f
  function(group, ploptions=NULL)
{ ## get point and line characteristics
  if (!is.numeric(group)) group <- factor(group)
  ln <- if(is.numeric(group)) max(group) else length(levels(group))
  lcol <- i.getploption("col")
  lgcol <- i.getploption("group.col")
  lgcol <- i.def(lgcol, lcol[-1], valuefalse=rep(lcol[1],ln))
  lpch <- i.getploption("pch")
  lgpch <- i.getploption("group.pch")
  lgpch <- i.def(lgpch, lpch[-1], valuefalse=rep(lpch[1],ln))
  llty <- i.getploption("lty")
  lglty <- i.getploption("group.lty")
  lglty <- i.def(lglty, llty[-1], rep(valuefalse=llty[1],ln))
  structure(group, group.col=lgcol, group.pch=lgpch, group.lty=lglty)
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
i.getcolor <- #f
  function(col, ploptions=NULL)
{ ## get color  
  lcolors <- i.getploption("colors")
  lncol <- length(lcolors)
  if (is.numeric(col)|is.logical(col)) lcolors[1+(col-1)%%lncol]
  else {
    if (is.character(col)) if (any(col%nin%colors())) col <- factor(col)
    if (is.factor(col)) lcolors[2+(as.numeric(col)-1)%%(lncol-1)] else col
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------
i.getxy <- #f
  function(x=NULL, y=NULL, plargs=NULL, ploptions=NULL, call=NULL, envir = NULL)
  if (is.null(plargs)) plargs <- pl.envir ## get(...)
  if (is.null(ploptions)) ploptions <- plargs$ploptions
  pldata <- plargs$pldata
  if (is.formula(x)|is.formula(y) |
      any(c("data","pcol","pch","psize","group")%in%names(call))) {
    call$assign <- FALSE
    call$ploptions <- i.def(ploptions, plargs$ploptions)
    if (u.isnull(x)|u.isnull(y)) { 
      call$data <- pldata ## attributes should be obtained from this dataset
      if (u.isnull(x)) call$x <- pldata[,attr(pldata, "xvar", exact=TRUE)]
      if (u.isnull(y)) call$y <- pldata[,attr(pldata, "yvar", exact=TRUE)]
    call$gencoord <- FALSE ## i.getxy is called by low level pl functions
    call$ploptions <- ploptions
    plargs <- do.call(pl.control, as.list(call[-1]), envir=envir)
    ploptions <- plargs$ploptions
    pldata <- plargs$pldata
    x <- pldata[,attr(pldata, "xvar", exact=TRUE)]
    y <- pldata[,attr(pldata, "yvar", exact=TRUE)]
  } else {
    ## ---
    ## x or y not explicit
    if (u.isnull(x)) x <- pldata[,c(attr(pldata, "xvar", exact=TRUE),1)[1]]
    if (lnox <- u.isnull(x)) 
      warning(":[low level pl fn]: no x values found")
    if (u.isnull(y)) y <- pldata[,c(attr(pldata, "yvar", exact=TRUE),2)[1]]
    if (lnoy <- u.isnull(y)) 
      warning(":[low level pl fn]: no y values found")
    if (lnox|lnoy) return(NULL)
##-     if (length(x)==0) x <- pldata[,1]
##-     if (length(y)==0) y <- pldata[,2]
  list(x=x, y=y, plargs=plargs, ploptions=ploptions)
## -------------------------------------------------------
i.getmarpar <- #f
  function(marpar=NULL, mar=NULL, axes=NULL, axlab=axes,
           title=TRUE, title.line=NULL,
           plargs=pl.envir, ploptions=NULL, ...)
{ ## get graphical parameters that control plot margins
  if (is.null(ploptions)) ploptions <- plargs$ploptions
  lplft <- plargs$plfeatures
  axes <- i.getplopt(axes, ploptions)
  lmcs <- rep(i.getploption("margin.csize", ploptions), length=2)
  lex <- i.getploption("margin.exp", ploptions) * lmcs[1]
  lml <- i.getploption("margin.line", ploptions)
  ## ltcs <- rep(i.getploption("title.csize", ploptions), length=2)
  ## space for title
  ltl <- c(i.getplopt(title.line, ploptions),0.2)
  ## title.line will be modified if  sub  is empty
  ltl <- ltl - (length(lplft$sub)&&lplft$sub!="")*(ltl[2]-0.2)
  ltm <- ifelse(u.notfalse(title), max(ltl), 0)
  lIstamp <- i.getploption("stamp")
  lmaxes <-
    ifelse((1:4)%in%axlab, lml[1] + ifelse((1:4)%nin%axes, diff(lml), 0),
           ifelse((1:4)%in%axes, lml[2], 0))
  lmar <- pmax(lmaxes) + c(0,0, ltm, lIstamp*0.7) + lex
  if (length(mar)) lmar <- replaceNA(mar, lmar)
  structure(list(mar=lmar, title.line=ltl, margin.line=lml), class="i.marpar")
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
charSize <- function(n)  min(1.5/log10(n),2)
markextremes <- function(n) ceiling(sqrt(n)/2)/n
smoothpar <- function(n) c(min(1.8/n^0.2, 0.98), 1.5)
smoothxtrim <- function(n, c=2) 1.6^(log10(n)*c)/n
## ======================================================================
## checking functions
check.ploption <- #f
  function(optname, value, list=NULL) {
  if (is.null(list)) list <- setNames(list(value), optname)
  lnl <- length(list)
  loptnames <- names(list)
  for (lil in seq_len(lnl)) {
    lnm <- loptnames[lil]
    lvalue <- list[[lnm]]
    lcheck <- ploptionsCheck[[lnm]]
    if (length(lcheck)) {
##    if (is.list(lcheck)) {
      if (!is.list(lcheck[[1]])) lcheck <- list(lcheck)
      lnopt <- length(lcheck)
      lmsg <- rep("", lnopt)
      for (lj in seq_len(lnopt)) {
        lch <- lcheck[[lj]]
        lfn <- get(lch[[1]])
        lmsg[lj] <- lmsgj <-
          switch(paste("v",length(lch),sep=""), v0="", v1=lfn(lvalue),
                 v2=lfn(lvalue, lch[[2]]), v3=lfn(lvalue, lch[[2]], lch[[3]]),
                 v4=lfn(lvalue, lch[[2]], lch[[3]], lch[[4]]),"")
        if (lmsgj=="") break
##    }
      if (all(lmsg!="")) {
        warning(":check.ploption: argument '", lnm,
                "' not suitable. It should\n    ",
                paste(lmsg, collapse=" -- or \n  "),
                "\n  instead of (str())", immediate.=TRUE)
        list[lnm] <- NULL
  ## return components that passed the test
## -----------------------------------------------------------
check.color <- #f
  function(x, dummy) {
  if (is.atomic(x) && is.character(x)) {
    lpal <- ploptions("colors") ## palette()
    lx <- try(palette(c(x,"black")), silent=TRUE)
    ## palette asks for at least 2 colors
    palette(lpal) ## restore palette
    if (inherits(lx, "try-error"))
      return("consist of known color names")
    else return("")
  else {
    if(is.atomic(x) && is.numeric(x)) {
      if(all(x>=0 )) return("") ## & x<=length(palette())
         else return("if numeric, be >=0")  ## and <=length(palette())
    else {
      if (is.matrix(x)) {
        if (!any(li <- apply(x, 2, function(x) x<0 | x>255))) return("")
          paste("be a matrix with 3 rows with numbers in [0, 255]", 
                if (length(x)>1) paste("\n  columns ",paste(li, collapse=", "),
                                       " out of range")) )
  "be a (vector of) color name(s) or an rgb matrix"
check.numrange <- #f
  function(x, range, na.ok=TRUE, length=NA) {
  if (is.function(x)) return("be numeric (not a function)")
  if (!is.na(length)) {
    if (length > length(x))
      return(paste("have length at least ",length))
  if (na.ok && (u.isnull(x) || all(is.na(x))) ) return("")
  if (!(is.numeric(x)|is.logical(x))) return("be numeric")
  if ((!na.ok) && any(is.na(x))) return("not contain NAs")
  if (all(is.na(range))) return("")
  range <- ifelse(is.na(range), c(-Inf,Inf), range)
  if (!any(li <- x<range[1]|x>range[2], na.rm=TRUE)) return("")
  paste("be within [",paste(range, collapse=", "),"]",
        if (length(x)>1) paste("\n  violated for element(s) ",
                           paste(which(li), collapse=", ")))
check.numvalues <- #f
  function(x, values=NA, na.ok=TRUE) {
  if (na.ok && (u.isnull(x) || all(is.na(x))) ) return("")
  if (!(is.numeric(x)|is.logical(x))) return("be numeric")
  if ((!na.ok) && any(is.na(x))) return("not contain NAs")
  if (all(is.na(values))) return("")
  if (any(li <- (!is.na(x) & (x %nin% values))))
    return(paste("have values in [",
                 paste(values[1:min(5, length(values))], collapse=", "),
                 if (length(values)>5) ",...", "]",
                 if (length(x)>1) paste("\n  violated for elements ",
                                        paste(li, collapse=", "))) )
check.char <- #f
  function(x, values, na.ok=TRUE) {
  if (na.ok && (u.isnull(x) || all(is.na(x))) ) return("")
  if (!is.character(x)) return("be of mode character")
  if ((!na.ok) && any(is.na(x))) return("not contain NAs")
  if (all(is.na(values))) return("")
  if (!any(li <- (!is.na(x) & (x %nin% values)))) return("")
  paste("have values in [",
                 paste(values[1:min(5, length(values))], collapse=", "),
                 if (length(values)>5) ",...", "]",
                 if (length(x)>1) paste("\n  violated for elements ",
                                        paste(li, collapse=", ")))
check.logical <- #f
  function(x, values, na.ok=TRUE) {
  if (na.ok && (u.isnull(x) || (is.atomic(x)&&all(is.na(x)))) ) return("")
  if ((is.logical(x) | (is.numeric(x))) && !all(is.na(x)) )  return("")
  "be of mode logical (or interpretable as such)"
check.list <- #f
  function(x) {
  if (is.list(x))  return("")
  "be a list"
check.listnum <- #f
  function(x, values=NA, na.ok=TRUE) {
  if (is.list(x)) {
    lchk <- lapply(x, function(xx) check.numvalues(xx, values, na.ok) )
    if (all(lchk=="")) return("")
    return(paste("if a list, all components must be numeric"))
  "be a list"
check.function <- #f
  function(x, values, na.ok=TRUE) {
  if (is.function(x)) return("")
  if (na.ok && (u.isnull(x) || all(is.na(x))) ) return("")
  if (is.character(x))  {
    lfn <- try(get(x), silent=TRUE)
    if (inherits(lfn, "try-error"))
      return(paste("be a function or the name of an existing function.\n   '",
                   lfn, "' is not available.") )
    else return("")
  "be a function or the name of an existing function."
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
cnr <- function(range=NA, na.ok=TRUE, length=NA)
  list("check.numrange", range=range, na.ok=na.ok, length=length)
cnv <- function(values=NA) list("check.numvalues", values=values)
cch <- function(values=NA) list("check.char", values=values)
ccl <- function() list("check.color", NULL)
clg <- function(na.ok=TRUE) list("check.logical", na.ok=na.ok)
cfn <- function() list("check.function", NULL)
cls <- function() list("check.list")
cln <- function(values=NA) list("check.listnum", values=values)
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
c.pchvalues <- c(0:25,33:120)
c.ltyvalues <- 1:6
## ==========================================================================
c.colors <- c("black","red","blue","darkgreen",  ##"deepskyblue3",
              "pink3", "aquamarine3", "brown2") ## "darkgoldenrod3", "burlywood",
t.ncol <- length(c.colors)
t.col <- 1:t.ncol
## visualize the colors, possibly to improve the definition
##- palette(c.colors)
##- plot(0:1, c(1,length(ly <-1:length(c.colors))), type="n")
##- for (lj in 1:length(ly)) lines(0:1, rep(lj,2), col=lj, lty=1)
##- c.colors <- c("black","red","blue","darkgreen","brown","orange","purple",
##-               "olivedrab", "burlywood", "violet")
c.dateticks <- data.frame(
  limit =c(30*365,3800,3.1*365,370,190, 65, 35, 10,  5,  3,  1,.33,.16,.09),
  smallunit = I(c( "y","y","m","m","m","d","d","d","h","h","h","h","M","M")),
  smallint =    c(  1 , 1 , 3 , 1 , 1 , 10, 5 , 1 , 12, 3 , 1 , 1 , 30, 15),
  bigunit =   I(c( "y","y","y","m","m","m","d","d","d","h","h","h","h","M")),
  bigint  =     c(  5 , 2 , 1 , 3 , 3 , 1 , 10, 5 , 1 ,12 , 3 , 3 , 1 , 30),
  labelunit = I(c( "y","y","y","m","m","m","d","d","d","d","h","h","h","h")),
  labelint =    c(  5 , 5 , 1 , 6 , 3 , 1 , 10, 5 , 1 , 1 , 6, 6 , 1 , 1 )
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
usr.ploptions <- default.ploptions <-
    keeppar = FALSE,
    colors = c.colors, pale = 0.3,
    linewidth = c(solid=1, dash=1.3, dot=1.7,
                  dashDot=1.3, dashLong=1.2, dashLongDot=1.15),
    csize = 1,
    ticklength = c(-0.5, 0, 0.2, -0.2),
    tickintervals = c(7,4),
    ## basic
    pch = 1:18, csize.pch=charSize, csize.plab=0.7, ## !?
    psize.max = 3,
    lty=c.ltyvalues, lwd=1, col=t.col, pcol=t.col, lcol=t.col,
    innerrange = TRUE, innerrange.factor=4, innerrange.ext=0.1,
    innerrange.function = "robrange", 
    plext=0.05, markextremes = markextremes, ## is a function...
    ## variables
    variables.pch=1:18, variables.col=c.colors, variables.lty=c.ltyvalues,
    ## censored
    censored.pch =  c(62, 60, 2, 23, 23, 6, 23, 23),
    ##                 >,  <, Delta, q,q, nabla, q,quadrat 
    censored.size=1.3, censored.pale = 0.3,
    ## group
    group.pch=TRUE, group.col=TRUE, group.lty=TRUE,
    ## title (mtext)
    title.line=c(2,0.8), title.adj = c(0.5,0.97,0.03),
    title.csize=c(1.3,1), title.csizemin=0.6, title.maxchars=80,
    sub = TRUE,
    xlab = "", ylab = "",
    mframesmax = 30, 
    panel = "plpanel", 
    ## frame
    axes = 1:2, 
    mar = c(3,3,2,1)+0.2, mar.default = c(3,3,2,1)+0.2,
    oma=rep(NA,4), oma.default=c(0,0,2,0)+0.2, 
    margin.csize = c(1.2, 1), margin.line = c(2,0.8), 
    margin.exp = c(1,0.8),
    panelsep = 0.5, 
    date.origin = 1970, date.format=c("y-m-d", "h:m:s"), 
    ## time axes
##-     timerangelim =
##-       list(year=c(4,20), month=c(4,6), day=c(4,10), hour=4, min=4),
    date.ticks = c.dateticks,
    ## grid
    grid = TRUE, grid.lty = 1, grid.lwd = 1, grid.col = "gray75",
    zeroline = TRUE, zeroline.lty = 1, zeroline.lwd = 1,
    zeroline.col = "gray50",
    ## refline
    refline = TRUE, 
    refline.lty = c(4,6), refline.lwd = c(1,0.7), refline.col = "darkgreen",
    ## smooth
    smooth = TRUE, 
    smooth.function = "smoothRegr", smooth.par = smoothpar, smooth.iter = 50,
    smooth.minobs = 8, smooth.band = FALSE,
    ## smoothline
    smooth.lty = 1, smooth.lwd = c(2, 0.7),
    smooth.col = "blue", smooth.pale = c(0.7,-0.3),
    smooth.xtrim = smoothxtrim,
    ## bars
    bar.midpointwidth = 1, bar.lty = 1, bar.lwd = c(2,1), bar.col = "burlywood4",
    ## factors
    factor.show = "mbox", backback = TRUE,
    mbox.minnobs = 6, mbox.minheight = 0.02, 
    mbox.colors = c(box="lightblue",med="blue",na="gray90",refline="magenta"),
    jitter = NA, jitter.minnobs = 6, jitter.factor = 0.8,
    ## condquant
    condquant = TRUE, condprob.range = c(0,1), condquant.pale = c(0.5, 0.5),
    condquant.pch = c(3,4),
    ## plmatrix
    diaglabel.csize = 1.5,
    ## plcond options
    plcond.panel = plpanelCond, 
    plcond.nintervals = 5, plcond.extend=0.5, ## condvarExtend,
    plcond.col = c("darkgreen", "coral3", "blue", "magenta3"),
    plcond.pale = c(0.2,0.7), plcond.csize = 0.8, 
    ## subset
    subset.rgratio = 0.9,
    ## plregr
    functionxvalues = 51,
    regr.plotselect = c( yfit=0, resfit=NA, absresfit = NA,
                        absresweights = NA, qq = NA,
                        leverage = 1, resmatrix = 1, qqmult = 1),
    regr.addcomp = FALSE,
    leveragelimit = c(NA, 0.99),
    cookdistlines = 1:2,
    stamp=1, doc=TRUE, 
    printnotices = TRUE, debug = FALSE )
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
ploptionsCheck <-
    keeppar = clg(),
    colors=ccl(), pale = cnr(c(-1,1)), 
    linewidth = cnr(c(0.1,5)), csize = cnr(c(0.1,5)), 
    ticklength = cnr(c(-2,2)),
    tickintervals = cnr(c(2,20)), 
    ## basic
    pch = cnv(c.pchvalues),
    csize.pch = list(cfn(),cnr(c(0.1,5))), csize.plab=cnr(c(0.1,5)),
    lty=cnv(c.ltyvalues), lwd=cnr(c(0.1,5)),
    col=list(cnr(c(0,t.ncol)), ccl()), lcol=list(cnr(c(0,t.ncol)), ccl()),
    pcol=list(cnr(c(0,t.ncol)), ccl()),
    ## group
    group.col=list(clg(),ccl()), group.lty=list(clg(),cnv(c.ltyvalues)),
    ## variables
    variables.pch=cnv(c.pchvalues), variables.col=ccl(),
    variables.lcol=list(cnr(c(0,t.ncol)), ccl()),
    ## censored
    censored.pch = cnv(c.pchvalues),
    censored.size=cnr(c(0.1,5)), censored.pale = cnr(c(0,1)),
    ## frame
    ## title
    title.csize=cnr(c(0.1,5)), title.csizemin=cnr(c(0.1,2)), title.adj = cnr(c(-0.2,1.2)),
    title.line=cnr(c(-5,5)), title.maxchars=cnr(c(5,200)),
    sub = list(clg(),cch()),
    axes=list(cnr(c(1:4), na.ok=TRUE),clg()), 
    mar=cnr(c(0,20), na.ok=TRUE), mar.default=cnr(c(0,20), na.ok=FALSE),
    oma=cnr(c(0,10), na.ok=TRUE), oma.default=cnr(c(0,10), na.ok=FALSE),
    mgp=cnr(c(0,5), na.ok=FALSE, length=3),
    date.origin = cnr(c(1900,2050)), date.format = cch(),
    mframesmax = cnr(c(4,100)), 
    innerrange = list(clg(),cnr()), innerrange.factor=cnr(c(0.5,10)),
    innerrange.ext = cnr(c(0,0.5)),
    plext = cnr(c(0,0.5)), markextremes = list(cfn(), cnr(c(0,0.5))), 
    ## plcond options
    plcond.panel = cfn(),
    plcond.ninterval = cnr(0,50), plcond.extend=list(cfn(), cnr(c(0,10))),
    plcond.col = list(cnr(c(0,t.ncol)), ccl()),
    plcond.pale = cnr(c(0,1)), plcond.csize = cnr(c(0,3)),
    ## plcond.mix = cnr(c(0,1)), 
    zeroline = list(clg(),cnr()),
    zeroline.lty = cnv(c.ltyvalues), zeroline.lwd = cnr(c(0.1,5)),
    zeroline.col = list(cnr(c(0,t.ncol)), ccl()),
    ## refline
    refline = list(cls(), clg(),cnr(0,2),cfn()),
    refline.lty = cnv(c.ltyvalues), refline.lwd = cnr(c(0.1,5)),
    refline.col = list(cnr(c(0,t.ncol)), ccl()), 
    ## smoothline
    smooth.lty = cnv(c.ltyvalues), smooth.lwd = cnr(c(0.1,5)),
    smooth.col = list(cnr(c(0,t.ncol)), ccl()), smooth.pale = cnr(c(-1,1)),
    smooth = clg(), 
    smooth.function = cfn(), smooth.par = list(cfn(), cnr(c(0,2))),
    smooth.minobs = cnr(c(3,20)), smooth.band = clg(),
    ## bars
    bar.lty = cnv(c.ltyvalues), bar.lwd = cnr(c(0.1,5)),
    bar.col = list(cnr(c(0,t.ncol)), ccl()),
    bar.midpointwidth = cnr(c(0.1,5)),
    ## factors
    factor.show = cch(c("mbox","jitter","asis","")), backback = clg(),
    mbox.minnobs = cnr(c(1,Inf)), mbox.minheight = cnr(c(0,0.1)),
    mbox.colors = ccl(),
    jitter = clg(), jitter.minnobs = cnr(c(1,Inf)),
    jitter.factor = cnr(c(0.1,1)),
    ## time axes
    ## subset
    subset.rgratio = cnr(c(0.1,1)),
    ## condquant
    condquant = clg(), condquant.pale = cnr(c(0,1)),
    condquant.pch = cnv(c.pchvalues),
    condprob.range = cnr(c(0,1)),
    ## plmatrix
    diaglabel.csize = cnr(c(0.2,10)),
    ## plregr
    functionxvalues = cnr(c(5,500)),
    smooth.xtrim = list(cfn(), cnr(c(0,0.4), na.ok=FALSE)),
    regr.plotselect = cnr(), regr.addcomp = clg(),
    leveragelimit = cnr(c(0.05,0.99999)), cookdistlines = cnr(c(0.05, 5)),
    printnotices = clg(), debug = clg()
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------
pl.envir <- new.env()
pl.envir$ploptions <- pl.envir$usr.ploptions <- default.ploptions
pl.envir$pl.scaleFunctions <- c("log","log10","logst","sqrt","asinp","logit","qnorm")
## ======================================================================
i.argPldata <- c("psize", "plab", "pch", "pcol",
                 "by", "group", "smooth.group", "smooth.weights", "smooth.weight")
i.argPlcontr <-
  c("x", "y", "data", "transformed", "subset", ## "csize", "markextremes",
    "vcol", "vlty", "vpch", "plscale", ##  "smooth",
    "main", "sub", ".subdefault", ## "mar",
    "xlab", "ylab", "varlabel",
    "ploptions", ".environment.")

i.argPlregr <- c("plotselect", "sequence", "addcomp", "smooth.legend")

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plgraphics documentation built on Sept. 29, 2023, 5:06 p.m.