## =============================================================================
## =============================================================================
## image2D S3 functions - this code can be improved.
## =============================================================================
## =============================================================================
image2D <- function(z, ...) UseMethod ("image2D")
image2D.default <- function (z, ...) image2D.matrix(z, ...)
## =============================================================================
## image2D function, input is a matrix
## =============================================================================
image2D.matrix <- function (z, x = seq(0, 1, length.out = nrow(z)),
y = seq(0, 1, length.out = ncol(z)), colvar = z, ...,
col = NULL, NAcol = "white", breaks = NULL,
border = NA, facets = TRUE, contour = FALSE,
colkey = NULL, resfac = 1, clab = NULL,
lighting = FALSE, shade = NA, ltheta = -135, lphi = 0,
theta = 0, rasterImage = FALSE,
add = FALSE, plot = TRUE) {
if (rasterImage & theta != 0)
stop ("cannot combine 'rasterImage' and 'theta' != 0")
plist <- initplist(add)
plist <- add2Dplist(plist, "image", z = z, x = x, y = y,
col = col, NAcol = NAcol, breaks = breaks, border = border,
facets = facets, contour = contour, colkey = colkey, resfac = resfac,
clab = clab, theta = theta, rasterImage = rasterImage,
if (!plot) return()
if (is.character(z)) {
ImageNULL (z = NULL, x = x, y = y, ..., col = z, NAcol = NAcol,
border = border, facets = facets,
rasterImage = rasterImage, angle = theta, add = add)
if (is.null(col) & is.null(breaks))
col <- jet.col(100)
else if (is.null(col))
col <- jet.col(length(breaks)-1)
if (length(col) == 1)
if (
col <- NULL
dots <- splitpardots(list(...))
dotimage <- dots$main
dotother <- dots$points
iscolkey <- is.colkey(colkey, col)
if (iscolkey) {
colkey <- check.colkey(colkey)
if (! add)
plist$plt$main <- colkey$parplt
colkey$breaks <- breaks
par (plt = plist$plt$main)
breaks <- check.breaks(breaks, col)
# check contours
iscontour <- ! is.null(contour)
if (length(contour) == 0)
iscontour <- FALSE
else if (is.null(names(contour)) & is.logical(contour[[1]][1]))
if (contour[[1]][1] == FALSE)
iscontour <- FALSE
else if (! is.list(contour))
contour <- list()
# x- and y-values
if (length(dim(x)) > 2 | length(dim(y)) > 2)
stop("'x' or 'y' cannot be an array")
if (is.null (x))
x <- seq(0, 1, length.out = nrow(z))
if (is.null (y))
y <- seq(0, 1, length.out = ncol(z))
if (is.matrix(x))
if (! is.matrix(y))
y <- matrix(nrow = nrow(x), ncol = ncol(x), data = y, byrow = TRUE)
if (is.matrix(y))
if (! is.matrix(x))
x <- matrix(nrow = nrow(y), ncol = ncol(y), data = x)
if (!lighting &
colvar <- NULL
else if (any(dim(colvar) - dim(z)) != 0)
stop("'colvar' and 'z' not compatible")
# change resolution
if (any(resfac != 1)) {
if (lighting | !
res <- changeres(resfac, x, y, z, colvar)
res <- changeres(resfac, x, y, z)
x <- res$x
y <- res$y
z <- res$z
if (lighting | !
colvar <- res$colvar
if (iscontour) {
if (is.matrix(x))
stop ("cannot add contour if 'x' or 'y' is a matrix")
contour$x <- x
contour$y <- y
if (dots$clog)
contour$drawlabels = FALSE # to avoid strange values
# rotate
rotate <- FALSE
if (theta != 0 & ! rasterImage) {
if (is.vector(x)) {
rotate <- TRUE
x <- matrix (nrow = nrow(z), ncol = ncol(z), data = x)
y <- matrix (nrow = nrow(z), ncol = ncol(z), data = y, byrow = TRUE)
th <- theta*pi/180
Mat <- matrix(nrow = 2, data = c(cos(th), sin(th), -sin(th), cos(th)))
XY <- cbind(as.vector(x), as.vector(y))%*%Mat
x <- matrix(nrow = nrow(z), ncol = ncol(z), data = XY[, 1])
y <- matrix(nrow = nrow(z), ncol = ncol(z), data = XY[, 2])
# Check for decreasing values of x and y
if (! is.matrix(x) & all(diff(x) < 0)) {
if (is.null(dotimage$xlim))
dotimage$xlim <- rev(range(x))
x <- rev(x)
z <- z[nrow(z):1, ]
if (! is.null(colvar))
colvar <- colvar[nrow(colvar):1, ]
if (iscontour)
contour$x <- x
if (! is.matrix(y) & all(diff(y) < 0)) {
if (is.null(dotimage$ylim))
dotimage$ylim <- rev(range(y))
y <- rev(y)
z <- z[, (ncol(z):1)]
if (! is.null(colvar))
colvar <- colvar[, (ncol(colvar):1)]
if (iscontour)
contour$y <- y
useimage <- TRUE # default it to use the image function
lightshade <- FALSE
height <- NULL
if (lighting | ! {
if (! rasterImage & ! is.matrix(x)) {
xy <- mesh(x,y)
x <- xy$x
y <- xy$y
if (! rasterImage)
useimage <- TRUE
lightshade <- TRUE
height <- z
z <- colvar
Extend <- TRUE
if (is.matrix(x)) {
if (any (dim(x) - dim(y) != 0))
stop("matrices 'x' and 'y' not of same dimension")
if (any (dim(x) - dim(z) > 0)) {
if ((nrow(x) - nrow(z)) != (ncol(x) - ncol(z)))
stop("matrices 'x' or 'y' and 'z' not compatible - should either be of dim(z) or dim(z)+1")
if (any(dim(x) - dim(z) > 1))
stop("matrices 'x' or 'y' and 'z' not compatible - should either be of dim(z) or dim(z)+1")
Extend <- FALSE
useimage <- FALSE
# log transformation of z-values (can be specified with log = "c", or log = "z"
zlog <- FALSE
if (! is.null(dots$clog))
zlog <- dots$clog
if (! is.null(dotimage$log)) {
if (length(grep("z", dotimage[["log"]])) > 0) {
dotimage[["log"]] <- gsub("z", "", dotimage[["log"]])
zlog <- TRUE
if (length(grep("c", dotimage[["log"]])) > 0) {
dotimage[["log"]] <- gsub("c", "", dotimage[["log"]])
zlog <- TRUE
if (dotimage[["log"]] == "")
dotimage[["log"]] <- NULL
if (zlog)
z <- log(z)
# labels
if (is.null(dotimage[["xlab"]]))
dotimage[["xlab"]] <- "x"
if (is.null(dotimage[["ylab"]]))
dotimage[["ylab"]] <- "y"
# z ranges
zlim <- dotimage[["zlim"]]
if (is.null(zlim))
zlim <- dotother[["clim"]]
else if (!is.null(dotother[["clim"]]))
stop ("only one of 'zlim' and 'clim' can be specified")
dotimage[["zlim"]] <- dotother[["clim"]] <- NULL
if (is.null(zlim)) {
if (length(which(! == 0)
zlim <- c(0, 1)
else if (is.null(breaks))
zlim <- range(z, na.rm = TRUE)
zlim <- range(breaks, na.rm = TRUE)
} else
if (zlog)
zlim <- log(zlim )
if (! is.null(dots$alpha))
col <- setalpha(col, dots$alpha)
colkeyZlim <- zlim
colkeyCol <- col
# Colors for values = NA
if (! is.null(NAcol) ) { # any ( &
if (! is.null(breaks)) {
col <- c(NAcol, col, NAcol)
breaks <- c(min(c(z, breaks), na.rm = TRUE)-1, breaks,
max(c(z, breaks), na.rm = TRUE)+1)
z[z < min(zlim)] <- NA
z[z > max(zlim)] <- NA
z[] <- breaks[1]
} else {
nc <- length(col)
CC <- checkcolors(z, col, NAcol, zlim)
zlim <- CC$lim
col <- CC$col
z <- CC$colvar
if (! facets | {
useimage <- FALSE
if (! is.matrix(x)) {
xy <- mesh(x,y)
x <- xy$x
y <- xy$y
if (! useimage | rasterImage) { # use colored polygons if x- and y are matrix
# create colors
Col <- variablecol (z, col, NAcol, zlim, breaks)
if (! | lighting)
Col <- facetcolsImage(x, y, height, dotimage[["xlim"]], dotimage[["ylim"]],
NULL, shade, lighting, dots$alpha, ltheta, lphi, Col, NAcol)
# empty plot
dotimage$type <- "n"
dotimage$xaxs <- "i"
dotimage$yaxs <- "i"
if (!add) {"plot", c(alist(x = range(x), y = range(y)), dotimage))
# This used to make the background = NAcol - removed...
# plotrect <- !is.null(NAcol)
# if (plotrect)
# if (NAcol != "white") {
# usr <- par("usr")
# rect(usr[1], usr[3], usr[2], usr[4], col = NAcol)
# }
if (! useimage ) {
# function to draw polygon
poly <- polyfill2D (x, y, Col, facets, border, dots$lwd, dots$lty, Extend)
dots$lwd <- NULL"polygon", c(alist(poly$x, poly$y, lwd = poly$lwd,
border = poly$border, col = poly$col),
} else if (rasterImage) {
Col <- matrix(nrow = nrow(z), data = Col)
addraster (x, y, Col, dotimage[["xlim"]], dotimage[["ylim"]],
theta, dotother)
} else {
dotimage$breaks <- breaks"image", c(alist(z = z, x = x, y = y, col = col, add = add,
zlim = zlim), dotimage))
if (useimage & ! {"abline", c(alist(h = 0.5*(y[-1]+y[-length(y)]), col = border), dotother))"abline", c(alist(v = 0.5*(x[-1]+x[-length(x)]), col = border), dotother))
if (is.null(dotimage$frame.plot)) {
if (!add)
} else if (dotimage$frame.plot)
# contours
if (iscontour) {
if (zlog)
if (!is.null(contour$levels))
contour$levels <- log(contour$levels)
if (! is.null(contour$col) &! is.null(contour$alpha))
contour$col <- setalpha(contour$col, contour$alpha)
if (! rotate)"contour", c(list(z = z, add = TRUE), contour))
else { # first calculate contours on unrotated values, then transform
line.list <-"contourLines", c(alist(z), contour))
templines <- function(clines)
lines(cbind(clines[[2]], clines[[3]])%*%Mat)
invisible(lapply(line.list, templines))
if (iscolkey) {
drawcolkey(colkey, colkeyCol, colkeyZlim, clab, zlog)
par(plt = plist$plt$ori)
par(mar = par("mar"))
## =============================================================================
## add rasterImage to plot
## =============================================================================
addraster <- function (x, y, col, xlim, ylim, angle, dots) {
if (is.matrix(x) | is.matrix(y))
stop("'x' or 'y' cannot be a matrix if rasterImage is used")
# check the x- and y-values, to be ~equally spaced and monotonously increasing/decreasing
dx <- diff(x)
if (any(dx == 0) | max(sign(dx)) != min(sign(dx)))
stop("'x'-values should be increasing or decreasing, not constant")
if (max(dx)/min(dx) > 1.1)
stop("'x' should be quasi-equally spaced if rasterImage is used")
dy <- diff(y)
if (any(dy == 0) | max(sign(dy)) != min(sign(dy)))
stop("'y'-values should be increasing or decreasing, not constant")
if (max(dy)/min(dy) > 1.1)
stop("'y' should be quasi-equally spaced if rasterImage is used")
if (is.null(xlim)) xlim <- range(x)
if (is.null(ylim)) ylim <- range(y)
if (sign(dx[1]) != sign(diff(xlim)))
col <- col[nrow(col):1, ]
if (sign(dy[1]) == sign(diff(ylim)))
col <- col[, ncol(col):1]
col <- t(col)
if (sign(diff(xlim)) == 1)
xlim <- range(x)
xlim <- rev(range(x))
if (sign(diff(ylim)) == 1)
ylim <- range(y)
ylim <- rev(range(y))"rasterImage", c(alist(as.raster(col), xlim[1],
ylim[1], xlim[2], ylim[2], angle = angle), dots))
## =============================================================================
## image2D function, z = NULL, col is a matrix of colors
## =============================================================================
ImageNULL <- function(z = NULL,
x = seq(0, 1, length.out = nrow(col)),
y = seq(0, 1, length.out = ncol(col)), ...,
col, NAcol = "white",
border = NA, facets = TRUE,
rasterImage = FALSE, angle, add) {
# check colors
if (! is.character(col) | ! is.matrix(col))
stop ("'col' should be a matrix of colors if 'z' is NULL")
# The plotting arguments
dots <- splitpardots(list(...))
dotimage <- dots$main
dotother <- dots$points
if (! is.null(dots$alpha)) {
DD <- dim(col)
col <- matrix (nrow = DD[1], data = alpha.col(col, dots$alpha))
# x- and y-values
if (length(dim(x)) > 2 | length(dim(y)) > 2)
stop("'x' or 'y' cannot be an array")
Nr <- nrow(col)
Nc <- ncol(col)
if (is.null (x))
x <- seq(0, 1, length.out = Nr)
if (is.null (y))
y <- seq(0, 1, length.out = Nc)
# labels
if (is.null(dotimage[["xlab"]]))
dotimage[["xlab"]] <- "x"
if (is.null(dotimage[["ylab"]]))
dotimage[["ylab"]] <- "y"
# Colors for values = NA
col[] <- NAcol
# empty plot
dotimage$type <- "n"
dotimage$xaxs <- "i"
dotimage$yaxs <- "i"
if (!add) {"plot", c(alist(x = range(x), y = range(y)), dotimage))
plotrect <- !is.null(NAcol)
if (plotrect)
if (NAcol != "white") {
usr <- par("usr")
rect(usr[1], usr[3], usr[2], usr[4], col = NAcol)
if (! rasterImage) {
if (! is.matrix(x))
x <- matrix(nrow = Nr, ncol = Nc, data = x)
if (! is.matrix(y))
y <- matrix(nrow = Nr, ncol = Nc, data = y, byrow = TRUE)
if (any (dim(x) - dim(y) != 0))
stop("matrices 'x' and 'y' not of same dimension")
if (any (dim(x) - dim(col) != 0))
stop("matrices 'x' or 'y' and 'col' not of same dimension")
# function to draw polygon
poly <- polyfill2D(x, y, col, facets, border, dots$lwd, dots$lty)"polygon", c(alist(poly$x, poly$y, lwd = poly$lwd,
border = poly$border, col = poly$col), dotother))
} else
addraster (x, y, col, dotimage[["xlim"]], dotimage[["ylim"]],
angle, dotother)
if (!add)
## =============================================================================
## image2D function, input is an array
## =============================================================================
image2D.array <- function (z, margin = c(1, 2), subset, ask = NULL, ...) {
DD <- dim(z)
if (length(DD) != 3)
stop ("Can only make image of 3-D array, 'z' has dimension ", length(DD))
if (length(margin) != 2)
stop ("'margin' should contain two numbers, the x, y subscripts of which to make images")
if ( max(margin) > 3 | min (margin) < 1)
stop ("indexes in 'margin' should be inbetween 1 and 3")
index <- (1:3) [- margin]
if (index > 3 || index <1)
stop ("'index' to loop over should be inbetween 1 and 3")
x <- 1:DD[index]
if (!missing(subset)){
if (is.numeric(subset)) {
isub <- subset
} else {
e <- substitute(subset)
r <- eval(e,, parent.frame())
if (!is.logical(r))
stop("'subset' must evaluate to logical")
isub <- r & !
isub <- which(isub)
if (length(isub) == 0)
stop("cannot continue: nothing selected - check 'subset'")
} else isub <- x
np <- length(isub)
ldots <- list(...)
## Set par mfrow and ask
ask <- setplotpar(ldots, np, ask)
if (ask) {
oask <- devAskNewPage(TRUE)
if (is.null(ldots$main)) {
title <- names(z)[index][isub]
if (is.null(title))
title <- isub
} else
title <- rep(ldots$main, length.out = length(isub))
# outer margin text
Mtext <- ldots$mtext
ldots$mtext <- NULL
i1 <- 1
for (i in isub) {
if (index == 1)
zz <- z[i, , ]
else if (index == 2)
zz <- z[ ,i , ]
zz <- z[ ,, i ]
if (margin[2] < margin[1])
zz <- t(zz)
LL <- c(list(z = zz), ldots)
LL$main <- title[i1]
i1 <- i1+1, LL)
if (! is.null(Mtext))
mtext(text = Mtext, side = 3, outer = TRUE, line = par("oma")[3]-1 )
## =============================================================================
## image2D of a list of matrices or arrays
## =============================================================================
image2D.list <- function (z, ...) {
# check z: list with similar matrices or arrays of dimension at most 3
if ( all(c("x", "y", "z") %in% names(z))) {
image2D.matrix(z = z$z, x = z$x, y = z$y, ...)
} else {
nz <- length(z)
if (!inherits(z[[1]], c("matrix", "array")))
stop ("'z' should be a list with either matrices or arrays")
DD <- dim(z[[1]])
if (length(DD) > 3 | length(DD) < 2)
stop ("Can only make image of 2-D or 3-D array, 'z' has dimension ", length(DD))
for (i in 2 : nz)
if (any(dim(z[[i]]) - DD != 0))
stop("elements of 'z' should have the same dimension, check element", i)
# Set the mfrow argument - different from the usual
if (inherits(z[[1]], "matrix")) {
nc <- min(ceiling(sqrt(nz)), 3)
nr <- min(ceiling(nz/nc), 3)
} else { # differs from default in that it is not limited to 3
nc <- ceiling(sqrt(nz))
nr <- ceiling(nz/nc)
mfrow <- c(nr, nc)
par(mfrow = mfrow)
# Plotting arguments
Ldots <- list(...)
Ldots$mfrow <- mfrow
if (!is.null(Ldots$main)) {
main <- rep(Ldots$main, length.out = nz)
Ldots$main <- NULL
} else {
main <- names(z)
if (is.null(main)) main <- 1:nz
ask <- Ldots$ask
if (is.null(ask)) ask <- TRUE
Ldots$ask <- NULL
# ylim and xlim can be lists and are at least two values
yylim <- expanddotslist(Ldots$ylim, nz)
xxlim <- expanddotslist(Ldots$xlim, nz)
zzlim <- expanddotslist(Ldots$zlim, nz)
zzlab <- expanddotslist(Ldots$clab, nz)
if (ask) {
oask <- devAskNewPage(TRUE)
# Display the images
if (inherits(z[[1]], "matrix")) {
# outer margin text
Mtext <- Ldots$mtext
Ldots$mtext <- NULL
for (i in 1:nz) {
Ldots$main <- main[i]
Ldots$xlim <- xxlim[[i]]
Ldots$ylim <- yylim[[i]]
Ldots$zlim <- zzlim[[i]]
Ldots$clab <- zzlab[[i]]
LL <- c(list(z = z[[i]]), Ldots), LL)
if (! is.null(Mtext))
mtext(text = Mtext, side = 3, outer = TRUE, line = par("oma")[3]-1 )
} else { # array
margin <- Ldots$margin
Ldots$margin <- NULL
if (is.null(margin)) margin <- 1:2
if (length(margin) != 2)
stop ("'margin' should contain two numbers, the x, y subscripts with which to make images")
if ( max(margin) > 3 | min (margin) < 1)
stop ("indexes in 'margin' should be inbetween 1 and 3")
index <- (1:3) [- margin]
subset <- Ldots$subset
Ldots$subset <- NULL
if (!is.null(subset)){
if (is.numeric(subset)) {
isub <- subset
} else { e <- substitute(subset)
r <- eval(e,, parent.frame())
if (!is.logical(r))
stop("'subset' must evaluate to logical")
isub <- r & !
isub <- which(isub)
if (length(isub) == 0)
stop("cannot continue: nothing selected - check 'subset'")
} else
isub <- 1:DD[index]
nisub <- length(isub)
# number of empty plots
noplot <- prod(mfrow) - nz
if (noplot == 0)
noplot <- NULL
noplot <- 1:noplot
# outer margin text
Mtext <- Ldots$mtext
Ldots$mtext <- NULL
if (! is.null(Mtext))
Mtext <- rep(Mtext, length.out = nisub)
Mtext <- isub
pline <- par("oma")[3]-1
# loop first over margin, then over data sets
for (jj in 1:nisub) {
j <- isub[jj]
for (i in 1:nz) {
if (index == 1)
zz <- z[[i]][j, , ]
else if (index == 2)
zz <- z[[i]][ ,j , ]
zz <- z[[i]][ ,, j ]
if (margin[2] < margin[1])
zz <- t(zz)
Ldots$main <- main[i]
Ldots$xlim <- xxlim[[i]]
Ldots$ylim <- yylim[[i]]
Ldots$zlim <- zzlim[[i]]
Ldots$clab <- zzlab[[i]]
LL <- c(list(z = zz), Ldots), LL)
# to make sure all figures are drawn
for (i in noplot)
plot(0, type = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "", axes = FALSE,
frame.plot = FALSE)
mtext(text = Mtext[jj], side = 3, outer = TRUE, line = pline)
## =============================================================================
## Checking and expanding arguments in dots (...) with default
## =============================================================================
expanddots <- function (dots, default, n) {
dots <- if (is.null(dots)) default else dots
rep(dots, length.out = n)
# lists: e.g. xlim and ylim....
expanddotslist <- function (dots, n) {
if (is.null(dots)) return(dots)
dd <- if (!is.list(dots )) list(dots) else dots
rep(dd, length.out = n)
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