
Defines functions print_circadian

#functions for doing diurnal rhythm analyses
#Heavily adapted from the circular package
#a function to estimate diurnal phase of mood data
#the input is a data frame or matrix with 
#time of measurement (in 24 hour clock)
#and  then the mood measures (1 or many) 
#Version of October 22, 2008
#seriously revised April 12, 2009
#modified February 14, 2015 to adjust the call to mean(x[1]) 
#and to make the grouping function actually work
#find the best fitting phase  (in hours)
#cleaned up March 9, 2015 to allow a more natural calling sequence
#modifed Jan - April, 2016 to make cleaner code

#Added cosinor.period April 21, 2016 to iteratively fit period as an option 

"cosinor.period" <- 
function(angle,x=NULL,code=NULL,data = NULL, hours=TRUE,period=seq(23,26,1),plot=FALSE,opti=FALSE,na.rm=TRUE) {
#first, organize the data in terms of the input
  if(!is.null(data)) {
      if(is.matrix(data)) data <- data.frame(data)
       if(is.character(angle)) angle <- which(colnames(data) == angle)
     if(!is.null(code)) { if(is.character(code))  codeloc <- which(colnames(data) ==code)
              x <- data[,c(angle,x,codeloc)] } else {x <- data[,c(angle,x)]}
               angle <- x[1]
               x <- x[-1]
     } else {
  if (is.null(x) && is.null(code)) {angle <- data.frame(angle)
                  x <- angle
                 angle<- angle[,1]
                 } else {x <- data.frame(x)
                    x <- cbind(angle,x)
                  angle <- x[1]
                  x <- x[-1]
xdata <- x   #we need to save this to do iterative fits
old.angle <- angle
per <- period 
fit.period <- list()
for (i in 1:length(per)) { 
  period <- per[i]
if(hours) { angle <- old.angle*2*pi/period 
  x <- cbind(angle,xdata)}  #convert to radians

nvar <- dim(xdata)[2] -1
if(is.null(code)) { fit <- cosinor1(angle,x[-1],period=period,opti=opti,na.rm=na.rm)  #if there is a code (i.e., subject id), then do the fits for each separate subject
m.resp <- mean(x[,1])
s.resp <- sd(x[,1])} else {

#x <- angle
fit.list <- by(x,x[code],function(x) cosinor1(angle=x[1],x=x[-c(1,which(colnames(x)==
   code))],period=period,opti=opti,na.rm=na.rm))  #this is the case if code is specified
   ncases <- length(fit.list)
fit <- matrix(unlist(fit.list),nrow=ncases,byrow=TRUE)
   colnames(fit) <- c(paste(colnames(x)[-c(1,which(colnames(x)==
   code))], "phase",sep="."),paste(colnames(x)[-c(1,which(colnames(x)==
   code))], "fit",sep="."),paste(colnames(x)[-c(1,which(colnames(x)==
   code))], "amp",sep="."),paste(colnames(x)[-c(1,which(colnames(x)==
   code))], "sd",sep="."),paste(colnames(x)[-c(1,which(colnames(x)==
   code))], "mean",sep="."),paste(colnames(x)[-c(1,which(colnames(x)==
   code))], "intercept",sep=".")) 
   rownames(fit) <- names(fit.list) 

  fit.period[[i]] <- list(fit)
 x <- NA   #just to avoid being told that x is a global 
 #now, find for each variable and for each subject, that value of of fit which is maximized, and then what is the 
 ncols <- 6 * length(x)
 fit.m <- matrix(unlist(fit.period),nrow=ncases,byrow=FALSE)
 #the fits are every nvar * 6 elements starting at nvar + 1
 maxfit <- per
 np <- length(per)
 fits <- cbind(matrix(NA,nrow=ncases,ncol=nvar),fit)
 for (j in 1:ncases) { #do it for each subject
     for (i in 1:nvar) {#do it for each variable
       for (p in 1:np) {#find the fits for all periods
   #maxfit[p]  <-   fit.m[j,(p-1) * nvar * 6 + nvar+1]
   maxfit[p] <- fit.period[[p]][[1]][j,i+nvar]
  max.period <- which.max(maxfit)

  fits[j,i] <- per[max.period]
  fits[j,i+nvar] <- fit.period[[max.period]][[1]][j,i]
  fits[j,i+2*nvar] <- fit.period[[max.period]][[1]][j,i+nvar]
  fits[j,i+3*nvar] <- fit.period[[max.period]][[1]][j,i + 2*nvar]
  fits[j,i+4*nvar] <- fit.period[[max.period]][[1]][j,i+3* nvar]
  fits[j,i+5*nvar] <- fit.period[[max.period]][[1]][j,i + 4*nvar]
  fits[j,i+6*nvar] <- fit.period[[max.period]][[1]][j,i+5* nvar]

#revised 9/15/18 to handle radians correctly and to handle character names for variables

"circadian.phase" <- 
"cosinor" <- 
function(angle,x=NULL,code=NULL,data = NULL, hours=TRUE,period=24,plot=FALSE,opti=FALSE,na.rm=TRUE) {
#first, organize the data in terms of the input
  if(!is.null(data)) {
      if(is.matrix(data)) data <- data.frame(data)
       if(is.character(angle)) angle <- which(colnames(data) == angle)
       if(is.character(x)) x <- which(colnames(data) ==x)
     if(!is.null(code)) { if(is.character(code))  codeloc <- which(colnames(data) ==code)
              x <- data[,c(angle,x,codeloc)] } else {x <- data[,c(angle,x)]}
               angle <- x[1]
               x <- x[-1]
     } else {
  if (is.null(x) && is.null(code)) {angle <- data.frame(angle)
                  x <- angle
                 angle<- angle[,1]
                 } else {x <- data.frame(x)
                    x <- cbind(angle,x)
                  angle <- x[1]
                  x <- x[-1]
if(hours) { angle <- angle*2*pi/period }   #convert to radians
  x <- cbind(angle,x) 

nvar <- dim(x)[2]
if(is.null(code)) { fit <- cosinor1(angle,x[-1],period=period,opti=opti,na.rm=na.rm)  #if there is a code (i.e., subject id), then do the fits for each separate subject
m.resp <- mean(x[,1])
s.resp <- sd(x[,1])

if(plot) {#curve(cos((*x-fit[1,1])*s.resp+m.resp)*pi/12),add=TRUE) } #this draws the first fitted variable
  }}  else  {#x <- angle
   fit.list <- by(x,x[code],function(x) cosinor1(angle=x[1],x=x[-c(1,which(colnames(x)==
   code))],period=period,opti=opti,na.rm=na.rm))  #this is the case if code is specified
   ncases <- length(fit.list)
   fit<- matrix(unlist(fit.list),nrow=ncases,byrow=TRUE)
   colnames(fit) <- c(paste(colnames(x)[-c(1,which(colnames(x)==
   code))], "phase",sep="."),paste(colnames(x)[-c(1,which(colnames(x)==
   code))], "fit",sep="."),paste(colnames(x)[-c(1,which(colnames(x)==
   code))], "amp",sep="."),paste(colnames(x)[-c(1,which(colnames(x)==
   code))], "sd",sep="."),paste(colnames(x)[-c(1,which(colnames(x)==
   code))], "mean",sep="."),paste(colnames(x)[-c(1,which(colnames(x)==
   code))], "intercept",sep=".")) 
   rownames(fit) <- names(fit.list) 
 x <- NA   #just to avoid being told that x is a global 

# cosinor1 actually does the work
# it either uses a fitting function (optimize) from core R
# or calls a linear regression fit
"cosinor1" <-
function(angle,x,period=24,opti=FALSE,na.rm=TRUE) {
response <- x
n.var <- dim(x)[2]
if(is.null(n.var)) n.var <-1 
fit <- matrix(NaN,nrow=n.var,ncol=6)
for (i in 1:n.var) {
if(opti) {fits <- optimize(f=phaser,c(0,24),time=angle,response=x[,i],period=period,maximum=TRUE)  #iterative fit 
fit[i,1] <- fits$maximum
fit[i,2] <- fits$objective
} else {fits <- cosinor.lm2 (angle,x[,i],period=period,na.rm=na.rm)  #simple linear regression based upon sine and cosine of time
   fit[i,1] <- 	fits[[1]] #this is the acrophase
   fit[i,2] <- fits[[2]]  #this is the correlation of the fit with the data  
   fit[i,3] <- fits[[3]]   #this is the amplitude
   fit[i,4] <- fits[[4]]  #The standard deviation of the observed scores
   fit[i,5] <- fits[[5]]  #the mean of the observed scores 
   fit[i,6] <- fits[[6]]  #the predicted value of the observed score at the intercept 
colnames(fit) <- c("phase","fit","amplitude","sd","mean","intercept")
rownames(fit) <- colnames(x)

"phaser" <- function(phase,time,response,period) {       #this is used in the iterative fit procedure
   phaser <- cor(cos(((time-phase)*2*pi)/period),response,use="pairwise")}
#the alternative to the iterative procedure is simple linear regression of the cosine and sine    
"cosinor.lm2" <- 
function(angle,y,period=24,na.rm=na.rm) {
 p2 <- period/2
        cos.t <- cos(angle)  #angle is already in radians!
        sin.t <- sin(angle)
    dat.df <- data.frame(iv1=cos.t,iv2=sin.t,y)    
    cor.dat <- cor(dat.df,use="pairwise")
    beta1 <- (cor.dat[3,1] - cor.dat[3,2] * cor.dat[1,2])/(cor.dat[1,1]-cor.dat[1,2]^2)  
    beta2 <- (cor.dat[3,2] - cor.dat[3,1] * cor.dat[1,2])/(cor.dat[1,1]-cor.dat[1,2]^2)
    #note, these are standardized beta weights 
   #  phase <- ( sign(beta2) *acos( beta1/sqrt(beta1^2 + beta2^2)))*p2/pi #this is in hours
     phase <- atan2(beta2,beta1)  #in radians
     intercept <- cos(phase)   #the value at time 0
     phase <- phase *p2/pi  #convert to hours
     phase <- phase  %% period
     r <-  cor(cos(angle-phase*pi/p2),y,use="pairwise") 
     sdy <-  sd(y,na.rm=na.rm)
     meany <- mean(y,na.rm=na.rm)
     #amp <- r *sdy/.7223
     amp <- sqrt(beta1^2 + beta2^2) #see Chow 2009 among others -- note we are finding the standardized amp
     intercept <- intercept * amp * sdy  + meany
     #amp <- r * sd(y,na.rm=TRUE)/sd(cos(angle[,1]),na.rm=TRUE)
    #R <- sqrt(cor.dat[3,1]*beta1 + cor.dat[3,2]*beta2)  #these are identical
    fit <- list(phase=phase,R=r,amp=amp,sd=sdy,mean=meany,intercept)

"cosinor.plot" <- 
  function(angle,x=NULL,data = NULL,IDloc=NULL,ID=NULL,hours=TRUE,period=24,na.rm=TRUE,ylim=NULL,ylab="observed",xlab="Time (double plotted)",main="Cosine fit",add=FALSE,multi=FALSE,typ="l",...) {
  if(!multi) {main <- paste("ID = ",ID," ",x)}

  if(!is.null(data)) {
     if(is.matrix(data)) data <- data.frame(data)
      # if(is.character(angle)) angle <- which(colnames(data) == angle)
       if(!is.null(IDloc)) { 
                x <- data[data[,IDloc]==ID,c(angle,x)] 
                angle <- x[,1,drop=FALSE]
                } else {x <- data[,c(angle,x)]
               angle <- x[,1,drop=FALSE]
               main <- c(main," ",IDloc)}
     } else {
  if (is.null(x) && is.null(data)) {x <- data.frame(x)
               x <- angle
                 angle<- angle[1]
                 } else {x <- data.frame(x)
                    x <- cbind(angle,x)
                  angle <- x[1]
                  x <- x[-1]
if(hours) { angle <- angle*2*pi/24 }
 xx <- 1:96
fit <- cosinor1(angle, x = x[2], period = period, na.rm = na.rm)
m.resp <- mean(x[, 2], na.rm = TRUE)
s.resp <- sd(x[, 2], na.rm = TRUE)
 sd.time <- sd(cos(angle[, 1]), na.rm = TRUE)

if(missing(ylim)) ylim=c(min(x[,2],(m.resp - fit[1,3]),na.rm=na.rm),max(x[,2],(m.resp + fit[1,3]),na.rm=na.rm))
if(!multi | !missing(main)){main <- paste(main," ",round(fit[1,1],2)) } else {main=main}

# plot(xx/2,cos((xx/2-fit[1,1])*pi/12)*s.resp*fit[1,2]/.707+ m.resp,typ=typ,ylim=ylim,...)
# plot(xx/2,cos((xx/2-fit[1,1])*pi/12)*fit[1,3]*s.resp+ #m.resp,typ="l",ylim=ylim,ylab=ylab,xlab=xlab,main=main,...)
#plot the lines first
{plot(xx/2,cos((xx/2-fit[1,1])*pi/12)*s.resp*fit[1,2]/.707+ m.resp,typ=typ,ylim=ylim,ylab=ylab,xlab=xlab,main=main,...)  } else {
points(xx/2,cos((xx/2-fit[1,1])*pi/12)*s.resp*fit[1,2]/.707+ m.resp,typ=typ,ylim=ylim,ylab=ylab,xlab=xlab,main=main,...) }

if(!multi) {
points(c(x[,1],x[,1] + 24),rep(x[,2],2),...)} else {points(xx/2,cos((xx/2-fit[1,1])*pi/12)*s.resp*fit[1,2]/.707+ m.resp,typ="l",...)}

#this draws the first fitted variable
#Added March 26, 2015 to do split half (first/second) reliabilities
"circadian.reliability" <- 
function(angle,x=NULL,code=NULL,data = NULL,min=16, oddeven=FALSE,hours=TRUE,period=24,plot=FALSE,opti=FALSE,na.rm=TRUE) {
  cl <- match.call()
  if(!is.null(data)) {
       if(is.character(angle)) angle <- which(colnames(data) == angle)
     if(!is.null(code)) { if(is.character(code))  codeloc <- which(colnames(data) ==code)
              x <- data[,c(angle,x,codeloc)] } else {x <- data[,c(angle,x)]}
               angle <- x[1]
               x <- x[-1]
     } else {
  if (is.null(x) && is.null(code)) {x <- angle
                 angle<- angle[,1]
                 } else {x <- cbind(angle,x)
                  angle <- x[1]
                  x <- x[-1]
if(hours) { angle <- angle*2*pi/period
 x <- cbind(angle,x) }

n.obs <- dim(x)[1]
if(is.null(code)) { fit <- cosinor.rel(angle,x,period=period,na.rm=na.rm)  #if there is a code (i.e., subject id), then do the fits for each separate subject
m.resp <- mean(x[,1])
s.resp <- sd(x[,1])

}  else  {
   fit.list <- by(x,x[,code],function(x) cosinor.rel(angle=x[1],x=x[-c(1,which(colnames(x)==
   code))],min=min,oddeven=oddeven,na.rm=na.rm))  #this is the case if code is specified
   ncases <- length(fit.list)
   fit <- matrix(unlist(fit.list),nrow=ncases,byrow=TRUE)
   colnames(fit) <- c(paste(colnames(x)[-c(1,which(colnames(x)==
   code))], "phase1",sep="."),paste(colnames(x)[-c(1,which(colnames(x)==
   code))], "phase2",sep="."),paste(colnames(x)[-c(1,which(colnames(x)==
   code))], "fit1",sep="."),paste(colnames(x)[-c(1,which(colnames(x)==
   code))], "fit2",sep=".")) 
   rownames(fit) <- names(fit.list) 

 nvar <-ncol(fit)/4
 r <- circadian.cor(fit[,1:(nvar*2)])
 r.fit <- cor(fit[,(nvar*2+1):ncol(fit)],use="pairwise")

 splithalf <- split.fit <- rep(NA,nvar)
 for (i in 1:nvar) {splithalf[i] <- r[i,(nvar+i)]
                    split.fit[i] <- r.fit[i,(nvar+i)]}
 rel <- splithalf * 2/(1+splithalf)
 fit.rel <- split.fit * 2/(1+split.fit)
 names(rel) <- paste(colnames(x)[-c(1,which(colnames(x)==
    names(fit.rel) <- paste(colnames(x)[-c(1,which(colnames(x)==
# x <- NA   #just to avoid being told that x is a global 
#now do the F test between the two splits
split.F <- circadian.split.F(fit)
result <- list(phase.rel=rel,fit.rel=fit.rel,split.F = split.F, splits=fit,Call=cl)
class(result) <- c("psych","circadian","reliability")

# cosinor.rel actually does the work
# or calls a linear regression fit
"cosinor.rel" <-
function(angle,x,min=16,oddeven=FALSE,period=24,na.rm=TRUE) {

response <- x
n.var <- dim(x)[2]
n.obs <- dim(x)[1]
if(is.null(n.var)) n.var <-1 
fit <- matrix(NaN,nrow=n.var,ncol=4)
if(n.obs >= min) {
for (i in 1:n.var) {
if(oddeven) {fits1 <- cosinor.lm2 (angle[seq(1,n.obs,2),1],x[seq(1,n.obs,2),i],na.rm=na.rm)
                     fits2 <- cosinor.lm2 (angle[seq(2,n.obs,2),1],x[seq(2,n.obs,2),i],na.rm=na.rm) } else {
                     fits1 <- cosinor.lm2 (angle[1:n.obs/2,1],x[1:n.obs/2,i],na.rm=na.rm)
                     fits2 <- cosinor.lm2 (angle[(n.obs/2+1):n.obs,1],x[(n.obs/2+1):n.obs,i],na.rm=na.rm)  #simple linear regression based upon sine and cosine of time}  #simple linear regression based upon sin and cosine of time
   fit[i,1] <- 	fits1[[1]] #this is the acrophase
   fit[i,3] <- fits1[[2]]  #this is the correlation of the fit with the data   
   fit[i,2] <- 	fits2[[1]] #this is the acrophase
   fit[i,4] <- fits2[[2]]  #this is the correlation of the fit with the data   
colnames(fit) <- c("phase","phase2","fit","fit2")
rownames(fit) <- colnames(x)

"circadian.split.F" <- function(angle,hours=TRUE,na.rm=TRUE)  {
nvar <- ncol(angle)/4
stats1 <- circadian.stats(angle[,1:nvar])
stats2 <- circadian.stats(angle[,(nvar+1):(nvar*2)])
pool <- rbind(angle[,1:nvar],angle[,(nvar+1):(nvar*2)])
all <- circadian.stats(pool) 
allR <- all$n * all$R

within <- matrix(c(stats1$n*stats1$R,stats2$n*stats2$R),ncol=2)
rownames(within) <- rownames(all)
ngroups <- 2
SSb <- rowSums(within) - allR 
SSw <- all$n - rowSums(within)
dfw <- all$n - ngroups 
MSw <- SSw/dfw
dfb = ngroups -1
MSb <- SSb/dfb
F <- MSb/MSw
prob <- 1-pf(F,dfb,dfw)
F.df <- data.frame(SSb= SSb,dfb=dfb,MSb=MSb,SSw=SSw,dfw=dfw,MSw=MSw,F=F,prob=prob)
result<- list(pooled =all,group1 =stats1, group2=stats2 ,F=F.df)
class(result) <- c("psych","circadian")
#find the mean phase of output from cosiner or any other circular data set
#can find the mean phase of data in radians or hours (default)
"circadian.mean" <- 
function(angle,data=NULL,hours=TRUE,na.rm=TRUE) {
if(!is.null(data)) angle <- data[,angle]
if(hours) { angle <- angle*2*pi/24 }
x <- cos(angle)
y <- sin(angle)
if (is.vector(angle)) {
mx <- mean(x,na.rm=na.rm)
my <- mean(y,na.rm=na.rm) } else { 
mx <- colMeans(x,na.rm=na.rm)
my <- colMeans(y,na.rm=na.rm) }
mean.angle <- sign(my) * acos((mx)/sqrt(mx^2+my^2)) 
# mean.angle <- atan(my/mx)   #according to circular stats, but the other form is clearer
if (hours) {mean.angle <- mean.angle*24/(2*pi)
mean.angle[mean.angle <= 0] <-  mean.angle[mean.angle<=0] + 24}

"circadian.sd"  <- 
function(angle,data=NULL,hours=TRUE,na.rm=TRUE) {
if(!is.null(data)) angle <- data[,angle]
if(hours) { angle <- angle*2*pi/24 }
nvar <- dim(angle)[2]
if(is.null(nvar)) nvar <- 1
x <- cos(angle)
y <- sin(angle)
if(nvar > 1) {
mx <- colSums(x,na.rm=na.rm)
my <- colSums(y,na.rm=na.rm) 
n.obs <- colSums(!is.na(angle))} else {
  mx <- sum(x,na.rm=na.rm)
my <- sum(y,na.rm=na.rm) 
n.obs <- sum(!is.na(angle))}
R <- sqrt(mx^2+my^2)/n.obs
mean.angle <- sign(my) * acos((mx/n.obs)/R) 
Rvar <- 1 - R
sd <- sqrt(-2 * log(R))
#for (i in 1:nvar) {#the logic is that larger deviations are weighted more, up to the sin(theta)
# var[i] <-  sum(sin(angle[,i] -mean.angle[i])^2 ,na.rm=na.rm)   }
#n.obs <- colSums(!is.na(angle))
##but these are in radians!
if(hours) {#sd <- sd * 24/(pi*2)
           Rvar <- Rvar * 24/(pi*2)} 
return(list(Rvar=Rvar,sd =sd,R= R)) }

"circadian.stats"  <- 
function(angle,data=NULL,hours=TRUE,na.rm=TRUE) {
cl <- match.call()
means <- circadian.mean(angle=angle,data=data,hours=hours,na.rm=na.rm)
csd <- circadian.sd(angle=angle,hours=hours,na.rm=na.rm)

if(!is.null(data)) angle <- data[,angle]
 if(length(means)>1 ) {
n.obs <- colSums(!is.na(angle))} else {n.obs <- sum(!is.na(angle)) } 
R <- csd$R
if(hours) {sd <- csd$sd*24/(2*pi)} else {sd <- csd$sd}
z <- n.obs * R^2
p <- exp(-z)
result<- data.frame(n=n.obs,mean=means,sd=sd,R,z=z,p=p)
#result <- list(n=n.obs,mean=means,sd=sd,R,z=z,p=p,call=cl)
class(result) <- c("psych","circadian","data.frame")

"circadian.F" <- function(angle,group,data=NULL,hours=TRUE,na.rm=TRUE)  {
if(!is.null(data)) {angle <- data[,angle]
                    group <- data[,group]}
stats <- by(angle,group,circadian.stats)
all <- circadian.stats(angle) 
allR <- all$n * all$R
nR <- lapply(stats,function(x) x$n * x$R)
ngroups <- length(nR)
within <- matrix(unlist(nR),ncol=ngroups)
rownames(within) <- rownames(all)
SSb <- rowSums(within) - allR 
SSw <- all$n - rowSums(within)
dfw <- all$n - ngroups 
MSw <- SSw/dfw
dfb = ngroups -1
MSb <- SSb/dfb
F <- MSb/MSw
prob <- 1-pf(F,dfb,dfw)
F.df <- data.frame(SSb= SSb,dfb=dfb,MSb=MSb,SSw=SSw,dfw=dfw,MSw=MSw,F=F,prob=prob)
result<- list(pooled =all,bygroup = stats,F=F.df)
class(result) <- c("psych","circadian")

print_circadian <- function(x,short=TRUE,digits=2) {
    if(!is.null(x$Call)) {cat("Call: ")
      	cat("\nCircadian Statistics :\n")
    if(!is.null(x$F)) {
        cat("\nCircadian F test comparing groups :\n")
         if(short)  cat("\n To see the pooled and group statistics, print with the short=FALSE option")
	if(!is.null(x$pooled) && !short) { cat("\nThe pooled circadian statistics :\n")
	print(  x$pooled)}
	if(!is.null(x$bygroup) && !short) {cat("\nThe  circadian statistics by group:\n")
	#if(!is.null(x$result)) print(round(x$result,digits))
	if(!is.null(x$phase.rel)) {
	     cat("\nSplit half reliabilities are split half correlations adjusted for test length\n")
	     x.df <- data.frame(phase=x$phase.rel,fits=x$fit.rel)
	     print(round(x.df,digits)) }
	if(is.data.frame(x)) {class(x) <- "data.frame"
            print(round(x,digits=digits)) }	

## The circular correlation matrix of phase data
#adapted from the circStats package
#with various modifications for the study of mood data 
#one change is not use atan but rather use cosine over length

"circadian.cor"  <- 
function(angle,data=NULL,hours=TRUE,na.rm=TRUE) {
if(!is.null(data)) angle <- data[,angle]
if(hours) { angle <- angle*2*pi/24 }
nvar <- dim(angle)[2]
correl <- diag(nvar)
x <- cos(angle)
y <- sin(angle)
mx <- colMeans(x,na.rm=na.rm)
my <- colMeans(y,na.rm=na.rm) 
mean.angle <- sign(my) * acos((mx)/sqrt(mx^2+my^2)) 

for (i in 1:nvar) {#the logic is that larger deviations are weighted more, up to the sin(theta)
  for (j in 1:i) {covar <-  sum(sin(angle[,i] -mean.angle[i]) *sin(angle[,j] -mean.angle[j]),na.rm=na.rm)   
  correl[i,j] <- correl[j,i] <- covar}
var <- diag(correl)/colSums(!is.na(angle))
sd <- diag(sqrt(1/diag(correl)))
correl <- sd %*% correl %*% sd
colnames(correl) <- rownames(correl) <- colnames(angle)
return(correl) }

#to find the correlation of a linear variable (e.g., a personality trait) with a circular one (e.g., phase)
"circadian.linear.cor" <- 
function(angle,x=NULL,data=NULL,hours=TRUE) {
if(!is.null(data)) angle <- data[,angle]
if(hours) { angle <- angle*2*pi/24 }
if(is.null(x)) {x <- angle[2:dim(angle)[2]]
                  angle <- angle[1]}
cos.angle <- cos(angle)
sin.angle <- sin(angle)
cor.cos <- cor(cos.angle,x,use="pairwise")
cor.sin <- cor(sin.angle,x,use="pairwise")
if(!is.vector(angle)) {cor.cs <- diag(cor(cos.angle,sin.angle,use="pairwise"))} else {cor.cs <- cor(cos.angle,sin.angle,use="pairwise")}
R <- sqrt((cor.cos^2 + cor.sin^2 - 2 * cor.cos * cor.sin * cor.cs)/(1-cor.cs^2))*sign(cor.cos)
return(R) }

"circadian.plot" <-
function(angle,x=NULL,hours=TRUE,title="Polar plot") {
if(hours) { angle <- angle*2*pi/24 }
x1 <- cos(angle) * x
y1 <- sin(angle) * x
maxx <- max(x)
segments  <- 51
 angles <- (0:segments) * 2 * pi/segments
unit.circle <- cbind(cos(angles), sin(angles))

"circular.mean" <- 
function(angle,na.rm=TRUE) {
x <- cos(angle)
y <- sin(angle)
if (is.vector(angle)) {
	mx <- mean(x,na.rm=na.rm)
	my <- mean(y,na.rm=na.rm) } else { 
mx <- colMeans(x,na.rm=na.rm)
my <- colMeans(y,na.rm=na.rm) }
mean.angle <- sign(my) * acos((mx)/sqrt(mx^2+my^2)) 
#mean.angle <- atan(my/mx)   #according to circular stats, but the other form is clearer

"circular.cor"  <- 
function(angle,na.rm=TRUE) {
nvar <- dim(angle)[2]
correl <- diag(nvar)
x <- cos(angle)
y <- sin(angle)
mx <- colMeans(x,na.rm=na.rm)
my <- colMeans(y,na.rm=na.rm) 
mean.angle <- sign(my) * acos((mx)/sqrt(mx^2+my^2)) 

for (i in 1:nvar) {#the logic is that larger deviations are weighted more, up to the sin(theta)
  for (j in 1:i) {covar <-  sum(sin(angle[,i] -mean.angle[i]) *sin(angle[,j] -mean.angle[j]))   
  correl[i,j] <- correl[j,i] <- covar}
var <- diag(correl)
sd <- diag(sqrt(1/diag(correl)))
correl <- sd %*% correl %*% sd
colnames(correl) <- rownames(correl) <- colnames(angle)
return(list(correl,var)) }

"circadian.linear.cor.2" <- 
function(angle,x,hours=TRUE) {
if(hours) { angle <- angle*2*pi/24 }
cos.angle <- cos(angle)
sin.angle <- sin(angle)
cor.cos <- cor(cos.angle,x,use="pairwise")
cor.sin <- cor(sin.angle,x,use="pairwise")
if(!is.vector(angle)) {cor.cs <- diag(cor(cos.angle,sin.angle))} else {cor.cs <- cor(cos.angle,sin.angle)}
R <- sqrt((cor.cos^2 + cor.sin^2 - 2 * cor.cos * cor.sin * cor.cs)/(1-cor.cs^2))
return(R) }

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