Defines functions plot.qgraph

Documented in plot.qgraph

plot.qgraph <- function(x, ...)
  ### Extract arguments:
  # My apologies, dear people that actually read my code, for the right 
  # assignment operator---I was lazy.
  ## Edgelist:
  E <- list()
  E$from <- x$Edgelist$from
  E$to <- x$Edgelist$to
  E$weight <- x$Edgelist$weight
  directed <- x$Edgelist$directed
  bidirectional <- x$Edgelist$bidirectional
  # Nodes:
  bcolor <- x$graphAttributes$Nodes$border.color
  borders <- x$graphAttributes$Nodes$borders
  border.width <- x$graphAttributes$Nodes$border.width
  label.cex <- x$graphAttributes$Nodes$label.cex
  label.font <- x$graphAttributes$Nodes$label.font
  lcolor <- x$graphAttributes$Nodes$label.color
  labels <- x$graphAttributes$Nodes$labels
  nodeNames <- x$graphAttributes$Nodes$names
  loopRotation <- x$graphAttributes$Nodes$loopRotation
  shape <- x$graphAttributes$Nodes$shape
  vertex.colors <- x$graphAttributes$Nodes$color
  vsize <- x$graphAttributes$Nodes$width
  vsize2 <- x$graphAttributes$Nodes$height
  subplots <- x$graphAttributes$Nodes$subplots
  images <- x$graphAttributes$Nodes$images
  # tooltips <- x$graphAttributes$Nodes$tooltips
  # SVGtooltips <- x$graphAttributes$Nodes$SVGtooltips
  bars <- x$graphAttributes$Nodes$bars
  barSide <- x$graphAttributes$Nodes$barSide
  barColor <- x$graphAttributes$Nodes$barColor
  barLength <- x$graphAttributes$Nodes$barLength
  means <- x$graphAttributes$Nodes$means
  SDs <- x$graphAttributes$Nodes$SDs
  node.label.offset <- x$graphAttributes$Nodes$node.label.offset
  node.label.position <- x$graphAttributes$Nodes$node.label.position

  # Pies:
  pieColor <- x$graphAttributes$Nodes$pieColor
  pieColor2 <- x$graphAttributes$Nodes$pieColor2
  pieBorder <- x$graphAttributes$Nodes$pieBorder
  pieStart <- x$graphAttributes$Nodes$pieStart
  pie <- x$graphAttributes$Nodes$pie
  pieDarken <- x$graphAttributes$Nodes$pieDarken
  pieCIs <- x$plotOptions$pieCIs 
  # for BW only
  bw <- FALSE
    density <- x$graphAttributes$Nodes$density
    bw <- TRUE
  } else density <- rep(NA, length(shape))
    angle <- x$graphAttributes$Nodes$angle
  }  else angle <- rep(0, length(shape))
  # Edges:
  curve <- x$graphAttributes$Edges$curve
  edge.color <- x$graphAttributes$Edges$color
  edge.labels <- x$graphAttributes$Edges$labels
  edge.label.cex <- x$graphAttributes$Edges$label.cex
  edge.label.bg <- x$graphAttributes$Edges$label.bg
  edge.label.margin <- x$graphAttributes$Edges$label.margin
  edge.label.font <- x$graphAttributes$Edges$label.font
  ELcolor <- x$graphAttributes$Edges$label.color
  edge.width <- x$graphAttributes$Edges$width
  lty <- x$graphAttributes$Edges$lty
  edge.label.position <- x$graphAttributes$Edges$edge.label.position
  asize <- x$graphAttributes$Edges$asize
  residEdge <- x$graphAttributes$Edges$residEdge
  CircleEdgeEnd <- x$graphAttributes$Edges$CircleEdgeEnd
  Pvals <- x$graphAttributes$Edges$Pvals
  parallelEdge <- x$graphAttributes$Edges$parallelEdge
  parallelAngle <- x$graphAttributes$Edges$parallelAngle
  edgeConnectPoints <- x$graphAttributes$Edges$edgeConnectPoints
  # Knots:
  knots <- x$graphAttributes$Knots$knots
  knot.size <- x$graphAttributes$Knots$knot.size
  knot.color <- x$graphAttributes$Knots$knot.color
  knot.borders <- x$graphAttributes$Knots$knot.borders
  knot.border.color <- x$graphAttributes$Knots$knot.border.color
  knot.border.width <- x$graphAttributes$Knots$knot.border.width
  # Graph:
  nNodes <- x$graphAttributes$Graph$nNodes
  weighted <- x$graphAttributes$Graph$weighted
  edgesort <- x$graphAttributes$Graph$edgesort
  scores <- x$graphAttributes$Graph$scores
  scores.range <- x$graphAttributes$Graph$scores.range
  groups <- x$graphAttributes$Graph$groups
  minimum <- x$graphAttributes$Graph$minimum
  maximum <- x$graphAttributes$Graph$maximum
  cut <- x$graphAttributes$Graph$cut
  polygonList <- x$graphAttributes$Graph$polygonList
  mode <- x$graphAttributes$Graph$mode
  color <- x$graphAttributes$Graph$color
  # Layout:
  layout <- x$layout
  original.layout <- x$layout.orig
  # Plot options:
#   filetype <- x$plotOptions$filetype
#   filetype <- if (missing(filetype)) x$plotOptions$filetype
#   filename <- if (missing(filename)) x$plotOptions$filename
#   normalize <- if (missing(normalize)) x$plotOptions$normalize
#   plot <- if (missing(plot)) x$plotOptions$plot
#   mar <- if (missing(mar)) x$plotOptions$mar
#   GLratio <- if (missing(GLratio)) x$plotOptions$GLratio
#   legend <- if (missing(legend)) x$plotOptions$legend
#   legend.cex <- if (missing(legend.cex)) x$plotOptions$legend.cex
#   pty <- if (missing(pty)) x$plotOptions$pty
#   XKCD <- if (missing(XKCD)) x$plotOptions$XKCD
#   arrows <- if (missing(arrows)) x$plotOptions$arrows
#   arrowAngle <- if (missing(arrowAngle)) x$plotOptions$arrowAngle
#   open <- if (missing(open)) x$plotOptions$open
#   curvePivot <- if (missing(curvePivot)) x$plotOptions$curvePivot
#   curveShape <- if (missing(curveShape)) x$plotOptions$curveShape
#   curveScale <- if (missing(curveScale)) x$plotOptions$curveScale
#   curvePivotShape <- if (missing(curvePivotShape)) x$plotOptions$curvePivotShape
#   label.scale <- if (missing(label.scale)) x$plotOptions$label.scale
#   label.norm <- if (missing(label.norm)) x$plotOptions$label.norm
#   label.prop <- if (missing(label.prop)) x$plotOptions$label.prop
#   overlay <- if (missing(overlay)) x$plotOptions$overlay
#   details <- if (missing(details)) x$plotOptions$details
#   legend.mode <- if (missing(legend.mode)) x$plotOptions$legend.mode

filetype <- x$plotOptions$filetype
filename <- x$plotOptions$filename
normalize <- x$plotOptions$normalize
plot <- x$plotOptions$plot
mar <- x$plotOptions$mar
GLratio <- x$plotOptions$GLratio
legend <- x$plotOptions$legend
legend.cex <- x$plotOptions$legend.cex
pty <- x$plotOptions$pty
XKCD <- x$plotOptions$XKCD
arrows <- x$plotOptions$arrows
arrowAngle <- x$plotOptions$arrowAngle
open <- x$plotOptions$open
curvePivot <- x$plotOptions$curvePivot
curveShape <- x$plotOptions$curveShape
curveScale <- x$plotOptions$curveScale
curveScaleNodeCorrection <- x$plotOptions$curveScaleNodeCorrection
curvePivotShape <- x$plotOptions$curvePivotShape
label.scale <- x$plotOptions$label.scale
label.scale.equal <- x$plotOptions$label.scale.equal
label.fill.vertical <- x$plotOptions$label.fill.vertical
label.fill.horizontal <- x$plotOptions$label.fill.horizontal
label.norm <- x$plotOptions$label.norm
label.prop <- x$plotOptions$label.prop
# overlay <- x$plotOptions$overlay
details <- x$plotOptions$details
legend.mode <- x$plotOptions$legend.mode

  background <- x$plotOptions$background
  bg <- x$plotOptions$bg
  residuals <- x$plotOptions$residuals
  residScale <- x$plotOptions$residScale

  srt <- x$plotOptions$srt
  gray <- x$plotOptions$gray
  # overlaySize <- x$plotOptions$overlaySize
  plotELBG <- x$plotOptions$plotELBG
  alpha <- x$plotOptions$alpha
  width <- x$plotOptions$width
  height <- x$plotOptions$height
  aspect <- x$plotOptions$aspect
  rescale <- x$plotOptions$rescale
  barsAtSide <- x$plotOptions$barsAtSide
  bgres <- x$plotOptions$bgres
  bgcontrol <- x$plotOptions$bgcontrol
  res <- x$plotOptions$resolution
  subpars <- x$plotOptions$subpars
  subplotbg <- x$plotOptions$subplotbg
  title <- x$plotOptions$title
  title.cex <- x$plotOptions$title.cex
  preExpression <- x$plotOptions$preExpression
  postExpression <- x$plotOptions$postExpression
  usePCH <- x$plotOptions$usePCH
  node.resolution <- x$plotOptions$node.resolution

  noPar <- x$plotOptions$noPar
  meanRange <- x$plotOptions$meanRange
  drawPies <- x$plotOptions$drawPies
  pieRadius <- x$plotOptions$pieRadius
  pastel <- x$plotOptions$pastel
  rainbowStart <- x$plotOptions$rainbowStart
  piePastel <- x$plotOptions$piePastel
  # Some setup
  vAlpha <- col2rgb(vertex.colors,TRUE)[4,]
  if (length(E$from)>0) 
    plotEdgeLabel <- sapply(1:length(E$from),function(i)(is.character(edge.labels[[i]]) | is.expression(edge.labels[[i]]) |  is.call(edge.labels[[i]])) && !identical(edge.labels[[i]],''))
  } else {
    plotEdgeLabel <- logical(0)
  if (!(is.expression(edge.labels) | is.character(edge.labels) | is.list(edge.labels) ))  edge.labels <- as.character(edge.labels)
  ### Open device:
  # Start output:
  if (is.function(filetype))
    filetype(width=width, height = height)
    filetype <- ''
  } else {
    if (filetype=='default') if (is.null(dev.list()[dev.cur()])) dev.new(rescale="fixed",width=width,height=height)
    if (filetype=='R') dev.new(rescale="fixed",width=width,height=height)
    # if (filetype=='X11' | filetype=='x11') x11(width=width,height=height)
    if (filetype=='eps') postscript(paste(filename,".eps",sep=""),height=height,width=width, horizontal=FALSE)
    if (filetype=='pdf') pdf(paste(filename,".pdf",sep=""),height=height,width=width)
    if (filetype=='tiff') tiff(paste(filename,".tiff",sep=""),units='in',res=res,height=height,width=width)
    if (filetype=='png') png(paste(filename,".png",sep=""),units='in',res=res,height=height,width=width)
    if (filetype=='jpg' | filetype=='jpeg') jpeg(paste(filename,".jpg",sep=""),units='in',res=res,height=height,width=width)
    if (filetype=="svg")
      stop("filetype = 'svg' is no longer supported")
#       if (R.Version()$arch=="x64") stop("RSVGTipsDevice is not available for 64bit versions of R.")
      # if (!requireNamespace("RSVGTipsDevice", quietly = TRUE)) stop("Please install 'RSVGTipsDevice' package first.")
      # RSVGTipsDevice::devSVGTips(paste(filename,".svg",sep=""),width=width,height=height,title=filename)
    if (filetype=="tex")
      #   # Special thanks to Charlie Sharpsteen for supplying these tikz codes on stackoverflow.com !!!
      # 	if (!suppressPackageStartupMessages(require(tikzDevice,quietly=TRUE))) stop("tikzDevice must be installed to use filetype='tex'")
      # 	opt= c( 
      # 	getOption('tikzLatexPackages'),  
      #     "\\def\\tooltiptarget{\\phantom{\\rule{1mm}{1mm}}}",
      #     "\\newbox\\tempboxa\\setbox\\tempboxa=\\hbox{}\\immediate\\pdfxform\\tempboxa \\edef\\emptyicon{\\the\\pdflastxform}",
      #     "\\newcommand\\tooltip[1]{\\pdfstartlink user{/Subtype /Text/Contents  (#1)/AP <</N \\emptyicon\\space 0 R >>}\\tooltiptarget\\pdfendlink}"
      # 	)
      # 	place_PDF_tooltip <- function(x, y, text)
      # 	{
      # 		# Calculate coordinates
      # 		tikzX <- round(grconvertX(x, to = "device"), 2)
      # 		tikzY <- round(grconvertY(y, to = "device"), 2)
      # 		# Insert node
      # 		tikzAnnotate(paste(
      # 		"\\node at (", tikzX, ",", tikzY, ") ",
      # 		"{\\tooltip{", text, "}};",
      # 		sep = ''
      # 		))
      # 	  invisible()
      # 	}
      # 	print("NOTE: Using 'tex' as filetype will take longer to run than other filetypes")
      # 	tikzDevice:::tikz(paste(filename,".tex",sep=""), standAlone = standAlone, width=width, height=height, packages=opt)
      stop("filetype = 'tex' is no longer supported")

  marOrig <- par("mar")
  bgOrig <- par("bg")
  if (plot)
    if (!noPar) par(mar=c(0,0,0,0), bg=background)
    plot(1, ann = FALSE, axes = FALSE, xlim = c(-1 - mar[2], 1 + mar[4] + (((legend&is.null(scores))|(filetype=="svg")) * (2+mar[2]+mar[4])/GLratio)), ylim = c(-1 - mar[1] ,1 + mar[3]),type = "n", xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i")
    #         plot(1, ann = FALSE, axes = FALSE, xlim = c(-1 - mar[2], 1 + mar[4] + (((legend&is.null(scores))) * 2.4/GLratio)), ylim = c(-1 - mar[1] ,1 + mar[3]),type = "n", xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i")
  # Run preExpression
  if (!is.null(preExpression))
    eval(parse(text = preExpression))
  # if (PlotOpen) 
  # {
  width <- par('pin')[1]
  height <- par('pin')[2]
  if (rescale & aspect) {
    l <- original.layout
    # center:
    l[,1] <- l[,1] - mean(range(l[,1]))
    l[,2] <- l[,2] - mean(range(l[,2]))
    # Ajust for aspect:
    l[,1] <- l[,1] * min(height/width, 1)
    l[,2] <- l[,2] * min(width/height, 1)
    lTemp <- l
    if (length(unique(lTemp[,1]))>1)
    } else l[,1] <- 0
    if (length(unique(lTemp[,2]))>1)
    } else l[,2] <- 0
    # center again for good measures! (I really have no idea why but whatever):
    l[,1] <- l[,1] - mean(range(l[,1]))
    l[,2] <- l[,2] - mean(range(l[,2]))
    #     # Equalize white space:
    #     if (diff(range(l[,1])) < 2)
    #     {
    #       l[,1] <- diff(range(l[,1]))/2 + l[,1]
    #     }
    #     if (diff(range(l[,2])) < 2)
    #     {
    #       l[,2] <- (2-diff(range(l[,2])))/2 + l[,2]
    #     }
    layout <- l    
  # Rescale dims:
  if (pty=='s')
  # }  
  if (legend)
    width <- width * (GLratio/(1+GLratio))
  # Super cool background:
  if (is.logical(bg)) if (bg) {
    for (G in 1:length(groups)) {
      for (i in 1:bgres) {
        for (j in 1:bgres) {
          colarray[i,j,G]=min(sqrt( (Xp-Xg)^2 + (Yp-Yg)^2)) }}}
    #   }
    #   if (is.logical(bg)) if (bg){
    for (i in 1:bgres) {
      for (j in 1:bgres) {
        for (C in 1:3) {
          colarray2[C,i,j]=min(c(1,max(colarray[i,j,]*(col2rgb(color)[C,]/255))))  }
      } }
  # Compute normalizing constant:
  if (isTRUE(normalize))
    normC <- sqrt(sum(par("pin")^2)) / sqrt(7^2 + 7^2)
    vsize <- vsize * normC
    vsize2 <- vsize2 * normC
    edge.width <- edge.width * normC
    border.width <- border.width * normC
    asize <- asize * normC
    edge.label.cex <- edge.label.cex * normC
    knot.size <- knot.size * normC
    knot.border.width <- knot.border.width * normC
    residScale <- residScale * normC
  ## Normalize curve (linear to half of diagonal in user coordinates):
  if (isTRUE(curveScale))
    if (isTRUE(curveScaleNodeCorrection)){
      curveScaleNodeCorrection <- nNodes
    } else curveScaleNodeCorrection <- 1
    usr <- par("usr")
    AverageLength <- sqrt(((usr[2]-usr[1]) * (usr[4]-usr[3])) / curveScaleNodeCorrection)
    EdgeLenghts <- sqrt((layout[E$to,1] - layout[E$from,1])^2 + (layout[E$to,2] - layout[E$from,2])^2)
    curve <- curve * EdgeLenghts /AverageLength
#   if (drawPies){
#     # Parse expressions:
#     subplots <- mapply(width = border.width, bg = vertex.colors, x = pie, R = pieRadius, bord = pieBorder, col1 = pieColor, col2 = pieColor2, FUN = function(width, bg, x, R, bord, col1, col2){
#       parse(text=paste0('qgraph:::pie2(x=',x,', label="", radius=',R ,', pie.bord=',bord,', pie.col = "',col1,'", pie.col2 = "',col2,'",
#                         bg =  "',bg,'", border.width = ',width,')'))
#     }, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
#     }
  # Create 'omitEdge' vector to make sure bidirectional edges are not plotted.
  if (any(bidirectional))
    omitEdge <- duplicated(srt)&bidirectional
  } else omitEdge <- NULL 
  # If images is not NULL, replace subplots with images calls:
  if (!is.null(images))
    images <- gsub("\\\\","/", images)
    if (length(images) == 1) images <- rep(images, nNodes)
    if (is.null(subplots)) subplots <- vector( "list", nNodes)
    for (i in seq_along(images))
      if (!is.na(images[i]) && file.exists(images[[i]]))
        if (grepl("\\.jpe?g$",images[i]))
          subplots[[i]] <- parse(text=sprintf('
                                              rasterImage(readJPEG("%s"), 0,0,1,1, interpolate=FALSE)', images[i]))
        } else if (grepl("\\.png$",images[i]))
          subplots[[i]] <- parse(text=sprintf('
                                              rasterImage(readPNG("%s"), 0,0,1,1, interpolate=FALSE)', images[i]))              
        } else warning("Only jpeg and png images supported in 'images'")
  # Set non-rectangular/square dge shapes with subplots to square:
#   if (!is.null(subplots))
#   {
#     # Get which nodes become a subplot:
#     whichsub <- which(sapply(subplots,function(x)is.expression(x)|is.function(x)))
#     shape[whichsub][!shape[whichsub]%in%c("square","rectangle")] <- "square"
#   }
  # Plot edges: 
  if (length(curve)==1) curve=rep(curve,length(edgesort))
  # Compute knot placement:
  if (length(knots) > 0)
    knotLayout <- matrix(,max(knots),2)
    for (i in seq_len(max(knots)))
      knotNodes <- c(E$from[knots==i],E$to[knots==i])
      # mid X:
      knotLayout[i,1] <- in2usrX(mean(usr2inX(layout[knotNodes,1])))
      knotLayout[i,2] <- in2usrY(mean(usr2inY(layout[knotNodes,2])))
  } else {
    knotLayout <- matrix(,0,0)
  # For each (sorted from weak to strong) edge:
  for (i in edgesort)
    # Only plot if over minimum:
    if (abs(E$weight[i])>minimum & !isTRUE(omitEdge[i]))
      # If not curved, knotted or XKCD plot straigth line instead of spline:
      if (curve[i]==0 & !XKCD & knots[i] == 0)
        # Replace destination to fixed points if specified in edgeConnectPoints:
        if (!is.null(edgeConnectPoints) && !is.na(edgeConnectPoints[i,2]))
          NewPoints <- Cent2Edge(x2,y2,edgeConnectPoints[i,2],vsize[E$to[i]],vsize2[E$to[i]],shape[E$to[i]],ifelse(residEdge[i],residScale,ifelse(XKCD,2,0)), polygonList)
          x2 <- NewPoints[1]
          y2 <- NewPoints[2]
        } else {
          # Replace destination of edge to edge of node if needed:
          #         if (parallelEdge[i] | is.logical(arrows) | vAlpha[E$to[i]] < 255)
          if (parallelEdge[i] | (isTRUE(arrows) & directed[i]) | vAlpha[E$to[i]] < 255)
            NewPoints <- Cent2Edge(x2,y2,ifelse(residEdge[i],loopRotation[E$to[i]],atan2usr2in(x1-x2,y1-y2) + parallelEdge[i]*parallelAngle[i]),vsize[E$to[i]],vsize2[E$to[i]],shape[E$to[i]],ifelse(residEdge[i],residScale,ifelse(XKCD,2,0)), polygonList)
            x2 <- NewPoints[1]
            y2 <- NewPoints[2]
        # Replace source to fixed points if specified in edgeConnectPoints:
        if (!is.null(edgeConnectPoints) && !is.na(edgeConnectPoints[i,1]))
          NewPoints <- Cent2Edge(x1,y1,edgeConnectPoints[i,1],vsize[E$from[i]],vsize2[E$from[i]],shape[E$from[i]],ifelse(residEdge[i],residScale,ifelse(XKCD,2,0)), polygonList)
          x1 <- NewPoints[1]
          y1 <- NewPoints[2]
        } else {
          # Replace source of edge to edge of node if needed:
          if (parallelEdge[i] | plotEdgeLabel[i] || (any(E$from==E$to[i] & E$to==E$from[i]) & bidirectional[i]) | vAlpha[E$from[i]] < 255)
            NewPoints <- Cent2Edge(x1,y1,ifelse(residEdge[i],loopRotation[E$from[i]],atan2usr2in(x2-x1,y2-y1) - parallelEdge[i]*parallelAngle[i]),vsize[E$from[i]],vsize2[E$from[i]],shape[E$from[i]],ifelse(residEdge[i],residScale,ifelse(XKCD,2,0)), polygonList)
            x1 <- NewPoints[1]
            y1 <- NewPoints[2]  
        if (plotEdgeLabel[i])
          midX[i] <- ((1-edge.label.position[i])*x1 + edge.label.position[i]*x2)
          midY[i] <- ((1-edge.label.position[i])*y1 + edge.label.position[i]*y2)
        ## Plot edges and arrows:
                 bidirectional=any(E$from==E$to[i] & E$to==E$from[i]) & bidirectional[i],
        #         lines(c(x1,x2),c(y1,y2),lwd=edge.width[i],col=edge.color[i],lty=lty[i])
        #         if (directed[i])
        #         {
        #           if (!is.logical(arrows))
        #           {
        #             Ax=seq(x1,x2,length=arrows+2)
        #             Ay=seq(y1,y2,length=arrows+2)
        #             for (a in 1:arrows+1)
        #             {
        #               #                   qgraph.arrow(Ax[a],Ay[a],x1,y1,length=asize[i],angle=30*pi/180,lwd=max(edge.width[i]/2,1),
        #               #                                col=edge.color[i],open=open,Xasp=width/height,lty=lty[i])
        #               DrawArrow(Ax[a],Ay[a],atan2usr2in(Ax[a]-x1,Ay[a]-y1),angle=arrowAngle,cex=asize[i],open=open,lwd=max(edge.width[i]/2,1),lty=lty[i],edge.color[i])
        #             }
        #           }
        #           else if (arrows)
        #           {
        #             #                 qgraph.arrow(x2,y2,x1,y1,length=asize[i],angle=30*pi/180,lwd=max(edge.width[i]/2,1),
        #             #                              col=edge.color[i],open=open,Xasp=width/height,lty=lty[i])
        #             DrawArrow(x2,y2,atan2usr2in(x2-x1,y2-y1),angle=arrowAngle,cex=asize[i],open=open,lwd=max(edge.width[i]/2,1),lty=lty[i],edge.color[i])
        #             if (any(E$from==E$to[i] & E$to==E$from[i]) & bidirectional[i])
        #             {
        #               #                   qgraph.arrow(x1,y1,x2,y2,length=asize[i],angle=30*pi/180,lwd=max(edge.width[i]/2,1),
        #               #                                col=edge.color[i],open=open,Xasp=width/height,lty=lty[i])
        #               DrawArrow(x1,y1,atan2usr2in(x1-x2,y1-y2),angle=arrowAngle,cex=asize[i],open=open,lwd=max(edge.width[i]/2,1),lty=lty[i],edge.color[i])
        #             }
        #           }
        #         }
      } else {
        if (E$from[i]==E$to[i])
          #               loopX=loop*3*(0.5*vsize[E$to[i]]*0.130*(7/width)*par("cin")[2])
          #               spx=c(x1+loopX,x1,x1-loopX)
          #               loopY=loop*3*(0.5*vsize[E$to[i]]*0.130*(7/height)*par("cin")[2])
          #               spy=c(y1,y1+loopY,y1)
          #               spl <- spl2 <- xspline(c(x1,spx,x2),c(y1,spy,y2),1,draw=FALSE)
          spl <- SelfLoop(x1,y1,loopRotation[E$from[i]],vsize[E$from[i]],vsize2[E$from[i]],shape[E$from[i]],residuals,residScale,polygonList,offset=ifelse(XKCD,2,0))
        } else 
          #spx <- midx - curve[i] * (y2 - y1)/2
          #spy <- midy + curve[i] * (x2 - x1)/2
          #               curvemid <- Cent2Edge(midx,midy,atan2usr2in(x2-x1,y2-y1)-sign(curve[i])*pi/2,abs(curve[i])*5*2,"circle")
          if (knots[i]!=0)
            spl <- xspline(c(x1,knotLayout[knots[i],1],x2),c(y1,knotLayout[knots[i],2],y2),0,draw=FALSE)
          } else {     
            #                midx <- (x1 + x2)/2
            #                midy <- (y1 + y2)/2
            curvemid <- PerpMid(c(x1,y1),c(x2,y2),cex=curve[i]) 
            # Add pivots:
            if (is.numeric(curvePivot))
              splShape <- c(curveShape, curvePivotShape, curveShape, curvePivotShape, curveShape)
              curveQ1 <- PerpMid(c(x1,y1),c(x2,y2),cex=curve[i], q = curvePivot) 
              curveQ2 <- PerpMid(c(x1,y1),c(x2,y2),cex=curve[i], q = 1-curvePivot) 
              spx <- c(curveQ1[1]  , curvemid[1], curveQ2[1])
              spy <- c(curveQ1[2]  , curvemid[2], curveQ2[2])
            } else 
              splShape <- rep(curveShape,3)
              spx <- curvemid[1]
              spy <- curvemid[2]
        if (E$from[i]!=E$to[i])
          recurve <- FALSE
          # Replace source to fixed points if specified in edgeConnectPoints:
          if (!is.null(edgeConnectPoints) && !is.na(edgeConnectPoints[i,1]))
            NewPoints <- Cent2Edge(x1,y1,edgeConnectPoints[i,1],vsize[E$from[i]],vsize2[E$from[i]],shape[E$from[i]],ifelse(residEdge[i],residScale,ifelse(XKCD,2,0)), polygonList)
            x1 <- NewPoints[1]
            y1 <- NewPoints[2]
          # Replace destination to fixed points if specified in edgeConnectPoints:
          if (!is.null(edgeConnectPoints) && !is.na(edgeConnectPoints[i,2]))
            NewPoints <- Cent2Edge(x2,y2,edgeConnectPoints[i,2],vsize[E$to[i]],vsize2[E$to[i]],shape[E$to[i]],ifelse(residEdge[i],residScale,ifelse(XKCD,2,0)), polygonList)
            x2 <- NewPoints[1]
            y2 <- NewPoints[2]
            recurve <- TRUE
          # Replace destination of edge to edge of node if needed:
          #           if (is.logical(arrows)| vAlpha[E$to[i]] < 255)
          #           {
          if (parallelEdge[i] || isTRUE(arrows) & directed[i]| vAlpha[E$to[i]] < 255 |  vAlpha[E$from[i]] < 255)
            if (is.null(edgeConnectPoints) || is.na(edgeConnectPoints[i,2]))
              NewPoints <- Cent2Edge(x2,y2,ifelse(residEdge[i],loopRotation[E$to[i]],atan2usr2in(spl$x[length(spl$x)-1]-x2,spl$y[length(spl$y)-1]-y2)) + parallelEdge[i]*parallelAngle[i],vsize[E$to[i]],vsize2[E$to[i]],shape[E$to[i]],ifelse(residEdge[i],residScale,ifelse(XKCD,2,0)), polygonList)
              x2 <- NewPoints[1]
              y2 <- NewPoints[2]
              recurve <- TRUE
            if (is.null(edgeConnectPoints) || is.na(edgeConnectPoints[i,1]))
              NewPoints <- Cent2Edge(x1,y1,ifelse(residEdge[i],loopRotation[E$from[i]],atan2usr2in(spl$x[2]-x1,spl$y[2]-y1)) - parallelEdge[i]*parallelAngle[i],vsize[E$from[i]],vsize2[E$from[i]],shape[E$from[i]],ifelse(residEdge[i],residScale,ifelse(XKCD,2,0)), polygonList)
              x1 <- NewPoints[1]
              y1 <- NewPoints[2]
              recurve <- TRUE
          #           }
          if (recurve)
            #             # Update curve if needed:
            #             if (isTRUE(curveScale))
            #             {
            #               usr <- par("usr")
            #               AverageLength <- sqrt(((usr[2]-usr[1]) * (usr[4]-usr[3])) / nNodes)
            #               EdgeLenght <- sqrt((x2 - x1)^2 + (y2 - y1)^2)
            #               curve[i] <- curve[i] * EdgeLenght /AverageLength
            #             }
            if (knots[i]!=0)
              spl <- xspline(c(x1,knotLayout[knots[i],1],x2),c(y1,knotLayout[knots[i],2],y2),0,draw=FALSE)
            } else {               
              if (residEdge[i])  curvemid <- PerpMid(c(x1,y1),c(x2,y2),cex=curve[i]) 
              # Add pivots:
              if (is.numeric(curvePivot))
                splShape <- c(curveShape, curvePivotShape, curveShape, curvePivotShape, curveShape)
                curvemid <- PerpMid(c(x1,y1),c(x2,y2),cex=curve[i]) 
                curveQ1 <- PerpMid(c(x1,y1),c(x2,y2),cex=curve[i], q = curvePivot) 
                curveQ2 <- PerpMid(c(x1,y1),c(x2,y2),cex=curve[i], q = 1-curvePivot) 
                spx <- c(curveQ1[1]  , curvemid[1], curveQ2[1])
                spy <- c(curveQ1[2]  , curvemid[2], curveQ2[2])
              } else 
                spx <- curvemid[1]
                spy <- curvemid[2]
              # Check if midpoint is not curved but indented:r
              tans <- atan2(x2-x1,y2-y1) - (atan2(spx-x1,spy-y1) + c(-2*pi,0,2*pi))
              tans <- tans[which.min(abs(tans))]
#               if (sign(atan2(x2-x1,y2-y1) - atan2(spx-x1,spy-y1)) != sign(curve[i]))
              if (sign(tans) != sign(curve[i]))
                spl <- list(x = seq(x1, x2, length=length(spx)+2), y = seq(y1, y2, length=length(spx)+2))
              } else 
        # If XKCD jitter edge:
        if (XKCD)
          jitt <- xkcd_jitter(spl$x,spl$y)
          spl$x[3:(length(spl$x)-3)] <- jitt$x[3:(length(spl$x)-3)]
          spl$y[3:(length(spl$y)-3)] <- jitt$y[3:(length(spl$y)-3)]
        # If XKCD extra white edge:
        if (XKCD)
        if (plotEdgeLabel[i])
          if (E$from[i] != E$to[i] && knots[i] == 0 && edge.label.position[i] == 0.5)
            midX[i] <- curvemid[1]
            midY[i] <- curvemid[2]
          } else {
        ### Plot Edges and arrows:
                 bidirectional=any(E$from==E$to[i] & E$to==E$from[i]) & bidirectional[i],
        #         lines(spl,lwd=edge.width[i],col=edge.color[i],lty=lty[i])        
        #         if (directed[i])
        #         {
        #           if (!is.logical(arrows))
        #           {
        #             Ax=seq(1,length(spl$x),length=arrows+2)
        #             Ay=seq(1,length(spl$y),length=arrows+2)
        #             for (a in 2:(arrows+1))
        #             {
        #               #                   qgraph.arrow(spl$x[Ax[a]+1],spl$y[Ay[a]+1],spl$x[Ax[a]],spl$y[Ay[a]],length=asize[i],angle=30*pi/180,lwd=max(edge.width[i]/2,1),
        #               #                                col=edge.color[i],open=open,Xasp=width/height,lty=lty[i])
        #               DrawArrow(spl$x[Ax[a]+1],spl$y[Ay[a]+1],atan2usr2in(spl$x[Ax[a]+1]-spl$x[Ax[a]],spl$y[Ay[a]+1]-spl$y[Ay[a]]),angle=arrowAngle,cex=asize[i],open=open,lwd=max(edge.width[i]/2,1),lty=lty[i],edge.color[i])
        #             }
        #           }
        #           else if (arrows)
        #           {
        #             #                 qgraph.arrow(spl$x[length(spl$x)],spl$y[length(spl$y)],spl$x[length(spl$x)-1],spl$y[length(spl$y)-1],length=asize[i],angle=30*pi/180,lwd=max(edge.width[i]/2,1),
        #             #                              col=edge.color[i],open=open,Xasp=width/height,lty=lty[i])
        #             DrawArrow(spl$x[length(spl$x)],spl$y[length(spl$y)],atan2usr2in(spl$x[length(spl$x)]-spl$x[length(spl$x)-1],spl$y[length(spl$y)]-spl$y[length(spl$y)-1]),angle=arrowAngle,cex=asize[i],open=open,lwd=max(edge.width[i]/2,1),lty=lty[i],edge.color[i])
        #             if (any(E$from==E$to[i] & E$to==E$from[i]) & bidirectional[i])
        #             {
        #               #                   qgraph.arrow(spl$x[1],spl$y[1],spl$x[2],spl$y[2],length=asize[i],angle=30*pi/180,lwd=max(edge.width[i]/2,1),
        #               #                                col=edge.color[i],open=open,Xasp=width/height,lty=lty[i])
        #               DrawArrow(spl$x[1],spl$y[1],atan2usr2in(spl$x[1]-spl$x[2],spl$y[1]-spl$y[2]),angle=arrowAngle,cex=asize[i],open=open,lwd=max(edge.width[i]/2,1),lty=lty[i],edge.color[i])
        #             }
        #           }
        #         }
  # Plot knots:
  if (any(knots>0))
    if (length(knot.size)==1) knot.size <- rep(knot.size,length=max(knots))
    if (length(knot.color)==1) knot.color <- rep(knot.color,length=max(knots))
    if (length(knot.borders)==1) knot.borders <- rep(knot.borders,length=max(knots))
    if (length(knot.border.color)==1) knot.border.color <- rep(knot.border.color,length=max(knots))
    if (length(knot.border.color)==1) knot.border.color <- rep(knot.border.width,length=max(knots))
    for (i in 1:max(knots)) if (is.na(knot.color[i])) knot.color[i] <- mixCols(edge.color[knots==i])
    if (any(knot.borders))
      for (i in 1:max(knots))
        if (knot.borders[i]) points(knotLayout[i,1],knotLayout[i,2],cex=knot.size[i],col=knot.border.color[i],pch=1) 
    } else points(knotLayout[,1],knotLayout[,2],cex=knot.size,col=knot.color,pch=16)
  # Edge labels
  if (is.null(ELcolor))
    ELcolor <- edge.color
  if (!is.logical(edge.labels) & length(edge.labels)>0)
    # Fix midpoints for knots:
    for (i in seq_len(max(knots)))
      midX[knots==i] <- knotLayout[i,1]
      midY[knots==i] <- knotLayout[i,2]
    edgesort2 <- edgesort[abs(E$weight[edgesort])>minimum]
    edgesort2 <- edgesort2[!(duplicated(srt[edgesort2,,drop=FALSE])&bidirectional[edgesort2]) & (!duplicated(knots[edgesort2])|knots[edgesort2]==0)]
    if (length(edge.label.cex)==1) edge.label.cex <- rep(edge.label.cex,length(E$from))
    if (plotELBG)
      for (i in edgesort2)
        #        if (((is.character(edge.labels[[i]]) | is.expression(edge.labels[[i]]) |  is.call(edge.labels[[i]])) && !identical(edge.labels[[i]],'')) || length(edge.labels) == 0)
        #if ((is.character(edge.labels[[i]]) | is.expression(edge.labels[[i]]) |  is.call(edge.labels[[i]])) && !identical(edge.labels[[i]],''))
        if (plotEdgeLabel[i])
          labwd <- strwidth(edge.labels[[i]],cex=edge.label.cex[i])
          labht <- strheight(edge.labels[[i]],cex=edge.label.cex[i])
          marEL <- edge.label.margin[i]
    if (!is.list(edge.labels))
           font = edge.label.font[edgesort2], adj = c(0.5, 0.5))
    } else {
      for (i in edgesort2)
        text(midX[i],midY[i],edge.labels[[i]],font=edge.label.font[i],cex=edge.label.cex[i],col=ELcolor[i], adj = c(0.5, 0.5))
  #if (nNodes==1) layout=matrix(0,1,2)
  # Plot nodes:
  # scale border width:
  #       border.width <- border.width * normC
  # If usePCH = NULL, detect if device or resizable R plot:
  if (is.null(usePCH)) usePCH <- grepl("(RStudioGD)|(x11)|(X11)|(quartz)|(windows)",dev.cur(), ignore.case = TRUE)
  if (!XKCD)
    # Check if nodes need to be plotted in for loop:
    if (!usePCH || !is.null(subplots) || any(shape=="rectangle") || !all(shape %in% c("circle","square","triangle","diamond")) || any(sapply(bars,length) > 0) & 
        !all(is.na(means)) & !all(is.na(SDs)))
      # Get which nodes become a subplot:
      #           whichsub <- which(sapply(subplots,function(x)is.expression(x)|is.function(x)))
      #           # Plot normal nodes:
      #           bordVec <- unlist(lapply(order(vsize*vsize2,decreasing=FALSE),function(x)rep(x,1+borders[x])))
      #           bordVec <- bordVec[!bordVec%in%whichsub]
      #           points(layout[bordVec,],cex=vsize[bordVec],col=ifelse(duplicated(bordVec),bcolor[bordVec],vertex.colors[bordVec]),lwd=border.width,pch=ifelse(duplicated(bordVec),pch2[bordVec],pch1[bordVec]))            
      for (i in order(vsize*vsize2,decreasing=TRUE))
        x <- layout[i,1]
        y <- layout[i,2]
        if (isTRUE(is.expression(subplots[[i]])))
          xOff <- Cent2Edge(x,y,pi/2,vsize[i],vsize2[i],shape[i], offset=0, polygonList=polygonList)[1] - x
          yOff <- Cent2Edge(x,y,0,vsize[i],vsize2[i],shape[i], offset=0, polygonList=polygonList)[2] - y
          usr <- par("usr")
          # Plot background:
          # Plot subplot:
          subplot(eval(subplots[[i]],envir=globalenv()),c(max(usr[1],x-xOff),min(usr[2],x+xOff)), c(max(usr[3],y-yOff),min(usr[4],y+yOff)), pars = subpars)  
          # Plot border:
          if (borders[i]) rect(x-xOff,y-yOff,x+xOff,y+yOff,border=bcolor[i],lwd=border.width[i])
        } else {

          drawNode(x, y, shape[i], vsize[i], vsize2[i], borders[i], vertex.colors[i], bcolor[i], border.width[i], polygonList, bars[[i]], barSide[i], barColor[i], barLength[i], barsAtSide,
                   usePCH = usePCH, resolution = node.resolution, noPar = noPar, bw = bw, density = density[i], angle = angle[i],
                   rainbowStart=rainbowStart,equalPieColor = pieCIs)
    } else {
      for (i in 1:length(shape))
        if (shape[i]=="circle")
        if (shape[i]=="square")
        if (shape[i]=="triangle")
        if (shape[i]=="diamond")
        if (!shape[i]%in%c("circle","square","triangle","diamond")) stop(paste("Shape",shape[i],"is not supported"))
      bordVec <- unlist(lapply(order(vsize,decreasing=FALSE),function(x)rep(x,1+borders[x])))
    #         points(layout,cex=vsize,col=vertex.colors,pch=pch1)
    #         if (any(borders) & nNodes > 1) points(layout[borders,],cex=vsize[borders],lwd=border.width,pch=pch2[borders],col=bcolor[borders])
    #         if (any(borders) & nNodes == 1) points(layout,cex=vsize[borders],lwd=border.width,pch=pch2[borders],col=bcolor[borders])
  } else {
    circ <- seq(0,2*pi,length=100)
    for (i in 1:nNodes)
      pts <- lapply(circ,function(r)Cent2Edge(layout[i,1],layout[i,2],r,vsize[i],vsize2[i],shape[i],0,polygonList))
      mod <- xkcd_jitter(sapply(pts,'[',1),sapply(pts,'[',2),2000)
      if (borders[i]) {
      } else {
  if (any(labels != ''))
    #         labels=as.character(labels)
    # Vertex label symbols:
    # Set symbol font:
    #     if (is.character(labels))
    #     {
    #       strsplV=strsplit(labels,"")
    #       greekV=logical(0)
    #       for (i in 1:length(strsplV)) 
    #       {
    #         greekV[i]=any(strsplV[[i]]=="*")
    #         labels[i]=paste(strsplV[[i]][which(strsplV[[i]]!="*")],collapse="") 
    #       }
    #       V.font=rep(1,length(E$from))
    #       V.font[greekV]=5
    #     } else V.font <- 1
    if (is.null(label.cex)) label.cex <- pmax(1,vsize)
    # Rescale labels:

    if (label.scale)
      ones <- rep(1, nNodes)
      VWidths <- sapply(mapply(Cent2Edge,cex=vsize,cex2=vsize2,shape=shape,MoreArgs=list(x=0,y=0,r=pi/2,polygonList=polygonList, noPar = noPar),SIMPLIFY=FALSE),'[',1) * 2
      VHeights <- sapply(mapply(Cent2Edge,cex=vsize,cex2=vsize2,shape=shape,MoreArgs=list(x=0,y=0,r=0,polygonList=polygonList, noPar = noPar),SIMPLIFY=FALSE),'[',2) * 2          
#       LWidths <- pmax(sapply(label.cex,function(x)strwidth(label.norm,cex=x)),mapply(strwidth, s=labels, cex=label.cex))
#       LHeights <- pmax(sapply(label.cex,function(x)strheight(label.norm,cex=x)),mapply(strheight, s=labels, cex=label.cex))
      LWidths <- pmax(sapply(ones,function(x)strwidth(label.norm,cex=x)),mapply(strwidth, s=labels, cex=ones))
      LHeights <- pmax(sapply(ones,function(x)strheight(label.norm,cex=x)),mapply(strheight, s=labels, cex=ones))
      label.cex <- label.cex * label.prop * pmin((VWidths*label.fill.horizontal)/LWidths,(VHeights*label.fill.vertical)/LHeights)
      #           label.cex[nchar(labels)>1]=label.cex[nchar(labels)>1]*2/nchar(labels[nchar(labels)>1],"width")
      # Equalize:
      if (!identical(label.scale.equal,FALSE)){
        if (isTRUE(label.scale.equal)){
          label.scale.equal <- rep(1,length(label.cex))
        label.cex[] <- ave(label.cex,label.scale.equal,FUN=min)

    # Plot labels:
    if (!is.list(labels))
      # text(layout[,1],layout[,2],labels,cex=label.cex,col=lcolor,font=label.font, adj = c(0.5, 0.5))
      text(layout[,1],layout[,2],labels,cex=label.cex,col=lcolor,font=label.font, adj=node.label.offset, pos=node.label.position)
    } else {
      lcolor <- rep(lcolor,length=nNodes)
      for (i in seq_along(labels))
        # text(layout[i,1],layout[i,2],labels[[i]],cex=label.cex[i],col=lcolor[i],font=label.font[i], adj = c(0.5, 0.5))
        text(layout[i,1],layout[i,2],labels[[i]],cex=label.cex[i],col=lcolor[i],font=label.font[i], adj=node.label.offset, pos=node.label.position)
  # if (!is.null(tooltips)) 
  # {
  #   # Set Tooltips:
  #   for (i in 1:nNodes) 
  #   {
  #     if (!is.na(tooltips[i]))
  #     {
  #       if (filetype=='svg') RSVGTipsDevice::setSVGShapeToolTip(desc=tooltips[i])
  #     }
  #     if (!is.null(SVGtooltips)) if (!is.na(SVGtooltips[i]))
  #     {
  #       RSVGTipsDevice::setSVGShapeToolTip(desc=SVGtooltips[i])
  #     }       
  #     NodeOutline <- lapply(seq(0,2*pi,length=10),function(r)Cent2Edge(layout[i,1],layout[i,2],r,vsize[i],vsize2[i],shape[i],offset=0,polygonList))
  #     polygon(sapply(NodeOutline,'[',1),sapply(NodeOutline,'[',2),col="#01010101",border=NA)
  #   }
  # }    
  if (any(CircleEdgeEnd))
    for (i in which(CircleEdgeEnd))
      if (abs(E$weight[i]) > minimum)
        # Center of destination node:
        x <- layout[E$to[i],1]
        y <- layout[E$to[i],2]
        # Edge entry point:
        if (!is.null(edgeConnectPoints) && !is.na(edgeConnectPoints[i,2]))
          edge <- Cent2Edge(x,y,edgeConnectPoints[i,2],vsize[E$to[i]],vsize2[E$to[i]],shape[E$to[i]],offset=0, polygonList)  
        } else {
          r <- atan2usr2in(layout[E$from[i],1] - x, layout[E$from[i],2] - y )
          edge <- Cent2Edge(x,y,r,vsize[E$to[i]],vsize2[E$to[i]],shape[E$to[i]],offset=0, polygonList)  
        # Size of bal:
        sizeBal <- mean(vsize[E$to[i]],vsize2[E$to[i]]) / 4
        # Center of bal:
        r <- atan2usr2in(x-edge[1], y-edge[2] )
        ball <- Cent2Edge(edge[1],edge[2],r,sizeBal,sizeBal,'circle',offset=0, polygonList)
        # Draw ball:
        points(ball[1], ball[2], pch = 16, col = edge.color[i], cex = sizeBal)
  ### Overlay:
  # if (overlay)
  # {
  #   # Transparance in vertex colors:
  #   num2hex <- function(x)
  #   {
  #     hex=unlist(strsplit("0123456789ABCDEF",split=""))
  #     return(paste(hex[(x-x%%16)/16+1],hex[x%%16+1],sep=""))
  #   }
  #   colHEX <- rgb(t(col2rgb(color)/255))
  #   fillCols <- paste(sapply(strsplit(colHEX,split=""),function(x)paste(x[1:7],collapse="")),num2hex(25),sep="")
  #   for (i in 1:length(groups)) 
  #   {
  #     if (length(groups[[i]]) > 1)
  #     {
  #       polygon(ellipse(cov(layout[groups[[i]],,drop=FALSE]),centre=colMeans(layout[groups[[i]],,drop=FALSE]),level=overlaySize),border=color[i],col=fillCols[i]) 
  #     }
  #   }
  # }
  if (is.null(names(groups))) names(groups) <- LETTERS[1:length(groups)]
  #if (!legend && filetype=="svg") plot(1, ann = FALSE, axes = FALSE, xlim = c(-1, 1), ylim = c(-1 ,1 ),type = "n", xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i")
  # Plot Legend:
  if (legend)
    if (is.null(scores))
      #plot(1, ann = FALSE, axes = FALSE, xlim = c(-1, 1), ylim = c(-1 ,1 ),type = "n", xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i")
      if (mode=="sig")
        if (legend.mode == "names")
          text(1 + mar[4] ,0, paste(labels,": ",nodeNames,sep="",collapse="\n"), cex=legend.cex, adj = c(0, 0.5)) 
        } else 
          if (length(groups) > 1)
            legend (1 + mar[4] + 0.5 * 2.4/GLratio,0, names(groups), col= color ,pch = 19, xjust=0.5, yjust=0.5, cex=legend.cex, bty='n')
            legend (1 + mar[4] + 0.5 * 2.4/GLratio,0, names(groups), col= "black" ,pch = 1, xjust=0.5, ,yjust=0.5, cex=legend.cex, bty='n') 
        if (gray)
          legend(1 + mar[4] + 0.5 * 2.4/GLratio,(length(groups) > 1) * -0.5,paste("p <",alpha[length(alpha):1]),
                 col = c(rgb(0.7,0.7,0.7),rgb(0.5,0.5,0.5),rgb(0.3,0.3,0.3),"black")[(5-length(alpha)):4],
                 lty=1, xjust=0.5, yjust=0.5, cex=legend.cex, bty='n')
        } else
          if (any(Pvals < 0))
            legend(1 + mar[4] + 0.25 * 2.4/GLratio,(length(groups) > 1) * -0.5,paste("p <",alpha[length(alpha):1]),
                   col = c("cadetblue1","#6495ED","blue","darkblue")[(5-length(alpha)):4],
                   lty=1, xjust=0.5, yjust=0.5, cex=legend.cex, bty='n')
            legend(1 + mar[4] + 0.75 * 2.4/GLratio,(length(groups) > 1) * -0.5,paste("p <",alpha[length(alpha):1]),
                   col = c(rgb(1,0.8,0.4) ,"orange","darkorange","darkorange2")[(5-length(alpha)):4],
                   lty=1, xjust=0.5, yjust=0.5, cex=legend.cex, bty='n')
          } else
            legend(1 + mar[4] + 0.5 * 2.4/GLratio,(length(groups) > 1) * -0.5,paste("p <",alpha[length(alpha):1]),
                   col = c("cadetblue1","#6495ED","blue","darkblue")[(5-length(alpha)):4],
                   lty=1, xjust=0.5, yjust=0.5, cex=legend.cex, bty='n')
      } else

        if (legend.mode == "style2"){
          # Generate names in list:
          LEGENDgroups <- lapply(groups,function(x)paste0(labels[x],": ",nodeNames[x]))
          LEGENDstr <- character(0)
          LEGENDcol <- character(0)
          LEGENDpch <- numeric(0)
          LEGENDtextfont <- numeric(0)
          for (GR in seq_along(groups)){
            LEGENDstr <- c(LEGENDstr,names(groups)[GR],LEGENDgroups[[GR]])
            LEGENDcol <- c(LEGENDcol,rep(color[GR],length(LEGENDgroups[[GR]])+1))
            LEGENDpch <- c(LEGENDpch,16,rep(1,length(LEGENDgroups[[GR]])))
            LEGENDtextfont <- c(LEGENDtextfont,2,rep(1,length(LEGENDgroups[[GR]])))
          legend (1.2 + 0.5 * 2.4/GLratio,0,LEGENDstr, col= LEGENDcol ,pch = LEGENDpch, text.font = LEGENDtextfont, xjust=0.5, yjust=0.5, cex=legend.cex, bty='n')
        } else if (legend.mode == "style1"){

          # Generate names in list:
          LEGENDgroups <- lapply(groups,function(x)paste0(labels[x],": ",nodeNames[x]))
          LEGENDstr <- character(0)
          LEGENDcol <- character(0)
          LEGENDbord <- character(0)
          LEGENDpch <- numeric(0)
          LEGENDtextfont <- numeric(0)

          getShape <- function(x, border=FALSE){
              if (xx == "circle"){
              } else if (xx == "square"){
              } else if (xx == "triangle"){
              } else return(16)
          for (GR in seq_along(groups)){
            LEGENDstr <- c(LEGENDstr,names(groups)[GR],LEGENDgroups[[GR]],"")
            LEGENDcol <- c(LEGENDcol,NA,rep(color[GR],length(LEGENDgroups[[GR]])),NA)
            LEGENDbord <- c(LEGENDbord,NA,bcolor[groups[[GR]]],NA)
            LEGENDpch <- c(LEGENDpch,NA,getShape(shape[groups[[GR]]]),NA)
            LEGENDtextfont <- c(LEGENDtextfont,2,rep(1,length(LEGENDgroups[[GR]])),NA)
          legend (1.2 + 0.5 * 2.4/GLratio,0,LEGENDstr, col= LEGENDcol ,pch = LEGENDpch, text.font = LEGENDtextfont, xjust=0.5, yjust=0.5, cex=legend.cex, bty='n')
          legend (1.2 + 0.5 * 2.4/GLratio,0,LEGENDstr, col= LEGENDbord ,pch = LEGENDpch-15, text.font = LEGENDtextfont, xjust=0.5, yjust=0.5, cex=legend.cex, bty='n')
        } else if (legend.mode == "names")

          text(1 + mar[4] ,0, paste(labels,": ",nodeNames,sep="",collapse="\n"), cex=legend.cex, adj = c(0, 0.5)) 
        } else 
          legend (1.2 + 0.5 * 2.4/GLratio,0, names(groups), col= color ,pch = 19, xjust=0.5, yjust=0.5, cex=legend.cex, bty='n')
          legend (1.2 + 0.5 * 2.4/GLratio,0, names(groups), col= "black" ,pch = 1, xjust=0.5, ,yjust=0.5, cex=legend.cex, bty='n')   
    if (!is.null(scores))
      plot(1, ann = FALSE, axes = FALSE, xlim = c(-0.5, scores.range[2]-scores.range[1]+8), ylim = c(0.5, length(groups)+2),
           type = "n", xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i")
      for (i in 1:length(groups)) {
        for (j in (scores.range[1]:scores.range[2]-scores.range[1])/(scores.range[2]-scores.range[1])) 
        for (j in scores.range[1]:scores.range[2]-scores.range[1]) {
      for (i in scores.range[1]:scores.range[2]-scores.range[1]) text(i+0.5,length(groups)+1.5,i+scores.range[1])
  # Plot details:
  if (details & weighted)
    if (cut != 0) text(0,-1.1,paste("Cutoff:",round(cut,2)),cex=0.6)
    if (minimum != 0) text(-1,-1.1,paste("Minimum:",round(minimum,2)),pos=4,cex=0.6)
  # plot title:
  if (!is.null(title))
    addTitle(title,cex = title.cex)
  # Run postExpression
  if (!is.null(postExpression))
    eval(parse(text = postExpression))
  if (filetype%in%c('pdf','png','jpg','jpeg','svg','eps','tiff','tex')) 
    message(paste("Output stored in ",getwd(),"/",filename,".",filetype,sep=""))
  if (!noPar) par(mar=marOrig, bg=bgOrig)

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qgraph documentation built on Nov. 3, 2023, 5:07 p.m.