
.c4 = function(n) {
    if (n > 1 && n < 342) 
        sqrt(2/(n - 1)) * (factorial(n/2 - 1)/factorial((n - 1)/2 - 1))
    else stop("n needs to be bigger than 1 and smaller than 342")
.sdSg = function(x, grouping = NULL, method = c("NOWEIGHT", "MVLUE", "RMSDF"), na.rm = TRUE, DB = TRUE) {
    DB = FALSE
    if (!is.data.frame(x) && !is.vector(x) && is.numeric(x)) 
        stop("x needs to be either a data.frame or a vector and numeric")
    if (is.null(grouping)) {
        if (is.data.frame(x)) 
            return(sd(x[, 1]))
        else return(sd(x))
    else grouping = as.data.frame(grouping)
    group = unique(grouping)
    sdVec = numeric(length = length(group))
    for (i in 1:nrow(group)) {
        if (is.data.frame(x)) 
            temp = x[group[i, 1] == grouping[, 1], 1]
        if (is.vector(x)) 
            temp = x[group[i, 1] == grouping[, 1]]
        sdVec[i] = sd(temp, na.rm = T)/.c4(length(temp[!is.na(temp)]))
        if (DB) {
            print(group[i, 1])
    if (DB) {
        print(paste("std.dev: ", mean(sdVec)))
.sdSg(1:10, grouping = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5))
pcr = function(x, distribution = "normal", lsl, usl, target, boxcox = FALSE, lambda = c(-5,                      ####   PCR-FUNCTION
    5), main, xlim, ylim, grouping = NULL, std.dev = NULL, conf.level = 0.9973002, start, lineWidth = 1, 
    lineCol = "red", lineType = "solid", specCol = "red3", specWidth = 1, cex.text = 2, cex.val = 1.5, 
    cex.col = "darkgray", plot = TRUE, bounds.lty = 3, bounds.col = "red", ...) {                                ####
    DB = FALSE                                                                   
    data.name = deparse(substitute(x))[1]
    #require(MASS, quietly = TRUE)
    if(plot==TRUE)                                                              ####
    {                                                                           ####
     par.orig <- par(c("mar", "oma", "mfrow"))                                  ####
     on.exit(par(par.orig))                                                     ####
    }                                                                           ####
    parList = list(...)
    if (is.null(parList[["col"]])) 
        parList$col = "lightblue"
    if (is.null(parList[["border"]])) 
        parList$border = 1
    if (is.null(parList[["lwd"]])) 
        parList$lwd = 1
    if (is.null(parList[["cex.axis"]])) 
        parList$cex.axis = 1.5
    if (missing(lsl)) 
        lsl = NULL
    if (missing(usl)) 
        usl = NULL
    if (missing(target)) 
        target = NULL
    if (missing(lambda)) 
        lambda = c(-5, 5)
    if (!is.numeric(lambda)) 
        stop("lambda needs to be numeric")
    if (any(x<0) && any(distribution==c("beta","chi-squared","exponential","f","geometric","lognormal","log-normal","negative binomial","poisson","weibull","gamma")))
     stop("choosen distribution needs all values in x to be > 0!")
    if (any(x>1) && distribution=="beta")
     stop("choosen distribution needs all values in x to be between 0 and 1!")
    paramsList = vector(mode = "list", length = 0)
    estimates = vector(mode = "list", length = 0)
    varName = deparse(substitute(x))
    dFun = NULL
    pFun = NULL
    qFun = NULL
    cp = NULL
    cpu = NULL
    cpl = NULL
    cpk = NULL
    ppt = NULL
    ppl = NULL
    ppu = NULL
    xVec = numeric(0)
    yVec = numeric(0)
    if (is.vector(x)) 
        x = as.data.frame(x)
#    if (identical(distribution, "log-normal")) {                               ####
#        x = log(x)                                                             ####
#        if(is.null(usl)==FALSE)                                                ####
#         usl=log(usl)                                                          ####
#        if(is.null(lsl)==FALSE)                                                ####
#        lsl=log(lsl)                                                           ####
#        distribution = "normal"                                                ####
#        data.name = paste("log(", data.name, ")", sep = "")                    ####
#    }                                                                          ####
     any3distr=FALSE;not3distr=FALSE                                            ####
    if(distribution=="weibull3" || distribution=="lognormal3" || distribution=="gamma3")####
     any3distr=TRUE                                                             ####
    if (distribution!="weibull3" && distribution!="lognormal3" && distribution!="gamma3")####
     not3distr=TRUE                                                                  ####
    if (boxcox) {
        distribution = "normal"
        if (length(lambda) >= 2) {
            temp = boxcox(x[, 1] ~ 1, lambda = seq(min(lambda), max(lambda), 1/10), plotit = FALSE)
            i = order(temp$y, decreasing = TRUE)[1]
            lambda = temp$x[i]
        x = as.data.frame(x[, 1]^lambda)
    numObs = nrow(x)
    if (!is.null(grouping)) 
        if (is.vector(grouping)) 
            grouping = as.data.frame(grouping)
    center = colMeans(x)
    if (!is.null(x) & !is.null(grouping)) {
        if (nrow(x) != nrow(grouping)) 
            stop(paste("length of ", deparse(substitute(grouping)), " differs from length of ", varName))
    if (missing(main)) 
        if (boxcox) 
            main = paste("Process Capability using box cox transformation for", varName)
        else main = paste("Process Capability using", as.character(distribution), "distribution for", 
    if (is.null(std.dev)) {
        if (is.null(grouping)) 
            std.dev = .sdSg(x)
        else std.dev = .sdSg(x, grouping)
    if (conf.level < 0 | conf.level > 1) 
        stop("conf.level must be a value between 0 and 1")
    confHigh = conf.level + (1 - conf.level)/2
    confLow = 1 - conf.level - (1 - conf.level)/2
    if (DB) {
        print(paste("confHigh:", confHigh))
        print(paste("confLow:", confLow))
    distWhichNeedParameters = c("weibull", "logistic", "gamma", "exponential", "f", "geometric", 
        "chi-squared", "negative binomial", "poisson")
    if (is.character(distribution)) {
     dis=distribution                                                           ####
    if (identical(distribution,"weibull3"))                                     ####
     dis="weibull3"                                                             ####
    if (identical(distribution,"gamma3"))                                       ####
     dis="gamma3"                                                               ####
    if (identical(distribution,"lognormal3"))                                   ####
     dis="lognormal3"                                                           ####
        qFun = .charToDistFunc(dis, type = "q")                                 ####
        pFun = .charToDistFunc(dis, type = "p")                                 ####
        dFun = .charToDistFunc(dis, type = "d")                                 ####
        if (is.null(qFun) & is.null(pFun) & is.null(dFun)) 
            stop(paste(deparse(substitute(y)), "distribution could not be found!"))
    if (TRUE) {                                                                 #### distribution!="weibull3" && distribution!="lognormal3" && distribution!="gamma3"
        if (DB) 
            print("TODO: Pass the estimated parameters correctly")
        fitList = vector(mode = "list", length = 0)
        fitList$x = x[, 1]
        fitList$densfun = dis                                                   ####
        if (!missing(start)) 
            fitList$start = start
        if (not3distr)                                                          ####
        {                                                                       ####
         fittedDistr = do.call(MASS::fitdistr, fitList)
         estimates = as.list(fittedDistr$estimate)
         paramsList = estimates
        }                                                                       ####
        if (distribution=="weibull3")                                           ####
        {                                                                       ####
         paramsList= .weibull3(x[,1])                                           ####
         estimates = paramsList                                                 ####
        }                                                                       ####
        if (distribution=="lognormal3")                                         ####
        {                                                                       ####
         paramsList= .lognormal3(x[,1])                                         ####
         estimates = paramsList                                                 ####
        }                                                                       ####
        if (distribution=="gamma3")                                             ####
        {                                                                       ####
         paramsList= .gamma3(x[,1])                                             ####
         estimates = paramsList                                                 ####
        }                                                                       ####
        if (DB) 
            print(paste("parameter: ", paramsList))
    paramsList = c(paramsList, .lfkp(parList, formals(qFun)))
    if (distribution == "normal") {
        paramsList$mean = center
        paramsList$sd = std.dev
        estimates = paramsList
    if (boxcox) {
        if (!is.null(lsl)) 
            lsl = lsl^lambda
        if (!is.null(usl)) 
            usl = usl^lambda
        if (!is.null(target)) 
            target = target^lambda
    if (is.null(lsl) && is.null(usl)) {
        paramsList$p = confLow
        lsl = do.call(qFun, paramsList)
        paramsList$p = confHigh
        usl = do.call(qFun, paramsList)
    if (identical(lsl, usl)) 
        stop("lsl == usl")
    if (!is.null(lsl) && !is.null(target) && target < lsl) 
        stop("target is less than lower specification limit")
    if (!is.null(usl) && !is.null(target) && target > usl) 
        stop("target is greater than upper specification limit")
    if (!is.null(lsl) && !is.null(usl)) 
        if (lsl > usl) {
            temp = lsl
            lsl = usl
            usl = temp                       
    paramsList$p = c(confLow, 0.5, confHigh)
    paramsListTemp = .lfkp(paramsList, formals(qFun))                           ####
     qs = do.call(qFun, paramsListTemp)                                         ####  
    paramsListTemp = .lfkp(paramsList, formals(pFun))                           ####
    if (!is.null(lsl) && !is.null(usl)) 
        cp = (usl - lsl)/(qs[3] - qs[1])
    if (!is.null(usl)) {
        cpu = (usl - qs[2])/(qs[3] - qs[2])
        paramsListTemp$q = usl                                                  ####
        ppu = 1 - do.call(pFun, paramsListTemp)                                 ####
    if (!is.null(lsl)) {
        cpl = (qs[2] - lsl)/(qs[2] - qs[1])
        paramsListTemp$q = lsl                                                  ####
        ppl = do.call(pFun, paramsListTemp)                                     ####
    cpk = min(cpu, cpl)
    ppt = sum(ppl, ppu)
    if (DB == TRUE) {
    if (missing(xlim)) {
        xlim <- range(x[, 1], usl, lsl)
        xlim <- xlim + diff(xlim) * c(-0.2, 0.2)
    xVec <- seq(min(xlim), max(xlim), length = 200)
    dParamsList = .lfkp(paramsList, formals(dFun))
    dParamsList$x = xVec
    yVec = do.call(dFun , dParamsList)
    histObj <- hist(x[, 1], plot = FALSE)
    if (missing(ylim)) {
        ylim <- range(histObj$density, yVec)
        ylim <- ylim + diff(ylim) * c(0, 0.05)
    par(mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0) + 0.1)
    par(oma = c(2, 4, 7, 4) + 0.1)
    layout(matrix(c(1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 1, 4, 5, 5, 6, 7), nrow = 4, byrow = TRUE))
    do.call(hist, c(list(x[, 1], freq = FALSE, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, main = ""), parList))
    abline(h = 0, col = "gray")
    tempList = parList
    tempList$col = 1
    tempList$border = NULL
    do.call(box, tempList)
    lines(xVec, yVec, lwd = lineWidth, col = lineCol, lty = lineType)
    abline(v = usl, col = specCol, lwd = specWidth, lty = 5)
    abline(v = lsl, col = specCol, lwd = specWidth, lty = 5)
    abline(v = target, col = specCol, lwd = specWidth, lty = 5)
    if (!is.null(lsl)) 
        axis(side = 3, at = lsl, labels = paste("LSL =", format(lsl, digits = 3)), col = specCol)
    if (!is.null(usl)) 
        axis(side = 3, at = usl, labels = paste("USL =", format(usl, digits = 3)), col = specCol)
    if (!is.null(lsl) && !is.null(usl)) 
        axis(side = 3, at = c(lsl, usl), labels = c(paste("LSL =", format(lsl, digits = 3)), paste("USL =", 
            format(usl, digits = 3))), col = specCol)
    if (!is.null(target)) 
        text(target, max(ylim), "TARGET", pos = 1, col = cex.col, cex = cex.text)
    title(main = main, outer = TRUE)
    plot(0:5, 0:5, type = "n", axes = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "", main = "")
    text(2.3, 1, expression(c[p]), pos = 2, cex = cex.val)
    if (is.null(cp)) 
        text(2, 1, paste("=", "*"), pos = 4, cex = cex.val)
    else text(2, 1, paste("=", round(cp, 2)), pos = 4, cex = cex.val)
    text(2.3, 2, expression(c[pk]), pos = 2, cex = cex.val)
    if (is.null(cpk)) 
        text(2, 2, paste("=", "*"), pos = 4, cex = cex.val)
    else text(2, 2, paste("=", round(cpk, 2)), pos = 4, cex = cex.val)
    text(2.3, 3, expression(c[pkL]), pos = 2, cex = cex.val)
    if (is.null(cpl)) 
        text(2, 3, paste("=", "*"), pos = 4, cex = cex.val)
    else text(2, 3, paste("=", round(cpl, 2)), pos = 4, cex = cex.val)
    text(2.3, 4, expression(c[pkU]), pos = 2, cex = cex.val)
    if (is.null(cpu)) 
        text(2, 4, paste("=", "*"), pos = 4, cex = cex.val)
    else text(2, 4, paste("=", round(cpu, 2)), pos = 4, cex = cex.val)
    index = 1:(length(estimates) + 3)
    plot(0:5, c(0:4, max(index) + 1), type = "n", axes = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "", main = "")
    names(x) = data.name
    if (not3distr)                                                              ####
    {                                                                           ####
    names(x) = data.name
    adTestStats = .myADTest(x, distribution)
    A = numeric()
    p = numeric()
    if (class(adTestStats) == "adtest") {
        A = adTestStats$statistic
        p = adTestStats$p.value
    else {
        A = NA
        p = NA
    text(2.3, rev(index)[2], "A", pos = 2, cex = cex.val)
    text(2, rev(index)[2], paste("=", format(A, digits = 3)), pos = 4, cex = cex.val)
    text(2.3, rev(index)[3], "p", pos = 2, cex = cex.val)
    if (!is.null(adTestStats$smaller) && adTestStats$smaller) 
        text(2, rev(index)[3], paste("<", format(p, digits = 3)), pos = 4, cex = cex.val)
    if (!is.null(adTestStats$smaller) && !adTestStats$smaller) 
        text(2, rev(index)[3], paste(">=", format(p, digits = 3)), pos = 4, cex = cex.val)
    if (is.null(adTestStats$smaller)) 
        text(2, rev(index)[3], paste("=", format(p, digits = 3)), pos = 4, cex = cex.val)
    text(2.3, rev(index)[1], "n", pos = 2, cex = cex.val)
    text(2, rev(index)[1], paste("=", numObs), pos = 4, cex = cex.val)
    j = 1
    for (i in 3:(3 + length(estimates) - 1)) {
        try(text(2.3, rev(index)[i + 1], names(estimates)[[j]], pos = 2, cex = cex.val), silent = TRUE)
        try(text(2, rev(index)[i + 1], paste("=", format(estimates[[j]], digits = 3)), pos = 4, cex = cex.val), 
            silent = TRUE)
        j = j + 1
    }                                                                           ####
    if (any3distr)                                                              ####
    {                                                                           ####
     text(2.8, rev(index)[1], "n", pos = 2, cex = cex.val)                      ####
     text(2.5, rev(index)[1], paste("=", numObs), pos = 4, cex = cex.val)       ####
     text(2.8, rev(index)[2], "A", pos = 2, cex = cex.val)                      ####
     text(2.5, rev(index)[2], paste("=", "*"), pos = 4, cex = cex.val)          ####
     text(2.8, rev(index)[3], "p", pos = 2, cex = cex.val)                      ####
     text(2.5, rev(index)[3], paste("=", "*"), pos = 4, cex = cex.val)          ####
        j = 1                                                                   ####
    for (i in 3:(3 + length(estimates) - 1)) {                                  ####
        try(text(2.8, rev(index)[i + 1], names(estimates)[[j]], pos = 2, cex = cex.val), silent = TRUE)####
        try(text(2.5, rev(index)[i + 1], paste("=", format(estimates[[j]], digits = 3)), pos = 4, cex = cex.val),#### 
            silent = TRUE)                                                      ####
        j = j + 1                                                               ####
    }                                                                           ####
    }                                                                           ####

    qqPlot(x[, 1], y = distribution, ylab = "", main = "", axes = FALSE, 
           bounds.lty = bounds.lty, bounds.col = bounds.col)     
    par(mar = c(0, 0, 3, 2))
    plot(c(-1, 1), c(0.5, 5), type = "n", axes = FALSE)
    text(0, 4.5, "Expected Fraction Nonconforming", cex = cex.val)
    text(-1.05, 3, expression(p[t]), pos = 4, cex = cex.val)
    text(-1.05, 2, expression(p[L]), pos = 4, cex = cex.val)
    text(-1.05, 1, expression(p[U]), pos = 4, cex = cex.val)
    text(-0.9, 3, paste("=", format(ppt, digits = 6)), pos = 4, cex = cex.val)
    if (is.null(ppl)) 
        text(-0.9, 2, paste("= 0"), pos = 4, cex = cex.val)
    else text(-0.9, 2, paste("=", format(ppl, digits = 6)), pos = 4, cex = cex.val)
    if (is.null(ppu)) 
        text(-0.9, 1, paste("= 0"), pos = 4, cex = cex.val)
    else text(-0.9, 1, paste("=", format(ppu, digits = 6)), pos = 4, cex = cex.val)
    text(0.05, 3, expression(ppm), pos = 4, cex = cex.val)
    text(0.05, 2, expression(ppm), pos = 4, cex = cex.val)
    text(0.05, 1, expression(ppm), pos = 4, cex = cex.val)
    text(0.35, 3, paste("=", format(ppt * 1e+06, digits = 6)), pos = 4, cex = cex.val)
    if (is.null(ppl)) 
        text(0.35, 2, paste("= 0"), pos = 4, cex = cex.val)
    else text(0.35, 2, paste("=", format(ppl * 1e+06, digits = 6)), pos = 4, cex = cex.val)
    if (is.null(ppu)) 
        text(0.35, 1, paste("= 0"), pos = 4, cex = cex.val)
    else text(0.35, 1, paste("=", format(ppu * 1e+06, digits = 6)), pos = 4, cex = cex.val)
    par(mar = c(0, 0, 3, 0))
    plot(c(-1, 1), c(0.5, 5), type = "n", axes = FALSE)
    text(0, 4.5, "Observed", cex = cex.val)
    obsL = 0
    obsU = 0
    if (!is.null(lsl)) {
        obsL = (sum(x < lsl)/length(x)) * 1e+06
        text(-1, 2, paste("ppm =", obsL), pos = 4, cex = cex.val)
    else text(-1, 2, paste("ppm =", 0), pos = 4, cex = cex.val)
    if (!is.null(usl)) {
        obsU = (sum(x > usl)/length(x)) * 1e+06
        text(-1, 1, paste("ppm =", obsU), pos = 4, cex = cex.val)
    else text(-1, 1, paste("ppm =", 0), pos = 4, cex = cex.val)
    text(-1, 3, paste("ppm =", obsL + obsU), pos = 4, cex = cex.val)   
    if(not3distr)                                                               ####
    {                                                                           ####  
     print(adTestStats)                                                         ####  
    invisible(list(lambda = lambda, cp = cp, cpk = cpk, cpl = cpl, cpu = cpu,   ####
                   ppt = ppt, ppl = ppl, ppu = ppu, A = A, usl = usl,           ####
                   lsl = lsl, target = target))                                 ####
    }                                                                           ####   
    else                                                                        ####
    invisible(list(lambda = lambda, cp = cp, cpk = cpk, cpl = cpl, cpu = cpu,   ####
                   ppt = ppt, ppl = ppl, ppu = ppu, usl = usl,                  ####
                   lsl = lsl, target = target))                                 ####
}                                                                               ####
  invisible(list(lambda = lambda, cp = cp, cpk = cpk, cpl = cpl, cpu = cpu,        ####
                   ppt = ppt, ppl = ppl, ppu = ppu, usl = usl,                  ####
                   lsl = lsl, target = target))                                 ####
cp = pcr

.pcr = function(x, distribution = "normal", lsl, usl, target, boxcox = FALSE, lambda = c(-5,                     ####   .PCR-FUNCTION
    5), main, xlim, ylim, grouping = NULL, std.dev = NULL, conf.level = 0.9973002, start, lineWidth = 1, 
    lineCol = "red", lineType = "solid", specCol = "red3", specWidth = 1, cex.text = 2, cex.val = 1.5, 
    cex.col = "darkgray", ...) {                                                                                                  
    data.name = deparse(substitute(x))
    #require(MASS, quietly = TRUE)
    par.orig <- par(c("mar", "oma", "mfrow"))                                   ####
    on.exit(par(par.orig))                                                      ####                                                                         
    parList = list(...)
    if (is.null(parList[["col"]])) 
        parList$col = "lightblue"
    if (is.null(parList[["border"]])) 
        parList$border = 1
    if (is.null(parList[["lwd"]])) 
        parList$lwd = 1
    if (is.null(parList[["cex.axis"]])) 
        parList$cex.axis = 1.5
    if (missing(lsl)) 
        lsl = NULL
    if (missing(usl)) 
        usl = NULL
    if (missing(target)) 
        target = NULL
    if (missing(lambda)) 
        lambda = c(-5, 5)
    if (!is.numeric(lambda)) 
        stop("lambda needs to be numeric")
    paramsList = vector(mode = "list", length = 0)
    estimates = vector(mode = "list", length = 0)
    varName = deparse(substitute(x))
    dFun = NULL
    pFun = NULL
    qFun = NULL
    cp = NULL
    cpu = NULL
    cpl = NULL
    cpk = NULL
    ppt = NULL
    ppl = NULL
    ppu = NULL
    xVec = numeric(0)
    yVec = numeric(0)
    if (is.vector(x)) 
        x = as.data.frame(x)
#    if (identical(distribution, "log-normal")) {                               ####
#        x = log(x)                                                             ####
#        if(is.null(usl)==FALSE)                                                ####
#         usl=log(usl)                                                          ####
#        if(is.null(lsl)==FALSE)                                                ####
#        lsl=log(lsl)                                                           ####
#        distribution = "normal"                                                ####
#        data.name = paste("log(", data.name, ")", sep = "")                    ####
#    }                                                                          ####
     any3distr=FALSE;not3distr=FALSE                                            ####
    if(distribution=="weibull3" || distribution=="lognormal3" || distribution=="gamma3")####
     any3distr=TRUE                                                             ####
    if (distribution!="weibull3" && distribution!="lognormal3" && distribution!="gamma3")####
     not3distr=TRUE                                                                  ####
    if (boxcox) {
        distribution = "normal"
        if (length(lambda) >= 2) {
            temp = boxcox(x[, 1] ~ 1, lambda = seq(min(lambda), max(lambda), 1/10), plotit = FALSE)
            i = order(temp$y, decreasing = TRUE)[1]
            lambda = temp$x[i]
        x = as.data.frame(x[, 1]^lambda)
    numObs = nrow(x)
    if (!is.null(grouping)) 
        if (is.vector(grouping)) 
            grouping = as.data.frame(grouping)
    center = colMeans(x)
    if (!is.null(x) & !is.null(grouping)) {
        if (nrow(x) != nrow(grouping)) 
            stop(paste("length of ", deparse(substitute(grouping)), " differs from length of ", varName))
    if (missing(main)) 
        if (boxcox) 
            main = paste("Process Capability using box cox transformation for", varName)
        else main = paste("Process Capability using", as.character(distribution), "distribution for", 
    if (is.null(std.dev)) {
        if (is.null(grouping)) 
            std.dev = .sdSg(x)
        else std.dev = .sdSg(x, grouping)
    if (conf.level < 0 | conf.level > 1) 
        stop("conf.level must be a value between 0 and 1")
    confHigh = conf.level + (1 - conf.level)/2
    confLow = 1 - conf.level - (1 - conf.level)/2
    distWhichNeedParameters = c("weibull", "logistic", "gamma", "exponential", "f", "geometric", 
        "chi-squared", "negative binomial", "poisson")
    if (is.character(distribution)) {
     dis=distribution                                                           ####
    if (identical(distribution,"weibull3"))                                     ####
     dis="weibull3"                                                             ####
    if (identical(distribution,"gamma3"))                                       ####
     dis="gamma3"                                                               ####
    if (identical(distribution,"lognormal3"))                                   ####
     dis="lognormal3"                                                           ####
        qFun = .charToDistFunc(dis, type = "q")                                 ####
        pFun = .charToDistFunc(dis, type = "p")                                 ####
        dFun = .charToDistFunc(dis, type = "d")                                 ####
        if (is.null(qFun) & is.null(pFun) & is.null(dFun)) 
            stop(paste(deparse(substitute(y)), "distribution could not be found!"))
    if (TRUE) {                                                                 #### distribution!="weibull3" && distribution!="lognormal3" && distribution!="gamma3"
        fitList = vector(mode = "list", length = 0)
        fitList$x = x[, 1]
        fitList$densfun = dis                                                   ####
        if (!missing(start)) 
            fitList$start = start
        if (not3distr)                                                          ####
        {                                                                       ####
         fittedDistr = do.call(MASS::fitdistr, fitList)
         estimates = as.list(fittedDistr$estimate)
         paramsList = estimates
        }                                                                       ####
        if (distribution=="weibull3")                                           ####
        {                                                                       ####
         paramsList= .weibull3(x[,1])                                           ####
         estimates = paramsList                                                 ####
        }                                                                       ####
        if (distribution=="lognormal3")                                         ####
        {                                                                       ####
         paramsList= .lognormal3(x[,1])                                         ####
         estimates = paramsList                                                 ####
        }                                                                       ####
        if (distribution=="gamma3")                                             ####
        {                                                                       ####
         paramsList= .gamma3(x[,1])                                             ####
         estimates = paramsList                                                 ####
        }                                                                       ####
    paramsList = c(paramsList, .lfkp(parList, formals(qFun)))
    if (distribution == "normal") {
        paramsList$mean = center
        paramsList$sd = std.dev
        estimates = paramsList
    if (boxcox) {
        if (!is.null(lsl)) 
            lsl = lsl^lambda
        if (!is.null(usl)) 
            usl = usl^lambda
        if (!is.null(target)) 
            target = target^lambda
    if (is.null(lsl) && is.null(usl)) {
        paramsList$p = confLow
        lsl = do.call(qFun, paramsList)
        paramsList$p = confHigh
        usl = do.call(qFun, paramsList)
    if (identical(lsl, usl)) 
        stop("lsl == usl")
    if (!is.null(lsl) && !is.null(target) && target < lsl) 
        stop("target is less than lower specification limit")
    if (!is.null(usl) && !is.null(target) && target > usl) 
        stop("target is greater than upper specification limit")
    if (!is.null(lsl) && !is.null(usl)) 
        if (lsl > usl) {
            temp = lsl
            lsl = usl
            usl = temp                       
    paramsList$p = c(confLow, 0.5, confHigh)
    paramsListTemp = .lfkp(paramsList, formals(qFun))                           ####
     qs = do.call(qFun, paramsListTemp)                                         ####  
    paramsListTemp = .lfkp(paramsList, formals(pFun))                           ####
    if (!is.null(lsl) && !is.null(usl)) 
        cp = (usl - lsl)/(qs[3] - qs[1])
    if (!is.null(usl)) {
        cpu = (usl - qs[2])/(qs[3] - qs[2])
        paramsListTemp$q = usl                                                  ####
        ppu = 1 - do.call(pFun, paramsListTemp)                                 ####
    if (!is.null(lsl)) {
        cpl = (qs[2] - lsl)/(qs[2] - qs[1])
        paramsListTemp$q = lsl                                                  ####
        ppl = do.call(pFun, paramsListTemp)                                     ####
    cpk = min(cpu, cpl)
    ppt = sum(ppl, ppu)

    if (missing(xlim)) {
        xlim <- range(x[, 1], usl, lsl)
        xlim <- xlim + diff(xlim) * c(-0.2, 0.2)
    xVec <- seq(min(xlim), max(xlim), length = 200)
    dParamsList = .lfkp(paramsList, formals(dFun))
    dParamsList$x = xVec
    yVec = do.call(dFun , dParamsList)
    histObj <- hist(x[, 1], plot = FALSE)
    if (missing(ylim)) {
        ylim <- range(histObj$density, yVec)
        ylim <- ylim + diff(ylim) * c(0, 0.05)
    par(mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0) + 0.1)
    par(oma = c(2, 4, 7, 4) + 0.1)
    do.call(hist, c(list(x[, 1], freq = FALSE, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, main = ""), parList))
    abline(h = 0, col = "gray")
    tempList = parList
    tempList$col = 1
    tempList$border = NULL
    do.call(box, tempList)
    lines(xVec, yVec, lwd = lineWidth, col = lineCol, lty = lineType)
    abline(v = usl, col = specCol, lwd = specWidth, lty = 5)
    abline(v = lsl, col = specCol, lwd = specWidth, lty = 5)
    abline(v = target, col = specCol, lwd = specWidth, lty = 5)
    if (!is.null(lsl)) 
        axis(side = 3, at = lsl, labels = paste("LSL =", format(lsl, digits = 3)), col = specCol)
    if (!is.null(usl)) 
        axis(side = 3, at = usl, labels = paste("USL =", format(usl, digits = 3)), col = specCol)
    if (!is.null(lsl) && !is.null(usl)) 
        axis(side = 3, at = c(lsl, usl), labels = c(paste("LSL =", format(lsl, digits = 3)), paste("USL =", 
            format(usl, digits = 3))), col = specCol)
    if (!is.null(target)) 
        text(target, max(ylim), "TARGET", pos = 1, col = cex.col, cex = cex.text)
    title(main = main, outer = TRUE)
  return(list(lambda = lambda, cp = cp, cpk = cpk, cpl = cpl, cpu = cpu,        ####
                   ppt = ppt, ppl = ppl, ppu = ppu, usl = usl,                  ####
                   lsl = lsl, target = target))                                 ####

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qualityTools documentation built on May 2, 2019, 10:21 a.m.