
Defines functions NegLogInt_Fn

Documented in NegLogInt_Fn

#' Perform SS implementation of Laplace Approximation
#' (Attempt to) perform the SS implementation of the Laplace Approximation
#' from Thorson, Hicks and Methot (2014) ICES J. Mar. Sci.
#' @param File Directory containing Stock Synthesis files
#' (e.g., "C:/Users/James Thorson/Desktop/")
#' @param Input_SD_Group_Vec Vector where each element is the standard deviation
#' for a group of random effects (e.g., a model with a single group of random
#' effects will have Input_SD_Group_Vec be a vector of length one)
#' @param CTL_linenum_List List (same length as `Input_SD_Group_Vec`),
#' where each
#' element is a vector giving the line number(s) for the random effect standard
#' deviation parameter or penalty in the CTL file (and where each line will
#' correspond to a 7-parameter or 14-parameter line).
#' @param ESTPAR_num_List List (same length as `Input_SD_Group_Vec`),
#' where each
#' element is a vector giving the parameter number for the random effect
#' coefficients in that group of random effects. These "parameter numbers"
#' correspond to the number of these parameters in the list of parameters in the
#' ".cor" output file.
#' @param PAR_num_Vec Vector giving the number in the ".par" vector for each
#' random effect coefficient.
#' @param Int_Group_List List where each element is a vector, providing a way of
#' grouping different random effect groups into a single category. Although
#' this input is still required, it is no has the former input Version has been
#' hardwired to Version = 1.
#' @param StartFromPar Logical flag (TRUE or FALSE) saying whether to start each
#' round of optimization from a ".par" file (I recommend TRUE)
#' @param Intern Logical flag saying whether to display all ss3 runtime output
#' in the R terminal
#' @param ReDoBiasRamp Logical flag saying whether to re-do the bias ramp
#' (using [SS_fitbiasramp()]) each time Stock Synthesis is run.
#' @param BiasRamp_linenum_Vec Vector giving the line numbers from the CTL file
#' that contain the information about the bias ramp.
#' @param CTL_linenum_Type Character vector (same length as
#' `Input_SD_Group_Vec`),
#' where each element is either "Short_Param", "Long_Penalty", "Long_Penalty".
#' Default is NULL, and if not explicitly specified the program will attempt to
#' detect these automatically based on the length of relevant lines from the CTL
#' file.
#' @param systemcmd Should R call SS using "system" function instead of "shell".
#' This may be required when running R in Emacs on Windows. Default = FALSE.
#' @param exe SS executable name (excluding extension), either "ss" or "ss3".
#' This string is used for both calling the executable and also finding the
#' output files like ss.par. For 3.30, it should always be "ss" since the
#' output file names are hardwired in the TPL code.
#' @seealso [read.admbFit()], [getADMBHessian()]
#' @author James Thorson
#' @export
#' @references Thorson, J.T., Hicks, A.C., and Methot, R.D. 2014. Random
#' effect estimation of time-varying factors in Stock Synthesis. ICES J. Mar.
#' Sci.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # need the full path because wd is changed in function
#' direc <- "C:/Models/LaplaceApprox/base"
#' if ("Optimization_record.txt" %in% list.files(direc)) {
#'   file.remove(file.path(direc, "Optimization_record.txt"))
#' }
#' Opt <- optimize(
#'   f = NegLogInt_Fn,
#'   interval = c(0.001, 0.12),
#'   maximum = FALSE,
#'   File = direc,
#'   Input_SD_Group_Vec = 1,
#'   CTL_linenum_List = list(127:131),
#'   ESTPAR_num_List = list(86:205),
#'   Int_Group_List = 1,
#'   PAR_num_Vec = NA,
#'   Intern = TRUE
#' )
#' }
NegLogInt_Fn <- function(File = NA, Input_SD_Group_Vec,
                         CTL_linenum_List, ESTPAR_num_List,
                         PAR_num_Vec, Int_Group_List = list(1),
                         StartFromPar = TRUE, Intern = TRUE,
                         ReDoBiasRamp = FALSE, BiasRamp_linenum_Vec = NULL,
                         CTL_linenum_Type = NULL, systemcmd = FALSE,
                         exe = "ss") {
  # test exe input
  if (!(exe == "ss" | exe == "ss3")) {
    # turns out 3.30 != "3.30" in R
    warning('exe inputs other than "ss" and "ss3" may not work')
  # frequently used files
  parfile <- paste0(exe, ".par")
  stdfile <- paste0(exe, ".std")
  corfile <- paste0(exe, ".cor")

  # this should always be "windows" or "unix" (includes Mac and Linux)
  OS <- .Platform[["OS.type"]]

  # Directory
  if (is.na(File)) {
    File <- getwd()

  if ("Iteration.txt" %in% list.files(File)) {
    Iteration <- read.table(file = file.path(File, "Iteration.txt"))[[1]]
  } else {
    Iteration <- 0

  # Error messages
  if (ReDoBiasRamp == TRUE & is.null(BiasRamp_linenum_Vec)) {
    stop("If ReDoBiasRamp==TRUE, then BiasRamp_linenum_Vec must be specified")

  # Make sure print is high enough for when passing values to ADMB
  options(digits = 15)

  # Iteration tracker (previously set as a global variable)
  Iteration <- Iteration + 1
  #  writing Iteration to a file to avoid CRAN rules about global variables
  write(Iteration, file = file.path(File, "Iteration.txt"))
  #  alternative method would be to read it out of Optimization_record.txt using code
  #  like the following:
  #    record <- readLines(OptRecord)
  #    Iterations <- as.numeric(substring(record[grep("Iteration",record)],11))
  #    Iteration <- max(Iterations)

  # Transform parameter vector
  SD_Group_Vec <- Input_SD_Group_Vec

  # Modify inputs when necessary
  if (is.null(CTL_linenum_Type)) {
    CTL_linenum_Type <- rep(NA, length(SD_Group_Vec))

  # define some filenames with full path
  OptRecord <- file.path(File, "Optimization_record.txt")
  ParFile <- file.path(File, parfile)

  # Write record to file (part 1)
  if (!("Optimization_record.txt" %in% list.files(File))) {
    write("Start optimization",
      file = OptRecord,
      append = FALSE
  write("", file = OptRecord, append = TRUE)
  write(date(), file = OptRecord, append = TRUE)
  write(paste("Iteration", Iteration),
    file = OptRecord,
    append = TRUE
  write(paste("SD_Group_Vec", paste(SD_Group_Vec, collapse = " ")),
    file = OptRecord, append = TRUE

  # If .par is availabile from the last iteration then use it as starting point
  STARTER <- SS_readstarter(file.path(File, "starter.ss"), verbose = FALSE)
  if (StartFromPar == TRUE &&
    paste0(exe, "_", Iteration - 1, ".par") %in% list.files(File)) {
    STARTER[["init_values_src"]] <- 1
    PAR_0 <- scan(file.path(File, paste0(exe, "_", Iteration - 1, ".par")),
      comment.char = "#", quiet = TRUE
  } else {
    STARTER[["init_values_src"]] <- 0
  SS_writestarter(STARTER, dir = File, file = "starter.ss", overwrite = TRUE, verbose = FALSE)

  # Read CTL
  CTL <- readLines(file.path(File, STARTER[["ctlfile"]]))
  # Modify CTL
  for (ParI in 1:length(SD_Group_Vec)) {
    for (CtlLineI in 1:length(CTL_linenum_List[[ParI]])) {
      Temp <- as.vector(unlist(sapply(CTL[CTL_linenum_List[[ParI]][CtlLineI]],
        FUN = function(Char) {
          strsplit(Char, " ")[[1]]
      # Temp <- sapply(CTL[CTL_linenum_List[[ParI]][CtlLineI]]," ", FUN=strsplit)[[1]]
      Temp <- as.vector(unlist(sapply(Temp, FUN = function(Char) {
        strsplit(Char, "\t")[[1]]
      Temp <- Temp[which(Temp != "")]
      if (length(grep("#", Temp)) >= 1) {
        Temp <- Temp[-(grep("#", Temp):length(Temp))]
      Temp <- as.numeric(Temp)
      # print(Temp)
      # print(CTL_linenum_Type[ParI])
      if (is.na(CTL_linenum_Type[ParI])) {
        if (length(Temp) == 7) {
          CTL_linenum_Type[ParI] <- "Short_Param"
        if (length(Temp) == 14) {
          CTL_linenum_Type[ParI] <- "Long_Penalty"
      if (CTL_linenum_Type[ParI] %in% c("Short_Param", "Long_Param")) {
        Temp[3] <- SD_Group_Vec[ParI]
        Temp[7] <- -1 * abs(Temp[7])
        # Modify values of PAR file for short-line values
        if ("PAR_0" %in% ls()) {
          PAR_0[PAR_num_Vec[ParI]] <- SD_Group_Vec[ParI]
        # if(ParI==2){
        #  assign("Temp", value=Temp, envir=.GlobalEnv)
        #  stop()
        # }
      if (CTL_linenum_Type[ParI] == "Long_Penalty") {
        Temp[12] <- SD_Group_Vec[ParI]
      CTL[CTL_linenum_List[[ParI]][CtlLineI]] <- paste(Temp, collapse = " ")
      # if(ParI==2){
      # assign("Temp", value=Temp, envir=.GlobalEnv)
      # stop()
      # }
  # assign("CTL", value=CTL, envir=.GlobalEnv)
  # stop()
  # Write CTL
  writeLines(CTL, file.path(File, STARTER[["ctlfile"]]))
  if ("PAR_0" %in% ls()) {
    write(PAR_0, file = ParFile, ncolumns = 10)

  # Run SS
  command <- paste0(exe, " -nohess -cbs 500000000 -gbs 500000000")
  if (OS != "Windows") {
    command <- paste0("./", command)
  if (OS == "Windows" & !systemcmd) {
    shell(cmd = command, intern = Intern)
  } else {
    system(command, intern = Intern)

  # Check convergence
  Converged <- FALSE
  if (parfile %in% list.files(File)) {
    # Move PAR files
      from = ParFile,
      to = file.path(File, paste0(exe, "_", Iteration, "-first.par"))
    # Read and check
    PAR <- scan(file.path(File, paste0(exe, "_", Iteration, "-first.par")),
      what = "character", quiet = TRUE
    if (ifelse(is.na(as.numeric(PAR[11])), FALSE, as.numeric(PAR[16]) < 1)) {
      Converged <- TRUE
    } else {
      write(paste0("*** Optimization ", 1, " didn't converge ***"),
        file = OptRecord, append = TRUE

  # Try re-running with default starting values
  if (Converged == FALSE) {
    # Change starter to take PAR file
    STARTER <- SS_readstarter(file.path(File, "starter.ss"), verbose = FALSE)
    STARTER[["init_values_src"]] <- 1
    SS_writestarter(STARTER, dir = File, file = "starter.ss", overwrite = TRUE, verbose = FALSE)
    # Loop through all previous start values
    PreviousIteration <- 0
    while (Converged == FALSE & PreviousIteration <= Iteration) {
      # Read in original estimate
      if (PreviousIteration == 0) {
        PAR_0 <- scan(file.path(File, paste0(exe, "_", PreviousIteration, ".par")),
          comment.char = "#", quiet = TRUE
      if (PreviousIteration >= 1 & PreviousIteration < Iteration) {
        PAR_0 <- scan(file.path(File, paste0(exe, "_", PreviousIteration, "-first.par")),
          comment.char = "#", quiet = TRUE
      if (PreviousIteration == Iteration & paste0(exe, "_init.par") %in% list.files(File)) {
        PAR_0 <- scan(file.path(File, paste0(exe, "_init.par")), comment.char = "#", quiet = TRUE)
      # Modify values of PAR file for short-line values
      for (ParI in 1:length(SD_Group_Vec)) {
        if (length(Temp) == 7) {
          if ("PAR_0" %in% ls()) {
            PAR_0[PAR_num_Vec[ParI]] <- SD_Group_Vec[ParI]
      if ("PAR_0" %in% ls()) {
        write(PAR_0, file = ParFile, ncolumns = 10)
      # Run SS
      command <- paste0(exe, " -nohess -cbs 500000000 -gbs 500000000")
      if (OS != "Windows") {
        command <- paste0("./", command)
      if (OS == "Windows" & !systemcmd) {
        shell(cmd = command, intern = Intern)
      } else {
        system(command, intern = Intern)
      # Check convergence
      if (parfile %in% list.files(File)) {
        # Move PAR files
          from = ParFile,
          to = file.path(File, paste0(exe, "_", Iteration, "-first.par")),
          overwrite = TRUE
        # Read and check
        PAR <- scan(file.path(File, paste0(exe, "_", Iteration, "-first.par")),
          what = "character", quiet = TRUE
        if (ifelse(is.na(as.numeric(PAR[11])), FALSE, as.numeric(PAR[16]) < 1)) {
          Converged <- TRUE
            "*** Optimization ", 2, "-", PreviousIteration,
            " did converge ***"
          file = OptRecord, append = TRUE
        } else {
            "*** Optimization ", 2, "-", PreviousIteration,
            " didn't converge ***"
          file = OptRecord, append = TRUE
      # Increment
      PreviousIteration <- PreviousIteration + 1

  # Only calculate Integral if model is converged
  if (Converged == TRUE) {
    # Re-run to get Hessian
    STARTER <- SS_readstarter(file.path(File, "starter.ss"), verbose = FALSE)
    STARTER[["init_values_src"]] <- 1
      dir = File, file = "starter.ss", overwrite = TRUE,
      verbose = FALSE
      from = file.path(File, paste0(exe, "_", Iteration, "-first.par")),
      to = ParFile, overwrite = TRUE
    if (file.exists(file.path(File, stdfile))) {
      file.remove(file.path(File, stdfile))
    command <- paste0(exe, " -maxfn 0 -cbs 500000000 -gbs 500000000")
    if (OS != "Windows") {
      command <- paste0("./", command)
    if (OS == "Windows" & !systemcmd) {
      shell(cmd = command, intern = Intern)
    } else {
      system(command, intern = Intern)

    # Estimate new bias ramp
    if (ReDoBiasRamp == TRUE &
      stdfile %in% list.files(File) &
      file.info(file.path(File, stdfile))$size > 0) {
      # try reading output
      SsOutput <- try(SS_output(File, covar = TRUE, forecast = FALSE, verbose = F, printstats = F), silent = TRUE)
      if (inherits(SsOutput, "try-error")) {
        BiasRamp <- SS_fitbiasramp(SsOutput, altmethod = "psoptim", print = FALSE, plot = FALSE)
        file.remove(file.path(File, stdfile))
        # Put into CTL
        CTL <- readLines(file.path(File, STARTER[["ctlfile"]]))
        CTL[BiasRamp_linenum_Vec] <- apply(BiasRamp[["df"]], MARGIN = 1, FUN = paste, collapse = " ")
        writeLines(CTL, file.path(File, STARTER[["ctlfile"]]))
        # Re-run to get Hessian
        command <- "ss3 -cbs 500000000 -gbs 500000000"
        if (OS != "Windows") {
          command <- paste0("./", command)
        if (OS == "Windows" & !systemcmd) {
          shell(cmd = command, intern = Intern)
        } else {
          system(command, intern = Intern)

  # Check for STD
  Converged <- FALSE
  if (stdfile %in% list.files(File) & file.info(file.path(File, stdfile))$size > 0) {
    Converged <- TRUE

  # If STD exists, then approximate marginal likelihood
  if (Converged == TRUE) {
    # Save objects for replicating analysis
      from = ParFile,
      to = file.path(File, paste0(exe, "_", Iteration, ".par"))
      from = file.path(File, stdfile),
      to = file.path(File, paste0(exe, "_", Iteration, ".std"))
      from = file.path(File, corfile),
      to = file.path(File, paste0(exe, "_", Iteration, ".cor"))
      from = file.path(File, "admodel.hes"),
      to = file.path(File, paste0("admodel_", Iteration, ".hes"))
      from = file.path(File, "Report.sso"),
      to = file.path(File, paste0("Report_", Iteration, ".sso"))
      from = file.path(File, STARTER[["datfile"]]),
      to = file.path(File, paste0(STARTER[["datfile"]], "_", Iteration, ".dat"))
      from = file.path(File, STARTER[["ctlfile"]]),
      to = file.path(File, paste0(STARTER[["ctlfile"]], "_", Iteration, ".ctl"))

    # Read in some stuff
    STD <- scan(file.path(File, paste0(exe, "_", Iteration, ".std")),
      what = "character", quiet = TRUE
    STD <- data.frame(matrix(STD[-c(1:(which(STD == "1")[1] - 1))], ncol = 4, byrow = TRUE),
      stringsAsFactors = FALSE
    PAR <- scan(file.path(File, paste0(exe, "_", Iteration, ".par")),
      comment.char = "#", quiet = TRUE
    DIAG <- read.admbFit(file.path(File, paste0(exe, "_", Iteration)))
    HESS <- getADMBHessian(File = File, FileName = paste0("admodel_", Iteration, ".hes"))
    # Calculate Hessian
    cov <- corpcor::pseudoinverse(HESS[["hes"]])
    scale <- HESS[["scale"]]
    cov.bounded <- cov * (scale %o% scale)
    # se <- sqrt(diag(cov.bounded))
    # cor <- cov.bounded/(se %o% se)
    Hess <- corpcor::pseudoinverse(cov.bounded)

    # Confirm that correct parameters are being included in Hessian
    if (Iteration == 1) {
        file = OptRecord, append = TRUE
      for (IntI in 1:length(Int_Group_List)) {
        Temp <- unlist(ESTPAR_num_List[Int_Group_List[[IntI]]])
        write(paste("Group", IntI),
          file = OptRecord,
          append = TRUE
        write.table(STD[Temp, ],
          file = OptRecord,
          append = TRUE, col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE

    # Calculate NLL (while adding in constant of integration for random-walk coefficients)
    NLL <- DIAG[["nloglike"]]
    for (ParI in 1:length(SD_Group_Vec)) {
      # Add in constant of integration for "Long_Penalty" parameters
      if (CTL_linenum_Type[ParI] == "Long_Penalty") {
        NLL <- NLL + -1 * (-log(2 * pi) / 2 - log(SD_Group_Vec[ParI])) * length(ESTPAR_num_List[[ParI]])
    # Add in constant of proportionality for recruitment (i.e. to account for
    # Rick's bias-correction ramp)
    BiasAdj <- readLines(file.path(File, paste0("Report_", Iteration, ".sso")))
    # starting with 3.24U, a new output was added 3 lines after SPAWN_RECRUIT
    if (grep("Bmsy/Bzero", BiasAdj[pmatch("SPAWN_RECRUIT", BiasAdj) + 3]) == 1) {
      shift <- 8
    } else {
      shift <- 7
    BiasAdjStart <- pmatch("SPAWN_RECRUIT", BiasAdj) + shift
    BiasAdjTable <- read.table(file.path(File, paste0("Report_", Iteration, ".sso")),
      header = TRUE, nrows = 2, skip = BiasAdjStart, comment.char = "#"
    SigmaR <- as.numeric(strsplit(BiasAdj[BiasAdjStart - 4], " ")[[1]][1])
    # Deal with eras
    RecDevPen <- matrix(NA, nrow = 3, ncol = 2, dimnames = list(
      c("Early", "Main", "Forecast"),
      c("negative-Rick", "full")
    # Deal with early era
    RecDevPen["Early", "full"] <- -1 * (-log(SigmaR) * BiasAdjTable[2, 2])
    RecDevPen["Early", "negative-Rick"] <- -log(SigmaR) * BiasAdjTable[2, 2] * BiasAdjTable[2, 5]
    # Deal with main era
    RecDevPen["Main", "full"] <- -1 * (-log(SigmaR) * BiasAdjTable[1, 2])
    RecDevPen["Main", "negative-Rick"] <- -log(SigmaR) * BiasAdjTable[1, 2] * BiasAdjTable[1, 5]
    # Deal with forecast era
    RecDevPen["Forecast", "full"] <- -1 * (-log(SigmaR) * length(which(STD[, 2] == "Fcast_recruitments")))
    RecDevPen["Forecast", "negative-Rick"] <- 0
    # Add into NLL and record
    NLL <- NLL + sum(RecDevPen)
    write.table(RecDevPen, file = file.path(File, paste0(exe, "_", Iteration, ".pen")))
    write(c("", "sum(RecDevPen) = ", sum(RecDevPen)),
      file = file.path(File, paste0(exe, "_", Iteration, ".pen")), append = TRUE

    # Approximate integral using Laplace Approximation
    Int_num_List <- vector("list", length = length(Int_Group_List))
    LnDet <- rep(0, length(Int_Group_List))
    for (IntI in 1:length(Int_Group_List)) {
      # Only calculate if necessary
      if (length(unlist(ESTPAR_num_List[Int_Group_List[[IntI]]])) > 0) {
        # Determine indices for integral
        Int_num_List[[IntI]] <- unlist(ESTPAR_num_List[Int_Group_List[[IntI]]])

        # Version 1 -- use full hessian
        if (IntI == 1) {
          LnDet[IntI] <- determinant(Hess, logarithm = TRUE)$modulus[[1]]
        if (IntI >= 2) LnDet[IntI] <- 0

        #### alternative versions taken out based on recommendation from Jim Thorson
        ## #Version 5 -- use back-transformed hessian, use subset
        ## if(Version==5){
        ##   #Hess2 <- cov * solve(scale %o% scale)
        ##   #Which2 <- 38 + 1:46
        ##   LnDet[IntI] <- determinant(Hess[Int_num_List[[IntI]],Int_num_List[[IntI]]],
        ##            logarithm=TRUE)$modulus[[1]]
        ## }
        ## #Version 6 -- use subset of covariance calculated from COR file
        ## if(Version==6){
        ##   Cov <- DIAG[["cov"]]
        ##   LnDet[IntI] <- -1 * determinant(Cov[Int_num_List[[IntI]],Int_num_List[[IntI]]],
        ##                                  logarithm=TRUE)$modulus[[1]]
        ## }

    # Calculate combined objective function
    Ln_Integral <- log(2 * pi) + (-1 / 2) * sum(LnDet) + -1 * NLL
    # Integral <- 2*pi * sqrt(1/exp(LnDet)) * exp(-NLL)

    # Write record to file (part 2)
    write(paste("LnLike", -NLL),
      file = OptRecord,
      append = TRUE
    write(paste("NegLnDet", paste(-LnDet, collapse = " ")),
      file = OptRecord, append = TRUE
  } else {
    # Indicate that this model didn't converge
    if ("ss3.par" %in% list.files(File)) file.remove(ParFile)
    Ln_Integral <- -1e10 * sum(SD_Group_Vec)
  write(paste("Ln_Integral", Ln_Integral),
    file = OptRecord, append = TRUE

  return(-1 * Ln_Integral)

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