
Defines functions translate_3.30_to_3.24_Q_setup translate_3.30_to_3.24_var_adjust get_tv_parlabs SS_readctl_3.30

Documented in get_tv_parlabs SS_readctl_3.30 translate_3.30_to_3.24_Q_setup translate_3.30_to_3.24_var_adjust

#' read control file from SS version 3.30
#' Read Stock Synthesis (version 3.30) control file into list object in R.
#' This function should be called from SS_readctl.
#' @template file
#' @param version Deprecated. SS version number. Currently only "3.24" or "3.30" are supported,
#' either as character or numeric values (noting that numeric 3.30  = 3.3).
#' @template readctl_vars
#' @param Nfleets number of fishery and survey fleets in the model. This information is also not
#'  explicitly available in control file
#' @param catch_mult_fleets integer vector of fleets using the catch multiplier
#'   option. Defaults to NULL and should be left as such if 1) the catch
#'   multiplier option is not used for any fleets or 2) use_datlist = TRUE and
#'   datlist is specified.
#' @param predM_fleets integer vector of fleets with predator mortality included.
#'  Predator mortality fleets are only available in v3.30.18 and
#'  higher. Defaults to NULL and should be left as such if 1) predation mortality
#'  is not used for any fleets; 2) use_datlist = TRUE and datlist is specified;
#'  or 3) if comments in the control file should be used instead to determine
#'  the the predM_fleets.
#' @param Ntag_fleets The number of catch fleets in the model (fleets of )
#'  type 1 or 2; not surveys). Used to set the number of survey parameters.
#'  Only used if tagging data is in the model and `use_datlist` is FALSE.
#' @param N_rows_equil_catch Integer value of the number of parameter lines to
#'  read for equilibrium catch. Defaults to NULL, which means the function will
#'  attempt to figure out how many lines of equilibrium catch to read from the
#'  control file comments.
#' @param N_dirichlet_parms Integer value of the number of Dirichlet multinomial
#' parameters. Defaults to 0.
#' @author Neil Klaer, Yukio Takeuchi, Watal M. Iwasaki, and Kathryn Doering
#' @export
#' @seealso [SS_readctl()], [SS_readdat()]
#' [SS_readdat_3.24()],[SS_readdat_3.30()]
#' [SS_readctl_3.24()],
#' [SS_readstarter()], [SS_readforecast()],
#' [SS_writestarter()],
#' [SS_writeforecast()], [SS_writedat()]
SS_readctl_3.30 <- function(file, verbose = FALSE, echoall = lifecycle::deprecated(),
                            version = lifecycle::deprecated(),
                            use_datlist = TRUE,
                            datlist = "data.ss_new",
                            ## Parameters that are not defined in control file
                            nseas = NULL,
                            N_areas = NULL,
                            Nages = NULL,
                            Ngenders = lifecycle::deprecated(),
                            Nsexes = NULL,
                            Npopbins = NULL,
                            Nfleets = NULL,
                            Ntag_fleets = NULL,
                            Do_AgeKey = NULL,
                            N_tag_groups = NULL,
                            catch_mult_fleets = NULL,
                            predM_fleets = NULL,
                            N_rows_equil_catch = NULL,
                            N_dirichlet_parms = NULL) {

  # deprecated variable warnings -----
  # soft deprecated for now, but fully deprecate in the future.
  if (lifecycle::is_present(echoall)) {
      when = "1.41.1",
      what = "SS_readctl_3.30(echoall)"
  if (lifecycle::is_present(version)) { # deprecated b/c it is unnecessary.
      when = "1.41.1",
      what = "SS_readctl_3.30(version)"

  version <- "3.30"

  if (lifecycle::is_present(Ngenders)) {
      when = "1.41.1",
      what = "SS_readctl_3.30(Ngenders)",
      details = "Please use Nsexes instead. Ability to use Ngenders will be dropped in next release."
    Nsexes <- Ngenders

  # function to read Stock Synthesis data files

  if (verbose) cat("running SS_readctl_3.30\n")
  dat <- readLines(file, warn = FALSE)
  ctl_with_cmts <- dat # save original read in file with commemts
  Comments <- get_comments(dat)
  # End of codes to obtain Comments
  nver <- as.numeric(substring(version, 1, 4))
  # parse all the numeric values into a long vector (allnums)
  temp <- strsplit(dat[2], " ")[[1]][1]
  if (!is.na(temp) && temp == "Start_time:") dat <- dat[-(1:2)]

  allnums <- NULL
  for (i in seq_len(length(dat))) {
    # First split between input and comments
    mysplit <- strsplit(dat[i], split = "#")[[1]]
    if (!is.na(mysplit[1])) {
      # split along blank spaces
      mysplit <- strsplit(mysplit[1], split = "[[:blank:]]+")[[1]]
      mysplit <- mysplit[mysplit != ""]
      # convert to numeric
      nums <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(mysplit))
      nums <- nums[!is.na(nums)]
      # append new values to allnums vector
      if (length(nums) > 0) {
        allnums <- c(allnums, nums)

  # internally used fun definitions ----
  # Function to add vector to ctllist

  add_vec <- function(ctllist, length, name, comments = NULL) {
    i <- ctllist$".i"
    dat <- ctllist$".dat"
    ctllist[["temp"]] <- dat[i + 1:length - 1]
    ctllist$".i" <- i + length
    if (is.null(comments)) {
      names(ctllist[["temp"]]) <- paste0(paste0(name, "_", collapse = ""), 1:length)
    } else {
      names(ctllist[["temp"]]) <- comments
    if (!is.na(name)) names(ctllist)[names(ctllist) == "temp"] <- name
    if (verbose) {
      cat(name, ",i=", ctllist$".i", "\n")

  find.index <- function(dat, ind, str) {
    ## Find the first line at position ind or later that
    ## contains the string str and return the index of that
    ## line. If the end of the data is reached, an error
    ## will be shown.
    while (ind < length(dat) & !length(grep(str, dat[ind]))) {
      ind <- ind + 1
    if (ind == length(dat)) {
        "SS_readctl_3.30-find.index: Error - ",
        "the value of ", str, " was not found. ",
        "Check the control file and make sure all ",
        "data frames are correctly formed.\n"

  # Function to add data as data.frame to ctllist
  add_df <- function(ctllist, nrows = NULL, ncol, col.names, name, comments = NULL) {
    i <- ctllist$".i"
    dat <- ctllist$".dat"
    if (is.null(nrows)) {
      end.ind <- find.index(dat, i, "-9999")
      nrow <- as.integer((end.ind - i) / ncol)
      if (nrow == 0) # there isn't any data so just return
          ctllist$".i" <- ctllist$".i" + ncol
    } else {
      nrow <- nrows

    k <- nrow * ncol

    df0 <- as.data.frame(matrix(dat[i + 1:k - 1], nrow = nrow, ncol = ncol, byrow = TRUE))
    colnames(df0) <- col.names
    if (is.null(comments)) {
      rownames(df0) <- paste0(paste0(name, collapse = ""), 1:nrow)
    } else {
      rownames(df0) <- comments
    i <- i + k

    if (is.null(nrows)) i <- i + ncol

    ctllist[["temp"]] <- df0
    ctllist$".i" <- i
    if (!is.na(name)) names(ctllist)[names(ctllist) == "temp"] <- name
    if (verbose) {
      cat(name, ",i=", ctllist$".i", "\n")
      print(ctllist[[which(names(ctllist) == name)]])

  ## function to add an element to ctllist
  add_elem <- function(ctllist = NA, name) {
    i <- ctllist$".i"
    dat <- ctllist$".dat"
    ctllist[["temp"]] <- dat[i]
    ctllist$".i" <- i + 1
    if (!is.na(name)) names(ctllist)[names(ctllist) == "temp"] <- name
    if (verbose) cat(name, ",i=", ctllist$".i", " ;", ctllist[[which(names(ctllist) == name)]], "\n")

  ## function to add list  to ctllist
  add_list <- function(ctllist = NA, name, length, length_each) {
    i <- ctllist$".i"
    dat <- ctllist$".dat"
    ctllist[["temp"]] <- list()
    for (j in seq_len(length)) {
      ctllist[["temp"]][[j]] <- dat[i + 1:length_each[j] - 1]
      i <- i + length_each[j]
    ctllist$".i" <- i
    if (!is.null(name)) names(ctllist)[names(ctllist) == "temp"] <- name
    if (verbose) cat(name, ",i=", ctllist$".i", "\n")

  # internally used commmon values ----
  lng_par_colnames <- c(
    "LO", "HI", "INIT", "PRIOR", "PR_SD", "PR_type", "PHASE",
    "env_var&link", "dev_link", "dev_minyr", "dev_maxyr", "dev_PH",
    "Block", "Block_Fxn"
  srt_par_colnames <- c("LO", "HI", "INIT", "PRIOR", "PR_SD", "PR_type", "PHASE")

  # setup ----
  # set initial position in the vector of numeric values
  i <- 1
  # create empty list to store quantities
  ctllist <- list()
  ctllist$".i" <- i
  ctllist$".dat" <- allnums
  ctllist[["warnings"]] <- ""
  ctllist[["Comments"]] <- Comments
  if (!use_datlist) {
    ctllist[["nseas"]] <- nseas
    ctllist[["N_areas"]] <- N_areas
    ctllist[["Nages"]] <- Nages
    ctllist[["Nsexes"]] <- Nsexes
    ctllist[["Npopbins"]] <- Npopbins
    ctllist[["Nfleets"]] <- Nfleets
    ctllist[["Do_AgeKey"]] <- Do_AgeKey
    ctllist[["N_tag_groups"]] <- N_tag_groups
    fleetnames <- paste0("FL", 1:Nfleets)

    ctllist[["fleetnames"]] <- fleetnames
  } else {
    if (is.character(datlist)) {
      if (!file.exists(datlist)) {
        stop("Cannot find data file specified in datlist: ", datlist)
      datlist <- SS_readdat(file = datlist, version = "3.30", verbose = verbose)
    if (is.null(datlist)) stop("datlist from SS_readdat is needed if use_datlist is TRUE")
    ctllist[["nseas"]] <- nseas <- datlist[["nseas"]]
    ctllist[["N_areas"]] <- N_areas <- datlist[["N_areas"]]
    ctllist[["Nages"]] <- Nages <- datlist[["Nages"]]
    ctllist[["Nsexes"]] <- Nsexes <- datlist[["Ngenders"]] # note: change this line if datlist[["Nsexes"]] used instead
    if (datlist[["lbin_method"]] == 1) {
      ctllist[["Npopbins"]] <- Npopbins <- datlist[["N_lbins"]] # b/c method 1 uses data length bins
    } else if (datlist[["lbin_method"]] == 2) {
      # calculate number of bins (max Lread - min Lread)/(bin width) + 1.
      # formula according to SS manual.
      ctllist[["Npopbins"]] <- Npopbins <-
        (datlist[["maximum_size"]] - datlist[["minimum_size"]]) / (datlist[["binwidth"]]) + 1
    } else if (datlist[["lbin_method"]] == 3) {
      ctllist[["Npopbins"]] <- Npopbins <- datlist[["N_lbinspop"]] # read actual input
    } else {
        "datlist[['lbin_method']] is ", datlist[["lbin_method"]], "but only can be 1",
        ", 2, or 3."
    ctllist[["Nfleets"]] <- Nfleets <- datlist[["Nfleets"]]
    # ctllist[["Nsurveys"]]<-Nsurveys<-datlist[["Nsurveys"]]
    # short circuit logic to avoid error if it is null.
    if (!is.null(datlist[["N_ageerror_definition"]]) &&
      datlist[["N_ageerror_definition"]] > 0) {
      ctllist[["Do_AgeKey"]] <- ifelse(
        any(datlist[["ageerror"]][1:(nrow(datlist[["ageerror"]]) / 2) * 2, 1] < 0), 1, 0
    } else {
      ctllist[["Do_AgeKey"]] <- 0
    ctllist[["N_tag_groups"]] <- N_tag_groups <- datlist[["N_tag_groups"]]
    ctllist[["fleetnames"]] <- fleetnames <- datlist[["fleetnames"]]
    Ntag_fleets <- length(which(datlist[["fleetinfo"]][["type"]] < 3))
  # specifications ----
  ctllist[["sourcefile"]] <- file
  ctllist[["type"]] <- "Stock_Synthesis_control_file"
  ctllist[["ReadVersion"]] <- "3.30"

  ctllist[["eof"]] <- FALSE

  if (verbose) cat("SS_readctl_3.30 - read version = ", ctllist[["ReadVersion"]], "\n")
  # beginning of ctl ----
  # weight at age option
  ctllist <- add_elem(ctllist, "EmpiricalWAA")

  # model dimensions
  ctllist <- add_elem(ctllist, "N_GP")

  ctllist <- add_elem(ctllist, "N_platoon")
  if (ctllist[["N_platoon"]] > 1) {
    ctllist <- add_elem(ctllist, "sd_ratio")
    ctllist <- add_vec(ctllist, name = "submorphdist", length = ctllist[["N_platoon"]])

  # recruitment timing and distribution ----
  ctllist <- add_elem(ctllist, "recr_dist_method")
  if (ctllist[["recr_dist_method"]] == "1") {
    warning("recr_dist_method 1 should not be used in SS version 3.30. Please use 2, 3, or 4. \n")
  if (ctllist[["recr_dist_method"]] == "4" && (ctllist[["N_GP"]] != 1 || ctllist[["N_areas"]] != 1)) {
    stop("recr_dist_method 4 should only be used when GPxSettlementxArea=1. \n")

  ctllist <- add_elem(ctllist, "recr_global_area")

  ctllist <- add_elem(ctllist, "recr_dist_read")
  recr_dist_read <- ctllist[["recr_dist_read"]]
  ctllist <- add_elem(ctllist, "recr_dist_inx") # recruitment interaction requested
  if (ctllist[["recr_dist_inx"]] > 0) {
    # give warning but don't stop for now
    warning("Recr_dist_inx should not be used in SS version 3.30. Please set to 0. \n")
  ctllist <- add_df(ctllist, "recr_dist_pattern",
    nrow = recr_dist_read, ncol = 4,
    col.names = c("GPattern", "month", "area", "age")
  # movement ----
  if (ctllist[["N_areas"]] > 1) {
    ctllist <- add_elem(ctllist, "N_moveDef") # _N_movement_definitions goes here if N_areas > 1
    if (ctllist[["N_moveDef"]] > 0) {
      ctllist <- add_elem(ctllist, "firstAgeMove") # _first age that moves (real age at begin of season, not integer) also cond on do_migration>0
      ctllist <- add_df(ctllist, "moveDef", nrow = ctllist[["N_moveDef"]], ncol = 6, col.names = c("seas", "morph", "source", "dest", "age", "age2"))
  # block setup ----
  ctllist <- add_elem(ctllist, "N_Block_Designs") # _Nblock_Patterns
  if (ctllist[["N_Block_Designs"]] > 0) {
    ctllist <- add_vec(ctllist, name = "blocks_per_pattern", length = ctllist[["N_Block_Designs"]])
    # _blocks_per_pattern
    # begin and end years of blocks
    ctllist <- add_list(ctllist,
      name = "Block_Design", length = ctllist[["N_Block_Designs"]],
      length_each = ctllist[["blocks_per_pattern"]] * 2
  # timevary ctls ----
  ctllist <- add_elem(ctllist, "time_vary_adjust_method")
  ctllist <- add_vec(ctllist, name = "time_vary_auto_generation", length = 5)
  # MG setup ----
  # M setup ----
  ctllist <- add_elem(ctllist, "natM_type") # _natM_type
  if (ctllist[["natM_type"]] == 0) {
    N_natMparms <- 1
  } else if (ctllist[["natM_type"]] == 1) {
    ctllist <- add_elem(ctllist, name = "N_natM") # _Number of M_segments
    ctllist <- add_vec(ctllist, name = "M_ageBreakPoints", length = ctllist[["N_natM"]]) # age(real) at M breakpoints
    N_natMparms <- ctllist[["N_natM"]]
  } else if (ctllist[["natM_type"]] == 2) {
    N_natMparms <- 1
    ctllist <- add_elem(ctllist, name = "Lorenzen_refage") ## Reference age for Lorenzen M
  } else if (ctllist[["natM_type"]] %in% c(3, 4)) {
    N_natMparms <- 0
    ctllist <- add_df(ctllist, name = "natM", nrow = ctllist[["N_GP"]] * abs(ctllist[["Nsexes"]]), ncol = Nages + 1, col.names = paste0("Age_", 0:Nages))
  } else {
    stop("natM_type =", ctllist[["natM_type"]], " is not yet implemented in this script")
  if (verbose) message("N_natMparms =", N_natMparms, "\n")

  # growth setup ----
  ctllist <- add_elem(ctllist, name = "GrowthModel")
  # GrowthModel: 1=vonBert with L1&L2; 2=Richards with L1&L2; 3=age_specific_K; 4=not implemented
  ctllist <- add_elem(ctllist, name = "Growth_Age_for_L1") # _Growth_Age_for_L1
  ctllist <- add_elem(ctllist, name = "Growth_Age_for_L2") # _Growth_Age_for_L2 (999 to use as Linf)
  ctllist <- add_elem(ctllist, name = "Exp_Decay") # Exponential decay for growth above maximum age
  ctllist <- add_elem(ctllist, name = "Growth_Placeholder") # _for_future_use
  if (ctllist[["GrowthModel"]] %in% c(3, 4, 5)) {
    ctllist <- add_elem(ctllist, name = "N_ageK")

  if (ctllist[["GrowthModel"]] == 1) # 1=vonBert with L1&L2
      N_growparms <- 5
    } else if (ctllist[["GrowthModel"]] %in% c(2, 8)) # 2=Richards with L1&L2, growth cess.
      N_growparms <- 6
    } else if (ctllist[["GrowthModel"]] %in% c(3, 4, 5)) { # 3,4=age_specific_K
    Age_K_count <- ctllist[["N_ageK"]]
    N_growparms <- 5 + Age_K_count
    ctllist <- add_vec(ctllist, name = "Age_K_points", length = Age_K_count)
    #  points at which age-specific multipliers to K will be applied
  } else {
    stop("Growth Model ", ctllist[["GrowthModel"]], " is not supported yet")
  MGparm_per_def <- N_natMparms + N_growparms
  ctllist[["N_natMparms"]] <- N_natMparms
  # Add growth inputs that all growth types have:
  ctllist <- add_elem(ctllist, name = "SD_add_to_LAA") # _SD_add_to_LAA (set to 0.1 for SS2 V1.x compatibility)
  ctllist <- add_elem(ctllist, name = "CV_Growth_Pattern")

  # maturity and MG options setup ----
  ctllist <- add_elem(ctllist, name = "maturity_option")
  # _maturity_option:  1=length logistic; 2=age logistic; 3=read age-maturity by GP; 4=read age-fecundity by GP; 5=read fec and wt from wtatage.ss; 6=read length-maturity by GP
  if (ctllist[["maturity_option"]] %in% c(3, 4)) {
    ctllist <- add_df(ctllist, name = "Age_Maturity", nrow = ctllist[["N_GP"]], ncol = Nages + 1, col.names = paste0("Age_", 0:Nages))
  } else if (ctllist[["maturity_option"]] == 6) {
    ctllist <- add_df(ctllist, name = "Length_Maturity", nrow = ctllist[["N_GP"]], ncol = Npopbins, col.names = paste0("Len_", 1:Npopbins))

  ctllist <- add_elem(ctllist, "First_Mature_Age") # _First_Mature_Age
  ctllist <- add_elem(ctllist, "fecundity_option") # _fecundity_option
  ctllist <- add_elem(ctllist, "hermaphroditism_option") # _hermaphroditism_option
  if (ctllist[["hermaphroditism_option"]] != 0) {
    ctllist <- add_elem(ctllist, "Herm_season") # _Hermaphroditism_season
    ctllist <- add_elem(ctllist, "Herm_MalesInSSB") # _Hermaphroditism_males_in_SSB
  ctllist <- add_elem(ctllist, "parameter_offset_approach") # _parameter_offset_approach
  # MG parlines -----
  N_MGparm <- MGparm_per_def * ctllist[["N_GP"]] * abs(ctllist[["Nsexes"]]) ## Parameters for M and Growth multiplied by N_GP and Nsexes
  MGparmLabel <- list()
  cnt <- 1
  PType <- array() # store parameter types M=1, Growth=2, WtLn = 3, Maturity = 4, Fecundity = 5,
  # Hermaph = 6, RecDevs GP = 7 Areas = 8 Seas= 9, RecDev Interactions = 10,
  # GrowthDevs = 11, Movement = 12, AgeKey = 13, Frac female = 14,
  # catch mult = NA (but could assign in the future),
  # ? = 15,
  # MGparm_seas_effects = 16, SRparms = 17, initial_F_parms = 18

  GenderLabel <- c("Fem", "Mal")
  for (i in seq_len(abs(ctllist[["Nsexes"]]))) {
    for (j in seq_len(ctllist[["N_GP"]])) {
      if (N_natMparms > 0) {
        MGparmLabel[1:N_natMparms + cnt - 1] <- paste0("NatM_p_", 1:N_natMparms, "_", GenderLabel[i], "_GP_", j)
        PType[cnt:(N_natMparms + cnt - 1)] <- 1
        cnt <- cnt + N_natMparms
      if (ctllist[["GrowthModel"]] == 1) { # VB
        tmp <- c("L_at_Amin", "L_at_Amax", "VonBert_K", "CV_young", "CV_old")
        MGparmLabel[1:5 + cnt - 1] <- paste0(tmp, "_", GenderLabel[i], "_GP_", j)
        PType[cnt:(5 + cnt - 1)] <- 2
        cnt <- cnt + 5
      } else if (ctllist[["GrowthModel"]] == 2) { # Richards
        tmp <- c("L_at_Amin", "L_at_Amax", "VonBert_K", "Richards", "CV_young", "CV_old")
        MGparmLabel[1:6 + cnt - 1] <- paste0(tmp, "_", GenderLabel[i], "_GP_", j)
        PType[cnt:(6 + cnt - 1)] <- 2
        cnt <- cnt + 6
      } else if (ctllist[["GrowthModel"]] %in% 3:5) {
        tmp <- c(
          "L_at_Amin", "L_at_Amax", "VonBert_K",
          paste0("Age_K_", ctllist[["Age_K_points"]]), "CV_young", "CV_old"
        MGparmLabel[1:(5 + Age_K_count) + cnt - 1] <- paste0(tmp, "_", GenderLabel[i], "_GP_", j)
        PType[cnt:((5 + Age_K_count) + cnt - 1)] <- 2
        cnt <- cnt + 5 + Age_K_count
      } else if (ctllist[["GrowthModel"]] == 8) {
        tmp <- c("L_at_Amin", "L_at_Amax", "VonBert_K", "Cessation", "CV_young", "CV_old")
        MGparmLabel[1:6 + cnt - 1] <- paste0(tmp, "_", GenderLabel[i], "_GP_", j)
        PType[cnt:(6 + cnt - 1)] <- 2
        cnt <- cnt + 6
      MGparmLabel[cnt] <- paste0("Wtlen_1_", GenderLabel[i], "_GP_", j)
      PType[cnt] <- 3
      cnt <- cnt + 1
      MGparmLabel[cnt] <- paste0("Wtlen_2_", GenderLabel[i], "_GP_", j)
      PType[cnt] <- 3
      cnt <- cnt + 1
      if (i == 1) {
        MGparmLabel[cnt] <- paste0("Mat50%_", GenderLabel[1], "_GP_", j)
        PType[cnt] <- 4
        cnt <- cnt + 1
        MGparmLabel[cnt] <- paste0("Mat_slope_", GenderLabel[1], "_GP_", j)
        PType[cnt] <- 4
        cnt <- cnt + 1
        if (ctllist[["maturity_option"]] == 1) {
          MGparmLabel[cnt] <- paste0("Eggs/kg_inter_", GenderLabel[1], "_GP_", j)
          PType[cnt] <- 5
          cnt <- cnt + 1
          MGparmLabel[cnt] <- paste0("Eggs/kg_slope_wt_", GenderLabel[1], "_GP_", j)
          PType[cnt] <- 5
          cnt <- cnt + 1
        } else if (ctllist[["maturity_option"]] == 2) {
          MGparmLabel[cnt] <- paste0("Eggs_scalar_", GenderLabel[1], "_GP_", j)
          PType[cnt] <- 5
          cnt <- cnt + 1
          MGparmLabel[cnt] <- paste0("Eggs_exp_len_", GenderLabel[1], "_GP_", j)
          PType[cnt] <- 5
          cnt <- cnt + 1
        } else if (ctllist[["maturity_option"]] == 3) {
          MGparmLabel[cnt] <- paste0("Eggs_scalar_", GenderLabel[1], "_GP_", j)
          PType[cnt] <- 5
          cnt <- cnt + 1
          MGparmLabel[cnt] <- paste0("Eggs_exp_wt_", GenderLabel[1], "_GP_", j)
          PType[cnt] <- 5
          cnt <- cnt + 1
        } else if (ctllist[["maturity_option"]] == 4) {
          MGparmLabel[cnt] <- paste0("Eggs_intercept_", GenderLabel[1], "_GP_", j)
          PType[cnt] <- 5
          cnt <- cnt + 1
          MGparmLabel[cnt] <- paste0("Eggs_slope_len_", GenderLabel[1], "_GP_", j)
          PType[cnt] <- 5
          cnt <- cnt + 1
        } else if (ctllist[["maturity_option"]] == 5) {
          MGparmLabel[cnt] <- paste0("Eggs_intercept_", GenderLabel[1], "_GP_", j)
          PType[cnt] <- 5
          cnt <- cnt + 1
          MGparmLabel[cnt] <- paste0("Eggs_slope_wt_", GenderLabel[1], "_GP_", j)
          PType[cnt] <- 5
          cnt <- cnt + 1
        } else if (ctllist[["maturity_option"]] == 6) { # check what to do with option 6
          MGparmLabel[cnt] <- paste0("Eggs_intercept_", GenderLabel[1], "_GP_", j)
          PType[cnt] <- 5
          cnt <- cnt + 1
          MGparmLabel[cnt] <- paste0("Eggs_slope_wt_", GenderLabel[1], "_GP_", j)
          PType[cnt] <- 5
          cnt <- cnt + 1
        } else {
          stop("Maturity option : ", ctllist[["maturity_option"]], " is not supported")
  N_MGparm <- cnt - 1

  if (ctllist[["hermaphroditism_option"]] != 0) {
    MGparmLabel[cnt] <- paste0("Herm_Infl_age", GenderLabel[1])
    PType[cnt] <- 6
    cnt <- cnt + 1
    MGparmLabel[cnt] <- paste0("Herm_stdev", GenderLabel[1])
    PType[cnt] <- 6
    cnt <- cnt + 1
    MGparmLabel[cnt] <- paste0("Herm_asymptote", GenderLabel[1])
    PType[cnt] <- 6
    cnt <- cnt + 1
    N_MGparm <- N_MGparm + 3
  # Recruitment Distribution
  # get the labels for RecrDist, number and names depend on method
  RecrDistLabel <- switch(ctllist[["recr_dist_method"]],
    "1" = { # included for back compatibility only.
      lab <- c(
        paste0("RecrDist_GP_", 1:ctllist[["N_GP"]]),
        paste0("RecrDist_Area_", 1:ctllist[["N_areas"]]),
        paste0("RecrDist_Bseas_", 1:ctllist[["nseas"]])
      if (ctllist[["recr_dist_inx"]]) { # interactions
        # Note:labels and order consistent with SS source
        # (3.30 and 3.24 control file read in 3.30.10)
        for (i in seq_len(ctllist[["N_GP"]])) {
          for (j in seq_len(ctllist[["N_areas"]])) {
            for (k in seq_len(ctllist[["nseas"]])) { # goes with settle
              tmp_lab_inx <- paste0(
                "RecrDist_interaction_GP_", i,
                "_area_", j,
                "_settle_", k
              lab <- c(lab, tmp_lab_inx)
    "2" = {
      # get the number of times settlement occurs
      N_settle_timings <- length(unique(ctllist[["recr_dist_pattern"]][, 2]))
      lab <- c(
        paste0("RecrDist_GP_", 1:ctllist[["N_GP"]]),
        paste0("RecrDist_Area_", 1:ctllist[["N_areas"]]),
        paste0("RecrDist_month_", 1:N_settle_timings)
      if (ctllist[["recr_dist_inx"]]) { # interactions
        # Note:labels and order consistent with SS source
        # (3.30 and 3.24 control file read in 3.30.10)
        for (i in seq_len(ctllist[["N_GP"]])) {
          for (j in seq_len(ctllist[["N_areas"]])) {
            for (k in seq_len(N_settle_timings)) {
              tmp_lab_inx <- paste0(
                "RecrDist_interaction_GP_", i,
                "_area_", j,
                "_month_", k
              lab <- c(lab, tmp_lab_inx)
    "3" = {
      lab <- NULL
      for (i in seq_len(nrow(ctllist[["recr_dist_pattern"]]))) {
        tmp_lab <- paste0(
          ctllist[["recr_dist_pattern"]][i, 1],
          ctllist[["recr_dist_pattern"]][i, 3],
          ctllist[["recr_dist_pattern"]][i, 2]
        lab <- c(lab, tmp_lab)
    "4" = NULL
  # Get the parameter type for recruitment dist params, type depends on method.
  RecrDist_PType <- switch(ctllist[["recr_dist_method"]],
    "1" = {
      tmp_PType <- rep(c(7, 8, 9),
        times = c(
      if (ctllist[["recr_dist_inx"]]) { # interactions
        tmp_PType <- c(tmp_PType, rep(10, times = ctllist[["N_GP"]] * ctllist[["N_areas"]] * ctllist[["nseas"]]))
    "2" = {
      tmp_PType <- rep(c(7, 8, 9), times = c(
      if (ctllist[["recr_dist_inx"]]) { # interactions
        tmp_PType <- c(tmp_PType, rep(10, times = ctllist[["N_GP"]] * ctllist[["N_areas"]] * N_settle_timings))
    # may want a different PType for 3 in the future?
    "3" = rep(10, times = nrow(ctllist[["recr_dist_pattern"]])),
    "4" = NULL # because no params

  # Add the labels, their parameter type and then adjust the count.
  N_RecrDist_parms <- length(RecrDistLabel)
  if (N_RecrDist_parms > 0) {
    MGparmLabel[cnt:(cnt + N_RecrDist_parms - 1)] <- RecrDistLabel
    PType[cnt:(cnt + N_RecrDist_parms - 1)] <- RecrDist_PType
    cnt <- cnt + N_RecrDist_parms # add on to the count
    N_MGparm <- N_MGparm + N_RecrDist_parms # add on to number of MGparms

  N_MGparm <- N_MGparm + 1 # add 1 parameter for cohort-specific growth parameter
  MGparmLabel[cnt] <- "CohortGrowDev"
  PType[cnt] <- 11
  cnt <- cnt + 1
  if ((N_areas > 1) && (ctllist[["N_moveDef"]] > 0)) {
    N_MGparm <- N_MGparm + ctllist[["N_moveDef"]] * 2 # add 2 * N_moveDef for movement params
    #    M_Move_parms<-ctllist[["N_moveDef"]]*2
    for (i in seq_len(ctllist[["N_moveDef"]])) {
      seas <- ctllist[["moveDef"]][i, 1]
      GP <- ctllist[["moveDef"]][i, 2]
      from <- ctllist[["moveDef"]][i, 3]
      to <- ctllist[["moveDef"]][i, 4]
      MGparmLabel[cnt + 0:1] <- paste0("MoveParm_", c("A", "B"), "_seas_", seas, "_GP_", GP, "_from_", from, "_to_", to)
      PType[cnt:(cnt + 1)] <- 12
      cnt <- cnt + 2
  # age error parameters
  if (ctllist[["Do_AgeKey"]]) {
    MGparmLabel[cnt + 0:6] <- paste0("AgeKeyParm", 1:7)
    PType[cnt:(cnt + 6)] <- 13
    cnt <- cnt + 7
    N_MGparm <- N_MGparm + 7
  # Parameter lines for catch multiplier:
  # figure out if need to use the catch multiplier
  if (use_datlist == TRUE) {
    if (any(datlist[["fleetinfo"]][["need_catch_mult"]] == 1)) {
      use_catch_mult <- TRUE
    } else {
      use_catch_mult <- FALSE
  } else if (!is.null(catch_mult_fleets)) {
    use_catch_mult <- TRUE
  } else {
    use_catch_mult <- FALSE
  if (use_catch_mult == TRUE) {
    if (use_datlist == TRUE) {
      catch_mult_fleets <- which(datlist[["fleetinfo"]][["need_catch_mult"]] == 1)
  # specify the parameter lines for catch multiplier:
  if (!is.null(catch_mult_fleets)) {
    MGparmLabel[cnt + 0:(length(catch_mult_fleets) - 1)] <-
      paste0("Catch_Mult:_", catch_mult_fleets)
    PType[cnt:(cnt + (length(catch_mult_fleets) - 1))] <- NA
    cnt <- cnt + length(catch_mult_fleets)
    N_MGparm <- N_MGparm + length(catch_mult_fleets)
  MGparmLabel[cnt + 1:ctllist[["N_GP"]] - 1] <- paste0("FracFemale_GP_", 1:ctllist[["N_GP"]])
  PType[cnt:(cnt + ctllist[["N_GP"]] - 1)] <- 14
  cnt <- cnt + ctllist[["N_GP"]]
  N_MGparm <- N_MGparm + ctllist[["N_GP"]]
  # specify the parameter lines for predator fleets, if any.
  if (use_datlist == TRUE) {
    if (any(datlist[["fleetinfo"]][["type"]] == 4)) {
      pred_indices <- which(datlist[["fleetinfo"]][["type"]] == 4)
    } else {
      pred_indices <- integer(0)
  } else {
    if (isTRUE(is.null(predM_fleets))) {
      pred_fleet_lines <- grep("PredM2_\\d+$", ctl_with_cmts)
      if (length(pred_fleet_lines) > 0) {
        # get the fleets
        tmp_pred_flts <- strsplit(ctl_with_cmts[pred_fleet_lines], split = "PredM2_")
        tmp_pred_flts <- lapply(tmp_pred_flts, function(x) {
          flt <- x[length(x)]
        pred_indices <- unlist(tmp_pred_flts)
          "Based on control file parameter names, assuming there are ",
          length(pred_indices), " predation mortality parameters in MGparms."
      } else {
        pred_indices <- integer(0)
    } else {
      pred_indices <- predM_fleets
      if (isTRUE(is.null(predM_fleets))) {
        pred_indices <- integer(0)
  if (isTRUE(length(pred_indices) > 0)) {
    N_MGparm <- N_MGparm + length(pred_indices)
    MGparmLabel <- c(MGparmLabel, paste0("PredM2_", pred_indices))
    PType <- c(PType, rep(NA, length(pred_indices)))
  ctllist <- add_df(ctllist,
    name = "MG_parms", nrow = N_MGparm, ncol = 14,
    col.names = lng_par_colnames,
    comments = MGparmLabel

  ctllist[["MG_parms"]] <- cbind(ctllist[["MG_parms"]], PType)

  # MG timevarying parlines ------
  if (any(ctllist[["MG_parms"]][, c("env_var&link", "dev_link", "Block")] != 0) &
    ctllist[["time_vary_auto_generation"]][1] == 0) {
      "There are time varying MG parameters, and AUTOGEN for MG is 0, so",
      " not expecting any short parameter lines."
  if (any(ctllist[["MG_parms"]][, c("env_var&link", "dev_link", "Block")] != 0) &
    ctllist[["time_vary_auto_generation"]][1] != 0) {
    tmp_parlab <- get_tv_parlabs(full_parms = ctllist[["MG_parms"]], ctllist[["Block_Design"]])
    ctllist <- add_df(ctllist,
      name = "MG_parms_tv",
      nrow = length(tmp_parlab),
      ncol = 7,
      col.names = srt_par_colnames,
      comments = tmp_parlab

  # Read seasonal effects ----
  ctllist <- add_vec(ctllist, name = "MGparm_seas_effects", length = 10)
  PType <- array()
  N_seas_effects <- length(ctllist[["MGparm_seas_effects"]][ctllist[["MGparm_seas_effects"]] > 0])
  if (N_seas_effects > 0) {
    ctllist <- add_df(ctllist, "MG_parms_seas",
      nrow = N_seas_effects * ctllist[["nseas"]], ncol = 7,
      col.names = srt_par_colnames
    PType[1:(N_seas_effects * ctllist[["nseas"]])] <- 16
    ctllist[["MG_parms_seas"]] <- cbind(ctllist[["MG_parms_seas"]], PType)

  # SR -----
  ctllist <- add_elem(ctllist, "SR_function") # _SR_function
  N_SRparm <- c(0, 2, 2, 2, 3, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3)
  N_SRparm2 <- N_SRparm[as.numeric(ctllist[["SR_function"]])] + 3

  if (is.na(ctllist[["SR_function"]])) {
    stop("SR_function is NA, which is not valid.")

  ctllist <- add_elem(ctllist, "Use_steep_init_equi") # 0/1 to use steepness in initial equ recruitment calculation
  ctllist <- add_elem(ctllist, "Sigma_R_FofCurvature") #  future feature:  0/1 to make realized sigmaR a function of SR curvature

  # SR parms ----
  SRparmsLabels <- if (ctllist[["SR_function"]] == 3) {
    # B-H SRR
    c("SR_LN(R0)", "SR_BH_steep", "SR_sigmaR", "SR_regime", "SR_autocorr")
  } else if (ctllist[["SR_function"]] == 2) {
    # Ricker SRR
    c("SR_LN(R0)", "SR_Ricker_steep", "SR_sigmaR", "SR_regime", "SR_autocorr")
  } else if (ctllist[["SR_function"]] == 4) {
    # SCAA
    c("SR_LN(R0)", "SR_SCAA_null", "SR_sigmaR", "SR_regime", "SR_autocorr")
  } else if (ctllist[["SR_function"]] == 5) {
    # Hockey stick
    c("SR_LN(R0)", "SR_hockey_infl", "SR_hockey_min_R", "SR_sigmaR", "SR_regime", "SR_autocorr")
  } else if (ctllist[["SR_function"]] == 6) {
    # B-H-flat SRR
    c("SR_LN(R0)", "SR_BH_flat_steep", "SR_sigmaR", "SR_regime", "SR_autocorr")
  } else if (ctllist[["SR_function"]] == 7) {
    # survival_3Parm
    c("SR_LN(R0)", "SR_surv_Sfrac", "SR_surv_Beta", "SR_sigmaR", "SR_regime", "SR_autocorr")
  } else if (ctllist[["SR_function"]] == 8) {
    # Shepard_3Parm
    c("SR_LN(R0)", "SR_steepness", "SR_Shepard_c", "SR_sigmaR", "SR_regime", "SR_autocorr")
  } else if (ctllist[["SR_function"]] == 9) {
    # Shepard_reparam_beta
    c("SR_LN(R0)", "SR_re_steepness", "SR_Shepard_c", "SR_sigmaR", "SR_regime", "SR_autocorr")
  } else if (ctllist[["SR_function"]] == 10) {
    # Ricker SRR reparam beta
    c("SR_LN(R0)", "SR_Ricker_re_steep", "SR_Ricker_re_power", "SR_sigmaR", "SR_regime", "SR_autocorr")
  } else {
    cat("SR_function=", ctllist[["SR_function"]], " is not supported yet.")

  PType <- array()
  ctllist <- add_df(ctllist,
    name = "SR_parms", nrow = N_SRparm2, ncol = 14,
    col.names = lng_par_colnames, comments = SRparmsLabels
  PType[1:N_SRparm2] <- 17
  ctllist[["SR_parms"]] <- cbind(ctllist[["SR_parms"]], PType)

  # SR timevarying parlines ----
  # time block, environmental link, and parm devs parameters
  if (any(ctllist[["SR_parms"]][, c("env_var&link", "dev_link", "Block")] != 0) &
    ctllist[["time_vary_auto_generation"]][2] == 0) {
      "There are time varying SR parameters, and AUTOGEN for SR is 0, so",
      " not expecting any short parameter lines."
  if (any(ctllist[["SR_parms"]][, c("env_var&link", "dev_link", "Block")] != 0) &
    ctllist[["time_vary_auto_generation"]][2] != 0) {
    tmp_parlab <- get_tv_parlabs(full_parms = ctllist[["SR_parms"]], ctllist[["Block_Design"]])
    ctllist <- add_df(ctllist,
      name = "SR_parms_tv",
      nrow = length(tmp_parlab),
      ncol = 7,
      col.names = srt_par_colnames,
      comments = tmp_parlab
    ctllist[["SR_parms_tv"]][["PType"]] <- 17
  # recdevs ----
  ctllist <- add_elem(ctllist, "do_recdev") # do_recdev:  0=none; 1=devvector; 2=simple deviations; 3=deviation vector; 4=3 with summed deviation penalty
  ctllist <- add_elem(ctllist, "MainRdevYrFirst") # first year of main recr_devs; early devs can preceed this era
  ctllist <- add_elem(ctllist, "MainRdevYrLast") # last year of main recr_devs; forecast devs start in following year
  ctllist <- add_elem(ctllist, "recdev_phase") # _recdev phase
  ctllist <- add_elem(ctllist, "recdev_adv") # (0/1) to read 13 advanced options

  if (ctllist[["recdev_adv"]]) {
    ctllist <- add_elem(ctllist, "recdev_early_start") # _recdev_early_start (0=none; neg value makes relative to recdev_start)
    ctllist <- add_elem(ctllist, "recdev_early_phase") # _recdev_early_phase
    ctllist <- add_elem(ctllist, "Fcast_recr_phase") # _forecast_recruitment phase (incl. late recr) (0 value resets to maxphase+1)
    ctllist <- add_elem(ctllist, "lambda4Fcast_recr_like") # _lambda for Fcast_recr_like occurring before endyr+1
    ctllist <- add_elem(ctllist, "last_early_yr_nobias_adj") # _last_early_yr_nobias_adj_in_MPD
    ctllist <- add_elem(ctllist, "first_yr_fullbias_adj") # _first_yr_fullbias_adj_in_MPD
    ctllist <- add_elem(ctllist, "last_yr_fullbias_adj") # _last_yr_fullbias_adj_in_MPD
    ctllist <- add_elem(ctllist, "first_recent_yr_nobias_adj") # _first_recent_yr_nobias_adj_in_MPD
    ctllist <- add_elem(ctllist, "max_bias_adj") # _max_bias_adj_in_MPD (-1 to override ramp and set biasadj=1.0 for all estimated recdevs)
    ctllist <- add_elem(ctllist, "period_of_cycles_in_recr") # _period of cycles in recruitment (N parms read below)
    ctllist <- add_elem(ctllist, "min_rec_dev") # min rec_dev
    ctllist <- add_elem(ctllist, "max_rec_dev") # max rec_dev
    ctllist <- add_elem(ctllist, "N_Read_recdevs") # _read_recdevs
    # _end of advanced SR options
    if (ctllist[["period_of_cycles_in_recr"]] > 0) {
      ctllist <- add_df(ctllist,
        name = "recr_cycle_pars",
        nrow = ctllist[["period_of_cycles_in_recr"]],
        ncol = 14,
        col.names = lng_par_colnames,
        comments = paste0(
    if (ctllist[["N_Read_recdevs"]] > 0) {
      ctllist <- add_df(ctllist, "recdev_input", ncol = 2, nrow = ctllist[["N_Read_recdevs"]], col.names = c("Year", "recdev"))

  # F setup ----
  ctllist <- add_elem(ctllist, "F_ballpark")
  ctllist <- add_elem(ctllist, "F_ballpark_year")
  ctllist <- add_elem(ctllist, "F_Method")
  ctllist <- add_elem(ctllist, "maxF")
  # Additional inputs for F method 2 or 3 must be read. None for method 1.
  if (ctllist[["F_Method"]] == 2) {
    # overall start F value; overall phase; N detailed inputs to read
    ctllist <- add_vec(ctllist, "F_setup", length = 3)
    if (ctllist[["F_setup"]][3] > 0) {
      ctllist <- add_df(ctllist,
        name = "F_setup2", nrow = ctllist[["F_setup"]][3],
        ncol = 6,
        col.names = c(
          "fleet", "yr", "seas", "Fvalue", "se",
  if (ctllist[["F_Method"]] == 3) {
    ctllist <- add_elem(ctllist, "F_iter")
  if (ctllist[["F_Method"]] == 4) {
    ctllist <- add_df(
      ctllist = ctllist, ncol = 3,
      col.names = c("Fleet", "start_F", "first_parm_phase"),
      name = "F_4_Fleet_Parms"
    ctllist <- add_elem(ctllist, "F_iter")
  # initial_F_parms -----
  # get them for fleet/seasons with non-zero initial equilibrium catch

  # determine N_rows_equil_catch if it is null and use_datlist = FALSE
  if (use_datlist == FALSE && is.null(N_rows_equil_catch)) {
    parm_error <- FALSE
    Fparms_start <- grep("initial_F_parms; ", ctl_with_cmts)
    # parse to get count number
    if (length(Fparms_start) == 1) {
      F_parm_count <- strsplit(
        grep("initial_F_parms; ", ctl_with_cmts, value = TRUE),
        split = "= "
      F_parm_count <- F_parm_count[length(F_parm_count)]
      F_parm_count <- as.integer(F_parm_count)
      if (is.na(F_parm_count)) {
        parm_error <- TRUE
      } else {
        N_rows_equil_catch <- F_parm_count
    } else {
      parm_error <- TRUE
    if (parm_error) {
        "Could not determine the number of initial F params from control ",
        "file comments. Please specify N_rows_equil_catch instead of leaving",
        " NULL or read from a data list object by setting use_datlist = TRUE",
        " and specifying the datlist"
  # get the comments. This will determine how big the df is.
  comments_initF <- NULL
  if (use_datlist == FALSE && isTRUE(N_rows_equil_catch > 0)) { # use approach that doesn't need data file.
    comments_initF <- paste0("InitF_", seq_len(N_rows_equil_catch))
  # method for creating the init F when use_datlist is true
  if (use_datlist) {
    if (any(datlist[["catch"]][, "year"] == -999)) {
      tmp_equil <- datlist[["catch"]][datlist[["catch"]][, "year"] == -999, ]
      if (any(tmp_equil[, "catch"] > 0)) {
        tmp_equil <- tmp_equil[tmp_equil[["catch"]] > 0, ]
        # reorder as ss expects.
        tmp_equil_sort <- tmp_equil[order(tmp_equil[["fleet"]], tmp_equil[["seas"]]), ]
        comments_initF <- paste0(
          "InitF_seas_", tmp_equil_sort[["seas"]],
          "_flt_", tmp_equil_sort[["fleet"]],
  if (!is.null(comments_initF)) {
    ctllist <- add_df(ctllist,
      name = "init_F", nrow = length(comments_initF),
      ncol = 7, col.names = srt_par_colnames,
      comments = comments_initF
    ctllist[["init_F"]][["PType"]] <- 18
  # TODO: maybe add check for use_datlist = FALSE? this would involve using
  # comments in the ctl file to try to figure out if the lines in the ctlfile
  # match those read in to ctllist.

  # Q_setup ----
  ctllist <- add_df(ctllist,
    name = "Q_options", ncol = 6,
    col.names = c("fleet", "link", "link_info", "extra_se", "biasadj", "float")
  ) # no nrow, so read to -9999
  if (!is.null(ctllist[["Q_options"]])) {
    if (all(ctllist[["Q_options"]][["fleet"]] %in% 1:Nfleets)) {
      rownames(ctllist[["Q_options"]]) <- ctllist[["fleetnames"]][ctllist[["Q_options"]][["fleet"]]]
    } else {
        "There was a error reading the Q_options, possibly due to ",
        "the presence of initial F params prior to that input. ",
        "Check that the line 'initial_F_parms; count = ' is correct."
  # q parlines ----
  N_Q_parms <- 0
  i <- 1
  if (!is.null(ctllist[["Q_options"]])) {
    comments_Q_type <- list()

    for (j in seq_len(nrow(ctllist[["Q_options"]])))
      if ((ctllist[["Q_options"]][j, ][["float"]] == 0) || (ctllist[["Q_options"]][j, ][["float"]] == 1)) # handle float 0 or 1 as 1 parm sel
          flname <- fleetnames[ctllist[["Q_options"]][j, ][["fleet"]]]
          comments_Q_type[[i]] <- paste0("LnQ_base_", flname, "(",
            ctllist[["Q_options"]][j, ][["fleet"]], ")",
            collapse = ""
          i <- i + 1
          N_Q_parms <- N_Q_parms + 1
      if (ctllist[["Q_options"]][j, ][["link"]] == 3) # do power
          flname <- fleetnames[ctllist[["Q_options"]][j, ][["fleet"]]]
          comments_Q_type[[i]] <- paste0("Q_power_", flname, "(",
            ctllist[["Q_options"]][j, ][["fleet"]], ")",
            collapse = ""
          i <- i + 1
          N_Q_parms <- N_Q_parms + 1
      if (ctllist[["Q_options"]][j, ][["link"]] == 4) # mirrored with offset
          flname <- fleetnames[ctllist[["Q_options"]][j, ][["fleet"]]]
          comments_Q_type[[i]] <- paste0("Q_Mirror_offset_", flname, "(",
            ctllist[["Q_options"]][j, ][["fleet"]], ")",
            collapse = ""
          i <- i + 1
          N_Q_parms <- N_Q_parms + 1
      if (ctllist[["Q_options"]][j, ][["extra_se"]] == 1) # do extra se
          flname <- fleetnames[ctllist[["Q_options"]][j, ][["fleet"]]]
          comments_Q_type[[i]] <- paste0("Q_extraSD_", flname, "(",
            ctllist[["Q_options"]][j, ][["fleet"]], ")",
            collapse = ""
          i <- i + 1
          N_Q_parms <- N_Q_parms + 1

  if (N_Q_parms > 0) {
    ctllist <- add_df(ctllist,
      name = "Q_parms", nrow = N_Q_parms, ncol = 14,
      col.names = lng_par_colnames,
      comments = unlist(comments_Q_type)
    # q timevarying parlines----
    # time block, environmental link, and parm devs parameters
    # provide a warning if AUTOGEN is being used for MG.
    if (any(ctllist[["Q_parms"]][, c("env_var&link", "dev_link", "Block")] != 0) &
      ctllist[["time_vary_auto_generation"]][3] == 0) {
        "There are time varying q parameters, and AUTOGEN for ",
        "q is 0, so not expecting any short parameter lines."
    if (any(ctllist[["Q_parms"]][, c("env_var&link", "dev_link", "Block")] != 0) &
      ctllist[["time_vary_auto_generation"]][3] != 0) {
      tmp_parlab <- get_tv_parlabs(full_parms = ctllist[["Q_parms"]], ctllist[["Block_Design"]])
      ctllist <- add_df(ctllist,
        name = "Q_parms_tv",
        nrow = length(tmp_parlab),
        ncol = 7,
        col.names = srt_par_colnames,
        comments = tmp_parlab
      # Need Ptype?
  # selecitivty -----
  # size setup
  # TODO: make sure that this will work when special fleet types are used
  # (e.g., units 30 fleet)
  ctllist <- add_df(ctllist,
    name = "size_selex_types",
    nrow = Nfleets,
    ncol = 4,
    col.names = c("Pattern", "Discard", "Male", "Special"),
    comments = fleetnames
  # age setup
  ctllist <- add_df(ctllist,
    name = "age_selex_types",
    nrow = Nfleets,
    ncol = 4,
    col.names = c("Pattern", "Discard", "Male", "Special"),
    comments = fleetnames
  # selectivity parlines -----
  # This contains the number of params for each pattern (the name)
  selex_patterns <- c(
    "0" = 0, "1" = 2, "2" = 8, "3" = 6, "4" = 0, "5" = 2,
    "6" = 2, "7" = 8, "8" = 8, "9" = 6, "10" = 0, "11" = 2,
    "12" = 2, "13" = 8, "14" = Nages + 1, "15" = 0,
    "16" = 2, "17" = Nages + 1, "18" = 8, "19" = 6,
    "20" = 6, "21" = 2, "22" = 4, "23" = 6, "24" = 6,
    "25" = 3, "26" = 3, "27" = 3, "28" = NA, "29" = NA,
    "30" = 0, "31" = 0, "32" = 0, "33" = 0, "34" = 0,
    "35" = 0, "36" = NA, "37" = NA, "38" = NA, "39" = NA,
    "40" = NA, "41" = 2 + Nages + 1, "42" = 5, "43" = 4,
    "44" = 4 + Nages, "45" = 4 + Nages
  # note thatspecial cases are 27, which is 3 + 2*N_nodes and 42, which is
  # 5+2*N_nodes, and 6 which is 2+special, so the npars listed is not exactly
  # correct. This will be addressed in special cases below.NAs are unused codes.
  size_selex_label <- vector("list", Nfleets) # do this to initialize size
  # loop through fishing fleets and surveys to assign names

  # make a labeling function, that way this 1 function can be changed in the
  # future instead of changing individual selectivity lines.
  # @param sel_type should be "s" or "a" for selectivity or age,
  # @param par_num is optional.
  # @param n_labs is optional. If provided, a basic check to see if the length
  # of the labels generated matches will be done and a warning will be generated
  # if the length of the labels is not equal to n_labs.
  make_sel_lab <- function(sel_type = "s", par_type, par_num = NULL, fltname,
                           fltnum, n_labs = NULL) {
    if (!sel_type %in% c("s", "a")) {
        "sel_type cannot be ", sel_type, ". Please change sel_type to 's' ",
        "for size or 'a' for age."
    if (sel_type == "s") sel_name <- "SizeSel"
    if (sel_type == "a") sel_name <- "AgeSel"
    if (!is.null(par_num)) {
      par_num <- paste0("_", par_num)
    labs <- paste0(
      sel_name, "_", par_type, par_num, "_", fltname, "(",
      fltnum, ")"
    if (!is.null(n_labs)) {
      if (length(labs) != n_labs) { # do a check and generate warning if input provided
          "the length of labs generated was not equal to the prespecified",

  for (j in seq_len(Nfleets)) {
    jn <- fleetnames[j] # to use a shorter name throughout loop. jn for "j name)
    # get the number of parameters to use in making the generic labels.
    # Not used for anything else.
    tmp_size_selex_Nparms <-
      selex_patterns[as.character(ctllist[["size_selex_types"]][j, "Pattern"])]
    if (is.na(tmp_size_selex_Nparms)) {
        "Pattern ", as.character(ctllist[["size_selex_types"]][j, "Pattern"]),
        "was used for the size selectivity pattern fleet or survey, but it ",
        " is not valid."
    # pattern 6 is a special case of number of params, so account for here.
    if (ctllist[["size_selex_types"]][j, "Pattern"] == 6) {
      tmp_size_selex_Nparms <- tmp_size_selex_Nparms +
        ctllist[["size_selex_types"]][j, "Special"]
    ## spline needs special treatment
    if (ctllist[["size_selex_types"]][j, "Pattern"] == 27) {
      tmp_names <- paste0("Spline_", c("Code", "GradLo", "GradHi"))
      size_selex_label[[j]] <-
          make_sel_lab("s", tmp_names, NULL, jn, j),
            "s", "Spline_Knot",
            1:ctllist[["size_selex_types"]][j, "Special"], jn, j
            "s", "Spine_Val",
            1:ctllist[["size_selex_types"]][j, "Special"], jn, j
    } else if (ctllist[["size_selex_types"]][j, "Pattern"] == 42) {
      # produce the labels
      tmp_names <- paste0("Spline_", c(
        "ScaleBinLo", "ScaleBinHi", "Code", "GradLo",
      size_selex_label[[j]] <-
          make_sel_lab("s", tmp_names, NULL, jn, j),
            "s", "Spline_Knot",
            1:ctllist[["size_selex_types"]][j, "Special"], jn, j
            "s", "Spline_Val",
            1:ctllist[["size_selex_types"]][j, "Special"], jn, j
    } else {
      if (tmp_size_selex_Nparms > 0) {
        size_selex_label[[j]] <-
            make_sel_lab("s", "P", 1:tmp_size_selex_Nparms, jn, j)
    # do extra retention parameters (4 extra parameters)
    if (ctllist[["size_selex_types"]][j, "Discard"] %in% 1:2) { # add 4 retention parameters
      size_selex_label[[j]] <- c(
        make_sel_lab("s", "PRet", 1:4, jn, j)
    # note that for Discard = 3, no extra parameters are needed.
    if (ctllist[["size_selex_types"]][j, "Discard"] == 4) { # add 7 dome shaped retention parameters
      size_selex_label[[j]] <- c(
        make_sel_lab("s", "PRet", 1:7, jn, j)

    if (ctllist[["size_selex_types"]][j, "Discard"] %in% c(2, 4)) { # add 4 discard mortality parameters
      size_selex_label[[j]] <- c(
        make_sel_lab("s", "PDis", 1:4, jn, j)

    # do extra offset parameters
    if (ctllist[["size_selex_types"]][j, "Male"] == 1) {
      size_selex_label[[j]] <- c(
        make_sel_lab("s", "PMale", 1:4, jn, j)
    if (ctllist[["size_selex_types"]][j, "Male"] == 2) {
      size_selex_label[[j]] <- c(
        make_sel_lab("s", "PFemOff", 1:4, jn, j)

    if (ctllist[["size_selex_types"]][j, "Male"] %in% 3) { # has value 3 or 5 - differs by select pattern
      if (ctllist[["size_selex_types"]][j, "Pattern"] == 1) {
        size_selex_label[[j]] <- c(
          make_sel_lab("s", "PMalOff", 1:3, jn, j)
      } else if (ctllist[["size_selex_types"]][j, "Pattern"] %in% 23:24) {
        size_selex_label[[j]] <- c(
          make_sel_lab("s", "PMalOff", 1:5, jn, j)
    } else if (ctllist[["size_selex_types"]][j, "Male"] %in% 4) { # has value 3 or 5 - differs by select pattern
      if (ctllist[["size_selex_types"]][j, "Pattern"] == 1) {
        size_selex_label[[j]] <- c(
          make_sel_lab("s", "PFemOff", 1:3, jn, j)
      } else if (ctllist[["size_selex_types"]][j, "Pattern"] %in% 23:24) {
        size_selex_label[[j]] <- c(
          make_sel_lab("s", "PFemOff", 1:5, jn, j)
  # age selex parlines----
  age_patterns <- as.character(ctllist[["age_selex_types"]][, "Pattern"])
  if (any(ctllist[["age_selex_types"]][, "Pattern"] > 100)) {
    # this code deals with the option to give fish below a certain age 0
    # selectivity; implemented in SS 3.30.15.
    age_patterns[age_patterns > 100] <-
      as.character(as.integer(substr(age_patterns[age_patterns > 100], 2, 3)))
  # age selectivity parlines - count the number, not accounting for the
  # extra special parameters for 17, 27, and 42.
  age_selex_Nparms <- selex_patterns[age_patterns]
  # pattern 17 is a special case of number of params, so account for here.
  age_selex_Nparms <- ifelse(age_patterns == "17" &
    ctllist[["age_selex_types"]][, "Special"] > 0,
  ctllist[["age_selex_types"]][, "Special"] + 1,

  age_selex_label <- vector("list", length = Nfleets)
  for (j in seq_len(Nfleets)) {
    jn <- fleetnames[j]
    ## spline needs special treatment
    if (age_patterns[j] == "27") {
      tmp_names <- paste0("Spline_", c("Code", "GradLo", "GradHi"))
      age_selex_label[[j]] <- c(
        make_sel_lab("a", tmp_names, NULL, jn, j),
          "a", c("Spline_Knot"),
          1:ctllist[["age_selex_types"]][j, "Special"],
          jn, j
          "a", "Spline_Val",
          1:ctllist[["age_selex_types"]][j, "Special"],
          jn, j
    } else if (age_patterns[j] == "42") {
      tmp_names <- paste0(
        c("ScaleAgeLo", "ScaleAgeHi", "Code", "GradLo", "GradHi")

      age_selex_label[[j]] <-
          make_sel_lab("a", tmp_names, NULL, jn, j),
            "a", "Spline_Knot",
            1:ctllist[["age_selex_types"]][j, "Special"], jn, j
            "a", "Spine_Val",
            1:ctllist[["age_selex_types"]][j, "Special"], jn, j
    } else {
      if (age_selex_Nparms[j] > 0) {
        age_selex_label[[j]] <- make_sel_lab(
          "a", "P", 1:age_selex_Nparms[j],
          jn, j
      # Note that age_selex_Nparams[j] not used beyond this point.
    # do extra offset parameters
    if (ctllist[["age_selex_types"]][j, "Male"] == 1) {
      age_selex_label[[j]] <- c(
        make_sel_lab("a", "PMale", 1:4, jn, j)
    if (ctllist[["age_selex_types"]][j, "Male"] == 2) {
      age_selex_label[[j]] <- c(
        make_sel_lab("a", "PFemOff_", 1:4, jn, j)

    if (ctllist[["age_selex_types"]][j, "Male"] %in% 3) { # has value 3 or 5 - differs by select pattern
      if (age_patterns[j] == "20") {
        age_selex_label[[j]] <- c(
          make_sel_lab("a", "PMalOff", 1:5, jn, j)
    } else if (ctllist[["age_selex_types"]][j, "Male"] %in% 4) { # has value 3 or 5 - differs by select pattern
      if (age_patterns[j] == "20") {
        age_selex_label[[j]] <- c(
          make_sel_lab("a", "PFemOff", 1:5, jn, j)
  if (verbose) {
    print(unlist(lapply(size_selex_label, function(x) length(x))))
    print(unlist(lapply(age_selex_label, function(x) length(x))))
  # Selex parameters
  if (sum(length(unlist(size_selex_label))) > 0) {
    ctllist <- add_df(ctllist,
      name = "size_selex_parms",
      nrow = length(unlist(size_selex_label)),
      ncol = 14,
      col.names = lng_par_colnames,
      comments = unlist(size_selex_label)
  # Age selex
  if (sum(length(unlist(age_selex_label))) > 0) {
    ctllist <- add_df(ctllist,
      name = "age_selex_parms",
      nrow = length(unlist(age_selex_label)),
      ncol = 14,
      col.names = lng_par_colnames,
      comments = unlist(age_selex_label)
  # Dirichlet MN pars -----
  # this is turned on in the data file.
  if (use_datlist == TRUE) {
    if (any(datlist[["len_info"]][["CompError"]] == 1) |
      any(datlist[["age_info"]][["CompError"]] == 1)) {
      N_dirichlet_parms <- max(c(datlist[["len_info"]][["ParmSelect"]], datlist[["age_info"]][["ParmSelect"]]))
  if (isTRUE(N_dirichlet_parms > 0)) {
    ctllist <- add_df(ctllist,
      name = "dirichlet_parms",
      nrow = N_dirichlet_parms,
      ncol = 14,
      col.names = lng_par_colnames,
      comments = paste0("ln(DM_theta)_", 1:N_dirichlet_parms)

  # sel timevarying parlines----
  if (any(ctllist[["size_selex_parms"]][, c("env_var&link", "dev_link", "Block")] != 0) &
    ctllist[["time_vary_auto_generation"]][5] == 0) {
      "There are time varying size selectivity  parameters, and AUTOGEN ",
      "for selectivity is 0, so not expecting any short parameter lines."
  if (any(ctllist[["age_selex_parms"]][, c("env_var&link", "dev_link", "Block")] != 0) &
    ctllist[["time_vary_auto_generation"]][5] == 0) {
      "There are time varying size selectivity  parameters, and AUTOGEN ",
      "for selectivity is 0, so not expecting any short parameter lines."
  if (any(ctllist[["size_selex_parms"]][, c("env_var&link", "dev_link", "Block")] != 0) &
    ctllist[["time_vary_auto_generation"]][5] != 0) {
    tmp_parlab <- get_tv_parlabs(full_parms = ctllist[["size_selex_parms"]], ctllist[["Block_Design"]])
    ctllist <- add_df(ctllist,
      name = "size_selex_parms_tv",
      nrow = length(tmp_parlab),
      ncol = 7,
      col.names = srt_par_colnames,
      comments = tmp_parlab
  if (any(ctllist[["age_selex_parms"]][, c("env_var&link", "dev_link", "Block")] != 0) &
    ctllist[["time_vary_auto_generation"]][5] != 0) {
    tmp_parlab <- get_tv_parlabs(full_parms = ctllist[["age_selex_parms"]], ctllist[["Block_Design"]])
    ctllist <- add_df(ctllist,
      name = "age_selex_parms_tv",
      nrow = length(tmp_parlab),
      ncol = 7,
      col.names = srt_par_colnames,
      comments = tmp_parlab
  # 2DAR ----
  ctllist <- add_elem(ctllist, name = "Use_2D_AR1_selectivity")
  if (ctllist[["Use_2D_AR1_selectivity"]] == 1) {
    add_2dar <- function(x) {
      end <- x$.i
      while (length(grep("^-9999", x$.dat[end])) == 0) {
        end <- end + 1
      n2dfleets <- length(x$.dat[x$.i:(end - 1)]) / (11 + 3 * 7)
      par2D <- matrix(x$.dat[(end - 3 * 7 * n2dfleets):(end - 1)],
        nrow = 3 * n2dfleets, byrow = TRUE
      colnames(par2D) <- c("LO", "HI", "INIT", "PRIOR", "PR_SD", "PR_type", "PHASE")
      names2D <- c("sigma_sel", "rho_year", "rho_age")
      rownames(par2D) <- sprintf(
        paste0(names2D, ":%d"),
        rep(1:n2dfleets, each = 3)
      specs2D <- matrix(x$.dat[x$.i:(x$.i + 10 * n2dfleets)],
        nrow = n2dfleets, byrow = TRUE
      colnames(specs2D) <- c(
        "fleet", "ymin", "ymax", "amin", "amax",
        "sig_amax", "use_rho", "l1/a2", "devphase", "before_range", "after_range"
      rownames(specs2D) <- paste0("2d_AR specs:", 1:n2dfleets)
      x[["specs_2D_AR"]] <- as.data.frame(specs2D, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
      x[["pars_2D_AR"]] <- as.data.frame(par2D, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
      x[[".i"]] <- end + 11
    ctllist <- add_2dar(x = ctllist)

  # tagging ----
  # TG_custom:  0=no read; 1=read if tags exist
  ctllist <- add_elem(ctllist, name = "TG_custom")
  if (ctllist[["TG_custom"]]) {
    #  The Following parameters are to be read
    #  For each SS tag release group
    # . one initial Tag loss parameter
    # . one continuos Tag loss parameter
    # . NB over-dispersion paramater
    # For each fleet (of type 1 or 2 only, not surveys):
    # . one tag reporting rate paramater
    # . one tag reporting rate decay paramater
    #  In total N_tag_groups*3+ Ntag_fleets*2 parameters are needed to read
    ctllist <- add_df(ctllist,
      name = "TG_Loss_init",
      nrow = ctllist[["N_tag_groups"]],
      ncol = 14,
      col.names = lng_par_colnames,
      comments =
        paste0("_TG_Loss_init_", 1:ctllist[["N_tag_groups"]])
    ctllist <- add_df(ctllist,
      name = "TG_Loss_chronic",
      nrow = ctllist[["N_tag_groups"]],
      ncol = 14,
      col.names = lng_par_colnames,
      comments =
        paste0("TG_Loss_chronic_", 1:ctllist[["N_tag_groups"]])
    ctllist <- add_df(ctllist,
      name = "TG_overdispersion",
      nrow = ctllist[["N_tag_groups"]],
      ncol = 14,
      col.names = lng_par_colnames,
      comments =
        paste0("TG_overdispersion_", 1:ctllist[["N_tag_groups"]])
    ctllist <- add_df(ctllist,
      name = "TG_Report_fleet",
      nrow = Ntag_fleets,
      ncol = 14,
      col.names = lng_par_colnames,
      comments =
        paste0("TG_report_fleet_par_", 1:Ntag_fleets)
    ctllist <- add_df(ctllist,
      name = "TG_Report_fleet_decay",
      nrow = Ntag_fleets,
      ncol = 14,
      col.names = lng_par_colnames,
      comments =
        paste0("TG_report_decay_par_", 1:Ntag_fleets)

  # Var adj ----
  ctllist[["DoVar_adjust"]] <- 0
  # Create 3.30 variance adjustments and reset DoVar_adjust if true.
  ctllist <- add_df(ctllist,
    name = "Variance_adjustment_list", nrow = NULL, ncol = 3,
    col.names = c("Factor", "Fleet", "Value")
  if (!is.null(ctllist[["Variance_adjustment_list"]])) ctllist[["DoVar_adjust"]] <- 1

  # Lambdas ----
  ctllist <- add_elem(ctllist, "maxlambdaphase") # _maxlambdaphase
  ctllist <- add_elem(ctllist, "sd_offset") # _sd_offset

  ctllist <- add_df(ctllist,
    name = "lambdas", nrow = NULL, ncol = 5,
    col.names = c("like_comp", "fleet", "phase", "value", "sizefreq_method")

  if (!is.null(ctllist[["lambdas"]])) {
    ctllist[["N_lambdas"]] <- nrow(ctllist[["lambdas"]])
  } # number of changes to make to default Lambdas
  else {
    ctllist[["N_lambdas"]] <- 0

  if (ctllist[["N_lambdas"]] > 0) {
    chk1 <- duplicated(ctllist[["lambdas"]][, c("like_comp", "fleet", "phase")])
    if (any(chk1)) # there are duplicates; don't remove. SS will just use the last one.
        warn_comp <- ctllist[["lambdas"]][chk1, "like_comp"]
        warn_flt <- ctllist[["lambdas"]][chk1, "fleet"]
        warn_phz <- ctllist[["lambdas"]][chk1, "phase"]
          "Duplicate lambda input for likelihood component(s): ",
          paste0(warn_comp, collapse = ", "), "; fleet(s): ",
          paste0(warn_flt, collapse = ", "), "; phase(s):",
          paste0(warn_phz, collapse = ", ")
    tmp_rownames <- vector(mode = "character", length = ctllist[["N_lambdas"]])
    for (i in seq_len(ctllist[["N_lambdas"]])) {
      like_comp <- ctllist[["lambdas"]][i, 1]
      fl <- fleetnames[ctllist[["lambdas"]][i, 2]]
      phz <- ctllist[["lambdas"]][i, 3]
      sizefreq_method <- ctllist[["lambdas"]][i, 5]
      tmp_rownames[i] <- switch(as.character(like_comp),
        "1" = paste0("Surv_", fl, "_Phz", phz),
        "2" = paste0("discard_", fl, "_Phz", phz),
        "3" = paste0("mean-weight_", fl, "_Phz", phz),
        "4" = paste0(
          "length_", fl, "_sizefreq_method_",
          sizefreq_method, "_Phz", phz
        "5" = paste0("age_", fl, "_Phz", phz),
        "6" = paste0(
          "SizeFreq_", fl, "_sizefreq_method_",
          sizefreq_method, "_Phz", phz
        "7" = paste0(
          "SizeAge_", fl, "_sizefreq_method_",
          sizefreq_method, "_Phz", phz
        "8" = paste0("catch_", fl, "_Phz", phz),
        "9" = paste0("init_equ_catch_", fl, "_Phz", phz),
        "10" = paste0("recrdev_Phz", phz),
        "11" = paste0("parm_prior_", fl, "_Phz", phz),
        "12" = paste0("parm_dev_Phz", phz),
        "13" = paste0("CrashPen_Phz", phz),
        "14" = paste0("Morph-Comp_Phz", phz),
        "15" = paste0("Tag-comp-likelihood_", fl, "_Phz", phz),
        "16" = paste0("Tag-negbin-likelihood_", fl, "_Phz", phz),
        "17" = paste0("F-ballpark_", fl, "_Phz", phz),
        "18" = paste0("Regime-shift_", fl, "_Phz", phz),
        paste0(like_comp, "_", fl)
    dup_rownames <- duplicated(tmp_rownames, fromLast = TRUE)
    if (any(dup_rownames == TRUE)) {
      tmp_n <- seq_along(dup_rownames[dup_rownames == TRUE])
      tmp_rownames[dup_rownames] <- paste0(
        "_duplicate", tmp_n
    rownames(ctllist[["lambdas"]]) <- tmp_rownames

  # more sd reporting ----
  # Like_comp codes:  1=surv; 2=disc; 3=mnwt; 4=length; 5=age; 6=SizeFreq; 7=sizeage; 8=catch;
  # 9=init_equ_catch; 10=recrdev; 11=parm_prior; 12=parm_dev; 13=CrashPen; 14=Morphcomp; 15=Tag-comp; 16=Tag-negbin
  ctllist <- add_elem(ctllist, "more_stddev_reporting") # (0/1) read specs for more stddev reporting
  if (ctllist[["more_stddev_reporting"]] != 0) {
    if (ctllist[["more_stddev_reporting"]] == 1) {
      ctllist <- add_vec(ctllist, name = "stddev_reporting_specs", length = 9)
    } else if (ctllist[["more_stddev_reporting"]] == 2) { # adds option for M
      ctllist <- add_vec(ctllist, name = "stddev_reporting_specs", length = 13)
      # check that the inputs for 12 and 13 are valid. If they aren't, read 11
      # items instead and warn.
      valid_input <- TRUE
      if (!ctllist[["stddev_reporting_specs"]][12] %in% c(0, 1, 2)) {
        valid_input <- FALSE
      if (!ctllist[["stddev_reporting_specs"]][13] %in% c(0, 1)) {
        valid_input <- FALSE
      if (valid_input == FALSE) {
          "Incorrect inputs detected for stddev_reporting_specs when ",
          "using option 2. Assuming that no input for dynamic B0 or ",
          "Summary Bio were provided, as in SS 3.30.15 and .16.\n",
          "Placeholder 0s added for ",
          "ctllist[['stddev_reporting_specs']][12:13].\nIf the user ",
          "is using version 3.30.15 or 3.30.16, the 0s should  be ",
          "removed before writing out the file by using the code ",
          "\nctllist[['stddev_reporting_specs']] <- ctllist[['stddev_reporting_specs']][1:11]"
        ctllist$".i" <- ctllist$".i" - 2 # back up
        ctllist[["stddev_reporting_specs"]] <-
          c(ctllist[["stddev_reporting_specs"]][1:11], 0, 0)
    } else {
        "more_stddev_reporting read as ", ctllist[["more_stddev_reporting"]],
        ", but this is either not a valid SS option or not yet implemented ",
        "in the SS_readctl function."
    ## Selex bin
    if (ctllist[["stddev_reporting_specs"]][1] > 0 &
      ctllist[["stddev_reporting_specs"]][4] > 0) {
      ctllist <-
          name = "stddev_reporting_selex",
          length = ctllist[["stddev_reporting_specs"]][4]
    ## Growth bin
    # if using wt at age, this is not read.
    if (ctllist[["EmpiricalWAA"]] != 0 &
      (ctllist[["stddev_reporting_specs"]][5] > 0 |
        ctllist[["stddev_reporting_specs"]][6] > 0)) {
        "Additional stddev reporting being used with a model using ",
        "empirical weight at age. Note that even if number of growth",
        " ages > 0, SS will ignore these and not expect any input for ",
        "the line stddev_reporting_growth. Changing ",
        "ctllist[['stdev_reporting_specs']][6] to 0 to make this clear."
      ctllist[["stddev_reporting_specs"]][6] <- 0
    if (ctllist[["stddev_reporting_specs"]][5] > 0 &
      ctllist[["stddev_reporting_specs"]][6] > 0 &
      ctllist[["EmpiricalWAA"]] == 0) {
      ctllist <- add_vec(ctllist,
        name = "stddev_reporting_growth",
        length = ctllist[["stddev_reporting_specs"]][6]
    ## N at age
    if (ctllist[["stddev_reporting_specs"]][7] != 0 &
      ctllist[["stddev_reporting_specs"]][9] > 0) {
      ctllist <- add_vec(ctllist,
        name = "stddev_reporting_N_at_A",
        length = ctllist[["stddev_reporting_specs"]][9]
    # M at age - only available with more_stddev_reporting option 2 in
    # SS>= 3.30.15
    if (ctllist[["more_stddev_reporting"]] == 2 &&
      ctllist[["stddev_reporting_specs"]][11] > 0) {
      ctllist <- add_vec(ctllist,
        name = "stddev_reporting_M_at_A",
        length = ctllist[["stddev_reporting_specs"]][11]
  if (ctllist$".dat"[ctllist$".i"] == 999) {
    if (verbose) message("read of control file complete (final value = 999)\n")
    ctllist[["eof"]] <- TRUE
  } else {
      "Error: final value is", ctllist$".dat"[ctllist$".i"], " but ",
      "should be 999\n"
    ctllist[["eof"]] <- FALSE
  ctllist$".dat" <- NULL
  ctllist$".i" <- NULL
  # return the result

#' Get time varying parameter labels
#' function to add get the names of short time varying parameter lines
#' @param full_parms the dataframe with the full parameter lines in the control
#'  file as read in by r4ss.
#' @param block_design The block design in the control file as read in by r4ss.
get_tv_parlabs <- function(full_parms,
                           block_design) {
  # Figure out parameters are time varying
  tmp_tv <- list(
    env = full_parms[, "env_var&link"],
    dev = full_parms[, "dev_link"],
    block = full_parms[, "Block"]
  par_num <- lapply(tmp_tv, function(x) which(x != 0))
  loop_pars <- unlist(par_num)
  loop_pars <- unique(loop_pars[order(loop_pars)])
  block_fxn <- full_parms[, "Block_Fxn"]
  # block_method_label corresponds block method of 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
  block_method_label <- c("mult_", "add_", "repl_", "delta_", "revertrw_")
  parlab <- vector() # a maybe faster approach is if we could initialize with the correct size.
  for (i in loop_pars) {
    tmp_parname <- rownames(full_parms)[i]
    # Add lines to the data frame as you go. (maybe can use the same approach as long parlines)
    if (i %in% par_num[["block"]]) {
      n_blk <- full_parms[["Block"]][i]
      if (n_blk > 0) {
        tmp_blk_design <- block_design[[n_blk]]
        # Get the start year for each block
        if (is.null(tmp_blk_design)) {
            "Time blocks used in parameter setup, but not defined in the top",
            "of the control file. Please define the time blocks."
        blk_start_yrs <- tmp_blk_design[seq(1, length(tmp_blk_design), by = 2)]
        lbl <- block_method_label[block_fxn[i] + 1]
        parlab <- c(
            rep(tmp_parname, times = length(blk_start_yrs)),
            "_BLK", n_blk, lbl, blk_start_yrs
      } else { # trends
        parlab <- c(
            rep(tmp_parname, times = 3),
            c("_TrendFinal", "_TrendInfl", "_TrendWidth_yrs")

    if (i %in% par_num[["env"]]) {
      tmp_pat <- abs(full_parms[["env_var&link"]][i])
      if (isTRUE(tmp_pat > 400 & tmp_pat < 500)) { # pattern 4 needs 2 pars, all else 1.
        parlab <- c(parlab, paste0(
          rep(tmp_parname, times = 2),
          c("_ENV_offset", "_ENV_lgst_slope")
      } else {
        parlab <- c(parlab, paste0(tmp_parname, "_ENV_add"))

    if (i %in% par_num[["dev"]]) {
      # parameter name if there is devs
      parlab <- c(
          rep(tmp_parname, times = 2),
          c("_dev_se", "_dev_autocorr")

#' Use 3.30 variance adjustments to create the 3.24 formatting
#' This functionality used to be in SS_readctl_3.30, but ware removed to avoid
#'  confusion.
#' @param Variance_adjustment_list The Variance_adjustments_list element
#'  in the control file r4ss list output generated from [SS_readctl].
#'  Defaults to NULL, which can be the case if no variance adjustments were
#'  included in the model.
#' @param Nfleets Number of fleets in the model
#' @param fleetnames Name of the fleets. Defaults to fleet numbers, in the order
#'  defined in the model.
#' @return A dataframe of 3.24 variance adjustments.
translate_3.30_to_3.24_var_adjust <- function(Variance_adjustment_list = NULL,
                                              fleetnames = seq_len(Nfleets)) {
  # create version 3.24 variance adjustments
  Variance_adjustments <- as.data.frame(matrix(data = 0, nrow = 6, ncol = (Nfleets)))
  Variance_adjustments[4:6, ] <- 1
  colnames(Variance_adjustments) <- fleetnames
  rownames(Variance_adjustments) <- paste0(
  if (!is.null(Variance_adjustment_list)) {
    if (nrow(Variance_adjustment_list) > 0) {
      for (j in seq_len(nrow(Variance_adjustment_list))) {
          Variance_adjustment_list[j, ][["Factor"]],
          Variance_adjustment_list[j, ][["Fleet"]]
        ] <-
          Variance_adjustment_list[j, ][["Value"]]

#' Use 3.30 q options to create the 3.24 q setup
#' @param Q_options The Q options list element in the 3.30
#'  control file r4ss list output generated from [SS_readctl].
#' @param Nfleets Number of fleets in the model
#' @param fleetnames Name of the fleets. Defaults to fleet numbers, in the order
#' @return A dataframe containing the 3.24 Q setup.
translate_3.30_to_3.24_Q_setup <- function(Q_options,
                                           fleetnames = seq_len(Nfleets)) {
  # create 3.24 compatible Q_setup ----
  comments_fl <- paste0(1:(Nfleets), " ", fleetnames)
  Q_setup <- data.frame(matrix(data = 0, nrow = (Nfleets), ncol = 4), row.names = comments_fl)
  colnames(Q_setup) <- c("Den_dep", "env_var", "extra_se", "Q_type")
  N_Q_parms <- 0
  i <- 1
  if (!is.null(Q_options)) {
    for (j in seq_len(nrow(Q_options)))
      if ((Q_options[j, ][["float"]] == 0) || (Q_options[j, ][["float"]] == 1)) # handle float 0 or 1 as 1 parm sel
          Q_setup[Q_options[j, ][["fleet"]], ][["Q_type"]] <- 2
          i <- i + 1
          N_Q_parms <- N_Q_parms + 1
      if (Q_options[j, ][["link"]] == 2) # mirrored
          Q_setup[Q_options[j, ][["fleet"]], ][["Q_type"]] <- -abs(Q_options[j, ][["link_info"]])
      if (Q_options[j, ][["link"]] == 3) # do power
          Q_setup[Q_options[j, ][["fleet"]], ][["Den_dep"]] <- 1
          i <- i + 1
          N_Q_parms <- N_Q_parms + 1
      if (Q_options[j, ][["link"]] == 4) # mirrored with offset
          Q_setup[Q_options[j, ][["fleet"]], ][["Den_dep"]] <- -abs(Q_options[j, ][["link_info"]])
          i <- i + 1
          N_Q_parms <- N_Q_parms + 1
      if (Q_options[j, ][["extra_se"]] == 1) # do extra se
          Q_setup[Q_options[j, ][["fleet"]], ][["extra_se"]] <- 1
          i <- i + 1
          N_Q_parms <- N_Q_parms + 1
  } else {
    message("Q_options was NULL, so could not determine Q_setup.")
    Q_setup <- NULL

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r4ss documentation built on May 28, 2022, 1:11 a.m.