## R package reda by Wenjie Wang, Haoda Fu, and Jun Yan
## Copyright (C) 2015-2022
## This file is part of the R package reda.
## The R package reda is free software: You can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later
## version (at your option). See the GNU General Public License at
## <> for details.
## The R package reda is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY without even the implied warranty of
## collation after class.R and mcf-generic.R
##' @include class.R
##' @include mcf-generic.R
##' @describeIn mcf Estimated MCF from a fitted model.
##' @param newdata An optional data frame. If specified, the data frame should
##' have the same column names as the covariate names appearing in the
##' formula of original fitting.
##' @param groupName An optional length-one charactor vector to specify the name
##' for grouping each unique row in \code{newdata}, such as "gender" for
##' "male" and "female". The default value is "Group".
##' @param groupLevels An optional charactor vector to specify the levels for
##' each unique row in \code{newdata}, such as "treatment" and "control".
##' The default values are \code{"Level"} followed by a numeric sequence
##' with length of number of levels.
##' @aliases mcf,rateReg-method
##' @importFrom stats na.omit na.exclude na.pass
##' @importFrom splines2 ibs iSpline
##' @export
f = "mcf", signature = "rateReg",
definition = function(object, newdata, groupName, groupLevels,
level = 0.95, na.action, control = list(), ...)
## extract model fitting information from object
beta <- object@estimates$beta[, "coef"]
alpha <- object@estimates$alpha[, "coef"]
covnames <- names(beta)
nBeta <- length(beta)
knots <- object@spline$knots
degree <- object@spline$degree
Boundary.knots <- object@spline$Boundary.knots
## control
controlist <- c(control, list(Boundary.knots_ = Boundary.knots))
control <-"rateReg_mcf_control", controlist)
gridTime <- control$grid
n_xx <- control$length.out
## baseline rate basis matrix
iMat <- splines2::mSpline(x = gridTime,
knots = knots,
degree = degree,
intercept = TRUE,
integral = TRUE,
Boundary.knots = Boundary.knots,
periodic = object@spline$periodic)
## estimated MCF
estMcf <- as.vector(iMat %*% alpha)
## covariance matrix of beta and alpha
n_par <- nrow(object@fisher)
covInd <- seq_len(n_par)[- (nBeta + 1L)]
covMat <- solve(object@fisher)[covInd, covInd]
## nonsense, just to suppress Note from R CMD check --as-cran
`(Intercept)` <- NULL
## about newdata
tt <- stats::terms(object@formula)
Terms <- stats::delete.response(tt)
if (missing(na.action) || is.null(na.action))
na.action <- options("na.action")[[1L]]
if (missing(newdata)) {
X <- matrix(rep(0, nBeta), nrow = 1)
colnames(X) <- covnames
rownames(X) <- "1"
} else {
mf <- stats::model.frame(Terms, newdata,
na.action = na.action,
xlev = object@xlevels)
na.action <- paste0("na.", class(attr(mf, "na.action")))
X <- stats::model.matrix(
Terms, mf,
contrasts.arg = object@contrasts$constracts
## remove intercept and deplicated rows
X <- unique(base::subset(X, select = - `(Intercept)`))
if (ncol(X) != nBeta)
"The number of input covariates does not",
"match with 'rateReg' object."
## mcf for possible multigroups
ndesign <- nrow(X)
designSeq <- seq_len(ndesign)
multiGroup <- ndesign > 1
coveff <- as.numeric(exp(X %*% beta))
outDat <- matrix(NA_real_, ncol = 4, nrow = ndesign * n_xx)
for (i in designSeq) {
## Delta-method
gradMat <- gradDelta(Xi = X[i, ], iMat, estMcf, coveffi = coveff[i])
varTime <- apply(gradMat, 1, function (gradVec, covMat) {
crossprod(gradVec, covMat) %*% gradVec
}, covMat = covMat)
confBand <- stats::qnorm((1 + level) / 2) * sqrt(varTime)
mcf_i <- estMcf * coveff[i]
lower <- pmax(0, mcf_i - confBand)
upper <- mcf_i + confBand
ind <- = n_xx * (i - 1) + 1, to = n_xx * i, by = 1)
outDat[ind, 1L] <- gridTime
outDat[ind, 2L] <- mcf_i
outDat[ind, 3L] <- lower
outDat[ind, 4L] <- upper
outDat <-
colnames(outDat) <- c("time", "MCF", "lower", "upper")
if (multiGroup) {
if (missing(groupLevels))
groupLevels <- paste("Level", designSeq)
if (missing(groupName))
groupName <- "Group"
tempcol <- factor(rep(groupLevels[designSeq], each = n_xx))
outDat <- cbind(outDat, tempcol)
colnames(outDat)[5L] <- groupName
## return
call = object@call,
formula = object@formula,
spline = object@spline$spline,
knots = knots,
degree = degree,
Boundary.knots = Boundary.knots,
newdata = X,
MCF = outDat,
level = level,
na.action = na.action,
control = control,
multiGroup = multiGroup)
### internal function ==========================================================
## Delta-method, compute the gradient on beta and alpha
gradDelta <- function(Xi, iMat, estMcf, coveffi) {
gradBeta <- estMcf %o% Xi * coveffi
gradAlpha <- iMat * coveffi
## retrun
cbind(gradBeta, gradAlpha)
## control function
rateReg_mcf_control <- function(grid, length.out = 1e3, from, to, ...,
## controls for function MCF with signiture rateReg
from <- if (missing(from)) Boundary.knots_[1L] else from
to <- if (missing(to)) Boundary.knots_[2L] else to
if (! missing(grid)) {
if (! isNumVector(grid))
stop("The 'grid' specified must be numeric vector.",
call. = FALSE)
grid <- sort(as.numeric(na.omit(grid)))
length.out <- length(grid)
from <- min(grid)
to <- max(grid)
} else {
grid <- = from, to = to, length.out = length.out)
## if (min(grid) < Boundary.knots_[1] || max(grid) > Boundary.knots_[2])
## stop(wrapMessages(
## "The 'grid' specified must be within",
## "the coverage of the boundary knots."
## ), call. = FALSE)
## return
list(grid = grid, length.out = length.out, from = from, to = to)
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