
Defines functions refdb_filter_tax_na refdb_filter_ref_scope refdb_filter_tax_precision refdb_filter_seq_primer refdb_filter_seq_stopcodon refdb_filter_seq_duplicates refdb_filter_seq_homopolymers refdb_filter_seq_ambiguous refdb_filter_seq_length .filter_ref_scope .filter_tax_precision2 .filter_tax_precision .filter_seq_primer .filter_seq_stopcodon .filter_seq_duplicates .filter_seq_homopolymers .filter_seq_ambiguous .filter_seq_length

Documented in .filter_seq_length refdb_filter_ref_scope refdb_filter_seq_ambiguous refdb_filter_seq_duplicates refdb_filter_seq_homopolymers refdb_filter_seq_length refdb_filter_seq_primer refdb_filter_seq_stopcodon refdb_filter_tax_na refdb_filter_tax_precision

#' Scores for filtering operations
#' @param x a reference database
#' @param gaps should gaps be included.
#' @return a numeric vector
#' @name filter_scores

#' @rdname filter_scores
.filter_seq_length <- function(x, gaps) {
  check_fields(x, "sequence")
  col <- attributes(x)$refdb$sequence
  bioseq::seq_nchar(x[[col]], gaps = gaps)

.filter_seq_ambiguous <- function(x, char) {
  check_fields(x, "sequence")
  col <- attributes(x)$refdb$sequence
  bioseq::seq_count_pattern(x[[col]], pattern = list(char))
} # Returns number of ambiguous char

.filter_seq_homopolymers <- function(x) {
  check_fields(x, "sequence")
  col <- attributes(x)$refdb$sequence
  res <- bioseq::seq_extract_pattern(x[[col]], pattern = "(.)\\1+")
  sapply(res, function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 0,
} # Returns length of longest homopolymer

.filter_seq_duplicates <- function(x) {
  check_fields(x, what = c("sequence", "taxonomy"))
  col <- c(attributes(x)$refdb$sequence,
  !duplicated.data.frame(x[, col], incomparables = FALSE)
} # Return logical vector: FALSE are duplicates

.filter_seq_stopcodon <- function(x, code, codon_frame = NA) {
  check_fields(x, "sequence")
  col <- attributes(x)$refdb$sequence

  dna_seq <- x[[col]]
  dna_seq <- bioseq::seq_remove_pattern(dna_seq, pattern = "-")

  if(is.character(code)) {
    # If code is a column name
    code <- x[[code]]
  } else {
    #Otherwise it is assumed to be a numeric vector
    #indicating genetic code
    code <- rep_len(code, nrow(x))

  if(!is.na(codon_frame)) {

    res <- mapply(function(x, y) {
      prot <- bioseq::seq_translate(x, code = y, codon_frame = codon_frame)
      bioseq::seq_count_pattern(prot, "\\*")
    x = x[[col]],
    y = code,

  } else {
    # We test the three frames
    stop_mat <- cbind(
      mapply(function(x, y) {
        prot <- bioseq::seq_translate(x, code = y, codon_frame = 1)
        bioseq::seq_count_pattern(prot, "\\*")
      x = x[[col]],
      y = code,
      mapply(function(x, y) {
        prot <- bioseq::seq_translate(x, code = y, codon_frame = 2)
        bioseq::seq_count_pattern(prot, "\\*")
      x = x[[col]],
      y = code,
      mapply(function(x, y) {
        prot <- bioseq::seq_translate(x, code = y, codon_frame = 3)
        bioseq::seq_count_pattern(prot, "\\*")
      x = x[[col]],
      y = code,
    res <- apply(stop_mat, 1, min)

} # Return number of stop codons

.filter_seq_primer <- function(x, primer) {
  check_fields(x, "sequence")
  col <- attributes(x)$refdb$sequence

  dna_seq <- x[[col]]
  dna_seq <- bioseq::seq_remove_pattern(dna_seq, pattern = "-")

  strd <- bioseq:::seq_afind(dna_seq, bioseq::as_dna(primer))

  res <- apply(strd$distance, 1, min) /
                      apply(strd$distance, 1, which.min)),
                1, function(x) strd$match[x[[1]], x[[2]]]))
} # Return distance to primer (frequency of character [0-1])

.filter_tax_precision <- function(x) {
  check_fields(x, "taxonomy")
  col <- attributes(x)$refdb$taxonomy
  x_na <- refdb_clean_tax_NA(x)
  x_na <- x_na[, col]

  x_val <- lapply(seq_len(ncol(x_na)), function(x) {
    ifelse(is.na(x_na[, x]), 0, x)

  apply(as.data.frame(x_val), 1, max)
} # Return taxonomic precision (number of last taxonomic column)
  # High value indicate more precise identification

.filter_tax_precision2 <- function(x) {
  check_fields(x, "taxonomy")
  col <- attributes(x)$refdb$taxonomy
  x_na <- refdb_clean_tax_NA(x)
  x_na <- x_na[, col]
  ncc <- ncol(x_na)

  apply(x_na, 1, function(x) {
    pos <- which(!is.na(x))
    if(length(pos) == 0) {
    } else {
} # Return taxonomic precision (number of last taxonomic column)
# High value indicate more precise identification

.filter_ref_scope <- function(x) {
  check_fields(x, c("taxonomy", "reference"))
  col_tax <- attributes(x)$refdb$taxonomy
  col_ref <- attributes(x)$refdb$reference

  dat <- x[, c(col_ref, col_tax)]
  dat <- dplyr::group_by(dat, !!!rlang::syms(unname(col_ref)))

  dat <- dplyr::mutate(dat,
                       dplyr::across(.cols = dplyr::all_of(unname(col_tax)),
                                     .fns = dplyr::n_distinct))

  res <- apply(dat[, col_tax], 1, function(x) sum(x > 1))
  res[is.na(dat[[col_ref]])] <- NA
  length(col_tax) - res
} # Return the study taxonomic scope (number of last taxonomic column)
# High value indicate more narrow studies
# Returns NA if reference is NA

# .filter_seq_dist <- function(x) {
#   check_fields(x, c("taxonomy", "sequence"))
#   x <- refdb_clean_tax_NA(x)
#   x_tax <- x[, attributes(x)$refdb_fields$taxonomy]
#   x_seq <- x[, attributes(x)$refdb_fields$sequence, drop = TRUE]
#   x_tax_precision <- .filter_tax_precision(x)
#   g <- igraph_from_taxo(x)
#   seq_in_out <- cbind(stringr::str_locate(x_seq, "^[-N]+")[, 2],
#                       stringr::str_locate(x_seq, "[-N]+$")[, 1])
#   seq_in_out[, 1][is.na(seq_in_out[, 1])] <- 1
#   seq_in_out[, 2][is.na(seq_in_out[, 2])] <- nchar(x_seq[1])
#   out <- vector(mode = "logical", length = length(x_seq))
#   for(i in seq_along(x_seq)) {
#     i_seq <- x_seq[i]
#     i_seq_in_out <- seq_in_out[i, ]
#     i_tax <- unlist(x_tax[i, ])
#     i_tax_precision <- x_tax_precision[i]
#     if(length(unique(unlist(x_tax[, 1]))) > 1) {
#       i_tax_path <- c("Root", i_tax)
#     } else {
#       i_tax_path <- i_tax
#     }
#     i_tax_path <- paste(i_tax_path, collapse = ">")
#     i_tax_path <- stringr::str_remove(i_tax_path, pattern = "(>NA)+$")
#     sample_idx <- intersect(
#       which(seq_in_out[, 1] <= i_seq_in_out[1]),
#       which(seq_in_out[, 2] >= i_seq_in_out[2])
#     )
#     sample_idx <- intersect(
#       sample_idx,
#       which(x_tax_precision == i_tax_precision)
#     )
#     if(length(sample_idx) < 100 | is.na(x_seq[i])) {
#       out[i] <- 0
#       next
#     }
#     sample_idx <- sample(sample_idx, size = 100)
#     sample_tax_path <- x_tax[sample_idx, ]
#     if(length(unique(unlist(x_tax[, 1]))) > 1) {
#       sample_tax_path <- tibble::tibble(Root = "Root", sample_tax_path)
#     }
#     sample_tax_path <- apply(x_tax[sample_idx, ], 1,
#                              function(x) {
#                                res <- paste(x, collapse = ">")
#                                res <- stringr::str_remove(res, pattern = "(>NA)+$")
#                                })
#     sample_seq <- x_seq[sample_idx]
#     tax_dist_i <- igraph::distances(graph = g,
#                                     v = which(igraph::V(g)$name == i_tax_path),
#                                     to = which(igraph::V(g)$name %in%  sample_tax_path))
#     tax_dist_i <- tax_dist_i[ , sample_tax_path, drop = TRUE]
#     seq_dist_i <- ape::dist.dna(bioseq::as_DNAbin(c(i_seq, sample_seq)),
#                                 model = "raw", as.matrix = TRUE)[-1, 1]
#     sel <- seq_dist_i < stats::quantile(seq_dist_i, probs = 0.95)
#     seq_dist_i <- seq_dist_i[sel]
#     tax_dist_i <- tax_dist_i[sel]
#     median_seq_dist <- tapply(seq_dist_i, tax_dist_i, stats::median)
#     out[i] <- sum(median_seq_dist[1] > median_seq_dist[-1])
#     if(all(tax_dist_i == tax_dist_i[1]) | all(seq_dist_i == seq_dist_i[1])) {
#       out[i] <- 0
#       next
#     }
#     if(stats::cor.test(tax_dist_i, seq_dist_i)$conf.int[1] > 0) {
#       out[i] <- 0
#     }
#     if(out[i] > 2) plot(tax_dist_i, seq_dist_i, main = i)
#     cat("\rProcessing sequences: ", i, " (", floor(i/length(x_seq)*100), "%)", rep(" ", 40), sep = "")
#   }
# }


#' Filter sequences based on their number of character.
#' @param x a reference database.
#' @param min_len,max_len minimum and maximum sequence lengths.
#' Use \code{NULL} (default) to ignore.
#' @param gaps if \code{TRUE} gaps are accounted.
#' @return
#' A tibble (filtered reference database).
#' @examples
#' lib <- read.csv(system.file("extdata", "baetidae_bold.csv", package = "refdb"))
#' lib <- refdb_set_fields_BOLD(lib)
#' refdb_filter_seq_length(lib, 50L)
#' @export
refdb_filter_seq_length <- function(x, min_len = NULL, max_len = NULL, gaps = FALSE) {

  flt <- .filter_seq_length(x, gaps)

  if(is.null(min_len)) {
    min_len <- 0
  if(is.null(max_len)) {
    max_len <- max(flt, na.rm = TRUE) + 1

  sel <- flt >= min_len & flt <= max_len & !is.na(flt)
  x[sel, ]

#' Filter sequences based on their number of ambiguous character.
#' @param x a reference database.
#' @param max_ambig maximum number of ambiguous character.
#' @param char characters interpreted as ambiguous (vector).
#' @return
#' A tibble (filtered reference database).
#' @examples
#' lib <- read.csv(system.file("extdata", "baetidae_bold.csv", package = "refdb"))
#' lib <- refdb_set_fields_BOLD(lib)
#' refdb_filter_seq_ambiguous(lib)
#' @export
refdb_filter_seq_ambiguous <- function(x, max_ambig = 3L, char = "N") {
  flt <- .filter_seq_ambiguous(x, char = char)
  sel <- flt <= max_ambig & !is.na(flt)
  x[sel, ]

#' Filter sequences based on their number of repeated character.
#' @param x a reference database.
#' @param max_len maximum number of repeated character (homopolymer).
#' @return
#' A tibble (filtered reference database).
#' @examples
#' lib <- read.csv(system.file("extdata", "baetidae_bold.csv", package = "refdb"))
#' lib <- refdb_set_fields_BOLD(lib)
#' refdb_filter_seq_homopolymers(lib)
#' @export
refdb_filter_seq_homopolymers <- function(x, max_len = 16L) {
  flt <- .filter_seq_homopolymers(x)
  sel <- flt <= max_len & !is.na(flt)
  x[sel, ]

#' Filter duplicated sequences.
#' Exclude duplicated sequences.
#' This is based both on sequences and taxonomy.
#' NA values are assumed to be comparable.
#' @param x a reference database.
#' @return
#' A tibble (filtered reference database).
#' @examples
#' lib <- read.csv(system.file("extdata", "baetidae_bold.csv", package = "refdb"))
#' lib <- refdb_set_fields_BOLD(lib)
#' refdb_filter_seq_duplicates(lib)
#' @export
refdb_filter_seq_duplicates <- function(x) {
  sel <- .filter_seq_duplicates(x)
  x[sel, ]

# Can be renamed sample_
# Method random, max_genetic_div, central_genetic_div

# .filter_tax_subsample <- function(x, min_tax = "order", method, keep) {
#   check_fields(x, what = "taxonomy")
#   col <- attributes(x)$refdb$taxonomy
#   col <- col[seq(1, which(col == min_tax))]
#   if (method == "random") {
#     x[, col]
#   }
# }
# refdb_filter_seq_subsample <- function(x, method, keep) {
#   sel <- .filter_seq_subsample(x)
#   x[sel, ]
# }

#' Filter sequences based on their number of of stop codons.
#' @param x a reference database.
#' @param max_stop maximum number of stop codons.
#' @param code an integer indicating the genetic code to use for translation
#' (see \link[bioseq]{genetic-codes}).
#' @param codon_frame an integer giving the nucleotide position where
#' to start translation. If \code{NA} (the default), the three different frames
#' are tested and the frame producing the lowest number of stop codons will
#' be used.
#' @return
#' A tibble (filtered reference database).
#' @examples
#' lib <- read.csv(system.file("extdata", "baetidae_bold.csv", package = "refdb"))
#' lib <- refdb_set_fields_BOLD(lib)
#' refdb_filter_seq_stopcodon(lib, code = 5)
#' @export
refdb_filter_seq_stopcodon <- function(x, max_stop = 0, code, codon_frame = NA) {
  flt <- .filter_seq_stopcodon(x, code = code, codon_frame = codon_frame)
  sel <- flt <= max_stop & !is.na(flt)
  x[sel, ]

#' Filter sequences based on the presence of primers.
#' @param x a reference database.
#' @param primer_forward forward primer.
#' @param primer_reverse reverse primer.
#' @param max_error_forward,max_error_reverse maximum error for match
#' (frequency base on primer length).
#' @return
#' A tibble (filtered reference database).
#' @examples
#' lib <- read.csv(system.file("extdata", "baetidae_bold.csv", package = "refdb"))
#' lib <- refdb_set_fields_BOLD(lib)
#' refdb_filter_seq_primer(lib, "ACTA")
#' @export
refdb_filter_seq_primer <- function(x, primer_forward = NULL,
                                    primer_reverse = NULL,
                                    max_error_forward = 0.1,
                                    max_error_reverse = 0.1) {
  sel <- rep(TRUE, nrow(x))

  if(!is.null(primer_forward)) {
    flt_fwd <- .filter_seq_primer(x, primer = primer_forward)
    sel <- sel & (flt_fwd <= max_error_forward) & !is.na(flt_fwd)

  if(!is.null(primer_reverse)) {
    flt_rev <- .filter_seq_primer(x, primer = primer_reverse)
    sel <- sel & (flt_rev <= max_error_reverse) & !is.na(flt_rev)

  x[sel, ]

#' Filter records based on their taxonomic precision.
#' @param x a reference database.
#' @param min_tax minimum taxonomic level
#' (column name of the reference database).
#' @return
#' A tibble (filtered reference database).
#' @examples
#' lib <- read.csv(system.file("extdata", "baetidae_bold.csv", package = "refdb"))
#' lib <- refdb_set_fields_BOLD(lib)
#' refdb_filter_tax_precision(lib, min_tax = "family_name")
#' @export
refdb_filter_tax_precision <- function(x, min_tax) {
  flt <- .filter_tax_precision2(x)

  min_tax <- which(min_tax == attributes(x)$refdb$taxonomy)
  sel <- flt >= min_tax & !is.na(flt)
  x[sel, ]

#' Filter records by taxonomic scope of studies
#' @param x a reference database (tibble).
#' @param max_tax the maximum (widest) taxonomic focus of the study.
#' @details
#' A reference field (one ore more columns) must be set to use
#' this function. If reference is not available (NA) for a record,
#' the record is not dropped.
#' @return
#' a reference database (tibble).
#' @examples
#' lib <- read.csv(system.file("extdata", "baetidae_bold.csv", package = "refdb"))
#' lib <- refdb_set_fields_BOLD(lib)
#' lib$refs <- rep("REF_1", nrow(lib))
#' lib <- refdb_set_fields(lib, reference = "refs")
#' refdb_filter_ref_scope(lib, max_tax = "family_name")
#' @export
refdb_filter_ref_scope <- function(x, max_tax) {
  flt <- .filter_ref_scope(x)

  max_tax <- which(max_tax == attributes(x)$refdb$taxonomy)
  sel <- flt >= max_tax
  sel[is.na(sel)] <- TRUE
  x[sel, ]

# #Require alignment:
# refdb_filter_seq_dist(x, max_dist)
# #Require alignment or phylogenetic tree
# refdb_filter_seq_phylo(x, phylo, max_dist)
# #Require external RDP software
# refdb_filter_seq_selfassign(x, max_dist, exec)

#' Filter records NA taxa
#' Remove records where taxa is NA if it is not
#' the only representant of the upper clade.
#' Note that the function maybe slow on large datasets.
#' @param x a reference database.
#' (column name of the reference database).
#' @return
#' A tibble (filtered reference database).
#' @examples
#' lib <- read.csv(system.file("extdata", "baetidae_bold.csv", package = "refdb"))
#' lib <- refdb_set_fields_BOLD(lib)
#' refdb_filter_tax_na(lib)
#' @export
refdb_filter_tax_na <- function(x){

  na_lvl <- .filter_tax_precision2(x)
  cols <- attributes(x)$refdb$taxonomy
  tax <- length(cols)

  if(all(na_lvl >= tax)) {

  sel <- rep_len(TRUE, nrow(x))
  tax_mat <- x[, cols]
  tax_comp <- lapply(1:ncol(tax_mat), function(x) apply(tax_mat[1:x], 1, paste, collapse = ""))
  tax_comp <- as.data.frame(tax_comp)
  tax_comp$na_lvl <- na_lvl

  tax_comp_na <- tax_comp[na_lvl < tax, ]
  na_lvl_na <- na_lvl[na_lvl < tax]

  sel[na_lvl < tax] <-
           function(x) {
             upstream_tax <- unlist(tax_comp_na[x, na_lvl_na[x]])
             res <- any(tax_comp[tax_comp[[na_lvl_na[x]]] == upstream_tax, ]$na_lvl > na_lvl_na[x])

  x[sel, ]

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refdb documentation built on Sept. 22, 2022, 5:07 p.m.