#' Construct a PC-based function-on-function regression term
#' Defines a term \eqn{\int X_i(s)\beta(t,s)ds}
#' for inclusion in an \code{mgcv::gam}-formula (or \code{bam} or \code{gamm} or \code{gamm4:::gamm4}) as constructed
#' by \code{\link{pffr}}.
#' In contrast to \code{\link{ff}}, \code{ffpc}
#' does an FPCA decomposition \eqn{X(s) \approx \sum^K_{k=1} \xi_{ik} \Phi_k(s)} using \code{\link{}} and
#' represents \eqn{\beta(t,s)} in the function space spanned by these \eqn{\Phi_k(s)}.
#' That is, since
#' \deqn{\int X_i(s)\beta(t,s)ds = \sum^K_{k=1} \xi_{ik} \int \Phi_k(s) \beta(s,t) ds = \sum^K_{k=1} \xi_{ik} \tilde \beta_k(t),}
#' the function-on-function term can be represented as a sum of \eqn{K} univariate functions \eqn{\tilde \beta_k(t)} in \eqn{t} each multiplied by the FPC
#' scores \eqn{\xi_{ik}}. The truncation parameter \eqn{K} is chosen as described in \code{\link{}}.
#' Using this instead of \code{ff()} can be beneficial if the covariance operator of the \eqn{X_i(s)}
#' has low effective rank (i.e., if \eqn{K} is small). If the covariance operator of the \eqn{X_i(s)}
#' is of (very) high rank, i.e., if \eqn{K} is large, \code{ffpc()} will not be very efficient.
#' To reduce model complexity, the \eqn{\tilde \beta_k(t)} all have a single joint smoothing parameter
#' (in \code{mgcv}, they get the same \code{id}, see \code{\link[mgcv]{s}}).\cr
#' Please see \code{\link[refund]{pffr}} for details on model specification and
#' implementation.
#' @param X an n by \code{ncol(xind)} matrix of function evaluations \eqn{X_i(s_{i1}),\dots, X_i(s_{iS})}; \eqn{i=1,\dots,n}.
#' @param yind \emph{DEPRECATED} used to supply matrix (or vector) of indices of evaluations of \eqn{Y_i(t)}, no longer used.
#' @param xind matrix (or vector) of indices of evaluations of \eqn{X_i(t)}, defaults to \code{seq(0, 1, length=ncol(X))}.
#' @param splinepars optional arguments supplied to the \code{basistype}-term. Defaults to a cubic
#' B-spline with first difference penalties and 8 basis functions for each \eqn{\tilde \beta_k(t)}.
#' @param decomppars parameters for the FPCA performed with \code{\link{}}.
#' @param npc.max maximal number \eqn{K} of FPCs to use, regardless of \code{decomppars}; defaults to 15
#' @return A list containing the necessary information to construct a term to be included in a \code{mgcv::gam}-formula.
#' @author Fabian Scheipl
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' set.seed(1122)
#' n <- 55
#' S <- 60
#' T <- 50
#' s <- seq(0,1, l=S)
#' t <- seq(0,1, l=T)
#' #generate X from a polynomial FPC-basis:
#' rankX <- 5
#' Phi <- cbind(1/sqrt(S), poly(s, degree=rankX-1))
#' lambda <- rankX:1
#' Xi <- sapply(lambda, function(l)
#' scale(rnorm(n, sd=sqrt(l)), scale=FALSE))
#' X <- Xi %*% t(Phi)
#' <- outer(s, t, function(s, t) cos(2 * pi * s * t))
#' y <- (1/S*X) %*% + 0.1 * matrix(rnorm(n * T), nrow=n, ncol=T)
#' data <- list(y=y, X=X)
#' # set number of FPCs to true rank of process for this example:
#' m.pc <- pffr(y ~ c(1) + 0 + ffpc(X, yind=t, decomppars=list(npc=rankX)),
#' data=data, yind=t)
#' summary(m.pc)
#' m.ff <- pffr(y ~ c(1) + 0 + ff(X, yind=t), data=data, yind=t)
#' summary(m.ff)
#' # fits are very similar:
#' all.equal(fitted(m.pc), fitted(m.ff))
#' # plot implied coefficient surfaces:
#' layout(t(1:3))
#' persp(t, s, t(, theta=50, phi=40, main="Truth",
#' ticktype="detailed")
#' plot(m.ff, select=1, zlim=range(, theta=50, phi=40,
#' ticktype="detailed")
#' title(main="ff()")
#' ffpcplot(m.pc, type="surf", auto.layout=FALSE, theta = 50, phi = 40)
#' title(main="ffpc()")
#' # show default ffpcplot:
#' ffpcplot(m.pc)
#' }
ffpc <- function(X,
xind=seq(0, 1, length=ncol(X)),
splinepars=list(bs="ps", m=c(2, 1), k=8),
decomppars=list(pve = .99, useSymm = TRUE),
# check & format index for Y
# if(!missing(yind))
# if(is.null(dim(yind))){
# yind <- t(t(yind))
# }
# nygrid <- length(yind)
nxgrid <- length(xind)
# check & format index for X
stopifnot(length(xind) == ncol(X))
stopifnot(all.equal(order(xind), 1:nxgrid))
decomppars$Y <- X
klX <-, decomppars)
xiMat <- klX$scores[,1:min(ncol(klX$scores),npc.max), drop=FALSE]
#assign unique names based on the given args
colnames(xiMat) <- paste(make.names(deparse(substitute(X))),".PC", 1:ncol(xiMat), sep="")
id <- paste(make.names(deparse(substitute(X))),".ffpc", sep="")
return(list(data=xiMat, PCMat=klX$efunctions[,1:min(ncol(klX$scores),npc.max), drop=FALSE],
xind=xind, id=id, splinepars=splinepars))
}#end ffpc()
#' Plot PC-based function-on-function regression terms
#' Convenience function for graphical summaries of \code{ffpc}-terms from a
#' \code{pffr} fit.
#' @param object a fitted \code{pffr}-model
#' @param type one of "fpc+surf", "surf" or "fpc": "surf" shows a perspective plot of the coefficient surface implied
#' by the estimated effect functions of the FPC scores, "fpc" shows three plots:
#' 1) a scree-type plot of the estimated eigenvalues of the functional covariate, 2) the estimated eigenfunctions,
#' and 3) the estimated coefficient functions associated with the FPC scores. Defaults to showing both.
#' @param se.mult display estimated coefficient functions associated with the FPC scores with plus/minus this number time the estimated standard error.
#' Defaults to 2.
#' @param pages the number of pages over which to spread the output. Defaults to 1. (Irrelevant if \code{auto.layout=FALSE}.)
#' @param ticktype see \code{\link[graphics]{persp}}.
#' @param theta see \code{\link[graphics]{persp}}.
#' @param phi see \code{\link[graphics]{persp}}.
#' @param plot produce plots or only return plotting data? Defaults to \code{TRUE}.
#' @param auto.layout should the the function set a suitable layout automatically? Defaults to TRUE
#' @return primarily produces plots, invisibly returns a list containing
#' the data used for the plots.
#' @author Fabian Scheipl
#' @export
#' @importFrom graphics persp layout polygon matplot
#' @importFrom mgcv gam
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' #see ?ffpc
#' }
##FIXME: scale phibeta with lengths of domains!
ffpcplot <- function(object, type=c("fpc+surf", "surf", "fpc"), pages=1,
se.mult=2, ticktype="detailed", theta = 30, phi = 30, plot=TRUE,
type <- match.arg(type)
T <- object$pffr$nyindex
nterms <- length(object$pffr$ffpc)
ffpcnames <- names(object$pffr$ffpc)
betadata <- if(object$pffr$sparseOrNongrid){
tmp <- object$model[rep(1, T), ]
tmp[,paste0(object$pffr$yindname,".vec")] <- object$pffr$yind
} else {
betadata[, grep(".PC[[:digit:]]+$", colnames(betadata))] <- 1
termsffpc <- predict.gam(object, newdata=betadata, type="iterms",
betatilde <- termsffpc$fit[,grep(".PC[[:digit:]]+$", colnames(termsffpc$fit)), drop=FALSE] <- termsffpc$[,grep(".PC[[:digit:]]+$", colnames(termsffpc$, drop=FALSE]
betatilde.up <- betatilde + se.mult*
betatilde.lo <- betatilde - se.mult*
betatildemap <- lapply(ffpcnames,
function(n) which(colnames(betatilde) %in% object$pffr$labelmap[[n]]))
phibeta <- vector(length=nterms, mode="list")
names(phibeta) <- sapply(object$pffr$ffpc, "[[", "id")
for(i in 1:nterms){
### betatilde_k (t) = \int_calS phi_k(s) beta(s,t) ds \approx |calS|/S t(Phi_k) %*% beta(s,t)
### --> beta(s,t) = S/|calS| * Phi %*% [betatilde_1(t) ... betatilde_K(t)]
phibeta[[i]] <-
length(object$pffr$ffpc[[i]]$xind)/diff(rev(range(object$pffr$ffpc[[i]]$xind))) *
object$pffr$ffpc[[i]]$PCMat %*% t(betatilde[,betatildemap[[i]], drop=FALSE])
nplots <- switch(type,
#define layout
plotsperpage <- ceiling(nplots/pages)
columns <- switch(type,
layout(matrix(1:plotsperpage, ncol=columns, nrow=ceiling(plotsperpage/columns), byrow=TRUE))
for(i in 1:nterms){
trm <- object$pffr$ffpc[[i]]
if(type=="fpc+surf" | type=="fpc"){#
npc <- ncol(trm$PCMat)
plot(1:npc, trm$eigenvalues[1:npc], col=1:npc, xlab="FPC", type="b", pch=19,
ylab=paste0("Estimated eigenvalues: ", trm$id), bty="n")
matplot(trm$xind, trm$PCMat[,npc:1], type="l", lty=1, col=npc:1, xlab = "",
ylab = paste0("Estimated FPCs: ", trm$id), bty="n")
matplot(object$pffr$yind, betatilde[,rev(betatildemap[[i]])], type="l", lty=1,
ylim = range(betatilde.up[,betatildemap[[i]]], betatilde.lo[,betatildemap[[i]]]), col=npc:1,
xlab = "", ylab = paste0("Effects of FPC scores"), bty="n")
abline(h=0, col="grey", lwd=.5)
secol <- length(betatildemap[[i]])
for(j in rev(betatildemap[[i]])){
polygon(cbind(x=c(object$pffr$yind, rev(object$pffr$yind))),
y=c(betatilde.up[,j], rev(betatilde.lo[,j])),, as.list(c(col2rgb(secol)/255,.1))), border=NA)
secol <- secol-1
if(type=="fpc+surf" | type=="surf"){
persp(trm$xind, object$pffr$yind, z=phibeta[[i]],
theta=theta, phi=phi,
ticktype=ticktype, xlab="x.index", ylab="y.index",
} #end for(i)
invisible(list(betatilde=betatilde,, phibeta=phibeta))
}#end ffpcplot()
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