#' Plot a pfr object
#' This function plots the smooth coefficients of a pfr object. These include
#' functional coefficients as well as any smooths of scalar covariates. The
#' function dispatches to \code{pfr_plot.gam}, which is our local copy of
#' \code{\link[mgcv]{plot.gam}} with some minor changes.
#' @param x a fitted \code{pfr}-object
#' @param Qtransform For additive functional terms, \code{TRUE} indicates the
#' coefficient should be plotted on the quantile-transformed scale, whereas
#' \code{FALSE} indicates the scale of the original data. Note this is
#' different from the \code{Qtransform} arguemnt of \code{af}, which specifies
#' the scale on which the term is fit.
#' @param ... arguments handed over to \code{\link[mgcv]{plot.gam}}
#' @return This function's main purpose is its side effect of generating plots.
#' It also silently returns a list of the data used to produce the plots, which
#' can be used to generate customized plots.
#' @author Jonathan Gellar
#' @seealso \code{\link{af}}, \code{\link{pfr}}
#' @importFrom mgcv plot.gam
#' @export
plot.pfr <- function(x, Qtransform=FALSE, ...) {
class(x) <- class(x)[-1]
smooth.types <- x$pfr$termtype[x$pfr$termtype != "par"]
if (Qtransform) {
# Flag the smooths
for (i in 1:length(x$smooth))
if (smooth.types[i]=="af")
x$smooth[[i]]$Qplot <- TRUE
pfr_plot.gam(x, ...)
# locfcn <- function(bod, txt) {
# loc <- which(sapply(bod, function(x)
# any(grepl(x, pattern=txt, fixed=TRUE))))
# ret <- if (length(loc)) {
# newbod <- bod[[loc]]
# c(loc, locfcn(newbod, txt))
# } else c()
# ret
# }
#' Local version of \code{plot.gam}
#' These internal functions were copied from Simon Wood's \code{mgcv} package,
#' with some minor changes to allow for plotting \code{pfr} objects.
#' @seealso \code{\link[mgcv]{plot.gam}}
#' @keywords internal
pfr_plot.gam <- function (x, residuals = FALSE, rug = TRUE, se = TRUE, pages = 0,
select = NULL, scale = -1, n = 100, n2 = 40, n3=3,
theta = 30, phi = 30, jit = FALSE, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL,
main = NULL, ylim = NULL, xlim = NULL, too.far = 0.1, all.terms = FALSE,
shade = FALSE, shade.col = "gray80", shift = 0, trans = I,
seWithMean = FALSE, unconditional = FALSE, by.resids = FALSE,
scheme = 0, ...) {
sub.edf <- function(lab, edf) {
pos <- regexpr(":", lab)[1]
if (pos < 0) {
pos <- nchar(lab) - 1
lab <- paste(substr(lab, start = 1, stop = pos),
",", round(edf, digits = 2), ")", sep = "")
else {
lab1 <- substr(lab, start = 1, stop = pos - 2)
lab2 <- substr(lab, start = pos - 1, stop = nchar(lab))
lab <- paste(lab1, ",", round(edf, digits = 2), lab2,
sep = "")
if (unconditional) {
if (is.null(x$Vc))
warning("Smoothness uncertainty corrected covariance not available")
else x$Vp <- x$Vc
w.resid <- NULL
if (length(residuals) > 1) {
if (length(residuals) == length(x$residuals))
w.resid <- residuals
else warning("residuals argument to plot.gam is wrong length: ignored")
partial.resids <- TRUE
else partial.resids <- residuals
m <- length(x$smooth)
if (length(scheme) == 1)
scheme <- rep(scheme, m)
if (length(scheme) != m) {
warn <- paste("scheme should be a single number, or a vector with",
m, "elements")
scheme <- rep(scheme[1], m)
order <- if (is.list(x$pterms))
unlist(lapply(x$pterms, attr, "order"))
else attr(x$pterms, "order")
if (all.terms)
n.para <- sum(order == 1)
else n.para <- 0
if (se) {
if (is.numeric(se))
se2.mult <- se1.mult <- se
else {
se1.mult <- 2
se2.mult <- 1
if (se1.mult < 0)
se1.mult <- 0
if (se2.mult < 0)
se2.mult <- 0
else se1.mult <- se2.mult <- 1
if (se && x$Vp[1, 1] < 0) {
se <- FALSE
warning("No variance estimates available")
if (partial.resids) {
if (is.null(w.resid)) {
if (is.null(x$residuals) || is.null(x$weights))
partial.resids <- FALSE
else {
wr <- sqrt(x$weights)
w.resid <- x$residuals * wr/mean(wr)
if (partial.resids)
fv.terms <- predict(x, type = "terms")
pd <- list()
i <- 1
if (m > 0)
for (i in 1:m) {
first <- x$smooth[[i]]$first.para
last <- x$smooth[[i]]$last.para
edf <- sum(x$edf[first:last])
term.lab <- sub.edf(x$smooth[[i]]$label, edf)
attr(x$smooth[[i]], "coefficients") <- x$coefficients[first:last]
P <- plot(x$smooth[[i]], P = NULL, data = x$model,
partial.resids = partial.resids, rug = rug, se = se,
scale = scale, n = n, n2 = n2, theta = theta,
phi = phi, jit = jit, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
main = main, label = term.lab, ylim = ylim, xlim = xlim,
too.far = too.far, shade = shade, shade.col = shade.col,
se1.mult = se1.mult, se2.mult = se2.mult, shift = shift,
trans = trans, by.resids = by.resids, scheme = scheme[i],
if (is.null(P))
pd[[i]] <- list( = FALSE)
else if (is.null(P$fit)) {
if (!is.null(x$smooth[[i]]$QT) & is.null(x$smooth[[i]]$Qplot)) {
# af term that was fit on quantile scale, but plotting on raw scale
# need to get rid of coordinates outside original data range
tf <- x$smooth[[i]]$tf[[1]]
if (!is.null(tf)) {
rna <- environment(tf)$retNA
environment(tf)$retNA <- TRUE
cgrid <- expand.grid(P$x, P$y)
new.exclude <-[,1], cgrid[,2]))
environment(tf)$retNA <- rna
if (!is.null(P$exclude))
P$exclude[new.exclude] <- TRUE
p <- x$coefficients[first:last]
offset <- attr(P$X, "offset")
if (is.null(offset))
P$fit <- P$X %*% p
else P$fit <- P$X %*% p + offset
if (!is.null(P$exclude))
P$fit[P$exclude] <- NA
if (se && P$se) {
if (seWithMean && attr(x$smooth[[i]], "nCons") >
0) {
if (length(x$cmX) < ncol(x$Vp))
x$cmX <- c(x$cmX, rep(0, ncol(x$Vp) - length(x$cmX)))
X1 <- matrix(x$cmX, nrow(P$X), ncol(x$Vp),
byrow = TRUE)
meanL1 <- x$smooth[[i]]$meanL1
if (!is.null(meanL1))
X1 <- X1/meanL1
X1[, first:last] <- P$X <- sqrt(pmax(0, rowSums((X1 %*% x$Vp) *
else <- sqrt(pmax(0, rowSums((P$X %*%
x$Vp[first:last, first:last, drop = FALSE]) *
if (!is.null(P$exclude))
P$[P$exclude] <- NA
if (partial.resids) {
P$p.resid <- fv.terms[, length(order) + i] +
if (se && P$se)
P$se <- * P$se.mult
P$ <- TRUE
pd[[i]] <- P
else {
if (partial.resids) {
P$p.resid <- fv.terms[, length(order) + i] +
P$ <- TRUE
pd[[i]] <- P
n.plots <- n.para
if (m > 0)
for (i in 1:m) n.plots <- n.plots + as.numeric(pd[[i]]$
if (n.plots == 0)
stop("No terms to plot - nothing for plot.gam() to do.")
if (pages > n.plots)
pages <- n.plots
if (pages < 0)
pages <- 0
if (pages != 0) {
ppp <- n.plots%/%pages
if (n.plots%%pages != 0) {
ppp <- ppp + 1
while (ppp * (pages - 1) >= n.plots) pages <- pages -
c <- r <- trunc(sqrt(ppp))
if (c < 1)
r <- c <- 1
if (c * r < ppp)
c <- c + 1
if (c * r < ppp)
r <- r + 1
oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(r, c))
else {
ppp <- 1
oldpar <- par()
if ((pages == 0 && prod(par("mfcol")) < n.plots && dev.interactive()) ||
pages > 1 && dev.interactive())
ask <- TRUE
else ask <- FALSE
if (!is.null(select)) {
ask <- FALSE
if (ask) {
oask <- devAskNewPage(TRUE)
if (scale == -1 && is.null(ylim)) {
k <- 0
if (m > 0)
for (i in 1:m) if (pd[[i]]$ && pd[[i]]$scale) {
if (se && length(pd[[i]]$se) > 1) {
ul <- pd[[i]]$fit + pd[[i]]$se
ll <- pd[[i]]$fit - pd[[i]]$se
if (k == 0) {
ylim <- c(min(ll, na.rm = TRUE), max(ul,
na.rm = TRUE))
k <- 1
else {
if (min(ll, na.rm = TRUE) < ylim[1])
ylim[1] <- min(ll, na.rm = TRUE)
if (max(ul, na.rm = TRUE) > ylim[2])
ylim[2] <- max(ul, na.rm = TRUE)
else {
if (k == 0) {
ylim <- range(pd[[i]]$fit, na.rm = TRUE)
k <- 1
else {
if (min(pd[[i]]$fit, na.rm = TRUE) < ylim[1])
ylim[1] <- min(pd[[i]]$fit, na.rm = TRUE)
if (max(pd[[i]]$fit, na.rm = TRUE) > ylim[2])
ylim[2] <- max(pd[[i]]$fit, na.rm = TRUE)
if (partial.resids) {
ul <- max(pd[[i]]$p.resid, na.rm = TRUE)
if (ul > ylim[2])
ylim[2] <- ul
ll <- min(pd[[i]]$p.resid, na.rm = TRUE)
if (ll < ylim[1])
ylim[1] <- ll
if (m > 0)
for (i in 1:m) if (pd[[i]]$ && (is.null(select) ||
i == select)) {
plot(x$smooth[[i]], P = pd[[i]], partial.resids = partial.resids,
rug = rug, se = se, scale = scale, n = n, n2 = n2,
theta = theta, phi = phi, jit = jit,
xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, main = main, ylim = ylim,
xlim = xlim, too.far = too.far, shade = shade,
shade.col = shade.col, shift = shift, trans = trans,
by.resids = by.resids, scheme = scheme[i], ...)
if (n.para > 0) {
class(x) <- c("gam", "glm", "lm")
if (is.null(select)) {
attr(x, "para.only") <- TRUE
termplot(x, se = se, rug = rug, = 1, col.term = 1,
main = attr(x$pterms, "term.labels"), ...)
else {
if (select > m) {
select <- select - m
term.labels <- attr(x$pterms, "term.labels")
term.labels <- term.labels[order == 1]
if (select <= length(term.labels)) {
termplot(x, terms = term.labels[select], se = se,
rug = rug, = 1, col.term = 1, ...)
if (pages > 0)
#' @rdname pfr_plot.gam
#' @keywords internal
plot.mgcv.smooth <- function (x, P = NULL, data = NULL, label = "", se1.mult = 1,
se2.mult = 2, partial.resids = FALSE, rug = TRUE, se = TRUE,
scale = -1, n = 100, n2 = 40, theta = 30, phi = 30,
jit = FALSE, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, main = NULL, ylim = NULL,
xlim = NULL, too.far = 0.1, shade = FALSE, shade.col = "gray80",
shift = 0, trans = I, by.resids = FALSE, scheme = 0, ...) {
sp.contour <- function(x, y, z, zse, xlab = "", ylab = "",
zlab = "", titleOnly = FALSE, se.plot = TRUE, se.mult = 1,
trans = I, shift = 0, ...) {
gap <- median(zse, na.rm = TRUE)
zr <- max(trans(z + zse + shift), na.rm = TRUE) - min(trans(z -
zse + shift), na.rm = TRUE)
n <- 10
while (n > 1 && zr/n < 2.5 * gap) n <- n - 1
zrange <- c(min(trans(z - zse + shift), na.rm = TRUE),
max(trans(z + zse + shift), na.rm = TRUE))
zlev <- pretty(zrange, n)
yrange <- range(y)
yr <- yrange[2] - yrange[1]
xrange <- range(x)
xr <- xrange[2] - xrange[1]
ypos <- yrange[2] + yr/10
args <- as.list(substitute(list(...)))[-1]
args$x <- substitute(x)
args$y <- substitute(y)
args$type = "n"
args$xlab <- args$ylab <- ""
args$axes <- FALSE"plot", args)
cs <- (yr/10)/strheight(zlab)
if (cs > 1)
cs <- 1
tl <- strwidth(zlab)
if (tl * cs > 3 * xr/10)
cs <- (3 * xr/10)/tl
args <- as.list(substitute(list(...)))[-1]
n.args <- names(args)
zz <- trans(z + shift)
args$x <- substitute(x)
args$y <- substitute(y)
args$z <- substitute(zz)
if (!"levels" %in% n.args)
args$levels <- substitute(zlev)
if (!"lwd" %in% n.args)
args$lwd <- 2
if (!"labcex" %in% n.args)
args$labcex <- cs * 0.65
if (!"axes" %in% n.args)
args$axes <- FALSE
if (!"add" %in% n.args)
args$add <- TRUE"contour", args)
if (is.null(args$cex.main))
cm <- 1
else cm <- args$cex.main
if (titleOnly)
title(zlab, cex.main = cm)
else {
xpos <- xrange[1] + 3 * xr/10
xl <- c(xpos, xpos + xr/10)
yl <- c(ypos, ypos)
lines(xl, yl, xpd = TRUE, lwd = args$lwd)
text(xpos + xr/10, ypos, zlab, xpd = TRUE, pos = 4,
cex = cs * cm, off = 0.5 * cs * cm)
if (is.null(args$cex.axis))
cma <- 1
else cma <- args$cex.axis
axis(1, cex.axis = cs * cma)
axis(2, cex.axis = cs * cma)
if (is.null(args$cex.lab))
cma <- 1
else cma <- args$cex.lab
mtext(xlab, 1, 2.5, cex = cs * cma)
mtext(ylab, 2, 2.5, cex = cs * cma)
if (!"lwd" %in% n.args)
args$lwd <- 1
if (!"lty" %in% n.args)
args$lty <- 2
if (!"col" %in% n.args)
args$col <- 2
if (!"labcex" %in% n.args)
args$labcex <- cs * 0.5
zz <- trans(z + zse + shift)
args$z <- substitute(zz)"contour", args)
if (!titleOnly) {
xpos <- xrange[1]
xl <- c(xpos, xpos + xr/10)
lines(xl, yl, xpd = TRUE, lty = args$lty, col = args$col)
text(xpos + xr/10, ypos, paste("-", round(se.mult),
"se", sep = ""), xpd = TRUE, pos = 4, cex = cs *
cm, off = 0.5 * cs * cm)
if (!"lty" %in% n.args)
args$lty <- 3
if (!"col" %in% n.args)
args$col <- 3
zz <- trans(z - zse + shift)
args$z <- substitute(zz)"contour", args)
if (!titleOnly) {
xpos <- xrange[2] - xr/5
xl <- c(xpos, xpos + xr/10)
lines(xl, yl, xpd = TRUE, lty = args$lty, col = args$col)
text(xpos + xr/10, ypos, paste("+", round(se.mult),
"se", sep = ""), xpd = TRUE, pos = 4, cex = cs *
cm, off = 0.5 * cs * cm)
if (is.null(P)) {
if (!x$ || x$dim > 2)
if (x$dim == 1) {
raw <- data[x$term][[1]]
if (is.null(xlim))
xx <- seq(min(raw), max(raw), length = n)
else xx <- seq(xlim[1], xlim[2], length = n)
if (x$by != "NA") {
by <- rep(1, n)
dat <- data.frame(x = xx, by = by)
names(dat) <- c(x$term, x$by)
else {
dat <- data.frame(x = xx)
names(dat) <- x$term
X <- PredictMat(x, dat)
if (is.null(xlab))
xlabel <- x$term
else xlabel <- xlab
if (is.null(ylab))
ylabel <- label
else ylabel <- ylab
if (is.null(xlim))
xlim <- range(xx)
return(list(X = X, x = xx, scale = TRUE, se = TRUE,
raw = raw, xlab = xlabel, ylab = ylabel, main = main,
se.mult = se1.mult, xlim = xlim))
else {
xterm <- x$term[1]
if (is.null(xlab))
xlabel <- xterm
else xlabel <- xlab
yterm <- x$term[2]
if (is.null(ylab))
ylabel <- yterm
else ylabel <- ylab
raw <- data.frame(x = as.numeric(data[xterm][[1]]),
y = as.numeric(data[yterm][[1]]))
n2 <- max(10, n2)
if (is.null(xlim))
xm <- seq(min(raw$x), max(raw$x), length = n2)
else xm <- seq(xlim[1], xlim[2], length = n2)
if (is.null(ylim))
ym <- seq(min(raw$y), max(raw$y), length = n2)
else ym <- seq(ylim[1], ylim[2], length = n2)
xx <- rep(xm, n2)
yy <- rep(ym, rep(n2, n2))
if (too.far > 0)
exclude <- mgcv::exclude.too.far(xx, yy, raw$x, raw$y, dist = too.far)
else exclude <- rep(FALSE, n2 * n2)
if (!is.null(x$Qplot)) {
# Transform raw data to quantile scale
x0 <- raw$y
t0 <- raw$x
raw$y <- QTFunc(t0, x0, retNA=FALSE)
# Create grid on quantile scale
ym <- seq(min(raw$y), max(raw$y), length = n2)
yy <- rep(ym, rep(n2, n2))
if (too.far > 0)
exclude <- mgcv::exclude.too.far(xx, yy, raw$x, raw$y, dist = too.far)
# Transform back to data scale for prediction
idx <- factor(t0)
newidx <- factor(xx)
tmp <- tapply(x0, t0, function(y) y,
for (lev in levels(newidx)) {
yy[newidx==lev] <- if (lev %in% levels(idx)) {
quantile(tmp[[which(levels(idx)==lev)]], yy[newidx==lev])
} else {
u1 <- as.numeric(levels(idx))
idx1 <- which(u1 == max(u1[u1<as.numeric(lev)]))
idx2 <- which(u1 == min(u1[u1>as.numeric(lev)]))
bounds <- sapply(c(idx1, idx2), function(i) {
quantile(tmp[[i]], yy[newidx==lev])
apply(bounds, 1, function(y) {
approx(as.numeric(levels(idx)[idx1:idx2]), c(y[1], y[2]),
xout = as.numeric(lev), rule=2)$y
if (x$by != "NA") {
by <- rep(1, n2^2)
dat <- data.frame(x = xx, y = yy, by = by)
names(dat) <- c(xterm, yterm, x$by)
else {
dat <- data.frame(x = xx, y = yy)
names(dat) <- c(xterm, yterm)
X <- PredictMat(x, dat)
#if (!is.null(x$Qplot) & is.null())
if (is.null(main)) {
main <- label
if (is.null(ylim))
ylim <- range(ym)
if (is.null(xlim))
xlim <- range(xm)
return(list(X = X, x = xm, y = ym, scale = FALSE,
se = TRUE, raw = raw, xlab = xlabel, ylab = ylabel,
main = main, se.mult = se2.mult, ylim = ylim,
xlim = xlim, exclude = exclude))
else {
if (se) {
if (x$dim == 1) {
if (scheme == 1)
shade <- TRUE
ul <- P$fit + P$se
ll <- P$fit - P$se
if (scale == 0 && is.null(ylim)) {
ylimit <- c(min(ll), max(ul))
if (partial.resids) {
max.r <- max(P$p.resid, na.rm = TRUE)
if (max.r > ylimit[2])
ylimit[2] <- max.r
min.r <- min(P$p.resid, na.rm = TRUE)
if (min.r < ylimit[1])
ylimit[1] <- min.r
if (!is.null(ylim))
ylimit <- ylim
if (shade) {
plot(P$x, trans(P$fit + shift), type = "n",
xlab = P$xlab, ylim = trans(ylimit + shift),
xlim = P$xlim, ylab = P$ylab, main = P$main,
polygon(c(P$x, P$x[n:1], P$x[1]), trans(c(ul,
ll[n:1], ul[1]) + shift), col = shade.col,
border = NA)
lines(P$x, trans(P$fit + shift), ...)
else {
plot(P$x, trans(P$fit + shift), type = "l",
xlab = P$xlab, ylim = trans(ylimit + shift),
xlim = P$xlim, ylab = P$ylab, main = P$main,
if (is.null(list(...)[["lty"]])) {
lines(P$x, trans(ul + shift), lty = 2, ...)
lines(P$x, trans(ll + shift), lty = 2, ...)
else {
lines(P$x, trans(ul + shift), ...)
lines(P$x, trans(ll + shift), ...)
if (partial.resids && (by.resids || x$by == "NA")) {
if (length(P$raw) == length(P$p.resid)) {
if (is.null(list(...)[["pch"]]))
points(P$raw, trans(P$p.resid + shift),
pch = ".", ...)
else points(P$raw, trans(P$p.resid + shift),
else {
warning("Partial residuals do not have a natural x-axis location for linear functional terms")
if (rug) {
if (jit)
rug(jitter(as.numeric(P$raw)), ...)
else rug(as.numeric(P$raw), ...)
else if (x$dim == 2) {
P$fit[P$exclude] <- NA
if (scheme == 1) {
persp(P$x, P$y, matrix(trans(P$fit + shift),
n2, n2), xlab = P$xlab, ylab = P$ylab, zlab = P$main,
ylim = P$ylim, xlim = P$xlim, theta = theta,
phi = phi, ...)
else if (scheme == 2) {
image(P$x, P$y, matrix(trans(P$fit + shift),
n2, n2), xlab = P$xlab, ylab = P$ylab, main = P$main,
xlim = P$xlim, ylim = P$ylim, col = heat.colors(50),
contour(P$x, P$y, matrix(trans(P$fit + shift),
n2, n2), add = TRUE, col = 3, ...)
if (rug) {
if (is.null(list(...)[["pch"]]))
points(P$raw$x, P$raw$y, pch = ".")
else points(P$raw$x, P$raw$y)
else {
sp.contour(P$x, P$y, matrix(P$fit, n2, n2),
matrix(P$se, n2, n2), xlab = P$xlab, ylab = P$ylab,
zlab = P$main, titleOnly = !is.null(main),
se.mult = 1, trans = trans, shift = shift,
if (rug) {
if (is.null(list(...)[["pch"]]))
points(P$raw$x, P$raw$y, pch = ".", ...)
else points(P$raw$x, P$raw$y, ...)
else {
warning("no automatic plotting for smooths of more than two variables")
else {
if (x$dim == 1) {
if (scale == 0 && is.null(ylim)) {
if (partial.resids)
ylimit <- range(P$p.resid, na.rm = TRUE)
else ylimit <- range(P$fit)
if (!is.null(ylim))
ylimit <- ylim
plot(P$x, trans(P$fit + shift), type = "l", xlab = P$xlab,
ylab = P$ylab, ylim = trans(ylimit + shift),
xlim = P$xlim, main = P$main, ...)
if (rug) {
if (jit)
rug(jitter(as.numeric(P$raw)), ...)
else rug(as.numeric(P$raw), ...)
if (partial.resids && (by.resids || x$by == "NA")) {
if (is.null(list(...)[["pch"]]))
points(P$raw, trans(P$p.resid + shift), pch = ".",
else points(P$raw, trans(P$p.resid + shift),
else if (x$dim == 2) {
P$fit[P$exclude] <- NA
if (!is.null(main))
P$title <- main
if (scheme == 1) {
persp(P$x, P$y, matrix(trans(P$fit + shift),
n2, n2), xlab = P$xlab, ylab = P$ylab, zlab = P$main,
theta = theta, phi = phi, xlim = P$xlim,
ylim = P$ylim, ...)
else if (scheme == 2) {
image(P$x, P$y, matrix(trans(P$fit + shift),
n2, n2), xlab = P$xlab, ylab = P$ylab, main = P$main,
xlim = P$xlim, ylim = P$ylim, col = heat.colors(50),
contour(P$x, P$y, matrix(trans(P$fit + shift),
n2, n2), add = TRUE, col = 3, ...)
if (rug) {
if (is.null(list(...)[["pch"]]))
points(P$raw$x, P$raw$y, pch = ".", ...)
else points(P$raw$x, P$raw$y, ...)
else {
contour(P$x, P$y, matrix(trans(P$fit + shift),
n2, n2), xlab = P$xlab, ylab = P$ylab, main = P$main,
xlim = P$xlim, ylim = P$ylim, ...)
if (rug) {
if (is.null(list(...)[["pch"]]))
points(P$raw$x, P$raw$y, pch = ".", ...)
else points(P$raw$x, P$raw$y, ...)
else {
warning("no automatic plotting for smooths of more than one variable")
#' @rdname pfr_plot.gam
#' @keywords internal
plot.random.effect <- getFromNamespace("plot.random.effect", "mgcv")
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