# The page template is everything except the content: page header/footer,
# titles, footnotes, etc.
# Page Template RTF Functions ---------------------------------------------
#' Create a page template with header, titles, footnotes, and footer.
#' @param rs The report spec
#' @return The page template object
#' @noRd
page_template_pdf<- function(rs) {
pt <- structure(list(), class = c("page_template_pdf", "list"))
pt$page_header <- get_page_header_pdf(rs)
pt$title_hdr <- get_title_header_pdf(rs$title_hdr, rs$line_size, rs,
ystart = pt$page_header$points)
pt$titles <- get_titles_pdf(rs$titles, rs$line_size, rs,
ystart = pt$page_header$points)
pt$page_footer <- get_page_footer_pdf(rs)
pt$footnotes <- c()
if (!is.null(rs$footnotes)) {
if (!is.null(rs$footnotes[[1]])) {
if (rs$footnotes[[1]]$valign == "bottom")
pt$footnotes <- get_footnotes_pdf(rs$footnotes, rs$line_size, rs,
footer_lines = pt$page_footer$lines)
pt$lines <- sum(pt$page_header$lines, pt$page_footer$lines,
pt$title_hdr$lines, pt$titles$lines, pt$footnotes$lines)
pt$points <- sum(pt$page_header$points, pt$page_footer$points,
pt$title_hdr$points, pt$titles$points, pt$footnotes$points)
# Page by not here. Messes up line counts.
#' @import grDevices
#' @noRd
get_page_header_pdf <- function(rs) {
ret <- list()
cnt <- 0
pnts <- 0
hl <- rs$page_header_left
hr <- rs$page_header_right
lh <- rs$row_height
rb <- rs$content_size[["width"]]
# User controlled width of left column
lwdth <- rs$page_header_width
if (is.null(lwdth))
lwdth <- rs$content_size[["width"]]/2
# Calculate right column width
rwdth <- rs$content_size[["width"]] - lwdth
# lpct <- round(5000 * lwdth / rs$content_size[["width"]])
# rpct <- round(5000 * rwdth / rs$content_size[["width"]])
maxh <- max(length(hl), length(hr))
if (maxh > 0) {
par(family = get_font_family(rs$font), ps = rs$font_size)
lyline <- 0
ryline <- 0
for (i in seq(1, maxh)) {
if (length(hl) >= i) {
# Split strings if they exceed width
tmp <- split_string_text(hl[[i]], lwdth, rs$units)
for (ln in seq_len(tmp$lines)) {
ret[[length(ret) + 1]] <- page_text(tmp$text[ln], rs$font_size,
xpos = get_points_left(0,
units = rs$units),
ypos = lyline,
align = "left",
alignx = 0)
lyline <- lyline + lh
lcnt <- tmp$lines
} else {
lcnt <- 1
if (length(hr) >= i) {
# Split strings if they exceed width
tmp2 <- split_string_text(hr[[i]], rwdth, rs$units)
for (ln in seq_len(tmp2$lines)) {
ret[[length(ret) + 1]] <- page_text(tmp2$text[ln], rs$font_size,
xpos = get_points_right(0,
ypos = ryline,
align = "right",
alignx = rb)
ryline <- ryline + lh
rcnt <- tmp2$lines
} else {
rcnt <- 1
if (lcnt > rcnt) {
cnt <- cnt + lcnt
} else {
cnt <- cnt + rcnt
if (rs$page_header_blank_row == "below") {
cnt <- cnt + 1
pnts <- cnt * lh
res <- list(pdf = ret,
lines = cnt,
points = pnts)
#' @import grDevices
#' @noRd
get_page_footer_pdf <- function(rs) {
ret <- list()
cnt <- 0
pnts <- 0
conv <- rs$point_conversion
fl <- rs$page_footer_left
fc <- rs$page_footer_center
fr <- rs$page_footer_right
lh <- rs$row_height
maxf <- max(length(fl), length(fc), length(fr))
if (maxf > 0) {
rb3 <- rs$content_size[["width"]]
rb1 <- round(rb3 / 3)
rb2 <- round(rb1 * 2)
tmp1 <- list()
tmp2 <- list()
tmp3 <- list()
par(family = get_font_family(rs$font), ps = rs$font_size)
# First get all wraps
for (i in seq(1, maxf)) {
if (length(fl) >= i) {
# Split strings if they exceed width
tmp1[[length(tmp1) + 1]] <- split_string_text(fl[[i]],
rs$content_size[["width"]]/3, rs$units)
lcnt <- tmp1[[length(tmp1)]]$lines
} else {
lcnt <- 1
if (length(fc) >= i) {
# Split strings if they exceed width
tmp2[[length(tmp2) + 1]] <- split_string_text(fc[[i]],
rs$content_size[["width"]]/3, rs$units)
ccnt <- tmp2[[length(tmp2)]]$lines
} else {
ccnt <- 1
if (length(fr) >= i) {
tmp3[[length(tmp3) + 1]] <- split_string_text(fr[[i]],
rs$content_size[["width"]]/3, rs$units)
rcnt <- tmp3[[length(tmp3)]]$lines
} else {
rcnt <- 1
cnt <- cnt + max(lcnt, ccnt, rcnt)
# Have to determine wraps so we can calculate the height
# of the page footer before creating any pdf.
sy <- (rs$content_size[["height"]] * rs$point_conversion) - (cnt * lh )
lyline <- sy
cyline <- sy
ryline <- sy
# Then create pdf text
for (i in seq(1, length(tmp1))) {
for (ln in seq_len(tmp1[[i]]$lines)) {
ret[[length(ret) + 1]] <- page_text(tmp1[[i]]$text[ln], rs$font_size,
xpos = get_points_left(0,
units = rs$units),
ypos = lyline,
align = "left",
alignx = 0)
lyline <- lyline + lh
for (i in seq(1, length(tmp2))) {
for (ln in seq_len(tmp2[[i]]$lines)) {
ret[[length(ret) + 1]] <- page_text(tmp2[[i]]$text[ln], rs$font_size,
xpos = get_points_center(rb1,
units = rs$units),
ypos = cyline,
align = "center",
alignx = rb1 + ((rb2 - rb1)/2))
cyline <- cyline + lh
for (i in seq(1, length(tmp3))) {
for (ln in seq_len(tmp3[[i]]$lines)) {
ret[[length(ret) + 1]] <- page_text(tmp3[[i]]$text[ln], rs$font_size,
xpos = get_points_right(rb2,
units = rs$units),
ypos = ryline,
align = "right",
alignx = rb3)
ryline <- ryline + lh
if (any(rs$page_footer_blank_row == "above"))
cnt <- cnt + 1
res <- list(pdf = ret,
lines = cnt,
points = cnt * lh)
#' @import grDevices
#' @noRd
get_titles_pdf <- function(ttllst, content_width, rs,
talgn = "center", ystart = 0) {
ret <- c()
cnt <- 0
pnts <- 0
#print("get titles")
conv <- rs$point_conversion
bs <- rs$border_spacing
bh <- rs$border_height
border_flag <- FALSE
lh <- rs$line_height
start_offset <- NULL
yline <- ystart
if (length(ttllst) > 0) {
blkcnt <- 0
for (ttls in ttllst) {
blkcnt <- blkcnt + 1
cols <- ttls$columns
if (ttls$width == "page")
width <- rs$content_size[["width"]]
else if (ttls$width == "content")
width <- content_width
else if (is.numeric(ttls$width))
width <- ttls$width
cwidth <- width / cols
# Get content alignment codes
if (talgn == "right") {
lb <- rs$content_size[["width"]] - width
rb <- rs$content_size[["width"]]
} else if (talgn %in% c("center", "centre")) {
lb <- (rs$content_size[["width"]] - width) / 2
rb <- width + lb
} else {
lb <- 0
rb <- width
border_flag <- FALSE
fs <- rs$font_size
if (!is.null(ttls$font_size))
fs <- ttls$font_size
lho <- get_line_height_pdf(fs)
lh <- lho
if (any(ttls$borders %in% c("all", "inside", "outside")))
lh <- lh + bh
# Open device context
par(family = get_font_family(rs$font), ps = fs)
brdrs <- strip_borders(ttls$borders)
if (blkcnt == 1) {
start_offset <- lho - rs$row_height
if (any(brdrs %in% c("all", "outside", "top"))) {
yline <- ystart + start_offset + bh
} else {
yline <- ystart + start_offset
# Extra line for blank row
if (any(ttls$blank_row %in% c("above", "both"))) {
if (any(brdrs %in% c("all", "outside", "top"))) {
ret[[length(ret) + 1]] <- page_hline(lb * conv,
yline - lh + bs + 1,
(rb - lb) * conv)
if (blkcnt == 1 & any(brdrs %in% c("outside")))
pnts <- pnts + bs
if (any(brdrs %in% c("all", "outside", "left", "right"))) {
ret[[length(ret) + 1]] <- page_vline(lb * conv,
yline - lh + bs + 1,
(1 * lh) )
ret[[length(ret) + 1]] <- page_vline(rb * conv,
yline - lh + bs + 1,
(1 * lh))
yline <- yline + lh
cnt <- cnt + 1
pnts <- pnts + lh
if (any(brdrs %in% c("all", "inside")) ) {
ret[[length(ret) + 1]] <- page_hline(lb * conv,
yline - lh + bs + 1,
(rb - lb) * conv)
if (blkcnt == 1)
pnts <- pnts + bs
} else if (any(brdrs %in% c("all", "outside", "top")) ) {
ret[[length(ret) + 1]] <- page_hline(lb * conv,
yline - lh + bs + 1,
(rb - lb) * conv)
if (blkcnt == 1)
pnts <- pnts + bs
i <- 1
while (i <= length(ttls$titles)) {
# Max lines per row
mxlns <- 0
# Calculate current row
rw <- ceiling(i / cols)
for (j in seq_len(cols)) {
# Not all cells have titles
if (i > length(ttls$titles))
vl <- ""
vl <- ttls$titles[[i]]
# Deal with column alignments
if (cols == 1) {
calgn <- ttls$align
} else if (cols == 2) {
if (j == 1)
calgn <- "left"
calgn <- "right"
} else if (cols == 3) {
if (j == 1)
calgn <- "left"
else if (j == 2)
calgn <- "center"
else if (j == 3)
calgn <- "right"
# Split title strings if they exceed width
tmp <- split_string_text(vl, cwidth, rs$units)
if (tmp$lines > mxlns)
mxlns <- tmp$lines
# Recalculate boundaries for cells
clb <- lb + (cwidth * (j - 1))
crb <- clb + cwidth
# Row within cell pointer
rwln <- 0
for (ln in seq_len(tmp$lines)) {
# print(yline)
ret[[length(ret) + 1]] <- page_text(tmp$text[ln], fs,
bold = ttls$bold,
xpos = get_points(clb,
units = rs$units,
align = calgn),
ypos = yline + rwln)
rwln <- rwln + lh
i <- i + 1
if (any(brdrs %in% c("all", "inside")) & cols > 1) {
for (z in seq_len(cols - 1)) {
ret[[length(ret) + 1]] <- page_vline((lb + (z * cwidth)) * conv,
yline - lh + bs + 1,
mxlns * lh)
# Left border
if (any(brdrs %in% c("all", "outside", "left"))) {
ret[[length(ret) + 1]] <- page_vline(lb * conv,
yline - lh + bs + 1,
(mxlns * lh) )
# Right border
if (any(brdrs %in% c("all", "outside", "right"))) {
ret[[length(ret) + 1]] <- page_vline(rb * conv,
yline - lh + bs + 1,
(mxlns * lh))
yline <- yline + (lh * mxlns)
pnts <- pnts + (lh * mxlns)
# Inside borders
if (any(brdrs %in% c("all", "inside")) & i > 1) {
ret[[length(ret) + 1]] <- page_hline(lb * conv,
yline - lh + bs + 1,
(rb - lb) * conv)
cnt <- cnt + mxlns
# Extra border for blank line below
if (any(ttls$blank_row %in% c("below", "both"))) {
if (any(brdrs %in% c("all", "inside"))) {
ret[[length(ret) + 1]] <- page_hline(lb * conv,
yline - lh + bs + 1,
(rb - lb) * conv)
if (any(brdrs %in% c("all", "outside", "bottom"))) {
ret[[length(ret) + 1]] <- page_hline(lb * conv,
yline + bs + 1,
(rb - lb) * conv)
# if (blkcnt == 1 & brdrs %in% c("outside"))
# pnts <- pnts + bh + bh + 1
if (any(brdrs %in% c("all", "outside", "left", "right"))) {
ret[[length(ret) + 1]] <- page_vline(lb * conv,
yline - lh + bs + 1,
(1 * lh) )
ret[[length(ret) + 1]] <- page_vline(rb * conv,
yline - lh + bs + 1,
(1 * lh))
yline <- yline + lh
cnt <- cnt + 1
pnts <- pnts + lh
} else {
#pnts <- pnts + .5 # no idea why
if (any(brdrs %in% c("outside", "all", "bottom")))
border_flag <- TRUE
# if (blkcnt == 1) {
# ypos <- ystart + start_offset - lho + bs + 1
# lcnt <- cnt
# blkrws[blkcnt] <- cnt
# } else {
# blkrws[blkcnt] <- cnt - lcnt
# ypos <- ypos + (blkrws[blkcnt - 1] * lh)
# lcnt <- cnt
# }
# badj <- 0
# if (lh == lho & any(brdrs %in% c("bottom", "outside"))) {
# badj <- bh
# }
# print("ypos")
# print(ypos)
# Top border
# if (any(brdrs %in% c("all", "outside", "top"))) {
# ret[[length(ret) + 1]] <- page_hline(lb * conv,
# ypos ,
# (rb - lb) * conv)
# if (blkcnt == 1)
# pnts <- pnts + bs
# }
# # Bottom border
# if (any(brdrs %in% c("all", "outside", "bottom"))) {
# ret[[length(ret) + 1]] <- page_hline(lb * conv,
# ypos + (blkrws * lh) + badj,
# (rb - lb) * conv)
# if (blkcnt == 1)
# pnts <- pnts + badj
# #pnts <- pnts + 2
# border_flag <- TRUE
# }
# # Left border
# if (any(brdrs %in% c("all", "outside", "left"))) {
# ret[[length(ret) + 1]] <- page_vline(lb * conv,
# ypos,
# (blkrws * lh) + badj)
# }
# # Right border
# if (any(brdrs %in% c("all", "outside", "right"))) {
# ret[[length(ret) + 1]] <- page_vline(rb * conv,
# ypos,
# (blkrws * lh) + badj)
# }
# if (any(brdrs %in% c("all", "inside")) & cols > 1) {
# for (k in seq_len(cols - 1)) {
# ret[[length(ret) + 1]] <- page_vline((lb + (cwidth * k)) * conv,
# ypos,
# (blkrws * lh) + badj)
# }
# }
# pnts <- (cnt * lh) + start_offset - .5
#pnts <- pnts + start_offset
cnts <- pnts / rs$row_height
res <- list(pdf = ret,
lines = cnts,
points = pnts,
border_flag = border_flag)
#' @import grDevices
#' @noRd
get_titles_pdf_back <- function(ttllst, content_width, rs,
talgn = "center", ystart = 0) {
ret <- c()
cnt <- 0
pnts <- 0
#print("get titles")
conv <- rs$point_conversion
bs <- rs$border_spacing
bh <- rs$border_height
border_flag <- FALSE
lh <- rs$line_height
start_offset <- NULL
yline <- ystart
if (length(ttllst) > 0) {
for (ttls in ttllst) {
if (ttls$width == "page")
width <- rs$content_size[["width"]]
else if (ttls$width == "content")
width <- content_width
else if (is.numeric(ttls$width))
width <- ttls$width
# Get content alignment codes
if (talgn == "right") {
lb <- rs$content_size[["width"]] - width
rb <- rs$content_size[["width"]]
} else if (talgn %in% c("center", "centre")) {
lb <- (rs$content_size[["width"]] - width) / 2
rb <- width + lb
} else {
lb <- 0
rb <- width
border_flag <- FALSE
fs <- rs$font_size
if (!is.null(ttls$font_size))
fs <- ttls$font_size
lho <- get_line_height_pdf(fs)
lh <- lho
if (any(ttls$borders %in% c("all", "inside")))
lh <- lh + bh
# Open device context
par(family = get_font_family(rs$font), ps = fs)
for (i in seq_along(ttls$titles)) {
brdrs <- strip_borders(ttls$borders)
if (i == 1) {
if (is.null(start_offset)) {
start_offset <- lho - rs$row_height
if (any(brdrs %in% c("all", "outside", "top"))) {
yline <- ystart + start_offset + bh
} else {
yline <- ystart + start_offset
# Extra line for blank row
if (any(ttls$blank_row %in% c("above", "both"))) {
if (any(brdrs %in% c("all", "inside"))) {
ret[[length(ret) + 1]] <- page_hline(lb * conv,
yline + bs,
(rb - lb) * conv)
yline <- yline + lh
cnt <- cnt + 1
pnts <- pnts + lh
# Split title strings if they exceed width
tmp <- split_string_text(ttls$titles[[i]], width, rs$units)
# Inside borders
if (any(brdrs %in% c("all", "inside")) & i > 1) {
ret[[length(ret) + 1]] <- page_hline(lb * conv,
yline - lh + bs + 1,
(rb - lb) * conv)
for (ln in seq_len(tmp$lines)) {
# print(yline)
ret[[length(ret) + 1]] <- page_text(tmp$text[ln], fs,
bold = ttls$bold,
xpos = get_points(lb,
units = rs$units,
align = ttls$align),
ypos = yline)
yline <- yline + lh
pnts <- pnts + lh
if (i == length(ttls$titles)) {
# Extra border for blank line below
if (any(ttls$blank_row %in% c("below", "both"))) {
if (any(brdrs %in% c("all", "inside"))) {
ret[[length(ret) + 1]] <- page_hline(lb * conv,
yline - lh + bs + 1,
(rb - lb) * conv)
yline <- yline + lh
cnt <- cnt + 1
pnts <- pnts + lh
if (any(brdrs %in% c("outside", "all", "bottom")))
border_flag <- TRUE
cnt <- cnt + tmp$lines
ypos <- ystart + start_offset - lho + bs + 1
badj <- 0
if (lh == lho & any(brdrs %in% c("bottom", "outside"))) {
badj <- bh
# print("ypos")
# print(ypos)
# Top border
if (any(brdrs %in% c("all", "outside", "top"))) {
ret[[length(ret) + 1]] <- page_hline(lb * conv,
ypos ,
(rb - lb) * conv)
pnts <- pnts + bs
# Bottom border
if (any(brdrs %in% c("all", "outside", "bottom"))) {
ret[[length(ret) + 1]] <- page_hline(lb * conv,
ypos + (cnt * lh) + badj,
(rb - lb) * conv)
pnts <- pnts + badj
#pnts <- pnts + 2
border_flag <- TRUE
# Left border
if (any(brdrs %in% c("all", "outside", "left"))) {
ret[[length(ret) + 1]] <- page_vline(lb * conv,
(cnt * lh) + badj)
# Right border
if (any(brdrs %in% c("all", "outside", "right"))) {
ret[[length(ret) + 1]] <- page_vline(rb * conv,
(cnt * lh) + badj)
# pnts <- (cnt * lh) + start_offset - .5
#pnts <- pnts + start_offset
cnts <- pnts / rs$row_height
res <- list(pdf = ret,
lines = cnts,
points = pnts,
border_flag = border_flag)
#' @import grDevices
#' @noRd
get_footnotes_pdf <- function(ftnlst, content_width, rs,
talgn = "center", ystart = NULL, footer_lines = 0,
brdr_flag = FALSE) {
ret <- c()
cnt <- 0
pnts <- 0
border_flag <- FALSE
olh <- rs$row_height
lh <- olh
conv <- rs$point_conversion
bs <- rs$border_spacing
bh <- rs$border_height
pnts <- 0
# print(paste0("first ystart: ", ystart))
# print(paste0("footer lines: ", footer_lines))
if (!is.null(ystart)) {
if (brdr_flag) {
yline <- ystart + bh - 2
pnts <- pnts + bh - 2
} else
yline <- ystart
} else
yline <- 0
if (length(ftnlst) > 0) {
blocks <- list()
blockstates <- list()
for (ftnts in ftnlst) {
tmp <- list() # line values
blkst <- list() # block state
cols <- ftnts$columns
blkst$startcnt <- cnt
blkst$cols <- cols
if (ftnts$width == "page")
width <- rs$content_size[["width"]]
else if (ftnts$width == "content")
width <- content_width
else if (is.numeric(ftnts$width))
width <- ftnts$width
cwidth <- width / cols
# Get content alignment codes
if (talgn == "right") {
lb <- rs$content_size[["width"]] - width
rb <- rs$content_size[["width"]]
} else if (talgn %in% c("center", "centre")) {
lb <- (rs$content_size[["width"]] - width) / 2
rb <- width + lb
} else {
lb <- 0
rb <- width
alcnt <- 0
blcnt <- 0
border_flag <- FALSE
brdrs <- strip_borders(ftnts$borders)
if (any(brdrs %in% c("outside", "all", "top")))
border_flag <- TRUE
par(family = get_font_family(rs$font), ps = rs$font_size)
# If all borders on, change line height to account for extra points
# needed for border
if (any(brdrs %in% c("all", "inside")))
lh <- olh + bs
lh <- olh
al <- ""
if (any(ftnts$blank_row %in% c("above", "both"))) {
alcnt <- 1
#yline <- yline + lh
cnt <- cnt + 1
#pnts <- pnts + lh
tmp[[length(tmp) + 1]] <- list(text = "", lines = 1, widths = 0,
align = ftnts$align,
line = cnt, italics = FALSE,
col = 1, clb = lb, crb = rb)
# b <- get_cell_borders(i + alcnt, 1,
# length(ftnts$footnotes) + alcnt + blcnt,
# 1, ftnts$borders)
i <- 1
while (i <= length(ftnts$footnotes)) {
# Max lines per row
mxlns <- 0
# Calculate current row
rw <- ceiling(i / cols)
for (j in seq_len(cols)) {
# Not all cells have titles
if (i > length(ftnts$footnotes))
vl <- ""
vl <- ftnts$footnotes[[i]]
# Deal with column alignments
if (cols == 1) {
calgn <- ftnts$align
} else if (cols == 2) {
if (j == 1)
calgn <- "left"
calgn <- "right"
} else if (cols == 3) {
if (j == 1)
calgn <- "left"
else if (j == 2)
calgn <- "center"
else if (j == 3)
calgn <- "right"
# Split footnote strings if they exceed width
t <- split_string_text(vl, cwidth, rs$units)
if (t$lines > mxlns)
mxlns <- t$lines
# Recalculate boundaries for cells
t$clb <- lb + (cwidth * (j - 1))
t$crb <- t$clb + cwidth
t$col <- j
# Capture alignment for this footnote block
t$align <- calgn
# Italics setting for this footnote block
t$italics <- ftnts$italics
# Get line offset from top of footnotes block
if (t$lines == 0) {
t$lines <- 1
t$line <- cnt + 1
} else {
t$line <- seq(cnt + 1, cnt + t$lines)
# Assign strings to temp variable for now
tmp[[length(tmp) + 1]] <- t
i <- i + 1
} # j cols
# Count number of lines
cnt <- cnt + mxlns
} # i footnote strings
bl <- ""
if (any(ftnts$blank_row %in% c("below", "both"))) {
blcnt <- 1
cnt <- cnt + 1
#pnts <- pnts + lh
tmp[[length(tmp) + 1]] <- list(text = "", lines = 1, widths = 0,
align = ftnts$align,
line = cnt, italics = FALSE,
col = 1, clb = lb, crb = rb)
blocks[[length(blocks) + 1]] <- tmp
# Save state on these variables so they
# can be used to create borders
blkst$lb <- lb
blkst$rb <- rb
blkst$width <- width
blkst$cwidth <- cwidth
blkst$lh <- lh
blkst$brdrs <- brdrs
blkst$alcnt <- alcnt
blkst$blcnt <- blcnt
blkst$endcnt <- cnt
blockstates[[length(blockstates) + 1]] <- blkst
} # ftnts
# Get starting point for report footnotes
if (is.null(ystart)) {
yline <- (rs$content_size[["height"]] * rs$point_conversion) -
((cnt + footer_lines) * lh )
# Now get pdf text for each temp variable
# for (i in seq(1, length(tmp))) {
# if (any(brdrs %in% c("all", "inside")) & i < length(tmp)) {
# if (brdr_flag)
# ypos <- yline - lh + bs
# else
# ypos <- yline + bh - lh + bs
# ret[[length(ret) + 1]] <- page_hline(lb * conv,
# ypos,
# (rb - lb) * conv)
# }
# cnt <- cnt + mxlns
# }
# Now get pdf text for each temp variable
for (b in seq(1, length(blocks))) {
ftnts <- ftnlst[[b]]
blk <- blocks[[b]]
blkst <- blockstates[[b]]
mxlns <- 0
rw <- 0
for (i in seq(1, length(blk))) {
tmp <- blk[[i]]
# Track max lines per footnote row
if (tmp$lines > mxlns | min(tmp$line) != rw) {
mxlns <- tmp$lines
rw <- min(tmp$line)
for (ln in seq(1, tmp$lines)) {
# print(paste0("lh: ", lh))
# print(paste0("rwln: ", rwln))
# print(paste0("yline: ", yline))
if (nchar(tmp$text[ln]) > 0) {
ret[[length(ret) + 1]] <- page_text(tmp$text[ln], rs$font_size,
xpos = get_points(tmp$clb,
units = rs$units,
align = tmp$align),
ypos = yline + ((tmp$line[[ln]] - 1) * lh),
italics = ftnts$italics,
align = tmp$align,
footnotes = TRUE)
} # cell lines
# Inside borders
if (any(blkst$brdrs %in% c("all", "inside"))) {
if (brdr_flag)
ypos <- max((yline + (tmp$line * blkst$lh)) - blkst$lh + bs)
ypos <- max((yline + (tmp$line * blkst$lh)) + bh - blkst$lh + bs)
# print(paste0("line ", tmp$line))
# Horizontal inside lines
if (i < length(tmp) & tmp$col == 1 & max(tmp$line) < blkst$endcnt) {
#print(paste0("H", i , " ", length(tmp)))
ret[[length(ret) + 1]] <- page_hline(blkst$lb * conv,
(blkst$rb - blkst$lb) * conv)
# Vertical inside lines
if (tmp$col > 1) {
#print(paste0("V", i , " ", length(tmp)))
# print(paste0("lines ", tmp$lines))
ret[[length(ret) + 1]] <- page_vline(tmp$clb * conv,
ypos - blkst$lh,
mxlns * blkst$lh)
# if (any(brdrs %in% c("all", "outside", "top"))) {
# ret[[length(ret) + 1]] <- page_hline(lb * conv,
# ypos,
# (rb - lb) * conv)
# }
} # tmp lines
badj <- 0
if (!any(blkst$brdrs %in% c("all", "inside")))
badj <- bs
# ypos <- yline - blkst$lh # try it
# Determine starting y position for borders
if (is.null(ystart)) {
ypos <- (rs$content_size[["height"]] * rs$point_conversion) -
((cnt + footer_lines - blkst$alcnt) * blkst$lh ) -
(blkst$alcnt * blkst$lh) - blkst$lh + bs + 1 - badj
} else {
if (brdr_flag)
ypos <- ystart - olh
ypos <- ystart + bh - olh #+ badj - 4 # + bs
# Top border
if (any(blkst$brdrs %in% c("all", "outside", "top"))) {
ret[[length(ret) + 1]] <- page_hline(lb * conv,
ypos + (blkst$startcnt * blkst$lh),
(blkst$rb - blkst$lb) * conv)
# Bottom border
if (any(blkst$brdrs %in% c("all", "outside", "bottom"))) {
ret[[length(ret) + 1]] <- page_hline(blkst$lb * conv,
ypos + (blkst$endcnt * blkst$lh) + badj,
(blkst$rb - blkst$lb) * conv)
pnts <- pnts + badj
# Left border
if (any(blkst$brdrs %in% c("all", "outside", "left"))) {
ret[[length(ret) + 1]] <- page_vline(blkst$lb * conv,
ypos + (blkst$startcnt * blkst$lh),
((blkst$endcnt - blkst$startcnt) * blkst$lh) + badj )
# Right border
if (any(blkst$brdrs %in% c("all", "outside", "right"))) {
ret[[length(ret) + 1]] <- page_vline(blkst$rb * conv,
ypos + (blkst$startcnt * blkst$lh),
((blkst$endcnt - blkst$startcnt) * blkst$lh) + badj)
} # blocks
yline <- yline + (lh * cnt)
pnts <- pnts + (lh * cnt)
# if (is.null(ystart)) {
# ypos <- (rs$content_size[["height"]] * rs$point_conversion) -
# ((cnt + footer_lines - alcnt) * lh ) - (alcnt * lh) - lh
# } else {
# if (brdr_flag)
# ypos <- ystart - olh
# else
# ypos <- ystart + bh - olh + bs
# }
# badj <- 0
# if (!any(brdrs %in% c("all", "inside")))
# badj <- bs
# if (any(brdrs %in% c("all", "outside", "top"))) {
# ret[[length(ret) + 1]] <- page_hline(lb * conv,
# ypos,
# (rb - lb) * conv)
# }
# if (any(brdrs %in% c("all", "outside", "bottom"))) {
# ret[[length(ret) + 1]] <- page_hline(lb * conv,
# ypos + (cnt * lh) + badj,
# (rb - lb) * conv)
# pnts <- pnts + badj
# }
# if (any(brdrs %in% c("all", "outside", "left"))) {
# ret[[length(ret) + 1]] <- page_vline(lb * conv,
# ypos,
# (cnt * lh) + badj )
# }
# if (any(brdrs %in% c("all", "outside", "right"))) {
# ret[[length(ret) + 1]] <- page_vline(rb * conv,
# ypos,
# (cnt * lh) + badj)
# }
} # length(ftnlst) > 0
res <- list(pdf = ret,
lines = pnts / olh,
points = pnts,
border_flag = border_flag)
#' @import grDevices
#' @noRd
get_footnotes_pdf_back <- function(ftnlst, content_width, rs,
talgn = "center", ystart = NULL, footer_lines = 0,
brdr_flag = FALSE) {
ret <- c()
cnt <- 0
pnts <- 0
border_flag <- FALSE
olh <- rs$row_height
lh <- olh
conv <- rs$point_conversion
bs <- rs$border_spacing
bh <- rs$border_height
pnts <- 0
print(paste0("first ystart: ", ystart))
print(paste0("footer lines: ", footer_lines))
if (!is.null(ystart)) {
if (brdr_flag) {
yline <- ystart + bh - 2
pnts <- pnts + bh - 2
} else
yline <- ystart
} else
yline <- 0
if (length(ftnlst) > 0) {
for (ftnts in ftnlst) {
tmp <- list()
if (ftnts$width == "page")
width <- rs$content_size[["width"]]
else if (ftnts$width == "content")
width <- content_width
else if (is.numeric(ftnts$width))
width <- ftnts$width
# Get content alignment codes
if (talgn == "right") {
lb <- rs$content_size[["width"]] - width
rb <- rs$content_size[["width"]]
} else if (talgn %in% c("center", "centre")) {
lb <- (rs$content_size[["width"]] - width) / 2
rb <- width + lb
} else {
lb <- 0
rb <- width
alcnt <- 0
blcnt <- 0
border_flag <- FALSE
brdrs <- strip_borders(ftnts$borders)
par(family = get_font_family(rs$font), ps = rs$font_size)
for (i in seq_along(ftnts$footnotes)) {
# If all borders on, change line height to account for extra points
# needed for border
if (any(brdrs %in% c("all", "inside")))
lh <- olh + bs
lh <- olh
al <- ""
if (i == 1) {
if (any(ftnts$blank_row %in% c("above", "both"))) {
alcnt <- 1
yline <- yline + lh
cnt <- cnt + 1
pnts <- pnts + lh
bl <- ""
if (i == length(ftnts$footnotes)) {
if (any(ftnts$blank_row %in% c("below", "both"))) {
blcnt <- 1
cnt <- cnt + 1
pnts <- pnts + lh
if (any(brdrs %in% c("outside", "all", "top")))
border_flag <- TRUE
# b <- get_cell_borders(i + alcnt, 1,
# length(ftnts$footnotes) + alcnt + blcnt,
# 1, ftnts$borders)
# Split footnote strings if they exceed width
t <- split_string_text(ftnts$footnotes[[i]], width, rs$units)
# Capture alignment for this footnote block
t$align <- ftnts$align
# Count number of lines
cnt <- cnt + t$lines
# Assign strings to temp variable for now
tmp[[length(tmp) + 1]] <- t
if (is.null(ystart)) {
yline <- (rs$content_size[["height"]] * rs$point_conversion) -
((cnt + footer_lines - alcnt) * lh )
# Now get pdf text for each temp variable
for (i in seq(1, length(tmp))) {
for (ln in seq_len(tmp[[i]]$lines)) {
ret[[length(ret) + 1]] <- page_text(tmp[[i]]$text[ln], rs$font_size,
xpos = get_points(lb,
units = rs$units,
align = tmp[[i]]$align),
ypos = yline,
italics = ftnts$italics,
align = tmp[[i]]$align,
footnotes = TRUE)
yline <- yline + lh
pnts <- pnts + lh
if (any(brdrs %in% c("all", "inside")) & i < length(tmp)) {
if (brdr_flag)
ypos <- yline - lh + bs
ypos <- yline + bh - lh + bs
ret[[length(ret) + 1]] <- page_hline(lb * conv,
(rb - lb) * conv)
if (is.null(ystart)) {
ypos <- (rs$content_size[["height"]] * rs$point_conversion) -
((cnt + footer_lines - alcnt) * lh ) - (alcnt * lh) - lh
} else {
if (brdr_flag)
ypos <- ystart - olh
ypos <- ystart + bh - olh + bs
badj <- 0
if (!any(brdrs %in% c("all", "inside")))
badj <- bs
if (any(brdrs %in% c("all", "outside", "top"))) {
ret[[length(ret) + 1]] <- page_hline(lb * conv,
(rb - lb) * conv)
if (any(brdrs %in% c("all", "outside", "bottom"))) {
ret[[length(ret) + 1]] <- page_hline(lb * conv,
ypos + (cnt * lh) + badj,
(rb - lb) * conv)
pnts <- pnts + badj
if (any(brdrs %in% c("all", "outside", "left"))) {
ret[[length(ret) + 1]] <- page_vline(lb * conv,
(cnt * lh) + badj )
if (any(brdrs %in% c("all", "outside", "right"))) {
ret[[length(ret) + 1]] <- page_vline(rb * conv,
(cnt * lh) + badj)
res <- list(pdf = ret,
lines = pnts / olh,
points = pnts,
border_flag = border_flag)
#' @import grDevices
#' @noRd
get_title_header_pdf <- function(thdrlst, content_width, rs,
talgn = "center", ystart = 0) {
ret <- c()
cnt <- 0
border_flag <- FALSE
lh <- rs$row_height
conv <- rs$point_conversion
bs <- rs$border_spacing
bh <- rs$border_height
startpos <- ystart
tcnt <- 0
hcnt <- 0
pnts <- 0
counter <- 0
if (length(thdrlst) > 0) {
for (ttlhdr in thdrlst) {
counter <- counter + 1
if (ttlhdr$width == "page")
width <- rs$content_size[["width"]]
else if (ttlhdr$width == "content")
width <- content_width
else if (is.numeric(ttlhdr$width))
width <- ttlhdr$width
# Get content alignment codes
if (talgn == "right") {
lb <- rs$content_size[["width"]] - width
rb1 <- rs$content_size[["width"]]
} else if (talgn %in% c("center", "centre")) {
lb <- (rs$content_size[["width"]] - width) / 2
rb1 <- width + lb
} else {
lb <- 0
rb1 <- width
rb2 <- rb1 * .7
splitx <- (lb + ((rb1 - lb) * .7)) * conv
brdrs <- strip_borders(ttlhdr$borders)
if (counter == 1) {
if (any(brdrs %in% c("all", "top", "outside"))) {
startpos <- ystart + bs - 1
} else {
startpos <- ystart
lyline <- startpos
ryline <- startpos
lh <- rs$line_height
if (any(ttlhdr$borders %in% c("all", "inside")))
lh <- lh + bh
mx <- max(length(ttlhdr$titles), length(ttlhdr$right))
alcnt <- 0
blcnt <- 0
border_flag <- FALSE
par(family = get_font_family(rs$font), ps = rs$font_size)
for(i in seq_len(mx)) {
al <- ""
if (i == 1) {
if (any(ttlhdr$blank_row %in% c("above", "both"))) {
alcnt <- 1
if (any(brdrs %in% c("all", "inside"))) {
ret[[length(ret) + 1]] <- page_hline(lb * conv,
startpos + bs,
(rb1 - lb) * conv)
lyline <- lyline + lh
ryline <- ryline + lh
cnt <- cnt + 1
if (length(ttlhdr$titles) >= i) {
# Split strings if they exceed width
tmp1 <- split_string_text(ttlhdr$titles[[i]], width * .7, rs$units)
for (ln in seq_len(tmp1$lines)) {
ret[[length(ret) + 1]] <- page_text(tmp1$text[ln], rs$font_size,
xpos = get_points(lb,
units = rs$units,
align = "left"),
ypos = lyline,
align = "left",
alignx = 0)
lyline <- lyline + lh
if (any(brdrs %in% c("all", "inside")) ) {
ret[[length(ret) + 1]] <- page_hline(lb * conv,
lyline - lh + bs + 1,
splitx - (lb * conv))
tcnt <- tcnt + tmp1$lines
} else {
tcnt <- tcnt + 0
if (length(ttlhdr$right) >= i) {
tmp2 <- split_string_text(ttlhdr$right[[i]],
width * .3, rs$units)
for (ln in seq_len(tmp2$lines)) {
ret[[length(ret) + 1]] <- page_text(tmp2$text[ln], rs$font_size,
xpos = get_points(rb2,
units = rs$units,
align = "right"),
ypos = ryline,
align = "right",
alignx = rb1)
ryline <- ryline + lh
if (any(brdrs %in% c("all", "inside"))) {
ret[[length(ret) + 1]] <- page_hline(splitx,
ryline - lh + bs + 1,
(rb1* conv) - splitx)
hcnt <- hcnt + tmp2$lines
} else {
hcnt <- hcnt + 0
if (tcnt > hcnt)
cnt <- cnt + tcnt
cnt <- cnt + hcnt
if (any(ttlhdr$blank_row %in% c("below", "both"))) {
blcnt <- 1
if (any(brdrs %in% c("all", "inside"))) {
ret[[length(ret) + 1]] <- page_hline(lb * conv,
(startpos + (cnt * lh) - lh) + bs + 1,
(rb1 - lb) * conv)
lyline <- lyline + lh
ryline <- ryline + lh
cnt <- cnt + 1
if (any(brdrs %in% c("all", "outside", "bottom")))
border_flag <- TRUE
if (any(brdrs %in% "bottom"))
pnts <- (cnt * lh) + bh
pnts <- cnt * lh
pnts <- pnts + (startpos - ystart) + 1
ypos <- ystart - rs$line_height + bs + 1
badj <- 0
if (lh == rs$line_height & any(brdrs %in% c("bottom", "outside"))) {
badj <- bh
# Top border
if (any(brdrs %in% c("all", "outside", "top"))) {
ret[[length(ret) + 1]] <- page_hline(lb * conv,
(rb1 - lb) * conv)
# Bottom border
if (any(brdrs %in% c("all", "outside", "bottom"))) {
ret[[length(ret) + 1]] <- page_hline(lb * conv,
ypos + (cnt * lh) + badj,
(rb1 - lb) * conv)
pnts <- pnts + badj
# Left border
if (any(brdrs %in% c("all", "outside", "left"))) {
ret[[length(ret) + 1]] <- page_vline(lb * conv,
(cnt * lh) + badj)
# Right border
if (any(brdrs %in% c("all", "outside", "right"))) {
ret[[length(ret) + 1]] <- page_vline(rb1 * conv,
(cnt * lh) + badj)
# Middle border
if (any(brdrs %in% c("all", "inside"))) {
bldiff <- blcnt - alcnt
if (bldiff < 0)
bldiff <- 0
ret[[length(ret) + 1]] <- page_vline(splitx,
ypos + (alcnt * lh),
((cnt - alcnt - blcnt) * lh) )
res <- list(pdf = ret,
lines = cnt,
points = pnts,
border_flag = border_flag)
#' Get page by text strings suitable for printing
#' @import stringi
#' @param titles Page by object
#' @param width The width to set the page by strings to
#' @return A vector of strings
#' @noRd
get_page_by_pdf <- function(pgby, width, value, rs, talgn, ystart = 0,
brdr_flag = FALSE, pgby_cnt = NULL) {
if (is.null(width)) {
stop("width cannot be null.")
if (is.null(value))
value <- get_pgby_value(value, pgby_cnt)
ret <- c()
cnt <- 0
border_flag <- FALSE
lh <- rs$line_height
conv <- rs$point_conversion
bs <- rs$border_spacing
bh <- rs$border_height
pnts <- 0
if (!is.null(pgby)) {
if (!any(class(pgby) == "page_by"))
stop("pgby parameter value is not a page_by.")
# Get content alignment codes
if (talgn == "right") {
lb <- rs$content_size[["width"]] - width
rb <- rs$content_size[["width"]]
} else if (talgn %in% c("center", "centre")) {
lb <- (rs$content_size[["width"]] - width) / 2
rb <- width + lb
} else {
lb <- 0
rb <- width
brdrs <- strip_borders(pgby$borders)
if (any(brdrs %in% c("all", "inside"))) {
lh <- lh + bh
if (any(brdrs %in% c("all", "outside", "top")) & !brdr_flag) {
yline <- ystart + bh
pnts <- pnts + bh
} else {
yline <- ystart
# Open device context
par(family = get_font_family(rs$font), ps = rs$font_size)
if (pgby$blank_row %in% c("above", "both")) {
if (any(brdrs %in% c("all", "inside"))) {
ret[[length(ret) + 1]] <- page_hline(lb * conv,
yline + bs,
(rb - lb) * conv)
yline <- yline + lh
cnt <- cnt + 1
pnts <- pnts + lh
vl <- paste0( pgby$label, " ", value)
tmp <- split_string_text(vl, width, rs$units)
for (ln in seq_len(tmp$lines)) {
ret[[length(ret) + 1]] <- page_text(tmp$text[ln], rs$font_size,
bold = FALSE,
xpos = get_points(lb,
units = rs$units,
align = pgby$align),
ypos = yline)
yline <- yline + lh
cnt <- cnt + 1
pnts <- pnts + lh
if (pgby$blank_row %in% c("below", "both")) {
if (any(brdrs %in% c("all", "inside"))) {
ret[[length(ret) + 1]] <- page_hline(lb * conv,
yline - lh + bs,
(rb - lb) * conv)
yline <- yline + lh
cnt <- cnt + 1
pnts <- pnts + lh
if (any(brdrs %in% c("all", "inside"))) {
if (brdr_flag)
ypos <- ystart - lh + 3
ypos <- ystart - lh + bs + 2
} else
ypos <- ystart - lh + bs + 1
# Top border
if (any(brdrs %in% c("all", "outside", "top"))) {
ret[[length(ret) + 1]] <- page_hline(lb * conv,
(rb - lb) * conv)
# Bottom border
if (any(brdrs %in% c("all", "outside", "bottom"))) {
ret[[length(ret) + 1]] <- page_hline(lb * conv,
ypos + (cnt * lh),
(rb - lb) * conv)
border_flag <- TRUE
# Left border
if (any(brdrs %in% c("all", "outside", "left"))) {
ret[[length(ret) + 1]] <- page_vline(lb * conv,
(cnt * lh))
# Right border
if (any(brdrs %in% c("all", "outside", "right"))) {
ret[[length(ret) + 1]] <- page_vline(rb * conv,
(cnt * lh) )
res <- list(pdf = ret,
lines = pnts / lh,
points = pnts,
border_flag = border_flag)
# Utilities ---------------------------------------------------------------
get_page_numbers_pdf <- function(txt, pg, tpg) {
ret <- txt
ret <- gsub("[pg]", pg, ret, fixed = TRUE)
ret <- gsub("[tpg]", tpg, ret, fixed = TRUE)
#' Function to temporarily minimize border specs for PDF
#' @noRd
strip_borders <- function(bspec) {
ret <- bspec
# if ("all" %in% ret)
# ret <- append(ret[ret != "all"], c("top", "bottom"))
# if ("inside" %in% ret)
# ret <- ret[ret != "inside"]
# if ("outside" %in% ret)
# ret <- append(ret[ret != "outside"], c("top", "bottom"))
# if ("body" %in% ret)
# ret <- append(ret[ret != "body"], c("top", "bottom"))
# if ("left" %in% ret)
# ret <- ret[ret != "left"]
# if ("right" %in% ret)
# ret <- ret[ret != "right"]
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