# Globals -----------------------------------------------------------------
pointsize <- 1/72
inchsize <- 72
in2cm <- 2.54
binchars <- charToRaw("\xe2\xe3\xcf\xd3")
# Create PDF --------------------------------------------------------------
#' @noRd
create_pdf <- function(filename = NULL,
page_height = 11,
page_width = 8.5,
fontname = "Courier",
fontsize = 10,
margin_top = 1,
margin_left = 1,
orientation = "landscape",
units = "inches",
conversion = 72,
info = TRUE) {
# Check font size is valid
if (!fontsize %in% c(8, 9, 10, 11, 12))
stop(paste0("Fontsize ", fontsize, " not valid."))
rpt <- structure(list(), class = c("pdf_report", "list"))
rpt$filename <- filename
rpt$page_height <- page_height
rpt$page_width <- page_width
rpt$fontname <- fontname
rpt$fontsize <- fontsize
rpt$margin_top <- margin_top
rpt$margin_left <- margin_left
rpt$info <- info
rpt$author <-[["user"]]
rpt$title <- ""
rpt$subject <- ""
rpt$keywords <- ""
rpt$orientation <- orientation
rpt$units <- units
rpt$conversion <- conversion
rpt$pages <- list()
#' @param x The pdf_report object to add a page to.
#' @param ... The page_text or page_image content to add.
#' @noRd
add_page <- function(x, ...) {
pg <- structure(list(), class = c("pdf_page", "list"))
inc <- list(...)
for (itm in inc) {
if (all(class(itm) == "list")) {
for (sub in itm) {
pg[[length(pg) + 1]] <- sub
} else
pg[[length(pg) + 1]] <- itm
x$pages[[length(x$pages) + 1]] <- pg
add_info <- function(x,
author = "",
title = "",
subject = "",
keywords = "") {
x$info <- TRUE
x$author <- author
x$title <- title
x$subject <- subject
x$keywords <- keywords
#' @noRd
page_text <- function(text, font_size = NULL,
xpos = NULL, ypos = NULL, bold = FALSE,
align = NULL, alignx = NULL, has_page_numbers = NULL,
italics = FALSE, footnotes = FALSE) {
txt <- structure(list(), class = c("page_text", "page_content", "list"))
txt$text <- text
txt$font_size <- font_size
txt$xpos <- xpos
txt$ypos <- ypos
txt$bold <- bold
txt$italics <- italics
txt$align <- align
txt$alignx <- alignx # In units of measure
txt$footnotes <- footnotes
res1 <- grepl("[pg]", text, fixed = TRUE)
res2 <- grepl("[tpg]", text, fixed = TRUE)
txt$has_page_numbers <- FALSE
if (any(res1 == TRUE) | any(res2 == TRUE))
txt$has_page_numbers <- TRUE
#' Either pass align parameter and line_start, or pass specific xpos and ypos
#' All measurements in units specified. Processing function will convert
#' appropriately.
#' @noRd
page_image <- function(filename, height, width,
align = "center", line_start = NULL,
xpos = NULL, ypos = NULL, units = "inches",
dpi = 300) {
img <- structure(list(), class = c("page_image", "page_content", "list"))
if (!is.null(xpos) & !is.null(ypos)) {
img$xpos <- xpos
img$ypos <- ypos
} else if (!is.null(align) * !is.null(line_start)) {
img$align <- align
img$line_start <- line_start
} else {
stop("Must set either align parameter or xpos.")
img$filename <- filename
img$height <- height
img$width <- width
img$units <- units
img$dpi <- dpi
page_line <- function(startx, starty, endx, endy) {
ln <- structure(list(), class = c("page_line", "page_content", "list"))
ln$startx <- startx
ln$starty <- starty
ln$endx <- endx
ln$endy <- endy
page_hline <- function(startx, starty, pwidth) {
ln <- structure(list(), class = c("page_line", "page_content", "list"))
ln$startx <- startx
ln$starty <- starty
ln$endx <- startx + pwidth
ln$endy <- starty
page_vline <- function(startx, starty, pheight) {
ln <- structure(list(), class = c("page_line", "page_content", "list"))
ln$startx <- startx
ln$starty <- starty
ln$endx <- startx
ln$endy <- starty + pheight
page_box <- function(startx, starty, pheight, pwidth, except = "") {
bx <- structure(list(), class = c("page_box", "page_content", "list"))
bx$startx <- startx
bx$starty <- starty
bx$pheight <- pheight
bx$pwidth <- pwidth
bx$except <- except
page_grid <- function(startx, starty, rows, cols, pheights, pwidths) {
grd <- structure(list(), class = c("page_grid", "page_content", "list"))
grd$startx <- startx
grd$starty <- starty
grd$nrow <- nrow
grd$rows <- rows
grd$cols <- cols
grd$pheights <- pheights
grd$pwidths <- pwidths
# Write PDF ---------------------------------------------------------------
#' A function to write out a PDF file
#' @param rpt The pdf_report object to write.
#' @param filename An optional file name. If no filename is supplied,
#' it will use the filename from the report object.
#' @noRd
write_pdf <- function(rpt, filename = NULL) {
if (is.null(filename)) {
if (is.null(rpt$filename))
stop("Filename cannot be NULL.")
filename <- rpt$filename
if (rpt$orientation == "landscape") {
tmp <- rpt$page_height
page_height <- rpt$page_width
page_width <- tmp
} else {
page_height <- rpt$page_height
page_width <- rpt$page_width
if (rpt$units == "cm") {
page_height <- round(page_height / in2cm, 2)
page_width <- round(page_width / in2cm, 2)
margin_top <- round(rpt$margin_top / in2cm, 2)
margin_left <- round(rpt$margin_left / in2cm, 2)
} else {
margin_top <- rpt$margin_top
margin_left <- rpt$margin_left
# Remove existing file if needed
if (file.exists(filename))
bp <- dirname(filename)
# Check that base path exists
if (!file.exists(bp))
stop(paste0("Base path '", bp, "' does not exist."))
bdy <- get_pages(rpt$pages, margin_left, margin_top,
page_height, page_width, rpt$fontsize, units = rpt$units,
fontname = rpt$fontname, conversion = rpt$conversion)
rpt$pages <- length(rpt$pages)
kids <- bdy$page_ids
pgs <- bdy$objects
# Get header objects
hd <- get_header(font_name = rpt$fontname,
page_height = (page_height * inchsize),
page_width = (page_width * inchsize),
page_count = length(kids),
page_ids = kids)
# Add info if desired
if (rpt$info) {
idno <- length(hd) + length(pgs) + 1
inf <- pdf_info(idno, author = rpt$author,
title = rpt$title,
subject = rpt$subject,
keywords = rpt$keywords)
doc <- pdf_document(hd, pgs, inf)
} else {
doc <- pdf_document(hd, pgs)
# Render document
rdoc <- render.pdf_document(doc)
# Write document to file system
# Encoding is important. Has to be UTF-8.
# This is the only way to do it on Windows.
f <- file(filename, open="wb", encoding = "native.enc")
writeBin(rdoc, con = f, useBytes = TRUE)
#' A function to create a list of objects for the PDF header.
#' This includes the catalog, font, and pages.
#' @noRd
get_header <- function(page_count = 1,
font_name = "Courier",
page_height = 612,
page_width = 792,
page_ids = c()) {
lst <- list()
lst[[1]] <- pdf_object(1, pdf_dictionary(Type = "/Catalog",
Pages = ref(5)))
fn <- "Courier"
fb <- "Courier-Bold"
fi <- "Courier-Oblique"
if (tolower(font_name) == "times") {
fn <- "Times-Roman"
fb <- "Times-Bold"
fi <- "Times-Italic"
} else if (tolower(font_name) == "arial") {
fn <- "Helvetica"
fb <- "Helvetica-Bold"
fi <- "Helvetica-Oblique"
lst[[2]] <- pdf_object(2, pdf_dictionary(Type = "/Font",
Subtype = "/Type1",
BaseFont = paste0("/", fn),
Encoding = "/WinAnsiEncoding"))
lst[[3]] <- pdf_object(3, pdf_dictionary(Type = "/Font",
Subtype = "/Type1",
BaseFont = paste0("/", fb),
Encoding = "/WinAnsiEncoding"))
lst[[4]] <- pdf_object(4, pdf_dictionary(Type = "/Font",
Subtype = "/Type1",
BaseFont = paste0("/", fi),
Encoding = "/WinAnsiEncoding"))
if (page_count > 10)
kds <- paste(page_ids, "0 R\n", collapse = " ")
kds <- paste(page_ids, "0 R", collapse = " ")
lst[[5]] <- pdf_object(5, pdf_dictionary(Type = "/Pages",
Kids = pdf_array(kds),
Count = page_count,
MediaBox = pdf_array(0, 0,
#' Purpose of this function is to create the appropriate pdf objects
#' based on the pages added to the report. Each page can have 1 or more
#' pieces of content. For instance, a page can have text and 2 images.
#' Object to pages is not 1 to 1. There are at least two objects for a single
#' page: one for the page, and one for the page content. If there is an image
#' on the page, there is another object to hold the image stream. Note
#' that the image has to be referenced in both the page object and the
#' the content object. That is why the function creates the page and image
#' objects last: you can't really complete these objects until you examine
#' all the page contents.
#' @return A two part list, with a list of objects and a vector of ids for the
#' pages.
#' @noRd
get_pages <- function(pages, margin_left, margin_top, page_height, page_width,
fontsize, units = "inches", fontname = "Courier",
conversion = 72) {
# Vector for object IDs of pages only
kids <- c()
# List for all objects
ret <- list()
# Determined by trial and error
if (tolower(fontname) == "fixed")
fontscale <- 87 # 87
fontscale <- 100
# Hate this. Don't know why it is needed. Width estimates should be the same.
pg_adj <- 0
if (tolower(fontname) == "arial" | tolower(fontname) == "times") {
pg_adj <- -1
} else if (tolower(fontname) == "courier" & units == "inches") {
pg_adj <- 1
# Get x starting position in points
stx <- (margin_left * inchsize) - 5 # This was for fixed width
# Get y starting position in points
sty <- ((page_height * inchsize) - (margin_top * inchsize)) - 5
# Calculate reasonable line height
# Also trial and error
lh <- fontsize + round(fontsize * .19, 2)
# Starting ID is 6 because of standard header objects.
# This id variable will be incremented along the way
# as needed to get unique ids for the objects.
id <- 6
pgnum <- 0
tpg <- length(pages)
# Loop through added pages
for (pg in pages) {
pgnum <- pgnum + 1
# Set current page id
page_id <- id
# Add this page to the kids list
kids <- append(kids, page_id)
# There will always be one content object per page
content_id <- id + 1
# Increment id in preparation for next object that needs an id
id <- content_id + 1
# May or may not be image ids
img_ids <- c()
# Create content object
# Content will be appended as we go along
cnto <- pdf_text_stream(content_id, "")
# Create a list of image streams for this page
imgs <- list()
for (cnt in pg) {
if ("page_text" %in% class(cnt)) {
# If fixed width PDF, will not have x/y positions
if (is.null(cnt$xpos) | is.null(cnt$ypos)) {
tmp <- get_byte_stream(cnt$text,
stx, sty, lh, fontsize, fontscale)
} else {
# For PDF2 with page number flag set
if (cnt$has_page_numbers & !is.null(cnt$align) & !cnt$footnotes) {
# Need to adjust x position if there are page numbers,
# because when the page number tokens are replaced,
# the string width has changed and can throw off the alignment.
# Not working perfectly, but better.
txt <- get_page_numbers_pdf(cnt$text, pgnum, tpg)
w <- get_text_width(txt, fontname,
fontsize, cnt$font_size),
multiplier = 1.03) # 1.03 to match split_strings
if (cnt$align == "left")
nx <- cnt$alignx * conversion
else if (cnt$align == "right")
nx <- ((cnt$alignx - w) * conversion) + pg_adj # No idea why pg_adj is needed
nx <- (cnt$alignx - (w / 2)) * conversion + pg_adj
# For PDF2
tmp <- get_byte_stream(txt,
stx + nx, sty - cnt$ypos,
lh, ifelse(is.null(cnt$font_size),
fontsize, cnt$font_size),
fontscale, cnt$bold, cnt$italics)
} else if (cnt$has_page_numbers & cnt$footnotes) {
nx <- 0
if (cnt$align %in% c("right", "center", "centre")) {
w1 <- get_text_width(cnt$text, fontname,
fontsize, cnt$font_size),
multiplier = 1.03)
txt <- get_page_numbers_pdf(cnt$text, pgnum, tpg)
w2 <- get_text_width(txt, fontname,
fontsize, cnt$font_size),
multiplier = 1.03)
nx <- (w1 - w2) * conversion
if (cnt$align %in% c("center", "centre")) {
nx <- nx/2
} else {
txt <- get_page_numbers_pdf(cnt$text, pgnum, tpg)
tmp <- get_byte_stream(txt,
stx + cnt$xpos + nx, sty - cnt$ypos,
lh, ifelse(is.null(cnt$font_size),
fontsize, cnt$font_size),
fontscale, cnt$bold, cnt$italics)
} else {
# For other PDF2
tmp <- get_byte_stream(cnt$text,
stx + cnt$xpos, sty - cnt$ypos,
lh, ifelse(is.null(cnt$font_size),
fontsize, cnt$font_size),
fontscale, cnt$bold, cnt$italics)
} else if ("page_image" %in% class(cnt)) {
# Don't know how many there will be
img_ids <- append(img_ids, id)
# Convert measurements to points
d <- calc_points(cnt, margin_left, margin_top, page_height,
page_width, cnt$units, lh)
# print(paste("wth:", d$wth))
# print(paste("hgt:", d$hgt))
# print(paste("xpos:", d$xpos))
# print(paste("ypos:", d$ypos))
# Every image needs a "Do" command on the content page
tmp <- get_image_text(img_ref = id,
width = d$wth,
height = d$hgt,
xpos = d$xpos,
ypos = d$ypos)
# Add stream to the list
imgs[[length(imgs) + 1]] <- pdf_image_stream(id,
height = d$phgt,
width = d$pwth,
# Increment id in preparation for next object
id <- id + 1
} else if ("page_line" %in% class(cnt)) {
tmp <- get_line_segment(startx = stx + cnt$startx,
starty = sty - cnt$starty,
endx = stx + cnt$endx,
endy = sty - cnt$endy)
} else if ("page_box" %in% class(cnt)) {
tmp <- get_box(startx = stx + cnt$startx,
starty = sty - cnt$starty,
pheight = cnt$pheight,
pwidth = cnt$pwidth,
except = cnt$except)
} else if ("page_grid" %in% class(cnt)) {
tmp <- get_grid(startx = stx + cnt$startx,
starty = sty - cnt$starty,
rows = cnt$rows,
cols = cnt$cols,
pheights = cnt$pheight,
pwidths = cnt$pwidth)
# Append or replace content as appropriate
if (all(cnto$contents == ""))
cnto$contents <- tmp
cnto$contents <- append(cnto$contents, tmp)
# Now can finally create all objects
ret[[length(ret) + 1]] <- pdf_page(page_id, content_id, img_ids)
ret[[length(ret) + 1]] <- cnto
if (length(imgs) > 0)
ret <- append(ret, imgs)
res <- list()
res[["page_ids"]] <- kids
res[["objects"]] <- ret
get_pages_back <- function(pages, margin_left, margin_top, page_height, page_width,
fontsize, units = "inches") {
# Vector for object IDs of pages only
kids <- c()
# List for all objects
ret <- list()
# Determined by trial and error
fontscale <- 87
# Get x starting position in points
stx <- (margin_left * inchsize) - 5
# Get y starting position in points
sty <- ((page_height * inchsize) - (margin_top * inchsize)) - 5
# Calculate reasonable line height
# Also trial and error
lh <- fontsize + round(fontsize * .19, 2)
# Starting ID is 5 because of standard header objects.
# This id variable will be incremented along the way
# as needed to get unique ids for the objects.
id <- 4
# Loop through added pages
for (pg in pages) {
# Set current page id
page_id <- id
# Add this page to the kids list
kids <- append(kids, page_id)
# There will always be one content object per page
content_id <- id + 1
# Increment id in preparation for next object that needs an id
id <- content_id + 1
# May or may not be image ids
img_ids <- c()
# Create content object
# Content will be appended as we go along
cnto <- pdf_text_stream(content_id, "")
# Create a list of image streams for this page
imgs <- list()
for (cnt in pg) {
if ("page_text" %in% class(cnt)) {
# Under current logic, there should only be one of these
# In the future, will need to account for multiple pieces
# of text, and may define their own positions and font size.
# Right now everything is Courier from top left.
tmp <- get_byte_stream(cnt$text,
stx, sty, lh, fontsize, fontscale)
} else if ("page_image" %in% class(cnt)) {
# Don't know how many there will be
img_ids <- append(img_ids, id)
# Convert measurements to points
d <- calc_points(cnt, margin_left, margin_top, page_height,
page_width, cnt$units, lh)
# print(paste("wth:", d$wth))
# print(paste("hgt:", d$hgt))
# print(paste("xpos:", d$xpos))
# print(paste("ypos:", d$ypos))
# Every image needs a "Do" command on the content page
tmp <- get_image_text(img_ref = id,
width = d$wth,
height = d$hgt,
xpos = d$xpos,
ypos = d$ypos)
# Add stream to the list
imgs[[length(imgs) + 1]] <- pdf_image_stream(id,
height = d$phgt,
width = d$pwth,
# Increment id in preparation for next object
id <- id + 1
# Append or replace content as appropriate
if (all(cnto$contents == ""))
cnto$contents <- tmp
cnto$contents <- append(cnto$contents, tmp)
# Now can finally create all objects
ret[[length(ret) + 1]] <- pdf_page(page_id, content_id, img_ids)
ret[[length(ret) + 1]] <- cnto
if (length(imgs) > 0)
ret <- append(ret, imgs)
res <- list()
res[["page_ids"]] <- kids
res[["objects"]] <- ret
#' Convert all measurement to points, so they can be sent to pdf.
#' @import jpeg
#' @noRd
calc_points <- function(cnt, margin_left, margin_top,
page_height, page_width,
units, row_height) {
pw <- page_width
ph <- page_height
ml <- margin_left
mt <- margin_top
if (units == "inches") {
cw <- cnt$width
ch <- cnt$height
xp <- cnt$xpos
yp <- cnt$ypos
} else if (units == "cm") {
cw <- cnt$width / in2cm
ch <- cnt$height / in2cm
xp <- round(cnt$xpos / in2cm, 2)
yp <- round(cnt$ypos/ in2cm, 2)
} else
stop("Specified units not supported.")
ret <- list()
img <- readJPEG(cnt$filename)
d <- dim(img)
ret$pwth <- d[2]
ret$phgt <- d[1]
ret$wth <- round(cw * inchsize, 2)
ret$hgt <- round(ch * inchsize, 2)
if (!is.null(cnt$align)) {
if (cnt$align == "left")
ret$xpos <- ml * inchsize
else if (cnt$align == "right")
ret$xpos <- (pw * inchsize) - ret$wth - (ml * inchsize)
ret$xpos <- ((pw * inchsize)/2) - (ret$wth / 2)
ret$ypos <- (ph * inchsize) - ret$hgt -
(row_height * (cnt$line_start - 1)) - (mt * inchsize)
} else {
ret$xpos <- xp * inchsize
ret$ypos <- (ph * inchsize) - ret$hgt - (yp * inchsize)
# Render Functions ---------------------------------------------------------
#' Generic render function
#' @noRd
render <- function(x) {
UseMethod("render", x)
#' @exportS3Method render default
render.default <- function(x) {
#' @exportS3Method render pdf_array
render.pdf_array <- function(x) {
ret <- paste0("[", paste(x, collapse = " "), "]")
#' @exportS3Method render pdf_object
render.pdf_object <- function(x) {
ret <- paste0(x$id, " ", x$version, " obj")
if (!is.null(x$parameters)) {
ret <- paste0(ret, render(x$parameters), "\n")
if (!is.null(x$contents)) {
ret <- paste0(ret, render(x$contents))
ret <- paste0(ret, "endobj\n")
#' @exportS3Method render pdf_dictionary
render.pdf_dictionary <- function(x) {
cnts <- c()
for (itm in names(x)) {
cnts[length(cnts) + 1] <- paste0("/", itm, " ", render(x[[itm]]))
cnts <- paste(cnts, collapse = " ")
ret <- paste0("<<", cnts , ">>")
#' @exportS3Method render pdf_text_stream
render.pdf_text_stream <- function(x) {
if (length(x$contents) > 1) {
cnts <- paste0(x$contents, collapse = "\n")
cnts <- paste0(cnts, "\n")
} else {
cnts <- paste0(x$contents, "\n")
strm <- paste0("stream\n", cnts, "endstream\n")
obj <- pdf_object(x$id, pdf_dictionary(Length = chars(cnts)), strm)
ret <- render.pdf_object(obj)
# This was hard to make work. Took a lot of research and trial
# and error. PDF has a lot of different way to render an image, and most
# are very complicated. This is the simplest one. Requires a JPEG.
#' @exportS3Method render pdf_image_stream
render.pdf_image_stream <- function(x) {
view = FALSE
if (length(x$contents) > 1) {
cnts <- unlist(x$contents)
if (rawToChar(cnts[[length(cnts)]]) != "\n")
cnts[[length(cnts) + 1]] <- charToRaw("\n")
strm <- list()
strm[[1]] <- paste0(x$id, " ", x$version, " obj\n")
strm[[2]] <- paste0(render(pdf_dictionary(Type = "/XObject",
Subtype = "/Image",
Width = x$width,
Height = x$height,
BitsPerComponent = 8,
ColorSpace = "/DeviceRGB",
Filter = "/DCTDecode",
# BitsPerComponent = 8,
# ColorSpace = pdf_array("/Indexed",
# "/DeviceRGB",
# 111,
# ref(10)),
Length = chars(cnts))), "\n")
strm[[3]] <- "stream\n"
strm[[4]] <- cnts
strm[[5]] <- "endstream\n"
strm[[6]] <- "endobj\n"
if (view)
ret <- strm
ret <- unlist(vraw(strm))
#' @exportS3Method render pdf_info
render.pdf_info <- function(x) {
# Get current time
tm <- Sys.time()
cdt <- paste0(format(tm, format = "D:%Y%m%d%H%M%S"),
stri_sub(format(tm, format = "%z"), 1, 3), "'",
stri_sub(format(tm, format = "%z"), 4, 5), "'")
dict <- pdf_dictionary(Producer = paste0("(", x$producer, ")"),
Author = paste0("(", x$author, ")"),
Title = paste0("(", x$title, ")"),
Subject = paste0("(", x$subject, ")"),
Creator = paste0("(", x$creator, ")"),
Keywords = paste0("(", paste(x$keywords, collapse = " ")
, ")\n"),
CreationDate = paste0("(", cdt, ")"),
ModDate = paste0("(", cdt, ")"))
obj <- pdf_object(x$id, dict)
ret <- render.pdf_object(obj)
# Returns a raw byte array that can be written
# directly to disk with writeBin
#' @encoding UTF-8
#' @exportS3Method render pdf_document
render.pdf_document <- function(x) {
#cnts <- c("%PDF-1.7\n", "%âãÏÓ\n")
cnts <- list()
# First line identifies this a a PDF file of a particular version.
cnts[[1]] <- "%PDF-1.7\n"
# Second line is comment of binary characters to identify the content as binary,
# so editors or operating systems won't mess with it.
cnts[[2]] <- paste0("%", rawToChar(binchars), "\n")
xrefs <- c()
infoid <- NULL
for (itm in x) {
if (!is.null(itm)) {
# Sum up the number of bytes for all previous objects
# Plus 1 to offset to first character of block
xrefs[length(xrefs) + 1] <- chars(cnts)
tmp <- render(itm)
cnts[[length(cnts) + 1]] <- tmp
if ("pdf_info" %in% class(itm))
infoid <- itm$id
cnts[[length(cnts) + 1]] <- render_xref(xrefs, x[[1]]$id, infoid, chars(cnts))
cnts[[length(cnts) + 1]] <- "%%EOF"
ret <- unlist(vraw(cnts))
#' Create cross-reference table
#' @noRd
render_xref <- function(xrefs, rootID, infoID, startpos) {
# Create first entry of cross reference table
ret <- paste0("xref\n", "0 ", length(xrefs) + 1, "\n")
# # Dynamically create subsequent entries
# # Windows has two character end character,
# # and therefore doesn't need an extra space.
# # Total width has to be 20 characters exactly.
# if ([["sysname"]] == "Windows") {
# ret <- paste0(ret, "0000000000 65535 f\n")
# refs <- paste0(sprintf("%010d", xrefs), " 00000 n\n", collapse = "")
# } else {
ret <- paste0(ret, "0000000000 65535 f \n")
refs <- paste0(sprintf("%010d", xrefs), " 00000 n \n", collapse = "")
# }
# Combine first and subsequent entries
ret <- paste0(ret, refs)
# Create dictionary for trailer
dict <- pdf_dictionary(Size = length(xrefs) + 1,
Root = ref(rootID))
if (!is.null(infoID)) {
dict$Info <- ref(infoID)
# Create trailer
ret <- paste0(ret, "trailer ",
startpos, "\n")
# Class Definitions -------------------------------------------------------
#' Class definition for the Document
#' Accepts a set of objects
#' @noRd
pdf_document <- function(...) {
lst <- list(...)
doc <- structure(list(), class = c("pdf_document", "list"))
for (itm in lst) {
# Input can be a single object or a list of objects
if ("pdf_object" %in% class(itm)) {
doc[[itm$id]] <- itm
} else if (all("list" %in% class(itm))){
for (sub in itm) {
if (!"pdf_object" %in% class(sub))
stop("Document subitem must be of class pdf_object.")
doc[[sub$id]] <- sub
} else
stop("Document item must be of class pdf_object.")
#' Define a class to contain a PDF array
#' This is a list of numbers, strings, or object references
#' @noRd
pdf_array <- function(...) {
arr <- structure(list(...), class = c("pdf_array", "list"))
#' Define a general object class
#' @param id The id number for the object
#' @param params A dictionary of parameters for this object
#' @param contents Contents for this object. May be null.
#' @noRd
pdf_object <- function(id, params = NULL, contents = NULL) {
if (!class(id) %in% c("integer", "numeric"))
stop("Class of id must be integer or numeric.")
if (!"pdf_dictionary" %in% class(params))
stop("Class of params must be pdf_dictionary.")
obj <- structure(list(), class = c("pdf_object", "list"))
obj$id <- id
obj$version <- 0
obj$parameters <- params
obj$contents <- contents
#' Define a dictionary class, which is a list of name/value pairs
#' @noRd
pdf_dictionary <- function(...) {
d <- list(...)
if (length(d) > 0 & length(names(d)) == 0)
stop("Dictionary entries must have names.")
dict <- structure(d, class = c("pdf_dictionary", "list"))
#' @param id The id for this page object
#' @param content_id The id of the content object for this page
#' @param graphic_ids The ids for the graphics streams for this page
#' @noRd
pdf_page <- function(id, content_id, graphic_ids = NULL) {
pg <- structure(list(), class = c("pdf_page", "pdf_object", "list"))
# If there are graphics, expand the procedures
if (length(graphic_ids) > 0) {
procs <- pdf_array("/PDF",
xobj <- pdf_dictionary()
for(g in graphic_ids) {
xobj[[paste0("X", g)]] <- ref(g)
res <- pdf_dictionary(Font = pdf_dictionary(F1 = ref(2),
F2 = ref(3),
F3 = ref(4)),
ProcSet = procs,
XObject = xobj)
parms <- pdf_dictionary(Type = "/Page",
Parent = ref(5),
Contents = ref(content_id),
Resources = res)
} else {
procs <- pdf_array("/PDF", "/Text")
res <- pdf_dictionary(Font = pdf_dictionary(F1 = ref(2),
F2 = ref(3),
F3 = ref(4)),
ProcSet = procs)
parms <- pdf_dictionary(Type = "/Page",
Parent = ref(5),
Contents = ref(content_id),
Resources = res)
# Assign properties
pg$id <- id
pg$version <- 0
pg$parameters <-parms
pg$content_id <- content_id
pg$graphic_ids <- graphic_ids
#' Define a stream for text content
#' @noRd
pdf_text_stream <- function(id, contents = NULL) {
strm <- structure(list(), class = c("pdf_text_stream", "pdf_object", "list"))
strm$id <- id
strm$contents <- contents
#' Define a stream for image content
#' @noRd
pdf_image_stream <- function(id, height, width, contents = NULL) {
strm <- structure(list(), class = c("pdf_image_stream", "pdf_object", "list"))
strm$id <- id
strm$contents <- contents
strm$version <- 0
strm$height <- height
strm$width <- width
#' A function to create an info object. The info object contains the
#' author, etc. of the document. The create date in this is desirable
#' for production files, but make development a pain because it guarantees
#' that the PDF file will change every time a test case is run, and therefore
#' it is hard to tell which files have actually changed. The only way to
#' tell is to open them all up and look at them.
#' @noRd
pdf_info <- function(id,
author = NULL, title = NULL,
subject = NULL, creator = NULL,
keywords = NULL) {
info <- structure(list(), class = c("pdf_info", "pdf_object", "list"))
info$id <- id
info$producer <- paste0("reporter v", getNamespaceVersion("reporter"))
info$author <- author
info$title <- title
info$subject <- subject
info$creator <- R.Version()["version.string"]
info$keywords <- keywords
info$create_date <- Sys.time()
info$mod_date <- Sys.time()
# Utilities ---------------------------------------------------------------
#' A function to cast lists of mixed content to lists of raw vectors
#' @noRd
vraw <- Vectorize(function(line) {
if (any(class(line) == "raw")) {
ret <- line
} else {
ret <- charToRaw(line)
#' Count actual bytes as will exist in the file
#' @noRd
chars <- function(lines) {
ret <- length(unlist(vraw(lines)))
#' Return a reference. Version numbers are all zero. Not dealing with
#' versions in these documents.
#' @noRd
ref <- function(id) {
ret <- paste(id, "0 R")
#' Utility function to create content for a text stream. This will
#' take a vector of strings, and create pdf statements to display each one.
#' Multiple lines are separated by the distance specified in lineheight.
#' Would like to add compression to this function to reduce size of PDF file.
#' This function largely replaces get_text_stream() because it supports more special
#' characters.
#' @noRd
get_byte_stream <- function(contents, startx, starty,
lineheight, fontsize, fontscale, bold = FALSE,
italics = FALSE) {
# Calculate y positions
ypos <- seq(from = starty, length.out = length(contents), by = -lineheight)
# lns <- stri_encode(contents, from = stri_enc_detect2(contents),
# to = "Adobe-Standard-Encoding")
cnts <- c()
# Convert text characters to byte codes
for (ln in contents) {
cnts[length(cnts) + 1] <- paste0(charToRaw(viconv(ln)), collapse = "")
bld <- "/F1 "
if (bold == TRUE)
bld <- "/F2 "
if (italics == TRUE)
bld <- "/F3 "
# Create report line
ret <- paste0("BT ", bld , fontsize,
" Tf ", fontscale, " Tz ", startx, " ", ypos, " Td <",
cnts, ">Tj ET")
#' Utility function to create content for a text stream. This will
#' take a vector of strings, and create pdf statements to display each one.
#' Multiple lines are separated by the distance specified in lineheight.
#' Would like to add compression to this function to reduce size of PDF file.
#' This function largely replace by get_byte_stream() to support more special
#' characters.
#' @noRd
get_text_stream <- function(contents, startx, starty,
lineheight, fontsize, fontscale) {
ypos <- seq(from = starty, length.out = length(contents), by = -lineheight)
ret <- paste0("BT /F1 ", fontsize,
" Tf ", fontscale, " Tz ", startx, " ", ypos, " Td (",
viconv(contents), ")Tj ET")
# Not working
#ret <- memCompress(ret, type = "gzip")
#ret <- paste0(ret, collapse = "")
#' Utility function to create content for an image stream.
#' Has to be a JPEG, as that is the only format that PDF supports natively.
#' @noRd
get_image_stream <- function(filename) {
if (!file.exists(filename))
stop(paste0("File does not exist: ", filename))
# Get file size and add 10% for safety
fz <-[["size"]] * 1.1
# Read in bytes
f <- file(filename, open="rb", encoding = "native.enc")
ret <- readBin(con = f, "raw", fz)
#' Utility function to create text content for an image
#' @noRd
get_image_text <- function(img_ref, height, width, xpos, ypos) {
ret <- c()
ret[1] <- "q"
ret[2] <- paste(width, 0, 0, height, (xpos - 5), ypos, "cm")
ret[3] <- paste0("/X", img_ref, " Do")
ret[4] <- "Q"
#' Utility function to create pdf codes for a line segment.
#' @noRd
get_line_segment <- function(startx, starty, endx, endy) {
ret <- paste(startx, starty, "m", endx, endy, "l S")
#' Utility function to create pdf codes for a box.
#' @noRd
get_box <- function(startx, starty, pheight, pwidth, except = "") {
ret <- c()
if (except != "top")
ret[length(ret) + 1] <- paste(startx, starty, "m",
startx + pwidth, starty, "l S")
if (except != "left")
ret[length(ret) + 1] <- paste(startx, starty, "m", startx, starty - pheight, "l S")
if (except != "bottom")
ret[length(ret) + 1] <- paste(startx, starty - pheight, "m", startx + pwidth,
starty - pheight, "l S")
if (except != "right")
ret[length(ret) + 1] <- paste(startx + pwidth, starty, "m", startx + pwidth,
starty - pheight, "l S")
#' Utility function to create pdf codes for a grid.
#' @noRd
get_grid <- function(startx, starty, rows, cols, pheights, pwidths) {
ret <- c()
wdths <- rep(pwidths, cols/length(pwidths))
hgths <- rep(pheights, rows/length(pheights))
twidth <- sum(wdths)
theight <- sum(hgths)
# Start top and left lines
ret[1] <- paste(startx, starty, "m", startx + twidth, starty, "l S")
ret[2] <- paste(startx, starty, "m", startx, starty - theight, "l S")
# Create remaining rows
yline <- starty
for (rw in hgths) {
yline <- yline - rw
ret[length(ret) + 1] <- paste(startx, yline, "m",
startx + twidth, yline, "l S")
# Create remaining columns
xcol <- startx
for (cl in wdths) {
xcol <- xcol + cl
ret[length(ret) + 1] <- paste(xcol, starty, "m",
xcol, starty - theight, "l S")
#' @description This is a vectorized version of iconv(), which converts
#' encodings on a string. The CP1252 is a Windows superset of Latin1
#' which the PDF spec happens to support natively. This is useful because
#' we get more characters out of this than Latin1. It is basically ANSI
#' plus a few extra characters. Also added logic to convert characters that
#' fall outside this range to a question mark, which is better than the default
#' empty box.
#' @noRd
viconv <- Vectorize(function(vstr) {
#print(paste0(Encoding(vstr), ": ", vstr))
if (Encoding(vstr) == "UTF-8") {
ret <- iconv(vstr, from =Encoding(vstr), to = "CP1252", sub = "?")
if (length(grep("???", ret, fixed = TRUE)) > 0) {
ret <- gsub("???", "?", ret, fixed = TRUE)
if (Encoding(ret) == "UTF-8")
ret <- iconv(ret, from ="UTF-8", to = "CP1252", sub = "?")
} else {
ret <- vstr
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