
Defines functions subset_src.concept subset_src.cncpt subset_src.item subset_src explain_dictionary concept_availability identity_callback parse_dictionary read_dictionary load_dictionary max.num_cncpt min.num_cncpt units.num_cncpt n_tick.concept src_name.concept as.list.concept `names<-.concept` names.concept format.concept as_concept.default as_concept.cncpt as_concept.list as_concept.concept as_concept concept wrap_list new_concept n_tick.cncpt aggregate.rec_cncpt aggregate.cncpt src_name.cncpt print.cncpt init_cncpt.default init_cncpt.rec_cncpt init_cncpt.cncpt init_cncpt.fct_cncpt init_cncpt.unt_cncpt init_cncpt.num_cncpt init_cncpt new_cncpt is_target get_target.default get_target.itm get_target.cncpt get_target set_target.default set_target.concept set_target.cncpt set_target.itm set_target.item set_target n_tick.default n_tick.item n_tick.itm n_tick src_name.item as.list.item `names<-.item` names.item format.item as_item.default as_item.concept as_item.rec_cncpt as_item.cncpt as_item.itm as_item.list as_item.item as_item item new_item dimnames.itm meta_vars.itm interval.itm dur_var.itm time_vars.itm index_var.itm id_vars.itm do_itm_load.default target_inherits do_itm_load.nul_itm do_itm_load.fun_itm do_itm_load.col_itm do_itm_load.hrd_itm do_itm_load.itm do_itm_load do_callback.default do_callback.rec_cncpt do_callback.fun_itm do_callback.col_itm do_callback.hrd_itm do_callback.itm do_callback str_to_fun set_callback.default set_callback.itm set_callback get_itm_var.default get_itm_var.itm get_itm_var try_add_vars.default try_add_vars.rec_cncpt try_add_vars.cncpt try_add_vars.item try_add_vars.itm try_add_vars prepare_query.default prepare_query.col_itm prepare_query.rgx_itm prep_sel prepare_query print.itm init_itm.default init_itm.itm init_itm.fun_itm complete_tbl_itm init_itm.rgx_itm init_itm.col_itm get_hirid_ids init_itm.hrd_itm init_itm.sel_itm init_itm as_src_tbl.itm tbl_name.nul_itm tbl_name.fun_itm tbl_name.itm src_name.itm new_itm

Documented in as_concept as_item concept concept_availability do_callback do_itm_load explain_dictionary get_itm_var get_target init_cncpt init_cncpt.cncpt init_cncpt.fct_cncpt init_cncpt.num_cncpt init_cncpt.rec_cncpt init_cncpt.unt_cncpt init_itm init_itm.col_itm init_itm.fun_itm init_itm.hrd_itm init_itm.itm init_itm.rgx_itm init_itm.sel_itm item load_dictionary new_cncpt new_concept new_item new_itm n_tick prepare_query set_callback set_target subset_src subset_src.cncpt subset_src.concept subset_src.item try_add_vars

#' Data items
#' Item objects are used in `ricu` as a way to specify how individual data
#' items corresponding to clinical concepts (see also [concept()]), such as
#' heart rate can be loaded from a data source. Several functions are
#' available for constructing `item` (and related auxiliary) objects either
#' from code or by parsing a JSON formatted concept dictionary using
#' [load_dictionary()].
#' @details
#' In order to allow for a large degree of flexibility (and extensibility),
#' which is much needed owing to considerable heterogeneity presented by
#' different data sources, several nested S3 classes are involved in
#' representing a concept. An outline of this hierarchy can be described as
#' * [`concept`][concept()]: contains many `cncpt` objects (of potentially
#'   differing sub-types), each comprising of some meta-data and an `item`
#'   object
#' * `item`: contains many `itm` objects (of potentially differing
#'   sub-types), each encoding how to retrieve a data item.
#' The design choice for wrapping a vector of `itm` objects with a container
#' class `item` is motivated by the requirement of having several different
#' sub-types of `itm` objects (all inheriting from the parent type `itm`),
#' while retaining control over how this homogeneous w.r.t. parent type, but
#' heterogeneous w.r.t. sub-type vector of objects behaves in terms of S3
#' generic functions.
#' The following sub-classes to `itm` are available, each representing a
#' different data-scenario:
#' * `sel_itm`: The most widely used item class is intended for the situation
#'   where rows of interest can be identified by looking for occurrences of a
#'   set of IDs (`ids`) in a column (`sub_var`). An example for this is heart
#'   rate `hr` on mimic, where the IDs `211` and 220045` are looked up in the
#'   `itemid` column of `chartevents`.
#' * `col_itm`: This item class can be used if no row-subsetting is required.
#'   An example for this is heart rate (`hr`) on `eicu`, where the table
#'   `vitalperiodic` contains an entire column dedicated to heart rate
#'   measurements.
#' * `rgx_itm`: As alternative to the value-matching approach of `sel_itm`
#'   objects, this class identifies rows using regular expressions. Used for
#'   example for insulin in `eicu`, where the regular expression `^insulin
#'   (250.+)?\\(((ml|units)/hr)?\\)$` is matched against the `drugname` column
#'   of `infusiondrug`. The regular expression is evaluated by [base::grepl()]
#'   with `ignore.case = TRUE`.
#' * `fun_itm`: Intended for the scenario where data of interest is not
#'   directly available from a table, this `itm` class offers most flexibility.
#'   A function can be specified as `callback` and this function will be called
#'   with arguments `x` (the object itself), `patient_ids`, `id_type` and
#'   `interval` (see [load_concepts()]) and is expected to return an object as
#'   specified by the `target` entry.
#' * `hrd_itm`: A special case of `sel_itm` for HiRID data where measurement
#'    units are not available as separate column, but as separate table with
#'    units fixed per concept.
#' All `itm` objects have to specify a data source (`src`) as well as a
#' sub-class. Further arguments then are specific to the respective sub-class
#' and encode information that define data loading, such as the table to
#' query, the column name and values to use for identifying relevant rows,
#' etc. The S3 generic function `init_itm()` is responsible for input
#' validation of class-specific arguments as well as class initialization. A
#' list of `itm` objects, created by calls to `new_itm()` can be passed to
#' `new_item` in order to instantiate an `item` object. An alternative
#' constructor for `item` objects is given by `item()` which calls `new_itm()`
#' on the passed arguments (see examples). Finally `as_item()` can be used
#' for coercion of related objects such as `list`, `concept`, and the like.
#' Several additional S3 generic functions exist for manipulation of
#' `item`-like objects but are marked `internal` (see
#' [item/concept utilities][prepare_query()]).
#' @param src The data source name
#' @param ... Further specification of the `itm` object (passed to
#' [init_itm()])
#' @param interval A default data loading interval (either specified as scalar
#' `difftime` or string such as "00:01:00")
#' @param target Item target class (e.g. "id_tbl"), `NA` indicates no specific
#' class requirement
#' @param class Sub class for customizing `itm` behavior
#' @return Constructors and coercion functions return `itm` and `item` objects,
#' while inheritance tester functions return logical flags.
#' @rdname data_items
#' @examples
#' if (require(mimic.demo)) {
#' gluc <- item("mimic_demo", "labevents", "itemid", list(c(50809L, 50931L)),
#'              unit_var = TRUE, target = "ts_tbl")
#' is_item(gluc)
#' all.equal(gluc, as_item(load_dictionary("mimic_demo", "glu")))
#' hr1 <- new_itm(src = "mimic_demo", table = "chartevents",
#'                sub_var = "itemid", ids = c(211L, 220045L))
#' hr2 <- item(src = c("mimic_demo", "eicu_demo"),
#'             table = c("chartevents", "vitalperiodic"),
#'             sub_var = list("itemid", NULL),
#'             val_var = list(NULL, "heartrate"),
#'             ids = list(c(211L, 220045L), FALSE),
#'             class = c("sel_itm", "col_itm"))
#' hr3 <- new_itm(src = "eicu_demo", table = "vitalperiodic",
#'                val_var = "heartrate", class = "col_itm")
#' identical(as_item(hr1), hr2[1])
#' identical(new_item(list(hr1)), hr2[1])
#' identical(hr2, as_item(list(hr1, hr3)))
#' }
#' @export
new_itm <- function(src, ..., interval = NULL, target = NA_character_,
                    class = "sel_itm") {

  assert_that(is.string(src), is.character(class), has_length(class))

  res <- structure(list(src = src, target = target), class = c(class, "itm"))

  if (not_null(interval)) {
    res[["interval"]] <- as.difftime(interval)

  init_itm(res, ...)

#' @param x Object to query/dispatch on
#' @rdname data_items
#' @export
is_itm <- is_type("itm")

#' @export
src_name.itm <- function(x) x[["src"]]

#' @export
tbl_name.itm <- function(x) {
  res <- x[["table"]]

#' @export
tbl_name.fun_itm <- function(x) NULL

#' @export
tbl_name.nul_itm <- function(x) NULL

#' @export
as_src_tbl.itm <- function(x, ...) as_src_tbl(tbl_name(x), src_name(x), ...)

#' @rdname data_items
#' @export
init_itm <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("init_itm", x)

#' @param table Name of the table containing the data
#' @param sub_var Column name used for subsetting
#' @param ids Vector of ids used to subset table rows. If `NULL`, all rows are
#' considered corresponding to the data item
#' @param callback Name of a function to be called on the returned data used
#' for data cleanup operations (or a string that evaluates to a function)
#' @rdname data_items
#' @export
init_itm.sel_itm <- function(x, table, sub_var, ids,
                             callback = "identity_callback", ...) {

  assert_that(is.string(table), has_length(ids),
              is.character(ids) || is_intish(ids))

  todo <- c("table", "ids")
  x[todo] <- mget(todo)

  complete_tbl_itm(x, callback, sub_var, ...)

#' @rdname data_items
#' @export
init_itm.hrd_itm <- function(x, table, sub_var, ids,
                             callback = "identity_callback", ...) {

  assert_that(is.string(table), has_length(ids),
              is.character(ids) || is_intish(ids))

  x[["table"]] <- table

  units <- get_hirid_ids(x, ids)
  units <- rename_cols(rm_na(units), sub_var, "id")

  todo <- c("ids", "units")
  x[todo] <- mget(todo)

  complete_tbl_itm(x, callback, sub_var, ...)

get_hirid_ids <- function(x, ids) {
  load_id("variables", x, .data$id %in% .env$ids, cols = "unit", id_var = "id")

#' @param unit_val String valued unit to be used in case no `unit_var` is
#' available for the given table
#' @rdname data_items
#' @export
init_itm.col_itm <- function(x, table, unit_val = NULL,
                             callback = "identity_callback", ...) {

  assert_that(is.string(table), null_or(unit_val, is.string))

  todo <- c("table", "unit_val")
  x[todo] <- mget(todo)

  complete_tbl_itm(x, callback, FALSE, ...)

#' @param regex String-valued regular expression which will be evaluated by
#' [base::grepl()] with `ignore.case = TRUE`
#' @rdname data_items
#' @export
init_itm.rgx_itm <- function(x, table, sub_var, regex,
                             callback = "identity_callback", ...) {

  assert_that(is.string(table), is.string(regex))

  todo <- c("table", "regex")
  x[todo] <- mget(todo)

  complete_tbl_itm(x, callback, sub_var, ...)

complete_tbl_itm <- function(x, callback, sub_var, id_var = NULL,
                             index_var = NULL, dur_var = NULL,
                             time_vars = NULL, ...) {

  res <- set_callback(x, callback)
  res <- try_add_vars(res, sub_var = sub_var, ...)
  res <- try_add_vars(res, val_var = TRUE)
  res <- try_add_vars(res, id_var = id_var, index_var = index_var,
                      dur_var = dur_var, type = "meta_vars")

  if (not_null(time_vars)) {
    res[["time_vars"]] <- time_vars


#' @rdname data_items
#' @export
init_itm.fun_itm <- function(x, callback, ...) {
  init_itm.itm(set_callback(x, callback), ...)

#' @rdname data_items
#' @export
init_itm.itm <- function(x, ...) {

  dots <- list(...)
  dots <- dots[lgl_ply(dots, not_null)]

  assert_that(is_disjoint(names(x), names(dots)))

  x[names(dots)] <- dots


#' @export
init_itm.default <- function(x, ...) stop_generic(x, .Generic)

#' @export
print.itm <- function(x, ...) {
    paste0("<", class(x)[1L], "[", src_name(x), ", ", get_target(x), "]>")

#' Internal utilities for `item`/`concept` objects
#' Several internal utilities for modifying, querying ans subsetting item and
#' concept objects, including getters and setters for `itm` variables,
#' callback functions, `cncpt` target classes, as well as utilities for data
#' loading such as `prepare_query()` which creates a row-subsetting
#' expression, `do_callback()`, which applies a callback function to data or
#' `do_itm_load()`, which performs data loading corresponding to an `itm`
#' @param x Object defining the row-subsetting
#' @return
#' * `prepare_query()`: an unevaluated expression used for row-subsetting
#' * `try_add_vars()`: a (potentially) modified item object with added
#'    variables
#' * `get_itm_var()`: character vector of `itm` variables
#' * `set_callback()`: a modified object with added callback function
#' * `do_callback()`: result of the callback function applied to data, most
#'    likely (`id_tbl`/`ts_tbl`)
#' * `do_itm_load()`: result of item loading (`id_tbl`/`ts_tbl`)
#' * `n_tick()`: Integer valued number of progress bar ticks
#' * `set_target()`: a modified object with newly set target class
#' * `get_target()`: string valued target class of an object
#' * `subset_src()`: an object of the same type as the object passed as `x`
#' @rdname item_utils
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
prepare_query <- function(x) UseMethod("prepare_query", x)

prep_sel <- function(x) {

  ids <- x[["ids"]]
  lst <- list(col = as.name(get_itm_var(x, "sub_var")), id = ids)

  if (length(ids) == 1L) {
    substitute(is_fun(col, id), c(lst, list(is_fun = is_val)))
  } else if (is.character(ids)) {
    substitute(col %chin% id, lst)
  } else {
    substitute(col %in% id, lst)

#' @keywords internal
#' @export
prepare_query.sel_itm <- prep_sel

#' @keywords internal
#' @export
prepare_query.hrd_itm <- prep_sel

#' @keywords internal
#' @export
prepare_query.rgx_itm <- function(x) {
  substitute(grepl(rgx, col, ignore.case = TRUE),
    list(col = as.name(get_itm_var(x, "sub_var")), rgx = x[["regex"]])

#' @keywords internal
#' @export
prepare_query.col_itm <- function(x) rlang::quo(NULL)

#' @export
prepare_query.default <- function(x) stop_generic(x, .Generic)

#' @param ... Variable specification
#' @param var_lst List-based variable specification
#' @param type Variable type (either data or meta)
#' @rdname item_utils
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
try_add_vars <- function(x, ..., var_lst = NULL,
                         type = c("data_vars", "meta_vars")) {

  if (...length() + length(var_lst) == 0L) {

  UseMethod("try_add_vars", x)

#' @keywords internal
#' @export
try_add_vars.itm <- function(x, ..., var_lst = NULL,
                             type = c("data_vars", "meta_vars")) {

  type <- match.arg(type)
  vars <- c(list(...), var_lst)
  nmes <- names(vars)

  assert_that(same_length(nmes, vars), is_unique(nmes))

  for (var in nmes) {

    cur <- vars[[var]]
    tmp <- get_itm_var(x, type = type)

    if (isFALSE(cur)) {

      x[[type]] <- tmp[setdiff(names(tmp), cur)]

    } else {

      if (isTRUE(cur)) {

        if (is.null(tbl_name(x))) {

        cur <- default_vars(as_src_tbl(x), var)

      cur <- coalesce(if (has_name(tmp, var)) tmp[[var]], cur)

      if (is.null(cur)) {


      x[[type]][[var]] <- cur

  tmp <- get_itm_var(x, type = type)

  if (has_length(tmp)) {


    x[[type]] <- tmp[order(names(tmp))]


#' @keywords internal
#' @export
try_add_vars.item <- function(x, ...) {

  vars <- list(...)

  for (i in names(vars)) {
    vars[[i]] <- vec_recycle(
      if (is.null(vars[[i]])) list(NULL) else vars[[i]], length(x), x_arg = i

  new_item(do.call(Map, c(list(try_add_vars, x), vars)))

#' @keywords internal
#' @export
try_add_vars.cncpt <- function(x, ...) {
  x[["items"]] <- try_add_vars(x[["items"]], ...)

#' @keywords internal
#' @export
try_add_vars.rec_cncpt <- function(x, ...) x

#' @export
try_add_vars.default <- function(x, ...) stop_generic(x, .Generic)

#' @param var Variable name (`NULL`) returns all available
#' @rdname item_utils
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
get_itm_var <- function(x, var = NULL, type = c("data_vars", "meta_vars")) {
  UseMethod("get_itm_var", x)

#' @keywords internal
#' @export
get_itm_var.itm <- function(x, var = NULL, type = c("data_vars", "meta_vars")) {

  res <- x[[match.arg(type)]]

  if (is.null(var)) {

  if (has_name(res, var)) {


#' @export
get_itm_var.default <- function(x, ...) stop_generic(x, .Generic)

#' @param fun Callback function (passed as string)
#' @rdname item_utils
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
set_callback <- function(x, fun) UseMethod("set_callback", x)

#' @keywords internal
#' @export
set_callback.itm <- function(x, fun) {


  x[["callback"]] <- fun


#' @export
set_callback.default <- function(x, ...) stop_generic(x, .Generic)

str_to_fun <- function(x) {

  if (is.null(x)) {

  if (is.function(x)) {

  res <- eval(parse(text = x))

#' @rdname item_utils
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
do_callback <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("do_callback", x)

#' @keywords internal
#' @export
do_callback.itm <- function(x, ...) {

  fun <- str_to_fun(x[["callback"]])
  env <- as_src_env(x)
  var <- c(get_itm_var(x, type = "meta_vars"),
           get_itm_var(x, type = "data_vars"))

  (function(x) {

    res <- do.call(fun, c(list(x), var, list(env = env)))

    res <- rename_cols(res, names(var), unlst(var), skip_absent = TRUE,
                       by_ref = TRUE)


#' @keywords internal
#' @export
do_callback.hrd_itm <- function(x, ...) {

  if (is.null(get_itm_var(x, "unit_var"))) {
    x <- try_add_vars(x, unit_var = "unit")


#' @keywords internal
#' @export
do_callback.col_itm <- function(x, ...) {

  if (is.null(get_itm_var(x, "unit_var")) && not_null(x[["unit_val"]])) {
    x <- try_add_vars(x, unit_var = "unit")


#' @keywords internal
#' @export
do_callback.fun_itm <- function(x, ...) identity_callback(...)

#' @keywords internal
#' @export
do_callback.rec_cncpt <- function(x, lst, ...) {
  do.call(str_to_fun(x[["callback"]]), c(lst, list(...)))

#' @export
do_callback.default <- function(x, ...) stop_generic(x, .Generic)

#' @inheritParams load_concepts
#' @rdname item_utils
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
do_itm_load <- function(x, id_type = "icustay", interval = hours(1L)) {
  UseMethod("do_itm_load", x)

#' @export
do_itm_load.itm <- function(x, id_type = "icustay", interval = hours(1L)) {

  trg <- get_target(x)
  fun <- switch(trg, id_tbl = load_id, ts_tbl = load_ts, win_tbl = load_win,
                stop_ricu("Cannot load object with target class {trg}"))

  idv <- id_var(as_id_cfg(x)[id_type])
  ivl <- coalesce(interval(x), interval)

  fun(x, id_var = idv, interval = ivl)

#' @export
do_itm_load.hrd_itm <- function(x, id_type = "icustay", interval = hours(1L)) {

  res <- NextMethod()

  if (is.null(get_itm_var(x, "unit_var"))) {
    unt <- x[["units"]]
    res <- merge(res, unt, by = get_itm_var(x, "sub_var"), all.x = TRUE)


#' @export
do_itm_load.col_itm <- function(x, id_type = "icustay", interval = hours(1L)) {

  res <- NextMethod()

  if (is.null(get_itm_var(x, "unit_var"))) {

    unt <- x[["unit_val"]]

    if (not_null(unt)) {
      res <- res[, c("unit") := unt]


#' @export
do_itm_load.fun_itm <- function(x, id_type = "icustay", interval = hours(1L)) {
  str_to_fun(x[["callback"]])(x, id_type = id_type, interval = interval)

#' @export
do_itm_load.nul_itm <- function(x, id_type = "icustay", interval = hours(1L)) {

  idc <- id_type_to_name(x, id_type)
  res <- id_map(x, idc, idc)
  res <- res[0L, ]
  res <- res[, c("val_var") := numeric(0L)]

  if (target_inherits(x, "ts_tbl")) {

    res <- res[, c("index_var") := interval[0L]]
    res <- as_ts_tbl(res, interval = interval, by_ref = TRUE)

    if (target_inherits(x, "win_tbl")) {
      res <- res[, c("dur_var") := mins(integer())]
      res <- as_win_tbl(res, dur_var = "dur_var", by_ref = TRUE)


target_inherits <- function(x, class) {
  opts <- c("id_tbl", "ts_tbl", "win_tbl")
  class %in% opts[seq_len(match(get_target(x), opts))]

#' @export
do_itm_load.default <- function(x, ...) stop_generic(x, .Generic)

#' @export
id_vars.itm <- function(x) {
  coalesce(get_itm_var(x, "id_var", "meta_vars"), id_vars(as_src_tbl(x)))

#' @export
index_var.itm <- function(x) {
  coalesce(get_itm_var(x, "index_var", "meta_vars"), index_var(as_src_tbl(x)))

#' @export
time_vars.itm <- function(x) {
    if (has_name(x, "time_vars")) x[["time_vars"]],

#' @export
dur_var.itm <- function(x) get_itm_var(x, "dur_var", "meta_vars")

#' @export
interval.itm <- function(x) x[["interval"]]

#' @export
meta_vars.itm <- function(x) c(id_vars(x), index_var(x), dur_var(x))

#' @export
dimnames.itm <- function(x) {
  list(NULL, unlst(c(get_itm_var(x, type = "meta_vars"),
                     get_itm_var(x, type = "data_vars"))))

#' @rdname data_items
#' @export
new_item <- function(x) {

  if (is_itm(x)) {

  assert_that(is.list(x), all_fun(x, is_itm))

  new_vctr(unname(x), class = "item")

#' @rdname data_items
#' @export
item <- function(...) {
  dots <- lapply(list(...), wrap_list)
  dots <- do.call(vec_recycle_common, dots)
  new_item(do.call(Map, c(list(new_itm), dots)))

#' @rdname data_items
#' @export
as_item <- function(x) UseMethod("as_item", x)

#' @export
as_item.item <- function(x) x

#' @export
as_item.list <- function(x) new_item(x)

#' @export
as_item.itm <- function(x) as_item(list(x))

#' @export
as_item.cncpt <- function(x) x[["items"]]

#' @export
as_item.rec_cncpt <- function(x) as_item(x[["items"]])

#' @export
as_item.concept <- function(x) do.call(c, unname(lapply(x, as_item)))

#' @export
as_item.default <- function(x) stop_generic(x, .Generic)

#' @export
format.item <- function(x, ...) {
  paste0("<", chr_xtr(lapply(x, class), 1L), ">")

#' @export
names.item <- function(x) chr_xtr(x, "src")

#' @export
`names<-.item` <- function(x, value) {
  if (has_length(value)) as_item(Map(`[<-`, x, "src", value)) else x

#' @export
as.list.item <- function(x, ...) vec_data(x)

#' @rdname data_items
#' @export
is_item <- is_type("item")

#' @export
src_name.item <- function(x) names(x)

#' @rdname item_utils
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
n_tick <- function(x) UseMethod("n_tick", x)

#' @export
n_tick.itm <- function(x) 1L

#' @export
n_tick.item <- function(x) length(x)

#' @export
n_tick.default <- function(x) stop_generic(x, .Generic)

#' @rdname item_utils
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
set_target <- function(x, target) UseMethod("set_target", x)

#' @export
set_target.item <- function(x, target) new_item(lapply(x, set_target, target))

#' @export
set_target.itm <- function(x, target) {


  curr <- get_target(x)

  if (is.null(curr) || is.na(curr)) {
    x[["target"]] <- target


#' @export
set_target.cncpt <- function(x, target) {
  x[["items"]] <- set_target(x[["items"]], target)

#' @export
set_target.concept <- function(x, target) {
  new_concept(lapply(x, set_target, target))

#' @export
set_target.default <- function(x, target) stop_generic(x, .Generic)

#' @rdname item_utils
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
get_target <- function(x) UseMethod("get_target", x)

#' @export
get_target.cncpt <- function(x) x[["target"]]

#' @export
get_target.itm <- function(x) x[["target"]]

#' @export
get_target.default <- function(x) stop_generic(x, .Generic)

is_target <- function(x, dat) is_type(get_target(x))(dat)

#' Data Concepts
#' Concept objects are used in `ricu` as a way to specify how a clinical
#' concept, such as heart rate can be loaded from a data source and are mainly
#' consumed by [load_concepts()]. Several functions are available for
#' constructing `concept` (and related auxiliary) objects either from code or
#' by parsing a JSON formatted concept dictionary using [load_dictionary()].
#' @details
#' In order to allow for a large degree of flexibility (and extensibility),
#' which is much needed owing to considerable heterogeneity presented by
#' different data sources, several nested S3 classes are involved in
#' representing a concept. An outline of this hierarchy can be described as
#' * `concept`: contains many `cncpt` objects (of potentially differing
#'   sub-types), each comprising of some meta-data and an `item` object
#' * `item`: contains many `itm` objects (of potentially differing
#'   sub-types), each encoding how to retrieve a data item.
#' The design choice for wrapping a vector of `cncpt` objects with a container
#' class `concept` is motivated by the requirement of having several different
#' sub-types of `cncpt` objects (all inheriting from the parent type `cncpt`),
#' while retaining control over how this homogeneous w.r.t. parent type, but
#' heterogeneous w.r.t. sub-type vector of objects behaves in terms of S3
#' generic functions.
#' Each individual `cncpt` object contains the following information: a string-
#' valued name, an [`item`][new_itm()] vector containing [`itm`][new_itm()]
#' objects, a string-valued description (can be missing), a string-valued
#' category designation (can be missing), a character vector-valued
#' specification for an aggregation function and a target class specification
#' (e.g. [`id_tbl`][id_tbl()] or [`ts_tbl`][id_tbl()]). Additionally, a sub-
#' class to `cncpt` has to be specified, each representing a different
#' data-scenario and holding further class-specific information. The following
#' sub-classes to `cncpt` are available:
#' * `num_cncpt`: The most widely used concept type is indented for concepts
#'   representing numerical measurements. Additional information that can be
#'   specified includes a string-valued unit specification, alongside a
#'   plausible range which can be used during data loading.
#' * `fct_cncpt`: In case of categorical concepts, such as `sex`, a set of
#'   factor levels can be specified, against which the loaded data is checked.
#' * `lgl_cncpt`: A special case of `fct_cncpt`, this allows only for logical
#'   values (`TRUE`, `FALSE` and `NA`).
#' * `rec_cncpt`: More involved concepts, such as a [SOFA score][sofa_score()]
#'   can pull in other concepts. Recursive concepts can build on other
#'   recursive concepts up to arbitrary recursion depth. Owing to the more
#'   complicated nature of such concepts, a `callback` function can be
#'   specified which is used in data loading for concept-specific post-
#'   processing steps.
#' * `unt_cncpt`: A recent (experimental) addition which inherits from
#'   `num_cncpt` but instead of manual unit conversion, leverages
#    `units::set_units()` in order to automate this.
#' Class instantiation is organized in the same fashion as for
#' [`item`][new_itm()] objects: `concept()` maps vector-valued arguments
#' to `new_cncpt()`, which internally calls the S3 generic function
#' `init_cncpt()`, while `new_concept()` instantiates a `concept` object from
#' a list of `cncpt` objects (created by calls to `new_cncpt()`). Coercion is
#' only possible from `list` and `cncpt`, by calling `as_concept()` and
#' inheritance can be checked using `is_concept()` or `is_cncpt()`.
#' @param name The name of the concept
#' @param items Zero or more `itm` objects
#' @param description String-valued concept description
#' @param omopid OMOP identifier
#' @param category String-valued category
#' @param aggregate NULL or a string denoting a function used to aggregate per
#' id and if applicable per time step
#' @param ... Further specification of the `cncpt` object (passed to
#' [init_cncpt()])
#' @param target The target object yielded by loading
#' @param class `NULL` or a string-valued sub-class name used for customizing
#' concept behavior
#' @rdname data_concepts
#' @return Constructors and coercion functions return `cncpt` and `concept`
#' objects, while inheritance tester functions return logical flags.
#' @examples
#' if (require(mimic.demo)) {
#' gluc <- concept("glu",
#'   item("mimic_demo", "labevents", "itemid", list(c(50809L, 50931L))),
#'   description = "glucose", category = "chemistry",
#'   unit = "mg/dL", min = 0, max = 1000
#' )
#' is_concept(gluc)
#' identical(gluc, load_dictionary("mimic_demo", "glu"))
#' gl1 <- new_cncpt("glu",
#'   item("mimic_demo", "labevents", "itemid", list(c(50809L, 50931L))),
#'   description = "glucose"
#' )
#' is_cncpt(gl1)
#' is_concept(gl1)
#' conc <- concept(c("glu", "lact"),
#'   list(
#'     item("mimic_demo", "labevents", "itemid", list(c(50809L, 50931L))),
#'     item("mimic_demo", "labevents", "itemid", 50813L)
#'   ),
#'   description = c("glucose", "lactate")
#' )
#' conc
#' identical(as_concept(gl1), conc[1L])
#' }
#' @export
new_cncpt <- function(name, items, description = name, omopid = NA_integer_,
                      category = NA_character_, aggregate = NULL, ...,
                      target = "ts_tbl", class = "num_cncpt") {

  assert_that(is.string(name), null_or(class, is.character), is.string(target),
              is.string(description), is.string(category), is_scalar(omopid),

  if (!is_concept(items)) {
    items <- set_target(as_item(items), target)

  res <- list(name = name, items = items, description = description,
              omopid = as.integer(omopid), category = category,
              aggregate = aggregate, target = target)

  init_cncpt(structure(res, class = c(class, "cncpt")), ...)

#' @param x Object to query/dispatch on
#' @rdname data_concepts
#' @export
is_cncpt <- is_type("cncpt")

#' @rdname data_concepts
#' @export
init_cncpt <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("init_cncpt", x)

#' @param unit A string, specifying the measurement unit of the concept (can
#' be `NULL`)
#' @param min,max Scalar valued; defines a range of plausible values for a
#' numeric concept
#' @rdname data_concepts
#' @export
init_cncpt.num_cncpt <- function(x, unit = NULL, min = NULL, max = NULL, ...) {


  assert_that(null_or(unit, is.character), null_or(unit, has_length),
              null_or(min, is.number), null_or(max, is.number),
              null_or(x[["aggregate"]], is.string))

  todo <- c("unit", "min", "max")
  x[todo] <- mget(todo)

  try_add_vars(x, unit_var = TRUE)

#' @rdname data_concepts
#' @export
init_cncpt.unt_cncpt <- function(x, unit = NULL, min = NULL, max = NULL, ...) {

  if (!requireNamespace("units", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop_ricu("Initializing (and using) `unt_cncpt` data concepts requires the
               `units` package.", class = "units_pkg_required")



#' @param levels A vector of possible values a categorical concept may take on
#' @rdname data_concepts
#' @export
init_cncpt.fct_cncpt <- function(x, levels, ...) {


  assert_that(is.atomic(levels), has_length(levels),
              null_or(x[["aggregate"]], is.string))

  x[["levels"]] <- levels


#' @rdname data_concepts
#' @export
init_cncpt.cncpt <- function(x, ...) {

  dots <- list(...)

  assert_that(is_disjoint(names(x), names(dots)),
              null_or(x[["aggregate"]], is.string))

  x[names(dots)] <- dots


#' @param callback Name of a function to be called on the returned data used
#' for data cleanup operations
#' @param interval Time interval used for data loading; if NULL, the respective
#' interval passed as argument to [load_concepts()] is taken
#' @rdname data_concepts
#' @export
init_cncpt.rec_cncpt <- function(x,
  callback = paste0("rename_data_var('", x[["name"]], "')"),
  interval = NULL, ...) {

  really_na <- function(x) not_null(x) && is.na(x)

  assert_that(evals_to_fun(callback), null_or(interval, is.string))

  x[["items"]] <- as_concept(x[["items"]])

  if (not_null(interval)) {
    interval <- as.difftime(interval)

  agg <- rep_arg(x[["aggregate"]], names(x[["items"]]))
  agg[lgl_ply(agg, really_na)] <- list(NULL)

  x[["aggregate"]] <- agg

  if (...length() > 0L) {
    extra <- lst_inv(lapply(list(...), rep_arg, names(x[["items"]])))
  } else {
    extra <- list(NULL)

  todo <- c("callback", "interval", "extra")
  x[todo] <- mget(todo)


#' @export
init_cncpt.default <- function(x, ...) stop_generic(x, .Generic)

#' @export
print.cncpt <- function(x, ...) {
  itm <- x[["items"]]
  cat_line(paste0("<", class(x)[1L], "[", length(itm), "]>"))
  vctrs::obj_print_data(itm, ...)

#' @export
src_name.cncpt <- function(x) src_name(x[["items"]])

#' @importFrom stats aggregate
#' @export
aggregate.cncpt <- function(x, tbl, fun = NULL, ...) {

  fun <- coalesce(fun, x[["aggregate"]])

  if (!isFALSE(fun)) {
    tbl <- aggregate(tbl, fun)


#' @export
aggregate.rec_cncpt <- function(x, ...) {
  stop_ricu("please use `callback` for aggregating within time-steps",
            class = "aggregate_rec_cncpt")

#' @export
n_tick.cncpt <- function(x) sum(int_ply(x[["items"]], n_tick)) + 1L

#' @rdname data_concepts
#' @export
new_concept <- function(x) {

  assert_that(is.list(x), all_fun(x, is_cncpt))

  res <- new_vctr(x, class = "concept")



wrap_list <- function(x) {

  if (length(x) > 1L || (is.list(x) && identical(class(x), "list"))) {


#' @rdname data_concepts
#' @export
concept <- function(...) {
  dots <- lapply(list(...), wrap_list)
  dots <- do.call(vec_recycle_common, dots)
  new_concept(do.call(Map, c(list(new_cncpt), dots)))

#' @rdname data_concepts
#' @export
is_concept <- is_type("concept")

#' @rdname data_concepts
#' @export
as_concept <- function(x) UseMethod("as_concept", x)

#' @export
as_concept.concept <- function(x) x

#' @export
as_concept.list <- function(x) new_concept(x)

#' @export
as_concept.cncpt <- function(x) new_concept(list(x))

#' @export
as_concept.default <- function(x) stop_generic(x, .Generic)

#' @export
format.concept <- function(x, ...) {

  desc <- lst_xtr(x, "description")
  desc[lgl_ply(desc, is.null)] <- ""

  paste0(desc, " <", chr_xtr(lapply(x, "class"), 1L), "[",
         int_ply(lst_xtr(x, "items"), length), "]>")

#' @export
names.concept <- function(x) chr_xtr(x, "name")

#' @export
`names<-.concept` <- function(x, value) {
  if (has_length(value)) as_concept(Map(`[<-`, x, "name", value)) else x

#' @export
as.list.concept <- function(x, ...) vec_data(x)

#' @export
src_name.concept <- function(x) lapply(x, src_name)

#' @export
n_tick.concept <- function(x) sum(int_ply(x, n_tick))

#' @export
units.num_cncpt <- function(x) x[["unit"]]

#' @export
min.num_cncpt <- function(x, ...) warn_dot_ident(x[["min"]])

#' @export
max.num_cncpt <- function(x, ...) warn_dot_ident(x[["max"]])

#' Load concept dictionaries
#' Data concepts can be specified in JSON format as a concept dictionary which
#' can be read and parsed into `concept`/`item` objects. Dictionary loading
#' can either be performed on the default included dictionary or on a user-
#' specified custom dictionary. Furthermore, a mechanism is provided for adding
#' concepts and/or data sources to the existing dictionary (see the Details
#' section).
#' @details
#' A default dictionary is provided at
#' ```
#' system.file(
#'   file.path("extdata", "config", "concept-dict.json"),
#'   package = "ricu"
#' )
#' ```
#' and can be loaded in to an R session by calling
#' `get_config("concept-dict")`. The default dictionary can be extended by
#' adding a file `concept-dict.json` to the path specified by the environment
#' variable `RICU_CONFIG_PATH`. New concepts can be added to this file and
#' existing concepts can be extended (by adding new data sources).
#' Alternatively, `load_dictionary()` can be called on non-default
#' dictionaries using the `file` argument.
#' In order to specify a concept as JSON object, for example the numeric
#' concept for glucose, is given by
#' ```
#' {
#'   "glu": {
#'     "unit": "mg/dL",
#'     "min": 0,
#'     "max": 1000,
#'     "description": "glucose",
#'     "category": "chemistry",
#'     "sources": {
#'       "mimic_demo": [
#'         {
#'           "ids": [50809, 50931],
#'           "table": "labevents",
#'           "sub_var": "itemid"
#'         }
#'       ]
#'     }
#'   }
#' }
#' ```
#' Using such a specification, constructors for [`cncpt`][new_cncpt()] and
#' [`itm`][new_itm()] objects are called either using default arguments or as
#' specified by the JSON object, with the above corresponding to a call like
#' ```
#' concept(
#'   name = "glu",
#'   items = item(
#'     src = "mimic_demo", table = "labevents", sub_var = "itemid",
#'     ids = list(c(50809L, 50931L))
#'   ),
#'   description = "glucose", category = "chemistry",
#'   unit = "mg/dL", min = 0, max = 1000
#' )
#' ```
#' The arguments `src` and `concepts` can be used to only load a subset of a
#' dictionary by specifying a character vector of data sources and/or concept
#' names.
#' A summary of item availability for a set of concepts can be created using
#' `concept_availability()`. This produces a logical matrix with `TRUE` entries
#' corresponding to concepts where for the given data source, at least a single
#' item has been defined. If data is loaded for a combination of concept and
#' data source, where the corresponding entry is `FALSE`, this will yield
#' either a zero-row `id_tbl` object or an object inheriting form `id_tbl`
#' where the column corresponding to the concept is `NA` throughout, depending
#' on whether the concept was loaded alongside other concepts where data is
#' available or not.
#' Whether to include `rec_cncpt` concepts in the overview produced by
#' `concept_availability()` can be controlled via the logical flag
#' `include_rec`. A recursive concept is considered available simply if all its
#' building blocks are available. This can, however lead to slightly confusing
#' output as a recursive concept might not strictly depend on one of its
#' sub-concepts but handle such missingness by design. In such a scenario, the
#' availability summary might report `FALSE` even though data can still be
#' produced.
#' @param src `NULL` or the name of one or several data sources
#' @param concepts A character vector used to subset the concept dictionary or
#' `NULL` indicating no subsetting
#' @param name Name of the dictionary to be read
#' @param cfg_dirs File name of the dictionary
#' @rdname concept_dictionary
#' @return A `concept` object containing several data concepts as `cncpt`
#' objects.
#' @examples
#' if (require(mimic.demo)) {
#' head(load_dictionary("mimic_demo"))
#' load_dictionary("mimic_demo", c("glu", "lact"))
#' }
#' @export
load_dictionary <- function(src = NULL, concepts = NULL,
                            name = "concept-dict", cfg_dirs = NULL) {

  avail <- is_data_avail(attached_srcs())
  avail <- names(avail)[avail]

  if (is.null(src)) {
    src <- avail
  } else {
    assert_that(are_in(src, avail))

  parse_dictionary(read_dictionary(name, cfg_dirs), src, concepts)

read_dictionary <- function(name, cfg_dirs = NULL) {

  combine_sources <- function(x, y, nme) {

    if (identical(x[["class"]], "rec_cncpt")) {
      stop_ricu("Cannot merge recursive concept `{nme}`", "extend_dict_err")

    if (is.null(names(y[["sources"]])) || length(y) != 1L ||
        !has_name(y, "sources") || !is.list(y[["sources"]])) {

      stop_ricu("Cannot merge concept `{nme}` due to malformed `sources`
                 entry", "extend_dict_err")

    new_sources    <- c(y[["sources"]], x[["sources"]])
    x[["sources"]] <- new_sources[!duplicated(names(new_sources))]


  combine_concepts <- function(x, y) {

    assert_that(is.list(y), not_null(names(y)))

    if (is.null(x)) {
    } else if (is.null(y)) {

    dups <- intersect(names(x), names(y))

    if (has_length(dups)) {
      x[dups] <- map(combine_sources, x[dups], y[dups], dups)
      y[dups] <- NULL

    c(x, y)

  get_config(name, unique(c(rev(config_paths()), cfg_dirs)), combine_concepts)

parse_dictionary <- function(dict, src, concepts = NULL) {

  do_itm <- function(sr, x) {
    res <- lapply(x, c, src = sr)
    lapply(res, do_call, new_itm)

  do_cncpt <- function(name, sources, target = "ts_tbl", ...) {

    lst <- list(...)

    if (is_concept(sources)) {

      itms <- sources
      lst[["concepts"]] <- NULL

    } else {

      sources <- sources[src]

      itms <- do.call(c, Map(do_itm, names(sources), sources))
      itms <- new_item(itms)
      itms <- subset_src(itms, src)

    cncpt_info <- list(name = name, items = itms, target = target)

    if (has_length(lst)) {

      if ("rec_cncpt" %in% lst[["class"]]) {

        do.call(new_cncpt, c(cncpt_info, lst))

      } else {
        do.call(new_cncpt, c(cncpt_info, lst))
    } else {
      do.call(new_cncpt, c(cncpt_info, list(class = NULL)))

  do_new <- function(sel, ful) {

    if (is.null(sel)) {

    assert_that(are_in(sel, names(ful)))

    sub <- ful[sel]

    is_rec <- lgl_ply(lst_xtr(sub, "class"), identical, "rec_cncpt")

    if (any(is_rec)) {
      re_con      <- lapply(lst_xtr(sub, "concepts"), do_new, ful)
      sub[is_rec] <- Map(`[[<-`, sub[is_rec], "sources", re_con[is_rec])

    res <- lapply(Map(c, name = names(sub), sub), do_call, do_cncpt)

  assert_that(null_or(src, is.character))

  if (is.null(concepts)) {
    concepts <- names(dict)

  do_new(concepts, dict)

identity_callback <- function(...) ..1

#' @rdname concept_dictionary
#' @param dict A dictionary (`conncept` object) or `NULL`
#' @param include_rec Logical flag indicating whether to include `rec_cncpt`
#' concepts as well
#' @param ... Forwarded to `load_dictionary()` in case `NULL` is passed as
#' `dict` argument
#' @export
concept_availability <- function(dict = NULL, include_rec = FALSE, ...) {

  rbind_avail <- function(x) {

    all_srcs <- sort(unique(unlist(lapply(x, names))))

    res <- lapply(x, `[`, all_srcs)
    res <- lapply(res, `names<-`, all_srcs)

    do.call(rbind, res)

  all_true <- function(x) all(is_true(x))

  is_avail <- function(x) {

    if (inherits(x, "rec_cncpt")) {

      res <- as_item(x)

      if (is.na(include_rec)) {

        setNames(rep(NA, length = length(res)), names(res))

      } else {

        res <- lapply(res, is_avail)
        res <- rbind_avail(res)

        apply(res, 2L, all_true)

    } else {

      itms <- as_item(x)
      tapply(lgl_ply(itms, inherits, "nul_itm"), names(itms), Negate(any))

  if (is.null(dict)) {
    dict <- load_dictionary(...)

  if (isFALSE(include_rec)) {
    dict <- dict[lgl_ply(dict, Negate(inherits), "rec_cncpt")]

  res <- lapply(dict, is_avail)
  res <- rbind_avail(res)


#' @param cols Columns to include in the output of `explain_dictionary()`
#' @rdname concept_dictionary
#' @export
explain_dictionary <- function(dict = NULL,
                               cols = c("name", "category", "description"),
                               ...) {

  chr_ply_inv <- function(i, x) chr_ply(x, `[[`, i)

  if (is.null(dict)) {
    dict <- load_dictionary(...)

  assert_that(is_concept(dict), is.character(cols), has_length(cols))

  res <- lapply(cols, chr_ply_inv, dict)
  names(res) <- cols

  as.data.frame(res, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

#' @param src Character vector of data source name(s)
#' @rdname item_utils
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
subset_src <- function(x, src) {

  if (is.null(src)) {


  UseMethod("subset_src", x)

#' @rdname item_utils
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
subset_src.item <- function(x, src) {

  hits <- src %in% names(x)

  if (!all(hits)) {
    x <- c(x, new_item(lapply(src[!hits], new_itm, class = "nul_itm")))

  x[names(x) %in% src]

#' @rdname item_utils
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
subset_src.cncpt <- function(x, src) {
  x[["items"]] <- subset_src(x[["items"]], src)
  set_target(x, get_target(x))

#' @rdname item_utils
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
subset_src.concept <- function(x, src) new_concept(lapply(x, subset_src, src))

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