Defines functions rand.t.test.IKFA screeplot.IKFA coef.IKFA residuals.IKFA fitted.IKFA plot.IKFA summary.IKFA performance.IKFA print.IKFA predict.IKFA crossval.IKFA predict.internal.IKFA communality IKFA.fit IKFA

Documented in coef.IKFA communality crossval.IKFA fitted.IKFA IKFA IKFA.fit performance.IKFA plot.IKFA predict.IKFA predict.internal.IKFA print.IKFA rand.t.test.IKFA residuals.IKFA screeplot.IKFA summary.IKFA

IKFA <- function(y, x, nFact = 5, IsPoly = FALSE, IsRot = TRUE, ccoef = 1:nFact, check.data=TRUE, lean=FALSE, ...)
  if (check.data) {
    if (any(apply(y, 1, sum) < 1.0E-8))
       stop(paste("Species data have zero abundances for the following rows:", paste(which(apply(y, 1, sum) < 1.0E-8), collapse=",")))
    if (any(apply(y, 2, sum) < 1.0E-8))
       stop(paste("Species data have zero abundances for the following columns:", paste(which(apply(y, 2, sum) < 1.0E-8), collapse=",")))
  nFact <- max(nFact, max(ccoef))
  fit <- IKFA.fit(y=y, x=x, nFact=nFact, IsPoly=IsPoly, IsRot=IsRot, ccoef=ccoef)
  xHat <- predict.internal.IKFA(object=fit, y=y, lean=lean, ...) 
  call.fit <- as.call(list(quote(IKFA.fit), y=quote(y), x=quote(x), nFact=nFact, IsPoly=IsPoly, ccoef=ccoef, lean=FALSE))
  call.print <- match.call()
  result <- c(fit, list(fitted.values=xHat, call.fit=call.fit, call.print=call.print, x=x))
  result$cv.summary <- list(cv.method="none")
	if (!lean) 
	   result$y <- y
  class(result) <- "IKFA" 

IKFA.fit <- function(y, x, nFact = 5, IsPoly = FALSE, IsRot = TRUE, ccoef = 1:nFact, lean=FALSE)
  nFact <- max(nFact, max(ccoef))
  y <- as.matrix(y)
	W <- y/sqrt(apply(y * y, 1, FUN = sum))
	e <- eigen(crossprod(W, W), symmetric=TRUE)
	V <- as.matrix(e$vectors[, 1:nFact])
  rownames(V) <- colnames(y)
	U <- W %*% V
#  VRot <- rotate (V, rotation="varimax", normalize=F)$rmat
	if (IsRot) {
     VRot <- varimax (V, normalize=FALSE)$loadings
     VRot <- VRot[, 1:nFact]
     rownames(VRot) <- colnames(y)
     URot <- W %*% VRot
	   U2 <- URot
  } else {
     U2 <- U
  U2 <- U2[, ccoef, drop=FALSE]
  regr <- vector("list", ncol(U2))
	for (i in 1:ncol(U2)){
	 if (IsPoly) {
    	rgr <- lm (x ~ poly(U2[, 1:i, drop=FALSE], degree=2, raw=TRUE))
    else {
      rgr <- lm (x ~ U2[, 1:i, drop=FALSE])
    regr[[i]] <- rgr
	comm <- apply((U)^2, 1, sum)
	result <- list("score" = U, "V" = V, "score.rot"=URot, "VRot"=VRot, "comm" = comm, eig=e, "regr" = regr, "Rotated" = IsRot, "IsPoly" = IsPoly, nFact=nFact, ccoef=ccoef)

communality <- function(object, y)
  y <- as.matrix(y)
	n <- nrow(y)
	W <- y/sqrt(apply(y * y, 1, FUN = sum))
  U <- W %*% object$V
	if (object$Rotated) {
    	U <- W %*% object$VRot
  apply((U)^2, 1, sum)

predict.internal.IKFA <- function(object, y, lean=FALSE, ...)
  y <- as.matrix(y)
	n <- nrow(y)
	W <- y/sqrt(apply(y * y, 1, FUN = sum))
	if (object$Rotated) {
    	U <- W %*% object$VRot
  } else {
    U <- W %*% object$V
  nFact <- max(object$ccoef)
  xHat <- matrix(NA, nrow=nrow(y), ncol=length(object$ccoef))
	U2 <- U[, object$ccoef, drop=FALSE]
  for (i in 1:length(object$ccoef)) {
    if (object$IsPoly) {
      # workaround for bug in poly when called with matrix with one row
      if (nrow(U2)==1) {
        U2 <- rbind(U2, U2)
        tmp <- cbind(rep(1, n), poly(U2[, 1:i, drop=FALSE], degree=2, raw=TRUE)) %*% object$regr[[i]]$coefficients
        xHat[, i] <- tmp[1, ]
      } else {
        xHat[, i] <- cbind(rep(1, n), poly(U2[, 1:i, drop=FALSE], degree=2, raw=TRUE)) %*% object$regr[[i]]$coefficients
    else {
      xHat[, i] <- cbind(rep(1, n), U2[, 1:i, drop=FALSE]) %*% object$regr[[i]]$coefficients
  rownames(xHat) <- rownames(y)
  colnames(xHat) <- paste("Fact", sprintf("%02d", object$ccoef), sep="")

crossval.IKFA <- function(object, cv.method="loo", verbose=TRUE, ngroups=10, nboot=100, h.cutoff=0, h.dist=NULL, ...) {
  .crossval(object=object, cv.method=cv.method, verbose=verbose, ngroups=ngroups, nboot=nboot, h.cutoff=h.cutoff, h.dist=h.dist, ...)

predict.IKFA <- function(object, newdata=NULL, sse=FALSE, nboot=100, match.data=TRUE, verbose=TRUE, ...) {
  .predict(object=object, newdata=newdata, sse=sse, nboot=nboot, match.data=match.data, verbose=verbose, ...)

print.IKFA <- function(x, ...) 
  cat("Method : Imbrie & Kipp Factor Analysis\n")
  cat("Call   : ")
  cat(paste(deparse(x$call.print), "\n\n"))
  cat(paste("No. samples        :", length(x$x), "\n"))
  cat(paste("No. species        :", nrow(x$V), "\n"))

performance.IKFA <- function(object, ...) {
  .performance(object, ...)

summary.IKFA <- function(object, full=FALSE, ...) 
  print(object, ...)
  if (object$cv.summary$cv.method == "none")
    fitted <- as.data.frame(object$fitted.values)     
    fitted <- as.data.frame(object$fitted.values, object$predicted)     
  cat("\nFitted values\n")
  if (full) {
  } else {

plot.IKFA <- function(x, resid=FALSE, xval=FALSE, nFact=max(x$ccoef), xlab="", ylab="", ylim=NULL, xlim=NULL, add.ref=TRUE, add.smooth=FALSE, ...) {
  if (xval & x$cv.summary$cv.method=="none")
     stop("IKFA model does not have cross validation estimates")
  xx <- x$x
  if (resid) {
     if (xval) {
       yy <- x$predicted[, nFact] - x$x
     } else {
       yy <- residuals(x)[, nFact]
  } else {
     if (xval) {
        yy <- x$predicted[, nFact]
      }  else {
       yy <- x$fitted.values[, nFact]
  if (missing(ylim)) {
     if (resid) {
       ylim <- range(yy)
     } else {
       ylim <- range(yy, x$x)
  if (missing(xlim))
     xlim <- range(xx, x$x)
  plot(xx, yy, ylim=ylim, xlim=xlim, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, las=1, ...)
  if (add.ref) {
     if (resid)
       abline(h=0, col="grey")
       abline(0,1, col="grey")
  if (add.smooth) {
     lines(lowess(xx, yy), col="red")

fitted.IKFA <- function(object, ...) {

residuals.IKFA <- function(object, cv=FALSE, ...) {
  if (cv == FALSE)
     return (object$x - object$fitted.values)
  else {
     if (object$cv.summary$cv.method == "none")
        stop("Object does not contain cross validation results")
     return (object$residuals.cv)

coef.IKFA <- function(object, ...) {

screeplot.IKFA <- function(x, rand.test=TRUE, ...) {
  if (x$cv.summary$cv.method=="none")
     stop("IKFA model does not have cross validation estimates")
  summ <- performance(x)
  yR <- range(summ$object[, "RMSE"], summ$crossval[, "RMSE"])
  oldmar <- par("mar")
  if (rand.test) {
    mm <- oldmar
    mm[4] <- mm[4] * 2
  plot(1:length(x$ccoef), summ$object[, "RMSE"], type="b", ylim=yR, col="black", axes=FALSE, xlab="Number of factors", ylab="RMSE")
  axis(2, las=1)
  axis(1, at=1:length(x$ccoef), labels=1:length(x$ccoef))
  lines(1:length(x$ccoef), summ$crossval[, "RMSE"], type="b", col="red")
  args <- names(as.list(match.call()))
  if ("main" %in% args) 
  ncomp <- nrow(summ$crossval)
  if (rand.test) {
    res <- rand.t.test(x, ...)
    rY <- range(pretty(res[-1, "delta.RMSE"]), na.rm=TRUE)
    us <- par("usr")
    us[3] <- rY[1]
    us[4] <- rY[2]
    axis(4, las=1)
    lines(1:ncomp, res[, "delta.RMSE"], type="b", col="blue")
    mtext("% change in RMSE", 4, line=2)
    text(1:ncomp, res[, "delta.RMSE"], sprintf("%.3f", res[, "p"], 3), pos=2, xpd=NA, cex=0.8, col="blue") 
    legend("bottomleft", c("model RMSE", "x-val RMSE", "% change RMSE"), lty=1, col=c("black", "red", "blue"))
    legend("topright", c("model", "x-val"), lty=1, col=c("black", "red"))

rand.t.test.IKFA <- function(object, n.perm=999, ...) 
  if (object$cv.summary$cv.method=="none")
     stop("Can only perform a randomisation t-test on a cross-validated model.")
  p <- performance(object)
  ncomp <- nrow(p$crossval)
  if (ncomp < 2)
     stop("Only one factor - nothing to test.")
  delta <- diff(p$crossval[, 1]) / p$crossval[1:(ncomp-1)] * 100
  e <- object$residuals.cv
  t.res <- vector("numeric",ncomp)
  t.res[] <- NA
  for (i in 2:ncomp) {
    d <- e[, i-1]^2 - e[, i]^2
    t.obs <- mean(d, na.rm=TRUE)
    t.sum <- 0
    for (j in 1:n.perm) {
      rnd <- sample(c(TRUE, FALSE), 100, replace=TRUE)
      d2 <- ifelse(rnd, abs(d), -abs(d))
      t <- mean(d2, na.rm=TRUE)
      if (t >= t.obs)
         t.sum <- t.sum + 1
    t.res[i] <- t.sum / (n.perm+1)
  result <- cbind(p$crossval, delta.RMSE=c(NA, delta), p=t.res)

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