
Defines functions addClustZone addZone strat.plot

Documented in addClustZone addZone strat.plot

strat.plot <- function(d, yvar = NULL, scale.percent = FALSE, graph.widths=1, minmax=NULL, 
                       scale.minmax = TRUE, xLeft = 0.07, xRight = 1, yBottom = 0.07, yTop = 0.8, 
                       title = "", cex.title=1.8, y.axis=TRUE, x.axis=TRUE,
  min.width = 5, ylim = NULL, y.rev = FALSE, y.tks=NULL, y.tks.labels=NULL, ylabel = "",
  cex.ylabel=1, cex.yaxis=0.8, xSpace = 0.01, x.pc.inc=10, x.pc.lab=TRUE, x.pc.omit0=TRUE,
  wa.order = "none", plot.line = TRUE, col.line = "black", lwd.line = 1, col.symb="black",
  plot.bar = TRUE, lwd.bar = 1, col.bar = "grey", sep.bar = FALSE, bar.back=FALSE,
  plot.poly = FALSE, col.poly = "grey", col.poly.line = NA, lwd.poly = 1,
  plot.symb = FALSE, symb.pch=19, symb.cex=1, x.names=NULL,
  cex.xlabel = 1.1, srt.xlabel=90, mgp=NULL, ylabPos=2, cex.axis=.8, clust = NULL, clust.width=0.1,
  orig.fig=NULL, exag=FALSE, exag.mult=5, col.exag="grey90", exag.alpha=0.2, col.bg=NULL, fun1=NULL, fun2=NULL,
  add=FALSE, omitMissing=TRUE, ...)
  errorMsg <- function(msg) {
    if (shiny_running()) {
    } else {
  d <- as.data.frame(d)
  fcall <- match.call(expand.dots=TRUE)
  if (!is.null(clust)) {
    if (class(clust)[1]!="chclust") 
      errorMsg("clust must be a chclust object")
  if (!is.null(clust)) 
    xRight = xRight - clust.width
  if (is.null(yvar)) {
    yvar <- 1:nrow(d)
    if (is.null(ylim)) {
      ylim=c(0.5, nrow(d)+0.5)
  } else {
    if (!is.null(dim(yvar)))
      yvar <- yvar[, 1, drop=TRUE]
  if (is.null(x.names))
  if (is.null(ylim)) {
    ylim = range(yvar, na.rm=TRUE)
  } else {
    if (is.na(yvar[1]))
      ylim[1] <- min(yvar, na.rm=TRUE)
    if (is.na(ylim[2]))
      ylim[2] <- max(yvar, na.rm=TRUE)
  oldfig = par("fig")
  oldmai <- par("mai")
  if (is.null(orig.fig)) {
    orig.fig = par("fig")
  if (exag.mult < 1.0)
    exag <- FALSE
  nsp <- ncol(d)
  nsam <- nrow(d)
  if (scale.percent==TRUE & length(x.pc.inc) > 1) {
    if (length(x.pc.inc) != nsp) 
      errorMsg("length of x.pc.inc should equal number of curves")
  } else {
    x.pc.inc <- rep(x.pc.inc[1], nsp)
  if (!is.null(minmax)) {
    if (ncol(minmax) != 2) 
      errorMsg("minmax should have 2 columns")
    if (nrow(minmax) != nsp) 
      errorMsg("number of rows of minmax should equal number of curves")
  par(mai = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
  if (length(graph.widths) == 1)
    graph.widths <- rep(1, nsp)
  if (length(graph.widths) != nsp) 
    errorMsg("Length of graph.widths should equal number of curves")
  if (length(exag) == 1)
    exag <- rep(exag[1], nsp)
  if (length(exag) != nsp) 
    errorMsg("Length of exag should equal number of curves")
  if (length(exag.mult) == 1)
    exag.mult <- rep(exag.mult[1], nsp)
  if (length(exag.mult) != nsp) 
    errorMsg("Length of exag.mult should equal number of curves")
  if (length(col.exag) == 1)
    col.exag <- rep(col.exag[1], nsp)
  if (length(col.exag) != nsp) 
    errorMsg("Length of col.exag should equal number of curves")
  if (!is.null(fun1)) {
    if (length(fun1) == 1)
      fun1 <- lapply(1:nsp, function(x) fun1)
    if (length(fun1) != nsp)
      errorMsg("Length of fun1 should equal number of curves")
  if (!is.null(fun2)) {
    if (length(fun2) == 1)
      fun2 <- lapply(1:nsp, function(x) fun2)
    if (length(fun2) != nsp)
      errorMsg("Length of fun2 should equal number of curves")
  if (length(x.axis) == 1)
    x.axis <- rep(x.axis[1], nsp)
  if (length(x.axis) != nsp)
    errorMsg("Length of x.axis should equal number of curves")
  cc.line <- rep(col.line, length.out=nsp)
  if (sep.bar)
    cc.bar <- rep(col.bar, length.out=nsam)
    cc.bar <- rep(col.bar, length.out=nsp)
  cc.poly <- rep(col.poly, length.out=nsp)
  cc.poly.line <- rep(col.poly.line, length.out=nsp)
#  if(plot.poly)
#    plot.line <- FALSE
  make.col <- function(x, alpha) {
    apply(col2rgb(x)/255, 2, function(x) rgb(x[1], x[2], x[3], alpha))
  if (col.exag[1] == "auto")
    col.exag <- make.col(cc.poly, exag.alpha)
  inc <- 0.002
  if (wa.order == "topleft" || wa.order == "bottomleft") {
    colsum <- colSums(d, na.rm=TRUE)
    opt <- (t(d) %*% yvar)/colsum
    if ((wa.order == "topleft" & !y.rev) | (wa.order == "bottomleft" & y.rev))
      opt.order <- rev(order(opt))
    else opt.order <- order(opt)
    d <- d[, opt.order]
    if (!is.null(minmax)) 
      minmax <- minmax[opt.order, ]
    if (!is.null(x.names))
      x.names <- x.names[opt.order]
    graph.widths <- graph.widths[opt.order]
    exag <- exag[opt.order]
    exag.mult <- exag.mult[opt.order]
    if (!is.null(fun1))
      fun1 <- fun1[opt.order]
    if (!is.null(fun2))
      fun2 <- fun2[opt.order]
    x.axis <- x.axis[opt.order]
    cc.poly <- cc.poly[opt.order]
    cc.poly.line <- cc.poly.line[opt.order]
    cc.line <- cc.line[opt.order]
    if (!sep.bar)
      cc.bar <- cc.bar[opt.order]
  if (scale.percent) {
    colM <- apply(d, 2, max, na.rm=TRUE)
    colM <- floor((colM + 5)/5) * 5
    colM[colM < min.width] <- min.width
    colM.sum <- sum(colM, na.rm=TRUE)
  else {
    colM.sum <- sum(graph.widths, na.rm=TRUE)
    colM <- graph.widths
  xLen <- xRight - xLeft
  xInc <- xLen - ((nsp + 1) * xSpace)
  inc <- xInc/colM.sum
  if (inc < 0.0)
    errorMsg("Too many variables, curves will be too small.")
  x1 <- xLeft
  #    par(fig = c(x1, x1+0.4, yStart, yTop))
  par(fig = figCnvt(orig.fig, c(x1, min(x1+0.4, .9), yBottom, yTop)), new=add)
  if (y.rev) {
    tmp <- ylim[1]
    ylim[1] <- ylim[2]
    ylim[2] <- tmp
  plot(0, 0, cex = 0.5, xlim = c(0, 1), axes = FALSE, type = "n", yaxs = "i", ylim = ylim, ...)
  usr1 <- par("usr")
  if (y.axis) {
    if (is.null(y.tks))
      y.tks <- axTicks(2)
    if (is.null(y.tks.labels))
      y.tks.labels <- as.character(y.tks)
    ax <- axis(side = 2, las = 1, at = y.tks, labels = as.character(y.tks.labels), cex.axis=cex.yaxis, xpd=NA)
    x1 <- x1 + xSpace
    mtext(title, adj = 0, line = 5, cex = cex.title)
    mtext(ylabel, side = 2, line = ylabPos, cex=cex.ylabel)
  ty <- ifelse(plot.line, "l", "n")
  tcll <- -.3
  if ("tcl" %in% names(fcall))
    tcll <- eval(fcall$tcl)
  spc <- 0
  if ("las" %in% names(fcall)) {
    if ((eval(fcall$las)) == 2)
      spc = 0.3
  figs <- vector("list", length=nsp)
  usrs <- vector("list", length=nsp)
  for (i in 1:nsp) {
# omit missing values  
  y_var <- yvar
  x_var <- d[, i, drop=TRUE]
  nsam2 <- nsam
  if (omitMissing) {
     miss <- is.na(y_var) | is.na(x_var)
     nsam2 <- sum(!miss)
     if (nsam2 < nsam) {
        y_var <- y_var[!miss]
        x_var <- x_var[!miss]
        if (sep.bar) {
           cc.bar <- cc.bar[!miss]
    par(new = TRUE)
    par(lend = "butt")
    if (scale.percent) {
      inc2 <- inc * colM[i]
      par(fig = figCnvt(orig.fig, c(x1, x1 + inc2, yBottom, yTop)))
      plot(0, 0, cex = 0.5, xlim = c(0, colM[i]), axes = FALSE, 
           xaxs = "i", type = "n", yaxs = "i", ylim = ylim, xlab="", ylab="", ...)
      if (!is.null(col.bg))
         rect(par("usr")[1],ylim[1],par("usr")[2],ylim[2], col=col.bg, border=NA)
      if (!is.null(fun1[i])) {
        fun1[[i]](x=x_var, y=y_var, i=i, nm=x.names[i])
      if (plot.poly & exag[i]) {
        y <- c(y_var[1], y_var, y_var[nsam2])
        x2 <- c(0, x_var*exag.mult[i], 0)
        polygon(x2, y, col = col.exag[i], border = NA, xpd=FALSE)
      if (bar.back) {
        if (is.logical(plot.bar)) {
          if (plot.bar) {
            if (sep.bar) {
              segments(rep(0, nsam2), y_var, x_var, y_var, lwd = lwd.bar, col = cc.bar)
            } else {
              segments(rep(0, nsam2), y_var, x_var, y_var, lwd = lwd.bar, col = cc.bar[i])
        } else {
          if (plot.bar=="Full") {
            abline(h=y_var, col=cc.bar, lwd=lwd.bar)
      if (plot.poly) {
        y <- c(y_var[1], y_var, y_var[nsam2])
        x <- c(0, x_var, 0)
#        if (exag[i]) {
#          x2 <- c(0, d[, i, drop=TRUE]*exag.mult[i], 0)
#          polygon(x2, y, col = col.exag[i], border = NA)
#        }
        polygon(x, y, col = cc.poly[i], border = cc.poly.line[i], lwd=lwd.poly)
#        polygon(x, y, col = cc.poly[i], border = NA, lwd=lwd.poly)
      if ( !bar.back) {
        if (is.logical(plot.bar)) {
          if (plot.bar) {
            if (sep.bar) {
              segments(rep(0, nsam2), y_var, x_var, y_var, lwd = lwd.bar, col = cc.bar)
            } else {
              segments(rep(0, nsam2), y_var, x_var, y_var, lwd = lwd.bar, col = cc.bar[i])
        } else {
          if (plot.bar=="Full") {
            abline(h=y_var, col=cc.bar, lwd=lwd.bar)
      lines(c(0, 0), c(min(y_var, na.rm=TRUE), max(y_var, na.rm=TRUE)), ...)
      if (ty == "l") 
        lines(x_var, y_var, col = cc.line[i], lwd = lwd.line)
      if (plot.symb) {
        points(x_var, y_var, pch=symb.pch, cex=symb.cex, col=col.symb, xpd=FALSE)
      if (!is.null(fun2[i])) {
        fun2[[i]](x=x_var, y=y_var, i=i, nm=x.names[i])
      xlabb <- seq(0, colM[i], by = x.pc.inc[i])
      if (x.axis[i]) {
        if (x.pc.lab) {
          xlabbt <- as.character(xlabb)
          if (x.pc.omit0)
            xlabbt[1] <- ""
          mgpX <- if (is.null(mgp)) { c(3,max(0.0, spc-tcll), 0.3 ) } else { mgp }
          axis(side = 1, at = xlabb, labels = xlabbt, mgp=mgpX, cex.axis=cex.axis, ...)
          axis(side = 1, at = xlabb, labels = FALSE, mgp=mgpX, ...)
      x1 <- x1 + inc2 + xSpace
    else {
      inc2 <- inc * colM[i]
      par(fig = figCnvt(orig.fig, c(x1, min(1, x1 + inc2, na.rm=TRUE), yBottom, yTop)))
      if (!is.null(minmax)) {
        plot(x_var, y_var, cex = 0.5, axes = FALSE, xaxs = "i", 
             type = "n", yaxs = "i", ylim = ylim, xlim=c(minmax[i, 1], minmax[i,2]), ...)
      } else {
        plot(x_var, y_var, cex = 0.5, axes = FALSE, xaxs = "i", 
             type = "n", yaxs = "i", ylim = ylim, ...)
      if (!is.null(col.bg))
        rect(par("usr")[1],par("usr")[3],par("usr")[2],par("usr")[4], col=col.bg)
      tks <- axTicks(1)
      us <- par("usr")
      if (!is.null(fun1[i])) {
        fun1[[i]](x=x_var, y=y_var, i=i, nm=x.names[i])
      if (plot.poly & exag[i]) {
        y <- c(y_var[1], y_var, y_var[nsam2])
        x2 <- c(us[1], x_var*exag.mult[i], us[1])
        polygon(x2, y, col = col.exag[i], border = NA)
      if (bar.back) {
        if (is.logical(plot.bar)) {
          if (plot.bar) {
            if (sep.bar) {
              segments(rep(us[1], nsam2), y_var, x_var, y_var, lwd = lwd.bar, col = cc.bar)
            } else {
              segments(rep(us[1], nsam2), y_var, x_var, y_var, lwd = lwd.bar, col = cc.bar[i])                            }
        } else {
          if (plot.bar=="Full") {
            abline(h=y_var, col=cc.bar, lwd=lwd.bar)
      if (plot.poly) {
        y <- c(y_var[1], y_var, y_var[nsam2])
        x <- c(us[1], x_var, us[1])
        if (exag[i]) {
          x2 <- c(us[1], x_var*exag.mult[i], us[1])
          polygon(x2, y, col = col.exag[i], border = NA)
        polygon(x, y, col = cc.poly[i], border = cc.poly.line[i], lwd=lwd.poly)
#        polygon(x, y, col = cc.poly[i], border = NA, lwd=lwd.poly)
      if (!bar.back) {
        if (is.logical(plot.bar)) {
          if (plot.bar) {
            if (sep.bar) {
              segments(rep(us[1], nsam2), y_var, x_var, y_var, lwd = lwd.bar, col = cc.bar)
            } else {
              segments(rep(us[1], nsam2), y_var, x_var, y_var, lwd = lwd.bar, col = cc.bar[i])                              }
        } else {
          if (plot.bar=="Full") {
            abline(h=y_var, col=cc.bar, lwd=lwd.bar)
      lines(c(us[1], us[1]), c(min(y_var, na.rm=TRUE), max(y_var, na.rm=TRUE)), ...)
      if (ty == "l") 
        lines(x_var, y_var, col = cc.line[i], lwd = lwd.line)
      if (plot.symb) {
        points(x_var, y_var, pch=symb.pch, cex=symb.cex, col=col.symb, xpd=FALSE)
      if (!is.null(fun2[i])) {
        fun2[[i]](x=x_var, y=y_var, i=i, nm=x.names[i])
      mgpX <- if (is.null(mgp)) { c(3, max(0.0, spc-tcll), 0.3) } else { mgp }
      if (x.axis[i]) {
        if (scale.minmax) {
          nn <- length(axTicks(1))
          tk <- c(axTicks(1)[1], axTicks(1)[nn])
          axis(side = 1, at = tk, labels = as.character(tk), cex.axis=cex.axis, mgp=mgpX, ...)
        else {
          axis(side = 1, cex.axis=cex.axis, mgp=mgpX, ...)
      x1 <- x1 + inc2 + xSpace
    #        tks1 <- axTicks(1)
    usr2 <- par("usr")
    tks1 <- usr2[1]
    r <- abs((usr1[4] - usr1[3])) * 0.015
    pos <- usr1[4]+r
    if (y.rev)
      pos <- usr1[4]-r
    if (!is.null(srt.xlabel)) {
      if (srt.xlabel < 90)
        text(tks1[1], pos, labels=x.names[i], adj = c(0, 0), srt=srt.xlabel, cex = cex.xlabel, xpd=NA)
        text(tks1[1], pos, labels=x.names[i], adj = c(0, 1), srt=srt.xlabel, cex = cex.xlabel, xpd=NA)
    usrs[[i]] <- usr2   
    figs[[i]] <- par("fig")
  if (!is.null(clust)) {
    par(fig = figCnvt(orig.fig, c(x1, xRight+clust.width, yBottom, yTop)))
    par(new = TRUE)
    #        plot(clust, horiz = TRUE, xaxt.rev=yaxt.rev, leaflab = "none", cex.axis = 0.5, yaxt.rev=TRUE)
    #        if(y.rev)
    #           clust <- rev(clust)
#    mgpX <- if (is.null(mgp)) { c(2, .5, 0) } else { mgp }   
    if (y.rev)
       xl <- rev(ylim)
       xl <- ylim
    plot(clust, xvar=yvar, horiz=TRUE, x.rev=y.rev, labels=rep("", length(yvar)), hang=-1, mgp=mgpX, cex.axis=cex.axis, xlim=xl, yaxs="i", xpd=FALSE, ...)
  par(mai = oldmai)
  oldfig[oldfig < 0] <- 0
  par(fig = oldfig)
  ll <- list(call=fcall, box=c(xLeft=xLeft, xRight=xRight, yBottom=yBottom, yTop=yTop), usr = usr1, yvar=yvar, ylim=ylim, y.rev=y.rev, figs=figs, usrs=usrs)

addZone <- function(x, upper, lower=NULL, ...) {
  fcall <- match.call(expand.dots=TRUE)
  oldpar <- par(c("fig", "mar", "usr"))
  fig <- x$box
  nFigs <- length(x$figs)
  fig[1] <- x$figs[[1]][1]
  fig[2] <- x$figs[[nFigs]][2]
  par(usr=c(0, 1, x$usr[3], x$usr[4]))
  tcll <- -.3
  if ("tcl" %in% names(fcall))
    tcll <- eval(fcall$tcl)
  spc <- 0
  if (is.null(lower))
    segments(0, upper, 1, upper, xpd=NA, ...)
    rect(0, lower, 1, upper, ...)

addClustZone <- function(x, clust, nZone, ...) {
  oldpar <- par(c("fig", "mar", "usr"))
  fig <- x$box
  nFigs <- length(x$figs)
  fig[1] <- x$figs[[1]][1]
  fig[2] <- x$figs[[nFigs]][2]
  par(usr=c(0, 1, x$usr[3], x$usr[4]))
  cc <- cutree(clust, k=nZone)
  zn <- which(diff(cc)>0)
  #   if (x$yaxt.rev)
  #      x$yvar <- rev(x$yvar)
  zone <- (x$yvar[zn] + x$yvar[zn+1]) / 2
  r <- range(c(x$usr[3], x$usr[4]))
  sel <- which (zone >= r[1] & zone <= r[2])
  if (length(sel) > 0) {
    zone <- zone[sel]
    segments(0, zone, 1, zone, xpd=NA, ...)

shiny_running = function () {
  # Look for runApp call somewhere in the call stack.
  # from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32806974/detecting-whether-shiny-runs-the-r-code
  frames = sys.frames()
  calls = lapply(sys.calls(), `[[`, 1)
  call_name = function (call)
    if (is.function(call)) '<closure>' else deparse(call)
  call_names = vapply(calls, call_name, character(1))
  #  target_call = grep('^runApp$', call_names)
  target_call = grep('runApp$', call_names)
  if (length(target_call) == 0)
  # Found a function called runApp, verify that it's Shiny's.
  target_frame = frames[[target_call]]
  namespace_frame = parent.env(target_frame)
  isNamespace(namespace_frame) && environmentName(namespace_frame) == 'shiny'

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