
Defines functions substitute_b_pars mh_step optim_fn simulate_b_pars

# Part of the rstanarm package for estimating model parameters
# Copyright (C) 2015, 2016, 2017 Trustees of Columbia University
# Copyright (C) 2016, 2017 Sam Brilleman
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

# Draw new group-specific parameters
# Run a Metropolis-Hastings algorithm to draw group-specific parameters for new
# groups conditional on new outcome data provided by the user. These parameters
# are required for the so-called "dynamic predictions" relevant to joint modelling
# of longitudinal and time-to-event data, whereby we wish to draw new group-specific
# parameters that condition on longitudinal data observed up to the current time t.
# @param object A stanjm object.
# @param stanmat Matrix of draws that are being used to generate the predictions.
# @param ndL A list of data frames with each element containing the prediction data 
#   for one longitudinal submodel.
# @param ndE A data frame with the prediction data for the event submodel.
# @param ids A vector of unique IDs for the individuals in the prediction data.
# @param times A vector of last known survival times for the individuals in the 
#   prediction data.
simulate_b_pars <- function(object, stanmat, ndL, ndE, ids, times, scale = 1.5) {
  # Preliminaries and dimensions
  p <- .p(object) # num of b pars for each grouping factor
  has_two_grp_factors <- (length(object$cnms) > 1L)  
  if (!has_two_grp_factors) { # one grouping factor
    b1_var <- object$id_var
    b1_p <- p[[b1_var]] # num of b pars for ID grouping factor
  } else { # more than one grouping factor
    if (get_M(object) > 1)
      STOP_dynpred("multivariate joint models with more than one grouping factor.")
    if (length(p) > 2L)
      STOP_dynpred("models with more than two grouping factors.")
    b1_var <- object$id_var
    b2_var <- grep(utils::glob2rx(b1_var), names(p), value = TRUE, invert = TRUE)
    b1_p <- p[[b1_var]] # num of b pars for ID grouping factor
    b2_p <- p[[b2_var]] # num of b pars for second grouping factor
    b2_n <- tapply(ndL[[1]][[b2_var]], 
                   n_distinct) # num of unique levels for b2 within each ID
  # Obtain a list with the posterior means for each parameter
  pars_means <- extract_pars(object, means = TRUE) 
  # Simulate new b pars
  cat("Drawing new random effects for", length(ids), "individuals. ")
  cat("Monitoring progress:\n")
  pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = length(ids), style = 3)
  acceptance_rate <- c()
  b_new <- list()
  for (i in 1:length(ids)) {
    if (!has_two_grp_factors) { # one grouping factor
      len <- b1_p
    } else { # more than one grouping factor
      len <- b1_p + b2_p * b2_n[ids[[i]]] 
    mat <- matrix(NA, nrow(stanmat), len)
    # Design matrices for individual i only
    dat_i <- .pp_data_jm(object, ndL, ndE, etimes = times[[i]], ids = ids[[i]])
    if (has_two_grp_factors) {
      dat_i$Ni <- b2_n[ids[[i]]]
    # Obtain mode and var-cov matrix of posterior distribution of new b pars
    # based on asymptotic assumptions, used as center and width of proposal
    # distribution in MH algorithm
    inits <- rep(0, len)
    val <- optim(inits, optim_fn, object = object, data = dat_i, 
                 pars = pars_means, method = "BFGS", hessian = TRUE)
    mu_i <- val$par                       # asymptotic mode of posterior
    sigma_i <- scale * solve(val$hessian) # (scaled) asymptotic vcov of posterior
    # Run MH algorithm for each individual
    b_current <- mu_i # asympotic mode used as init value for MH algorithm
    accept <- c()
    for (s in 1:nrow(stanmat)) {
      pars_s <- extract_pars(object, stanmat[s, , drop = FALSE])
      b_step <- mh_step(b_old = b_current, mu = mu_i, sigma = sigma_i, 
                        df = 4, object = object, data = dat_i, pars = pars_s)
      accept[s] <- any(!b_step == b_current)
      mat[s,] <- b_current <- b_step
    new_nms <- unlist(sapply(dat_i$assoc_parts, function(x) x$mod_eta$Z_names))
    colnames(mat) <- paste0("b[", new_nms, "]")
    utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
    acceptance_rate[[paste0(object$id_var, ":", ids[i])]] <- mean(accept)
    b_new[[i]] <- mat
  # return stanmat with only the new b pars included
  b_new <- do.call("cbind", b_new)     # cbind new b pars for all individuals
  sel <- b_names(colnames(stanmat))    # stanmat cols containing old b pars
  stanmat <- stanmat[, -sel, drop = F] # drop old b pars from stanmat
  stanmat <- cbind(stanmat, b_new)     # add new b pars to stanmat
  structure(stanmat, b_new = b_new, acceptance_rate = acceptance_rate)

# The function to optimise, in order to obtain the asymptotic mode and var-cov 
# matrix of the posterior distribution for the new b pars
# @param b The vector of b parameters
# @param object A stanjm object
# @param data Output from .pp_data_jm
# @param pars Output from extract_pars
optim_fn <- function(b, object, data, pars) {
  nms <- lapply(data$assoc_parts, function(x) x$mod_eta$Z_names)
  pars <- substitute_b_pars(object, data, pars, new_b = b, new_Z_names = nms)
  ll <- .ll_jm(object, data, pars, include_b = TRUE)
  return(-ll) # optimise -ll for full joint model 

# Perform one iteration of the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm
# @param b_old The current vector of b parameters
# @param mu The mean vector for the proposal distribution
# @param sigma The variance-covariance matrix for the proposal distribution
# @param object A stanjm object
# @param data Output from .pp_data_jm
# @param pars Output from extract_pars
mh_step <- function(b_old, mu, sigma, df, object, data, pars) {
  # New proposal for b vector
  b_new <- rmt(mu = mu, Sigma = sigma, df = df)
  # Calculate density for proposal distribution
  propdens_old <- dmt(x = b_old, mu = mu, Sigma = sigma, df = df)
  propdens_new <- dmt(x = b_new, mu = mu, Sigma = sigma, df = df)
  # Calculate density for target distribution
  nms <- lapply(data$assoc_parts, function(x) x$mod_eta$Z_names)
  pars_old <- substitute_b_pars(object, data, pars, new_b = b_old, new_Z_names = nms)
  pars_new <- substitute_b_pars(object, data, pars, new_b = b_new, new_Z_names = nms)
  targdens_old <- .ll_jm(object, data, pars_old, include_b = TRUE)
  targdens_new <- .ll_jm(object, data, pars_new, include_b = TRUE)
  # MH accept/reject step
  accept_ratio <- exp(targdens_new - targdens_old - propdens_new + propdens_old)
  if (accept_ratio >= runif(1)) return(b_new) else return(b_old)

# Function to add new b parameters to the stanmat
# @param object A stanjm object
# @param data Output from .pp_data_jm
# @param pars Output from extract_pars
# @param new_b A vector of new b pars, or a list of vectors, with 
#   each element being the new b pars for a single submodel.
# @param new_Z_names A vector, or a list of vectors, with the names 
#   for the new b pars.
substitute_b_pars <- function(object, data, pars, new_b, new_Z_names) {
  M <- get_M(object)
  if (!is(new_b, "list")) { # split b into submodels
    if (M == 1) {
      new_b <- list(new_b)
    } else {
      y_cnms  <- fetch(object$glmod, "z", "group_cnms")
      len_b <- sapply(y_cnms, function(x) length(unlist(x)))
      new_b <- split(new_b, rep(1:length(len_b), len_b))
  if (!is(new_Z_names, "list")) { # split Z_names into submodels
    if (M == 1) {
      new_b <- list(new_b)
    } else {
      y_cnms  <- fetch(object$glmod, "z", "group_cnms")
      len_b <- sapply(y_cnms, function(x) length(unlist(x)))
      new_Z_names <- split(new_Z_names, rep(1:length(len_b), len_b))
  mapply(function(x, y) {
    if (!identical(is.vector(x), is.vector(y)))
      stop("Bug found: new_b and new_Z_names should both be vectors or lists of vectors.")
    if (!identical(length(x), length(y)))
      stop("Bug found: new_b and new_Z_names should be the same length.") 
  }, new_b, new_Z_names) 
  pars$b <- mapply(function(b, nms) {
    names(b) <- paste0("b[", nms, "]")
  }, new_b, new_Z_names, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
  pars$stanmat <- pars$stanmat[, -b_names(colnames(pars$stanmat)), drop = FALSE]
  pars$stanmat <- do.call("cbind", c(list(pars$stanmat), pars$b))

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rstanarm documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:51 a.m.