### testHSIC ###################################################################
testHSIC <- function(sensi,
B=3000, seq.options=list(criterion="screening", alpha=0.05,
Bstart=200, Bfinal=5000, Bbatch=100, Bconv=200,
### inputs ###
# sensi: 1 x ... list of class sensiHSIC (with all data)
# test.method: 1 x 1 character (method used to test independence)
# B: 1 x 1 numeric (number of permutations)
# seq.options: 1 x ... list (options for the sequential test)
### output ###
# x: 1 x ... list of class testHSIC (with all results)
### useful lists #############################################################
L <- available.material()
### For sensi ################################################################
stop("You must specificy what sensi is.", call.=FALSE)
### For test.method ##########################################################
# test.method must belong to L$tests
if(!is.character(test.method) | length(test.method)>1){
stop("test.method must be a string.", call.=FALSE)
if(!(test.method %in% L$tests)){
stop("Invalid test method. \n",
"Available test methods include: ",
paste0(L$tests, collapse=', '), ".", call.=FALSE)
# two statistics can be used to test independence:
# --> the numerator of the first-order HSIC-ANOVA index
# --> the numerator of the total-order HSIC-ANOVA index
if(stringr::str_detect(test.method, "^Tot_")){
measure.def <- "TO.num"
measure.def <- "HSICXY"
### For sensi and test.method ################################################
check.sensiHSIC(sensi, test.method)
### For B ####################################################################
if(!is.numeric(B) | length(B)>1){
stop("B must be a positive integer.", call.=FALSE)
stop("B must be a positive integer.", call.=FALSE)
B <- ceiling(B)
warning("B was not an integer. \n",
"ceiling(B) has been taken instead.", call.=FALSE)
### For seq.options ##########################################################
### minimum requirement ###
# 1) seq.options must be a list of options
# 2) seq.options must contain at least one element named "criterion"
stop("seq.options must be a list of options.", call.=FALSE)
stop("Criterion not defined. You must specify seq.options$criterion.", call.=FALSE)
### default values for other options ###
if(is.null(seq.options$alpha)) seq.options$alpha <- 0.05
if(is.null(seq.options$Bstart)) seq.options$Bstart <- 200
if(is.null(seq.options$Bfinal)) seq.options$Bfinal <- 5000
if(is.null(seq.options$Bbatch)) seq.options$Bbatch <- 100
if(is.null(seq.options$Bconv)) seq.options$Bconv <- 200
if(is.null(seq.options$graph)) seq.options$graph <- TRUE
### removal of undesired options in seq.options ###
expected.seq <- c("criterion", "alpha",
"Bstart", "Bfinal", "Bbatch", "Bconv", "graph")
found.seq <- names(seq.options)
if(!(all(found.seq %in% expected.seq))){
undesired.seq <- setdiff(found.seq, expected.seq)
seq.options[undesired.seq] <- NULL
warning("The list seq.options can only contain the following options: \n",
paste0(expected.seq, collapse=', '), ". \n",
"Other options have been removed.", call.=FALSE)
### check of remaining options in seq.options ###
# seq.options$criterion must be a string
if(!is.character(seq.options$criterion) | length(seq.options$criterion)>1){
stop("seq.options$criterion must be a string.", call.=FALSE)
if(!(seq.options$criterion %in% c("screening", "ranking", "both"))){
seq.options$criterion <- "screening"
warning("seq.options$criterion must be: screening, ranking or both. \n",
"By default, seq.options$criterion=screening has been selected.", call.=FALSE)
# seq.options$alpha must be a real number in [0,1]
if(!is.numeric(seq.options$alpha) | length(seq.options$alpha)>1){
stop("seq.options$alpha must be a real number between 0 and 1.", call.=FALSE)
if(seq.options$alpha<0 | seq.options$alpha>1){
seq.options$alpha <- 0.05
warning("seq.options$alpha was not between 0 and 1. \n",
"By default, seq.options$alpha=0.05 has been selected.", call.=FALSE)
# seq.options$graph must be boolean
stop("seq.options$graph must be a boolean.", call.=FALSE)
if(!(isTRUE(seq.options$graph) | isFALSE(seq.options$graph))){
stop("seq.options$graph must be a boolean.", call.=FALSE)
### special focus on Bstart, Bfinal, Bbatch and Bconv ###
# the hyperparameters are unpacked
Bstart <- seq.options$Bstart
Bfinal <- seq.options$Bfinal
Bbatch <- seq.options$Bbatch
Bconv <- seq.options$Bconv
# Bstart must be a positive integer
if(!is.numeric(Bstart) | length(Bstart)>1){
stop("seq.options$Bstart must be a positive integer.", call.=FALSE)
stop("seq.options$Bstart must be a positive integer.", call.=FALSE)
Bstart <- ceiling(Bstart)
warning("seq.options$Bstart was not an integer. \n",
"ceiling(seq.options$Bstart) has been taken instead.", call.=FALSE)
# Bfinal must be a positive integer
if(!is.numeric(Bfinal) | length(Bfinal)>1){
stop("seq.options$Bfinal must be a positive integer.", call.=FALSE)
stop("seq.options$Bfinal must be a positive integer.", call.=FALSE)
Bfinal <- ceiling(Bfinal)
warning("seq.options$Bfinal was not an integer. \n",
"ceiling(seq.options$Bfinal) has been taken instead.", call.=FALSE)
# Bbatch must be a positive integer
if(!is.numeric(Bbatch) | length(Bbatch)>1){
stop("seq.options$Bbatch must be a positive integer.", call.=FALSE)
stop("seq.options$Bbatch must be a positive integer.", call.=FALSE)
Bbatch <- ceiling(Bbatch)
warning("seq.options$Bbatch was not an integer. \n",
"ceiling(seq.options$Bbatch) has been taken instead.", call.=FALSE)
# Bconv must be a positive integer
if(!is.numeric(Bconv) | length(Bconv)>1){
stop("seq.options$Bconv must be a positive integer.", call.=FALSE)
stop("seq.options$Bconv must be a positive integer.", call.=FALSE)
Bconv <- ceiling(Bconv)
warning("seq.options$Bconv was not an integer. \n",
"ceiling(seq.options$Bconv) has been taken instead.", call.=FALSE)
### additional precautions ###
need.replacement <- FALSE
# precaution 1: Bstart must be greater than Bfinal
stop("Bfinal must be larger than Bstart. \n",
"Here, you chose Bstart=", Bstart,
" and Binal=", Bfinal, ".", call.=FALSE)
# precaution 2: Bconv must be greater than or equal to Bfinal
stop("Bfinal must be larger than or equal to Bconv. \n",
"Here, you chose Bconv=", Bconv,
" and Binal=", Bfinal, ".", call.=FALSE)
# precaution 3: at least one batch may be added
Bbatch <- Bfinal-Bstart
need.replacement <- TRUE
# precaution 4: Bfinal must be equal to Bstart+k*Bbatch
Bfinal <- Bstart+ceiling((Bfinal-Bstart)/Bbatch)*Bbatch
need.replacement <- TRUE
# to send a warning if some values have been corrected
warning("Some hyperparameters in seq.options are not consistent. \n",
"The following values have been selected: \n",
"Bstart=", Bstart, ", ", "Bfinal=", Bfinal, ", ",
"Bbatch=", Bbatch, ", ", "Bconv=", Bconv, ".", call.=FALSE)
# the hyperparameters are repacked
seq.options$Bstart <- Bstart
seq.options$Bfinal <- Bfinal
seq.options$Bbatch <- Bbatch
seq.options$Bconv <- Bconv
### Main instructions ###
### extraction from sensi ###
HSIC.obs <- switch(measure.def,
"HSICXY"={ unname(sensi$HSICXY[,"original"]) },
"TO.num"={ unname(sensi$TO.num[,"original"]) },
### specific case of C-HSIC indices ###
mask.cond <- sensi$weights>0
KX <- sensi$KX[mask.cond, mask.cond, ]
KY <- sensi$KY[mask.cond, mask.cond]
KX <- sensi$KX
KY <- sensi$KY
### independence test ###
res <- asymptotic.test(HSIC.obs, KX, KY, sensi$estimator.type)
}else if(test.method %in% c("Gamma", "Tot_Gamma")){
res <- gammatest(HSIC.obs, KX, KY, measure.def)
}else if(test.method %in% c("Permutation", "Tot_Permutation")){
res <- permutation.test(HSIC.obs, KX, KY,
measure.def, sensi$estimator.type, B)
}else if(test.method %in% c("Seq_Permutation", "Tot_Seq_Permutation")){
res <- seqpermutation.test(HSIC.obs, KX, KY,
measure.def, sensi$estimator.type, seq.options)
### object of class testHSIC ###
x <- list()
p <- dim(KX)[3]
# p-values
x$pval <- data.frame(res$pval)
rownames(x$pval) <- paste("X", 1:p, sep="")
colnames(x$pval) <- "original"
# properties of the chosen test
x$prop <- switch(test.method,
"Asymptotic"={ c("asymptotic", "parametric") },
"Permutation"={ c("non-asymptotic", "non-parametric") },
"Seq_Permutation"={ c("non-asymptotic", "non-parametric") },
"Gamma"={ c("non-asymptotic", "parametric") },
"Tot_Permutation"={ c("non-asymptotic", "non-parametric") },
"Tot_Seq_Permutation"={ c("non-asymptotic", "non-parametric") },
"Tot_Gamma"={ c("non-asymptotic", "parametric") },
# parametric family
x$family <- switch(sensi$estimator.type,
"U-stat"={ "Pearson3" },
"V-stat"={ "Gamma" }, NA)
x$family <- "Gamma"
# about parameters (for parametric methods)
x$param <- data.frame(t(res$param))
rownames(x$param) <- paste("X", 1:p, sep="")
colnames(x$param) <- switch(sensi$estimator.type,
"U-stat"={ c("shape", "scale", "position") },
"V-stat"={ c("shape", "scale") }, NA)
colnames(x$param) <- c("shape", "scale")
# about permutations (for non-parametric methods)
if(test.method %in% c("Permutation", "Tot_Permutation")){
x$B <- B
x$Hperm <- data.frame(t(res$Hperm))
rownames(x$Hperm) <- paste("X", 1:p, sep="")
colnames(x$Hperm) <- NULL
if(test.method %in% c("Seq_Permutation", "Tot_Seq_Permutation")){
x$seq.options <- seq.options
x$paths <- data.frame(t(res$paths))
rownames(x$paths) <- paste("X", 1:p, sep="")
colnames(x$paths) <- NULL
# initial call to the function
x$call <-
class(x) <- "testHSIC"
### check.sensiHSIC ############################################################
check.sensiHSIC <- function(sensi, test.method){
### inputs ###
# sensi: 1 x ... list of class sensiHSIC (with all data)
# test.method: 1 x 1 character (method used to test independence)
### output ###
# --> If sensi and test.method are properly defined, the function returns NULL.
# --> Otherwise, an error is returned indicating what happens.
### useful lists #############################################################
L <- available.material()
### For sensi ################################################################
msg <- "sensi is not an appropriate object of class sensiHSIC. \n"
# if(!(class(sensi)=="sensiHSIC")){ # bug
stop("sensi must be a list of class sensiHSIC.", call.=FALSE)
### For sensi$KX #############################################################
# sensi must contain an element named KX
stop(msg, "KX is missing in sensi. \n",
"Please add an object named KX in sensi.", call.=FALSE)
msg.KX <- "sensi$KX must be a n-by-n-by-p array containing all p input Gram matrices."
# sensi$KX must be an array
stop(msg, msg.KX, call.=FALSE)
# sensi$KX must be a 3-dimensional array
stop(msg, msg.KX, call.=FALSE)
n <- dim(sensi$KX)[1]
p <- dim(sensi$KX)[3]
# each slice of sensi$KX must be a square matrix
if(!(ncol(sensi$KX)==n)) stop(msg, msg.KX, call.=FALSE)
### For sensi$KY #############################################################
# sensi must contain an element named KY
stop(msg, "KY is missing in sensi. \n",
"Please add an object named KY in sensi.", call.=FALSE)
msg.KY <- "sensi$KY must be a n-by-n array containing the output Gram matrix."
# sensi$KY must be a matrix
stop(msg, msg.KY, call.=FALSE)
# sensi$KX and sensi$KY must have equal dimensions
if(nrow(sensi$KY)!=n | ncol(sensi$KY)!=n){
stop(msg, "Dimensions of sensi$KX and sensi$KY do not match. \n",
msg.KX, "\n", msg.KY, call.=FALSE)
### For estimator.type #######################################################
# sensi must contain an element named estimator.type
stop(msg, "estimator.type is missing in sensi. \n",
"Please add an object named estimator.type in sensi.", call.=FALSE)
# sensi$estimator.type must be a string
if(!is.character(sensi$estimator.type) | length(sensi$estimator.type)>1){
stop(msg, "sensi$estimator.type must be a string.", call.=FALSE)
# sensi$estimator.type must be either "V-stat" or "U-stat"
if(!(sensi$estimator.type %in% c("V-stat", "U-stat"))){
stop(msg, "estimator.type must be: V-stat or U-stat.", call.=FALSE)
### For cond #################################################################
# sensi must contain an element named cond
# sensi$weights must then contain an element named weights
stop(msg, "weights is missing in sensi. \n",
"Please add an object named weights in sensi.", call.=FALSE)
msg.weights <- "sensi$weights must be a vector of length n."
# weights must a vector
if(!is.numeric(sensi$weights) && !is.null(dim(sensi$weights))){
stop(msg, msg.weights, call.=FALSE)
# weights must be of length n
stop(msg, msg.weights, call.=FALSE)
### For test.method ##########################################################
# in presence of U-statistics, test.method must belong to L$U.tests
if(!(test.method %in% L$U.tests)){
stop("Invalid test method for U-statistics. \n",
"In presence of U-statistics, possible test methods only include: ",
paste(L$U.tests, collapse=", "), ".", call.=FALSE)
# in presence of C-HSIC indices, there are two constraints:
# 1) cond$type must be "indicTh" (binary weights)
# 2) test.method must belong to L$cond.tests
# cond$type must be "indicTh"
stop("No available test method for C-HSIC indices ",
"when sensi$cond$type is ", sensi$cond$type, ". \n",
"sensi$cond$type=indicTh must be selected instead.", call.=FALSE)
# test.method must belong to L$cond.tests
if(!(test.method %in% L$cond.tests)){
stop("Invalid test method for C-HSIC indices. \n",
"In presence of C-HSIC indices, possible test methods only include: ",
paste(L$cond.tests, collapse=", "), ".", call.=FALSE)
### For sensi$HSICXY and sensi$TO.num ########################################
# two situations can be distinguished:
# 1) the test is based on the numerators of the first-order HSIC-ANOVA indices
# 2) __________________________________________ total-order __________________
if(stringr::str_detect(test.method, "^Tot_")){
# sensi must contain an element named TO.num
stop(msg, "TO.num is missing in sensi. \n",
"Please add an object named TO.num in sensi.", call.=FALSE)
# sensi$TO.num must be a data frame
stop(msg, "sensi$TO.num must be a data frame.", call.=FALSE)
# sensi$TO.num must contain a column named "original"
if(!("original" %in% colnames(sensi$TO.num))){
stop(msg, "sensi$TO.num must have a column named original.", call.=FALSE)
# sensi$TO.num must have p rows
stop(msg, "Dimensions of sensi$KX and sensi$TO.num do not match. \n",
msg.KX, "\n", "sensi$TO.num must be a data frame with p rows.", call.=FALSE)
# sensi must contain an element named HSICXY
stop(msg, "HSICXY is missing in sensi. \n",
"Please add an object named HSICXY in sensi.", call.=FALSE)
# sensi$HSICXY must be a data frame
stop(msg, "sensi$HSICXY must be a data frame.", call.=FALSE)
# sensi$HSICXY must contain a column named "original"
if(!("original" %in% colnames(sensi$HSICXY))){
stop(msg, "sensi$HSICXY must have a column named original.", call.=FALSE)
# sensi$HSICXY must have p rows
stop(msg, "Dimensions of sensi$KX and sensi$HSICXY do not match. \n",
msg.KX, "\n", "sensi$HSICXY must be a data frame with p rows.", call.=FALSE)
### asymptotic.test ############################################################
asymptotic.test <- function(HSIC.obs, KX, KY, estimator.type){
### inputs ###
# HSIC.obs: 1 x p numeric (observed values of HSIC indices)
# KX: n x n x p array (input Gram matrices)
# KY: n x n matrix (output Gram matrix)
# estimator.type: 1 x 1 character ("U-stat" or "V-stat")
### output ###
# res: 1 x 2 list (test results)
# In particular, res contains the following objects:
# pval: 1 x p numeric (estimated p-values)
# param: p x 2 matrix (parameters of the Gamma distributions)
n <- dim(KX)[1]
p <- dim(KX)[3]
# pre-allocation
pval <- rep(NA, p)
param <- switch(estimator.type,
"U-stat"={ matrix(NA, 3, p) },
"V-stat"={ matrix(NA, 2, p) }, NA)
# output Gram matrix
EY <- mean(diag(KY)) # mean of diagonal coefficients
EYY <- meannondiag(KY)# mean of non-diagonal coefficients
BY <- double.centering(KY) # the rows and columns are now centered
for(i in 1:p){
# input Gram matrix
KXi <- KX[,,i] # i-th input Gram matrix
EXi <- mean(diag(KXi)) # mean of diagonal coefficients
EXiXi <- meannondiag(KXi)# mean of non-diagonal coefficients
BXi <- double.centering(KXi) # double-centering
Bi <- (BXi*BY)^2
# estimation of the mean and variance of the V-statistic
HSIC.mean <- (EXi-EXiXi)*(EY-EYY)/n
HSIC.var <- 2*(n-4)*(n-5)/(n*(n-1)*(n-2)*(n-3))*meannondiag(Bi)
# method of moments
alpha <- param[1,i] <- (HSIC.mean^2)/HSIC.var
beta <- param[2,i] <- HSIC.var/HSIC.mean
if(estimator.type=="U-stat") delta <- param[3,i] <- -HSIC.mean
# parametric estimation of the p-value
pval[i] <- switch(estimator.type,
"U-stat"={ 1-pgamma(q=HSIC.obs[i]-delta, shape=alpha, scale=beta) },
"V-stat"={ 1-pgamma(q=HSIC.obs[i], shape=alpha, scale=beta) }, NA)
res <- list(pval=pval, param=param)
### HSIC.perm ##################################################################
HSIC.perm <- function(KX, KY, measure.def, estimator.type, B, A){
### inputs ###
# KX: n x n x p array (input Gram matrices)
# KY: n x n matrix (output Gram matrix)
# measure.def: 1 x 1 character ("HSICXY" or "TO.num")
# estimator.type: 1 x 1 character ("U-stat" or "V-stat")
# B: 1 x 1 numeric (number of permutations)
# A: 1 x r numeric (subset of 1,...,p)
### output ###
# Hperm is either a vector (if r=1) or a matrix (if r>1)
# Hperm: 1 x B numeric (HSIC index after permutations)
# B x r matrix (HSIC indices after permutations)
n <- dim(KX)[1] # nb of samples
p <- dim(KX)[3] # nb of input variables
r <- length(A)
Hperm <- matrix(NA, B, r)
for(k in 1:r){
i <- A[k] # k-th element in the vector A
KXi <- KX[,,i] # i-th Gram matrix
### definition of the permutation scheme ###
perm.scheme <- function(j){
shuf <- sample(seq(1,n), n), KY[shuf, shuf], estimator.type)
kXi <- KXi-1 # the Gram matrix that needs to be permuted
# product of all other Gram matrices
LXi <- 1
for(s in setdiff(1:p, i)) LXi <- LXi*KX[,,s]
# --> this matrix is invariant under permutations
perm.scheme <- function(j){
shuf <- sample(seq(1,n), n)[shuf, shuf]*LXi, KY, estimator.type)
### repetition of B permutations ###
Hperm[,k] <- sapply(1:B, perm.scheme)
if(r==1) Hperm <- as.numeric(Hperm)
### permutation.test ###########################################################
permutation.test <- function(HSIC.obs, KX, KY,
measure.def, estimator.type, B){
### inputs ###
# HSIC.obs: 1 x p numeric (observed values of HSIC indices)
# KX: n x n x p array (input Gram matrices)
# KY: n x n matrix (output Gram matrix)
# measure.def: 1 x 1 character ("HSICXY" or "TO.num")
# estimator.type: 1 x 1 character ("U-stat" or "V-stat")
# B: 1 x 1 numeric (number of permutations)
### output ###
# res: 1 x 2 list (test results)
# In particular, res contains the following object:
# pval: 1 x p numeric (estimated p-values)
# Hperm: B x p numeric (HSIC indices after permutations)
p <- dim(KX)[3]
pval <- rep(NA, p)
### repetitions of B permutations ###
Hperm <- HSIC.perm(KX, KY, measure.def, estimator.type, B, 1:p)
### non-parametric estimation of the p-values ###
pval <- apply(mat.vec(Hperm, HSIC.obs, ">"), 2, mean)
res <- list(pval=pval, Hperm=Hperm)
### seqpermutation.test ###########################################
seqpermutation.test <- function(HSIC.obs, KX, KY,
measure.def, estimator.type, seq.options){
### inputs ###
# HSIC.obs: 1 x p numeric (observed values of HSIC indices)
# KX: n x n x p array (input Gram matrices)
# KY: n x n matrix (output Gram matrix)
# measure.def: 1 x 1 character ("HSICXY" or "TO.num")
# estimator.type: 1 x 1 character ("U-stat" or "V-stat")
# seq.options: 1 x ... list (options for the sequential test)
### output ###
# res: 1 x 2 list (test results)
# In particular, res contains the following objects:
# pval: 1 x p numeric (estimated p-values)
# paths: ... x p matrix (all estimated p-values)
p <- dim(KX)[3]
# hyperparameters to guide the sequential procedure
criterion <- seq.options$criterion
alpha <- seq.options$alpha
Bstart <- seq.options$Bstart
Bfinal <- seq.options$Bfinal
Bbatch <- seq.options$Bbatch
Bconv <- seq.options$Bconv
graph <- seq.options$graph
Bstart <- Bconv
### goal-oriented test of independence ###
pval <- rep(NA, p) # p-values
paths <- matrix(NA, Bfinal, p) # estimation paths
nb.perm <- rep(NA, p) # nb of permutations
for(i in 1:p){
B <- Bstart # counter for permutations
# observed value of the HSIC index
Hi <- HSIC.obs[i]
# new values of the HSIC index after Bstart permutations
seq.HSIC <- HSIC.perm(KX, KY, measure.def, estimator.type, B, i)
# estimation of the p-value with increasing sample sizes
seq.pval <- cumsum(seq.HSIC>Hi)/seq(2, B+1)
# screening (0 if pval>alpha, 1 otherwise)
seq.bin <- 1*(seq.pval<=alpha)
# more permutations?
more.perm <- !identical( seq.bin[(B-Bconv+1):B],
rep(seq.bin[B], Bconv) )
while(more.perm && B<Bfinal){
B <- B+Bbatch
# new values of the HSIC index (coming from Bbatch additional permutations)
seq.HSIC <- c(seq.HSIC,
HSIC.perm(KX, KY, measure.def, estimator.type, Bbatch, i))
# all p-values are recomputed
seq.pval <- cumsum(seq.HSIC>Hi)/seq(2, B+1)
# all binary decisions are recomputed
seq.bin <- 1*(seq.pval<=alpha)
# more permutations?
more.perm <- !identical( seq.bin[(B-Bconv+1):B],
rep(seq.bin[B], Bconv) )
# storage
pval[i] <- seq.pval[B]
paths[1:B,i] <- seq.pval
nb.perm[i] <- B
Bm <- max(nb.perm) # largest nb of permutations
paths <- paths[1:Bm,] # paths are shortened
B <- Bstart # counter for permutations
# new values of the HSIC indices after Bstart permutations
seq.HSIC <- HSIC.perm(KX, KY, measure.def, estimator.type, B, 1:p)
# estimation of the p-value with increasing sample sizes
seq.pval <- ( apply(mat.vec(seq.HSIC, HSIC.obs, ">"), 2, cumsum) /
matrix(seq(2, B+1), B, p) )
# rankings of p-values with increasing sample sizes
seq.rk <- t(apply(seq.pval, 1, rank, ties="first"))
# more permutations?
more.perm <- !identical( seq.rk[(B-Bconv+1):B,],
matrix(seq.rk[B,], Bconv, p, byrow=TRUE) )
# additional check if screening="both"
if(!more.perm && criterion=="both"){
# screening (0 if pval>alpha, 1 otherwise)
seq.bin <- 1*(seq.pval<=alpha)
# more permutations?
more.perm <- !identical( seq.bin[(B-Bconv+1):B,],
matrix(seq.bin[B,], Bconv, p, byrow=TRUE) )
while(more.perm && B<Bfinal){
B <- B+Bbatch
# new values of the HSIC indices (coming from Bbatch additional permutations)
seq.HSIC <- rbind(seq.HSIC,
HSIC.perm(KX, KY, measure.def, estimator.type, Bbatch, 1:p))
# all p-values are recomputed
seq.pval <- ( apply(mat.vec(seq.HSIC, HSIC.obs, ">"), 2, cumsum) /
matrix(seq(2, B+1), B, p) )
# all rankings are recomputed
seq.rk <- t(apply(seq.pval, 1, rank, ties="first"))
# more permutations?
more.perm <- !identical( seq.rk[(B-Bconv+1):B,],
matrix(seq.rk[B,], Bconv, p, byrow=TRUE) )
# additional check if screening="both"
if(!more.perm && criterion=="both"){
seq.bin <- 1*(seq.pval<=alpha)
# more permutations?
more.perm <- !identical( seq.bin[(B-Bconv+1):B,],
matrix(seq.bin[B,], Bconv, p, byrow=TRUE) )
# storage
pval <- seq.pval[B,]
paths <- seq.pval
### warning if paths are not stabilized ###
ind <- which(nb.perm>Bfinal)
warning("Even after ", Bfinal, " iterations, ",
"the algorithm has not converged yet for the following variables: ",
paste(ind, collapse=", "), ".", call.=FALSE)
warning("Even after ", Bfinal, " iterations, ",
"the algorithm has not converged yet.", call.=FALSE)
### plot of estimation paths ###
# estimation paths for all p-values
matplot(paths, type='l', ylim=c(0,1),
xlab="number of permutations",
ylab="estimated p-values",
main="Sequential estimation of the p-values until convergence")
# red line for screening
if(!(criterion=="ranking")) abline(h=alpha, lwd=2, col="red")
res <- list(pval=pval, paths=paths)
### gammatest #################################################################
gammatest <- function(HSIC.obs, KX, KY, measure.def){
### inputs ###
# HSIC.obs: 1 x p numeric (observed values of HSIC indices)
# KX: n x n x p array (input Gram matrices)
# KY: n x n matrix (output Gram matrix)
# measure.def: 1 x 1 character ("HSICXY" or "TO.num")
### output ###
# res: 1 x 2 list (test results)
# In particular, res contains the following objects:
# pval: 1 x p numeric (estimated p-values)
# param: 2 x p matrix (parameters of the Gamma distributions)
# pre-allocation
n <- dim(KX)[1]
p <- dim(KX)[3]
pval <- rep(NA, p)
param <- matrix(NA, 2, p)
# computations of the matrices Ai and Wi for all i in {1,...,p}
mat <- compute.mat.TrAW(KX, KY, measure.def)
# computations of the first two moments of Tr(Ai Wi) for all i in {1,...,p}
mom <-$A, mat$W, measure.def)
# parametric estimation of all p-values
for(i in 1:p){
esp <- mom[1,i]
var <- mom[2,i]
# method of moments for Tr(Ai W)
shape.TrAW <- (esp^2)/var
scale.TrAW <- var/esp
# parameters for HSIC(Xi,Y) = Tr(Ai W)/(n^2)
alpha <- param[1,i] <- shape.TrAW
beta <- param[2,i] <- scale.TrAW/(n^2)
# parametric estimation of the p-value
pval[i] <- 1-pgamma(q=HSIC.obs[i], shape=alpha, scale=beta)
res <- list(pval=pval, param=param)
### compute.mat.TrAW ###########################################################
compute.mat.TrAW <- function(KX, KY, measure.def){
### inputs ###
# KX: n x n x p array (input Gram matrices)
# KY: n x n matrix (output Gram matrix)
# measure.def: 1 x 1 character ("HSICXY" or "TO.num")
### output ###
# mat: 1 x 2 list (all matrices)
# In particular, mat contains the following objects:
# A: n x n x p array (all matrices Ai)
# W: n x n matrix (matrix W if measure.def="HSICXY")
# n x n x p array (all matrices Wi if measure.def="TO.num")
n <- dim(KX)[1]
p <- dim(KX)[3]
A <- array(NA, c(n, n, p))
for(i in 1:p) A[,,i] <- double.centering(KX[,,i])
W <- double.centering(KY)
A <- array(NA, c(n, n, p))
LY <- double.centering(KY)
for(i in 1:p){
Ai <- LY
for(j in setdiff(1:p, i)) Ai <- Ai*KX[,,j]
A[,,i] <- Ai
W <- KX-1
mat <- list(A=A, W=W)
### ########################################################### <- function(A, W, measure.def){
### inputs ###
# A: n x n x p array (all matrices Ai)
# W: n x n matrix (matrix W if measure.def="HSICXY")
# n x n x p array (all matrices Wi if measure.def="TO.num")
# measure.def: 1 x 1 character ("HSICXY" or "TO.num")
### output ###
# mom: 2 x p numeric (expectations and variances of Tr(Ai Wi) for all i in {1,...,p})
n <- dim(A)[1]
p <- dim(A)[3]
mom <- matrix(NA, 2, p)
# denominators
denom1 <- ((n-1)^2)*(n+1)*(n-2)
denom2 <- (n+1)*n*(n-1)*(n-2)*(n-3)
# matrix operations
tr.W <- sum(diag(W)) # complexity: 1 x n
tr.W2 <- sum(diag(W)^2) # complexity: 2 x n
sum.W2 <- sum(W^2) # complexity: 2 x n2
# __________________________
# complexity: 2 x n2 + 3 x n
# terms to be used in the final formulas
O1.W <- (n-1)*sum.W2-tr.W^2
O2.W <- n*(n+1)*tr.W2-(n-1)*(tr.W^2+2*sum.W2)
for(i in 1:p){
Ai <- A[,,i]
# matrix operations
tr.Ai <- sum(diag(Ai))
tr.Ai2 <- sum(diag(Ai)^2)
sum.Ai2 <- sum(Ai^2)
# terms to be used in the final formulas
O1.Ai <- (n-1)*sum.Ai2-tr.Ai^2
O2.Ai <- n*(n+1)*tr.Ai2-(n-1)*(tr.Ai^2+2*sum.Ai2)
# --> final formulas
mom[1,i] <- tr.Ai*tr.W/(n-1)
mom[2,i] <- 2*O1.Ai*O1.W/denom1 + O2.Ai*O2.W/denom2
# denominators
denom1 <- n
denom2 <- n*(n-1)
denom3 <- n*(n-1)*(n-2)
denom4 <- n*(n-1)*(n-2)*(n-3)
for(i in 1:p){
# --> for the matrix Ai
Ai <- A[,,i]
tAi <- Ai
diag(tAi) <- 0
# matrix operations
tr.Ai <- sum(diag(Ai)) # complexity: 1 x n
sum.tAi <- sum(tAi) # complexity: 1 x n2
tr.Ai2 <- sum(diag(Ai)^2) # complexity: 2 x n
sum.Ai2 <- sum(Ai*Ai) # complexity: 2 x n2
sdc.Ai <- sum(diag(Ai)*colSums(Ai)) # complexity: 1 x n2 + 2 x n
sum.tAi2 <- sum.Ai2-tr.Ai2
sct.Ai <- sum(colSums(tAi)%*%tAi)-sum.tAi2 # complexity: 3 x n2 + 1 x n
# __________________________
# complexity: 7 x n2 + 6 x n
# terms to be used in the final formulas
O1.Ai <- tr.Ai2
O21.Ai <- (tr.Ai)^2-tr.Ai2
O22.Ai <- sum.tAi2
O23.Ai <- sdc.Ai-tr.Ai2
O31.Ai <- sct.Ai
O32.Ai <- tr.Ai*sum.tAi-2*(sdc.Ai-tr.Ai2)
O4.Ai <- (sum.tAi)^2-2*sum.tAi2-4*sct.Ai
# --> for the matrix Wi
Wi <- W[,,i]
tWi <- Wi
diag(tWi) <- 0
# matrix operations
tr.Wi <- sum(diag(Wi))
sum.tWi <- sum(tWi)
tr.Wi2 <- sum(diag(Wi)^2)
sum.Wi2 <- sum(Wi*Wi)
sdc.Wi <- sum(diag(Wi)*colSums(Wi))
sum.tWi2 <- sum.Wi2-tr.Wi2
sct.Wi <- sum(colSums(tWi)%*%tWi)-sum.tWi2
# terms to be used in the final formulas
O1.Wi <- tr.Wi2
O21.Wi <- (tr.Wi)^2-tr.Wi2
O22.Wi <- sum.tWi2
O23.Wi <- sdc.Wi-tr.Wi2
O31.Wi <- sct.Wi
O32.Wi <- tr.Wi*sum.tWi-2*(sdc.Wi-tr.Wi2)
O4.Wi <- (sum.tWi)^2-2*sum.tWi2-4*sct.Wi
# crossed expressions
T1 <- ( O1.Ai*O1.Wi )/denom1
T2 <- ( O21.Ai*O21.Wi + 2*O22.Ai*O22.Wi + 4*O23.Ai*O23.Wi )/denom2
T3 <- ( 4*O31.Ai*O31.Wi + 2*O32.Ai*O32.Wi )/denom3
T4 <- ( O4.Ai*O4.Wi )/denom4
# --> final formulas
E1 <- tr.Ai*tr.Wi/n+sum.tAi*sum.tWi/(n*(n-1))
E2 <- T1+T2+T3+T4
mom[, i] <- c(E1, E2-E1^2)
### meannondiag ################################################
meannondiag <- function(A){
### input ###
# A: n x n numeric (matrix)
### output ###
# s: 1 x 1 numeric (mean of non-diagonal coefficients)
n <- nrow(A)
s <- sum(A-diag(diag(A)))/(n*(n-1))
### double.centering ###########################################################
double.centering <- function(A){
### input ###
# A: n x m matrix (initial given matrix)
### output ###
# B: n x m matrix (double-centered matrix)
n <- nrow(A)
m <- ncol(A)
S.mat <- sum(A)/(n*m)
S.rows <- rowSums(A)/m
S.cols <- colSums(A)/n
B <- ( A - matrix(rep(S.rows, m), n, m)
- matrix(rep(S.cols, n), n, m, byrow=TRUE) + S.mat )
### mat.vec ####################################################################
mat.vec <- function(M1, vec, sgn){
### input ###
# M1: n x p matrix (samples from a random variable in R^p)
# vec: 1 x p numeric (reference vector in R^p)
# sgn: 1 x 1 character (boolean operator provided as a string)
### output ###
# M2: n x p matrix (each row in M1 is compared to vec with sgn)
n <- nrow(M1)
vec <- t(as.matrix(vec))
vec.cloned <- matrix(1, n, 1)%*%vec
M2 <- switch(sgn,
"==" ={ 1*(M1-vec.cloned==0) },
">" ={ 1*(M1-vec.cloned>0) },
"<" ={ 1*(M1-vec.cloned<0) },
">=" ={ 1*(M1-vec.cloned>=0) },
"<=" ={ 1*(M1-vec.cloned<=0) },
### print.testHSIC #############################################################
print.testHSIC <- function(x, ...){
### input ###
# x: 1 x 1 list of class testHSIC
# initial call
cat("\n", "Call:", "\n", deparse(x$call), "\n\n", sep="")
# p-values
cat("P-values:", "\n", sep="")
# parametric distributions
cat("The test statistics were assumed to follow", x$family, "distributions:", "\n")
cat("(empty)", "\n\n")
### plot.testHSIC ##############################################################
plot.testHSIC <- function(x, ylim=c(0, 1), err=NA, ...){
### inputs ###
# x: 1 x 1 list of class sensiHSIC
# ylim: 1 x 2 (numeric) bounds on the y-axis
# err: 1 x 1 (numeric) level of type I error
warning("No result is stored in x. \n", call.=TRUE)
### Preparation ###
yshift <- 0.2
# minimum and maximum values on the y-axis
ym <- ylim[1]-yshift
yM <- ylim[2]+2*yshift
# nb of input variables
p <- nrow(x$pval)
# type I error
err <- x$seq.options$alpha
err <- 0.05
warning("By default, err=0.05 has been selected.", call.=FALSE)
# preliminary work for the legend
cap.H0 <- "Rejected variables"
cap.H1 <- "Selected variables"
col.H0 <- "red"
col.H1 <- "green"
all.captions <- c(cap.H0, cap.H1)
all.colors <- c(col.H0, col.H1)
### Rejected variables (decision: H0) ###
var.H0 <- which(x$pval>=err)
nodeplot(x$pval[var.H0, "original", drop=FALSE], at=var.H0,
xlim=c(1,p), ylim=c(ym, yM), pch=21, bg=col.H0)
### Selected variables (decision: H1) ###
var.H1 <- which(x$pval<err)
nodeplot(x$pval[var.H1, "original", drop=FALSE], at=var.H1,
xlim=c(1,p), ylim=c(ym, yM), pch=21, bg=col.H1,
### Legend ###
abline(h=err, col="red", lwd=2)
abline(h=0, col="black", lwd=2, lty=2)
abline(h=1, col="black", lwd=2, lty=2)
legend("top", legend=all.captions, col="black", pch=21,
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