
Defines functions plot.sensiHSIC print.sensiHSIC B4 B2 B1 rbf_anova_hsic matern5_anova_hsic matern3_anova_hsic laplace_anova_hsic anova_transfo rbf_iint rbf_int matern5_iint matern5_int matern3_iint matern3_int laplace_iint laplace_int sobolev2_hsic sobolev1_hsic rbf_hsic raquad_hsic matern5_hsic matern3_hsic linear_hsic laplace_hsic invmultiquad_hsic dcov_hsic categ_hsic available.material DTW.KY GAK.KY PCA.KY compute.KY compute.KX kernel.param.Y kernel.param.X check.param cond.HSIC.fun estim.cond.sensiHSIC HSIC.fun estim.HSIC estim.sensiHSIC tell.sensiHSIC sensiHSIC

Documented in plot.sensiHSIC print.sensiHSIC sensiHSIC tell.sensiHSIC

sensiHSIC <- function(model = NULL, X, target = NULL, cond = NULL, 
                      kernelX = "rbf", paramX = NA,
                      kernelY = "rbf", paramY = NA,
                      estimator.type = "V-stat",
                      nboot = 0, conf = 0.95,
                      anova = list(obj = "no", is.uniform = TRUE),
                      sensi = NULL, 
                      save.GM = list(KX = TRUE, KY = TRUE), ...){
  ### useful lists #############################################################
  L <- available.material()

  ### For model ################################################################
  # model must be a function
      stop("model must be a function.", call.=FALSE)
  ### For X ####################################################################
    stop("You must specificy what X is.", call.=FALSE)
  # X must be a matrix or a data frame
    X <- as.matrix(unname(X))
      stop("X must be a matrix or a data frame.", call.=FALSE)
  ### For model and X ##########################################################
  # if model is a function, it can be applied on the first row to compute the first output
               stop("model is not designed to compute outputs from X. \n",
                    "Remember that model is applied to each row vector in X.", call.=FALSE)
               return(NA) },
               return(NULL) }
  ### For target ###############################################################
    ### minimum requirements ###
    # 1) target must be a list of options
    # 2) target must contain at least one element named "c" (for the threshold)
      stop("target must be a list of options.", call.=FALSE)
        stop("Threshold not defined. You must specify target$c.", call.=FALSE)
    ### default values for other options ###
    if(is.null(target$type)) target$type <- "indicTh"
    if(is.null(target$upper)) target$upper <- TRUE
    if(is.null(target$param)) target$param <- 1
    ### removal of undesired options in target ###
    expected.target <- c("c", "type", "upper", "param")
    found.target <- names(target)
    if(!(all(found.target %in% expected.target))){
      undesired.target <- setdiff(found.target, expected.target)
      target[undesired.target] <- NULL
      warning("The list target can only contain the following options: ",
              paste0(expected.target, collapse=', '), ". \n", 
              "Other options have been removed.", call.=FALSE)
    ### check of remaining options in target ###
    # target$c must a real number
    if(!is.numeric(target$c) | length(target$c)>1){
      stop("target$c must be a numeric of length 1.", call.=FALSE)
    # target$upper must be a boolean 
      stop("target$upper must be a boolean.", call.=FALSE)
      # must be either TRUE or FALSE
      if(!(isTRUE(target$upper) | isFALSE(target$upper))){
        stop("target$upper must be a boolean.", call.=FALSE)
    # target$type must be a string in L$weight.functions
    if(!is.character(target$type) | length(target$type)>1){
      stop("target$type must be a string.", call.=FALSE)
      if(!(target$type %in% L$weight.functions)){
        target$type <- "exp1side"
        warning("target$type must be: indicTh, zeroTh, logistic or exp1side. \n",
                "By default, target$type=exp1side has been selected.", call.=FALSE)
    # target$param must be a positive real number (or NA)
    # if target$param=NA, default assignment
        target$param <- 1
    if(!is.numeric(target$param) | length(target$param)>1){
      stop("target$param must be a numeric of length 1.", call.=FALSE)
        target$param <- 1
        warning("target$param must be a positive real number. \n",
                "By default, target$param=1 has been selected.", call.=FALSE)
    # --> see tell.sensiHSIC for the checks based on output samples
  ### For cond #################################################################
    ### minimum requirements ###
    # 1) cond must be a list of options
    # 2) cond must contain at least one element named "c" (for the threshold)
      stop("cond must be a list of options.", call.=FALSE)
        stop("Threshold not defined. You must specify cond$c.", call.=FALSE)
    ### default values for other options ###
    if(is.null(cond$type)) cond$type <- "exp1side"
    if(is.null(cond$upper)) cond$upper <- TRUE
    if(is.null(cond$param)) cond$param <- 1
    ### removal of undesired options in cond ###
    expected.cond <- c("c", "type", "upper", "param")
    found.cond <- names(cond)
    if(!(all(found.cond %in% expected.cond))){
      undesired.cond <- setdiff(found.cond, expected.cond)
      cond[undesired.cond] <- NULL
      warning("The list cond can only contain the following options: ",
              paste0(expected.cond, collapse=', '), ". \n", 
              "Other options have been removed.", call.=FALSE)
    ### check of remaining options in cond ###
    # cond$c must be a real number
    if(!is.numeric(cond$c) | length(cond$c)>1){
      stop("cond$c must be a numeric of length 1.", call.=FALSE)
    # cond$upper must be a boolean 
      stop("cond$upper must be a boolean.", call.=FALSE)
      # must be either TRUE or FALSE
      if(!(isTRUE(cond$upper) | isFALSE(cond$upper))){
        stop("cond$upper must be a boolean.", call.=FALSE)
    # cond$type must be a string in L$weight.functions
    if(!is.character(cond$type) | length(cond$type)>1){
      stop("cond$type must be a string.", call.=FALSE)
      if(!(cond$type %in% L$weight.functions)){
        cond$type <- "exp1side"
        warning("cond$type must be: indicTh, zeroTh, logistic or exp1side. \n",
                "By default, cond$type=exp1side has been selected.", call.=FALSE)
    # cond$param must be a positive real number (or NA)
    # if cond$param=NA, default assignment
        cond$param <- 1
    if(!is.numeric(cond$param) | length(cond$param)>1){
      stop("cond$param must be a numeric of length 1.", call.=FALSE)
        cond$param <- 1
        warning("cond$param must be a positive real number. \n",
                "By default, cond$param=1 has been selected.", call.=FALSE)
    # --> see tell.sensiHSIC for the checks based on output samples
  ### For target and cond ######################################################
  # if target and cond are enabled simultaneously, cond is ignored
  if(!is.null(target) && !is.null(cond)){
    cond <- NULL
    warning("target and cond cannot be enabled simultaneously. \n",
            "cond has been ignored.", call.=FALSE)
  ### For kernelX ##############################################################
  p <- ncol(X)
  nkX <- length(kernelX)
  ### minimum requirements ###
  # 1) kernelX must be a string or a vector of strings
  # 2) kernelX must be of length 1 or p
  # 3) The string(s) in kernelX must all belong to L$kernels
    stop("kernelX must be a string or a vector of strings.", call.=FALSE)
  if(!(nkX==1 | nkX==p)){
    stop("kernelX must be of length 1 or p (number of input variables).", call.=FALSE)
  if(!all(kernelX %in% L$kernels)){
    stop("Invalid kernel names in kernelX. \n", 
         "Available kernels include: ",
         paste0(L$kernels, collapse=', '), ".", call.=FALSE)

  ### For paramX ###############################################################
  ### minimum requirements ###
  # 1) paramX must be of length 1 or p
  # 2) paramX must be a scalar value or a vector of values
  # 3) elements in paramX must be NA or numeric
  npX <- length(paramX)
  if(!(npX==1 | npX==p)){
    stop("paramX must be of length 1 or p (number of input variables).", call.=FALSE)
  msg <- "paramX must be a scalar value or a vector of values."
    if(!is.null(dim(paramX))) stop(msg, call.=FALSE)
  }else if(is.logical(paramX)){
    if(!all(is.na(paramX))) stop(msg, call.=FALSE)
    stop(msg, call.=FALSE)

  ### For kernelY ##############################################################
  ### minimum requirements ###
  # 1) kernelY can be either:
  # --> a) a string or a vector of strings 
  # --> b) a list of options
  # If a): 
  # --> the string(s) in kernelY must all belong to L$kernels
  # If b):
  # --> kernelY must contain at least one element named "method"
  # --> kernelY$method must be: PCA, GAK or DTW
  if(!is.character(kernelY) && !is.list(kernelY)){
    stop("kernelY must be a string, a vector of strings or a list of options.", call.=FALSE)
    # kernelY is a string or a vector of strings
      if(!all(kernelY %in% L$kernels)){
        stop("Invalid kernel names in kernelY. \n", 
             "Available kernels include: ",
             paste0(L$kernels, collapse=', '), ".", call.=FALSE)
    # kernelY is a list of options
      # must contain an object named "method"
        stop("Method not defined. You must specify kernelY$method.", call.=FALSE)
        # kernelY must be a string
        if(!is.character(kernelY$method) | length(kernelY$method)>1){
          stop("kernelY$method must be a string.", call.=FALSE)
          # must be: PCA, GAK or DTW
          list.kY <- c("PCA", "GAK", "DTW")
          if(!(kernelY$method %in% list.kY)){
            stop("kernelY$method must be: ",
                 paste0(list.kY, collapse=', '), ".", call.=FALSE)

  ### If b): default values and other checks ###


      ### default values for missing options ###
      if(is.null(kernelY$data.centering)) kernelY$data.centering <- TRUE
      if(is.null(kernelY$data.scaling)) kernelY$data.scaling <- TRUE
      if(is.null(kernelY$fam)) kernelY$fam <- "rbf"
      if(is.null(kernelY$combi)) kernelY$combi <- "sum"
      if(is.null(kernelY$position)) kernelY$position <- "intern"
      ### default values for expl.var and PC ###
      # 1) default values 
          # expl.var is NULL + PC is NULL
          kernelY$expl.var <- 0.95
          kernelY$PC <- NA
          # expl.var is NULL + PC has a value
          kernelY$expl.var <- NA
          # expl.var has a value + PC is NULL
          kernelY$PC <- NA
      # 2) lack of information / excess of information
      expl.var.NA <- isTRUE(is.na(kernelY$expl.var))
      PC.NA <- isTRUE(is.na(kernelY$PC))
      # three situations:
      # a) if the two values are NA --> set kernelY$expl.var=0.95
      # b) if none of the two values is NA --> set kernelY$PC=NA
      # c) if only one of the two values is NA --> do nothing
      if(expl.var.NA && PC.NA){
        kernelY$expl.var <- 0.95
        warning("kernelY$expl.var and kernelY$PC cannot be both equal to NA. \n",
                "By default, kernelY$expl.var=0.95 has been selected.", call.=FALSE)
        if(!expl.var.NA && !PC.NA){
          kernelY$PC <- NA
          warning("kernelY$expl.var and kernelY$PC were enabled simultaneously. \n",
                  "kernelY$PC has been ignored.", call.=FALSE)
      ### removal of undesired options in kernelY ###
      expected.kY <- c("method", 
                       "data.centering", "data.scaling",
                       "fam", "expl.var", "PC", "combi", "position")
      found.kY <- names(kernelY)
      if(!(all(found.kY %in% expected.kY))){
        undesired.kY <- setdiff(found.kY, expected.kY)
        kernelY[undesired.kY] <- NULL
        warning("The list kernelY can only contain the following options: ",
                paste0(expected.kY, collapse=', '), ". \n",
                "Other options have been removed.", call.=FALSE)
      ### check of remaining options in kernelY ###
      # kernelY$data.centering must be a boolean
        stop("kernelY$data.centering must be a boolean.", call.=FALSE)
        if(!(isTRUE(kernelY$data.centering) | isFALSE(kernelY$data.centering))){
          stop("kernelY$data.centering must be a boolean.", call.=FALSE)
      # kernelY$data.scaling must be a boolean
        stop("kernelY$data.scaling must be a boolean.", call.=FALSE)
        if(!(isTRUE(kernelY$data.scaling) | isFALSE(kernelY$data.scaling))){
          stop("kernelY$data.scaling must be a boolean.", call.=FALSE)

      # kernelY$fam must be a string.
      # the string in kernelY$fam must belong to L$pca.kernels
      if(!is.character(kernelY$fam) | length(kernelY$fam)>1){
        stop("kernelY$fam must be a string.", call.=FALSE)
        if(!(kernelY$fam %in% L$pca.kernels)){
          stop("Invalid kernel name in kernelY$fam. \n", 
               "Available kernels include: ",
               paste0(L$pca.kernels, collapse=', '), ".", call.=FALSE)
      # kernelY$expl.var must be real number between 0 and 1 (or NA)
        stop("kernelY$expl.var must be a real number between 0 and 1.", call.=FALSE)
        if(!is.numeric(kernelY$expl.var) && !is.na(kernelY$expl.var)){
          stop("kernelY$expl.var must be a real number between 0 and 1.", call.=FALSE)
            if(kernelY$expl.var<0 | kernelY$expl.var>1){
              kernelY$expl.var <- 0.95
              warning("kernelY$expl.var was not between 0 and 1. \n",
                      "0.95 has been taken instead.", call.=FALSE)

      # kernelY$PC must be a positive integer (or NA)
        stop("kernelY$PC must be a positive integer.", call.=FALSE)
        if(!is.numeric(kernelY$PC) && !is.na(kernelY$PC)){
          stop("kernelY$PC must be a positive integer.", call.=FALSE)
              stop("kernelY$PC must be a positive integer.", call.=FALSE)
                kernelY$PC <- floor(kernelY$PC)
                warning("kernelY$PC was not an integer. \n",
                        "floor(kernelY$PC) has been taken instead.", call.=FALSE)
      # kernelY$combi must be either "sum" or "prod"
      if(!is.character(kernelY$combi) | length(kernelY$combi)>1){
        stop("kernelY$combi must be a string.", call.=FALSE)
        if(!(kernelY$combi %in% c("sum", "prod"))){
          kernelY$combi <- "sum"
          warning("kernelY$combi must be: sum or prod. \n",
                  "By default, kernelY$combi=sum has been selected.", call.=FALSE)
      # kernelY$position must be either "no", "intern" or "extern"
      if(!is.character(kernelY$position) | length(kernelY$position)>1){
        stop("kernelY$position must be a string.", call.=FALSE)
        if(!(kernelY$position %in% c("nowhere", "intern", "extern"))){
          kernelY$position <- "intern"
          warning("kernelY$position must be: nowhere, intern or extern. \n",
                  "By default, kernelY$position=intern has been selected.", call.=FALSE)

      # if kernelY$combi="prod", kernelY$position must be "intern" 
      if(kernelY$combi=="prod" && kernelY$position=="extern"){
        kernelY$position <- "intern"
        warning("If kernelY$combi=prod, kernelY$position cannot be extern. \n",
                "By default, kernelY$position=intern has been selected.", call.=FALSE)

      ### removal of undesired options in kernelY ###
      expected.kY <- "method"
      found.kY <- names(kernelY)
      if(!(all(found.kY %in% expected.kY))){
        undesired.kY <- setdiff(found.kY, expected.kY)
        kernelY[undesired.kY] <- NULL
        warning("The list kernelY can only contain the following option: method. \n",
                "Other options have been removed.", call.=FALSE)
      ### default values for missing options ###
      if(is.null(kernelY$fam)) kernelY$fam <- "rbf"
      ### removal of undesired options in kernelY ###
      expected.kY <- c("method", "fam")
      found.kY <- names(kernelY)
      if(!(all(found.kY %in% expected.kY))){
        undesired.kY <- setdiff(found.kY, expected.kY)
        kernelY[undesired.kY] <- NULL
        warning("The list kernelY can only contain the following option: method. \n",
                "Other options have been removed.", call.=FALSE)

      ### check of remaining options in kernelY ###
      # kernelY$fam must be a string.
      # the string in kernelY$fam must belong to L$dtw.kernels
      if(!is.character(kernelY$fam) | length(kernelY$fam)>1){
        stop("kernelY$fam must be a string.", call.=FALSE)
        if(!(kernelY$fam %in% L$dtw.kernels)){
          stop("Invalid kernel name in kernelY$fam. \n", 
               "Available kernels include: ",
               paste0(L$dtw.kernels, collapse=', '), ".", call.=FALSE)


  ### For paramY ###############################################################
  ### minimum requirements ###
  # 1) paramY must be a scalar value or a vector of values
  # 2) elements in paramY must be NA or numeric
  msg <- "paramY must be a scalar value or a vector of values."
    if(!is.null(dim(paramY))) stop(msg, call.=FALSE)
  }else if(is.logical(paramY)){
    if(!all(is.na(paramY))) stop(msg, call.=FALSE)
    stop(msg, call.=FALSE)

  ### For consistency between kernelY and paramY ###############################
  # --> see tell.sensiHSIC
  ### For estimator.type #######################################################

  # estimator.type must be either "V-stat" or "U-stat"
  if(!is.character(estimator.type) | length(estimator.type)>1){
    stop("estimator.type must be a string.", call.=FALSE)
    if(!(estimator.type %in% c("V-stat", "U-stat"))){
      estimator.type <- "V-stat"
      warning("estimator.type must be: V-stat or U-stat. \n",
              "By default, estimator.type=V-stat has been selected.", call.=FALSE)
  ### For estimator.type and cond ##############################################
  # conditional R2-HSIC cannot be computed with U-statistics
  # only the conditional HSIC are thus estimated
  if(!is.null(cond) && estimator.type=="U-stat"){
    estimator.type <- "V-stat"
    warning("The conditional R2-HSIC indices cannot be estimated with U-statistics. \n",
            "By default, estimator.type=V-stat has been selected.", call.=FALSE)
  ### For nboot ################################################################

  # nboot must be non-negative integer
  if(!is.numeric(nboot) | length(nboot)>1){
    stop("nboot must be a non-negative integer.", call.=FALSE)
      stop("nboot must be a non-negative integer.", call.=FALSE)
        nboot <- floor(nboot)
        warning("nboot was not an integer. \n",
                "floor(nboot) has been taken instead.", call.=FALSE)
  ### For conf #################################################################
  # conf must be a real number in [0,1]
  if(!is.numeric(conf) | length(conf)>1){
    stop("conf must be a real number between 0 and 1.", call.=FALSE)
    if(conf<0 | conf>1){
      conf <- 0.95
      warning("conf was not between 0 and 1. \n",
              "By default, conf=0.95 has been selected.", call.=FALSE)
  ### For anova ################################################################
  ### minimum requirements ###
  # 1) anova must be a list of options
  # 2) anova must contain at least one element named "obj"
    stop("anova must be a list of options.", call.=FALSE)
      stop("Objective not defined. You must specify anova$obj.", call.=FALSE)
  ### default value for the other option ###
  if(is.null(anova$is.uniform)) anova$is.uniform <- TRUE
  ### removal of undesired options in anova ###
  expected.anova <- c("obj", "is.uniform")
  found.anova <- names(anova)
  if(!(all(found.anova %in% expected.anova))){
    undesired.anova <- setdiff(found.anova, expected.anova)
    anova[undesired.anova] <- NULL
    warning("The list anova can only contain the following options: ",
            paste0(expected.anova, collapse=', '), ". \n", 
            "Other options have been removed.", call.=FALSE)
  ### check of remaining options in anova ###
  # anova$obj must be a string among "no", "FO", "TO" and "both"
  list.obj <- c("no", "FO", "TO", "both")
  if(!is.character(anova$obj) | length(anova$obj)>1){
    stop("anova$obj must be a string.", call.=FALSE)
    if(!(anova$obj %in% list.obj)){
      anova$obj = "no"
      warning("anova$obj does not belong to: ",
              paste0(list.obj, collapse=', '), ". \n",
              "By default, anova$obj=no has been selected.", call.=FALSE)
  # anova$is.uniform must be boolean
    stop("anova$is.uniform must be a boolean.", call.=FALSE)
    if(!(isTRUE(anova$is.uniform) | isFALSE(anova$is.uniform))){
      stop("anova$is.uniform must be a boolean.", call.=FALSE)
  # if ANOVA is required, all input kernels must be in L$anova.kernels or in L$conv.kernels
    for(i in 1:nkX){
      ker <- kernelX[i]
      if(!(ker %in% L$anova.kernels)){
        if(ker %in% L$conv.kernels){
          # first case: ker can be converted into an ANOVA kernel
          kernelX[i] <- paste0(ker, "_anova")
          paramX[i] <- NA
          warning(ker, " is not an ANOVA kernel. Its variant ", 
                  ker, "_anova has been taken instead.", call.=FALSE)
          # second case: ker cannot be converted into an ANOVA kernel 
          kernelX[i] <- "sobolev1"
          paramX[i] <- NA
          warning(ker, " is not an ANOVA kernel and it cannot be converted into an ANOVA kernel. \n",
                  "By default, sobolev1 has been selected.", call.=FALSE)

  # the HSIC-ANOVA decomposition cannot be achieved for conditional SA
  # after conditioning, the input variables are non longer independent

  if(!is.null(cond) && anova$obj!="no"){
    anova <- list(obj="no", check=FALSE)
    warning("cond and anova cannot be enabled simultaneously. \n",
            "anova has been ignored.", call.=FALSE)
  ### For sensi ################################################################
    # sensi must be an object of class sensiHSIC
    # sensi should contain an object named KX or an object named KY 
#    if(!(class(sensi)=="sensiHSIC")){ # bug
      stop("sensi must be an object of class sensiHSIC.", call.=FALSE)
      if(is.null(sensi$KX) && is.null(sensi$KY)){
        warning("The sensi option is useless here. ",
                "Neither KX nor KY is stored in the provided object. \n",
                "All Gram matrices are reassembled from scratch.", call.=FALSE)

  ### For save.GM ##############################################################
  ### requirements ###
  # 1) save.GM must be a list of options
  # 2) save.GM must contain one element named "KX" and one element named "KY"
  # 3) save.GM$KX and save.GM$KY must be boolean
  # must be list of options
    stop("save.GM must be a list of options.", call.=FALSE)
    # must contain one element named KX
      stop("Storage of KX not decided. save.GM$KX must be specified.", call.=FALSE)
      # must be of length 1
        stop("save.GM$KX must be a boolean.", call.=FALSE)
        # must be either TRUE or FALSE
        if(!(isTRUE(save.GM$KX) | isFALSE(save.GM$KX))){
          stop("save.GM$KX must be a boolean.", call.=FALSE)
    # must contain one element named KY
      stop("Storage of KY not decided. save.GM$KY must be specified.", call.=FALSE)
      # must be of length 1
        stop("save.GM$KY must be a boolean.", call.=FALSE)
        # must be either TRUE or FALSE
        if(!(isTRUE(save.GM$KY) | isFALSE(save.GM$KY))){
          stop("save.GM$KY must be a boolean.", call.=FALSE)
    ### removal of undesired options in save.GM ###
    expected.GM <- c("KX", "KY")
    found.GM <- names(save.GM)
    if(!(all(found.GM %in% expected.GM))){
      undesired.GM <- setdiff(found.GM, expected.GM)
      save.GM[undesired.GM] <- NULL
      warning("The list save.GM can only contain the following options: ",
              paste0(expected.GM, collapse=', '), ". \n", 
              "Other options have been removed.", call.=FALSE)
  ### Main instructions ###
  x <- list(model=model, X=X, target=target, cond=cond, 
           kernelX=kernelX, paramX=paramX,
           kernelY=kernelY, paramY=paramY,
           nboot=nboot, conf=conf,
           sensi=sensi, save.GM=save.GM,
           call = match.call())

  class(x) <- "sensiHSIC"
    response(x, other_types_allowed=TRUE, ...)
    tell(x, ...)


### tell.sensiHSIC #############################################################

tell.sensiHSIC <- function(x, y = NULL, ...){
  id <- deparse(substitute(x))

  # How to start from given data?
  # dimensions
  n <- nrow(x$X)
  p <- ncol(x$X)
  ### useful lists #############################################################
  L <- available.material()
  ### For y ####################################################################
  # 1) if y is not provided: 
  # --> a) it must be checked that x$y is available
  # --> b) the output matrix Y = x$y is defined
  # 2) if y is provided:
  # --> a) y must be a matrix or a data frame
  # --> b) y must contain as many observations as X
  # --> c) the output matrix Y = y is defined
  if(is.null(y)){ # y is not provided
    if(is.null(x$y)) stop("y not found.", call.=FALSE)
    # if y is a vector --> y is converted into a n-by-1 matrix
    if(is.numeric(x$y) && is.null(dim(x$y))){
      Y <- as.matrix(x$y)
      Y <- x$y
  }else{ # y is provided
    # y must be a matrix or must be converted into a matrix:
    # if y is a vector --> y is converted into a n-by-1 matrix
    # if y is a data frame --> y is converted into a matrix
    if(is.numeric(y) && is.null(dim(y))){ # y is a vector
      y <- as.matrix(y)
    }else if(is.data.frame(y)){ # y is a data.frame
      y <- as.matrix(unname(y))
    }else if(!is.matrix(y)){
      stop("y must be a matrix or a data frame.", call.=FALSE)
    # must contain as many observations as X
    if(!(nrow(y)==n)) stop("y must contain as many observations as X.", call.=FALSE)
    Y <- y
  q <- ncol(Y)
  ### For consistency between q, target, cond and kernelY ######################
  # Target SA is only possible if the output is scalar
  if(q>1 && !is.null(x$target)){
    stop("Target SA is only possible if the output is scalar.", call.=FALSE)
  # Conditional SA is only possible if the output is scalar
  if(q>1 && !is.null(x$cond)){
    stop("Conditional SA is only possible if the output is scalar.", call.=FALSE)
  # Methods based on PCA, GAK or PCA are specific to non-scalar outputs
  if(q==1 && is.list(x$kernelY)){
    msg <- switch(x$kernelY$method,
                  "PCA"={ "Preliminary dimension reduction based on PCA" },
                  "GAK"={ "Using the global aligmnent kernel (GAK)" },
                  "DTW"={ "Using dynamic time warping (DTW)" },
    msg <- paste0(msg, " is not appropriate for a scalar output. \n",
                 "kernelY must be a string specifying the selected kernel. \n",
                 "Available kernels include: ", 
                 paste0(L$kernels, collapse=', '), ".")
    stop(msg, call.=FALSE)

  # How to redefine x$y?
  # --> for basic SA or for CSA, x$y is simply Y
  # --> for TSA, x$y must be computed with the function weightTSA
    x$y <- Y
    x$y <- matrix(weightTSA(Y, x$target$c, x$target$upper, x$target$type, x$target$param))
  ### For target ###############################################################
  ### additional check ###
  # let us imagine that target is enabled
  # --> if the weight function is "indicTh": kernelY must be "categ"
  # --> if the weight function is "zeroTh", "logistic" or "exp1side": kernelY must not be "categ"
  msg <- paste0("Be careful. The output kernel and the weight function are not consistent. \n",
                "If target$type=indicTh, kernelY must refer to the categorical kernel. \n",
                "In all other cases, kernelY must refer to a continuous kernel. \n")
        x$kernelY <- "categ"
        warning(msg, "By default, kernelY=categ has been selected.", call.=FALSE)
        x$kernelY <- "rbf"
        warning(msg, "By default, kernelY=rbf has been selected.", call.=FALSE)

  ### For anova ################################################################

  # only if the HSIC-ANOVA decomposition is required

      # if anova$is.uniform=TRUE, X is examined 
      # if some samples do not lie in [0,1] --> error

      if(!(all(x$X>=0 & x$X<=1))){
        stop("You wrongly specified is.uniform=TRUE in anova. \n",
             "In fact, some samples in X do not lie in [0,1]. You can either: \n",
             "1) Rescale the data in X so that all samples lie in [0,1]. \n",
             "Be careful: this may lead to change the function given to model. \n",
             "2) Specify is.uniform=FALSE in anova.", call.=FALSE)
      # if anova$is.uniform=FALSE, non-parametric rescaling is operated
      x$X <- apply(x$X, 2, function(col){ rank(col) })/n

  ### For kernelX and paramX ###################################################
  ### conversion into fully specified objects ###
  convX <- kernel.param.X(x$kernelX, x$paramX, x$X)
  x$kernelX <- convX$kernelX
  x$paramX <- convX$paramX
  ### For kernelY and paramY ###################################################
  ### additional checks based on q ###
  # 1) if kernelY is a string or a vector of strings:
  # --> kernelY must be of length either 1 or q
  # --> paramY must be of length either 1 or q
  # 2) if kernelY is a list of options:
  # a) if kernelY$method="PCA"
  # --> kernelY$fam must be of length 1
  # --> paramY must be NA
  # b) if kernelY$method="GAK"
  # --> paramY must be of length 2
  # c) if kernelY$method="DTW"
  # --> kernelY$fam must be of length 1
  # --> paramY must be NA
  npY <- length(x$paramY)
  # kernelY is a string or a vector of strings
    nkY <- length(x$kernelY)
    # check of kernelY
    if(!(nkY==1 | nkY==q)){
      stop("kernelY must be of length 1 or q (number of output variables).", call.=FALSE)
    # check of paramY
    if(!(npY==1 | npY==q)){
      stop("paramY must be of length 1 or q (number of output variables).", call.=FALSE)
  # kernelY is a list of options
    # case kernelY$method="PCA"
      # check of kernelY
      nkY <- length(x$kernelY$fam)
        stop("If kernelY$method=PCA, kernelY$fam must be of length 1.", call.=FALSE)
      # check of paramY
        stop("If kernelY$method=PCA, paramY must be NA.", call.=FALSE)
          x$paramY <- NA
          warning("If kernelY$method=PCA, paramY is computed automatically. \n",
                  "Default assignment to NA has been accepted.", call.=FALSE)

    # case kernelY$method="GAK"
      # check of paramY
          x$paramY <- rep(NA, 2)
          stop("If kernelY$method=GAK, paramY must be of length 2.", call.=FALSE)
      }else if(npY>=3){
        stop("If kernelY$method=GAK, paramY must be of length 2.", call.=FALSE)
    # case kernelY$method="DTW"
      # check of kernelY
      nkY <- length(x$kernelY$fam)
        stop("If kernelY$method=DTW, kernelY$fam must be of length 1.", call.=FALSE)
      # check of paramY
        stop("If kernelY$method=DTW, paramY must be NA.", call.=FALSE)
          x$paramY <- NA
          warning("If kernelY$method=DTW, paramY must be NA.", call.=FALSE)
  ### conversion into fully specified objects ###
  convY <- kernel.param.Y(x$kernelY, x$paramY, x$y)
  x$kernelY <- convY$kernelY
  x$paramY <- convY$paramY
  ### Main instructions ###
  ### computation of Gram matrices ###
  # if an object sensi is provided:
  # a) if KX is stored:
  # --> the input Gram matrices must not be recomputed
  # --> kernelX, paramX and KX must be taken from sensi
  # b) if KY is stored:
  # --> the output Gram matrix must not be recomputed
  # --> kernelY, paramY and KY must be taken from sensi
  # --> sensi is eliminated at the end of the process
  need2cpt.KX <- TRUE
  need2cpt.KY <- TRUE
    # access at sensi$KX
      need2cpt.KX <- FALSE
    # access at sensi$KY
      need2cpt.KY <- FALSE
  # computation of KX (if required)
    KX <- compute.KX(x$X, x$kernelX, x$paramX)
    x$kernelX <- x$sensi$kernelX
    x$paramX <- x$sensi$paramX
    KX <- x$sensi$KX 
      warning("The input Gram matrix has been extracted ", 
              "from an older object of class sensiHSIC.", call.=FALSE)
      warning("The input Gram matrices have been extracted ", 
              "from an older object of class sensiHSIC.", call.=FALSE)
  # computation of KY (if required)
    GM.Y <- compute.KY(x$y, x$kernelY, x$paramY)
    x$kernelY <- GM.Y$kernelY
    x$paramY <- GM.Y$paramY
    KY <- GM.Y$KY
    x$kernelY <- x$sensi$kernelY
    x$paramY <- x$sensi$paramY
    KY <- x$sensi$KY
    warning("The output Gram matrix has been extracted ", 
            "from an older object of class sensiHSIC.", call.=FALSE)
  x$sensi <- NULL

  ### storage of Gram matrices ###
    x$KX <- KX
    x$KY <- KY

  ### required statistics according to the objective ###
  stats <- switch(x$anova$obj, 
                  "no"={ c("HSICXY", "S") },
                  "FO"={ c("HSICXY", "S", "FO", "denom") }, 
                  "TO"={ c("HSICXY", "S", "TO", "TO.num", "denom") },
                  "both"={ c("HSICXY", "S", "FO", "TO", "TO.num", "denom") },
  ### computation of HSIC indices ###

  data <- cbind(x$X, x$y)
    w <- weightTSA(x$y, x$cond$c, x$cond$upper, x$cond$type, x$cond$param)
    # if w the zero vector, the conditioning operation is useless
      stop("The conditioning event is never observed among the provided dataset. \n",
           "Please check if cond is well-defined.", call.=FALSE)
    x$weights <- w/mean(w)

      res <- estim.sensiHSIC(KX, KY, x$estimator.type, stats)
      res <- estim.cond.sensiHSIC(KX, KY, x$weights, stats)

    x$HSICXY <- data.frame(res$HSICXY)
    rownames(x$HSICXY) <- paste("X", 1:p, sep="")
    colnames(x$HSICXY) <- "original"
    if(is.null(x$cond) | x$estimator.type=="V-stat"){
      x$S <- data.frame(res$S)
      rownames(x$S) <- paste("X", 1:p, sep="")
      colnames(x$S) <- "original"
    if(x$anova$obj %in% c("FO", "TO", "both")){

        x$FO <-  data.frame(res$FO)
        rownames(x$FO) <- paste("X", 1:p, sep="")
        colnames(x$FO) <- "original"
        x$TO <-  data.frame(res$TO)
        x$TO.num <-  data.frame(res$TO.num)
        rownames(x$TO) <- rownames(x$TO.num) <- paste("X", 1:p, sep="")
        colnames(x$TO) <- colnames(x$TO.num) <- "original"
      x$denom <-  data.frame(res$denom)
      colnames(x$denom) <- "original"

      all.boot <- boot(data, statistic=function(data, ind){ 
        estim.sensiHSIC(KX[ind, ind, ], KY[ind, ind], 
                        x$estimator.type, stats, vector=TRUE) 
        }, R=x$nboot)
      all.boot <- boot(data, statistic=function(data, ind){ 
        estim.cond.sensiHSIC(KX[ind, ind, ], KY[ind, ind], x$weights[ind], stats, vector=TRUE) 
        }, R=x$nboot)
    res <- bootstats(all.boot, x$conf, "basic")
    x$HSICXY <- res[1:p, ] # HSIC indices
    rownames(x$HSICXY) <- paste("X", 1:p, sep="")

    if(is.null(x$cond) | x$estimator.type=="V-stat"){
      x$S <- res[(p+1):(2*p),] # R2-HSIC indices
      rownames(x$S) <- paste("X", 1:p, sep="")

      x$FO <- res[(2*p+1):(3*p), ]      # first-order HSIC indices
      x$denom <- res[3*p+1, ]           # common denominator
      rownames(x$FO) <- paste("X", 1:p, sep="")
      rownames(x$denom)  <- ""
      x$TO <- res[(2*p+1):(3*p), ]      # total-order HSIC indices
      x$TO.num <- res[(3*p+1):(4*p), ]  # numerators of total-order HSIC indices
      x$denom <- res[4*p+1, ]           # common denominator
      rownames(x$TO) <- rownames(x$TO.num) <- paste("X", 1:p, sep="")
      rownames(x$denom)  <- ""
      x$FO <- res[(2*p+1):(3*p), ]      # first-order HSIC indices
      x$TO <- res[(3*p+1):(4*p), ]      # total-order HSIC indices
      x$TO.num <- res[(4*p+1):(5*p), ]  # total-order HSIC indices
      x$denom <- res[5*p+1, ]           # common denominator
      rownames(x$FO) <- rownames(x$TO) <- rownames(x$TO.num) <- paste("X", 1:p, sep="")
      rownames(x$denom)  <- ""
  assign(id, x, parent.frame())

### estim.sensiHSIC ############################################################

estim.sensiHSIC <- function(KX, KY, estimator.type, stats, vector=FALSE){

  ### inputs ###

  # KX:               n x n x p   array     (concatenation of input Gram matrices)
  # KY:               n x n       matrix    (output Gram matrix)
  # estimator.type:   1 x 1       character ("U-stat" or "V-stat")
  # stats:            1 x s       character (all desired statistics)
  # vector:           1 x 1       logical   (FALSE if the output must be a list)
  #                                         (TRUE ________________________ vector)

  # In stats, the strings must be ordered as follows:
  # "HSICXY", "S", "FO", "TO", "TO.num", "denom".

  ### output ###

  # 1) if vector=FALSE, res is a list of results (depending on stats)

  # HSICXY:     1 x p   numeric   (HSIC indices)
  # S:          1 x p   numeric   (R2-HSIC indices)
  # FO:         1 x p   numeric   (first-order HSIC-ANOVA indices)
  # TO:         1 x p   numeric   (total-order HSIC-ANOVA indices)
  # TO.num:     1 x p   numeric   (numerators of total-order HSIC-ANOVA indices)
  # denom:      1 x 1   numeric   (common denominator of HSIC-ANOVA indices)

  # 2) if vector=TRUE, res is a numeric of length L depending on stats

  ### For stats ################################################################


    reference <- c("HSICXY", "S", "FO", "TO", "TO.num", "denom")

    s <- length(stats)
    order <- match(reference, stats)
    order <- order[!is.na(order)]

    if(!identical(order, 1:s)){
      stats <- stats[order]
      warning("The required statistics were sorted in the following order: \n",
              paste0(stats, collapse=', '), ".", call.=FALSE)


  ### Body of the function #####################################################

  n <- dim(KX)[1]
  p <- dim(KX)[3]

  res <- list() # pre-allocation of the output object

  ### computations that occur in several cases ###

  if(any(c("HSICXY", "S", "FO") %in% stats)){

    # estimation of all HSIC(Xi,Y)
    HSIC.XY <- rep(NA, p)
    for(i in 1:p){
      HSIC.XY[i] <- estim.HSIC(KX, KY, i, estimator.type)


  if(any(c("FO", "TO", "TO.num", "denom") %in% stats)){

    # estimation of the common denominator
    HSIC.denom <- estim.HSIC(KX, KY, 1:p, estimator.type)


  if(any(c("TO", "TO.num") %in% stats)){

    # estimation of all HSIC(X_{1:d \ i},Y)
    HSIC.compl <- rep(NA, p)
    for(i in 1:p){
      HSIC.compl[i] <- estim.HSIC(KX, KY, setdiff(1:p, i), estimator.type)


  ### all other computations (and storage) ###

  if("HSICXY" %in% stats){
    res$HSICXY <- HSIC.XY # storage

  if("S" %in% stats){

    # estimation of all HSIC(Xi,Xi)
    HSIC.XX <- rep(NA, p)
    for(i in 1:p){
      HSIC.XX[i] <- estim.HSIC(KX, KX[,,i], i, estimator.type)

    # estimation of HSIC(Y,Y)
    LY <- replicate(1, KY, simplify="array")
    HSIC.YY <- estim.HSIC(LY, KY, 1, estimator.type)

    # estimation of R2 HSIC indices

    res$S <- R2.HSIC # storage


  if("FO" %in% stats){

    # estimation of first-order HSIC-ANOVA indices
    HSIC.FO <- HSIC.XY/HSIC.denom

    res$FO <- HSIC.FO # storage


  if("TO" %in% stats){

    # estimation of total-order HSIC-ANOVA indices
    HSIC.TO <- 1-HSIC.compl/HSIC.denom

    res$TO <- HSIC.TO # storage


  if("TO.num" %in% stats){

    # estimation of the numerators of total-order HSIC-ANOVA indices
    HSIC.TO.num <- HSIC.denom-HSIC.compl

    res$TO.num <- HSIC.TO.num # storage


  if("denom" %in% stats){

    res$denom <- HSIC.denom # storage


  ### conversion from a list into a vector (if required) ###

    res <- unlist(res, use.names=FALSE)



### estim.HSIC #################################################################
estim.HSIC <- function(KX, KY, A, estimator.type){
  ### inputs ###
  # KX:               n x n x p   array     (concatenation of input Gram matrices)
  # KY:               n x n       matrix    (output Gram matrix)
  # A:                1 x r       numeric   (subset of 1,...,p)
  # estimator.type:   1 x 1       character ("U-stat" or "V-stat")
  ### output ###
  # HSIC              1 x 1       numeric   (HSIC index estimator)
  n <- dim(KX)[1]
  p <- dim(KX)[1]
  PX <- 1
  for(i in A){
    PX <- PX*KX[,,i]
  HSIC <- HSIC.fun(PX, KY, estimator.type)

### HSIC.fun ###################################################################

HSIC.fun <- function(KX, KY, estimator.type){
  ### inputs ###
  # KX:               n x n       matrix    (input Gram matrix)
  # KY:               n x n       matrix    (output Gram matrix)
  # estimator.type:   1 x 1       character ("U-stat" or "V-stat")
  ### output ###
  # HSIC              1 x 1       numeric   (HSIC index estimator)
  n <- dim(KX)[1]
  if(estimator.type=="V-stat"){ # formula for the V-statistic
    UXY <- sum(KX*KY)
    VXY <- sum(colSums(KX)%*%KY)
    WXY <- sum(KX)*sum(KY)
    HSIC <- UXY/(n^2) - 2*VXY/(n^3) + WXY/(n^4)
  }else{ # formula for the U-statistic
    diag(KX) <- diag(KY) <- 0
    UXY <- sum(KX*KY)
    VXY <- sum(colSums(KX)%*%KY) - UXY
    WXY <- sum(KX)*sum(KY) - 2*UXY - 4*VXY
    HSIC <- UXY/(n*(n-1)) - 2*VXY/(n*(n-1)*(n-2)) + WXY/(n*(n-1)*(n-2)*(n-3))

### estim.cond.sensiHSIC #######################################################

estim.cond.sensiHSIC <- function(KX, KY, weights, stats, vector=FALSE){

  ### inputs ###
  # KX:               n x n x p   array     (concatenation of input Gram matrices)
  # KY:               n x n       matrix    (output Gram matrix)
  # weights:          1 x n       numeric   (conditioning weights after normalization)
  # stats:            1 x s       character (all desired statistics)
  # vector:           1 x 1       logical   (FALSE if the output must be a list)
  #                                         (TRUE ________________________ vector)
  # In stats, the strings must be ordered as follows: "HSICXY", "S".
  ### output ###
  # 1) if vector=FALSE, res is a list of results (depending on stats)

  # HSICXY:     1 x p   numeric   (HSIC indices)
  # S:          1 x p   numeric   (R2-HSIC indices)

  # 2) if vector=TRUE, res is a numeric of length L depending on stats
  ### For stats ################################################################
    reference <- c("HSICXY", "S")
    if(identical(stats, rev(reference))){
      stats <- rev(stats)
      warning("The required statistics were sorted in the following order: ", 
              "HSICXY, S.", call.=FALSE)

  ### Body of the function #####################################################

  n <- dim(KX)[1]
  p <- dim(KX)[3]
  res <- list()
  ### computations that occur in several cases ###
  # estimation of all HSIC(Xi,Y)
  HSIC.XY <- rep(NA, p)
  for(i in 1:p){
    HSIC.XY[i] <- cond.HSIC.fun(KX[,,i], KY, weights)

  ### all other computations (and storage) ###
  if("HSICXY" %in% stats){
    res$HSICXY <- HSIC.XY # storage
  if("S" %in% stats){
    # estimation of all HSIC(Xi,Xi)
    HSIC.XX <- rep(NA, p)
    for(i in 1:p){
      HSIC.XX[i] <- cond.HSIC.fun(KX[,,i], KX[,,i], weights)
    # estimation of HSIC(Y,Y)
    HSIC.YY <- cond.HSIC.fun(KY, KY, weights)
    # estimation of R2 HSIC indices
    res$S <- R2.HSIC # storage
  ### conversion from a list into a vector (if required) ###
    res <- unlist(res, use.names=FALSE)


### cond.HSIC.fun ##############################################################

cond.HSIC.fun <- function(KX, KY, weights){
  ### inputs ###
  # KX:               n x n   matrix      (concatenation of input Gram matrices)
  # KY:               n x n   matrix      (output Gram matrix)
  # weights:          1 x n   numeric     (conditioning weights after normalization)
  ### output ###
  # C.HSIC              1 x 1       numeric   (C-HSIC index estimator)
  n <- dim(KX)[1]
  wu <- matrix(rep(weights, n), n, n) 
  W <- wu*t(wu)
  # Rk: wu corresponds to the matrix product WU
  # --> see the paper by Marrel & Chabridon (2021)
  # formula for the V-statistic
  UXY <- sum(KX*KY*W)
  VXY <- sum((colSums(KX*wu)%*%(KY*W)))
  WXY <- sum(KX*W)*sum(KY*W)
  C.HSIC <- UXY/(n^2) - 2*VXY/(n^3) + WXY/(n^4)


### check.param ################################################################

check.param <- function(ker, par, X){
  ### inputs ###
  # ker:      1 x 1   character     (kernel family)
  # par:      1 x 1   numeric/NA    (kernel parameter)
  # X:        1 x n   numeric       (samples)
  ### output ###
  # par:      1 x 1   numeric     (kernel parameter after checking)
  ### useful lists ###
  L <- available.material()
  ### rbf-like kernels ###
  if(ker %in% L$sd.kernels){
      par <- sd(X)
        par <- sd(X)
        warning("For the ", ker, " kernel, the parameter must be a positive real number. \n",
                "Default assignment has been accepted.", call.=FALSE)
  ### kernels with no parameter ###
  if(ker %in% L$free.kernels){
      par <- NA
      warning("The ", ker, " kernel does not have parameter. \n",
              "Default assignment has been accepted.", call.=FALSE)
  ### dcov kernel ###
      par <- 1
        par <- 1
        warning("For the dcov kernel, the parameter must be a positive real number. \n",
                "Default assignment has been accepted.", call.=FALSE)
  ### categorical kernel ###
      par <- 0
      if(!(par %in% c(0,1))){
        par <- 0
        warning("For the categ kernel, the parameter must be 0 or 1. \n",
                "Default assignment has been accepted.", call.=FALSE)

### kernel.param.X #############################################################

kernel.param.X <- function(kernelX, paramX, X){
  ### inputs ###
  # kernelX:    1 x 1   character     (one kernel family)
  #             1 x p   character     (kernel families)
  # paramX:     1 x 1   numeric/NA    (one parameter value)
  #             1 x p   numeric/NA    (parameter values)
  # X:          n x p   matrix        (input samples)
  ### outputs ###
  # kernelX:    1 x p   character     (kernel families)
  # paramX:     1 x p   numeric/NA    (parameter values)
  p <- ncol(X)            # nb of input variables
  nkX <- length(kernelX)  # nb of specified kernels
  npX <- length(paramX)   # nb of specified parameters
  if(nkX==1) kernelX <- rep(kernelX, p)
  if(npX==1) paramX <- rep(paramX, p)
  for(i in 1:p){
    paramX[i] <- check.param(kernelX[i], paramX[i], X[,i])
  conv <- list(kernelX=kernelX, paramX=paramX)

### kernel.param.Y #############################################################

kernel.param.Y <- function(kernelY, paramY, Y){
  ### inputs ###
  # kernelY:    1 x 1     character     (one kernel family)
  #             1 x q     character     (kernel families)
  #             1 x ...   list          (options describing the kernel)
  # paramY:     1 x 1     numeric/NA    (one parameter value)
  #             1 x q     numeric/NA    (parameter values)
  #             1 x 2     numeric/NA    (parameter values for the GA kernel)
  # Y:          n x q     matrix        (output samples)
  ### outputs ###
  # kernelY:    1 x q     character     (kernel families)
  #             1 x ...   list          (options describing the kernel)   

  # paramY:     1 x q     numeric/NA    (parameter values)
  #             1 x 2     numeric/NA    (parameter values for the GA kernel)         
  q <- ncol(Y)
  ### case where kernelY is a string or a vector of strings ###
    nkY <- length(kernelY)  # nb of specified kernels
    npY <- length(paramY)   # nb of specified parameters
    if(nkY==1) kernelY <- rep(kernelY, q)
    if(npY==1) paramY <- rep(paramY, q)

    for(i in 1:q){
      paramY[i] <- check.param(kernelY[i], paramY[i], Y[,i])

  ### case where kernelY is a list of options ###
  # if kernelY$method="PCA", nothing has to be done at this stage
  # if kernelY$method="GAK", check of the two parameters
  # if kernelY$method="DTW", there is nothing to do

      # check of paramY[1]
        paramY[1] <- median(dist(Y))*sqrt(q)
          paramY[1] <- median(dist(Y))*sqrt(q)
          warning("For the global alignement kernel (GAK), ", 
                  "the first parameter must be a positive real number. \n",
                  "Default assignment has been accepted.", call.=FALSE)
      # check of paramY[2]
        paramY[2] <- 0.2*q
          paramY[2] <- 0.2*q
          warning("For the global alignement kernel (GAK), ", 
                  "the second parameter must be a positive real number. \n",
                  "Default assignment has been accepted.", call.=FALSE)
  conv <- list(kernelY=kernelY, paramY=paramY)

### compute.KX #################################################################

compute.KX <- function(X, kernelX, paramX){
  ### inputs ###
  # X:          n x p     matrix        (input samples)
  # kernelX:    1 x p     character     (kernel families)
  # paramX:     1 x p     numeric/NA    (kernel parameters)
  ### output ###
  # KX:         n x n x d   array     (concatenation of input Gram matrices)
  n <- nrow(X)
  p <- ncol(X)
  KX <- array(NA, c(n,n,p))
  for(i in 1:p){
    KX[,,i] <- do.call(get(paste(kernelX[i], "_hsic", sep="")), 
                       list(x=X[,i], param=paramX[i]))

### compute.KY #################################################################

compute.KY <- function(Y, kernelY, paramY){

  ### inputs ###

  # Y:          n x q     matrix        (output samples)
  # kernelY:    1 x q     character     (kernel families)
  #             1 x ...   list          (options describing the kernel)
  # paramY:     1 x q     numeric/NA    (parameter values)
  #             1 x 2     numeric/NA    (parameter values for the GA kernel)

  ### output ###

  # KY:         n x n     matrix        (output Gram matrix)

  n <- nrow(Y)
  q <- ncol(Y)
    KY <- 1
    for(i in 1:q){
      KY <- KY*do.call(get(paste(kernelY[i], "_hsic", sep="")),
                       list(x=Y[,i], param=paramY[i]))


      res.PCA <- PCA.KY(Y, kernelY)
      KY <- res.PCA$KY
      kernelY <- res.PCA$kernelY
      paramY <- res.PCA$paramY
    }else if(kernelY$method=="GAK"){
      KY <- GAK.KY(Y, paramY)
    }else if(kernelY$method=="DTW"){
      KY <- DTW.KY(Y, kernelY)

  res <- list(KY=KY, kernelY=kernelY, paramY=paramY)



### PCA.KY #####################################################################

PCA.KY <- function(Y, kernelY){
  ### inputs ###
  # Y:          n x q     matrix        (output samples)
  # kernelY:    1 x ...   list          (options describing the kernel)
  ### outputs ###
  # KY:         n x n     matrix        (output Gram matrix)
  # kernelY:    1 x ...   list          (options describing the kernel)  
  # paramY:     1 x ...   numeric       (parameters of the output kernel)
  n <- dim(Y)[1]
  # constant outputs must be removed
  mask.cst <- apply(Y, 2, sd, na.rm=TRUE)==0
  Y <- Y[,!mask.cst]
  # principal component analysis (PCA)
  pca.res <- prcomp(Y, retx=TRUE, 
                    center=kernelY$data.centering, # whether data need to be centered
                    scale.=kernelY$data.scaling)   # whether data need to be scaled
  lambda <- pca.res$sdev^2    # eigenvalues
  V <- unname(pca.res$x)      # eigenvectors
  if(!is.na(kernelY$expl.var)){ # expl.var is provided (but PC is NULL)
    # increasing sequence of variances
    cum.var <- cumsum(lambda)/sum(lambda)
    # nb of components to reach the desired level of output variance
    kernelY$PC <- min(which(cum.var>kernelY$expl.var))
    # percentage of explained variance
    kernelY$expl.var <- cum.var[kernelY$PC]
  }else{ # PC is provided (expl.var is NULL)
    # percentage of explained variance
    kernelY$expl.var <- sum(lambda[1:kernelY$PC])/sum(lambda)
  PC <- kernelY$PC
  U <- V[, 1:PC, drop=FALSE]
  if(kernelY$position %in% c("intern", "extern")){
    ratios <- lambda[1:PC]/sum(lambda[1:PC])
  # default assignment of kernel parameters
  param <- rep(NA, PC)
  for(i in 1:PC){
    param[i] <- check.param(kernelY$fam, NA, U[,i])
  # computation of the final Gram matrix
  # 6 different cases:
  # a) kernelY$position="nowhere" + kernelY$combi="sum"
  # b) kernelY$position="nowhere" + kernelY$combi="prod"
  # c) kernelY$position="intern" + kernelY$combi="sum"
  # d) kernelY$position="intern" + kernelY$combi="prod"
  # e) kernelY$position="extern" + kernelY$combi="sum"
  # f) kernelY$position="extern" + kernelY$combi="prod" (not allowed)
  KU <- array(NA, c(n,n,PC))
    # computation of Gram matrices of the principal components
    # --> the weights are directly applied on the principal components
    for(i in 1:PC){
      KU[,,i] <- do.call(get(paste(kernelY$fam, "_hsic", sep="")),
                         list(x=ratios[i]*U[,i], param=param[i]))
  }else if(kernelY$position=="extern"){
    # computation of Gram matrices of the principal components
    # --> the weights are applied on the Gram matrices
    for(i in 1:PC){
      KU[,,i] <- ratios[i]*do.call(get(paste(kernelY$fam, "_hsic", sep="")), 
                                   list(x=U[,i], param=param[i]))
    # computation of Gram matrices of the principal components
    # --> no weights
    for(i in 1:PC){
      KU[,,i] <- do.call(get(paste(kernelY$fam, "_hsic", sep="")), 
                         list(x=U[,i], param=param[i]))
  # computation of the final Gram matrix
  KY <- 1
    for(i in 1:PC){
      KY <- KY+KU[,,i]
    for(i in 1:PC){
      KY <- KY*KU[,,i]
  # final update
  kernelY$fam <- rep(kernelY$fam, PC)
  if(!(kernelY$position=="nowhere")) kernelY$ratios <- ratios
  paramY <- param

  res <- list(KY=KY, kernelY=kernelY, paramY=paramY)

### GAK.KY #####################################################################

GAK.KY <- function(Y, paramY){
  ### inputs ###
  # Y:          n x q     matrix        (output samples)
  # paramY:     1 x 2     numeric       (parameter values for the GA kernel)
  ### output ###
  # KY:         n x n     matrix        (output Gram matrix)
  KY <- 1-as.matrix(proxy::dist(Y, method="gak", 
                                sigma=paramY[1], window.size=paramY[2], 
                                diag=TRUE, upper=TRUE))

### DTW.KY #####################################################################

DTW.KY <- function(Y, kernelY){
  ### inputs ###
  # Y:          n x q     matrix        (output samples)
  # kernelY:    1 x ...   list          (options describing the kernel)
  ### output ###
  # KY:         n x n     matrix        (output Gram matrix)
  n <- nrow(Y)
  q <- ncol(Y)
  # a row-by-row split is operated on Y
  # --> the resulting object is a list of numeric (corresponding to row vectors)
  lot <- split(Y, rep(1:n, q))
  # the function "dtw_dismat" (from the IncDTW package) allows for much faster computations
  dist.dtw <- as.matrix(IncDTW::dtw_dismat(lot=lot, dist_metho="norm1")$dismat)
  # normalization
  nz.dtw <- dist.dtw/mean(dist.dtw)
  # the selected 1D-kernel is finally applied
  KY <- do.call(get(paste(kernelY$fam, "_hsic", sep="")),
                list(x=NULL, param=1, d=nz.dtw))

### available.material #########################################################

available.material <- function(){
  ### no input ###

  ### output ###
  # L is a list containing the following elements:
  # kernels:            1 x ...   character   (available kernels)
  # anova.kernels:      1 x ...   character   (available anova kernels)
  # sd.kernels:         1 x ...   character   (kernels with one parameter of type sd)
  # free.kernels:       1 x ...   character   (parameter-free kernels)
  # weight.functions:   1 x ...   character   (available weight functions)
  # tests               1 x ...   character   (available independence tests)
  L <- list()
  ### Kernels ###
  ### Are they ANOVA kernels? ###
  # kernels that can be selected by the user in kernelX and kernelY
  L$kernels <- c("categ", "dcov", "invmultiquad",
                 "laplace", "laplace_anova", "linear", "matern3", "matern3_anova",
                 "matern5", "matern5_anova", "raquad", "rbf", "rbf_anova",
                 "sobolev1", "sobolev2")
  # kernels that directly allow for the HSIC-ANOVA decomposition
  L$anova.kernels <- c("sobolev1", "sobolev2",
                       "laplace_anova", "matern3_anova", "matern5_anova", "rbf_anova")
  # kernels that can be converted into ANOVA kernels
  L$conv.kernels <- c("laplace", "matern3", "matern5", "rbf")
  # kernels that can be coupled with PCA
  L$pca.kernels <- c("dcov", "invmultiquad", "laplace", "linear", "matern3", 
                     "matern5", "raquad", "rbf")
  # kernels that can be coupled with DTW
  L$dtw.kernels <- c("invmultiquad", "laplace", "matern3", 
                     "matern5", "raquad", "rbf")
  ### How to choose kernel parameters? ###

  # one-parameter kernels

  L$sd.kernels <- c("invmultiquad", "laplace", 
                    "matern3", "matern5", "raquad", "rbf", 
                    "laplace_anova", "matern3_anova", "matern5_anova", "rbf_anova")
  # parameter-free kernels
  L$free.kernels <- c("linear", "sobolev1", "sobolev2")
  ### Weight functions ###
  L$weight.functions <- c("indicTh", "zeroTh", "logistic", "exp1side")
  ### Tests of independence ###
  # test procedures that can be selected by the user in test.method
  L$tests <- c("Asymptotic", "Permutation", "Seq_Permutation", "Gamma")
  # test procedures that can be coupled with U-statistics
  L$U.tests <- c("Asymptotic", "Permutation", "Seq_Permutation")
  # test procedures that can be coupled with C-HSIC indices
  L$cond.tests <- c("Asymptotic", "Permutation", "Seq_Permutation", "Gamma")

### Kernels ####################################################################

categ_hsic <- function(x, param){
    d <- 1*sapply(x, function(z){z==x})
    n <- length(x)
    d <- matrix(0, n, n)
    val <- unique(x)
    nval <- length(val)
    for(i in 1:nval){
      id <- which(x==val[i])
      d[id,id] <- 1/sum(x==val[i])

dcov_hsic <- function(x, param){
  n <- length(x)
  d <- as.matrix(dist(x))
  nrm <- matrix(abs(x), n, n)

invmultiquad_hsic <- function(x, param, d=NULL){
  if (is.null(d)){
    d <- as.matrix(dist(x))
  d <- d/param

laplace_hsic <- function(x, param, d=NULL){
  if (is.null(d)){
    d <- as.matrix(dist(x))
  d <- d/param

linear_hsic <- function(x, ...){

matern3_hsic <- function(x, param, d=NULL){
  if (is.null(d)){
    d <- as.matrix(dist(x))
  d <- d/param

matern5_hsic <- function(x, param, d=NULL){
  if (is.null(d)){
    d <- as.matrix(dist(x))
  d <- d/param

raquad_hsic <- function(x, param, d=NULL){
  if (is.null(d)){
    d <- as.matrix(dist(x))
  d <- d/param

rbf_hsic <- function(x, param, d=NULL){
  if (is.null(d)){
    d <- as.matrix(dist(x))
  d <- d/param

sobolev1_hsic <- function(x, ...){
  d <- as.matrix(dist(x))

sobolev2_hsic <- function(x, ...){
  d <- as.matrix(dist(x))

### ANOVA kernels ##############################################################

# Ginsbourger, Roustant, Schuhmacher, Durrande & Lenz (2014)
# On ANOVA decompositions of kernels and Gaussian random field paths
# --> see Section 9: Additional examples

### formulas for the Laplace kernel ###

laplace_int <- function(x, param){
  k0 <- laplace_hsic(x=NULL, param=param, d=abs(x))
  k1 <- laplace_hsic(x=NULL, param=param, d=abs(1-x))
  vec <- param*(2-k0-k1)

laplace_iint <- function(param){
  scl <- 2*param*(1-param+param*exp(-1/param))

### formulas for the Matern 3/2 kernel ###

matern3_int <- function(x, param){
  param <- param/sqrt(3)
  alpha <- x/param
  beta <- (1-x)/param
  vec <- param*(4-( (2+alpha)*exp(-alpha) + (2+beta)*exp(-beta) ))

matern3_iint <- function(param){
  param <- param/sqrt(3)
  scl <- 2*param*( 2-3*param+(1+3*param)*exp(-1/param) )

### formulas for the Matern 5/2 kernel ###

matern5_int <- function(x, param){
  param <- param/sqrt(5)
  alpha <- x/param
  beta <- (1-x)/param
  vec <- (param/3)*(16 - (8+5*alpha+alpha^2)*exp(-alpha) 
                    - (8+5*beta+beta^2)*exp(-beta) )

matern5_iint <- function(param){
  param <- param/sqrt(5)
  scl <- (param/3)*(16-30*param)+(2/3)*(1+7*param+15*param^2)*exp(-1/param)

### formulas for the Gaussian kernel ###

rbf_int <- function(x, param){
  vec <- param*sqrt(2*pi)*(pnorm((1-x)/param)+pnorm(x/param)-1)

rbf_iint <- function(param){
  scl <- 2*(param^2)*(exp(-1/(2*param^2))-1)+param*sqrt(2*pi)*(2*pnorm(1/param)-1)

### kernel transformation ###

anova_transfo <- function(x, param, ker){
  ### inputs ###
  # x:        1 x n       numeric     (samples)
  # param:    1 x 1       numeric     (kernel parameter)
  # ker:      1 x 1       character   (kernel family)
  ### output ###
  # K0:       n x n       numeric     (Gram matrix)

  n <- length(x)
  # functions depending on ker
  ker.fun <- get(paste0(ker, "_hsic"))
  integ1.fun <- get(paste0(ker, "_int"))
  integ2.fun <- get(paste0(ker, "_iint"))
  #  initial Gram matrix
  K <- do.call(ker.fun, list(x=x, param=param))
  # formulas for integral calculus
  iK <- matrix(do.call(integ1.fun, list(x=x, param=param)), n, n)
  iiK <- do.call(integ2.fun, list(param=param))
  # new Gram matrix
  K0 <- 1+K-iK-t(iK)+iiK

laplace_anova_hsic <- function(x, param){ anova_transfo(x, param, "laplace") }

matern3_anova_hsic <- function(x, param){ anova_transfo(x, param, "matern3") }

matern5_anova_hsic <- function(x, param){ anova_transfo(x, param, "matern5") }

rbf_anova_hsic <- function(x, param){ anova_transfo(x, param, "rbf") }

### Bernoulli polynomials ######################################################

B1 <- function(t){

B2 <- function(t){

B4 <- function(t){

### print.sensiHSIC ############################################################

print.sensiHSIC <- function(x, ...){
  ### input ###
  # x:      1 x 1     list of class sensiHSIC  
  # initial call:
  cat("\n","Call:","\n", deparse(x$call), "\n\n", sep="")
    # nb of model runs
    cat("Model runs: ", nrow(x$X), "\n\n", sep="")
    # R2 HSIC indices
      cat("R2-HSIC indices:", "\n", sep="")
    # HSIC indices
      cat("HSIC indices:", "\n", sep="")
    # first-order HSIC-ANOVA indices 
      cat("First-order HSIC-ANOVA indices:", "\n", sep="")
    # total-order HSIC-ANOVA indices
      cat("Total-order HSIC-ANOVA indices:", "\n", sep="")
    cat("(empty)", "\n\n")

### plot.sensiHSIC #############################################################

plot.sensiHSIC <- function(x, ylim=c(0, 1), ...){
  ### inputs ###
  # x:      1 x 1     list of class sensiHSIC 
  # ylim:   1 x 2     (numeric)     bounds on the y-axis
  nb.stats <- sum(c("S", "FO", "TO") %in% names(x))
    warning("No result is stored in x. \n", call.=TRUE)
    # nb of input variables
    p <- nrow(x$S) 
    ### Preparation ###
    xshift <- 0.15
    yshift <- 0.2
    # minimum and maximum values on the y-axis
    ym <- ylim[1]-yshift
    yM <- ylim[2]+nb.stats*yshift
    # points in the x-axis (to avoid overplot)
    xstart <- xval <- 1:p
    xfinal <- (1:p)+nb.stats*xshift
    # minimum and maximum values on the x-axis
    xm <- xstart[1]
    xM <- xfinal[p]
    # preliminary work for the legend
    cap.S <- "R2-HSIC indices"
    cap.FO <- "First-order HSIC-ANOVA indices"
    cap.TO <- "Total-order HSIC-ANOVA indices"
    marker.S <- 21
    marker.FO <- 22
    marker.TO <- 24
    col.S <- "blue"
    col.FO <- "red"
    col.TO <- "green"
    all.captions <- all.markers <- all.colors <- c()
    ### R2-HSIC indices ###
      nodeplot(x$S, at=xval,
               xlim=c(xm, xM), ylim=c(ym, yM),
               pch=marker.S, bg=col.S)
      xval <- xval+xshift
      all.captions <- c(all.captions, cap.S)
      all.markers <- c(all.markers, marker.S)
      all.colors <- c(all.colors, col.S)
    ### First-order HSIC-ANOVA indices (if available) ###
      nodeplot(x$FO, at=xval,
               xlim=c(xm, xM), ylim=c(ym, yM),
               pch=marker.FO, bg=col.FO,
               add=TRUE, labels=FALSE)
      xval <- xval+xshift
      all.captions <- c(all.captions, cap.FO)
      all.markers <- c(all.markers, marker.FO)
      all.colors <- c(all.colors, col.FO)
    ### Total-order HSIC-ANOVA indices (if available) ###
      nodeplot(x$TO, at=xval,
               xlim=c(xm, xM), ylim=c(ym, yM),
               pch=marker.TO, bg=col.TO,
               add=TRUE, labels=FALSE)
      xval <- xval+xshift
      all.captions <- c(all.captions, cap.TO)
      all.markers <- c(all.markers, marker.TO)
      all.colors <- c(all.colors, col.TO)
    ### Legend ###
    abline(h=0, col="black", lwd=2, lty=2)
    abline(h=1, col="black", lwd=2, lty=2)
    legend("top", legend=all.captions, col="black", pch=all.markers, pt.bg=all.colors)

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