
Defines functions simode_fit

# Fit the parameters of an ODE system using integral-matching
# Implementation of the integral-matching method
# for ordinary differential equations (ode).
# Given a fully observed ode system which is linear in all of its parameters,
# it calculates the integral-matching estimates for the parameters
# (and the initial conditions as well if required).
# @param equations The equations describing the ode system.
# Each equation must be named according to the variable it describes.
# An equation can contain parameters appearing in pars or
# variables appearing in the equations names (character vector).
# @param pars The names of the linear parameters (character vector).
# @param time Time points of the observations. Either a vector,
# if the same time points were used for observing all variables,
# or a list of vectors the length of obs, if different time points
# were used for observing different variables (numeric list/vector).
# @param obs The observations. A list of vectors the length of equations,
# where each list member is the length of the relevant time vector (numeric list)
# @param x0 The initial conditions, if are known. Should have
# the same length and names of equations (numeric vector)
# @param pars_min Lower bounds for the parameter estimates (numeric vector)
# @param pars_max Upper bounds for the parameter estimates (numeric vector)
# @param im_smoothing Type of smoothing to use
# @param im_grid_size Number of points in fitted smoothed curves (numeric)
# @param vars2update Selected variables that need to be updated from the
# last call (numeric vector)
# @param im_fit_prev Returned value from the last call to simode_fit,
# for efficient refitting when given a selected subset of variables
# that need to be updated since the last call (list)
# @return A list which includes the following fields:
#  - theta: the parameter estimates
#  - x0: the initial conditions estimates (or given values if x0 were given)
#  - other internal structures that can be used for reducing
#  the computation time when using the function repetitively during
#  optimization
# @importFrom pracma trapz cumtrapz lsqlincon
# @importFrom stats D smooth.spline predict
# @importFrom glmnet glmnet
# @export

simode_fit <- function(equations, pars, time, obs,
                      x0=NULL, pars_min=NULL, pars_max=NULL,
                      im_grid_size=0, bw_factor=1.5,
                      vars2update=NULL, im_fit_prev=NULL, trace=0)

  eq_names <- names(equations)
  vars <- names(obs)
  equations <- unlist(lapply(equations, function(eq) {
    for (var in vars) {
      eq <- gsub(paste0('\\<', var, '\\>'), paste0('v.',var), eq)
    return (eq)
  vars.org <- vars
  vars <- paste0('v.',vars)
  names(obs) <- vars

  v <- length(vars)
  p <- length(pars)
  d <- length(eq_names)

    time <- rep(list(time),v)
  names(time) <- vars

    pars_min <- NULL
    pars_max <- NULL
  if(!is.null(pars_min))  {
    pars_min[which(is.infinite(pars_min))] <- -1e100
  if(!is.null(pars_max)) {
    pars_max[which(is.infinite(pars_max))] <- 1e100

  if (is.null(x0) || any(is.na(x0))) {
    x0_min <- pars_min[intersect(names(x0),names(pars_min))]
    x0_max <- pars_max[intersect(names(x0),names(pars_max))]
    pars_min <- pars_min[setdiff(names(pars_min),names(x0_min))]
    pars_max <- pars_max[setdiff(names(pars_max),names(x0_max))]

  min_time <- min(unlist(lapply(1:v,function(i) time[[i]][1])))
  max_time <- max(unlist(lapply(1:v,function(i) time[[i]][length(time[[i]])])))

  if(im_smoothing[1] == "kernel") {
    dt <- min(unlist(lapply(1:d,function(i) diff(time[[i]]))))/2
    t <- seq(min_time, max_time, by = dt)
    N <- length(t)
  else {
    if(im_grid_size > 0) {
      N <- im_grid_size
    else {
      N <- max(unlist(lapply(1:d,function(i) length(time[[i]]))))
    dt <- (max_time-min_time)/(N-1)
    t <- seq(min_time, max_time, by = dt)

  im_smooth <- matrix(0,nrow=N,ncol=d)
  Z <- matrix(0,nrow=N,ncol=d)
  G <- list()
  A <- matrix(0, nrow = d, ncol = p)
  B <- matrix(0, nrow = p, ncol = p)

  colnames(im_smooth) <- eq_names
  colnames(Z) <- eq_names
  rownames(A) <- eq_names
  colnames(A) <- pars

  # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # restore data from previous simode est if exists -----------------------------

  vars_selected <- 1:d
  if(!is.null(vars2update) &&
     !pracma::isempty(setdiff(1:d,vars2update)) &&
     !is.null(im_fit_prev)) {


    stopifnot(pracma::isempty(vars2update) || is.numeric(vars2update),

    vars_selected <- vars2update
    im_smooth <- im_fit_prev$im_smooth
    Z <- im_fit_prev$Z
    G <- im_fit_prev$G
    A <- im_fit_prev$A
    B <- im_fit_prev$B
    Q <- im_smooth - Z

  if(!pracma::isempty(vars_selected)) {

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # calculate im_smooth ---------------------------------------------------------

    for(j in 1:d) {
      var <- vars[j]
      if(j %in% vars_selected)
        im_smooth[,j] <- smooth_obs(im_smoothing[1],obs[[var]],time[[var]],t,bw_factor)
      assign(var, im_smooth[,j])
    if(v>d) {
      for(j in (d+1):v) {
        var <- vars[j]
        im_smoothing1 <- im_smoothing[1]
           im_smoothing1 <- im_smoothing[var]
        var_smooth <- smooth_obs(im_smoothing1,obs[[var]],time[[var]],t,bw_factor)
        assign(var, var_smooth)

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # calculate matrix Z of free-terms --------------------------------------------

    for (i in vars_selected){
      eq <- equations[i]
      for (j in pars) {
        eq <- gsub(paste0('\\<', j, '\\>'), "0", eq)
      z <- eval(parse(text=as.expression(eq)))
        z <- rep(z,N)
      Z[,i] <- cumtrapz(z)*dt
    Q <- im_smooth - Z

    if(p==0) {
      G <- lapply(1:d, function(i) { cumtrapz(eval(parse(text=equations[[i]])))*dt } )
      im_fit <- list(x0=x0, vars=vars, pars=pars, N=N,
                     t=t, im_smooth=im_smooth, Z=Z, G=G)

      return (im_fit)

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # calculate matrix G ----------------------------------------------------------

    for (i in vars_selected) {
      eq <- parse(text=equations[i])
      eq.derivs <- sapply(1:p, function(j) D(eq, pars[j]))
      G[[i]] <- sapply(1:p, function(j) {
        u <- eval(eq.derivs[[j]])
          u <- rep(u,N)
    names(G) <- eq_names

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # calculate matrices A and B --------------------------------------------------

    if (is.null(x0) || any(is.na(x0))) {

      for (i in vars_selected) {
        A[i,] <- apply(G[[i]], 2, function(u) {trapz(u)*dt})

      Gtx <- matrix(0, nrow = p, ncol = N)          #p*N matrix
      GtG <- rep(list(matrix(0, nrow=N, ncol=p)),p) #p objects of N*p matrix
      for (k in 1:N){
        g <- matrix(sapply(1:d,function(i) G[[i]][k,]),nrow=p)   #p*d matrix
        gtg <- g%*%t(g)                                          #p*p matrix
        Gtx[,k] <- g%*%(Q[k,])
        for (j in 1:p) {
          GtG[[j]][k,] <- gtg[j,]
      B <- sapply(1:p, function(i)  apply(GtG[[i]], 2, function(u) {trapz(u)*dt}))


  # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # calculate x0 ----------------------------------------------------------------

  if (is.null(x0) || any(is.na(x0))) {
    int1 <- apply(Q, 2, function(u) {trapz(u)*dt})
    int2 <- apply(Gtx, 1, function(u) {trapz(u)*dt})

    x0_est <- NULL
      x0_est <-
        solve(max_time*diag(d) - A%*%solve(B)%*%t(A))%*%(int1 - A%*%solve(B)%*%int2)
      warning = function(w) { return (w) },
      error = function(e) { return (e) }
      return (NULL)

    names(x0_est) <- eq_names
    if(!is.null(x0)) {
      not_na <- which(!is.na(x0))
      x0_est[not_na] <- x0_est[not_na]
    x0 <- x0_est
    x0[names(x0_min)] <- pmax(x0[names(x0_min)],x0_min)
    x0[names(x0_max)] <- pmin(x0[names(x0_max)],x0_max)

    #if(is.null(pars_min) && is.null(pars_max))
    #  theta <- solve(B)%*%(int2 - t(A)%*%x0)

  # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # calculate theta -------------------------------------------------------------

  G_mat <- matrix(0, nrow = (N * d), ncol = p)
  for(i in 1:d) {
    G_mat[(N*(i-1)+1):(N*i),] <- G[[i]]
  x0_mat <- matrix(x0,nrow=N,ncol=d,byrow=TRUE)
  x_vec <- as.vector(matrix(Q-x0_mat,nrow=nrow(Q)*ncol(Q)))

  theta <- NULL
      theta <- lsqlincon(G_mat, x_vec, lb=pars_min, ub=pars_max)
  warning = function(w) { if(trace>2) print(w) },
  error = function(e)   { if(trace>1) print(e) }

  if(is.null(theta)) {
      return (NULL)

  names(theta) <- pars
  im_fit <- list(theta=theta, x0=x0, vars=vars.org, pars=pars, N=N,
                 t=t, im_smooth=im_smooth, Z=Z, G=G, A=A, B=B)

  return (im_fit)

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simode documentation built on July 1, 2020, 10:30 p.m.