
Defines functions genDataDensity genSynthetic genSurv genSpline genOrdCat genMultiFac genMarkov genFormula genFactor genDummy genData

Documented in genData genDataDensity genDummy genFactor genFormula genMarkov genMultiFac genOrdCat genSpline genSurv genSynthetic

#' Calling function to simulate data
#' @param n the number of observations required in the data set.
#' @param dtDefs name of definitions data.table/data.frame. If no definitions
#'  are provided
#' a data set with ids only is generated.
#' @param id The string defining the id of the record. Will override previously
#'  set id name with a warning (unless the old value is 'id'). If the
#' id attribute in dtDefs is NULL will default to 'id'.
#' @param envir Environment the data definitions are evaluated in.
#'  Defaults to [base::parent.frame].
#' @return A data.table that contains the simulated data.
#' @export
#' @md
#' @concept generate_data
#' @examples
#' genData(5)
#' genData(5, id = "grpID")
#' def <- defData(
#'   varname = "xNr", dist = "nonrandom", formula = 7,
#'   id = "idnum"
#' )
#' def <- defData(def,
#'   varname = "xUni", dist = "uniform",
#'   formula = "10;20"
#' )
#' def <- defData(def,
#'   varname = "xNorm", formula = "xNr + xUni * 2",
#'   dist = "normal", variance = 8
#' )
#' def <- defData(def,
#'   varname = "xPois", dist = "poisson",
#'   formula = "xNr - 0.2 * xUni", link = "log"
#' )
#' def <- defData(def,
#'   varname = "xCat", formula = "0.3;0.2;0.5",
#'   dist = "categorical"
#' )
#' def <- defData(def,
#'   varname = "xGamma", dist = "gamma", formula = "5+xCat",
#'   variance = 1, link = "log"
#' )
#' def <- defData(def,
#'   varname = "xBin", dist = "binary", formula = "-3 + xCat",
#'   link = "logit"
#' )
#' def
#' genData(5, def)
genData <- function(n, dtDefs = NULL, id = "id", envir = parent.frame()) {
  assertNotMissing(n = missing(n))
  assertValue(n = n, id = id)
  assertType(id = id, type = "character")
  assertNumeric(n = n)

  if (is.null(dtDefs)) {
    dt <- data.table::data.table(x = 1:n)
    data.table::setnames(dt, id)
    data.table::setkeyv(dt, id)
  } else { # existing definitions
    assertClass(dtDefs = dtDefs, class = "data.table")

    oldId <- attr(dtDefs, "id")
    if (!is.null(oldId) && id != oldId && !missing(id)) {
      if (oldId != "id") {
          var = oldId,
          names = id,
          msg = list(
            "Previously defined 'id'-column found: '{var}'. ",
            "The current specification '{names}' will override it."
    } else {
      id <- oldId %||% id

    dfSimulate <- data.table::data.table(x = 1:n)
    data.table::setnames(dfSimulate, id)
    data.table::setkeyv(dfSimulate, id)
    iter <- nrow(dtDefs) # generate a column of data for each row of dtDefs

    for (i in (1:iter)) {
      dfSimulate <- .generate(
        args = dtDefs[i, ],
        n = n,
        dfSim = dfSimulate,
        idname = id,
        envir = envir

    dt <- data.table::data.table(dfSimulate)
    data.table::setkeyv(dt, id)


#' Create dummy variables from a factor or integer variable
#' @param dtName Data table with column
#' @param varname Name of factor
#' @param sep Character to be used in creating new name for dummy fields.
#' Valid characters include all letters and "_". Will default to ".". If
#' an invalid character is provided, it will be replaced by default.
#' @param replace If replace is set to TRUE (defaults to FALSE) the field
#' referenced varname will be removed.
#' @examples
#' # First example:
#' def <- defData(varname = "cat", formula = ".2;.3;.5", dist = "categorical")
#' def <- defData(def, varname = "x", formula = 5, variance = 2)
#' dx <- genData(200, def)
#' dx
#' dx <- genFactor(dx, "cat", labels = c("one", "two", "three"), replace = TRUE)
#' dx <- genDummy(dx, varname = "fcat", sep = "_")
#' dx
#' # Second example:
#' dx <- genData(15)
#' dx <- trtAssign(dtName = dx, 3, grpName = "arm")
#' dx <- genDummy(dx, varname = "arm")
#' dx
#' @export
#' @concept generate_data
genDummy <- function(dtName, varname, sep = ".", replace = FALSE) {

  # Initial data checks
  assertNotMissing(dtName = missing(dtName), varname = missing(varname))

  # Check if data table exists

  if (!exists(deparse(substitute(dtName)), envir = parent.frame())) {
    c <- condition(c("simstudy::dtNotExist", "error"),
                   "Data Table does not exist!")

  # Check if varname exists
  assertInDataTable(varname, dtName)

  # Check if field is integer or factor

  x <- dtName[, get(varname)]
  if (!(is.integer(x) | is.factor(x))) {
    c <- condition(c("simstudy::notIntegerOrFactor", "error"),
                   "Variable must be a factor or integer")

  if (is.integer(x)) x <- factor(x)

  # if sep is invalid, defaults to "."
  dummy.names <- make.names(paste0(varname, sep, levels(x)))
  nlevels <- length(levels(x))

  # Check to see if new field names exist

  for (i in 1:nlevels) {
    assertNotInDataTable(dummy.names[i], dtName)

  # Create dummies for each level of factor

  dummies <- NULL

  for (i in (1:nlevels)) {
    dummies <- cbind(dummies, as.integer(x == levels(x)[i]))

  dummies <- data.table(dummies)

  setnames(dummies, dummy.names)

  if (replace == TRUE) dtName[, (varname) := NULL]

  return(cbind(dtName, dummies))

#' Create factor variable from an existing (non-double) variable
#' @param dtName Data table with columns.
#' @param varname Name of field(s) to be converted.
#' @param labels Factor level labels. If not provided, the generated factor
#' levels will be used as the labels. Can be a vector (if only one new factor or
#' all factors have the same labels) or a list of character vectors of the same
#' length as varname.
#' @param prefix By default, the new field name will be a concatenation of "f"
#' and the old field name. A prefix string can be provided.
#' @param replace If replace is set to TRUE (defaults to FALSE) the field
#' referenced varname will be removed.
#' @examples
#' # First example:
#' def <- defData(varname = "cat", formula = ".2;.3;.5", dist = "categorical")
#' def <- defData(def, varname = "x", formula = 5, variance = 2)
#' dx <- genData(200, def)
#' dx
#' dx <- genFactor(dx, "cat", labels = c("one", "two", "three"))
#' dx
#' # Second example:
#' dx <- genData(10)
#' dx <- trtAssign(dtName = dx, 2, grpName = "studyArm")
#' dx <- genFactor(dx, varname = "studyArm", labels = c("control", "treatment"), prefix = "t_")
#' dx
#' @export
#' @concept generate_data
genFactor <- function(dtName,
                      labels = NULL,
                      prefix = "f",
                      replace = FALSE) {
  assertNotMissing(dtName = missing(dtName), varname = missing(varname))
  assertValue(dtName = dtName, varname = varname)
  assertClass(dtName = dtName, class = "data.table")
  assertType(varname = varname, type = "character")
  assertUnique(varname = varname)
  assertInDataTable(vars = varname, dt = dtName)
  assertInteger(columns2Convert = dtName[, ..varname])

  ..varname <- NULL
  # Create new field name (check to see if it exists)

  fname <- make.names(glue("{prefix}{varname}"))
  assertNotInDataTable(vars = fname, dt = dtName)

  # Create new column as factor
  if (!is.null(labels)) {
    assertType(labels = labels, type = "character")

    if (is.list(labels)) {
      assertLength(labels = labels, length = length(varname))

      for (i in seq_len(length(varname))) {
        dtName[[fname[i]]] <- factor(dtName[[varname[i]]],
          labels = labels[[i]]
    } else {
      dtName[, (fname) := lapply(.SD, factor, labels = labels),
        .SDcols = varname
  } else {
    dtName[, (fname) := lapply(.SD, factor),
      .SDcols = varname

  if (replace == TRUE) dtName[, (varname) := NULL]


#' @title Generate a linear formula
#' @description Formulas for additive linear models can be generated
#' with specified coefficient values and variable names.
#' @param coefs A vector that contains the values of the
#' coefficients. Coefficients can also be defined as character for use with 
#' double dot notation. If length(coefs) == length(vars), then no intercept
#' is assumed. Otherwise, an intercept is assumed.
#' @param vars A vector of strings that specify the names of the
#' explanatory variables in the equation.
#' @return A string that represents the desired formula
#' @examples
#' genFormula(c(.5, 2, 4), c("A", "B", "C"))
#' genFormula(c(.5, 2, 4), c("A", "B"))
#' genFormula(c(.5, "..x", 4), c("A", "B", "C"))
#' genFormula(c(.5, 2, "..z"), c("A", "B"))
#' changeX <- c(7, 10)
#' genFormula(c(.5, 2, changeX[1]), c("A", "B"))
#' genFormula(c(.5, 2, changeX[2]), c("A", "B"))
#' genFormula(c(.5, 2, changeX[2]), c("A", "B", "C"))
#' newForm <- genFormula(c(-2, 1), c("A"))
#' def1 <- defData(varname = "A", formula = 0, variance = 3, dist = "normal")
#' def1 <- defData(def1, varname = "B", formula = newForm, dist = "binary", link = "logit")
#' set.seed(2001)
#' dt <- genData(500, def1)
#' summary(glm(B ~ A, data = dt, family = binomial))
#' @export
#' @concept generate_data
genFormula <- function(coefs, vars) {
  lcoef <- length(coefs)
  lvars <- length(vars)

  if (!(lcoef == lvars | lcoef == lvars + 1)) {
    c <- condition(c("simstudy::coeffVar", "error"),
                   "Coefficients or variables not properly specified!")
  if (is.character(coefs)) {
    for (cf in coefs) {
      if (suppressWarnings(is.na(as.integer(cf)))) {
        if (substr(cf, start = 1, stop = 2) != "..") {
          c <- condition(c("simstudy::doubleDot", "error"),
                         "non-numerical coefficients must be specified with double dot notation")

  assertType(var1 = vars, type = "character")

  if (lcoef != lvars) { # Intercept

    form <- paste0(coefs[1])
    coefs <- coefs[-1]
  } else { # no intercept

    form <- paste(coefs[1], "*", vars[1])
    coefs <- coefs[-1]
    vars <- vars[-1]

  for (i in 1:(lcoef - 1)) {
    form <- paste(form, "+", coefs[i], "*", vars[i])


#' @title  Generate Markov chain
#' @description Generate a Markov chain for n individuals or units by
#' specifying a transition matrix.
#' @param n number of individual chains to generate
#' @param transMat Square transition matrix where the sum of each row
#' must equal 1. The dimensions of the matrix equal the number of possible
#' states.
#' @param chainLen Length of each chain that will be generated for each
#' chain; minimum chain length is 2.
#' @param wide Logical variable (TRUE or FALSE) indicating whether the
#' resulting data table should be returned in wide or long format. The
#' wide format includes all elements of a chain on a single row; the long
#' format includes each element of a chain in its own row. The default is
#' wide = FALSE, so the long format is returned by default.
#' @param id Character string that represents name of "id" field.
#' Defaults to "id".
#' @param pername Character string that represents the variable name of the
#' chain sequence in the long format. Defaults "period",
#' @param varname Character string that represents the variable name of the
#' state in the long format. Defaults to "state".
#' @param widePrefix Character string that represents the variable name
#' prefix for the state fields in the wide format. Defaults to "S".
#' @param trimvalue Integer value indicating end state. If trimvalue is not NULL,
#' all records after the first instance of state = trimvalue will be deleted.
#' @param startProb A string that contains the probability distribution of the 
#' starting state, separated by a ";". Length of start probabilities must match
#' the number of rows of the transition matrix.
#' @return A data table with n rows if in wide format, or n by chainLen rows
#' if in long format.
#' @examples
#' # Transition matrix P
#' P <- t(matrix(c(
#'   0.7, 0.2, 0.1,
#'   0.5, 0.3, 0.2,
#'   0.0, 0.1, 0.9
#' ), nrow = 3, ncol = 3))
#' d1 <- genMarkov(n = 10, transMat = P, chainLen = 5)
#' d2 <- genMarkov(n = 10, transMat = P, chainLen = 5, wide = TRUE)
#' d3 <- genMarkov(
#'   n = 10, transMat = P, chainLen = 5,
#'   pername = "seq", varname = "health",
#'   trimvalue = 3
#' )
#' @export
#' @concept generate_data
genMarkov <- function(n, transMat, chainLen, wide = FALSE, id = "id",
                      pername = "period", varname = "state",
                      widePrefix = "S", trimvalue = NULL, startProb = NULL) {

  # 'declare' vars created in data.table
  variable <- NULL

  # check transMat is matrix
  if (!is.matrix(transMat)) {
    c <- condition(c("simstudy::typeMatrix", "error"),
                   "transMat is not a matrix!")
  # check transMat is square matrix
  if ((length(dim(transMat)) != 2) |
      (dim(transMat)[1] != dim(transMat)[2])) {
    c <- condition(c("simstudy::squareMatrix", "error"),
                   "transMat is not a square matrix!")
  # check transMat row sums = 1
  if (!all(round(apply(transMat, 1, sum), 5) == 1)) {
    c <- condition(c("simstudy::rowSums1", "error"),
                   "transMat rows do not sum to 1!")
  # check chainLen greater than 1
  if (chainLen <= 1) {
    c <- condition(c("simstudy::chainLen", "error"),
                   "chainLen must be greater than 1!")
  # if startProb defined, check it sums to 1
  if (!is.null(startProb)) {
    s <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(startProb, split = ";")))
    ssum <- sum(s)
    if (ssum != 1) {
      c <- condition(c("simstudy::notEqual", "error"),
                     "startProb must sum to 1!")
  # if startProb defined, check it has length == number of matrix rows
  if (!is.null(startProb)) {
    s <- unlist(strsplit(startProb, split = ";"))
    r <- dim(transMat)[1]
      assertLength(var1 = s, length = r)


  if (!is.null(startProb)) {
    dprob <- defData(varname = "prob", formula = startProb, dist = "categorical")
    dd <- genData(n = n, dprob, id = id)
    dd <- addMarkov(dd, transMat, chainLen, wide, id,
      pername, varname, widePrefix,
      start0lab = "prob",
      trimvalue = trimvalue
    dd$prob <- NULL
  } else {
    dd <- genData(n = n, id = id)
    dd <- addMarkov(dd, transMat, chainLen, wide, id,
                    pername, varname, widePrefix,
                    trimvalue = trimvalue


#' Generate multi-factorial data
#' @param nFactors Number of factors (columns) to generate.
#' @param each Number of replications for each combination of factors. Must be specified.
#' @param levels Vector or scalar. If a vector is specified, it must be
#' the same length as nFatctors. Each value of the vector represents the
#' number of levels of each corresponding factor. If a scalar is specified,
#' each factor will have the same number of levels. The default is 2 levels
#' for each factor.
#' @param coding String value to specify if "dummy" or "effect" coding is used.
#' Defaults to "dummy".
#' @param colNames A vector of strings, with a length of nFactors. The strings
#' represent the name for each factor.
#' @param idName A string that specifies the id of the record. Defaults to "id".
#' @return A data.table that contains the added simulated data. Each column contains
#' an integer.
#' @examples
#' genMultiFac(nFactors = 2, each = 5)
#' genMultiFac(nFactors = 2, each = 4, levels = c(2, 3))
#' genMultiFac(
#'   nFactors = 3, each = 1, coding = "effect",
#'   colNames = c("Fac1", "Fac2", "Fac3"), id = "block"
#' )
#' @export
#' @concept generate_data
genMultiFac <- function(nFactors, each, levels = 2, coding = "dummy", colNames = NULL, idName = "id") {
  # check nFactors are integers
  assertInteger(var1 = nFactors)
  # check length nFactors greater than 2
  if(nFactors < 2) {
    c <- condition(c("simstudy::greaterThan", "error"),
                   "nFactors must be greater than 2!")
  # check number of levels matches factors
  if (length(levels) > 1) {
    assertLength(var1 = levels, length = nFactors)
  # check coding == 'effect' or 'dummy'
  if(!(coding == "effect" | coding == "dummy")) {
    c <- condition(c("simstudy::codingVal", "error"),
                   "coding must equal 'effect' or 'dummy'!")

  x <- list()

  if (all(levels == 2)) {
    if (coding == "effect") {
      opts <- c(-1, 1)
    } else {
      opts <- c(0, 1)

    for (i in 1:nFactors) {
      x[[i]] <- opts
  } else {
    if (length(levels) == 1) levels <- rep(levels, nFactors)

    for (i in 1:nFactors) x[[i]] <- c(1:levels[i])

  dt <- data.table(as.data.frame(lapply(expand.grid(x), function(x) rep(x, each = each))))

  if (!is.null(colNames)) setnames(dt, colNames)

  origNames <- copy(names(dt))

  dt[, (idName) := 1:.N]

  setcolorder(dt, c(idName, origNames))
  setkeyv(dt, idName)


#' @title Generate ordinal categorical data
#' @description Ordinal categorical data is added to an existing data set.
#' Correlations can be added via correlation matrix or `rho` and `corstr`.
#' @param dtName Name of complete data set
#' @param adjVar Adjustment variable  name in dtName - determines
#' logistic shift. This is specified assuming a cumulative logit
#' link.
#' @param baseprobs Baseline probability expressed as a vector or matrix of
#' probabilities. The values (per row) must sum to <= 1. If `rowSums(baseprobs)
#' < 1`, an additional category is added with probability `1 -
#' rowSums(baseprobs)`. The number of rows represents the number of new
#' categorical variables. The number of columns represents the number of
#' possible responses - if an particular category has fewer possible responses,
#' assign zero probability to non-relevant columns.
#' @param catVar Name of the new categorical field. Defaults to "cat". Can be a
#' character vector with a name for each new variable defined via `baseprobs`.
#' Will be overridden by `prefix` if more than one variable is defined and
#' `length(catVar) == 1`.
#' @param asFactor If `asFactor == TRUE` (default), new field is returned
#' as a factor. If `asFactor == FALSE`, new field is returned as an integer.
#' @param idname Name of the id column in `dtName`.
#' @param prefix A string. The names of the new variables will be a
#' concatenation of the prefix and a sequence of integers indicating the
#' variable number.
#' @param rho Correlation coefficient, -1 < rho < 1. Use if corMatrix is not
#' provided.
#' @param corstr Correlation structure of the variance-covariance matrix defined
#' by sigma and rho. Options include "ind" for an independence structure, "cs"
#' for a compound symmetry structure, and "ar1" for an autoregressive structure.
#' @param corMatrix Correlation matrix can be entered directly. It must be
#' symmetrical and positive definite. It is not a required field; if a matrix is
#' not provided, then a structure and correlation coefficient rho must be
#' specified. (The matrix created via `rho` and `corstr` must also be positive
#' definite.)
#' @param npVar Vector of variable names that indicate which variables are to
#' violate the proportionality assumption.
#' @param npAdj Matrix with a row for each npVar and a column for each category.
#' Each value represents the deviation from the proportional odds assumption on
#' the logistic scale.
#' @return Original data.table with added categorical field.
#' @examples
#' # Ordinal Categorical Data ----
#' def1 <- defData(
#'   varname = "male",
#'   formula = 0.45, dist = "binary", id = "idG"
#' )
#' def1 <- defData(def1,
#'   varname = "z",
#'   formula = "1.2*male", dist = "nonrandom"
#' )
#' def1
#' ## Generate data
#' set.seed(20)
#' dx <- genData(1000, def1)
#' probs <- c(0.40, 0.25, 0.15)
#' dx <- genOrdCat(dx,
#'   adjVar = "z", idname = "idG", baseprobs = probs,
#'   catVar = "grp"
#' )
#' dx
#' # Correlated Ordinal Categorical Data ----
#' baseprobs <- matrix(c(
#'   0.2, 0.1, 0.1, 0.6,
#'   0.7, 0.2, 0.1, 0,
#'   0.5, 0.2, 0.3, 0,
#'   0.4, 0.2, 0.4, 0,
#'   0.6, 0.2, 0.2, 0
#' ),
#' nrow = 5, byrow = TRUE
#' )
#' set.seed(333)
#' dT <- genData(1000)
#' dX <- genOrdCat(dT,
#'   adjVar = NULL, baseprobs = baseprobs,
#'   prefix = "q", rho = .125, corstr = "cs", asFactor = FALSE
#' )
#' dX
#' dM <- data.table::melt(dX, id.vars = "id")
#' dProp <- dM[, prop.table(table(value)), by = variable]
#' dProp[, response := c(1:4, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3, 1:3)]
#' data.table::dcast(dProp, variable ~ response,
#'   value.var = "V1", fill = 0
#' )
#' # proportional odds assumption violated
#' d1 <- defData(varname = "rx", formula = "1;1", dist = "trtAssign")
#' d1 <- defData(d1, varname = "z", formula = "0 - 1.2*rx", dist = "nonrandom")
#' dd <- genData(1000, d1)
#' baseprobs <- c(.4, .3, .2, .1)
#' npAdj <- c(0, 1, 0, 0)
#' dn <- genOrdCat(
#'   dtName = dd, adjVar = "z",
#'   baseprobs = baseprobs,
#'   npVar = "rx", npAdj = npAdj
#' )
#' @export
#' @md
#' @concept generate_data
#' @concept categorical
#' @concept correlated
genOrdCat <- function(dtName,
                      adjVar = NULL,
                      catVar = "cat",
                      asFactor = TRUE,
                      idname = "id",
                      prefix = "grp",
                      rho = 0,
                      corstr = "ind",
                      corMatrix = NULL,
                      npVar = NULL,
                      npAdj = NULL) {

  # "declares" to avoid global NOTE
  cat <- NULL
  logisZ <- NULL
  period <- NULL

  assertNotMissing(dtName = missing(dtName), baseprobs = missing(baseprobs))
    dtName = dtName,
    baseprobs = baseprobs,
    catVar = catVar,
    asFactor = asFactor,
    idname = idname,
    prefix = prefix,
    rho = rho,
    corstr = corstr
  assertClass(dtName = dtName, class = "data.table")
  assertClass(rho = rho, class = "numeric")
    catVar = catVar,
    prefix = prefix,
    corstr = corstr,
    idname = idname,
    class = "character"
  assertInDataTable(c(adjVar, idname, npVar), dtName)
  corstr <- ensureOption(
    corstr = corstr,
    options = c("ind", "cs", "ar1"),
    default = "ind"

  baseprobs <- ensureMatrix(baseprobs)
  baseprobs <- .adjustProbs(baseprobs)

  nCats <- nrow(baseprobs)

  ensureLength(catVar = catVar, n = nCats)

  if (!is.null(adjVar)) {
    adjVar <- ensureLength(
      adjVar = adjVar,
      n = nCats, msg = list(
        "Number of categories implied",
        " by baseprobs and adjVar do not match. ",
        "{ dots$names[[1]] } should be",
        " either length 1 or { n } but",
        " is { length(var) }!"

  if (!is.null(npAdj) & is.null(npVar)) {
    mismatchError("npAdj", "npVar")
  } else if (is.null(npAdj) & !is.null(npVar)) {
    mismatchError("npVar", "npAdj")
  } else if (is.null(npAdj) & is.null(npVar)) {
    npAdj <- matrix(rep(0, ncol(baseprobs)), nrow = 1)
  } else if (!is.null(npAdj) & !is.null(npVar)) {
    b_len <- ncol(baseprobs)
    v_len <- length(npVar)

    npAdj <- ensureMatrix(npAdj)

    if (nrow(npAdj) != v_len) {
      msg <- list(
        "Number of rows for npAdj ({nrow(npAdj)})",
        " does not match with the number of",
        " adjustment variables specified",
        " in npVar ({v_len})!"
      stop(do.call(glue, msg))

    if (ncol(npAdj) != b_len) {
      msg <- list(
        "Number of categories implied",
        " by baseprobs and npAdj do not match. ",
        "npAdj should have {b_len}",
        " columns but has { ncol(npAdj) }!"
      stop(do.call(glue, msg))

  if (nCats > 1 && length(catVar) != nCats) {
    catVar <- glue("{prefix}{i}", i = zeroPadInts(1:nCats))

  dt <- copy(dtName)
  n <- nrow(dt)
  zs <- .genQuantU(nCats, n, rho = rho, corstr, corMatrix = corMatrix)
  zs[, logisZ := stats::qlogis(p = zs$Unew)]
  cprop <- t(apply(baseprobs, 1, cumsum))
  quant <- t(apply(cprop, 1, stats::qlogis))

  mycat <- list()

  for (i in 1:nCats) {
    iLogisZ <- zs[period == i - 1, logisZ]
    n_obs_i <- length(iLogisZ)
    matlp <- matrix(rep(quant[i, ], n),
      ncol = ncol(cprop),
      byrow = TRUE

    if (!is.null(adjVar)) {
      z <- dt[, adjVar[i], with = FALSE][[1]]
    } else {
      z <- rep(0, n_obs_i)

    if (!is.null(npVar)) {
      npVar_mat <- as.matrix(dt[, npVar, with = FALSE])
    } else {
      npVar_mat <- matrix(rep(0, n_obs_i))

    npmat <- npVar_mat %*% npAdj # npAdj is #npVAR X
    matlp <- matlp - npmat - z

    if (chkNonIncreasing(matlp)) {
      stop("Overlapping thresholds. Check adjustment values!")

    locateGrp <- (iLogisZ > cbind(-Inf, matlp))
    assignGrp <- apply(locateGrp, 1, sum)
    mycat[[i]] <- data.table(
      id = dt[, idname, with = FALSE][[1]],
      var = catVar[[i]],
      cat = assignGrp

  dcat <- data.table::rbindlist(mycat)
  cats <- data.table::dcast(dcat, id ~ var, value.var = "cat")

  setnames(cats, "id", idname)
  setkeyv(cats, idname)
  dt <- dt[cats]

  if (asFactor) {
    dt <- genFactor(dt, catVar, replace = TRUE)
    data.table::setnames(dt, glue("f{catVar}"), catVar)


#' Generate spline curves
#' @param dt data.table that will be modified
#' @param newvar Name of new variable to be created
#' @param predictor Name of field in old data.table that is predicting new value
#' @param theta A vector or matrix of values between 0 and 1. Each column of the matrix
#' represents the weights/coefficients that will be applied to the basis functions
#' determined by the knots and degree. Each column of theta represents a separate
#' spline curve.
#' @param knots A vector of values between 0 and 1, specifying quantile
#' cut-points for splines. Defaults to c(0.25, 0.50, 0.75).
#' @param degree Integer specifying polynomial degree of curvature.
#' @param newrange Range of the spline function , specified as a string
#' with two values separated by a semi-colon. The first value represents the
#' minimum, and the second value represents the maximum. Defaults to NULL, which
#' sets the range to be between 0 and 1.
#' @param noise.var Add to normally distributed noise to observation - where mean
#' is value of spline curve.
#' @return A modified data.table with an added column named newvar.
#' @examples
#' ddef <- defData(varname = "age", formula = "0;1", dist = "uniform")
#' theta1 <- c(0.1, 0.8, 0.6, 0.4, 0.6, 0.9, 0.9)
#' knots <- c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75)
#' viewSplines(knots = knots, theta = theta1, degree = 3)
#' set.seed(234)
#' dt <- genData(1000, ddef)
#' dt <- genSpline(
#'   dt = dt, newvar = "weight",
#'   predictor = "age", theta = theta1,
#'   knots = knots, degree = 3,
#'   noise.var = .025
#' )
#' dt
#' @export
#' @concept splines
#' @concept generate_data
genSpline <- function(dt, newvar, predictor, theta,
                      knots = c(0.25, 0.50, 0.75), degree = 3,
                      newrange = NULL, noise.var = 0) {

  # "declares" to avoid global NOTE
  y.spline <- NULL

  # Check arguments

    dt = missing(dt), 
    newvar = missing(newvar), 
    predictor = missing(predictor), 
    theta = missing(theta)
  assertClass(dt = dt, class = "data.table")
  assertInDataTable(predictor, dt)
  assertClass(newvar = newvar, class = "character")

  if (!(is.null(newrange))) {
    newrange <- unlist(strsplit(as.character(newrange), split = ";", fixed = TRUE))
    assertLength(newrange = newrange, length = 2)
    newrange <- tryCatch(as.numeric(newrange), warning = function(x) NULL)
    assertClass(newrange = newrange, class = "numeric")

    newmin <- min(newrange)
    newmax <- max(newrange)

  ### All checks passed

  x <- dt[, predictor, with = FALSE][[1]]

  if (!(min(x) >= 0 & max(x) <= 1)) {
    x.normalize <- (x - min(x)) / (max(x) - min(x))
  } else {
    x.normalize <- copy(x)

  qknots <- stats::quantile(x = x.normalize, probs = knots)

  sdata <- .genbasisdt(x.normalize, qknots, degree, theta) # Call internal function

  if (is.null(newrange)) {
    newy <- sdata$dt[, y.spline]
  } else {
    newy <- sdata$dt[, y.spline * (newmax - newmin) + newmin] # de-normalize

  newy <- stats::rnorm(length(newy), newy, sqrt(noise.var)) # add noise

  dt[, newy := newy]
  data.table::setnames(dt, "newy", newvar)


#' @title Generate survival data
#' @description Survival data is added to an existing data set.
#' @param dtName Name of data set
#' @param survDefs Definitions of survival
#' @param digits Number of digits for rounding
#' @param timeName A string to indicate the name of a combined competing risk
#' time-to-event outcome that reflects the minimum observed value of all 
#' time-to-event outcomes. Defaults to NULL, indicating that each time-to-event
#' outcome will be included in dataset.
#' @param censorName The name of a time to event variable that is the censoring
#' variable. Will be ignored if timeName is NULL.
#' @param eventName The name of the new numeric/integer column representing the
#' competing event outcomes. If censorName is specified, the integer value for
#' that event will be 0. Defaults to "event", but will be ignored 
#' if timeName is NULL.
#' @param typeName The name of the new character column that will indicate the
#' event type. The type will be the unique variable names in survDefs. Defaults
#' to "type", but will be ignored if timeName is NULL.
#' @param keepEvents Indicator to retain original "events" columns. Defaults
#' to FALSE.
#' @param idName Name of id field in existing data set.
#' @param envir Optional environment, defaults to current calling environment.
#' @return Original data table with survival time
#' @examples
#' # Baseline data definitions
#' def <- defData(varname = "x1", formula = .5, dist = "binary")
#' def <- defData(def, varname = "x2", formula = .5, dist = "binary")
#' def <- defData(def, varname = "grp", formula = .5, dist = "binary")
#' # Survival data definitions
#' sdef <- defSurv(
#'   varname = "survTime", formula = "1.5*x1",
#'   scale = "grp*50 + (1-grp)*25", shape = "grp*1 + (1-grp)*1.5"
#' )
#' sdef <- defSurv(sdef, varname = "censorTime", scale = 80, shape = 1)
#' sdef
#' # Baseline data definitions
#' dtSurv <- genData(300, def)
#' # Add survival times
#' dtSurv <- genSurv(dtSurv, sdef)
#' head(dtSurv)
#' @export
#' @concept generate_data
# source: Bender, Augustin, & Blettner, Generating survival times to simulate Cox
# proportional hazard models, SIM, 2005;24;1713-1723.
genSurv <- function(dtName, survDefs, digits = 3, 
  timeName = NULL, censorName = NULL, eventName = "event", 
  typeName = "type", keepEvents = FALSE, idName = "id", envir = parent.frame()) {
  # For double-dot notation
    dtName = missing(dtName),
    survDefs = missing(survDefs),
    call = sys.call(-1)
    dtName = dtName, 
    survDefs = survDefs, 
    class = "data.table",
    call = sys.call(-1)
  events <- unique(survDefs$varname)
  assertNotInDataTable(events, dtName)
  assertClass(digits = digits, class="numeric")
  assertLength(digits = digits, length = 1, call = sys.call(-1))
  assertInDataTable(idName, dtName)

  # 'declare
  varname <- NULL
  formula <- NULL
  N <- NULL
  V1 <- NULL 
  event  <- NULL
  survx  <- NULL
  time  <- NULL
  type <- NULL
  id <- NULL
  dtSurv <- copy(dtName)
  setnames(dtSurv, idName, "id")
  for (i in (seq_along(events))) {
    nlogu <- -log(stats::runif(nrow(dtSurv), min = 0, max = 1))
    subDef <- survDefs[varname == events[i]]

    formshape <- subDef[1, shape]
    shape <- as.vector(.evalWith(formshape, .parseDotVars(formshape,  envir = parent.frame()), dtSurv, envir = envir))

    formscale <- subDef[1, scale]
    scale <- as.vector(.evalWith(formscale, .parseDotVars(formscale, envir = parent.frame()), dtSurv, envir = envir))
    formulas <- subDef[, formula]
    form1 <- as.vector(.evalWith(formulas[1], .parseDotVars(formulas[1], envir = parent.frame()), dtSurv, envir = envir))
    if (nrow(subDef) > 1) {
      if (subDef[2, shape] != subDef[1, shape]) {
        warning("Shape definitions over periods are different. Only first definition will be used.")
      if (subDef[2, scale] != subDef[1, scale]) {
        warning("Scale definitions over periods are different. Only first definition will be used.")
      transition <- subDef[2, transition]
      t_adj <- transition ^ (1/shape)
      form2 <- as.vector(.evalWith(formulas[2], .parseDotVars(formulas[2], envir = parent.frame()), dtSurv, envir = envir))
      threshold <- exp(form1) * t_adj
      period <- 1*(nlogu < threshold) + 2*(nlogu >= threshold)
      tempdt <- data.table(nlogu, form1, form2, period, shape, scale, t_adj)
      tempdt[period == 1, survx := (nlogu/((1/scale)*exp(form1)))^shape]
      tempdt[period == 2, survx := ((nlogu - (1/scale)*exp(form1)*t_adj + (1/scale)*exp(form2)*t_adj)/((1/scale)*exp(form2)))^shape]
      newColumn <- tempdt[, list(survx = round(survx, digits))]
    } else {
      tempdt <- data.table(nlogu, form1)
      newColumn <-  
        tempdt[, list(survx = round((nlogu/((1/scale)*exp(form1)))^shape, digits))]

    dtSurv <- data.table::data.table(dtSurv, newColumn)
    data.table::setnames(dtSurv, "survx", as.character(subDef[1, varname]))
  if (!is.null(timeName)) {
    dtSurv <- addCompRisk(dtSurv, events, timeName, censorName, 
      eventName, typeName, keepEvents)
  setnames(dtSurv, "id", idName)

#' @title Generate synthetic data 
#' @description Synthetic data is generated from an existing data set
#' @param dtFrom Data table that contains the source data
#' @param n Number of samples to draw from the source data. The default
#' is number of records that are in the source data file.
#' @param vars A vector of string names specifying the fields that will be
#' sampled. The default is that all variables will be selected.
#' @param id A string specifying the field that serves as the record id. The
#' default field is "id".
#' @return A data table with the generated data
#' @examples
#' ### Create fake "real" data set
#' d <- defData(varname = "a", formula = 3, variance = 1, dist = "normal")
#' d <- defData(d, varname = "b", formula = 5, dist = "poisson")
#' d <- defData(d, varname = "c", formula = 0.3, dist = "binary")
#' d <- defData(d, varname = "d", formula = "a + b + 3*c", variance = 2, dist = "normal")
#' A <- genData(100, d, id = "index")
#' ### Create synthetic data set from "observed" data set A:
#' def <- defDataAdd(varname = "x", formula = "2*b + 2*d", variance = 2)
#' S <- genSynthetic(dtFrom = A, n = 120, vars = c("b", "d"), id = "index")
#' S <- addColumns(def, S)
#' @export
#' @concept generate_data

genSynthetic <- function(dtFrom, n = nrow(dtFrom),  
  vars = NULL, id = "id") {
    dtFrom = missing(dtFrom),
    call = sys.call(-1)
    dtFrom = dtFrom, 
    class = "data.table",
    call = sys.call(-1)
  if (is.null(vars)) { vars <- names(dtFrom)[names(dtFrom) != id] }

    vars= vars,
    id = id,
    class = "character",
    call = sys.call(-1)
  assertInteger(n = n)
  assertInDataTable(vars = vars, dt = dtFrom)
  assertInDataTable(vars = id, dt = dtFrom)
  assertNotInVector(id, vars)
  dx <- copy(dtFrom)
  getVars <- c(id, vars)
  dx <- dx[, getVars, with = FALSE]  
  setnames(dx, id, "id")
  ids <- dx[, sample(id, n, replace = TRUE)]
  dx <- dx[ids]
  dx[, id := 1:n]
  setnames(dx, "id", id)

#' @title Generate data from a density defined by a vector of integers
#' @description Data are generated from an a density defined by a vector of integers
#' @param n Number of samples to draw from the density.
#' @param dataDist Vector that defines the desired density
#' @param varname Name of variable name
#' @param uselimits Indicator to use minimum and maximum of input data vector as 
#' limits for sampling. Defaults to FALSE, in which case a smoothed density that
#' extends beyond the limits is used.
#' @param id A string specifying the field that serves as the record id. The
#' default field is "id".
#' @return A data table with the generated data
#' @examples
#' data_dist <- data_dist <- c(1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10)
#' genDataDensity(500, data_dist, varname = "x1", id = "id")
#' genDataDensity(500, data_dist, varname = "x1", uselimits = TRUE, id = "id")
#' @export
#' @concept generate_data

genDataDensity <- function(n, dataDist, varname, uselimits = FALSE, id = "id") {
  assertNotMissing(n = missing(n), dataDist = missing(dataDist), varname = missing(varname))
  dataDist <- round(dataDist, 0)

  .dd <- genData(n, id = id)
  addDataDensity(.dd, dataDist, varname, uselimits)[]

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