
Defines functions steadyStateAbundance createGenes createRegulatoryNetwork createMultiOmicNetwork createEmptyMultiOmicNetwork createInSilicoSystem addGene addComplex removeComplex addEdge removeEdge getGRN plotGRNlegend plotGRN

Documented in addComplex addEdge addGene createEmptyMultiOmicNetwork createGenes createInSilicoSystem createMultiOmicNetwork createRegulatoryNetwork getGRN plotGRN removeComplex removeEdge steadyStateAbundance

#' Computes the steady state abundance of a molecule.
#' Computes the steady state abundance of the active product of a gene/regulatory complex (in absence of any regulation).
#' If \code{id} represents a gene ID, returns the steady state abundance of its RNA (transcription rate/RNA decay rate)
#' if it is a noncoding gene or the steady state abundance of its protein (RNA steady state * translation rate/protein decay rate)
#' if it is a protein-coding gene. If \code{id} represents a regulatory complex, returns the minimum of the steady state abundance
#' of its components (recursively if the regulatory complex is composed of other regulatory complexes).
#' @param id the ID of the molecule.
#' @param genes the data frame of genes in the in silico system.
#' @param complexes the list of regulatory complexes and their composition.
#' @param ploidy the ploidy of the system.
#' @return The steady state abundance of the active product of the gene/regulatory complex.
steadyStateAbundance = function(id, genes, complexes, ploidy){
  if(stringr::str_detect(id, "^\\d+$")){ ## if id is a gene ID
    g = as.numeric(id)
    RNAss = ploidy * genes$TCrate[g]/genes$RDrate[g]
    ifelse(genes$coding[g] == "PC", RNAss * genes$TLrate[g]/genes$PDrate[g], RNAss)
  }else{ ## if id represents a regulatory complex
    return(min(sapply(complexes[[id]], steadyStateAbundance, genes, complexes, ploidy)))


#' Creates genes for the in silico system.
#' Generates the genes in the system and their attributes, according to the user parameters.
#' @param sysargs An object of class \code{\link{insilicosystemargs}} (i.e. a list with parameters for in silico system generation).
#' @return A data frame of in silico genes. Attributes:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{id}: Integer, ID of the genes;
#' \item \code{coding}: coding status of the genes (either "PC" for protein-coding or "NC" for noncoding). Sampled according to the parameter \code{PC.p} in \code{sysargs};
#' \item \code{TargetReaction}: the biological function of the genes ("TC": transcription regulator, "TL": translation regulator, "RD": RNA decay
#' regulator, "PD": protein decay regulator, "PTM": post-translational modification regulator, "MR": metabolic enzyme). Sampled according to the parameters \code{PC.TC.p}, etc for protein-coding genes or \code{NC.TC.p}, etc for noncoding genes, in \code{sysargs};
#' \item \code{PTMform}: Does the gene have a PTM form? "0" or "1" (here all "0", PTM form will be assigned later);
#' \item \code{Active form}: what is the active form of the gene? "R" for noncoding genes, "P" for protein-coding genes,
#' "Pm" for protein-coding genes with a PTM form;
#' \item \code{TCrate}: transcription rate of the genes. Sampled according to the parameter
#' \code{basal_transcription_rate_samplingfct} in \code{sysargs};
#' \item \code{TLrate}: translation rate of the genes. Sampled according to the parameter
#' \code{basal_translation_rate_samplingfct} in \code{sysargs} (0 for noncoding genes);
#' \item \code{RDrate}: RNA decay rate of the genes. Sampled according to the parameter
#' \code{basal_RNAlifetime_rate_samplingfct} in \code{sysargs};
#' \item \code{PDrate}: Protein decay rate of the genes. Sampled according to the parameter
#' \code{basal_protlifetime_rate_samplingfct} in \code{sysargs} (0 for noncoding genes).
#' }
#' @examples
#' createGenes(insilicosystemargs(G = 5))
#' @export
createGenes = function(sysargs){

  genes = data.frame("id" = 1:sysargs[["G"]], "coding" = rep("", sysargs[["G"]]), "TargetReaction" = rep("", sysargs[["G"]]),  "PTMform" = rep("0", sysargs[["G"]]), "ActiveForm" = rep("", sysargs[["G"]]),
                   "TCrate" = rep(0,sysargs[["G"]]), "TLrate" = rep(0,sysargs[["G"]]), "RDrate" = rep(0,sysargs[["G"]]), "PDrate" = rep(0,sysargs[["G"]]), stringsAsFactors = F)
  rownames(genes) = genes$id

  ## Deciding gene status
  genes$coding = sample(c("PC", "NC"), sysargs[["G"]], prob = c(sysargs[["PC.p"]], sysargs[["NC.p"]]), replace = T)

  ## Deciding gene function (reaction to be regulated)
  genes$TargetReaction[genes$coding == "PC"] = sample(c("TC", "TL", "RD", "PD", "PTM", "MR"), sum(genes$coding == "PC"), prob = c(sysargs[["PC.TC.p"]], sysargs[["PC.TL.p"]], sysargs[["PC.RD.p"]], sysargs[["PC.PD.p"]], sysargs[["PC.PTM.p"]], sysargs[["PC.MR.p"]]), replace = T)
  genes$TargetReaction[genes$coding == "NC"] = sample(c("TC", "TL", "RD", "PD", "PTM"), sum(genes$coding == "NC"), prob = c(sysargs[["NC.TC.p"]], sysargs[["NC.TL.p"]], sysargs[["NC.RD.p"]], sysargs[["NC.PD.p"]], sysargs[["NC.PTM.p"]]), replace = T)

  ## In genes, state what is the active form of each gene, i.e. which form (i.e. RNA, protein, activated protein) is performing the regulation
  genes$ActiveForm[genes$coding == "NC"] = "R" ## noncoding genes act through their RNA
  genes$ActiveForm[genes$coding == "PC"] = "P" ## protein-coding genes act through their protein
#  genes$ActiveForm = sapply(1:nrow(genes), function(x){paste0(genes$ActiveForm[x], genes$id[x])})

  ## Sample the kinetic parameters of the genes

  ## Transcription rate: applicable to all genes
  genes$TCrate = sysargs[["basal_transcription_rate_samplingfct"]](sysargs[["G"]])

  ## RNA decay rate: applicable to all genes
  ## Sample the lifetime, the decay rate is defined as 1/lifetime
  genes$RDrate = 1/sysargs[["basal_RNAlifetime_samplingfct"]](sysargs[["G"]])

  ## Translation rate: applicable to protein-coding genes
  genes$TLrate[genes$coding == "PC"] = sysargs[["basal_translation_rate_samplingfct"]](sum(genes$coding == "PC"))

  ## Protein coding rate: applicable to protein-coding genes
  genes$PDrate[genes$coding == "PC"] = 1/sysargs[["basal_protlifetime_samplingfct"]](sum(genes$coding == "PC"))


#' Creates an in silico regulatory network.
#' Creates an in silico regulatory network given a list of regulators and targets.
#' @param regsList A named list of length 2. Element "PC" (resp."NC") is a vector of gene IDs of the protein-coding (resp. noncoding) regulators
#' for the network.
#' @param tarsList A named list of length 2. Element "PC" (resp."NC") is a vector of gene IDs of the potential targets of the protein-coding (resp. noncoding)
#' regulators.
#' @param reaction String. The ID of the reaction targeted by the interactions ("TC", "TL", "RD", "PD" or "PTM").
#' @param sysargs An object of class \code{\link{insilicosystemargs}} (i.e. a list with parameters for in silico system generation).
#' @param ev A Julia evaluator (for the XRJulia package). If none provided select the current evaluator or create one if no evaluator exists.
#' @return A list of two elements:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{edg}: a data-frame of edges of the network with the following variables:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{from}: gene ID of the regulator, as a character;
#' \item \code{to}: gene ID of the target, as an integer;
#' \item \code{TargetReaction}: the ID of the reaction (as given by \code{reaction});
#' \item \code{RegSign}: The sign of the reaction ("1" or "-1");
#' \item \code{RegBy}: Is the regulator a protein-coding gene ("PC"), a noncoding gene ("NC") or a complex ("C")?
#' }
#' \item \code{complexes}: a list of complexes composition (each element is named with the complex ID, the components are given as gene IDs).
#' \item \code{complexesTargetReaction}: a list defining which expression step the different regulatory complexes target (each element is named with the complex ID, the targeted reaction are given with a reaction ID, e.g. "TC" for transcription).
#' }
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' ## We want to create a small transcription regulatory network
#' ## In this example, genes 1 and 2 are protein-coding regulators (say transcription factors),
#' ## gene 3 is a noncoding regulator (say an miRNA), and genes 4-6 are the genes to be regulated
#' ## (all protein-coding, e.g. all encoding enzymes)
#' createRegulatoryNetwork(regsList = list("PC" = c(1:2), "NC" = c(3)),
#'      tarsList = list("PC" = c(4:6), "NC" = integer(0)), reaction = "TC",
#'      sysargs = insilicosystemargs(G = 6))
#' }
#' @export
createRegulatoryNetwork = function(regsList, tarsList, reaction, sysargs, ev = getJuliaEvaluator()){

  ## Call the julia function nwgeneration to generate the regulatory network
  juliaedg = juliaGet(juliaCall("juliaCreateNetwork", reaction, regsList[["PC"]], tarsList[["PC"]], sysargs[[paste(reaction, "PC", "indeg.distr", sep = ".")]],
                             sysargs[[paste(reaction, "PC", "outdeg.distr", sep = ".")]], sysargs[[paste(reaction, "PC", "outdeg.exp", sep = ".")]],
                             sysargs[[paste(reaction, "PC", "autoregproba", sep = ".")]], sysargs[[paste(reaction, "PC", "twonodesloop", sep = ".")]],
                             regsList[["NC"]], tarsList[["NC"]], sysargs[[paste(reaction, "NC", "indeg.distr", sep = ".")]],
                             sysargs[[paste(reaction, "NC", "outdeg.distr", sep = ".")]], sysargs[[paste(reaction, "NC", "outdeg.exp", sep = ".")]],
                             sysargs[[paste(reaction, "NC", "autoregproba", sep = ".")]], sysargs[[paste(reaction, "NC", "twonodesloop", sep = ".")]],
                             sysargs[["regcomplexes"]], sysargs[["regcomplexes.size"]], sysargs[["regcomplexes.p"]],
                             evaluator = ev), evaluator = ev)

  if(nrow(juliaedg$edg) == 0){
    edg = data.frame("from" = character(), "to" = character(), "TargetReaction" = character(), "RegSign" = character(), "RegBy" = character(), stringsAsFactors = F)
  } else{
    edg = data.frame("from" = sapply(unlist(juliaedg$edg[,1]), toString), "to" = sapply(unlist(juliaedg$edg[,2]), toString), "TargetReaction" = rep(reaction, nrow(juliaedg$edg)), "RegSign" = rep("", nrow(juliaedg$edg)), "RegBy" = unlist(juliaedg$edg[,3]), stringsAsFactors = F)

    ## Sample the sign of the edges
    if(reaction == "PTM"){ ## we want to make sure that for each gene targeted by PTM regulation at least one edge is positive (i.e. the target
                           ## gets transformed into its modified form)
      realtars = unique(edg$to) ## gives the id of target genes in the constructed network
      tarsedg = lapply(realtars, function(x){which(edg$to == x)}) ## for each target gene returns the rows id of juliaedg$edg corresponding to regulatory edges targeting the gene
      tarsedgpos = sapply(tarsedg, function(x){x[1]}) ## for each target gene returns the row id corresponding to its 1st regulatory edge
      tarsedgother = unlist(sapply(tarsedg, function(x){x[-1]})) ## for each target gene returns the row ids of the next (if existing) regulatory edges

      edg$RegSign[tarsedgpos] = "1" ## for each target gene, the first regulatory edge is positive, meaning that the regulator turns the protein into its modified form
      if(length(tarsedgother) != 0) edg$RegSign[tarsedgother] = sample(c("1","-1"), length(tarsedgother), prob = c(sysargs[["PTM.pos.p"]], 1 - sysargs[["PTM.pos.p"]]), replace = T)

      edg$RegSign = sample(c("1","-1"), nrow(edg), prob = c(sysargs[[paste(reaction, "pos.p", sep = ".")]], 1 - sysargs[[paste(reaction, "pos.p", sep = ".")]]), replace = T)
    edg = edg[order(edg$to),]

  rownames(edg) = NULL
  complexes = lapply(juliaedg$complexes, unlist)
  complexes = lapply(complexes, as.character)
  complexesTargetReaction = as.list(rep(reaction, length(complexes)))
  names(complexesTargetReaction) = names(complexes)
  return(list("edg" = edg, "complexes" = complexes, "complexesTargetReaction" = complexesTargetReaction))

#' Creates an in silico system.
#' Creates an in silico system from a data-frame of genes in the system.
#' @param genes A data-frame of the genes existing in the system (see \code{\link{createGenes}}).
#' @param sysargs An object of class \code{\link{insilicosystemargs}} (i.e. a list with parameters for in silico system generation).
#' @param ev A Julia evaluator. If none provided select the current evaluator or create one if no evaluator exists.
#' @return An in silico system, that is a list of:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{genes}: the modified data-frame of genes;
#' \item \code{edg}: A data-frame of edges in the regulatory network of the system (1 row = 1 edge). It contains the following parameters:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{from}: gene ID of the edge origin (character).
#' \item \code{to}: gene ID of edge destination (character).
#' \item \code{TargetReaction}: Type of regulation (ID of the controlled reaction: "TC", "TL", "RD", "PD" or "PTM").
#' \item \code{RegSign}: Sign of the reaction ("1" for positive regulation, "-1" for negative regulation).
#' \item \code{RegBy}: Type of the regulator: "PC" for protein-coding regulation, "NC" for noncoding regulator,
#' "C" for regulatory complex.
#' }
#' \item \code{mosystem}: A list of the different regulatory networks (each corresponding to a different type of regulation) in the system and associated information. Elements are \code{TCRN_edg}, \code{TLRN_edg}, \code{RDRN_edg}, \code{PDRN_edg} and \code{PTMRN_edg}: data-frames of edges for the different
#' regulatory networks, which in addition to the usual fields in the edg data frame, contain columns for kinetic parameters of the
#' regulation.
#' \item \code{complexes}: a list of regulatory complexes composition. The names of the elements are the IDs of the complexes, and the
#' values are vectors of gene IDs constituting each regulatory complex.
#' \item \code{complexeskinetics}: a list of regulatory complexes kinetic parameters.
#' \item \code{complexesTargetReaction}: a list defining which expression step is targeted by each regulatory complex.
#' }
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' mysysargs = insilicosystemargs(G = 5)
#' mygenes = createGenes(mysysargs)
#' mynetwork = createMultiOmicNetwork(mygenes, mysysargs)
#' }
#' @export
createMultiOmicNetwork = function(genes, sysargs, ev = getJuliaEvaluator()){

  complexes = list()
  complexesTargetReaction = list()

  ## Define transcription regulatory network (TCRN) ----

  ## Identify transcription regulators in the system
  PCreg_id = genes$id[genes$coding == "PC" & genes$TargetReaction == "TC"] ## protein-coding regulators
  NCreg_id = genes$id[genes$coding == "NC" & genes$TargetReaction == "TC"] ## noncoding regulators

  ## Identify targets of transcription regulators in the system - here any gene
  PCtarget_id = genes$id
  NCtarget_id = genes$id
#  NCtarget_id = genes$id[genes$coding == "PC"]

  ## Construct the regulatory network
  TCRN = createRegulatoryNetwork(regsList = list("PC" = PCreg_id, "NC" = NCreg_id),
                                 tarsList = list("PC" = PCtarget_id, "NC" = NCtarget_id),
                                 reaction = "TC", sysargs = sysargs, ev = ev)
  TCRN_edg = TCRN[["edg"]]
  complexes = c(complexes, TCRN[["complexes"]])
  complexesTargetReaction = c(complexesTargetReaction, TCRN[["complexesTargetReaction"]])

  ## Sample the kinetic parameters of each regulatory interaction
  ##    Kinetic parameters for transcription regulation include the binding and unbinding rate of regulators to gene promoter,
  ##    and the fold change induced on transcription rate by a regulator bound to the promoter

  sampledunbindingrates = sysargs[["TCunbindingrate_samplingfct"]](nrow(TCRN_edg))
  steadystateregs = sapply(TCRN_edg$from, steadyStateAbundance, genes, complexes, sysargs$ploidy)
  if(nrow(TCRN_edg) > 0){
    meansbindingrates = sampledunbindingrates/steadystateregs
    sampledbindingrates = sysargs[["TCbindingrate_samplingfct"]](meansbindingrates)
    sampledbindingrates = numeric(0)

  TCRN_edg = data.frame(TCRN_edg, "TCbindingrate" = sampledbindingrates,
                                  "TCunbindingrate" = sampledunbindingrates,
                                  "TCfoldchange" = rep(0, nrow(TCRN_edg)), stringsAsFactors = F)
  TCRN_edg$TCfoldchange[TCRN_edg$RegSign == "1"] = sysargs[["TCfoldchange_samplingfct"]](sum(TCRN_edg$RegSign == "1"))  ## Repressors induce a fold change of 0

  ## Define translation regulatory network (TLRN) ----

  ## Identify translation regulators in the system
  PCreg_id = genes$id[genes$coding == "PC" & genes$TargetReaction == "TL"] ## protein-coding regulators
  NCreg_id = genes$id[genes$coding == "NC" & genes$TargetReaction == "TL"] ## noncoding regulators

  ## Identify targets of translation regulators in the system - here any protein-coding gene
  PCtarget_id = genes$id[genes$coding == "PC"]
  NCtarget_id = genes$id[genes$coding == "PC"]

  ## Construct the regulatory network
  TLRN = createRegulatoryNetwork(regsList = list("PC" = PCreg_id, "NC" = NCreg_id),
                                 tarsList = list("PC" = PCtarget_id, "NC" = NCtarget_id),
                                 reaction = "TL", sysargs = sysargs, ev = ev)
  TLRN_edg = TLRN[["edg"]]
  complexes = c(complexes, TLRN[["complexes"]])
  complexesTargetReaction = c(complexesTargetReaction, TLRN[["complexesTargetReaction"]])

  ## Sample the kinetic parameters of each regulatory interaction
  ##    Kinetic parameters for translation regulation include the binding and unbinding rate of regulators to gene promoter,
  ##    and the fold change induced on translation rate by a regulator bound to the promoter
  sampledunbindingrates = sysargs[["TLunbindingrate_samplingfct"]](nrow(TLRN_edg))
  steadystateregs = sapply(TLRN_edg$from, steadyStateAbundance, genes, complexes, sysargs$ploidy)
  if(nrow(TLRN_edg) > 0){
    meansbindingrates = sampledunbindingrates/steadystateregs
    sampledbindingrates = sysargs[["TLbindingrate_samplingfct"]](meansbindingrates)
    sampledbindingrates = numeric(0)
  TLRN_edg = data.frame(TLRN_edg, "TLbindingrate" = sampledbindingrates,
                        "TLunbindingrate" = sampledunbindingrates,
                        "TLfoldchange" = rep(0, nrow(TLRN_edg)), stringsAsFactors = F)
  TLRN_edg$TLfoldchange[TLRN_edg$RegSign == "1"] = sysargs[["TLfoldchange_samplingfct"]](sum(TLRN_edg$RegSign == "1"))  ## Repressors induce a fold change of 0

  ## Define RNA decay regulatory network (RDRN) ----

  ## Identify RNA decay regulators in the system
  PCreg_id = genes$id[genes$coding == "PC" & genes$TargetReaction == "RD"] ## protein-coding regulators
  NCreg_id = genes$id[genes$coding == "NC" & genes$TargetReaction == "RD"] ## noncoding regulators

  ## Identify targets of RNA decay regulators in the system - here any gene
  PCtarget_id = genes$id
  NCtarget_id = genes$id

  ## Construct the regulatory network
  RDRN = createRegulatoryNetwork(regsList = list("PC" = PCreg_id, "NC" = NCreg_id),
                                 tarsList = list("PC" = PCtarget_id, "NC" = NCtarget_id),
                                 reaction = "RD", sysargs = sysargs, ev = ev)
  RDRN_edg = RDRN[["edg"]]
  complexes = c(complexes, RDRN[["complexes"]])
  complexesTargetReaction = c(complexesTargetReaction, RDRN[["complexesTargetReaction"]])

  ## Sample the kinetic parameters of each regulatory interaction
  ##    Kinetic parameter for RNA decay regulation is the decay rate induced by the regulators
  RDRN_edg = data.frame(RDRN_edg, "RDregrate" = sysargs[["RDregrate_samplingfct"]](nrow(RDRN_edg)), stringsAsFactors = F)

  ## Define protein decay regulatory network (PDRN) ----

  ## Identify protein decay regulators in the system
  PCreg_id = genes$id[genes$coding == "PC" & genes$TargetReaction == "PD"] ## protein-coding regulators
  NCreg_id = genes$id[genes$coding == "NC" & genes$TargetReaction == "PD"] ## noncoding regulators

  ## Identify targets of protein decay regulators in the system - here any protein-coding gene
  PCtarget_id = genes$id[genes$coding == "PC"]
  NCtarget_id = genes$id[genes$coding == "PC"]

  ## Construct the regulatory network
  PDRN = createRegulatoryNetwork(regsList = list("PC" = PCreg_id, "NC" = NCreg_id),
                                 tarsList = list("PC" = PCtarget_id, "NC" = NCtarget_id),
                                 reaction = "PD", sysargs = sysargs, ev = ev)
  PDRN_edg = PDRN[["edg"]]
  complexes = c(complexes, PDRN[["complexes"]])
  complexesTargetReaction = c(complexesTargetReaction, PDRN[["complexesTargetReaction"]])

  ## Sample the kinetic parameters of each regulatory interaction
  ##    Kinetic parameter for protein decay regulation is the decay rate induced by the regulators
  PDRN_edg = data.frame(PDRN_edg, "PDregrate" = sysargs[["PDregrate_samplingfct"]](nrow(PDRN_edg)), stringsAsFactors = F)

  ## Define protein post-translational modification regulatory network (PTMRN) ----

  ## Identify protein post-translational modification regulators in the system
  PCreg_id = genes$id[genes$coding == "PC" & genes$TargetReaction == "PTM"] ## protein-coding regulators
  NCreg_id = genes$id[genes$coding == "NC" & genes$TargetReaction == "PTM"] ## noncoding regulators

  ## Identify targets of protein post-translational modification in the system - here any protein-coding gene
  PCtarget_id = genes$id[genes$coding == "PC"]
  NCtarget_id = genes$id[genes$coding == "PC"]

  ## Construct the regulatory network
  PTMRN = createRegulatoryNetwork(regsList = list("PC" = PCreg_id, "NC" = NCreg_id),
                                 tarsList = list("PC" = PCtarget_id, "NC" = NCtarget_id),
                                 reaction = "PTM", sysargs = sysargs, ev = ev)
  PTMRN_edg = PTMRN[["edg"]]
  complexes = c(complexes, PTMRN[["complexes"]])
  complexesTargetReaction = c(complexesTargetReaction, PTMRN[["complexesTargetReaction"]])

  ## Sample the kinetic parameters of each regulatory interaction
  ##    Kinetic parameter for protein post-translational modification regulation is the decay rate induced by the regulators
  PTMRN_edg = data.frame(PTMRN_edg, "PTMregrate" = sysargs[["PTMregrate_samplingfct"]](nrow(PTMRN_edg)), stringsAsFactors = F)

  ## Uptade the PTM status of genes ----
  PTMtargets = unique(PTMRN_edg$to)
  genes[PTMtargets, "PTMform"] = "1"
  genes[PTMtargets, "ActiveForm"] = "Pm"
  genes$ActiveForm = sapply(1:nrow(genes), function(x){paste0(genes$ActiveForm[x], genes$id[x])})

  ## Define regulatory complexes kinetic parameters ----

  complexeskinetics = list()
    formrates = sysargs[["complexesformationrate_samplingfct"]](length(complexes))
    dissrates = sysargs[["complexesdissociationrate_samplingfct"]](length(complexes))
    for(c in 1:length(complexes)){
      complexeskinetics[[names(complexes)[c]]] = list("formationrate" = formrates[c], "dissociationrate" = dissrates[c])

  ## Return the in silico system ----

  edg = do.call(rbind, list(TCRN_edg[, c("from", "to", "TargetReaction", "RegSign", "RegBy")],
                            TLRN_edg[, c("from", "to", "TargetReaction", "RegSign", "RegBy")],
                            RDRN_edg[, c("from", "to", "TargetReaction", "RegSign", "RegBy")],
                            PDRN_edg[, c("from", "to", "TargetReaction", "RegSign", "RegBy")],
                            PTMRN_edg[, c("from", "to", "TargetReaction", "RegSign", "RegBy")]))

  ## Return
  res = list("TCRN_edg" = TCRN_edg,
             "TLRN_edg" = TLRN_edg,
             "RDRN_edg" = RDRN_edg,
             "PDRN_edg" = PDRN_edg,
             "PTMRN_edg" = PTMRN_edg)

  return(list("mosystem" = res, "genes" = genes, "edg" = edg, "complexes" = complexes, "complexeskinetics" = complexeskinetics, "complexesTargetReaction" = complexesTargetReaction))


#' Creates an empty in silico system.
#' Creates an empty in silico system (i.e. no regulatory interactions) given a data-frame of genes (cf
#' \code{\link{createMultiOmicNetwork}}).
#' @param genes A data-frame of the genes existing in the system (see \code{\link{createGenes}}).
#' @return An in silico system, that is a list of:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{genes}: the modified data-frame of genes;
#' \item \code{edg}: A data-frame of edges in the regulatory network of the system (1 row = 1 edge, here empty dataframe). It contains the following parameters:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{from}: gene ID of the edge origin (character).
#' \item \code{to}: gene ID of edge destination (character).
#' \item \code{TargetReaction}: Type of regulation (ID of the controlled reaction: "TC", "TL", "RD", "PD" or "PTM").
#' \item \code{RegSign}: Sign of the reaction ("1" for positive regulation, "-1" for negative regulation).
#' \item \code{RegBy}: Type of the regulator: "PC" for protein-coding regulation, "NC" for noncoding regulator,
#' "C" for regulatory complex.
#' }
#' \item \code{mosystem}: A list of the different regulatory networks (each corresponding to a different type of regulation) in the system and associated information. Elements of the list are
#' \code{TCRN_edg}, \code{TLRN_edg}, \code{RDRN_edg}, \code{PDRN_edg} and \code{PTMRN_edg}: data-frames of edges for the different
#' regulatory networks, which in addition to the usual fields in the \code{edg} data frame, contain columns for kinetic parameters of the
#' regulation. All empty.
#' \item \code{complexes}: a list of regulatory complexes composition. The names of the elements are the IDs of the complexes, and the
#' values are vectors of gene IDs constituting each regulatory complex. Empty list.
#' \item \code{complexeskinetics}: a list of regulatory complexes kinetic parameters. Empty list.
#' \item \code{complexesTargetReaction}: a list defining which expression step is targeted by each regulatory complex.
#' }
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' mysysargs = insilicosystemargs(G = 5)
#' mygenes = createGenes(mysysargs)
#' mynetwork = createEmptyMultiOmicNetwork(mygenes)
#' }
#' @export
createEmptyMultiOmicNetwork = function(genes){

  edg = data.frame("from" = character(), "to" = character(), "TargetReaction" = character(), "RegSign" = character(), "RegBy" = character(), stringsAsFactors = F)
  res = list("TCRN_edg" = data.frame(edg,  "TCbindingrate" = numeric(), "TCunbindingrate" = numeric(), "TCfoldchange" = numeric(), stringsAsFactors = F),
             "TLRN_edg" = data.frame(edg,  "TLbindingrate" = numeric(), "TLunbindingrate" = numeric(), "TLfoldchange" = numeric(), stringsAsFactors = F),
             "RDRN_edg" = data.frame(edg, "RDregrate" = numeric(), stringsAsFactors = F),
             "PDRN_edg" = data.frame(edg, "PDregrate" = numeric(), stringsAsFactors = F),
             "PTMRN_edg" = data.frame(edg, "PTMregrate" = numeric(), stringsAsFactors = F))

  genes$ActiveForm = sapply(1:nrow(genes), function(x){paste0(genes$ActiveForm[x], genes$id[x])})

  return(list("mosystem" = res, "genes" = genes, "edg" = edg, "complexes" = list(), "complexeskinetics" = list(), "complexesTargetReaction" = list()))

#' Creates an in silico system.
#' Creates an in silico system, i.e. the genes and the regulatory network defining the system.
#' @param empty Logical. Does the regulatory network is empty (= no regulation)? Default value is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param ev A Julia evaluator (for the XRJulia package). If none provided select the current evaluator or create one if no evaluator exists.
#' @param ... Other arguments to be passed to the function \code{\link{insilicosystemargs}} (i.e. parameters for the generation of the in silico system).
#' @return An object of class \code{insilicosystem}, that is a list composed of:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{genes}: a data-frame of genes (see \code{\link{createGenes}});
#' \item \code{edg}: a data-frame of edges in the regulatory network (see \code{\link{createMultiOmicNetwork}});
#' \item \code{mosystem}: a list defining the regulatory network (see \code{\link{createMultiOmicNetwork}});
#' \item \code{sysargs}: An object of class \code{insilicosystemargs}; the parameters used to create the system.
#' }
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' ## Creates an in silico system composed of 20 genes
#' mysystem1 = createInSilicoSystem(G = 20)
#' mysystem1$edg ## see all regulations in the system
#' mysystem1$mosystem$TCRN_edg ## see only regulations targeting transcription
#' ## Creates an in silico systerm composed of 10 genes, all protein-coding
#' mysystem2 = createInSilicoSystem(G = 10, PC.p = 1)
#' mysystem2$genes
#' ## Creates an in silico systerm composed of 5 genes,
#' ## all noncoding and all regulators of transcription
#' mysystem3 = createInSilicoSystem(G = 5, PC.p = 0, NC.TC.p = 1)
#' mysystem3$edg
#' mysystem3$mosystem$TCRN_edg
#' }
#' @export
createInSilicoSystem = function(empty = F, ev = getJuliaEvaluator(), ...){

  sysargs = insilicosystemargs(...)
  genes = createGenes(sysargs)

    monw = createEmptyMultiOmicNetwork(genes)
    monw = createMultiOmicNetwork(genes, sysargs, ev)

  value = c(monw, list("sysargs" = sysargs))
  attr(value, "class") = "insilicosystem"


#' Adds a gene in the in silico system.
#' Adds a gene in the in silico system with specified parameters if provided, or with parameters sampled according to the system parameters.
#' @param insilicosystem The in silico system (see \code{\link{createInSilicoSystem}}).
#' @param coding String. The coding status of the gene (either "PC" for protein-coding or "NC" for noncoding). If none provided, randomly chosen according to the
#' parameter \code{PC.p} provided in sysargs (see \code{\link{insilicosystemargs}}).
#' @param TargetReaction String. The biological function of the gene, i.e. the gene expression step targeted by the active product
#' of the gene. If none provided, randomly chosen according to the parameters \code{PC.TC.p}, etc or \code{NC.TC.p}, etc (depending on the coding status of the gene)
#' provided in sysargs (see \code{\link{insilicosystemargs}}).
#' @param TCrate Numeric. The transcription rate of the gene. If none provided, randomly chosen according to the
#' parameter \code{basal_transcription_rate_samplingfct} provided in sysargs (see \code{\link{insilicosystemargs}}).
#' @param TLrate Numeric. The translation rate of the gene. If none provided, randomly chosen according to the
#' parameter \code{basal_translation_rate_samplingfct} provided in sysargs (see \code{\link{insilicosystemargs}}).
#' @param RDrate Numeric. The RNA decay rate of the gene. If none provided, randomly chosen according to the
#' parameter \code{basal_RNAlifetime_samplingfct} provided in sysargs (see \code{\link{insilicosystemargs}}).
#' @param PDrate Numeric. The protein decay rate of the gene. If none provided, randomly chosen according to the
#' parameter \code{basal_protlifetime_samplingfct} provided in sysargs (see \code{\link{insilicosystemargs}}).
#' @return The modified in silico system.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' mysystem = createInSilicoSystem(G = 5)
#' mysystem$genes
#' mysystem2 = addGene(mysystem, "PC", "TC", TCrate = 0.0001, TLrate = 0.001)
#' mysystem2$genes
#' mysystem3 = addGene(mysystem2)
#' mysystem3$genes
#' }
#' @export
addGene = function(insilicosystem, coding = NULL, TargetReaction = NULL, TCrate = NULL, TLrate = NULL, RDrate = NULL, PDrate = NULL){

  ## Checking the input values ----
  if(class(insilicosystem) != "insilicosystem"){
    stop("Argument insilicosystem must be of class \"insilicosystem\".")

  id = max(insilicosystem$genes$id) + 1

    if(!(coding %in% c("PC", "NC"))){
      stop("\"coding\" argument must either be \"PC\" or \"NC\".")
    coding = sample(c("PC", "NC"), 1, prob = c(insilicosystem$sysargs[["PC.p"]], insilicosystem$sysargs[["NC.p"]]), replace = T)

  ## If not provided, sampling kinetic parameters ----
    TCrate = insilicosystem$sysargs[["basal_transcription_rate_samplingfct"]](1)

    RDrate = 1/insilicosystem$sysargs[["basal_RNAlifetime_samplingfct"]](1)

  if(coding == "NC"){
    TLrate = 0.0
    PDrate = 0.0
    ActiveForm = paste0("R", id)

    ## Biological function of the gene
      TargetReaction = sample(c("TC", "TL", "RD", "PD", "PTM"), 1, prob = c(insilicosystem$sysargs[["NC.TC.p"]], insilicosystem$sysargs[["NC.TL.p"]],
                                                                            insilicosystem$sysargs[["NC.RD.p"]], insilicosystem$sysargs[["NC.PD.p"]],
                                                                            insilicosystem$sysargs[["NC.PTM.p"]]), replace = T)
      if(!(TargetReaction %in% c("TC", "TL", "RD", "PD", "PTM"))){
        stop("Argument \"TargetReaction\" must be either \"TC\", \"TL\", \"RD\", \"PD\" or \"PTM\".")
  }else{ ## if coding == "PC"
      TLrate = insilicosystem$sysargs[["basal_translation_rate_samplingfct"]](1)

      PDrate = 1/insilicosystem$sysargs[["basal_protlifetime_samplingfct"]](1)
    ActiveForm = paste0("P", id)

    ## Biological function of the gene
      TargetReaction = sample(c("TC", "TL", "RD", "PD", "PTM", "MR"), 1, prob = c(insilicosystem$sysargs[["PC.TC.p"]], insilicosystem$sysargs[["PC.TL.p"]],
                                                                                  insilicosystem$sysargs[["PC.RD.p"]], insilicosystem$sysargs[["PC.PD.p"]],
                                                                                  insilicosystem$sysargs[["PC.PTM.p"]], insilicosystem$sysargs[["PC.MR.p"]]), replace = T)
      if(!(TargetReaction %in% c("TC", "TL", "RD", "PD", "PTM", "MR"))){
        stop("Argument \"TargetReaction\" must be either \"TC\", \"TL\", \"RD\", \"PD\", \"PTM\" or \"MR\".")


  PTMform = "0"

  insilicosystem$genes = dplyr::add_row(insilicosystem$genes, id = as.integer(id), coding = coding, TargetReaction = TargetReaction,
                                                              PTMform = PTMform, ActiveForm = ActiveForm, TCrate = TCrate,
                                                              TLrate = TLrate, RDrate = RDrate, PDrate = PDrate)

  insilicosystem$sysargs$G = insilicosystem$sysargs$G + 1


# #' Removes a gene from the in silico system.
# #'
# #' Removes a gene from the in silico system. Any edge involving this gene is removed from the system,
# #' and the composition of the complexes comprising this gene are adjusted.
# #'
# #' @param insilicosystem The in silico system (see \code{\link{createInSilicoSystem}}).
# #' @param id Integer. The id of the gene to remove.
# #' @return The modified in silico system.
# #' @export
# removeGene = function(insilicosystem, id){
#   id2rem = as.integer(id) ## to avoid confusion when using dplyr::filter
#   id2rem.c = as.character(id)
#   ## Checking the input values ----
#   if(class(insilicosystem) != "insilicosystem"){
#     stop("Argument insilicosystem must be of class \"insilicosystem\".")
#   }
#   if(!(id2rem %in% insilicosystem$genes$id)){
#       stop("Gene ", id2rem, " is not in the system.")
#   }
#   ## Remove the gene from the gene list
#   targetreaction = paste0(insilicosystem$genes[insilicosystem$genes$id == id2rem, "TargetReaction"], "RN_edg")
#   insilicosystem$genes = dplyr::filter(insilicosystem$genes, id != id2rem)
#   ## Remove any edge involving the gene in the general edges list
#   insilicosystem$edg = dplyr::filter(insilicosystem$edg, from != id2rem.c & to != id2rem.c)
#   ## Remove any edge involving the gene in the specific multi-omic edges list
#   for(rn in names(insilicosystem$mosystem)){
#     insilicosystem$mosystem[[rn]] = dplyr::filter(insilicosystem$mosystem[[rn]], from != id2rem.c & to != id2rem.c)
#   }
#   ## If the gene is involved in a complex:
#   for(comp in names(insilicosystem$complexes)){
#     if(id2rem.c %in% insilicosystem$complexes[[comp]]){
#       newcompo = setdiff(insilicosystem$complexes[[comp]], id2rem.c )
#       if(length(newcompo) > 1){ ## if there are still at least 2 components in the complex, simply remove the gene from the complex component list
#         insilicosystem$complexes[[comp]] = newcompo
#       }else{
#         insilicosystem$complexes[[comp]] = NULL
#         insilicosystem$complexeskinetics[[comp]] = NULL
#         ## Replace all instances of the complex by the remaining component
#         newcoding = insilicosystem$genes[insilicosystem$genes$id == newcompo, "coding"]
#         rows2change = which(insilicosystem$edg$from == comp)
#         insilicosystem$edg[rows2change, "from"] = newcompo
#         insilicosystem$edg[rows2change, "RegBy"] = newcoding
#         rows2change = which(insilicosystem$mosystem[[targetreaction]]$from == comp)
#         insilicosystem$mosystem[[targetreaction]][rows2change, "from"] = newcompo
#         insilicosystem$mosystem[[targetreaction]][rows2change, "RegBy"] = newcoding
#       }
#     }
#   }
#   return(insilicosystem)
# }

#' Adds a regulatory complex in the in silico system.
#' Adds a regulatory complex in the in silico system with specified parameters (if provided), or with parameters sampled according to the system parameters.
#' @param insilicosystem The in silico system (see \code{\link{createInSilicoSystem}}).
#' @param compo An character vector, each element corresponding to the ID of the genes or regulatory complexes composing the complex. All genes/complexes composing the complex must
#' have the same biological function (i.e. same \code{TargetReaction} parameter).
#' @param formationrate The formation rate of the complex. If none provided, randomly chosen according to the
#' parameter \code{complexesformationrate_samplingfct} provided in \code{sysargs} (see \code{\link{insilicosystemargs}}).
#' @param dissociationrate The dissociation rate of the complex. If none provided, randomly chosen according to the
#' parameter \code{complexesdissociationrate_samplingfct} provided in \code{sysargs} (see \code{\link{insilicosystemargs}}).
#' @return Returns the modified in silico system.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' mysystem = createInSilicoSystem(G = 10, PC.p = 1, PC.TC.p = 1)
#' mysystem$complexes ## list of complexes existing in the system
#' mysystem2 = addComplex(mysystem, c(1, 2, 3))
#' mysystem2$complexes
#' }
#' @export
addComplex = function(insilicosystem, compo, formationrate = NULL, dissociationrate = NULL){

  compo = as.character(compo) ## make sure the id of the components are strings

  compoG = compo[!stringr::str_detect(compo, "^C")] ## components of the complex that are gene products
  compoC = compo[stringr::str_detect(compo, "^C")] ## components of the complex that are regulatory complexes

  ## Checking the input values ----
  if(class(insilicosystem) != "insilicosystem"){
    stop("Argument insilicosystem must be of class \"insilicosystem\".")

  if(!all(as.integer(compoG) %in% insilicosystem$genes$id)){
    stop("The components of the complex do not exist in the system.")
  if(!all(compoC %in% names(insilicosystem$complexes))){
    stop("The components of the complex do not exist in the system.")

  # if(length(compo) != insilicosystem$sysargs$regcomplexes.size){
  #  stop("Wrong number of components. The complex must be of size ", insilicosystem$sysargs$regcomplexes.size,".")
  # }

  targetreactions = c(insilicosystem$genes[which(insilicosystem$genes$id %in% as.integer(compoG)), "TargetReaction"],
  if(!all(targetreactions == targetreactions[1])){
    stop("The different components do not all have the same biological function.")

  exnames = names(insilicosystem$complexes)[stringr::str_detect(names(insilicosystem$complexes), paste0("C", targetreactions[1]))] ## names of the complexes in the system targeting the same reaction/expression step
    exnum = as.numeric(stringr::str_extract(exnames, "(\\d)+"))
    exnum = 0
  name = paste0("C", targetreactions[1], max(exnum)+1)

    formationrate = insilicosystem$sysargs[["complexesformationrate_samplingfct"]](1)
    dissociationrate = insilicosystem$sysargs[["complexesdissociationrate_samplingfct"]](1)

  insilicosystem$complexes[[name]] = compo

  insilicosystem$complexeskinetics[[name]] = list("formationrate" = formationrate, "dissociationrate" = dissociationrate)

  insilicosystem$complexesTargetReaction[[name]] = targetreactions[1]


#' Removes a regulatory complex from the in silico system.
#' Removes a regulatory complex from the in silico system. Any edge involving this complex is removed from the system.
#' @param insilicosystem The in silico system (see \code{\link{createInSilicoSystem}}).
#' @param name Character. The name of the regulatory complex to remove.
#' @return The modified in silico system.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' mysystem = createInSilicoSystem(G = 10, PC.p = 1, PC.TC.p = 1, regcomplexes.p = 0.8)
#' mysystem$complexes
#' mysystem$edg
#' mysystem2 = removeComplex(mysystem, "CTC1")
#' mysystem2$complexes
#' mysystem2$edg
#' }
#' @export
removeComplex = function(insilicosystem, name){

  ## Checking the input values ----
  if(class(insilicosystem) != "insilicosystem"){
    stop("Argument insilicosystem must be of class \"insilicosystem\".")

  if(!(name %in% names(insilicosystem$complexes))){
    stop("Complex ", name, " does not exist in the system.")

  insilicosystem$complexes[[name]] = NULL
  insilicosystem$complexeskinetics[[name]] = NULL
  insilicosystem$complexesTargetReaction[[name]] = NULL

  ## Remove any edge involving the complex in the general edges list
  insilicosystem$edg = dplyr::filter(insilicosystem$edg, !!sym("from") != name)

  ## Remove any edge involving the gene in the specific multi-omic edges list
  for(rn in names(insilicosystem$mosystem)){
    insilicosystem$mosystem[[rn]] = dplyr::filter(insilicosystem$mosystem[[rn]], !!sym("from") != name)



#' Adds an edge in the in silico system's regulatory network.
#' Adds an edge in the in silico system's regulatory network between specified genes.
#' It must be noted that the type of regulation depends on the biological function of the regulator gene/complex
#' (parameter \code{TargetReaction}).
#' @param insilicosystem The in silico system (see \code{\link{createInSilicoSystem}}).
#' @param regID Character. The ID of the regulator gene or complex.
#' @param tarID Character. The ID of the target gene.
#' @param regsign The sign of the regulation: either "1" (positive regulation) or "-1" (negative regulation). If none provided,
#' will be randomly chosen according to the parameter \code{TC.pos.p}, \code{TL.pos.p} or \code{PTM.pos.p} (depending on the type
#' of regulation - regulation of RNA or protein decay can only be negative) provided in sysargs (see \code{\link{insilicosystemargs}}).
#' @param kinetics Optional: named list of kinetics parameters of the reaction. If none provided,
#' will be randomly chosen according to the parameters \code{[name of the param]_samplingfct} provided in sysargs (see \code{\link{insilicosystemargs}}). The parameters
#' to provide depend on the type of regulation (i.e. parameter \code{TargetReaction} of the regulator):
#' \itemize{
#' \item TargetReaction = "TC": the parameters to specify are "TCbindingrate", "TCunbindingrate" and "TCfoldchange";
#' \item TargetReaction = "TL": the parameters to specify are "TLbindingrate", "TLunbindingrate" and "TLfoldchange";
#' \item TargetReaction = "RD": the parameter to specify is "RDregrate";
#' \item TargetReaction = "PD": the parameter to specify is "PDregrate";
#' \item TargetReaction = "PTM": the parameter to specify is "PTMregrate".
#' }
#' @return The modified in silico system.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' ## creates a system with no regulation
#' mysystem = createInSilicoSystem(G = 10, PC.p = 1, PC.TC.p = 1, empty = TRUE)
#' mysystem$edg
#' mysystem2 = addEdge(mysystem, 1, 2, regsign = "1",
#'  kinetics = c("TCbindingrate"= 0.01, "TCunbindingrate" = 0.1, "TCfoldchange" = 10))
#' ## check all existing interactions in the system (no kinetic parameters)
#' mysystem2$edg
#' ## check the interactions targeting transcription, with kinetic parameters
#' mysystem2$mosystem$TCRN_edg
#' ## creates a system with no regulation
#' mysystem = createInSilicoSystem(G = 5, PC.p = 1, PC.PD.p = 1, empty = TRUE)
#' mysystem$edg
#' mysystem2 = addEdge(mysystem, 1, 2)
#' ## check all existing interactions in the system (no kinetic parameters)
#' mysystem2$edg
#' ## check the interactions targeting protein decay, with kinetic parameters
#' mysystem2$mosystem$PDRN_edg
#' }
#' @export
addEdge = function(insilicosystem, regID, tarID, regsign = NULL, kinetics = list()){
  regID = as.character(regID)
  tarID = as.character(tarID)
  ## Checking the input values ----
  if(class(insilicosystem) != "insilicosystem"){
    stop("Argument insilicosystem must be of class \"insilicosystem\".")

  if(!(regID %in% as.character(insilicosystem$genes$id))){ ## if the regulator is not a gene product
    if(!(regID %in% names(insilicosystem$complexes))){
      stop("Regulator ", regID, " does not exist in the system.")
    }else{ ## if the regulator is a regulatory complex
      targetreaction = insilicosystem$complexesTargetReaction[[regID]]
      regby = "C"
  }else{ ## if the regulator is a gene product
    targetreaction = insilicosystem$genes[insilicosystem$genes$id == as.integer(regID), "TargetReaction"]
    regby = dplyr::filter(insilicosystem$genes, !!sym("id") == as.integer(regID))[1,"coding"]

  if(grepl("^C", tarID)){ ## if the tarID given is a complex
    stop("Complexes cannot be regulated. Please provide a gene ID as target.")
  if(!(as.integer(tarID) %in% insilicosystem$genes$id)){
    stop("Target ", tarID, " does not exist in the system.")

  ## Checking if an edge already exists between the 2 genes ----
  if(nrow(dplyr::filter(insilicosystem$edg, !!sym("from") == regID & !!sym("to") == tarID)) != 0){
    stop(paste0("An edge already exists from gene ", regID, " to gene ", tarID, "."))

  abbr = c("TC" = "transcription (TC)", "TL" = "translation (TL)", "RD" = "RNA decay (RD)", "PD" = "protein decay (PD)", "PTM" = "post-translational modification (PTM)")

  codtar = insilicosystem$genes[insilicosystem$genes$id == as.integer(tarID), "coding"]
  if(codtar == "NC" & targetreaction %in% c("TL", "PD", "PTM")){
    stop("Target gene ", tarID, " is a noncoding gene. Cannot be regulated at the level of ", abbr[targetreaction], ".")

    if(!(regsign %in% c("1", "-1"))){
      stop("Interation sign must be either \"1\" or \"-1\".")
    }else if(targetreaction %in% c("RD", "PD")){
      regsign = "1"
    if(targetreaction == "PTM" & !(tarID %in% insilicosystem$mosystem$PTMRN_edg$to)){
      regsign = "1"
      regsign = sample(c("1","-1"), 1, prob = c(insilicosystem$sysargs[[paste(targetreaction, "pos.p", sep = ".")]],
                                              1 - insilicosystem$sysargs[[paste(targetreaction, "pos.p", sep = ".")]]), replace = T)

  if(targetreaction == "PTM" & !(tarID %in% insilicosystem$mosystem$PTMRN_edg$to)){ ## force the first PTM reaction to be positive
    insilicosystem$genes[insilicosystem$genes$id == as.integer(tarID), "PTMform"] = 1
    insilicosystem$genes[insilicosystem$genes$id == as.integer(tarID), "ActiveForm"] = paste0("Pm", tarID)

  ## Adding the interaction in the edg data-frame ----
  insilicosystem$edg = dplyr::add_row(insilicosystem$edg, from = regID, to = tarID,
                                      TargetReaction = targetreaction, RegSign = regsign, RegBy = regby)

  ## Sampling the kinetic parameters for the edge

  if(targetreaction %in% c("TC", "TL")){ ## For transcription or translation regulation
    sampledunbindingrate = ifelse(paste0(targetreaction, "unbindingrate") %in% names(kinetics),
                                      kinetics[[paste0(targetreaction, "unbindingrate")]],
    if(paste0(targetreaction, "bindingrate") %in% names(kinetics)){
      sampledbindingrate = kinetics[[paste0(targetreaction, "bindingrate")]]
    }else{ ## sample binding rate according to regulator steady state abundance
      steadystatereg = steadyStateAbundance(regID, insilicosystem$genes, insilicosystem$complexes, insilicosystem$sysargs$ploidy)
      sampledbindingrate = insilicosystem$sysargs[[paste0(targetreaction,"bindingrate_samplingfct")]](sampledunbindingrate/steadystatereg)

    if(regsign == "-1"){ ## set foldchange to 0 for repressions
      sampledfoldchange = 0
      sampledfoldchange = ifelse(paste0(targetreaction, "foldchange") %in% names(kinetics),
                                 kinetics[[paste0(targetreaction, "foldchange")]],
    kin = c(sampledbindingrate, sampledunbindingrate, sampledfoldchange)
    names(kin) = sapply(c("bindingrate", "unbindingrate", "foldchange"), function(x){paste0(targetreaction, x)})
  }else{ ## For other types of regulation

    ## which kinetic parameters must be created for the edge
    params = list("RD" = c("RDregrate"),
                  "PD" = c("PDregrate"),
                  "PTM" = c("PTMregrate"))

    ## Retrieving/sampling the kinetic parameters
    kin2sample = setdiff(params[[targetreaction]], names(kinetics)) ## kinetic parameters not provided by the user
    kingiven = intersect(params[[targetreaction]], names(kinetics)) ## kinetic parameters provided by the user

    ## sampling the values for the parameters not provided
    kinsampled = sapply(kin2sample, function(i){

    kin = unlist(c(kinsampled, kinetics[kingiven]))
    names(kin) = c(kin2sample, kingiven)

  ## add the edg and kinetic parameters to the adequate mutli-omic edge list
  edg2add = data.frame("from" = regID, "to" = tarID, "TargetReaction" = targetreaction,
              "RegSign" = regsign, "RegBy" = regby, t(kin), stringsAsFactors = F)

  insilicosystem$mosystem[[paste0(targetreaction, "RN_edg")]] = bind_rows(insilicosystem$mosystem[[paste0(targetreaction, "RN_edg")]],


#' Removes an edge from the in silico system.
#' Removes an edge in the in silico system between specified genes.
#' @param insilicosystem The in silico system (see \code{\link{createInSilicoSystem}}).
#' @param regID Integer or character. The ID of the regulator gene or the name of the regulatory complex.
#' @param tarID Integer or character. The ID of the target gene.
#' @return The modified in silico system.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' mysystem = createInSilicoSystem(G = 10)
#' mysystem$edg
#' ## we'll remove the first edge
#' regToRemove = mysystem$edg$from[1]
#' tarToRemove = mysystem$edg$to[1]
#' mysystem2 = removeEdge(mysystem, regToRemove, tarToRemove)
#' mysystem2$edg
#' }
#' @export
removeEdge = function(insilicosystem, regID, tarID){

  regID = as.character(regID)
  tarID = as.character(tarID)

  ## Checking the input values ----
  if(class(insilicosystem) != "insilicosystem"){
    stop("Argument insilicosystem must be of class \"insilicosystem\".")

  ## The row to remove ----
  theedg = dplyr::filter(insilicosystem$edg, !!sym("from") == regID & !!sym("to") == tarID)

  if(nrow(theedg) == 0){ ## if the edge doesn't exists, no need to remove it!
    message("No edge exists from gene ", regID, " to gene ", tarID,".", sep = "")
  }else if(nrow(theedg) > 1){ ## if more than one edge exists between these genes, there is a problem
    stop("More than one edge in the system meets the criterion! There must be a mistake somewhere.")
  }else{ ## If no problem, remove the edge from the data frames edg and XXRN_edg
    targetreaction = theedg[1, "TargetReaction"]
    insilicosystem$edg = dplyr::filter(insilicosystem$edg, !!sym("from") != regID | !!sym("to") != tarID)
    insilicosystem$mosystem[[paste0(targetreaction, "RN_edg")]] = dplyr::filter(insilicosystem$mosystem[[paste0(targetreaction, "RN_edg")]], !!sym("from") != regID | !!sym("to") != tarID)


#' Returns an igraph object (network) of the GRN of the in silico system.
#' Returns an igraph object (network) corresponding to the gene regulatory network of the insilico system, including all types of regulation of only those defined by the user.
#' @param insilicosystem The in silico system (see \code{\link{createInSilicoSystem}}).
#' @param edgeType The type of interactions to include in the network. If NULL (default value), all the interactions are included. Otherwise, can be either:
#' \itemize{
#' \item "TC": return only regulation of transcription
#' \item "TL": return only regulation of translation
#' \item "RD": return only regulation of RNA decay
#' \item "PD": return only regulation of protein decay
#' \item "PTM": return only regulation of protein post-translational modification
#' \item "RegComplexes": return only binding interactions, i.e. linking the regulatory complexes to their components.
#' }
#' @param showAllVertices Display vertices that don't have any edge? Default is FALSE.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' mysystem = createInSilicoSystem(G = 10)
#' grn = getGRN(mysystem)
#' grnTC = getGRN(mysystem, edgeType = "TC", showAllVertices = F)
#' grnTCall = getGRN(mysystem, edgeType = "TC", showAllVertices = T)
#' }
#' @export
getGRN = function(insilicosystem, edgeType = NULL, showAllVertices = F){

  ## Create the list of vertices
  vertices = rbind(data.frame(vertexID = insilicosystem$genes$id, type = rep("Gene", length(insilicosystem$genes$id)), coding = insilicosystem$genes$coding),
                   data.frame(vertexID = names(insilicosystem$complexes), type = rep("Complex", length(insilicosystem$complexes)), coding = rep("none", length(insilicosystem$complexes))))

  ## Create the list of edges
    edges = rbind(data.frame(from = insilicosystem$edg$from,
                             to = insilicosystem$edg$to,
                             type = rep("Regulation", length(insilicosystem$edg$from)),
                             targetReaction = insilicosystem$edg$TargetReaction,
                             sign = insilicosystem$edg$RegSign),
                  data.frame(from = unname(unlist(insilicosystem$complexes)),
                             to = rep(names(insilicosystem$complexes), sapply(insilicosystem$complexes, length)),
                             type = rep("Binding", sum(unlist(sapply(insilicosystem$complexes, length)))),
                             targetReaction = rep("none", sum(unlist(sapply(insilicosystem$complexes, length)))),
                             sign = rep("none", sum(unlist(sapply(insilicosystem$complexes, length))))))

  }else if(edgeType %in% c("TC", "TL", "RD", "PD", "PTM")){
    edges = rbind(data.frame(from = insilicosystem$mosystem[[paste0(edgeType, "RN_edg")]]$from,
                             to = insilicosystem$mosystem[[paste0(edgeType, "RN_edg")]]$to,
                             type = rep("Regulation", length(insilicosystem$mosystem[[paste0(edgeType, "RN_edg")]]$from)),
                             targetReaction = insilicosystem$mosystem[[paste0(edgeType, "RN_edg")]]$TargetReaction,
                             sign = insilicosystem$mosystem[[paste0(edgeType, "RN_edg")]]$RegSign),
                  data.frame(from = unname(unlist(insilicosystem$complexes[insilicosystem$complexesTargetReaction == edgeType])),
                             to = rep(names(insilicosystem$complexes[insilicosystem$complexesTargetReaction == edgeType]), sapply(insilicosystem$complexes[insilicosystem$complexesTargetReaction == edgeType], length)),
                             type = rep("Binding", sum(unlist(sapply(insilicosystem$complexes[insilicosystem$complexesTargetReaction == edgeType], length)))),
                             targetReaction = rep("none", sum(unlist(sapply(insilicosystem$complexes[insilicosystem$complexesTargetReaction == edgeType], length)))),
                             sign = rep("none", sum(unlist(sapply(insilicosystem$complexes[insilicosystem$complexesTargetReaction == edgeType], length))))))

  }else if(edgeType == "RegComplexes"){
    edges = data.frame(from = unname(unlist(insilicosystem$complexes)),
                       to = rep(names(insilicosystem$complexes), sapply(insilicosystem$complexes, length)),
                       type = rep("Binding", sum(unlist(sapply(insilicosystem$complexes, length)))),
                       targetReaction = rep("none", sum(unlist(sapply(insilicosystem$complexes, length)))),
                       sign = rep("none", sum(unlist(sapply(insilicosystem$complexes, length)))))
    stop("EdgeType must be either NULL or one of \"TC\", \"TL\", \"RD\", \"PD\", \"PTM\" or \"RegComplexes\".")

  network = igraph::graph_from_data_frame(edges, vertices = vertices)

    network = igraph::delete.vertices(network, igraph::degree(network) == 0)


plotGRNlegend = function(verticesColour, edgesColour){

  legendKey = c("protein-coding\ngene", "noncoding\ngene", "Regulatory\ncomplex",
                "Transcription\nregulation", "Translation\nregulation", "RNA decay\nregulation",
                "Protein decay\nregulation", "Post-translational\nmodification", "")
  legendCol = c("black", "black", "black", "black", "black", edgesColour["none"], edgesColour[1:5], NA)
  legendPtBg = c(verticesColour, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA)
  legendLty = c(NA, NA, NA, 1, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, NA)
  legendLwd = c(NA, NA, NA, 1.5, 1.5, 1, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, NA)*2
  legendPch = c(21, 21, 22, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA)

  orderRow = as.vector(matrix(1:12, ncol = 3, byrow = F))

  graphics::par(fig = c(0, 1, 0, 1), oma = c(0, 0, 0, 0), mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0), new = TRUE)
  graphics::plot(0, 0, type = "n", bty = "n", xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n")
  graphics::legend("bottom", legend = legendKey[orderRow],
         col = legendCol[orderRow],
         pt.bg = legendPtBg[orderRow],
         lty = legendLty[orderRow],
         lwd = legendLwd[orderRow],
         pch = legendPch[orderRow],
         ncol = 4, y.intersp = 2, pt.cex = 2, bty = "n", cex = 0.7,
         xpd = TRUE, inset = c(0, 0))

#' Plots the GRN of the in silico system.
#' Plots the gene regulatory network of the insilico system, including all types of regulation or only those defined by the user.
#' @param insilicosystem The in silico system (see \code{\link{createInSilicoSystem}}).
#' @param edgeType The type of interactions to plot. If NULL (default value), all the interactions are plotted. Otherwise, can be either:
#' \itemize{
#' \item "TC": plot only regulation of transcription
#' \item "TL": plot only regulation of translation
#' \item "RD": plot only regulation of RNA decay
#' \item "PD": plot only regulation of protein decay
#' \item "PTM": plot only regulation of protein post-translational modification
#' \item "RegComplexes": plot only binding interactions, i.e. linking the regulatory complexes to their components.
#' }
#' @param showAllVertices Display vertices that don't have any edge? Default is FALSE
#' @param plotType The type of plot function to use for the network: can be either
#' "2D" (default, use the function \code{\link[igraph]{plot.igraph}}) or "interactive2D" (use the function
#'  \code{\link[igraph]{tkplot}}).
#' @param ... any other arguments to be passed to the plot function, see \code{\link[igraph]{igraph.plotting}}.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' mysystem = createInSilicoSystem(G = 10)
#' plotGRN(mysystem)
#' plotGRN(mysystem, edgeType = "TC")
#' plotGRN(mysystem, edgeType = "TC", showAllVertices = T)
#' }
#' @export
plotGRN = function(insilicosystem, edgeType = NULL, showAllVertices = F, plotType = "2D", ...){

  opar = graphics::par()[c("oma", "fig", "mar")]

  ## Checking the input values ----
  if(class(insilicosystem) != "insilicosystem"){
    stop("Argument insilicosystem must be of class \"insilicosystem\".")

  network = getGRN(insilicosystem, edgeType, showAllVertices)

  ## Graphical properties of the network

  verticesShape = c("Gene" = "circle", "Complex" = "square")
  verticesColour = c("PC" = "cyan", "NC" = "yellow", "none" = "gray")

  edgesArrow = c("Regulation" = 2, "Binding" = 0)
  edgesLty = c("1" = 1, "-1" = 2, "none" = 1)
  edgesWidth = c("Regulation" = 1.5, "Binding" = 1)
  edgesColour = c("TC" = "red", "TL" = "navy", "RD" = "darkorange", "PD" = "dodgerblue", "PTM" = "green", "none" = "gray")

  igraph::V(network)$shape = verticesShape[igraph::V(network)$type]
  igraph::V(network)$color = verticesColour[igraph::V(network)$coding]

  igraph::E(network)$lty = edgesLty[igraph::E(network)$sign]
  igraph::E(network)$width = edgesWidth[igraph::E(network)$type]
  igraph::E(network)$color = edgesColour[igraph::E(network)$targetReaction]
  igraph::E(network)$arrow.mode = edgesArrow[igraph::E(network)$type]

    if(plotType == "2D"){
        # layout(matrix(c(1, 2), ncol = 1), widths = c(1, 1), heights = c(0.8, 0.2))
        graphics::par(oma = c(7, 0, 0, 0), mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
        igraph::plot.igraph(network, edge.curved = T, vertex.label.color = "black", ...)
        plotGRNlegend(verticesColour, edgesColour)
        # graphics::par(oma = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
    }else if(plotType == "interactive2D"){
      # requireNamespace("tcltk", quietly = TRUE)
      if(igraph::gorder(network) >= 500) warning("Too many vertices for an interactive plot - we recommand using plotType = \"2D\".")
      igraph::tkplot(network, edge.curved = T, vertex.label.color = "black", ...)
      stop("Parameter plotType must be one of \"2D\" or \"interactive2D\".")
    return(cat("No edges to plot."))
  # else if(plotType == "interactive3D"){
  #   # requireNamespace("rgl", quietly = TRUE)
  #   if(igraph::gorder(network) >= 500) warning("Too many vertices for an interactive plot - we recommand using plotType = \"2D\".")
  #   igraph::rglplot(network, edge.curved = T, vertex.label.color = "black", ...)
  # }

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