
########################## Class Enrichment ##########################
############################## Creation ##############################

    Class = "Enrichment",
    representation = representation(
        Loss = "data.frame",
        Call = "list",
        eSNP = "EnrichSNP",
        xSNP = "EnrichSNP",
        Chromosomes = "list"
    prototype = prototype(
        Loss = data.frame(),
        Call = list(readEnrichment = list(pattern = NULL, signalFile = NULL, transcriptFile = NULL, snpListDir = NULL, snpInfoDir = NULL,
                                            distThresh = NULL, sigThresh = NULL, LD = NULL, ldDir = NULL, mc.cores = NULL),
                        reSample = list(object = NULL, nSample = NULL, empiricPvalue = NULL, MAFpool = NULL, mc.cores = NULL, onlyGenome = NULL)),
        eSNP = enrichSNP(),
        xSNP = enrichSNP(),
        Chromosomes = eval(parse(text = paste0("list(", paste(paste0("Chrom", seq(22), " = chromosome()"), collapse = ", "), ")")))

setMethod(f = "enrichment", signature = "ANY", definition = function (Loss, Call, eSNP, xSNP, Chromosomes) {
    if (missing(Loss)) {
        Loss <- data.frame()
    } else {}
    if (missing(Call)) {
        Call <- list(readEnrichment = list(pattern = NULL, signalFile = NULL, transcriptFile = NULL, snpListDir = NULL, snpInfoDir = NULL,
                                            distThresh = NULL, sigThresh = NULL, LD = NULL, ldDir = NULL, mc.cores = NULL),
                        reSample = list(object = NULL, nSample = NULL, empiricPvalue = NULL, MAFpool = NULL, mc.cores = NULL, onlyGenome = NULL))
    } else {}
    if (missing(Chromosomes)) {
        Chromosomes <- eval(parse(text = paste0("list(", paste(paste0("Chrom", seq(22), " = chromosome()"), collapse = ", "), ")")))
    } else {}
    if (missing(eSNP)) {
        List <- eval(parse(text = paste0("c(", paste(paste0("Chromosomes$Chrom", seq(22), "@eSNP@List"), collapse=", "), ")")))
        eSNP <- enrichSNP(List = List)
    } else {}
    if (missing(xSNP)) {
        List <- eval(parse(text = paste0("c(", paste(paste0("Chromosomes$Chrom", seq(22), "@xSNP@List"), collapse=", "), ")")))
        xSNP <- enrichSNP(List = List)
    } else {}
    return(new("Enrichment", Loss = Loss, Call = Call, eSNP = eSNP, xSNP = xSNP, Chromosomes = Chromosomes))

setMethod(f = "is.enrichment", signature = "ANY", definition = function (object) {
    if (length(object)>1) {
        return(sapply(object, is.enrichment))
    } else {
        if (class(object) == "Enrichment") {
        } else {

setMethod(f = "print", signature = "Enrichment", definition = function (x, what = "Genome", type = c("eSNP", "xSNP")) {
    if (missing(x)) {
        stop('[Enrichment:print] "x" is missing.', call. = FALSE)
    } else {}
    if (is.null(what) | any(!what%in%c("All", "Genome", seq(22)))) {
        stop('[Enrichment:print] "what" must be: "All", "Genome" or numeric value (atomic or vector).', call. = FALSE)
    } else {}
    if (is.null(type) | any(!type%in%c("eSNP", "xSNP"))) {
        stop('[Enrichment:print] "type" must be: "eSNP" and/or "xSNP".', call. = FALSE)
    } else {}
    empiricPvalue <- x["Call"][["reSample"]][["empiricPvalue"]]
    if (is.null(empiricPvalue)) {
        empiricPvalue <- FALSE
    } else {}

    if (length(what)==1) {
        switch(EXPR = as.character(what),
            "Genome" = {
                res <- list()
                for (iType in type) {
                    resTmp <- print(x[iType])
                    colnames(resTmp) <- c("EnrichmentRatio", "Z", "PValue", "nSample", "TotalSNP", iType)
                    rownames(resTmp) <-  paste("Chrom", iType, sep = ":")
                    if (empiricPvalue) {
                        resTmp <- resTmp[, -grep("Z", colnames(resTmp))]
                    } else {}
                    res[[iType]] <- resTmp
                if (length(type)==1) {
                } else {
                    res <- do.call("rbind", res)
                    rownames(res) <- paste(what, type, sep = ":")
            "All" = {
                res <- list()
                for (iType in type) {
                    resTmp <- print(x[iType])
                    tmp <- do.call("rbind", lapply(seq(22), function (n) {
                        print(x["Chromosomes", n], type = iType)
                    resTmp <- rbind(resTmp, tmp)
                    rownames(resTmp) <- c("Genome", paste0("Chrom", seq(22)))
                    colnames(resTmp) <- c("EnrichmentRatio", "Z", "PValue", "nSample", "TotalSNP", iType)
                    if (empiricPvalue) {
                        resTmp <- resTmp[, -grep("Z", colnames(resTmp))]
                    } else {}
                    res[[iType]] <- resTmp
                if (length(type)==1) {
                } else {
                res <- print(x["Chromosomes", what], type = type)
                rownames(res) <- paste0("Chrom", what, ":", type)
    } else {
        if (!is.numeric(what)) {
            stop('[Enrichment:print] "what" must be: "Genome", "All" or a numeric vector.', call. = FALSE)
        } else {}
        resTmp <- lapply(what, function (iWhat) { print(x["Chromosomes", iWhat], type = type)})
        res <- do.call("rbind", resTmp)
        whatNames <- sapply(what, function (iWhat) {
            return(paste0("Chrom", iWhat))
        rownames(res) <- paste0(rep(whatNames, each = length(type)), ":", type)
        if (empiricPvalue) {
            res <- res[, -grep("Z", colnames(res))]
        } else {}

.Enrichment.show <- function (object) {
    .showArgs <- function (args) {
        for (iFuncArg in seq(args)) {
            if (is.null(unlist(args[iFuncArg]))) {
                cat(paste0("    ", names(args[iFuncArg]), '() : Not yet called.\n'))
            } else {
                tmpArgs <- args[[names(args[iFuncArg])]]
                type <- lapply(tmpArgs, class)
                res <- NULL
                tmpArgs <- lapply(tmpArgs, function (li) {
                    if (length(li)>1) {
                    } else {
                for (iArg in names(tmpArgs)) {
                    res <- c(res, paste0(iArg,
                                        ifelse(type[[iArg]]=="character", '="', "="),
                                        ifelse(type[[iArg]]=="NULL" | type[[iArg]]=="name", deparse(tmpArgs[[iArg]]), tmpArgs[[iArg]]),
                                        ifelse(type[[iArg]]=="character", '"', "")))
                cat(paste0("    ", names(args[iFuncArg]), '(', paste(res, collapse = paste0(", \n", paste(rep(" ", nchar(names(args[iFuncArg]))+5), collapse = ""))), ')\n'))
    cat(" ~ Loss :", paste0("(", paste(dim(object@Loss), collapse = "x"), ")"))
        if (nrow(object@Loss) == 0) {
            cat(" NA")
        } else {
            resFormat <- cbind(c("", rownames(object@Loss[seq(2), ])), rbind(colnames(object@Loss[seq(2), ]), apply(round(object@Loss[seq(2), ], digits = 4), 2, as.character)))
            resFormat <- rbind(resFormat, ".....")
            cat(paste("     ", apply(apply(matrix(paste0(" ", resFormat, " "), nrow = nrow(resFormat)), 2, format, justify = "centre"), 1, paste, collapse = ""), "\n", sep = "", collapse = ""))
    cat("\n ~ Call :\n")
    cat("\n ~ eSNP :\n")
    cat("\n ~ xSNP :\n")
    nbVoid <- 0
    for (slot in names(object@Chromosomes)) {
        eval(parse(text = paste0("nbVoid <- nbVoid + as.numeric(identical(chromosome(), ", paste0("object@Chromosomes$", slot), "))")))
    cat("\n ~ Chromosomes :", paste(nbVoid, length(names(object@Chromosomes)), sep = "/"), "empty Chromosomes")
setMethod(f = "show", signature = "Enrichment", definition = function (object) {cat("    ~~~ Class:", class(object), "~~~ \n"); .Enrichment.show(object); return(invisible(object))})

setMethod(f = "[", signature = "Enrichment", definition = function (x, i, j, drop) {
    nbChr <- length(x@Chromosomes)
    if (missing(j)) {
        switch(EXPR = i,
            "Loss" = {return(x@Loss)},
            "Data" = {
                resData <- mclapply2(seq(22), mc.cores = min(22, detectCores()), function (iChr) {
                return(do.call("rbind", resData))
            "LD" = {
                resLD <- mclapply2(seq(22), mc.cores = min(22, detectCores()), function (iChr) {
            "Call" = {return(x@Call)},
            "eSNP" = {return(x@eSNP)},
            "xSNP" = {return(x@xSNP)},
            "Table" = {
                res <- list(eSNP = NULL, xSNP = NULL)
                for (iType in c("eSNP", "xSNP")) {
                    res[[iType]] <- eval(parse(text = paste0('x@', iType, '@Table')))
            "Chromosomes" = {return(x@Chromosomes)},
            "Stats" = {
                res <- list(eSNP = NULL, xSNP = NULL)
                for (iType in c("eSNP", "xSNP")) {
                    EnrichmentRatio <- eval(parse(text = paste0('x@', iType, '@EnrichmentRatio')))
                    Z <- eval(parse(text = paste0('x@', iType, '@Z')))
                    PValue <- eval(parse(text = paste0('x@', iType, '@PValue')))
                    Resampling <- eval(parse(text = paste0('nrow(x@', iType, '@Resampling)')))
                    Data <- x@Loss["Signal", ncol(x@Loss)]
                    List <- eval(parse(text = paste0('length(x@', iType, '@List)')))
                    resTmp <- c(if (length(EnrichmentRatio)==0) {NA} else {EnrichmentRatio},
                                if (length(Z)==0) {NA} else {Z},
                                if (length(PValue)==0) {NA} else {PValue},
                                if (length(Resampling)==0) {NA} else {Resampling},
                                if (length(Data)==0) {NA} else {Data},
                                if (length(List)==0) {NA} else {List}
                    names(resTmp) <- c("EnrichmentRatio", "Z", "PVALUE", "nbSample", "SNP", iType)
                    res[[iType]] <- resTmp
            stop('[Enrichment:get] ', i, ' is not a "Enrichment" slot.', call. = FALSE)
    } else {
        if (max(j)>nbChr) {
            if (j == "ALL") {
                switch(EXPR = i,
                    "Loss" = {return(x@Loss)},
                    "Data" = {
                        resData <- mclapply2(seq(22), mc.cores = min(22, detectCores()), function (iChr) {
                        return(do.call("rbind", resData))
                    "LD" = {
                        resLD <- mclapply2(seq(22), mc.cores = min(22, detectCores()), function (iChr) {
                    "Call" = {return(x@Call)},
                    "List" = {
                        res <- list(eSNP = NULL, xSNP = NULL)
                        for (iType in c("eSNP", "xSNP")) {
                            res[[iType]] <- eval(parse(text = paste0('x@', iType, '@List')))
                    "Table" = {
                        res <- list(eSNP = NULL, xSNP = NULL)
                        for (iType in c("eSNP", "xSNP")) {
                            res[[iType]] <- eval(parse(text = paste0('x@', iType, '@Table')))
                    "EnrichmentRatio" = {
                        res <- list(eSNP = NULL, xSNP = NULL)
                        for (iType in c("eSNP", "xSNP")) {
                            res[[iType]] <- eval(parse(text = paste0('x@', iType, '@EnrichmentRatio')))
                    "Z" = {
                        res <- list(eSNP = NULL, xSNP = NULL)
                        for (iType in c("eSNP", "xSNP")) {
                            res[[iType]] <- eval(parse(text = paste0('x@', iType, '@Z')))
                    "PValue" = {
                        res <- list(eSNP = NULL, xSNP = NULL)
                        for (iType in c("eSNP", "xSNP")) {
                            res[[iType]] <- eval(parse(text = paste0('x@', iType, '@PValue')))
                    "Resampling" = {
                        res <- list(eSNP = NULL, xSNP = NULL)
                        for (iType in c("eSNP", "xSNP")) {
                            res[[iType]] <- eval(parse(text = paste0('x@', iType, '@Resampling')))
                    "Chromosomes" = {return(x@Chromosomes)},
                    "Stats" = {
                        res <- list(eSNP = NULL, xSNP = NULL)
                        for (iType in c("eSNP", "xSNP")) {
                            EnrichmentRatio <- eval(parse(text = paste0('x@', iType, '@EnrichmentRatio')))
                            Z <- eval(parse(text = paste0('x@', iType, '@Z')))
                            PValue <- eval(parse(text = paste0('x@', iType, '@PValue')))
                            Resampling <- eval(parse(text = paste0('nrow(x@', iType, '@Resampling)')))
                            Data <- x@Loss["Signal", ncol(x@Loss)]
                            List <- eval(parse(text = paste0('length(x@', iType, '@List)')))
                            resTmp <- c(if (length(EnrichmentRatio)==0) {NA} else {EnrichmentRatio},
                                        if (length(Z)==0) {NA} else {Z},
                                        if (length(PValue)==0) {NA} else {PValue},
                                        if (length(Resampling)==0) {NA} else {Resampling},
                                        if (length(Data)==0) {NA} else {Data},
                                        if (length(List)==0) {NA} else {List}
                            for (iChr in seq(22)) {
                                EnrichmentRatio <- eval(parse(text = paste0('x@Chromosomes$Chrom', iChr, '@', iType, '@EnrichmentRatio')))
                                Z <- eval(parse(text = paste0('x@Chromosomes$Chrom', iChr, '@', iType, '@Z')))
                                PValue <- eval(parse(text = paste0('x@Chromosomes$Chrom', iChr, '@', iType, '@PValue',)))
                                Resampling <- eval(parse(text = paste0('nrow(x@Chromosomes$Chrom', iChr, '@', iType, '@Resampling)')))
                                Data <- eval(parse(text = paste0('nrow(x@Chromosomes$Chrom', iChr, '@Data)')))
                                List <- eval(parse(text = paste0('length(x@Chromosomes$Chrom', iChr, '@', iType, '@List)')))
                                tmp <- c(if (length(EnrichmentRatio)==0) {NA} else {EnrichmentRatio},
                                        if (length(Z)==0) {NA} else {Z},
                                        if (length(PValue)==0) {NA} else {PValue},
                                        if (length(Resampling)==0) {NA} else {Resampling},
                                        if (length(Data)==0) {NA} else {Data},
                                        if (length(List)==0) {NA} else {List}
                                resTmp <- rbind(resTmp, tmp)
                            rownames(resTmp) <- c("Genome", paste0("Chrom", seq(22)))
                            colnames(resTmp) <- c("EnrichmentRatio", "Z", "PVALUE", "nbSample", "SNP", iType)
                            res[[iType]] <- resTmp
                    stop('[Enrichment:get] ', i, ' is not a "Enrichment" slot.', call. = FALSE)
            } else {
                stop('[Enrichment:get] "j" is out of limits.', call. = FALSE)
        } else {
            if (length(j)>1) {
                switch(EXPR = i,
                    "Signal" = {return(eval(parse(text = paste0('list(', paste(paste0("x@Chromosomes$Chrom", j, "@Data[, c('SNP', 'PVALUE')]"), collapse = ", "), ')'))))},
                    "Data" = {
                        resData <- mclapply2(j, mc.cores = min(length(j), detectCores()), function (iChr) {
                        return(do.call("rbind", resData))
                    "LD" = {
                        resLD <- mclapply2(j, mc.cores = min(length(j), detectCores()), function (iChr) {
                    "Call" = {return(x@Call)},
                    "List" = {
                        res <- list(eSNP = NULL, xSNP = NULL)
                        for (iType in c("eSNP", "xSNP")) {
                            res[[iType]] <- eval(parse(text = paste0('c(', paste(paste0("x@Chromosomes$Chrom", j, "@", iType,"@List"), collapse = ", "), ')')))
                    "Table" = {
                        res <- list(eSNP = NULL, xSNP = NULL)
                        for (iType in c("eSNP", "xSNP")) {
                            res[[iType]] <- eval(parse(text = paste0('list(', paste(paste0("x@Chromosomes$Chrom", j, "@", iType,"@Table"), collapse = ", "), ')')))
                    "EnrichmentRatio" = {
                        res <- list(eSNP = NULL, xSNP = NULL)
                        for (iType in c("eSNP", "xSNP")) {
                            res[[iType]] <- eval(parse(text = paste0('c(', paste(paste0("x@Chromosomes$Chrom", j, "@", iType,"@EnrichmentRatio"), collapse = ", "), ')')))
                    "Z" = {
                        res <- list(eSNP = NULL, xSNP = NULL)
                        for (iType in c("eSNP", "xSNP")) {
                            res[[iType]] <- eval(parse(text = paste0('c(', paste(paste0("x@Chromosomes$Chrom", j, "@", iType,"@Z"), collapse = ", "), ')')))
                    "PValue" = {
                        res <- list(eSNP = NULL, xSNP = NULL)
                        for (iType in c("eSNP", "xSNP")) {
                            res[[iType]] <- eval(parse(text = paste0('c(', paste(paste0("x@Chromosomes$Chrom", j, "@", iType,"@PValue"), collapse = ", "), ')')))
                    "Resampling" = {
                        res <- list(eSNP = NULL, xSNP = NULL)
                        for (iType in c("eSNP", "xSNP")) {
                            res[[iType]] <- eval(parse(text = paste0('list(', paste(paste0("x@Chromosomes$Chrom", j, "@", iType,"@Resampling"), collapse = ", "), ')')))
                    "Chromosomes" = {return(x@Chromosomes[j])},
                    "Stats" = {
                        res <- list(eSNP = NULL, xSNP = NULL)
                        for (iType in c("eSNP", "xSNP")) {
                            resTmp <- NULL
                            for (iChr in j) {
                                EnrichmentRatio <- eval(parse(text = paste0('x@Chromosomes$Chrom', iChr, '@', iType, '@EnrichmentRatio')))
                                Z <- eval(parse(text = paste0('x@Chromosomes$Chrom', iChr, '@', iType, '@Z')))
                                PValue <- eval(parse(text = paste0('x@Chromosomes$Chrom', iChr, '@', iType, '@PValue')))
                                Resampling <- eval(parse(text = paste0('nrow(x@Chromosomes$Chrom', iChr, '@', iType, '@Resampling)')))
                                Data <- eval(parse(text = paste0('nrow(x@Chromosomes$Chrom', iChr, '@Data)')))
                                List <- eval(parse(text = paste0('length(x@Chromosomes$Chrom', iChr, '@', iType, '@List)')))
                                tmp <- c(if (length(EnrichmentRatio)==0) {NA} else {EnrichmentRatio},
                                        if (length(Z)==0) {NA} else {Z},
                                        if (length(PValue)==0) {NA} else {PValue},
                                        if (length(Resampling)==0) {NA} else {Resampling},
                                        if (length(Data)==0) {NA} else {Data},
                                        if (length(List)==0) {NA} else {List}
                                resTmp <- rbind(resTmp, tmp)
                            rownames(resTmp) <- c(paste0("Chrom", j))
                            colnames(resTmp) <- c("EnrichmentRatio", "Z", "PVALUE", "nbSample", "SNP", iType)
                            res[[iType]] <- resTmp
                    stop('[Enrichment:get] ', i, ' is not a "Enrichment" slot.', call. = FALSE)
            } else {
                switch(EXPR = i,
                    "Signal" = {return(eval(parse(text = paste0("x@Chromosomes$Chrom", j, "@Data[, c('SNP', 'PVALUE')]"))))},
                    "Data" = {return(eval(parse(text = paste0("x@Chromosomes$Chrom", j, "@Data"))))},
                    "LD" = {return(eval(parse(text = paste0("x@Chromosomes$Chrom", j, "@LD"))))},
                    "Call" = {return(x@Call)},
                    "List" = {
                        res <- list(eSNP = NULL, xSNP = NULL)
                        for (iType in c("eSNP", "xSNP")) {
                            res[[iType]] <- eval(parse(text = paste0("x@Chromosomes$Chrom", j, "@", iType,"@List")))
                    "Table" = {
                        res <- list(eSNP = NULL, xSNP = NULL)
                        for (iType in c("eSNP", "xSNP")) {
                            res[[iType]] <- eval(parse(text = paste0("x@Chromosomes$Chrom", j, "@", iType,"@Table")))
                    "EnrichmentRatio" = {
                        res <- list(eSNP = NULL, xSNP = NULL)
                        for (iType in c("eSNP", "xSNP")) {
                            res[[iType]] <- eval(parse(text = paste0("x@Chromosomes$Chrom", j, "@", iType,"@EnrichmentRatio")))
                    "Z" = {
                        res <- list(eSNP = NULL, xSNP = NULL)
                        for (iType in c("eSNP", "xSNP")) {
                            res[[iType]] <- eval(parse(text = paste0("x@Chromosomes$Chrom", j, "@", iType,"@Z")))
                    "PValue" = {
                        res <- list(eSNP = NULL, xSNP = NULL)
                        for (iType in c("eSNP", "xSNP")) {
                            res[[iType]] <- eval(parse(text = paste0("x@Chromosomes$Chrom", j, "@", iType,"@PValue")))
                    "Resampling" = {
                        res <- list(eSNP = NULL, xSNP = NULL)
                        for (iType in c("eSNP", "xSNP")) {
                            res[[iType]] <- eval(parse(text = paste0("x@Chromosomes$Chrom", j, "@", iType,"@Resampling")))
                    "Chromosomes" = {return(x@Chromosomes[[j]])},
                    "Stats" = {
                        res <- list(eSNP = NULL, xSNP = NULL)
                        for (iType in c("eSNP", "xSNP")) {
                            EnrichmentRatio <- eval(parse(text = paste0('x@Chromosomes$Chrom', j, '@', iType, '@EnrichmentRatio')))
                            Z <- eval(parse(text = paste0('x@Chromosomes$Chrom', j, '@', iType, '@Z')))
                            PValue <- eval(parse(text = paste0('x@Chromosomes$Chrom', j, '@', iType, '@PValue')))
                            Resampling <- eval(parse(text = paste0('nrow(x@Chromosomes$Chrom', j, '@', iType, '@Resampling)')))
                            Data <- eval(parse(text = paste0('nrow(x@Chromosomes$Chrom', j, '@Data)')))
                            List <- eval(parse(text = paste0('length(x@Chromosomes$Chrom', j, '@', iType, '@List)')))
                            tmp <- c(if (length(EnrichmentRatio)==0) {NA} else {EnrichmentRatio},
                                    if (length(Z)==0) {NA} else {Z},
                                    if (length(PValue)==0) {NA} else {PValue},
                                    if (length(Resampling)==0) {NA} else {Resampling},
                                    if (length(Data)==0) {NA} else {Data},
                                    if (length(List)==0) {NA} else {List}
                            names(tmp) <- c("EnrichmentRatio", "Z", "PVALUE", "nbSample", "SNP", iType)
                            res[[iType]] <- tmp
                    stop('[Enrichment:get] ', i, ' is not a "Enrichment" slot.', call. = FALSE)

setMethod(f = "[<-", signature = "Enrichment", definition = function (x, i, j, value) {
    nbChr <- length(x@Chromosomes)
    if (missing(j)) {
        switch(EXPR = i,
            "Loss" = {x@Loss <- value},
            "Data" = {stop('[Enrichment:set] "Data" is not available for Set function.', call. = FALSE)},
            "LD" = {stop('[Enrichment:set] "LD" is not available for Set function.', call. = FALSE)},
            "Call" = {x@Call <- value},
            "eSNP" = {x@eSNP <- value},
            "xSNP" = {x@xSNP <- value},
            "List" = {stop('[Enrichment:set] "List" is not available for Set function.', call. = FALSE)},
            "Table" = {stop('[Enrichment:set] "Table" is not available for Set function.', call. = FALSE)},
            "EnrichmentRatio" = {stop('[Enrichment:set] "EnrichmentRatio" is not available for Set function.', call. = FALSE)},
            "Z" = {stop('[Enrichment:set] "Z" is not available for Set function.', call. = FALSE)},
            "PValue" = {stop('[Enrichment:set] "PValue" is not available for Set function.', call. = FALSE)},
            "Resampling" = {stop('[Enrichment:set] "Resampling" is not available for Set function.', call. = FALSE)},
            "Chromosomes" = {x@Chromosomes <- value},
            "Stats" = {stop('[Enrichment:set] "Stats" is not available for Set function.', call. = FALSE)},
            stop('[Enrichment:set] ', i, ' is not a "Enrichment" slot.', call. = FALSE)
    } else {
        if (max(j)>nbChr) {
            stop('[Enrichment:set] "j" is out of limits.', call. = FALSE)
        } else {
            if (length(j)>1) {
                stop('[Enrichment:set] "j" must be atomic.', call. = FALSE)
            } else {
                switch(EXPR = i,
                    "Loss" = {x@Loss <- value},
                    "Data" = {stop('[Enrichment:set] "Data" is not available for Set function.', call. = FALSE)},
                    "LD" = {stop('[Enrichment:set] "LD" is not available for Set function.', call. = FALSE)},
                    "Call" = {x@Call <- value},
                    "eSNP" = {x@Chromosomes[[j]]@eSNP <- value},
                    "xSNP" = {x@Chromosomes[[j]]@xSNP <- value},
                    "List" = {stop('[Enrichment:set] "List" is not available for Set function.', call. = FALSE)},
                    "Table" = {stop('[Enrichment:set] "Table" is not available for Set function.', call. = FALSE)},
                    "EnrichmentRatio" = {stop('[Enrichment:set] "EnrichmentRatio" is not available for Set function.', call. = FALSE)},
                    "Z" = {stop('[Enrichment:set] "Z" is not available for Set function.', call. = FALSE)},
                    "PValue" = {stop('[Enrichment:set] "PValue" is not available for Set function.', call. = FALSE)},
                    "Resampling" = {stop('[Enrichment:set] "Resampling" is not available for Set function.', call. = FALSE)},
                    "Chromosomes" = {x@Chromosomes[[j]] <- value},
                    "Stats" = {stop('[Enrichment:set] "Stats" is not available for Set functions.', call. = FALSE)},
                    stop('[Enrichment:set] ', i, ' is not a "Enrichment" slot.', call. = FALSE)

setMethod(f = "computeER", signature = "Enrichment", definition = function (object, sigThresh = 0.05, mc.cores = 1) {
    if (!missing(object)) {
        rowNames <- c(paste0("P>=", sigThresh), paste0("P<", sigThresh))
        object@Chromosomes <- mclapply2(object@Chromosomes, mc.cores = mc.cores, function (chr) {
            data <- chr@Data
            chrLD <- length(chr@LD)
            pvalFactor <- factor(data[, "PVALUE"]<sigThresh, levels = c(FALSE, TRUE))
            for (iType in c("eSNP", "xSNP")) {
                if (!(chrLD == 0 & iType == "xSNP")) {
                    snpEnrich <- table(pvalFactor, factor(data[, iType], levels = c(0, 1)))
                    colnames(snpEnrich) <- c("otherSNP", iType)
                    rownames(snpEnrich) <- rowNames
                    chr[iType] <- enrichSNP(List = chr[iType]@List, Table = unclass(snpEnrich), EnrichmentRatio = .enrichmentRatio(snpEnrich))
                } else {}
        for (iType in c("eSNP", "xSNP")) {
            bigEnrichment <- matrix(rowSums(sapply(seq(22), function (jChr) {
            })), nrow = 2, ncol = 2)
            object[iType]@Table <- bigEnrichment
            object[iType]@EnrichmentRatio <- .enrichmentRatio(bigEnrichment)
    } else {
        stop('[Enrichment:computeER] "Enrichment" object is required.', call. = FALSE)

setMethod(f = "reSample", signature = "Enrichment", definition = function (object, nSample = 100, empiricPvalue = TRUE, MAFpool = c(0.05, 0.10, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5), mc.cores = 1, onlyGenome = TRUE) {
    if (!missing(object)) {
        if (nSample<10) {
            nSample = 10
            warning('[Enrichment:reSample] nSample was increased to 10.', call. = FALSE)
        } else {}
        sigThresh <- object@Call$readEnrichment$sigThresh

        cat("########### Resample Enrichment ############\n")
        warnings.env <- new.env()
        assign("minCores", mc.cores, envir = warnings.env)
        assign("maxCores", 0, envir = warnings.env)
        nSampleOld <- object@Call$reSample$nSample
        if (onlyGenome == FALSE) {
            listRes <- eval(parse(text = paste0("list(", paste(paste0("Chrom", seq(22), " = NULL"), collapse = ", "), ")")))
            for (iChr in seq(22)) {
                cat("  Chromosome ", if (nchar(iChr) == 1) {paste0("0", iChr)} else {iChr}, ": ", sep = "")
                nbCores <- suppressWarnings(maxCores(mc.cores))
                assign("minCores", min(get("minCores", envir = warnings.env), nbCores), envir = warnings.env)
                assign("maxCores", max(get("maxCores", envir = warnings.env), nbCores), envir = warnings.env)
                suppressWarnings(listRes[[iChr]] <- reSample(object = object@Chromosomes[[iChr]], nSample = nSample, empiricPvalue = empiricPvalue, sigThresh = sigThresh, MAFpool = MAFpool, mc.cores = mc.cores))
            object@Chromosomes <- listRes
        } else {}

        cat("  Genome       : ")
        nbCores <- suppressWarnings(maxCores(mc.cores))
        assign("minCores", min(get("minCores", envir = warnings.env), nbCores), envir = warnings.env)
        assign("maxCores", max(get("maxCores", envir = warnings.env), nbCores), envir = warnings.env)
        suppressWarnings(result <- .reSample(object = object, nSample = nSample, empiricPvalue = empiricPvalue, sigThresh = sigThresh, MAFpool = MAFpool, mc.cores = mc.cores))

        sysCall <- sys.call(sys.parent())
        argsSNP <- as.list(sysCall[-1])
        formal <- as.list(names(formals(as.character(sysCall))))
        names(formal) <- formal
        if (is.null(names(argsSNP))) {
            names(argsSNP) <- names(formal)[seq_along(argsSNP)]
        } else {
            emptyNames <- which(names(argsSNP)=="")
            names(argsSNP)[emptyNames] <- names(formal)[emptyNames]
        names(argsSNP)[grep("^$", names(argsSNP))] <- names(formal)[grep("^$", names(argsSNP))]
        argsSNP <- c(argsSNP, lapply(formal[!names(formal) %in% names(argsSNP)], as.name))[names(formal)]
        paramClass <- sapply(argsSNP, class)

        for (iArg in names(formal)) {
            if (iArg != "...") {
                paramPos <- grep(iArg, names(formal), fixed = TRUE)
                argTmp <- argsSNP[[paramPos]]
                classTmp <- paramClass[[paramPos]]
                switch(EXPR = classTmp,
                    "character" = {formal[[iArg]] <- argTmp},
                    "logical" = {formal[[iArg]] <- argTmp},
                    "numeric" = {formal[[iArg]] <- argTmp},
                    "integer" = {formal[[iArg]] <- argTmp},
                    "NULL" = {formal[[iArg]] <- "NULL"},
                    "call" = {formal[[iArg]] <- eval(argTmp)},
                    "name" = {
                        if (class(try(resEval <- eval(argTmp), silent = TRUE))=="try-error") {
                            formal[[iArg]] <- argTmp
                        } else {
                            switch(EXPR = class(resEval),
                                "character" = {formal[[iArg]] <- resEval},
                                "logical" = {formal[[iArg]] <- resEval},
                                "numeric" = {formal[[iArg]] <- resEval},
                                "integer" = {formal[[iArg]] <- resEval},
                                "matrix" = {formal[[iArg]] <- argTmp},
                                "data.frame" = {formal[[iArg]] <- argTmp},
                                "Enrichment" = {formal[[iArg]] <- argTmp}
            } else {}

        if (is.numeric(nSampleOld)) {
            formal$nSample <- nSampleOld + formal$nSample
        } else {}
        result@Call$reSample <- formal[c("object", "nSample", "empiricPvalue", "MAFpool", "mc.cores", "onlyGenome")]
        nameObject <- deparse(result@Call$reSample[["object"]])
        assign(nameObject, result, inherits = TRUE, envir = parent.frame(2))

        assign("maxCores", min(get("maxCores", envir = warnings.env), mc.cores), envir = warnings.env)
        if (get("minCores", envir = warnings.env)==get("maxCores", envir = warnings.env)) {
            if (get("minCores", envir = warnings.env)!=mc.cores) {
                warning(paste0('[Enrichment:reSample] To avoid memory overload "mc.cores" was decreased to ',
                                get("minCores", envir = warnings.env), "."), call. = FALSE)
            } else {}
        } else {
            warning(paste0('[Enrichment:reSample] To avoid memory overload "mc.cores" was decreased to min=',
                            get("minCores", envir = warnings.env), " and max=",
                            get("maxCores", envir = warnings.env), "."), call. = FALSE)
        cat("######## Resample Enrichment Done ##########\n")
        cat(paste0('*** Object "', nameObject, '" has been updated. ***\n\n'))
    } else {
        stop('[Enrichment:reSample] "Enrichment" object is required.', call. = FALSE)

setMethod(f = "excludeSNP", signature = "Enrichment", definition = function (object, excludeFile, mc.cores = 1) {
    if (missing(excludeFile)) {
        stop('[Enrichment:excludeSNP] argument "excludeFile" is missing.' , call. = FALSE)
    } else {
        cat("########## Exclude SNP list Start ##########\n")
        if (all(class(try(close(file(excludeFile)), silent = TRUE))!="try-error")) {
            eSNPexclude <- read.delim(file = excludeFile, header = FALSE, na.string = c("NA", ""), check.names = FALSE, strip.white = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, sep = "\t")
        } else {
            eSNPexclude <- excludeFile
        if (class(eSNPexclude) %in% c("matrix", "data.frame")) {
            if (ncol(eSNPexclude)>1) {
                eSNPexclude <- eSNPexclude[, 1]
            } else {}
        } else {}
        eSNPexclude <- unlist(eSNPexclude, use.names = FALSE)
        callLD <- object@Call$readEnrichment$LD
        resParallel <- mclapply2(X = seq(22), mc.cores = min(22, mc.cores), FUN = function (iChr) {
            chrObject <- eval(parse(text = paste0('object@Chromosomes$Chrom', iChr)))
            temp <- chrObject@Data
            if (callLD) {
                xSNPexclude <- intersect(temp[, "SNP"], unique(c(eSNPexclude, chrObject@LD[names(chrObject@LD) %in% eSNPexclude])))
            } else {
                xSNPexclude <- eSNPexclude
            temp[temp[, "SNP"]%in%xSNPexclude, "eSNP"] <- 0
            temp[temp[, "SNP"]%in%xSNPexclude, "xSNP"] <- 0
            res <- chromosome(Data = temp, LD = chrObject@LD)
        names(resParallel) <- paste0("Chrom", seq(22))
        result <- enrichment(Loss = object@Loss,
                                Chromosomes = resParallel,
                                Call = list(readEnrichment = object@Call$readEnrichment,
                                                    reSample = list(object = NULL, nSample = NULL, empiricPvalue = NULL, MAFpool = NULL, mc.cores = NULL, onlyGenome = NULL)))

        result <- computeER(object = result, sigThresh = object@Call$readEnrichment$sigThresh, mc.cores = mc.cores)
        cat("########### Update SNP list END ############\n")
        for (iType in c("eSNP", "xSNP")) {
            cat("   ", length(setdiff(object[iType]@List, result[iType]@List)), " SNPs are removed from", iType, "list.\n")
        result@Loss <- cbind(result@Loss,
                                exclude = c(result@Loss["Signal", "CIS"],
                                            length(result["List", seq(22)][["eSNP"]]),
                                            sapply(seq(22), function (iChr) {length(result["List", iChr][["eSNP"]])})))

        cat("########### Exclude SNP list END ###########\n")

setMethod(f = "reset", signature = "Enrichment", definition = function (object, i) {
    switch(EXPR = i,
        "Loss" = {
            object@Loss <- data.frame()
        "Data" = {
            object@Chromosomes <- lapply(object@Chromosomes, reset, i = "Data")
        "LD" = {
            object@Chromosomes <- lapply(object@Chromosomes, reset, i = "LD")
        "Call" = {
            object@Call <- list(readEnrichment = list(pattern = NULL, signalFile = NULL, transcriptFile = NULL, snpListDir = NULL, snpInfoDir = NULL,
                                                        distThresh = NULL, sigThresh = NULL, LD = NULL, ldDir = NULL, mc.cores = NULL),
                                reSample = list(object = NULL, nSample = NULL, empiricPvalue = NULL, MAFpool = NULL, mc.cores = NULL, onlyGenome = NULL))
        "eSNP" = {
            object@eSNP <- enrichSNP()
            object@Chromosomes <- lapply(object@Chromosomes, reset, i = "eSNP")
        "xSNP" = {
            object@xSNP <- enrichSNP()
            object@Chromosomes <- lapply(object@Chromosomes, reset, i = "xSNP")
        "List" = {
            for (iType in c("eSNP", "xSNP")) {
                object[iType]@List <- character()
            object@Chromosomes <- lapply(object@Chromosomes, reset, i = "List")
        "Table" = {
            for (iType in c("eSNP", "xSNP")) {
                object[iType]@Table <- matrix(0, ncol = 2, nrow = 2)
            object@Chromosomes <- lapply(object@Chromosomes, reset, i = "Table")
        "EnrichmentRatio" = {
            for (iType in c("eSNP", "xSNP")) {
                object[iType]@EnrichmentRatio <- numeric()
            object@Chromosomes <- lapply(object@Chromosomes, reset, i = "EnrichmentRatio")
        "Z" = {
            for (iType in c("eSNP", "xSNP")) {
                object[iType]@Z <- numeric()
            object@Chromosomes <- lapply(object@Chromosomes, reset, i = "Z")
        "PValue" = {
            for (iType in c("eSNP", "xSNP")) {
                object[iType]@PValue <- numeric()
            object@Chromosomes <- lapply(object@Chromosomes, reset, i = "PValue")
        "Resampling" = {
            for (iType in c("eSNP", "xSNP")) {
                object[iType]@Resampling <- matrix(0, ncol = 5, nrow = 0)
            object@Chromosomes <- lapply(object@Chromosomes, reset, i = "Resampling")
        "Chromosomes" = {
            object@Chromosomes <- eval(parse(text = paste0("list(", paste(paste0("Chrom", seq(22), " = chromosome()"), collapse = ", "), ")")))
        stop('[Enrichment:reset] ', i, ' is not a "Enrichment" slot.', call. = FALSE)

setMethod(f = "compareEnrichment", signature = "ANY", definition = function (object.x, object.y, pattern = "Chrom", nSample = 100, empiricPvalue = TRUE, mc.cores = 1, onlyGenome = TRUE) {
    if (!missing(object.x) & !missing(object.y)) {
        if (nSample<10) {
            nSample = 10
            warning('[Enrichment:compareEnrichment] "nSample" was increased to 10.', call. = FALSE)
        } else {}
        if (is.enrichment(object.x) & is.enrichment(object.y)) {
            if (nrow(object.x["Data"]) == 0) {
                stop('[Enrichment:compareEnrichment] "Enrichment" data is empty for "object.x".', call. = FALSE)
            } else {}
            if (nrow(object.y["Data"]) == 0) {
                stop('[Enrichment:compareEnrichment] "Enrichment" data is empty for "object.y".', call. = FALSE)
            } else {}
        } else {
            stop('[Enrichment:compareEnrichment] "Enrichment" object is required.', call. = FALSE)

        sigThresh.x <- object.x@Call$readEnrichment$sigThresh
        sigThresh.y <- object.y@Call$readEnrichment$sigThresh
        if (!identical(sigThresh.x, sigThresh.y)) {
            warning(paste0('[Enrichment:compareEnrichment] "sigThresh" differs from "object.x" to "object.y".\n         "object.x" parameter is: ', deparse(sigThresh.x)), call. = FALSE)
        } else {}
        sigThresh <- sigThresh.x

        MAFpool.x <- object.x@Call$reSample$MAFpool
        MAFpool.y <- object.y@Call$reSample$MAFpool
        if (!identical(MAFpool.x, MAFpool.y)) {
            warning(paste0('[Enrichment:compareEnrichment] "MAFpool" differs from "object.x" to "object.y".\n         "object.x" parameter is: ', deparse(MAFpool.x)), call. = FALSE)
        } else {}
        MAFpool <- eval(MAFpool.x)
        if (missing(MAFpool) | is.null(MAFpool)) {
            MAFpool <- c(0.05, 0.10, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5)
        } else{}

        object.x@Call$reSample$empiricPvalue <- empiricPvalue
        object.y@Call$reSample$empiricPvalue <- empiricPvalue

        l1 <- object.x@eSNP@List
        l2 <- object.y@eSNP@List
        if (identical(l1, l2)) {
            stop('[Enrichment:compareEnrichment] Both lists are identical.', call. = FALSE)
        } else {}

        if (is.null(object.x@Call$reSample$nSample) | is.null(object.y@Call$reSample$nSample)) {
            cat("########## Resample objects Start ##########\n")
            if (is.null(object.x@Call$reSample$nSample)) {
                cat("  Resampling object.x ...\n")
                .verbose(reSample(object = object.x, nSample = nSample, empiricPvalue = empiricPvalue, MAFpool = MAFpool, mc.cores = mc.cores, onlyGenome = onlyGenome))
            } else {}
            if (is.null(object.y@Call$reSample$nSample)) {
                cat("  Resampling object.y ...\n")
                .verbose(reSample(object = object.y, nSample = nSample, empiricPvalue = empiricPvalue, MAFpool = MAFpool, mc.cores = mc.cores, onlyGenome = onlyGenome))
            } else {}
            cat("########### Resample objects End ###########\n")
        } else {}

        enrichObject1 <- object.x
        enrichObject2 <- object.y
        object.x <- reset(object.x, "Resampling")
        object.y <- reset(object.y, "Resampling")

        if (length(l1)<length(l2)) {
            object1 <- object.x
            object2 <- object.y
            namesRes <- c("Enrichment_1", "Enrichment_2", "PVALUE_1", "PVALUE_2", "PVALUE", "nSAMPLE", "SNP_1", "SNP_2")
        } else {
            object1 <- object.y
            object2 <- object.x
            namesRes <- c("Enrichment_2", "Enrichment_1", "PVALUE_2", "PVALUE_1", "PVALUE", "nSAMPLE", "SNP_2", "SNP_1")
        rm(object.x, object.y)
        object2 <- reset(object2, "Data")
        object2 <- reset(object2, "LD")

        cat("############ Comparison Start ##############\n")
        if (onlyGenome == FALSE) {
            listRes <- eval(parse(text = paste0("list(", paste(paste0("Chrom", seq(22), " = NULL"), collapse = ", "), ")")))
            for (iChr in seq(22)) {
                cat("  Chromosome ", if (nchar(iChr) == 1) {paste0("0", iChr)} else {iChr}, ": ", sep = "")
                listRes[[iChr]] <- .compareEnrich(object1 = object1@Chromosomes[[iChr]], object2 = object2@Chromosomes[[iChr]], nSample = nSample, empiricPvalue = empiricPvalue, sigThresh = sigThresh, MAFpool = MAFpool, mc.cores = mc.cores)
                if (identical(sort(object1@Chromosomes[[iChr]]@eSNP@List), sort(object2@Chromosomes[[iChr]]@eSNP@List))) {
                    listRes[[iChr]] <- reset(listRes[[iChr]], "Z")
                    listRes[[iChr]] <- reset(listRes[[iChr]], "Resampling")
                    listRes[[iChr]]@eSNP@PValue <- as.numeric(NA)
                    listRes[[iChr]]@xSNP@PValue <- as.numeric(NA)
                } else {}
        } else {}

        cat("  Genome       : ")
        result <- .compareEnrich(object1 = object1, object2 = object2, nSample = nSample, empiricPvalue = empiricPvalue, sigThresh = sigThresh, MAFpool = MAFpool, mc.cores = mc.cores)
        if (onlyGenome == FALSE) {
            result@Chromosomes <- listRes
        } else {}

        res <- list(eSNP = NULL, xSNP = NULL)
        summaryObj1 <- print(object1, what = "All")
        summaryObj2 <- print(object2, what = "All")
        summaryRes <- print(result, what = "All")
        if (empiricPvalue) {
            res[["eSNP"]] <- cbind(summaryObj1[["eSNP"]][, "EnrichmentRatio"], summaryObj2[["eSNP"]][, "EnrichmentRatio"], summaryObj1[["eSNP"]][, "PValue"], summaryObj2[["eSNP"]][, "PValue"], summaryRes[["eSNP"]][, c("PValue", "nSample")], summaryObj1[["eSNP"]][, "eSNP"], summaryObj2[["eSNP"]][, "eSNP"])
            res[["xSNP"]] <- cbind(summaryObj1[["xSNP"]][, "EnrichmentRatio"], summaryObj2[["xSNP"]][, "EnrichmentRatio"], summaryObj1[["xSNP"]][, "PValue"], summaryObj2[["xSNP"]][, "PValue"], summaryRes[["xSNP"]][, c("PValue", "nSample")], summaryObj1[["xSNP"]][, "xSNP"], summaryObj2[["xSNP"]][, "xSNP"])
            colnames(res[["eSNP"]]) <- namesRes
            colnames(res[["xSNP"]]) <- namesRes
        } else {
            res[["eSNP"]] <- cbind(summaryObj1[["eSNP"]][, "EnrichmentRatio"], summaryObj2[["eSNP"]][, "EnrichmentRatio"], summaryObj1[["eSNP"]][, "PValue"], summaryObj2[["eSNP"]][, "PValue"], summaryRes[["eSNP"]][, c("PValue", "Z", "nSample")], summaryObj1[["eSNP"]][, "eSNP"], summaryObj2[["eSNP"]][, "eSNP"])
            res[["xSNP"]] <- cbind(summaryObj1[["xSNP"]][, "EnrichmentRatio"], summaryObj2[["xSNP"]][, "EnrichmentRatio"], summaryObj1[["xSNP"]][, "PValue"], summaryObj2[["xSNP"]][, "PValue"], summaryRes[["xSNP"]][, c("PValue", "Z", "nSample")], summaryObj1[["xSNP"]][, "xSNP"], summaryObj2[["xSNP"]][, "xSNP"])
            colnames(res[["eSNP"]]) <- c(namesRes[1:5], "Z", namesRes[6:8])
            colnames(res[["xSNP"]]) <- c(namesRes[1:5], "Z", namesRes[6:8])

        cat("############# Comparison End ###############\n")
        warning("[Enrichment:compareEnrichment] This function is in development!", call. = FALSE)
        if (onlyGenome) {
            return(invisible(list(object.xy = print(result, what = "Genome"), object.x = print(enrichObject1, what = "Genome"), object.y = print(enrichObject2, what = "Genome"))))
        } else {
            return(invisible(list(object.xy = print(result), object.x = print(enrichObject1), object.y = print(enrichObject2))))
    } else {
        stop('[Enrichment:compareEnrichment] "Enrichment" object is required.', call. = FALSE)

setMethod(f = "plot", signature = "Enrichment", definition = function (x, what = "Genome", type = c("eSNP", "xSNP"), ggplot = FALSE, pvalue = TRUE, ...) {
    if (is.null(unlist(x@Call$reSample))) {
        stop('[Enrichment:plot] "reSample" have to be run before "plot".', call. = FALSE)
    } else {}

    if (is.null(what) | any(!what%in%c("All", "Genome", seq(22)))) {
        stop('[Enrichment:plot] "what" must be: "All", "Genome" or numeric value (atomic or vector).', call. = FALSE)
    } else {}
    if (is.null(type) | any(!type%in%c("eSNP", "xSNP"))) {
        stop('[Enrichment:plot] "type" must be: "eSNP" and/or "xSNP".', call. = FALSE)
    } else {}
    if (any(type%in%"xSNP") & length(x["xSNP"]["List"])==0) {
        type <- "eSNP"
    } else {}

    .computeER4plot <- function (EnrichSNPObject) {
        ER <- EnrichSNPObject@EnrichmentRatio
        if (nrow(EnrichSNPObject@Resampling)==0) {
            stop('[Enrichment:plot] "reSample" have to be run before "plot".', call. = FALSE)
        } else {}
        resampling <- EnrichSNPObject@Resampling[, 5]
        ERsample <- NULL
        size <- length(resampling)
        if (size >= 1000) {
            interv <- unique(c(seq(from = min(1000, floor(0.1*size)), to = size, by = floor(size/1000)), size))
        } else {
            interv <- unique(c(seq(from = max(floor(0.1*size), 3), to = size, by = 1), size))
        ERsample <- sapply(interv, function (k) {
            resamplingInterv <- resampling[1:k]
            resamplingClean <- resamplingInterv[!(is.na(resamplingInterv) | is.infinite(resamplingInterv))]
            mu <- mean(resamplingClean)
            sigma <- sqrt(var(resamplingClean))

            if (sigma==0 | is.na(sigma)) {
                if (mu==0 ) {
                } else {
            } else {
        names(ERsample) <- interv
    .computeEmpP4plot <- function (EnrichSNPObject) {
        ER <- EnrichSNPObject@EnrichmentRatio
        if (nrow(EnrichSNPObject@Resampling)==0) {
            stop('[Enrichment:plot] "reSample" have to be run before "plot".', call. = FALSE)
        } else {}
        resampling <- EnrichSNPObject@Resampling[, 5]
        ERsample <- NULL
        size <- length(resampling)
        if (size >= 1000) {
            interv <- unique(c(seq(from = min(1000, floor(0.1*size)), to = size, by = floor(size/1000)), size))
        } else {
            interv <- unique(c(seq(from = max(floor(0.1*size), 3), to = size, by = 1), size))
        ERsample <- sapply(interv, function (k) {
            resamplingInterv <- resampling[1:k]
            resamplingClean <- resamplingInterv[!(is.na(resamplingInterv) | is.infinite(resamplingInterv))]
        names(ERsample) <- interv

    if (x@Call$reSample$empiricPvalue) {
        matrixER <- list(eSNP = NULL, xSNP = NULL)
        for (iType in type) {
            if (length(what)==1) {
                switch(EXPR = as.character(what),
                    "Genome" = {
                        matrixER[[iType]] <- .computeEmpP4plot(x[iType])
                        colnames(matrixER[[iType]]) <- "Genome"
                    "All" = {
                        matrixER[[iType]] <- .computeEmpP4plot(x[iType])
                        for (j in seq(22)) {
                            matrixER[[iType]] <- cbind(matrixER[[iType]], .computeEmpP4plot(x["Chromosomes", j][iType]))
                        colnames(matrixER[[iType]]) <- c("Genome", paste0("Chrom", seq(22)))
                        for (j in what) {
                            matrixER[[iType]] <- cbind(matrixER[[iType]], .computeEmpP4plot(x["Chromosomes", j][iType]))
                        colnames(matrixER[[iType]]) <- paste0("Chrom", what)
            } else {
                for (j in what) {
                    matrixER[[iType]] <- cbind(matrixER[[iType]], .computeEmpP4plot(x["Chromosomes", j][iType]))
                colnames(matrixER[[iType]]) <- paste0("Chrom", what)
    } else {
        matrixER <- list(eSNP = NULL, xSNP = NULL)
        for (iType in type) {
            if (length(what)==1) {
                switch(EXPR = as.character(what),
                    "Genome" = {
                        matrixER[[iType]] <- .computeER4plot(x[iType])
                        colnames(matrixER[[iType]]) <- "Genome"
                    "All" = {
                        matrixER[[iType]] <- .computeER4plot(x[iType])
                        for (j in seq(22)) {
                            matrixER[[iType]] <- cbind(matrixER[[iType]], .computeER4plot(x["Chromosomes", j][iType]))
                        colnames(matrixER[[iType]]) <- c("Genome", paste0("Chrom", seq(22)))
                        for (j in what) {
                            matrixER[[iType]] <- cbind(matrixER[[iType]], .computeER4plot(x["Chromosomes", j][iType]))
                        colnames(matrixER[[iType]]) <- paste0("Chrom", what)
            } else {
                for (j in what) {
                    matrixER[[iType]] <- cbind(matrixER[[iType]], .computeER4plot(x["Chromosomes", j][iType]))
                colnames(matrixER[[iType]]) <- paste0("Chrom", what)
    if (ggplot) {
        is.installed <- function (mypkg) {
            is.element(mypkg, installed.packages()[,1])
        # if (all(is.installed(c("ggplot2", "grid")))) {
        if (require("ggplot2") & require("grid")) {

            multiplot <- function (..., plotlist = NULL, cols = 1, rows = 1, layout = NULL) {
                plots <- c(list(...), plotlist)
                numPlots = length(plots)
                if (is.null(layout)) {
                    layout <- matrix(seq(1, cols * ceiling(numPlots/cols)), ncol = cols, nrow = rows, byrow = TRUE)
                } else {}
                if (numPlots==1) {
                } else {
                    pushViewport(viewport(layout = grid.layout(nrow(layout), ncol(layout))))
                    for (i in 1:numPlots) {
                        matchidx <- as.data.frame(which(layout == i, arr.ind = TRUE))
                        print(plots[[i]], vp = viewport(layout.pos.row = matchidx$row, layout.pos.col = matchidx$col))
            .ggplotColours <- function (n = 6, h = c(0, 360) + 15) {
                if ((diff(h)%%360) < 1) {
                    h[2] <- h[2] - 360/n
                } else {}
                hcl(h = (seq(h[1], h[2], length = n)), c = 100, l = 65)
            listPlots <- list()
            for (iType in type) {
                if (pvalue) {
                    if (x@Call$reSample$empiricPvalue) {
                        ylab <- "P-Value (Empirical)"
                    } else {
                        matrixER[[iType]] <- apply(matrixER[[iType]], 2, pnorm, lower.tail = FALSE)
                        ylab <- "P-Value (From Z-statistic)"
                } else {
                    ylab <- "Z statistic"
                if (ncol(matrixER[[iType]])>1) {
                    matrixER[[iType]] <- apply(matrixER[[iType]], 2, scale)
                } else {}
                tmpDF <- as.data.frame(t(matrixER[[iType]]))
                cnames <- colnames(tmpDF)
                colnames(tmpDF) <- paste0("R", colnames(tmpDF))
                tmpDF$IID <- factor(colnames(matrixER[[iType]]), levels = c("Genome", paste0("Chrom", seq(22))), labels = c("Genome", paste0("Chrom", seq(22))))
                tmp <- reshape(tmpDF, idvar = "IID", direction = "long", varying = list(grep("R", colnames(tmpDF))), times = cnames)
                colnames(tmp) <- c("IID", "Resampling", "Z")
                tmp[, "Resampling"] <- as.numeric(tmp[, "Resampling"])

                p <- ggplot(data = tmp, aes_string(x = "Resampling", y = "Z", colour = "IID")) + geom_line()
                noGridColour <- "transparent" # c("gray90", "grey95")
                base_size <- 12
                base_family <- ""
                p <- p + theme(
                    line = element_line(colour = "black", size = 0.5, linetype = 1, lineend = "butt"),
                    rect = element_rect(fill = "white", colour = "black", size = 0.5, linetype = 1),
                    text = element_text(family = base_family, face = "plain", colour = "black", size = base_size, hjust = 0.5, vjust = 0.5, angle = 0, lineheight = 0.9),
                    axis.text = element_text(size = rel(0.8), colour = "black"),
                    strip.text = element_text(size = rel(0.8)),
                    axis.line = element_blank(),
                    axis.text.x = element_text(vjust = 1),
                    axis.text.y = element_text(hjust = 1),
                    axis.ticks = element_line(colour = "black"),
                    axis.title.x = element_text(),
                    axis.title.y = element_text(angle = 90),
                    axis.ticks.length = unit(0.15, "cm"),
                    axis.ticks.margin = unit(0.1, "cm"),
                    legend.background = element_rect(fill = "white", colour = "black"),
                    legend.margin = unit(0.2, "cm"),
                    legend.key = element_rect(fill = "white", colour = "black"),
                    legend.key.size = unit(1.2, "lines"),
                    legend.key.height = NULL,
                    legend.key.width = NULL,
                    legend.text = element_text(size = rel(0.8)),
                    legend.text.align = NULL,
                    legend.title = element_text(size = rel(0.8), face = "bold", hjust = 0),
                    legend.title.align = NULL,
                    legend.position = "right",
                    legend.direction = NULL,
                    legend.justification = "center",
                    legend.box = NULL,
                    panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white", colour = "black"),
                    panel.border = element_blank(),
                    panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = noGridColour[1]),
                    panel.grid.minor = element_line(colour = noGridColour[length(noGridColour)], size = 0.25),
                    panel.margin = unit(0.25, "lines"),
                    strip.background = element_rect(fill = "black", colour = "black"),
                    strip.text.x = element_text(colour = "white"),
                    strip.text.y = element_text(angle = -90, colour = "white"),
                    plot.background = element_rect(colour = "white"),
                    plot.title = element_text(size = rel(1.2)),
                    plot.margin = unit(c(1, 1, 0.5, 0.5), "lines"),
                    complete = TRUE
                p <- p + xlab(paste(iType, "Resampling"))
                if (ncol(matrixER[[iType]])>1) {
                    p <- p + ylab(paste(ylab, "(scale and center)"))
                } else {
                    p <- p + ylab(ylab)
                p <- p + theme(legend.title = element_blank())
                if (length(what)>=5 | what == "All") {
                    p <- p + theme(legend.background = element_rect(fill = "gray90", linetype = "dotted"))
                } else {
                    quarter <- floor(3/4*nrow(tmp)):nrow(tmp)
                    rangeZtmp <- range(tmp[, "Z"])
                    if (rangeZtmp[1] == rangeZtmp[2]) {
                        if (all(rangeZtmp==0)) {
                            rangeZtmp[1] <- -1
                            rangeZtmp[2] <- 1
                        } else {
                            rangeZtmp[1] <- rangeZtmp[1]*0.90
                            rangeZtmp[2] <- rangeZtmp[2]*1.10
                    } else {}
                    rangeZ <- seq(rangeZtmp[1], rangeZtmp[2], by = diff(rangeZtmp)*1/3)
                    names(rangeZ) <- c("0%", "33%", "66%", "100%")
                    rangeQuarter <- range(tmp[quarter, "Z"])
                    inf <- apply(sapply(rangeQuarter, function (lim) {
                    }), 1, all)
                    sup <- apply(sapply(rangeQuarter, function (lim) {
                    }), 1, all)
                    if (sum(inf)<=sum(sup)) {
                        p <- p + theme(legend.justification = c(1, 0), legend.position = c(1, 0))
                    } else {
                        p <- p + theme(legend.justification = c(1, 1), legend.position = c(1, 1))

                if ("Genome" %in% unique(tmp$IID)) {
                    p <- p + scale_colour_manual(values = c("black", .ggplotColours(ifelse(length(unique(tmp$IID))-1>0, length(unique(tmp$IID))-1, 1))))
                } else {}
                listPlots[[iType]] <- p
            multiplot(plotlist = listPlots, cols = length(listPlots))
        } else {
            stop('[Enrichment:plot] "ggPlot2" and "grid" packages must be installed with "ggplot=TRUE".', call. = FALSE)
    } else {
        par(mfrow = c(1, length(type)))
        for (iType in type) {
            if (pvalue) {
                if (x@Call$reSample$empiricPvalue) {
                    matrixER[[iType]] <- .computeEmpP4plot(x[iType])
                    ylab <- "P-Value (Empirical)"
                } else {
                    matrixER[[iType]] <- apply(matrixER[[iType]], 2, pnorm, lower.tail = FALSE)
                    ylab <- "P-Value (From Z-statistic)"
            } else {
                ylab <- "Z statistic"
            nbCol <- ncol(matrixER[[iType]])
            ylim <- range(na.exclude(matrixER[[iType]]))
            xNames <- rownames(matrixER[[iType]])
            colors <- rainbow(nbCol)
            if (nbCol>1) {
                matrixER[[iType]] <- apply(matrixER[[iType]], 2, scale)
                ylab <- paste(ylab, "(scale and center)")
                plot(x = xNames, y = matrixER[[iType]][, 1], ylab = ylab, xlab = iType, type = "l", ylim = ylim)
                res <- sapply(seq(ncol(matrixER[[iType]][, -1])), function (iER) {
                    lines(x = xNames, y = matrixER[[iType]][, iER+1], iType = "l", ylim = ylim, col = colors[iER+1])
            } else {
                plot(x = xNames, y = matrixER[[iType]][, 1], ylab = ylab, xlab = iType, type = "l", ylim = ylim)

setMethod(f = "getEnrichSNP", signature = "Enrichment", definition = function (object, type = "eSNP") {
    alpha <- object["Call"][["readEnrichment"]][["sigThresh"]]
    resData <- switch(type,
        "eSNP" = {
            object["Data"][object["Data"][, "PVALUE"]<alpha & object["Data"][, type]==1, ]
        "xSNP" = {
            if (object["Call"][["readEnrichment"]][["LD"]]) {
                message('Loading ...')
                dataSNP <- object["Data"]
                dataLD <- object["LD"]
                xSNP <- dataSNP[dataSNP[, "PVALUE"]<alpha & dataSNP[, type]==1, ]
                dataLDtmp <- dataLD[dataLD %in% xSNP[, "SNP"]]
                dataLDtmp <- cbind(SNP_A = names(dataLDtmp), SNP_B = dataLDtmp)
                dataLDtmp <- dataLDtmp[dataLDtmp[, "SNP_A"]%in%dataSNP[dataSNP[, "eSNP"]%in%1, "SNP"], ]
                xSNPld <- do.call("rbind",by(dataLDtmp, dataLDtmp[, "SNP_B"], function (iDta) {
                      cbind(xSNP = unique(as.character(iDta[, "SNP_B"])), LD_with_eSNP = paste(iDta[, "SNP_A"], collapse = ";"))
                merge(xSNP, xSNPld, by.x = "SNP", by.y = "xSNP")
            } else {
                warning('[Enrichment:getEnrichSNP] significant "eSNP" are returned instead of "xSNP",\n    "readEnrichment" should be run with "LD=TRUE".', call. = FALSE)
                object["Data"][object["Data"][, "PVALUE"]<alpha & object["Data"][, type]==1, ]
        stop('[Enrichment:getEnrichSNP] "type" should be equal to "eSNP" or "xSNP".', call. = FALSE)

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snpEnrichment documentation built on May 2, 2019, 8:44 a.m.