#' Get surprisal
#' Tracks the (un)predictability of spectral changes in a sound over time,
#' returning a continuous contour of "surprisal". This is an attempt to track
#' auditory salience over time - that is, to identify parts of a sound that are
#' likely to involuntarily attract the listeners' attention. The functions
#' returns surprisal proper (`$surprisal`) and its product with increases in
#' loudness (`$surprisalLoudness`). Because getSurprisal() is slow and
#' experimental, it is not called by analyze().
#' Algorithm: we start with an auditory spectrogram produced by applying a bank
#' of bandpass filters to the signal, by default with central frequencies
#' equally spaced on the bark scale (see \code{\link{audSpectrogram}}). For each
#' frequency channel, a sliding window is analyzed to compare the actually
#' observed final value with its expected value. There are many ways to
#' extrapolate / predict time series and thus perform this comparison such as
#' autocorrelation (method = 'acf') or nonlinear prediction (method = 'np'). The
#' resulting per-channel surprisal contours are aggregated by taking their mean
#' weighted by the average amplitude of each frequency channel across the
#' analysis window. Because increases in loudness are known to be important
#' predictors of auditory salience, loudness per frame is also returned, as well
#' as the square root of the product of its derivative and surprisal.
#' @return Returns a list with $detailed per-frame and $summary per-file results
#' (see \code{\link{analyze}} for more information). Three measures are
#' reported: \code{loudness} (in sone, as per \code{\link{getLoudness}}), the
#' first derivative of loudness with respect to time (\code{dLoudness}),
#' \code{surprisal} (non-negative), and \code{suprisalLoudness} (geometric
#' mean of surprisal and dLoudness, treating negative values of dLoudness as
#' zero).
#' @inheritParams audSpectrogram
#' @inheritParams analyze
#' @param winSurp surprisal analysis window, ms (Inf = from sound onset to each
#' point)
#' @param audSpec_pars a list of parameters passed to
#' \code{\link{audSpectrogram}}
#' @param method acf = change in maximum autocorrelation after adding the final
#' point, np = nonlinear prediction (see \code{\link{nonlinPred}})
#' @param plot if TRUE, plots the auditory spectrogram and the
#' \code{suprisalLoudness} contour
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # A quick example
#' s = soundgen(nSyl = 2, sylLen = 50, pauseLen = 25, addSilence = 15)
#' surp = getSurprisal(s, samplingRate = 16000)
#' surp
#' \dontrun{
#' # A more meaningful example
#' sound = soundgen(nSyl = 5, sylLen = 150,
#' pauseLen = c(50, 50, 50, 130), pitch = c(200, 150),
#' noise = list(time = c(-300, 200), value = -20), plot = TRUE)
#' # playme(sound)
#' surp = getSurprisal(sound, samplingRate = 16000,
#' yScale = 'bark', method = 'acf')
#' surp = getSurprisal(sound, samplingRate = 16000,
#' yScale = 'bark', method = 'np') # very slow
#' surp = getSurprisal(sound, samplingRate = 16000,
#' yScale = 'bark', method = 'acf', audSpec_pars = list(
#' nFilters = 128, yScale = 'ERB', bandwidth = 1/12))
#' # short window = amnesia (every event is equally surprising)
#' getSurprisal(sound, samplingRate = 16000, winSurp = 250)
#' # long window - remembers further into the past, Inf = from the beginning
#' surp = getSurprisal(sound, samplingRate = 16000, winSurp = Inf)
#' # plot "pure" surprisal, without weighting by loudness
#' spectrogram(sound, 16000, extraContour = surp$detailed$surprisal /
#' max(surp$detailed$surprisal, na.rm = TRUE) * 8000)
#' # NB: surprisalLoudness contour is also log-transformed if yScale = 'log',
#' # so zeros become NAs
#' surp = getSurprisal(sound, samplingRate = 16000, yScale = 'log')
#' # add bells and whistles
#' surp = getSurprisal(sound, samplingRate = 16000,
#' yScale = 'mel',
#' osc = 'dB', # plot oscillogram in dB
#' heights = c(2, 1), # spectro/osc height ratio
#' brightness = -.1, # reduce brightness
#' # colorTheme = 'heat.colors', # pick color theme...
#' col = rev(hcl.colors(30, palette = 'Viridis')), # ...or specify the colors
#' cex.lab = .75, cex.axis = .75, # text size and other base graphics pars
#' ylim = c(0, 5), # always in kHz
#' main = 'Audiogram with surprisal contour', # title
#' extraContour = list(col = 'blue', lty = 2, lwd = 2)
#' # + axis labels, etc
#' )
#' surp = getSurprisal('~/Downloads/temp/', savePlots = '~/Downloads/temp/surp')
#' surp$summary
#' }
getSurprisal = function(
samplingRate = NULL,
scale = NULL,
from = NULL,
to = NULL,
winSurp = 2000,
audSpec_pars = list(filterType = 'butterworth', nFilters = 64, step = 20, yScale = 'bark'),
method = c('acf', 'np')[1],
summaryFun = 'mean',
reportEvery = NULL,
cores = 1,
plot = TRUE,
savePlots = NULL,
osc = c('none', 'linear', 'dB')[2],
heights = c(3, 1),
ylim = NULL,
contrast = .2,
brightness = 0,
maxPoints = c(1e5, 5e5),
padWithSilence = TRUE,
colorTheme = c('bw', 'seewave', 'heat.colors', '...')[1],
col = NULL,
extraContour = NULL,
xlab = NULL,
ylab = NULL,
xaxp = NULL,
mar = c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 2),
main = NULL,
grid = NULL,
width = 900,
height = 500,
units = 'px',
res = NA,
...) {
# fill in defaults
if (is.null(audSpec_pars$filterType)) audSpec_pars$filterType = 'butterworth'
if (is.null(audSpec_pars$nFilters)) audSpec_pars$nFilters = 64
if (is.null(audSpec_pars$step)) audSpec_pars$step = 20
if (is.null(audSpec_pars$yScale)) audSpec_pars$yScale = 'bark'
# match args
myPars = as.list(environment())
# myPars = mget(names(formals()), sys.frame(sys.nframe()))
# exclude some args
myPars = myPars[!names(myPars) %in% c(
'x', 'samplingRate', 'scale', 'from', 'to',
'reportEvery', 'cores', 'summaryFun', 'savePlots', 'audSpec_pars')]
myPars$audSpec_pars = audSpec_pars
# call .getSurprisal
pa = processAudio(
samplingRate = samplingRate,
scale = scale,
from = from,
to = to,
funToCall = '.getSurprisal',
myPars = myPars,
reportEvery = reportEvery,
cores = cores,
savePlots = savePlots
# htmlPlots
if (!is.null(pa$input$savePlots) && pa$input$n > 1) {
try(htmlPlots(pa$input, savePlots = savePlots, changesAudio = FALSE,
suffix = "surprisal", width = paste0(width, units)))
# prepare output
if (!is.null(summaryFun) && any(! {
temp = vector('list', pa$input$n)
for (i in 1:pa$input$n) {
if (!pa$input$failed[i]) {
temp[[i]] = summarizeAnalyze(
data.frame(loudness = pa$result[[i]]$loudness,
surprisal = pa$result[[i]]$surprisal,
surprisalLoudness = pa$result[[i]]$surprisalLoudness),
summaryFun = summaryFun,
var_noSummary = NULL)
idx_failed = which(pa$input$failed)
if (length(idx_failed) > 0) {
idx_ok = which(!pa$input$failed)
if (length(idx_ok) > 0) {
filler = temp[[idx_ok[1]]] [1, ]
filler[1, ] = NA
} else {
stop('Failed to analyze any input')
for (i in idx_failed) temp[[i]] = filler
mysum_all = cbind(data.frame(file = pa$input$filenames_base),'rbind', temp))
} else {
mysum_all = NULL
if (pa$input$n == 1) pa$result = pa$result[[1]]
detailed = pa$result,
summary = mysum_all
#' Get surprisal per sound
#' Internal soundgen function called by \code{\link{getSurprisal}}.
#' @inheritParams getSurprisal
#' @keywords internal
.getSurprisal = function(
audSpec_pars = list(filterType = 'butterworth', nFilters = 64, step = 20),
method = c('acf', 'np')[1],
plot = TRUE,
osc = c('none', 'linear', 'dB')[2],
heights = c(3, 1),
ylim = NULL,
contrast = .2,
brightness = 0,
maxPoints = c(1e5, 5e5),
padWithSilence = TRUE,
colorTheme = c('bw', 'seewave', 'heat.colors', '...')[1],
col = NULL,
extraContour = NULL,
xlab = NULL,
ylab = NULL,
xaxp = NULL,
mar = c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 2),
main = NULL,
grid = NULL,
width = 900,
height = 500,
units = 'px',
res = NA,
...) {
if (is.null(audSpec_pars$maxFreq)) {
maxFreq = audio$samplingRate / 2
} else {
maxFreq = audSpec_pars$maxFreq
if (is.null(step)) step = 1000 / audio$samplingRate else step = audSpec_pars$step
if (!is.finite(winSurp)) winSurp = length(audio$sound) / audio$samplingRate * 1000
# sp = getMelSpec(audio$sound, samplingRate = audio$samplingRate,
# windowLength = windowLength, step = step,
# maxFreq = maxFreq, specPars = specPars, plot = FALSE)
# pad with winSurp of silence
# silence = rep(0, audio$samplingRate * winSurp / 1000)
# audio$sound = c(silence, audio$sound, silence)
# audio$duration = audio$duration + winSurp * 2 / 1000
# audio$ls = length(audio$sound)
# env = getEnv(audio$sound, windowLength_points = 10, method = 'rms')
# thres = 10 ^ (-dynamicRange / 20) * audio$scale
# audio$sound[env < thres] = 0
# get auditory spectrogram
sp_list =, c(audSpec_pars, list(
audio = audio[names(audio) != 'savePlots'], plot = FALSE)))
sp = sp_list$audSpec_processed
# # set quiet sections below dynamicRange to zero
# thres = 10 ^ (-dynamicRange / 20)
# sp[sp < thres] = 0
# get surprisal
surprisal = getSurprisal_matrix(sp, win = floor(winSurp / step), method = method)
# we don't care about negative surprisal
surprisal[surprisal < 0] = 0
# get loudness
loud = .getLoudness(
audio[which(names(audio) != 'savePlots')], # otherwise saves plot
step = step, plot = FALSE)$loudness
# make sure surprisal and loudness are the same length
# (initially they should be close, but probably not identical)
len_surp = length(surprisal)
loud[] = 0
if (length(loud) != len_surp) {
loud = .resample(list(sound = loud), len = len_surp, lowPass = FALSE)
# multiply surprisal by time derivative of loudness
loud_norm = loud / max(loud, na.rm = TRUE)
dLoud = diff(c(0, loud_norm))
surprisalLoudness = surprisal * dLoud # (surprisal + dLoud) / 2
surprisalLoudness[surprisalLoudness < 0] = 0
surprisalLoudness = sqrt(surprisalLoudness)
# plotting
if (is.character(audio$savePlots)) {
plot = TRUE
png(filename = paste0(audio$savePlots, audio$filename_noExt, "_surprisal.png"),
width = width, height = height, units = units, res = res)
if (plot) {
if (!exists('main') || is.null(main)) {
if (audio$filename_noExt == 'sound') {
main = ''
} else {
main = audio$filename_noExt
sl_norm = surprisalLoudness / max(surprisalLoudness, na.rm = TRUE) * maxFreq
X = as.numeric(colnames(sp)), # time
Y = as.numeric(rownames(sp)), # freq
Z = t(sp_list$audSpec_processed),
audio = audio, internal = NULL,
osc = osc, heights = heights, ylim = ylim,
yScale = audSpec_pars$yScale,
contrast = contrast, brightness = brightness,
maxPoints = maxPoints, colorTheme = colorTheme, col = col,
extraContour = c(list(x = sl_norm), extraContour),
xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, xaxp = xaxp,
mar = mar, main = main, grid = grid,
width = width, height = height,
units = units, res = res,
if (is.character(audio$savePlots))
out = data.frame(
surprisal = surprisal,
loudness = loud,
dLoudness = dLoud,
surprisalLoudness = surprisalLoudness)
#' Get surprisal per matrix
#' Internal soundgen function called by \code{\link{getSurprisal}}.
#' @param x input matrix such as a spectrogram (columns = time, rows =
#' frequency)
#' @param win length of analysis window
#' @inheritParams getSurprisal
#' @keywords internal
getSurprisal_matrix = function(x,
method = c('acf', 'np')[1]) {
# image(t(log(x)))
nc = ncol(x) # time
nr = nrow(x) # freq bins
surprisal = rep(NA, nc)
for (c in 2:nc) { # for each time point
idx_i = max(1, c - win + 1):c
win_i = x[, idx_i, drop = FALSE]
if (c < win) {
# pad the matrix with 0s on the left to have win columns
nColsToAdd = win - c
win_i = cbind(matrix(0, ncol = win - c, nrow = nr), win_i)
# noise = matrix(runif(win * nr, 0, .001), nrow = nr)
# win_i = cbind(noise[, 1:nColsToAdd], win_i)
# image(t(log(win_i)))
surp_i = rep(NA, nr)
for (r in 1:nr) { # for each freq bin
surp_i[r] = getSurprisal_vector(as.numeric(win_i[r, ]), method = method)
weights = as.numeric(rowSums(win_i))
weights = weights / sum(weights)
surprisal[c] = sum(surp_i * weights, na.rm = TRUE)
# plot(surprisal, type = 'b')
#' Get surprisal per vector
#' Internal soundgen function called by \code{\link{getSurprisal}}. Estimates
#' the unexpectedness or "surprisal" of the last element of input vector.
#' @param x numeric vector representing the time sequence of interest, eg
#' amplitudes in a frequency bin over multiple STFT frames
#' @inheritParams getSurprisal
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' x = c(rep(1, 3), rep(0, 4), rep(1, 3), rep(0, 4), rep(1, 3), 0, 0)
#' soundgen:::getSurprisal_vector(x)
#' soundgen:::getSurprisal_vector(c(x, 1))
#' soundgen:::getSurprisal_vector(c(x, 13))
#' soundgen:::getSurprisal_vector(x, method = 'np')
#' soundgen:::getSurprisal_vector(c(x, 1), method = 'np')
#' soundgen:::getSurprisal_vector(c(x, 13), method = 'np')
getSurprisal_vector = function(x, method = c('acf', 'np')[1]) {
ran_x = diff(range(x))
if (ran_x == 0) return(0)
# plot(x, type = 'b')
len = length(x)
x1 = x[1:(len - 1)]
ran_x1 = diff(range(x1))
if (ran_x1 == 0) {
# completely stationary until the analyzed point
surprisal = abs(x[len] - x[1]) / x[1]
if (!is.finite(surprisal)) {
out = 1
} else if (surprisal < 1) {
out = surprisal / 2
} else {
out = 1 / (1 + exp(1 - surprisal))
if (method == 'acf') {
autocor = as.numeric(acf(x1, lag.max = len - 2, plot = FALSE)$acf)[-1]
# plot(autocor, type = 'b')
# find the highest peak to avoid getting best_lag = 1 all the time
peaks = which(diff(sign(diff(autocor))) == -2) + 1
if (length(peaks) > 0) {
best_lag = peaks[which.max(autocor[peaks])]
} else {
best_lag = which.max(autocor)
best_acf = suppressWarnings(
cor(x1, c(x1[(best_lag+1):(len - 1)], rep(0, best_lag)))
# check acf at the best lag for the time series with the next point
best_next_point = suppressWarnings(
cor(x, c(x[(best_lag+1):len], rep(0, best_lag)))
out = (best_acf - best_next_point) / 2 * len
# rescale from [-2, 2] to [-1, 1] * len
# * len to compensate for diminishing effects of single-point changes on acf
# as window length increases
} else if (method == 'np') {
# predict the last point and get residual
pr = try(nonlinPred(x1, nPoints = 1), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(pr, 'try-error')) pr = NA
surprisal = abs(x[len] - pr) / ran_x1
# rescale from [0, Inf) to [0, 1)
if (FALSE) {
a = c(seq(0, 1, .01), seq(1.1, 10, .1))
for (i in 1:length(a)) {
if (a[i] < 1) {
b[i] = a[i] / 2
} else {
b[i] = 1 / (1 + exp(1 - a[i]))
plot(a, b, log = 'x', type = 'l')
if (!is.finite(surprisal)) {
if (is.finite(pr)) {
out = 1
} else {
out = NA
} else if (surprisal < 1) {
out = surprisal / 2
} else {
out = 1 / (1 + exp(1 - surprisal))
} else {
stop('method not recognized')
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