
Defines functions .u_h_v_h_from_v_h .get_CorrEst_and_RanFix .calc_newZACvar .get_beta_cov_info .calc_beta_cov_info_from_sXaug .calc_beta_cov_info_others .calc_invV_factors .get_logdispObject .calc_logdispObject .calc_d2hdv2_info ..calc_d2hdv2_info .calc_dvdloglamMat_new .calc_dvdlogphiMat_new .get_info_crits DoF .calc_p_rdisp .calc_cAIC_pd_others .calc_cAIC_pd_from_sXaug .calc_cAIC_pd_spprec .calc_pd_product

Documented in DoF

.calc_pd_product <- function(tcrossfac_v_beta_cov, Md2clikdvb2, blockSize=5000L) {
  if ((nc <- ncol(tcrossfac_v_beta_cov))>(blockSize)) {
    ## We reached this point by sparse matrix computations. We need to save memory in the following dense computations,
    message(paste0("Conditional-AIC computation requires operations on a large matrix (square with dimension ",nc,"),\n",
                   "which may take a bit of time. Use 'also_cAIC=FALSE' to avoid it.")) 
    slices <- unique(c(seq(0L,nc,blockSize),nc))
    nslices <- length(slices)-1L
    it <- 0L ## 'global definition' for Rcmd check
    foreach_args <- list(it = seq_len(nslices), .combine = "sum")
    foreach_blob <- do.call(foreach::foreach,foreach_args)
    abyss <- foreach::`%do%`(foreach_blob, Sys.setenv(LANG = "en"))
    barstyle <- eval(spaMM.getOption("barstyle"))
    progrbar_setup <- .set_progrbar(max = nslices, style = barstyle, char="s")
    pd <- foreach::`%do%`(foreach_blob, {
      slice <- (slices[it]+1L):slices[it+1L]
      tmp <- t(.crossprod(tcrossfac_v_beta_cov, Md2clikdvb2[,slice]))
      if (barstyle) progrbar_setup$progress(it)
      return(sum(tcrossfac_v_beta_cov[slice,] * tmp)) 
    if (barstyle) close(progrbar_setup$pb)
    # We could parallelize using %dopar% (twice) but is that worth the overhead? 
  } else {
    # logic of following code is
    # pd = sum(diag(solve(Md2hdbv2,Md2clikdbv2[c(113:114,1:112),]))) 
    #    = sum(diag((tcrossprod(R_invMd2hdvb2)[c(113:114,1:112),] %*% Md2clikdbv2[sort.list(c(113:114,1:112)),]))) 
    #    = sum(diag(R_invMd2hdvb2[c(113:114,1:112),] %*% (crossprod(R_invMd2hdvb2, Md2clikdbv2[sort.list(c(113:114,1:112)),])))) 
    #    = sum((R_invMd2hdvb2[c(113:114,1:112),] * t(crossprod(R_invMd2hdvb2, Md2clikdbv2[sort.list(c(113:114,1:112)),])))) 
    # but we directly use v,b order rather than b,v
    pd <- t(.crossprod(tcrossfac_v_beta_cov,Md2clikdvb2))
    pd <- sum(tcrossfac_v_beta_cov * pd) 
    # that is actually the logic of .traceAB:
    # pd = .traceAB(tcrossfac_v_beta_cov, t(tcrossfac_v_beta_cov),Md2clikdvb2,diag(nrow =ncol(Md2clikdvb2)))
    # but the matrices are square so no use here

.calc_cAIC_pd_spprec <- function(object) {
  H_w.resid <- .get_H_w.resid(object)
  #ZAL <- .compute_ZAL(XMatrix=object$strucList, ZAlist=object$ZAlist,as_matrix=.eval_as_mat_arg.HLfit(object)) 
  ZAL <- get_ZALMatrix(object, force_bind=FALSE) # allows ZAXlist; but if a non-ZAXlist is already in the $envir, no effect; + we will solve(chol_Q, Diagonal()) so the gain is not obvious
  if ( ncol(X_ori <- model.matrix(object)) ) {
    M12 <- .crossprod(ZAL, .Dvec_times_m_Matrix(H_w.resid, X_ori), as_mat=TRUE)
    Md2clikdvb2 <- rbind2(cbind2(as.matrix(.safe_ZtWZwrapper(ZAL,H_w.resid)), M12), ## this .ZtWZwrapper() takes time
                          cbind2(t(M12), as.matrix(.safe_ZtWZwrapper(X_ori,H_w.resid)))) 
    # _FIXME_ any way to avoid formation of this matrix ? Or otherwise message() ?           
  } else {
    Md2clikdvb2 <-  as.matrix(.safe_ZtWZwrapper(ZAL,H_w.resid))
  tcrossfac_v_beta_cov <- .calc_Md2hdvb2_info_spprec(X.pv=X_ori, envir=object$envir, 
  # not triang if we used sparse QR. Following code should not assume triangularity
  pd <- .calc_pd_product(tcrossfac_v_beta_cov, Md2clikdvb2)

.calc_cAIC_pd_from_sXaug <- function(object) {
  if (is.matrix(beta_cov_info <- object$envir$beta_cov_info) || ## matrix is old format, should be a list now
      is.null(tcrossfac_beta_v_cov <- beta_cov_info$tcrossfac_beta_v_cov)) {
    tcrossfac_beta_v_cov <- .get_beta_cov_info(object)$tcrossfac_beta_v_cov
  X_ori <- model.matrix(object)
  pforpv <- ncol(X_ori)
  nc <- ncol(tcrossfac_beta_v_cov)
  n_u_h <- nc - pforpv
  seqp <- seq_len(pforpv)
  perm <- c(pforpv+seq_len(n_u_h), seqp)
  tcrossfac_v_beta_cov <- tcrossfac_beta_v_cov[perm,,drop=FALSE] # useful to keep it for predVar computations?
  H_w.resid <- .get_H_w.resid(object)
  #ZAL <- .compute_ZAL(XMatrix=object$strucList, ZAlist=object$ZAlist,as_matrix=.eval_as_mat_arg.HLfit(object)) 
  ZAL <- get_ZALMatrix(object, force_bind=FALSE) # allows ZAXlist; but if a non-ZAXlist is already in the $envir, no effect; + we will solve(chol_Q, Diagonal()) so the gain is not obvious
  if ( ncol(X_ori) ) {
    M12 <- .crossprod(ZAL, .Dvec_times_m_Matrix(H_w.resid, X_ori), as_mat=TRUE)
    Md2clikdvb2 <- rbind2(cbind2(as.matrix(.safe_ZtWZwrapper(ZAL,H_w.resid)), M12), ## this .ZtWZwrapper() takes time
                          cbind2(t(M12), as.matrix(.safe_ZtWZwrapper(X_ori,H_w.resid)))) 
    # _FIXME_ any way to avoid formation of this matrix ? Or otherwise message() ?           
  } else {
    Md2clikdvb2 <-  as.matrix(.safe_ZtWZwrapper(ZAL,H_w.resid))
  # not triang if we used sparse QR. Following code should not assume triangularity
  pd <- .calc_pd_product(tcrossfac_v_beta_cov, Md2clikdvb2)

.calc_cAIC_pd_others <- function(X.pv, ZAL, w.resid, d2hdv2, blockSize=1000L) {
  if ( ncol(X.pv) ) { ## the projection matrix for the response always includes X even for REML!
    hessnondiag <- .crossprod(ZAL, .Dvec_times_m_Matrix(w.resid, X.pv))
    Md2hdbv2 <- as.matrix(rbind2(cbind2(.safe_ZtWZwrapper(X.pv,w.resid), t(hessnondiag)),
                                 cbind2(hessnondiag, - d2hdv2))) 
    Md2clikdbv2 <- as.matrix(rbind2(cbind2(.safe_ZtWZwrapper(X.pv,w.resid), t(hessnondiag)),
                                    cbind2(hessnondiag, .safe_ZtWZwrapper(ZAL,w.resid))))            
  } else {
    Md2hdbv2 <- - d2hdv2 
    Md2clikdbv2 <-  as.matrix(.safe_ZtWZwrapper(ZAL,w.resid))
  if (inherits(Md2hdbv2,"diagonalMatrix")) {
    pd <- sum(diag(Md2clikdbv2)/diag(Md2hdbv2)) ## is sum(diag(solve(Md2hdbv2,Md2clikdbv2)))
  } else {
    ## dans un LMM avec estimation ML, pd = sum(lev_phi), mais pas de simplif plus generale 
    if ((nc <- ncol(Md2hdbv2))>(blockSize)) {
      message(paste0("Conditional-AIC computation requires operations on a large dense matrix (square with dimension ",nc,"),\n",
                     "which may take a lot of time. Use 'also_cAIC=FALSE' to avoid it."))
    ## if we reached this point with a huge dense matrix, then we have huge memory, hence saving memory may not be the issue,
    #  But we might save computation by computing only the requested diagonal (one qr, one backsolve, one sum(. * .))
    # using Md2hdbv2=QRP, tr=sum_i (invP invR Qt(Md2hdbv2))_ii
    qr.Md2hdbv2 <- try(qr(Md2hdbv2))
    if (inherits(qr.Md2hdbv2,"try-error")) {
      warning("Computation of cAIC/GoF df's failed because the information matrix appears singular.")
      pd <- NA
    } else {
      solveR <- try(backsolve(qr.R(qr.Md2hdbv2),diag(nrow =nc)))
      if (inherits(solveR,"try-error")) {
        warning("Computation of cAIC/GoF df's failed because the information matrix appears singular.")
        # determinant(qrR,logarithm=FALSE)$modulus > 1e-14
        pd <- NA
      } else {
        # using inv(RP)= inv(R[,perm <- sort.list(.$pivot)]) = inv(R)[perm,] (as in h9[,perm] %*% solve(h9)[perm,] for any perm)
        # though use of pivot may occur only for nearly singular matrices (poorly doc)
        pd <- sum(solveR[sort.list(qr.Md2hdbv2$pivot),] * t(qr.qty(qr.Md2hdbv2,Md2clikdbv2)))      

# Consistent with Saefken et al, only in terms of theta and mu. The linear predictor eta and link do not appear.
# Simulations for that paper use predictions eta only in the poisson(log) case;
# In the exponential (->Gamma(log)) they do use the theta deduced as -1/mu, not the eta. => cAIC4:::conditionalBootstrap is odd...
.calc_boot_AIC_dfs <- function (object, nsim, type="residual", seed=NULL, # (_F I X M E__) does not handle mv fits ? Could be docu'ed at least
                           nb_cores=NULL, fit_env=NULL) {
  if ( ! object$family$flags$exp) 
    stop("Bootstrap bias correction not implemented for families not from GLM (exponential family) class.") # assuming $exp methods are always available for GLMs (but see negbin2_dvl)
  bootsims <- simulate(object, nsim = nsim, type = type, verbose=FALSE, seed=seed) # the corresponding lmer code returns a data frame
  muFREQS <- dopar(bootsims, function(x) {
    predict(update_resp(object, newresp=x), type="response") # predict(refit(object, newresp = x))
  }, nb_cores=nb_cores, fit_env=fit_env)
  thetas <- .theta.mu.canonical(muFREQS,family(object)) # would return mu for non-GLMs
  # if (is.factor(bootsims[1])) dataMatrix <- as.numeric(dataMatrix) - 1 # in cAIC4:::conditionalBootstrap
  bootsims <- bootsims - rowMeans(bootsims)
  phis <- residVar(object, which="phi") # For Gamma(), the phis are still those of he canonical form of the exponential family, 
  # not the full residual variance (name 'get_residVar' is ambiguous)
  bootBC <- sum(colSums(thetas * bootsims/phis))/(nsim-1) # Handles the case Where the phis are heteroscedastic, 

.calc_p_rdisp <- function(object, dfs=object$dfs) {
  p_phi <- dfs[["p_fixef_phi"]]
  if  ( ! is.null(resid_fits <- object$resid_fits)) { # i.e mv fit =>$resid_fit*s*
    p_phi <- sum(na.omit(unlist(p_phi)),
                 sum(unlist(lapply(resid_fits, `[[`, x="dfs"), recursive = TRUE, use.names = FALSE)) )
  } else if  ( ! is.null(resid_fit <- object$resid_fit)) { 
    # input p_phi (above) is typically set to NA, and will be ignored
    p_phi <- sum(.unlist(resid_fit$dfs)) ## phi_pd is relevant only for measuring quality of prediction by the resid_fit! 
  } else p_phi <- sum(.unlist(dfs[["p_fixef_phi"]])) # .unlist() for mv
  names_est_ranefPars <- unlist(.get_methods_disp(object))  
  fam_disp_parsnames <- intersect(names_est_ranefPars,c("NB_shape","COMP_nu","beta_prec"))
  if (length(fam_disp_parsnames)) {
    p_GLM_family <- length( # compatible with mv:
      .unlist(.get_outer_inits_from_fit(object, keep_canon_user_inits = FALSE)[fam_disp_parsnames]))
    p_phi <- p_phi+p_GLM_family ## effectively part of the model for residual error structure

DoF <- function(object) {
  dfs <- object$dfs
  if ( ! inherits(dfs,"list")) dfs <- as.list(dfs) ## back compatibility
  dfs[["p_fixef"]] <- dfs[["pforpv"]] 
  dfs[["p_rdisp"]] <- .calc_p_rdisp(object, dfs) 
  dfs["pforpv"] <- dfs["p_phi"] <- dfs["p_fixef_phi"] <- list(NULL) # make sure to erase any previously pre-existing redundant info
  if (object$models[[1]]=="etaHGLM") {
    if (is.null(p_corrPars <- dfs[["p_corrPars"]])) { ## back compatibility code, 
      dfs[["p_corrPars"]] <- length(which(unlist(attr(object$CorrEst_and_RanFix,"type")$corrPars, use.names = FALSE) %in% c("outer","var")))
      # This is not the full count for up-to date spaMM (hyper param are missing), 
      # but should be OK for old objects to which this back compat code applies.
    } # ELSE up do date objects should already have a correct p_corrPars

.get_info_crits <- function(object, also_cAIC=TRUE, nsim=0L, ...) { 
  if (is.null(info_crits <- object$envir$info_crits) || (also_cAIC && is.null(info_crits[["cAIC"]]))) { 
    dof <- DoF(object)
    p_rdisp <- dof[["p_rdisp"]]
    APHLs <- object$APHLs
    info_crits <- list()
    # poisson-Gamma and negbin should have similar similar mAIC => NB_shape as one df or lambda as one df   
    forAIC <- APHLs
    if (object$models[[1]]=="etaHGLM") {
      if (object$HL[1]=="SEM") {
        forAIC <- list(p_v=APHLs$logLapp,p_bv=APHLs$logLapp,clik=APHLs$clik)
      # if standard ML: there is an REMLformula ~ 0 (or with ranefs ?); processed$X.Re is 0-col matrix
      # if standard REML: REMLformula is NULL: $X.Re is X.pv, processed$X.Re is NULL
      # non standard REML: other REMLformula: $X.Re and processed$X.Re identical, and may take essentially any value
      X.pv <- model.matrix(object)
      alldfs <- sum(dof)
      info_crits$mAIC <- -2*forAIC$p_v + 2 *(alldfs)
      info_crits$dAIC <- -2*forAIC$p_bv + 2 * (alldfs- dof[["p_fixef"]]) ## HaLM07 (eq 10) focussed for dispersion params
      #                                                                             including the rho param of an AR model
      if (also_cAIC) {
        if (.is_spprec_fit(object)) {
          pd <- .calc_cAIC_pd_spprec(object)
        } else if ( ! is.null(object$envir$sXaug)) { 
          pd <- .calc_cAIC_pd_from_sXaug(object)
        } else { # SEM
          H_w.resid <- .get_H_w.resid(object)
          ZAL <- .compute_ZAL(XMatrix=object$strucList, ZAlist=object$ZAlist,as_matrix=.eval_as_mat_arg.HLfit(object)) 
          d2hdv2 <- .calcD2hDv2(ZAL,H_w.resid,object$w.ranef) ## update d2hdv2= - t(ZAL) %*% diag(w.resid) %*% ZAL - diag(w.ranef)
          pd <- .calc_cAIC_pd_others(X.pv, ZAL, H_w.resid, d2hdv2)
        info_crits$GoFdf <- length(object$y) - pd ## <- nobs minus # df absorbed in inference of ranefs
        ## eqs 4,7 in HaLM07
        info_crits$cAIC <- -2*forAIC$clik + 2*(pd+p_rdisp) ## no p_lambda ! Presumably if resid disp is declared as individual-level ranef,
        # p_rdisp is reduced to 0 but pd is increased by as much so the result is still correct...
      # print(c(pd,p_phi))
      # but Yu and Yau then suggest caicc <- -2*clik + ... where ... involves d2h/db d[disp params] and d2h/d[disp params]2
    } else { ## fixed effect model
      info_crits$cAIC <- info_crits$mAIC <- -2*forAIC$p_v+2*(dof[["p_fixef"]]+p_rdisp) 
      # => sets cAIC so that (also_cAIC && is.null(info_crits[["cAIC"]])) becomes FALSE although also_cAIC is true by default...
    object$envir$info_crits <- info_crits
  } else p_rdisp <- NULL
  if ( nsim>0L ) {
    if (is.null(p_rdisp)) p_rdisp <- .calc_p_rdisp(object)
    b_pd <- .calc_boot_AIC_dfs(object, nsim=nsim, ...)
    if (object$models[[1]]=="etaHGLM") {
      object$envir$info_crits$b_cAIC <- -2*object$APHLs$clik + 2*(b_pd+p_rdisp)
    } else object$envir$info_crits$b_cAIC <- -2*object$APHLs$p_v + 2*(b_pd+p_rdisp) # as documented

# Two ad hoc functions implying large atrix computations post-fit. In-fit .hatvals2std_lev() has comments about avoiding these matrix computations there. Not immediately transposable here.  
.calc_dvdlogphiMat_new <- function(dh0deta,ZAL,
                                   sXaug,d2hdv2_info=NULL ## either one
) {
  ## cf calcul dhdv, but here we want to keep each d/d phi_i distinct hence not sum over observations i 
  if (inherits(ZAL,"ZAXlist")) { # appeared in first try gaussian("logit")... with ARp()...
    neg.d2h0_dv_dlogphi <- .crossprod(ZAL,.sparseDiagonal(x= drop(dh0deta), shape="g"))
  } else neg.d2h0_dv_dlogphi <- .m_Matrix_times_Dvec(t(ZAL), drop(dh0deta)) # n_u_h*nobs: each ith column is a vector of derivatives wrt v_k# dh0dv <- t(ZAL) %*% diag(as.vector(dh0deta)) 
  if (is.null(d2hdv2_info)) { # call by HLfit_body
    dvdlogphiMat <- get_from_MME(sXaug,"solve_d2hdv2",B=neg.d2h0_dv_dlogphi) 
  } else if (inherits(d2hdv2_info,"CHMfactor")) { # CHM of ***-*** d2hdv2
    dvdlogphiMat <- solve(d2hdv2_info, - neg.d2h0_dv_dlogphi) # efficient without as.matrix()!        
  } else if (inherits(d2hdv2_info,"qr") || inherits(d2hdv2_info,"sparseQR") ) {
    dvdlogphiMat <- solve(d2hdv2_info, as.matrix(neg.d2h0_dv_dlogphi))  # rXn       
  } else if (is.environment(d2hdv2_info)) {
    # dvdlogphiMat <- d2hdv2_info %*% neg.d2h0_dv_dlogphi # rXn     
    rhs <- d2hdv2_info$chol_Q %*% neg.d2h0_dv_dlogphi
    rhs <- solve(d2hdv2_info$G_CHMfactor,rhs)
    dvdlogphiMat <- - .crossprod(d2hdv2_info$chol_Q,rhs) # don't forget '-'
  } else { ## then d2hdv2_info is ginv(d2hdv2) or a sparse matrix inverse of (d2hdv2) (spprec code will provide a dsCMatrix)
    if (inherits(d2hdv2_info,"dsCMatrix")) {
      d2hdv2_info <- as(d2hdv2_info,"dgeMatrix") ## more efficient if inv_d2hdv2 is math-dense
      # It would be nice to store only the half matrix but then as( - d2hdv2_info, "dpoMatrix") and reversing sign afterwards. 
    dvdlogphiMat <- d2hdv2_info %*% neg.d2h0_dv_dlogphi # rXn       

.calc_dvdloglamMat_new <- function(neg.d2f_dv_dloglam,
                                   sXaug, d2hdv2_info=NULL ## use either one
) {
  if(is.null(d2hdv2_info)) {
    if (TRUE) {
      if (is.matrix(sXaug)) { # sXaug_EigenDense_QRP_Chol_scaled case
        dvdloglamMat <- get_from_MME(sXaug,"solve_d2hdv2",B=diag( neg.d2f_dv_dloglam))
      } else  dvdloglamMat <- get_from_MME(sXaug,"solve_d2hdv2",B=.sparseDiagonal(x= neg.d2f_dv_dloglam, shape="g"))
    } else {
      # Avoids the inelegant test is.matrix(sXaug), but... less accurate!
      inv_d2hdv2 <- get_from_MME(sXaug,"solve_d2hdv2") # slow step ("test negbin1" with large nobs is good example)
      dvdloglamMat <- .m_Matrix_times_Dvec(inv_d2hdv2, neg.d2f_dv_dloglam)# get_from_MME(sXaug,"solve_d2hdv2",B=diag( neg.d2f_dv_dloglam)) ## square matrix, by  the formulation of the algo 
  } else if (inherits(d2hdv2_info,"CHMfactor")) {# CHM of ***-*** d2hdv2
    dvdloglamMat <- solve(d2hdv2_info, .sparseDiagonal(x= - neg.d2f_dv_dloglam, shape="g"))  # rXr !       
  } else if (inherits(d2hdv2_info,"qr") || inherits(d2hdv2_info,"sparseQR") ) { ## much slower than using CHMfactor
    if (length(neg.d2f_dv_dloglam)>5000L) message("[one-time solve()ing of large matrix, which may be slow]") 
    dvdloglamMat <- solve(d2hdv2_info, diag( neg.d2f_dv_dloglam ))  # rXr !       
  } else if (is.environment(d2hdv2_info)) {
    # dvdloglamMat <- solve(d2hdv2_info, diag( neg.d2f_dv_dloglam ))  # rXr !       
    rhs <- .Matrix_times_Dvec(d2hdv2_info$chol_Q, neg.d2f_dv_dloglam )
    rhs <- solve(d2hdv2_info$G_CHMfactor, rhs)
    dvdloglamMat <- - .crossprod(d2hdv2_info$chol_Q, rhs) # don't forget '-'
  } else { ## then d2hdv2_info is ginv(d2hdv2) or some other form of inverse # This block seems obsolete (not in long tests anyway); 
    # possibly related to the fact that bigranefs comment a few lines below also refers to computation no longer performed.
    if (inherits(d2hdv2_info,"dsCMatrix")) {  
      if (.spaMM.data$options$Matrix_old) { 
        d2hdv2_info < as(d2hdv2_info, "dgCMatrix")
      } else d2hdv2_info <- as(d2hdv2_info, "generalMatrix")
      dvdloglamMat <- .Matrix_times_Dvec(d2hdv2_info, 
                                         neg.d2f_dv_dloglam) ## sweep(d2hdv2_info,MARGIN=2L,neg.d2f_dv_dloglam,`*`) ## ginv(d2hdv2) %*% diag( as.vector(neg.d2f_dv_dloglam))      
    } else dvdloglamMat <- .m_Matrix_times_Dvec(d2hdv2_info, # this can be simplified, but do this when the alternative is stable
                                                neg.d2f_dv_dloglam) ## sweep(d2hdv2_info,MARGIN=2L,neg.d2f_dv_dloglam,`*`) ## ginv(d2hdv2) %*% diag( as.vector(neg.d2f_dv_dloglam))      
  # I returned as.matrix(dvdloglamMat) a long time ago, and found it terribly inefficient in bigranefs case; 
  # but bigranefs example no longer runs calls .calc_dvdloglamMat_new()
} ## square matrix, by  the formulation of the algo 

..calc_d2hdv2_info <- function(object, ZAL) {
  envir <- object$envir
  if (is.null(factor_inv_Md2hdv2 <- envir$factor_inv_Md2hdv2)) { ## old code not using promises
    if ( ! is.null(envir$G_CHMfactor)) {
      if (length(object$y) > ncol(envir$chol_Q)) { # We precompute inverse(d2hdv2) so that .calc_dvdlogphiMat_new() has ONE costly (r*r) %*% (r*n).
        if ( is.null(envir$invL_G.P)) { # allowing for old objects that did not have this element
          envir$factor_inv_Md2hdv2 <- Matrix::solve(envir$G_CHMfactor, as(envir$G_CHMfactor,"pMatrix") %*% envir$chol_Q,system="L") ## dgCMatrix 
        } else envir$factor_inv_Md2hdv2 <- envir$invL_G.P %*% envir$chol_Q ## dgCMatrix 
        # envir$factor_inv_Md2hdv2 <- Matrix::drop0(LL,tol=.Machine$double.eps)
        d2hdv2_info <- - .crossprod(envir$factor_inv_Md2hdv2) 
      } else d2hdv2_info <- envir # then .calc_dvdlogphiMat_new() has TWO  (r*r) %*% (r*n) (plus an efficient solve())
    } else {
      d2hdv2 <- .calcD2hDv2(ZAL,.get_H_w.resid(object),object$w.ranef) 
      if (inherits(d2hdv2,"sparseMatrix")) {
        d2hdv2_info <- .silent_W_E(Cholesky( - d2hdv2,LDL=FALSE,perm=TRUE )) #  '-' ! 
        if (inherits(d2hdv2_info, "CHMfactor")) {
          #d2hdv2_info <- structure(d2hdv2_info, BLOB=list2env(list(), parent=environment(.solve_CHM)))
          rank <- ncol(d2hdv2)
        } else {
          # oldMDCopt <- options(Matrix.warnDeprecatedCoerce = 0) # qr(<dsC>) problem in Matrix v1.4.2
          d2hdv2_info <- qr(d2hdv2, tol=spaMM.getOption("qrTolerance")) # sparseQR
          # options(oldMDCopt)
          rank <- sum(abs(diag(qrR(d2hdv2_info,backPermute=FALSE)))>1e-7)
      } else { # d2hdv2 was a matrix or a Matrix in dense format (dgeMatrix...)
        d2hdv2_info <- qr(d2hdv2, tol=spaMM.getOption("qrTolerance")) # qr 
        rank <- d2hdv2_info$rank
      if (rank<ncol(d2hdv2)) {
        d2hdv2_info <- .force_solve(d2hdv2) # inverse(d2hdv2)
      } # else we keep the QR facto.
  } else d2hdv2_info <- - .crossprodCpp_d(as.matrix(factor_inv_Md2hdv2), yy=NULL) # inverse(d2hdv2) # much faster than Matrix::crossprod(dsCMatrix...)
  #                       and still faster than any of the as_mat variants, eg .Rcpp_crossprod(factor_inv_Md2hdv2, BB = NULL, as_mat=TRUE) 
  #                       bc .crossprodCpp_d(dense) is fast relative to .Rcpp_crossprod(sparse), irrespective of as_mat

.calc_d2hdv2_info <- function(object, ZAL) {
  if (TRUE) return(..calc_d2hdv2_info(object, ZAL)) # rediscovered long afterwards... so ./.
  ## The code below first checks for a "factor_inv_Md2hdv2" promise. But 
  ##   there is no such promise in the current object bc HLfit_body() has run  
  ##   .init_promises_spprec(sXaug, non_X_ones=FALSE, nullify_X_ones =TRUE) 
  ##   and non_X_ones=FALSE implies that there is no "factor_inv_Md2hdv2" promise.
  # ELSE
  envir <- object$envir
  if ( ! is.null(envir$G_CHMfactor)) { ## spprec code
    if (! .is_evaluated("factor_inv_Md2hdv2", envir)) {
      if (length(object$y) > ncol(envir$chol_Q)) { # We precompute inverse(d2hdv2) so that .calc_dvdlogphiMat_new() has ONE costly (r*r) %*% (r*n).
        d2hdv2_info <- - .crossprod(envir$factor_inv_Md2hdv2) 
      } else d2hdv2_info <- envir # then .calc_dvdlogphiMat_new() has TWO  (r*r) %*% (r*n) (plus an efficient solve())
    } else d2hdv2_info <- - .crossprodCpp_d(as.matrix(envir$factor_inv_Md2hdv2), yy=NULL)
  } else {
    if (is.null(factor_inv_Md2hdv2 <- envir$factor_inv_Md2hdv2)) { 
      d2hdv2 <- .calcD2hDv2(ZAL,object$w.resid,object$w.ranef) 
      if (inherits(d2hdv2,"sparseMatrix")) {
        d2hdv2_info <- .silent_W_E(Cholesky( - d2hdv2,LDL=FALSE,perm=TRUE )) #  '-' ! 
        if (inherits(d2hdv2_info, "CHMfactor")) {
          #d2hdv2_info <- structure(d2hdv2_info, BLOB=list2env(list(), parent=environment(.solve_CHM)))
          rank <- ncol(d2hdv2)
        } else {
          d2hdv2_info <- qr(d2hdv2, tol=spaMM.getOption("qrTolerance")) # sparseQR
          rank <- sum(abs(diag(qrR(d2hdv2_info,backPermute=FALSE)))>1e-7)
      } else { # d2hdv2 was a matrix or a Matrix in dense format (dgeMatrix...)
        d2hdv2_info <- qr(d2hdv2, tol=spaMM.getOption("qrTolerance")) # qr 
        rank <- d2hdv2_info$rank
      if (rank<ncol(d2hdv2)) {
        d2hdv2_info <- .force_solve(d2hdv2) # inverse(d2hdv2)
      } # else we keep the QR facto.
    } else d2hdv2_info <- - .crossprodCpp_d(as.matrix(envir$factor_inv_Md2hdv2), yy=NULL) # inverse(d2hdv2) # much faster than Matrix::crossprod(dsCMatrix...)
    #                       and still faster than any of the as_mat variants, eg .Rcpp_crossprod(factor_inv_Md2hdv2, BB = NULL, as_mat=TRUE) 

.calc_logdispObject <- function(object, envir=object$envir, force_fixed) {
  dvdloglamMat <- envir$dvdloglamMat
  dvdloglamMat_needed <- ( is.null(dvdloglamMat) && 
                             # (comment this => allows random slope)  all(unlist(attr(object$ZAlist,"namesTerms"))=="(Intercept)") && ## (1|.) or CAR or Matern
                             (force_fixed || 
                                any( ! object$lambda.object$type %in% c("fixed","fix_ranCoefs","fix_hyper"))) ) ## some lambda params were estimated
  dvdlogphiMat <- envir$dvdlogphiMat
  dvdlogphiMat_needed <- (is.null(dvdlogphiMat) && 
                           ( any((phimodel <- object$models[["phi"]])=="phiScal") ||
  dvdlogphiMat_needed <- dvdlogphiMat_needed || identical(envir$forcePhiComponent,TRUE) ## hack for code testing !
  if (dvdloglamMat_needed || dvdlogphiMat_needed) {
    ZAL <- get_ZALMatrix(object, force_bind = ! (.is_spprec_fit(object)) )     
    d2hdv2_info <- .calc_d2hdv2_info(object, ZAL) # may be a qr object, or not (SPPREC). F I X M E a gentle message for long computations ? 
  if (dvdloglamMat_needed) { # $\partial_\tau \bv$ in latex doc.
    cum_n_u_h <- attr(.get_u_h(object),"cum_n_u_h")
    psi_M <- rep(attr(object$rand.families,"unique.psi_M"),diff(cum_n_u_h))
    dlogfthdth <- (psi_M - .get_u_h(object))/object$lambda.object$lambda_est ## the d log density of th(u)
    neg.d2f_dv_dloglam <- .calc_neg_d2f_dv_dloglam(dlogfthdth, cum_n_u_h, 
                                                   rand.families=object$rand.families, u_h=.get_u_h(object))
    # TAG rc_dispcov # cf Details of predVar.Rd; made comparisons in devel/predVar_ranCoefs/predVar_mv_spprec.R
    dvdloglamMat <- .calc_dvdloglamMat_new(neg.d2f_dv_dloglam, 
                                           d2hdv2_info=d2hdv2_info) ## d2hdv2_info is either a qr factor or the inverse as a matrix or an environment
  if (dvdlogphiMat_needed) {
    muetablob <- object$muetablob
    # .get_H_w.resid() rather than .get_w.resid here. See section mentioning "dvdloglamMat" in the long doc. 
    if ( ! is.null(envir$G_CHMfactor)) { # spprec; possibly generalisable code not using math-dense ZAL
      # rhs <- .Matrix_times_Dvec(t(envir$sXaug$AUGI0_ZX$ZAfix), - dh0deta) # efficient
      # rhs <- solve(envir$G_CHMfactor,rhs,system="A") # efficient
      unW_dh0deta <- (object$y-muetablob$mu)/muetablob$dmudeta ## (soit Bin -> phi fixe=1, soit BinomialDen=1)
      if (is.null(envir$invG_ZtW)) {
        if (is.null(envir$ZtW)) {
          # cf comments in .old_calc_Md2hdvb2_info_spprec_by_r22()
          envir$ZtW <- t(.Dvec_times_m_Matrix(.get_H_w.resid(envir=envir), envir$sXaug$AUGI0_ZX$ZAfix))
        envir$invG_ZtW <- solve(envir$G_CHMfactor, 
                                envir$ZtW, system="A") # hardly avoidable has there is no comparable operation elsewhere (check "A")
      rhs <- .Matrix_times_Dvec(envir$invG_ZtW, -unW_dh0deta) # efficient
      dvdlogphiMat <- .crossprod(envir$chol_Q, rhs) # _FIXME_ bottleneck in large spprec but .crossprodCpp_d not useful here 
    } else {
      dh0deta <- ( .get_H_w.resid(object) *(object$y-muetablob$mu)/muetablob$dmudeta ) ## (soit Bin -> phi fixe=1, soit BinomialDen=1) 
      dvdlogphiMat  <- .calc_dvdlogphiMat_new(dh0deta=dh0deta, ZAL=ZAL,
                                              d2hdv2_info=d2hdv2_info ## either a qr factor or a matrix inverse or envir
  invV_factors <- .calc_invV_factors(object) ## n_x_r and r_x_n in repres of invV as diag(w.resid)- [n_x_r %*% r_x_n]
  if (length(phimodel)>1L) {
    .calc_logdisp_cov_mv(object, dvdloglamMat=dvdloglamMat, ## square matrix, by  the formulation of the algo 
                                                dvdlogphiMat=dvdlogphiMat, invV_factors=invV_factors,
  } else
    .calc_logdisp_cov(object, dvdloglamMat=dvdloglamMat, ## square matrix, by  the formulation of the algo 
                                             dvdlogphiMat=dvdlogphiMat, invV_factors=invV_factors,

.get_logdispObject <- function(object) { ## 
  envir <- object$envir
  if (is.null(envir$logdispObject) && object$models[["eta"]]=="etaHGLM" ) {
    envir$logdispObject <- .calc_logdispObject(object, envir=envir, force_fixed=FALSE)
} # if dvdloglamMat or dvdlogphiMat were computed ex-tempo, they are NOT saved.

## This provides factor n_x_r and r_x_n of the representation of invV as diag(w.resid)- [n_x_r %*% r_x_n = t(Ztw) %*% invG.ZtW]  (nXr  %*% rxn)
## slow computation the one time .get_logdispObject() is called, for variances$disp (no need to store the result in an $envir)
.calc_invV_factors <- function(object) { ## used by .get_logdispObject
  ## Store inv( G=[{precmat=inv(L invWranef Lt)} +ZtWZ] ) as two matrix nXr and rXn rather than their nXn product
  # F I X M E yet there will be cases where n<r and then it's better to store the n x n product !  
  if (.is_spprec_fit(object)) {
    envir <- object$envir
    ## code clearly related to .Sigsolve_sparsePrecision() algorithm:
    if (is.null(envir$invG_ZtW)) {
      if (is.null(envir$ZtW)) {
        # cf comments in .old_calc_Md2hdvb2_info_spprec_by_r22()
        H_w.resid <- .get_H_w.resid(envir=envir)
        envir$ZtW <- t(.Dvec_times_m_Matrix(H_w.resid, envir$sXaug$AUGI0_ZX$ZAfix))
      object$envir$invG_ZtW <- solve(envir$G_CHMfactor, envir$ZtW, system="A") # hardly avoidable has there is no comparable operation elsewhere (check "A")
    RES <- list(n_x_r=t(envir$ZtW), r_x_n=as.matrix(envir$invG_ZtW)) # requires both being kept in the envir 
    ZAfix <- .get_ZAfix(object, as_matrix=FALSE)
    RES$r_x_r <- object$envir$invG_ZtW %*% ZAfix
  } else {
    ZAfix <- .get_ZAfix(object, as_matrix=FALSE)
    H_w.resid <- .get_H_w.resid(object)
    if (.is_identity(ZAfix)) {
      # FIXME inelegant ZAL computation only to test if it is diagonal
      ZAL <- .compute_ZAL(XMatrix=object$strucList, ZAlist=object$ZAlist,as_matrix=.eval_as_mat_arg.HLfit(object)) 
      if (inherits(ZAL,"diagonalMatrix")) { 
        RES <- list(n_x_r=Diagonal(x = H_w.resid),
                    r_x_n=Diagonal(x = H_w.resid/(H_w.resid + object$w.ranef/diag(ZAL)^2))) 
      } ## ELSE
    } ## ELSE
    invL <- .get_invL_HLfit(object) # t(tcrossfac(precision_matrix))
    wrZ <- .Dvec_times_m_Matrix(H_w.resid, ZAfix) # suppressMessages(sweep(t(ZA), 2L, w.resid,`*`)) 
    if (TRUE) { 
      ZtwrZ <- .crossprod(ZAfix, wrZ, as_sym=TRUE) ## seems more precise and we must compute wrZ anyway
    } else ZtwrZ <- .safe_ZtWZwrapper(ZAfix,.get_H_w.resid(object)) ## -> calls .crossprod(., y=NULL) affects numerical precision of twolambda test in test-predVar.R
    ## is general ZtwrZ should be sparse, while invL may not. Large dense invL will away be a problem
    ## for small Z, ZtwrZ may bedsy, but this an un-intersting subcase that does not call for a special treatment
    if (inherits(ZtwrZ,"dsCMatrix") || inherits(ZtwrZ,"dsyMatrix")) {
      # (NB: dsy+dsy faster than dsC+dsy but maybe just because of conversion from dsC to dsy ?) => no obvious improvement
      if (.is_identity(invL)) {
        precmat <- .symDiagonal(x=object$w.ranef) # dsC+dsC
      } else precmat <- .safe_ZtWZwrapper(invL,object$w.ranef) # dsC+whatever 
    } else if (inherits(ZtwrZ,"ddiMatrix")) {
      if (.is_identity(invL)) {
        precmat <- Diagonal(x=object$w.ranef) # ddi+ddi...
      } else precmat <- .safe_ZtWZwrapper(invL,object$w.ranef) # ddi+whatever
    } else { # ("matrix") may never occur 
      if (.is_identity(invL)) {
        precmat <- diag(x=object$w.ranef)
      } else precmat <- .safe_ZtWZwrapper(invL,object$w.ranef)
      message("Possibly inefficient code in .calc_invV_factors().")
    ## try to sum dsC or to sum dense matrix but not to mix types..., and to avoid formation of a large nxn matrix:
    if (inherits(precmat,"dsCMatrix") && inherits(ZtwrZ,"dsCMatrix")) {
      Gmat <- .dsCsum(precmat,ZtwrZ)
    } else Gmat <- precmat + ZtwrZ  
    invG_ZtW <- tryCatch(solve(Gmat, t(wrZ)),error=function(e) e)
    if (inherits(invG_ZtW,"simpleError")) { ## but that should be well behaved when precmat is.
      invG <- ginv(as.matrix(Gmat)) ## FIXME quick patch at least
      invG_ZtW <- .tcrossprod(invG, wrZ)
    RES <- list(n_x_r=wrZ, r_x_n=invG_ZtW)
    #RES$r_x_r <- invG_ZtW %*% ZAfix  ## only for spprec (above) or  TRY_dense_iVZA (FALSE)

.calc_beta_cov_info_others <- function(wAugX=NULL, AUGI0_ZX, ZAL, ww) { ## post-fit fn
  if (is.null(wAugX)) {
    if (is.null(ZAL)) { # GLM... or LLM
      if (any(ww<0)) { # ... LLM
        negHess <- crossprod(AUGI0_ZX$X.pv, .Dvec_times_m_Matrix( ww, AUGI0_ZX$X.pv))
        cholH <- tryCatch(chol(negHess),error=function(e) e)
        if (inherits(cholH, "simpleError")) { # => brute regularization
          warning("logLik presumably not maximized (information matrix is not positive definite at attained estimates).", immediate. = TRUE)
          beta_cov <- tcrossfac_beta_v_cov <- matrix(NA, ncol=ncol(negHess), nrow=ncol(negHess))
        } else {
          beta_cov <- chol2inv(cholH)
          tcrossfac_beta_v_cov <- t(cholH)
        colnames(beta_cov) <- rownames(beta_cov) <- colnames(negHess) # sigh
        return(list(beta_cov=beta_cov, tcrossfac_beta_v_cov=tcrossfac_beta_v_cov))
      } else wAugX <- .calc_wAugX(XZ_0I=AUGI0_ZX$X.pv,sqrt.ww=sqrt(ww)) 
      # => ... may have zero cols... X.pv being a zero-col *m*atrix, in which case .spaMM.data$options$matrix_method is selected below 
      # and then get_from_MME(<matrix_method>, "beta_cov_info_from_wAugX") must handle this case.
    } else {
      XZ_0I <- .calc_XZ_0I(AUGI0_ZX=AUGI0_ZX,ZAL) # ZAL is not ZAXlist since .calc_beta_cov_info_others not called in spprec
      wAugX <- .calc_wAugX(XZ_0I=XZ_0I,sqrt.ww=sqrt(ww))
  } ## wAugX is in XZ_OI order 
  if (inherits(wAugX,"Matrix")) {
    corr_method <- .spaMM.data$options$Matrix_method 
  } else corr_method <- .spaMM.data$options$matrix_method
  .silent_M_E(untrace(corr_method, where=asNamespace("spaMM"))) # try() bc this fails when called by Infusion 
  # test: Infusion tests -> ... -> .predict_body -> ;.. -> .calc_beta_cov_info_others -> untrace -> def_sXaug_EigenDense_QRP_Chol_scaled not found
  # Note that the function is in exportPattern, explicitly exporting/impporting it does not help; attaching spaMM seems required to avoid untrace's error..
  # hack to recycle sXaug code; all weights are 1 or unit vectors as the order is not that assumed by corr_method. 
  wAugX <- do.call(corr_method,list(Xaug=wAugX, weight_X=rep(1,nrow(AUGI0_ZX$X.pv)), 
                                       w.ranef=rep(1,ncol(AUGI0_ZX$I)), ## we need at least its length for get_from Matrix methods
  attr(wAugX,"AUGI0_ZX") <- AUGI0_ZX #  cf use of trDiag in .sXaug_Matrix_QRP_CHM_scaled -> solve_R_scaled
  beta_cov_info <- get_from_MME(wAugX,"beta_cov_info_from_wAugX") 

.calc_beta_cov_info_from_sXaug <- function(BLOB, sXaug, tcrossfac) { 
  pforpv <- attr(sXaug,"pforpv")
  X_scaling <- sqrt(rep(attr(sXaug,"H_global_scale"),pforpv))
  X_scale <- attr(sXaug,"scaled:scale") # this is (! spprec) code and the X.pv attribute has been copied here
  if ( ! is.null(X_scale)) X_scaling <- X_scaling/X_scale
  diagscalings <- c(1/sqrt(attr(sXaug,"w.ranef")), X_scaling)
  if ( ! is.null(BLOB$sortPerm)) { # depending on method used for QR facto
    sctPmat <- sparseMatrix(seq_along(BLOB$sortPerm), BLOB$sortPerm, x=1)
    sctPmat <- .Dvec_times_Matrix(diagscalings, sctPmat) # Pmat <- .Matrix_times_Dvec(Pmat,diagscalings)
    tcrossfac_v_beta_cov <- sctPmat %*% tcrossfac
  } else tcrossfac_v_beta_cov <- .Dvec_times_m_Matrix(diagscalings, tcrossfac) ## loses colnames...
  dgC_good <- (inherits(tcrossfac_v_beta_cov, "dgCMatrix") && 
                 .calc_denseness(tcrossfac_v_beta_cov, relative=TRUE)<0.35 )
  if ( ! dgC_good) tcrossfac_v_beta_cov <- as.matrix(tcrossfac_v_beta_cov) # bigranefs.R shows that conversion is not always good.
  rownames(tcrossfac_v_beta_cov) <- colnames(sXaug) ## necessary for summary.HLfit, already lost in BLOB$R_scaled
  seqp <- seq_len(pforpv)
  beta_pos <- attr(sXaug,"n_u_h")+seqp
  beta_v_order <- c(beta_pos,seq(attr(sXaug,"n_u_h")))
  tcrossfac_beta_v_cov <- tcrossfac_v_beta_cov[beta_v_order,,drop=FALSE]
  if (inherits(sXaug,"dtCMatrix")) tcrossfac_beta_v_cov <- as(tcrossfac_beta_v_cov, "sparseMatrix")
  beta_cov <- as.matrix(.tcrossprod(tcrossfac_beta_v_cov[seqp,,drop=FALSE])) ## assignment in .make_beta_table() assumes a dense matrix
  return( list(beta_cov=beta_cov, 
               tcrossfac_beta_v_cov=tcrossfac_beta_v_cov) )

.get_beta_cov_info <- function(res) { 
  # Provide list(beta_cov=., tcrossfac_beta_v_cov=.)
  if (.is_spprec_fit(res)) {
    return(.calc_beta_cov_info_spprec(X.pv=res$X.pv, envir=res$envir)) 
  } else if (! is.null(res$envir$sXaug)) { # excludes SEM *and* fixed-effect models 
    if (prod(dim(res$envir$sXaug))>1e7) message("[one-time computation of covariance matrix, which may be slow]")
    if (res$spaMM.version<"2.7.34") attr(res$envir$sXaug,"scaled:scale") <- attr(res$X.pv,"scaled:scale")
    res$envir$beta_cov_info <- get_from_MME(res$envir$sXaug,which="beta_cov_info_from_sXaug") 
  } else { ## older code, generic for non-spprec.
    # What this [block -> .calc_beta_cov_info_others()] provides is a beta_cov + full beta_v_cov
    if (is.matrix(beta_cov_info <- res$envir$beta_cov_info) || ## old format (old fit object), should be a list now
        is.null(beta_cov_info$tcrossfac_beta_v_cov)) { ## Use .calc_beta_cov_info_others -> get_from_MME()
      # F I X M E test useless if call to .get_beta_cov_info() already dependent on the test
      # Further, can $tcrossfac_beta_v_cov be NULL if $beta_cov_info is list ?
      ZAL <- get_ZALMatrix(res, force_bind=FALSE) # note that .calc_beta_cov_info_others -> ... -> rbind2() but ZAL should not be a ZAXlist here
      n_u_h <- length(res$w.ranef) # may be 0: this code may be run for LMs.
      pforpv <- ncol(res$X.pv)
      if (inherits(ZAL,"Matrix")) {
        AUGI0_ZX <- list(I=.sparseDiagonal(n=n_u_h, shape="g"),
                         trDiag=..trDiagonal(n=n_u_h+pforpv), # trDiag needed by solve_R_scaled promise (from summary(<probitgem fit>)).
      } else { # ZAL is dense or is NULL (what if itis dense and X.pv is sparse?)
        AUGI0_ZX <- list(I=diag(nrow=n_u_h),ZeroBlock=matrix(0,nrow=n_u_h,ncol=pforpv),X.pv=res$X.pv)
        if (inherits(res$X.pv,"Matrix")) AUGI0_ZX$trDiag <- ..trDiagonal(n=n_u_h+pforpv) # useful for LM with sparse X,
        # cf use of trDiag in .sXaug_Matrix_QRP_CHM_scaled -> solve_R_scaled
      res$envir$beta_cov_info <- .calc_beta_cov_info_others(AUGI0_ZX=AUGI0_ZX,ZAL=ZAL,ww=c(.get_H_w.resid(res),res$w.ranef)) ## with beta_v_cov attribute

.calc_newZACvar <- function(newZAlist,cov_newLv_oldv_list) {
  newZACvarlist <- vector("list",length(newZAlist))
  for (new_rd in seq_along(newZAlist)) newZACvarlist[[new_rd]] <- newZAlist[[new_rd]] %ZA*gI% cov_newLv_oldv_list[[new_rd]]
  newZAC <- .ad_hoc_cbind(newZACvarlist, as_matrix=FALSE)
  if (inherits(newZAC,"sparseMatrix") && .calc_denseness(newZAC, relative=TRUE)>0.35) newZAC <- as.matrix(newZAC)

## Aggregate info on corrpars, inner-estimated and inner-fixed.
## $corrPars is only for info in messages() and return value, (?!)
.get_CorrEst_and_RanFix <- function(ranFix, ## has "fix", "outer", and also "var" values ! code corrently assumes "var" <=> corr_est
) {
  # When fitting function was HLCor, the type attribute has not been added to the corrPars
  if (is.null(attr(ranFix,"type"))) attr(ranFix,"type") <- .relist_rep("fix", ranFix)
  if ( ! is.null(corr_est)) {
    ranFix <- structure(.modify_list(ranFix,corr_est), 
  return(ranFix) ## correlation params + whatever else was in ranFix

# Has become a postfit fn; to recycle processed$u_h_v_h_from_v_h one would have to remove processed from its defining envir.
.u_h_v_h_from_v_h <- function(v_h, rand.families, cum_n_u_h, lower.v_h, upper.v_h, 
                              u_list=vector("list", length(rand.families))) {
  if(!is.null(lower.v_h)) {v_h[v_h<lower.v_h] <- lower.v_h}
  if(!is.null(upper.v_h)) {v_h[v_h>upper.v_h] <- upper.v_h}
  nrand <- length(rand.families)
  for (it in seq_len(nrand)) {
    u.range <- (cum_n_u_h[it]+1L):(cum_n_u_h[it+1L])
    u_list[[it]] <- rand.families[[it]]$linkinv(v_h[u.range])
    if (any(is.infinite(u_list[[it]]))) {
      warning("infinite random values ('u_h') were constrained to finite range.") 
      u_list[[it]] <- pmin(.Machine$double.xmax, pmax(-.Machine$double.xmax,u_list[[it]]) )
  u_h <- .unlist(u_list)
  ## if there were box constr, v_h may have been modified, we put it in return value
  if ( ! (is.null(lower.v_h) && is.null(upper.v_h))) attr(u_h,"v_h") <- v_h

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