Defines functions anova.LMLT anova.HLfit .anova_fallback .get_type3_contrasts .lu_doo .anova.glm .df.null .null.deviance LRT .warn_ests_at_bound .check_bootreps .eval_replicate2 eval_replicate .update_control get_inits_from_fit .get_lambdas_notrC_from_hlfit .get_rC_inits_from_hlfit .get_outer_inits_from_fit .add_famPars_outer .compare_model_structures .is_nested_family .compare_phimodels_structures .guess_Rnest .process_ranef_case .is_2_in_1

Documented in anova.HLfit anova.LMLT eval_replicate .eval_replicate2 get_inits_from_fit LRT

.is_2_in_1 <- function(X1,X2, tol=1e-10) {
  qrX <- qr(X1)
  proj2in1 <- X1 %*% solve(qrX,X2) # is.qr.solve()
  return(all(abs(proj2in1 -X2)<tol))

# deprecated:
.process_ranef_case <- function(object, object2, nest="") {
  l1 <- logLik(object)
  l2 <- logLik(object2)
  testlik <- unique(c(names(l1),names(l2)))
  if (length(testlik)!=1L) stop(paste("Unable to determine a unique objective function from logLik() names.\n",
                                      "Check that both fits are fitted by the same 'method'."))
  if (nest=="2in1" || (nest!="1in2" && l1>l2)) {
    nullfit <- object2
    fullfit <- object
  } else { # nest=="1in2" || l2>l1
    nullfit <- object
    fullfit <- object2

.guess_Rnest <- function(object, object2, Xnest) {
  dfR1 <- sum(unlist(object$dfs, use.names=FALSE)) - object$dfs$pforpv 
  dfR2 <- sum(unlist(object2$dfs, use.names=FALSE)) - object2$dfs$pforpv
  if (dfR1>dfR2) {
    Rnest <- "2in1"
    if (is.null(Xnest)) { # fixed effects are identical
      message(paste("spaMM did not ascertain whether the models are nested in their random-effect specifications.\n", 
                    "  You are responsible for that."))
      # comparison of random-coefficients, (LHS|RHS), vs (1|RHS) leads here and it's a bit sad that spaMM does not diagnose that, but... not now.
      # (same in 1in2 case)
    } else warning(paste("Fixed-effects specifications differ between the models, and spaMM did not ascertain\n",
                         "  whether the models are similarly nested in their random-effect specifications.\n",
                         "  You are responsible for that. spaMM will guess nestedness from number of parameters."), immediate. = TRUE) 
  } else if (dfR1<dfR2) { 
    Rnest <- "1in2"
    if (is.null(Xnest)) { # fixed effects are identical
      message(paste("spaMM did not ascertain whether the models are nested in their random-effect specifications.\n", 
                    "  You are responsible for that.")) 
    } else warning(paste("Fixed-effects specifications differ between the models, and spaMM did not ascertain\n",
                         "  whether the models are similarly nested in their random-effect specifications.\n",
                         "  You are responsible for that. spaMM will guess nestedness from number of parameters."), immediate. = TRUE) 
  } else if (is.null(Xnest)) { # fixed effects are identical, dfs are identical
    stop("The models compared appear to have the same number of parameters, hence may be identical or non-nested.",
  } else {
    Rnest <- NULL
    warning(paste("The models have the same number of parameters except for fixed effects, but spaMM did not ascertain\n",
                  "  whether the random-effect specifications are identical. You are responsible for that."), immediate. = TRUE) 
  list(Rnest=Rnest, dfs=c(dfR1, dfR2))

.compare_phimodels_structures <- function(phifit1, phifit2, df1, df2, df=abs(df1-df2)) {
  if (inherits(phifit1,"HLfit")) {
    if (inherits(phifit2,"HLfit")) {
      cmp <- .compare_model_structures(phifit1,phifit2, args_are_phimodels=TRUE)
      if (cmp$anyranef) return(list(warning="Mixed-effect residual dispersion model found. No chi2 LRT performed.")) 
      # df <- cmp$df 
      # df1 <- cmp$df1
      # df2 <- cmp$df2
      ## boostrap tests still possible
    } else { 
      # # phifit2 is a phiScal... the input df2 may be 0 or 1  
      # the input df1 may be object$dfs$p_fixef_phi[[mv_it]] which is then NA
      if (phifit1$models$eta=="etaHGLM") {
        return(list(warning="Mixed-effect residual dispersion model found. No chi2 LRT performed.")) 
      } else if (df2==1L && "(Intercept)" %in% names(fixef(phifit1))) {
        df1 <- sum(.unlist(phifit1$dfs)) 
      } else df1 <- NA
      if (length(attr(phifit1$ZAlist,"exp_ranef_strings"))) df <- NA
  } else { # phifit1 is a phiScal...
    if (inherits(phifit2,"HLfit")) {
      if (phifit2$models$eta=="etaHGLM") {
        return(list(warning="Mixed-effect residual dispersion model found. No chi2 LRT performed.")) 
      } else if (df1==1L && "(Intercept)" %in% names(fixef(phifit2))) {
        df2 <- sum(.unlist(phifit2$dfs))
      } else df2 <- NA
      if (length(attr(phifit2$ZAlist,"exp_ranef_strings"))) df <- NA

.is_nested_family <- function(famfam, famfam2, object2, mv_it=NULL) {
    (famfam=="poisson" && 
       famfam2 %in% c("negbin1","negbin2","COMPoisson") &&
       length(intersect(unlist(.get_methods_disp(object2, mv_it=mv_it)), c("NB_shape","COMP_nu","beta_prec"))) # detection fitted par as in .calc_dfs
  ) || (
    famfam=="binomial" && 
      famfam2=="betabin" &&
      length(intersect(unlist(.get_methods_disp(object2, mv_it=mv_it)), c("beta_prec")))

# Handles mv fits, their resid models included. 
.compare_model_structures <- function(object,object2, args_are_phimodels, boot.repl) {
  if (inherits(object,"HLfitlist") || inherits(object2,"HLfitlist")) {
    warning("This does not yet work on HLfitlist objects", immediate.=TRUE, call.=FALSE)
  X.pv1 <- model.matrix(object)
  X.pv2 <- model.matrix(object2)
  X1 <- attr(X.pv1,"namesOri") ## need to track NA beta's
  X2 <- attr(X.pv2,"namesOri")
  if (length(X1)==0L) {
    REML1 <- NULL ## compatible with both ML or REML tests
  } else REML1 <- (object$APHLs$p_v != object$APHLs$p_bv)
  if (length(X2)==0L) {
    REML2 <- NULL ## idem
  } else REML2 <- (object2$APHLs$p_v != object2$APHLs$p_bv)
  REML <- unique(c(REML1,REML2))
  Fnest <- NULL
  if (! args_are_phimodels) {
    meth1 <- object$HL
    meth2 <- object2$HL
    if (! identical(meth1,meth2) || length(REML)>1L ) {
      stop("object fitted by different methods cannot be compared.", call.=FALSE)
    if (mv_model <- is.null(object$family)) {
      nestedfam <- all(sapply(object$families, `[[`, x="link")==sapply(object2$families, `[[`, x="link"))
    } else nestedfam <- (object$family$link==object2$family$link) 
    if ( ! nestedfam) stop("Models not nested (distinct family links).", call.=FALSE) 
    if (mv_model) {
      famfams1 <- sapply(object$families, `[[`, x="family")
      famfams2 <- sapply(object2$families, `[[`, x="family")
      if ( any(famfams1!=famfams2)) {
        for (mv_it in seq_along(famfams1)) {
          if (famfams1[mv_it]!= famfams2[mv_it]) {
            if (.is_nested_family(famfams1[mv_it], famfams2[mv_it], object2, mv_it=mv_it)) {
              Fnest <- unique(c(Fnest, "1in2"))
            } else if (.is_nested_family(famfam2, famfam, object, mv_it=mv_it)) {
              Fnest <- unique(c(Fnest, "2in1"))
            if (length(Fnest)>1L)  stop("Models may not be nested (distinct families).", call.=FALSE)
    } else if (object$family$family!=object2$family$family) {
      famfam <- object$family$family
      famfam2 <- object2$family$family
      if (.is_nested_family(famfam, famfam2, object2)) {
        Fnest <- "1in2"
      } else if (.is_nested_family(famfam2, famfam, object)) {
        Fnest <- "2in1"
      } else stop("Models may not be nested (distinct families).", call.=FALSE)
  if ( ! is.null(X1)) X1 <- sapply(strsplit(X1,':'), function(x) paste(sort(x),collapse=':')) ## JBF 2015/02/23: sort variables in interaction terms before comparison
  if ( ! is.null(X2)) X2 <- sapply(strsplit(X2,':'), function(x) paste(sort(x),collapse=':'))
  dX12 <- setdiff(X1,X2)
  dX21 <- setdiff(X2,X1)
  if (length(dX12) && length(dX21)) {
    if (.is_2_in_1(X1=X.pv1,  X2=X.pv2)) {
      Xnest <- "2in1"
    } else if (.is_2_in_1(X1=X.pv2,  X2=X.pv1)) {
      Xnest <- "1in2"
    } else if (args_are_phimodels) {
      stop("Fixed effects seem non-nested for residual-dispersion model.", call.=FALSE)
    } else stop("Fixed effects seem non-nested.", call.=FALSE) 
  } else if (length(dX12)) {
    Xnest <- "2in1"
  } else if (length(dX21)) {
    Xnest <- "1in2"
  } else {
    message("Fixed effects terms appear identical for both models.")
    Xnest <- NULL
  if (object$spaMM.version < "2.2.116") {
    ranterms1 <- attr(object$ZAlist,"ranefs")
  } else ranterms1 <- attr(object$ZAlist,"exp_ranef_strings")
  if (object2$spaMM.version < "2.2.116") {
    ranterms2 <- attr(object2$ZAlist,"ranefs")
  } else ranterms2 <- attr(object2$ZAlist,"exp_ranef_strings")
  randist1 <- lapply(object$rand.families, function(v) paste(paste(v)[1:2],collapse="")) ## makes a string from each $family and $link 
  randist2 <- lapply(object2$rand.families, function(v) paste(paste(v)[1:2],collapse="")) ## makes a string from each $family and $link 
  if (args_are_phimodels && # nested call compare_model_str -> compare_phimodel_str -> compare_model_str
      (length(randist1) || length(randist2))) {# either of the two residual-disp models is a mixed-effect model
    # => no objective function maximized => no LRT, not even a bootstrap one
    # df <- NA # inhibits asymptotic LRT
  ranterms1 <- paste(ranterms1,randist1) ## joins each term and its distrib
  ranterms2 <- paste(ranterms2,randist2) ## joins each term and its distrib
  dR12 <- setdiff(ranterms1,ranterms2)
  dR21 <- setdiff(ranterms2,ranterms1)
  if (length(dR12) && length(dR21)) { # no obvious nested structure on ranefs. Trying to guess 'Rnest'
    Rnest_blob <- .guess_Rnest(object, object2, Xnest)
    Rnest <- Rnest_blob$Rnest
    #.process_ranef_case(object, object2, Xnest=Xnest)
  } else if (length(dR12)) {
    Rnest <- "2in1"
  } else if (length(dR21)) {
    Rnest <- "1in2"
  } else Rnest <- NULL
  XRnest <- c(Xnest,Rnest)
  uXRnest <- unique(XRnest)
  if (length(unique(c(Fnest,uXRnest)))>1L) {
    # if (args_are_phimodels)  {
    #   warning("Models not nested (opposite nestings for fixed and random terms in residual-dispersion model). No test performed.", call.=FALSE)
    # } else 
      warning("Models not nested (opposite nestings for fixed and random terms\n or response families). No test performed.", call.=FALSE)
    return(list(fullfit=NULL,nullfit=NULL,test_obj=NULL,df=NA, df1=NA, df2=NA))
  # ELSE
  if ( ! args_are_phimodels) { #check their residual-dispersion models    ##################################### ( length(unest)==0L) { # no difference between models found yet. Check residual dispersion models 
    phimodel1 <- object$models[["phi"]]
    phimodel2 <- object2$models[["phi"]]
    n_mv <- length(phimodel1)
    df_mat <- matrix(NA, nrow=3L, ncol=n_mv)
    if (n_mv>1L) { 
      for (mv_it in seq_len(n_mv)) {
        df_col <- .compare_phimodels_structures(phifit1 = residVar(object, which="fit", submodel = mv_it),
                                                phifit2 = residVar(object2, which="fit", submodel = mv_it),
        if (is.list(df_col)) {
          warning(df_col$warning, call.=FALSE)
        } else if (anyNA(df_col[1:2])) warning(paste("apparently non-nested residual-dispersion models for submodel",mv_it), call.=FALSE)
        df_mat[,mv_it] <- df_col
    } else {
      df_col <- .compare_phimodels_structures(phifit1 = residVar(object, which="fit", submodel = NULL),
                                                   phifit2 = residVar(object2, which="fit", submodel = NULL),
      if (is.list(df_col)) {
        warning(df_col$warning, call.=FALSE)
      } else df_mat[,1L] <- df_col
    if (anyNA(df_mat[1:2,])) {
      warning("apparently non-nested residual-dispersion models", call.=FALSE)
    } else if (all(df_mat[1,]==df_mat[2,])) {
      Pnest <- NULL
    } else if (all(df_mat[1,]>=df_mat[2,])) {
      Pnest <- "2in1"
    } else if (all(df_mat[1,]<=df_mat[2,])) {
      Pnest <- "1in2"
    } else {
      warning(paste("The two models appear non-nested (opposite nesting of residual dispersion models?).\n No test performed."), call.=FALSE) 
    XRPnest <- c(XRnest,Pnest)
    unest <- unique(XRPnest)
    if (length(unest)==2L) {
      warning("Models not nested (opposite nestings for mean-response and residual-dispersion models).\n No test performed.", call.=FALSE)
    } else if (length(unest)==0L) {
      warning("The two models appear equivalent (except perhaps for offsets). No test performed.", call.=FALSE)
    } else if (length(uXRnest)==0L) {
      message(paste("The two models appear equivalent except for residual dispersion models.")) 
    # overwrite the p_fixef_phi (with ma further be a list for mv fits) with a single scalar for all params of phi models
    dfs1 <- object$dfs
    dfs1$p_fixef_phi <- NULL
    dfs1$p_phi <- .calc_p_rdisp(object)
    dfs2 <- object2$dfs
    dfs2$p_fixef_phi <- NULL
    dfs2$p_phi <- .calc_p_rdisp(object2)
    df1 <- sum(unlist(dfs1, use.names=FALSE)) 
    df2 <- sum(unlist(dfs2, use.names=FALSE))
    df <- abs(df1-df2)
    if (unest=="1in2") {
      fullm <- object2
      nullm <- object
    } else {
      fullm <- object
      nullm <- object2
    if (length(XRnest)==2L) {
      message("Models differing both by in their fixed and in their random terms. ")
      if (REML) warning("LRT comparing REML fits with different fixed-effect conditions is highly suspect", 
              immediate.=TRUE, call.=FALSE)
      testlik <- "p_v" 
    } else if (length(uXRnest)==0L) { # that means that the difference is in Pnest
      if (REML) {
        testlik <- "p_bv" 
      } else {
        message("Note: ML fits used to compare different residual-dispersion models.")
        testlik <- "p_v" 
    } else {
      if (is.null(Rnest) && is.null(Pnest)) { ## fixed effect test 
        if (REML) {
          ## checking the comparability of REML fits (must be an hack for non-standard REML)
          if ( ! is.null(fullm$distinctX.Re) ) {
            df.f.Re <- ncol(fullm$distinctX.Re)
          } else df.f.Re <- ncol(fullm$`X.pv`)
          if ( ! is.null(nullm$distinctX.Re) ) {
            df.n.Re <- ncol(nullm$distinctX.Re)
          } else df.n.Re <- ncol(nullm$`X.pv`)
          if ( df.f.Re !=  df.n.Re ) {
            warning("LRT comparing REML fits with different fixed-effect conditions is highly suspect", 
                    immediate.=TRUE, call.=FALSE)
        testlik <- "p_v"
      } else { 
        if ( ! is.null(Rnest)) {  ## random effect test (case of models differing only through resid.model was captured above )
          if (length(dR12) && length(dR21) &&
              # comparing two random-effect models, possibly differing in other components but not in a clearly conflicting way 
              min(Rnest_blob$dfs)>0L) {
            warnmess <- "Asymptotic chi-square tests comparing different\n random-effect specifications may be poorly behaved."
            if (boot.repl) {
            } else warning(warnmess, immediate. = TRUE, call.=FALSE)
            df <- abs(df1-df2)
            RLRbool <- FALSE
          } else {
            # detect comparison of LM to LMM with single random effect, and no heteroscedasticity:
            RLRbool <-  (unique(fullm$models$phi)=="phiScal" &&
                fullm$family$family =="gaussian" &&
                (fullm$models[["eta"]]=="etaHGLM" &&
                    all(attr(fullm$rand.families,"lcrandfamfam")=="gaussian")) &&
            df <- NA  # inhibits asymptotic LRT
        } else { # no longer sure it can be reached 
          df <- NA # inhibits asymptotic LRT
          RLRbool <- FALSE
        if (REML) {
          testlik <- "p_bv" 
          if (is.null(Xnest) && RLRbool) message("Note: procedures from package 'RLRsim' may be useful for this test. See help('get_RLRsim_args').")
        } else {
          testlik <- "p_v" 
          if (is.null(Xnest)) message("Note: ML fits used to compare different random-effects or residual-dispersion models.")
          if (RLRbool) message("Note: procedures from package 'RLRsim' may be useful for this test. See help('get_RLRsim_args').")
  } else { # args_are_phimodels: (fixed-effects only, mixed-effect models caught early above)
    df1 <- sum(unlist(object$dfs, use.names=FALSE)) 
    df2 <- sum(unlist(object2$dfs, use.names=FALSE))
    df <- abs(df1-df2)
    return(list(df1=df1,df2=df2, df=df))

.add_famPars_outer <- function(parlist, fitobject, names_u_c_inits=NULL, type_attr) { 
  if (is.null(names_u_c_inits)) {
    canon.init <- attr(fitobject,"optimInfo")$LUarglist$canon.init ## includes user init
    names_u_c_inits <- names(unlist(canon.init))
  # For each of the following family param there may already be attr(outer_ests,"type")$tr<fam par> but let's not assume that messy thing
  if ( ! is.null(families <- fitobject$families)) {
    for (mv_it in seq_along(families)) {
      fam_it <- families[[mv_it]]
      char_mv_it <- as.character(mv_it)
      if ((parname <- paste("NB_shape",mv_it,sep=".")) %in% names_u_c_inits) {
        parlist[["NB_shape"]][char_mv_it] <- environment(fam_it$aic)$shape # <vector element> <- 
        if (type_attr) attr(parlist,"type")[["NB_shape"]][char_mv_it] <- "outer" 
      } else if ((parname <- paste("COMP_nu",mv_it,sep=".")) %in% names_u_c_inits) {
        parlist[["COMP_nu"]][char_mv_it] <- environment(fam_it$aic)$nu # <vector element> <- 
        if (type_attr) attr(parlist,"type")[["COMP_nu"]][char_mv_it] <- "outer" 
      } else if ((parname <- paste("beta_prec",mv_it,sep=".")) %in% names_u_c_inits) {
        parlist[["beta_prec"]][char_mv_it] <- environment(fam_it$aic)$prec # <vector element> <- 
        if (type_attr) attr(parlist,"type")[["beta_prec"]][char_mv_it] <- "outer" 
      } else if (! is.null(vec <- canon.init$rdisPars[[char_mv_it]])) {
        fitted_beta <- fam_it$resid.model$beta[names(vec)]
        parlist[["rdisPars"]][char_mv_it] <- list(fitted_beta)
        if (type_attr) {
          typ <- rep("outer", length(fitted_beta))
          names(typ) <- names(vec)
          attr(parlist,"type")[["rdisPars"]][char_mv_it] <- typ
  if ("NB_shape" %in% names_u_c_inits) {
    parlist$NB_shape <- environment(fitobject$family$aic)$shape
    if (type_attr) attr(parlist,"type")$NB_shape <- "outer" 
  if ("COMP_nu" %in% names_u_c_inits) {
    parlist$COMP_nu <- environment(fitobject$family$aic)$nu
    if (type_attr) attr(parlist,"type")$COMP_nu <- "outer" 
  if ("beta_prec" %in% names_u_c_inits) {
    parlist$beta_prec <- environment(fitobject$family$aic)$prec
    if (type_attr) attr(parlist,"type")$beta_prec <- "outer" 
  if (! is.null(vec <- canon.init[["rdisPars"]])) {
    fitted_beta <- fitobject$family$resid.model$beta[names(vec)]
    parlist["rdisPars"] <- list(fitted_beta)
    if (type_attr) {
      typ <- rep("outer", length(fitted_beta))
      names(typ) <- names(vec)
      attr(parlist,"type")$rdisPars <- typ

# Construct new outer inits from outer fitted values and/or initial outer values of input fit.
.get_outer_inits_from_fit <- function(fitobject, keep_canon_user_inits) {
  canon.init <- attr(fitobject,"optimInfo")$LUarglist$canon.init ## includes sanitized user init
  if (FALSE) {
    outer_ests <- get_ranPars(fitobject,lambda_names = "") ## "CorrEst_and_RanFix only" 
    #   which means that only these params were conceived to be controlled in the new outer inits.
    #    But get_ranPars(, which=NULL) is not formally defined, so has been changing... the original comment is no longer true.
    ## If the alternative not valid in the long run, this get_ranPars(.) calls should be modified.
  } else {
    optimInfo <- attr(fitobject,"optimInfo")
    outer_ests <- optimInfo$optim.pars # transparent (but potentially more comprehensive set of params)
    if ( ! is.null(outer_ests)) {
      attr(outer_ests,"moreargs") <- optimInfo$LUarglist$moreargs # necess to canonize Matern params...
      outer_ests <- .canonizeRanPars(outer_ests, corr_info=fitobject$ranef_info$sub_corr_info, 
                                     checkComplete=FALSE,  rC_transf=.spaMM.data$options$rC_transf)
    couter_est <- c(outer_ests) # drops fancy attributes
  if (keep_canon_user_inits &&
      length(user_inits <- .reformat_corrPars(getCall(fitobject)$init,corr_families=fitobject$corr_info$corr_families))
      ) { # keep them (as interpreted in canon.init: minimum phi is 1e-4, etc) in return value
    # => remove the fitted values from the nullranPars used to modify_list
    # => keep them in 'removand' list of pars to remove from nullranPars
    # => exclude them from 'not_user_inits_names' to remove from 'removand' !
    in_init_not_user_inits <- setdiff(names(unlist(canon.init)),  names(unlist(user_inits))) # names, excluding those of parameters with user inits
    in_user_inits <- setdiff(names(unlist(outer_ests)), in_init_not_user_inits) ## it rem
    ## removand: user_inits, fixed, or inner optimized corrPars
    # locinit will retain parameters that were outer optimized without an explicit user init
    if ( is.null(in_user_inits)) {
      locinit <- outer_ests 
    } else { # replace initial value by [fitted values, except those that had a user_init]
      # => the locinit retains the sanitized user init
      not_in_user_inits <- .remove_from_cP(outer_ests, u_names=in_user_inits)
      locinit <- .modify_list(canon.init, not_in_user_inits) ## loses attributes
  } else locinit <- outer_ests

.get_rC_inits_from_hlfit <- function(hlfit, 
                                     type # set type=NULL to retain all types
                                     ) {
  reinit <- .get_compact_cov_mats(hlfit$strucList)
  seq_rd <- seq_along(reinit)
  if (length(seq_rd)) {
    for (rd in seq_rd) {
      if ( ! is.null(ini_mix <- reinit[[rd]])) {
        ini_corr <- cov2cor(ini_mix)
        lowerblocF <- lower.tri(ini_corr,diag=FALSE)
        ini_mix[lowerblocF] <-  ini_corr[lowerblocF] # replaces covby corr
        reinit[[rd]] <- ini_mix[lower.tri(ini_mix,diag=TRUE)] ## mix cov/corr in vector form
      } else reinit[rd] <- NA # the syntax understood by fitting functions
    names(reinit) <- paste(seq_rd)
    if ( ! is.null(type)) {
      reinit[ ! hlfit$lambda.object$type %in% type] <- NA
      reinit <- reinit[ ! is.na(reinit)] # otherwise for "outer" type the NA ends in the optimizer's init...

# for inner CAR it returns the single lambda factor which is OK 
.get_lambdas_notrC_from_hlfit <- function(hlfit, type, keep_names=(type=="adhoc"), 
                                          isRandomSlope=attr(hlfit$strucList,"isRandomSlope")) {
  lambdas <- hlfit$lambda.object$lambda_list
  seq_rd <- seq_along(lambdas)
  if (length(seq_rd)) {
    any_ranCoef <- FALSE
    for (rd in seq_rd) {
      if (isRandomSlope[[rd]]) {
        lambdas[[rd]] <- NA # the syntax understood by fitting functions
        any_ranCoef <- TRUE  
      } else {
        # pretty renaming of simple lambda:
        if (type=="adhoc")  if (length(lambdas[[rd]])==1L && names(lambdas[[rd]])=="(Intercept)") names(lambdas[[rd]]) <- NULL
    lambdas <- unlist(lambdas)
    if ( ! keep_names) names(lambdas) <- paste(seq_rd)
    if (type !="adhoc") lambdas[hlfit$lambda.object$type!=type] <- NA
    lambdas <- lambdas[ ! is.na(lambdas)] # otherwise for "outer" type the NA ends in the optimizer's init...
    # for "inner" NA's are harmless but not necessary when names are paste(seq_rd)
    if (any_ranCoef && type=="adhoc") lambdas <- structure(lambdas,
                                           message="Random-coefficient variances removed. Use e.g. VarCorr() to get them.") 
  return(lambdas) # vector wwith NAs for everything not wanted

# to initiate a *f*ullfit                                     # , inner_lambdas= TRUE
get_inits_from_fit <- function(from, template=NULL, to_fn=NULL, inner_lambdas=FALSE) { # 'to_fn' may differ from that of 'from' and 'to'
  new_outer_inits <- .get_outer_inits_from_fit(fitobject=from, keep_canon_user_inits = FALSE)
  # check fromfn and to_fn
  if (is.null(to_fn)) {
    # recent objects should have how$fnname. Otherwise, .get_bare_fnname() may not return a valid name.
    fromfn <- .get_bare_fnname.HLfit(from)
    if (is.null(template)) {
      to_fn <- fromfn
    } else if (inherits(template,"HLfit")) {
      to_fn <- .get_bare_fnname.HLfit(template)
    } else stop("Invalid 'template' argument.")
  } else if (to_fn=="fitme_body") { ## using to_fn to modify fromfn...
    ## ad hoc fix for residModel: fitme_body is called directly so the final object's call is to HLCor of HLfit
    fromfn <- "fitme"
  } else fnname <- .get_bare_fnname.HLfit(from)
  # Inner-estimated lambda and ranCoefs (_F I X M E__ could add phi: amusing has this was never done... inner estimated mv phi exist, incidentally)
  init.HLfit <- NULL
  rC_inner_inits <- .get_rC_inits_from_hlfit(from, type="inner") # (yes, inner, not inner_ranCoefs)
  if (length(rC_inner_inits) ) init.HLfit <- list(ranCoefs=rC_inner_inits)
  if (inner_lambdas) {
    lambda_inner_inits <- .get_lambdas_notrC_from_hlfit(from, type="inner")
    if (length(lambda_inner_inits)) init.HLfit <- c(init.HLfit, list(lambda=lambda_inner_inits))
  if (to_fn %in% c("fitme", "fitmv", "fitme_body")) {
    new_inits <- list(init=new_outer_inits,init.HLfit=init.HLfit)
  } else if (to_fn=="corrHLfit") {
    new_inits <- list(init.corrHLfit=new_outer_inits,init.HLfit=init.HLfit)
  } else new_inits <- list(init.HLfit=init.HLfit)
  # Add initial value for fixed effects
  if (length(fixef_from <- na.omit(fixef(from)))) {
    # fixef() returns a vector with NA's ifor non-estimable parameters; 
    #     but these NA should not reach the code initializing eta as X.beta in HLfit_body, using beta from the inits... => na.omit
    if (inherits(template,"HLfit")) { # This was motivated by the Leucadendron_hard.R bootstrap replicates.
      new_HLfit_inits <- na.omit(fixef(template))
      new_HLfit_inits[names(new_HLfit_inits)] <- 0
      shared_names <- intersect(names(new_HLfit_inits), names(fixef_from))
      new_HLfit_inits[shared_names] <- fixef_from[shared_names]
      new_HLfit_inits <- list(fixef=new_HLfit_inits)
      new_inits[["init.HLfit"]] <- c(new_inits[["init.HLfit"]], new_HLfit_inits)
    } else new_inits[["init.HLfit"]] <- c(new_inits[["init.HLfit"]], list(fixef=fixef_from))

.update_control <- function(fit_call, optim_boot, from_fn=NULL) {
  if (is.null(from_fn)) from_fn <- paste(fit_call[[1]])
  if (from_fn=="fitme") {
    ctrl_opt <- fit_call[["control"]]
    if (is.null(ctrl_opt)) {
      ctrl_opt <- list(optimizer=optim_boot) 
    } else ctrl_opt[["optimizer"]] <- optim_boot
  } else if (from_fn=="corrHLfit") {
    ctrl_opt <- fit_call[["control.corrHLfit"]]
    if (is.null(ctrl_opt)) {
      ctrl_opt <- list(optimizer=optim_boot) 
    } else ctrl_opt[["optimizer"]] <- optim_boot
  } else ctrl_opt <- NULL

eval_replicate <- function(y) { # no additional arguments, to ease parallel programming => next lines instead
  # the function will be called within e.g. pbapply so it's useless to refer to parent.frame() here
  enclosing_env <- parent.env(environment()) ## this is not necess for the code to run, but for the CRAN checks not to complain
  nullfit <- get("nullfit", enclosing_env)
  fullfit <- get("fullfit", enclosing_env)
  #dotargs <- get("dotargs", enclosing_env)
  test_obj <- get("test_obj", enclosing_env)
  debug. <- get("debug.", enclosing_env)
  #  .condition <- get(".condition", enclosing_env)
  null_call <- getCall(nullfit)
  verbose <- null_call$verbose
  verbose["phifit"] <- FALSE
  null_fit_fn <- .get_bare_fnname.HLfit(nullfit, call.=null_call)
  full_fit_fn <- .get_bare_fnname.HLfit(fullfit) 
  newinits <- .get_outer_inits_from_fit(fitobject=nullfit, keep_canon_user_inits = FALSE) # for next new_nullfit
  ctrl_opt <- .update_control(fit_call=null_call, optim_boot=.spaMM.data$options$optim_boot, from_fn=null_fit_fn) # need .safe_opt when newinits are at bound.
  if (null_fit_fn=="fitme") {
    new_args <- list(init=newinits, control=ctrl_opt, verbose=verbose)
  } else if (null_fit_fn=="corrHLfit") {
    new_args <- list(init.corrHLfit=newinits, control.corrHLfit=ctrl_opt, verbose=verbose)
  } else new_args <- list(verbose=verbose)
  # pbbly never good not to use try(). It's the handling of try-error that may vary
  # debug(pbapply) (or pblapply ?) may be useful to 
  if (debug.==2L) {# Shuld be prevented by spaMM's calling fns in a parallel session   
    re_nullfit <- do.call(update_resp, c(list(object=nullfit, newresp = y),new_args))
  } else {
    re_nullfit <- try(do.call(update_resp, c(list(object=nullfit, newresp = y),new_args)))
    if (inherits(re_nullfit,"try-error")) { ## (debug.= TRUE or 1L) to return error info in parallel mode: return the try-error object
      if (debug.) {
        utils::dump.frames(dumpto="dump_on_re_nullfit", to.file=TRUE) # but doesn't stop
        # .check_bootreps() checks the first attr of the first element of the returned list,
        # looking for a try-error => 'null' should be thefirst element here.
                    full=structure(NA,info="no fullfit")))
      } else return(c(full=NA, null=NA)) # attributes would be lost at the level of the pbapply() closure. 
      # cf apply -> array -> as.vector -> loses all attributes as doc'ed in apply and as.vector
    } ## ELSE continue
  logL_re_null <- logLik(re_nullfit,which=test_obj)
  # Allows the user to control the starting values of the re_fullfit:
  # edotargs <- dotargs
  # for (st in setdiff(names(edotargs),"prior.weights")) {
  #   edotargs[[st]] <- eval(edotargs[[st]],env=environment()) ## evaluate the promises in the current execution envir
  # }
  # #
  newinits <- get_inits_from_fit(from=re_nullfit, template=fullfit, to_fn=full_fit_fn )
  lens <- rep(NA, length(newinits))
  for (it in seq_along(newinits)) lens[it] <- length(newinits[[it]])
  newinits <- newinits[lens>0L]
  subsets_inits <- .all.subsets(newinits) ## limited scope: could effectively do this is a nested way (with a skeleton+relist technique)
  # subsets_inits is always a list of lists, with at least one element (minimally: list(list()))
  for (it in seq_along(subsets_inits)) {
    inits <- subsets_inits[[it]]
    if (full_fit_fn=="fitme") {
      new_args <- list(init=inits[["init"]], init.HLfit=inits[["init.HLfit"]], control=ctrl_opt, verbose=verbose)
    } else if (full_fit_fn=="corrHLfit") {
      new_args <- list(init.corrHLfit=inits[["init.corrHLfit"]], init.HLfit=inits[["init.HLfit"]], 
                       control.corrHLfit=ctrl_opt, verbose=verbose)
    } else new_args <- list(init.HLfit=inits[["init.HLfit"]], verbose=verbose)
    if (debug.==2) {
      re_fullfit <- do.call(update_resp, c(list(object=fullfit, newresp = y),new_args)) # may stop on error
    } else {
      re_fullfit <- try(do.call(update_resp, c(list(object=fullfit, newresp = y),new_args)))
      if (inherits(re_fullfit,"try-error")) { ## (debug.= TRUE or 1L) to return error info in parallel mode: return the try-error object
        if (debug.) {
          utils::dump.frames(dumpto="dump_on_re_fullfit", to.file=TRUE) # but doesn't stop
          return(list(full=structure(NA,re_fullfit=re_fullfit), # but the attributes seem lost at the level of the pbapply() closure.
        } else return(c(full=NA, null=logL_re_null)) # attributes would be lost at the level of the pbapply() closure. 
      } ## ELSE continue
    logL_re_full <- logLik(re_fullfit,which=test_obj)
    if (logL_re_full<logL_re_null && ## re_fullfit poor but ...
        (logL_re_full>logL_re_null-5e-02 && .check_outer_at_bound(re_fullfit)) # ...'not too poor' if at bound => automatically correct
       ) logL_re_full <- logL_re_null
    if (logL_re_full>logL_re_null-1e-04) break # break the for loop.
  # if the fullfit was even poorer than the 5e-02 threshold the LR stat is still negative. Correct it if outer_at_bound (___F I X M E____ warning?):
  if (logL_re_full<logL_re_null && 
      .check_outer_at_bound(re_fullfit)) logL_re_full <- logL_re_null
  resu <- c(full=logL_re_full,null=logL_re_null)
  # if ( ! is.null(.condition)) {
  #   condition <- with(list(nullfit=re_nullfit, fullfit=re_fullfit), eval(.condition))
  #   resu <- c(resu, condition=condition)
  # }

.eval_replicate2 <- function(y) { 
  enclosing_env <- parent.env(environment())
  nullfit <- get("nullfit",enclosing_env)
  fullfit <- get("fullfit",enclosing_env)
  # dotargs <- get("dotargs",enclosing_env)
  test_obj <- get("test_obj",enclosing_env)
  debug. <- get("debug.", enclosing_env)
#  .condition <- get(".condition", enclosing_env)
  null_call <- getCall(nullfit)
  null_fit_fn <- .get_bare_fnname.HLfit(nullfit, call.=null_call)
  full_fit_fn <- .get_bare_fnname.HLfit(fullfit)
  conv_full <- conv_null <- FALSE
  best_logL_full <- best_logL_null <- prev_logL_full <- prev_logL_null <- -Inf
  # Allows the user to control the starting values of the initial new_nullfit
  # edotargs <- dotargs
  # for (st in setdiff(names(edotargs),"prior.weights")) {
  #   edotargs[[st]] <- eval(edotargs[[st]],env=environment()) ## evaluate the promises in the current execution envir
  # }
  ctrl_opt <- .update_control(fit_call=null_call, optim_boot=.spaMM.data$options$optim_boot, from_fn=null_fit_fn) # need .safe_opt when newinits are at bound.
  newinits <- .get_outer_inits_from_fit(fitobject=nullfit, keep_canon_user_inits = FALSE) # for next new_nullfit
  if (null_fit_fn=="fitme") {
    new_args <- list(init=newinits, control=ctrl_opt)
  } else if (null_fit_fn=="corrHLfit") {
    new_args <- list(init.corrHLfit=newinits, control.corrHLfit=ctrl_opt)
  } else new_args <- NULL
  while ( TRUE ) {
    if (debug.==2) {# Shuld be prevented by spaMM's calling fns in a parallel session   
      new_nullfit <- do.call(update_resp, c(list(object=nullfit, newresp = y),new_args))
    } else {
      new_nullfit <- try(do.call(update_resp, c(list(object=nullfit, newresp = y),new_args)))
      if (inherits(new_nullfit,"try-error")) { ## (debug.= TRUE or 1L) to return error info in parallel mode: return the try-error object
        if (debug.) {
          utils::dump.frames(dumpto="dump_on_new_nullfit", to.file=TRUE) # but doesn't stop
          return(list(full=structure(NA,new_nullfit=new_nullfit), # but the attributes seem lost at the level of the pbapply() closure.
                      null=structure(NA,info="no nullfit")))
        } else return(c(full=NA, null=NA)) # attributes would be lost at the level of the pbapply() closure. 
      } ## ELSE continue
    logL_new_null <- logLik(new_nullfit,which=test_obj)
    conv_null <- (abs(logL_new_null - prev_logL_null)<1e-4)
    if (logL_new_null>best_logL_null) { # always true the first time
      best_logL_null <- logL_new_null
      best_nullfit <- new_nullfit
    if (conv_null) break # no point in refitting the full model if the new inits from null fit don't change
    # ELSE
    prev_logL_null <- logL_new_null
    newinits <- get_inits_from_fit(from=best_nullfit, template=fullfit, to_fn=full_fit_fn) # using default 'inner_lambdas' argument
    lens <- rep(NA, length(newinits))
    for (it in seq_along(newinits)) lens[it] <- length(newinits[[it]])
    newinits <- newinits[lens>0L]
    subsets_inits <- .all.subsets(newinits) ## limited scope: could effectively do this is a nested way (with a skeleton+relist technique)
    # subsets_inits is always a list of lists, with at least one element (minimally: list(list()))
    for (it in seq_along(subsets_inits)) {
      inits <- subsets_inits[[it]]
      if (full_fit_fn=="fitme") {
        new_args <- list(init=inits[["init"]], init.HLfit=inits[["init.HLfit"]], control=ctrl_opt)
      } else if (full_fit_fn=="corrHLfit") {
        new_args <- list(init.corrHLfit=inits[["init.corrHLfit"]], init.HLfit=inits[["init.HLfit"]], control.corrHLfit=ctrl_opt)
      } else new_args <- list(init.HLfit=inits[["init.HLfit"]])
      if (debug.==2) {
        new_fullfit <- do.call(update_resp, c(list(object=fullfit, newresp = y),new_args)) # may stop on error
      } else {
        new_fullfit <- try(do.call(update_resp, c(list(object=fullfit, newresp = y),new_args)))
        if (inherits(new_fullfit,"try-error")) { ## (debug.= TRUE or 1L) to return error info in parallel mode: return the try-error object
          if (debug.) {
            utils::dump.frames(dumpto="dump_on_new_fullfit", to.file=TRUE) # but doesn't stop
            return(list(full=structure(NA,new_fullfit=new_fullfit), # but the attributes seem lost at the level of the pbapply() closure.
          } else return(c(full=NA, null=logL_new_null)) # attributes would be lost at the level of the pbapply() closure. 
        } ## ELSE continue
      logL_new_full <- logLik(new_fullfit,which=test_obj)
      #cat(" ",logL_new_full,"\n")
      conv_full <- (abs(logL_new_full - prev_logL_full)<1e-4)
      if (logL_new_full>best_logL_full) { # always true the first time
        best_fullfit <- new_fullfit
        best_logL_full <- logL_new_full
        if (logL_new_full>best_logL_null) break # the for loop
    if (conv_full) break # no point in refitting the null model if the new inits from full fit don't change
    # ELSE
    prev_logL_full <- logL_new_full
    newinits <- .get_outer_inits_from_fit(fitobject=best_fullfit, keep_canon_user_inits = FALSE) # for next new_nullfit
    if (null_fit_fn=="fitme") {
      new_args <- list(init=newinits, control=ctrl_opt)
    } else if (null_fit_fn=="corrHLfit") {
      new_args <- list(init.corrHLfit=newinits, control.corrHLfit=ctrl_opt)
    } else new_args <- NULL
  } # end while()
  # print(logLik(new_fullfit,which=test_obj) - logLik(new_nullfit,which=test_obj)) 
  resu <- c(full=best_logL_full,null=best_logL_null)

.check_bootreps <- function(bootreps) {
  if (is.list(bootrep <- bootreps[[1]])) { # debug.=TRUE: 
    # If error in LRT() with debug.=TRUE and not doSNOW (at least), the replicate result is a list. 
    if (anyNA(bootrep)) { # ...and the list contains NA
      first_failed <- which(is.na(bootrep))[1] # first of pair of fits
      failure <- attributes(bootrep[[first_failed]])[[1]]
      if (inherits(failure,"try-error") ) { # ...and ideally the first attr is a try error
        condmess <- conditionMessage(attr(failure,"condition"))
        if (length(grep("could not find",condmess))) {
          firstpb <- strsplit(condmess,"\"")[[1]][2]
            "Hmmm. It looks like some variables were not passed to the parallel processes.\n",
            "Maybe add    ",firstpb," = ",firstpb,"   to spaMM_boot()'s 'fit_env' argument?\n"
        } else {
          message(crayon::bold("If debug.=TRUE was used, a dump file may have been saved."))
        stop(condmess,call. = FALSE)
      } else { # ideally this does not happen, but just in case...
          "Hmmm. An unanticipated issue occurred. Here is the struture of the first replicate:\n",
  } else if (anyNA(bootreps)) {  # debug.=FALSE:
    bootreps <- na.omit(bootreps)
    if ( ! nrow(bootreps)) {
      warnmess <- paste0("All bootstrap replicate(s) apparently failed.\n",
                         "To diagnose issues specific to parallel execution, argument\n",
                         "'debug.=TRUE' in LRT() or spaMM_boot() call may be useful\n",
                         "(it may generate a dump file from a child process for inspection).")
      warning(warnmess, immediate.=TRUE, call.=FALSE)
    } else {
      n_omitted <- length(attr(bootreps,"na.action"))
      warnmess <- paste0(n_omitted," bootstrap replicate(s) apparently failed and are omitted for p-value computations.")

.warn_ests_at_bound <- function(fitobject) {
  pars_at_bound <- NULL
  outer_at_bound <- .check_outer_at_bound(fitobject, bool=FALSE)
  if (length(outer_at_bound)) pars_at_bound <- paste(names(outer_at_bound),'=',signif(outer_at_bound), collapse=", ")
  inner_lambdas <-.get_lambdas_notrC_from_hlfit(fitobject, type="inner") # __F I X M E___ not all inner params checked.
  # inner ranCoefs not very interesting. Detecting inner phi at bound seems contrived (moreover with mv fits).
  inner_at_bound <- (inner_lambdas<1e-6)
  if (any(inner_at_bound)) {
    inner_at_bound <- inner_lambdas[which(inner_at_bound)]
    pars_at_bound <- paste(
      paste0("lambda.",names(inner_at_bound),' = ',signif(inner_at_bound), collapse=", "), 
      collapse=", "
    warnmess <- paste("Full model fitted at bound of parameter ranges, for:\n",
                      "=> Asymptotic test is unreliable (even with Bartlett correction).")
    warning(warnmess, immediate.=TRUE, call.=FALSE)

LRT <- function(object,object2,boot.repl=0L,# nb_cores=NULL, 
                resp_testfn=NULL, simuland=eval_replicate, 
#                .condition = NULL, ## bc expected by simuland, but not operational,
                ...) { 
  if (nrow(object$data)!=nrow(object2$data)) {
    stop("models were not both fitted to the same size of dataset.")
  #if (length(list(...))) warning("...' arguments are currently ignored in LRT()", immediate. = TRUE) 
  #  which is a bit unfortunate ( say ...control=list(optimizer="bobyqa")) but makes parallelisation so much more straightforward...
  info <- .compare_model_structures(object,object2, 
  fullfit <- info$fullfit
  fix_neg_LRT <- TRUE
  if (is.null(fullfit)) { # could not determine which is nullfit and which is fullfit
    # => nested resid models involving resid HGLM(s); or possibly non nested models.
    if (boot.repl) {
      fix_neg_LRT <- FALSE
      fullfit <- object
      nullfit <- object2
      # (__F I X M E___ afficher la promise pour object2? mais alors in faut resoudre les ..n potentiels)
      message(crayon::bold(paste0("Tentatively using 'object2' as \"null\" model\n",
                              " of the test, and thus as sample-generating model for bootstrap:")))
    } else return(NULL)
  } else nullfit <- info$nullfit
  df <- info$df
  if ( ! is.na(df) ) .warn_ests_at_bound(fitobject=fullfit)
  test_obj <- info$test_obj
  LRTori <- 2*(logLik(fullfit,which=test_obj)-logLik(nullfit,which=test_obj))
  if (is.na(df)) {
    resu <- list(nullfit=nullfit,fullfit=fullfit,basicLRT = data.frame(chi2_LR=LRTori,df=NA,p_value=NA))
  } else {
    pvalue <- 1-pchisq(LRTori,df=df) ## but not valid for testing null components of variance
    resu <- list(nullfit=nullfit,fullfit=fullfit,basicLRT = data.frame(chi2_LR=LRTori,df=df,p_value=pvalue)) ## format appropriate for more tests  
  if (boot.repl) {
    if (boot.repl<99L && ! is.na(df)) message("Note: It is recommended to set boot.repl>=99 for Bartlett correction")
#    dotargs <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)$... ## produce a pairlist of (essentially) promises. No quote() needed
    isdebugd <- isdebugged(simuland) # bc the assignment of environment drops this status
    environment(simuland) <- environment() # enclosing env(simuland) <- evaluation env(LRT)
    if (isdebugd) debug(simuland)

    bootblob <- spaMM_boot(object=nullfit,nsim = boot.repl,
                           #nb_cores = nb_cores,
                           resp_testfn = resp_testfn,
                           #aslistfull=aslistfull, aslistnull=aslistnull#, simbData=simbData,
                           # debug.=debug., now in the ...
                           type="marginal", # mandatory arg of spaMM_boot()
                           #, control.foreach=list(.errorhandling="pass")
    bootblob$warnings$n_omitted <- .check_bootreps(bootblob$bootreps)
    resu <- .add_boot_results(bootblob, resu, LRTori, df, test_obj, fix_neg_LRT=fix_neg_LRT)
  class(resu) <- c("fixedLRT",class(resu)) 

.anova.lm <- function (object, ...) {
  if (!inherits(object, "HLfit")) 
    warning("calling anova.lm(<fake-HLfit-object>) ...")
  w <- weights(object, type="prior")
  ssr <- sum(if (is.null(w)) residuals.HLfit(object,type="response")^2 else w * residuals.HLfit(object,type="response")^2)
  mss <- sum(if (is.null(w)) fitted(object)^2 else w * 
  if (ssr < 1e-10 * mss) 
    warning("ANOVA F-tests on an essentially perfect fit are unreliable")
  dfr <- df.residual(object)
  p <- object$dfs$pforpv
  if (p > 0L) {
    qr_sXaug <- object$envir$qr_X
    comp <- crossprod(qr.Q(qr_sXaug),object$y) # object$effects[p1] # the better tibco doc says it is t(Q) %*% y 
    #  but given it is the QR for scaled X varaibles, 
    if (is.null(qr_sXaug))  stop("HLfit object does not have a 'qr' factorization of the model matrix.")
    # sub_pivot_ori_X <- attr(object$X.pv,"rankinfo")$whichcols
    asgn <- attr(model.matrix(object),"assign")# [sub_pivot_ori_X]     
    nmeffects <- c("(Intercept)", attr(terms(object), "term.labels"))
    tlabels <- nmeffects[1 + unique(asgn)]
    ss <- c(vapply(split(comp^2, asgn), sum, 1), ssr)
    df <- c(lengths(split(asgn, asgn)), dfr)
  else {
    ss <- ssr
    df <- dfr
    tlabels <- character()
  ms <- ss/df
  f <- ms/(ssr/dfr)
  P <- pf(f, df, dfr, lower.tail = FALSE)
  table <- data.frame(df, ss, ms, f, P)
  table[length(P), 4:5] <- NA ## row of residual SS
  dimnames(table) <- list(c(tlabels, "Residuals"), c("Df", "Sum Sq", "Mean Sq", "F value", "Pr(>F)"))
  #if (attr(object$terms, "intercept")) table <- table[-1, ]
  table <- table[ ! rownames(table) == "(Intercept)", ]
  structure(table, heading = c("Analysis of Variance Table\n", 
                               paste("Response:", deparse((formula(object))[[2L]]))),  ## formula ## FIXME use formula.HLfit()
            class = c("anova", "data.frame"))

.null.deviance <- function(object, intercept=attr(terms(object), "intercept")) { # see glm.fit
  if (length(offset <- model.offset(model.frame(object))) && intercept > 0L) {
    # in that case it is necessary to fit the model with intercept and offset to obtain the sensible null deviance. 
    # This is what glm() does, calling [if (length(offset) && attr(mt, "intercept") > 0L) { fit2 <- ...]
    termsv <- terms(object) # sufficient for fixed-effect model
    offset_term <- (as.character(attr(termsv, "variables"))[-1L])[[attr(termsv, "offset")]]
    newform <- as.formula(paste(" . ~ 1 +",offset_term))
    null_dev_fit <- update(object, formula.= newform )
  } else {
    # that's what is returned as $null.deviance by glm.fit, 
    pw <- weights(object, type="prior")
    wtdmu <- if (intercept) {
      sum(pw * object$y)/sum(pw)
    } else object$family$linkinv(model.offset(model.frame(object)))
    sum(object$family$dev.resids(object$y, wtdmu, pw))

.df.null <- function(object, intercept=attr(terms(object), "intercept")) {
  n.ok <- length(object$y) - sum(weights(object, type="prior") == 0)
  nulldf <- n.ok - as.integer(intercept)

.drop.terms <- function (termobj, dropx = NULL, keep.response = FALSE) {
  if (is.null(dropx)) {
  } else {
    if (!inherits(termobj, "terms")) 
      stop(gettextf("'termobj' must be a object of class %s", 
                    dQuote("terms")), domain = NA)
    itcp <- attr(termobj, "intercept")
    if ( ( ! length(dropped <- attr(termobj, "term.labels")[-dropx])) && 
         itcp) dropped <- '1'
    newformula <- reformulate(dropped, response = if (keep.response) termobj[[2L]], 
                              intercept = itcp, env = environment(termobj))
    result <- terms(newformula, specials = names(attr(termobj, "specials")))
    response <- attr(termobj, "response")
    dropOpt <- if (response && !keep.response) 
      c(response, dropx + length(response))
    else dropx + max(response)
    if (!is.null(predvars <- attr(termobj, "predvars"))) {
      attr(result, "predvars") <- predvars[-(dropOpt + 
    if (!is.null(dataClasses <- attr(termobj, "dataClasses"))) {
      attr(result, "dataClasses") <- dataClasses[-dropOpt]

.anova.glm <- function(object, ..., dispersion = NULL, test = NULL) {
  doscore <- !is.null(test) && test == "Rao"
  x <- model.matrix(object)
  if (is.null(asgn <- attr(x,"assignOri"))) asgn <- attr(x,"assign")
  nvars <- max(0, asgn)
  resdev <- resdf <- NULL
  termsv <- terms(object)
  if (doscore) {
    score <- numeric(nvars) # misnomer: regressors, not variables
    subx <- x[, asgn == 0L, drop = FALSE]
    # E.g., the design matrix 'x' may have a col for intercept, two cols for a first factor, two cols for a second factor
    # asgn is 0 1 1 2 2 and there are 3 terms in the euation. dropterns removes the terms from the equation 
    #   and x[, asgn <= i, drop = FALSE] removes the corresponding blocs of cols
    # 0 always stands for the Intercept, not for the first term.
    # This first doscore fit uses the original GLM family ect to generate residuals used in the next doscore fits which are LMs 
    # x = x[, asgn == 0, drop = FALSE], y = y, weights = object$prior.weights, 
    # start = object$start, offset = object$offset, family = object$family,     
    # drop.terms fails to remove all terms because because attr(,"term.labels") does not include the intercept
    # hence calling the patch fn .drop.terms()
    newform <- .drop.terms(termsv, seq_len(nvars), keep.response = TRUE) 
    refit <- update(object, formula.= newform)
    r <- residuals(refit, type="working")
    w <- weights(refit, type="working")
    icpt <- attr(termsv, "intercept")
  if (nvars > 1 || doscore) {
    method <- object$method
    for (i in seq_len(max(nvars - 1L, 0))) {
      newform <- drop.terms(termsv, (i+1L):nvars, keep.response = TRUE) 
      refit <- update(object, formula.= newform)
      if (doscore) {
        subx <- x[, asgn <= i, drop = FALSE]
        zz <- glm.fit(x=subx, y = r, weights = w, intercept = icpt)
        score[i] <- zz$null.deviance - zz$deviance
        r <- residuals(refit, type="working")
        w <- weights(refit, type="working")
      resdev <- c(resdev, deviance(refit))
      resdf <- c(resdf, df.residual(refit))
    if (doscore) {
      zz <- glm.fit(x=x, y = r, weights = w, intercept = icpt)
      score[nvars] <-  zz$null.deviance - zz$deviance
  resdf <- c(.df.null(object), resdf, df.residual(object))
  resdev <- c(.null.deviance(object), resdev, deviance(object))
  table <- data.frame(c(NA, -diff(resdf)), c(NA, pmax(0, -diff(resdev))), 
                      resdf, resdev)
  tl <- attr(termsv, "term.labels")
  if (length(tl) == 0L) 
    table <- table[1, , drop = FALSE]
  dimnames(table) <- list(c("NULL", tl), c("Df", "Deviance", 
                                           "Resid. Df", "Resid. Dev"))
  if (doscore) 
    table <- cbind(table, Rao = c(NA, score))
  varlist <- attr(termsv, "variables")
  title <- paste0("Analysis of Deviance Table", "\n\nModel: ", 
                  object$family$family, ", link: ", object$family$link, 
                  "\n\nResponse: ", as.character(varlist[-1L])[1L], "\n\nTerms added sequentially (first to last)\n\n")
  df.dispersion <- Inf
  if (is.null(test)) {
    # Trying to integrate new default in stats:::anova.glm
    fam <- object$family
    if (is.null(dispersion)) {
      dispersion <- residVar(object,"fit")
      # for Gamma GLM anova.glm uses the MME estimate based on Pearson residuals, dispersion <- summary(object, dispersion = dispersion)$dispersion
      if (object$dfs$p_fixef_phi==0L) { # __F I X M E___ too narrow conditions for test <- FALSE ?
        df.dispersion <- Inf
        test <- "Chisq" 
        # We actually tested phi model = phiScal in the calling function
      } else if (is.null(fam$dispersion)) { # cautious when not a stats:: family
        test <- FALSE
      } else { # 
        test <- "F"
        df.dispersion <- df.residual(object)
    } else test <- "Chisq" # if dispersion explicitly fixed by user
  } else {
    if (is.null(dispersion)) {
      dispersion <- residVar(object,"fit")
      # for Gamma GLM anova.glm uses the MME estimate based on Pearson residuals, dispersion <- summary(object, dispersion = dispersion)$dispersion
      df.dispersion <- if (object$dfs$p_fixef_phi==0L) {
        # we actually tested phi model = phiScal in the calling function
      } else df.residual(object)
  if (!isFALSE(test)) {
    if (test == "F" && df.dispersion == Inf) {
      famfam <- object$family$family
      if (famfam == "binomial" || fam == "poisson") 
        warning(gettextf("using F test with a '%s' family is inappropriate", 
                         famfam), domain = NA)
      else warning("using F test with a fixed dispersion is inappropriate")
    table <- stat.anova(table = table, test = test, scale = dispersion, 
                        df.scale = df.residual(object), n = NROW(x))
  structure(table, heading = title, class = c("anova", "data.frame"))

# LU facto with 1 on diag of L (Doolittle's scheme)
.lu_doo <- function(x, eps = 1e-06) {
  stopifnot(ncol(x) > 1L)
  n <- nrow(x)
  L <- U <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = n)
  diag(L) <- rep(1, n)
  for (i in 1:n) {
    ip1 <- i + 1
    im1 <- i - 1
    for (j in 1:n) {
      U[i, j] <- x[i, j]
      if (im1 > 0) {
        for (k in 1:im1) {
          U[i, j] <- U[i, j] - L[i, k] * U[k, j]
    if (ip1 <= n) {
      for (j in ip1:n) {
        L[j, i] <- x[j, i]
        if (im1 > 0) {
          for (k in 1:im1) {
            L[j, i] <- L[j, i] - L[j, k] * U[k, i]
        L[j, i] <- if (abs(U[i, i]) < eps) 
        else L[j, i]/U[i, i]
  L[abs(L) < eps] <- 0
  U[abs(U) < eps] <- 0
  list(L = L, U = U)

.term2colX <- function (term_names, itcp, asgn) {
  col_terms <- if (itcp) 
    c("(Intercept)", term_names)[asgn + 1L]
  else term_names[asgn[asgn > 0L]]
  nm <- union(unique(col_terms), term_names)
  res <- lapply(setNames(as.list(nm), nm), function(x) numeric(0L))
  map <- split(seq_along(col_terms), col_terms)
  res[names(map)] <- map

.get_type1_contrasts <- function (model, 
                                  asgn=attr(X,"assign"), ## "for each column in the matrix ... the term in the formula which gave rise to the column" (for mv, see below)
                                  colrange=seq_len(ncol(X))) {
  if (inherits(termsv,"list")) {
    resu <- vector("list",length(termsv))
    col_ranges <- attr(X,"col_ranges")
    for (mv_it in seq_along(termsv)) {
      colrange <- col_ranges[[mv_it]]
      # here asgn must be a list with elements "for each column in the [sub]matrix ... the term in the [sub]formula which gave rise to the column"
      resu[[mv_it]] <- .get_type1_contrasts(model, termsv=termsv[[mv_it]], X=X, asgn=asgn[[mv_it]], 
                                            rankinfo=rankinfo[[mv_it]], colrange=colrange)
      names(resu[[mv_it]]) <- paste0(names(resu[[mv_it]]),"_",mv_it)
    return(unlist(resu,use.names = TRUE, recursive = FALSE))
  p <- length(colrange)
  if (p == 0L) return(list(matrix(numeric(0L), nrow = 0L)))
  itcp <- attr(termsv, "intercept")
  if (p == 1L && itcp) return(NULL) # return(list(matrix(numeric(0L), ncol = ncol(X))))    # if only an intercept term
  L <- if (p == 1L) { matrix(1L,, ncol = ncol(X)) } else t(.lu_doo(crossprod(X))$L)
  dimnames(L) <- list(colnames(X), colnames(X))
  term_names <- attr(termsv, "term.labels")
  term_names <-  term_names[unique(asgn[rankinfo$whichcols])] # line handling singular design matrix (the present X already being reduced) 
  ind.list <- .term2colX(term_names=term_names, itcp=itcp, asgn= asgn)[term_names]
  lapply(ind.list, function(rows) L[colrange[rows], , drop = FALSE])

.term_contain <- function (term, factors, dataClasses, term_names) 
  get_vars <- function(term) rownames(factors)[factors[, term] == 1L]
  contain <- function(F1, F2) {
    all(vars[[F1]] %in% vars[[F2]]) && 
      length(setdiff(vars[[F2]], vars[[F1]])) > 0L && setequal(numerics[[F1]], numerics[[F2]])
  vars <- lapply(setNames(term_names, term_names), get_vars)
  numerics <- lapply(vars, function(varnms) varnms[which(dataClasses[varnms] == "numeric")])
  sapply(term_names, function(term_nm) contain(term, term_nm))

.containment <- function (termsv) {
  data_classes <- attr(termsv, "dataClasses")
  term_names <- attr(termsv, "term.labels")
  factor_mat <- attr(termsv, "factors")
  lapply(setNames(term_names, term_names), function(term) {
    term_names[.term_contain(term, factor_mat, data_classes, term_names)]

.get_type2_contrasts <- function (model, 
                                  colrange=seq_len(ncol(X))) {
  if (inherits(termsv,"list")) {
    resu <- vector("list",length(termsv))
    col_ranges <- attr(X,"col_ranges")
    for (mv_it in seq_along(termsv)) {
      colrange <- col_ranges[[mv_it]]
      resu[[mv_it]] <- .get_type2_contrasts(model, termsv=termsv[[mv_it]], X=X, asgn=asgn[[mv_it]], 
      names(resu[[mv_it]]) <- paste0(names(resu[[mv_it]]),"_",mv_it)
    return(unlist(resu,use.names = TRUE, recursive = FALSE))
  data_classes <- attr(termsv, "dataClasses")
  term_names <- attr(termsv, "term.labels")
  which <- term_names
  if (length(colrange) <= 1L || length(term_names) <= 1L) 
    return(.get_type1_contrasts(model, termsv=termsv, X=X, asgn=asgn, rankinfo=rankinfo, colrange=colrange)) # possibly the arguments for the mv_it submodel
  else stopifnot(is.character(which), all(which %in% term_names))
  which <- setNames(as.list(which), which)
  is_contained <- .containment(model)
  itcp <- attr(termsv, "intercept") > 0
  asgn <- unique(setdiff(asgn,0L)) # unique(asgn[rankinfo$whichcols])
  term_names <- term_names[asgn]
  which <- if (itcp) {c("(Intercept)", term_names)} else term_names
  term2colX <- split(seq_along(which), which)[unique(which)]
  Llist <- lapply(which, function(term) {
    subX_termcols <- unlist(term2colX[c(term, is_contained[[term]])])
    X_termcols <- colrange[subX_termcols]
    colperm <- c(setdiff(seq_len(ncol(X)),X_termcols), X_termcols)
    Xnew <- X[,colperm]
    Lc <- t(.lu_doo(crossprod(Xnew))$L)
    dimnames(Lc) <- list(colnames(Xnew), colnames(Xnew))
    Lc[colperm %in% X_termcols, colnames(X), drop = FALSE]
  names(Llist) <- which

# Not well tested
.get_type3_contrasts <- function(model, 
                                 colrange=seq_len(ncol(Xorig))) {
  if (inherits(termsv,"list")) {
    resu <- vector("list",length(termsv))
    col_ranges <- attr(Xorig,"col_ranges")
    for (mv_it in seq_along(termsv)) {
      colrange <- col_ranges[[mv_it]]
      resu[[mv_it]] <- .get_type3_contrasts(model, termsv=termsv[[mv_it]], Xorig=Xorig, asgn=asgn[[mv_it]], 
      names(resu[[mv_it]]) <- paste0(names(resu[[mv_it]]),"_",mv_it)
    return(unlist(resu,use.names = TRUE, recursive = FALSE))
  data_classes <- attr(termsv, "dataClasses")
  term_names <- attr(termsv, "term.labels")
  which <- term_names
  if (length(colrange) <= 1L || length(term_names) <= 1L) 
    return(.get_type1_contrasts(model, termsv=termsv, X=Xorig, asgn=asgn, rankinfo=rankinfo, colrange=colrange)) # possibly the arguments for the mv_it submodel
  else stopifnot(is.character(which), all(which %in% term_names))
  codings <- unlist(attr(Xorig, "contrast"))
  if (length(codings) > 0 && all(is.character(codings)) && 
      all(codings %in% c("contr.treatment"))) {
    .extract_contrasts_type3 <- get("extract_contrasts_type3", asNamespace("lmerTest"))
    return(.extract_contrasts_type3(model, X = Xorig))
  .get_contrast_coding <- get("get_contrast_coding", asNamespace("lmerTest"))
  Contrasts <- .get_contrast_coding(model, contrasts = "contr.treatment")
  X <- model.matrix(terms(model), data = model.frame(model), contrasts.arg = Contrasts)
  .ensure_full_rank <- get("ensure_full_rank", asNamespace("lmerTest"))
  X <- .ensure_full_rank(X, silent = TRUE, test.ans = FALSE)
  .extract_contrasts_type3 <- get("extract_contrasts_type3", asNamespace("lmerTest"))
  type3ctr <- .extract_contrasts_type3(model, X = X)
  map <- zapsmall(ginv(X) %*% Xorig)
  rownames(map) <- colnames(X)
  lapply(type3ctr[which], function(L) L %*% map)

.anova_fallback <- function(fitobject, type="2", rhs=NULL, test="Chisq.", ...) {
  beta <- na.omit(fixef(fitobject))
  beta_cov <- vcov(fitobject)
  # Note that 'type' is formally documented for LMMs only, which do not use this code.
  # So the following  switches are not part of API, and not formally tested.
  # (The original idea behing the .get_type[]_contrasts() was to perform the LMM tests using spaMM code rather than lmerTest)
  Llist <- switch(type,
                  "I" = .get_type1_contrasts(fitobject),
                  "1" = .get_type1_contrasts(fitobject),
                  "II" = .get_type2_contrasts(fitobject),
                  "2" = .get_type2_contrasts(fitobject),
                  "III" = stop("type-3 contrasts not implemented (and may never be)"), 
                          # .get_type3_contrasts(fitobject), # 
                  "3" = stop("type-3 contrasts not implemented (and may never be)"), 
                         # .get_type3_contrasts(fitobject), # 
                  stop("Unknown ANOVA 'type' speification")
  # no line for Intercept: as in lmerTest output
  numtable <- matrix(NA,nrow=length(Llist), ncol = 3)
  colnames(numtable) <- c("Df", test, paste("Pr(>", test, ")", sep = ""))
  for (it in seq_along(Llist)) {
    L <- Llist[[it]]
    if (is.null(dim(L))) L <- t(L)
    if (is.null(rhs)) rhs <- rep(0, nrow(L))
    q <- NROW(L)
    Lbeta <- L %*% beta - rhs
    vcov_Lbeta <- L %*% tcrossprod(beta_cov,L)
    waldX2 <- as.vector(t(Lbeta) %*% solve(vcov_Lbeta,Lbeta))
    p <- pchisq(waldX2, q, lower.tail = FALSE)
    numtable[it, ] <- c(q, waldX2, p)
  resu <- as.data.frame(numtable)
  rownames(resu) <-  names(Llist)
  roman.type <- if (type %in% c("1","2","3")) {utils::as.roman(as.integer(type))} else type
  attr(resu, "heading") <- paste(test, "tests for each term (type", roman.type, "contrasts)")
  attr(resu, "hypotheses") <- Llist
  class(resu) <-  c("anova", "data.frame")

anova.HLfit <- function(object, object2=NULL, type="2", method="",  ...) {
  if (is.null(object2)) {
    if (method == "") { # defaults
      models <- object$models[c("eta","phi")]
      if (length(models$phi)==1L &&   # exclude mv fits => all in .anova_fallback() 
          models$phi %in% c("phiScal","")) { 
        if (models$eta=="etaGLM") { 
          if ( ! type %in% c("2","II")) {
            warning("anova.HLfit() for (G)LMs ignores 'type' consistently with anova.[g]lm().")
          if (object$family$family=="gaussian" && object$family$link=="identity") {
            return(.anova.lm(object, ...))
          } else return(.anova.glm(object, ...))
        } else if (object$family$family=="gaussian" && object$family$link=="identity") { # LMM
          if (requireNamespace("lmerTest",quietly=TRUE)) { # if the package is available
            # if (length(attr(object$X.pv,"namesOri")) == ncol(object$X.pv)) {
              lmlt <-  as_LMLT(object, ...)
              # next line calls spaMM:::anova.LMLT -> 
              #   as(as(object,"LMLTslots"),"LMLTinternal")
              #   and lmerTest:::anova.lmerModLmerTest as LMLTinternal contains = c("LMLTslots","lmerModLmerTest")
              return(anova(lmlt, type=type)) # other possible arguments not currently meaningful
            # } else {
            #   message(paste("Original model has a singular design matrix: lmerTest's F tests cannot be computed\n",
            #                 "(you can fix this by correcting the model formula)"))
            # }
          } else if ( ! identical(spaMM.getOption("lmerTest_warned"),TRUE)) {
            message("If the lmerTest package were installed, a traditional anova table could be computed.")
            .spaMM.data$options$lmerTest_warned <- TRUE
    # Fallback for non-LM, GLM or LMM fits: (only case where spaMM's contrast code is used).
    return(.anova_fallback(fitobject=object, type=type, ...)) # dots may contain 'rhs' and (later) 'test'
  } else {
    ## anova treated as alias for LRT()
    LRT(object,object2, ...)

# anova is an S3 class, LMLT an S4 class
## Aim of this method is to ensure that the lmerTest package is loaded when anova() is called
# bc it may be called when object has class LMLT, but no def may yet be accessible for such objects.
## See the 'ZZZ' version for detailed explanations of the code.
anova.LMLT <- function(object, ...) { 
  if (is.null(getClassDef("LMLT", where = .spaMM.data$class_cache, inherits = FALSE))) {
    # is as_LMLT has not been called since restarting R session-> lmerTest presumably not loaded
    if (requireNamespace("lmerTest",quietly=TRUE)) {
      # Hack to define object not of class LMLT (-> infinite recursion) but with similar "contains", using only default coerce methods
      setClass(Class="LMLT", contains = c("LMLTslots","lmerModLmerTest"), where=.spaMM.data$class_cache) 
      setClass(Class="LMLTinternal", contains = c("LMLTslots","lmerModLmerTest"), where=.spaMM.data$class_cache) 
    } else message("If the lmerTest package were installed, a traditional anova table could be computed.")
  object <- as(as(object,"LMLTslots"),"LMLTinternal")
  anova(object, ...)

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