
Defines functions ml_survival_regression print.ml_model_aft_survival_regression new_ml_model_aft_survival_regression new_ml_aft_survival_regression_model ml_aft_survival_regression_impl ml_aft_survival_regression

Documented in ml_aft_survival_regression ml_survival_regression

#' Spark ML -- Survival Regression
#' Fit a parametric survival regression model named accelerated failure time (AFT) model (see \href{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Accelerated_failure_time_model}{Accelerated failure time model (Wikipedia)}) based on the Weibull distribution of the survival time.
#' @template roxlate-ml-algo
#' @template roxlate-ml-formula-params
#' @template roxlate-ml-max-iter
#' @template roxlate-ml-tol
#' @template roxlate-ml-intercept
#' @template roxlate-ml-predictor-params
#' @template roxlate-ml-aggregation-depth
#' @param censor_col Censor column name. The value of this column could be 0 or
#'   1. If the value is 1, it means the event has occurred i.e. uncensored;
#'   otherwise censored.
#' @param quantile_probabilities Quantile probabilities array. Values of the
#'   quantile probabilities array should be in the range (0, 1) and the array
#'   should be non-empty.
#' @param quantiles_col Quantiles column name. This column will output quantiles
#'   of corresponding quantileProbabilities if it is set.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(survival)
#' library(sparklyr)
#' sc <- spark_connect(master = "local")
#' ovarian_tbl <- sdf_copy_to(sc, ovarian, name = "ovarian_tbl", overwrite = TRUE)
#' partitions <- ovarian_tbl %>%
#'   sdf_random_split(training = 0.7, test = 0.3, seed = 1111)
#' ovarian_training <- partitions$training
#' ovarian_test <- partitions$test
#' sur_reg <- ovarian_training %>%
#'   ml_aft_survival_regression(futime ~ ecog_ps + rx + age + resid_ds, censor_col = "fustat")
#' pred <- ml_predict(sur_reg, ovarian_test)
#' pred
#' }
#' @export
ml_aft_survival_regression <-
           formula = NULL,
           censor_col = "censor",
           quantile_probabilities = c(
             0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5,
             0.75, 0.9, 0.95, 0.99
           fit_intercept = TRUE,
           max_iter = 100L,
           tol = 1e-06,
           aggregation_depth = 2,
           quantiles_col = NULL,
           features_col = "features",
           label_col = "label",
           prediction_col = "prediction",
           uid = random_string("aft_survival_regression_"),
           ...) {

ml_aft_survival_regression_impl <- function(x, formula = NULL, censor_col = "censor",
                                            quantile_probabilities = c( 0.01, 0.05, 0.1,
                                                                        0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.9,
                                                                        0.95, 0.99),
                                            fit_intercept = TRUE, max_iter = 100L,
                                            tol = 1e-06, aggregation_depth = 2,
                                            quantiles_col = NULL,features_col = "features",
                                            label_col = "label", prediction_col = "prediction",
                                            uid = random_string("aft_survival_regression_"),
                                            response = NULL, features = NULL, ...) {

  aggregation_depth <- param_min_version(x, aggregation_depth, "2.1.0", 2)

      x = x,
      r_class = "ml_aft_survival_regression",
      ml_function = new_ml_model_aft_survival_regression,
      features = features,
      response = response,
      uid = uid,
      formula = formula,
      invoke_steps = list(
        features_col = features_col,
        label_col = label_col,
        prediction_col = prediction_col,
        fit_intercept = fit_intercept,
        max_iter = max_iter,
        tol = tol,
        censor_col = censor_col,
        quantile_probabilities = quantile_probabilities,
        aggregation_depth = aggregation_depth,
        quantiles_col = quantiles_col

# ------------------------------- Methods --------------------------------------

# can probably safely get rid of these, since default method will catch them.
#' @export
ml_aft_survival_regression.spark_connection <- ml_aft_survival_regression_impl

#' @export
ml_aft_survival_regression.ml_pipeline <- ml_aft_survival_regression_impl

#' @export
ml_aft_survival_regression.tbl_spark <- ml_aft_survival_regression_impl

# ---------------------------- Constructors ------------------------------------

new_ml_aft_survival_regression_model <- function(jobj) {
    coefficients = read_spark_vector(jobj, "coefficients"),
    intercept = possibly_null(invoke)(jobj, "intercept"),
    scale = invoke(jobj, "scale"),
    quantile_probabilities = invoke(jobj, "getQuantileProbabilities"),
    quantiles_col = possibly_null(invoke)(jobj, "getQuantilesCol"),
    class = "ml_aft_survival_regression_model"

# ------------------------------ Fitted models ---------------------------------

new_ml_model_aft_survival_regression <- function(pipeline_model, formula, dataset,
                                                 label_col, features_col) {
  m <- new_ml_model_regression(
    formula = formula, dataset = dataset,
    label_col = label_col, features_col = features_col,
    class = "ml_model_aft_survival_regression"

  model <- m$model
  jobj <- spark_jobj(model)

  coefficients <- model$coefficients
  names(coefficients) <- m$feature_names

  m$coefficients <- if (ml_param(model, "fit_intercept")) {
      c(invoke(jobj, "intercept"), model$coefficients),
      c("(Intercept)", m$feature_names)


#' @export
print.ml_model_aft_survival_regression <- function(x, ...) {
  cat("Formula: ", x$formula, "\n\n", sep = "")
  cat("Coefficients:", sep = "\n")

# ------------------------------ Deprecated ------------------------------------

#' @rdname ml_aft_survival_regression
#' @template roxlate-ml-old-feature-response
#' @details \code{ml_survival_regression()} is an alias for \code{ml_aft_survival_regression()} for backwards compatibility.
#' @export
ml_survival_regression <- function(x, formula = NULL, censor_col = "censor",
                                   quantile_probabilities = c(0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.9, 0.95, 0.99),
                                   fit_intercept = TRUE, max_iter = 100L, tol = 1e-06,
                                   aggregation_depth = 2, quantiles_col = NULL,
                                   features_col = "features", label_col = "label",
                                   prediction_col = "prediction",
                                   uid = random_string("aft_survival_regression_"),
                                   response = NULL, features = NULL, ...) {

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