
Defines functions plot.spateMCMC print.spateMCMC mcmc.summary tobit.lambda.log.full.cond post.dist.hist trace.plot lin.pred loglike sample.four.coef ffbs.spectral map.obs.to.grid spate.init spate.plot summary.spateSim print.spateSim plot.spateSim spate.sim vect.to.TSmat TSmat.to.vect index.complex.to.real.dft wave.numbers Plambda Ptau2 Pmuy Pmux Prho1 Palpha Pzeta Pgamma Psigma2 Prho0 cols vnorm real.fft.TS real.fft propagate.spectral get.propagator innov.spec matern.spec get.real.dft.mat

Documented in cols ffbs.spectral get.propagator get.real.dft.mat index.complex.to.real.dft innov.spec lin.pred loglike map.obs.to.grid matern.spec mcmc.summary Palpha Pgamma Plambda plot.spateMCMC plot.spateSim Pmux Pmuy post.dist.hist Prho0 Prho1 print.spateMCMC print.spateSim propagate.spectral Psigma2 Ptau2 Pzeta real.fft real.fft.TS sample.four.coef spate.init spate.plot spate.sim summary.spateSim tobit.lambda.log.full.cond trace.plot TSmat.to.vect vect.to.TSmat vnorm wave.numbers

get.real.dft.mat <- function(wave,indCos,ns=4,n){
  c1 <- sqrt(n*n/2)
  c2 <- sqrt(n*n)
  base <- rep(0,dim(wave)[2])
  phi <- matrix(0,n*n,dim(wave)[2])
  for(n2 in 0:(n-1)){
    for(n1 in 0:(n-1)){
      i <- n2*n+n1+1
      base[1:ns] <- cos(c(n1,n2)%*%(wave[,1:ns]/n))/c2
      base[indCos] <- cos(c(n1,n2)%*%(wave[,indCos]/n))/c1
      base[indCos+1] <- sin(c(n1,n2)%*%(wave[,indCos+1]/n))/c1
      phi[i,] <- base

matern.spec <- function(wave,n,ns=4,rho0,sigma2,nu=1,norm=TRUE){
    print("Error: nu needs to be positive")
    print("Error: sigma2 needs to be positive")
  NF <- dim(wave)[2]
  w2 <- apply(wave^2,2,sum)
  d <- 2
  specnum <- (2^(nu-1))*nu * ((1/rho0)^(2*nu))
  specdenom <- (pi^(d/2))*((1/rho0)^2 + w2)^(nu + d/2)
  spec<- specnum/specdenom
  spec[1:ns] <- spec[1:ns]/2
    spec <- spec*(n*n)/sum(spec)
    spec <- spec/sum(spec)
innov.spec <- function(wave,n,ns=4,rho0,sigma2,zeta,rho1,alpha,gamma,nu=1,dt=1,norm=TRUE){
    print("Error: nu needs to be positive")
    print("Error: sigma2 needs to be positive")
    print("Error: zeta needs to be positive")
    print("Error: gamma needs to be positive")
  if(alpha<0 & alpha>=(pi/2)){
    print("Error: alpha needs to be between 0 and pi/2")
  spec <- matern.spec(wave=wave,n=n,ns=ns,rho0=rho0,sigma2=1,nu=nu,norm=norm)
  NF <- dim(wave)[2]
    Sig <- cbind(c(0,0),c(0,0))
    Tr <- cbind(c(cos(alpha),-gamma*sin(alpha)),c(sin(alpha),gamma*cos(alpha)))/rho1
    Sig <- solve(t(Tr)%*%Tr)
  DiffDamp <- -apply(wave*Sig%*%wave,2,sum)-rep(zeta,NF)
  spec <- sigma2*spec*(1-exp(2*dt*DiffDamp))/-2/DiffDamp

get.propagator <- function(wave,indCos,zeta,rho1,gamma,alpha,muX,muY,dt=1,ns=4){
  NF <- dim(wave)[2]
    Sig <- cbind(c(0,0),c(0,0))
    Tr <- cbind(c(cos(alpha),-gamma*sin(alpha)),c(sin(alpha),gamma*cos(alpha)))/rho1
    Sig <- solve(t(Tr)%*%Tr)
  DiffDamp <- -dt*apply(wave*Sig%*%wave,2,sum)-dt*rep(zeta,NF)
  Adv <- dt*c(muX,muY)%*%wave
  G <- matrix(0,ncol=NF,nrow=NF)
  diag(G) <- c(exp(DiffDamp[1:ns]),exp(DiffDamp[(ns+1):NF])*cos(Adv[(ns+1):NF]))
  diag(G[indCos,indCos+1]) <- -exp(DiffDamp[indCos])*sin(Adv[indCos])
  diag(G[indCos+1,indCos]) <- exp(DiffDamp[indCos])*sin(Adv[indCos])

propagate.spectral <- function(alphat,spateFT=NULL,n=NULL,Gvec=NULL,par=NULL){
  if(is.null(spateFT)) spateFT <- spate.init(n=n,T=1)
      print("Either 'Gvec' or 'par' needs to be given.")
      Gvec <- get.propagator.vec(wave=spateFT$wave,indCos=spateFT$indCos,zeta=par[3],rho1=par[4],gamma=par[5],alpha=par[6],muX=par[7],muY=par[8],dt=1,ns=spateFT$ns)
  xtp1 <- .C("propagate_spectral",xtp1=as.double(rep(0,spateFT$n*spateFT$n)),as.double(alphat),as.double(Gvec$G11C),as.double(Gvec$G11),as.double(Gvec$G12),as.integer(length(spateFT$indCos)),as.integer(spateFT$ns))$xtp1
get.propagator.vec <- function (wave, indCos, zeta, rho1, gamma, alpha, muX, muY, dt = 1, ns = 4) {
  NF <- dim(wave)[2]
  if (rho1 == 0) {
    Sig <- cbind(c(0, 0), c(0, 0))
  else {
    Tr <- cbind(c(cos(alpha), -gamma * sin(alpha)), c(sin(alpha), gamma * cos(alpha)))/rho1
    Sig <- solve(t(Tr) %*% Tr)
  DiffDamp <- -dt * apply(wave * Sig %*% wave, 2, sum) - dt * 
    rep(zeta, NF)
  Adv <- dt * c(muX, muY) %*% wave
  G11C <- exp(DiffDamp[1:ns])
  G11 <- exp(DiffDamp[indCos]) * cos(Adv[indCos])
  G12 <- -exp(DiffDamp[indCos]) * sin(Adv[indCos])
  G <- list(G11C=G11C,G11=G11,G12=G12)

real.fft <- function(w,n,inv=TRUE,indFFT=NULL){
    indFFT <- index.complex.to.real.dft(n)
  wh <- .C("real_fft",n=as.integer(n),wh=as.double(w),inverse=as.integer(sum(inv)),indCos=as.integer(indFFT$indCos),indW=as.integer(indFFT$indW),indWCon=as.integer(indFFT$indWCon), NFc=as.integer(length(indFFT$indCos)))$wh

## real.fftR <- function(y,n,inv=TRUE,indCos=NULL,indW=NULL,indWCon=NULL){
##   if(is.null(indCos) | is.null(indW)){
##     waveC <- waveR <- array(0,c(2,n*n))
##     idx <- c(rep(0:(n/2),n/2+1),rep(1:(n/2-1),n/2-1))
##     idy <- c(as.vector(apply(matrix(0:(n/2)),1,rep,times=(n/2+1))),as.vector(apply(matrix((-n/2+1):(-1)),1,rep,times=(n/2-1))))
##     wa <- rbind(idx,idy)
##     sinex=c(which(idx==0 & idy ==0),which(idx==(n/2) & idy ==0),which(idx==0 & idy ==(n/2)),which(idx==(n/2) & idy ==(n/2)))
##     indCos <- 2*(1:(dim(wa)[2]-4))-1+4
##     if(is.null(indW)){
##       waveR[,1:4] <- wa[,sinex]
##       waveR[,indCos] <- wa[,-sinex]
##       waveR[,indCos+1] <- wa[,-sinex]
##       waveR[2,waveR[2,]<0] <- waveR[2,waveR[2,]<0]+n
##       waveC <- t(cbind(rep(0:(n-1),n),as.vector(apply(matrix(0:(n-1)),1,rep,times=n))))  
##       indW <- match(waveR[1,]+1i*waveR[2,],waveC[1,]+1i*waveC[2,])
##     }
##     if(is.null(indWCon) & !inv){
##       waveCon <- (n-waveR[,indCos])%%n
##       indWCon <- match(waveCon[1,]+1i*waveCon[2,],waveC[1,]+1i*waveC[2,])
##     }
##   }
##   if(inv){
##     ym <- matrix(y,ncol=n)
##     ## ymh <- fft(t(ym),inverse=TRUE)/n
##     ## fftV <- as.vector(t(ymh))
##     ymh <- fft(ym,inverse=TRUE)/n##same thing
##     fftV <- as.vector(ymh)
##     fftV <- fftV[indW]
##     yR <- y
##     yR[1:4] <- fftV[1:4]
##     yR[indCos] <- sqrt(2)*Re(fftV[indCos])
##     yR[indCos+1] <- sqrt(2)*Im(fftV[indCos+1])
##     yR <- as.numeric(Re(yR))
##   }else{
##     fftV <- y
##     fftV[indW[1:4]] <- y[1:4]
##     fftV[indW[indCos]] <- (y[indCos]+1i*y[indCos+1])/sqrt(2)
##     fftV[indWCon] <- (y[indCos]-1i*y[indCos+1])/sqrt(2)
##     ##yR <- as.vector(Re(t(fft(t(matrix(fftV,ncol=n)),inverse=FALSE))))/n
##     yR <- as.vector(Re(fft(matrix(fftV,ncol=n),inverse=FALSE)))/n
##   }
##   return(yR)
## }
real.fft.TS <- function(w,n,T,inv=TRUE,indFFT=NULL){
    w <- TSmat.to.vect(w)
    Mat <- TRUE
    Mat <- FALSE
    print("Error: 'w' needs to be a vector of length n*n*T or a matrix of dimension T x n*n.")
    indFFT <- index.complex.to.real.dft(n)
  wh <- .C("TSreal_fft",n=as.integer(n),T=as.integer(T),wh=as.double(w),inverse=as.integer(sum(inv)), indCos=as.integer(indFFT$indCos), indW=as.integer(indFFT$indW), as.integer(indFFT$indWCon), as.integer(length(indFFT$indCos)))$wh
  if(Mat) wh <- vect.to.TSmat(wh,T=T)

vnorm <- function(v) return(sqrt(sum(v^2)))
cols <- function() return( c("#00008F", "#00009F", "#0000AF", "#0000BF", "#0000CF", "#0000DF", "#0000EF", "#0000FF", "#0010FF", "#0020FF", "#0030FF", "#0040FF", "#0050FF", "#0060FF", "#0070FF", "#0080FF", "#008FFF", "#009FFF", "#00AFFF", "#00BFFF", "#00CFFF", "#00DFFF", "#00EFFF", "#00FFFF", "#10FFEF", "#20FFDF", "#30FFCF", "#40FFBF", "#50FFAF", "#60FF9F", "#70FF8F", "#80FF80", "#8FFF70", "#9FFF60", "#AFFF50", "#BFFF40", "#CFFF30", "#DFFF20", "#EFFF10", "#FFFF00", "#FFEF00", "#FFDF00", "#FFCF00", "#FFBF00", "#FFAF00", "#FF9F00", "#FF8F00", "#FF8000", "#FF7000", "#FF6000", "#FF5000", "#FF4000", "#FF3000", "#FF2000", "#FF1000", "#FF0000", "#EF0000", "#DF0000", "#CF0000", "#BF0000", "#AF0000", "#9F0000", "#8F0000", "#800000"))
Prho0 <- function(rho0,log=FALSE){
  if(rho0>100) c <- 0 else c <- 1
  if(log) return(log(c)) else return(c)
Psigma2 <- function(sigma2,log=FALSE){
    if(log) return(log(0)) else return(0)
    if(log) return(-1/2*log(sigma2)) else return(sigma2^(-1/2))
Pgamma <- function(gamma,log=FALSE){
  if(gamma<1/100 | gamma > 100){
    if(log) return(log(0)) else return(0)
    if(log) return(-log(gamma)) else return(gamma^(-1))
Pzeta <- function(zeta,log=FALSE){
    if(zeta>=0) c <- 1 else c <- 0
    if(log) return(log(c)) else return(c)
Palpha <- function(alpha,log=FALSE){
  if((0)<=alpha & alpha<=(pi/2)){
    if(log) return(0) else return(1)
    if(log) return(-Inf) else return(0)
Prho1 <- function(rho1,log=FALSE){
  if(rho1>100) c <- 0 else c <- 1
  if(log) return (log(c)) else return(c)
Pmux <- function(mux,log=FALSE){
  if(-0.5<=mux & mux<=0.5){
    if(log) return(0) else return(1)
    if(log) return(-Inf) else return(0)
Pmuy <- function(muy,log=FALSE){
  if(-0.5<=muy & muy<=0.5){
    if(log) return (0) else return (1)
    if(log) return(-Inf) else return(0)
Ptau2 <- function(tau2,log=FALSE){
    if(log) return(log(0)) else return(0)
    if(log) return(-1/2*log(tau2)) else return(tau2^(-1/2))
Plambda <- function(lambda,log=FALSE){
    if(lambda>=0) c <- 1 else c <- 0
    if(log) return(log(c)) else return(c)

wave.numbers <- function(n){
    print("Error: n must be even")
    idx <- c(rep(0:(n/2),n/2+1),rep(1:(n/2-1),n/2-1))
    idy <- c(as.vector(apply(matrix(0:(n/2)),1,rep,times=(n/2+1))),as.vector(apply(matrix((-n/2+1):(-1)),1,rep,times=(n/2-1))))
    wa <- rbind(idx,idy)
    sinex=c(which(idx==0 & idy ==0),which(idx==(n/2) & idy ==0),which(idx==0 & idy ==(n/2)),which(idx==(n/2) & idy ==(n/2)))
    indCos <- 2*(1:(dim(wa)[2]-4))-1+4
    wave <- array(0,c(2,n*n))
    wave[,1:4] <- wa[,sinex]
    wave[,indCos] <- wa[,-sinex]
    wave[,indCos+1] <- wa[,-sinex]
    wave <- wave*2*pi##/n

index.complex.to.real.dft <- function(n){
  waveC <- waveR <- array(0,c(2,n*n))
  idx <- c(rep(0:(n/2),n/2+1),rep(1:(n/2-1),n/2-1))
  idy <- c(as.vector(apply(matrix(0:(n/2)),1,rep,times=(n/2+1))),as.vector(apply(matrix((-n/2+1):(-1)),1,rep,times=(n/2-1))))
  wa <- rbind(idx,idy)
  sinex=c(which(idx==0 & idy ==0),which(idx==(n/2) & idy ==0),which(idx==0 & idy ==(n/2)),which(idx==(n/2) & idy ==(n/2)))
  indCos <- 2*(1:(dim(wa)[2]-4))-1+4
  waveR[,1:4] <- wa[,sinex]
  waveR[,indCos] <- wa[,-sinex]
  waveR[,indCos+1] <- wa[,-sinex]
  waveR[2,waveR[2,]<0] <- waveR[2,waveR[2,]<0]+n
  waveC <- t(cbind(rep(0:(n-1),n),as.vector(apply(matrix(0:(n-1)),1,rep,times=n))))  
  indW <- match(waveR[1,]+1i*waveR[2,],waveC[1,]+1i*waveC[2,])
  waveCon <- (n-waveR[,indCos])%%n
  indWCon <- match(waveCon[1,]+1i*waveCon[2,],waveC[1,]+1i*waveC[2,])

TSmat.to.vect <- function(mat){
vect.to.TSmat <- function(vect,T=1){
spate.sim <- function(par,n,T,seed=NULL,StartVal=NULL,nu=1){
    print("Error: 'par' needs to be of length 9")
  spateFT <- spate.init(n=n,T=T)
  spec <- innov.spec(wave=spateFT$wave,n=n,ns=spateFT$ns,rho0=par[1],sigma2=par[2],zeta=par[3],rho1=par[4],gamma=par[5],alpha=par[6],nu=nu,dt=1,norm=TRUE)
  Gvec <- get.propagator.vec(wave=spateFT$wave,indCos=spateFT$indCos,zeta=par[3],rho1=par[4],gamma=par[5],alpha=par[6],muX=par[7],muY=par[8],dt=1,ns=spateFT$ns)
  if(!is.null(seed)) set.seed(seed)
  Innov <- vect.to.TSmat(rep(sqrt(spec),T)*rnorm(n*n*T),T=T)
    Innov[1,] <- real.fft(StartVal,n,inv=TRUE)
  alpha <- Innov
  for(t in 2:T){
    alpha[t,] <- propagate.spectral(alphat=alpha[t-1,],spateFT=spateFT,Gvec=Gvec)+Innov[t,]
  xi <- vect.to.TSmat(real.fft.TS(TSmat.to.vect(alpha),n=n,T=T,inv=FALSE),T=T)
  w <- xi+matrix(rnorm(n*n*T,sd=sqrt(par[9])),nrow=T)
  names(par) <- c("rho0","sigma2", "zeta","rho1","gamma","alpha","muX","muY","tau2")
  ret <- list(xi=xi,w=w,alpha=alpha,par=par,n=n,T=T)
  class(ret) <- "spateSim"
plot.spateSim <- function(x,...,plotXi=TRUE,plotW=FALSE){
  if(plotXi) spate.plot(xi=x$xi,...)
  if(plotW) spate.plot(xi=x$w,...)
print.spateSim  <- function(x,...){
  print(paste("spateSim object with T=",x$T,", n=",x$n," and parameters:",sep=""))
summary.spateSim <- function(object,...){
  print(paste("spateSim object with T=",object$T,", n=",object$n," and parameters:",sep=""))
spate.plot <- function(xi, nx=NULL, whichT=NULL, format = "ImgTogether", ToFile = FALSE, path=NULL, file=NULL, indScale = FALSE , main=NULL, mfrow = NULL, imagesize = c(1000, 1000), zlim = NULL, breaks = NULL,...){
  if(is.null(whichT)) whichT <- 1:dim(xi)[1]
  if(is.null(zlim)) zlim <- c(min(xi[whichT,]), max(xi[whichT,]))
  if(is.null(breaks)) breaks = seq(from = zlim[1],to = zlim[2], length.out = length(cols())+1)
    nx <- ny <- sqrt(dim(xi)[2])
    ny <- dim(xi)[2]/nx
  plot.xi <- function(){
    for(i in whichT){
        maint <- paste("t=",i,sep="")
      }else if(length(main)==length(whichT)){
        maint <- main[i]
      }else if(length(main)==1){
        maint <- main
      }else print("'main' must either be NULL or a character vector of length equal to the number of time points or 1.")
      if(format=="ImgSeparate" & ToFile) jpeg(paste(path,file,t,".jpeg",sep=""),width = imagesize[1], height = imagesize[2])
      if(indScale) image(1:nx,1:ny,matrix(xi[i,],nrow=nx),col=cols(),main=maint,...)
      else image(1:nx,1:ny,matrix(xi[i,],nrow=nx),col = cols(),zlim=zlim,breaks=breaks,main=maint,...)
      if(format=="ImgSeparate" & ToFile) dev.off()
    if(ToFile) jpeg(paste(path,file,".jpeg",sep=""),width = imagesize[1], height = imagesize[2])
      if(length(whichT)==1) mfrow=c(1,1)
      else if(length(whichT)==2) mfrow=c(1,2)
      else if(length(whichT)<=4) mfrow=c(2,2)
      else if(length(whichT)<=6) mfrow=c(2,3)
      else if(length(whichT)<=9) mfrow=c(3,3)
      else if(length(whichT)<=12) mfrow=c(3,4)
      else if(length(whichT)<=16) mfrow=c(4,4)
      else mfrow=c(5,5)
    opar <- par(no.readonly =TRUE)
    if(ToFile) dev.off()
  }else if(format=="ImgSeparate"){

spate.init <- function(n,T,NF=n*n){
  waveL <- wave.numbers(n)
  waveL$ns <- 4
  IndFour <- 1:(n*n)
    cut <- quantile(apply(waveL$wave,2,vnorm)[order(apply(waveL$wave,2,vnorm))],probs=NF/n/n)
    IndFour <- which(apply(waveL$wave,2,vnorm)<=cut)
    if(length(IndFour)!=NF) print(paste("Warning: ",length(IndFour)," Fourier functions (instead of ",NF,") are used since when using only ",NF," there is anisotropy in the reduced dimensional basis.",sep="")) 
    waveL$wave <- waveL$wave[,IndFour]
    waveL$ns <- 4-sum(is.na(match(1:4,IndFour)))
    waveL$indCos <- match(IndFour[match(waveL$indCos,IndFour)[!is.na(match(waveL$indCos,IndFour))]],IndFour)
    NF <- length(IndFour)
  indFFT <- index.complex.to.real.dft(n)
  spateFT <- list(n=n,T=T,wave=waveL$wave,indCos=waveL$indCos,ns=waveL$ns,IndFour=IndFour,indFFT=indFFT)
  class(spateFT) <- "spateFT"

spate.mcmc=function (y, coord = NULL, lengthx = NULL, lengthy = NULL, Sind = NULL, 
                     n = NULL, IncidenceMat = FALSE, x = NULL, SV = c(rho0 = 0.2, 
                                                                      sigma2 = 0.1, zeta = 0.25, rho1 = 0.2, gamma = 1, alpha = 0.3, 
                                                                      muX = 0, muY = 0, tau2 = 0.005), betaSV = rep(0, dim(x)[1]), 
                     RWCov = NULL, parh = NULL, tPred = NULL, sPred = NULL, P.rho0 = Prho0, 
                     P.sigma2 = Psigma2, P.zeta = Pzeta, P.rho1 = Prho1, P.gamma = Pgamma, 
                     P.alpha = Palpha, P.mux = Pmux, P.muy = Pmuy, P.tau2 = Ptau2, 
                     lambdaSV = 1, sdlambda = 0.01, P.lambda = Plambda, DataModel = "Normal", 
                     DimRed = FALSE, NFour = NULL, indEst = 1:9, Nmc = 10000, 
                     BurnIn = 1000, path = NULL, file = NULL, SaveToFile = FALSE, 
                     PlotToFile = FALSE, FixEffMetrop = TRUE, saveProcess = FALSE, 
                     Nsave = 200, seed = NULL, Padding = FALSE, adaptive = TRUE, 
                     NCovEst = 500, BurnInCovEst = 500, MultCov = 0.5, printRWCov = FALSE, 
                     MultStdDevLambda = 0.75, Separable = FALSE, Drift = !Separable, 
                     Diffusion = !Separable, logInd = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9), nu = 1, 
                     plotTrace = TRUE, plotHist = FALSE, plotPairs = FALSE, trueVal = NULL, 
                     plotObsLocations = FALSE, trace = TRUE, monitorProcess = FALSE, 
                     tProcess = NULL, sProcess = NULL) 
  if (is.null(logInd)) 
    logL = ""
  else logL = "Log_"
  indNN <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9)[-match(logInd, c(1, 2, 3, 4, 
                                                5, 9))]
  if (!Diffusion) {
    indEst <- indEst[-match(4:6, indEst)]
    SV[4:6] <- c(0, 1, 0)
    logInd <- logInd[-match(4:5, logInd)]
  if (!Drift) {
    indEst <- indEst[-match(7:8, indEst)]
    SV[7:8] <- c(0, 0)
  if (is.null(RWCov)) {
    noRWCov <- TRUE
    FirstFit = TRUE
  else {
    noRWCov <- FALSE
    FirstFit = FALSE
  if (noRWCov) 
    RWCov <- diag(rep(0.005, 9))
  if (is.null(Sind) & is.null(coord)) {
    if ((sqrt(dim(y)[2]) - floor(sqrt(dim(y)[2]))) != 0) {
      stop("The data 'y' must be on a grid. For this, the square root of dim(y)[2] must be an integer corresponding to the number of points 'n' per axis. Either put 'NA's at the points where no observations are available or, alternatively, specify the the observations locations in 'Sind' or 'coord' and specify the number of grid points 'n' per axis. \n")
    else {
      if (is.null(n)) {
        n <- sqrt(dim(y)[2])
      else {
        if (n != sqrt(dim(y)[2])) {
          stop("If the data 'y' is given on a grid, the number of grid points 'n' per axis must equal the square root of dim(y)[2]. Either put 'NA's at the points where no observations are available or, alternatively, specify the the observations locations in 'Sind' or 'coord' and specify the number of grid points 'n' per axis. \n")
  else {
    if (is.null(n)) {
      stop("The number of points per axis 'n' must be specified. \n")
    #     else if (dim(y)[2]!=n*n & IncidenceMat==FALSE) {
    #       stop("The number of spatial points per time point does not correspond to n*n. 
    #           Either make sure that dim(y)[2] equal n*n or use an incidence matrix by setting IncidenceMat=TRUE \n")
    #       return()
    #     }
  nOrig <- n
  T <- dim(y)[1]
  Nobs <- dim(y)[2]
  if (Padding) {
    indPad <- as.vector(apply(matrix(1:n * (2 * n) - 2 * 
                                       n), 1, rep, times = n)) + rep(1:n, n)
    n <- 2 * n
  if (Padding & is.null(coord) & is.null(Sind)) {
    yp <- matrix(nrow = T, ncol = n * n)
    yp[, indPad] <- y
    y <- yp
    if (!is.null(x)) {
      if (dim(x)[3] != n * n) {
        stop("Covariates need to be available in the increased domain due to the data augmentation in the MCMC algorithm. Alternatively, use an incidence matrix approach ('IncidenceMat=TRUE', see the help) in combination with dimension reduction so that the covariates need only be available at the locations where observations are made. \n")
  if (!is.null(coord) | !is.null(Sind)) {
    cellx <- rep(1:nOrig, nOrig)/nOrig - 1/2/nOrig
    celly <- as.vector(apply(matrix(1:nOrig), 1, rep, times = nOrig))/nOrig - 
    if (is.null(Sind)) {
      if (is.null(lengthx)) 
        coord[, 1] <- coord[, 1]/max(coord[, 1])
      else coord[, 1] <- coord[, 1]/lengthx
      if (is.null(lengthy)) 
        coord[, 2] <- coord[, 2]/max(coord[, 2])
      else coord[, 2] <- coord[, 2]/lengthy
      Sind <- rep(0, dim(coord)[1])
      for (i in 1:dim(coord)[1]) {
        d = abs(cellx - coord[i, 1])^2 + abs(celly - 
                                               coord[i, 2])^2
        Sind[i] <- which(d == min(d))
    if (Padding) {
      SindOrig <- Sind
      Sind <- indPad[Sind]
      cellx <- rep(1:n, n)/n - 1/2/n
      celly <- as.vector(apply(matrix(1:n), 1, rep, times = n))/n - 
      print("No incidence matrix is used, but coordinates are supplied. Values are mapped to grid and grid cells with no values are assumed to be NA.")
      for(t in 1:T){
        for(i in unique(Sind)) y[t,i]=mean(y.non.grid[t,which(i==Sind)])
    if (trace) 
      message("Observation locations mapped to grid.")
    if (plotObsLocations) {
      if (PlotToFile){
        jpeg(paste(path, "Locations2Grid_", file, ".jpeg", 
                   sep = ""), width = 1000, height = 1000)
      } else {
        opar <- par(no.readonly =TRUE)
        par(ask = T)
      plot(cellx, celly, pch = ".", cex = 1, xlab = "x", 
           ylab = "y", xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0, 1), main = "Grid cell and observation points")
      abline(v = (0:n)/n)
      abline(h = (0:n)/n)
      points(cellx[Sind], celly[Sind], pch = ".", cex = 5)
      if (!is.null(coord)) 
        points(coord[, 1], coord[, 2], pch = 18)
      if (PlotToFile) 
  if (!is.null(NFour)) {
    if (NFour < n * n & !DimRed) {
      DimRed <- TRUE
      warning("'DimRed' was changed to 'TRUE' since NFour<n*n implies a dimension reduction.")
  if (DimRed) 
    NF <- NFour
  else NF <- n * n
  spateFT <- spate.init(n = n, T = T, NF = NF)
  if (IncidenceMat) {
      stop("If 'IncidenceMat' equals TRUE dimension reduction needs to be done since the FFT cannot be used. Please specify 'NFour' and make sure that NFour<<n*n. \n")
    }else if (NFour == n * n) {
      stop("If 'IncidenceMat' equals TRUE dimension reduction needs to be done since the FFT cannot be used. Please specify 'NFour' and make sure that NFour<<n*n. \n")
    Phi <- get.real.dft.mat(wave = spateFT$wave, indCos = spateFT$indCos, 
                            ns = spateFT$ns, n = n)
    I <- matrix(0, length(Sind), dim(Phi)[1])
    for (i in 1:length(Sind)) {
      I[i, Sind[i]] <- 1
    IPhi <- I %*% Phi
    if (trace) 
      message("Incidence matrix constructed.")
  wh <- y
  indNA <- is.na(y)
  ParNames <- c("rho_0", "sigma^2", "zeta", "rho_1", "gamma", 
                "alpha", "mu_x", "mu_y", "tau^2")
  if (is.null(parh)) {
    parh <- array(0, c(length(ParNames), Nmc + 1))
    parh[, 1] <- SV
    dimnames(parh)[[1]] <- ParNames
    if (!FixEffMetrop) 
      dimnames(RWCov)[[2]] <- dimnames(RWCov)[[1]] <- ParNames
    Prediction = FALSE
  else {
    Prediction = TRUE
    if (!is.null(x)) 
      indFECoef <- (length(ParNames) + 1):(length(ParNames) + 
    ypred <- array(0, c(length(tPred), length(sPred), Nmc - 
  if (!is.null(x) & !Prediction) {
    Ncov <- dim(x)[1]
    CovNames <- dimnames(x)[[1]]
    if (is.null(CovNames)) 
      CovNames <- paste(rep("Cov", Ncov), 1:Ncov)
    betah <- matrix(0, nrow = Ncov, ncol = Nmc + 1)
    betah[, 1] <- betaSV
    lp <- apply(x, c(2, 3), lin.pred, b = betaSV)
    if (FixEffMetrop) {
      parh <- array(0, c(length(ParNames) + dim(x)[1], 
                         Nmc + 1))
      parh[, 1] <- c(SV, betaSV)
      dimnames(parh)[[1]] <- c(ParNames, CovNames)
      indFECoef <- (length(ParNames) + 1):(length(ParNames) + 
      indEst <- c(indEst, indFECoef)
      if (noRWCov) 
        RWCov = diag(c(diag(RWCov), rep(0.001, Ncov)))
      dimnames(RWCov)[[2]] <- dimnames(RWCov)[[1]] <- c(ParNames, 
    else {
      betah[, 1] <- betaSV
      xv <- apply(x, 1, TSmat.to.vect)
      xTxi <- solve(crossprod(xv))
  else {
    lp <- lpV <- array(0, c(dim(wh)[1], dim(wh)[2]))
  if (IncidenceMat) 
    xih <- array(0, c(T, Nobs))
  else xih <- array(0, c(T, n * n))
  alphah <- array(0, c(T, NF))
  xiPost <- NULL
  if (saveProcess) {
    if (Nsave * T * n * n * 8/1e+06 > 100) 
      warning(paste("Saving ", Nsave, " samples from the posterior of the process requires ", 
                Nsave * T * n * n * 8/1e+06, " MB of memory.", sep = ""))
    xiPost <- array(0, c(T, n * n, Nsave))
  if (DataModel == "SkewTobit") {
    ind0 <- y == 0
    ind0[is.na(ind0)] <- FALSE
    indnc <- !(indNA | ind0)
    if (!Prediction) {
      wh[indnc] <- y[indnc]^(1/lambdaSV)
      lambdah <- rep(lambdaSV, Nmc + 1)
  AcRate <- AcRate2 <- rep(0, 1)
  if (DataModel == "SkewTobit") 
    AcRate <- AcRate2 <- rep(0, 2)
  if (!is.null(seed)) 
  iFirst <- TRUE
  if (monitorProcess) {
    if (is.null(tProcess) | is.null(sProcess)) {
      stop("if 'monitorProcess=TRUE' is selected, 'tProcess' and 'sProcess' (temporal and spatial locations) for monitoring xi need to be specified. \n")
    Ntrace <- max(length(tProcess), length(sProcess))
    if (length(tProcess) < Ntrace) {
      tProcess <- c(tProcess, sample.int(dim(xih)[1], Ntrace - 
      warning("The indeces 'tProcess' and 'sProcess' (temporal and spatial locations) for monitoring xi in the MCMC algorithm do not have the same length. Random numbers have been added to the shorter index so that they have the same length. \n")
    if (length(sProcess) < Ntrace) {
      sProcess <- c(sProcess, sample.int(dim(xih)[2], Ntrace - 
      warning("The indeces 'tProcess' and 'sProcess' (temporal and spatial locations) for monitoring xi in the MCMC algorithm do not have the same length. Random numbers have been added to the shorter index so that they have the same length. \n")
    xiTrace <- array(0, c(Ntrace, Nmc + 1))
    indXiTrace <- array(0, c(2, Ntrace))
    indXiTrace[1, ] <- tProcess
    indXiTrace[2, ] <- sProcess
    dimnames(xiTrace)[[1]] <- paste("Trace plot of xi at time ", 
                                    tProcess, " and location ", sProcess, sep = "")
  if (trace) 
    message("Starting MCMC algorithm:")
  for (i in 1:Nmc) {
    if (Prediction) {
      if (DataModel == "SkewTobit") 
        wh[indnc] <- y[indnc]^(1/parh["lambda", i])
      if (!is.null(x)) {
        if (IncidenceMat & Nobs != dim(x)[2]) 
          lp <- apply(x[, , SindOrig], c(2, 3), lin.pred, 
                      b = parh[indFECoef, i])
        else lp <- apply(x, c(2, 3), lin.pred, b = parh[indFECoef, 
    zh <- lp + xih
    if (sum(indNA) > 0) 
      wh[indNA] <- rnorm(sum(indNA), mean = zh[indNA], 
                         sd = sqrt(parh[9, i]))
    if (DataModel == "SkewTobit" & !Prediction) {
      wh[ind0] <- rtruncnorm(sum(ind0), mean = zh[ind0], 
                             sd = sqrt(parh[9, i]), b = rep(0, sum(ind0)))
      lambdaV <- exp(log(lambdah[i]) + rnorm(1, mean = 0, 
                                             sd = sdlambda))
      al <- min(1, exp(tobit.lambda.log.full.cond(y = y, 
                                                  z = zh, tau2 = parh[9, i], lambda = lambdaV) - 
                         tobit.lambda.log.full.cond(y = y, z = zh, tau2 = parh[9, 
                                                                               i], lambda = lambdah[i]) + P.lambda(lambdaV, 
                                                                                                                   log = TRUE) - P.lambda(lambdah[i], log = TRUE)) * 
      if (runif(1) <= al) {
        lambdah[i + 1] <- lambdaV
        wh[indnc] <- y[indnc]^(1/lambdah[i + 1])
        AcRate[2] <- AcRate[2] + 1
        if (i > (BurnInCovEst + NCovEst)) 
          AcRate2[2] <- AcRate2[2] + 1
      else {
        lambdah[i + 1] <- lambdah[i]
    if (!is.null(x) & !FixEffMetrop & !Prediction) {
      mbeta <- xTxi %*% t(xv) %*% TSmat.to.vect(wh - xih)
      betah[, i + 1] <- rmvnorm(1, mean = mbeta, sigma = parh[9, 
                                                              i] * xTxi)
      lp <- apply(x, c(2, 3), lin.pred, b = betah[, i + 
    if (i == 1 | Prediction) {
      spec <- innov.spec(wave = spateFT$wave, n = n, ns = spateFT$ns, 
                         rho0 = parh[1, i], sigma2 = parh[2, i], zeta = parh[3, 
                                                                             i], rho1 = parh[4, i], gamma = parh[5, i], 
                         alpha = parh[6, i], nu = nu, dt = 1, norm = TRUE)
      if (!IncidenceMat) {
        if (DimRed) 
          wFT <- TSmat.to.vect(vect.to.TSmat(real.fft.TS(TSmat.to.vect(wh - 
                                                                         lp), n = n, T = T, inv = TRUE, indFFT = spateFT$indFFT), 
                                             T = T)[spateFT$IndFour, ])
        else wFT <- real.fft.TS(TSmat.to.vect(wh - lp), 
                                n = n, T = T, inv = TRUE, indFFT = spateFT$indFFT)
        Gvec <- get.propagator.vec(wave = spateFT$wave, 
                                   indCos = spateFT$indCos, zeta = parh[3, i], 
                                   rho1 = parh[4, i], gamma = parh[5, i], alpha = parh[6, 
                                                                                       i], muX = parh[7, i], muY = parh[8, i], dt = 1, 
                                   ns = spateFT$ns)
        alphah <- ffbs.spectral(wFT = wFT, spec = spec, 
                                Gvec = Gvec, tau2 = parh[9, i], n = n, T = T, 
                                lglk = FALSE, BwSp = TRUE, NF = dim(spateFT$wave)[2], 
                                indCos = spateFT$indCos, ns = spateFT$ns)$simAlpha
        if (DimRed) {
          alphahC <- array(0, c(T, n * n))
          alphahC[, spateFT$IndFour] <- alphah
          xih <- vect.to.TSmat(real.fft.TS(TSmat.to.vect(alphahC), 
                                           n = n, T = T, inv = FALSE, indFFT = spateFT$indFFT), 
                               T = T)
        else {
          xih <- vect.to.TSmat(real.fft.TS(TSmat.to.vect(alphah), 
                                           n = n, T = T, inv = FALSE, indFFT = spateFT$indFFT), 
                               T = T)
      else {
        G <- get.propagator(wave = spateFT$wave, indCos = spateFT$indCos, 
                            zeta = parh[3, i], rho1 = parh[4, i], gamma = parh[5, 
                                                                               i], alpha = parh[6, i], muX = parh[7, i], 
                            muY = parh[8, i], dt = 1, ns = spateFT$ns)
        alphah <- ffbs(y = wh, lp = lp, G = G, Sigma = diag(spec), 
                       H = IPhi, Omega = diag(rep(parh[9], dim(wh)[2])), 
                       lglk = FALSE, BwSp = TRUE)$simAlpha
        xih = t(IPhi %*% t(alphah))
      if (Prediction) {
        if (IncidenceMat & length(sPred) != Nobs) {
          alphahC <- array(0, c(T, n * n))
          alphahC[, spateFT$IndFour] <- alphah
          xihPred <- vect.to.TSmat(real.fft.TS(TSmat.to.vect(alphahC), 
                                               n = n, T = T, inv = FALSE, indFFT = spateFT$indFFT), 
                                   T = T)
          if(Padding) xihPred <- xihPred[, indPad[sPred]] else xihPred <- xihPred[, sPred]
          if (!is.null(x)) lpPred <- apply(x, c(2, 3), lin.pred, b = parh[indFECoef, i]) else lpPred <- array(0, c(T, length(sPred)))
        else {
          xihPred <- xih
          lpPred <- lp
        zh <- lpPred + xihPred
        if (i > BurnIn) {
          ypred[, , i - BurnIn] <- zh[tPred, sPred]
          if (DataModel == "SkewTobit") {
            ypred[, , i - BurnIn][ypred[, , i - BurnIn] < 
                                    0] <- 0
            ypred[, , i - BurnIn] <- ypred[, , i - BurnIn]^parh["lambda", 
    if (!Prediction) {
      m = parh[, i]
      m[logInd] = log(parh[logInd, i])
      parV <- m
      parV[indEst] <- rmvnorm(1, mean = m[indEst], sigma = as.matrix(RWCov[indEst, 
                                                                           indEst]), method = "chol")
      if (logL == "Log_") 
        parV[logInd] = exp(parV[logInd])
      if (sum(parV[indNN] <= 0) > 0 | parV[5] < 1e-06 | 
          parV[5] > 1e+06 | parV[3] < 1e-08) {
        al <- 0
      else {
        specV <- innov.spec(wave = spateFT$wave, n = n, 
                            ns = spateFT$ns, rho0 = parV[1], sigma2 = parV[2], 
                            zeta = parV[3], rho1 = parV[4], gamma = parV[5], 
                            alpha = parV[6], nu = nu, dt = 1, norm = TRUE)
        if (!IncidenceMat) {
          if (DimRed) 
            wFT <- wFTV <- TSmat.to.vect(vect.to.TSmat(real.fft.TS(TSmat.to.vect(wh - 
                                                                                   lp), n = n, T = T, inv = TRUE, indFFT = spateFT$indFFT), 
                                                       T = T)[spateFT$IndFour, ])
          else wFT <- wFTV <- real.fft.TS(TSmat.to.vect(wh - 
                                                          lp), n = n, T = T, inv = TRUE, indFFT = spateFT$indFFT)
          if (FixEffMetrop & !is.null(x)) {
            lpV <- apply(x, c(2, 3), lin.pred, b = parV[indFECoef])
            if (DimRed) 
              wFTV <- TSmat.to.vect(vect.to.TSmat(real.fft.TS(TSmat.to.vect(wh - 
                                                                              lp), n = n, T = T, inv = TRUE, indFFT = spateFT$indFFT), 
                                                  T = T)[spateFT$IndFour, ])
            else wFTV <- real.fft.TS(TSmat.to.vect(wh - 
                                                     lpV), n = n, T = T, inv = TRUE, indFFT = spateFT$indFFT)
          GvecV <- get.propagator.vec(wave = spateFT$wave, 
                                      indCos = spateFT$indCos, zeta = parV[3], 
                                      rho1 = parV[4], gamma = parV[5], alpha = parV[6], 
                                      muX = parV[7], muY = parV[8], dt = 1, ns = spateFT$ns)
          mllV <- ffbs.spectral(wFT = wFTV, spec = specV, 
                                Gvec = GvecV, tau2 = parV[9], n = n, T = T, 
                                lglk = TRUE, BwSp = FALSE, NF = dim(spateFT$wave)[2], 
                                indCos = spateFT$indCos, ns = spateFT$ns)$ll
          mll <- ffbs.spectral(wFT = wFT, spec = spec, 
                               Gvec = Gvec, tau2 = parh[9, i], n = n, T = T, 
                               lglk = TRUE, BwSp = FALSE, NF = dim(spateFT$wave)[2], 
                               indCos = spateFT$indCos, ns = spateFT$ns)$ll
        else {
          GV <- get.propagator(wave = spateFT$wave, indCos = spateFT$indCos, 
                               zeta = parV[3], rho1 = parV[4], gamma = parV[5], 
                               alpha = parV[6], muX = parV[7], muY = parV[8], 
                               dt = 1, ns = spateFT$ns)
          if (FixEffMetrop & !is.null(x)) 
            lpV <- apply(x, c(2, 3), lin.pred, b = parV[indFECoef])
          else lpV <- lp
          ffbs <- ffbs(y = wh, lp = lpV, G = GV, Sigma = diag(specV), 
                       H = IPhi, Omega = diag(rep(parV[9], dim(wh)[2])), 
                       lglk = TRUE, BwSp = TRUE)
          mllV <- ffbs$ll
          mll <- ffbs(y = wh, lp = lp, G = G, Sigma = diag(spec), 
                      H = IPhi, Omega = diag(rep(parh[9, i], dim(wh)[2])), 
                      lglk = TRUE, BwSp = FALSE)$ll
        if (sum(4 == indEst) > 0) 
          al <- min(1, exp(P.rho0(parV[1], log = TRUE) + 
                             P.sigma2(parV[2], log = TRUE) + P.zeta(parV[3], 
                                                                    log = TRUE) + P.rho1(parV[4], log = TRUE) + 
                             P.gamma(parV[5], log = TRUE) + P.alpha(parV[6], 
                                                                    log = TRUE) + P.mux(parV[7], log = TRUE) + 
                             P.muy(parV[8], log = TRUE) + P.tau2(parV[9], 
                                                                 log = TRUE) - (P.rho0(parh[1, i], log = TRUE) + 
                                                                                  P.sigma2(parh[2, i], log = TRUE) + P.zeta(parh[3, 
                                                                                                                                 i], log = TRUE) + P.rho1(parh[4, i], log = TRUE) + 
                                                                                  P.gamma(parh[5, i], log = TRUE) + P.alpha(parh[6, 
                                                                                                                                 i], log = TRUE) + P.mux(parh[7, i], log = TRUE) + 
                                                                                  P.muy(parh[8, i], log = TRUE) + P.tau2(parh[9, 
                                                                                                                              i], log = TRUE)) + mllV - mll + sum(log(parV[logInd])) - 
                             sum(log(parh[logInd, i]))))
        else al <- min(1, exp(P.rho0(parV[1], log = TRUE) + 
                                P.sigma2(parV[2], log = TRUE) + P.zeta(parV[3], 
                                                                       log = TRUE) + P.gamma(parV[5], log = TRUE) + 
                                P.alpha(parV[6], log = TRUE) + P.mux(parV[7], 
                                                                     log = TRUE) + P.muy(parV[8], log = TRUE) + 
                                P.tau2(parV[9], log = TRUE) - (P.rho0(parh[1, 
                                                                           i], log = TRUE) + P.sigma2(parh[2, i], log = TRUE) + 
                                                                 P.zeta(parh[3, i], log = TRUE) + P.gamma(parh[5, 
                                                                                                               i], log = TRUE) + P.alpha(parh[6, i], log = TRUE) + 
                                                                 P.mux(parh[7, i], log = TRUE) + P.muy(parh[8, 
                                                                                                            i], log = TRUE) + P.tau2(parh[9, i], log = TRUE)) + 
                                mllV - mll + sum(log(parV[logInd[-4]])) - sum(log(parh[logInd[-4], 
      if (runif(1) <= al) {
        parh[, i + 1] <- parV
        spec <- specV
        if (!IncidenceMat) {
          Gvec <- GvecV
          alphah <- ffbs.spectral(wFT = wFTV, spec = specV, 
                                  Gvec = GvecV, tau2 = parV[9], n = n, T = T, 
                                  lglk = FALSE, BwSp = TRUE, NF = dim(spateFT$wave)[2], 
                                  indCos = spateFT$indCos, ns = spateFT$ns)$simAlpha
          if (DimRed) {
            alphahC <- array(0, c(T, n * n))
            alphahC[, spateFT$IndFour] <- alphah
            xih <- vect.to.TSmat(real.fft.TS(TSmat.to.vect(alphahC), 
                                             n = n, T = T, inv = FALSE, indFFT = spateFT$indFFT), 
                                 T = T)
          else {
            xih <- vect.to.TSmat(real.fft.TS(TSmat.to.vect(alphah), 
                                             n = n, T = T, inv = FALSE, indFFT = spateFT$indFFT), 
                                 T = T)
        else {
          G <- GV
          alphah <- ffbs$simAlpha
          xih = t(IPhi %*% t(alphah))
        if (FixEffMetrop) 
          lp <- lpV
        AcRate[1] <- AcRate[1] + 1
        if (i > (BurnInCovEst + NCovEst)) {
          AcRate2[1] <- AcRate2[1] + 1
      else {
        parh[, i + 1] <- parh[, i]
      if (monitorProcess) 
        xiTrace[, i + 1] <- xih[t(indXiTrace)]
      if (saveProcess & i > BurnIn & (i - BurnIn)%%trunc((Nmc - 
                                                          BurnIn)/Nsave) == 0 & (i - BurnIn)/trunc((Nmc - 
                                                                                                    BurnIn)/Nsave) <= Nsave) {
        if (IncidenceMat) 
          xiPost[, , (i - BurnIn)/trunc((Nmc - BurnIn)/Nsave)] <- Phi %*% 
        else xiPost[, , (i - BurnIn)/trunc((Nmc - BurnIn)/Nsave)] <- xih
      if ((i%%100 == 0) & AcRate[1] <= 0.01) {
        message(paste("Acceptance rate for hyperparameters random walk is less than 1% after", 
                  i, "iterations. Because of this, the proposal covariance matrix is devided by 100."))
        RWCov <- RWCov/100
      if (i == 200 & AcRate[1] == 0) 
        RWCov <- RWCov/100
      if (i >= (BurnInCovEst + NCovEst) & (i - BurnInCovEst)%%NCovEst == 
          0 & adaptive) {
        if (logL == "Log_") {
          parhC <- parh
          parhC[logInd, ] <- log(parhC[logInd, ])
        if (i >= (BurnInCovEst + NCovEst)) {
          RWCovP <- MultCov * cov(t(parhC[, (BurnInCovEst + 
                                               1):(i + 1)]))
          eigenv <- eigen(RWCovP[indEst, indEst])$value
          if (is.double(eigenv) & sum(eigenv <= 0) == 
              0) {
            RWCov <- RWCovP
            if (printRWCov) {
              message("Estimated proposal covariance for hyperparameters:")
              print(signif(RWCov[indEst, indEst], digits = 2))
          else {
            warning("random walk step for hyperparameters: estimated proposal covariance matrix is not positive definite. MCMC algorithm is continued with current proposal covariance matrix. Alternatively restart the algorithm with different settings (initial values, initial proposal covariance matrix etc.). \n")
        if (DataModel == "SkewTobit") {
          sdamma <- MultStdDevLambda * sd(lambdah[(BurnInCovEst + 
                                                     1):(i + 1)])
    if (i == 1) 
      t1 <- Sys.time()
    if (trace & ((i%%10 == 0 & i <= 400) | (i%%20 == 0 & 
                                            i > 400 & i <= 2000) | (i%%50 == 0 & i > 2000 & i <= 
                                                                    10000) | (i%%100 == 0 & i > 10000 & i <= 20000) | 
                 (i%%500 == 0 & i > 20000) | i == Nmc)) 
    if (i == 50 | (i%%100 == 0 & i <= 400) | (i%%200 == 0 & 
                                              i > 400 & i <= 2000) | (i%%500 == 0 & i > 2000 & 
                                                                      i <= 10000) | (i%%1000 == 0 & i > 10000 & i <= 20000) | 
        (i%%5000 == 0 & i > 20000) | i == Nmc) {
      if (trace) {
        message(paste("Iteration number: ", i, sep = ""))
        t2 <- Sys.time()
        dt <- (t2 - t1)/i * (Nmc - i)
        units(dt) <- "secs"
        if (dt <= 60) {
          tdif <- paste(round(dt, digits = 3), "secs")
        else if (dt > 60 & dt <= (60^2)) {
          units(dt) <- "mins"
          tdif <- paste(round(dt, digits = 3), "mins")
        else if (dt > (60^2) & dt <= (60^2 * 24)) {
          units(dt) <- "hours"
          tdif <- paste(round(dt, digits = 3), "hours")
        else {
          units(dt) <- "days"
          tdif <- paste(round(dt, digits = 3), "days")
        dti <- (t2 - t1)/i
        units(dti) <- "secs"
        message(paste("COMPUTING TIME for one iteration: ", 
                  round(dti, digits = 3), " secs. Estimated remaining computing time: ", 
                  tdif, sep = ""))
        if (!Prediction) {
          if (i <= (BurnInCovEst + NCovEst)) {
            message("ACCEPTANCE RATE for Metropolis-Hastings step:",appendLF=FALSE)
            message(paste("  Hyperparameters: ", round(AcRate[1]/i, 
                                                   digits = 2), sep = ""),appendLF=FALSE)
            if (DataModel == "SkewTobit") 
              message(paste(",  Tobit transformation parameter: ", 
                        round(AcRate[2]/i, digits = 2), sep = ""),appendLF=FALSE)
            message(" ",appendLF=TRUE)
          else {
            message("ACCEPTANCE RATE for Metropolis-Hastings step after burn-in:",appendLF=FALSE)
            message(paste("  Hyperparameters: ", round(AcRate2[1]/i, 
                                                   digits = 2), sep = ""),appendLF=FALSE)
            if (DataModel == "SkewTobit") 
              message(paste(",  Tobit transformation parameter: ", 
                        round(AcRate2[2]/i, digits = 2), sep = ""),appendLF=FALSE)
            message(" ",appendLF=TRUE)
      if (!Prediction) {
        SimDataRes <- parh[1:length(ParNames), 1:(i + 
        rownames(SimDataRes) <- ParNames
        if (!is.null(x)) {
          if (FixEffMetrop) 
            betah[, 1:(i + 1)] <- parh[indFECoef, 1:(i + 
          names <- rownames(SimDataRes)
          SimDataRes <- rbind(SimDataRes, betah[, 1:(i + 
          rownames(SimDataRes) <- c(names, CovNames)
        if (DataModel == "SkewTobit") {
          names <- rownames(SimDataRes)
          SimDataRes <- rbind(SimDataRes, lambdah[1:(i + 
          rownames(SimDataRes) <- c(names, "lambda")
        indEst2 = indEst
        if (!is.null(x) & !FixEffMetrop) 
          indEst2 <- c(indEst2, 10:(9 + length(CovNames)))
        if (DataModel == "SkewTobit") 
          indEst2 <- c(indEst2, dim(SimDataRes)[1])
        spateMCMC <- list(Post = SimDataRes[, -1], xiPost = xiPost, 
                          RWCov = RWCov, BurnIn = BurnIn, Padding = Padding, 
                          indEst = indEst2, nu = nu, DataModel = DataModel)
        class(spateMCMC) <- "spateMCMC"
        if (monitorProcess & !PlotToFile & !iFirst) 
        plot(spateMCMC, ToFile = PlotToFile, path = path, 
             file = file, pairs = plotPairs, hist = plotHist, 
             trace = plotTrace, ask = FALSE, true = trueVal, 
             BurnInAdaptive = (BurnInCovEst + NCovEst))
        if (SaveToFile) {
          save(spateMCMC, file = paste(path, file, sep = ""))
        if (monitorProcess) {
          nx <- ceiling(sqrt(length(sProcess) + length(tProcess) + 
          ny <- floor(sqrt(length(sProcess) + length(tProcess) + 
          if (PlotToFile) {
            jpeg(paste(path, "ProcessSample_", file, 
                       ".jpeg", sep = ""), width = nx/ny * 500, 
                 height = 500)
          else {
            if (iFirst) {
              devPar <- dev.cur()
              devProc <- dev.cur()
            else {
          opar <- par(no.readonly =TRUE)
          par(mfrow = c(ny, nx), oma = c(0, 0, 0, 0), 
              mar = c(2, 2, 2, 0.2))
          trace.plot(xiTrace[, 1:(i + 1)])
          if (!is.null(sProcess)) {
            for (s in sProcess) {
              if (!IncidenceMat) 
                main = paste("One sample of w and xi at grid point ", 
                             s, sep = "")
              else main = paste("One sample of w and xi at station ", 
                                s, sep = "")
              plot(1:min(T, 150), wh[1:min(T, 150), s], 
                   type = "l", xlab = "Time", main = main)
              abline(h = 0, lty = 3)
              lines(xih[1:min(T, 150), s], lty = 2)
              abline(v = tProcess, lwd = 1, col = "red")
          if (!is.null(tProcess)) {
            for (t in tProcess) {
              if (!IncidenceMat) 
                image(1:n, 1:n, matrix(xih[t, ], nrow = n), 
                      main = paste("One sample of xi at time ", 
                                   t, sep = ""), xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", 
                      col = cols())
              else image(1:n, 1:n, matrix(t(Phi %*% t(alphah))[t, 
                                                               ], nrow = n), main = paste("One sample of xi at time ", 
                                                                                          t, sep = ""), xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", 
                         col = cols())
          if (PlotToFile) 
      if (iFirst) 
        iFirst <- FALSE
  if (Prediction) 
  else return(spateMCMC)

ffbs=function (y, lp, G, Sigma, H, Omega, N = dim(y)[2], T = dim(y)[1], 
               NF = dim(G)[1], lglk = FALSE, BwSp = TRUE, filt = FALSE) 
  G <- as.matrix(G)
  tH <- t(H)
  mtt1 <- array(0, c(T, NF))
  mtt <- array(0, c(T + 1, NF))
  Rtt1 <- array(0, c(T, NF, NF))
  Rtt <- array(0, c(T + 1, NF, NF))
  simAlpha <- array(0, c(T + 1, NF))
  Innt <- array(0, c(T, N))
  PrecInnt <- array(0, c(T, N, N))
  Rtt[1, , ] <- as.matrix(Sigma)
  for (t in 1:T) {
    mtt1[t, ] <- G %*% mtt[t, ]
    Rtt1[t, , ] <- Sigma + G %*% Rtt[t, , ] %*% t(G)
    Rtt1[t, , ] <- (Rtt1[t, , ] + t(Rtt1[t, , ]))/2
    TM1 <- H %*% Rtt1[t, , ]
    Mti <- solve(Omega + TM1 %*% tH)
    PrecInnt[t, , ] <- Mti
    TM2 <- Rtt1[t, , ] %*% tH %*% Mti
    Innt[t, ] <- y[t, ] - lp[t, ] - H %*% mtt1[t, ]
    mtt[t + 1, ] <- mtt1[t, ] + TM2 %*% (Innt[t, ])
    Rtt[t + 1, , ] <- Rtt1[t, , ] - TM2 %*% TM1
    Rtt[t + 1, , ] <- (Rtt[t + 1, , ] + t(Rtt[t + 1, , ]))/2
  if (BwSp) {
    Rtt[T + 1, , ] = (Rtt[T + 1, , ] + t(Rtt[T + 1, , ]))/2
    simAlpha[T + 1, ] <- rmvnorm(1, mean = mtt[T + 1, ], 
                                 sigma = Rtt[T + 1, , ], method = "chol")
    for (t in T:1) {
      tm <- Rtt[t, , ] %*% t(G) %*% solve(Rtt1[t, , ])
      Rt <- Rtt[t, , ] - tm %*% G %*% Rtt[t, , ]
      Rt <- (Rt + t(Rt))/2
      mt <- mtt[t, ] + tm %*% (simAlpha[t + 1, ] - mtt1[t, 
      simAlpha[t, ] <- rmvnorm(1, mean = mt, sigma = Rt, 
                               method = "chol")
  if (lglk) {
    ll <- 0
    for (t in 1:T) {
      ll <- ll + determinant(PrecInnt[t, , ], logarithm = TRUE)$modulus[[1]] - 
        t(Innt[t, ]) %*% PrecInnt[t, , ] %*% Innt[t, 
    ll <- ll/2 - T * NF * log(2 * pi)/2
  ret <- list()
  if (BwSp){
    retsimAlpha=simAlpha[-1, ]
    if(!is.matrix(retsimAlpha)) retsimAlpha=t(matrix(retsimAlpha))
    ret <- c(ret, list(simAlpha = retsimAlpha))
  if (lglk) 
    ret <- c(ret, list(ll = ll))
  if (filt) 
    ret <- c(ret, list(mtt = mtt[-1, ]))

spate.predict = function (y, tPred, sPred = NULL, xPred = NULL, yPred = NULL, 
                          spateMCMC, Nsim = 200, BurnIn = 5, coord = NULL, lengthx = NULL, 
                          lengthy = NULL, Sind = NULL, n = NULL, IncidenceMat = FALSE, 
                          x = NULL, DataModel = "Normal", DimRed = FALSE, NFour = NULL, 
                          seed = NULL, nu = 1, trace = FALSE) 
  if (max(tPred) > dim(y)[1]) 
    y <- rbind(y, matrix(ncol = dim(y)[2], nrow = (max(tPred) - 
  if (is.null(sPred)) {
    if (is.null(xPred)) {
      if (is.null(n)) 
        n <- sqrt(dim(y)[2])
      sPred <- 1:(n^2)
    else {
      sPred <- rep(0, length(xPred))
      for (i in 1:length(xPred)) sPred[i] <- xPred[i] + 
          n * (yPred[i] - 1)
  # print(sPred)
  spl <- ((1:(Nsim + BurnIn)) - 1) * trunc((dim(spateMCMC$Post)[2] - 
                                              spateMCMC$BurnIn)/(Nsim + BurnIn)) + 1 + spateMCMC$BurnIn
  post <- spateMCMC[[1]][, spl]
  ypred <- spate.mcmc(y = y, tPred = tPred, sPred = sPred, 
                      Nmc = (Nsim + BurnIn), BurnIn = BurnIn, coord = coord, 
                      lengthx = lengthx, lengthy = lengthy, Sind = Sind, n = n, 
                      IncidenceMat = IncidenceMat, x = x, DataModel = DataModel, 
                      DimRed = DimRed, NFour = NFour, seed = seed, Padding = spateMCMC$Padding, 
                      nu = nu, trace = trace, parh = post)
  if (is.null(xPred)) 
  else return(apply(ypred, 3, diag))

  cellx <- rep(1:n, n)/n - 1/2/n
  celly <- as.vector(apply(matrix(1:n), 1, rep, times = n))/n - 1/2/n
  if (is.null(lengthx)) coord[, 1] <- coord[, 1]/max(coord[, 1]) else coord[, 1] <- coord[, 1]/lengthx
  if (is.null(lengthy)) coord[, 2] <- coord[, 2]/max(coord[, 2]) else coord[, 2] <- coord[, 2]/lengthy
  Sind <- rep(0, dim(coord)[1])
  for (i in 1:dim(coord)[1]) {
    d = abs(cellx - coord[i, 1])^2 + abs(celly - 
                                           coord[i, 2])^2
    Sind[i] <- which(d == min(d))
  for(t in 1:dim(y.non.grid)[1]){
    for(i in unique(Sind)) y[t,i]=mean(y.non.grid[t,which(i==Sind)])

ffbs.spectral <- function(w=NULL,wFT=NULL,spec=NULL,Gvec=NULL,tau2=NULL,par=NULL,n,T,lglk=FALSE,BwSp=TRUE,NF=n*n,indCos=(1:((n*n-4)/2)*2+3),ns=4,nu=1,dt=1){
     wFT <- real.fft.TS(TSmat.to.vect(w),n=n,T=T,inv=TRUE)
       wFT <- TSmat.to.vect(wFT)
       print("Error: 'wFT' needs to be a vector of length T*n*n or a matrix of dimension T x n*n.")
   if((is.null(Gvec) & is.null(par)) | (is.null(spec) & is.null(par))){
     print("Either 'Gvec' and 'spec' and 'tau2' or, alternartively, 'par' must be supplied.")
    wave <- wave.numbers(n)$wave
    Gvec<- get.propagator.vec(wave=wave,indCos=indCos,zeta=par[3],rho1=par[4],gamma=par[5],alpha=par[6],muX=par[7],muY=par[8],dt=dt,ns=ns)
     if(is.null(wave)) wave <- wave.numbers(n)$wave
     spec <- innov.spec(wave=wave,n=n,ns=ns,rho0=par[1],sigma2=par[2],zeta=par[3],rho1=par[4],gamma=par[5],alpha=par[6],nu=nu,dt=dt,norm=TRUE)
   if(is.null(tau2)) tau2=par[9]
   ffbsC <- .C("ffbs_spectral", wFT=as.double(wFT), bw=as.double(sum(BwSp)), ll=as.double(sum(lglk)),as.double(spec[1:ns]),as.double(Gvec$G11C),as.double(spec[indCos]),as.double(Gvec$G11),as.double(Gvec$G12),as.double(spec),as.double(tau2), as.integer(T), as.integer((NF-ns)/2), as.integer(ns))
  ret <- list()
  if(BwSp) ret <- c(ret,list(simAlpha=vect.to.TSmat(ffbsC$wFT,T=T)))
  if(lglk) ret <- c(ret,list(ll=ffbsC$ll))

sample.four.coef <- function(w=NULL,wFT=NULL,spec=NULL,Gvec=NULL,tau2=NULL,par=NULL,n,T,NF=n*n,indCos=(1:((n*n-4)/2)*2+3),ns=4,nu=1,dt=1){
  alpha <- ffbs.spectral(w=w,wFT=wFT,spec=spec,Gvec=Gvec,tau2=tau2,par=par,n=n,T=T,lglk=FALSE,BwSp=TRUE,NF=NF,indCos=indCos,ns=ns,nu=nu,dt=dt)$simAlpha

loglike <- function(par=NULL,w=NULL,wFT=NULL,x=NULL,spec=NULL,Gvec=NULL,tau2=NULL,n,T,NF=n*n,indCos=(1:((n*n-4)/2)*2+3),ns=4,nu=1,dt=1,logScale=FALSE,logInd=c(1,2,3,4,5,9),negative=FALSE){
  if(logScale) par[logInd] <- exp(par[logInd])
  if(is.null(tau2)) tau2=par[9]
    lp <- apply(x,c(2,3),lin.pred,b=par[-c(1:9)])
    lp <- 0
     wFT <- real.fft.TS(TSmat.to.vect(w-lp),n=n,T=T,inv=TRUE)
   if((is.null(Gvec) & is.null(par)) | (is.null(spec) & is.null(par))){
     print("Either 'Gvec' and 'spec' and 'tau2' or, alternartively, 'par' must be supplied.")
    wave <- wave.numbers(n)$wave
    Gvec<- get.propagator.vec(wave=wave,indCos=indCos,zeta=par[3],rho1=par[4],gamma=par[5],alpha=par[6],muX=par[7],muY=par[8],dt=dt,ns=ns)
     if(is.null(wave)) wave <- wave.numbers(n)$wave
     spec <- innov.spec(wave=wave,n=n,ns=ns,rho0=par[1],sigma2=par[2],zeta=par[3],rho1=par[4],gamma=par[5],alpha=par[6],nu=nu,dt=dt,norm=TRUE)
  ll <- ffbs.spectral(w=w,wFT=wFT,spec=spec,Gvec=Gvec,tau2=tau2,par=par,n=n,T=T,lglk=TRUE,BwSp=FALSE,NF=NF,indCos=indCos,ns=ns,nu=nu,dt=dt)$ll
  if(negative) return(-ll) else return(ll)

lin.pred <- function(x,beta){
trace.plot <- function(data,true=NULL,BurnIn=NULL,BurnInAdaptive=NULL){
  for(i in 1:dim(data)[1]){
post.dist.hist <- function(data,true=NULL,breaks=20,mean=FALSE,median=TRUE){
  for(i in 1:dim(data)[1]){
      xlim <- c(min(data[i,],true[i]),max(data[i,],true[i]))
      if(true[i]<min(data[i,])) xlim <- c(min(data[i,],true[i]-0.01*abs(true[i])),max(data[i,],true[i]))
      if(true[i]>max(data[i,])) xlim <- c(min(data[i,],true[i]),max(data[i,],true[i]+0.01*abs(true[i])))
    if(mean) abline(v=mean((data[i,])),lwd=3)
    if(median) abline(v=median((data[i,])),lwd=3)
tobit.lambda.log.full.cond <- function(y,z,tau2,lambda){
    indNA <- is.na(y)
    ind0 <- y==0
    ind0[is.na(ind0)] <- FALSE
    indnc <- !(indNA | ind0)
  ret <- sum(log(y[indnc]^(1/lambda-1)/lambda))-sum((y[indnc]^(1/lambda)-z[indnc])^2)/2/tau2  
mcmc.summary <- function(data,probs=c(0.025,0.5,0.975),mean=FALSE){
  ret <- matrix(0,ncol=length(probs),nrow=dim(data)[1]) 
  for(i in 1:dim(data)[1]){
    ret[i,] <- quantile(data[i,],probs=probs)
  colnames(ret) <- paste(probs,rep("quant",length(probs)))
  rownames(ret) <- dimnames(data)[[1]]
    means <- apply(data,1,mean)
    ret <- cbind(ret,means)
    colnames(ret) <- c(paste(probs,rep("quant",length(probs))),"mean")
print.spateMCMC <- function(x,...){
  post <- x[[1]][x$indEst,-c(1:x$BurnIn)]
  quant <- mcmc.summary(post,probs=c(0.5,0.025,0.975))
  colnames(quant) <- c("Median","2.5 %", "97.5 %")
  rownames(quant) <- dimnames(post)[[1]]
  cat("\nPosterior of parameters:\n")
  cat(paste("\nResults based on ",dim(x[[1]])[2]-x$BurnIn," MCMC samples after a burn-in of ",x$BurnIn," samples\n",sep=""))
plot.spateMCMC <- function(x,...,trace=TRUE,hist=TRUE,medianHist=TRUE,pairs=FALSE,ask=TRUE,ToFile=FALSE,path=NULL,file=NULL,true=NULL,BurnInAdaptive=NULL,postProcess=FALSE){
  post <- x[[1]][x$indEst,]
  true <- true[x$indEst]
  if(ToFile) ask <- FALSE
  nx <- 3
  ny <- (dim(post)[1]-dim(post)[1]%%nx)/nx+1
  if(dim(post)[1]%%nx==0) ny <- ny-1
    if(ToFile) jpeg(paste(path,"Traces_",file,".jpeg",sep=""),width = 750, height = 500)
    opar <- par(no.readonly =TRUE)
    if(ToFile) dev.off()
  if(hist &  dim(post)[2]>(x$BurnIn+100)){
    if(ToFile) jpeg(paste(path,"PostDist_",file,".jpeg",sep=""),width = 500, height = 500)
    opar <- par(no.readonly =TRUE)
    if(ToFile) dev.off()
    end <- dim(x[[1]])[2]
      spl <- sample.int(end-x$BurnIn,min(end-x$BurnIn,500))+x$BurnIn
      spl <- sample.int(end,min(end,500))
    PostSample <- x[[1]][,spl]
    opar <- par(no.readonly =TRUE)
    if(ToFile) jpeg(paste(path,"Pairs_",file,".jpeg",sep=""),width = 1000, height = 1000)
    if(ToFile) dev.off()
    mean <- apply(x$xiPost,c(1,2),mean)

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spate documentation built on Oct. 3, 2023, 5:09 p.m.