
Defines functions change_data calculate_data_units change_pop_bin check_data

Documented in calculate_data_units change_data change_pop_bin check_data

#' Change the data that is available as output from an SS operating model.
#' \code{change_data} alters the data structure for a data list as read in by
#' \code{\link[r4ss]{SS_readdat}}, for use in preparing the data file for an SS
#' operating model. Original data is removed and dummy data is added, as
#' specified, to the SS \code{.dat} file. This causes SS to produce expected
#' values (OM "truth") when the operating model is run, from which data can be
#' sampled.  For each data type altered, \code{change_data} will add data for
#' the fleets and years given; potentially adding many rows of redundant data.
#' Currently, \code{.dat} files with multiple sexes cannot be manipulated with
#' \code{change_data}. \code{\link{calculate_data_units}} is used internally in
#' \code{\link{ss3sim_base}} to create a superset of fleets and years from
#' sample arguments, and \code{\link{clean_data}} to strip out unused data after
#' \code{change_data} is called (see examples below). \code{change_data} is
#' called internally automatically, but can also be used by an \pkg{ss3sim} user
#' to manipulate data as a case, or to prepare a new OM for use in a simulation.
#' See the vignette for more details.
#' @template dat_list
#' @template outfile
#' @param fleets A numeric vector of fleets
#' @param years A numeric vector of years
#' @param types A vector that can take combinations of the following entries:
#'   \code{"index"}, \code{"len"}, \code{"age"}, \code{"cal"}, \code{"mla"}.
#'   \code{types} controls what data structures the function acts on, with
#'   \code{"index"} changing indices/CPUE, \code{"len"} augmenting the length
#'   composition data, \code{"age"} augmenting the age composition, \code{"cal"}
#'   augmenting the conditional age at length, and \code{"mla"} augmenting the
#'   mean length at age data.
#' @param age_bins *A numeric vector of age bins to use. If left as \code{NULL}
#'   then the age bin structure will be taken from the OM.
#' @param len_bins *A numeric vector of length bins to use. If left as
#'   \code{NULL} then the length bin structure will be taken from the OM.
#'   For conditional age-at-length (CAAL) data, the last value provided to
#'   \code{len_bins} will be used for Lbin_lo and -1 will be used for Lbin_hi
#'   for the largest length bin category, i.e., row of CAAL data.
#' @param pop_binwidth *Population length bin width. Note that this value must
#'   be smaller than the bin width specified in length composition data
#'   \code{len_bins} or SS will fail (see notes in the SS manual).
#' @param pop_minimum_size *Population minimum length bin value.
#' @param pop_maximum_size *Population maximum length bin value.
#' @param lcomp_constant *A new robustification constant for length composition
#'   data to be used. Must be a numeric value, as a proportion. For example 0.1
#'   means 10 percent. See the SS manual for further information. A \code{NULL}
#'   value indicates no action resulting in using the current value, and a value
#'   of 0 will throw an error since that leads to an error when zeroes exist in
#'   the data. Instead use a very small value like \code{1e-07}.
#' @param tail_compression *A new tail compression value to be used in SS. Must
#'   be a numeric value, as a proportion. For example 0.1 means 10 percent. See
#'   the SS manual for further information. A \code{NULL} value indicates no
#'   action, a negative value indicates to SS to ignore it (not use that
#'   feature).
#' @template nsex
#' @details The robustification constant is added to both the observed and
#'   expected proportions of length composition data, before being normalized
#'   internally. It is designed to help stabilize the model, but is unclear how
#'   and when to use it for optimal effect. The same value is used for all
#'   length data.
#' @return An invisible data list, and a file is written to the disk if an
#' entry other than \code{NULL} is provided for \code{outfile}.
#' @family change functions
#' @template casefile-footnote
#' @importFrom r4ss SS_readdat SS_writedat
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{sample_lcomp}}, \code{\link{sample_agecomp}}
#' @author Cole Monnahan, Ian Taylor, Sean Anderson, Kelli Johnson
#' @examples
#' d <- system.file("extdata", package = "ss3sim")
#' fleets <- 1:2
#' years <- c(5, 10, 15)
#' types <- c("len", "age")
#' file_in <- r4ss::SS_readdat(file.path(d, "models", "cod-om", "codOM.dat"),
#'   version = NULL, verbose = FALSE)
#' # Basic test with just length data, default bins:
#' out <- change_data(file_in, outfile = NULL, types = "len",
#'   years = years, fleets = fleets)
#' print(out$lbin_vector)
#' print(out$lencomp)
#' # Change the length bins:
#' out <- change_data(file_in, outfile = NULL, types = "len",
#'   years = years, fleets = fleets, len_bins = 3:6)
#' out$lbin_vector
#' out$lencomp
#' # Change the population length bins:
#' out <- change_data(file_in, outfile = NULL, types = "len",
#'   years = years, fleets = fleets, pop_binwidth = 1, pop_minimum_size = 5,
#'   pop_maximum_size = 210)
#' out$binwidth
#' out$maximum_size
#' out$minimum_size
change_data <- function(dat_list, outfile = NULL, fleets, years, types,
  age_bins = NULL, len_bins = NULL, pop_binwidth = NULL,
  pop_minimum_size = NULL, pop_maximum_size = NULL,
  lcomp_constant = NULL, tail_compression = NULL,
  nsex = 1) {

  # TODO: pop length bins must not be wider than the length data bins, but the
  # boundaries of the bins do not need to align (from SS manual)
  # this is also checked within SS and will create a fatal error

  ## Input checks:
  types <- match.arg(types,
    choices = c("index","len", "age", "cal", "mla", "mwa"),
    several.ok = TRUE)
  if ((!is.atomic(fleets)) | (!is.atomic(years))) {
    stop("fleets and years input both need to be numeric vectors")
  if(any(years < dat_list$styr) | any(years > dat_list$endyr)) {
    stop("Some years specified in years are not within the model years of dat_list")
  if(any(!fleets %in% 1:dat_list$Nfleets)){
    stop("Some fleets specified in fleets are not included in dat_list")

  ## TODO: Need to do things like change age matrices?
  ## TODO: Change the data vectors if specified?

  # population bins:
  # change_pop_bin() deals with NULLs internally by not changing values:
  dat_list <- change_pop_bin(dat_list, binwidth = pop_binwidth,
                minimum_size = pop_minimum_size,
                maximum_size = pop_maximum_size)

  if(is.null(len_bins)) len_bins <- dat_list$lbin_vector
  if(is.null(age_bins)) age_bins <- dat_list$agebin_vector

  ## Now modify each data type in turn
  if ("index" %in% types) {
    dat_list$CPUE <- make_dummy_dat_index(fleets = fleets, years = years)
    dat_list$N_cpue <- nrow(dat_list$CPUE)
  if ("len" %in% types) {
    dat_list$lencomp <- make_dummy_dat_lencomp(fleets = fleets, years = years,
                          len_bins = len_bins, nsex = nsex)
    dat_list$lbin_vector <- len_bins
    dat_list$N_lencomp <- nrow(dat_list$lencomp)
    dat_list$N_lbins <- length(len_bins)
  ## Need to split calcomp and agecomp data as separate cases
  if ("age" %in% types) {
    conditional_data <- dat_list$agecomp[dat_list$agecomp$Lbin_lo >= 0, ]
    new.agecomp <- make_dummy_dat_agecomp(fleets = fleets, years = years,
                     age_bins = age_bins, nsex = nsex)
    dat_list$agecomp <- rbind(new.agecomp, conditional_data)
    dat_list$agebin_vector <- age_bins
    dat_list$N_agecomp <- nrow(dat_list$agecomp)
    dat_list$N_agebins <- length(age_bins)
  ## If we don't use this structure to get expected value we don't need
  ## to print them, so don't need it. TODO check this is right. It can
  ## seriously slow down the OM to write uncessary calcomp data.
  if ("cal" %in% types) {
    #this stop message can be removed once conditional age at length implemented
    stop("Conditional age at length (CAL) is not yet implemented, please only ",
         "use models and scenarios without CAL.")
    agecomp <- dat_list$agecomp[dat_list$agecomp$Lbin_lo < 0, ]
    new.calcomp <- make_dummy_dat_calcomp(fleets = fleets,years = years,
                     age_bins = age_bins, len_bins = len_bins, nsex = nsex)
    dat_list$agecomp <- rbind(agecomp, new.calcomp)
    dat_list$agebin_vector <- age_bins
    dat_list$N_agecomp <- nrow(dat_list$agecomp)

  if ("mla" %in% types) {
    dat_list$MeanSize_at_Age_obs <- make_dummy_dat_mlacomp(fleets = fleets,
                                      years = years, age_bins = age_bins)
    dat_list$N_MeanSize_at_Age_obs <- nrow(dat_list$MeanSize_at_Age_obs)

  if(!is.null(lcomp_constant)) {
    dat_list <- change_lcomp_constant(lcomp_constant = lcomp_constant,
      dat_list = dat_list, outfile = NULL)
  if(!is.null(tail_compression)) {
    dat_list <- change_tail_compression(tail_compression = tail_compression,
      dat_list = dat_list, outfile = NULL)

  if (!is.null(outfile)) {
    SS_writedat(datlist = dat_list, outfile = outfile, version = dat_list$ReadVersion,
      overwrite = TRUE, verbose = FALSE)

#' Given sampling arguments, calculate super set of fleets, years, and data
#' types.
#' @author Cole Monnahan
#' @param index_params Named lists containing the arguments for
#'   \code{sample_index}.
#' @param lcomp_params Named lists containing the arguments for
#'   \code{\link{sample_lcomp}}.
#' @param agecomp_params Named lists containing the arguments for
#'   \code{\link{sample_agecomp}}.
#' @param calcomp_params Named lists containing the arguments for
#'   \code{\link{sample_calcomp}}.
#' @param mlacomp_params Named lists containing the arguments for
#'   \code{\link{sample_mlacomp}}.
#' @param wtatage_params Named lists containing the arguments for
#'   \code{\link{sample_wtatage}}.
#' @seealso clean_data, change_data
#' @note A superset by nature is larger than the individual sets used to
#' create it (unless all sampling arguments are identical), so that the
#' returned list will created some unnecessary combinations. This was done
#' intentionally for simplicity but may be changed later. See the vignette
#' for further information.
#' @note See further examples in \code{\link{change_data}}.
#' @return An invisible list of fleets, years, and types.
#' @examples
#' ## Only one fleet
#' calculate_data_units(lcomp_params = list(fleets = 1, years = c(3, 4, 6)))
#' ## Add new fleet
#' calculate_data_units(lcomp_params = list(fleets = 1, years = c(3, 4, 6)),
#'                      agecomp_params = list(fleets = 2, years = 5))
#' @export
calculate_data_units <- function(index_params = NULL, lcomp_params = NULL,
  agecomp_params = NULL, calcomp_params = NULL,
  mlacomp_params = NULL, wtatage_params = NULL){
  sample_args <- list("index"=index_params, "len"=lcomp_params,
                   "age"=agecomp_params, "cal"=calcomp_params,
                   "mla"=mlacomp_params, "wtatage"=wtatage_params)
  sample_args_null <- vapply(sample_args, function(i) is.null(i$fleets), logical(1L))
  ## Exit if nothing specified to prevent error.
  if(!any(!sample_args_null)) stop("No data passed: all arguments NULL")
  ## Get the superset of fleets
  fleets <- as.vector(unlist(lapply(sample_args, function(x) x$fleets)))
  ## Get the superset of years
  years <- as.vector(unlist(lapply(sample_args, function(x) x$years)))
  ## Sort the unique values
  fleets <- sort(unique(fleets))
  years <- sort(unique(years))
  ## Now figure out which data types need to be in the OM for sampling (but
  ## not necessarily the EM). For now these are special cases but could be
  ## different based on different algorithms.

  #TODO: correct for wtatage??
  types <- names(sample_args)[!sample_args_null]
  if("cal" %in% types) {
    stop("Conditional age at length (CAL) is not yet implemented, please only ",
         "use models and scenarios without CAL.")
    types <- c(types, "len", "age")
  if("wtatage" %in% types) types <- c(types, "age", "mla")
  if("mla" %in% types) types <- c(types, "age")
  ## Need this line to remove duplicates
  types <- unique(types)
  return(list(fleets = fleets, years = years, types = types))

#' Set up population length bin structure
#' The population length bins in Stock Synthesis structure size data and
#' empirical weight-at-age data.
#' \code{change_pop_bin} changes the data file to contain
#' specifications to create a vector (length-bin method of 2) rather than
#' the actual bins from the length data (length-bin method of 1) or
#' an actual vector (length-bin method of 3).
#' The only required argument is \code{dat_list} and the remaining arguments
#' default to a value of \code{NULL}, which leads to the data file not being
#' changed.
#' @template dat_list
#' @param binwidth A numeric value specifying the width of the size bins.
#' @param minimum_size The smallest size bin.
#' @param maximum_size The largest size bin.
#' @param maximum_age The highest age. Used to structure the maximum age of
#' the population and the ageing-error matrix, which will be assumed
#' to have no bias and maximum precision for any added ages.
#' @return A modified Stock Synthesis data file in list form. The list
#' is only returned if it is assigned to an object.
change_pop_bin <- function(dat_list, binwidth = NULL, minimum_size = NULL,
                           maximum_size = NULL, maximum_age = NULL) {
  if(length(binwidth) > 1 | length(minimum_size) > 1 |
     length(maximum_size) > 1) {
    warning("Some inputs to function had length > 1. Using first value of ",
            "vector input only.")
  dat_list$lbin_method <- 2
  if (!is.null(binwidth)) dat_list$binwidth <- binwidth[1]
  if (!is.null(minimum_size)) dat_list$minimum_size <- minimum_size[1]
  if (!is.null(maximum_size)) dat_list$maximum_size <- maximum_size[1]
  #according to SS manual 3.30.14, this is how the number of bins is calculated.
  nlbin_pop <- (dat_list$maximum_size - dat_list$minimum_size)/dat_list$binwidth + 1
  dat_list$lbin_vector_pop <- seq(dat_list$minimum_size, dat_list$maximum_size,
                                  length.out = nlbin_pop)
  if (!is.null(maximum_age)) {
    if (dat_list$N_ageerror_definitions > 0) {
      if (NCOL(dat_list$ageerror) < (maximum_age + 1)) {
        dat_list$ageerror[, NCOL(dat_list$ageerror):maximum_age + 1] <-
          rep(c(-1, 0), dat_list$N_ageerror_definitions)
      } else {
        dat_list$ageerror <- dat_list$ageerror[, 1:(maximum_age + 1)]
    dat_list$Nages <- maximum_age


#' Check that the SS data file looks correct
#' @param x An SS data list object as read in by \code{\link[r4ss]{SS_readdat}}.
#' @export

check_data <- function(x) {
  if (!is.list(x))
    stop("data file isn't a list; should be output from r4ss::SS_readdat()")

  if(is.null(x$type)) {
    stop("dat_list must be an r4ss data file read into R using ",

  if(x$type != "Stock_Synthesis_data_file") {
    stop("dat_list must be an r4ss data file read into R using ",

  if (!is.null(x$lbin_method)) {
    if (x$lbin_method > 2)
      stop("lbin_method in the SS data file should be either 1 or 2")

  if (!identical(x$Lbin_method, 3)) {
    stop("Lbin_method must be 3 to specify how the conditional",
      "age-at-length data are represented in the SS data file. ",
      "\nSee the SS manual.")

  if (!identical(x$N_areas, 1))
    stop("N_areas in the SS data file must be set to 1.")

  if (!identical(x$areas, rep(1, x$Nfleets)))
    stop("_area_assignments_for_each_fishery_and_survey must be set to 1",
      " for all fleets in the SS data file.")

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