#' Create a growth transition function
#' A growth transition function defines how spatial objects or custom functions influence
#' survival and fecundity. Two built-in functions are provided for the user to select, however,
#' a user may also provide custom written functions to modify survival and fecundity throughout
#' a simulation. Please see the tutorial vignette titled "Creating custom *steps* functions"
#' for information on how to write custom functions for use in simulations.
#' @name transition_function
#' @seealso
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\link[steps]{modified_transition} to use rasters to modify survival and fecundity}
#' \item{\link[steps]{competition_density} to use relationship to carrying capacity to modify
#' survival and fecundity}
#' }
#' Spatially-explicit transition function
#' In the built-in \code{modified_transition function}, the values of fecundity and survival
#' in local cell-based transition matrices are multiplied by values in the named spatial objects
#' for each cell. The spatial objects can be rasters that are stored in the landscape object.
#' The behaviour of the function is to modify any non-zero values in the first row by
#' the "fecundity_layer" and non-zero values in rows other than the first by the "survival_layer".
#' This is irrespective of the type of matrix or any assumptions made by the user in creating
#' the transition matrix. For example, if the transition matrix values include both the
#' probabilities of surviving AND growing into the next stage, these can NOT be modified
#' individually. This operation would require the use of a custom function - see the "Creating
#' custom *steps* functions" vignette for more information.
#' Note, this function will not work if two-sex transition matrices are specified in a simulation.
#' This function can be modified, however, to accommodate two-sex models - review the
#' population_change function and see the "Creating custom *steps* functions" vignette for more
#' information.
#' @param survival_layer the name of a spatial layer in the landscape object used to modify survival values (i.e. non-zero values in rows other than the first).
#' @param fecundity_layer the name of a spatial layer in the landscape object used to modify fecundity values (i.e. non-zero values in the first row).
#' @return An object of class \code{transition_function}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Vital rates (survival and fecundity) modified based on habitat suitability.
#' \dontrun{
#' mod_fun <- modified_transition(survival_layer = "suitability", fecundity_layer = "suitability")
#' ls <- landscape(population = egk_pop, suitability = egk_hab, carrying_capacity = NULL)
#' pd <- population_dynamics(change = growth(egk_mat, transition_function = mod_fun))
#' simulation(landscape = ls, population_dynamics = pd, habitat_dynamics = NULL, timesteps = 20)
#' }
modified_transition <- function(survival_layer = NULL,
fecundity_layer = NULL) {
fun <- function (transition_array, landscape, timestep) {
transition_matrix <- transition_array[, , 1]
idx <- which(transition_matrix != 0)
is_recruitment <- upper.tri(transition_matrix)[idx]
array_length <- dim(transition_array)[3]
cell_idx <- which(!$population[[1]])))
if (is.null(survival_layer)) {
surv_mult <- rep(1, length(cell_idx))
} else {
if (raster::nlayers(landscape$suitability) > 1) {
surv_mult <- landscape[[survival_layer]][[timestep]][cell_idx]
} else {
surv_mult <- landscape[[survival_layer]][cell_idx]
if (is.null(fecundity_layer)) {
fec_mult <- rep(1, length(cell_idx))
} else {
if (raster::nlayers(landscape$suitability) > 1) {
fec_mult <- landscape[[fecundity_layer]][[timestep]][cell_idx]
} else {
fec_mult <- landscape[[fecundity_layer]][cell_idx]
for (i in seq_len(array_length)) {
transition_array[, , i][idx[!is_recruitment]] <- transition_array[, , i][idx[!is_recruitment]] * surv_mult[i]
transition_array[, , i][idx[is_recruitment]] <- transition_array[, , i][idx[is_recruitment]] * fec_mult[i]
#' Competition density function
#' Adjusts the life-stage transition matrix in each cell based on the carrying capacity in the cell and
#' a density dependence function - default is Beverton-Holt. The user may specify which life-stages are
#' affected by density dependence. If \code{R_max} is not provided this is calculated from the local cell-based
#' transition matrices internally. By providing initial stable age distribution values, performance can be
#' increased as the function internally calculates these values through optimisation.
#' @param stages which life-stages contribute to density dependence - default is all
#' @param mask a matrix of boolean values (TRUE/FALSE), equal in dimensions to the life-stage transition matrix
#' and specifying which vital rates (i.e. survival and fecundity) are to be modified by the function
#' @param R_max optional value of maximum growth rate (lambda) if known
#' @param stable_age optional vector of stable age distributions if known
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Vital rates (survival and fecundity) modified based on approach to carrying capacity
#' # by the 2nd and 3rd life stages.
#' \dontrun{
#' mod_fun <- competition_density(stages = c(2, 3))
#' ls <- landscape(population = egk_pop, suitability = NULL, carrying_capacity = egk_k)
#' pd <- population_dynamics(change = growth(egk_mat, transition_function = mod_fun))
#' simulation(landscape = ls, population_dynamics = pd, habitat_dynamics = NULL, timesteps = 20)
#' }
competition_density <- function(stages = NULL,
mask = NULL,
R_max = NULL,
stable_age = NULL) {
fun <- function (transition_array, landscape, timestep) {
# get metrics and constructor info
cell_idx <- which(!$population[[1]])))
n_cells <- length(cell_idx)
# get population matrix
pop_raster <- landscape$population
population <- raster::extract(pop_raster, cell_idx)
# get carrying capacity (internal function to STEPS)
# 22.01.20 - # cc <- get_carrying_capacity(landscape, timestep)
# 22.01.20 - # K <- raster::extract(cc, cell_idx)
K <- raster::extract(landscape$carrying_capacity, cell_idx) # 22.01.20
if (!is.null(stages)) {
if (length(stages) == 1) {
N <- population[, stages]
} else {
N <- rowSums(population[, stages])
} else {
N <- rowSums(population)
target_cells <- which(N - K != 0 & N != 0)
# modify life-stage transition array
for (i in target_cells) {
transition_array[, , i] <- density_modified_transition(N = N[i],
K = K[i],
transition_matrix = transition_array[, , i],
mask = mask,
R_max = R_max,
stable_age = stable_age)
# return array with required dimensions
# #' @rdname transition_function
# #'
# #' @param x an object to print or test as a transition_function object
# #' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods
# #'
# #' @export
# #'
# #' @examples
# #'
# #' print(test_transition_function)
# print.transition_function <- function (x, ...) {
# cat("This is a transition_function object")
# }
### internal functions ###
as.transition_function <- function (transition_function) {
as_class(transition_function, "transition_function", "function")
get_R <- function (transition_matrix, stable_age = NULL, tolerance = 0.001, max_iter = 100) {
if (is.null(stable_age)) {
stable_age <- rep(1, ncol(transition_matrix))
old_stages <- stable_age
converged <- FALSE
iter <- 0
old_Rs <- rep(.Machine$double.eps, ncol(transition_matrix))
while (!converged & iter < max_iter) {
new_stages <- transition_matrix %*% old_stages
Rs <- new_stages / old_stages
errors <- abs(1 - (Rs / old_Rs))
converged <- all(errors < tolerance)
old_Rs <- Rs
old_stages <- new_stages
iter <- iter + 1
paste("estimation of growth rate did not converge in",
warning_name = "growth_estimation")
# return the intrinsic growth rate
ideal_R <- function (K, N, R_max) {
if(R_max > 1) {
num <- R_max * K
denom <- R_max * N - N + K
R <- num / denom
} else {
R <- R_max
# multiply m by the relevant elements of transition_matrix (specified by mask) and return the growth rate R
apply_m <- function (m, transition_matrix, mask = NULL) {
if (is.null(mask)) {
transition_matrix <- transition_matrix * m
} else {
mask <- as.logical(mask)
transition_matrix[mask] <- transition_matrix[mask] * m
# find a value of m with which to modify transition_matrix, to get to this target value of R
find_m <- function(R_target, transition_matrix, mask = NULL, stable_age = NULL) {
obj <- function (m, R_target, transition_matrix, mask = NULL, stable_age = NULL) {
new_transition_matrix <- apply_m(m, transition_matrix, mask)
R_current <- get_R(new_transition_matrix, stable_age = stable_age)
(R_current - R_target) ^ 2
out <- stats::optimise(f = obj,
interval = c(0, 5),
density_modified_transition <- function (N,
R_max = NULL,
stable_age = NULL,
mask = NULL) {
# if the optimal R isn't provided, recalculate it (ideally pre-calculate it to
# save computation)
init_Rmax_null <- is.null(R_max)
if (init_Rmax_null) {
R_max <- get_R(transition_matrix, stable_age = stable_age)
# get the target value of R, for this degree of over/under-population
if (R_max > 1) {
R_target <- ideal_R(K, N, R_max)
# find a value of m with which to modify transition_matrix, to get to this target value of R
m <- find_m(R_target, transition_matrix, mask, stable_age = stable_age)
# multiply m by the relevant bits of transition_matrix
transition_matrix <- apply_m(m, transition_matrix, mask)
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